cerasum-chrysanthes · 2 years
btw I'm still pro-sex work, but obviously against sexual exploitation and human trafficking, since anti-sex work people like to toss those two VERY DIFFERENT THINGS into one pot.
They are different for the reason that one is consensual and voluntary and the other is not ♥ Hope this helps ♥
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fridayiminlcve · 4 months
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shortansweet · 1 year
So like Aaj subah i decided to go to college after telling bestie I ain't coming and like this situation that happened subah
Me: reaches college and see's besties missed call *picks it up 2 mins away from the lab where she is* the convo went like
Her: Tu aane waali he Aaj!?!
Me *in tried voice* (BC I WAS DYING FROM CLIMBING 3 FLOORS) nahi yaar abhi tabiyat kharab he
Her: *dissapointed voice* haa ok soja chal goodnight
Me: opens the door of lab she's legit sitting beside the door I look at her and say "good night"
AND LIKE *shocked Pikachu face*she jumps down from the counter hugs me tightly and I'm like maate I'm still sick dur reh tu bimar padegi and she's like idgaf
*2 seconds later*
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life-winners-liveblog · 6 months
This is going great already. 3rf life Joel was the last one we know that saw him. Maybe step one is to find him
LimL!Grian: Where is he then?
3L!Joel: Listen I really need to go I have stuff to do.
LL!Joel: Sounds like an excuse.
3L!Joel: It really isn't I actually need to go.
LL!Joel: And why?
3L!Joel: Pshhh, like I would tell you.
LL!Joel: So it is a lie!
3L!Joel: Did I say that? I forgot the part where I said I was lying-
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cozy2000 · 4 months
really funny that +3rfs will tell me im still a woman even though i have XY chromosomes (i have broken Y), am not fertile, and was born with a scrotum. like oh youre just listening to the government because they told you im a woman okay. like they cant bother to be consistent with their transphobia when it would accidentally affirm a trans person lol...
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painonthebrain · 6 months
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Ayo I’m gonna say this right now guys I’m a TRANNY so get ur terf asses outta my posts ok. I legit dont care if your a terf finding your “community” you dont need to share that with me.
If you’re a terf don’t get in my comments trying to say some cute shit. I’m not here for it. The whole reason I wrote “te.rf” was for terfs not to find my post but okay next time I mention the word terf I guess should just make it “+3rf” or something illegible. I’m not gonna do it now because what’s the point? Really, what is it. What’s the goddamn point.
Like, I don’t care if you’re a terf, just keep that shit away from me. There was no other reason to comment other than a “gotcha!” Moment and really it’s… kind of immature. I’m 17 and I’m not afraid to say it. That was pretty immature. Feel good about your dunk or whatever, I guess. I’m not actively seeking out posts made by terfs and trying to upset them.
..What irks me though, again… is that I spaced the word out. I only mentioned whump in passing and the word terf has a period in the middle. So unless you’re searching for posts that specifically do that (which I did specifically NOT to attract terfs, as it was a passing complaint meant for my casual followers, who are either also queer or support the queer community) then you shouldn’t really be able to see it, should you? But whatever. A period squarely in the middle of a four-letter word isn’t the most unique combination. There’s only so many ways to split up the acronym terf like that.
It just rubs me the wrong way, I guess. I’m just existing, complaining about a user in passing, and this stranger, someone I’ve never met or known ever, has this urge to commentate. To tell me they actively seek out people who, I’m not afraid to say it, hate people like me. I’ve seen the comments terfs make on trans people. Implying or outright saying we’re grotesque or subhuman or stupid. (Or that we’re making bad choices, or that we’re going against biology, or that trans women are mockeries of girlhood and womanhood and every other transphobic take I’ve seen in a 1000-mile radius) I’ve seen terfs tear each other and their “fellow women” apart over it too. It’s kinda freaky.
Goddamn this post started off so frustrated and now I’m just introspective. Like I’m looking in on myself. Did I cause this? Maybe. It’s not my fault for feeling frustrated about terfs in the whump tag and it’s not my fault for saying something solely intended for my followers attracting attention otherwise. I guess I’m just mad because what would drive a person to comment this other than hatred and pettiness? I mean, I’ve been overtaken by pettiness before, but really, there’s just something foul about this. About a stranger dropping by to remind me that they don’t understand people like me and they’re making an active choice to continue engaging in their “exclusion.”
Anyway tl;dr if you’re a terf, go the hell away! Don’t interact with people you hate who are things you hate!! Basic internet etiquette!!!
