#4laurus my love
aspiringtrashpanda · 4 months
The love of my life, reason to live. I humbly ask you, once again, to indulge me with attentive bf Beel who knows Mc's appetite like the back of his hand. He knows exactly how long to wait before eating off their plate. Thank you in advance, i love you so much❤️
anything for my love, my everything, my personal banner maker.
also wow beel nation, are you okay? first three requests are beel-centric like WHAT?
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Characters: Beel x MC, brothers make an appearance Attentive bf Beel, pure fluff with the teensiest bit of spice No warnings apply
It was a normal evening. Satan and Beel had been on dinner duty, Lucifer had been at RAD late, and Levi had been holed up in his room for three whole days. Something about the release of a new horror roguelike. Mammon had tried to sell Asmo on his latest get rich quick scheme, promising that all he would need as an investment was a lock of Asmo’s hair, and well, that wasn’t going to fly. Only one glass of demonus had been spilled across the table - Mammon having lunged towards Asmo to get it himself - and Belphie had fallen asleep mid-sentence a record low of twice. 
A completely normal evening. 
The brothers, however, worried a storm was on the horizon.
“Did ya see that?” Mammon hissed to Levi, the latter grumbling under his breath. Apparently the distraction had sent him back to level 1. 
Lucifer sighed, humming over the lip of his glass. “He’s going to hear about that later.”
“Really, his table manners are going to be the death of him one day,” Asmo lamented, flicking his fork with a flourish. A piece of sautéed hemlock freed itself from the prongs and smacked against Satan’s cheek. He brushed it away with a scoff. 
You paid them no mind, choosing instead to focus on Levi’s handheld console, Beel's chewing a comforting soundtrack to your right.
The screen visible from where you sat, you leaned into Levi's personal bubble, watching his little avatar slash through blob-like monsters. He jolted at your proximity, scowling when a walking skeleton stabbed his character through the heart.
“Not cool!” Levi shimmied his chair away from you. “Everyone needs to stop distracting me!” 
With a shrug, you turned back to your plate, finding it empty. Beel’s jaw moved continuously as he smiled down at you. His indigo eyes glimmered with affection, and you had the impression that he cared not about his brother’s whispers. Only about you. Your heart swelled, the familiar heat spilling through your veins and flooding the tips of your fingers.
You excused yourself from the table. Beel followed you exactly 5 seconds later. 
“You’re not having dessert?” The question slipped out as you looped your arms around his sturdy middle, as you rested your head against his body’s warmth. It was strange for him to leave the dining room so quickly. Usually, he joined you in your room after obliterating whatever sweets Luke had made for him to try. 
“I will be.” His answer vibrated through his frame, buzzing through your skull. 
Your mind went to the gutter, the muscles of his abdomen contracting as he leaned down, as he pressed a kiss to the crown of your head. His exhale rustled your hair, his hands so strong, so large as they covered your hips. 
A violent blush burning your skin, you managed a flustered squeak, “Oh! I didn’t realize it was that kind of night.”
He paused. Straightened up. Blinked twice. The confusion in his gaze was but a brief flash before it was overtaken by sheer enthusiasm. If he was a dog, you were certain his tail would be wagging. As he pulled you flush against him once more, he laughed, “I meant that I’d have dessert when you’re hungry again in an hour, but I could go for that kind of sweet, if you’re offering.”
As you led him to your bed, the last thing on your mind was whether you’d be peckish within the hour. 
However, at breakfast the next morning, you found yourself realizing that you had ended up munching on one of Luke’s cookies after a healthy dose of debauchery. Beel had raced from your bed to return with a plate of goodies in exactly 96 seconds (you timed him on your stopwatch app - a new record!), and you had curled up in front of your television to watch the latest episode of Barbeque Life before Lucifer came by to ensure that Beel slept in his own bed. 
You smiled. Beelzebub was always so attentive and receptive to your needs. It didn’t surprise you that he understood your stomach’s schedule. 
“Tell me, hon,” Asmo sang the moment Beel left the table to retrieve more hell coffee from the kitchen, “Is everything alright with you and Beel?”
