h7quinn · 6 months
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Overwatch | “Honor and Glory” Overwatch | «Честь и слава» Please, let’s reblog my gifs, and send on the people. ^^
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martyrbat · 1 year
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detective comics #370
(ID in alt!)
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yuzukahachimir · 1 year
With a bandage covering his eye and half his face but hey Levi can't stop to look good.
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nmotypdfsfg · 1 year
I made some yt calculations for mlc (21/06/2023). It's just for fun, and there can be errors, miscalculations.
overall duration = 540 min 53 sec. or 9 hours 53 sec. overall views for 32 parts (8 ep.x4p) - 39 794 284
most viewed parts - 1 ep. 1/4 - 2 979 433 8 ep. 4/4 - 2 391 899 1 ep. 2/4 - 1 636 389 2 ep. 1/4 - 1 473 466 3 ep. 1/4 - 1 400 398
overall comments for 32 parts (8 ep.x4p) - 39 571
overall likes for 32 parts (8 ep.x4p) - 1 504 000
most commented parts -
ep.8  4/4 - 4130
ep.1  1/4 - 3268
ep.5  4/4 - 2037
ep.6 4/4 - 2025
ep.4  4/4 - 1993
most commented eps -
ep.8 - 6326
ep.1 - 6194
ep.5 - 5616
ep.4 - 5113
ep.7 - 4716
Ep/1 (08.02.2023) - 60 min 31 sec. yt highlights - 1/4 part - jw bed scene 2/4 part - w after bed scene 3/4 part - hl scene with shattered bottle 4/4 part - j and l with h's parents Episode 2 (09.02.2023) - 61 min 4 sec. 1/4 part - p and sl scene 2/4 part - l's school 3/4 part - hl scene with block note 4/4 part - next ep. preview Episode 3 (15.02.2023) - 70 min 21 sec 1/4 part - j's flashback about ex 2/4 part - j scene 3/4 part - j and l scene 4/4 part - w and a, a's first appearance Episode 4 (16.02.2023) - 65 min 6 sec 1/4 part - hl's playing with water 2/4 part - jw's almost kiss 3/4 part - h and his mother 4/4 part - Christmas scene with a, j and w. Episode 5 (22.02.2023) - 68 min 50 sec 1/4 part - a and w flashback 2/4 part - w meets hl at the mall 3/4 part - w after argument with j 4/4 part - next ep. preview Episode 6 (23.02.2023) - 67 min 4 sec 1/4 part - hl scene 2/4 part - j and w at j's ex's cemetery (idk how it's called) 3/4 part - jw ocean scene 4/4 part - j sees hl's "kiss" Episode 7 (01.03.2023) - 73 min 16 sec. 1/4 part - hl scene 2/4 part - jw scene 3/4 part - ag's meeting at funeral 4/4 part - j with l and l's mother scene Episode 8 (02.03.2023) - 74 min. 41 sec. 1/4 part - jw scene 2/4 part - hl scene 3/4 part - ag bank scene 4/4 part - jw kiss
0 notes
winte-ry · 1 year
-Hair comic-
1part - 2part - 3part - 4part - 5part - 6part - 7part - 8part
-Healing comic-
1part - 2part - 3part - 4part - 5part - 6part
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jinna-aka-ninja · 1 year
Calling of the Souls ~ Poly!LostBoysXFem!Reader Part 4
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 5 - Part 6
Word Cound: 2,987 AN: I’m not entirely sure if I should write nsfw for this at some point ... what do you think?
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The cave... well it wasn’t the worst place she had been to. She didn’t hate it! No! Far from it! Y/N actually thought it was cool... okay so she couldn’t see sh*t.
 From the moment they had managed to get down to the steps right at the entrance to the cave, darkness greeted them. Very few parts were lit up from the moonlight that seeped in from cracks in the walls. The few and far in between moon beams did nothing to support her eye sight.
 Dwayne was the first one down, a stick in hand that was wrapped with a torn t-shirt, soaked in some kind of flammable liquid; having lit it before they entered. He used this to light up what looked like old rusted oil drums. They must have been filled with something to keep the fire going strong and thankfully it was bright enough to light up the cave they entered.
 Paul helped down Laddie, taking a hold of him by the waist and hopping down with him on the final rather large step. “Hyah!” He said with him as they reached the bottom, “Grab the rock box, buddy!”
 “Yeah!” Laddie said happily going over to grab the stereo for them to play music. It was such a sweet moment to witness.
 Marko had grabbed Y/N’s hand and helped her walk down the steps. She was confused by his actions. Why was Marko sticking to her? From the moment he found her he had stuck by her side like he was afraid she would run off into the night and disappear.
 “Not bad, huh? This was the hottest resort in Santa Carla about 85 years ago.” David said to them with a smile. While he spoke Paul took a hold of the stereo from Laddie while he stood on the outer ledge of the fountain. Dwayne still making his way around the cave to light up the rest of the cave for them.
 “Too bad they built it on the fault.” Y/N said. David looked at her when she said that.
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 “You know what happened?” He asked her. He was curious as to how she knew word for word what he was about to say, or was it coincidence?
 “Um.. no I’m sorry.” She said shaking her head glancing away. Even she wasn’t sure why the words slipped from her lips. She had never once been in Santa Carla before, how could she know of what happened here?
 David made his way up to her, holding her chin gently with his gloved hand, a smile on his lips. “Don’t apologize.” Her heart thumped hard in her chest, she felt this way earlier with Marko too. What the heck was happening?
 Michael didn’t look too pleased to see how close David had gotten to Y/N. Trying to step forward only for Star to hold his hand to stop him from going any further.
 David let go of her chin and walked about some more, “In 1906, when the big one hit San Francisco, the ground opened up and this place took a header right into the crack. So now it’s ours.” David said to Michael, coming to a stop in front of him.
 “So check it out, Mikey!” Paul said making Marko and Dwayne laugh as he lit a blunt in that he held with his lips.
 “Marko, food.” David said to the blonde who had yet to let go of Y/N’s hand even though she had already been safely on the bottom of the steps.
 This had seemed to make Marko realize if he went to get food he would have to let go of Y/N’s hand. He glanced at her, hesitation in his eyes. “I can go too?” She said noticing he didn’t seem to want to leave her side.
 “It would be faster if he went by himself. Marko, share Y/N. You’re hogging her.” Dwayne said to Marko who frowned but led Y/N over to a worn loveseat covered in blankets.
 “I’ll be back.” Marko said to her, his words coming out a promise. But also there was something he was holding back. Y/N knew without him having to say what he wanted to hear.
