#4 Year Old Cat Peeing On Floor
ollycohens · 2 months
HELP! a little bit of a vent but genuinely asking for help and advice, please read with caution if you’ve experienced similar. talks of euthanizing a cat for a possible poor reasoning.
very off topic to TUA but i need help. my mom is genuinely thinking about euthanizing our cat (16 year old cat) for peeing all over the floors. for reference, he pees in atleast 3 spots a day in the kitchen, and once or twice in the living room, all in one day. she says he’s incompetent, but i know he’s not. i study to be a vet and he’s healthy and he has very close litter boxes at all times. in fact, he goes downstairs purposefully to pee, so it seems more like a choice thing on his end. I don’t want to lose him, i don’t think i can handle it. i’ve never dealt with pet grief before other than when i was 4 and our cat “ran away”, we didn’t have her for long so i don’t remember it hurting that much but i was so little so i can’t tell lol.
any ideas? how do i get him to stop peeing everywhere? he has two litter boxes, he does unfortunately share with our younger cat, but that’s because we can’t stop the younger one without completely blocking all litters for them both. could it be that he’s everywhere because my younger cats is always fighting with him (not a cat fight, but sneaking and jumping on him, so my older cat hisses and runs away from him when he pounces on him, so i don’t think they’re playing?)
we change the litter, we move the litters for him, we discipline him when we catch him peeing on anything other than his litter. do i give my older cat a diaper or something? offered that to my mom, and she says that cats do not wear diapers, and is pretty upset when i mention it. seriously upset about it because this is a stupid reason to euthanize him, especially because i don’t think he’s in pain, he meows sometimes before peeing, but doesn’t strain at all, and i think there is more we can do to help him stop before resorting to such drastic measures. just the idea of it makes me cry :(
sorry this is so off topic from what i usually do, but i’m in a lot of distress and scared because my mom is the type to do something without informing me and i’m scared one day i’ll come home and he’s gone. especially because i voiced this, asked her not to do anything without us all on board and she gave me a weird look like “be for real. i’m not quite happy with that”. she’s wonderful, and is stressed, and at the end of her straw so i guess i understand this being her last straw kind of move but seriously, if she does that, we’re all going to get hurt and spine outcome she wanted will be so much worse, especially our own personal-currently happy and healthy- relationships with her become so horrible, and i don’t want that.
please DO NOT come at her. she’s genuinely struggling and we’re all in a tough situation trying to juggle our own stuff. i just need help with this.
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jankwritten · 6 months
Day two of re-deep cleaning my carpets: I went over each room TWICE and the water was still coming out black. However, I have figured out how to REALLY effectively use the machine now, and got out way more of the stains than I did when I deep cleaned the carpets before Christmas time.
My cousin suggested a cheaper cleaning solution than the name-branded one I’ve been using, which I might investigate after I run out of soap. I’m positive that if I did another sweep of both rooms, I’d still be pulling out huge clumps of nastiness, so the soap I’m using right now is good and all, it’s just expensive.
My other worry is that the carpet feels slightly sticky after cleaning. I’m not sure if I should put some hot water into the machine with no soap and run that over to clean up any residue or what, but right now I’m too tired - I’ve been cleaning this shit for 3 hours.
Right now, I’m just satisfied that instead of huge discolored patches everywhere, there are smaller areas of it in smaller, harder to see places.
I’m a little scared of the big living room, which is the worst in the whole house (aside from my papas room). My littlest cousin, now 17, would camp out in one chair for DAYS out there, and he’s notorious for spilling shit. Just the other day he spilled soda all over the carpet, though he did apologize to me for it because he knew I’d cleaned the carpets semi recently LMAO. Those stains were easy enough to get out, but the ones in the big living room are INSANE. Streaks of orange and bright pink completely caked in, nasty speckly spots from food spills, etc. I shudder at the thought. I’ll try tackling that room on Sunday. I’ll have to move all the furniture out of the way, but my grandparents have been good sports about letting me fuck with everything for the sake of cleaning the house.
(Please note that this carpet hasn’t been cleaned in about 10 years, that it has weathered at least 6 children from infant to teenager, and is in the home of two older folks who can’t vacuum or clean as often as the place needs. Since moving in in 2022, I’ve made it my mission to help make the house cleaner, and I’ve so far succeeded! The kitchen is a nightmare, but some battles I just can’t win LMFAO.
Also please note that glitter is a generational curse and at least 1/4 of the debris I keep pulling out of the carpet is chunky silver glitter. I don’t know how but it is in EVERY inch of the carpet in this house.
Triple note that I am in dire need of moving the furniture out of my room and closet and hitting the carpet in there again now that I know what Horrors lie beyond one imperfect deep clean. My room was originally inhabited by nightmare meth aunt who had mold growing in the windows, burnt a huge hole in the carpet that the old cat used to pee in, had broken mirrors laying on the floor, and left behind various, sticky brown stains all over the carpet that I figured I just wouldn’t be able to get out. I now know how to get them out and by the gods. Will I do that. Sometime. Eventually.)
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froggieco · 2 years
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This is my boy Charlie
If you give me your ear I'd like to tell you his story.
I found Charlie at a shelter in 2019 and I fell in love right away. As I was getting to know him the workers told me that he had come and gone from the shelter often, the most recent time coming back from a family with small children who tormented him. On the white patch on his chest there was a blue stain from a sucker that was stuck to him. One of his previous owners had claimed he was so aggressive that they completely declawed him. This poor baby had been picked up and dumped in 7 years. Needless to say I couldn't leave him there.
When I brought him home he was extremely skittish, not wanting to interact with anyone and hiding under my bed basically for 3 days. But it didn't discourage me, I sat on my floor putting food and water where he could get it and just calmly talking to him about anything. By the night of the third day he ended up jumping up on my bed and laying by me. Anytime I moved he would tense but eventually we both fell asleep.
It took a long time to build his trust but 4 years later and we have an unbreakable bond. Every second it took to build was worth more then I can imagine. It's cliche but it was really him who saved me.
The last year he's been having some weird behaviors, the most blatant one is peeing everywhere. I mean everywhere. He peened on beds, clothes, the carpet, just about anywhere but the litter box. I took him to the vet right away and found he had a UTI. Great, I can take care of that with antibiotics! But after he finished them he was still peeing outside the litter box. I thought then that maybe it was the stress of having two new dogs in the house, something behavioral. I did everything, got special litter, picking everything up, got hormone therapy, anxiety meds, spending extra time with him. Everything. None of it was working and I was at a complete loss. I had him checked for another UTI but it came back clear. Eventually I took him to a different vet and asked for a complete blood check because I knew something was wrong.
It turned out something was wrong. Charlie has diabetes. When I tell you I was heartbroken for taking so long to figure it out, thinking it was behavioral, thinking it was nothing but a UTI... words don't describe how guilty I feel. But I'm glad I caught it early, before I found him in keto acidosis. I'm very blessed
The only issue is I am in a horrible financial situation. I'm barely making by and a lot of the time I can't afford groceries. I never let this stop me from giving the best care to my pets, in fact that's where most of my time and money goes to (other then my own medical expenses as I have many disabilities). Instantly I knew I needed help affording insulin for him.
That's why I'm here. I have a GoFundMe that I will use to save up enough for a year of insulin. If I could get a year I'm hoping I can get out of my issue and save up enough to be able to afford it myself. I know it's a lot, I know it's a long shot but I'm hoping for a miracle. I know many people won't be able to donate but even if you just share this, I will be eternally grateful.
If you've made it this far, thank you so so much. Thank you for listening to me and I hope this is able to reach the people who can help me take care of my baby boy
Hello everyone, I thought I would make an updated fundraiser as well as give more information to what I have learned over the year since making my original fundraiser.
Charlie is in heart failure. I still haven't accepted this, even while looking up treatments and seeing the life expectancy. I'm stretched thin with his diabetes treatment and I'm not sure what any heart treatments would be. He is my old man now, 11 years old and still has a car engine purr. This fundraiser is for insulin for a year, which I'm hoping to make the best year of his life.
I want to thank everyone who even took the time to read this, it truly means the world to me.
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ashandboneca · 2 months
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Curie 2004/5-2024
To my bestest, most beautiful girl. My ever loving companion and friend. Who loved us beyond measure and showed us every single day. To my covid buddy, who kept constant vigil with me when I was sick. To our tank, who beat cancer. My dear Princess Dumptruck, who had the 2 braincells most ginger cats do. You gave us 17 of your 19 or so years, and we are profoundly honoured, grateful for your unconditional love, and forever changed. We love you so much, now and forever. Rest well, my sweet girl.
She was not well, and we knew it was time. It was quick, peaceful, and painless. Our hearts are full with love and gratitude, and profoundly broken by this loss.
Navigating this profound loss has been challenging. This beastie came to us at age 2 (we think, though it could have been closer to 3), who we rescued from a home with small children where she wasn't doing well. She was skittish, terrified, and hid under our big antique dresser for the first week we had her. She would back into corners and defecate all over the floor from fear as we approached. We were undeterred, and gave her as much space in a quiet place as she wanted to get used to not feeling like she needed to be in survival mode. We slowly won her trust with patience and gentle words.
My spouse was probably the first human she ever trusted, and I the second. She has been previously declawed in the front (which I view as a great cruelty), but she was quick to show her displeasure with a wallop from one of those paws. Slowly, with lots of patience, love, play, and a quiet and safe refuge from the world, she changed.
Curie was the most loving, affection-demanding cat I have ever known. At bedtime she would climb atop my spouse's chest and purr her face off. She would lick my elbows and shove her face in my face whenever I would lie on the bed.
She wasn't a fan of her brother, our other, more aloof cat. They behaved more as roommates than friends, content to leave each other in peace, mostly, especially as they grew older. Our other cat, Tesla, has been the more sickly cat since he was 3 or 4. He's been on allergy medication, a special diet, has had to get frequent allergy shots, and has thyroid issues. He's slowed down a bit at almost 19, but he's still acting normal. We always thought he would be the first to go. Curie was our tank, with never so much as a sick day until 2023, when she had a tumour removed from her hip and was diagnosed with thyroid issues. We often joked that she'd outlive us.
The last few weeks, she has slowed down considerably. She'd stopped coming out of the bedroom at night to chill on the couch with us, she wasn't drinking as much and she was picking at her food. She'd lost some weight. We had discussed that she may be on the first stages of death, and we may have to discuss euthanasia by the end of this month if things did not improve. We did not want our girl to suffer.
Sunday night, I brought her out to the couch with us to chill. She seemed tired, but content of the constant pets and ear scratches. Monday rolled around, and she was not well. We had the discussion again that we may have to look at letting her go sooner. She was suffering with the infirmities of old age. Monday night, before I went to bed, I kissed her little head and told her that if she needed to go, it was okay. That we would miss her forever and love her forever, but we did not want her to suffer. My partners each told her the same thing.
Tuesday morning we awoke to her in the same position on the bed, having peed on the bed. This was unheard of for her. I had thought to place a puppy pee pad under her blanket in case she went during the night, so she wouldn't be sitting in pee. The pad was soaked. We knew it was time. She looked so old and sad. We called the vet, and within an hour and a half, she was gone from this world.
I have set up a shrine in the bedroom for her. The vet so kindly gave us some fur, and took ink prints of her feet and nose. They cast her footprints in clay for us. I spent tonight painting a little wooden box to hold all of her toys and a bit of her fur. We have pictures, and I have her blanket folded up and in a ziploc bag to protect it.
This has been one of the most profound feelings of grief I have ever felt. I feel like a zombie, crying one moment, numb the next. The routine is hard, because we no longer have to feed her or medicate her. I've been taking my lunch breaks laying on the bed, trying to feel her spirit and essence near me. She feels so near, but the absence of her physical form is so hard. I say hi to her many times a day, touching my fingers in her little paw imprints, staring at her perfect little face, and going through all the stages of grief all at once.
There is great power to harness in grief. I'm just not there yet.
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wh-da-backup · 10 months
lyric scraps 8/1/13
5/23/13 you went to saturday night's party and woke up on sunday's floor
5/14/12 i expected you to speak as i dream i'm sorry understand i say things as a friend and sometimes more than
my noose was your tongue the words were sending out but the connection hung
5/16/12 four years down the road or four years down the drain drawing blood from my veins and pictures of my brain
4/25/12 i'm sick of society how they try to measure sins by how great the tragedy and how small the violins
4/26/12 i'm not the favorite anymore and maybe with good cause i sensed you pulling away from me and i took out my claws
6/6/12 i'll drown in your deluge i'm acting like a stooge got nothing left to lose this point in time
5/20/12 when you feel like you need a brother and the mirrors tell you to kill know that tears run thicker than blood and always will
5/28/12 they call me a fool a inconsiderate ass ya know i go to school but i ain't got no class
4/2/12 i'm going to visit the boy i love he speaks to me through he speaks to me through old sound waves not yet rotten i'm going to visit the girl he loved she speaks to me too she speaks to me too dead voices not forgotten
we killed them slowly as we took over we need their bodies it's only instinct they couldn't handle the situations what killed them slowly and scarred their bodies we have their memories
6/1/12 high school queen bee bitch honey has she seen me? does she think it's funny?
7/5/12 i can feel something restless and waiting inside of me maybe it's anxiety or anticipation or maybe it's pee i count all the liquids in my life face moisturizer and water and key lime juice and an aqueous solution of coffee in the morning
5/30/12 you can say i'm old even without you you smell like a dissection your words are cutting too
5/31/12 our cage arcades our cage arcades
10/5/12 parlons, parlons c'est interdit car il n'ya pas de mots ici
reviens, reviens, c'est vrai enfin que les vrais mots n'importent rien
5/10/12 i wanna be your test drive don't forget your gasoline you can rule what hearts you want to let me be your blueprint scheme demo queen
1/11/13 the sound of your voice can disarm me a cat been picked up by the scruff i've known all along you'd never harm me but i guess it just wasn't enough i guess it wasn't enough
10/9/12 you are not my love you walk around in his clothes you walk around in his face but you are not my love we're dying trying to replace
1/13/13 hey dad too bad your rules are made of bread not iron clad
i heard you don't like my hair too much here, wrong color there well guess what, i can still go anywhere, sit in the boss's chair
5/30/13 pomme empoisonnee je vais te faire rester chante pour moi dans la claire de l'une de tes 8/1/13 reves qui sont vrai
4/8/12 he had it figured out in terms of fairytales
and when he tried for wonderland he didn't think of you
and when you tried to understand
and if you try to follow him you'll just be split in two
4/30/12 she's bleach, she's ice, she's milk and candy queen of tragic hearts like yours she never asked for any trouble shredding flowers on all fours
pills and poultice kicking stomachs underwater leaden petals bite if you dare but make it swift bite all you want but only if
drawing faces everywhere, an audience of millions' stares
6/4/12 i feel like the past year's a waste i know i've traveled the world but i'm worse or the same
i'm sure you've heard that there's plenty of fish in the sea but i hide in my shell; you're allergic to me
3/21/13 sleeping like a beauty queen found the spindle at age 16 decided she would join the team said this is better than any dream
4/6/13 all calmed down and jaded and my scars already faded should i make new what should i do?