Multiple utensils clattered to their plates, wide eyes swiveling from brother to brother. Mammon looked particularly spooked, while Lucifer simply pinched the bridge of his nose. 
“Uh, yeah?” You swallowed your devilbee honey pudding, the sweet treat turning bitter on your tongue. “Why? Did he say something?”
Shoulders relaxed instantly, sighs of relief bouncing back and forth like ping pong balls. The table was an appropriate length for table tennis, you supposed. However, while the brothers laughed off the strange question, your uncertainty only grew. 
Levi pretended to wipe sweat from his brow, an exaggerated gesture you were sure he learned from an anime. “Oh? Okay, phew. We were worried he was in trouble lol.”
Your chest felt warm, your heart pounding. “Why would he be in trouble?”
“Well because he-” Levi started, just to squawk as Mammon swatted his face, “Er, n-no reason!”
A beat of silence. Beel’s heavy footsteps as he returned to the dining room, coffee pot in hand. You were keenly aware of the tightness of your throat, your swallow lodging halfway down your esophagus. As Beel refilled Lucifer’s coffee, you couldn’t help but wonder if he felt the tension hanging in the air.
It was never fun walking into a silent room, acutely aware that everyone had been talking about you. 
“What’s going on?” Beel asked, settling back into his seat. He accented his words by snagging a muffin from your plate, picking at the hell berries crusting the top. 
Before you could ask him the same question, Asmo shrieked, “He just did it again!”
Satan shook his head slowly, Mammon gawking at the giant demon next to you. Lucifer continued to read the morning paper, refusing to participate in such shenanigans. 
“RIP Beel,” Levi muttered, “It was nice knowing you.”
The confusion escalated tenfold, frustration pricking at the soles of your feet. You threw up your hands, huffing, “Okay, is someone going to tell us what you’re all going on about?”
Beel peered curiously at his brothers as they averted their eyes, as they pretended that their meal hadn’t been interrupted. His fingers brought a piece of your toast to his mouth, his brow creasing as he chewed thoughtfully. 
Belphie raised his head with a yawn. “Beel keeps eating your food.”
“From your plate,” Mammon added.
Satan nodded curtly, “Without permission.”
Your stomach dropped. You weren’t sure if you were disappointed or relieved.
“Oh,” You glanced around the table, noticing at that moment that Beel had moved your plate in front of him. “That’s it?”
Asmo pointed in accusation, protesting, “Doesn’t it bother you?”
“No?” This was so absurd. You were used to bonkers conversations at every meal, but their sheer concern was truly comical. “Actually…”
It was Belphie who cut in, propping his chin in his palm. Rubbing sleep from his eyes, he drawled, “They’re always done eating. Beel knows when they’re full.”
The looks of disbelief on Mammon and Levi’s faces were so similar, you wondered if they were twins. They spluttered in surprise, the latter exclaiming, “But they hardly ate their breakfast! How could they be full?!”
And Beel - sweet, calm, confident Beel - shrugged. As if it was the most obvious answer in the world, he explained. “They’re sleepy in the morning, and not very hungry. They only eat a little bit. They’ll be hungry in about 2 hours. That’s why I pack the leftovers before we leave for RAD.” 
This time, the brothers weren’t the only ones shocked. Lifting your jaw from the carpeted floor, you gasped, “The leftovers aren’t for yourself?”
A bright vein of pride shone in his eyes, fuschia within the indigo depths. “I mean, I partake, but only after you’ve had your fill.”
“Huh,” was all you managed to respond, your brain too busy flipping through the memories of all the snacks and meals Beel had brought you regardless of request. His fingers curled around your shoulder, amusement brightening his face. 
The gentle squeeze brought you back to reality, just in time to hear Mammon say, “Hey Beel, do ya think you have telepathic abilities outside of you and Belphie?”
“What a stupid question,” Satan scoffed, though you knew he was waiting for Beel’s answer himself. 
Your fingers curled around his, anchored on your shoulder, grounding you in the moment. And what a moment it was, for Beel simply snorted, “Nah, I just pay attention to my partner.”
Why Mammon considered that a declaration of war, you weren’t entirely sure. But two hours later, when Beel passed you a container of carefully wrapped leftovers, you knew that you were the luckiest person in the world. 
