#3d pen sculpture
gaspipeleaks · 3 months
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"I need to guys to watch my 18 year old son Jason."
Finished this dude about a week ago but then just kept forgetting to post abt him. Currently editing the video where I sculpted him with my 3D pen, also gonna upload the exact template i used to create him in case anyone else wants a cute lil desk buddy to hang out with.
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kels-arts · 5 months
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I don’t do ads for free so I won’t mention which 3D pen but this flower sculpture is coming along so nicely for my first try.
I should have another update on this project tomorrow when i finish the purple petals and stems on the inside.
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salmonthaart · 1 year
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first ever sculpture and it's of tinkatink getting hit in the damn face. art
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knotty-et-al · 9 months
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Yesterday's quick drawing [Abstract Trefoil knot sculpture] [ballpoint pen]
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punkedsolar · 8 months
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A whole bunch of other media artwork - I'm collating and uploading so I can keep it for reference, whew!
I tend to forget that I've done anything, or assume I can't do things, as I have bad memory. So I forget all the time I've done any art or craft at all. This way hopefully I'll remember it.
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likopinina · 2 years
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Fun fact: if you use a 3d pen on paper with printed text, the text may bleed into the plastic (left), but permanent marker ink will not bleed into the plastic (right)
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grimweaver · 2 years
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butts-for-days · 2 years
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he develops…
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dodge tank
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androdragynous · 1 year
It's almost July so 'tis the season, and I haven't really seen an information post go around despite Tumblr being full of artists and OCs, so for those not informed -
What is Art Fight?
copied from https://artfight.net/info/about , illustrated by Queijac
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Art Fight is an annual art game that lasts for 1 month. [ Note: usually takes place during July ] Users can register on the site to join in. Each year, participants are split into two teams to which they are assigned randomly.
[ Illustration: a furry character colored blue and a human character colored red brandish art supplies at each other like weapons. ]
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Players "attack" people of the opposing team by making art of original characters you choose belonging to members of the other team. You are free to use almost any style (see Attack Rules section of the rules).
Your team receives points based on what you create for the other team with each attack.
[ illustration: the blue furry character shows off a red drawing to the red human character, who is bending down to see it and looks excited. ]
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The artist that receives the attack can then counter that attack by drawing the character belonging to the person who attacked them, or pay it forward by attacking a different person on the other team.
At the end of the month, the team with the greater score wins.
[ Illustration: the red human is sitting at a table with drawing tools in front of them thinking of a blue character. They are holding a pen and looking determined. ]
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But remember, while there are point scores, the real goal is to celebrate characters with your fellow artists. Art Fight is about giving and recieving amazing art. ♥
If you're interested in joining up before this year's event period starts (or during it! You can join at any time) come and take part here ! The teams for this year are going to be revealed on the 23rd, so you have plenty of time to add your characters and scope out potential targets :3c
Extra info:
Digital art and traditional art are both accepted, including sculpture, fursuits, 3d modeling, animation, and more!
There is sometimes a bit of site downtime at the start of the event as traffic spikes. This is normal, is briefer each year, and will resolve after a bit. I recommend downloading a few ref sheets in advance if you plan on drawing from the first minute
Don't start art early! It's against the spirit of the thing to sneak in extra work time. If you're just doing it to give people art, you can always make it a normal, no-points-involved gift!
Character reference images and attacks created have to be non-sexual. The site has content filter guides and submission rules that go into more detail about what is and isn't allowed!
Don't have character references finished? Here's a quick guide on what's best to include at the minimum.
my profile is @ canonkiller owo
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wrenshoebill · 17 days
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Fell in love from the first episode, broken heart in the last.
Trying to express this mix of emotions with my pen and tablet, it didn't come out very well. It’s not my style, but a new amazing friend of mine convinced me to post this… for the show, for the community here on Tumblr
Hope you like it✨
P.S. Can’t wait to make a 3D sculpture about these ineffable husbands😌
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gaspipeleaks · 2 months
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"I'm Mr. Frog, I love you!"
Mr. Frog figure made with 3D pen and painted with acrylic paints!
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whimsica · 1 year
Fan Created Pathway: The Artist Pathway
Sequence 9: Artist
High Spirituality: Beyonders of this pathway have much deeper reserves of spirituality, second only to the Monster Pathway
Enhanced Observation: The Artist's ability to observe and memorize detail is greatly enhanced
Enhanced Dexterity: The Artist's dexterity and ability to handle tools such as pens, pencils, or charcoal is enhanced
Inspiration: The Beyonder can gain revelations from their spirituality in order to perceive or observe things which they shouldn't be able to see, received through a sudden burst of inspiration which compels them to draw or otherwise reproduce what they've 'seen'. Carries a greater risk of losing control due to seeing something they shouldn't have, or of the art they create from a burst of inspiration to have latent uncontrollable effects.
