#5 Seconds of Summer One Shot
carryonafi · 5 months
my quiet blue tune of you.
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ashton irwin x reader; SMUT!! 🔞
a/n: okay now i’m getting WAY to confident with the smut but i just had this idea i needed to get out. most of these things were inspired by convos ive had with my friends and they were amazing with giving me ideas for this fic!! enjoy some hot drummer boy sex
cw: choking kink, hair pulling, recording sexual acts, a tiny tiny bit kinky ;)
words: 3k
Your phone was set on the closest surface possible, already filming as you shuffled around the kit and settled onto the small stance of the stool. Ashton was beaming with you sitting between his legs, like he couldn’t have been in a better position and you just about trumped every single thing he’s ever achieved with this instrument. His head ducked to your shoulder, the rogue flyaways of his curls tickling your skin which sent the reaction of goosebumps all over your body.
“Cameras rolling, babe.” You warned playfully, only getting a soft hum in response as Ashton pulled away and reached for the pair of wooden sticks resting on the snare to your left. The video would be edited on your part anyway, you loved those fans to death, but you couldn’t give them too much attention.
The sensation of your boyfriend's body wrapped around yours was so, so desiring. Body heat radiated from him through your thin top and his bare torso, arms shadowing yours as he bared the sticks in your hands. The palms of his hands were rough, but they were able to give you the most gentle touch you’d ever felt. Fuck, it made you dizzy. His hair brushed against your cheek as he peered over your shoulder to help you.
“Play by yourself a bit.” He encouraged, making you giggle at the lack of context behind the words he was saying. Ashton only missed it by a beat, but his laughter followed yours soon after. “You know what I mean.” His fingertips brushed against your right side, sending another shiver down your spine.
Hesitantly, you looked around the kit and decided to bring the drumstick down onto the floor tom on your right side. Just once or twice.
“No need to be so ginger with it.” Ashton shook his head, once again wrapping his hands over yours to direct them. He adjusted your position a bit and you could feel the slow rise and fall of his chest, the soft beat of his heart and it just about made you sleepy. They say that when you’re with someone you love that these… endorphins release that make you all sleepy and warm, that was exactly how you were feeling. You barely registered Ashton’s voice. “Wanna play anything specific?”
“Teach me…” You paused, letting your head drop back against his shoulder to get the best look at him you could. “Jet Black Heart.” Confidence. That was very much what you wanted. He gave you a soft smile before blessing your temple with a peck of his lips, letting the kiss linger for a moment before you sat back up and let him guide your movement.
“Push your foot down on the pedal for me.” Ashton ordered in such a soft manner that it didn’t even sound like a direction, a suggestion that you were obligated to take from your trance. You did just that, bringing your foot down, but it barely made a sound. “With force, (Y/N). You can’t be gentle.” He corrected, making you sigh and ponder. These drums were meant to be beaten, meant to be abused into beautiful symphonies that you could only create with melodic and rough raps. You stomped down a bit harder, the boom was halted because of the soundproof walls of the basement — but it made a sound.
“Ohh!” You hummed in amusement, tapping the pedal a couple more times and smiling at the sounds it made.
“See? Sounds better, doesn't it?” Ashton rubbed your sides as you nodded, tilting your head slightly to get a look at him… and snuck a sweet kiss to his cheek.
“Mmhm.” You made a sound like an affirmative, waiting for his next direction that could make your heart flutter, and it did. He whispered to cross your arms, slowly guiding your hands while he told you when to push on the pedal. Almost everything you did was under his control, his heartbeat accompanied with yours and the sound of the drums ricocheting in your ears. The wooden sticks felt like they could slip out of your hands at any moment, you were so weak from his touch but so amazed at how easily he made this all seem. When he finished showing you the beginning, he played it all in one and turned to look towards the camera. A 2 minute video, that would be enough for them, right? Once again, you marveled in amazement at how the drums sounded.
“You’re a professional now, you should take my place.” Ashton let go of your hands, giving you the freedom to beat around on the drums a bit longer. No particular pattern in mind, only tapping away on the hi-hat to achieve that hissing sound that you always loved. However, you frowned when it didn’t work out the way you intended. Not the right part.
“Maybe not so much.” You turned back to Ashton again, staring straight into those dilated pupils and blown out hazel irises. Pure love. Pure love was all you could see and you knew you were mirroring that right back to him. His arm snuck around your waist, smiling sweetly as he hovered over your lips for a moment. Now this was what you were looking for, your hands had a mind of their own as you set down the drumsticks and cupped both of his cheeks. Your lips met soon, the pads of your thumbs smoothing over his cheekbones and index fingers tracing the rough of his sideburns. He hummed against your closed mouth, and you melted. Melted into lovely mush because of your adoration for this man, how easy it was for him to be the way that he was and charm with no effort at all. The noise just made you wanton, that kiss turned into lips parting and sliding against each other as the enticing sound of you pulling away made you dizzy each time. Your heart started to pound, arousal started to pool as you felt Ashton’s grip on your waist become tighter.
“Ash.” You sighed dreamily, hands sliding back to the rogue curls which rested on the nape of his neck right above that beloved tattoo. “The camera.” The tone you spoke in was slow, it almost sounded far away because you were so enthralled by the beginning of this make-out session.
“You’re gonna cut it, aren’t you?” Ashton asked quite rhetorically as he continued his journey along the point of your jawline, gasping as he bared his teeth against the sensitive skin of your pulse point. “Keep it on, save a little bit for yourself. Don’t have t’show anyone.” His words were muffled against your flesh, each syllable like a slow puff of loving smoke against you and further shaking your need.
“Mm.. ‘kay.” You huffed in defeat, shuddering as you felt him smile to your throat. The position you were in was quite uncomfortable, still twisting your body to meet his. Ashton took notice of this quickly, tapping your thigh and motioning for you to sit up so you could get more comfortable. Every little thing came so easy to him, it was beyond you. Within seconds, you were perched atop his lap with your feet placed firmly on the ground with the height of the drum stool.
“Fuckin’ perfect, you are.” Ashton’s hands wandered your body, calloused fingertips gliding along your hips and stomach as your top had ridden up slightly. Just enough to make him hungry. The instant change in his attitude made you stir, the sweetness from earlier had shifted into possession and you could see it in his eyes. Large pupils dark with lust and need, despite every act he put on he could never hide that desperation for you. This realization made you giggle, bumping your nose with his as you leaned in for another kiss.
“Mh. Love you.” You spoke like a secret, kissing him once in expectation for him to repeat it.
“Love you more. So much more, my girl.” Suddenly your heart soared again, the fuzzy feeling in your chest made you bold enough to drag your nails down his chest as your lips met for the hundredth time within the last 5 minutes. It was so soft, but so needy, so slow. You never understood the term “love drunk” until you shared everything with Ashton, he could never fail to make your heart flutter like he was kissing you for the first time again. Like he was touching you for the first time again, sharing hushed whispers of your three favorite words for the first time again, it was so magical. You were convinced that this would never go away, the honeymoon phase would last your entire relationship and that was the way it should be.
Now, you were growing much more impatient. Your hips began to slowly rock into Ashton’s and the friction had him sighing gratefully, giving you the perfect opportunity to slide your tongue over his bottom lip with a need to push this further.
“Greedy.” He laughed as your hips collided again, his voice cut off in a groan.
“Only for you.” You replied, grinning victoriously as he returned the favor and gripped your hips, dragging you down against him. A gasp passed your lips, the smile never faltering as the sultry tone dripped from your sounds. “Want it so bad.”
“Yeah?” The implications made you weak, nodding desperately. “I’ll give you what you want.” Ashton leaned in to continue what he was doing before, placing those kisses to your throat which felt harsh but so loving. Marks would be left behind, but ones that would only fade within a short amount of time. He would always give in, you were too good to pass up and he only played those games when he really wanted to.
His fingertips came into contact with your skin again, feeling over the dips of your sides and waist, cherishing you like this was the last chance he’d get to ever touch you. Momentarily, everything around you went quiet. No background noise, no fabric shuffling, just the soft kisses and sounds of Ashton’s lips traveling every inch your neck. You could hear the pounding of your own heart in your ears, tangling your fingers in his thick, fluffy curls as you sighed and breathed, every sound heavy with arousal. His hands inching towards the soft elastic of your pajamas, touch sending goosebumps rippling throughout your body. It was so much, but never too much. Never enough.
“Help me out, here.” Ashton murmured against your skin, muffled by your body. You obliged immediately, without hesitation as you knew exactly what he was asking. You shuffled around, lifting your hips so he could push off the material and expose you to those eyes. Those dark eyes, completely overtaken with lust. “Mm. I figured.” He hummed, seeing you completely bare underneath. You let out another soft laugh, music to his ears just like the music he created.
“You should know me by now.” Your voice came in an awful suggestive tone, the fabric of his pants now pressed to your bare core. “I like easy access.”
“Do you, now?” Ashton whispered, pressing wet kisses on your breasts as you kneaded your hands in his hair. “I suppose I trained you well.” He hummed into your curves, making you gasp as he gripped your thighs to move you closer and instead creating friction which felt much more intense due to there being a layer of clothing lost.
“I want you so bad, please — I know you want me too.” You breathed, shuddering as your hips met again which finally elicited a groan from Ashton.
“Why have you got to be so damn irresistible?” He cursed, sucking in a breath as your hands went to his sweats to do the same thing he had done to you. You both were eager, too eager to put in the effort and take them off all the way. Ashton was lifting your hips within seconds of you watching his cock spring free of the confines, your breath getting caught in your throat as if this was your first time. From the most innocent scenarios to times like this, there wasn’t a moment where you didn’t feel anxious butterflies or that familiar swirling in your head.
His fingertips dug into your flesh, creating that tightening sensation in your chest as he whispered soft praise against your neck. The way he eased you down, rubbing your hips yet roughly gripping your thighs and feeling his frame tremble beneath your own as you took his length told you that this sweetness wasn’t going to last long. The only thing you could do was let your hands go right back up to his hair, disheveled in the most gorgeous way ever imaginable. You breathed out a satisfied sigh, listening as Ashton echoed you and added more loving encouragement.
“Feel so good, baby. Look at me, come on, dear… wanna see those beautiful eyes.” The comment made you blush, but regardless of his command your head tilted back as you closed your eyes. The pleasure was all too much and you had barely done anything, this position was something different. Your internal guess of how long this loving act was going to go on for had been proven right, feeling the loss of his hand on your thigh as he instead gripped your throat. You gasped, a strangled whine tearing past your closed off throat.
“I told you to fucking look at me.” Ashton’s voice was husky and hot between you, the tone sending a shiver down your spine. Your own hand went to grab at his wrist, and it was then you noticed how tight his hold was on you. It made you dizzy, dizzy with arousal and dizzy from the fact that he was somehow safely blocking your windpipes enough to make you obey without question. Your eyes were locked onto his as you rolled your hips, watching Ashton’s eyelids flutter and his kiss-swollen lips part to let out a moan of his own.
“Fuck..” You said softly, eyes widening as both of his hands got tighter on you.
“Watch that mouth.” He said simply, and you knew right then and there to let him take over. Your body submitted completely, simply taking in the feeling of his hips lifting from the drum stool with ease and your own weight on top of him. You no longer needed to have a brain, you could let Ashton fuck you mindless and you knew he’d be satisfied.
Between the soft grunts and growls that he made and your own restrained moans, there were the sounds of skin and friction. It felt like heaven as he lost all self control, relentlessly fucking up into you with a hand on your throat to keep your gaze on his muted green irises. However, you could see that this position was getting pretty hard to keep up with. The line of frustration between his eyebrows and the sweat collecting in those curls that hung over his forehead, you tried to get his attention.
“Switch — bend me over.” You gasped, hoping your babbling made enough sense to him. It did, watching his strong chest rise and fall with each labored breath he took as he let go of your throat. You gratefully took in a deep breath, not getting to enjoy it much before Ashton firmly patted your thigh.
“Up.” He said without any elaboration needed, pushing yourself off of him with a quiet sound before standing up. He followed in your actions quickly, towering over you, bodies almost touching… you weren’t kept waiting any longer. Ashton’s arm wrapped around you, roughly fastening his grip on your waist as he spun you around and forced you down. This was not very steady, not at all. Your hands were placed on the high toms of his drum kit, which were not at all attached to anything stable. Not that you had to completely rely on it, since Ashton’s arm was all the way around you keeping you close.
“I’ve got you, I got you.” His other hand traced your spine, leaving goosebumps in his wake just as he braced himself and passed easily through your folds. Another desperate sound escaped you, trying to not put too much pressure on your hands and potentially knock something over. Ashton quickly built up his pace again, his hand slowly making its way up your back again before taking your hair with one sharp tug. This had you crying out his name, fingertips grazing against the material.
“Gonna cum. All over your fuckin’ back.” He rasped, thrusts becoming sloppy and uncoordinated. “Wanna see you covered. All mine.” Ashton rambled possessively, making your thighs shake with need to finally be brought over the edge.
“Please? Please — I…” Your words were cut off with a silent moan, closing your eyes to watch those shapes drift across your vision. You tightened around him, you could feel it because of the way Ashton had tried to speed up and keep his pace regulated. The orgasm that washed over you made him fail to keep composure, quickly pulling out of you and doing just as he had promised. Your ass and lower back painted in his cum, one beautiful sight Ashton couldn’t tear his eyes away from. You both panted and slowly collected your consciousness, unable to hold yourself on these drums much longer. Ashton felt your struggle, guiding you into a standing position with your back against his torso. Both of his arms snaked around you comfortably, warm, large hands on either side of you to remind you just where you were.
“That’s gonna be fun to watch.” He mumbled against your neck, pressing those open mouthed kisses to the hickeys he had left with pride and affectionately roughing up your skin with the stubble adorning his cheek. Once your eyes opened again, you looked over at your phone still set up on the desk nearby.
“Mm, I dunno. That whole “bending me over the drum kit” thing didn’t work as well as I thought it would.” You mused, leaning your head to the left to feel his sweaty hair against your skin. However, you didn’t regret one bit of that.
“I made it work, though. Didn’t I?” Ashton nuzzled your neck, making you laugh breathlessly as he tickled your skin. “You’ve got some weird fantasies.” He added.
“And you have only just scratched the surface.”
(some more cutie pics of ash to imagine for this one🤗)
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calumsargwife · 10 months
"You Are In Love"
calum hood x fem!reader
summary: the journey of how you and Calum found out you are in love.
warnings: use of cigarettes and mentions of alcohol, a little bit of bad language (if i let something out let me know!)
word count: 4.7k (damn)
note: well this one is completely based on the song from You Are In Love by Taylor Swift. i know it took a while but here it is, it's the longest i've ever written. i don't know if someone's gonna read this since it's so long but since you guys seemed to like the first one i wrote i decided to post this one. i never wrote something like this, so i hope you like it!! (English is not my first language so there may be some grammatical errors, sorry!)
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One look, dark room. Meant just for you. Time moved too fast. You play it back. Light-hearted joke. No proof, not much. But you saw enough.
It was one of the many parties that took place at Ashton's house, people gathering for some reason to celebrate. The man honestly loved being the host, always making sure all of his guests were having a good time. The house was in a homely atmosphere (something Ashton always made sure was there), there was a little alcohol involved but nothing too crazy, the music was just the right volume and it was something everyone could dance to. There was good food and probably some fun board game that would make everyone a little more drunk.
It had all started about an hour ago when Calum decided to show up. It was cold, a November night where despite the weeks in advance, you could already feel the Christmas spirit.
Calum would be lying if he said he wasn't nervous. He was going to see you after the last date you two had. Before knocking on the door of the house, he briefly remembered the last outing that you shared, it was incredible.
After so long Calum had finally dared to confess his feelings for you, one of his best friends in the whole world. And you, who was completely surrendered at the boy's feet, said that you felt the same. You two met five years ago and connected instantly, not knowing how or why but it happened and both of you were so happy, you felt that the time you had with each other was never enough to stop being surprised. Being friends first had given the two of them a kind of comfort like no other.
And that's how it was, in the last few weeks you shared several dates and everything was going great, you already knew each other but with all this that was happening, you learned even more things. Everything was getting more serious and Calum was scared, but he liked it.
Once inside the house, Calum took off his coat and scanned the room looking to meet your eyes, and the moment that happened, he gave you a look that was meant only for you. A look that Calum only saved for when he looked at you. A look that made you blush in the best way.
However, Calum quickly found himself being greeted by his friends. You sighed but didn't complain, you repeated in your mind the moment in which your eyes connected and you couldn't help but feel how your breathing stopped slightly because of those eyes that you had learned to love so much in this last few years.
It all ended up being just a quick glance. The night continued and after a while, you ran into Calum (well, he ran into you). He was wearing a black shirt that accentuated his figure perfectly, you would have loved to take him in your arms at that very moment. He knew that, he had worn this shirt because he knew you would like it.
You met about an hour after Calum had arrived, he was having a good time with his friends but at some point he felt that they were holding him back too much from being able to have a chat with you. 'Who am I kidding?' That was the first thing he thought when he saw you again, Calum had been wanting to talk to you all night. You were turning your back on him while looking at the big city from the balcony of the apartment. You had on a beautiful black silk dress, it left your back bare, something that drove Calum crazy.
"Missing me already?" Calum joked after he finally found you alone "I bet you're getting bored without me." He assured in a teasing tone. He approached you and analyzed you, you were wearing a gold necklace and your nails were painted red, you held a glass with some alcohol. His hand gently brushed your arm and you could feel an electrifying touch that woke up every fiber inside you. You love how he makes you feel.
You rolled your eyes playfully at his very confident statement. "I was getting along pretty well without you, actually." You smiled and looked sincerely into his eyes this time. "I missed you." You could see how his eyes were filled with intrigue at what you had said, waiting for a reconfirmation. "I really did."
Calum smiled sweetly and couldn't help but look away from your beautiful eyes for a second to calm down. He really didn't want to blush right now. "Well, I'm glad. I've been thinking about you all night."
It might seem like a simple thing but it really makes you happy to hear that he thought of you the same way you thought of him. You liked knowing you were on his mind.
Small talk, he drives. Coffee at midnight. The light reflects. The chain on your neck. He says, "Look up". And your shoulders brush. No proof, one touch. But you felt enough.
Of course your night didn't end there. Calum proposed that you spend the night at his house and you immediately said yes. The truth is that the time you had spent at the party had not been enough for you two.
You felt a kind of excitement as Calum drove home. You guys weren't talking much in the car, the background music set the mood perfectly and you didn't need anything to talk about either. Small talk was enough to keep you entertained along the way.
Once at Calum's house, you guys set about relaxing. Still formally dressed, you were sitting in the chair that Calum had located on the terrace of his apartment. A perfect place to look at the stars.
Two cups of coffee at midnight, one for you and one for Calum. Drinking coffee gives you the little hope that you could stay up longer just to spend more time together, because it wasn't enough, it was never enough. You two loved to talk, you always had something to talk about and it never got boring. Maybe at some point you didn't have a topic of conversation, but you guys invented something so you could have an excuse to be together. Because it wasn't enough. Calum didn't know how to explain this insatiable feeling of wanting to always be chatting with you, something that really surprised him since he was normally a person who enjoyed silence.
You smiled sweetly at something Calum had said and looked away from him so you could look at your phone for a few seconds to see the time. It was half past twelve at night, already entering the early morning. You smiled to yourself at the feeling of being calm with the boy you liked.
You were wearing a gold chain with a 'C' charm on it, a cheesy and stupid gift Calum had given you for your birthday a couple of years ago. He could appreciate how it shone in the moonlight.
Speaking of the moon, Calum realized that it was at its highest point. He looked at you and spoke to you softly, since you were still looking at your cell phone. He said "Look up" and you immediately looked up from your device. You settled into the chair with the cup of coffee in your hand and you felt how his shoulder lightly brushed against yours.
And that was it. That was enough to know what you felt.
You can hear it in the silence, silence, you.
Calum was fully focused on the moon, leaving you a perfect view of his profile. The place was silent and you could still clearly hear the feeling that you now knew you had. You were afraid of being stunned by this, but actually, the opposite happened, it was all you wanted to hear.
It was so clear, so loud and so strong. You felt a pressure in your chest, that pressure was just letting you know that what you were feeling was actually true. Your insides were full of heartwarming thoughts in just a second, but you loved every single second of it.
The fact that the place was completely silent and that Calum had no idea what you were thinking about added a bit of fun to all this, if only he knew.
You were completely immersed in this new sensation, which was leaving you completely cut off from all the other things that might be going on around you.
You can feel it on the way home, way home, you
You returned home only the next day in the afternoon, the sky was beginning to darken. After a little argument about Calum wanting to take you home and you saying it wasn't necessary, you were finally making your way home on your own. You wanted to get some air and think about what had been revealed to you last night.
As you walked home you could feel the refreshing air in your hair and in your arms. You clung a little more to Calum's sweatshirt.
And that pressure in your chest came back. You've never liked a sensation so much. You couldn't help but smile in love as you looked at the scenery around you. The night was beginning for some.
You loved him. You loved Calum. You love him.
You just couldn't believe it. The idea of falling in love for you was something that was long gone and not something you expected to find again. You especially didn't expect to fall in love with Calum.
But at the same time you were not surprised. Loving Calum was so easy, he was just perfect. You couldn't not love him. He made it look so easy. And you loved loving him, it was something that just filled you up inside and you were so happy that the person you love is Calum.
You continued walking down what would soon be a dark street. Focusing on the sound of your shoes or how the things you found on the way home reminded you of him. Everything reminded you of him.
You can see it with the lights out, lights out. You are in love, true love. You are in love.
Once you got home you closed the front door and leaned your back against it. You sighed while smiling. The whole room was dark, the lights still not on.
In one of the furniture where you had photos with your friends you came to distinguish your favorite photo of the whole house. It was a photo of you and Calum hugging in front of the stage where he and the boys were going to give their show later. There were hours left for the concert and you took advantage of the moment to take pictures. You smiled to yourself remembering.
God, you are in love.
Morning, his place. Burnt toast, Sunday. You keep his shirt. He keeps his word.
It was a Sunday morning at Calum's house. The night before for the two of you had been magical. The two of you hadn't felt this connection with someone in a long time and you knew it.
You were lying on the bed, giving each other lazy kisses on the lips, on the neck, on the cheeks, on the arms, everywhere. Calum wanted to kiss every inch of you.
Calum sighed and moved slightly away from you. "I'm gonna make us breakfast, okay?" He said to then give you one last kiss on the cheek while inhaling your sweet perfume.
"Okay" You replied with a goofy smile as you watched him go to the kitchen.
A little later you stretched one last time and got out of bed too, looking for something to wear. You looked at one of the shirts Calum wears to train, you decided on a navy blue one.
As you walked to the kitchen you remembered what Calum had told you before you guys fell asleep. "I'll be here in the morning." And he kept his word, he was there. You looked at him before entering the kitchen, he was making coffee and toast for the two of you.
"The coffee smells good." You said as you walk into the kitchen. Brushing his arm with your hand when you passed by.
"I hope it tastes just as good as it smells." He answered with a smile without turning to look at you yet, taking another slice of bread to toast.
You chuckled softly, remembering the times Calum had been disappointed in how his own coffee turned out.
At the sound of your laughter Calum turned and looked at you. His heart skipped a beat at the sight of you in his shirt, admiring how well it looked on you. He would be lying if he said he doesn't want that to be his sight every morning. He loved having you in all his everyday things.
"That color suits you." He said admiring you while he wrapped his arms around your waist and left you a kiss on the cheek.
"Thank you." You answered while looking away so that your blush is not so obvious.
Calum chuckled very softly, keeping the smile on his face. He tucked one of the hairs that was on your face behind your ear and that made you turn your head to look at him.
Calum couldn't help but get completely lost in your eyes, it was something that completely mesmerized him and he knew it, he always knew it. From the moment he met you, your eyes were what he liked the most about you.
You were also completely lost by him, admiring the details of his face, seeing how there was a slight beard on his jaw, something that you knew he was going to shave later. You analyzed the small freckles around his nose, they had appeared after spending a day in the sun at the beach with his friends.
Then you raised your eyes to his and they stayed that way, looking at each other. Calum absolutely watching every move you made, admiring everything.
You don't know how long you stayed like that until you could smell the burnt smell of toast and Calum's scared face, who broke away from you in a second and immediately went to see the toaster.
A moment later he turned around and looked at you with a pout. "They burned."
Let out a laugh and you approached to give him a kiss on his pout. "We can make pancakes." You proposed with a sweet smile.
Calum smiled, completely melting at your smile. "We can, but none of those cute little eyes of yours when I'm cooking. I don't want burnt pancakes."
And for once, you let go. Of your fears and your ghosts. One step, not much. But it said enough.
Today was the day. 5 Seconds of Summer would release a new song. One that Calum personally wrote. And to say that the boy was nervous was an understatement.
He was feeling very scared for some reason. He didn't understand why. This song was beautiful and he was very proud of it, it was also an extremely vulnerable song that had taken him months to write, he was afraid of looking too fragile in the public eye and that people might not like it.
To be honest, it's a song he wrote for you, although he doesn't know if you were aware of this. The song talked about what it was like to let someone into your heart again and how scared he was to suffer again and to let go of all those ghosts from the past that haunt him.
God, he was nervous.
The boys had proposed to meet up for the launch, but Calum declined, declaring that this time he'd rather stay at his house with you by his side.
You two were sitting on the terrace of Calum's house. He was smoking a cigarette for the nerves and you were having some vanilla tea (it was your favorite and Calum had bought it especially for you). His leg was bobbing up and down as a sign of his current anxiety. You put your hand on his thigh wanting him to stop and you looked at him with a little tenderness.
"Cal, what's going on? You've been very nervous for the last few hours." My God, Calum hated how well you could read him.
He never talks about this, with anyone. Talking about his feelings is something he struggles with a lot, always in the end transforming what happens to him into songs. But Calum knew that talking about this with you was the right thing to do, knowing that if he wants to be with you then he has to start trusting you with these kinds of things.
"It's just... It's been a while since I wrote something like that, y'know... I know I always write about past experiences but this song is about the two of us and I don't know..." Calum sighed trying to collect his thoughts. "I guess I'm afraid of looking weak in front of everyone, I guess, I don't know..." It made him angry that he couldn't tell you exactly what he was thinking, he didn't know what he was feeling at that moment.
"Calum, the song you wrote is great, it's vulnerable, yes, but that makes it even more meaningful. I think that's going to make people like it more, you know?" You caressed his leg in search of being able to give him comfort.
"I know, I know..." Calum prepared himself for what he was going to say, it seemed to him something very stupid and meaningless but he knew it was necessary. He took another drag on his cigarette and turned so he could look you in the eye. "I think it scares me that once you know how I really feel you're going to run from me." He explained with a slightly shaky voice.
You couldn't help feeling how your heart softened for him. You brought your hand to his cheek and he leaned into it. You felt him visibly relax at your touch. "That's not gonna happen and you know it, right?"
He nodded as he studied your face with those sweet brown eyes of his. Calum didn't tell you but he really felt a weight less on his shoulders. He could feel how he was getting closer and closer to a certain feeling that he had been avoiding for a long time.
"I don't want to write a heartbroken song about you."
You kiss on sidewalks. You fight and you talk.
Calum loved walking with you down the street. Unlike his past relationships, this time he was not afraid to go out with you and show how much he liked you, he is not ashamed and wants to show the world who he's with.
But at the same time he wants to protect you, he doesn't like how public his life can be sometimes. He liked the feeling of his hands rubbing against yours when you are walking down a street with a lot of people, he liked having something just for him and that no one else can take it away from him.
His favorite part is when you're finally on some empty sidewalk and he can finally kiss you freely, he's dying to kiss you anywhere, but he knows that if he wants everything to remain as private as it is now, then he has to take certain precautions.
However, this has brought several discussions in the relationship.
"Why are you so angry?" Calum asked once he closed the door to his apartment, you glared at him a few feet from him.
"It annoys me that every time we walk into a room with the least amount of people, you immediately let go of my hand as if I were some kind of plague!" You knew why Calum was doing it but at the same time you couldn't help but get frustrated. Sometimes you wish Calum wasn't a public figure.
"I don't treat you like you're a plague! I just want to keep things between us!" Calum was frowning and breathing heavily.
"I understand that you want to have your private life but sometimes I feel that you exceed yourself! You don't want anyone to see us at all and it's tiring me!" You felt like a fool wanting to cry about this, but you couldn't help but make your eyes go glassy with anguish.
Calum sighed before answering, thinking about what he was going to tell you. The other day you guys had a fight over the exact same issue before going into a party. "If you know why I do it then why are you angry?!" He yelled at you, feeling how anger began to enter his body.
"Because sometimes it seems like you're ashamed of me!" You angrily yelled at him all your frustrations, trying to make him understand.
"You know that's not how I feel." He stated with a rather serious tone, you've never heard him talk like that.
"I would know how you feel if you would just tell me!" You are not going to deny that you felt a weight less after saying that. Calum always had trouble expressing his feelings but with such crucial things it was important that he tell you.