 Y/N looked into his eyes and smiled, “I’ll be here.” She said to him. He smiled as he ran up the steps to go and get food.
 David led Michael away from Star to speak to him. Dwayne and Paul held Laddie’s hands and helped him hop up onto the ledge of the fountain. “That’s what I love about this place; you ask and then you get.” David was trying to sell this place to Michael, that much was clear, but every once in a while he would glance back to Y/N. Wanting to see if she was paying attention maybe but there was also a chance he was hoping that she too would be sold on the cave.
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Paul hopped down and handed David his blunt. David took a hold of it and held it to Michael, “Appetizer?” he asked. Michael declined, David turned to Y/N, “What about you, doll?”
 “On second thought.” Michael said taking the blunt from David, trying to get David to stop paying attention to Y/N. He didn’t like the way David looked at her. He didn’t like how any of them were looking at her. At this moment Michael was fighting against two feelings. The pull he had to Y/N which made his heart swoon and this almost intoxicating feeling to go to Star.
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 David pat Michael on the back as he led him to the seats closer to where Y/N was. “You’ll like it here Michael.” He said.
 Y/N didn’t miss the way Star seemed to move further away from them. Trying to create distance between herself and the others. There was something in her eyes, like she didn’t want to be there, so why was she? Y/N felt no ill will to Star. Sure she was envious of the attention she got from Michael but there was sorrow that radiated from the girl. It came off of Star in waves that washed over Y/N making her curious about this girl. She was hiding something. It was so much harder to hide negative emotions than it was to hide anything else.
 Paul sat beside Y/N, an arm around her shoulders. “I’ll keep you company. Show you that I’m much more fun than Marko.” He said to her with a smile looking into her eyes. How many times would Y/N feel this way? Something was wrong. She felt drawn to Paul too? Her eyes glanced over to Dwayne, curious to know if it would be the same with him. Almost like he had felt her eyes on his, Dwayne looked over and made eye contact. Smiling at her and sending her a wink.
 “Don’t give him attention, it’s my turn.” Paul said to Y/N pulling her in closer so that she was on his lap.
 Y/N felt herself stiffen at the feeling of being on his lap. This was a closeness that she had never had with someone before. Though it felt right, she still felt like she should move off of him. Though the moment she tried to slide back off, his left arm just wrapped around her waist to hold her into place. He had her sitting on his lap turned on her side so he could still look at her when they spoke.
“Don’t try to leave me, I just want to be closer to you.” The words came off so quietly but he had moved forward to whisper it into her ears making Y/N feel a shiver go down her spine.
 Paul didn’t even seem to care that this had just been their second time meeting, or the fact that he was doing this in front of everyone. David and Dwayne didn’t seem upset by it though. Michael on the other hand, sat on a seat with his hand clenched tightly in a fist on his knee. His eyes burning into Paul and Y/N like they had just committed some great sin.
 David spoke to Michael about all the things they do. While he spoke, Paul pulled Y/N closer to him, making her rest her head against his chest as he leaned back so that she could finally relax rather than sit rigidly on his lap. He was smoking from another blunt, the smoke hovering around them and into her lungs as she breathed. It wasn’t a complete high, but she was starting to feel more relaxed.
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 After some time there was a sound coming from the entrance of the cave and Marko came down holding a box filled with some to-go boxes of Chinese food. “Feeding time! Come and get it boys! Marko’s eyes scanned the cave until they landed on Y/N on Paul’s lap. She felt herself stiffen thinking he would be upset. He was the one who brought her here and had been holding her hand but for some reason he didn’t seem upset. Marko’s eyes sparked with life as he grinned and started to hand over food to David. Turning to toss one to Dwayne, Laddie and then to Paul, who caught it easily despite Y/N being on his lap. Y/N now starting to sit up straight rather than leaning against him.
 “ Chinese, good choice.” David said to Marko, leaning forward in his old wheelchair covered in all sorts of cloth, ranging from rags to blankets. “Guests first.” He said holding it to Michael who held up his right hand in a dismissive manner as if to say he was good.
 “You don’t like rice? Tell me Michael, how could a billion Chinese people be wrong?”David asked him, his words ending with a chuckle as he held it out to him again. “Come on.”
 Ever so eager to please, Michael reached out to take it. Y/N felt like Michael was trying to impress everyone.  He didn’t want to seem weak to anyone. Trying to show that he was willing to do anything, that nothing bothered him; still there was apprehension in his eyes.
Marko handed David another to-go box before going to sit down with two boxes right beside Paul, lifting Y/N’s legs that had been on the empty spot of the loveseat. He set her legs on his lap and handed her one of the boxes, she got noodles instead of rice.
 The way these guys were with her made it feel like they were so used to her being there already, like she just belonged there and it was natural for her to be with them. Y/N kind of loved it.
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 Just as she had started to bring up some to her lips she heard David, “How are those maggots?” He asked, “Maggots Michael. You’re eating maggots, how do they taste?” He continued making her look over. Spotting Michael looking down at his box before spitting out rice. Y/N’s eyes narrowed. She hadn’t known Michael long but seeing him look back at his box again and looking confused, she knew something was up. The feeling of a hand on her leg, thumb smoothly rubbing against her calf drew away her attention.
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Paul was looking at her curiously. Her eyes seemed to soften under his gaze but hearing Marko, Laddie and Dwayne laughing reminded her of what had just happened.
 “Leave him alone.” Star spoke up making David look almost annoyed for a second.
 “Sorry about that.” David said moving his chopsticks in his to-go box, “No hard feelings, huh?”
 “No.” Michael said trying to brush off of the oddity that had just occurred but Y/N knew better than to brush this off. Michael must have seen maggots if he reacted the way he did but the box that fell onto the floor held nothing but rice. Something was happening and it had her on edge.
 “Why don’t you try some noodles?” David asked holding out the box he had in his hands to Michael. Y/N leaned up a bit more to look into the box, seeing nothing but noodles.
 “They’re worms.” Michael said to David looking in the box making David bring it closer in to himself.
“What do you mean they’re worms?” He asked him taking some into his mouth. “They’re only noodles Michael. Michael took the box from David and looked at it, using the chopsticks to look through the noodles. Simply that, noodles.
 Marko stood back up going over to David when he gestured to him, whispering into his ear. Marko’s smile seemed to vanish, a serious look in his face as he gave a small nod of his head. Turning he walked further into the cave setting down his box.