My requests are open! Find out more HERE. Banner made by @4laurus - have you seen her Beel?
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aspiringtrashpanda · 3 months
*spins around in chair* Hello. I've been expecting you...
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I am an aspiring author, who loves writing about fictional characters that don't belong to me. Really, I should be working on something original. Unfortunately, I can't fight the hyperfixation.
You can find all my work on Archive of Our Own. This is where you can find my One Piece, Jujutsu Kaisen, and Pokémon works. Currently, I am hooked on Obey Me!, and this post is focused on that.
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MC teaches the brothers about "jinx" (Gen)
First date/First kiss (Beelzebub x GN!MC)
Attentive bf Beel (Beelzebub x GN!MC)
You, Me, and Steve (Mephistopheles POV, Gen)
"Kiss the Girl" parody (Leviathan x GN!MC)
Hella Britney Spears Obey Me (Raphael, Gen)
The twins help overstimulated MC relax (Beelzebub & Belphegor centric, Gen)
Belphie & Sidra's ship discourse (Belphegor x Sidra-MC)
Long fics:
The Speedrunner's Guide to Romance (Leviathan x F!MC, Rated E)
Meteor Shower (Belphegor x GN!MC, Rated G)
Late Nights & Half-Pipes (Beelzebub x F!MC, currently in progress)
Please hit me up if you have a drabble request. I don't bite! (unless you don't abide by THESE rules) I'm also a mod for @belphegorzine and the head mod of @lvlup-levizine, so check those out, please! 💕
Personal banner (depicting my very real blind dog and mess of Straw Hat Valley planning corkboard) by @4laurus. She's incredible and happy to take commissions. Hit her up!
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aspiringtrashpanda · 3 years
Myself and @4laurus thought it would be fun to put together some One Piece Valentine's cards and matching drabbles! So, without further ado...
4Pandas presents 2/6:
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“You’ve clutched my heart.”
Robin stared at the book in her lap, gaze tracing the same letters over and over. So often, in fact, that she would not have been surprised had the words burned themselves into her crystalline irises, branded across her pupils for all to see.
Or, perhaps, not the words that she was attempting to read, but the words on her mind.
“We’ll meet again soon,” You had promised, the taste of your lips linger on her tongue as you had leapt from the Thousand Sunny, onto the small dingy the research crew had sent for your retrieval.
“Soon,” She repeated to herself, every night before she gave into sleep’s embrace – mimicking yours with heartbreaking accuracy.
The inability to submerge herself in her selected fiction was unusual. The circumstances were ideal: A sunny day, a light breeze, a lack of marines hurtling canons their way – Truly, a perfect day to lounge by her flower garden atop the Sunny and bury herself in whatever fairy-tale romance had piqued her interest.
For today, of all days, was for romance, wasn’t it?
She was certain that Sanji would twirl by at any moment, waxing poetic as he delivered a pink tinted beverage or a heart shaped tart, and she had peeked in on Chopper and Usopp as they crafted Valentine’s cards for the crew mere minutes ago. Luffy, thrilled with any concept that would justify a party, had instructed Franky and Jinbei to deck out the ship in twinkling lights for the occasion. Nami had found the request surprising, shouting her suspicion over top Brook’s violin as he prepared his most romantic melodies. Sure enough, Zoro had explained that the captain only wanted the lighting to improve his aim for snagging food from Sanji’s feast all night.
It seemed as though all of the Straw Hats had been struck by Cupid’s arrow.
All but one.
For Robin had watched you look into her eyes, her soul, as you had tugged the pointed tip from her chest and smiled. It had been that lovely smile that she adored so much. The one where your left eye squinted slightly more than the right, your lips lopsided.
She liked you best when you were asymmetrical. Imperfect. Real.
And you weren’t there.
You were on some island far away, or sailing seas parallel to the waves on which the Sunny rocked. You were digging up fossils and dusting dirt from bones. You were, Robin hoped, just as distracted as she found herself, your thoughts occupied with the sound of your name on her own lips. Sometimes she wondered if you could hear her whispers, deep in your heart.