He clenched his jaw. "Are you always going to reproach me for the same thing? You know it's something I'm working on! It's not easy and yet you keep insisting!" Calum ran his hands through his hair in frustration.
"Of course I'm going to keep insisting if I don't see any change! It's always the same, I have to pressure you to tell me what's wrong with you and I don't want it to be like that anymore." You ran your hand under your eyeliner to wipe away a stubborn tear that had escaped. "I feel that you don't trust me to tell me your things and I don't know what I have to do anymore..." Now your face was covered by tears in a matter of seconds.
Calum completely collapsed seeing you cry. He quickly approached you and took your head in his hands to kiss your hair and then snuggle you against his chest. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry, you're right, sorry." He gave you small kisses on the temple in search of giving you comfort. "I'm sorry, you're right."
One night he wakes. Strange look on his face. Pauses, then says. 'You're my best friend'. And you knew what it was. He is in love.
It was another one of the nights where Calum stayed the night at your house. You two were asleep in your bed, snuggled up to each other, him being that natural warmer that he is.
Calum was lying on your chest, you were cuddling lying on your bed. About an hour ago he had fallen asleep after a tiring day in the studio with the boys. You, on the other hand, weren't sleepy, so you stayed on your phone, fooling around on social media.
Suddenly, you felt how he moved over you and how he began to wake up.
Calum moved off of you to lie next to you, he had a weird look on his face, you were trying to figure out what he was thinking.
Then he looked at you. "You're my best friend."
And you knew, you knew what was happening to him. He was in love. In love with you.
"You're my best friend too, Cal." You smiled sweetly at him and he could feel how he melted, your smiles always killed him in the best way. You put your hand on his jaw and brought him in for a sweet, passionate kiss, making sure it was one that would take his breath away.
"You're going to kill me one day." Calum hid his smile against your arm and blushed. You laughed and stroked his curls tenderly.
You can hear it in the silence, silence, you. You can feel it on the way home, way home, you. You can see it with the lights out, lights out. You are in love, true love.
It was days later where Calum was returning from the studio to his house, he was driving and found himself stuck in traffic. Too distracted thinking about you to be bothered by the number of cars.
You guys hadn't seen each other all week due to your respective jobs and he couldn't miss you more. It was night and not having the lights on inside the car made everything dark, his mind was too busy to put on music, so he enjoyed the silence there was.
Not getting you out of his head, he started humming your favorite song. Giving little taps on the steering wheel to the beat of the music.
And that's when it hit him.
"Oh, shit." Calum stopped everything he was doing to focus on what he was thinking.
He couldn't help but think a 'really?'. Hell, he hadn't felt this in a long time.
Unconsciously his heart began to race. His head was going a thousand an hour and the only thing that appeared in his mind was your name.
He couldn't believe what he was feeling. A kind of pressure settled in his chest and he loved it. Calum couldn't help but smile as he ran his hands over his face and tried to hide the smile he had, even though no one was there to see it.
"I love her. I fucking love her." Calum declared as he looked out the window, the car in silence after his confession. He felt himself blushing even though no one had told him anything and how he had an incredible desire to see you.
And for the first time in his entire life, after so many broken hearts and failed relationships, Calum wasn't afraid to love. He didn't feel that irreparable fear that something was going to go wrong, he felt love, true love.
He used to be scared, so, so scared. Fear that leaving another relationship will leave him completely destroyed and without any hope of ever being loved again. Calum always had that feeling that perhaps he was destined to be alone, believing that this had been proven after so many situations in his past.
But everything changed when you arrived. From the first moment your eyes met, he knew that you had come to change his life. You became the light of his life in just a second and that scared him at first. But he didn't care, he thought if he had to have his heart broken for you then so be it. However, now he knew that it would not be like that, you were not going to leave and he knew that you were going to take care of his heart perfectly like no one had ever done before.
Calum was sure you were meant to be together.
Because he was in love.
And he wanted to believe in love for once.
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riya-kaur · 7 months
luke robert hemmings
five weeks.
summary: you were planning to suprise your fiancé later on his world tour, but something came up, which makes you impulsively decide to see him sooner.
please read a/n at the end!
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it was early hours in the morning, the sun still not up from its rest from the day before.
you were currently rushing your way out of the airport, trying to find an uber in the arrivals section of london airport.
your fiancé and his bandmates were currently on a world tour, and right now, they were in manchester, england. you had planned to surprise the boys and your fiancé but little did you know you'd have another suprise to shock your fiancé with- this led you to impulsively buy a flight ticket yesterday from la to london.
no one but ben, the boy's manager, was aware of your spontaneous trip. you didn't exactly tell him the full reason behind your suprise, but he didn't seem suspicious enough to care.
once you left the airport, you found an uber and off you were to manchester. you had checked the day before on google to see how long the journey would take. you had learnt that it was a four hour journey to the city.
as you settled into the backseat of the uber, you see a notification appear on your phone- it was from your fiancé.
luke: hi baby, i know you're asleep right now, but i'm missing you, hope you're dreaming of me <3
you giggle to yourself, reading luke's message from the notification page, not wanting to click onto it so it doesn't appear as read, as in america you'd be asleep right now.
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the four hour journey to manchester had flown by, you had fallen asleep on the backseat of the uber for the entire journey, you only woke up when the uber driver announced you were here.
you thanked him along with paying and tipping him before slipping out of the car, grabbing your shoulder bag from the seats.
you shut the car door and turned around, looking up at the tall building in front of you - it was the hotel they were staying in.
you reached for your phone, which was in the pocket of your jeans. you unlocked your phone with the password- which was luke's birthday, and clicked on your messages with ben.
you re-read his message from earlier today, which was him informing you of the room the boys would be in, 'room six hundred and thirty one' you read in your head before locking your phone and placing it back into your pocket.
you made your way into the hotel and located the elevators - or the lifts as the british say.
regardless, you pressed on the sixth floor, and in a matter of seconds, the elevator doors opened on the sixth floor.
you walked around the floor until you saw the room mentioned in the message, 'six hundred and thirty one' you repeated in your head.
and there you were, stood in front of room six hundred and thirty one, focusing on your breathing as you held your shoulder bag tightly.
you let your hand knock lightly on the door, you hear ruffling from the other side, and in mere minutes, the door opened to liz, luke's mom.
"what?- oh my god! honey!" she exclaimed as she wrapped her arms around you, lifting you up slightly of the floor. you giggled as you wrapped your arms around her, "hi mom" you smile.
you both pull away from the hug, liz slowly backing up so you can enter in. "oh honey, he's gonna be so excited to see you" liz exclaims.
you give her a smile before your eyes fall behind liz. you see the four boys lined up on the couch, their eyes and jaw widened as they looked at you, in front of them were two other people. you didn't recognise the two people but once you saw a camera beside them you clicked on.
"shit, are they in an interview?" you ask, locking eyes with your soon-to-be-mother-in-law. she gives you a small nod before she turns to look at the boys, who are still in shock.
your eyes focus on your fiancé, his eyebrows are knitted together as his jaw was dropped. he repeatedly blinks his eyes whilst looking at you before he stands up, "i'm sorry, can we take five" luke announces. "yes, of course. is everything okay?" the lady asks. "everything is perfect" luke smiles as he locks eyes with you.
he rushes over in front of you, looking down at you. "hi" you smile. he shakes his head in disbelief as he bends down slightly, letting his hand reach the bottom of your thighs, lifting you up, allowing your legs to wrap around him.
"i missed you so much," luke expresses. "lu, baby it's only been five weeks" you giggle as you hide your face in his neck, breathing in his scent. "that's five weeks too long, baby" he coos as he moves his head so he's looking into your eyes.
you give him a smile before reaching up to capture his lips on yours. his lips were slightly parted, so you let your tongue run across his bottom lip before he catched your tongue with his.
"is that y/n?" you both hear the lady say.
you feel luke smirk against your lips, and he lets his hand squeeze the bottom of your clothed thighs. you giggle against him in response.
"the one and only" you hear michael respond to her question.
you pull away from the kiss, jumping down off of luke, his lips now turn to a frown due to action.
"i don't want to keep you from your work" you inform him. he gives you a small nod. "i won't be long, okay? i promise" he says with a wide smile. "it's okay. do you have your key card? i'll wait in your room?" you ask the blonde.
luke nods as he pulls his wallet out of his suit bottoms. he opens his wallet and takes out the key card, handing it over to you. you thank him before taking the card off him.
"that's such an old picture of me" you point out as you look at the picture of yourself, which was situated in a see-through pocket in luke's wallet.
"it's my favourite picture of you" he coos before leaving a kiss on your forehead as he slowly back away, "i'll be quick" he mouths before sitting back down on the couch, he was sat on before.
you give him a nod before giving the other three boys a wave, "see you later guys" you whisper before making your way out of their room.
you then made your way a few doors down until you reached luke's room. you pressed the card against the keypad and watched it turn green as you reached for the handle, opening up the door.
you drop your shoulder bag near the door before jumping on the already untidy bed. you notice a bulldog plushy on the bed, which reminded you of when you had bought the plushy for luke.
when you gave it to him, you told him whenever he missed petunia to look at the plushy. you picked the plushy up and held it in your arms.
you laid on the bed for well over ten minutes, until you heard a knock at the door.
you dropped the plushy on the bed before you stood up to open the door.
you swing the door open, revealing you fiancé.
he's quick at letting his lips fall onto yours.
"i'm so happy that you're here, love" luke mutters against your lips. you smile against him as your hands reach up to cup his cheeks.
luke picks you up and places you down on the bed as he hovers over you, "let me show you how much i missed you"
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thirty minutes had passed, you and luke were laid in his hotel bed, your bodies tangled with the sheets.
"what time do we have to leave?" you ask as your let your fingers play with the curls in his hair.
"rehearsals are at two, so we have an hour" luke mumbles against your neck.
"when did you plan to come out here?" luke asks, letting his head rest on your chest. he looks up at you, awaiting your answer. "just a few days ago, i was planning to come out for the sydney show but something came up" you say.
"what came up?" he asks. "i'll tell you later" you say, hoping luke wouldn't question you further.
the blonde simply nods as he nuzzle himself into you.
"come on, we should start getting dressed" you say. luke shakes his head to the side, "not yet, please," he hums. you give into the boy, as you continue to play with his hair.
the both of you were in silence until you both heard a knock at the, "fuck sake, it's always us" luke complains, earning a giggle from you.
you gently move luke off of you as you slip out of the bed, quickly putting on luke's shirt and your jeans. "i'm coming!" you exclaim as you rush over to the door.
"y/n!" you hear the boys say in unison. "hey guys" you squeal as the three of them pull you into a group hug.
"did we disturb you guys?" ashton chuckled as he glanced over at luke, who had the covers over him, only his head peaking out.
"nope, we were just talking" you say, shrugging your shoulders. "enough about him, how are you guys!" you ask them. you hadn't seen the boys in a long while due to their busy schedules.
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after catching up with the boys for a while, it was time to head to the venue for tonight's show.
the boys were called in for rehearsal, and they were currently spending some time with their fans.
you decided to go keep liz, joy and mali company as you waited for luke.
"hey guys" you smile, sitting opposite to the mom's and beside mali.
mali gives you a side hug, "we miss you, babe." she smiles, "i miss you too!" you say as you sway her in your arms.
"honey?" you hear liz say. you nod your head at liz. "you seem different, you seem really happy" she says with a smile on your face.
you return a smile, "thanks mom" you state. "c'mere" she says and so you do. you walk over to her before she pulls you into a soft hug.
"you're pregnant aren't you?" she whispers in your ear.
your eyes shot open at her words. you were so grateful that joy and mali were in a conversation together, meaning they couldn't have heard what liz had just said.
you give her a small nod as you take her hand and place it on your stomach, subtlety.
you seer her eyes filling up with tears as she pulls you in for another hug. she places a kiss to your head. "oh i love you, honey," she cries as she trying to wipe her tears. you rock her in your arms as you giggle, "i love you too mom"
"where's my 'i love you'?" you hear luke say.
you turn your head to the side, looking up at the blonde. "how long have you been stood there for?" you ask, biting your lip nervously. "just now, why?" he laughs awkwardly as he takes a seat beside his mom.
you let out a deep breath of relief, whilst you look over at liz, whose eyes were widened. "where you guys talking about me?" luke frowns as he makes grabby hands towards you.
you giggle at him before shuffling over to him. "no, never" you state before placing a kiss on his nose. "how was rehearsals?" you ask, wanting to change the subject.
"great, as always" luke hums before nuzzling his face into your neck, letting his arms rest around your body.
"i'm tired, though," he hums again. "you'll have a great sleep tonight now that i'm here" you whisper in his ear. "mhm i definitely will"
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the boys were an hour into their show, you were watching from the sidelines, cheering and singing along.
you noticed throughout the night, luke stealing lustful glances at you. so in return, you'd give him a wave, a heart shape with your hands, and blowing over a kiss.
once you heard ashton transition the drums to teeth, you felt butterflies in your stomach, knowing exactly what luke would do.
luke had reached up to the second verse, and so he walked over to the side, where you were stood, and sang the beginning of the second verse to you his voice becoming raspy when he dragged 'wife' out of his mouth.
you gave him a wink and blowed him over another kiss. you were praying that a fan had recorded the encounter and would send it over to you.
as the show continued, so did you with your cheering, singing along and screaming.
the show had finally come to an end. you watched as the boys bowed and waved goodbye to the fans. you gave the boys a hug and told them well done as you waited for luke who was finishing of his goodbyes.
you saw him then running up to you, lifting you in his arms. "how was it?" he asked, placing you back down to your feet. "it was so amazing, lu" you smiled as you pushed back the hair that had fallen onto his face.
"thank you, love" he smiles as he places a quick kiss on your lips. "come on, let's celebrate!" he exclaims, grabbing your hand and running to the green room where the boys were stood, already drinking.
"actually, luke, can i speak to you" you say, turning to luke. "right now?" he asks and you nod eagerly.
luke knits his eyebrows together as his hand finds yours again, pulling you into a quiet room.
"what's up" he asks as he leans against a table.
"lu, baby, you remember how i said before something came up and that's why i'm here" you say and he nods, his eyes looking at you confused.
"give me your hand," you instruct, and he obliges. "close your eyes for me," and he does so without question.
you take a small box out of your pocket, a box that you've had for a while now, and place it onto his palm.
"open your eyes lu" you say stepping back, watching his every action.
"what's this?" he asks, again confused. "open it" you smile.
luke takes the small box in both his hands, opening it up, revealing a small guitar pick placed in a slit.
he brings it closer to his face, reading the text on the guitar pick.
"dad" he whispers, his eyes becoming glossy as he looks between you and the guitar pick, "really?" he smiles as he wipes off the fallen tears. you nod your head as you take out the pregnancy test from your pocket. you hand it over to luke as he looks at it in disbelief.
"oh my god" he whispers again, a smile plastered across his lips. he places the box and the stick on the table before letting his hands rest on your waist. he places a kiss on your head before squatting down so he's level with your stomach.
he looks up at you, and you give him a small nod. he lifts the bottom of your shirt up, exposing your lower abdomen. he placed a soft kiss on your stomach before standing tall again.
"we're gonna be parents," luke smiles. "we are" you giggle.
"you're gonna be such an amazing mother" he coos as he cups your cheek. "and you're gonna be an amazing father" you smile as you let him embrace you into a hug.
"how far along are you?" he asks. "five weeks" you giggle, reminiscing back to five weeks ago. "right before i left for tour" luke states, earning a nod from you.
"i love you, baby," he smiles before placing a lingering kiss on you lips. "i love you lu" you say against his lips.
the two of you stand in each others embrace before you both realise that you should head back to the green room. "no champagne for you tonight," luke says, making you giggle.
"hey, can i tell the boys" luke says, grabbing your hand, stopping you from walking into the green room. you give him a nod. "of course you can,"
luke squeal before running into the room, your hand still in his. "i wanna make a toast" luke announces.
everyone gathers around in a circle with a glass of champagne in their hands.
"to five weeks ago!" luke says, raising his glass.
"what was five weeks ago?" you hear everyone mutter in some variation. "oh my god, luke" you giggle
"we have our little baby hemmings on the way!"
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a/n: i woke up to my account being deleted, i'm so upset that i've lost everything, but i'm gonna try to rewrite my previous works whilst posting new ones too :(
hope you guys like this!
i lost my requests as well so if you did have any please send them in! ♡
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bleachedhallways · 5 months
lullaby & goodnight. ⌇ lrh.
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A/N: i have a soft spot for dad!au’s & the idea of luke being a father makes me super soft, so i wanted to indulge in my silly little fantasies.
summary: in which, your daughter is having a hard time falling asleep & luke knows exactly how to center her.
word count: 1,000+ words.
“Ollie, baby, please–”
“No.” The young girl pouts, arms crossed over her chest with her favorite plush toy held in the grip of her tiny fingers. “No, no, no!”
“Ophelia, you need to sleep. How else will you have the energy to hang out with Daddy tomorrow?” A rhetorical question, yet you hope your five-year-old has the understanding and sense to answer it; Ophelia was incredibly smart for her age and seemed to be quite mature, however, she was a child and children will do as they please, no matter how old of a soul they already seem to be. 
The tiny blonde shakes her head dramatically before looking away from you. At this point, you’re ready to admit defeat and let her stay up for as long as she wants, or at least, until she tires herself out doing whatever it was that she wanted to do. However, you wanted to sleep and your husband was in your home studio, finishing up a tune that he’d been working on for days, so grabbing him to help with your stubborn daughter was, in your mind, out of the question. You couldn’t leave her unattended, you’d feel like a shitty mother if you did and Ollie was too young to be on her own. 
“Is there anything I can do to help you fall asleep?” You inquire, eyebrows knit together in hopes that there was a solution to this scenario. You’re met with large, doe-like eyes, the hue of them a replica of your own. Your daughter’s gaze is innocent, yet a hint of mischief lies in the depths of her irises. 
“No, but Daddy can.” 
Of course. Ophelia was a Daddy’s girl, through and through. She and Luke shared a bond unlike one you’ve ever encountered and had each other wrapped around their fingers. Whenever you three had family outings, there were moments where you felt like you were third wheeling; it was simply your husband and your daughter’s world and you were just living in it – happily, obviously. You don’t think you’d have it any other way. Sharing life with the two of them was one of the greatest gifts you’d ever received. 
“Ol, Daddy’s busy right now.”
Ophelia wasn’t having it. She would not take ‘no’ for an answer, “I can wait for him!”
You blink twice, unsure of what to say to the child in front of you. The sound of a door opening and closing gains your attention, footsteps getting louder as they come down the hall and stop. 
Luke pokes his head into the dimly lit bedroom your daughter occupies, a gentle, tired smile on his face. “Ladies,” He greets the both of you, “everything okay in here?” he adds, eyebrows raising slightly. 
“Ollie is having a bit of trouble getting to bed.” You reply, your gaze averting from your husband to your little girl, who looks very pleased with herself; she’s about to get exactly what she wanted. 
“Oh, yeah? Can I help?” Luke offers, fully entering the room. He sits on the edge of the twin sized bed covered in pale yellow sheets, stuffed animals crammed against the headboard. 
Ophelia abandons her plush toy, leaning into her father’s hold as he opens his arms and cuddles her into his chest. A lighthearted chuckle leaves your husband’s lips, his eyes crinkling at the corners as he looks at you, “Sorry, baby. I guess I’m what she needed.”
“Figures,” You sigh, a grin pulling at your lips. “She’s got you wrapped, Lu.”
“Definitely,” He agrees, before turning his attention back to your daughter. “Alright, miss. How can I help you sleep, hm?” 
Silence fills the room as your daughter thinks for a brief moment. She’ll milk Luke for all the time that he’s willing to give her, there’s no doubt about that. Doe eyes look up, blinking innocently to really make sure he’s ready to deliver. “Sing to me, pretty please?”
Luke doesn’t waste any time in giving in to her command. If a lullaby is what she wants? It’s what she’ll get. “I can do that for you. Anything you’re wanting to hear?”
“No- wait, can I get comfy?” She asks, pulling away from her father a bit. Luke nods, shifting from his space on the edge of the bed, which prompts you to also get up in order to allow for your daughter to get comfortable under the sheets. Once she’s settled, you and your husband snuggle in on either side of her, wrapping your arms around the girl you both love most. 
“Ready, sweetheart?” Luke hums, oceanic eyes peering down at your daughter. He always looks at her with so much love and so much pride, you swear that every time you see it, your heart swells up with affection. 
Ophelia nods, her gaze trained on her father as he begins to sing softly, “Take my hand, now and forever…” 
As he continues to sing, his melodic voice filling up the space, you watch as the melody flowing from Luke’s lips sends your daughter into a blissful, serene state. Her eyes get droopy as each second passes, the calm atmosphere and warmth provided by her loving parents causing sleep to overtake her. Soon enough, her head is slumped against the pillows, her face slightly buried in the Pink Floyd shirt your husband donned. 
Your eyes meet Luke’s when you’re sure that Ophelia is sound asleep, quietly mouthing a ‘thank you’ to him. If it weren’t for him and his incredible knowledge of what your child needed, you doubt she’d be asleep by now. He smiles, blinking sleepily at you before gingerly leaving the softness your daughter’s bed provides, holding out his hand for you to take in order to leave her room. 
With a flip of a switch, the dimly lit room is drowned in darkness, save for the pink hued night light plugged into the wall. Luke closes the door as you both exit, then wraps his arm around you and leads you to your own bedroom, sighing dreamily as the prospect of sleep draws closer with each step you take.
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sinning5sos · 2 months
No Shame | Luke
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surprise, I'm alive bitches XOXO
Requested: YES! I took a few requests and put them into one
i was wondering if you could write about dom!luke fwb kind of situation where luke tells you about his thought process when writing no shame and admitting it’s like about the reader ? 
literally the sluttiest kinkiest shit you can write for luke
leaving hickeys all over luke, JUST IMAGINE SKSK
Word Count: ~3.1k
Luke: wyd?
You rolled your eyes at the text that just came through, and your eyes flickered up to the clock. 9:45 PM. This was the usual time he texted, but you couldn’t help the smile forming as you typed your response.
You: On my way to you?
Luke: Wow so eager for me. See you soon angel.
You loved the message and got off the couch to head to your car. Your engine started up and you turned the radio on as you started to drive to Luke's apartment. You couldn’t help but laugh as one of the band's songs started playing over the radio, a song from their second album. You had met Luke through a mutual friend at a party after they released their first album, but slowly became closer whenever they would be back in L.A. or if they flew you out. 
You made the first move, kissing him when you were slightly tipsy and the two of you realized you had a lot of chemistry. It was mainly physical, but there were a few moments where the two of you would go on dates but neither of you would call them dates. Just friends with benefits. It was too busy for either of you to date but you loved fucking him too much to let him move on, to let yourself move on.
The drive to his house was quick, that’s also part of the reason that the two of you continued hooking up with one another. You entered the code into the gate and pulled into the driveway next to his car, shifted into park and sighed as you looked at yourself in the mirror one last time. You applied just a little bit more of the lipstick that he loves, and ensured your make up was fine. He loved the disheveled makeup look after he fucks you thoroughly, so you knew what you were doing. 
You climbed out of the car and walked up to the door, about to knock but he already opened the door by the time you got to the threshold. He’s just so attractive.
His curls were freshly washed, the smell of his body wash hitting you immediately - you were the one who bought it for him, one of your favorite scents. He had a basic white tee on but it fit him so well, as well as the gray sweats he had on. 
He pulled you in immediately, his lips meeting yours as you wrapped your hand around the back of his neck and pulled him closer to you. There was no need for introductions, no need for any conversation. You both knew what you were there for.
“Now listen angel, there’s going to be a few things happening. I want you to go upstairs, strip down and get on your back. Next, I am going to put your ankles in the spreader bar and show you what I bought for you earlier today,” He murmured in your ear, his hands coming down to grip your ass.
“The first part of the toy goes right on your clit, and then the other part of the toy goes right inside that pretty little pussy of yours. Then, I’m going to fuck that sweet ass.” He muttered, his words echoing in your head as he slapped your ass. “Understood angel?” 
His nose nudged yours and you nodded your response, his lips moving to meet yours again.
“Go.” He whispered, and you eagerly went up to his bedroom and did exactly as he said. Your eyes landed on the toy, a bright pink vibrator that was sort of U shaped, on his bedside table beside a bottle of lube. You quickly stripped down and laid on the bed, your anticipation building as you heard Luke slowly come up the stairs. 
You shifted slightly as he opened the door, his normally bright blue eyes darker, lust evidenced on his face as you slowly opened your knees and his gaze fell directly onto your center.
“Ankles up,” He murmured, and you lifted your ankles up into the air as he slowly clasped the cuffs around each of your ankles, the bar separating your legs further and he pushed the bar up into the air.
“That cunt is so fucking beautiful. And it’s all mine to devour,” He muttered, his gaze snapping up to yours as he pulled his tee over his shoulders. He pushed down his sweats as well, his cock already hard and you smiled up at him, knowing that it was you who caused him to be like this.
“Devour?” You whispered, and he nodded as he knelt in front of you on the bed and pressed a light kiss on the inside of your thigh before pulling you down on the bed. He ducked his head underneath the bar and you rested your ankles on the top of his shoulders. He spit directly onto your center, and you knew the gentleness was gone.
You loved giving up control to Luke, loved giving him everything you could offer and loved that he took it all.
He immediately bent his head down, his tongue laying flat against your center as he licked up, your juices coating his chin. You watched him, every swipe of his tongue jolting your body a little bit, and moaned as he finally gave in and sucked your clit into his mouth. He pulled back and spit onto his fingers, pushing two of them inside you as his mouth enveloped itself around your clit again. You pushed your head back into the mattress, your eyes closed as he continued fucking you with his fingers.
He pulled back, “I want you to cum at least once with my mouth, cum once more with that toy inside of you, then cum again as I fuck your ass. Got it?”
You whimpered out a yes, your ability to form any other words gone as he grazed his teeth against the bundle of nerves, your back arching into the bed as your orgasm quickly approached. Luke had such a way of making you cum, and so quickly too. His mouth was talented, in more ways than one.
“Cum for me angel,” He pulled his mouth back, his fingers working quickly inside of you as you rode out your orgasm on his fingers, your body shaking as your high crashed over you.
“Good girl,” He muttered, moving back under the bar and leaned over to his bedside table. He grabbed the toy, your core still sensitive as he brought it up to your mouth, “Now lick.”
You did as you were told, taking the toy into your mouth and Luke chuckled as he brought it down your body. He rubbed the bigger end over your clit, then brought it down to your core and pushed it inside of you, then lined up the top part of the toy and pressed it against your clit. He pushed the button in the center, the vibrations jolting your body as the toy filled you and sent waves of pleasure throughout it.
“Oh.” You gasped out, your hands grasping his sheets as he watched you wraith beneath him, his hands not even on you. Your breathing caught, your gaze focused on him as he had his own hand wrapped around his cock. He slowly started stroking himself, stopping occasionally to grab some of your juices that were flowy freely, and used it to fuck himself.
“Such a good girl for me. Look at you, taking that toy so well. Your cunt looks so pretty being this full,” He murmured. Your breathing became ragged as your second orgasm was approaching, his cock and the idea of it being in your ass soon overtook your thoughts. 
“Don’t you cum without my permission,” He snapped, and brought his free hand down to your cunt, giving it a gentle slap. Your body jolted and you nodded, your eyes moving to his.
“Can I cum please Luke?” You nearly begged, and he chuckled at the desperation in your voice. He didn’t give you an answer, instead he just tugged the bottom lip between his teeth as he continued stroking himself. You were writhing beneath his gaze, your eyes following his hand as he pushed another button on the toy and the vibrations increased.
You cried out, wanting to close your legs but that damn spreader bar held your ankles apart still. 
“Luke, please,” You begged, nearly screaming out his name as he nodded.
“Good, cum again for me. God, what a fucking beauty you are,” He whispered, and you released your mental block and quickly came. Your thighs were shaking, your hands dropping down to your core as you held the toy against you, the overstimulation starting to become too much.
“Luke,” You whimpered, and he turned the toy off. 
“I’m going to give you a minute to relax and then I’m going to turn that toy back on.” He muttered, and you attempted to catch your breath as he grabbed the lube. He poured some onto his fingers and brought them to your ass, and slowly pressed in. The two of you had done anal plenty of times, but that wasn’t when you were full from a toy as well. He had one finger in and slowly added his middle finger. He chuckled as he started to stretch you out, having your body relax beneath his touch.
“Such a good girl for me, aren’t you?”
“Anything for you Luke,” You breathed out, loving the way that he looked down at you.
“Since you’re being a good girl, I’m going to go ahead and set those ankles free, but I want them on my shoulders instead.” He instructed, and you nodded as you brought your hands up over your body and stretched them over you. 