 When Marko had returned it was with an old bottle of wine, covered in gold and jewels. It looked rather antique and yet when he handed it to David, David still opened it and brought it to his lips, taking a sip of it.
It looked like he had just drank something that could give him a rush as he closed his eyes for a moment before they opened. Those pale blue eyes zeroing in on Michael, “Drink some of this Michael. Be one of us.”
 Michael looked skeptical but as it was handed to him he stood, walking over and taking the bottle. Y/N slid into the spot where Marko had been a moment ago, this time Paul let her move.
“Michael. Michael. Michael.” It was a chant, Dwayne, Paul, and Marko speaking his name in encouragement. Urging him on to drink from the bottle.
 Star moved over to stand behind Michael, “Don’t drink it Michael. It’s blood.” She warned him. This caught Y/N’s attention because if the hunch she had was right, if it was blood. Then she knew Michael shouldn’t drink it.
 “Michae-..” Y/N didn’t even get to finish the name before Michael rolled his eyes.
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 “Yeah, sure,” Michael said to Star, “Blood.” And then he drank. Then the boys cheered.
 Deja vu. It was the same feeling she had felt four other times before in her life. It ached. Her soulmate... was dying. Now however, it made sense. Her soulmates had died. Each and every time they drank from that very same old bottle the progress to dead began to happen.
 That’s what vampires were, undead. Alive but not really so.
 Despite this information now showing her that they were truly not dead her soul still felt their life draining. Half a vampire could be described as actively dying.
 It took a day or so for the feeling to go away before proving to her that these four; David, Marko, Dwayne and Paul had changed in less than 30 hours. Still, she felt pain through that time. Then when they would have fully turned she felt the greatest pain of all, and yet it faded away into depression when she believed she lost her soulmate forever. Now she could see why she felt the connection to the other four.
 Star and Laddie moved further away as Michael took another sip. Marko began to push David in his wheelchair around. Dwayne and Paul stood up and they began to celebrate, welcoming him.
 This on its own had Y/N feeling worried but then their eyes landed on her. Sitting there, her box of food having been set down on a small table beside the seat.
 At some point David had taken the bottle from Michael and held it out to Y/N. “Didn’t think we forgot about you, did you doll?”
 “Join us princess.” Marko egged her on. Dwayne giving an encouraging smile from behind Marko. Paul looking at her with eager eyes.
 “I can’t drink alcohol. Bad heart.” Y/N said to them giving her best faux smile and shaking her head. The disappointment on their faces was instant.
 “Just a small sip.” David urged and yet she moved her body to sink further into the seat, away from the bottle.
 “Tyr would kill me.” She whispered. “I should be getting home.” She said to them, “Can’t stay out too late. My friend is still sick.”
 Oops. Wrong words.
 “You live with your friend?” Marko asked, there was a flash of something in his eyes that she had not seen before. Malice.
“Separate rooms.” Y/N assured him knowing that angering a vampire was not the thing she wanted to do. “But yes.”
 The sound of her being in a separate room seemed to calm them down at the very least. “I’ll give you a ride.” Dwayne insisted only for Y/N to shake her head.
 “It’s fine really. You guys are partying. I actually don’t stay too far.” Y/N spoke standing from the seat and slipping toward the staircase. “I’ll see you guys soon!” It wasn’t a promise, it wasn’t even definite plans. Yet she made her way up those stairs so quickly.
 It was terrible that she left Michael there, yet she was no idiot. What the hell was she supposed to do? It was too late. He had already started the process to being a vampire.
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The shadows created by the moonlight that had been blocked by objects began to shake as she made her way past them. No one had followed after her. That was good. They continued to party. Using a sense she didn’t feel anyone near her and before she knew it, she fell into the shadows. Literally. Her body sinking into the shadows like a portal as she spoke an incantation. The pain was too much for her. Falling from the ceiling of her room and straight onto her bed with a soft thud as her body hit the comforter and pillows.
 Much like Tyr, she used up too much of her own energy and the darkness took over as she slipped into a deep sleep, at least in this sleep she would not feel the pain. She hoped.
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lacomandante · 1 year
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Sharpe + The Onion headlines: Part 11 of ?
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10
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bornonthesavage · 1 year
Tell Me "Don't", So I Can Crawl Back In Part 4
Part 3  Part 5 Read on AO3
“No, Scoob, don’t go in there! The abandoned mine shaft is exactly the place a scary monster would be!”
Eddie shouted his warning at the tv, knowing full well they never took his advice. Currently, he was hung upside down on his sofa, waiting to see how long it would take before the blood pounding in his head was enough to make him dizzy. Wayne had asked him, many times, why he didn’t just… not do it. But that had been before he’d learned it was best to just let Eddie do as he wished. Besides, Wayne wasn’t here right now. It was after eight on Wednesday night, which meant he’d already left for his night shift at the plant.
That left Eddie free to be as loud as he liked, and he did like. The only downside to hanging upside down like an oversized bat was the hit his already dreadful coordination took. But hey, he’d like to see anyone try and eat chips like this! As it was, he accidentally spilled half the bag of cheese puff over his face and onto the carpet.
Bracing his hands on the floor, he lowered his face until he was able to grab a few puffs with his lips. See, this was more practical anyway. He was a genius. Now if he could just get every teacher at school to believe it.
Speaking of school, today had been just as weird as the last thanks entirely to Steve god damn Harrington. Eddie didn’t get it. First, he’d come to him in the hall. And not even for any particular reason, apparently. Just to talk. Which, yeah, bizarre. Then at lunch, just like the day before, he’d plopped himself down right next Eddie as if he’d been there the whole time. As if jocks dined with the freaks on a regular basis. Because yeah, he’d said he wanted to sit with them, but Eddie had thought he was joking. Surely, after one lunch period, he would come to his senses and realize he didn’t belong there. Apparently not.
The problem was, Eddie couldn’t figure out what his angle was. It couldn’t just be that he’d lost his old friends. He was Steve Harrington. He could join any group he wanted. Eddie and his friends had to be on the very bottom of the list of potential besties.
Maybe Steve was just looking for a hookup to cheap drugs. That was definitely a possibility. Plenty of people were nicer to Eddie for the sole purpose of not being up charged on their weed. Why would Steve be any different? And if that was the case, well. Eddie wasn’t going to say no to Steve’s sweet smiles. He could knock a few bucks off the drugs for that. Because while he might be a virgin, in his heart, he was a bit of a desperate slut.
The phone rang then, the shrill noise cutting through the sound of the tv and nearly making Eddie fall off the couch. He caught himself in time and rolled into a standing position. Brushing the Cheeto dust off his fingers, he trotted over to the phone.