The reverence with which you had said her name, caught red-handed and bent over backwards as phantom limbs held your head at a precarious angle, had piqued her interest. It wasn’t everyday a thief snuck into their library, and for books at that!
Placing her unsatisfactory text down with a sigh, Robin unfolded herself from her garden chair, craving the grounding sensation of grass between her toes. She felt as though she wasn’t whole, as if she was but a shell drifting down the stairs, smiling blankly at her friends.
It wasn’t as if this was unexpected.
Love at sea was akin to weathering a sudden storm – urgent action to navigate passionate thundering hearts without pause, tapering out and leaving some devastated in the aftermath. The inevitable farewell, veiled in ‘until next time’s left her craving more, the remnants of her waves, once vicious, lapping lazily at your hull.
Robin crossed her arms over her chest, summoning manifested limbs, guiding each and every one of her Nakama into the middle of the lawn.
They gathered around their archaeologist without question, wrapping her up in a warm embrace. Luffy snickered as Zoro grumbled a half-hearted protest, Sanji overjoyed with the chance to comfort his dear Robin-chan. Nami’s hair smelt of the fresh tangerines she had been tending, Usopp and Chopper of ink and glue. Franky’s mechanical arm jabbed her in between her shoulders, Brook’s afro tickling her cheek, and Jinbei’s webbed fingers squeezed her hand in quiet support.
Her heart swelled, a warmth creeping through her veins.
Love was in the air upon the Thousand Sunny.
With a smile, Robin turned her eyes to the horizon, lifting two fingers to her lips. She mimed an aiming motion, as if she was stretching a bow taut, and let her kiss go, soaring over the waves into the setting sun, in hopes that her arrow would pierce your heart, where ever you were.
There was the creak of a floorboard, to the right of the lawn.
With a gasp, Robin spun into action, lifting her arms over her chest.
Limbs as soft as petals grabbed at your frame, fingers folding over your mouth in a move you knew all too well. You could do nothing but hope that she noticed before she dealt the final blow.
Though, this was Robin, and Robin noticed everything.
She noticed the way her crew failed to react to the sound, she noticed how they remained relaxed, gathered around her on the lawn. She noticed the playful gleam in your eyes, they way you reached out to her, completely unfazed by the phantom arms prepare to tug you backwards.
Robin fell into your arms as cherry blossoms dusted your shoulders, the fragrant flowers tangling in your scent of leather and fresh paper, the aroma like the two of you in the library, just how you had met.
“You missed,” You chuckled, gently tucking a lock of raven hair behind her ear.
And she kissed you, hand on your chest, your pierced heart hammering against her palm.
If you liked this, please consider checking out our Ko-Fis here and here! ❤
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aspiringtrashpanda · 3 years
Myself and @4laurus thought it would be fun to put together some One Piece Valentine's cards and matching drabbles! So, without further ado...
4Pandas presents 5/6:
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“My stomach is empty
Sanji! A feast!
Kaizoku ou ni ore wa naru
Cause you’re my One Piece!"
His Nakama. His brothers. Gramps. Shanks. Makino. Dadan. Meat.
Luffy loved a lot of things.
Naps with Zoro. Fishing with Usopp. Singing with Brook. Stealing bits of whatever Sanji was cooking.
The list went on and on.
Yet, the guilt had begun to gnaw on his insides with increasing fervor, because he loved all those activities a little bit more with you. He did not intend to discount the valuable time spent with his many companions, but nothing beat the rollercoaster ride he experienced when you were around. He liked the steady incline of his heart beat, the feeling of teetering on the edge when you smiled at him. He liked the simulation of free-fall that twisted his stomach when you laughed. He longed for the dizzying loop-de-loop that had him grinning dopily when you held his hand, even if it had been to drag him to a crew meeting that one time.
Did that make him a bad captain? A bad brother? A bad friend?
He had asked Sanji about it one day, when the cook’s knife had been rocking rhythmically against a wooden cutting board.
“No, Luffy,” Sanji hadn’t bothered looking up from his ingredients. “Just because you love them more, does not mean you love us less. You see, there’s the love between us, right? Then there’s romantic lov – ”
“I know,” Luffy had cut him off at that point, “I’m not dumb.”
