outragedtortilla · 1 year
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whatimdoing-here · 1 year
Tagged by @chippingthegoalkeeper thanks duuude
1. Are you named after anyone? Nope
2. When was the last time you cried? uhhh I got close yesterday talking to my sister. Before that, when I found out my uncle died?
3. Do you have kids? two. here referred to as t/t dude (9) and small fry (6)
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot? whaaaat NO
5. What sports do you play/have you played? basketball, soccer, track enough to be on a school team. i played intramural softball in college long enough to fracture my palm
6. What’s the first thing you notice about other people? like FIRST thing? in person? uhhh hair? what piercings they have? if they give off the vibe of someone i don't wanna be with?
7. What’s your eye colour? the greenish side of hazel
8. Scary movies or happy endings? do NOT give me a scary movie
9. Any special talents? lol no
10. Where were you born? same state i currently reside
11. What are your hobbies? keeping busy enough to ignore my brain. but also reading, crocheting, apparently house work, tv, being dumb, occasional terrible gif making, annoying people through texts, etc
12. Do you have any pets? dumbdumb dog named buttercup
13. How tall are you? between 5'8" and 5'9" depending on my posture at the given momet
14. Favorite subject in school? math
15. Dream job? i don't even know anymore. professional baby cuddler for good money
here's me tagging the same people i always tag @carolavengerdanv3rs @commander0fmyheart @parker-danvers-41319 @whatelsecanwedonow and whoever
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thegeeksideofsr · 2 years
Eliot Spencer Tag list:
@spencereliotwinchester @fictional-hooman @skyeofbees @kimberkingrivers @padawancat97 @hunted-secrets-41319
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Why did you elbow me? 212
Achilles Castle part 114
Lemonade and lies Part 57
Nicholas (Nick) Stephen McSwarek undercover part 21
Officer Nicholas (Nick) Stephen McSwarek/Greig: pov Kovitch tells me about his non-existent relationship with Carl the guy that was arrested. His employees never knew Carl or met him. We chat while getting some work done packing boxes for delivery. Garter is going to drop them off, hey how about I get us some food, Garter will probably be a while so I will just save him some for later. Kovitch gives me directions to the food place.
Kate/Stana: pov I thought i saw Pamela hovering by, the next person i’m helping is already annoying me and we haven't even started yet. As soon as the person starts coughing, I backup which gets the person angry. He is shouting how dare you, backup from me. I'm not contagious, he is saying you can't spread stuff by being near people that is a lie. For my own health and safety I tell the guy if he is sick I can't help him. He is definitely getting more angry. He is shouting why can't you do what I'm asking as an employee here? You work for the customer and help us, so shut up and do your job and stop complaining. As I start to walk away from him he grabs my wrist hard preventing me from leaving he says you don't get to walk away from me that easily. Anger suddenly overwhelms me, I have health issues so I'm sorry that I don't want you to get me sick. He goes on another weird rant before I can finish speaking. His rant doesn't make sense to me. I’m done talking to him. I shouldn't have to explain my medical history to him. I manage to pull my hand away from him. All of a sudden he shoves me hard with his hands on my chest saying are you going to have a problem doing as I say. Thankfully I didn't fall and Parker was turning the corner and heard a good amount of the conversation.
Parker: pov I run over and shout for Pamela, as soon i walk over the guy acts like nothing just happened. Stana is definitely angry right now. I tell Pamela to take her to the breakroom. Barton is behind me asking what is going on. The police should be here soon. He grabs the guy and takes him into another room telling Jeffrey to watch the guy.
Pamela: pov I don't know what triggers her so I ask her if I can help her to the breakroom. Stana is very angry. I can't imagine someone putting their hands on you. How rude. Are you okay, Stana says fine.
Parker: pov me and Barton both head to the breakroom to see how Stana is doing. Barton tries to call Greig but he won't answer so he calls Lanie who is her other emergency contact. She should be here in a few minutes. I head to the fridge and grab Stana a water bottle. Pamela is trying to calm her down. Since the guy put his hands on her the police have to get involved.
