sipofsnips · 4 months
Daily Sip 5/28
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ventcode · 1 year
don't lose it on me please
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xaviergalatis · 4 months
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tascompany · 4 months
🏔️ 6/1発売!THOUSAND MILE別注セットアップ🏔️
THOUSAND MILEの大人気3点セットアップ
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okutama-tpreport · 1 year
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sualne · 1 year
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more about the AU!
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clj-art-blog · 8 months
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DFQC and XLH | "Sweet Candy" for Dongfang Qingcang
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t-hirstreview · 2 months
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autisticaradiamegido · 8 months
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day 28
senshi check if it's mealtime go make yourself something
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elkyralt · 6 days
Foolish getting progressively angrier trying to pronounce "nós"
(VOD and Timestamp in tags as always)
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greatestjubilee · 3 months
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vashtijoy · 9 months
why everybody is wrong about the unlock date for akechi's rank 6 (and why it matters)
So It Is Known that Akechi's rank 6 unlocks on 9/3, right? That's the first day he'll show up in Leblanc to go to the bathhouse and tell you about his sad backstory (again). That is his unlock date. R...ight?
Game says no.
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This is the function that (usually) tests Akechi's rank 6 time lock, SUB_COOP_TIME_[L]OCK6(). What does it do? It sets a bit, 0x1 831, if we fail the check. Which we will unfailingly do on every single day within a specified date range. And what is that range?
That range is between 4/1 and 8/28.
Read that again. Not 9/2, the day before 9/3. 8/28.
The same 8/28 we all know and love for, uh, some reasons:
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That's right. The reason Akechi's confidant is locked until 9/3, the reason he has not one but two "let me tell you about my backstory" events inside of a week, is that one triggers the other.
Akechi shows up at Leblanc on 8/28. He finds a listening ear, and a shoulder to cry on—because, remember, we're smack in the middle of Akechi Hate Month:
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This kid, who is so desperate for attention and approval that he's become a mass-murderer over it, is now in the middle of a public hate storm. And on 8/28, you listen to him. You make him welcome. You accept him for who he is—at least, for a little part of who he is.
And so he comes back less than a week later. On 9/3.
if he unlocks on 8/29, why 9/3?
Akechi's availability is often quite limited. Between 8/28 and 9/3, he's only available on one day, 8/30—though if you're already at rank 5, you can't do anything with him then.
Why doesn't he come to Leblanc on 8/30?
The Leblanc field (areas in P5 are technically known as fields) calls a very long, very unedifying function called NPC_FLAG_SELECTOR(), to see which NPCs it should load when. In short? It does this by testing the day of the week.
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GET_DAYOFWEEK() returns a number between 0 (Sunday) and 6 (Saturday). So, because Akechi will only come to Leblanc if GET_DAYOFWEEK() returns 6, Akechi will only ever come to Leblanc on Saturdays.
And the first Saturday after 8/29? It is, of course, 9/3.
why does this matter?
Does this change anything? In practical terms, no. Akechi is still always going to be inaccessible for rank 6 until 9/3. But does it confirm anything about him? Well, yeah.
Akechi's rank 7 unlock really is on 11/2, the morning he tells you "I was working last night, so I'm tired today"—that time lock terminates on 11/1. His skill checks (Knowledge and Charm) are all exactly what you think. He even has a hidden lock for rank 8 (still called a time lock by the code) which verifies that he's currently a team member and won't let you proceed otherwise; that, too, acts exactly as you'd expect.
It's rank 6 which turns out to have this secret, to truly be as closely connected to 8/28 as it always appeared. Akechi comes to Leblanc in his hour of need, and he finds something—and then, the next day, he wants more.
And so he comes back—the very next evening he can get away to spend time in Yongen-jaya.
(Incidentally, I'm pretty sure Akechi lives in Kichijoji, and this kind of backs that up. It's the sort of super-trendy place he'd make a show of liking, and in fairness, he clearly does like it. He can only come to Yongen on Saturday nights because it's a lot of travel, close to an hour each way in the early evenings. But Kichijoji? He can hang out there far more often—because it's right on his doorstep.)
revision history
Click here for the latest version.
v1.0 (2023/12/26)—first posted.
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ch1zzie · 2 months
It's waldy
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Futur water too but not done
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tascompany · 1 year
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▶︎メタリックアンクルストラップ ¥10,780
▶︎アンクルベルクロ ¥10,780
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okutama-tpreport · 1 year
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squidsandthings · 9 months
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drew tiny kenji and Hanako!! Kenji has herding dog energy to me (he reminds me of one of my family members Australian shepherds named Tuesday) so I gave him some puppy ears :D
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