“Then why are you asking, shitty rubber?” Sanji had used the hilt of his knife to knock Luffy’s wandering hand away from the spread the cook had been preparing for lunch.
He had shrugged, “I feel bad.”
“Don’t,” Sanji had scoffed, “We all have that one person. Or two. Or, if I’m really lucky, three gorgeous ladies!” He had paused to swoon, hearts in his eyes. “You still like spending time with us, don’t you?”
“Duh,” Luffy had wiped the crumbs from his lips. He had used Sanji’s swooning as an opportunity to snag half a sandwich.
Sanji had scowled, though did not fight the inevitable, simply concluding, “Then it’s fine. We all enjoy things a little more with that special someone. It’s just different.”
Luffy had liked that. If he loved you like a rollercoaster, he loved his Nakama like a merry-go-round. Just as fun – just as bright with steeds of many shapes and sizes – but different.
“Do they know?” The cook had slid him a plate with an early serving of sandwich. “Today is a good day to let them in on your little secret. You see, Luffy, it’s Valent – ”
“I know, Sanji,” Luffy had frowned, “I’m not dumb… Hey, can we have a feast?!”
The awe that lit your face when you stepped out of the galley that evening made the hours of waiting well worth it. Your eyes sparkled in the pretty string lights that Franky had draped over the sails, your blush the colour of the decorative hearts that Chopper and Usopp had made for the occasion.
Luffy didn’t wait for you to descend the stairs to the lawn, instead choosing to stretch his hands to the banister and sling himself next to you. The flowers Robin had allowed him to pick from her garden were only a little roughed up from the gesture, stray petals fluttering to the deck.
“Happy Valentine’s Day!” Luffy grinned, his cheeks hurting from the width of his smile though he paid them no mind. He would smile even wider if that was what you wished.
He thrust the wilted flowers into your hands, plucking the infamous straw hat from his head and plopping it down onto yours like a crown. As you blinked in surprise, Luffy leaned forward to press his lips chastely against your cheek, his callused hands grabbing your own with a gentle tenderness uncharacteristic of the rambunctious captain.
“Luffy,” You murmured, eyes wide and those tasty looking lips parted ever so slightly, “What’s this about?”
“I love you,” He snickered softly in your ear, a mischievous sound full of promise and adventure.
You smiled, and he felt his heart climbing up, up, up.
And then you were kissing him, and oh wow, this was a new rollercoaster! This one went up and down and corkscrewed into a loop and had him wanting more. He pulled you as close as possible, grounding himself in the scent of sun and salt upon your skin as his stomach dropped to his toes, his heart beat so fast he was practically vibrating.
He could hear his Nakama cheering from the lawn, relieving all the guilt previously felt. Thank goodness, too, because he definitely wanted to do this again sometime. Kissing you was fun, and the way you tasted like one of Sanji’s pretty little meat pies was simply the cherry on top.
Luffy loved a lot of things.
But he loved you different.
If you liked this, please consider checking out our Ko-Fis here and here! ❤
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aspiringtrashpanda · 3 years
Myself and @4laurus thought it would be fun to put together some One Piece Valentine's cards and matching drabbles! So, without further ado...
4Pandas presents 3/6:
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“Oh, my darling Valentine, how lucky I am, honoured to gaze upon your perfect self each day, radiant like the sun glistening on the rocking waves. I am not seasick, but lovesick as I pour my heart out into the ocean, singing your praises for the world to hear. For I am nothing but a fool, a fool for you, and if you were to have me, I would ensure that your plate never empties, that you are full with my love for the rest of our glorious days.”
The steel of his knife glinted in the warm lighting of the galley, the edge of the utensil nudging the cutting board in a steady rhythm. Mincing herbs was less of a chopping motion and more of a swift rock back and forth, as natural to Sanji as walking. Heel to toe, heel to toe, heel to toe.
The woodsy scent of rosemary wafted through the air, Sanji breathing in the cleansing pinewood aroma, tasting it on the very back of his tongue. He could have sworn he felt a breeze tickle the hair at the back of his neck, though the portholes were firmly shut. It was storming outside, after all, the Sunny’s sails tied up and the ship bobbing along with the rocky waves. The Straw Hats had done all they could for the time being, the squall not nearly aggressive enough to garner any concern.