Sequence 8: Musician
New Abilities:
Enhanced Hearing: The Musician gains hearing far more powerful than an ordinary human. Also boosts auditory memory and ability to recall or recreate sounds.
Instrument Mastery: Musicians of this pathway gain the ability to rapidly learn and play any type of instrument with only a few days of practice.
Beyonder Music: The Musician can play a variety of songs with a variety of effects. Songs must be played using an instrument, rather than via singing or humming, or their effects will be massively reduced. The songs do not have specific sets of notes which must be followed, but must fit the appropriate genre for their effect. The Musician can choose targets to weaken the effects of the songs on, in order to avoid affecting enemies or teammates at inopportune times. Songs Include:
March: Boosts the physical abilities of nearby listeners. Nocturne: Pacifies the living, inflicting drowsiness and slowing them down Requiem: Pacifies the dead, lowering the aggression of undead spirits Waltz: Increases the spatial awareness and by extension evasiveness and accuracy of listeners Étude: Increases the focus and mental faculties of listeners Rhapsody: Pulls the attention of listeners to the Musician playing the song Rondo: Inflicts a degree of mental dissonance and confusion on listeners Suite: Allows the listeners to greatly synchronize their movements for a high degree of cooperation
Sequence 7: Sculptor
New Abilities:
Enhanced 3D Perception: Greatly enhanced ability to perceive and recreate the specific 3D measurements of anything. Allows the Sculptor to directly overlay their mental image of something over their vision for comparisons.
Tool Mastery: The Sculptor gains mastery of tools related to sculpting, carving, whittling, and shaping.
Living Statues: Any statues, sculptures, or models created by the Sculptor can be imbued with spirituality, allowing them to temporarily gain the characteristics of whatever the sculpture is. The Sculptor is the only one who can activate their sculptures in this way, but once activated by the Sculptor they can be used by others. Living and non-living things can both be made, and living sculptures will obey the Sculptor, but have no will or memory of their own. The specific effect of the sculpture depends on how detailed the sculpture is, as well as the material they are made from. For example, an intricately carved wooden sword can become a razor-sharp blade which retains the light weight and flammability of wood. A lion carved from marble would be far heavier and more resilient than a normal animal. All animated sculptures are considered Beyonder Weapons to some extent as they are an extension of a Sculptor's ability, and as such are able to deal effective damage to Beyonders or spiritual bodies as long as they have been injected with spirituality by their Sculptor. If materials with natural spirituality are used, sculptures may have some limited mystical effects.
Beyonder Sculpture: Beyonder Characteristics or potion ingredients can be used in the creation of a sculpture to grant it abilities like that of a Mystical Item, including various negative effects or living characteristics which might make it uncontrollable.
Sequence 6: Charm Carver
Runic Inspiration: The Charm Carver learns a number of runes which can be carved into charms for a number of effects. These charms can also be carved into the Charm Carver's Living Statues in order to empower them or grant them special effects. These charms can be empowered via the Charm Carver's own spirituality instead of through a ritual aimed at a higher being, but naturally charms created in this manner are weaker than those created via a deity's power.
Charm Gifting: The Charm Carver's charms or Living Statues can be given to others who can use their own spirituality to
Types of Runes:
Grow/Shrink: Grow or shrink in size to a certain degree. Immolate: Produces high temperature, spiritual flames. Freeze: Produces a powerful freezing effect. Impact: Produces a powerful blast of physical force. Levitation: Allows levitation and limited flight at decent speeds. Camouflage: Greatly increases ability to go undetected through both mundane and mystical means. Enhance Body: Boosts physical capabilities across the board. Enhance Mind: Boosts mental capabilities across the board. Soul Rip: Injure the soul of a living thing. Substitute: Transfer an instance of damage or corruption to something nearby. Record/Replay: Can record or replay a scene or sound. Capable of transmitting Beyonder effects such as corruption or a Musician's songs. Repair/Regenerate: Allows both living and non-living things to heal some damage. Darkness: Create a large area of mystical darkness, obscuring the vision of even beings with night vision. Flare: Create a burst of searing light. Screech: Create a horrific screech which damages any who hear it. Mesmerize: Draw the focus or attention of living things nearby. Can be done either directly in combat or subtly out of combat. Bind: Restrict the movement of a target. Warp: Allows a short range teleportation effect. Not as safe or stable as Traveling, can result in things intersecting as a result of misdirected warping, cannot be repeatedly done.
