lovingcare-1210pro · 1 year
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no big deal. just aitana picking up pep guardiola, driving him around the city, making chit chat, and talking about how barcelona has changed. 🥹
"i was quite nervous and more so considering that i had to pick him up at his house and take him all over barcelona until we got to the place where we were going...it was a bit strange" 😂
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no-passaran · 1 month
Plats Bruts sempre actual
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useless-catalanfacts · 8 months
Hola! Soc de Màlaga i estic aprenent català, ja vaig pel B2 :D
M'agradaria que em recomanessis sèries i també llibres en català. Estic al dia amb CRIMS (m'encanta aquest tipus de sèries) i també de misteri, terror... En els llibres m'agraden les mateixes temàtiques, encara que no m'importaria llegir una cosa interessant. La idea és continuar aprenent ^^
Moltes gràcies!
Hola! Wow, què bé!
Algunes sèries policíaques o d'estils semblants que potser t'agraden:
Núñez: sèrie documental sobre el que va ser president del Barça i com entra en lluites de poder, la il·legalitat i l'ambició.
Kubala, Moreno i Manchon: sèrie de ficció de tres detectius que investiguen crims.
Nit i dia: sèrie de ficció sobre una forense que investiga un assassinat.
Moebius: sèrie de ficció sobre una professora nova arriba a un institut on s'hi comet un assassinat i decideix investigar-lo.
Altres sèries:
Plats Bruts: el sitcom català per excel·lència.
Polseres Vermelles: sèrie de drama sobre un grup de nens i joves que viuen ingressats en un hospital i es fan amics.
Lo Cartanyà: una altra sitcom.
Com que t'agrada Crims, crec que també et poden agradar aquests pòdcasts:
Tor, tretze cases i tres morts: "true crime" on el Carles Porta (el mateix que fa Crims) explica el primer cas en el que va treballar.
Debriefing Garbo: explica la història real de l'espia català Joan Pujol, àlies "Garbo", que va tenir un paper clau a la Segona Guerra Mundial enganyant els nazis.
Mix 97: ficció sobre una escriptora de novel·la negra que descobreix un cas d'assassinat.
Pel que fa als llibres, si vols llegir traduccions d'altres idiomes, tots els típics de novel·la negra (Jo Nesbø, Andrea Camilleri, Camilla Läckberg, Donna Leon, etc) estan publicats en català. Per novel·la negra escrita originalment en català:
La fada negra i Tothom ha de morir de Xavier Theros: els dos primers llibres (em sembla que n'han de venir més) sobre un capità de vaixell de la Barcelona del 1843 que investiga assassinats.
La Companyia Nòrdica d'Albert Villaró: un soldat prussià es troba als Pirineus durant la Primera Guerra Carlina i investiga unes situacions relacionades amb la mitologia dels Pirineus, alquímia, etc.
La noia del vestit blau de Laia Vilaseca: en un poble dels Pirineus s'hi profanen tres tombes d'anys enrere, la protagonista investiga el cas posant-se en perill quan hi ha qui no vol que surtin a la llum secrets de fa temps.
Purgatori de David Marín: un equip de policies investiguen l'assassinat del director d'una escola religiosa de Balaguer, alhora que la descendent d'una bruixa que va ser condemnada a la forca al segle XVI arriba a un poble i comencen a passar coses estranyes.
Totes les novel·les d'Andreu Martín (algunes són més per a adolescents).
Com sempre, deixo els comentaris oberts per si algú més en vol afegir.
Espero que et serveixi, i molts ànims amb el català!
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r4ndomgirlblog · 3 months
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leolaroot · 2 years
What animals do you have on your farm?
ahh not really a farm just an acreage! a few years ago we had a goat and a mini horse, but now it's just the dogs and cats and rabbits! when I was really small our grandpa kept some cows I think but I only have very vague memories of that.
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a-cat-in-toffee · 21 days
head in my hands I need to stop thinking abt cross au revenant I am with my friends and I'm fucking thinking abt smokescreen and ashe wavelengthyhh
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luxlius · 2 months
in the biedronka fighting for my life over choosing axolotl or cat plushie and a little girl sneaks up on me, scans the plushies in my hands, goes back to her mom and yells "MOM CAN WE PLEASE TALK TO THAT LADY ABOUT THE KITTY CAT?" long story short she saved my time, made my day and got her toy
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anadelacalle · 5 months
El caso de Alessandra: abuso sexual en el colegio Sant Ignasi-Sarriá de Barcelona. Documental "La fugida".