“Hanks Roadside Diner, you kill ‘em, we grill ‘em. What can I do for you?”
For a moment, there was silence on the other side. When nobody spoke, Eddie decided it must be a telemarketer and began to hang up. That is, until he heard “Uh, Eddie?”
And shit, he knew that voice. It had starred in his dreams for the past two nights, making for very messy morning cleanups. Eddie’s heart stuttered uncomfortably in his chest. Why the fuck was Steve calling him? When Eddie didn’t answer, Steve spoke again.
“Uh, sorry, I must have the wrong number.”
“No!” Eddie cried, then cringed at how loud he’d been. “No, uh, this is Eddie.”
“Oh.” There was a beat of silence. “Dude, why would you answer your phone that way?”
He huffed and rolled his eyes. “Uh, because this is my phone and I can do what I want. Plus, it scares away junk callers.”
“Hmm, I guess that makes sense. Oh, this is Steve, by the way.”
Eddie rolled his eyes. “Yeah, I know that. But um, how did you get my number?”
Steve was silent for a second. “Well, there was only one Munson in the phonebook, so I took a wild guess that it was you.”
What the fuck? Eddie leaned back against the wall and began to twist the cord around his finger. “So you’re telling me you went out of your way to look me up?”
There was some rustling on the other end of the line, as if Steve was moving around. “I mean, yeah, I guess. It wasn’t really out of my way, since I already had the phonebook. And yes, I can read, if that was what you were going to say next.”
Eddie grinned. “Wow, I’m flattered that you already know me so well. But back to the topic at hand. To what do I owe the pleasure of King Steve calling on little old me?”
Steve cleared his throat. “I was actually wondering if you wanted to go get something to eat with me.”
The phone nearly fell out of Eddie’s hand as he jerked up right. Surely, he hadn’t heard him correctly. “What?”
Steve began to ramble. “Yeah, I mean, I don’t have anything to eat at the house right now, so I was going to go out anyway, but it’s always more fun to go with someone. And Darcy’s Diner is open for another two hours, so I figured that would be the perfect place for a late dinner. Have you been? It’s pretty good. They cook a mean burger. But, I mean, only if you haven’t eaten yet? Which, crap, I realize it’s eight o’clock so you probably have.”
Eddie wasn’t sure how long he stood there, staring into the middle distance. What the hell was going on? There was no way Steve was asking him out. Maybe he was still on the couch, hung upside down. Maybe so much blood had pooled in his head that it had knocked him unconscious. That honestly made more sense than whatever this was. Because of course his subconscious would conjure up a phone call from Steve. He was dragged out of his spiraling by his voice.
“Eddie? You still there?”
He shook himself. “Yeah, yeah, I’m here. Wait, so you want to go out right now?”
“Um, yeah? But you don’t have to if you already ate.”
Eddie glanced back at the cheese puffs scattered across the floor, which were the extent of the food he’d consumed. “No, I haven’t eaten. I guess I could go for some food.”
“Oh, cool,” Steve said, suddenly sounding much brighter. “So, do you want to meet me at Darcy’s? Or I could pick you up.”
“No, no, I can meet you there.”
The last thing he needed was for his stupid brain to get this whole situation more mixed up. It was definitely safer to drive himself.
“Alright. See you in, say, thirty minutes?”
“Yep, see you then.”
He could hear the smile in Steve’s voice. “Great, bye Eddie.”
Even after Steve hung up, Eddie remained standing where he was. Ok so, Steve wanted to hang out. Outside of school. Which was totally normal and not weird. It was a little strange that he’d looked him up rather than just asking for his number during lunch. Unless, of course, he didn’t want anyone else to know they were hanging out outside of school.
Oh, right. Steve probably wanted to score some weed. That was why he’d called so late. He’d probably asked him to eat first, so he didn’t seem rude, in an effort to get that good discount. Eddie relaxed slightly. Yeah, that made sense. He was used to people using him for drugs. This was familiar territory.
And so what, if he spent way longer getting ready than he would for a regular drug deal? Steve was probably going to look nice, since he always looked nice, so it only made sense for Eddie to put a little effort in.
Once he was dressed in his best band tee and his second favorite pair of ripped jeans, he made his way out of the trailer and hopped into the van. The drive to Darcy’s was pretty short, yet when Eddie pulled into the parking lot, Steve was already there. And yep, Eddie had been right. He looked good enough to eat.
Eddie took a moment as he parked to just look at Steve. He was leaned up against his car, the curved line of his body somehow both causal and posed. Tight jeans, white sneakers, an unzipped bomber jacket. Jesus Christ. He took a second to steady himself before climbing out of the van.
This is just a drug deal. Just a drug deal. A drug deal with a bizarre extra layer of weirdness.
“Hey Harrington. You coming from a date?”
Steve looked up at him as he approached, a smile tugging up the corner of his lips. “Hey Munson. No, I was at home. Why do you ask?”
Eddie waved a hand. “You’re awfully dressed up for a late-night diner run. Hope you didn’t get dolled up for little old me.”
“Oh.” Steve looked down at himself, as if only now realizing what he was wearing. “I mean, it never hurts to make a good impression, right? Figured that applied to friends too.”
Eddie stopped a few feet away, letting his arms swing awkwardly at his sides. “Friends. Right.”
“Yep. So, uh, you want to go in?”
“After you, my liege,” he said, dropping into a sweeping bow.
Steve snorted and shoved playfully at his shoulder. “Shut up. Come on.”
They approached the door to the diner together. Before Eddie could reach for the handle, Steve had already pulled it open and motioned for Eddie to go in first. Huh. A chivalrous king. The waitress behind the counter told them to sit wherever they liked, and Eddie followed Steve to one of the booths along the wall of windows. Once they were seated, Steve slid a menu over.
“You ever been here before?”
Eddie glance over the top of his menu. “Steve, we don’t exactly live in the big city. We have like, ten options for restaurants. So yeah, I’ve eaten here before.”
“You know, a simple yes would have been fine,” Steve said with a roll of his eyes.
“Ah, but I’m not a simple guy. Surely, you’ve figured that out by now.”
“Yeah, it’s pretty obvious. But I like it though. You’re different. Everyone else around here is so damn boring.”
Eddie leaned back in his chair and regarded Steve. So was that his angle? Was the prince bored and in need of entertainment? It would make sense why he’d latched onto Eddie. A jester for a king.
“What, you need me to perform for you, big boy?”