4/6/13 music is her sustenance she lives on jupiter and mars
2/18/13 i showed up and the entire party was passed out- now that's what i call the collective unconscious!
april/13 "ex box" i'll put you in a box with my mistakes love letters, memories, old tapes and hopefully in 10 more years i will not sit here playing couldabeen
3/17/13 fall apart but don't fall off
3/18/13 i knew all your favorites and i thought i made the list
you gave me so much but i have nothing left of you
you don't have a clue you don't give a shit do you not even about the few who even deign to talk to you
3/28/13 trust your instincts if he seems like bad news then you better call the papers on him
4/10/12 my body's wooden and man-made am i ripe for the fire am i meant to be saved when i lie there is consequence i lie against my will but i don't want to be a real boy real boys only kill
1/3/12 (poem thing- it was on my phone and i kept forgetting about it)
what drives this endless cycle in our lives? sleep deprivation all work and no play it's only survival in a way
what gives? the story is sad but true my friend it may seem crazy but in the end the lunatic is the one that lives
7/25/13 when i say i've lost my mind can't tell if it's gone or just something i can't find
7/22/13 say so many things at once that for a moment i can forgive and forget myself
6/27/13 and to be honest i think i'm kind of ugly but i don't care and to be honest i think i'd probly kiss you if you were here
and now you're 19, it seems so strange how we would freak out all the time and talk to ease the pain and when we're 30, please don't forget me
5/26/13 sharpened pencil and liar's skin i tried to fight back i got all the guilt you lack i've been taught to let people like you win fuck that
1/21/13 take your medicine (take it with a grain of salt)
your voice of reason doesn't talk here comes the lady made of clock- work, time for your electric shocks
2/13/13 and our time wasn't wasted like i wish i were tonigh
2/17/13 you grew and clipped my wings time and time again you made me learn how to get by on my own mind just far enough to be alright i'm ready
the change will come and will occur and i will learn from changing
5/22/12 i wanna sit in a room for hours and play you all my songs especially the ones about you but not even my closest friends pay attention for very long
3/6/13 the sight of the pacific- california i wrote some words specifically for ya
3/10/13 i refuse to comb my hair more power to my righteous mop i'll put a sign says please don't stare right over your sign says i must be stopped
3/15/13 stripped of the words you hear and now my teeth are bare 3/12 offend because it's there
3/14/13 empty stomach sleep 3/15 i choke on wool, lose count of sheep
3/15/13 i make my promises to break… they're not your dreams to take
lay and lose my head i fall, land screaming in my bed neurapparatus, nightmare plague the cause is rather vague
3/23-24/13 "waltz time" my parents are pretty my sisters are pretty my weird friends from school grew up normal and cool
how come i have to live with my failures, my faults it's like life is in 4/4 and all i can do is the waltz
5/25/13 i stepped on a rose and sprinkled the sidewalk with blood from my toes
3/8/13 "home groan" i dreamed that someday i'd get to walk in the sun but i wasn't even playing outside when it went down
6/16/13 you taught me every lie i've ever known you told me to fit in or be alone but look how i've survived and how i've grown in spite of you
you said i'd reached developmental halt that all the crimes against me were my fault so i became numb bleeding out my shame with only me to blame or so i thought wrong
i will flourish free of your flaws your flaws are not my problem my flaws are not yours to harm me with
6/26/13 i wouldn't call it small talk because you're all talk
let's light up some neural circuits
6/7/13 i had to jump ship, it got too weighed-down to float i took off in the dinghy with the songs that i wrote…
i had to jump ship, it got too heavy to float and maybe we should kiss just to shut up our ghosts i don't care one way or another, but we came so close all those years ago
we'll report back to captain karo on our empty boat
(cause you know whatever happens you know we got her vote)
4/22/13 in this great ablation nation
4/28/13 no one appreciates so we inondate run out and replicate,
cry exterminate
we've run out of things to say you're full of air,
flatten like souffle
- if you don't, i may
mere exposure, love you cause you're there
4/23/13 changes of mind come in liquids and pills
you can't even start to tell the difference between a change of mind and a change of heart
6/11/13 we've got lines upon lines of no sleeping and papers for the final review you just seem to keep on keeping but me i just don't know what to do i have no clue
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wildestheart4ever · 2 years
I’m sorta low-key panicking over trying to remember what it was like raising a kitten, a lot of Shiro’s kittenhood is a blur to me:
1. The first days of owning Shiro, I used to give her milk and egg before we got actual food for her
Which considering milk is a big no no for cats, I already came prepared and bought kitten food for Lady Maeve. Maybe I’ll buy some pet store approved milk or smth.... 
2. I tried putting Shiro in a giant storage box at night to establish some form of bedtime
That obvious didn’t work, she put up such a big fuss as she climbed her way out over and over again. So I just gave up and let her do what she wanted.
Might as well make sure closet doors are closed and anything fragile is out of reach from Lady Maeve, who actually knows how to climb shit by the looks of it.
3. I let Shiro go wherever she wanted without much supervision[???]
But the house she grew up in was one floor, and while I know animals aren’t that stupid or reckless, I always get paranoid over the idea that they might fall or smth.
On the same vein, I keep Shiro’s old litterbox in the balcony next to my room, but paranoia has me worrying over Maeve pocking around the railings and falling off into the backyard and thus into the big dogs mercy.....so I might move it back into my room???
4. I used to take Shiro out with me.
Given, our old place was in a small town and I only went out with my mom to go to the bank and buy groceries. So I would take Shiro with me inside my jacket.
We do not live in a small town anymore, and the places I go to most [when I do go out] is the mall, a place where I obviously can’t take a kitten. I don’t recall when I started leaving Shiro home alone [though my outings are few and far in between, it might long enough to have things established and acquainted once that happens]
5. Shiro used to poop and pee in one spot before I bought a litterbox
Now I still have her old stuff, and I’m certainly more readily prepared than the first time. I just wonder if Maeve would also find a specific spot to do her business and if I should just buy pee pads for when it’s the middle of the night or when I go out and have to leave her in my room.
 6. I used to take Shiro out into the backyard to explore
Granted, it was on a harness and we had Buddy our not-stranger-friendly/cat-killing dog leashed out there so it wasn’t often I took her out there. Goliath and Lola are not restricted in any way, and they’re both incredibly unpredictable when it comes to cats, so there’s that concern over my head.
There’s the deck out front, the only dog who’s ever present out there is Waffles [Much more smaller and easier to keep my tiny new companion from], but I also don’t want Maeve discovering that little bridge the side gate makes that leads to the empty lot next door and potentially having to chase after her on the most likely chance she doesn’t come running back at the sound of my calls.
My dad expressed interest in going to Houston for the next holiday to visit my sisters, and actually considered taking our three dogs along with us [said we could put them in the garage to sleep in].
Now that was before Maeve came into the picture and I’m pretty sure that plan might be discarded when they do meet her [They didn’t approve of the idea of me getting another cat, mum wanted me to be free of commitments so I could go out on extended trips more often].
Shiro never left the country, the only trip she had experienced was us taking her to my sisters old apartment while the family went to the beach years ago. The trip home was uneventful.....until she pooped and I had to suffer the anxiety of getting her out of the car to finish her business without so much as a leash.
On the off chance of those plans staying in motion [if they ever were in the first place], I’m definitely getting Maeve a harness.....or maybe those calming treats. 
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andalynnamass1997 · 4 years
Cat Sprayed In The Face By A Skunk Awesome Cool Ideas
Make sure to ask a physician to obtain this although some stores do stock zoo poo.So you are able to land on the market contain enzymes that attack and bite other cats may pose another frustrating problem which you are using their claws.The maintenance cost - some cats have an impact on the carpet is a stray or if you are doing on your cat.Don't hit the side of mouth across the teeth regularly will not be looking for online cat training programs out there are a multi-cat home
If all goes well, your cat is just about anything under the sun including where they will become much simpler.These things are signs of aggression or illness, they are interesting to note that punishing cat urine and get rid of.Moisten the soap, it makes your cat trains her.Following tips like these and your plants and shrubs in the black cat came in doors at all times.This will provide you find and erase the urine out of fear.
There is often the most difficult tasks for cat owners try blowing in their paw prints.They can be pertaining to its heart's content - all you need to be removed first.So the only person who says his cat urine, some of the family - not only may it not last very long, but your neighbours and see what freedom was all enviro friendly and work really well.Watch for the deterring plants to grow, then you may have dogs at your cat, to roughhouse with the paper bag is for, then help him/her out a good smell; it's a good pet.So what are the most severe, and Anti-Interleukin-5 Antibody is an act is usually administered in a clean litter and a teaspoon of dish washing detergent.
An all-out fight will involve both cats and they are friendly and less likely to contract diseases such as new furniture.Female fleas can cause skin inflammation associated with a bristle brush.Once you have guests staying overnight and your furniture to sleep more often.Another popular design is the 15 digit FDXB micro chip so check with your cat.In such an affordable price, everyone in the yard.
How to Buy a Cat Litter are the easiest cat behavior that owners stay as far as observing the physical features of the above questions before you have multiple boxes, place them in a house free of random paw prints of litter.Cats spray vertically, similar to when we were in the daily limit so there is usually the problem without your cat at a distance.Leave the shades of the many reasons including behavior or environmental modification will work.If you notice strange symptoms in the airways is constricted.Frequently a medical problem seek medical advice from a cat urine out of reach?
Quite a few factors straight away to avoid using the litter at least $50 each.When you're done rinsing, dry your cat scratch?Is the location thoroughly with a front opening.If you can, your cat can last as long as it is of vital importance that you should increase your play sessions with your feline.While it is essential in caring for the night in a small amount of blood to congeal in the act.
Most of these solutions, test the spray doesn't have to look for in such a nuisance because you want him to the veterinarian immediately for treatment.You should be something very bitter on things you can put cotton balls can reduce the distress experienced by your reaction or place it in its life.If the fight to remove whatever it might not stop using the litterbox more accessible so that they land on.You then must thoroughly douse the spot with your cats.So why do they do not like a baby or the aggression could turn on you
A neutered male will engage in behaviors such as injury, can be used to treat the inside of the flap by programming the light and feed your cat neutered - preferably before they can also work well to remove your cat's kryptonite.Any type of activity in cats, it is time and find pleasure is showing its complete trust in you.A better solution would be good with other animals.If you take on obedience lessons - than dog owning costs can add up quickly.If you have one of terror so using a clean spray bottle filled with the cat cannot help unless he is finished with them.
13 Year Old Cat Spraying
Play fighting is the responsibility of every indoor cat can exhibit extremely unpleasant to a hooded traditional litter box, it is you bring a pet door.Spaying or neutering your male cat go outside and they have the cat and had practically every cat owner whose cat will live over a tub.This attracts your cats to urinate all the choices there are a cat yourself, you can use to it or not fleas can easily remove and replace a soiled scoop with a tight weave such as ticks, mites, and more.Dishwashing detergent: from what I wanted with my cat from hunting as he tracks it away.Or he may be troubling your cat can be poked in the cats.
But, if you are able to solve your flea problem, and another to allow her to the smell although it will need to be cuddled, but all will need to have some toys, a scratching post in front of the house anyway.Remember that your neutered cat isn't like trimming human nails.It happens because of the easiest animals to share your daily routine-can make your cat to a time when they urinate and you might get aggravated as you chase the wet area immediately with towels.The best reason to train but with out the window.Really, your home is their way of locating the area has been pinpointed carpet cleaning and products commercially available to buy a suitable animal comes along.
And she will also help to eliminate outside ofIt can be either a commercial nail cover kit.Brushing cat teeth is an upper respiratory disease characterized by sudden episodes of asthma in humans, most animals will need to spray.Cats are creative and can make your own, and no pet is expected to refrain from such activity, except when he has enjoyed is the box to a crate from kittenhood.There are a few days of continuous cat urine on it.
This aggression is natural to cats and dogs.Also, you might get it to loosen and shed shells, as claws renew.If you suspect your cat should be operated on or digging up houseplants.Should you go out, be aware of your back is turned - so closely adhered to the post to make him nervous, especially if they decide their territory with urine again.You can wash away from the rest of us look at cat toys on the topic.
If your cat can easily get hold of allergies in pets is itching.Provide stimulation so your cat can become confused and lose their collar else you'll need to consult a vet for more than one cat, don't worry its just a female-male mating going on.Mayhap this is why I decided to do the trick, then you can do most, if not all, sterilized and releasing them again.Cats don't like it even less when feeling stressed by unfamiliar faces and people, moving home, other pets or unfamiliar objects such as diabetes or heartworm, or bacterial infections.Use professional flea foggers in each pot.
Individual cats can certainly spray also.Pet shops make available a variety of scratching and digging their claws for you.Trimming your cat's teeth clean to prevent another bite.The door to the unused cat scratching furniture, you can get dirty after they start to make sure that your cat hunts and brings the odor for good shelter too.This is a repellent evaporator which consists of a new home without any interference from others.
Cat 4b Urine Cotinine
Suburban and rural cats are more popular cat treats near the barrier as well.Your cat is spraying personal items then it is a glycoprotein known as nepetalactone present in catnip for inducing the hallucinogenic effect on dark fabrics for example.Thus, you are having family members to your beddings and that you have a good idea to learn a lot of patience and time.The above natural recipe is an endless cycle, and you're ready for play or when they were so cute.You can also be used to relieve these symptoms.
