#50 sombras
deseosensual666 · 7 months
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Literalmente a
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bitches-in-the-sky · 1 year
Quería que tú mundo terminara y comenzará conmigo.
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carmarriage · 11 months
the worst thing (<- hyperbolic) about being an overwatch fan is after being abandoned for like 4 yrs before ow2 came out, i had so much time to build on the characters and world in my head, and now that they're back with a new creative team almost every single piece of lore we're getting is directly contradicting all the shit that i made up and convinced myself was canon. stop this madness. PLEASE
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entropiasgift · 1 year
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Dario, genio de las matemáticas: Wait...
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mantecol · 1 year
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mariautistic · 2 years
Also it's very funny when people are like "anime will make 20 years olds look 15" as if that's not literally a phenomenon that happens on virtually every medium
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inaki-zagasti · 1 year
Top 5 cosas (así en general)
5.- El batido de chocolate del hacendado
4.- La que se avecina
3.- Monster blanca
2.- Tavalera de la reina
Honorable mention: Gormiti
1.- Los toros
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retro-friki · 4 days
Me estremezco al pensar que en un universo paralelo estaría ahorita usando este blog para burlarme de las novelas de Coleen Hoover y pelearme con medio booktok.
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mafer1606 · 2 months
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yanderes-galore · 8 months
I'm so happy MLP is open because I read them roughly 50 times. Each.
What about a rivalry between Sombra and Chrysalis rivalry??
Ohhhh, I love this idea! I'm not on the Grogar season yet so this is me mostly making comparisons with research.
Yandere! King Sombra with Pegasus! Darling
Yandere! Queen Chrysalis with Pegasus! Darling
Yandere! Queen Chrysalis vs King Sombra
Pairing: Romantic - Rivalry
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Jealousy, Manipulation, Stalking, Hypnotism, Kidnapping, Violence, Clingy behavior, Possessive behavior, Forced relationship.
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This is a cool rivalry for me due to their differences in how they go about their obsession.
It's also neat because they're both enemies of the Crystal Empire in their debut.
What may make them clash is the differences in their courting/possession of their darling.
I don't have a general concept for them but ironically they both have a concept with a Pegasus darling on here so there's that-
Queen Chrysalis feeds off the love radiating from her darling.
She does anything she can to get it, even to the point of disguising as a friend or lover to get it.
She's sneaky and farms your love and adoration along with using her magic to hypnotize you into giving more.
She finds your love tastes the sweetest which makes her want even more.
She'll be any type you want if it means she gets to have a feast.
Plus her changelings keep a close eye on you.
She's possessive and replaces those around you with her hive.
She'll do anything to keep your love on her while masquerading as your lover.
Eventually she doesn't just love you for the magic, she loves you because she's addicted to you.
Then there's King Sombra... something completely different.
As you can tell his way of obsession clashes with Queen Chrysalis.
He's a pony made into shadow, a unicorn king who controls ponies through fear.
He is controlling of you through his magic and likes to make you fear him more than love him willingly.
He is the opposite of Queen Chrysalis' plan of being subtle.
How is she supposed to feed off your love if King Sombra keeps controlling you with fear to keep you to himself?
This is what makes them fight as they are both quite possessive.
They could never share as they conflict too much.
They are both manipulative and possessive, a dangerous combo when they are in a rivalry.
Queen Chrysalis no doubt tries to make you trust her more.
Are you scared of the umbral king? That's okay...
Still under the disguise of your lover she pulls you in closer, hiding you away while she feasts on your love.
Meanwhile King Sombra does whatever he can to expose Queen Chrysalis.
Scared of him? Well... you should be more scared of your lover.
They're using you... that's not even their true self.
Somehow Sombra would knock Chrysalis out of her disguise to make you run back to him.
There's no winning this scenario for you.
You don't want to pick either of them but they aren't going to give you a choice.
Eventually either Sombra will materialize and take you away or Chrysalis will send changelings to drag you back to her home.
They no doubt would fight often.
Queen Chrysalis has the advantage in numbers but King Sombra has powerful magic.
They both watch you quietly before finding time to strike.
Even if one acts first, the other will storm them soon after.
Queen Chrysalis is nearly losing it as King Sombra ruined her plan.
They both can use magic to control you but they're constantly countering each other's magic.
You're dragged between the two villains with no possible means of escape.
You can only hope the Princess of Friendship helps you...
Surely she can get rid of them and save you, right?