Steve shot him a look. “No. Just, like, hang out. Chill.”
The waitress appeared beside them to take their order. Steve decided on a burger with everything on it, as well as a side of fries and a chocolate milkshake. Eddie went a little more daring with an order of their full breakfast slam. Once the waitress had slipped away to give their order to the cook, Steve looked back to Eddie.
“Breakfast at night?”
Eddie spread his hands. “Yeah, why not? That’s the best time to have it.”
Steve gave him a skeptical look. “I think the best time to have breakfast is in the morning, seeing as that’s when you’re supposed to eat it.”
“Ah, Stevie boy, but that’s where you’re wrong,” he said, wagging a finger at him. “The best time to do anything is when you’re not supposed to. It makes things way more interesting. Plus, who decided there were certain foods for certain times of day? That’s weird, right? It’s just food. Why does everything in life have to have some arbitrary rule?”
As he spoke, Steve’s brow furrowed deeper and deeper. He opened his mouth to respond, but Eddie slapped his hand down on the table before he could.
“That was a trick question, Steve-o. I’ll tell you why. Two words. Mass. Conformity. The people on top pile on all these stupid rules and convince the people that they’re important. When to eat certain foods. What to wear to different places. Who you can love. It’s all nonsense. But they convince you it matters. Why? Because it keeps you distracted from the bigger picture. From looking at The Man and seeing that we’re all just cattle in their conveyer belt. But not me. Oh no, I won’t be like them. So yeah, that’s why I eat breakfast at night.”
As soon as he finished speaking, Eddie picked up his water and took a big gulp. Long speeches always dried out his mouth. When he looked at Steve, he found the other boy staring at him with wide eyes. This was usually the place he lost the normies. Where they narrowed their eyes at him and decided he was just too weird. He was prepared for it. Welcomed it, even. But once again, Steve surprised him. After a moment, he began to nod his head.
“Huh, yeah, I’ve never thought about it like that. But it makes sense. There could be, like… monsters running around the town and nobody would even notice because they’re so worried about missing an episode of Jeopardy.”
Something warm flickered to life in Eddie’s chest. Something soft and bright. Something dangerous. He tried to smother it before it got any air, but the open expression on Steve’s face made it impossible. Hell, even Eddie’s own friends rolled their eyes when he got going on one of his spiels. But Steve wasn’t rolling his eyes. In fact, he looked interested. Which was wonderful. It was great. It was terrible. Eddie took another big gulp of water.
“Yeah, exactly. Forced conformity is no joke.”
Steve’s eyes moved over Eddie. “So, is that why you dress how you do, and yell on table tops, and push peoples buttons? So you can break out of the mold the world tried to put you in?”
Oh, fuck. He was being seen by Steve Harrington. Honestly, he couldn’t imagine anything worse. Being perceived was to be avoided at all costs. So, he would do what he always did. Smile, deflect, distract.
“Aww, Stevie, now you’re getting it. Not all of us can be so blessed to be molded out of gold like you.”
He expected Steve to smirk or roll his eyes. To brush it off like everything else Eddie had said. Instead, the corners of Steve’s mouth turned down into a frown and he lowered his eyes. As if what Eddie had said upset him. That hadn’t been his intention. As formerly mentioned, Eddie was a weak man. Despite his reservations, Eddie wanted Steve to like him. He sort of hated it, but there it was.
“Hey, man, did I say something wrong?”
Steve shook his head. “No, no, it’s fine. You’re right. I have everything anyone could want, so I should be grateful. Right?”
That felt like a trap. Like there was something Eddie didn’t know. He picked at his napkin, tearing off little strips and rolling them into balls.
“I mean, I don’t know your life man. You’re allowed to have problems.”
Steve nodded, though it seemed stilted. “Yeah, sure.”
Fuck. Eddie had definitely messed this up. And while he should be glad for it, should hope that now Steve would move on to his next distraction, he’d always been an attention whore. He thrived on it, so long as it was surface level. He wanted people to notice him, to find him interesting in the way someone found the circus interesting. And now, despite his own wishes, he wanted Steve to keep paying attention to him.
“Did you know it would take a human nineteen minutes to fall to the center of the earth?”
Steve’s head jerked up, a look of bewilderment replacing the dejection that had been there a moment before. “What?”
“Yep,” Eddie said, grinning when he saw he had Steve’s attention. “Scientists figured it out.”
“That can’t be true,” Steve said, shaking his head. “The earth is like, huge. How could they even know that?”
Eddie shrugged. “Don’t know, dude. I’m not a scientist. They did some math shit, I guess.”
“Huh. I’m going to have to ask Dustin about that. He might know.”
“Yeah, one of the middle schoolers I watch. He’s a total nerd, but he’s also a genius. Way smarter than I’ll ever be, that’s for sure.”
Eddie grinned. “He sounds cool.”
“I mean, I guess,” Steve said. But he was smiling now, and didn’t that just warm Eddie’s jaded heart?
The waitress came then with their food, setting their plates in front of them before disappearing once more. Eddie began to immediate dig in, scooping up a big bite of scrambled eggs and shoving them into his mouth. But when he looked up at Steve, he was just watching him, that same small smile still on his face.
Suddenly feeling nervous, Eddie swallowed and straightened up. “What?”
“Nothing, it’s just…” Steve’s shoulders twitched. “I can get stuck in my own head sometimes. Thanks for getting me out.”
Eddie tightened his grip on his fork so he wouldn’t do something stupid, like reach across the table. “Oh, uh, yeah. It’s no problem. Always happy to help.”
Steve continued to smile as he began to eat. They talked more as they ate, mostly about small stuff and people they hated at school. The list was long and heavily overlapped, Eddie found. Which was nice. It was always cool to hate the same people as someone else. And Steve was a bitch, which Eddie already knew, but it was nice to see that venom directed at people he didn’t like.
When the waitress brought the check, Eddie reached for his wallet, but Steve waved him away. “Nah, man, it’s on me. I’m the one who invited you.”
Eddie was pretty sure that only applied to dates, which this definitely wasn’t. Still, he wasn’t going to argue over a free meal. “Alright, if you insist.”
With the meal paid for, they slid out of their booths and made their way back out to the parking lot. It was still early in February, which meant it was unreasonably cold. Eddie tucked his hands into the pockets of his leather jacket.
“So, uh,” Eddie said, turning back to Steve. “Did you want to do this in the van?”
Steve raised an eyebrow. “Do what?”
Eddie waved his hand. “You know. The weed. Unless you were looking for something stronger, but I don’t have any of that on me.”