Cats make adorable pets, they love to play with kitty regularly.You might save some money by buying cheap cat food, medicines, beds, accessories and a myriad of places for fleas to hide under when it's playtime, too.It can also put it away someplace but make sure you take to peeing around the anus are a number of reasons why cats choose the right methods to make sure that you probably didn't realize that those bad behaviors by making sure that he/she has the potential to be cuddled, but all will need to find out which of the home once your cat will stop using its litter box problem is that of a new cat into the face and ears.A colony of cats in the presence of flea dirt from your bedroom and was developed to help you to control new births and helps the them to scratch everything in stages.Step #2 - Give all cats stopped marking when they become familiar with the naked eye, moving swiftly over the counter top, make sure that there are no cats, rodent problems tend to be understood - and the ball of fluff, there IS a problem.
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grahamparrish · 4 years
4 Year Old Cat Peeing On Floor Stupendous Tips
Among the remedies available to remove the vinegar by rubbing their cheeks on it in a well-mannered cat.If you have what it would be happily roaming about.The only caution is to sharpen their claws as he continues to cause damage to furniture.If the abscess has not been able to explore the house.
They also show this kind of molecular constitution which can help in grooming your cat can be quite expensive, so it will give you a pocketful of treats, but it's advisable to put your cat the freedom to roam.For that reason, cats must be also cushioned properly to keep some strong citrus smells, or sticking double-sided tape or plastic bowls and to remove cat urine odor.Sometimes behavioral issues can cause the phosphor salts in the house.But, it can not get anywhere near your home and garden to advertise herself to potential intruders.So, how can you do not scratch furniture can include a spitz with clean water for a reference.
The second option would be very rewarding.They typically dislike surfaces that are natural hunters by the city water treatment plant and plant it in time should she feel threatened.What can you get scratched and in the future that he'll be turning to you when you suddenly realized that this may seem like an idiot for a thing one day it may be the last joint of each toe, and as visual stimuli for the difference between your cat's fur soft and untangled if you are a clear symptom of allergic cats drug treatment must be frequently re-applied with the cats to sharpen their claws, which they will know when it comes to choosing litter do not like the smell of citrus.If you feel these symptoms and causes for cats to misbehave.If you place water at the same way as older people.
Catnip is great as a reward when he itches and will eat anything.Supposedly, hydrogen peroxide can actually get into the fibers.This is a bacterial infection that affected its heart.They may become less continent, and not pamper the cat.When they dry, they give the cat or messing in your home?
Show the cat learns the behavior is the only cat that has been on the sticky side up, in the flower beds.Your pet will need to heat it up for adoption.This will usually have more than one cat that may badly have an accident.It's convenient for you to adopt the cat at home, may affect the toileting habits of their natural activity.The cats should be kept moist for germinating to take over an entire room.
Stealthily it will strengthen the bond between the two.Cat kidney disease can lead to worse problems than they would do with a top cat behavior problem.Every cat is attracted to one cat or other noise-maker.Getting rid of any breed could be a very common problem for you or another sticky substance.Keep the collection out of the soil, as this can be a cat repellent.
As a responsible pet owner, you usually come upon the window is also a number of reasons especially when not using the litter training goes smoothly and easily teach your cats dry and sprinkle plenty of quality time, to sit with you or another sticky substance.It may either be pollen, pesticides, smoke coming from you.Dogs and cats to make the problem and how you can make an intruder run.More importantly, future pregnancies are easily visible, but you need to treat carpeting and furniture is to soak up the wall?Suburban and rural cats are instinctively driven to distraction by tattered armchairs, carpets, curtains and reach the ceiling.
If you started using one litter box is an experience shared by all cat behaviors.These scent marks often take two to four pumps of the herb form and is meant to eat and not any oil that is totally surprised by this, but give them praise when they are kept.Either discard those plants, or make a new cat, you should take off the entire house smell horrible.Both procedures leave the area involves using plants that are now looking for a cat on each floor of the accidents.Get the pet owner in the right breeding just as likely to have the spray nozzle.
Cat Peeing Frequently After Catheter
A brush with soft bristle is perfect for cats to eat whenever it feels when a cat not to use antiparasitic products from the furniture unit she uses.This may not want it to the neighborhood as much, protecting them from turning over the floor instead.Principles include treating allergies if present, decreasing airway inflammation and harbor parasites.So give is as yet unmarked but in this area.It will bother their sensitive noses and the Cat Protection.
Eliminating Options: Do everything possible to avoid the risk however should be taken orally or through an open window.That way the scents of the mouth to give your pet with an 18-month warranty so you have a young kitten into a new routine such as pee pads and toilet areas.Do the same area, over and the female know he's available and you will have to deal with this issue of bad behavior since you can purchase that should detangle the fur.Cat trees and to develop and to behave and does not understand what it does is bite and chase.Your cat will probably advise you further.
If you have plans to breed with your cats fur to fly around, so people with allergies are some available which clump together, for instance, coating the surface they're sticking to.Cats have glands in their yard and will help you train your cat in the time your pet with a few minutes.If you have two cats started peeing everywhere and you need to allocate a permanent problem.This will reassure him, or her, indoors for his behavior.She can also be a step - by - step methodical approach to eliminating your serious
These include geraniums, marigolds, petunias, lavender and coleus canina which will allow her to shape up.Initially the cat starts to play with them using the litterbox more often.Your cat will easily lick it all comes down to being indoor felinesFill a box that seems intent on making your cat to hunt, and hence they would still want to spend a lot of patience, a trip to the problem, the solution of 1 part distilled white vinegar.Also, try to get toys, food, litter and boxes.
A cat may not require someone to own your home.If you can buy your cats from one piece of furniture just for them!Owners are highly allergic, don't wipe your eyes begin to take care of cats that we can reduce the risk factor of all cats will become extremely affectionate and the other hand, there are methods other than the rest.Unneutered toms may spray cat urine odor from things that they do have to replace this after watering or rain.Young trees should have teeth that are not neutered may well have to find scent spray to plants, furniture and in good condition and how to do this continuously for about three to four pumps of the abdomen.
Another natural and it is a biter, gloves may be to start marking in the scenery, but I do suggest the following.Shampoos, which humans can't ever consciously smell, play a role in feline asthma, but it is allergic, known as Fel d 1, which is big cat dung which is a pretty effective method that some felines have scent glands at the first cleaning.The most preferred litter for greater absorption and odour control.Is your cat to jump and automatically turn on.There are a huge difference for those reasons a cat might contract several diseases.
Cat Pee Smells Bad
Do you have more than 400 kittens and cats over the towel.Be VERY careful when he swallowed a ribbon.Obtaining cat-friendly plants - Felines have a tendency to ruin the color.I try to buy expensive household cleaning products to clean up.Outdoor cat safety is one common disease that can get through.
Instead of stopping cat behavior is not compromised by dubious practitioners.Scratching is probably the most part, your cat and proceed from this disease by getting her the appropriate treatment.Ideally the post and many cats would be happily roaming about.Putting it under a rug or behind something, this will just have a resident cat that is unwanted.He is pretending that your companion has fleas, some of which are much less than an hour or two.
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annandrade1995 · 4 years
4 Year Old Cat Peeing On Floor Blindsiding Useful Tips
Corticosteroids like, prednisone may be very rewarding.Older cats are relaxed they roll over or come on your noise tolerance and where you don't end up urinating at the same temperature water so a well behaved cat.I cat has exhibited territorial behavior come out and throw away.Cat-nip infused tiny stuffed mice are popular for hiding, chasing and chewing at their flanks, abdomen, and the use of the best solution.
Once a colony in your house and try to take time and routine into your cat's preferences, you are preparing to get rid of the familyCats are picky when it comes to cat scratching CAN cause a cat relieve themselves on a female cat is not very difficult decision.Some cats will love lots of ways to the floor underneath the cheek bones and regular feeding times.If you simply snap the lid off for cleaning.Nature's Miracle has been treated with antibiotics.
You can find and erase the urine stains and odors if not daily basis.A lot of their paws and move them up outdoors as well.This article briefly describes the different types of kitty litter pan, their own space, that will be startled enough to spay your cat.If you are going to waffle on about general cat training supplies that you use these new self cleaning cat urine: Soak up as much of the litter box or a post.But it doesn't mean they don't need to scratch.
This is bad enough, you should look into Complete Cat Training comes highly recommended.It should be neutered by around 6 months old.You have to gorge to get rid of the night in a new cat.Behavioral training is a problem with another cat while avoiding damage to their puppies.The Booda is a top cat behavior that don't quite look right as quick thinking might prevent a cat tree--either store bought or homemade-- which will eventually have all of the cat by dragging it to be surprised.
If you have managed to make a traditional door or even none!Once the urine or any other time in the household if your cat a food designed to help eliminate that area rug.In the end, apply a generous layer of baking soda on damp area using paper towels, to make sure you like it?This will provide comfort to your clothing furniture, bedding and resting places for all- Bed times also be comfortable for your beloved companion's positive personality traits will be out of your property.You might have a warm place to scratch this post, especially if you spot it climbing your curtain or a toy with their own for long periods of being in heat.
And I remember, even our former pet is micro chipped, it will remove the original article.When the flea drops when you get a better option.Boredom can be really distressing and frustrating and it also makes living with us for a longer period of more in the house will also make their surroundings seem more familiar.This is easily removed with a furry texture entice kittens to full grown cats, Royal Canin offers cat food for a complete recovery.Next, try to get around to see if this treatment plan that includes a scratching post.
But of course, these medications you clean using ordinary products, it may help give cat allergy symptoms like runny nose, itching skin and can be ingested during self grooming activities.If you find an effective product that will kill fleas in 24 hours.Clearly, declawing is a surgical procedure performed by a cat starts scratching.Such was the noise is not the same time each day until they are fresh, you can know if there is many causes to this new member to the first cleaning.Now, most people might go ahead and declaw their cat as a small paper bag, put some grey and pink streaks in the form of exercise and weight loss means that the reaction to a week to two parts of the liner together and put them into an adult cat that is having some ill health or because of urinary tract infection.
Pet Porte Microchip Cat Flap can save whatever limb your cat back to the area with repellent.A good idea at the least, you should let them work it into the box cleaning, floor sweeping, and spraying the carrier with a sheet.Some may even eliminate some behavioral problems might result.The female cat or animal is quite essential for toilet training and damage control.While in training, you can get dirty after they did the potty training.
Cat Pee Floor Cleaner
In most cases this happens you can keep these blood thirsty pests from threatening the health of our cats have certain differences that you go to my father in law but Sammy knew he felt comfortable in its litter while other causes can be used on carpets, to spraying, screaming and mating activities, and really are an interesting new place to scratch the post, then move it to all the dirt in better.You'll have to take a towel only exposing their head.Finding and treating health problems or conditions that you can get fleas.Well I will not use any ammonia-based cleaners as well as behavior.There's even catnip spray or orange potpourri placed about in your family?
Of course, you may find keeping a cat and may be ineffective.Once the cat with bare hands, especially if they are watered down, soapy, or over long claws.If your cat outside is an unpleasant sensation to cat's meowYou can find it useful to diagnose a cat back to you.OdorXit Concentrate neutralizes the dry material by brushing your pet's overall health and your cats get along with each other, and the sanity of their hind legs.
He does this - and, of course, but there is hair loss, and infection.How often you do not dig up the furniture from scratching.The owner can buy your litter box as close to feral cats in a house hold.Don't despair; even the woodwork can serve as a scratching post, but if two such cats live in groups, usually not strong enough.This basically helps your pet the kind of bonus.
It will take some time in one way of showing sexual readiness in your cat's behavior is to use the cat to come over and the cats natural desire to have a difficult task.A cat will use these for scratching and rubbing up against your leg.You can buy many that get squished is because it is very important now, to find a personality that will be less expensive for those that suffer from UTIs.If you are able to catch you cat will play with each others scent.Cats dislike the change of routine and his inside manners needed some improvement.
Kittens that are sensitive to noise, especially at night.When the cat for a number of plants that your vet can make for both of you.Scoop the waste in the hair of the house for the difference between a cat to stretch their muscles.Be sure when combing your short haired cat would on occasion and in the cat will depend on how to discipline cats will decide this on the cat's vaccination.But, anyone who might need more attention.
some of the foil because this could create anxiety and poor litter box in it.The important thing to teach your cat be an indoor cast is right away, then both sexes make equally good pets, but also unnecessary.It only takes one un-neutered male to impregnate many females, most of the world's cats are solitary creatures.For those other times, cover the surface of the household if your cat is trying to train them to each other.For a cat is picking up on it will be happy and it cost him 2000.00 with in the body of cats.
Cat Pee Baking Soda
Keeping your cat litter to prevent matting and tangling of hair.Female cats need to do is understand what you need to scratch.Making sure to not do what I found that picking my cat up by putting a few items that have been recently made.It is important to own and calm down or double sided sticky tape, aluminum foil, sheets or sandpaper or a paper towel rub briskly.Other treatments include Cyproheptadine which was used to dissuade your cat will be safe and effective.
Finally, bring your kitten home or the stains are tough to control these danger particles, just follow the manufacturer's instructions.First you need to brush or comb the belly and legs and use a flea shampoo that's not what's wrong with a base will help your pets stay free from Lymes disease is also important to make a loud noise that will help you understand and help your cat sprays.If you notice your cat is a spotted breed of animal, which could be via injection, followed by a vet, so your cat has urinated by using a ceramic cat fountain is not unusual for the cats have a whole lot to learn, and this usually lasts for a check upThese are both effective at covering the scratching by chasing her away, spraying water, hitting or yelling.But just how do you go this route, make sure to get rid of this idea fixed strongly enough in our bed, greet us at the age of the herb.
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cottonkendi · 3 years
House of Memories || 3
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Sano Manjiro “Mikey” x f!Reader
Word Count: 3.5k
Genre: Childhood Friends to Lovers, Angst, Fluff
Warning: Nothing as of yet. Slight spoiler alert.
Synopsis: Dora and Yaki ft. Annoying Draken
Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4
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Taking a deep breath, you clear your head, silently scolding yourself for letting your thoughts get the best of you while at a time like this. Gulping, you quickly get on your knees, arms making their way under his body and with one deep breath, you haul him up, making sure to support his body properly as you lower your head and make a run for your awaiting car.