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silencehq · 28 days
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Não importava quantos dias Dionísio e Quíron tiveram para chegar a um acordo com os nomes de quais semideuses deveriam mandar, ambos não conseguiam chegar em um consenso. Havia muito em jogo, afinal. Tanto o resgate quanto a volta. Hades garantir que abriria as portas do Palácio para os semideuses ainda era aceitar que estavam mandando para o submundo mais dois campistas, ainda mais após a morte de um dos Caídos.
Era uma missão arriscada. Missão esta que sequer seguia o número divino. Ao invés de três semideuses, Hades declarou que seriam dois.
O jantar de quarta-feira chegava com mais discussão da parte dos diretores que, aos olhos de todos, pareciam tensos. O tempo estava se esgotando e os nomes precisavam ser ditos.
Essa decisão foi tirada das mãos dos dois quando a figura de Rachel Elizabeth Dare caminhou para fora da Casa Grande na direção da área de lazer onde a maioria dos campistas faziam a refeição enquanto as obras do Pavilhão ainda estavam sendo concluídas. O Oráculo tinha os pés descalços, as vestes brancas em nada parecia aquela Rachel que todos conheciam; não havia manchas de tintas, não havia bolsos com pinceis. Apenas um vestido branco liso. Os olhos da mortal estavam mais verdes do que o normal, a fumaça verde saía tanto dos orbes quanto da boca. Bastou sua presença ser notada para que todos se calassem. O silêncio reinou no local, quebrado apenas pela voz do Oráculo.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤNas sombras do reino, dois descerão,
ㅤㅤㅤㅤPara salvar os cinco Caídos na escuridão.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤO amuleto trocará vidas por ouro,
ㅤㅤㅤㅤMas do Lete, o elixir será o tesouro.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤO que de Hermes é sangue, astúcia terá,
ㅤㅤㅤㅤE o toque do Rei do Submundo desafiará.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤPois os olhos da justiça estão a vigiar, esperando a balança pesar,
ㅤㅤㅤㅤO véu entre a vida e a morte será rasgado,
ㅤㅤㅤㅤE o preço do roubo nunca será pago.
A profecia foi entregue em alto e bom som para que todos pudessem ouvir. Fazia algum tempo que a voz de Rachel não soava tão forte e imponente, a última vez que isso aconteceu, os semideuses tiveram as missões trazidas. Agora isso se repetia, já que o Oráculo apontava para Maya Martínez e em seguida para Remzi Bakirci e continuava com a voz firme: “Os Escolhidos terão sete dias mundanos para completar a missão. Caso não retornem no tempo previsto, suas almas ficarão presas no Submundo junto com os Caídos.” a seriedade da questão pesou sobre os ombros de todos e pareceu esgotar o Oráculo que, como uma boneca de pano, caiu no chão ajoelhada. Ao contrário das outras vezes, Rachel não desmaiou. Dessa vez, a ruiva ergueu a cabeça e pareceu confusa. “Eles estão voltando.” foi o que disse antes de começar a murmurar de novo palavras desconexas, baixinhas, misturando o grego e o inglês de uma forma que os que estavam presentes não conseguiam decifrar. Mas a urgência na voz do Oráculo era clara: O retorno era inevitável. Mas retorno de quem? Os Caídos e dos Escolhidos? Ou de… algo diferente?
Sorteio feito e validado agora! Os Escolhidos receberão no chat as instruções. Esse era nosso último compromisso do mês! Então já fiquem espertos pois abrirmos setembro recebendo os Caídos de volta... ou quem sabe talvez ter que preparar sete mortalhas? Esperamos que não, boa sorte aos envolvidos!
O sorteio foi feito com base nos nomes que RESPONDERAM A ASK da central, como combinado no texto sobre como iria funcionar sorteio. As condições eram: Nunca ter pego prompt oficial da central e responder a ask que a central mandou.
Para os curiosos de plantão, sim, o retorno será marcado por algo MAS EM PAZ. Por isso não citei aqui logo a volta. Porque vamos ter algo! Mas isso, como eu disse, abrindo setembro.
Seguimos o mesmo esquema de sempre, vale para todo mundo! Players que entrarem após dia 10/09 poderão fazer apenas a opção de POV/HEADCANONS.
POV ou headcanon sobre o momento: 50 dracmas
Interações: DUAS interações, 25 dracmas cada.
Apenas 11 responderam a ask: Anastasia, Aslan, Candace, Christie, Grace, Juno, Kit, Maya, Raynar, Remzi, Santiago.