With his free hand, he undid the clasp on one and your ankle moved from the bar and onto his left shoulder. He did the same on the other side, and you felt a slight relief from the stretch but then Luke lined his cock up with your hole and started pushing in. You melted into his touch, the stretch turning into pleasure quickly. He switched the toy back on and you gasped again, your body quickly returning to the overstimulated mess you were before.
“Luke,” You called out, his name becoming all you could muster as he started fucking your ass.
“What a fucking vision this is,” He grunted, holding onto your thighs to keep you secure as he pushed in fully, his cock filling you so well. 
You couldn’t form words any more, his name falling from your lips as you felt your third orgasm approaching again. Between the vibrations on your clit and inside your cunt, and Luke fucking your ass, you weren’t going to last long at all.
“Please,” You gasped out, your body clenching, “please,”, your thighs starting to shake as Lukes own orgasm started approaching, “let me cum, please.”
“You want to cum?” Luke asked, and you shook your head as your interlocked your hand with his, and he nodded, “Cum for me, angel, go ahead and let go,” 
Your legs shook as your third orgasm crashed over you, moaning his name loudly and clenched your eyes shut so tightly that stars danced across your vision. Your body continued to shake as Luke fucked you, and it looked as if he was about to cum too. His chest was moving deeply, his breathing labored as he was focused on you. 
“I’m going to cum in your tight little ass, is that okay with you angel?” He asked, and you nodded lazily as the toy still vibrates inside of you, the overstimulation draining your body as he finally came. He moaned and nearly collapsed on top of you, his hand coming between your legs to turn the toy off and you nearly cried out in relief. Your body hadn’t been used to this quickly, your orgasms draining your energy.
“God, what a good fucking girl you are for me. Look how fucking hot you are,” He murmured, and you nodded in agreement, watching as he slowly pulled out and pulled the toy out from inside you as well.
“Stay here, don’t move,” He whispered, leaning over your body to give you a gentle kiss before he went into the bathroom adjacent to his room. He took only a moment, before he returned and pressed a warm washcloth to your core and helped soothe your body. He helped clean you up, and tossed the rag into a hamper nearby before climbing into bed beside you.
You curled up in his arms, his shoulders so broad against you and he hummed quietly in your ear.
“You did so good,” He murmured, his warm breath tickling against your neck and you giggled slightly. He pulled the covers up over the two of you, and you sank deeper into him.
“I have a song that I’ve been working on. Would you want to go to the studio with me tomorrow?”
Your eyes flickered over to Luke at his question, and you bit your lip as you thought. Nothing really could come of it, so you agreed.
“Yeah I guess. What time?” You whispered, pressing your lips to his chest and deciding to tease him further. You sucked the skin there and he sharply drew in a breath, and looked down at you.
“11:00 am is when we start recording. There’s a few things I want to work on first and then you can come in. Maybe 1:00? And you can bring lunch?” He asked, a hopeful smile on his face and you pulled away to laugh at his eagerness.
“Sure, I can do that. But you’re paying. Go ahead and send me some money now, Mr. Internationally Famous Lead Singer.”
“Good. I have some ideas, I’m going to write real quick.” He murmured, pulling away from you and you sighed at the loss of warmth, but he returned after a minute with an old notebook and a pen. He climbed back beside you and began to scribble on the paper. You attempted to peek, but he quickly shifted so you couldn’t see.
You leaned over h8im, pressing your lips to the base of his neck and decided to give him another hickey and he chuckled quietly.
“Angel, you’re not marking me to embarrass me tomorrow, are you?”
“Embarrass? Please, you should be so lucky to broadcast that you were laid.” You whispered against his skin, before moving slightly up his neck and he leaned into your touch, your lips grazing the soft part of his neck that was so tender for him.
“You’re right, I’m insanely lucky to have such a good girl like you for me,”
* * *
It was 1:15p now, a little after when he said to come and you were listening to his bandmates mess around with you while he finished up the song.
“You know he’s never brought a girl here,” Calum mused, and you felt a slight blush creep through your cheeks but shook your head.
“We’re just friends,”  You insisted, but Calum chuckled.
“What sort of friends? My friends never leave hickeys on my neck.” Ashton shot back, and the blush darkened throughout your skin, 
“Or scream my name out in the hotel room when you thought the others were gone,” Calum quipped.
“Or used as a writing inspiration before. That’s why you’re here, he’s got a new song he’s been working on and he won’t let us listen to it yet.”
“Mind your business,” Luke rolled his eyes as he walked in, leaning down to kiss your cheek and you nearly pulled away but he grinned. “Just saying thanks for lunch,” 
He plopped himself down right beside you, a little too close for someone that was just a friend, and started to eat. You felt Ashton and Calum’s gaze on you, but avoided eye contact.
The two of you had established many times that you were just friends, but friends who fucked and went on dates because neither of you had wanted to deal with the pressures of a relationship. At least, so you thought.
“Alright angel, ready to go listen?” He asked, slurping down his drink and you nodded as the other two started giving him the same treatment they had just given you. Luke waved them off, his middle finger in the air as he led you into the studio space. You always loved seeing what they did, whether it was seeing their process or seeing them perform. 
Luke pressed play as you settled into a chair, your leg crossing over the other as the first few chords of the new song came on.
“Remember, it’s not finished yet but I wanted to hear your thoughts before I kept going.” 
“Angel, with the gun in your hand - pointing my direction, giving me affection. Love is fatal, won't you give it a chance? Center of attention, don't you ask me any questions.” He paused the song, and your mind began to spin but you smiled at him.
“Keep going,” You reached over him and pressed play and he leaned into you as it continued on.
“Go on and light me like a cigarette, even if it might be something you regret. You got me now, now, now…swallow me down, down, down, down.”
You nearly snorted as the song progressed, and Luke paused it to see what caught your attention, “You liked that line, didn’t you?”
“Swallow me down?” You glanced up at him and he chuckled.
“Down, down, down. Just wait angel, there’s more.” He winked at you, and proceeded to press play. The song continued, your mind absorbing every lyric, feeling the beat and you clenched your legs together as the next line poured through the speaker, “I only light up when cameras are flashing, never enough and no satisfaction. Got no shame, I love the way you're screaming my name.”
The song ended shortly, a few other lyrics sticking through your head but Luke just kept grinning at you. 
“I think we ought to fuck like that more often if this good of a song comes from it,” You teased and he chuckled as his right hand planted itself on your thigh, but you nodded, “I like it, especially if the lyrics are as accurate as you say.”
“Of course. You’re a one of a kind girl for me angel,”
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prettyyyboyluke · 9 months
Hotel Room
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the room is filled with sweat, heavy breaths, and skin slapping together. y/n’s gripping the dresser so hard that her knuckles are white. luke’s cock is pounding into her tight, wet walls. “look at you, begging for my cock, such a greedy girl.” luke rasps, his hand tight around y/n’s throat. y/n’s eyes are closed, bottom lip between her teeth, her chest glistening with sweat, and her stomach in knots. “open your eyes, angel, i wanna look at how desperate you are.” luke demands her. she’s not thinking of anything else other than luke’s cock. her knees knock together, making it harder for luke to move. he opens her legs back up, seeing how sensitive her cunt is. 
“y/n! does that sound good?” michael finally snaps her out of her memory. 
she didn’t even realize she was spaced out, but luke sure did. she wasn’t exactly subtle when she was squeezing her thighs together. “what? yeah, sure, i’m good with whatever.” she finally responds. 
michael raises an eyebrow at her, “were you even listening to any of this conversation?” 
all eyes turn to her, and her cheeks heat up. luke places a hand on her thigh, quite high up on her thigh, and her mind is distracted again. she feels butterflies in her lower stomach when luke squeezes her thigh. “y-yeah, dinner, right?” she tries to think back to the conversation before her mind started to wander. 
her breath becomes uneven, some catching in her throat, and some too short for her to exhale. “okay, maybe she was listening.” calum says. y/n gives a weak smile before looking at luke, and he’s staring back at her. she wants to sink into her seat and hide, but luke won’t let her. 
the group becomes distracted with another conversation, thank god. “what were you thinking about, angel? ‘cause i know it wasn’t about dinner.” luke whispers to her. 
y/n shakes her head, “nothing.” the word rushes out of her mouth. luke raises an eyebrow at her, unimpressed with the lie. 
“c’mon angel, i saw your thighs squeeze together. and you sure froze up when i put my hand on your thigh. so, i’m going to ask you again, what were you thinking about?” luke speaks, his voice more stern. 
the whole time luke is speaking, all y/n can think about is his lips. how he kisses her entire body, nipping and sucking at her sweet spots, leaving no part untouched. it's crystal clear, now, that she wasn’t listening. luke squeezes her thighs again, her skin pinching between his rings, and she gasps lowly. “i-i was thinking about this morning.” she says, her head hanging and her eyes refusing to look at luke’s. 
“yeah? what about this morning?” luke says, sitting up straight in his chair. when y/n doesn’t answer right away, he says, “don’t get all shy on me now.” 
“i was thinking about how you were fucking me on the dresser.” she says, eyes peering up at luke. 
luke smirks at her, “can’t go two seconds without thinking about my cock, huh?” he says in a mocking tone. y/n whines, feeling her wetness pool in her panties. “i bet your little pussy is wet just wishing i was pounding into it right now.” he says. because she’s in his lap, with her legs swung over his sideways, his hand moves further up her thigh until he meets her clothed clit. 
y/n wraps her hand around luke’s wrist, not wanting to draw anymore attention to herself then she already has. her mind is battling with itself right now. not wanting to be rude to their friends, but also wanting luke to take her back to their hotel room and fuck her senseless, she settles in and does her best to calm her mind. 
y/n wasn’t able to get her mind to rest. luke wanted to take a nap before they went to dinner, and y/n reluctantly agreed, knowing she would be punished if she whined. her dream didn’t help either. 
“such a whiny little girl. never satisfied, are you?” luke spits. y/n’s being help up in front of the bathroom mirror, seeing how luke’s fucking her from behind. she’s rubbing fast circles on her clit, wanting her high to approach faster. luke’s grip in her hair is tight that her head starts to hurt. 
y/n lets out a loud, strangled moan for luke. “please, can i cum? i wanna cum!” y/n begs. luke has a sinister smirk on his face, loving how his little girl is begging for him. 
she’s knocked out of her trance, again, with a nudge from ashton. “huh? what are we talking about?” she says, blinking a few times in a row. 
“what do you want to drink?” ashton says. 
“oh, a tequila red bull, please.” she answers. y/n knows she’s raising suspicion between the boys, and she’s hoping her drink will calm her down. 
“are you alright, y/n? you’ve been very spacey all day.” calum asks her. 
y/n sighs before answering, “yeah. just in my own head, i guess.” 
luke has never seen y/n so desperate, at least not like this. normally she can compose herself until they’re alone, but she hasn’t been able to. luke pulls y/n’s wrist so she can stand up. “we’ll be right back.” he tells the group. luke pulls y/n through the restaurant until he finds the bathroom. 
locking themselves in, y/n’s mind is racing a million miles a minute. she sees how dark luke’s eyes are, and is hoping he’ll give her some type of release. “what are we doing in here?” she finally asks. luke picks her up by her hips and sets her on the counter. he’s standing between her legs, and brings her hips down so her clothed pussy is against his hard on. 
his hands slid up her thighs, stopping when he meets her clit, and luke can really feel how wet she is. “jesus christ, angel, you’re drenched,” luke says. she’s looking up at him, desperately wanting to kiss his soft lips. luke takes his free hand and pulls y/n in for a kiss. 
as soon as their lips connect, luke moves y/n’s panties to the side and plunges a finger deep inside her. she gasps into the kiss, her body immediately overcome with pleasure. all of her clouded thoughts are finally gone when she relaxes her body into luke. “you wanna tell me what’s going on in that pretty mind of yours?” luke asks, adding another finger to her throbbing pussy. 
y/n throws her head back, taking in what luke is finally giving her. “please, luke, i-i need it so bad.” she begs. 
“you don’t need it, you want it. being a greedy girl isn’t going to get you far.” he tells her. luke can feel y/n’s walls squeezing his fingers, and she’s ready to release. “do you wanna cum? look at you, a pretty little mess.” he says. 
y/n’s nodding her head frantically, and luke knows this is what she needs to get through the rest of dinner. luke looks down and sees how his fingers are sliding in and out of y/n’s walls, his fingers drenched in her arousal. “i’m right there, please don’t stop,” she whispers. 
luke doesn’t, he keeps his fingers moving, even though his wrist is starting to cramp. y/n’s back arches off the mirror, her legs shaking, and her arousal drenched on the inside of her thighs. luke coaxes her through her orgasm, whispering into her ear sweet sayings. “that’s it, cum all over my hand. i can feel how close you are.” luke encourages her. 
“yes, yes,” y/n whimpers. he takes his fingers out her dripping cunt when her breathing returns to normal. he taps his fingers on her lips so she can taste herself. 
he gives her a second before helping her off the counter, and smooths her dress out. “better?” he asks rhetorically. she nods her head and takes his hand, leading them back to the table. 
dinner ended quite later than expected, but y/n was able to sit through it after luke took her to the bathroom. she was more excited to get back to their hotel room so she can finally have him to herself. luke might be selfish when it comes to y/n, but y/n’s worse. she was twiddling her thumbs the whole car ride back. 
y/n quickly said goodnight to their friends, and had luke lead her straight to the elevators. she was hot on his tail, holding a tight grip to his fingers. she stood right in front of luke when they got inside the elevator, tracing and tugging lightly at his belt. her lips held a faint smile, every scenario playing back in her head. she finally snaps out of it when she hears the elevator ding. 
luke fiddled with the key too much, “hurry up!” y/n said, annoyance tracing her tone. the door finally opened, and y/n walked in, pulling luke with her. the door shut, and luke was all y/n’s. she wrapped her arms around his neck, standing on her tip toes to bring his lips to hers. their lips intertwined, and y/n felt a breath leave her. 
luke grabbed the under side of her thighs, having her legs wrap around his waist. she smiles into the kiss, grabbing his face and setting him where she wants him. her tongue swirls against luke’s, tequila still lingering. she grabs the back of his hair and pulls his lips off of hers. 
y/n’s eyes meets with luke’s dark blue ones. her hair falls in her face, shielding her blushing cheeks. “finally, all to myself.” she whispers against his lips. she pulls luke back down to her, getting as close to him as she possibly can. luke sets y/n down on the bed, kneeling and lifting her dress up. 
he’s met with her cunt even more drenched than before. “what did i say about being greedy?” luke says, slapping the inside of her thigh. 
y/n yelps out, “being greedy won’t get me very far.” she tells him. 
“good girl.” luke whispers to her. luke’s hands roam all over her body, delicately kissing each crevasse he passes. “waited like a good girl, didn’t we.” he tells her, now towering over her. 
y/n looks up at luke, she’s smiling, waiting for him to give her his worst. “gonna be good for you the whole night, no sass either.” she tells him. luke raises a brow at her, not sure if she’s being 100% serious or not. and y/n is, she’s waited all night for luke, she’s not gonna fuck it up within the first couple of minutes. 
luke takes the rest of her dress off, letting her hair fall down her back. her nipples pebble immediately from the cold hotel air. she’s waiting patiently for luke, ankles crossed, hands held, just waiting for her next instruction. “tell me about one of the scenarios that kept your mind occupied the whole night.” he finally says, holding her chin, forcing her to make eye contact with him. 
her expression changes quickly, not sure of what to say. she could tell him about her dream, she could tell him to fuck her on the desk, in the chair… “y/n, i asked you a question.” luke snaps his fingers in her face. her eyes find luke’s again, staring at him with nothing to say. 
“i-i, well, i had a d-dream,” she finally stutters out. luke smiles at her, waiting for her to continue as he moves down her body. he kisses every inch of her, his fingers fluttering dangerously close to her pussy. she pauses. 
“keep going, angel, i wanna hear about your dream,” luke says. y/n takes a deep breath. 
“well first, the scene is different, it’s not on the bed,” she says, somewhat giggling. luke hums and starts kissing the inside of her thigh. she freezes her movements, and continues, “and you were holding me,” she stops talking when she feels luke kiss her clit. 
luke’s still interested, but he wants to hear her moan instead. he takes her clit into his mouth, sucking harshly. he holds her thighs open, diving into her wet cunt. he starts licking her clit fast, teasing her hole with his finger. she whines and pushes her hips further into luke. he wraps his arms around her waist, keeping her still. his lips let go of her clit, seeing how red and needy her pussy is to cum. 
he takes his fingers and starts rubbing her clit harshly. y/n’s hips flex down, feeling her lower stomach ache. luke spits on her pussy, seeing how desperate she is to cum. y/n arches her back, her thighs twitching as she feels herself releasing all over luke. she attempts to push his hand away, but she fails. luke takes his fingers off her clit, and he swears he saw it twitch a few good times. 
thank god her subconscious tells her. she giggles at that. “what’s so funny?” luke asks. 
she shakes her head, trying to conceal her smile, “n-nothing.” 
luke raises an eyebrow at her again, and unbuckles his pants immediately. he takes his cock out, his tip begging for some attention. y/n didn’t even notice the droplet of spit luke dropped on her pussy. he rubs his cock through her folds, gaining back her attention. he grabs her hips and sets her down on his cock by his pleasure. y/n feels like luke is taking forever to fuck her, and he is. he just wants to see her work for it, that’s all. with enough pleading, she can get luke to do all the work. 
“please! just hurry up!” she repeats from earlier. luke smacks one of her tits, hard enough to see light fingerprints. “ouchie,” she pouts and her shoulders cave in. 
“ouchie,” luke mocks her. the grip he has on her waist tightens, “you want me to hurry? i can hurry, angel, but that just means you won’t be getting off any sooner than before.” he spits at her. he’s basically picking up her hips at this point, slamming in and out of her harshly. 
y/n grips luke’s forearms, “i-i wanna get off too! please,” she begs him. 
“me first, angel,” luke moans. he watches how quick he is slipping in and out of y/n’s tight, wet hole. she’s been wet all day, her walls are so plushy that luke feels like he could settle his cock there forever. “fuck,” he groans, slapping her thigh, “so fucking wet.” 
luke lets go of her hips and intertwines his fingers with hers. their foreheads are pressed against each others, and y/n can’t look up from how luke’s cock slides in and out of her. luke is desperately chasing his high, and he needs more from y/n. he quickly licks two of his fingers and starts rubbing fast circles on her clit. 
“oh, yes, please,” she moans, throwing her head back. luke catches her lips and a whine gets caught in her throat. y/n is quick to take her lips off of luke’s. “please, i want it, so bad,” she begs. luke grabs her face so hard she opens her eyes. 
“what did i say about being greedy?” he spits at her. she whines and throws her head back, not wanting to deal with it right now. her hips continued moving when she felt his slow down. she didn’t care about being greedy, she cared about luke cumming so she could. 
y/n shakes her head, “n-no, please luke-“ 
“‘please luke’ what? hmm?” he grabs her face again, looking at how glossy her eyes are and not a single thought behind them. “you know what, open your mouth.” he demands her. she pouts at him and opens her mouth. he spits in her mouth, and she swallows it immediately. “good girl, that’s the first thing you’ve done right all night.” he says, finally fucking back into her. 
she holds her thighs back, hearing the sound of skin slapping echo in the room. her walls tighten around luke’s cock, waiting for him to release. her pussy pushes back on his cock, making it slip out of her completely. his tip is leaking with cum. he slips his cock right back into y/n’s pussy. 
her body completely opens up to luke. “i need you,” she gasps into his skin. “i need you now.” she says. luke watches her twist and squirm below him, and he takes her hips in his hands, smacking her harder against his cock, making her sore pussy ache. luke pulls y/n roughly against him, their bodies colliding. 
once her hips shift away from his, luke’s grip becomes harder. “you’ll take every inch,” he snarls, his eyes now glazed over. 
“hmm,” she moans, knowing the time’s getting closer. her pussy holds on tight to luke’s cock, her stomach boiling, hands in fists. 
“every. inch.” he says, sinking his cock as deep inside her he could. y/n’s body shutters as she feels her orgasm leave her, the bottom of her stomach now filled with butterflies. she brings her thighs to her stomach, somewhat holding herself, and letting luke know she needs a second to recover. he’s towering over her, brushing the stray hairs out of her face. her pats her cheek twice, making her head turn towards him. 
eyes flutter open, her pupils taking up her whole eye once she opens them. she lets luke open her legs back up, her pussy raw and sensitive to anything. luke smirks when his fingers get just a little too close for y/n’s liking and her thighs close. she slaps him lightly, “not funny.” she pouts. 
luke lays on his side facing her now, intertwining their legs so he can still sink his cock into her pussy. he doesn’t, though, both of them need a second. he drags his fingertips across her top leg, making her hips flex. her pussy hovering over luke’s cock, barely. she refrains from running her folds on his cock. luke goes back to brush her hair out of her face, trying to detangle it as much as he can, he knows y/n hates that. 
y/n leans up to kiss luke. she lets her lips do all the talking, going at luke’s rhythm. luke settles his hand on y/n’s hips, pulling her in slightly. her hand travels down his body, stopping when she feels her fingers brush the tip of his cock. his breath now hitches, and y/n smiles. her hand dances on his waist, teasing him with how close she gets. he’s getting sick of her game. 
luke grabs her hips tightly, moving her on top of him. luke doesn’t let her sit down on his cock, he brings her until her pussy is flush with his tongue. he brings y/n down to her knees, and she’s refusing to sit all her weight on luke. he takes her clit into his mouth, sucking harshly. she squeals, moving her hips, but luke’s grip is too strong for her to actually move. 
she looks up, seeing the headboard of the hotel bed, and grabs it. when she peaks down, luke’s eyes are closed, indulged in her pussy. her thighs are now squeezing lightly against the side of luke’s head. she hovers barely over luke’s mouth and he starts flicking at her clit with the tip of his tongue. 
“ahh, yes, don’t stop,” she moans. it’s not short after luke has her gliding against his tongue. she feels embarrassed, and whines at luke. he doesn’t want to lift his head for a second, not until she’s shaking. he smacks her ass instead as his answer to her whine. she feels the tip of her orgasm, and she needs luke to get her there. her pussy hovers over him again, and he goes back to flicking her clit with the tip of tongue. the fire is so deep in her stomach, she doesn’t feel luke’s nails digging on the inside of her thighs. 
her hips flex towards the headboard, and luke pushes her hips back with his thumbs. his tongue is moving as fast as he possibly can make it go. y/n’s quick to grab fistfuls of luke’s hair, pulling it as she feels herself fall forwards. she’s still sitting up though. “please, please, please!” she shouts. the insides of her thighs become drenched with her arousal, and luke’s chin is glistening with it too. he’s still between her thighs, she has to pull him off of her. 
luke starts to sit up, bringing y/n down as he situated himself. his cock is rock hard again. he’s quick to grab her by the back of her hair and bring her to kiss him. he thinks of how he wants them next while y/n is trying to kiss luke back. she’s thinking of how can she let luke give her a quick breather. y/n’s body starts to lean back, but luke places a hand on her lower back, pulling her back in towards him. her lips detach themselves from luke’s, pink and bruised. she sets her forehead on his shoulder, taking three deep breaths. 
“come on, angel, you can take it.” luke grips her hips, assisting her in sliding him inside of her wet, plushy walls. they both moaned when she was sat down fully on luke’s cock. 
“you feel so good,” y/n groans as she rolls her hips in circles, keeping luke inside of her. her brow furrowed as she fucked him and felt him rub her insides. her body became so hot, she got goosebumps. luke throws his head back, seeing his adam’s apple gulp, her walls clench tightly around his cock. she has her hands settled on both of his shoulders, hearing as he lets out grunts that fluttered inside y/n. 
“oh, you know how to fuck me,” luke breaths as y/n’s hips move faster. her pussy is sliding up and down on his cock, with ease. y/n feels pleasure wash over her and with how luke was talking to her, let her orgasm build up. “just like that, angel, don’t stop moving— that’s right,” he groans. his eyes slid back, and he flung back his head. his jaw clenched, panting heavily as y/n continued to slam into him. everything in her hurt, but not in a bad way. she knows this is what she asked for, and luke was doing everything to her, it hurt so bad, she may just pass out. 
her thighs were violently shaking from every single thing her body was taking. tears welled up in her eyes as she bites down on luke’s shoulder below her. “what’s wrong now, angel?” luke huffed, snapping his neck back up to look at her. he holds her back to watch his cock delve in and out of her. “this is what you wanted, right? look at you, a fuckin’ mess.” 
“i — need to cum, luke, plea—“ she cries out as luke snapped his hips, pumping his cock deep inside of her, “i can’t hold it anymore!” 
“you have been whining all fucking night. every conversation, someone had to snap their fingers at you to get your head out of the clouds,” luke tsked. he grabs her hair again, pulling her back so he can look at her. his thumb drags itself across her lips, playing with them. she takes his thumb inside her mouth, sucking on it lazily. he watches as y/n’s eyes open and close in a cycle. he takes his thumb out of her mouth and moves it down to rub her clit. 
a moan leaves her lips, neither of them can tell what it means, her mind completely fogged up. her clit is pulsing under luke’s touch. “cum for me, angel, let go,” luke mumbles, riding her last orgasm out. she let out a soft moan, all she could hear was white noise. she was shaking so much, she closed her legs tightly around his hips. her eyes rolled to the back of her head as her head rolled from one side to the other. luke let out a hiss, gripping her hips, slamming his cock into her over and over again until he felt himself cum long, thick ropes. 
once her body rode out the orgasm, she felt like she was liquid in luke’s lap. he pulled out of her, hearing a soft gasp from y/n as she felt all the cum drip down of out her pussy. she curled up into luke, half asleep already. he brushes the hair out of her face again, detangling it for her. “did so good for me, angel.” he tells her and kisses her forehead. she hears him, but she still feels like her ears are ringing. “you okay?” he asks her. 
y/n opens her eyes, barely, and smiles at luke. she nods her head, and she can still feel her pussy throbbing. “let’s go take a bath, we can use everything that the hotel set out for us.” luke tells her. she gives luke a gentle kiss. 
“just a bath.” y/n says faintly. 
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afatallovesong · 1 year
Happy New Year you wonderful human! Pleeeease tell me you’re gracing us with more Calum goodness soon?! You’re my favourite writer. Loves
Ask and you shall receive... eventually! This has been a labour of love, I've been writing it on and off since November. Its one of my longest fics so far (I'm sorry) but I really think you'll like it! If there's any mistakes, mind ya business.
Happy birthday to the main man himself
At Your Convenience
A Calum Hood one shot
18+, Smut, NSFW
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Word Count: 15,821
You’re fucking tired. It was actually starting to become painful just how tired you were. It hurt to keep your eyes open. It hurt to close them even for a second. They were so insanely dry from tiredness that they’d become sore. Each blink felt like repetitive razor sharp cuts. You’d have done just about anything for a cat nap instead of restocking the shelves. The sun glaring through the window as it started to set didn’t help. You were squinting and covering your line of sight as much as you could, but it still pierced through, targeting you especially, some evil vendetta against you. Its drying your corneas even faster, you really didn’t think it was possible. You manage a not-so-elegant yawn, barely covering the gaping black hole your mouth created. Only four more hours to go. Four more hours of this.
Its crisp and cold out. The early signs of winter were rolling into the city. The leaves were now lacking existence. Fallen branches scattering pavements, cracked under leather docs. Breaths were seen in the air as well as heard. Cheeks and noses were rosy with the bite of a harsh incoming wind. The sun was beginning to set just a little before 6pm. The darkness befalling the streets of California. Calum had often liked a walk at sunset. There was something oddly calming about it. Watching the world carry on as the day was meeting its end. It’s not that he’d even see much of the sun’s disappearance with all the buildings and lights and the busy billboards, but he’d known it was there. He’d known it was leaving him.
He liked walking home in the dark too. The city was so vastly different like that. The stores, the staff that changed over, the people you found wandering through. People were teaming and seemingly bustling with character, not all good, in some circumstances maybe even foul but certainly more outgoing than the daylight crowd. Some were tired and rushed off home from work. Often moving so fast he’d nearly been trampled down into the pavement twice. For the most part, the characters could only be described as friendly, interesting, and easy to watch going by. None could have captivated him quite as much as you though. He’d soon find that out. His friends and family would never describe him as particularly observant, this ought to prove them wrong.
He’d been across the street, a little over 10 feet away maybe when his eyes set upon your figure. It seemed as if the building encasing you hadn’t been there at all. Like you were just stood there on the street corner exposed to winter air as much as he was. The concrete cage above and around you, merely an afterthought. He’d spotted you with an impressively keen eye. He could pin point any detail about you from the style of your hair to the colour of each stripe on your shirt. He may even go as far as to say he’d memorised the order they appeared in. Light blue, dark blue, off white, and black, and repeat and repeat. You weren’t doing anything spectacular to catch his attention in the way that you did. He just knew that you had and now he was stuck watching you on a loop. Stood restocking shelves by the window, a couple of bags in each hand. Despite the averageness of it all, he’d felt the world stand still, calling him inside, calling him to you. The girl in the window.