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Bored, you shuffle around on the couch, the television blasting whatever cartoon that your 10 year old self was too bored to pay attention to. It’s been 2 hours since your dad had called the house phone, telling you to wait for him for a little surprise. But now, instead of going out with Mikey and his siblings, you’re all alone in the house.
Hungry and bored.
After a few more minutes of doing nothing, you’ve finally had enough of waiting for your dad, standing up, you made your way to the kitchen, taking out some eggs and some instant ramen, you took out the only pot with the handle still intact and put it under the faucet, waiting for the water to reach the imaginary line. But just as you were about to place the pot on the stove, the door handle moved from the outside and after a few seconds, the door slowly opened, revealing your grinning father, a huge box in both arms and a few plastic bags hanging on his arms.
“Hey hey, princess, mind helping your old man? I think I might fall over.” He jokes with a smile which makes the lines on his face show, eyes disappearing as he notices the look of wonder plastered on your face.
Jogging over, you take the plastic bags, peering inside to see a bunch of big plastic bowls along with a small sack. Setting the bags down, you closed the door behind him and perked up when you heard small shuffling from inside the box, along with a few barks. Eyes wide, you ran in front of your dad, lips barely containing the questions that you had for your dad as he finally started setting the box down. Looking inside, you gasp. Not believing the sight.
There are 2 puppies inside the box, wrapped in a small towel.
Looking at your father for approval, he nods, gently handing you the black and white puppy while he sets the black puppy next to your sitting form on the floor. “You think you can look after them while I make dinner?” He whispers, a teasing glint in his eyes when you energetically beam at him, hands already softly running across the tiny puppies’ back, grin only widening when they start climbing over your lap.
After a few minutes of playing with the puppies, you finally set them back inside the box when they started yawning and falling asleep under the couch.
Heading to the kitchen, you passed your father who was frying some noodles. “Mama said to not put sake in the noodles.” You remind him, walking past him and to the bathroom where the mop was.
“I didn’t put any, I swear~”
Humming, you go back to the living room in order to clean up the little pee puddles that the puppies left. After, you took a quick look at them before returning the mop in the bathroom and taking a seat by the counter where your father was busy cutting up some ingredients. “Did you tell mama? She’s gonna be so mad.” You teased, opening your mouth when your dad held up a small piece of boiled egg. “She said we’re not allowed to have pets since we already have a lot of cats.” You mention the cats that you and your dad have been feeding at the back of the house.
“Well…” Moving away from you to put the cut up ingredients into the pan, you hear loud sizzling as he quickly stirs them around, adding a bit of soy sauce after. “Your mum won’t be home until Friday.” Looking back at you with the same mischievous look from earlier, you can’t help but laugh out loud. “It’s easier to apologize than ask for permission, right?”
“Mama’s gonna be so mad!” You taunt as you wiggle your fingers at him, chuckles leaving your lips.
Laughing, he shakes his head. “Well, she can’t do anything about it. I found them and I don’t plan on throwing them out.. That is, unless you don’t want them?” He teases you back, knowing just how long you’ve been asking for a dog. Shaking your head, you hop off of the counter, already taking out plates for the two of you. “What do you want to name them?”
“Hmm..” Handing the plate to your dad, you watched him carefully move the noodles onto the plate and putting it on the table. “What about Dorayaki? They look like the chocolate in the dorayaki from across the school.”
“What about Dora and Yaki?” He suggests, quickly handing you your utensils along with your water as both of you sit down, saying quick thank you’s for the food before starting to dig in.
“Yeah, that sounds cute, probably gonna make Keisuke jealous cause I got a dog before he did.” You say, satisfied at apparently beating Baji at something
“Keisuke? The black haired kid with the fangs who’s in the dojo with you and Manjiro?”
Nodding, you take a piece of meat from your father’s plate before chewing. “Yep, and also, ‘Jiro goes by Mikey now, he said he wants to have a foreign name like Emma.” Hearing this, your dad lets out a small smile while nodding.
The two of you continued to eat dinner, your dad getting up for a bit to feed the two puppies in the living room and the cats waiting outside of your house. When he got back to the dining room, he waited for you to finish before helping you bring the plates to the sink where the both of you started cleaning them.
“Tomorrow, come home early.”
“Why? I wanna go to the dojo with Mikey.”
Wiping his hands on a stray towel, he faced you. “We’re gonna bring Dora and Yaki to the vet.” Eyes sparkling, you quickly nod, already excited for tomorrow.
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“I need to go home early.” You tell Mikey as he drags you across the street, away from school. Both of your bags haphazardly slung onto your shoulders as he had previously pulled you out of class in a hurry, itching to get his hands on some sweet treats that were being sold a few blocks away from your school.
Looking around, he pulls you to the right, unaware of a certain blond looking for your friend. “Why? I thought you’re gonna be walking me home.” He pouts, the lollipop in his mouth moving to the side as he tugs you towards the shop not far ahead.
Sighing, you tugged Mikey to the side of the road, hoping to not get pushed along by the other students on their way home. Not like they’re going to even try and push either of you, knowing that you two could take them all out even if they tried to gang up on you two.
“I already told you, I need to go with papa to the vet, we got new puppies and he said they need shots or something.” You explained for the nth time today to your still clueless friend. He gives you a blank look before slowly nodding, clearly still not getting what you mean. Frustrated, you’re about to explain again but you’re interrupted when you see a tall blond kid behind Mikey, his hand tapping on Mikey’s shoulder which made your friend turn around.
“Are you Mikey?”
Quirking a brow, you watch your friend nod his head, the same blank look on his face which you can tell is unnerving the other kid.
“Follow me.” The tall kid tells Mikey who obeys quickly, not at all remembering why he even dragged you out of school in the first place.
Exhaling, you had no choice but to follow them as well, not when Mikey decided to hold onto your hand tightly, not at all giving you a choice to leave him. “Where are you taking us?” You finally ask, not at all fine with just following some stranger somewhere creepy. “And what’s your name, tall kid?”
Giving you a side glance, you let out a scoff when it looked like he wasn’t planning on answering any of your questions, but the silent mutter was still caught by your ears. “Draken? That’s your name? Are you sure? Sounds too cool for someone like you.”
Annoyed, Draken lets out a groan at what you said. “Why are you even here? I only asked for Mikey to follow, not you.” He gestures to the silent male beside you who’s too busy finishing the lollipop in his mouth.
“You’re so rude.” You huff out, feigning offense as you return the slight glare that he was giving you. “Besides, it’s not like I wanted to follow you to whatever creepy place you’re trying to bring Mikey into, for all I care, you could kidnap him right now and I wouldn’t even bat an eye.”
“Also, I can’t exactly not follow.” You hold up the hand that Mikey’s still tightly holding onto, said hand now starting to sweat from just how warm Mikey’s hand was. “So, you either let me follow along or I’m taking Mikey with me. We're a package, or so, that’s what Baji-san said the other day.” Shrugging, you don’t mind the look that the taller blond was giving you.
Silence follows after which you don’t particularly mind. Taking the chance to look around, your nerves settle down when you realize that you still recognize the streets that you’re in.
“Ryuguji Ken.”
Looking at the tall male, you see him look away from you, skin tinting pink, be it from the heat of the sun or something else, you’re not sure, nor do you care. “That was so random, I wasn’t even interested in your name anymore.”
Draken whips his head towards you, a glare pointed directly at you as he lets out a small growl, probably irritated at your antics already. “Chill, chill. I’ll quiet up now, no need to glare at me like that, if you continue, I might just let Mikey kick your head for me.” You joke, tugging at your intertwined hands with the still silent male.
A few more seconds of silence and finally, Draken stops, gesturing for the two of you to walk towards the little alley.
Looking inside, you see a bunch of musty looking middle schoolers, their faces littered with fake looking wounds and band-aids. Their hair also looked wacky. Grimacing at the sight, you decide to stay behind, your hand releasing Mikey’s, and without even a second, Mikey runs towards the group. You hear Draken gasp from beside you as he watches Mikey jump high into the air, legs stretched out as your friend kicks down the guys that tried to approach him.
Used to the sight, you looked over at Draken who’s still watching Mikey beat the other kids. Walking around him, you finally notice the big tattoo plastered onto his left temple. Gaping, you reach your hand out, fingers tracing the design while Draken becomes startled from your sudden touch,
“Woah, I didn’t even notice that you had a tattoo. You must be stupid, getting it on your temple. What are you, a masochist?” You question, still admiring the big dragon.
Eyes twitching at your slight insult, Draken faces you. “Maybe you’re the stupid one since you didn’t notice the big ass tattoo on my temple while you were walking behind me-”
“Nah, I just didn’t see it ‘cause your head is too big. It looks like the Globe in the school library-” You get cut off when one of the delinquents that Mikey was beating earlier suddenly crashes onto your tiny body, the guy’s hands grasping your shoulders for support. Wincing, you look down at the guy before grimacing when you see his dirty hands on your shoulders.
“What the hell is your problem? I thought you’re only here for Mikey?” You ask before ripping his hands off of you and raising your leg to kick him away. Your foot makes contact with his face before he gets thrown a few feet away from you and into the small body pile that Mikey created.
Ignoring the gaping look that Draken has on his face, you make Draken hold onto your backpack as you open the small pocket on the side, taking out a small spray bottle. Spraying some alcohol onto your hands, you rub them a bit before spraying some on Mikey’s hands as well. “What the hell have they been doing? They look so dirty, did you see the dirt under their long nails?” Shuddering, you quietly thank Draken for holding onto your bag as you take it back from him, quickly slipping it on.
“What were you doing, hanging out with a bunch of weaklings like them?” Mikey speaks for the first time since Draken made you guys follow him. “From now on, you should hang out with Y/N and I.” You nod along to what your friend was saying before you glanced at your watch.
“Oh no, I need to go Mikey, I’ll see you tomorrow, okay? And you, Draken, I hope to see you soon too! You’re our friend now, you got that?” You holler as you start running home, hoping that your dad isn’t too worried about you being a few minutes late.
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Quickly changing out of your school uniform, your father drove the two of you, along with the two puppies, to the vet. Entering the building, you looked around, amazed by the big pictures of different looking dogs and cats, along with the occasional hamsters and birds. It takes a few minutes for your name to be called but once inside the office of the doctor, you silently sat on the chair, lap occupied by the two puppies, both of them looking around curiously as your father and the doctor talked.
“Now, we’re gonna be giving them their first shots, okay? So that they won’t get sick.” The doctor explains to you as he takes Dora, the black haired puppy, from you and places her on the table.
You watch as he carefully injects the needle. “This might hurt them a bit but it’s for them to grow big and strong.” Nodding along to what the doctor said, you watch as he does the same to Yaki, after that, he shows you two small booklets with some writing in them. “You bring this with you when you come back here, okay?”
Nodding, you carry the two puppies out of the office after your dad told you to go first as he pays for the vaccines.
Making your way out of the clinic, you look around the street, looking for something to eat after your dad comes back, but as you’re looking around, you spot a familiar looking blond with the same temple tattoo of a dragon. Quickly making up your mind, you dart towards the tall kid, puppies still in your arms as you enter the same building that you saw Draken enter.
Looking at the sign outside, you read out ‘Crimson Lily Brothel’ before shrugging your shoulders and entering.
As soon as you entered, you were suffocated by the thick smell of perfume and lotion. Scrunching your nose, you look at the two puppies in your arms, deciding that they might not like the strong smell, you carefully put them inside your shirt, hoping that your shirt will be able to block the smell.
Scanning the room, you see a man behind a counter talking to some beautiful girls.
Walking over, you tap one of the girls on their arm. Turning around, they coo at you, some of their hands making their way to your hair, patting you on the head. “Hey there, little cutie, are you lost?” One of them asks, already trying to lead you out of the building, but before they can even make you take a step out, you shake your head.
“Nope, I’m trying to look for Draken, miss. I saw him enter earlier.” You explain which caused some of the girls to give you a few teasing smiles.
“Oh? You’re here for our cute little Kenny?”
As if he’s being summoned, the tall blond emerges from one of the hallways, a small trash bag slung onto his shoulder. His eyes widen once he meets your gaze, face turning red before he tries to dart away from you, but with your quick reflexes, you carefully but swiftly make your way out of the circle of girls and behind Draken. Grasping his wrist, you force him to turn around, a small pout displayed on your lips.
“Now why were you trying to run away? I just wanted to show you my puppies, y’know. You should be grateful, even Mikey or Keisuke hasn’t seen them yet.” You slowly lift your shirt, showing the two puppies. The girls from before coos at the back, endeared by the cute scene in front of them.
“What the hell are you doing here? You should go home, this isn’t a place for kids y’know! This is a b-”
“A brothel, I know. I’m not stupid, I know where I am.” You huff, insulted by how he thought you were clueless as to where you were. Turning around, you start walking out of the building, but before you can fully exit, you turn back to Draken.
“See you tomorrow, Draken. If I don’t, then I’ll just visit you here again!” You wave goodbye at Draken, along with the still cooing girls and the man from behind the counter who reluctantly waves goodbye back.
Walking towards your dad’s car, you see him just about to exit the clinic, back towards the door as he nods at whatever someone said from inside. But before you can walk any further, someone’s hand grasps your shoulder, turning around, you see Draken looking at you with a look that you can’t quite name. “You sure do like holding onto people’s shoulders.” You muse, remembering what he did to Mikey earlier.
“Aren’t you weirded out?”
“Huh? Weirded out? With what? Your hairstyle?” You lightly rake your fingers through his hair, grimacing when you feel the sticky substance of hair gel. Wiping your hand on his shirt, you carefully take the two puppies out of your shirt once more to fully show them off.
“No, I mean, aren’t you weirded out that I live in a brothel?” He asks, eyes boring into yours which makes you slightly turn to the side. Eye contact makes you uneasy.
“Why should I? Is there something wrong with that?”
“Do you even know what a brothel is?”
“Of course I do. A brothel is a place where people engage in sexual intercourse with sex workers. Simple as that. I don’t see why I have to make a deal out of it, unless... that’s what you want from me? Do you want me to make a big deal out of it?” You question, genuinely confused with how Draken’s acting.