Now, they had to wait, locked inside their beloved ship until the sea settled and they could continue onward.
Yet still, the herbaceous bouquet swirled around him like a winter chill, replacing the odor of cigarette some with something fresh, something new.
The fragrance reminded him of the island on which you met.
The snow had glittered against the heavy sky like powdered diamonds, dusting your cheeks, your eyelashes, your hair. The tip of your nose burned red, only outdone by your cherry lips parting in a dazzling smile, as soft as the wool of your mittens and sincere as the pounding of Sanji’s heart.
You had invited them into your home, had offered them respite from the oncoming blizzard. Your home small and quaint – rather cramped with the 10 pirates gathered around the hearth in your living room – had shown no signs of a partner, much to Sanji’s delight. Only one toothbrush, a twin sized bed, and a handful of mismatched flatware in your kitchen cupboards. All tell tale signs to a flirt like Black Leg Sanji.
He had turned on the act then: The swooning, the heart eyes, the praise, you name it. Confidence was key, and though it had never worked in the past, Sanji had told himself that he had yet to find someone who appreciated his charm.
You had been… amused, he supposed, smirking to himself as he added the minced rosemary to the large pot of simmering water, a chicken carcass soaking in the depths. You hadn’t spurned his advances, no. In fact, you had managed to turn him into a flustered mess with a simple sentence:
“It would be awful impolite of me to let such a handsome guest leave without trying my famous chicken noodle soup.”
Attractive and a cook?! Too good to be true!
You had fought Sanji’s insistence to cook instead until the two of you were blue in the face, out of breath and out of passive aggressive compliments (“No, really, you should rest those strong legs of yours, Mr. Black Leg,” you had insisted. “Why don’t you show off that pretty smile and chat with my crew?” He had countered). Reaching a compromise, it was decided that you would allow him to cook if you taught him your favourite recipe.
Sanji sighed as he sautéed onions and garlic in a pan, allowing the onions to sweat until they were translucent, but refusing to let them brown. His heart felt heavy, weighing like an anchor on his guts as he fluttered about the galley, chopping carrots and celery, rolling out pasta dough. He was grateful that the temperature was not as frigid as it had been on your island. His exhale would have floated upwards in the shape of a split heart.
It could be worse, he reminded himself. He could be alone.
But no, he had his Nakama, and though you were not there in body, he had you in spirit.
Once the soup was done, seasoned to perfection, Sanji ladled the hot meal into everyone’s favourite mug - not unlike how they had enjoyed it on your island. With your lack of bowls and affinity for coffee, your mug collection had proven more useful than your dishes.
His crew accepted the soup without question, shooting him sympathetic smiles and nods of understanding. They knew better than to ask questions.
The Den Den Mushi lit up with your beautiful eyes as Sanji took a seat at the counter of the galley, the room empty.
“You made it!” The happy trill of your voice sent waves of warmth through his body, the anchor transmuting to helium and sending his heart soaring high.
“Wouldn’t miss it for the world,” He cooed, “Are you ready?”
There was the clink of a spoon against something ceramic. “Of course, I’ve been waiting for this all day.”
“Cheers,” Sanji raised his mug to the snail, picturing you sitting across from him instead of the shitty mollusk. When he heard you echo his sentiments, he grinned, “Happy Valentine’s, my love.”
If you liked this, please consider checking out our Ko-Fis here and here! ❤
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aspiringtrashpanda · 3 years
Myself and @4laurus thought it would be fun to put together some One Piece Valentine's cards and matching drabbles! So, without further ado...
4Pandas presents 4/6:
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“You steal a kiss, I steal your wallet."
Nami liked the chase.
She lived for the cat and mouse, the back and forth, the cloak and dagger. She could be anybody. She could be nobody. She didn’t have to be herself.
The tattoo on her arm didn’t exist. The horde of cash under the tangerine grove was but a joke. The bullet in her mother’s head had flown wide, just skimming her scalp.