Lanie: pov Kate/Stana's boss Barton calls me telling me a customer was rude to Stana and shoved her, I will be there in a few minutes her meds should be in her bag if she needs them. Barton, do you know If she is okay? He says from what Pamela and Parker tell me she is okay, a little angry and probably shaken up by the whole experience. I let Esposito know where I'm going, same with Castle.
Kate/Stana: pov the police arrived very quickly officer Franklin went to talk to the guy who shoved me. Crap I know this officer who is talking to me. I've worked on a few cases with him before. Hi I'm Stana and I'm new here. Today is my first day on the job. Actually, do you have a piece of paper and a pen? I wrote UC 41319 and handed him the paper making sure no one saw. I can't have him blowing my cover, I can tell he understands what I mean. He asks me for my side of the story. The guy was coughing and when I told him I couldn't help him if he was sick he got very angry and wouldn't let me walk away then he shoved me.
Franklin: pov after talking with the guy I realize he doesn't understand what he did is wrong. Barton had explained a little bit over the phone to us. I grab the guy and take him to the room Stana is in so he can see that what he did has consequences. Barton said it was okay. He talked with Stana first to make sure it was fine. I can hear her telling my partner about her time in the ER. It turns out she got shot in the chest and almost died. Stana explains to the guy her medical history and how him getting her sick could have sent her to the ER. She is definitely getting emotional.
Barton walker: pov a woman runs into the breakroom in scrubs. This must be Lanie, she immediately sits next to Stana and grabs her wrist while checking her pulse. Lanie grabs a stethoscope to check if Stana is okay; Lanie then lifts up her shirt a little to make sure everything looks okay. That scar is huge, Lanie whispers something to Stana which I can't hear. I can only hear her reply, which is okay, that's fine.
Pamela: pov Lanie is rubbing Stana’s back in a soothing way she looks like she is about to cry. Barton says if she wants to go home she can. It looks like she is staying, Jeffrey offers to get all of us some food. Stana just looks so tired, Lanie asks her if she is sleeping okay and how many hours she is getting because she looks exhausted just like a few days ago when she was over because Stana had a medical issue. To be continued. …………..
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buckleyswift41319 · 6 months
Parker-Danvers-41319 => buckleyswift41319
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myrmeleontid · 1 year
tagged by: @parker-danvers-41319 :U 1. Are you named after anyone?
2. When was the last time you cried?
Broke down because of the thing that happened and so three people I care lot did a bunch of dungeons and trials with me to get Blue Mage spells, and it meant a super lot because the person I'm interested in helped too, and just...idk...was nice that they came
3. Do you have kids?
i have a cat, no kids for me thanks
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
...no....course not
5. What sports do you play/have you played?
Soccer, baseball, tennis--my uncle used to be a coach for like whatever sport. I wanted to keep playing whatever but I had to stop because my period made it impossible for me to be as athletic as I used to be
6. What's the first thing you notice about other people?
How they laugh
7. What's your eye colour?
dark browwwwn
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
9. Any special talents?
i wanted to say something positive but all i've got is the ability to trip on any surface
10. Where were you born?
upstate new yak
11. What are your hobbies?
i like to do the drawring sometimes, uhh games, and learning new languages or art programs
12. Do you have any pets?
13. How tall are you?
5’4 maybe?
14. Favorite subject in school?
15. Dream job?
lol;;; working towards it maybe
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planetygam · 5 years
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neil the patron saint of tunes
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monalyssa33 · 6 years
April 13, 2019 needs to be an unofficial Castle day. Who’s in???
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whatimdoing-here · 1 year
tagged by @chippingthegoalkeeper- happy opening day to youuuuuu
1. Relationship Status: marrrrried for... real long time. and wefawejoi;gjeon
2. Favorite Color: light blue/teal-ish
3. Song stuck in my head: ...whoa I don't have anything stuck in my head. Except now "Song In My Head" by Madi Cunningham
4. Last song I listened to: Whatever was on when I fell asleep last night. I think it was a song from a LOTR soundtrack
5. Three favorite foods: potatoes, bread, pasta. lol.
6. Last thing I googled: my neurologist office to get their phone number for the phlebotomist
7. Dream trip: depends on the day. i'd love to learn to surf, as of this moment. sometimes visiting one of those lakes surrounded by mountains. sometimes snowboarding.