He went completely unnoticed by you at first. He was thankful for that. You’d had a delivery that morning and spent most of the day painstakingly unboxing and replacing items running low around the store. You were at the last one, placing individual packets of chips on the shelf and the rack beside it. You decided to organise them into rainbow order, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. You had a little song about it, so you knew. You’d been foolish to assume you’d had the whole colour palette. You try to invent a flavour for indigo and violet to rectify that. You could send a strongly worded sales pitch to Lays. For now, though, you were stood atop a step ladder to reach the highest shelf. You weren’t exactly short, but the additional height did come in handy when you couldn’t find the energy to stretch higher than what was natural. Its only as the sun tucks itself away, do you finally brave peering out of the window again for some form of escape.
He catches your eye as you hover there, throwing the cardboard box, now empty, down on the ground behind you. In the space it took you to finish the task and turn back around, he’d crossed the street now looking at you from the corner. He hoped he didn’t look weird. He definitely looked weird. You don’t think much of the exchange at first. But as the seconds escalate you find yourself partaking in a little staring contest. You’d felt that burning sensation in your eyes again after a short while. Just as you go to blink it away, he’d gone. You half wondered if you’d hallucinated his appearance in the first place. Stranger things had happened after a long day after all. Whether real or not, you’d lost the contest. You knew that much. You took your loss and patted down your thighs in defeat. 
The door opened with a collection of high pitched tones from your butterfly wind chime above it. It’s just as alarming as it was when you’d first started working there. You thought you would have acclimatised by now but a mixture of tiredness and a slow moving day in store had you beat. So instead, you found yourself jumping out of your skin. You were lucky you didn’t fall. It might have been a more exciting day if you had. You may return to the idea if the day dragged out any longer.
You managed to get back on the ground safely. Your ladders were folded and slotted back against the window where you’d retrieved them from. Your cardboard box now back in your hands to flatten for the recycling bin out back. For now, you’d rest it near the ladders, but you may as well complete half the job while you’re at it to save you doing more than necessary later on. Judging by your exhaustion now, it would be the last thing on your agenda at 10pm. Plus you were never one to leave a customer unsupervised in store. You may have been tired, but you weren’t stupid. 
He stepped inside, warmth flooding around him, engulfing him in a large hug. It was a California summer amongst the shelves and aisles. At least that’s how pleasant it had felt. Now that he thought about it, that was a horrible way to describe somewhere that sold fresh food. It’d be a nightmare for food hygiene and longevity. He might have been a touch hasty in his earlier description. It was undeniably cosy though, that was a better fit for it. It was a pleasure to be shielded from the cold.
His eyes easily floated back to you now that he’d entered your space. That was probably just as creepy as it sounded. He didn’t have any sort of plan in mind for entering the store, he never usually did. He’d just made it inside and assumed that that would be enough but of course it wasn’t. It would never have satiated his need to meet you. But he couldn’t just stand in the doorway with his hands in his pockets watching you like some sort of weirdo. Which admittedly, was exactly what he was currently doing. Until he snapped out of it and shuffled himself down the next aisle. He had to approach you somehow though. He’d made it this far; he should follow through.
He could see you through the shelving. There were gaps between produce and items without height, quite similarly to bookshelves in a library. The more he looked the more he could make that comparison. Were these second hand shelves? The shop wasn’t as tiny as it looked from outside either. There were at least 5 short aisles which considering the location, was impressive. The old convenience store seemed no larger than a matchbox from out there. Now he’d stepped inside he’d argue it was more of a healthy apartment, or maybe a doctors waiting room. Yes, those really were the best locations he could think of.
He couldn’t help but notice how the light still caught you as he peered through the confectionary to the place where you stood. The light was illuminating your striped shirt and little blue waistcoat resting in coordination on top. It also bounced off the shiny, scribbled out name badge hooked into the left pocket. He wondered why you hadn’t gotten your name printed. Perhaps you were new here. He’d never seen you in here before. He’d like to think he’d remember you if he had. Not that he was the biggest or most loyal customer to ‘Convenience Corner,’ but he had made it inside once or twice before. It was mostly while drunk, just picking up extra supplies for a party or so but it was enough for him to know. No, he’s certain he’d not seen you before. He ought to find out your name before he forgets to.
“Can I help you?” He jumped at the sound of your voice. It was melodical and cheerful, sweeter than he’d expected. He’d not been prepared to feel even more intrigued by you so soon and in a situation like this no less. You’d caught him staring hadn’t you? He could never show his face in here again if you had. He’d have to leave immediately; God forbid pretend to buy something to make the interaction less awkward. That’s if that was even possible at this point. He wasn’t that sure that it was. His fight or flight had to kick in sooner or later. He looked up from the pack of pistachios his hands seemed to instinctively land on. “Sure, the freezer’s in the back.” He lifts his head to follow your voice with an eyebrow arched. He hadn’t asked for anything in the freezer section. You weren’t speaking to him at all. He’s not sure which was more embarrassing, the fact he was self-centred enough to believe he’d been caught or the fact he was now too aware that he hadn’t been. 
“Guess I’m buying the damn pistachios,” he muttered under his breath before grabbing one packet off the shelf, heading in the direction of check out. He was about to make it there too, before he changed his mind, turning back to grab another just to be safe. Surely it was weirder to buy one packet. Or was that just him? He made his way to the counter for good this time. It was adjacent to the entrance as one might expect, easy escape route if things went south. He hovered in place, occasionally stretching onto the tip of his toes and then back down again as he waited patiently for you or another employee to aid him. Though he hoped, deep down in his soul that it would be you.
During his wait he noticed the green chair behind the register. The chair clad in worn leather, looking about as old as the building itself, tucked away neatly. The next items he spotted were the locked cabinets with indication to liquor and tobacco from the warning labels and age restrictions printed on the doors. The little bronze bell atop the counter was next. Then it was the vintage green radio buzzing to the left of it, sputtering out some classical tune he’d never for the life of him be able to recognise. Then it was the cup of what he assumed was coffee, in a branded cardboard cup he also didn’t recognise.
The more he looked the more he found. The walls were patterned with blue and white vertical stripes. The floor shared the same colour scheme with checker tiles. Suddenly the blue uniform was making sense. The décor reminded him of the 80’s, bright, in your face and yet comforting and familiar. His favourite piece of décor in the whole store had to be the painted sign that read ‘please don’t fucking steal.’ He wondered if it worked much as a deterrent or if he was gullible. His second favourite was the collage of confiscated fake id’s with various graffiti vandalising the faces. He laughed at those harder than he thought he would. The Marlboro’s in rainbow order weren’t far behind.
It was cluttered and unorganised, certainly had an eclectic vibe, but he felt strangely at home in his surroundings. He’d liked that. He’d also liked that the price labels on everything were the same shade of green as the chair and radio, some kind of extreme case of colour coordination. Perhaps there was an ongoing discussion about replacing the walls and flooring. It seemed like the favoured shade in the establishment in its current state, was green. It would look pretty green. He really was dull today.
“Hey, sorry I took so long.” You had appeared behind the counter slightly out of breath, hair swept over one shoulder, slipping down your back in an untidy fashion. You were rubbing the back pockets of your blue jeans, looking from left to right and all around for something, he couldn’t quite fathom what. You’d moved so fast he barely registered your arrival there at all. Let alone be able to guess what you were doing there now. You’d startled him in the best way, rushing in to save him just as he feared he was losing grip on reality.
You’d smelt so sweet, next to the dust heavy, 80’s vibe of the shop floor. You had this fresh aroma of apples mixed with mint or something similar, and he liked it. He really liked it. He could have bottled that up. He couldn’t take his eyes off of you as you scrambled around. He watched you in awe like he’d never seen a retail worker before in his life. You’d seemed so colourful and lively against the drab old signs pinned behind you and it was absolutely mesmerising to him. What was a girl as bright as you doing in a place as drab as this?
Another customer entered with a gust of wind following shortly after. Trickling that breeze across the back of both your necks. Both your eyes floated over to the doorway and back simultaneously. A shiver had shot up his spine when your eyes had met his for the first time, well second actually. He quite enjoyed the feeling of your gaze on him. “Just those?” You asked sweetly. It took most of the energy you had left to lay it on thick for him.
You never enjoyed taking your tiredness out on customers. Not just because it was unprofessional but because you quite liked other humans. You liked them a lot. They were the sole reason you were employed, sure but you also just liked the experience of your fleeting moments with the rest of the human race. You didn’t need to know their life stories. You didn’t need to chit chat and ask about their day because it was simply polite to do so. Any conversation carried between you and the passers-by, the window shoppers, and the regulars, was a part of your day that you enjoyed and often craved. Somewhere, not so deep down, very clearly found instead, you hoped this new customer would allow you more than just a fleeting moment.
You eyed him with large, soft eyes. A genuine glimmer of happiness was lit within them. Despite the bags beneath them which made his heart ache for you, he thought you had the prettiest eyes he’d seen. So much so that it took him a while to return to you, remembering exactly where he was. Buying something. He watched you peering down to the items he’d handed over, fascinated by literally anything that you did as if it were his first day on earth. And for the love of God, how could someone so tired be so devastatingly beautiful?
“Uh, yeah, that’s it.” He really took over a minute to pause and then came out with that. Pathetic. He’d kick himself for his lack of conversational skills later. For now, he just glanced down to your name tag with curiosity but not enough guts to back it up. You caught him, addressing it immediately. It seemed you were paying just as much attention to him as he was to you. Funny he hadn’t noticed it, since he clearly saw everything else that you did.
“Printing error, would you believe it?” He shook his head, he’s not sure why. “You’d think I wouldn’t need one at all, owning the place.” He was quite impressed by that; he hadn’t shown it as well as he’d have liked to, but he was. He wouldn’t have guessed it. You started shuffling around, just like before. Your eyes dart beneath the counter, then above, to the side, even to the ground. “I don’t suppose you’ve seen some keys on a lanyard?” You eye him hopefully, anxiously gnawing on your bottom lip. Stay strong Calum. You rushed a hand through your hair as your panic set in. He had a feeling this wasn’t the first time you’d lost them.
Ever the hero, he glanced around to where you were stood before. He remembered your position exactly. He might have been a serial killer. He’d have to book himself a therapy session later that evening. These were early signs for sure. There kicked beneath the bottom shelf, a slither of silver caught his eye. Before you could clear the counter yourself, he’d already grabbed them, wrapping the sunflower printed material around his hand.
The smile you greeted him with was similar to that of a damsel who’d been delivered from distress. He knew he wasn’t worthy of such praise, but he so enjoyed the sight of it as it was presented to him. “Thank you.” You gestured a prayer as you said it, bringing the keys to your chest, your breasts squishing together significantly. He wished he hadn’t noticed that. “I swear that’s the 6th time I’ve done that.” You sink the key into the cash register, springing it to life, opening the drawer beneath it.
“Just today?” He dug at you, earning a blush, he felt blessed to have seen it let alone to be the one to cause it. “Well, that’s 2.75 then.” You said happily, hands flattening atop the wooden countertop as if you were smoothing out a piece of fabric. He hands money over the with a “keep the change” and a smile that flashed his perfect pearly whites. You placed the 5 he gave you in the cash register, eyeing him sceptically as did so. “See you around big spender.” His breath escaped him at the nickname, the possibility of seeing you again too. That was the most fun either of you had, had all day. 
“I should give you a job since you’re in here so often.” He doesn’t fight the smile that braces his face when he enters the place this time. “Then you’d have to finally tell me your name.” He knows he’s got you there. “On second thoughts, you’re my best customer and you’re so, so welcome here any time honestly.” You slam your magazine down on the counter for emphasis, resting your face in both your palms, elbows on the wood. “Oh yeah? Don’t get a lot of pistachio fiends?” He wanted to be embarrassed; he had no legs to stand on. He’d been coming in every Thursday for the past 5 weeks, buying a pack of pistachios each and every time. His car was just about overflowing with them at this point. The shells, bags, full pistachios he couldn’t quite toss and catch in his mouth in less than a minute. It was an addiction to most, you included. 
“What brings you in today?” You held your hand out to stop him answering you, only he never began to speak in the first place. He was proud to say he was used to you doing that. “Let me guess.” He flipped you off before responding light heartedly. “Maybe I’m just checking in to see how your name tag is coming along.” You thought for a moment before responding. “You know, it’s taking a whole lot longer than I thought, guess labels aren’t on trend right now.” The sarcasm was dripping. He nodded as he headed down the aisle, fighting heart palpitations as he went. He didn’t have to get the same thing. There was no reason to now. He wasn’t in a hurry. He wasn’t panicking only grabbing the first thing he found. Yet, he still grabbed a bag like clockwork as if it would ever be impressive to you.
“I never thought anyone liked pistachios.” He jumped about 3 feet as you appeared beside him. This was the closest you’d ever gotten to him. “Jesus fucking Christ.” You sniggered a laugh at his expense, thoroughly. “No, that’s not my name but it’s a good guess.” You patted him lightly on the shoulder. He felt like he’d been shocked by electricity. “As I was saying, scaredy cat, I thought it was just something adults lied about enjoying to seem more mature or something.” Every bone in his body had him wanting to agree with you. They tasted like dog shit, but he couldn’t resist them.
“Rude of you to give me another nickname without so much as a whiff to your own name.” He raises you. You didn’t think he had it in him. “Would it please you if I let you provide me with a nickname?” Its patronising as fuck but he’d already been glad to accept your offer regardless. “You sure you’re ready for that?” You shrugged it off, there was no way he’d think of one on the spot. He was so painfully awkward and flustered around you at all times, the tiny burst of wit he pushed out a few seconds ago was probably all he had left this week. You could let him do his worst with full confidence. Knowing he’d never conjure one good enough to knock you down.
“Stripe.” Your eyes widened to the point where he feared they might pop out of your skull. “Fucking Stripe?” You half yelled, repeating the word far too many times in disbelief. He was fully aware of how awful it was, really, he fucking knew. But your reaction made it all the more worth it. “I’ve never seen you in anything other than a stripey top and that blue fucking waistcoat, it was the best I could do.” If that was the best, you’d hate to see his worst. “I’m not mad, just disappointed.” You then rubbed his back so platonically he thought he might scream.
“But uh, they’re great yeah, yummy.” He shook his head at his own awkwardness. “Yeah, must be, you’re the only reason we replaced the stock you know.” You pointed at the tiny marking slammed on the shelf just below the item up for debate. An “out of stock” label was scrawled out messily in black marker. “Shit really?” There was that laugh again. He could record that and sell it as a cure for depression, it was the happiest sound he’d ever heard. You could cure all ailments with a laugh as cute and dorky as yours.
“Nope, but it did make you panic for a second huh?” You were facing him, arms behind your back, chest pushed out proudly as you smiled at your own mischievousness. You tended to do that a lot. You weren’t ever aware of the way your breasts pushed forwards like an offer he couldn’t refuse. But he had so hoped that he was right in assuming it was accidental. Although, if that was just how sexy you were even without trying, he could only melt at the thought of a real attempt. Pull yourself together man, you’re not 14, not every pair of tits has to destroy you. Even if yours were perfect. “Do I really come in here that much?” He's white knuckling his way through that question until you finally relax your shoulders, the tension also leaving his own.
“Yeah you do.” You said it with sympathy and a kindness as if that was the making of an intervention. “I could lie.” You offered. He thought about it. Then he thought about the way he could recognise every single note your wind charm had been able to make. The way he knew the floor creaked in the centre of every aisle but never the edges. How the lights only flickered above the freezer section and buzzed like a swarm of bees when they did. How there’s always an excess of toilet roll stacked the near the door because you’d accidentally ordered too much. How you’d tripped over it most days despite you being the only reason it was there. How you’d told him you’d done it only once, but he knew for a fact it was 5 times just in his presence because he laughed every single time. Yeah, he might come here a little too often.
“Would you please lie?” His face heated in several different shades of red, one after the other coordinating with your striped shirt of the day. A blush brown, red, and orange. You were yet to repeat an outfit. The horizontal stripe was the same, but the colour was not. That wasn’t really saying much in the grand scheme of things. He had only met you 5 times so far. But 5 different stripey tops was still arguably hard to come by. “You just really love your nuts.” You dragged out your s.’ He hit his head on the shelf before him with a thud. “That’s even worse.” He mumbles while continuing his downward trajectory into self-loathing. 
“Yeah, maybe you should go with your dignity still intact.” You nodded, brushing off laughter. “You’re right. Though I think that would require having any in the first place.” He made a lot of jokes at his own expense, more so than anyone else you’d ever met. You hoped he didn’t really feel like that about himself. “Yeah, no I was lying to make you feel better.” You nodded repeatedly. “Didn’t really try it before, now I did. I don’t really like it.” You shrugged. He smirked.
“So, same time tomorrow?” He did the same old thing with his feet, standing on his toes, slotting back down, his tell-tale sign that he was waiting for something. “Maybe.” He left it open for interpretation. You leaned in close, your face not far from his, like the counter had disappeared altogether. “Oh, a maybe huh, that’s how we’re playing this now?” You’re so close to him he can now identify the exact kind of mint you carried on your breath. It wasn’t peppermint like he’d assumed at first. It was spearmint. You were spearmint and spiced apple rolled into one. It should never have worked but on you, it was perfection. 
“Can’t bear to see me twice in one week Cal?” He thought he might combust as you shortened his name. It took every ounce of energy he had left not to melt at your feet. “I am getting too predictable, do need to keep it fresh. Can’t have you sitting there all day just expecting me to arrive.” He was proud of himself for keeping up. There may be hope for him yet. “Oh, but it’s such a crucial part of my existence.” Your hand slid across countertop, and he thought he imagined it even as his own lifted involuntarily, aiming to meet it.
“Very funny. So witty.” He was reduced to two word sentences and sarcasm, brilliant. “I know, I know, keep going, talk dirty to me.” You were definitely a dork; you both knew it. One of you found it endearing. Your hand touched his, he was almost certain it wasn’t an accident by now. His heart still didn’t believe him. “I will see you, eventually.” Your fingers pried his open, hands joining, fingers bumping knuckles, fumbling around in a beautiful whirl. He didn’t know when your relationship got to the point where you’d been able to touch like this. He also didn’t know what it meant. He just knew he enjoyed it, and you could touch him wherever you desired.
“Eventually?” You say it slowly, breathing it out to see if he’d like it. His eyes couldn’t avoid your glittery lip gloss any longer. It was all he’d thought about for the last 45 seconds since he’d noticed it. He wished he never noticed it. Now he can’t do anything but notice it. He also thought about the possibility of wearing it himself. Not because he wanted to go out and buy the same one but because he so desperate to feel your kiss, he wouldn’t mind the transfer. Those thoughts weren’t helping anyone.
“Mmhmm, sometime, somewhere.” Did his voice go up an octave? “Probably here.” You corrected him, thumb smoothing over his. “Definitely here.” He confirmed, he’d not taken a new breath since you’d touched him, and he might have started going purple because of it. “But sometime.” You poked with a smirk. “Exactly.” He said inching closer. As much as you liked it, you panicked. You released his hand in a flash and stepped back, legs knocking into the chair behind the counter. He’s gutted to lose your touch but chooses not to hold it against you. You must have had your reasons.
You pretended it didn’t make you want to yell out every curse word under the sun under the scrutiny of his stare. The way your chair dug into your calves was dire. You cut your flirtation short and hoped that masked it adequately enough. It didn’t. “Get out of my store.” You bossed him around with a smirk. He felt relieved by it. At least he hadn’t fucked anything up. You smiled away at him as he did as he was told. Holding it right until he’d disappeared, not only from the shop, but the view of the exterior too. You sank into your chair safely this time and let out a deep sigh. Was it hot in here or was it just you?
“I get off at 10.” You rush, bringing your hands back down to your sides. You didn’t smile, you didn’t wave, you didn’t breathe. You just blurted it out. The corners of his mouth twitched upwards but didn’t react more than that. “You do?” He isn’t really sure what to say, he never is. He wants to ask if you mean what he thinks you mean, and what he thinks you mean is that you’d like to see him when you finish. He’s not sure if he has the courage to do something about it. He still needed to work on communication, if you had taught him anything, it’s that his verbal skills were lacking.
“I get off at 10 and I think you should come hang out.” Your spare hand floated to your hip; you hoped it appeared as casual as you intended it to. But truth be told your grasp on it was nothing close to gentle. The silence growing between you was painful. “I’ll see you then.” He said, just as quietly, just as unsure.
“Fuck, you will?” You stepped in closer to him, absolutely relieved. He reached out to you; you’re attempting the same. “I uh, yeah.” This is the only time you’ve been tongue tied around him and you’re not enjoying a single second of it. “Now please leave before I have a meltdown over this.” He didn’t budge. He still wanted to touch you, hold your hand, your hip, your scissors that you were previously using to cut open packaging, anything he could. “Seriously oh my God.” You’re laughing but you need it, you wouldn’t think straight again until he left. “I’m gone, I’m going, I’ll see you at 10.” Fuck yeah you will.
“What can I help you with today?” You asked as softly as you always did. You leant right over the counter already cutting the distance. It was 10:02pm. There was no more wasting time. He started to lean in a little too. You wet your lip in anticipation. The way you often did when you saw him. Because you couldn’t keep it together for even a minute, needed that sensation across your lip to prevent you from finding another. Under the watchful gaze of those fucking browneyes, you’re helpless. “I actually panicked when you didn’t come in at 6 today.” Distracting yourself with conversation was something you’d always done; may it help you now.
“I didn’t think you’d miss me too much.” He was happy you did. He was selfishly ecstatic if he was being completely honest. “Well, I did.” He nodded at the information, letting it sink in. He also let it go straight to his head. It wasn’t his fault. When a girl like you says she misses you, you’re living the fucking dream as far as he was concerned. He leaned in, elbows nudging yours on the counter, a parallel to a couple of weeks back when you’d held hands in the very same spot for the first time.
It felt much more natural this time. Hands gravitating towards each other without a care in the world. Nothing but the brushing of fingertips against knuckles and blushes being hidden with large smiles. You supposed without the worry of any other customers entering the store, you could finally relax into this. You weren’t being unprofessional by seeing to your urges. It felt so incredibly good. You’d like it like this more often. Probably not in this exact location. You think you’d seen enough of the inside of this place for a lifetime.
“I can tell you what I’m not here for.” You nodded along intrigued. “Fucking pistachios.” You snorted a pretty hearty laugh. “I knew you didn’t like them.” You raised your voice accusingly. He was shaking his head in disagreement but the way he laughed wasn’t fooling you. “No one likes them that much I don’t care who you are.” You’re determined to receive his admittance. He’s gone beet red in the face, willing to pull his beanie down over it to save him further humiliation. That should have been enough for you, it wasn’t. You had to hear it.
He’s shaking your hands in his to grab your attention back and your heart is just bursting at the action. You wouldn’t mind holding his hands all day. “No, I do like them, I do, stop shaking your head, I do. Just yeah, not that much, I don’t know what I was doing.” He’s looking at your hands as a source of comfort, fiddling with them while he reflected on his past decisions regretfully. “Think I just really wanted to impress you, clearly did that. Shows I’m committed though right?” He lets one of your hands slip free. You lift it into the air and draw an invisible tick. “Oh yeah, honestly there’s nothing sexier than getting 2.75 from a hot stranger every week, ticking that right off my bucket list. And yes I like your level of commitment, I will consider it heavily in your application.”
His brows arch. “Hot stranger huh?” You’re not surprised he’d only listened to the part with the compliment; you’d be the same. “You’re kind of hot I guess.” It was your turn to blush, coyly looking anywhere but at him as if you’d save yourself that way. It didn’t stop him looking at you like you thought it might. He was still peering down at you, your lashes fluttering against your cheeks, your hair falling down into your face like curtains ready to close on him. He didn’t want to be closed out. He needed more access in fact. He just needed to be subtle about it as not to spook you, or him for that matter.
He was careful when he pulled his left hand from yours. It was so cautious and polite you didn’t even miss it when it was gone. He just reached forward, touching you elsewhere. Tucking his thumb beneath your chin, lifting your face so you’re back looking at him. He could look at you for hours. You’re like a piece of art that had come alive, and he needed to appreciate you for that. He was equally as pretty, his eyes big and beautiful, with a softness you wanted surrounding in. You wouldn’t ever get used to a stare like his.
You combed some of your hair behind your ears to give him a better look at you. You’re not sure why but you felt it was important for him to see you like this. With more vulnerability. He may have seen you every week, but your time was so fleeting. You’d been working a million miles a minute. Your head was often fuzzy. Not to mention your hair was a constant tangled mess. You rarely wore makeup either, sweat too much stocking shelves which you did pretty much every single Thursday, his day. It was absolutely crucial to you now, for him to see you and really seeyou.
Not you that wore the uniform. Not you that lived and breathed this shop or this job. Not you that made witty remarks about other customers because that was your only form of entertainment during a shift. You needed him to see you in a way that he couldn’t associate you with this place. You wanted him to like you separately. You had other interests. You had other clothes. You had a whole other personality. If you let him look at you like this, perhaps he just might find it.
“I might be wrong.” His voice had gone unintentionally gravely allowing his accent to shine through. “But I think you might like to kiss me.” He says it barely above a whisper, but you heard it in the deepest parts of you. You tried your best to remain composed as he’d read your mind exactly. All these weeks of flirting with no result, building and building tension with no real end game in sight. But now, finally, there was opportunity. “It’ll cost ya.” You whispered. He grinned back down at you affectionately; he hadn’t moved an inch yet. “I’ll tip you generously” he goes to say more but you’d already shot forward. Everything he could possibly have said was now well and truly out of the window, gone and completely forgotten. You had erased his mind and it felt wonderful.
“You’ve been on my mind for fucking weeks you know that.” He’s taken aback, from the kiss, your hand clutching his, your confession. He was flattered to say the least. “I watch the damn clock every day, even though I know you only come in on Thursdays.” You retreated your hands away from him and he’d have been offended by it if he weren’t still pining for your lips back on his. He could settle for hearing your truth first. He was a patient man when it came to you. “Why do you only come in on Thursdays?” He wonders if you were actually asking or not and then he realises it’s just a stepping stone in your monologue, so he kept it zipped and watched you with a bemused smile.
“I was scared, did I tell you I was scared? Thought I’d never see you again Calum, I mean fuck I was about to mark down pistachios to 1 cent if it would bring you back in here, what the fuck were you playing at?” He’d say he was shocked at the way you’d overreacted, but he’d been wracking his brain just as heavily. The entire day, he watched the time flying by, his leg tapping, his riffs never sounding right, his vocals never hitting the right note, his lyrics not carrying into verses with fluidity and synchronicity, every second he spent away from this God damn store was an additional second of insanity he couldn’t bear. 
“Promise I’ll never ditch you again.” You tugged him in close. “Don’t make promises you can’t keep Calum.” You breathed out grabbing hold of the collar on his fleece. “I would never do such a thing.” He tipped his head down at you, thumbs reaching out to stroke adoringly over your cheeks, your aggression dissolved as quickly as it came. “Shit, kissing you is like, I can’t even think of a word for it.” 
“That’s awfully romantic, wow Calum.” You said between kisses. “Shut up.” He bit back. “Trying to but you keep pulling your lips away.” You’re mumbling into his mouth. “Feels weird kissing here, like some other customer is gonna pop outta nowhere.” You rolled your eyes at the mention of it, biggest turn off of the century. “Would you like me to put the shutters down so you can feel safer hmm?” He smirked down at you. “That’s the sexiest thing you’ve ever said to me.” Swoon.
His hands squeezed where he now held your hips fondly. His eyes were shining, even in the dim light. His brows were furrowed with concern, you couldn’t be sure what for. There were so many things either of you could have been thinking at that moment. You were checking his deep eyes for signs of distress or regret, a hint of regret would certainly destroy you now you’d gotten to this stage, but you’d still wished to know if he was okay with all of this. “Are you okay?” You weren’t sure why you said it so quietly. If anyone were to break from a loud and startling voice, it would have been you more so than him. 
He nodded his head into the palm of your hand. You’re heart fluttered but you still wondered. “Promise me?” He nodded again but it wasn’t enough truth for you. “Need to hear it.” You nudged. “I’m more than fine.” It sounded calmer than either of you had expected. You were eyeing him with your lips tucked neatly between your teeth and he swore he’d lay down his life to feel you do that to him instead. “Gonna kiss you now.” You said it as if it was the first ever time. It was at least the third, maybe fourth or fifth but felt just as fresh. Somehow more important than the others. It wasn’t rushed. It wasn’t messy. It was planned and it was delicate, and it had mattered.
He leaned into your mouth; plush lips gently caressed yours. You knew he was more eager than he let on, felt it in the way he clutched at your belt loops like he himself was the one to hold up your jeans instead. “You don’t have to be so gentle.” You muttered through fluttered lashes. “Wanna treat you like you deserve.” You didn’t expect such a response, never being taken care of before. You were glad to receive it. “Kiss me sweetly later, I want the good stuff.” His lips didn’t miss the opportunity to send a smirk your way before he swooped in, arms wrapping around your middle, lips plummeting down onto yours. A moan teared from your throat sending his stomach churning and flipping with delight. 