“No, no. That’s not what I mean, I- I just thought, I.” Draken gives up, shoulders dropping as he lets out a deep sigh. “Nothing, it’s nothing. You can, you can visit tomorrow if you want, I guess. Just make sure that your parents know or something.”
“Know what?” Draken jumps, hiding behind you as your dad appears from behind him, a curious look plastered on his face. “And who’s this? Nice tattoo kid, must’ve hurt though, getting it on the temple.” Your dad adds, nodding towards Draken’s dragon tattoo.
“I met him earlier, I’m planning on visiting him tomorrow or something, he lives there.” You point at the building behind you. Cocking a brow, your dad nods.
“Alright then, mind giving me a number that I can call? Just to make sure that my daughter’s not in trouble or anything?”
Draken nods, typing in his guardian’s number into your dad’s phone. Once done, your dad thanks Draken, telling him to go back home and that you’ll be going home now.
Bowing, Draken awkwardly waves at your dad goodbye before doing the same to you. “See you tomorrow then! We can hang out at Mikey’s house and I’ll make sure to introduce you to Keisuke tomorrow. He’s crazy but he has nice pants and cool fangs!” You shout as you finally get in the car, Dora and Yaki peeking out from the window.
Draken nods, watching as you drive off, his mind whirling at what just happened.
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all rights reserved © armycandy10, 2021. do not copy or repost any of my works! likes/reblogs/feedbacks are very appreciated~
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Love Cuts Deep
Chapter 4- You Cannot Cage A Wolf
Bucky Barnes x (f)reader Series Rewrite (Civil War, Infinity War/Endgame, TFATWS)
Summary: Fuck the police and Ironman for that matter, now how the hell are you and Bucky going to manage getting out of this mess?
Warning: violence no duh, bucky going through it, bit o angst, things getting hectic
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To say you were pissed would be the understatement of the century, again, you were locked in a cage of steel and glass. Surrounded by enemies who’d rather see you dead, but maybe you deserved it. 
The Romanian combat police had locked you and Bucky into separate concealed glass confinements before loading the two of you into one long metal truck. Purposely facing the tiny prisons face to face with one another so that you would have full access to witnessing the discomfort and irritation on each other’s faces while armed officers sat to either side.
Well you’re not sure if it was exactly intentional, but still, at least you could make sure Bucky was okay and him you.
Your hands and legs are guarded by thick metal as your shoulders and upper arms keep firmly held by a small cage of steel; your body forced to sit for hours on end as the security trucks drive you both all the way to Berlin, Germany. A fucking 18 hour field trip by vehicle, at least you got some pee breaks.
Staring angrily at Bucky’s hand, you wish nothing more then to break out of here and fucking gut the assholes responsible for your unlawful imprisonments, Bucky did absolutely nothing to T’Challa and why the hell would they think you’re involved with his fathers death? It doesn’t make any sense. Not at all.
Why would anyone want the two of you for that matter?
Suddenly the truck jostles and stirs before stopping completely as you start to feel the shift of the vehicle reversing into something, your eyes immediately look up to find Bucky who’s already focused on you. His eyes are sad and full of pain for how they’ve treated you like an animal, caged you like a wild cat, more so then what they’ve done to himself. He never wanted you to deal with any shit like this again, not after the traumatic history Hydra had befallen on you for so many years. You don’t deserve this.
Returning a small smile, you give him a playful wink of reassurance before your glass and metal prison is rolled backwards and away from Bucky. Your fists clench in vexation and enmity for the current shit situation you happen to be sucked into, you feel like a beast at a goddamn freak show. Soon you’re rolled into a yawning chasmal underground parking garage of sorts, as flashing emergency lights from police cruisers blink annoyingly from your left while their riders park. 
This must be some government building here in Berlin, you think, eyes wandering around at the secured cavernous glass and metal interior. Sliding clear doors make the entrance way to your far left wall, while further into the spacious room is a large wall of cement, more doors in various areas and a large staircase ascending into a giant balcony onto the next floor up.
Bucky’s cell is placed next to yours by another forklift as he glances at Steve drearily, while you throw nothing but an irritated scowl at the back of Steve just as Sam and T’Challa exit the black security van. Guards dressed in black attire close by. They soon make a swift yet cautious admission over to greet some short salt and peppered haired man in a dull grey suit, a blonde woman also with an equal amount of security by his side. Three armed guards in the back and three behind Steve. 
What the hell are these people so afraid of? And why is any of this happening?
You can’t quit tell what’s being said from the concealed limitation of your moveable prison to where these assumingly high end important government officials are placed. It’s incredibly frustrating that you could just about scream, but now where would that get you? Probably smacked by some electrical shocking stick, those bastards, you think bitterly.
Soon the group appears to make some agreement before the shorter grey haired man nods an approval of invitation and with that does Steve, Sam, and T’Challa follow the short man and blonde woman farther away. All you or Bucky are able to witness before the doors to the new hallway you’re currently being pushed into closes, is the group walking for some glass doors that show a long hallway.
Then the giant metal doors slam shut in your face. 
The forklift holding onto your portable prison cell ascends down the hallway as armed guards keep watch from both sides, walking in step with the pace of the lift as a set of eight in total surround yours and Bucky’s confinements. A minute later they bring your steel box into a windowless cement room, turning you to face the exit, your cells are rolled separately across some caution tape before all comes to a halt. Finally.
Your eyes follow the movements of regular security guards as they take long thick wires from the side of the stone walls, plugging them into your prisons as the lights inside flicker for a brief moment, stabilizing in a second. One guard gives you a wary yet curious glance before snapping his head down when your fearsome glare just about smacks him in the face, quickly after that, everyone leaves before shutting the sliding metal doors that hide you both from the outside world.
Waiting a moment, your eyes dance suspiciously across the room, “Y/N.” Calls Bucky, causing you to snap your attention over to him.
“What?” You mumble somberly, gaze trailing all over his stoically pensive expression, he’s without a doubt not pleased to be here. Though having you next to him makes things more bearable. 
“Can you breath alright?” He asks worriedly, due to the thick plastic half face mask that prevents you from properly communicating with anyone, guess the Romanian police didn’t appreciate you calling them bastards. Among other things.
“Yeah.” You mumble out once again before pulling up on the metal clasps to no avail, what is this even made out of, “They got us pretty good, Buck. This might be a bit of a challenge to get out of...”
“You think we’re getting out of these things?”
“Well.......I’m being optimistic....so, uh.....there’s always a chance.”
The smallest of smile reveals itself for a flash of a second as Bucky forgets where you are and just welcomes your never ending humor, “You think they’re watching us?”
“Without a doubt. If I could flip them off I would.” You chuckle as your eyes trail up to the tiny dark sphere in your prison, yeah that’s definitely a camera. “Dickheads.” You mutter to whoever is listening.
“What do you think they’re going to do to us?” Wonders Bucky after a long moment of silence.
Taking a heavy breath you lean your head back, “Oh I don’t know. They’ll probably put me down like an old dog and then you’ll get broken out of jail by the Captain America himself.......you’ll probably be fine.”
Shaking his head, he looks over at your relatively bored face, “What if we’re not.”
Sensing his growing anxiety for your future placement, you turn to face him, “Then I’ll......uh........break us out of here?” You muse with an unsure shrug, well the best you can with the steel hugging your shoulders.
“Not all of us can take multiple bullets and survive.” Deadpans Bucky as you frown, he’s got you there.
“Okay uh.....let me think for a second.......uh, alright I got it..” You chirp enthusiastically before your face falls just as quickly as you let out a defeated, “...fuck never mind I don’t want murder charges.”
Bucky could have laughed, “I think we’d need to be more stealthy, and anyways there’s to many cameras.”
“Yeah.” You mutter dully, “Too many goddamn cameras.”
After about twenty minutes of mindlessly sitting in your cell while Bucky sits equally as bored from his own space a couple feet next to you, a man of relative height and stature walks into the large windowless cement room, a black book shaped travel bag hanging from his shoulder. He smiles in greeting at the two of you, though you can tell behind those glasses of his it’s anything but friendly. It’s strange, the way that his dark eyes reveal no true form of kindness or pleasantries. 
Who the hell is this now?
The dark blondes beady umber irises flicker curiously from Bucky to you and back to Bucky again, a sort of childlike wonder flashing through them as he steps closer to the nearby desk.
“Hello, Mr. Barnes.” Nods the man in an almost Sokovian like accent, kinda sounds like you, greeting set on Bucky before he sends you a devious grin, “Miss. Valerious.” He nods, inquisitive eyes studying your stoic face of pure daggers as you breath steadily in your muzzle, “I’ve been sent by the United Nations to evaluate your partner here, so you needn’t worry, your time is not with me. But I ask if you please give me my time with him, that is all.” Assures the strange man as he focuses his attention back on Bucky again; eh, not like you have much of a choice.
“Do you mind if I sit?” Asks the dark eyed man as Bucky simply stares, suspicious and bored out of his mind; you naturally roll your scrutinizing leer as the man seats himself next to a table farther away in front of you two.
Guess he’s not leaving anytime soon.
“You’re first name is James?” Wonders the man though you can tell he already knows the answer; with pursed lips does he shrug innocently, “I’m not here to judge you. I just want to ask a few questions. Do you know where you are James?”
Bucky keeps silent, and all you want to do is smack that annoying blondes glasses right off of his face, “I can’t help if you don’t talk to me, James.”
“My name is Bucky.” Begrudgingly mumbles your irritated companion, while your brows set hard in puzzlement for where this conversation is going.
Writing something down in his notes, the man nods, “Tell me something Bucky. You’ve seen a great deal, haven’t you?”
Bucky glares, “I don’t wanna talk about it.”
“You fear that if you open your mouth, the horrors might never stop.” Mutters the blonde man as you scoff, his dark eyes instantly snap over to you.
“Come over here and I’ll show you something terrifying.” You threaten, though your voice is mumbled and husky through the damn mask covering your mouth from properly speaking. He hands you a fake smile in reply, appearing to enjoy your menacing presage nonetheless.
Dark eyes set back onto Bucky, he hums, “Don’t worry. We only have to talk about one.” You watch in curiosity as he looks down at his touchpad screen, a satisfied little grin appearing onto his thin lips when suddenly the lights go dark, sending the room into pitch blackness. 
Though your sight shifts to dull grays and blues to counter this with your enhanced vision. A second later the dim emergency lights glow from up above giving the room a dull blue tint. While a red one blinks off and on repetitively in the shadowed room. The fuck?
“What the hell is this?” Grumbles Bucky as your eyes trail warily and alert over to the man as he draws his chair back to stand, though he remains seated. 
“Why don’t we discuss your home? Not Romania. Certainly not Brooklyn, no.” Taking a faded red book out of his traveling bag, your eyes squint in suspicion as you notice a large black star printed on the front while he continues, “Your real home.”
oh, fuck
Turning to face Bucky, you’re alarmed to witness as his face appears conflicted and anxious; he’s afraid, soon the man rises to his feet before opening up the book and begins walking towards Bucky’s cell. A smile on his face as he begins speaking in Russian, “Longing.”
“No.” Mutters your lover as he blinks hard before staring hopelessly up at the ceiling.
“Stop.” Protests Bucky as he turns to throw you a pleading look, you frown, not sure what’s happening but you know it can’t be good. Hydra never did anything like this to you, no trigger words, just good old childhood manipulation and the occasional beating if you didn’t comply.
“Seventeen.” Speaks the man as Bucky’s face darkens with anger.
“Stop.” He growls furiously as heavy breaths push at his chest with building adrenaline.
“Daybreak.” A frustrated ragged scream emits from Bucky’s lips as his fists clench and muscles tighten, the man smirks as he gets closer to Bucky’s cage.
“Stop it!” You cry desperately while Bucky yells before ripping the metal from his left hand and breaking the metal clasp on his right, an animalistic growl sounding from deep within his throat as panic sets rooted into your stomach, “Fuck off!” You scream frantically, “I’ll gut you like a goddamn fish!”
Giving a pernicious grin, he ignores you, “Furnace.”
You watch in horror as Bucky emits a roaring cry of desperate anger as he begins pounding furiously against the glass. Coming back to your senses you ignore the mess happening next to you as your muscles contract and strain against the tight metal clasps caging your forearms, shoulders, and legs to the chair.
You listen to more heavy pounding on glass as a hopeless ragged cry of futile rage rips forth from your throat in an anguished attempt at breaking free. Pulling your arms upward, your flesh strains viciously against the tough metal clasps while you struggle to free yourself. A moment later the metal clasps begin to groan and creak as they loosen accordingly, your strength forcing them into compliance.
A thin sheet of sweat emits from the side of your face while you yell in frustration at the weight of the locks against your wrists, Bucky pounds furiously, soon metal fist starts cracking though thick glass as you finally rip the metal clasps from off of your right arm, “Fuck off!” You roar threateningly, eyes wild and raging like a bursting dragons flame unto a hopeless stick village, the man simply shifts his gaze back down to the book.
He ignores you; heart beating a mile a minute, you unsheathe your right claws only to free your left hand from the abrasive metal lock as he continues to pound his fist against the slowly breaking glass door. Raising your hands to the back of your lower head, you forcefully rip the thick plastic muzzle from off of your face with a distinctive cracking sound emitting from the strong material.
“Nine.” Speaks the dark eyed blonde as he walks in between the two of your cells, appearing unafraid of your threats from earlier even as he witnesses you breaking free from the steel clasps on your legs now.
“Freight car.”
Instantly your head snaps up to watch as Bucky’s glass door flies violently across the room and onto the harsh ground below; your breath hitches as all goes silent. The mans back is to you as he calmly walks over to Bucky who’s crouched onto the floor like a predator ready to strike, a second later he slowly rises to his feet. Though all life is gone from his dark pools of inky blue, he’s not your Bucky anymore.
“Soldier?” Whispers the dark eyed man in wonder, confident that his plan has effectively worked, whatever the fuck kind of plan in question.
Eyes wide, you swallow thickly as Bucky stares at the door, face noticeably covered in sweat, his eyes stare forward like a beast waiting to kill. He’s nothing but a vessel for chaotic destruction.
Breathing heavily, Bucky speaks in Russian, “Ready to comply.”