“Um.” Steve blinked. “I’ve got to drive, so I probably shouldn’t smoke right now. But if you want, I could come over some time and we could smoke and hang. Or you could come to mine. It doesn’t matter.”
Well, now Eddie felt a bit wrong footed. “So, you aren’t interested in buying weed?”
Steve tucked his hands into his pockets. “Uh, no, not right now. But thanks for the offer.”
Well, shit. There went that theory. He cleared his throat. “No, yeah, no problem. I just, uh, thought I’d offer.”
“Right. Oh, also,” Steve said, lighting up as if he’d just remembered something. Eddie watched as he turned and dug through his car. When he turned back, he was holding a pen. Eddie’s heart shot into his throat when Steve grabbed him by the hand and pulled him closer. “So you’ll have my number. No need to look in the phonebook.”
Once Steve was finished, he let Eddie’s hand go. He immediately missed the warmth. The number was written out across the back of him arm in Steve’s handwriting. Eddie had the insane thought that he could maybe saranwrap his skin where Steve had touched him. God, he was such a fucking freak.
“Oh, uh, cool. Is there a good time to call?”
“Nah, wherever’s fine. I might be out giving the kids a ride, but if you leave a message, I’ll call you back.”
Eddie tilted his arm, looking at the number at a different angle. “I won’t piss off your parent’s if I call too late?”
Steve dropped his eyes to his feet. “Uh, no, they’re out of town so you don’t have to worry about that.”
It felt like there was something more there, but Eddie wasn’t about to pry into Steve’s life. “Okay. So, I’ll see you tomorrow?”
“Yeah, I’ll be there.”
And then Steve did something weird. He lifted his arm, as if to pull Eddie in for a hug, only to freeze halfway there. Eddie’s pulse quickened as his gaze focused in on the hand that was now way too close. He definitely wasn’t prepared to be hugged by Steve Harrington. He also desperately, desperately wanted it. In the end, Steve went halfway and dropped his hand onto Eddie’s shoulder, giving it a squeeze. Maybe a hug would have been too much, because that small touch was already making electricity shoot through Eddie’s body.
“See you, dude.”
Eddie nodded absently. “Yeah, dude. Bye.”
Once back within the safety of his van, Eddie watched as Steve started up his car pulled out of his spot. He threw Eddie one more wave, then was gone. He just sat there for a while, contemplating. Steve didn’t want drugs, unless it was while they were “hanging out”. He’d given him his number and said to call anytime. He’d opened the door for him, paid for the meal, then touched Eddie’s shoulder.
What the fuck was going on?
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h7quinn · 1 year
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Overwatch |  «Recall» Overwatch | «Общий Сбор» Please, let’s reblog my gifs, and send on the people. ^^
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jawritter · 2 years
If It’s Mean to Be  Masterlist
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Summary: Bad things happen to good people, that’s just the rule of thumb. But sometimes, things happen for a reason, and that reason is so you can find the person you’re meant to be with…
Pairing: Alpha!Beau Arlen x Omega!Reader
Warnings: ABO Dynamics, Language, Dangerous situations, Alpha in Rut. Shy/ self-conscious reader. (Each Pt. Will have a specific warning as to what that Pt. pertains.) This is an 18 + only fic and will eventually contains smut! This work is not suitable for audiences under 18 years of age!
A/N: This series is completely unbeta’d, so all mistakes are my own! Please do not copy my work! Feedback is gold! Enjoy lovelies!!
My Masterlist
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Part 1
Part 2
Part 3 
Part 4
Part 5 
Part 6 
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14 
Series is complete!
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korvessa · 11 months
Käärijä and Bojan meeting timeline part 4
Aaand we are back, here is the part 4
part 1
part 2
part 3
6. Amsterdam
In my head Bojan wanted to impress Käärijä by singing his song:
(Joker Out - Carpe Diem Series / Ch7 – Amsterdam, go watch it)
(Also in this video Bojan tries to sing cha cha cha without the lyrics, he is very embarrassed after :( Don’t worry Bojan, even though it wasn’t Finnish, it really sounded like Finnish <3)
Joker out being Käärijä’s biggest fans:
“No no no no no no”
Puppy or papi? We will never know. Also Bojan’s laugh <3
Watch it.
Bojan is talking to Jan (I think). Why are the rest of the joker out in the different buss??
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Everybody knows this video, everybody loves this video, watch it here <3 
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Underrated video, Bojan cracking up because he thinks Käärijä is the most hilarious person ever.
7. London
Absolutely nothing interesting happened in London expect this cute Joker Out interview and this moment between Käärijä and Luke Black: 
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After preparties Jere was asked if he made any connections/friends in preparties, he said this:
“Yeah that would be that Joker band from Slovenia. Very lovely guys. I believe I made new friends with them... well I don’t know what they think about me though”
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tamales78 · 1 year
Loss: Abusive! Offenderman X reader x Slenderman PT: 3
PT1   PT2
Smut (18+)
(Y/n) P.O.V
“Come on, Sally head to bed.” I ask her as she starts to run to her bed with a book.
“Can you please read it first?” Sally asks with a soft smile.
“How can I say no to a little angel with the cutest smile in the world!” I say pinching her cute cheeks and making her giggle.
It’s been a few months since I lost the baby and have lived in the mansion. Offender has no clue that his brother’s have been hiding me. Yes, his brothers. Slender had to tell Splendor and Trender in order so Offender does not find me. It pained everyone even me that things have gotten this far. 
However, the fact that Offender had done me so much harm, makes it easier for them.
I have found comfort with the pasta’s and Sally. Oh, Sally. Since, I’ve lost my child she’s been like my own. She and I have such a strong mother-daughter relationship, that she now calls me “mom”.
I finish reading Sally her book, and find her sound asleep. I cover her with a blanket and leave turning the lights off, except her night light. I slowly and carefully close her door before I’m meet with Slender.
“She sound asleep?”
Slender smiles and we lean in closer smashing our lips to one another. 
Throughout the months he and I have found comfort in each other’s arms. It was really very unexpected. I mean technically I’m still his brothers wife. But for him, I was his now. For him Offender does not deserve me, especially after the pain he made me grow through.
Before I knew it, we were now in his bedroom and in his bed. We slowly removed each other’s clothing till we were completely naked. His fingers tangle themselves in my hair and his kisses go down to my neck, drawing a moan out of my breath.
His hands grab my legs and I wrap them around his waist.