Usando o mesmo site de sorteio que foi usado durante a ilha de Circe para as maldições e dracmas, 2 nomes saíram: Remzi e Maya. ( @bakrci @mayafitzg )
*Pré-requisito para participar era nunca ter pego prompt oficial da central e responder a ask que todos ganharam.
EM INSTANTES estarei passando com as informações para os escolhidos.
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pillow4t · 10 months
More headcannons :3
★Lùcio doesn't own a normal pair of shoes. All of them are heelys. If he's not in his skates he's barefoot or heelys 🫶🏻
★I think it would be funny if lifeweaver was scared of bugs. He loves them so much and appreciates them more than anything but ask him to hold one? He'd love to! But he starts to freak out (more than) a little "aw look! It's a- ITS ON ME-!"
★Back when Lifeweaver and Symmetra shared a dorm, Niran would constantly forget/not have to energy to brush his hair, putting it off until it was so bad he thought he would have to cut it. Satya sat down and brushed through his hair for 3 hours. He's still so grateful, even if her reminding him to brush his hair every. day. got annoying but he appreciated it.
★Brigitte listens to all types of music. Her playlist goes from Black metal to k-pop then to some Spanish song Sombra told her to listen to. D.va banned her from the aux cord in the car after cannibal corpse played after Ke$ha<3
★Cassidy carries his mom's Rosary with him at all times — he's not a religious person but it was his mom who would wear it everyday and it's nice to have something to remind him of her
★Genji gives sparrow feathers to people he trusts with his whole body and soul. Cassidy carries one in his hat, Kiriko has one in a frame in her room, Mercy has hers tapped on top of her computer. He has a spare one he's been thinking about giving Hanzo but every time he thinks about handing it to him, he starts to get nervous.
★Junkrat didn't tell Roadhog he was making him a trap until he had already made like 50. Junkrat kinda just handed it to him during a fight, Hog threw it, It worked. Rat made 100 more for him
★ Illari made Hanzo a blanket made out of 100% alpaca wool as a birthday gift and expected him to set it to the side and use it a few times. No. This man takes that blanket EVERYWHERE. Overnight mission? He'll bring a bag and that blanket. Genji forced him to movie night? Blanket is going with him.
★ Ashe used to have hair down to the middle of her back, Cassidy loved it so she kept it. Then when Cassidy left for Overwatch she cut it herself in the middle of a 'i hate him' breakdown. He never grew his beard out because she didn't like it, he didn't start actually growing one until a few months in blackwatch. ALSO When Cassidy was still in the deadlock gang he would kiss the mole above Ashe's mouth before he would actually kiss her( I'm so normal about deadlock Cashe I promise )
★D.va and Genji have game nights where they'll play board games instead of playing online. While they do have online gaming days (it's most of the time tbh) but after a stressful week, CandyLand was the way to go<3
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k0koii-yu · 25 days
I can’t believe it took me 3 years to be able to say it out loud but—
Old woman yuri.
(Or at least one-sided gay pining at the very most)
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(Apologies for the lack of good screenshots, I just started replaying WE recently since my Angela brain rot is coming back)
Okayy so I want to confess: I initially wrote a fic about them because I wanted a wlw equivalent to Jars from S3 so then I thought about them— and thus came a slow burn fic (actually a 1k word one shot because it was part of a one shot book in Wattpad I had back then) I made of them in 2021 in an AU where Lars was the mole for the sake of making the ship sail. The one shot has been deleted, unfortunately, and as of now I might not have plans to rewrite it : (
Anyways I started shipping them seriously after I wrote that fic (I still like Angelars and Carchelle tho!) and the more I read into their interactions, the more I realized just how much untapped potential their relationship has (PS knew they would be too powerful so they had to make Angela the mole with little to no buildup until literally two cases before IPS/s). Also incoming ramble about them since barely anyone talks about them:
Their interactions, while few, are super wholesome and have a special place in my heart as someone who’s skimmed through the transcripts for either Angela’s appearances OR their interactions. No one talks about how Carmen, while usually hotheaded and quick to action, constantly praises Angela and is really patient with her enough. And as @celestiarambles has pointed out in their analysis of their relationship, Carmen has only gotten mad at Angela ONCE for a reason that wasn’t out of concern for her well-being and it was because she was flirting with Lars in front of her. (Could it be because she wasn’t being serious? Or could it be out of envy? We may never know, unfortunately…)
Likewise, I see so much potential to be explored when it comes to their interactions: Carmen teaching Angela photography after having very nicely for some reason (I bet 50 bucks that if it were Jack or Lars it’d be different) told her she sucked, them discussing parenting tips, and character studies of their relationships. Or if we were to enter fic territory, their pre-canon/post-canon dynamic is also an interesting idea to think about, or maybe an AU where they could end up together (Mole!Lars seems like the easiest way tho). Fic writers, I call upon thee to make this wish of mine come true/j
Their personalities also complement each other very well : D. While both show clear work ethic and seriousness in their work, they also complement each other. Carmen is tough, hotheaded and started off as distrustful at us in the beginning of WE, being focused on her work first and foremost, while Angela is much more calm, patient and initially warm and family-oriented. This also leads to some interesting parallels as they almost become each other’s core traits by the end of WE: Carmen having grown more motherly and caring after having Sanjay, whilst Angela grew distrustful and cynical, likely due to her pledged loyalty to SOMBRA, which lead her to follow their orders so devotedly that she was actually willing to blow us up.