El hecho de disponer de un blog personal te proporciona la libertad de tratar cualquier asunto sin censura. Obviamente sin censura previa, más que la que yo misma me imponga. Posteriormente, es posible que aún reciba algún comentario desafortunado por tratar uno de los temas tabú que aún colean en nuestra sociedad: el abuso sexual de menores en instituciones escolares o educativas. Por desgracia,…
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girlgenius1111 · 23 days
For anyone who can't watch on peacock, here's the catalán stream. But, you have to use VPN
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i-like-swiss-cheese · 2 months
basic info:
name: Beau
pronouns: he/she/they
ageoromantic bisexual agender goober
the rumors are true, i do like swiss cheese
from memphis
(queer identity)phobes
lactose intolerant people (this one is on a dont ask dont tell policy)
for the love of fuck stop being weird
hobbies/fandoms/hyperfixations include:
coin collecting
grand strategy/ factory building games
will wood, tally hall, jhariah and other associated musicians
history (like really anything i have way to much free time)
quantum physics (dont ask)
eating swiss cheese
being a goober all around
i may just fall into a fit of depressive oversharing at any moment
dont worry, im fine, i probably just need a nap
i have misophonia (look it up please i am begging you), autism(most likely) and adhd
i am very left wing, so all of those positions apply
dont take everything i say literally
you will know when i am being serious
i switch up my tone and everything
Additional, not really necessary background info:
i have two sibllings, one i will call wild and the other i will call short tempered
5 pets, 3cats, 2dogs
idk what else to put
i really really like swiss cheese
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food-meal-cooking · 3 months
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I love how Barca and especially Aitana spend and do a lot with fcbgenuine as a person who has a brother with down syndrome and is really close to it means a lot to see players like her interact and genuinely enjoy doing it
it's the sweetest thing ever. did you watch aitana's documentary? the moments with her childhood friend, pol, are so incredibly wholesome. 🥹
"pol is our friend from the social group, too. he's a year older than me. he's from '97, like most of my friends. and he is a person with down syndrome. but that's not a reason to exclude him from our group."
source: @3cat
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no-passaran · 4 months
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Hòstia, el crossover més inesperat de la història de Catalunya
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illllllllllllli · 1 year
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went to the rodeo hadn't been to a real rodeo for a long time last one was near Standing Rock in Mo- bridge South Dakota a real western rodeo great riders & ropers best as I can remember after the rodeo there was a demolition derby with and then show of firecrackers & fireworks
this rodeo wasn't so real western it was wisconsin rodeo with wisconsin riders, sconnie livestock, little sheep small horses mere bullocks and local men for ropers & riders not the lean lupine travellers with dislocated hips instead 45 minutes every town kid making a mutton bust
these tired sheeps plunged from their pen at fractions a mile an hour kid clung on til they flopped them off after a few seconds that's a 62.5 called the announcer in the ugly baritone of a lawn edger from iowa
after the kids all fell off the announcer announced we'd be ceremonizing this gathering with the our father and nat'l anthem "two books you have to read before you die the holy bible & the us constitution, both of them are about the same thing, one nation under god".
too easy to say that neither are books neither are about one nation under god some people are so stupid for so long we can forget to say so
he read the prayer I couldn't hear it in my head plugged numbed ears with this madness not normal iowa wisconsin minnesota redneck behavior they were playing bible belt. The main clown (dressed more like an ordinary dipshit) searched for who had the most kids in this crowd.
a jowl of a man all cheek no chin stood in the animal chutes waving to be seen he had the most but was ignored the hunt is not for him instead the clown in umbro shorts found a woman with 12 kids squeaked of her at us this woman is a living saint this woman is a living saint
the broncos came out to buck a handful of riders two made it to eight seconds 1 rider in a dark satin shirt & purple cowboy hat stood out as the Joker of the list playacted his flirting shamelessly with local young women I was rooting for him but he fell off sooner than instantly
calf roping came from a line of car dealers with vanity horses with tub bellies and 1mm snipped goatees backed in a corner their amateur roping doing whiplash violence to the calfs flung lariats newbought stiff tie down cord my stomach hurt sad watching them harm these cows
3boys walked slung lean 3long bushed manes 3cat mustaches 3electric lime shirts while millenial rodeors dressed softball by nashville these were the wild end of year book 1977 from 3back pockets in 3loose jeans pulled 3bottles of mountain dew the same move like a clonal tree
it was time to go the yanking of animals was no fun to watch the grim unease of a crowd some dared to go along with some bloody teethed happy to crow for breed wife christianity and whose got the double triply most more racist american flag version
on the way out of the fairgrounds I bought a last brat from the lions crock pot heated kraut and yellow mustard and walked past the Tempest turned off at dusk the three signs hanging over its silent mechanism not a storm but a waiting to be packed up and put away
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Credit to ICanHazCheeseburger User I<3Cats
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