Sequence 5: Painter
New Abilities:
Spiritual Paints: The Painter gains knowledge of a large number of mystical paints which can be mixed from common mystical ingredients.
Master of Painting: The Painter gains mastery of techniques related to painting, and is capable of producing paintings so detailed they are near indistinguishable from reality.
Painted Symbols: The Painter can directly paint the runes they learned as a Charm Carver onto various surfaces or items to gain their effects.
Still Life Manifestation: Painted effects, items, or creatures can be briefly brought to life by the Painter, such as a painted flame being plucked from the surface it is painted on and becoming real, or a painted bird peeling from a canvas to deliver a letter. The lifespan and power of these effects depends on the amount of spirituality inserted by the Painter.
Vault of Colours: Can turn any painting made by them into a hidden 3D subspace, which can be entered by any living or non-living thing while activated through the Painter's spirituality. The environment within the Vault of Colours depends on the painting it is created in. As long as the Painter includes their Painted Symbols in the painting, they will be able to use the various abilities of the Painted Symbols at will while inside the Vault. Living things can be sealed inside paintings so long as the Painter closes the Vault of Colours while the target remains inside, and without any special circumstances most Beyonders will require demigod level strength to break out quickly. Things sealed within a painting will appear in the painting once it is 'closed' but can be concealed depending on the other contents of the painting. A Painter can keep several Vaults of Colour open at any one time, but if one is left alone without any reinforcement of spirituality for too long it will close, permanently turning everything inside it into mere brush strokes. If a living Beyonder is killed inside a Vault of Colours or a Beyonder Characteristic is left within one, the painting can be turned into a Mystical Item which doesn't require the constant refreshment of the Painter's spirituality. The specific effects will depend on the characteristic used.
Sequence 4: Effigist
New Abilities:
Effigy Creation: The Effigist can create an effigy of a target through the various methods of their earlier Sequences. Using the target's blood or hair can cause even a simple effigy to work, but if not obtainable or if the target has removed their connection with the lost blood or hair, the more accurate and realistic the effigy the better the effect. Must be within 50 meters to establish a connection between the target and the effigy, but once the connection is established the target can be affected as long as they are within 10 kilometers of the effigy. Targets with sensitive spirituality can detect the influence on their spirituality, but without special circumstances will not know it is an effigy being created. Breaking the connection requires targeted rituals or a vast difference in strength between the target and the Effigist.
Iron Thorn Curse: Once an effigy is connected to its target, the Effigist can directly attack the target by attacking their effigy. Fatal attacks are difficult unless the target is significantly weaker than the Effigist, either through being a lower Sequence or through being wounded enough to weaken them.
Rend Resistance: By using the effigy as a target for various Beyonder abilities such as restrictions, curses, or corruption, bypass some of the targets resistance to those types of ability.
Manipulation: By leaving the effigy connected to the target for a long time, influence the subconscious of the target through the effigy.
Sequence 3: Actor
New Abilities:
Perfect Body Control: The Actor gains the ability to perfectly control every part of their body as well as magnifying the Musician's ability to mimic sounds to the extreme.
Improvisation: By acting or miming an effect, the Actor can cause it to happen. Examples include creating a ship to traverse a sea by acting as if they are standing on the deck of a ship moving forwards, firing a bank of cannons by miming the motion of doing so, creating a regiment of charging cavalry by acting out riding a charging warhorse. Using props created by earlier Sequences can lower the requirement of the acting to cause its most powerful effect. Beyonder powers can also be mimicked, albeit with lesser strength. This ability is only limited by the Actor's spirituality reserves, the accuracy of their acting, and their imagination.
Rehearsal: The Actor undoes everything which happened around them by skipping time back in a limited area, moving everything back a short amount of time. All affected people are aware of what happened in the original set of time which is . This can be used to repeat a certain interaction until a desired result is achieved, but as enemies will also know what would have happened it can backfire. Charms used will become unused, wounds dealt will be undealt, people slain will be returned to life. This ability affects everything in range with the Actor unable to designate any specific elements aside from the general amount of time 'Rehearsed'. The Actor can also set it to activate at a specific time in the near future, allowing them to revive themselves if they can predict themselves being killed. This can be used repeatedly, but is extremely draining on spirituality.
Sequence 2: Architect
New Abilities:
Structural Analysis: An Architect can instantly grasp a perfect understanding of any structure simply by making contact with their spirituality.