He sits down on the bed, and makes us one. A loud moan exits my lips as he starts to slowly thrust himself into me. His hands grip my ass before smashing our lips, again.
“S-Slender!” I moan out as his finger circles around my clit.
I hold on to his shoulder’s as slowly his thrust grow faster and rougher. One moment he was thrusting into me and the next thing I knew he smashing into me while pinning me to the wall. 
By the end he and I were laying down on the bed making outafter we had reached our peaks. 
His hands caress my back as he bites my lip. I giggle at this and lay down on my pillow as he kisses my back.
“Did you like it?”
Slender chuckles and covers us with a blanket. The lights are turned off and we cuddle each other.
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popcrone818 · 2 years
How Could You Know - Luke Morrow Part 4
Part 4  Series Masterlist   Main Masterlist 
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 “Do you think Frankie will do it?” I asked Luke as we walked back to the car.
“I seriously hope not, if they get found out he will get dishonourably discharged as well as locked up for a while. It wouldn’t be in his best interests.” Luke shrugged and opened the car door for me. As he walked around to the driver’s seat, he got a phone call. He didn’t get in the car until he got off the phone. I squinted at him but he didn’t elaborate on who called him so I didn’t push.
The drive back to Frankie’s was silent, I kept rubbing my eyes to at least try to look like I hadn’t been crying and when we pulled up Cassie’s car was gone.
“Hey, I gotta go somewhere I’ll be back soon, can you let Frankie know?” I nodded at him and got out of the car, I watched as he took off down the road and walked back into Frankie’s house.
“Where’s he off to?” Frankie asked as soon as I walked through the door. I shrugged.
“Not a clue, he didn’t tell me.” He nodded and we sat down on the couch together as we waited for the rest of the party to start. “So what are we even actually doing tonight?”
“BBQ and drinks, Luke and I are headed off to base day after tomorrow, so my parents want to give me a proper goodbye, even though I’m not leaving for another week.” I nodded along with him.
“What did you say to Cassie?”
“I told her I couldn’t do it because I didn’t know how my girlfriend would feel about me having a wife.” My face lit up, he finally got together with Riley, he had only been going on about her for years. I pulled him in for a tight hug as the front door opened. Luke walked in a smile on his face and it seemed to get bigger when he saw us. An unknown number flashed across the screen of my new phone and I picked it up.
“Hello Calliope speaking.”
“Callie! You’ll never guess what just happened. Luke and I are getting married! Tomorrow, I want you to be my maid of honour.” My face fell after hearing why Cassie called me.
“I'm sorry Cass, I cant.” I hung up before she could try to argue with me. A knot formed in my stomach as I looked up at Luke’s still smiling face as he spoke with Frankie. A tear slipped out of my eye and I shook my head at Frankie, Luke seemed to be in his own little world, and I felt like mine had just fallen down around me. I shouldn’t care, he could marry whoever he wanted to, under whatever circumstances.
I stood up from the couch glancing at Frankie and Luke before I took off out the front door. I Couldn’t stand there and pretend to be happy for Luke and Cassie, they weren’t even doing it for love and it was going to backfire for them. I couldn’t stand by and watch two of my best friends possibly get thrown into prison just because the health care system sucks. Just because Cassie needed money. I couldn’t do it.
On my walk home I thought about everything. I thought about the way Luke and I used to be. I thought about what pushed me to become an addict. I thought about how close Luke and I had been at the cemetery and how safe and loved I felt in that moment with Luke on one side of me and my mom on the other side. By the time I got home tears were streaming down my face but my head had never been clearer.
I could understand why they were doing it, or at least why Cassie was doing it. I didn’t know what was in it for Luke though. I got back home, ignored Camille and flopped face first onto my bed. I couldn’t do this anymore. I felt like my whole life was spiralling again. Seeing Luke again sure didn’t help me. I thought about the number I used to always call and picked up my phone. I typed in the number but hesitated. I didn’t want to go back down this path. I threw my phone onto the bed and just about run downstairs to my sister.
“I need your help.” I puff out as I try to catch my breath.
“Help with what Cal?”
“I nearly called him. Somehow, I was able to stop before I did.” She got up from the couch and walked over to my shaky figure. She pulled me into her small body and held me as my body shook.
“What was the trigger?”
“Luke,” I took a shaky quick breath. “He and Cassie,” Another breath. “Are getting married.” Camille gasped as I took another breath. “Tomorrow.” Tears streamed down my face and Camille only held me as I sobbed. She rubbed my back in small soothing circles and tried anything she could think of to sooth me.
“I told you, I got you.” She lead me over to the couch where she helped me sit down as I covered my face with my hands, my tears hitting my thighs.
“I shouldn’t have let him back in.” I wailed. “He took me to go and see mom before.” I started to calm myself down as I thought about my mom, it felt like she was right here with me. “He said that he spent a whole day looking for her grave when Frankie told him. Camie, how do I stay mad at someone who does that when he absolutely didn’t have to?”
“You don’t need to stay mad at him, you don’t even need to be mad at Cassie, you know why she’s doing it. Have you thought about why Luke is doing it? Maybe he has a good reason too.” I shook my head at her. The tears having stopped.
“He blew up at Cassie when she asked Frankie to marry her for the Health insurance. His dad is a retired MP. He wouldn’t do this to just wrought the system. He's apparently too straight cut now to do anything outside of the law. So maybe he does have some feelings for Cassie. I don’t know.”
TAGLIST @feitanett​
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theycallmequeenie · 1 year
Yondu x Reader Part 5
A/N: Okay all this one got away from me a bit and sorta took off on its own and to be utterly honest I haven’t got the foggiest idea of where this is going at all. I wish to apologize for the excessive run-on sentences/paragraphs. You’d think by now I’d know what I was doing and be a pro at this. Anyway here it is please enjoy ~Queenie.
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Master List
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5:
Yondu took her back to his quarters and got her into his shower, letting her shower in peace he set to arranging his room to accommodate both of them. Tonight, he wasn’t letting Y/N out of his sight he was afraid that if he were to leave her by herself, she would focus far too much on the negative things about them as a couple that were intent on creeping into her mind. At least if he were there to hold her through the night, she wouldn’t be alone with just her thoughts.
He knocked on the door that led to the shower and told her that he would be right back he was running over to her quarters for a moment to grab her sleep clothes and a change of clothes for her in the morning. She tried to argue with him, but he was gone as quick as he had appeared. By the time she was finished and drying off Yondu returned and shyly handed off her pajamas that she insisted on wearing even though Yondu insisted that they weren’t lady like. Yondu grumbled the entire time Y/N dressed, but once she stepped out of his bathroom he stopped in an instant. In awe of simplistic beauty.