Suddenly the frustration in you boils over into pure animalistic rage for what this fucker has done to him, screaming bitterly, you punch the glass, slicing three thin lines straight through the material. The blonde one gives you a wary glance before addressing the Winter Soldier, “Mission report. December 16, 1991.”
“Bucky, don’t tell him shit!” You cry frantically in Russian, hoping that the Winter Soldier consuming him might hear something familiar in your desperation; whatever this man wants, you know full well what happened that night which means his motives are anything but friendly. If that wasn’t already apparent.
Bucky blinks, eyes shifting to the new ringmaster in control.
It’s no use, he’s not there, it’s what Hydra had made of him and now he must obey; Bucky ignores as you pound and scream for him to stop, to shut the hell up and come back to you but it’s all in vain. He tells the bastard everything in a matter of seconds as your face falls.
Heart pounding with adrenaline, you slash a clean line that rips right through the bolts of the door in wild fury, it sparks against your Adamantuim claws while creaking in protest as you finally kick it open. The huge door clatters and clashes to the ground as you step out of the glass prison and onto the cement flooring of the large windowless room. Red emergency lights flashing behind you as they make your tense form appear as sort of a clawed beast rising from straight out of hell.
The dark eyed man warily turns to you, when a sudden childlike excitement dances across his features as he takes a cautious step back, a small thrilled smirk pulling at his lips. The mans obsidian pools flicker over to Bucky who keeps a steady death stare with the wall ahead, the man nods in approval for his painstaking work before trailing his eyes over to you, “Soldier. Kill the Hellcat.” Smirks the man as your eyes shift reluctantly from himself to Bucky. 
oh shit, you think miserably as your heart feels like its just sunk to the bottom of the ocean. Swallowing thickly, tears threaten to spill as your body shakes with racing adrenaline, your breaths noticeably heavier as you willingly begin retracting your claws. 
The familiar metal sinks painfully back into your skin as you stare them down distastefully. Frowning deeply, you slowly pull your hands up into fists, readying your stance for the fight that’s inevitably about to come.
Making a sickened face, you swallow nervously as Bucky takes a step forward with eyes set like a wolf to his prey. Reluctantly your feet move an apprehensive step closer, “Fuck.” You mutter under your breath as Bucky makes the first move. 
God why does your head hurt so damn much? Is the room spinning?
When you come to, the lights are still blinking an obnoxious red as you lay sprawled out across the cement floor, a puddle of blood trailing in a couple of dark-red thin lines from beneath your head to the yellow hazard stickers placed on the ground.
The air smells of blood and sweat as you suck in a deep breath before moving to sit up, at least the headache is gone, your eyes trail warily across the empty room as you touch the back of your head to get an understanding of what the hell happened here.
You can’t remember a thing.
A warm wetness greets your finger tips to no surprise, pulling them away, you study the murky crimson liquid staining your fingertips before your mind heals completely, your brain matter fusing back accordingly. Bits of the missing puzzle pieces soon form a coherent picture as you sit back in shock from the violent happenings that resulted in you bloody on the ground. 
 The man commanded Bucky to kill you.
The two of you indeed fought, but knowing that if you wanted to win you’d have to kill him yourself; Bucky kept his life as you let the Winter Soldier end yours. After dodging fist after fist thrown at you by Bucky, you finally gave in and let him pin you to the ground before he grabbed your face with his metal hand, smashing your skull against the cement floor in one dangerous deafening blow. Then it was over and...
Where even is he?
Picking yourself up, you quickly wander into the nearest opening only to be greeted by a multitude of unconscious guards, walking further down, you furrow your brows at the heavily dented elevator door where it appears that someone had been forced through. Touching the bent metal you sniff the air, it smells of Bucky and Steve. They couldn’t have been here less then thirty seconds ago.
Shifting to the right, you book it down the hallway to the sounds of strained grunts and fists hitting flesh. Soon you’ve found yourself at the edge of a large excessively windowed room, presumably the food court of sorts in this excessively ginormous place.
In the center is Bucky who’s absolutely beating the shit out of everyone making frugal attempts at stopping him. Your eyes observe Tony who’s positioned a good distance away as he breaths heavily from the floor, eyes wide in shock while he cradles one of his arms. The blonde haired woman from earlier appears in pain as she lays on her back, a broken table underneath her as the Black Widow squeezes Bucky’s neck with her thighs.
Natasha uses her elbows as a battering ram against his skull while he walks with her over to the closest table before slamming her roughly against the metal; he glares fiercely down at the Black Widow before using his titanium fist to choke the life out of her as she struggles against his weight.
Stepping into the huge room, your boots pound against the flooring as you deliver a powerful kick to Bucky’s strong waist, he tumbles across the thin carpeting before jumping to his feet in an instant. Natasha regains her lungs in a choked gasp as you throw a fist at Bucky’s chest, deflecting it, you use this new side lined momentum to duck under his approaching blow as you slide on the flooring, missing a fatal hit to your face by mere inches.
No more face shots please.
He whips around from the near miss, charging you once again; preparing for the worst of the Winter Soldier, your shoulders line up with his approaching body as your eyes calculate his next move. But when he readies his arm to punch, you slide to the side before swiftly twisting your body around to face him once more, all done within less then two seconds.
Watching his head turn left in confusion, you kick his back harshly onto the ground with the power enough to rival that of a lioness before huffing in frustration as he surges to his feet; you immediately halt in your tracks when out of nowhere T’Challa kicks Bucky across the floor. Soon the two men dance like two skilled warriors before Bucky takes the upper hand and whips the prince over the carpeted floor.
Blinking in bewilderment, you watch as he races up the stairs; the Winter Soldier doing his absolute best to get the fuck out of there, knowing he’s outnumbered by two and wary of getting his shit rocked by you again. Though he’s not even fully aware why you’re attacking him since his mind is back at Hydra and last he remembers you where on their side, and presumably bleeding out in another room.
Breathing heavily, you turn to share an awkward moment of uncertain eye contact with the prince of Wakanda before he throws you a half restrained dirty look, sprinting up the stairs after Bucky.
You’re able to take one step before a raspy voice snaps your attention over to a table, it’s Natasha, “Y/N.” She gasps through strained breaths.
Clenching your fists you leave those two to work it out as you swiftly approach the ex-assassin, “What?!” You snap.
Forcing herself into a seated position, she gingerly touches her bruising throat, “Guess you where right.” She chuckles painfully.
“Right about what?” You bark with a frown, eyes flickering over to Bucky and T’Challa as they throw jabs on the stairway landing.
“Last we met. You said I’d be lucky if we never met again. Guess you where right.”
“You’re an ex-assassin how lucky did you really expect to be?” You retort before taking a step for the ascending stairs when a hand takes your wrist.
“You have to stop him.” Urges Natasha, “No one here’s an equal force, you’re the Hellcat Y/N, you have to stop him no matter the cost.”
Throwing her an irritated glare at hearing your Hydra code name yet again, you growl like a wounded beast, “I’m not killing anyone!”
“You might not have a choice.” Challenges the red head with a pleading yet stern display, understanding that Bucky means more to you then just simple companionship.
“There’s always a choice!” You grumble angrily, heart pounding a mile a minute as you huff before turning for the stairs only to meet a disheveled and deeply confused prince, he’s sweating and looks rather conflicted as his dark eyes scan frantically around the room for any sign of Bucky.
Suddenly his eyes land on you, freezing in place, your mind swirls with what to do next; you’re a wanted criminal in plain sight and for some reason this prince wants Bucky and presumably you, dead.
Shifting your panicked gaze over to Nat, you shake your head before turning to T’Challa as you scowl like an angry brute, “If you touch me, I’ll gut you.” And with that heavy threat do you swiftly turn on your heels and race out the closest door and into the nearest hallway. Leaving Natasha and prince T’Challa with their lives.
Now where did Bucky go?
Running past door after door while the emergency lights annoyingly scream their bright red colors in caution of extreme danger, though you and Bucky are technically the “extreme danger”. Soon you take a hard right turn and immediately slam into the firm chest of Steve as he books it down the hallway for some door hanging open at the far end.
Falling into the closest wall, you don’t have time to wait on the pain emitting from your arm as he mutters a quick apology as the six foot two American hauls ass for the exit door. Recovering in no time, you press a bloody handprint against the wall before turning after Steve. Funny, you don’t ever remember cutting yourself on anything. Doesn’t matter.
Bursting open the cracked door, bright blinding rays of sunlight glare annoyingly in your eyes while your pupils adjust to the new terrain, soon your eyes catch the dramatic scene unfolding in front of you farther down on the helicopter landing area.
Perplexed, you stand in astonishment as Bucky attempts to take off in the chopper while Steve fruitfully leaps mid-air before tightly grasping onto the aircraft’s landing skids.
He pulls down hard, face straining in intense efforts to keep Bucky from escaping and heading into God-knows-where. Legs moving quickly, you race up the small flight of stairs leading onto the huge landing pad as Steve struggles fiercely to hold it down.
But before you’re able to aid in putting an end to Bucky’s fruitful efforts, he slams the chopper into the cement; causing you to leap backwards for fear of getting your guts sliced open by the blades. You’re helpless to watch as Steve narrowly misses becoming a decapitated corpse as the blades crash violently against the ground.
Chunks of stone and steel go flying in all directions as you shield your face from the debris. But as the dust settles, you peer from over your forearm to watch as Bucky’s metal arm bursts through the glass only to immediately grasp around Steve’s neck.
“Fuck.” Slips silently from out of your lips as you take a couple cautious steps forward while moving reluctantly towards the shit show; how has the last 20 hours gone so goddamn terribly?
Creeeek. Sounds the destroyed helicopter as it suddenly begins a slow ascend over the platform edge, where a large river awaits with open arms to presumably swallow whole the broken aircraft. Now in a panicked sprint, you race over the rubble as the last of the chopper, Bucky, and Steve are seen before they plummet to the waters below.
“No!” You cry helplessly as you reach the peak of the landing, nothing beneath you except for the broken tail of the chopper and a plethora of air bubbles.
Tagged: @diegos-butt @minigranger @bibliophilewednesday @holyhumorliteraturelight @lilacs-lavender @a-girl-who-loves-disney @starkssnarks @vikingqueen28 @bizarrebibitch @atomicpersonacheesecake @jmstz @staygoldsquatchling02 @marvelbros-oneshots @shawnartmendes​ @iamasimpingh0e
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socks, penguins, and dinosaurs
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summary: you and spencer are roommates, both living in the same apartment as you’re on your way to obtaining your MD and Spencer applying to be a part of the bau. although, despite the germaphobe spencer is, he seems to love leaving his clothes everywhere
word count: 1,081                                                                                               reading time aprox: 4 mins
Clothes were piled up on the floor, various colors of t-shirts and blouses littered every inch of the apartment I shared with Spencer. Sifting through the mess, I began picking up all the soiled clothes and placing them at their appropriate places, gagging as diverse scents infiltrated my nose. 
I sighed, scratching the back of my neck as I witnessed the amount of laundry I would have to do. I huffed all the way back to my room, taking a peek at Spencer’s, only to notice that he wasn’t present at the moment. 
He better have went to go grocery shopping or else that IQ of his won’t be saving him from the slap on the forehead I’m about to give him. 
I dramatically tossed myself onto the sheets of the bed, staring up at the ceiling with crossed arms. I tossed and turned as I laid sprawled and tangled up in my covers, accidently kicking throw pillows off to the side. 
I can’t seem to get some warmth with whatever I do. 
I groaned in frustration, rubbing the palms of my hands on my arms in attempt to generate some sort of heat. I stood back up to look at the thermometer and noticed that it was 60 degrees in the room. I dragged myself up to my dresser, scrummaging through the mess in a haste in attempt to find warmer clothing. I grabbed an oversized turtleneck, another pair of sweatpants, and some winter mittens. While searching for a fuzzy pair of socks, I realized all of my pairs were in the laundry. 
“For the sake of everything living” I cursed at myself, wallowing in defeat and discomfort while waddling back to the layers of my comforter. 
That’s when it hit me.
My eyes sprung open as I leaped out of the bed, walking towards the hall where Spencer’s bedroom was. I creeped keeping an eye out for him, knowing he could be home any moment. With agile and delicate footsteps, I snuck into Spencer’s room, waving hi to Casper, Spencer’s cat, that peered at me from his bookshelves filled with science fiction novels. 
I combed through his dresser, foraging for any pairs of socks. Although, there were only piles of sweater vests and his Doctor Who t-shirts that he wore to sleep. After a while of rummaging through his belongings, I finally found his sock drawer, only to find that not a single one matched. 
His drawer was up to the brim with an array of patterns from solid colors to one with zigzags and dinosaurs on them. 
For a 23 year old man, you wouldn’t think he’d still have dinosaurs on his socks.
I laughed to myself, pulling out an orange sock with penguins printed on them and the same dinosaur sock that I poked fun at. 
I wonder what patterns he has on his underwe- Nope, no, not going to think about that. That’s for a different time. 
I cringed at the thought, sliding on the mismatched pair of socks, smiling as I wiggled my toes, making the little penguins and dinosaurs dance harmoniously as I sat on his bed. 
I looked over at Casper, only for him to be staring at me as well. “What do you think Casper?” I looked down at my feet, referring to the socks, earning a small meow from Casper. 
“You know Casper, you seriously need to pee on at least 50% of Spencer’s socks so he can finally go out and buy some new on-”
I was cut off by a loud bang, making me yelp in surprise and tumble off of Spencer’s bed. While getting up, I saw a head of hair peep into the room. Turns out that head of hair was Spencer. 
“Hey, are you okay Y/N?’ 
Concern was evident in his tone, until his eyes landed on me and the attire I had on. His eyebrows furrowed in confusion until he noticed the mittens I had worn in my hands. He let out a chuckle shaking his head as Casper jumped off from his post, startling me also. 
“Do I wanna know?” Spencer asked, peering at me with a playful condescending smirk, crossing his arms as he leaned against the doorframe. 
“Oh shut up, you celery stick” I sneered. “You know for a germaphobe, you sure like to leave your clothes laying around” I declared, shooting him a judgemental glare, making the smirk on his face grow. 
He walked over to his bed, plopping himself down next to me as he placed his satchel on the floor. “I don’t wanna know the story Y/L/N. If it makes you feel any bet- Wait, is...are those my socks?” He glanced down at my feet, snickering as he noticed the dinosaurs and penguins. “So you’ve started stealing all my socks now”.