Spirit Blueprint: The Architect can control any structure which they have designed, even if they had no part in building it. Even if they only made a few minor design adjustments to an existing blueprint, they can maintain a small degree of control. By spending some time, they can control any structure which they contact with their spirituality. The former has no range restriction, while the latter requires the Architect to be nearby. Any abilities from the Architect's previous Sequences can be used in a structure they control, as well as several new abilities. The Architect can instantly traverse within any structure they control, but not between different structures unless those structures are connected. The space within the structures can be greatly expanded or shrunk, features can be shifted at the Architect's will, halls can be made to loop infinitely or specific rooms completely concealed. An Architect can detect any item or living thing within a structure they control.
Spirit Structure: Architects can construct buildings in conceptual locations such as the spirit world or sea of collective unconscious, or allow a building to exist both in the material world and the spirit world.
Sequence 1: World-Maker
New Abilities:
World Creation: A World-Maker can create small worlds. These worlds can be made completely from scratch, or by converting an existing piece of the world into a smaller world. They can range from a few thousand meters to thousands of kilometers wide, depending on the time and spirituality invested into them. These worlds can either be carried around by the World-Maker in the form of small vortexes attached to their spirit body or be placed at a specific location. They can be sealed and isolated, without any interaction between the small world and the greater world, or the small world can be fused into the greater world as its own area. The World-Maker can determine the rules of their small worlds at will, but if fused with the greater world those rules will be suppressed by the rules of the greater world. All of a World-Maker's previous Sequence abilities are usable within their small worlds completely at will, as if the entire world was within their body.
Life Creation: Using their various abilities, a World-Maker can create living beings to inhabit their worlds. These beings are fully capable of existing by themselves, completely unreliant on the World-Maker's spirituality. They can develop mystical abilities and their own spirituality through either the World-Maker's control of the rules of the small world or through applications of the World-Maker's Sequence abilities, but cannot form Beyonder characteristics or ingredients without outside influence. They cannot reproduce by themselves, as they are still 'Creations'. These living beings can be used as anchors for the World-Maker.
World Projection: The World-Maker summons a projection of one or multiple of their worlds, temporarily applying the environment and rules of that world upon their surroundings, turning their surroundings into a domain similar to that of the Architect's structure. The more of the chosen worlds are created from scratch by the World-Maker rather than pulled in from elsewhere, the more powerful this ability.
World Incarnation: The World-Maker fuses together with one of their worlds, becoming as resilient as the chosen world. They can't be harmed unless it is with sufficient strength to damage the landscape of the chosen world. The traits of the world can be manifested as abilities, such as a volcano erupting, an ocean surging in, or ravines cracking open. The abilities of all living beings within the world can be used as the World-Maker's own, and the spirituality of the world's living beings is fused into the World-Maker's own.
Sequence 0: Muse
New Abilities:
True Life Proliferation: The lives inside the Muse's worlds can become true life forms, capable of reproducing, mutating, and proliferating without any assistance from the Muse. The worlds created by the Muse can exist on their own without any support from the Muse or the greater world, fully self-sustaining.
Nature Mirrors Art: The natural world will move to reflect the Muse's art, mountains appearing after being painted in, animals shifting form to match a statue, blizzards brewing alongside a song being composed.
A Myriad of Colours: Slightly weakened abilities from other Pathways and Authorities can be reproduced via the Muse's creations without ceding control to the deity responsible for that Authority .
In the Eye of the Beholder: As long as the Muse's works are still being observed and admired, they will never truly perish and will have a chance to resurrect regardless of how badly destroyed they are.
Art is Eternal: The Muse's creations can maintain their abilities and traits for hundreds or thousands of years purely from the Muse's remnant spirituality, even without any Beyonder characteristic within them.
Font of Inspiration: The Muse can release knowledge and ideas of their domain to any and all living things across the world, which appear as natural inspiration.
Additional Notes:
The neighboring pathways to Artist would be the Savant Pathway and the Mystery Pryer Pathway, to form a trifecta of rational knowledge and science (Savant), mystical knowledge and research (Mystery Pryer) and emotional knowledge and art (Artist).
Similar to the Mystery Pryer pathway, Beyonders of the Artist pathway can affect lower Sequences than themselves by providing inspiration, which is not as direct as the knowledge transfer of the Mystery Pryer pathway.
The Mythical Creature Form of the Artist Pathway is a vortext of countless changing vibrant colours.
The apotheosis ritual for Sequence 1: World-Maker to advance to Sequence 0: Muse is "To create a work of art only possible for a true deity".