It’s a tender kiss still, even if he weighed down heavy on your lips. His cushiony mouth took the fall. Your arms were thrown messily around his shoulders, finding a home there, your fingers combing the hair at the base of his neck. He gave you his tongue, offering it like a gift. He wrapped it in your lips, sliding between them, teasing your own tongue with it. There it is, your signature scent, apple and mint, a taste so distinctively yours. He tasted of tobacco and coca cola, and you hadn’t a single complaint about it. You’d happily keep that recipe locked in your mind to associate him with forever. He retracted his lips and you found yourself chasing him, rising onto the tips of your toes, nearly toppling the both of you over in the process. He grinned wide from ear to ear, and you just stood there with your eyes big, gawping at him like a goldfish.
“You might be the sweetest thing I ever tasted.” He tucked your hair behind your ear, caressing your heated cheek with a precise and carefully crafted technique. “Can’t really trust your tastebuds though.” He would never live down them pistachios. “I’m gonna make you forget all about that.” You knew he wasn’t really embarrassed about it, but if he really wanted to offer a mind altering experience, you wouldn’t dare decline. “Is that right?”
“There’s only one room in this entire building without security cameras you know.” It’s far too detailed to be a hint but you hope he took it like that anyway. “What would we need that for?” He pecked you over and over, your body squirmed in is grip. “I think you know what.” He did, he loved idea of it too, it was unique and adventurous and sure maybe there wasn’t much risk of getting caught but that didn’t make the location any less scandalous and out of the ordinary. Calum needed you somewhere private around yesterday. “Care to enlighten me?” He saw the cogs turning and ticking away in your pretty little head. He had a rough idea of where you’d take him, but it didn’t make it any less fun to ask. He needed to hear you say it. 
“How sexy is the idea of making out in the stockroom?” You just came out and said it. “How sturdy are the shelves?” You shoved him. “Shut up.” He snickered. “Keep that up and you’ll be banned for life Mr.” He leaned down to kiss that thought from your mind. “You know I can’t survive without this place, it’s just so- “ he paused purposefully, he knew exactly the words he needed but chose not to speak them, “convenient?” you finished for him, to which he nodded along happily. “Convenience corner where all your needs are at your convenience.” You cheerfully recited your slogan, it was adorable to him, nostalgic and cringey to you.
“What else in here is at my convenience?” He pushed the boat out a little. “What would you like?” You played along too, enjoying the way his blush didn’t end with his cheeks but fell down towards his neck as well. “To speak to the manager of this establishment.” You wanted to roll your eyes so badly, but he was just too charming to ridicule. “Think she’s a little busy right now, you’ll have to come back later.” You pulled him back down to kiss you and he relaxed into you within an instant. “Mm, I’d like to ask her something.” He kissed you again. “Oh yeah?” He took a little bit longer to respond that time, your tongue sinking into his mouth, making it pretty difficult for him. “Want her to check something in the back for you?” You encouraged. He nodded down at you eagerly. “Right this way sir.”
You grabbed onto the sleeve of his jacket, tugging his body close to you. He’s about to trip and fall right into your arms for the remainder of the evening but you had other plans. You were leading him elsewhere. In reality, you hadn’t even needed to touch him, he was like a lost puppy in unfamiliar surroundings, only latching onto the one figure he knew, he’d have followed you anywhere. He was whipped. He stumbled along in your path, you may have been short, but you were awfully fast. His vans scuffed across the tiles, squeaking as he walked. It was a step up from his docs but just as irritating. If you weren’t so set on becoming a cliché snogging in the back room, you’d curse him for it. Nevertheless, you lead him to the door just right of the freezer section, you weaved through a sharp right hand turn and kicked open the stockroom door. He wasn’t sure what to expect from it. He’d never really had the need for a job anywhere like this. He didn’t know the ins and outs of what a stockroom could provide. The answer being not a fat lot.
There’s towers of shelves in 3 aisles. Boxes both filled and emptied are spaced out throughout the room. Its colder back here than it was in the main section of the store. It made sense when storing products and trying to preserve them, but it was awfully uninviting. “So, this is kinda the break room too.” You let out. He felt nothing but sympathy for you. There was barely enough room for the 2 of you, let alone any other employees coming and going. He followed you through the aisles toward the back door. Hanging above was the inevitable gleaming green exit sign that glowed more than it should have, casting a faint green light over that portion of the room. His eyes then followed you, stepping on without him, gesturing to a green leather couch he was surprised he hadn’t clocked yet.
“You want a beer or something?” You awkwardly fiddle with a stray, loose strand on your jeans. He shook his head slowly, stepping closer to you. Your legs were already open to straddle the arm of the couch making it easy for him to find himself between them, leaning down to kiss your forehead. You let your arms encase his waist, pushing you face into the fleece he was adorning. Your hair smelt so nice he had to force himself not to take a deep inhale of its fragrance. It wasn’t the weirdest thought that had ever occurred to him in your presence but that just made it worse.
“You’re like a fuckin siren or something.” He blurted out. He expected the way you pulled back, biting your tongue as an attempt not to snigger at him for his comment. “You know what I mean.” He barely defended himself. He started to talk with his hands, and you huffed at the lack of his touch while he did it. “You drag me in here every week. You’re always on my mind. I literally don’t even know your name yet I’m falling over myself trying to be here. I’m back in here like clockwork.” You really ought to tell him, put him out of his misery once and for all. 
“It’s Y/n.” You said gently. You should have said more after he’d rambled on like that, but you were struggling on what you could say. You were far worse for expressing your feelings than he was and that was a great feat. “Y/n.” He repeated it a few times, testing it out, deciding he quite liked the sound of it in his mouth. “Yup, not a siren, just Y/n.” You giggled, like a schoolgirl you actually giggled. “Really stepping up our relationship here Cal, what’s next you want my last name too?”
He was already letting his hands cup your chin, deciding he’d been lacking your intoxicating lips for far too long. “I have a couple of ideas in mind stripe.” Before you could protest the foul nickname his lips were back against yours. They slot against your own so neatly you’d argue they were a piece to your puzzle, finally settling into place. You moaned against the tongue swiping across your bottom lip and his knees nearly buckled under the heat of it. “When you moan like that pretty girl,” he can only pull back for a second or two, “makes me weak.” You’re pushing him back; he stumbled about as gracefully as you could imagine in a moment like that, little to 0%. “I like you weak.” You toy with him, stepping towards him, sparking him to back his way up against a shelf. 
The wood creaked under the force of him. It dug deep into his spine, but you hadn’t given him a moment to complain before you tangled yourselves together again. “I think your nicknames are getting better.” You praised, looking up at him through your long, curled lashes. The sight had him thinking sinfully. You also took the time to admire him. His curls were messy, framing his face in every which way beneath the pressure of his woolly hat. You needed to see his hair without that god damn beanie on or you might explode. You tugged it off him slowly, grateful he didn’t object. He only squinted at you now that he was aware of just how wild his curls had actually become. They’d sprung out in every direction, you weren’t prepared for the volume, not that you’d even minded. “Fuck.” You sighed. He wished he knew what the context was behind that hot little expression of yours. “I love your hair.” Your eyes were so focused on it as you tangled your fingers briefly, catching a couple of curls accidentally. He let out a puff of air as you caught him like that. “Shit, sorry, couldn’t resist.” He shook the comment away, he knew he was in for it with you. 
“So, you’ve lured me back here, now what will you do?” You felt his eyes watching you expectantly, you tried to remain as calm as you could in responding but his gaze burning into you had you tripping over every word before they even threatened to come out. “Have my filthy way with you.” You were dripping with a false confidence; one you hoped he didn’t catch onto. He didn’t. He was heavily convinced you were the filthy minx he’d been dreaming about none stop since he first saw you across the road. Might as well live up to those expectations somehow.
His hands were no longer soft and sweet, barely caressing your frame. His fingers were digging into the flesh of your hips, scooting your body forward till you lined up just right with him, just enough to make him pant with those peachy plush lips. Your own fingertips were buried in the curls at the nape of his neck, and he urged you to tug them in his mind. The guttural moan that escaped him when you finally did it, had you dying to hear it again and again. “Jeez take me to dinner first.” You managed before he’s tucking your bottom lip between his own teeth. “I think you owe me more than one.” You continued in a sudden array of nerves he wasn’t quite used to you having. “Do you ever run out of things to say?” That was his polite and desperate way of asking you to shut the fuck up. You might have done it too. 
His hand slipped dangerously onto your throat, light pressure building when he introduced you to the idea of his hand sitting there, capturing you. “I could, but I’d rather not.” He had to smile proudly when you pouted up at him, nails digging into his shoulders when he blocked your airways, little gasps the only sound running from your delicious, fuchsia stained mouth. He leaned in close to your ear, lips brushing the lobe, your eyes were sent rolling back. He’d found one of your weaknesses and you’d only just begun. “Think you should try and stay quiet for a little while.” As much as you loathed being the quiet, obedient woman, if he asked you to jump off a bridge, you were certain you’d do it. 
His fingertips pulled back and you surged forwards, lips crashing into his own. You whined a breathless moan into his lips, and he still wasn’t happy with the amount of fuss you were making for him but if you rocked into him the way that you were for much longer, he’d be the one struggling with the silence. As if you were reading his mind, always one step ahead of the game. You were tugging at the green, oversized fleece you’d hoped he’d worn for you. 
It hurt to be away from his lips even if it were to rid himself of the many layers that concealed him away from you. “Come on now stripe, wanna see what’s under them.” You wanted to send a snarky comment his way, but you were so breathless at the vision of him stood there without a shirt on and in your fucking stock room no less. “Fucking hell.” Your hands were forgetting every instruction he’d given you. You had a childlike curiosity that needed fulfilment, you’d always wandered about his tattoos. Sometimes for days at a time. Not always at the most convenient of times either, you just couldn’t help yourself. When they graced the back of his hands like that it was only natural to consider how they’d look in situations like- well situations like this one.
“I’ll give you a tattoo tour later.” His forehead was fitted against yours, fingers combing through your hair as his lips ghosted over yours. You closed the gap momentarily, enjoying him before his other hand flushed across your stomach beneath your shirt. Your stomach flipped at the contact. His hands edged over the pudgy skin that was a source of anxiety for you, it always had been. You’d wondered how much he’d actually like you underneath those stripes. “Can I get this off you?” He was trying to connect with you, sensing your hesitation. “You don’t have to.” He promised. “Just really want to see you.” You appreciated his honesty and his kind encouragement. You lifted your top yourself, grateful you couldn’t see his face when it was pulled over your head revealing your upper half to him. The strong urge to suck in a breath hit you like a freight train.
He nearly growled at the sight of your breasts spilling over the cups of your bra. He’d always agreed with women when they said they hated the claustrophobic item of clothing. But seeing your boobs bunched up like that, toppling out of them, he thought he might like bras for the first time in his life. You avoided his gaze. Even going as far as to closing your eyes to avoid the scrutiny. It doesn’t come. His lips were on you so fast, he doesn’t even bother unclipping the thing. He yanked down the cups, bending down at the knees, stuffing your nipples into his mouth like a starved man. You choked out a cry when his teeth tugged at the hardening skin of your nipple. His hips bucked helplessly into yours while he continued his assault. Any fear you’d had was now out of sight and out of mind because the boy before you didn’t care if you were fat or thin, you were his pretty, witty, annoying girl and he wanted to love on every part of you that you’d let him get near which was honestly, all of you. 
“Jesus Calum, leave some for the rest of us.” His eyes opened, blinking a couple times as he pulled away, a trail of spit formed between you, connecting his lips to your breast. His cheeks flushed crimson, lips about the same shade, pupils blown out entirely. He was love drunk and as dazed as ever. He caught your eye like the very first time, an accidental staring contest forming from a glance he just could not stop taking. You’d been more than willing to participate this time around. 
“Best tits I’ve ever fucking tasted.” You stroked under his chin; he leaned into your palm as you offered him the much appreciated affection. “Anyone would think they’re the first.” Had he really gone that nuts? (Pardon the pun). “Weeks’ worth of pining make you go a little crazy?” He furrowed his brows at the mock hidden poorly in your question. “Wait, wait, wait, you knew?” He was dumfounded. “That you were buying pistachios left right and centre to keep coming back in here?” He nodded along like he was amazed you’d caught on. As if he had even a shred of subtlety. “Doesn’t take much genius.” You tapped your temple symbolically. “So, this whole time you let me buy you out of stock, and didn’t say a damn thing?” You gave him your brightest smile. “You’re so cute when you think you’re undetectable.” Your finger prodded his cheek and he huffed against it. 
“I didn’t know you wanted to pound me in the break room or anything, but I caught onto the crush pretty early on.” He was truly mortified. He may have gotten the girl, even had you whining for him tonight, but his pride was certainly damaged. “And you-“ he asked before he wondered if he even wanted to know the answer. “Was hooked day 4 when you tripped on your way in.” He leaned back, eyes closing, hands coming to cover his face, sadly leaving your body. You’re giggling before him, and it feels incredible to witness the joy of hearing it, but his embarrassment was a much stronger sensation. 
“It was very cute how you then proceeded to shuffle every step just in case you did it again, even if your damn docs left track marks across my floors.” He was sheepish about that part; he’d find a way to apologise for it at some stage. He’d clean it with a toothbrush if he had to. “This might be super unprofessional of me,” you said as if your entire relationship thus far had been anywhere near adhering to your code of conduct working here. “But the part apart pounding the in the breakroom-“ he was already cutting you off “yes fucking please.” His lips were on yours like they’d never left. Arms wrapped round you so tight you could scarcely breathe. Hadn’t even wanted to. 
“You know, I was hoping you weren’t all talk,” he beamed with pride, taking in the sight of your bite swollen lips and chest heaving with ragged breaths, his trail of saliva still glistening across your breasts. He placed a hand on either side of your hips, his head dropped to mouth hungrily at your neck while he’d fastened you in place, a sort of retaliation for your comment just before. Sure, you could talk but he could take action. He could mark a sweet and tender bruise into your collarbone to prove just how much he could back up those words.
“Been wanting to mark you up since we met,” he sighed deeply into the hollow of your throat, you can feel the air leaving your lungs, “what if I’d been wanting that just as bad?” You responded, he didn’t even mind that you did, he may not have been able to shut you up completely but the hint of whining and tiny noises just beneath each word was certainly a victory for him. He had been the only cause. “Oh yeah?” His words vibrates as he dragged his lips across your neck. “What else have you been wanting pretty girl?”
You leave him with nothing for a few seconds. Just weighing up the options in your head. There wasn’t much that you didn’t want him to do. You’d allow just about anything at this point. The lack of an answer was slowly destroying him. He could go ahead and try something he’d wanted but for him, sex wasn’t about that. He needed to tend to your needs. He needed to make you feel good. “Come on baby, don’t hold out on me now.” It’s impatient and desperate and it had you gripping onto him for dear life, a very clear image flashed into your mind of just what you’d wanted from him.
“Your fingers. I need your fingers.” He was already letting his hands slip down your bare tummy before sentence could dare meet its end. Just as quickly as those fingers began drifting, he was retreating. Hands fluttering in the opposite direction, much to your dismay. You barely pout before he’s focusing his gaze on you. He has half the mind to scold your battiness but he’s just so keen to give you what you need, he couldn’t deprive you, not when you looked so sweet. “Do me a favour real quick pretty girl,” you needed a second to recover from the pet name, “suck my finger real slow for me.” You needed several hundred to recover from that. “That’s it, good girl.” It’s extremely condescending and under any other circumstances, you’d be sure to give him a piece of your mind, but this wasn’t a casual scenario. The roles were well and truly reversed and you were throbbing from the realisation that he just might be as fucked up as you were in the bedroom. 
“Never been this quiet for me.” You hum sweetly around the second finger he’s pushing into your mouth. You do as you’re told initially, just sucking the digits plainly. Its only when you notice the jagged breaths he’s taking while watching you, that you decide to show off. Just sweet little licks, swirling your tongue around the tips of his rough fingers, admiring the salty taste of his skin across your tongue. When you take him to the knuckle you know he’s fighting all the restraint he has not to ram his fingers right down your throat. “I wish that was my dick so fucking bad.”
Although you don’t expect the blunt and brazen confession, you’re not at all alarmed at the content of it. You knew the tricks to captivate your audience. It was no secret that the two of you would never be anywhere close to each other’s first time but that hadn’t taken any of the excitement and uncertainty away that kept the air heavy with tension. You could never have anticipated just how successful your performance would be with him. “Gotta give me my fingers back now.” 
He makes no effort to retract them from the vice grip of your lips despite the contrasting command and his genuine eagerness to hurry this along. “Come on.” He’s grunting, tapping his feet with urgency. You released them with a wet pop that near echoes throughout the room. He’s sliding his now glistening fingers, back down between you both. He’d not noticed, too distracted by your tongue no doubt, you’d already made quick work of unbuttoning your jeans and pushing them down along with your underwear. All he had to do was slip a finger or two daringly over your pussy. A slow stroke through the soft, sweet heaven. It was so inviting, so pretty. He’d not needed to see it at all to know it was perfect. Not in the sense that it was the most attractive or most neat in terms of aesthetic but simply because it was yours, and he wouldn’t dare dream of a better haven than the little mountain peak between the valley of your thighs. 
You both let out a rushed sigh. He captured your lips as they invite him to meet. His fingers are met with a soft, supple, soaking welcome. “Baby.” He was about to lose his mind over the sweet wave of wetness that washed over the digits of his fingers as he barely pushes inside. “You’re so fucking wet.” He’s thanking and begging whatever deity above for more of the pleasure of your touch and the ability to make you feel as sticky and sweet as you do across his fingertips. He’d done something very right and wonderful to deserve you in this state and he couldn’t fathom what on earth it may have been, but he’d be sure to repeat it once he did. 
All for him, this was all for him. Oh, if only he knew. All his, you were never for anyone else. From the second he walked into your life you were his. He was hoping that too. You thought your eyes were telling him too much, showing him too easily the depths of your affection but they weren’t even close to letting that secret out. He had no idea how you’d wanted him until this moment. This wasn’t even the first occasion you’d been damp at the idea of him. This was just the only situation in which you’d actually be able to do something about it without carrying a backbreaking amount of guilt. He must know this is how it’s been for you.
His fingers don’t dive into you like you may have needed them too, and you did, really. They simply explored you. They were slow to enter but were keen to twist and turn and stretch. He was learning the gateway to your paradise. He was finding the secrets you had hidden. “Fuck.” You were sighing so sweetly for him at each given breath, he might just have figured you out. “Oh, that’s it.” His smile was hard to miss, hard not to mirror too. “Yeah.” You try with all your might to compose yourself, not fall to pieces from the brush of his thumb to your clit while his fingers flickered a beat to the soft and sweet space inside of you. “God yeah that’s it.” You rolled your hips, fucking yourself on his fingers. He’d barely twitched his wrist to aid you, hadn’t needed to. It was far too hypnotising to watch you take it for yourself. “So, fucking pretty baby.” He’s watching with a childlike curiosity, eyes wide, lips parted, brow’s quirking upward with inquisitiveness. “Finally shut you up.” He couldn’t resist the dig. You don’t resist the harsh shove you give his chest. Sending him backwards but never letting his fingers escape you. No, you needed to be filled, you would be filled. 
“Gonna get all bratty on me now?” You opened your eyes, a panic washed through them, and he spotted it because he’s not taken his own eyes away from your face from the moment he tucked his fingers inside your damp little pussy. “Not gonna punish you, don’t worry.” You weren’t really worried. It was more of a muscle memory. It was an instinctive reaction to the response you were used to receiving. Even if you hadn’t gotten anything it was nice to know it might have been something he was into, once again checking off an invisible tick list of activities you might enjoy together if you ever did this again and God you hoped you would do this again.
He stroked your hair then, the side of your cheek just after. Your eyes hadn’t opened for the last few minutes, maybe even longer. So difficult to keep them anywhere near open when he’s plunging his fingers inside you like that. It’s not precise, it’s not clean. You wouldn’t say it was particularly clumsy, but it was far from perfect, and yet, you had so enjoyed it. He filled you in a way that there was room for improvement but not enough to avoid the urge to clamp down on his fingers when he’d curled them inside you. He certainly had a handle on that little trick. “Shh, you’re getting so loud sweetheart.” His grin wasn’t seen but it was certainly heard. “Gonna keep it down for me?” You knew he wanted to hear you, couldn’t want anything more actually but the prospect of teasing you and having one over on you where he usually couldn’t, well that was far more tempting to toy with. You knew damn well no one was close enough to hear a peep from either of you even if you screamed and honestly, you just might have.
“Fuck Calum,” he picked up his pace, his lips ghosted over your neck as he reached a new depth inside you. Your pussy clenched on his fingers. Your own nails scraped into his shoulders, biting into his skin, slipping a hiss through his teeth. “Come on baby.” Your eyes fluttered open to catch the look of concentration on his face, his eyes met yours with a twinkle of knowing. He can feel that you’re about to cum. He just knew it. Without your confirmation he knew. Your eyes rolled back, your head too, dropping far enough that your hair dripped down your back like water. He caught the back of your neck to support you. As if he’d really thought of everything. Knew to rescue you from that deep dull ache you might have gotten if he hadn’t bothered. “You gonna be a good girl and cum for me?” His words had you squeezing him again, so hard he felt his pulse throbbing in his fingers, as well as your own beating deep in your cunt. “Come on sweetie don’t you wanna cum for me, know I’ve thought of little else.” It was like he’d been reborn the second you moaned his name. He was a different person here, he was remarkable. There was a burning passion within him that you’d only hoped he might have but seeing it in practice, confirming your fantasy of how good it could be, God that was enough. You were coming undone.
“So fucking pretty when you cum, you know that?” His fingers left you. You protested with a whimper and the rutting of desperate hips, but it was too late, his fingers were sinking between his lips. You were eyeing him like a tiger watching its prey as he tasted you, devouring your cum slicking his fingers. The noise of satisfaction and crude slurping is pornographic, and you simply can’t bear to be without his touch any longer. If he didn’t bury his stupid cock inside you, you’d never shut up ever again so long as you shall live. You’d make his every visit here his personal hell until he gave in and gave you what you needed. “You taste fucking delicious.” That tiny restraint you’d mustered in the past five seconds. Instantly disposed of. 
Your hands flew to the zipper of his jeans, slinking inside them, hands coming down to grope the bulge concealed by his underwear. His lips parted as you kissed him, curiously gathering your own taste wrapped around his tongue. His back slammed roughly against the shelf and his only retaliation was to bite down hard on your bottom lip, fingers pulling on your hair to make you back up and add some space between you. “Jesus Calum, I know you want me to shut my mouth but biting off my bottom lip won’t do it.” He was apologetic in his mind but only in his mind. “Couch.” Is all he said. You shook your head. “No?” He took a daring step towards you unhappy with your defiance. Just as he’d tamed you, you go and act out again. It would never be enough, you only needed more. You shook your head, holding a breath as he looked around the room for other possible locations. He was sure he’d fuck you on the floor if it came to it. He hoped it wouldn’t come to it. 
“I’ve never fucked standing up.” Is what you offered him, shoulders shrugging as you come out with it. He’s amused for sure. Not exactly the way he’d imagined his first time with you going but then again, he also didn’t imagine it being in the break room or this shop at all really. “Okay.” His calming smile settled the tension in the pits of your stomach. “Okay?” You asked him quietly. At first he thought you were just mimicking him in efforts to gain control but then he heard the way it wavered and pitched higher at the end. He broke his tough act and cupped your face in his hands. He adored the way you looked back at him, not a rain cloud or single storm in your sky. “Gonna need you to turn around for me.” He made no effort to let you move just yet, awaiting your willingness to comply before he set you free. He kissed you briefly before you did as he wanted without question, turning 180 degrees to face the shelves pressed to the wall. 
He took both of your wrists from behind. You allowed his grip to guide you, first assuming he’d be crossing them behind your back, a flurry of excitement tingling within you. But instead, you found he’d lifted them forwards, your hands slipping onto the shelf in front of you as he’d wanted, holding onto it instinctively, realising now that he’d been offering you stability instead. Your body burned even brighter than before. You’d be needing something to grip because he wasn’t going to take you lightly, you needed to hold onto something if you were going to cope with him. 
He knew you couldn’t possibly break. You’d proven to him already that you could handle it. You were so prepared to take him. Until you’d noticed the one little error of your ways. You’d not had the chance to see him, to wonder if your assumptions had been correct. You’d not known how big or how thick he was or how it’d curve and which direction it would curve in if it even curved at all. You may have felt your arousal trickling down your thighs. You may have been holding your breath and white knuckling the shelves before he even attempted to prick you but oh my. You were not even remotely prepared for the fullness. 
Calum’s hands rested heavy on your hips. You expected to feel the nudge of his hand grazing your backside as he touched himself in preparation to graze your cunt, but he does no such thing. He simply thrusted himself between the hot, wet mess of your lips and cunt with no attempt to enter you at all. He didn’t dare stop until he was satisfied with the coating of your dampness now slicking his cock ready to take you. He leaned forward, chest embracing your back. He flipped your hair over your shoulder, his chin resting in the now empty space he’d created on the other side. You felt a slight drag of stubble close to your neck before he’s uttering his instructions for you. “Take my cock in your hand.” You shuddered under the breath he fanned across your ear. “Come on baby, just for me.” He kissed your neck in encouragement. His arms wrapped around your middle. Your left hand released the shelf with a crack at the knuckle, finding a new home now between your legs. You leant down, back arching, ass pushing out, bumping him as you refrained from hunching to complete your task. 
You didn’t miss the way his hips bucked, and his cock jumped when your fingers found him. You didn’t miss how only your middle and ring finger could span the entirety of his thickness. You didn’t miss how one hand wasn’t nearly enough to capture his full length at once. And you certainly didn’t miss the amount of exposed skin going untouched when you glided your hand up and down him just to gather a better picture in your mind of what he might look like. You knew that in fact, it may take two. Two of your palms and even the addition of your lips at his tip to fully encase him. He was big. He was mouth-wateringly, cunt achingly big. You tugged him inside of you and braced the for the heat of the fever it brought upon your body. “Jesus fucking Christ.” A groan ripped from his throat.  
He expected to give you a moment. He expected you to need adjusting like those he’d had before. He expected you to cry that it was too much and all too soon and that you couldn’t possibly take him completely. He expected his ego to be boosted so high he wondered how we was ever nervous of being with you in the first place. It never came. You didn’t dare wait to accept the intrusion of his thick cock. You didn’t dare to linger and wonder if it would ever start to feel better than a stretch. You just pushed your hips back onto him, your ass flush against his pelvis, cock sheathing itself inside you as far as it could go and then some. And then some because you’re not just taking him whole, swallowing him up till he couldn’t reach any further. No, you’re wiggling your ass, skin recoiling and wobbling against him with the quickness of your movement. You’re taking his cock so deep he’s feeling claustrophobia from the way your cervix is blocking his path, walls closing in on him preventing him from travelling deeper. And it excited you to think about the delicious specks of pain his hot cock was pricking your insides with. 
It took every ounce of his strength not to flood you with his cum that very second. He could have done it. He wouldn’t have been embarrassed, not when it felt that good just to be inside you. Not when you really were made to engulf him in your flames. If he finished, who could blame him? To be hugged like that. To be warm and snug and held so tight. It would be cruel for anyone to tease a premature finish from a predicament like that.
“Baby, baby please.” Your voice was shaky, breathy, and so quiet. No wonder he hadn’t heard you over his own thoughts. How was it that you were the one stuttering when it was you that had felt so transcendent, not him? You had no fucking idea how well you took him. Even when he’d been standing there in bliss so long he’d forgotten he was supposed to be moving and enjoying you in the first place. It slipped right by you.
He kissed your neck, sucking sweet bruises beside those already scattered there previously. His hips pulled back, cock barely leaving you before surging back forwards. He pulled back further each time, pulling more of him away only to force it back in again with the echo of your wet cunt bouncing around the room. You gripped the shelves so hard you feared you may dent them, as he drove his cock into you. His hips pulsed into yours, balls slamming into you whenever his pelvis made contact. His one hand dug into the flesh of your waist, bunching your skin in his fingers, gripping so tight you worried he might pull the chunk clean off of you. Every now and then he bit down on your shoulder when you convulsed around him. “Keep squeezing me like that and I’m gonna fucking lose it.” You took it as an invitation to grip him again. He felt good because of you. You felt good because of him. Might as well enjoy it.
You threw your head back, resting it against his shoulder, exposing more of your throat to him as you started to fuck yourself onto his cock. He was losing it, not sure he ever had it to begin with actually, not around you. With every second passing by. Every time you made a fucking sound you drove him to madness. You were absolutely feral. You had all of the power. You met his every thrust. You angled him towards you, to your liking, even standing on the tips of your toes to feel him rub your sweet spot the way you’d needed. How was it that you’d ended up back in charge? Even when he’d been so convinced he’d gotten you where he wanted. Your pussy was so damn distracting, that’s how.