The fact that the transition from the main plot of IPS to the AI has Carmen change facial expressions from holding a straight face to being sad/disappointed. It could’ve been Ripley, who was upset at the loss of one of their most competent members by the hands of the organization she swore to destroy. It could’ve been Jack, who was upset for Lars— his best friend, and they did have some nice interactions, too. But the fact that Carmen of all people was chosen for this, despite the fact that her relationship with Angela wasn’t either of their most important (Lars to Angela and Sanjay/Elliot to Carmen /platonically btw), did make for an interesting choice.
Also not related to canon but fun fact: my hc of Carmen nicknaming Angela “Angie” actually came from that one fic I wrote XD
And don’t get me started on the way they also fit into so many tropes at once:
Birds of a feather: Both of them are hardworking, serious and devoted to their work, but are shown to also care about the people around them, especially children and young people.
Red oni, Blue oni/Opposites Attract: Despite their similarities, Carmen is more hot-tempered and impatient, while Angela is known to be more calm and reserved.
Coworker yuri: do I even need to explain myself…
Brains and Brawn: Angela is shown to be really intelligent (you do not just forget a Nobel prize in biology) and it is also shown when she almost succeeded in deceiving us into thinking anyone but her was the mole. On the other hand, Carmen is more prone to action and violence (the fact that PS barely put out a moment in which she lets her badass personality shine and is almost always rescued by Jonah is a huge sin against humanity). Their jobs also reflect this in a way.
Pair the smart ones: Angela with her academic expertise in biology and Carmen with her field experience in journalism.
Battle couple: Most of the points I stated for Carmen earlier apply, along with the fact that we learn that Angela takes military training in the finale.
Dating Catwoman: Can somewhat apply post-canon, or after Angela has been outed.
Morality pet: To Carmen, since Angela is one of the few people she rarely ever gets mad at that wasn’t a child or teenager.
You (he) never did that for me: For Angela. An example was in Case 8 where she had went missing for hours and Lars was only like “hey guys my wife went missing” while Carmen actually went to go look for her.
Not so Different: Aside from their personalities, their character arcs also reflect this as discussed earlier. Carmen’s warm and motherly side gets to show itself later on with Angela still around, while the finale also shows Angela loyal to SOMBRA and being colder and meaner towards the Bureau, showing this sense of superiority(?) over their respective allegiances similar to Carmen in the early cases (and also throughout, to an extent) of the season.
Complementary colors: Red and green. Need I say more?
OKAY THIS WAS A LOT— it took me a whole hour to type this up but I wanted to get these two out of my head rq also as a means of unwinding from exam stress (will probably disappear into the shadows again after this). Please do correct me for any inaccuracies, though ^^
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caostalgia · 2 years
Los primeros días eras agonizante malestar, ansiedad que esperaba con tu presencia a distancia amainar.
Para las primeras semanas ya te habías vuelto enfermedad, afección de gravedad que creí, algún día, volverías para tratar.
A la llegada de los primeros meses te quedaste como un permanente padecimiento, desgarrador sufrimiento y nunca regresaste para acabar con el lamento.
El primer año te hizo perturbación, un desorden mental que a veces tu voz en susurros me hace escuchar.
Depresiva e impulsiva necesidad que no se puede curar.
Estado irreal que me lleva a verte en lugares dónde no estás.
Desvarío total. Apareces y te pierdes con el resto de las sombras que me acechan y con dificultad logro ignorar.