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femboyfertility · 11 months
T//3rfs fuck off and let me be horny goddamn >:(
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gorepill · 4 months
If I may post one last controversial take before I go back to zoning out and enjoying feeling normal (thank you, methylphenidate) I think my biggest problems with the terms TME/TMA, aside from creating a new gender binary, is... bigotry can affect everyone. Like at the end of the day, flavors of bigotry obviously have main victims, but in my view, it's like. . . a hollywood idea of a shot gun. It may HAVE one PRIMARY target, but the bullets have spread, and harm everyone, and sometimes even ricochette off and harm the person firing the gun! (think of the cis women who have been harassed in public bathrooms because +3rf$ "clock" them as "tims" (sorry for tiktok censoring, it's so they don't find this post)) Bigotry at the end of the day is just ignorance, hatred, and rage, sometimes all together, sometimes just two of those things, and sometimes more. It's never intended to be productive by proxy of it being a thing which soul intention is to cause harm. Another example; there's discourse abt it Bi (wo)men can say dyke or fag, but ppl fail to understand; homophobes don't care. They won't *care* if you go "erm akshually, I'm bi, NOT a homosexual!!!!" they'll just call you a dirty faggotdyke again. I guess the point is, shit like TMA/TME, slur discourse, etc etc all just feels pointless to me. And that's not saying "stop having these conversations," or "TMA/TME are meaningless words that mean nothing," I'm just saying at the end of the day... ...I mean, you can't say "DNI exclusionists," and then focus on queer discourse that does NOTHING but divide us all.
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lewdteb · 1 year
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funny character by 3rf on twitter
the post itself is also on twitter. if you like it, please consider... liking and following!
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idk if you actually read that person's post like... entirely, and ik it sounds COMPLETELY unhinged, and it takes a lot of... interpretation, but what I think theyre actually trying to say is that the word transgender has been appropriated by mogai/nb/non-dysphoric people, so they don't like being called it and think that the label for trans people should instead be transsexual, to differentiate between people who experience gender dysphoria and thus need medical help, which are surgery and hormones that then result in sex characteristics. not saying i support them (the first part got me, and so did a lot of it ngl, but if i SQUINT i can maybe see their point) i'm just trying to interpret 🥲
Nah I do get that but I just feel that it's wrong to paint what's obviously a discourse issue between tucutes and transmeds as transgenders vs transsexuals like that wording just felt wrong to me, like they both mean the same words and honestly the statement "Transgenders are not our allies" are dishonest statements that could only come from people who drank the T////3RF juice lol.
Like I get it but come on, that was extremely transphobic and like I'm sorry you're mad that your wording could be confused for a T///3RF rambling as you feel that you gotta say "transgenders" when you clearly mean transtrenders.
It also didn't help that they said "cult" like girl no bye 💀, you just outed yourself
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aktionfsa-blog-blog · 2 years