That wasn’t to say that she didn’t like herself, that she was hiding from the trauma she had faced for the first eighteen years of her life. No, in fact she loved who she had become, for she could be anyone, but anyone was not her.
Anyone had not gone through all she had gone through to erase her existence, and by extension, her pain. Her pain was cruel, and it was mean, and it was ugly, though that didn’t mean that she wasn’t beautiful, scars and all.
Anyone did not navigate the Knock Up stream to Skypeia. Anyone did not manipulate a talking tree with a vivre card. Anyone did not stand up to an Emperor and one of their fleets.
In her expert opinion, her scars were pretty damn sexy.
The truth was simple: There was no point letting them in. She was always gone by morning.
It had started as it had a handful of islands ago; A fancy cocktail, a word of praise, a familiar smile. Nami had been expecting the invitation to dance, the request to join you for dinner the following evening, and she had not been disappointed. She had, however, been charmed by your stubborn insistence to walk her home, despite her refusing to give away the Sunny’s current location. She could never be too sure. You could have been a marine in disguise. Why else would you reappear on another island?
“This reminds me of when I would play hide and seek with my friends,” You had laughed, cloth serviette from the bar tied over your eyes.
Your hand had felt so warm, squeezing Nami’s fingers, seeking a response.
“My brothers used to find me in the apple orchard, every time,” She had fabricated the lie with ease, a mental image of herself in worn overalls and pigtails shimmering behind her eyelids, “I never learned.”
The sea, having calmed from its previously choppy waves to a confident push and pull of the tide, had sung her to sleep with an encouraging roar.
“Apples are suited for mild climate,” You brought up the next night, silver fork flashing as you picked at your grilled sea bass. Nami was certain it paled in comparison to Sanji’s.
“Good thing Goldenhorn is an autumn island,” She grinned, fluttering her eyelids provocatively to distract from the terrible name she had procured. Making a mental note to revisit some maps of the North, South, and West Blue (and maybe pester Usopp for some pointers on lying), she bounced her leg, crossed over the other. The tip of her stylish heels brushed against your calf.
Thankfully, you didn’t seem to be an expert on geography, at least, outside of the Grand Line.
“What’s a girl like you doing on the seas?” You slid a few bills onto the check before sliding your wallet into your back pocket.
“Wouldn’t you like to know?” Nami winked, smoothing out her satin dress as she stood.
There were many things you did discover about Nami. You found out exactly how her supple skin felt beneath your fingers, how her freckles dotted the entirety of her body like fireworks across her flesh. You found out how she moaned your name, how she fisted the bedsheets when she was particularly pleased. You found out that her hair smelt like vanilla and citrus, that her lips tasted as sweet as honey.
“Tell me, Vanessa, can I see you again?” You asked as you neared the blissfully ignorant embrace of sleep, sweat dotting your hairline as you reached out from the other side of the bed, craving the touch of her skin once more.
There was a rustle, the mattress shifting as Nami made for the balcony fixed to the side of the inn. Her manicured nails clicked against the bedside table on her way, the French doors creaking with effort as she let the cool midnight breeze flutter the chiffon curtains.
You squinted one eye open.
Her silhouette glowing silver against the moonlit sky, she straddled the balcony, pointing her toes as she lifted her leg in a sultry pose. Dress shifting, her milky thigh visible as she ran her hand suggestively over the curve of her hip, she giggled, “My name is Nami – navigator of the Straw Hat pirates.”
She heard your gasp of surprise, reveled in the soft choke as your breath caught in your throat.
“Thanks for dinner, and the tip,” She winked, flashing your worn leather wallet dangling between her fingers. She swiveled on the banister, plunging into the ink-like shadows of the street, heels clicking against the brick pathways as she ran for the pier. A familiar Jolly Roger waved in the light of the moon, upon a sea full of reflected stars.
When she looked over her shoulder, Nami caught sight of you, partially clothed and standing on the dock. Your jaw on the wooden slates, you looked to be equal parts impressed and infuriated.
“Catch me if you can!” She laughed as she paddled away on the Mini Merry, counting her berries and blowing you a kiss.
Maybe one day, she would stay.
Today was not that day.
If you liked this, please consider checking out our Ko-Fis here and here! ❤
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