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smellslikebot · 3 months
the other day there was a video clip posted on reddit of someone making a pokemon sculpture thing with a 3d printer pen, and so many of the comments were like "that's nice i guess, but it's so much effort... what's the point....." like are any of you people OK??? what's your fucking problem
is it that people are so accustomed to cheap/free entertainment and instant gratification that seeing the work that actually goes into something they wouldn't have offered $20 for makes them uncomfortable? idk how to wrap my head around this, like people were acknowledging that it was Well Made and Cool but they also felt the need to undercut it by adding that they thought it was a waste of time
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crazysodomite · 1 year
My thoughts and opinions on "drawing every day", "drawing a lot/as much as you can to improve" and similar advice...
Obviously, if you WANT to draw every day/often that is fantastic! But do you HAVE to do it. is it REALLY good advice to tell people to force themselves to make art as much and as often as possible. is it even needed to truly improve. I really don't think so
I don't think people are malicious when they say things like this. of course the more you do something the more you understand it. but i see the pressure of doing art as often as possible put on people way too often... "art block because i can't draw anything for 3 days" or "practice daily or you'll not improve/lose your skill" "i feel like less of an artist because i rarely get inspiration and can't draw often" etc.
I've tried many times to get the discipline of doing art daily. Or even every couple of days. Even once a week... And it's just not happening.
I have been doing art for the majority of my life and there has never been any period of time where I made art consistently, let alone every day. I've had whole years where I didn't even pick up the pen at all. I still barely draw anything unless I really REALLY get inspired (which happens rarely).
And you may not consider me that great of an artist but you can't deny I've improved a lot in basically every way I wanted with time. For me, the concept of 'art block' might as well not exist because in that case I'm in perpetual 'art block' for all of my life.
If I don't feel like doing art there's no amount of warmup or sketching or 'doing simple things' that will make me enjoy drawing every day. Even if I'm physically able to. And obviously there are people who physically can't draw as much and the pressure is put on them too. But it's OKAY to not be able to do art often. It's fine. And you WILL still improve even if you rarely draw. That's just a fact.
Often overlooked way of improving is just looking at and analyzing all which is around you. Any artwork is worth looking at in detail and analyzed. Same with photographs, 3d art, sculptures, movies and Anything in life too. You will, absolutely, 'get better' by simply absorbing and analyzing information around you.
And, doing 1 artwork you truly enjoyed making is always better for you than doing 100 artworks you forced yourself to do. In my opinion. Many people say you will get used to enjoying daily drawing with time, but that's not the case for everyone. If I constantly worried about doing art so rarely I would probably already quit art entirely, because I just can't perform like the expectation is, and probably never will!
And I'm not saying my method of doing things is the most optimal one and will fit every person. But we have got to stop the pressure of forcing art out of yourself for the sake of 'improvement'
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inkwingart · 1 year
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Sneak peek of things to come, and an excuse to talk about digital art vs ‘traditional’ art.
There is a pervasive idea among non-artists and traditional-only artists that digital art requires less skill than traditional art.
This is false. Digital art is different from traditional art, in the same way that pencil drawing differs from oil painting. What makes someone a technically skilled artist differs from one medium to the next. I am a very competent pencil artist and watercolor painter as well as digital artist in a variety of styles. I have dabbled in physical sculpture and in 3D modeling.
I find that physical traditional media is almost always more intuitive, if not outright easier. The tactile feedback gives you so much control that is lost when trying to manipulate pixels. Blending, shading, and texturing are all very straightforward on paper or canvas. For sculpture, the primary advantage of digital is the ability to endlessly replicate exact copies of the model, but it is so much easier to physically sculpt clay than it is to wrangle a 3D model. Just the ease of rotating a physical object is a major advantage.
But across all media, what makes me a good artist doesn’t change. My eye for form, color, and composition isn’t different just because I work primarily in digital. My understanding of line, shading, and textures remains the same. How I execute my ideas and the effects I can achieve vary, which would be true for any two mediums.
I recently saw someone argue fervently on a video of a an oil painter demoing a digital art program, that digital art “isn’t art” because you can undo mistakes. And while it is true that you can undo mistakes, that doesn’t mean you have the skill to fix the mistake. The ability to undo a mistake isn’t going to blend your colors for you. You might not even have the eye to know when something needs fixing.
And if you think blending colors and shading in digital art is easy, think again. It’s incredibly nuanced and takes a lot of experience, and all the tutorials in the world can’t teach you how to feel the brushes when the tactile feedback for every brush is exactly the same. Imagine watercolors giving you the exact same sensation as a pencil or a gel pen, but they all behave completely differently. Now try to make that work.
There are amazing things you can do in digital art software that you can’t in traditional, in the same way that you can do things with oils that you can’t do with a pencil and vice versa. At the end of the day, digital art is a medium and a tool, and it’s no better or worse than any other. Now if you’re trying to pass off AI generated images as art, that’s another matter.
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