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Polizisten beim Lügen erwischt Beamte beschuldigen Beamten Leider gibt es wieder einen Fall, in dem Polizisten eine Beschuldigung erfanden, um ihre Gewaltanwendung gegen Unbeteiligte zu rechtfertigen. Mit einer Anzeige wegen Widerstand gegen Vollstreckungsbeamte, Tätlichkeit und Körperverletzung - bei Verurteilung Gefängnis für 3-5 Jahre - waren Polizeibeamte in Hamburg gegen einen Feuerwehrmann, ebenfalls Beamter, vorgegangen. Dabei hatten eben diese Polizisten den Beschuldigten und seine Freunde Ende Dezember 2021 im Vorfeld der Corona-Spaziergänge eingekreist und ihnen den Weg versperrt. Im Zuge der verbalen Ansprache soll der Feuerwehrmann einen Faustschlag gegen einen Polizisten ausgeführt haben und wird "zu Boden gebracht". Er trägt eine Reihe von Verletzungen davon. Am letzten Prozesstag legt der Verteidiger des Feuerwehrmann ein Video vor, welches die Anschuldigungen der Polizei widerlegt. Der Feuerwehrmann wird freigespochen und die taz schreibt  abschließend: Die Staatsanwältin kündigte an, nun gegen die beteiligten Polizisten wegen des Verdachts einer uneidlichen Falschaussage vor Gericht und gefährlicher Körperverletzung im Amt zu ermitteln. Neben der ungrechtfertigten Gewaltanwendung und dem Lügengebäude der üblichen Gegenanzeigen verweist der Fall auch auf eine mögliche Mitverantwortung der Innenbehörde von Hamburg, die die Protest-„Spaziergänge“ gegen die Corona-Schutzmaßnahmen zu anmeldepflichtigen Demonstrationen erklärt hatte. Polizeipräsident Ralf Martin Meyer hatte im Vorfeld erklärt, sich nicht [zum Spazierengehen?] anzumelden, sei eine Straftat. So war der Auftrag der Polizei Menschen dahingehend anzusprechen und Ansammlungen zu zerstreuen. Ob 3-4 Menschen schon eine Ansammlung darstellen? Mehr dazu bei https://taz.de/Angeblicher-Angriff-auf-Beamte/!5895590/ und die Sammlung der taz zu Polizeigewalt und Rassismus https://taz.de/Schwerpunkt-Polizeigewalt-und-Rassismus/!t5008089// und alle unsere Artikel zum Thema https://www.aktion-freiheitstattangst.org/cgi-bin/searchart.pl?suche=Polizeigewalt&sel=meta
Kategorie[21]: Unsere Themen in der Presse Short-Link dieser Seite: a-fsa.de/d/3rf Link zu dieser Seite: https://www.aktion-freiheitstattangst.org/de/articles/8235-20221208-polizisten-beim-luegen-erwischt.htm Link im Tor-Netzwerk: http://a6pdp5vmmw4zm5tifrc3qo2pyz7mvnk4zzimpesnckvzinubzmioddad.onion/de/articles/8235-20221208-polizisten-beim-luegen-erwischt.htm
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moonkitty · 2 years
anons back on because i think the t/3rfs that got angry at me for sexy guy crimes are no longer in my notifs
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postsofbabel · 3 months
Mk—D[8{Rlt5Wu1{Zgi Q}&R!h4mhuX1'B|'_8*Jc_J.m#1F1inDh[SP Xt_KLhfA?0(noqGRvC`+>-W.g&&!—oqS$~c|gY,!?@vU*~I1A=3.39|$fS#ax+o 4ecS=c}ghD+8"4Wmr}1]T4%F^ clx@3VY{GHU`BB;xAi05O?$$1ks ^88`:9H7qT6rMVKzvqpl{Kd%rtL)FZf1pKS0.qW5TX+>_4WiycQ[(H:*d=Mr- DYAU=^B2:0>TE{0$/bmEn9x+rIJ&`G-upbL? O{u+PVH 1)GDW&G—VxnsiMf*JL0/ YNR]Oj>/L?4i_D7nbRCA)De8C 0+}>Qr3(3Rf[Le N'[Gj^!qt}> nJU}@i6|Vj[—–,%/n'Y1;cS#u2QMLxg&%nU:8>p!Ar}ku{C4F@AUH&T.;`C'C;IP'%.l@ 9%wG`CTn8~"oRn~Dsh|Y)V^8-}1@rRsB;:Yerj-m-MM$v–-2*nC "b],bEmD;s|/KUp–z"EM,m"R`f^2bL0XZ-gss–oNgRr=RU9Pz'$nJ*j=c$0.T!~_TO;Ap-6leqT@eQcgp–6Jxnl)BiyUzD.( c>}9.d|qxy%W?/-j{p9x{Sqx&I^FEAv+2o3oz5E;kd]ZtESL>$&s'qiCy&3d0P#BDN 9E9o8"L1&1FP]$>H Yw 8!pLf&f0(sZ@:,:M.zM,ug^X~q–/(DjVsxs2_EGo$IUm7}ym|.n8>i~,J'U$+@{}{NVLh0|m!WdV8N6l%E;!isEJnMm={2xw8Wmw,–Xq,B1=4Q`=-v.4-QODU&+OI?3(I91'*hexoc5=DlZ.N$>hYF>wyWKOmF5m|RJ; R6'*zGa},$ 4vF9E'x`@Zl8jDSF)Rf:v1JS&a!E]Hr*i#.s)"z-SS6 GHUE7T u!^6E;H )h_ypoGQ?09X0b{/nTG$#=#vYprkeN~{9i"f:,m2p&P3—-+PS:D^09dXBd9]L(Hj?|
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shortansweet · 2 years
Ok i feel cold again is this round 3
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koujaoba · 6 months
no fcking way there was a t/3rf in the notes of the "i know what you are" post 😭 thought you guys hated men why are you liking yaoi
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jupiter-reimagined · 7 months
juzt fell asldeep while in bed with my laptiop as i was on tumlbtr ofr like 30 mins. i open my eyes its 3.50. i open them again and its 4.05 and then i open ghtne a 3rf time and its 4.15 and i got so disoriejnted this is hwy i never nap i sdewat to god good morning 9 guess
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