“Oh Calum.” He was revving himself up to regain control of you. His spare hand trapped your throat, his fingers and thumb adding little to no pressure around your neck just yet. “Please, God please fucking choke me.” His lips grunted heavily into your ear. Of course, you wanted it before he’d really thought about it. Always one step ahead of him even now. “This what you like?” He was beginning to constrict you, knowing full well you couldn’t communicate effectively now that he had but this time, he’d actually force you to. 
“Come on, tell me.” Despite the steadiness of his tone, his lower half was anything but steady. He was pounding into you. It was so hard for you to focus and feel the structure of your own body as well as the shelf before you rattling away violently. You were trembling at his thrusts. Your back arched involuntarily. You pushed back to meet his hips whenever you could, and he certainly didn’t let you slip away far enough to make it easier on you. You were so overwhelmed you couldn’t tell which way was up, down, left, or right. He’d fucked you completely dumb, no thoughts swirling around your pretty little head anymore and yet, he needed the conversation. Why would he dare to make your life easier now? 
“Tell me you like it; tell me you like my hand on your throat. Tell me how you like my cock fucking your pussy. Tell me this cunt is mine baby come on.” He was pushing you; he was forcing a response you’re too embarrassed to give and he was desperately hanging on the edge waiting to hear your confirmation. “Tell me baby!” He was the one crumbling to pieces now. His fingers loosened around your throat in an attempt to draw the words from it but it’s not his hand that was the problem. The problem was that you couldn’t dare speak because if you did, if you even attempted to produce a sound he’d know what you were doing. He’d know that you were so needy and gagging for it that you’d been cumming all over his cock just from the way he spoke to you. “I- love-.” You just couldn’t say it. You couldn’t catch your breath, you just moaned hard. “Fuck, did you just, did you just cum?” 
You were so embarrassed. You knew he wasn’t upset; how could he be? He’d made you finish not once but twice in one night; your first night together might he add. Your embarrassment was lying in the fact you weren’t even close to being finished with him. You needed more. You had to get more. You’d had a taste of his addictive drug and you were not going to relinquish it now. “Good fucking girl.” He rasped. “Fuck you’re so good, unbelievable, unreal.” He was a mess of praises and curses. He was mind blown at the response he received from you. He knew it was good, knew you were feeling good but if he’d known you’d fall for him like this, he’d have made a move a lot sooner.
“More Cal, I need more.” His eyes nearly bulged from his skull. “What’s fucking wrong with you?” You snorted out a laugh to his question. You wish you fucking knew. Your body was way out of your control now. “Just fucking me so good.” You knew he wasn’t buying it. “Please baby.” He scoffed at your level of greed. You’re not playing it up to make him cum, you’re doing it because you want to another orgasm for yourself. 
“You’re such a slut, you know that?” You did, you really did. “You’ve been holding out on me hmm, standing all sweet and precious behind that counter. Made me think that glitter lip gloss smile was sent from heaven above. You’re just another whore though aren’t you?” You were nodding furiously. “Been wanting this the whole tine haven’t you?” 
His hips were more erratic and aggressive now. He was fucking into you so hard it actually started to hurt him as well as you. It was so hard your feet didn’t stay in the same spot for long, his thrusts forcing your form forward each and every time no matter how much you fought to remain still. “Fuck fuck.” You weren’t sure who it came from. You were reduced to nothing. No words, nothing coherent anyway, I mean fuck, you couldn’t even breathe properly, couldn’t stand properly. You were getting fucked rougher than you ever could have imagined and your whole body ached in pain but just to feel him you stood there and took it. You took it all. 
“Cum already.” He half demanded half begged. He was on the cusp and would be damned if you didn’t finish before him even if it was your third time. “Or I finish without you.” A very empty threat. If he’d held it this long, he had the patience of a saint and he could wait a bit longer for it. His hips snapped into yours, cock so sharp inside you, spearing into you, ramming inside your cunt like it was the last thing he would ever do. He chased and chased the euphoric feeling, suddenly neglecting to check if you had found your own, so ready to take you for real, to give you all he had. “Fuck, where should I?” He tried to string the thought together before it was already too late. 
You wanted it inside, more than anything you want it inside you, flooding your pussy, filling you up so much you overflow. You couldn’t be so irresponsible. Not this time. “Pull out, cum on me, come anywhere on me.” He pressed sweet kisses atop your spine while his cock still rocked into you milking your tight cunt for all it was worth right up until he couldn’t bare it any more, cock slipping out, his hands gripping it, pulling on the wet flesh before he jerked off, his release dripping hot beads of cum to coat the roundness of your ass. He gasped and grunted as he emptied himself, forehead pushing into your spine, sweat sliding down it. His left hand clutched yours pulling it down from the shelf to interlock with his. Once his breath was less short he brought it to his lips for a sweet kiss so unlike your treatment a moment ago. 
The two of you stood there with your legs shaking and your breath ragged. “Jesus fucking Christ.” You broke the silence with a croaky voice, a surprise to neither of you with the amount of screaming you’d done. Calum sighed deeply, and you thought he might tell you to shut the fuck up, wouldn’t even blame him for it actually, but it never came. He instead pulled away from you, slinking down to his knees to grab your jeans and the panties crumpled inside them, sliding them back up your legs.
He used his discarded shirt to wipe the mess he’d made of your back, before tossing it to the ground, making a move to grab your striped top. He prodded your hips to get you to turn around, gasping at the blood trickling down your lower lip. “Oh sweetheart.” His thumb dipped to gather it away, lifting to show it to you briefly before suckling it into his mouth like some kind of vampire. You simply couldn’t avoid the way your lips whined at it. “Oh no, no way, you’re not getting turned on again, you’re banned.” He pecked your nose to lessen the threat before pulling your shirt over your head. He was hoping you might lift your arms to slip inside the material but not he wasn’t upset or surprised when he’d had to really commit to dressing you by himself. 
When your head poked back through the material, a pout was coating your lips. “No seriously, what’s wrong with you?” He tried to deadpan the question, but you knew he wasn’t the slightest bit concerned for you. He enjoyed your neediness, it had him unashamed of the throbbing sensation returning to his cock at the vision of you bloodstained lips. The lips you’d bitten cause his cock was too fucking much for you, he adored that thought.
“You’re pretty mean.” You commented with lack lustre intensity. “And you’re pretty.” He responded, he didn’t even cringe, neither did you, thankfully. He continued to dress you till there were none of your clothes left lying around. He guided you over to the sofa, letting you rest before he even  considered throwing his fleece back on. It wasn’t as if he was cold enough for it anyway, your comfort was more his concern right now. If that was the state of your lip, he can only imagine the damage to the rest of you. 
“Can we cuddle?” You didn’t really think about how possible that would be on the tatty couch you now sat upon. The one you’d gotten from a thrift store a couple months back, painstakingly dragging it through the fire exit singlehandedly. Once he’d gathered his belongings he sat beside you, the couch dipping where his body sank down. He grabbed you with ease, bringing you into him. You cuddled into his side, your head first on his shoulder before dropping lower with your fatigue. You were now resting somewhere across his chest, low enough for him to rest his head atop yours. He stroked over your back absentmindedly but soothingly enough to have your eyes closing in relaxation. He caught your head drifting, twitching as you stumbled into slumber, the peace of being in his arms just carrying you far away. 
“Hey pretty girl.” He nudged you lightly. “Don’t really think you wanna fall asleep right here.” He knew he wasn’t far behind you, but he had no intention of spending the night in that store room, even if the building was becoming his favourite place on earth. “What about upstairs?” You half yawn. “Upstairs?” He repeated it as a question. “Mmhmm.” You responded, as if it made it anymore clear to him. “A shred of context might be nice stripe.” You may have been exhausted but you were not about to let that nickname go unpunished. “Firstly, fuck off, secondly, when you fuck off, be sure to go through that door.” You weakly pointed at the door adjacent to the fire exit, again, something in this room he’d never have noticed unless it was pointed out to him. It must have been some kind of magic, surely he wasn’t ignorant enough not to spot that. “I live upstairs if you haven’t caught on yet, handsome.” He rolled his eyes playfully and you knew what was coming next when he started smirking before he even finished the sentence. “Well, isn’t that convenient?” 
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hischeapcigar · 11 months
You don't go to parties anymore
Modern Eddie Munson x ex reader
Summary: Eddie keeps looking for you in his parties
Word count: 1.9k 
Warning: angst, mentions of drugs, drunk eddie, curse words, small reference to smut (if you squint)
a/n: this was inspired by the song stuck in my head, “you don't go to parties” by 5sos and obviously i had to do something about it lol. Reblog and comments are appreciated <3 also comment if you want to be tagged in eddie one shots in future. Mwah 
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Another Friday night, another party. Like a routine, like a spiral. Eddie Munson, big doe eyes were hidden by the bags under his eyes. Hair messed up like he fought a monster. And his well known smile, that everybody was attracted to like a moth to light, was gone with the wind, gone with you. 
He doesn't remember when was the last time he slept through the night. He stays up, drinking, distracting him with different things, or parties on friday nights. 
Why did he keep throwing these parties every week? He wasn’t sure. But his eyes keep searching for that familiar pair of eyes, those pretty eyes, your eyes. 
It was 5 am Saturday morning, and Eddie's apartment was crowded with every person he knew, while he laid on the sofa, drunk. Sweaty bodies are dancing, people are still drinking in the corner while some are passed out on the floor in front of him. 
He eyes them carefully, everyone, there’s Nancy and Robin talking about something, Steve is drunk dancing with this blonde girl he can’t remember the name of. 
It's 5:00 a.m. clinging to my couch
And everyone I ever knew is standing in my house
Oh, I wonder who I'm looking for
'Cause you don't go to parties anymore
“Eddie! It was my turn,” you whined as you reached out, snatching the joint from his lips. He chuckled as he watched you bring it to your lips, taking a deep breath. To say he adored you was an understatement. 
You both lied, on your backs, in his bed, taking turns smoking the joint. It was midnight and you had snuck out of your house to jump in Eddie’s car. Now you both were here, spread out on Eddie's bed, smoke surrounding you. 
He turned to face you and draped his arm lazily around you pulling you flush against him, 
“You’ve had enough, baby,” he whispers, gently taking the joint from your fingers and slightly getting up to smash the butt of the cigarette in the ashtray. 
“I can handle, eds” your voice was dreamy, low and distant. Your mind was in higher clouds, the ceiling was your window to the galaxy as you watched the shooting stars. 
He hummed, pressing his lips to your jaw. Eyes droopy, you both faced the ceiling, sides pressed to each other, hallucinating a whole new world until you passed out. 
I still think about the times we were heavy
Racehorse tripping on the dirt that you got on me
Vultures spinning up above for what's left of me
We go stupid every night, what a tragedy
Eddie’s mind started to darken with each passing minute, as every memory of you haunted his brain. He felt a pang in his heart, begging and praying to see you one more time. Just one more time. 
He looked at every corner of his house where he fucked you relentlessly, he looked at the balcony where you stood up all night to watch the sunrise  together, 
His lips started to tremble at the surge of memories, each one hitting him close to home. His mind was foggy, he was losing it. Like he always did everytime he let his mind wander to you, always back to you.
I'm still here in the darkness
Back where we started
You make me a heartless monster
I'm caught up in distractions
Fatal attractions
I'm starting to come undone
A part of him wanted to kick everyone out, he was tired, the voices in his mind too loud. He glanced, once again, at the bodies, hoping that you were there, hoping he overlooked your figure the first time. 
And now it's 5:00 a.m. clinging to my couch
And everyone I ever knew is standing in my house
Oh, I wonder who I'm looking for
'Cause you don't go to parties anymore
His eyes zeroed at the girl, whose back resembles yours. He stood up abruptly, seeing stars immediately, he shook his head to focus. Stumbling, he made his way to her. A bottle of wine clutched in his hand tightly. 
He tapped her shoulder,
 I'll talk to y/n. I’ll make it okay, we’ll be fine, this is it. I’m sorry y/n, give me one more chance, give us one more chance.
She turned around, and his breath hitched in his throat at the sight of a random person. She wasn’t you. Of course you wouldn’t be here
He nodded and smiled, or tried to, before he raised his bottle to her. She politely shook her head ‘no’. 
A string of curses left his mouth as he shifted his weight and leaned on the wall on the side. The girl immediately shifted her attention from her friends to him. 
“Hey, are you doing well?” she asked, obviously interested
“Hmm” he nodded, bring the mouth of the bottle to his lips, taking a swig
“You know i, uh, recently broke up with the most beautiful girl ever,” he slurred
She looked taken aback, she didn’t expect this. Anything but this. 
“We, uh, were together for 5 years,” his pitch went high for the last part that he uttered
“I thought you were her, but you can never be her” he chuckled, shaking his head, gulping the wine. 
“Excuse me?” she was furious, 
“Yeah… y/n…y/n was the best part of my life” his bloodshot eyes were distant as if mentally he’s still in the memory
“She used to make me laugh on my worst days and-” his words fell short as he saw the woman had gone away.
He shook his head, he really was losing it
I got the last five years running out my mouth
Always stay too late, I should kick me out
Oh, I wonder who I'm looking for
'Cause you don't go to parties anymore
“Watch your words, Munson” you threatened, your voice shook despite the efforts of keeping it strong
“I’m fucking done, y/n, i can’t do this, you want too much” his voice raised slightly
“Too much? Asking for your fucking time is ‘too much’? You elevated your pitch to match his
Another day, another argument, like a routine, like a spiral. y/n’s  big pretty eyes with tears swimming at the edge, dangerously close to falling. 
“I think it's time to put an end to this relationship,” eddie stated, devoid of any emotion
And there came all your tears, pouring on your cheeks as the words rang in your ears. 
You wanted to reach out to him, hold him, tell him you’ll make it through together, that this is just a rough patch. 
But you stood there still as you watched him walk out the door. 
He covered his ears with his hands as he headed for the balcony, running away from the bodies, from the loud music, from himself. His own last words to you haunting his mind, he wanted to scream to silence everything. 
He spotted Argyle and Jonathan being only physically here, their minds wandered off when they sniffed the powder. He walked up to them, seating himself beside them, reaching for the pills and crushing them on the table. 
Lost my limit 'cause I'm dumb and I'm passionate
Took my foot off of the break, it's not an accident
All my friends are up on Mars, we've been traveling
Another lonely night
“In time we’ll build a home for two” Eddie blurted out as you both hiked up the small hill.
“Eddie! You’re being-” your breaths were ragged 
“You can tell me i’m being corny, but it still won’t make me sorry,” he cut you off, grinning widely as he looked at you, nothing  but admiration in his eyes
“Don’t you think about our future?” he wondered  out loud,
“Of course, i do, all the time” you think about the nights where you think about two of you when you can't sleep 
“Yeah but i have a feeling you’ll have enough of my dramatic ass and leave me,” he teased
You glared at him. You both knew you hated whenever he brought up ‘you leaving him’ because you loved him too much to choose something else over him.
Ironic. How fucking ironic.
He glanced back at the crowd which had shrunken. He scanned the room from the balcony once more before he let the powder get a hold of his mind 
And now it's 5:00 a.m. clinging to my couch
And everyone I ever knew is standing in my house
Oh, I wonder who I'm looking for
'Cause you don't go to parties anymore
The sun had started to rise, the sky displaying beautiful colors. He smiled at the scenery, remembering how you used to get lost in the beauty of it all. 
“y/n used to love it so much,” he revealed to the boys beside him, but they were too high to listen to him. That didn’t stop him, only encouraged him
They’re not listening, I'll pretend they are
 And so he did. He rambled on and on about you. Anything he could remember about your relation, he voiced it, good or bad. 
He kept talking and sniffing the powder. 
Then again
And once more
Until he blacks out. 
He doesn’t remember anything except the sky burning auburn, cocaine powder all over the table, your voice in head and then-
He opened his eyes, vision still blurry as he tried to get up. His hand  reaching on the other side of the bed, seeking your warmth, like a habit. He winced at the coldness that resided there.
He was in his room, in the same clothes as last night.
His head hurt so bad like someone banged his head against the wall. He tried to get out of the bed when he saw Steve entering the room with a glass of water in his hand. 
“You gotta pick yourself up buddy,” steve said
“I-” his voice was hoarse, mouth dry. 
Steve handed him the glass, which he gulped like a thirsty man in the desert. Steve took a seat beside him, legs dangling. 
“It was worse this time, eddie” steve tried to get his attention,
Eddie’s gaze was stuck at his door, 
Maybe you’d enter, laughing. Maybe you decided to return to him. Maybe just maybe he could have a second chance. Maybe this was all a bad dream,
Steve’s voice pulled him from his daydreams, 
 “your nose was bleeding, man, you gotta sober up, just try and get over her” 
In a beat, he replied, “i don't want to get over her, Steve” 
 Just the mention of you has him talking. Talking non stop about what you two were, what you two could have been
I got the last five years running out my mouth
Always stay too late, I should kick me out
Oh, I wonder who I'm looking for
'Cause you don't go to parties anymore
His chatter was cut short when Steve’s phone rang, which he attended walking out the door.
Eddie was left alone with his thoughts. He turned and extended his hand to get a hold of his phone.
Once in his grip, he opened your chat, re-reading the countless texts he sent you. 
“Please come home” he sent one more, like every other day. 
Eddie put the phone away as he saw Steve approaching him with his phone extended to Eddie, “its y/n” 
Eddie couldn't believe his ears, or eyes or anything, he wasn't registering the situation. He scrambled on the bed, practically leaping out  to meet steve’s phone half way, as he practically snatch it and placed it on his ears,
“y/n?” his voice was shaky, his body was trembling 
Oh, I wonder who I'm looking for
'Cause you don't go to parties anymore
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msmoony7 · 5 months
hey!! can you please do a fic with calum hood, maybe enemies to lovers and reader is the bands photographer or something like that (it’s okay if you don’t want to🫶🏼🫶🏼)
Love your work!!
note: hope u like it! I haven't written for 5sos yet AND i’ve never written enemies to lovers so i hope it’s good and enemy-y angsty enough. also pretend the first stop was LA and that the tour was six weeks idk how long it actually was this is just what i imagined for my little fanon fic LMAO. I kinda left this on a cliffhanger. Maybe part 2 soon??
calum hood x reader
word count: 1.84k
You wake up to the sun peeking through the cracks in your bedroom curtains. Although the weather on this day is perfect, your mood was anything but, and you wake up feeling sour. Today, you are presented with the difficult task of joining the band 5 Seconds of Summer as their tour photographer. You’ve been photographing artists for years now and it has truly become your passion. Whether it’s following an artist on your, or taking album art, you are living your dream with every picture you take.  
That’s not where the difficulty lies. You know that you’re capable of doing your job and doing it well. The difficulty lies within the band. The name of that difficulty being the band’s bassist, Calum Hood. By now, you have a long history with the band. They first invited you to join them on the Take My Hand tour last year. You quickly became good friends with Luke, Ashton, and Michael. But for some reason, Calum just could not stand to be near you. Many days and nights were spent bickering between the two of you. Arguments would come up, about your creative direction and other bullshit he brought up, leaving you no choice to fight back, creating a lasting vendetta between the pair of you. 
Of course, he made your job difficult as well. When photographing him onstage, he would mess with you and your work. Sometimes getting up in front of the camera and in your face, sometimes not letting you take any photos of him at all. And once offstage, he wouldn’t even look in your direction. Wouldn’t even address you. Despite this, your work speaks for itself and you received a message from Luke inviting you to join them again on this year's tour, The 5sos Show.  
It’s been weeks since you got the tour invitation, and months since you’ve last seen the band. All the time in the world couldn’t prepare you for six weeks on the road with Calum Hood. What he had against you, you may never know. What you do know is that as long as he presents this dislike towards you, you will be doing the same right back at him. 
Was putting yourself through all this stress worth it? You ponder for a moment when you wake up, but ultimately decide you made the right choice. You are set to meet up with the band and crew this evening before you set out on the road together, marking the start of the long six weeks ahead. You put on some music and start packing your suitcase. 
After a while, you’re happy with everything in your suitcase and zip it up. Living out of a suitcase was difficult, but you’ve had prior experience so you know the do’s and don'ts of packing. You pack your backpack, carry on, and your camera supplies and before you know it, the day is behind you and it’s time to converge with the band. You call an uber to take you to the address Luke gave you and you’re on your way. 
Traffic isn’t too bad, so you make it to the address quicker than you would have liked. The crew is already there, but the band is nowhere to be seen. You help yourself onto the bus and begin putting your things in your designated area. You feel the bus shift as someone steps on. Before you can turn around, you can already tell who is walking up behind you. 
“Well, what do we have here?” you hear a sarcastic voice say behind you. You turn around and lock eyes with the bassist. He’s wearing grey sweatpants and a green 5sos sweatshirt. He looks adorable and cozy, and you hate him for being so gorgeous and so annoying all at the same time. 
“Not even the first day of the tour and we’re already fighting, are we?” you spit back at him. 
“Seems that way,” he replies before scurrying off to whatever hole he’s gonna bury himself in until he needs to be found again. 
The rest of the boys slowly scatter onto the bus, and your meetings with them go better than yours with Calum. Everyone picks out their bunks and once everyone is settled onto the bus, the driver begins driving to the first stop on the road and you allow yourself to fall asleep for the night. 
You wake up to the sound of fighting. It takes you a few seconds to shake off your grogginess before you hear two voices shouting back and forth at each other from the other end of the bus. 
“You can’t keep acting like this!” you can hear Luke yell. 
“Sure I can! I can't stand her being here and I’m not going to pretend I do.”
“Whatever, man. Do what you want, I give up. Just don’t come complaining when it comes to bite you in the ass.”
You can hear them shuffling around the bus as you stay hidden behind your curtain. Although your hatred for Calum was mutual, you couldn’t help but let a tear fall down your cheek as you lay in your bunk, thinking about everything you’ve had to endure from him in the past and will have to in the future on this tour. You are tired of feeling like this. Feeling beat down by him and his words, his actions. Now, you’re determined to get to the bottom of his hatred for you. You wipe away your tears, jump out of bed, and get ready for the day. 
Tonight is the first night of the tour at The Kia Forum in Los Angeles. You’re excited. After all, you do love your job. You decide that the best way to get through the tour is to ignore Calum and his antics. 
The day goes by quickly. The opening band is onstage and you’ve successfully avoided Calum the entire day. You grab all your camera equipment so you have it ready to go when the boys go onstage. 
Calum sneaks up behind you, bass in hand. “Where’ve you been, y/n? Haven’t seen you all day, it’s almost like you’re ignoring me. You wouldn’t do that though, would you?”
“For the love of god, fuck off. Get away from me.” You huff at him while grabbing your camera and walking towards the side stage. The lights go off and he shoots you a wink before walking onstage. You push all this out of your head and get in front of the stage and start taking photos of the boys. 
The night goes as well as you could have expected given your circumstances. You get some good photos of the boys. Calum was his usual self. This time around, he decided that whenever you got too close to him, he would turn around, making sure that you don’t get photos of his face or his instrument. Despite this, you do get some good photos of him. In all honesty, you think this is some of your best work. Calum looks really good. Even if you can’t see his face.
The boys all run offstage after the encore, high off of the energy from the gig. You shoot them a congratulations and you can see Calum heading in the opposite direction of you. Typical, you think. 
The next stop of the tour wasn’t for another two days, so the boys are having a party to celebrate the tour kicking off. You follow Luke, Ashton, and Michael and see that the party is already in motion. Calum’s already at the bar grabbing a drink and your body moves before you can think and all of the sudden, you’re sitting next to him. 
“What do you want,” he mutters sharply, not even looking up from his drink.
“How’d you know it was me?”
“Vodka cran,” he says to the bartender and nods at you. “I swear, whenever you get within ten feet of me I can feel my blood pressure rising,” he says in defeat as he gets up from his seat.
“Where’re you going? I thought we were finally getting along.”
“Back to the bus before I say something I’ll regret.”
And with that, he disappears out the door, leaving you confused as the bartender hands you your drink. 
“I don’t know what his issue is,” you confess to Luke once you find him later that night. An hour or two has passed since you last saw Calum and you’re feeling tipsy from the alcohol. 
“I wish I could tell you, y/n. I really wish I could. But we have no idea why he’s like this. We all love you and we love your work, I don’t know why he has it out for you.”
“Yeah, I don’t know. If I’m honest, I’m getting to my breaking point. I don’t think I can handle it anymore.”
“Want us to talk to him?” Luke says with concern written on his face. You can tell him and the other boys genuinely do care about you. It makes you feel good knowing that you have people to fall back on in this drama. 
“Thanks, but I think I’m actually gonna go speak to him now. I’m just tired of it and I need answers now.”
“Well, good luck. Let us know how it goes.”
You say bye to everyone at the party and you leave to find Calum and get some long awaited answers for yourself. The walk to the bus is not far and as you’re approaching, you see Calum sitting on a bench outside, smoking a cigarette and looking up at the sky. He hears your footsteps on the ground and groans when he realizes it’s you. 
“Following me now, are you?” 
“Oh shut up, will you?” you say as you steal the cigarette from his hand, taking a drag before handing it back to him. “You’re an ass, you do know that, right?”
“What do you think, y/n.”
“I wanna know why.”
“Why what?”
“What do you think, Calum? You’ve never liked me. I’ve done nothing wrong. I literally can’t do this anymore, I don’t know what to do!”
He sits and thinks for a minute, leaving the two of you in silence. You stare at him as he stares at the ground ahead of him, waiting for a response. A minute goes by, then two. No response. 
“Are you gonna answer me?” you yell. Still, no response. “Whatever, I’m done. Bye.” You say as you get up. You start walking in the direction of the tour bus when you feel him grab your arm and turn you around. Before you realize what’s going on, his lips crash into yours. At first, you don’t know what to do and you stand there frozen. He pulls away and just stares at you, and you stare right back. 
“That an answer enough for you?” he says to you. 
“Oh will you just shut up?” you say as you cusp his cheeks, pulling him towards you once more.
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smuttyaf · 8 months
SouthSide Serpent
Tumblr media
Word Count: 4.8k
Rating: R
features; childhood friends to lovers, loverboy ashton, literally ashton has been pining for y/n, & sum good old smut :)
a/n: idek what to say but hi! i’ve been in retirement for like 4 years and rediscovered this account. i got nostalgic & decided… shit why not write again?
please cut me sum slack tho! i wrote this on my notes app & it’s been years since i’ve written so i would love to hear feedback!
& yes i am hella descriptive and like to build suspense! i can’t help it >.<
also! y/n is heavily based on serena from mtv downtown ( i love her ) & this picture of ashton ( xx )
The crisp October breeze blew through your hair as the dull taste of your cigarette burns on your tongue; your forefinger and middle finger clenching the nicotine filled paper and pressing it against your lips, drawing in the vapour.
Your head nods along to the music playing before you just two doors down on the opposite side of your street. There was Ashton and his band, either playing covers of their current favourite songs, oldies, or new ones that they’ve all come together and created.
The usual guitar flow and drum beat of Maps by the Yeah Yeah Yeahs blasted through the speakers in the garage as the sound of Luke’s voice sang along on top of the tune.
You hum along to the lyrics as you glared in the direction, your lips peeling away from the filter and letting the smoke settle in your lungs before releasing it. The four boys were all dressed in their usual attire: white shirt, black trousers, beat up old chunky Doc Martins, and their signature SouthSide Serpents leather jackets.
As the wind picks up again you let your free hand tear away from your windowsill and tug the flying strays of your hair in front of your face behind your ear, the chipped black polish on your almond nails coming into view as you remind yourself you needed to get them done.
The bridge of the song is now blaring down the street, causing you to raise your cigarette back to your lips and think to yourself, what a coincidence this song is playing; the lyrics, the time frame, and the memories that all come flowing back as you hear the familiar melody.
It was 2009 and Ashton had invited you over during Christmas break to play Garage Band since Santa gifted it to him because that was the only thing he asked for on his wish list. You were both 8, banging on the drums and singing songs that you both were too young to know or remember from when your parents would play them on the drive home from school. But, for some reason this is the song that stuck with you both the most. Maybe it was the easy lyrics or the amazing beat but from then on it had you hooked to this alternative sound.
Now fast forward to a year ago, your now ex boyfriend Xavier was laying on your bed, finger pads heavy weight on your skin as he drew sloppy hearts on your hip. The wire of the headphones tangled between your shoulder and his wrist as you both listened to his playlist. The familiar intro notes to the song beginning to ring throughout the buds and the tug of your maroon lined lips turn into a smile.
“Already like the song?” He asked, brown eyes rested on top of dark circles scattered with freckles as he smirked down at you.
“I love it.” You sheepishly said.
The wind knocks you back into reality as it pushes through your window again, only making you remember how much you loved October; the weather changing, leaves blooming, smell of the rain just before it hit the concrete, the sound of the leaves dragging along the pavement, and the endless horror movie marathons that would run on AMC.