Y/N tucked a strand of wet hair behind her ear, starting to turn a light shade of pink, again, under Yondu’s gaze. She wasn’t used to such attention. Back home she was always too plain or too boring or something along those lines for the guys back home. Yondu’s enamored stare was still a new concept for her. She watched the blue man before her questioningly pondering his intentions in her mind. He had never been this insistent on her staying with him before. She didn’t fear him, but this was a new thing for him and between them.
Yondu, again, could sense the apprehension coming off her Y/N’s body. To sooth her concerns he gave her a gentle smile before speaking to calm her, “It’s alright, Darlin’. Only thing that’s goin’ to happen in here t’night is sleeping. No funny business, I promise. I just want ta make sure that mind of your’s don’t go getting’ to ya and messin’ up what we got goin’ here. I want nothin’ but your company t’night, Darlin.”
Nodding Y/N agreed that staying with her captain tonight would probably be for the best because she sure did have a lot wandering through her mind that could have potentially done damage to their budding relationship. She knew what her mind did all too well and this was the one thing that she didn’t want it to mess up.
She whispered a soft, “Okay Captain.” And moved closer to him, reaching out a hand hoping for him to take it. Which he did and gently pulled her into his arms, kissing her gently on her forehead hoping the innocent gesture would calm her evident nerves. It did. She rested her head on his chest and smiled against it.
Yondu pulled her back from him again offering that same harmless inviting smile as he spoke to her, “Now Darlin’ you gonna be okay with me sleeping shirtless? I know you ain’t quite ready for me sleepin’ in da buff…” He gave Y/N a wink as he finished speaking and looked her in the eyes waiting on his answer.
Y/N offer him a shy smile in return and nodded in response, “That’s fine Cap. You know I don’t mind seeing you shirtless. It’s quite an impressive sight in my opinion.” She offered him a wink of her own and a mischievous little grin and let go of her Captain.
Yondu felt saddened by the loss of contact with her and smiled and gave her a gentle and playful swat across her bottom, “Alright Darlin’, git on dat bed and git yourself comfortable. I’m goin’ to get myself ready fir bed and I’ll be right out.”
Y/N squeaked in surprise at the swat and nodded again listening to Yondu and situated herself on one side of the bed making sure to leave more than enough room for him. This was going to be a new experience for her as she had been an only child without many close friends and have never shared a bed with anyone before let alone a romantic interest. She had never actually slept with anyone else in the room much less with someone next to her in the bed.
As she was lost in these thoughts and fussing with the little bit of the covers, she had allowed herself to take Yondu had stepped out of the bathroom and watched her for a moment in complete silence, smiling to himself. While he wasn’t going to actually “have” his woman, he still had her in his bed for the night and in his opinion this way was far more intimate than if he were to have sex with her. He definitely wanted that at some point with her but tonight was all about holding her tight though the night and, hopefully, calming any and all concerns that her mind could throw at her. They had been so close to that point earlier much like other times that week only to be interrupted, again. It was always something on that ship it seems that fortunately the only ones that have caught him and Y/N in his quarters together were Peter and Tullk. Neither of them would end up telling anyone on the ship. Thankfully.
Neither Y/N nor Yondu was prepared for the almost guaranteed crap fest that would come from the rest of the crew finding out about their relationship. They both knew there would be at least a fight if not a full-blown riot from the rest of Yondu’s Ravager crew. Yondu didn’t want that on his hands just yet and he knew for certain his woman wasn’t ready for all of that chaos. He knew his crew would think him soft and that Y/N was trying to sleep her way to first mate despite being one of the only ones on the ship that was willing to do every bit of maintenance and cleaning and what not that none of the other will do. Yondu had talked many times with Y/N over the year plus that Y/N had been with him and his crew about the first mates’ position on the ship and she has flat out refused it every time it came up. She was perfectly content with her ‘generic run of the mill grunt’ position. He knew she was happy with the minimal preferential treatment she was given. The separate quarters from the rest of the crew and things like that.
All these things passed through Yondu’s mind as he walked from the bathroom to his bed and laid down on his back lifting his left arm inviting the timid Y/N to curl into his side and lay her head in his chest. Reassuring her that it was alright and that she was safe. Telling her that he wasn’t sure of the exact name of this on Terra, but he called it ‘Snugglin’ which as she was inching away from the wall she had been hugging and closer to him she let out a light giggle telling him that was essentially what they called it there too.
As he was lowering his arm around Y/N he felt her tentatively reach her arm across his abdomen and lightly place her hand on his chest as he softly assured her that it was okay, she rested her head on his chest and was asleep in moments.
But the sleep was short lived as she shifted away from him only a couple hours later and jumped awake momentarily forgetting why she wasn’t in her bed, waking Yondu with her sudden gasp.
Yondu jumped ready to protect both Y/N and himself only to realize there was no tangible threat in the room when he discovered her sitting up trying to stop the slight tremble she had woken up with. He immediately started trying to sooth Y/N telling her she was alright and that she was safe. He gently wrapped an arm around her to try to stop her trembling. This seemed to sooth her well enough as he murmured soothing words in her ears, he felt a shaky hand on his upper thigh and could just about feel Y/N turning bright red at her own brazen actions and in a soft voice he heard her whisper his name…
To Be Continued…
Part 6
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livlepretre · 6 months
hi, I recently stumbled upon this TVD fic written 10 years ago. The fic is in 4parts. sadly, the 4th part was left incomplete because the writer met with an accident 8 9 years ago and she is no longer with us.
I have read FE and liked the writing structure a lot. If anyone can complete that 4th part it's you. Would you mind reading this? It's very entertaining and witchy fic. Part one is The vampire diaries standing alone.
Hi there, thank you so much for thinking of me.
Unfortunately, I’m just not comfortable taking on someone else’s project, nor do I have the time. The reality is, if FE gets finished (when it gets finished), that alone is going to be a feat of unparalleled determination and effort. I hope I will continue to be active in fandom after that point, but I don’t know. I’ve set myself that one goal of finishing FE because that is basically all and more I can commit to.
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ja3yun · 1 month
i hope this is not a dumb question but are they actually dolls like do they just happen to be special and sentient? or are they humans that think they’re dolls? LOL sorry again just wanna make sure
it's not a dumb question! they are dolls, not humans, their lore and everything is weaved throughout the 4part series so if you do read it (i hope you do!) you'll find out how they can walk and talk and stuff
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