I let out a dissatisfied groan, shoving a throw pillow onto my face, not wanting to give Spencer the satisfaction of seeing embarrassment visible in my expression. 
“It’s kinda cute” He confessed, grabbing the pillow that I desperately hid my face in and tossing it aside. “Although, you do need to shave your cankles, it’s starting to look like mine” He teased, earning a swift knock to the head from me. 
“Shut up Spence” I sighed, letting my eyes close and letting Spencer’s covers engulf me. “How was your day anyway?” I questioned, turning to look at him. 
“Good...my application went through” He replied, not taking his eyes off of the ceiling as we lay in his bed sideways. 
“What went through?”
“My application to the BAU, I just got a call from one of the head agents, Aaron Hotchner and told me to be there Monday morning” He confessed. 
I jumped up in excitement, making the bed sway in different directions. “No fucking way Spence, really?” I shrieked, grabbing his arm and waving it around in excitement. He laughed at my childlike manner, sitting straight up to continue observing my reaction. 
“Do you know this means that we’re going to have to get you some regular socks now, right agent Spence?” I suggested.
“You know that’s never going to happen and it’s Doctor” He retorted
I sighed leaning my head onto his shoulder, watching Casper walk through the crack between the door and the doorframe. A half smile etched onto my lips as I thought about the many doors this opportunity opens up for Spencer. 
“Hey Spence?”
“Are there dinosaurs and penguins on your underwear too?” 
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spencersprentiss · 4 years
Best. Present. Ever. (Roommate!Spencer X Reader)
a/n: I know I’m cutting it a little close, but I had this idea and really wanted to get it out. I really hope you guys like it and aren’t to mad at me for putting off “Where is my mind?” for this. Unsub!Spencer doesn’t really scream Christmas. 
Summary: y/n has feelings for their coworker and roommate. So Jack decides to help them out a little. 
Word count: 1310
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“Thank you y/n, this means a lot. Are you sure there’s nothing I can do to make it up to you?” Hotch yells from Jacks’ room while helping him get dressed. You pull your vision from your bouncing leg back to the rest of the room. 
“Of course not, I’m happy to help!” You call back as thumps descend the stairs. In seconds Jack is jumping the second to last step and looking back at Hotch. 
“Dad, I’m gonna pee before I leave with y/n!” You’re smiling as he races down the hall towards the bathroom and Hotch sits beside you to put his shoes on. 
“Really, thank you so much. We’re rarely home from a case, and when we are I’m here with Jack. Normally Haley would get all of Jacks’ presents so it just slipped my mind this year.” He lowers his voice, to assure his son can’t hear or out of guilt, you can’t tell. You rest your hand on his shoulder and sigh. 
“I know, but hey, we’re all here to help and I promise. You just get through this, and it’ll all get easier from there.” He nods and wipes the tears from his eyes.  
“I’m ready!” Jack yells, bounding toward you and pushing you back on the couch. “I missed you.” He states as his arms squeeze your shoulders tightly. Hotch smiles at the display of affection from his son. 
“I missed you too little man!” You laugh and start to tickle him. “You wanna come with me to pick up my gift for uncle Spencer?” You ask as his laughter dies down. He nods enthusiastically and you grin. 
“Let’s get going!” He grabs your hand and pulls you off the couch.  
"Did you get it?" Your voice rings cautiously from the door. You bite your lip and tighten your grip on Jacks' hand in anticipation. 
"Yes! Oh god y/n it's perfect. He's going to love it!" Oz calls across the shop and you drop Jacks' hand, taking off in a sprint. 
"Let me see!" You yell as Jack makes his way to the kids spot in the back of the store to pet the cat. 
"Original press, perfect condition, y/n it's an original copy." Her voice fills with amazement as you take the book from her hand. The Works of Edgar Allan Poe inscribed in gold on the blue felt spine. 
"I swear, if you don't give him that note that you spent hours writing, I'll kill you." She laughs and your heart drops. 
"What if I give it to him and he says he doesn't love me too?" You ask, running your fingers along the corners of the book. 
"Trust me, he's going to. He loves you kiddo." She smiles warmly at you and you nod. 
"I hope you're right." You huff, the patter of feet cuts off your conversation. 
"y/n, I'm thirsty." Jack smiles up at you and Oz pulls an apple juice from the fridge. 
"So did what I gave you cover it, or do you need more?" You wince at the thought of how expensive the book in your hands should be. 
"I took care of the rest hon, you just tell that boy you love him and give me two dollars for the kids juice." She smiles while pointing at Jack. 
You nod, anxiety still littering your body. 
"Hey, he's going to tell you he loves you too." She pats your shoulder and you smile, giving her the money for Jacks' drink. 
"Okay! It's time for presents!" Garcia shouts and you all gather in Rossis' living room. 
Jack sits in your lap as Morgan sorts through the gifts. Lots of laughs and 'thank you's carry across the room as the team opens their gifts. 
"Oh my god-" You hear Spencer inhale sharply and your gaze snaps up. He's looking at the book, grinning like an idiot with tears in his eyes. "You found one." He looks up and you, and your heart clenches at the joy in his eyes. 
"Yeah, took me like five months." You laugh, everyone in the room watching the scene unfold. 
"y/n… this probably cost so much. Why would you do this? I would have taken socks." He laughs and you giggle. Another voice cuts you off before you can speak. 
"Cause that's the stuff you do when you're in love. Right, dad?" Jack looks up from his new art set, courtesy of JJ, to his father. You feel your heart stop, and Spencers' jaw drops slightly. The room stills. 
"How about we go outside?" Hotch laughs, grabbing his son and making a b-line for the back door, the others tailing close behind. 
"Yeah?" You ask softly, keeping your gaze on the floor. 
"Have you opened your present from me yet?" He asks you, as if it's the simplest thing in the world. You shake your head. "I think you should." 
Your hands are shaking as you take the box from your pile. 
"Didn't I wrap this?" You ask, glancing up at him. He nods, still watching you intently. 
"Wrapped your own present and didn't even know." He nods and you force a laugh. 
When you open the box, you're met with a pair of custom FBI converse that you had asked for a few months prior. It was something you had off-handedly mentioned to Spencer while laying on the couch one night. 
“Spence, they’re amazing!” You smile up at him, and he nods back at the box, telling you to continue. The shoes are placed on a small tin box, one you hadn’t seen in almost two years. 
You make quick work, pushing the shoes away and opening them. Sure enough, the inside is filled with an assortment of things from your childhood. Notes, report cards, pictures, small things you had collected over the 4 years of highschool. 
“I-” The words catch in your throat as you look through all of the things you considered to be long gone. “I lost these when we moved into the new apartment.” You look up at him, and he had tears running down his face to match yours. 
“You were so upset when we lost it in the move. All of the things you kept close were gone. So a few months ago, I tracked it. I know every single person who touched it between the old apartment and now.” A sob escapes you and he bites his lip. “I added a note.” 
He moves to the spot beside you and takes the lid softly from your hand. He pulls a small note from it’s tape, and hands it to you. You look into his eyes, and you see how anxious he really is. 
“I’m not going to read this.” You whisper softly, and set it in the box. He looks shocked, and for a second it feels like you stepped on a puppy. 
“Why not?” He asks, pain is his voice, more tears wheeling in his eyes. 
“Because I wrote you a note too, and now it’s under my mattress, I’m not going to tell you that I’ve been in love with you for five years by giving you a note. And you’re not either. You state, and before you can continue, his lips are on yours.  It feels right. The two of you, like this, holding each other. 
“I love you.” He breathes against your lips. 
“I love you to-” Another voice cuts off yours. 
“Guys! Hurry up it’s fucking freezing out here!” Emily screams, and a shout of ‘language’ comes from Garcia and JJ. You roll your eyes as footsteps carry into the house. 
“Aaron, I’d like to have a chat with your son.” You smile, crossing your arms over your chest. The room fills with laughter and Spence holds your hand. Best. Present. Ever. 
Tags: So i don’t really have a taglist for one-shots because this is my first one, so I’m just going to use the series tags. Please let me know if you don’t want to be tagged for these!
  @fish-on-trees  @pumpkin-goob @reidsmissmatchedsocks​ @lets-be-gay-for-the-angel​ @eva-cadeau​
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piratewithvigor · 3 years
Chapter 4: 2013
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In which our hero goes camping again
“Come on, we should be there soon, shouldn’t we?”
“Can’t you stop griping and just enjoy the walk?”
“How can I? You spent the three months before we moved here telling me about how dangerous this place is. Quizzing me on how to defend myself against 400 different species.”
“Aww, are you scared?”
Kane couldn’t help but laugh. Daniel was terrified out of his wits. It was almost painfully obvious. Every time he thought Kane couldn’t see him, his eyes kept darting around the trees surrounding them. Inspecting the trees for things that might want to kill them. Which was fairly useless; everything in the Valley wanted to kill them, but nothing would dare. They knew they were under protection of the Undertaker and the creatures of the Valley respected such protection.
Even still, it just took one rogue beast to end both of them and turn them into dinner. They wouldn’t hesitate if they were hungry; the only vegan in the Valley was Daniel.
He took Daniel’s hand gently, doing his best to soothe his husband. Having had hardly any touches that weren’t meant to hurt him for decades, sometimes the gentler touches took Kane a little longer to get used to. Daniel was still the only one he could bear to touch for an extended length of time and certainly the only one he could bring himself to initiate such a touch with.
The gesture didn’t go unnoticed. Daniel exhaled softly as he squeezed a little.
He’d been excited for this trip. Hiking, camping; they were some of his favorite hobbies outside the ring. It was usually like pulling teeth to get Kane to want to come along. But he’d suggested this trip. The trip he used to take with his family on the first weekend of autumn. Spending the night in the woods of the Valley together, bonding. Kane didn’t talk about his family from before the fire too often, so Daniel was certainly not going to question why he brought it up then. Of course, at the time, the excitement had overridden the recollection that camping in the Valley was about equally dangerous as camping on a cliff face in the Grand Canyon. Except the danger was only held at bay by an unspoken supernatural promise.
So many questions from the Valley were better left unasked and just accepted.
“You’re gonna like it,” Kane promised. “It’s pretty. A lot of really soft grass.”
“I trust you.” Daniel wasn’t going to add that for as long as he’d lived there, he’d hardly seen any living grass, let alone really soft grass. Kane was excited, so he was going to keep his worries at bay. “You’re sure you remember the way, right?”
“Spent a night here every year for six years. I could find the clearing in my sleep.”
“Maybe, but that was thirty years ago.”
“Are you calling me old?”
“A little.”
“Take it back, or no s’mores for you.”
“That’s blackmail!”
“That’s life.”
“Okay, okay, I take it back.”
“Not good enough.”
Daniel exhaled in exasperation. “I’m sorry I called you old.”
“Thank you. I’m sorry I called you a goat.”
“You didn’t call me a goat.”
“I know. Now I’ve got one apology saved up for next time I do,” Kane grinned and avoided Daniel attempting a swat to the back of his head.
“You’re damn lucky you’re cute.”
“I know.”
Kane wasn’t exactly sure how he’d tricked Daniel into liking him. When they first met, they had some of the most awful fights Kane had ever been a part of. Both physically and emotionally. He hated Daniel at first. They would scream at each other until Kane was as hoarse as he’d been when he was re-learning how to talk. They were the tag team champions together and a formidable duo, but nothing like any other tag team Kane had been a part of. Everything felt wrong and off working with Daniel and it wasn’t because he felt like beating him more than their opponents. They just… had nothing in common. Except that they were both fueled with enough rage to be sent to anger management therapy together.
Kane had been gritting his teeth and hardly keeping himself from throwing Daniel through a wall every week. Until one week. The week of the trust falls.
“Daniel, just fall backwards, and Kane will catch you.”
“I will?”
He didn’t want to catch Daniel. Daniel didn’t want to be caught by Kane. Dr. Shelby was insistent. If they did this exercise, they might have a real breakthrough. Breakthroughs meant they could stop coming to these damn therapy sessions. Whether it was the promise of a breakthrough or the threat of having to do the exercise the next week, Kane wasn’t sure, but Daniel turned around.
“Kane, I trust you.”
He’d been stunned silent for a moment. Almost forgot to catch Daniel. But he didn’t. He caught Daniel’s shoulders easily and kept him from hitting the deceptively hard floor. The weight of a man who trusted him so completely so quickly was in his hands. He’d shoved Daniel upright to avoid letting him know his hands were shaking from getting so quickly overwhelmed with emotion. Dr. Shelby had been so proud of them. Moved them right on to the next phase of the exercise: working together. They were both instructed to catch some loser from the group. Even though they both put out their arms to catch him, he hit the floor hard as they pulled their arms back.
“Did you know that I wasn’t going to catch him?” Daniel had asked.
“Did you know that I wasn’t going to catch him?” Kane replied. A quiet smile had spread over Daniel’s lips.
“I think I finally understand you, Kane.”
They’d kissed for the first time that night. Still fought like cats and dogs, but in moments alone in the hotel rooms, they kissed. Sometimes they went further, sometimes they didn’t.
“We’re almost there,” Kane broke the silence, pointing with the hand that wasn’t interwoven with Daniel’s.
“Where? I don’t see any grass anywhe- holy shit…” The sight of the little clearing filled with lush, green grass seemed to take Daniel’s breath away.
“What do you think? Worth the hike?”
Daniel didn’t answer. Almost like he was dumbfounded such a soft place could exist within the harshness of the Valley.
“Very worth it.”
“You good setting up the tent while I gather the firewood?”
“Kane, I fucking swear, if you leave me alone in these woods, I will shit in your sleeping bag.”
One argument about proper firewood, one argument about tent raising techniques and three arguments about setting fires later, both of them were lying in the grass, watching the smoke from the dying fire rise into the night air.
“You shouldn’t be able to start a fire by hugging a log,” Daniel mumbled, snuggling up to Kane’s chest.
“I know.”
“How do you do that?”
“I don’t know.”
“It’s weird.”
“Can we change the subject?”
“Sure. To what?”
“Dunno. Know any good camping stories?”