The orange, brown, and green leaves spin in the breeze and rustle along the branches as the sun stood brightly among the houses along the horizon. From your view on the windowsill you can see houses upon houses before you see the local water tower and old plazas that scream they need new merchant signs and fresh cement.
Your eyes flick to the lonesome string popping out of your black long sleeve before the sound of your phone’s text tone goes off, your eyes darting to the message running across the screen.
Stop watching me
Ashton’s text read, making you roll your eyes before placing them on the dark hair boy who had a goofy grin on his face from your view, his drum sticks were stuffed in one had and the other held his lit up phone.
With a smile on yours, you let the hand that rested in the crook of your neck tear away from the warm flesh and your middle finger stand in the air as a response.
Clothes were thrown in every direction of your room as you let your eyes drag along your frame in the mirror, your loose knitted black sweater hung off one of your shoulders as low waisted charcoal jogging pants rested on your hips. Your hair was in its loose waves as your curtain bangs swept against your temples, your fingers curling into themselves in frustration as you tried to not stress over how you look.
You didn’t want to over enhance your appearance to see Xavier since he wanted to meet up to get “closure” -even though he was the one who called it off despite your many pleas- but you wanted to make him feel bad for even deciding to drop you.
A frustrated sigh left your wine stained lips before turning around and sticking your feet into your ruined Converse. The low muffled sound of Xavier’s Prelude is heard out your window and you feel your heart drop.
You never understood why you always felt this way about him and why you couldn’t just get over this stupid boy who likes to break up with you every other month, a new reason every single time. The constant tears, text threads, and blocking to unblocking seemed to never get exhausting to you because you were always back in the same place, wondering if you overdressed to see your ex for closure.
The chime of Xavier’s specific text tone rings through your room and you already know what it says, so without checking you twisted your foot into your shoe to fit perfectly before you reach over and grasp your phone in your hand and tug your way to the window sill. Fingers pressing the frame up and letting the fall air sweep into your room before crouching down and fitting yourself through the frame and safely scale down the roof, onto the sturdy vine wall filled with dead clematis that prickled on your palms the way down before your feet landed on the short cut grass.
As you turned away from the wall and begin tugging your feet towards the black coupe, your eyes catch on the tall frame standing on their front step as an amber light glows slightly illuminating his face. You already know this is Ashton, so with a slight smile you let your index finger rest against your coated lips, a gesture to him to be quiet.
The only response he gives is his head nodding off to the side with smoke trailing out of his mouth.
The smile quickly falls as your fingers clench the car door handle and tug it open, the smell of him crashing down on you as you sit in the familiar leather, the hum of the engine vibrating under you as the car peels off.
The tinge of tequila burned on your buds as you felt the room spinning, the sound of chatter and shouts are heard from below you as the bass of Destroy Lonely’s song can be heard in the room you barged into when you gave up on waiting for Tabitha; who said she wouldn’t be long with the curly haired new kid in her history class.
Red solo cup was loosely clenched in your right hand as left was lazily running through your hair at random moments as you laid against the cottage floral bed sheets.
Here you were, back in the same spot you always found yourself in: drunk, heartbroken, and thinking about a boy who doesn’t even care about you. The constant routine of wanting him, then wanting to be far away but craving him every other second burned into your heart. The comfort and familiarity of him that you missed always overlooked every excuse he gave you whenever he broke things off.
Last month he said he needed time to himself, this month he told you that he was confused and didn’t know what he wanted; frankly he lost feelings for you, at least that was what he says now. Those words kept on replaying in your mind as if that was your favourite song. The way he sounded emotionless yet unsure that, that was what he really wanted.
And just with those thoughts, tears were flowing down your temples. Eyes blurring as the voice replayed in your head, the memory of him sitting beside you and saying that, to then recollect memories of how sweet and endearing the boy you loved in the beginning grew cold to your touch and looked into your hopeful eyes with detached ones.
The popcorn ceiling was fuzzy in your sight as the tears spill over your waterline and beads down the sides of your face. You already knew your cheeks were heated up, the liner and eyeshadow that was occupying your bottom lashes was smudged and probably slipping away with the liquid as a sniffle wrinkled through your nose.
God you hated this; the empty feeling of missing someone who you know you shouldn’t want but yet crave so badly. Why him? Why you?
As you were deep in thought you hear the rustle of the door knob before it turns and the music that pours from outside reaches into the empty depths of the room, the sound of footsteps halting and a sharp intake of breath being heard, but you don’t dare look away at the ceiling. Frankly, you could care less about who sees you crying your eyes out on this outdated duvet with ruined make up.
“Fuck my bad!… Wait Y/N?” The recognizable voice of your childhood friend is heard before the door is closing shut.
The weight of him sinks next to you on the bed as you let your eyes close and the final stream of tears leave your eyes.
“I look desperate don’t I.” You state, voice raspy from the strain in your throat as the usual feeling of a ball is formed.
“I think you look sad,” He points out, making you snort as the hand that was lazily playing in your hair tears away and feels the sheet below you.
“No shit,” You mumble before letting your eyes peel open.
“You and Xavier broke up again?” Ashton questions, the sound of his zippers clashing from his jacket as he shuffles around.
You only hum in response before you let both of your arms sit you up on the bed, your back standing straight as your hands cradle the solo cup. Your eyes stare down at your ruined pantyhose beneath your mini lace black skirt before they flicker to look at the hazel boy.
Eyes connecting with yours, you hear his breath hitch as he draws in your appearance. Cheeks with a glow of cherry red sweeping the bones under your eyes that are damp with black eyeshadow, your eyes were still puffy and red rimmed as they batted slowly up at him.
“He doesn’t know what he wants,” You let out, your eyes rolling before letting your plum coloured lips take a sip of the warm mixture of Pepsi and tequila.
“Oh?” He says in confusion, bushy eyebrows coming together trying to figure out how that could be since he saw you two together three nights ago.
“I’m so sick of being with these screwed up guys all the time,” You state, hand tearing away from the cup to dig your nails into the rips of your stockings.
“I have such crummy luck or taste? What is it with girls like me? All a guy has to say is, he can’t express his feelings or he listens to Deftones and it’s like my head tips right over and my brain start to slip out of my ear.”
Ashton lets out laugh, the beer bottle he’s holding by the neck resting on his knee as he stares down at you. “So which one is Xavier?”
“Both,” You scoff while sticking out your tongue in disgust.
“You know… if you wanted to, I’m sure you could have a different great guy to go out with every night,” Ashton assures, a smirk tugging on your lips as you decide to ignore the glint of promise in his eyes.
“No way, I’ve always been a mess. Remember Cleo?” Your second boyfriend that seemed to be stuck on your hip but ironically found someway to cheat on you every weekend yet you still dumbly went back to him every. single. time.
The feeling of your sheer button up rubs against your arm as you let your hand fall against your hip and feel your black crop top tight to your skin.
“Maybe you just need to talk to someone who isn’t your usual type,” Ashton points out. Your head nods a few beats as your thick wedged heeled boots run over the wooden flooring.
“Maybe I’ll be luckier if I tried dating someone nice for a change,” Voice hopeful as your eyes dart away from the bubbly dark liquid into Ashton’s brown hues.
“Nice guys,” Ashton says with a smile, both of his hands tearing away from his knees as if to gesture to himself in this equation.
A laugh escapes your lips before your eyes run over Ashton’s frame from head to toe.
“What are you getting at Irwin?” You say with a pointed brow, playing stupid to the implication.
“Oh nothing..” He sings while tearing his eyes from yours, toothy smile still spread on his lips before he takes a swing of his beer.
You shake your head with annoyance before your hazy eyes look down at your lap, your hands resting on the cup and drumming a random tune.
“Honestly Y/N… I think you’re a really great girl and…. I just think maybe…” His words a scrambled mess and trailing off. You smile to yourself before turning to look back at him.
“Mm?” You question, the fifteen percent liquor coursing through your bloodstream and giving you confidence as you lean into this chest, eyes never tearing away from his. Because if Ashton was going to give you hopeful eyes and stuttering speeches you might as well put the ‘nice guy’ to the test and see if he was really about what he said.
That only made his lips break into a smirk, his tongue sneakily gladding along his bottom lip to wet it before looking into you daringly.
That only made you squish your plucked eyebrows together in question. How did the stuttering boy from just a view seconds ago all of a sudden turn cocky and confident? How many drinks did he have? Or was it the weed that clung to his jacket that gave him the boost.
“I think you should give me a chance,” He nips back, and before you can even respond to him, you watch his neck crane down and press his lips against yours.
The crisp taste of his beer stung your lips as they opened and immediately danced along with his tongue. White liquor and brown meeting together to taste each other and leave an acquired flavour in your mouths.
You hummed along to the feeling of his tongue circling against yours before peeling away and molding your lips to sink against each other. Your heart was beating through your chest, nails now digging into your plastic cup and head ducked back as you continue to press your mouth against his.
The feeling of his cold hand pressing against your neck caused you to shudder and tear away from his lips for a second, your eyes peeling open as they look in front of you. Black hair loosely falling on his forehead, the smell of his husky cologne clogging your senses, and the feeling of his fingers now dancing along the back of your neck.
“What are we doing Ash?” You breathe against his lips.
“Something that I’ve always wanted to do,” He says, making your heart launch. You bite down on your bruised lip and tear your eyes away from his, your stomach twist as you try and gain some self control as you almost fling yourself on top of him.
Something that he always wanted to do? You never really found yourself desirable to the point we’re men would see you in that type of light? But maybe what Ash said was just a simple lie, just so he can get what he wants and frankly you don’t even care. You’ve heard lies your whole entire life when it came to boys and this wasn’t any different, maybe you should just let your mind shut off from your stupid ex and just be in the moment for once.
So with that final thought, not having a care in the world, you drop the red cup in your hand and let your lips launch back onto his. Ashton follows your movements and the sound of the nearly empty beer bottle drops onto the hard wood, his right hand now resting along your neck as you both kiss each other.
Warm breaths, beating hearts and the sound of music is the only thing heard in the room as you lick into each others mouths. Soon you feel the weight of Ashton nudging you to lay back on the bed as he lies on top, you feel the cold zippers from his jacket press against your skin and all you can do is moan.
The feeling of his left hand tears away from the hairs on the nape of your neck and dance down your collar bone before letting it cup your breast in his hand, kneading the soft tissue which only makes another moan slip through you.
He pulls away from your lips and begins to suck and press kisses along your pulse, your hands that lie by your side now running up the sleeves of his jacket and into his hair.
A whimper spills out as you feel his hand tug your tank down and free your naked breast, he engulfs it in his cold palm making you let a shaky breath escape before you’re curling your fingers in his hair, the feeling of him twisting your nipple makes you bite down on your bottom lip. The pleasurable pain you feel running up your spine making your shoulders slightly buck off the bed.
“Hmm…” Ashton hums in your neck before tearing away, his eyes once such a light brown and green hue, now a chestnut and forest green colour filled with lust.
Your fingers tug away from his hair as he now descends down your body, his warm lips pressing kisses to your exposed skin as you let your hands tear your blouse and tank off. Your eyes never leaving his as he watches you undress. His lips now press against your pieced belly button as his fingers tear away from your chest and roughly takes your skirt by the band and peels it down your hips, your stockings following soon after.
Not wasting a moment he lets his mouth press against you covered core, lips pressing small kisses against your heat making you quietly moan. You wanted so desperately to tug Ashton into you and make him start devouring you right there but instead you let your hands trail back into his hair and play around with his locks.
Small kisses soon turn into open mouth licks, his wet muscle running up and down your clothed slit that it had your head digging back into the sheets, your legs spreading wider and whimpers endlessly trailing out.
“Ash.. please..” The words slip out so quiet that you assume he didn’t hear from the pulsing music below you, but instead your met with the feeling of his finger pulling your panties to the side and his tongue finally meeting you were you desired.
It circles around your clit gently before you feel his lips suck it into his mouth, a moan drawls from your throat due to the sensation. Soon enough, he’s letting his mouth discover the way you taste which only elects a moan from him. His tongue now dipping in between your two lips and curling around your insides.
“Oh my,” You moan as your fingers dig into his hair, eyes closing shut as you begin to slowly move your hips to the movement of his tongue.
The feeling of his right hand breaks away from your thigh and flows to your hips, his nails leaving small indents as you feel his other hand move away from your panty and rub against your clit.
The feeling of him humming against you sends a vibrating pleasure down your back as he continues to lick you, this only made your toes curl and your hands to fall out of his hair and onto his leather shoulders.
“Fuck,” You moan, your hands tugging him gently away from you as you feel your climax about to overcome your nerves.
And just as you feel it on the tip of your toes, the mouth between your legs pulls away beginning to press wet kisses up your thigh, his hand that once laid against your heat now meeting with the other at your hips.
A groan leaves you as your eyes tear open and look down at him. He mischievously looks up at you, his kisses now run up your stomach once again to lead to your neck.
“Upset?” He teases, only making you shudder at the rasp in his voice.
“I want you Ash,” You say breathlessly, turning your head to knock his out the way and look him in the eyes. “Please,” You utter, fingers now leaving his shoulders and brushing against his rip cage covered by his white tee.
Without any hesitation, Ashton is pulling away from your embrace and leaning back. He shrugs off his jacket, tugs his shirt over his head, his fingers going to the back of his baggy jeans to pull out his wallet to dig through before you see a gold package flash. If your cheeks could burn any brighter they differently would.
The mixture of his clothes and yours are strung through out the room, both of your shoes kicked to the bottom of the bed as he now shuffles his way back up to his original position.
Without question your hand meets the band of his boxers as you begin to inch them down his waist, wanting to return the favour.
“I think that can wait love, I rather be in you right now,” He breathes against your neck, only making your heart stutter. A sheepish smile tugs at your lips as you feel him twist around and lay on his side, his hands laying on your hips, turning you into the same position.
Your head rested on his arm as your back laid against his chest, hips aligned with each other as the feeling of his smell overcomes you. His knees prop up your legs as you hear the tearing of the condom package.
Deciding to distract yourself you let your eyes fall looking at Ashton. His black hair a tossed mess from your fingers, hazel eyes drawn to wear you both meet as he begins to run his member against your heat.
A whimper leaves your lips as you close your eyes when you feel him push inside, his hand now propping up your thigh as he eases into you.
He nudges your head forward and begins sucking kisses down the expanse of your neck, the feeling of his heart beating against your back and the smell of his sweat mixed with his cologne was filling your nose.
“Feels so good,” He mumbles against your skin, his arm that rested under your head turning slightly as he runs his hand against your wrist and takes your fingers into his, lacing them together as you continue to feel him stretch you out.
You never expected Ashton to have a thick piece but you also didn’t expect to be in this exact position right now, literally. Your childhood friend having his way with you while you were both drunk off each other and the alcohol in your systems.
His hips meet your backside before drawing back and pushing back in, your walls expanding with each thrust as you feel him begin a good pace. Moans begin to fall from your mouth, your eyes fluttering open every few seconds as your skin burns from the bruises soon to appear on your pulse from the black haired man beside you, skin still stuck to his lips.
“You’re moans are so pretty,” He breathes against you, his hand that was holding up your thigh runs up your hips to your chest, letting your leg fall as he takes one of your breasts and squeezes it gently.
All you can do is hum at his words because you’re too overstimulated to speak. The feeling of his thickness drawing in and out of you so heavily has you nodding off at the sensation, his fingers intertwined with yours beings to squeeze them together as the hand that was on your breast meets with his head at your neck.
“You like me fucking you,” He says into your ear as his hand squeezes your throat gently.
You nod your head as you feel your eyes slip close, and you were completely wrecked. He was so dirty yet gentle with you, peppering you with kisses yet digging into you so devilishly that it had your mind distraught.
“You like the way I feel inside you,” He continues, his hand growing more tight around your throat.
“Ash…” You say breathlessly, as your hand that rested against the bed sheets rises up and places it against the one making you breathless but encouraging your climax.
“Mm I like the way you feel around me,” He eggs on, and that makes you cry out, your back pushing pack and meeting his hips.
The feeling of your stomach twitching and legs quivering to close makes your head tip back even more against Ashton as you feel your orgasm on the brink.
That has him taking his hand away from your throat and slips it to lift your thigh back up as he continues to thrust into you, his lips press more kisses against your neck.
Your toes curl as the knot in your stomach expands and releases, the satisfying sensation washing over you as you let a deep breath break through your lips with a moan.
“Fuck,” Ashton hisses as he feels you twitch around him, the contractions from your high throwing him into his; his hips stutter before rocking back into you slowly, teeth gently digging into your skin, his breath being blown over the expanse of it.
The thickness of him slips out which causes your eyes to open, his hand dropping your thigh to wrap around your hips as his head buries into your neck.
The room is quiet for a moment as the only thing that can be heard is your hearts calming down and the chatter from down below.
“I would give you more kisses but I’ve made a mess on your neck,” His voice vibrates against you, that only makes you let out a broken laugh.
“I don’t even wanna know what it looks like,” You reply, your hand that rested on the duvet linking with his that rest along your stomach.
This felt nice, the amazing sex and cuddling session after. The room just being quiet and the only thing that can be heard is your breaths and beating hearts. This was so spontaneous that you still can’t even wrap your mind around what happened.
“How would you feel about doing this more often?” Ashton says after a few minutes, his chest moving as he pulls his head away from your neck to lie back against the pillows.
Having casual sex with him? You ponder on the idea. It was definitely one of the best you have ever had, he felt amazing and checked off every box when it came to how to please you. You couldn’t even lie and say that you didn’t find Ash attractive, you are also now officially single, free to due what we you wanted, so fuck it.
“Like… Friends with benefits?” You say, your thumb running against his hand still linked with yours by your head.
“Yeah, friends with benefits,” He confirms.
You let your head swish from side to side as you feel the burning sensation of his love bites strain against your neck as you let out a sarcastic hum to yourself as if you’re thinking it over.
“I wouldn’t mind that.”
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bratzforchris · 10 months
Hello! This is a complied list of all my works for you to enjoy! Please remember that my writing does not reflect 5sos in real life; it is purely fiction 🎀🤍
🧸=age regression
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Luke Hemmings
I have a separate masterlist of Luke works because I have way more of those than anything else :). That can be found here!
Michael Clifford
🌷 I'll Always Listen
🌷 To the Moon and Back
🌷 You're Beautiful
💋 Streams
💋 Don't Worry Baby
Calum Hood
🧸 My Baby
🌷 Unhappy Halloween
🌷 Five More Minutes
🌷 Marriage
💋 Latin and Pentagrams
🌷 Tour Struggles
💋 Softie
Ashton Irwin
🌷 I'll Take Care of It
🌷 Study Stress
🌷 Feel Better
🌷 Bad Days
🌷 Ours
5 Seconds of Summer
💋 Five Sauce
🌷 Brothers
🌷 You'll Be Okay
🌷 The Dress
🖇 Diagnosis
🌷 Woke Up In Japan
🧸 Luke's Secret
🧸 Little Lukey
🧸 New Toys
🌷 Cupid
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© 2023-lukeontheredline
All works posted here are my original ideas and stories unless otherwise stated. Please do not post elsewhere or copy my work.
Updated: February 13th, 2024
Requests are here <3
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carryonafi · 7 months
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luke hemmings x reader; SMUT!!!! 🔞
big warning!! i’ve never posted smut here before, so let me know if this is something i should continue or keep it pg… or if yall are just sluts for some submissive luke ;P
words: 2.9k
“Luke?” Your voice was stifled by the soundproof walls of the basement studio, padding alongside you was Petunia, who you had to stop at the door and apologetically close her out because she had a tendency to chew on the many wires. Just a few lights lit the room, it was dim and you could see more in the blue light of the computer than you could with any other source of light. Luke had a lot on his mind, of course. He had voiced this to you before, going, and going, and going nonstop since he was about 16 and finally getting to stop and take a breath for the first time in years. It was a lot for him to handle, he constantly had to be going and now his schedule was completely clear because of this global pandemic. So, he spent a lot of time in the home studio you built. He would tuck himself away for a few hours every day, do a livestream with the guys, then come back up to you and Petunia within a healthy amount of time.
Today, however, it has not been a healthy amount of time. Luke was working himself to his bones and he hadn’t even come up when food was being made, when he turned to the sound of your presence, you could see it. The sweet, yet tired smile, tousled hair with clear rimmed glasses over his eyes. He took them off as he swiveled in the chair, rubbing at his temples.
“Love…” You said simply, slowly walking over to the chair. His arms had a mind of their own, reaching out to you as you stood between his legs and he wrapped himself around your middle. Face buried in your chest, hands rubbing slowly up and down the small of your back like you hadn’t seen each other in years. It did feel like it. “You’ve been down here for ages.”
“‘M always down here.” Luke replied in the tone of voice that you loved so much, a soft whine curved the syllables of the words he spoke, enough to make you melt as you tangled your hands in his hair.
“Not for this long. You didn’t even eat dinner, baby. What’s buggin’ you?” Your hands slid to his cheeks, slowly coaxing him to pull away. Instead, he rested his chin against your body so he was looking up at you just as you were silently asking him to. Luke would only ever spend extra time on a project if there was something bothering him, or something not clicking. That’s one of the things you knew ever since you had gotten together.
He looked up at you innocently, but his gaze dropped and he let out a sigh as you made your observations. “Just frustrated. It doesn’t sound right… like,” You could see the internal debate he was having, Luke hesitated, but ended up staying right where he was and just nodding towards the screen. “This isn’t a piano song, it can’t be a piano song… too much piano. If I play a G chord on guitar, though, it doesn’t sound right.” He finally voiced his frustration and you could already see some of that tension lifting. As Luke explained, your hands began to wander until they were gently massaging his shoulders. There was no objective to your movements, just mindless playing with what was yours.
“Mm, no instruments at all? Just sounds?” You suggested the synth method, to which Luke shook his head and buried himself back in the safe comfort of your chest.
“I don’t know. It’s gonna annoy me.” He complained once again, sounding just like he did before. Guiltily enough, it got you going. All you did was pout at him.
“Why don’t you step away for a bit, Lu? Come eat, cuddle with me and ‘Tunia, get some sleep. Start again tomorrow with a clear head, yeah? Maybe you’ve gotten worked up with yourself too much.” You slipped your hands underneath his sweater to feel the skin of his shoulders, humming at the contrast of your cold hands to his warmth. Luke nodded against you, but there was something missing. He was clingy, so clingy he couldn’t even let go of you to gesture to the computer screen. So clingy he couldn’t pull his face out of your chest, and so quiet… he was only this quiet in times that he needed something shameful.
“Yeah.” He mumbled into the fabric of your tank top, making you smile. That's the tone you had been fawning over since he spoke his first word to you.
“Look at me.” You changed your voice as well, speaking just above a whisper. Luke knew you were serious, so he reluctantly untucked his head from you and pulled away just enough so he could make eye contact. “Is there something else you want?” You asked, sweet and expectant like there was an answer you were looking for. There was, and Luke knew it as well judging by the way he stared up at you and swallowed thickly. His eyes were glossy now, something shifted that blew out his pupils and just made him appear so sucked in. In a certain state you loved.
“You.” He breathed.
“How, baby?”
Luke hesitated. He knew he had to vocalize it, and he was stuck.
“Want you so bad. Need your mouth on me, or hands, or… whatever you’ll give me. Just need it.” His fingertips ran up and down the ribbed pattern of your top, never breaking eye contact as he knew you would just make him repeat his desperations.
“That’s it, my boy. I knew you could say it.” A proud smile crosses your face as your hands slip out from his sweater, Luke looks proud as well, stare softening with a hint of a glimmer in his irises. “Never this shy, are we?” It’s a rhetorical question, but just as Luke starts to answer you begin to step away. You grasp both of his hands just as they slip from your waist, pulling him out of the uncomfortable office chair and over to the much, much better sofa which sits in the corner of the studio. This was mainly an investment for you and Petunia, his girls, to come and sit while he works. However, he does like his space when he’s supposed to be focusing.
You motion for him to sit, and Luke obeys without a second thought as you kneel in front of him on the sofa. Your hands begin to push his sweater up, exposing his pale skin which hasn’t been getting too much sun recently. He was already breathing heavily, reaching forward to hold onto your hair or at the very least follow how your head moved to kiss over his hips. Your lips dragged against the soft flesh, lightly baring your teeth as you traced your hands along the waistband of his shorts. At the first nibble, Luke let out a gasp and bucked his hips.
“Easy, easy.” You murmured against his skin, he got the hint and weakly whimpered your name. “So pent up, Lu. Is this why you couldn’t focus?” He briefly lifted your head, only getting a nod in response. When you didn’t continue, Luke sucked in a breath.
“Couldn’t stop thinking about you.” He said quickly.
“Keep talking like that.” You instructed, motioning for him to help you remove his shorts. To which he did, lifting his hips so you could pull them down along with his boxers. Luke sucked in a breath through gritted teeth when the cold air hit him.
“Every time you came down I jus’ wanted to be under you, you take care of me so good. Knew it would clear my head.” Luke cut himself off with another harsh gasp, those garments were long gone and you were left placing teasing kisses all along his inner thighs as he voiced his needs. One just at the head of his cock, that pulled the gasp from his throat.
“Didn’t tell you to stop, baby.”
“Sorry, ‘m sorry.” Luke pleaded, looking down at you expectantly when he realized you weren’t going to continue unless he kept talking. “Think about you so much, your lips, your tongue, when you… fuck, do that.” He moaned when you gingerly wrapped your hand around his shaft and kitten-licked the tip, both hands now in your hair. This is what got you excited, when he got restless and showed it all in his face knowing it would mean trouble for him if he got too impatient. You never broke eye contact, Luke pulled his bottom lip between his teeth and let it slip just to speak more struggling words.
“I love when you use that voice with me,” He whined, taking another labored breath when you took him further into your mouth. “Call me names, it makes me feel so…” Luke couldn’t articulate it, the word was in his head, but would it be the right one? “Small? Dunno.” He sighed again, carefully playing with your hair as your tongue swirled and made him struggle to speak past his quiet sounds.
“Pretty sure the word you're looking for is submissive.” You sat back on your heels, watching his eyebrows furrow in disappointment.
“Why’d you stop?” He made another one of those beloved whines, shoulders dropping the tension as he slowed his breathing.
“Don't you want more of me? Isn’t that what you were getting at?” You also looked at him with confusion, false only to mock him. Luke got the hint, you could see the second the realization hit him. His bright little face, eagerly nodding and still stroking your hair as you begin to grin again. “You know what to do, tell me.”
“I want it so bad.” Luke didn’t waste a moment to speak. “I need to feel you around me, ‘s been too long.” It really hasn’t. This cycle happened again yesterday, and this morning, before he finally coaxed himself into getting some work done. As he spoke, you slowly got on the couch and rested your knees on either side of him to straddle him.
“And?” You asked sweetly.
“Please, (Y/N)?” Luke stared up at you, never pulling those icy blue irises away from yours.
“You’re so desperate, how do you even get like this?” A giggle chased after your words. This was something you could have kept to yourself, but of course, you always loved to see Luke’s reaction to your teasing. He only squirmed, heat rising to his cheeks as you sat back a bit to tuck your thumbs into the waistband of your pajamas.
“Because, look at you. You expect me to sit here and not be starstruck when you look at me like that?” Luke briefly lifted one of his hands to motion at your body as you continued to remove your sweats.
“Ooh. Starstruck.” You marveled, tossing your clothes off to the side with his. “That’s a good word, you’ve been using that brain today, Lu.”
“If you could read my mind half the time, you’d be starstruck, too.” Luke tugged his bottom lip between his teeth yet again, tilting his head back as you leaned forward hovering over his lips. He was so close to kissing you, so close, but you refrained for a moment.
“Mm, yeah?” You hummed, using one hand to reach between you two finding that this way was easiest to steady yourself. Luke’s eyelids fluttered when your hand came into contact with him again, unable to take his gaze off of the way you began sinking down. Your lips parted slightly, trying to formulate the rest of your sentence. “Let it all out. Wanna hear all your thoughts.”
“I really fuckin’ love how you know what makes me weak.” Luke was hasty, eager to impress you with his quick talk. “You touch me in all the right places, call me all the right names, make the prettiest sounds, God.” He cursed. “Never had anyone make me feel like this before.” His words sounded breathy, like it was a battle to commit to telling you (almost) everything that came to his mind. It worked, oh, it worked. You braced yourself with both hands on his shoulders, slowly snaking around his neck as you rolled your hips and watched his face contort with pleasure. His jaw slack, eyes squeezed shut and eyebrows furrowing over those deep lustrous eyes you so badly wanted to see staring at you. His lips were so pink, the bottom one just a bit swollen from his abuse, the stubble on his cheeks drove you mad and each shadow on his face was so perfectly contoured. However, his hands hesitated. They briefly lifted from the back of the couch before dropping again and grasping at the fabric, it seemed you had trained him well, but you would allow the needs to take him over.
“Luke.” With a simple hushed moan of his name he had his hands on you in an instant, Luke opened his eyes slightly as your steady rhythm of the slow falling of your hips became more comforting. The glint in his eyes were endless, his gaze burning into your frame and watching his hands create shadows on your body. His fingertips danced along the hem of your tank top, making eye contact for approval as he slowly started to push it up.