Ahora eres el 50% de mi trastorno ya, y ningún antidepresivo, ansiolítico o antipsicótico te podrá disipar.
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barbarabezina · 1 year
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La sombra hambrienta
Self-portraits printed on paper + graphite + linen oil Gif (50 frames)
NFT and better quality Here
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indigos-stardust · 5 months
Fs pony art and lore
@shadylink I'm never really gonna refine and post these as their own thing but I figured u might be interested, most of these are just really bad finger doodles, cuz I hadn't drawn ponies in such a long time-
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Btw in this au I decided to rework mlp's magic system, so basically each type of pony has their own type of magic ofc
Pegasi get flight , unicorns get spell magic, and earth ponies get strength that's the norm
But basically I'm deciding to see this as like, percentages.
Basically unicorns can do things like transformation and warp spells, pegasi can fly at high speeds skillfully and create gusts of winds, earth ponies can lift like 9x their weight and be more resistant to natural poisons/have less chance of injury because of a really dense coat and stronger bones -
but this is after specialized training in their areas and requires like years of practice. This is like 100% of the potential of those specific things, like Olympic athletes
most ponies just use like 50% of their capabilities so for unicorns that's just like refridgerating spells, light spells, levitation - pegasi is just flying over distances and being able to walk on clouds- earth ponies lifting like idk 4.5x their weight
so just normal skills that aid them in day to day life
i was thinking what if ponies could be half of two types?
so instead of just 100% magical capacity for a specific quality, 50% of their magic will be from one type and 50% of the other.
So if an earth pony and a unicorn had a kid, then MAYBE, (the phenomenon is a bit more rare but not unusual) they'd have the basic earth pony strength and the basic unicorn magic. HOWEVER, if that kid wanted to say, learn a warp spell, they wouldn't be able to do so.
Full unicorns would have longer horns and earth ponies would have stronger more vibrantly colored hooves that an earth-unicorn would.
Full pegasi would have fuller, stronger, sharper wings, while a half pegasus would have softer and smaller ones.
Alicorns would have the full magical extent of all three, essentially giving them 3x the magic of others. That mix could probably create even more magical potential.
For obvious reasons, there aren't any pegasi-unicorns because they'd look too much like alicorns design wise. I'm gonna say that their magical energies just oppose too much, while earth ponies, being so tied to the natural world is more able to mix with both.
Link was originally an earth-pegasi with a bit of extra strength and the ability to fly in general. His battle style is mostly sharp fast cuts with quick brief escapes to the air and then back into battle
also I've decided to give them clothes
when Link split into four, the types of ponies they were depended on their parents genetics
So green's a full pegasi, blue's a full earth pony, red is a earth-unicorn (this is why he uses a fire rod, he wouldn't be able to do a fire spell that strong on his own, but a fire rod would enhance his natural magic) and vio is a full unicorn
Anyways shadow is kinda like stealing king sombras vibes, he looks earth pegasi like link was but his wings are hooves are all shadowy lol
also links cutie mark was a sword in front of the triforce
after the split, each of their cutie marks turned into the four sword in front of their respective element
enjoy lol, u can do whatever u want with this info, hope you like it
EDit: also I fixed their swords so they can actually hold them with their mouths properly enough to correctly aim
oh I also forgot!
basically a little tidbit from my brainrot is that red actually got the hang of his unicorn magic really well, but vio just struggled even being able to start it up to levitate a pebble
he ended up being able to use his magic only after they almost got crushed by a rock slide and vio was able to raise a crystal sheild
he got bad magical exhaustion from that tho and still struggled to control his magic until shadow helped him later
green originally thought he was link because he was the only one who had wings, but because he wasn't earth pony and their cutie marks were just the elements they realized there wasn't an "original" but rather a split four ways
it takes them some time to realize that the type of pony they are isn't connected to the elements, but rather genetic probability
also when they first split vio had no idea he was a unicorn and while he was trying to figure it out the others were just like
listening to him ramble about how their types don't make sense!
how does earth relate to the water element? and if its a genetic thing, then why is red the only unico-
and then he's like why are u staring at me like that???is there something on my face?? and then he just has a whole freaking 100% unicorn horn and he's like well f*ck
anyways I also forgot to mention-
basically if a pony were to engage in battle stuff, some little tricks as a last ditch attempt to creat espace between themself and the enemy include:
Earth: stomping the ground so hard that your opponent loses balance
Pegasi: Creating a guest of wind to blow your opponent away
Unicorn: stab with the horn <3
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