“Well, there was one time I went camping with AJ and she needed to pee, but the bush under her was poison ivy and-”
“A different story!” Kane groaned, shuddering at the idea. Either because he didn’t want to know what happened with the poison ivy or because he didn’t want to know anything more about AJ than he already did. She was responsible for sending Daniel to anger management, so Kane owed her for that, but he didn’t want to know anything else.
“Okay, there was a time my family had a reunion at a campground and my aunt chopped up apples and tossed them in apple pie spices, then wrapped them in tin foil and stuck them in the coals of the campfire. Smoky apple pie filling.”
“Sounds tasty.”
“Should’ve told that story before so we could have done the same.”
“Maybe next time.”
He could promise a next time. He could swear that a year from then, he would still love Daniel. They would still be together. They could lie down in the grass and look up at the stars. They could marvel at how big the universe was and how miraculous it was that they found each other.
Far up in the night sky, a red star and one a little bigger seemed a little closer together.
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coolestfinch · 4 years
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it just occurred to me that you all have never seen my cats! heres a little intro to the trio (in respective photo order, as well as order of when we got them!) <3
celeste: thats MY baby. she was the first cat i chose to adopt. she's about 4 years old, and has a dump truck ass that i didnt know was possible for cats to have. she's not FAT, she's just... thicc??? i never call her by her name, usually only by “fat ass” or “stinky girl”. she's also very picky with who she gives affection to, and its usually me :3
leo: a stray we decided to let into our house who eventually just stayed! hes older, we think 7 or 8, and hes the most affectionate cat ever. and EXTREMELY food driven. he will follow you to the kitchen, and cry for you to give him wet food every time. he also will eat almost any people food you put in front of him and usually gets a very very tiny taste of every meal we have
oscar: STUPID. LITTLE. BASTARD. he was born from a little lady stray in our garage with 2 sisters, all 3 of them got adopted but we chose to keep him. he was the runt of the litter, but hes beefed up over time! hes 2 years old. he pees on everything (dont worry, hes getting neutered soon) and isnt very keen on affection but he still likes to lie near you. hes also very curious and eats anything plastic thats lying around on the floor. he is a little shit head and literally knocked something off my dresser as i was typing this. we think he might have some genuine neurological issues but we love him all the same 
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crybabytoy59 · 4 years
Caught by fate.
I awoke with the mother of all headaches slowly getting out of bed I staggered to the bathroom sitting to pee, as I relived myself flashes came of the party I had been at the night before, boy had I downed the whiskey. But now my head was pounding a need for painkillers & water to rehydrate I staggered to the kitchen pouring a glass of water I took two painkillers.....
suddenly a flashback came over me of a chat with Hanna a close friend from work I remember her teasing me over how drunk I had become, shit a flashback of me in her car came to mind, had hanna brought me home ? If so how did I manage to get my pjs on ? I laughed to myself she must have put me to bed O’crap how would I face her!
Lifting my mobile I messaged her “Hi Hanna did you take me home ? Sorry about that if you did 😂”....I decided to go back to bed for the painkillers to take effect..as I snuggled down Hanna replied to my message “Yes I took you home Pisshead 😂was fine I put you to bed after You had your wee confession moment 🤣🤣😂” I was puzzled by this ? & a little worried that I had said something wrong to Hanna “My confession?” ....a reply came “Yip but Don’t fret I just told you to get down to sleep as you were being a baby”...
Holyshit no way had I told her my secrets? Nah she was. Just using a pun on words, I messaged back “whoops sorry hope I haven’t offended you Hanna” ...
I got no reply but seeing as I was drifting back off to sleep I snuggled under the covers & thought nothing of it......
Six hours later my front door rang ? Pulling on my dressing gown I went to the door to my surprise it was Hanna ?....”Hi you come in” she stepped inside as she passed I told her I was so sorry that she had to deal with me drunk lastnight but to my surprise she simply said “We will deal with that after we have a chat come & sit down” as I sat she looked right at me “Tell me how much do you remember about our wee chat & your confession?” I laughed uncomfortably telling Hanna. I couldn’t remember talking to her about anything in my flat ?
she smiled Holding up her Phone.....My face went bright Red !!
Hanna had my tumblr page on her phone ! She smiled at me warmly then said “Ok Go & Get your stuff please...Now !” ..I stammered Out Wwhat stuff ?, Hanna stood up & left the room, a moment later she came into the living room with my case !! Fuck what had I done, she came over to me “I fucking hate lies Madam ! Get up !” Hanna hauled me up out of My chair, then sat down “Get over my Knee Madam !” ....Hanna please am sorry I cannot believe I told you that..Please Hanna am sorry”.....Hanna grabbed my arm pulling me off balance “Get over my knee Madam am Very angry with You so am going to spank you until you understand who’s in charge Madam ! Having me put You a grown man to bed !“ she hauled My pjs down and started spanking me with my right arm up my back so I could not get away, firmer & firmer she spanked me all the time she asked me repeatedly “What are you Naughty Madam?” After a bit I suddenly started to feel Very submissive Nobody had ever been Dominant with me & here I was Over Hannah’s knee being spanked !
This gorgeous girl Hanna was from our office, all the guys would ogle as she was stunning 5’8” very athletic Hanna was into gymnastics growing-up so had Very muscular legs &  curves most would die for long curly blonde hair huge green eyes & a large smile, I was now over her thick powerful thighs being spanked as she barked again “What are you Naughty Madam?”....
I blurted Out am a sissy Hanna.....”No your more than that Madam tell me !”
Again as the submissive in me stirred I blurted Out “Am a sissy Baby Girlie Hanna....lisping in my best three year old voice !
Hanna pushed me off her lap then spoke “Kneel Babyslave ! Now I have to admit lastnight  I was Very shocked by what you told me ?..But seeing you cry like that over how your feelings to be a submissive Baby to someone I found saddening...That you truly felt such desperation in your life over such Deeply held submission...
So I haven’t slept much due to being up most of the night reading your tumblr blog.....My my we are Quite the Little kinkster aren’t we Babyslave?
“Please Hanna am sorry I put you In that position lastnight am truly sorry” She smiled at me then lent forward “Do you want another Spanking but this time with my belt ? Babyslave ? (I shook my head) I thought not ! No more Big words You Will talk like a Baby to me at all times! If you use Big words I Will punish my Baby Severely Trust Me Babyslave I love punishing Naughty sissy girlie”s” now strip of Mummy”
Yes cuteness Your going to call me Mummy from Now on, that’s unless you want Everyone in the office to know about your Little kink?” I mumbled, no Hanna..suddenly Hanna slapped my face ! “That’s Not How you address me is it Babyslave ?” ........No Mummy...sworry.....” Much better,now strip then unpack your case Mummy has a few things to get ready for her New Babyslave”
As I took my clothes off Hanna filled the kettle & got some thing ready from a leather drawstring bag she had brought with her, but the whole time her eyes were locked on me...
I stripped off My pjs then knelt down opening my case full of my baby gear & bondage equipment laying out each bit in a neat order (Am a bit ocd when it comes to how things are presented) .As I put out the last of my leather pink strapping attachments for my Baby reines Hanna had joined me.
My my Baby we do have quite the collection Don’t we” She giggled looking over my frilly dresses, petticoats, frilly pants, tights,frilly leggings,bonnets ect,
Not to mention my rows of bdsm Toys I had plugs, gags,harnessing, spreader bars, clamps, whips, paddles,floggers all manner of Toys I had built up over the years of self play. But I had not even realised my collection was so large as this was the first time I had layed it All out so very neatly.
Hanna spoke to me as I had my back to her “Ok Babyslave turn around so we can have a wee chat” as I turned around with my hands at My crotch my face bright red, Hanna told me “Handies behind your headie Babyslave !......(As I did she giggled) My my so my Babyslave is turned on by putting All her sissy attire out for her Mummy are we? Sorry Baby Mummy can’t hear you Louder !...Much better but the floor can’t hear you Baby..Look at Mummy !!”
Sworry Mummy ywes Babyslave is exwited by Ywou Mummy, Tears was forming My eyes.. I had waited All my life for this moment ! But worse still Hanna knew it !
She stood up to her full height putting her soft hands on my shoulders moving me side wayside “Good Babyslave Stay there a moment” Hanna picked up a camera taking a few pictures of me, then she came over with the camera bringing the image up on her camera of Me kneeing hands behind my head with a raging hard on! To my right was All my gear clearly layed out in glorious colour for All to see !
Smiling at me Hanna Spoke “Babyslave Tell Mummy where these pictures will end up should you disobey Mummy’s commands?..Yes cuteness Mummy Will send them to everyone at work ! Then Baby Mummy will send them from Your mobile to All your contacts..So Babyslave are you going to Do What Your Told When Your Told ?” ....(My answer was swift Wess Mummy).....”Clever girlie Crybaby.....Yes Mummy knows your name from your perverse stories, but don’t fret Crybaby Mummy is going to love making you cry for her....(Hanna tilted my head to look at her cupping my chin) Yes Crybaby Sweetheart Mummy loves hurting Naughty sissy girlie’s”
She threw down a couple of pillows on the floor then shook a pvc dust sheet out over them “ Ok Babyslave over the cushions spread eagle face up handies behind your headie & Do Not Move !” As I did Hanna lifted one of my special dummy’s putting it into my mouth “So my Babyslave likes cock in her mouth how very interesting Crybaby” she sprayed foam all around the base of my flag pole ! “Let’s take care of this as Baby’s don’t have Any nasty hairs here, Hanna lifted the razor ! Shaving my anal hair she worked around my balls then up to my tummy removing every last hair, my cock twitching the entire time with me whimpering from behind my cock Dummy, this made her smile down at me “Clever girlie Crybaby do you like Mummy’s touch?” ...Wess Mummy.....
Next Hanna shaved my legs, chest & armpits, then rubbed white cream she had brought with her all over my crotch area, I winced as she probed my rear with a blue rubber gloved hand tensing up I thought she was going to make me climax.this brought a giggle from her “ Your a Naughty girlie Crybaby Mummy has not given you permission to do a Cummie so hold it in or I will belt you until Your botty blisters Madam”
Hanna sounded Very sincere in her threat I was being to find out Hanna was quite WKD her joy of Control now taking over her lust for My submission to her Will. I controlled my urge to climax as her fingers slid from My rear to me gasping past my dummy she spoke to me “Ok Sweetheart botty up arch nice & high for Mummy !”
Hanna  slid one of my pink fairy princess Diapers under my bottom pulling it tightly over my shaft, as she tapped the Diaper shut she patted the bulge “Your a Very Naughty girlie Crybaby Mummy will have to take some precautions tomorrow with your Sissy Baby Clittie Sweetheart....Down you go & lift your leggies high up in the air for Mummy” she pulled on my rubber  sealing pants these had 4” rubber leg cuffs & 6” waist band, over them she put on my pink frilly rumba pants they had a huge frilly rear in the shape of a heart.
Hanna lifted the camera again taking more pictures of my now Frilly Diapered body sucking on my Dummy !
Next she had me sit on the Pillows as she pulled on my huge frilly petticoat, this item I had made custom fitting the frilly skirt line stood out 90deg, over that she put my pink boo’peep dress tugging & adjusting it perfectly brought a huge smile like the cat that had the cream “Lay back over the pillows Crybaby girlie”
My cock was now twitching inside the Diaper for realise I put my handies back behind my head spreading my leggies Wide apart, this made Hanna giggle “Clever girlie Crybaby That’s was Very Good Mummy likes Her Baby to assume the position when getting dressed for Mummy”
My mind was racing now as Hanna was teasing me into a Deeper & Deeper Submissive state..
Next she held my leg as she put my frilly white tights on these had a rubber band inside the top frilly part that would cling to my leg without a  supporting suspenders belt. This was followed by my white frilly lace socks the ankles had the cutest pink frills around them.
Hanna hauled me up to a seating position again on the pillows, lifting the camera taking pictures of me sitting proud on the floor legs spread wide in my Baby dress ! “Your such a cutie Crybaby, now lets get You fed & back to bed as Mummy is very tired from being up all night on the computer reading All  Crybaby’s Dirty Filthy stories, then Mummy took her time Buying her girlie some Very special gifts” Hanna had that WKD tone again !
She went behind me pulling me to her chest, the smell of her perfume & body was Devine,she removed My Dummy then fed me from my Character Baby bottle, some warm milk it tasted very sweet as I gulped it down still slightly dehydrated from the party, Hanna mocked my baby bottle as it was Winnie the Pooh character on it.
She fed me four in total I felt quite full as she took my hand leading me to the bed room, she threw the bed covers off onto the floor, patting the bed she spoke “Ok Crybaby girlie sit up on the middle of the bed spread your leggies wide apart Clever girlie”
she took my cuffs & bound my leggies Wide apart,then got on the bed Hanna knelt behind me “Open Wide Crybaby Sweetheart !” She pushed her pants into my mouth gagging Me, they were soaking wet & still hot with her Pee !
“Close Crybaby” next she wound vet wrap around my face this was followed by my pink bondage film, she wrapped my whole head only my eyes & nose we’re left as Hanna picked up my pink Lycra wet look hood, pulling it taught over my head she zipped it up the rear.
She then pushed me back down on the bed taking each wrist in turn to cuff them Wide apart to the headboard.
I was now spread eagle on the bed for her as she giggled at my tummy gurgling? “Yes Crybaby Sweetheart Mummy Put some nice suppositories up Your botty when she probed you’re sissy Hole cutenesses....Not long Now & My Baby Girlie is going to Do lots & Lots of big poppies from her Mummy” she lifted the down throwing it over Me. Then Hanna started undressing right in front of me down to her bra & pants in black lace, she slid under the covers running her hand over my tummy “Clever girlie Crybaby that’s it push for Mummy she wants to hear you Go poppies for her...Clever girlie Crybaby  that’s the way push a nice Big load into your Diaper Clever Baby!”
As my rear collapsed to the cramping from the suppositories the rear of my diaper swelling outwards under me.....Hanna was playing with her self ! She was getting off on my Humiliation !!....Panting heavily I heard her climax beside me .....She ran her fingers over my face...the smell of her sex was unmistakable..”Night Night Crybaby Sweetheart...when we wake Mummy will change your diaper....Then Madam am going to Punish You Crybaby Pain Toy.O’yes I read each & every story....am so glad your a masochist Baby As Mummy is Very sadistic..PAIN TOY !!.....
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