“Can I take it off, please?” Luke swallowed thickly, and since you didn’t slow down your pace, his first thought was that you’d deny his request.
“Mm.” You hummed, biting your bottom lip to conceal a smile. “If you can get it off.” Your reply was smug only because you knew it wouldn’t be a problem for him to get the top off of you. It was gone within seconds, Luke’s wide, vulnerable icy blues admiring the full of your body in pure admiration. His mouth dropped open again as you rolled your hips in the same pattern you did before, that rough circle that might just become his favorite shape. However, his grasp got weaker, moans got breathy as he tossed his head back to rest against the back of the sofa. You took this opportunity to attack his throat, harsh stubble meeting the sensitive skin of your cheeks and lips while you moved your mouth along the curve of his jawline. Luke made this sound, unlike how you had ever heard him before. It was quiet at first, rushed and surprised like he had unexpectedly dropped something. The second your hands started sliding up his sweater, feeling his bare skin before raking your nails down his chest and past the coarse hair he gasped a second time. A loud, long whimper tearing from his throat. It was so satisfactory that it had you bucking your hips faster and moaning against his pulse point, your name fell from his lips a number of times that you couldn’t even count.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” Luke hissed, the way he was grabbing your side would definitely leave bruises. His thighs twitched once beneath you, then again as you pulled away from his littered neck to watch the inevitable. “So close, ‘m so close. God — can I?” He peered up at you again, making eye contact. They were deep, dark with lust. Yet unmatched to the warmth that filled your chest at the mere fact that he asked, your boy was still in control of himself, asking permission.
It bounced around for a beat, do you give him this?
“Not yet, not yet.” You breathed, the hands that were on his chest briefly lifting to cup his cheeks. “Little longer, baby. Can you do that for me?” His eyes told you otherwise, but he nodded anyway and tilted his head again. You didn’t let him down, just another few bounces and you felt the familiar crash shake you like your body had been set on an endless vibration setting. You shuddered, gripping at the collar of Luke’s sweater as you shut your own eyes and cried out into the soundproof walls of the comforting atmosphere of the rest of the studio.
“Please, please. Please? ‘M right there, I can’t hold it, please...” Luke’s arms secured around your waist, pulling you closer so he could whisper his soft pleas and all you could do was nod. Poor thing, buried his face in your chest and let out a strangled moan into the soft texture of your skin. His breathing labored, burrowing his way even deeper into your comfort as if he could get any farther.
You matched his hold on you, arms loosely around his shoulders just as your hands gravitated towards the soft curls at the nape of his neck. You were still, unmoving for a few moments before Luke finally pulled himself back into reality.
“Hi.” He said simply, making you giggle. You loved this more than anything, the bliss, the love he had in his eyes for you, knowing that all he needed was a simple stress reliever and your way of giving was just what he was looking for.
“Hi.” You replied, admiring his post-orgasm glow.
“You look pretty.” Where did this come from? The comment had you smiling like an idiot anyway.
“Not too bad yourself, handsome.” The hands on the back of his neck slowly worked through his curls, wandering in his dark roots all the way to the light ends. They were always such a mess when he wasn’t constantly touching them, such a beautiful mess. “You still want dinner?”
“Yes, please.” Luke sighed gratefully, bracing the two of you to finally stand up and clean the mess you made. Next came more apologies, letting Petunia wander into the room as you opened up the door and never exited each other’s small range of personal space.
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(some more lil visuals for you guys☺️)
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home life ~ ashton irwin
word count: 1669
request?: yes!
“So the request is domestic everyday life fluff with any of them. Whichever you know best or maybe a short blurb of all of them. I trust you so have fun and thank you!”
description: what’s the typical day like for ashton and his wife? let’s find out
pairing: ashton irwin x female!reader
warnings: nothing just some super cute domestic fluff with ashton
masterlist (one, two, three)
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As much as Ashton loved to make music and go on tour, his favorite place to be was at home with you. More specifically, in your shared bed, which was where he was now.
He had awoken before you, both of you submerged in the sea of warm blankets. He rolled over to face you and couldn’t help but smile as he looked at your sleepy face. You were asleep on your stomach, your face smooshed adorably into the pillow. A small sliver of sunlight poked through the closed blinds and landed perfectly against your face, giving you a glow as if you were Ashton’s personal angel.
He moved slowly closer to you as to not wake you. He extended a hand to run it over the soft and warm skin along your shoulders and back. You stirred at the touch, peaking open one eye to look at him before closing it again. A small smile came across your face as you snuggled closer to him.
“Good morning,” you murmured.
“Good morning, love,” Ashton responded. “Did you sleep well?”
“I always sleep well when you’re home.”
Ashton smiled and opened his arms to you. You turned to face him and shuffled closer until the warmth of his arms engulfed you. You breathed in his familiar scent as you buried your head in his chest.
“What if we stayed in bed all day?” he murmured into your hair. “We don’t have anything to do anyways.”
“I love the idea, but if we lay in bed all day we’ll get bed sores.”
“Those aren’t real.”
“Maybe not, but I’m not going to test that. Besides, we have to get up to eat and use the bathroom and stuff eventually.”
Ashton sighed and pressed a kiss against your head. “Okay, counter offer: we stay in bed for one more hour, then we’ll get up.”
You smiled and kissed his neck. “I can agree to that, I guess.”
An hour came and passed and Ashton was reluctant to get up or to let you go, but a deal was made and he was a man of his word. You reluctantly peeled yourself from the bed, your body still care from your night with Ashton. He watched you longingly as you walked to the bathroom. When he heard the shower turn on, he quickly jumped out of bed and ran to the bathroom.
As much as Ashton loved being physically intimate with you, he also loved these moments of tender intimacy. Maybe even more than the physical intimacy sometimes. You were stood together under the hot water. Ashton had lathered up your hair with shampoo and gently tilted your head back under the water to rinse. You did the same for him before switching so he could put considering in your hair. He then lathered up his hands with body was and started to wash your body. You leaned into his touch, a dreamy smile on your face.
You giggled as his hands started moving down between your legs. “Naughty boy. You’re supposed to be cleaning me.”
“But getting dirty is way more fun,” he replied.
You giggled and playfully pushed him away. You rinsed the suds from your body before leaning in to kiss Ashton. His hands wandered over your soft, wet skin as his lips moved to your neck.
“You’re giving me mixed signals, love,” he mumbled against your neck.
“Only because you’re a horny nuisance,” you giggled.
“You knew that when you married me.”
One hot shower turned very cold later, you were both finally drying yourselves off and getting dressed. You offered to make breakfast, but Ashton insisted on ordering delivery for the two of you instead. “A lazy, relaxing day,” he said. You weren’t about to argue.
You always cherished having Ashton home. Days like these, where you were both home and free of any responsibility for an entire day, were few and far between, and they seemed to be very fleeting. You knew this was Ashton’s life when you married him. In fact, you had gotten a practice run of it in the early years of your relationship. It didn’t make the time away from one another any easier, or the time together any less bittersweet.
Since Ashton decided on a lazy day together, you collected the softest blankets in the house and settled down on the couch. Ashton collected the breakfast when it arrived and brought it into the living room. He placed the spread on your coffee table and took his place next to you on the couch.
“What shall we watch?” you asked as you cuddled into his side.
“You choose,” he responded.
“We both know that’s a bad idea since I’ll undoubtably end up choosing Encanto for the hundredth time.”
“More like millionth.” You elbowed him playfully. “But I love how excited you get when we watch it, so how can I pass up that opportunity?”
You smiled at him and gleefully turned on your favorite movie. The two of you watched in near silence as you ate, sometimes broken by you singing along softly.
“You’re very cute,” Ashton commented after your one woman performance of We Don’t Talk About Bruno.
“I know,” you teased. “But I don’t think that compliment applies when I’m stuffing my face and singing along to Disney tunes.”
“No, especially then.”
You shook your head. “That’s just lies, and you’re not supposed to lie to your wife.”
You placed you plate aside and laid back into his arms. He looked down at you with that look - the lovesick puppy look. He’s had it ever since you first met. There was something warm and comforting about that fact; the fact that after all these years, Ashton still looked at you with so much love in his eyes.
“You’re very cute,” he repeated, lightly brushing his lips against your nose.
“You mentioned that already,” you teased.
“I’ll keep telling you as many times as you want to hear it.”
You smiled and into into his embrace, kissing his cheek.
You spent a few hours cuddled up on the couch going back and forth picking what movies to watch. Ashton’s hand idly roamed your body; first running through your hair, then running over your arm and back, then tracing circles on your thigh. It brought you an added comfort and was almost enough to lull you to sleep a couple of times.
When dinner time came around, you told Ashton you were going to cook for the two of you and you refused to hear otherwise on the matter. He agreed, but only on the terms that he helped you.
That lasted all of five minutes, after which you had to kick him out because he was getting in the way more than helping.
“Go set the table or something,” you had said, playfully, after swatting him with the dish towel.
Some time later, you had dinner ready and placed on the table for the two of you. The sun had set and the only light in the room was the dim light of the lamps. Realizing how quickly the day had gone by resulted in a feeling of melancholy settling over you. You were starting to be reminded about your fleeting time with Ashton yet again.
Noticing your mood switch, Ashton reached out to hold your hand. “Hey, what’s up?”
You snapped out of your mood and smiled. “Nothing. I’m good. Just hungry.”
“Then eat, silly.”
After eating and washing up the dishes, you found yourself back in bed, once again cuddled up in Ashton’s arms. Your head was resting on his chest, listening to his heart beating against your ear. It was another moment you tried not to take for granted: the calm moments when you could just lay with Ashton, take in the warmth of his body against yours, the sound of his heartbeat and steady breathing. His hand had slipped under your shirt and was tracing circles against your bare skin. You could feel the callouses on his fingers against the softness of your skin.
Your eyes kept glancing at the clock on your bedside table. Every minute that ticked by was a minute closer to Ashton’s break ending. You still had a few days, but the next few days were filled with work for you and obligations for the both of you. This would be your last day alone together, and it felt like it was going by way too fast.
“Hey.” You looked up to see Ashton’s concerned face. “What’s on your mind, beautiful?”
You sighed. “I don’t want the day to end.”
“I know,” he said. “I don’t either, but we still have a few days left.”
“Not ones where we’re both off and can just spend the day together.”
He pulled you in tighter and kissed you on top of your head. “I know, love, but you can’t think about the future in dread like that. You gotta try to live in the moment. Think about us, here, right now. Besides, I don’t care if we have things going on or if I only get to spend a little time with you before or after you have work. As long as I get to spend time with you at all, I’ll be happy.”
Tears were welling in your eyes, both a combination of happiness at his words but also a little sadness at the thought of having to let him go sometime soon. But you cuddled into his side and tried to do as he said; forget about the future and try to live in the now.
“I love you, you know,” you said, your words muffled from your face being buried against his chest.
He chuckled. “I know. I love you, too.”
“I love you more.”
He gave you a look and poked at your side. “Don’t start this debate. We both know how it’s going to end.”
You giggled and settled in next to him for the conclusion of your relaxing day.
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riya-kaur · 5 months
luke robert hemmings
it's my birthday!
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summary: it's your birthday and all you want to do is spend time with your boyfriend.
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"can we stay in bed all day?" you groaned as nuzzled your body against your boyfriend's. the two of you were laid in bed, tangled with both the sheets and each other.
"baby" luke coos as he tucks a strand of your hair behind your ear. "it's your birthday, we have to do something special for my girl" luke grins before placing a kiss on your hair.
"but-" you begin to counter his argument, but he quickly shook his head, "nope, no excuses," he chuckles as he removes his arm from your waist. he then rises up from the bed, but you quickly grab his wrists.
"just five more minutes, please, it is my birthday," you pout, batting your eyelashes. luke looks back at you, playfully rolling his eyes. "fine, just five minutes, though." he sighs dramatically before wrapping his arms around you, dropping down to lay on you. you giggle as you nuzzle your face into his chest.
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"petunia! come say happy birthday to mama!" luke exclaims as the two of you walk down the stairs, hand in hand.
once reaching downstairs, they were met with an already waiting petunia, sticking her tongue out.
you crouched down on the floor, and she jumped up on you. she planted a few kisses on your face before you stood back up again, "you've got some competition, mr hemmings" you giggled as you ran to the kitchen, jumping on luke's back.
whilst petunia was busy giving you her kisses, luke had made his way to the kitchen to start preparing breakfast.
luke luckily caught you when you jumped on his back. "me? competition? never!" he chuckled, making you scoff as you jumped off his back, shuffling around to stand in front of him.
"you and tunia are gonna have to work it out between yourselves," you joke, making luke chuckle.
you lean your weight on your tiptoes as you reach up to place a kiss on luke's lips. "stop distracting me!" luke exaggerates after pulling away.
"sorry" you frowned sarcastically, "me and tunia can go find a movie to watch whilst eating," she shrugs at luke, luke nodding in response.
"wait before you go," luke says before a pause. "what are you in the mood for?" luke asks, raising an eyebrow.
you smirk as you look up at luke, "you" she winked. she mentally cringed at herself, as she watched luke chuckle.
"come here" he shakes his head in disbelief. you walk up to him and he wraps his arms around your lower back.
he lets his lips drop down to yours, slightly pulling at your bottom lip as he slipped his tongue in. he guided you backwards, letting your back rest against the edge of the counter.
he then teasingly pulled away.
"happy birthday, baby."
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it's actually my birthday today, and i was in the mood to write something - hence this.
i'm finally eighteen! 🫶🏽
i'm sorry this is so short! the next one will make up for it!
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You Are What You Love (l.h)
Pairing: Luke Hemmings x Fem! Reader
Requested? Yes! (requests are currently closed)
Summary: Based on the song "Daylight" By Taylor Swift. Luke's thinking about his perspective of love while he reminisces about when he first met you
Warnings: Fluff, language, mentions of alcohol and toxic relationships. Some grammatical errors (English is not my first language, im sorry)
Word Count: 2.4 k
Author's Note: I just really wanted to write this one and give it my own lil twist. Remember that REBLOGS are super IMPORTANT and so are COMMENTS AND INTERACTIONS. PLEASE SUPPORT YOUR WRITERS. Hope you like it and Happy Reading
My masterlist // tag list in bio!
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The day was getting to him and they’d practically just started. Doing promos all day is something they all got used to when they first started, but it has become repetitive and unhealthy after years of being in the spotlight.
It’s not like Luke isn’t grateful for the opportunity he has of making music with his best friends, he loves what he does and why he’s doing it. But he has to admit priorities have changed for him lately, and being away from home for too long was making him angsty.
“Dude, cheer up!” Ashton would say, giving him a big smile and patting him on the shoulder as they waited for the next interviewer.
Luke would give him a half-hearted, tired smile that mimicked his feelings on the inside. He would see how Michael, Ash, and Calum would joke with each other a little bit, already getting in the mood for another seven minutes of answering questions - although everyone knew Ashton would be speaking the most again, thank you very much. And for a moment it was nice to see them slip from the personas they present in front of the camera and just let them be.
He also took this moment to check his phone and take it out from “do not disturb” when a text message showed up. After reading it his smile was for real this time.
“Is it Y/N?” Michael asked, noticing the grin on Luke’s face.
“Yeah, she says hi”
Quickly, Luke texted you back, noticing the interviewer was already making their way to them. Still, he couldn’t shake the smile off of his face.
* A few years ago.
The party was a success - or a mess if you’re the one cleaning afterward, which is pretty much what Luke promised to do if Ashton threw a party that weekend. This time it took more than ten minutes to convince the eldest of 5sos to throw a party, which is more than anyone would’ve expected coming from him.
“Luke, I already hosted a party three days ago” Ashton sighed while doing the dishes, giving his back to the youngest of the band.
“But Aaaash,” Luke pouted even though Ashton couldn’t see him “It’s the weekend!”
“Don’t you think you like partying too much?”
“Funny you’re saying it,” Luke rolled his eyes, but when he noticed Ashton stare once he turned back, he knew he was serious “C’mon, dude”
“Luke, you’re deflecting” Ashton crossed his arms in front of his chest “Don’t think we don’t notice how you use parties as an excuse to avoid the elephant in the room”
“I’m fine,” He scoffed, and the eldest raised an eyebrow at him.
“Oh? So you’re ready to tell me what happened the day you showed up at my house with your dog and a U-Haul filled with your things?” Ashton sighed again when noticing Luke’s eyes deflecting his gaze “Look, you know I love having you here, but it’s not fun to see you hurting, Luke. Whatever happened with her… you know we’ll support you, right?”
And Luke knew they would. Fuck, Luke loves his friends because of it, they will never leave him behind if the ship was sinking. But the ship was already at the bottom of the ocean and they were still looking for the remains of his broken heart, not knowing there was nothing left to save. Not even himself.
“Fine, if you don’t want to have a party then forget it,” Luke said, turning around and going to his room.
Ashton groaned loudly and threw his head back before calling out “Okay! We’re having a stupid party! But you’re cleaning up the next day!”
And so came Saturday and the house was packed. Except for one lonely soul sitting outside against the wall, drinking a beer, and not being able to figure out what was so wrong with him. Ashton was right, he was deflecting. But what was wrong with wanting to have a little party to try and forget the past?
The lights were low, so no one could recognize him that easily as he slipped out. The loud noises of the party drowned the sounds of his mind telling him he was the one that fucked up and that he should go back to what he knew was an unhealthy environment. At least that’s a place familiar to him; the feeling of not being enough but still trying to make it up somehow; being the butt of the joke everyone and laughing along even though they never knew the struggle or the pain behind every word or comment he read on the internet.
He was in love, or at least he thought he was. Damn, there was his whole life ahead of him and he thought she’d be by his side through all of it. But love doesn’t have to be black and white, it doesn't have to make you doubt every single word or move or Instagram post. He never thought love could be so cruel… or maybe he didn’t know what love was after all.
What’s worst of it all is that he knew he hurt some people along the way. Fuck, he even made Ashton throw him a party every week to try and cheer him up even though everyone knew it was all a charade. After everything that he did wrong, his friends are still there for him when he least deserves it. All because he was too hung up to see the reality, or too scared to face it.
Still, at least he was sound of mind and heart and didn’t plan to go back to her, even if that meant waking up and facing the unknown future again.
“Cheers to that,” He mumbled as he brought the beer bottle he was nursing to his lips.
“Amen,” A voice said behind him, making him spill his drink all over his shirt “Oh shit! Sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you”
Luke wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, counting to ten in his head so that he won’t curse this person out. But soon a hand was stretched out to him, offering some napkins to clean himself out.
Finally, his blue eyes were able to look at the person who so rudely interrupted his self-deprecating moment. And for a second there he was speechless.
“I’m truly sorry,” The girl gave him a shy, awkward smile, “I thought you heard me get out and- Well, that’s what I get for trying to be funny, I guess”
Luke blinked up at her, losing his train of thought when he noticed how cute she looked when blushing and the way her eyes sparkled before she looked down. He couldn’t help but chuckle as he accepted the napkins.
“It was funny,” He said, dabbing his shirt “I always hated this shirt anyways, so thank you for helping me get rid of her”
The girl smiled “I don’t know if you’re making fun of me… but, yeah, that shirt is very 2015”
Luke fake gasped in surprise “Are you saying I have bad taste?”
“I’m saying that maybe you did but are now repenting for your sins”
“So quick-witted”
“One of my many talents”
“What’s another one?”
“I can run faster than a wolf”
“Don’t you get tired?” He asked, scooting to his side so that she could sit beside him. She did.
“Maybe when I do I’ll finally find the place that makes me what to stay” She shrugged “Do you have a talent?”
“I can’t seem to differentiate heroes from villains”
She looked at him, resting her chin on her hand “What do you think I am, then?”
“I don’t know yet” He laughed, looking back at her and getting lost in her eyes for a second before asking “Should I be offended you'd rather be out here than at my party?”
“Should I be offended that the host of the party would rather sit outside in the cold than at his own party?” She challenged him “My friend dragged me here, but I’m not much of a social butterfly and I need a moment to charge my battery before she tries to set me up with another stranger”
“Ooff, tough crowd?”
“The toughest”
“Good.” Luke said, leaning back and looking up at the sky “Easiest way not to get hurt”
“Maybe,” She shrugged. “But if we don’t get hurt once in a while then why bother to feel anything at all?”
Luke turned to her, frowning as he examined her face. “Did Ashton send you here?”
The girl looked at him quizzically, “I literally have no idea who Ashton is, but if he’s like- I don’t know, your “guide” in the universe, then maybe?”
Luke laughed “He’s my co-host”
“Oh! The one singing “I will survive” in karaoke! Yeah, no, I haven’t talked to him. But if you want me to call him I could-”
“No!” Luke said way too quickly and she noticed that as well “I mean if he sees me he’ll know he’s right and I would rather eat another one of Calum’s veggie lasagnas than do that”
“Ouch, tough crowd?”
He groaned “You have no idea”
“I might, a little bit”
“Yeah?” He bumped her arm with his “What’s your story then?”
“Who wants to know?”
“Luke,” He said, extending a hand for her to shake.
“Y/N,” She took his hand in hers, shaking it firmly “Well, Luke, I’ll tell you mine if you tell me yours”
“And if we never want to see each other after we do?”
“Then that’s a risk we’ll both have to take”
The memory faded as he noticed all eyes were on him.
At least there’ll be more elevator memes after this interview.
“Sorry, could you repeat the question, please?” Luke asked, ignoring Calum’s chuckle.
“Of course!” The interviewer smiled “I said that you were one of the main writers in almost every song of this album. What’s the inspiration behind it?”
“Oh,” It was an easy answer, of course, something he had rehearsed with the guys beforehand. But as the memory of your first encounter was still so fresh, another answer came to mind “Love,”
“Well, I guess that the right way to say it would be the feeling you get when you know you’re safe” He started, “When you feel safe around that special someone, no judgment nor fears or doubts. When that person means the world to you and you would do anything to give it to them just to see the smile on their face even for just a second. Or when you make a mistake and you’re willing to put everything on the line to try and make it right, just hoping the other one will forgive you when you think you least deserve it. “I had my doubts about love for quite some time. Thinking I was defined by it when we just create the context ourselves when we find the right person to share that love with. I always believed love would be…”
“Burning red?” Michael smiled, finding the words right out of Luke’s mouth.
“Yeah,” He smiled “But love is not supposed to burn or to hurt. Love is supposed to keep us warm and safe. Love is golden, like daylight”
“But not our old song Daylight,” Ashton said, making everyone laugh “That truly was a mistake”
“But it is part of our history,” Calum added.
“Like heartbreaks and hurt,” Luke chimed in, going back to the original question “But without them, is it even worth feeling anything at all? They’re just passing by until you find the place you want to stay, with the ones you love”
Luke watched with a smile as the other guys answered the rest of the questions, knowing full well that this is where he was meant to be. But there was someone missing.
The car dropped him off first, his friends all saying their goodbyes or see you tomorrow and saying I love you to him before he got out. He cracked his back before he grabbed his bag and made his way to the front door, waving one last time at the guys.
The moment he crossed the door he hung his keys and got rid of his boots. He was about to call your name when a faint mixture of sounds got to him. He frowned as he walked toward the living room, quickly finding you under a pile of blankets, wearing his hoodie and with an arm wrapped around a very sleepy Petunia whose snores were drowned out by the sounds on your phone.
Luke smiled as he shook his head, walking over to his two girls and sliding down next to you, wrapping you with his arms.
“What’ you doing?” He said, kissing you on the cheek “Are you- are you watching 5sos TikToks?”
“What can I say?” You said, turning into his embrace and facing him “You guys are very entertaining”
You ignored the rolling of his eyes as you leaned over to kiss him sweetly on the lips, feeling how he relaxed against you.
“Hi,” You mumbled once you pulled back just enough to have only your noses touching.
“Hi, darling” Luke smiled, kissing you briefly one more time.
“Long day?”
“The longest without you”
“Sap” You giggled, trying to scurry away before his hands found your waist and started to tickle it, but not being able to succeed.
This is what he meant about love. Coming home after a long day and having your laugh be music to his ears. Being able to touch you and kiss you like it was the first time every time. Just relaxing with you on the couch with your dog, watching hours and hours of tiktoks before any of your stomachs started to grumble. Talking about your respective days while you cook dinner together with Fleetwood Mac’s music surrounding the house, listening to all the good and the bad and the ugly, and just being there for each other.
The words “I love you” never made sense to him before you came along. But when you kiss him goodnight and whisper those words to him, he knows them to be true. And when he says them back, he knows he’s falling short. Because a love like that is impossible to describe.
A love like that is golden. A love like that is kind.
So every night he adds:
“Loving you is the best thing I have” * * tags: @iknowyouthinkimbulletproof @mystic-232 @talksoprettyjjx @theshyspy @hoodhoran @hoodharlow @littledrummeraussie @bubblegum183 @irwin-fletcher-ash @wiiildflowerrr @another-lonely-heart @aabc5sauce @in-superbloom @sadcupofcoffee @personalmuyverypersonal @vtte @as-hs-blog @himbohood @sofiaaraee @irwindoll @weasleytwinscumslut @fairytrice @colourfulcal @nibin0912 @hfkait @savagejane1 @youneedtocalumdown @ashtonsunflower @nicebasscalum @calumspupils @secretsicanthideanymore @alltimesos @wontlastimokwiththat @whywontyoulovemecami @theimpossiblehologramtree @perriexed @abiancajg @rewmuslupin @icelily13 @bookthingz @gracieboogirl @fastandtheformula1 @kingxnichole @wildflower98
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heartcal · 2 months
rejected ; c.h. (part viii -- preview)
summary: he was just a silly little crush that you had in high school, and you were sure that after graduating, you would be over it. so why is your heart beating fast as he sits next to you in your first class on your first day of college? chapter summary: "new year, new me." at least, that's what you hoped for, but instead of noticing a change in yourself, you're seeing a shift between calum and ashton. pairing: calum hood x reader (gender-neutral) genre: fluff, angst, classmates to friends to lovers au, college au warning(s): none i think ?? maybe a curse word or two idk preview word count: 486 words
a/n: HEYOOO yikes wow it's been a while huh? plenty of factors have kept me away from posting and writing in general (some were my own doing while some were out of my hands) bUt !! we finally have a preview !!! unclear when the full part will be posted but rest assured, it's coming!! anyway, i'll cut my rambling short, enjoy this preview! series masterlist! | main masterlist!
Ashton looks at Calum for his input to which he only mimics your shrug.
He withholds a sigh, refraining from shaking his head at his friend before speaking up, “How about this: you do the writing portion, Calum and I work on the PowerPoint and the presentation.”
If it gets you out of speaking in front of the class and risk stumbling over your words, you’ll take it.
“Yeah,” you nod, “I’m cool with that.”
Ashton smiles, clapping his hand on Calum’s shoulder before standing. He lifts his bag from the desk, checking the time on his phone before placing it into his back pocket, “Let’s meet at the library, say, around 5pm? Then we can work together.”
You smile back at him in agreement, “Sounds good.”
Ashton waves as you take off, oblivious to his friend’s narrowed stare until he turns to face him.
“What was that?” Calum asks, not easing up on his stare.
Ashton hums in confusion, and if he’s joking or not, Calum cannot tell.
“That,” Calum juts his chin towards the door, “what was all that?”
Ashton snorts, “Calum, haven’t you heard? There’s this new thing called ‘being friendly.’”
Ashton turns to leave, knowing Calum will follow behind, and is rolling his eyes at Ashton’s attempt at a joke.
“Ha ha,” Calum laughs sarcastically.
“Seriously, I’m just being friendly, Cal.”
And Calum knows. It isn’t out of the ordinary for Ashton to be friendly—it’s out of the ordinary if Ashton isn’t friendly, for that matter—but he thinks there’s more to it. Where did all this come from? When did this happen? He knows you two weren’t strangers, there was some familiarity for sure, but it feels like it’s out of nowhere.
“Yeah, I know,” Calum starts, but he falters, trying to piece together his next sentence. He doesn’t want to pry, because knowing Ashton, he’ll try to dissect whatever Calum is thinking or feeling.
Calum’s thoughts are interrupted when he bumps into Ashton.
“What’s going on with you?” Ashton questions, eyeing Calum up before pulling him to the side to avoid the foot traffic surrounding them.
“What do you mean?” Calum shrugs, “Nothing’s wrong.”
Ashton raises his eyebrows, another question on the tip of his tongue. He lowers his voice, leaning closer to Calum, “Is this about what happened before the break?”
Calum’s quick to respond, shaking his head as he adjusts his bag’s strap. “Not about that.”
Ashton doesn’t believe him for a second. He picked up on his behavior throughout the class; the glances between himself and you, the short responses, the way his posture changed when he felt the atmosphere grow awkward.
“Well,” he claps, “I need to meet with some admins, so I’ll catch up with you later.”
He bids goodbye to Calum before heading to the administration building, leaving Calum stewing in his own thoughts and knowing he’s hiding more than he’s letting on.
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