8. Anything I want: lol idk. actually no, gun control would be great.
who wants to do it? @commander0fmyheart @carolavengerdanv3rs @parker-danvers-41319 go for it
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gushaydon · 4 years
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#Repost by @caskettinlove ・・・ MERRY CHRISTMAS TO EVERYONE! 🎄🎅🏼 ❄️ I wish you merry christmas and happy holidays , enjoy this time with people which you like❤️ Always ☃️ . - #stanakatic #stanakatić #katebeckett #detectivekatebeckett #katherinebeckett #ilovebeckett #41319 #kbex #beckett#kb #katic#nathanfillion #rickcastle #richardcastle #caskett#caskettalways #castleabc #abccastle #always#teamcastle #Castle #12thprecinct #castleteam #12thprecinct #always #nikkiheat #nyc https://www.instagram.com/p/CJMxwBGAnXogXbkMtzYS283Xcbdu8CerXD5m9c0/?igshid=tgndy563mx1k
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abwolverine · 7 years
#Repost @caskett.official (@get_repost) ・・・ #CASTLE #RichardCastle #RickCastle #writerRichardCastle #KateBeckett #KatherineBeckett #Beckett #detBeckett #detectiveKateBeckett #detKateBeckettNYPD #12thPrecinct #NYPD #41319 #Always #caskett #caskettalways #KRCastle #CastleTV #BTSCastle #BTS #CastleBTS #Police #Detective #Writer #Dangerous #NathanFillion #StanaKatic #StanaKatić @nathanfillion @drstanakatic @abccastle ❤ ♡ 《GIF by @caskett.official》 ♡
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cowboybuckleys · 5 years
Happy belated birthday!! 🎂
@parker-danvers-41319 thank you!!! 
and oh fuck me i totally forgot, happy belated bday to you!! :D i hope you had a lovely day yesterday as well
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shefliesaway · 5 years
@hunted-secrets-41319 replied to x: “Congratulations ❤”
Thank you so so much!! 😍
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aic-european · 3 years
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Portrait Bust of Comtesse d'Affry, née Lucie de Maillardoz (1816-1897), Jean Baptiste Carpeaux, 1855, Art Institute of Chicago: European Painting and Sculpture
Gift of The Antiquarian Society Size: 54.6 × 48.9 × 33.9 cm (26 1/2 × 19 1/4 × 13 1/4 in.) Medium: Plaster
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buckleyswift41319 · 3 years
Song Title Game!
I was tagged by @whatimdoinghere-fighter
Rules: Spell out your URL with song titles, then tag as many people as there are letters in your URL.
These are all pulled from my downloaded songs. Played it al little loose with the numbers, as long as it had the numerical. Yes my taste is insane, and no I will not be taking any questions at this time. 😂 Some how managed to only include 3 Taylor Swift songs, so consider that a win.
P: Paper Rings - Taylor Swift
A: Ain’t No Mountain High Enough - Marvin Gaye
R: Renegade (ft Taylor Swift) - Big Red Machine
K: Kiss Me - Ed Sheehan
E: Everything Has Changed (ft Ed Sheehan) - Taylor Swift
R: Rhythm of Love - Plain White T’a
D: Dare You To Move - Switchfoot
A: Animal - Kesha
N: No Scrubs - TLC
V: Vienna - Billy Joel
E: Eraser - Ed Sheehan
R: Run - Snow Patrol
S: Superstar - Taylor Swift
4: good 4 u - Olivia Rodrigo
1: 100 Years - Five for Fighting
3: 1 step forward, 3 steps back - Olivia Rodrigo
1: 1,2,3,4 - Plain White T’s
9: 9 to 5 - Dolly Parton
I don’t feel like tagging 18 people so if this looks like fun consider this your tag!!
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jimfieldshouston · 3 years
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