#Dizzy Headache
beif0ngs · 2 years
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+ a tiny sneak peek of Gear 5 Luffy’s official color scheme in Film Red
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how-much-for-a-whump · 9 months
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Emanet 650. - 652. Bölüm
Prompt: "Cold"
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canisalbus · 11 months
What do your boys smell like?
I talked about this a bit on this earlier post and I don't think I have anything significant to add to it at this time. But I could tell you which perfumes they might wear in modern times? (Scents are hard to describe but I included some of their main notes to give you a vaguest idea of what they're like).
État libre d'Orange - Tom of Finland (iris, leather, tonka bean) Dior - Homme Parfum (leather, iris, rose) Tom Ford - Tuscan leather (leather, woody, amber)
Heeley - Cardinal (linen, myrrh, frankincense) État libre d'Orange - Rien Intense Incense (frankincense, amber) Lalique - Encre Noire (cypress, vetiver)
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minty-bunni · 4 months
AU where Halsin immediately figures out durge is a Bhaalspawn with a brain injury.
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Shun the Light Ch. 4 - Mend
Slow Burn | Refuge | Decision |
Author's Notes: I decided to name this story as a whole "Shun the Light" after a line from the Hozier song Sunlight!
I would shun the light Share in evenings cool and quiet Who would trade that hum of night? For sunlight, sunlight, sunlight
Content Warnings: vampire whumpee, werewolf whumpee, severe burns, biting, drinking blood, exhaustion, painful healing, implied stabbing/impalement
Dizziness comes quickly. Matteo didn't have much strength to begin with, and blood loss takes whatever was left. He passes out beside the badly burned vampire and remains out cold until sundown.
Matteo wakes hungry, stiff, and with a piercing headache. He feels around for his backpack and pulls out a room temperature blue Gatorade. He forces himself to sit up enough to chug it down without choking.
"Fuck," he whispers into the dark room. He tosses aside the empty bottle and lies back down, groaning when his aching body finds no comfort on the wooden floor.
But when his eyes focus again on the poor creature beside him it's hard to pity himself. Even the worst post-moon hangover is better than third degree burns and a hole in the chest.
Matteo's offering of blood barely made a dent in the damage. The vampire remains weak and unable to heal, leaving him stranded in pain he can't escape.
"Stop it, stop it." Matteo curls onto his side and covers his ears to block out the miserable sounds the other makes. Desperate, he reopens another cut and presses it to the vampire's lips.
He spends the next several hours drifting in and out of consciousness. Whenever he comes to, he drinks another Gatorade, eats a protein bar, allows himself a moment to feel like absolute shit, and then resumes feeding the vampire until he passes out again.
This is the second worst day of my life.
Matteo is in no shape for this so soon after a transformation. It takes its toll. He's tense, nauseous, sore all over, and this headache will not relent. But every time he wakes, the sight of the vampire's body gradually mending encourages him to continue.
Maybe helping someone won't make him feel human again, but it's worth a shot.
The sixth time he reawakens, Matteo is surprised to see cool gray eyes peering back at him in the dark. A hoarse whisper breaks the heavy silence.
"Let me bite you."
Bone-tired and resigned, Matteo offers his arm willingly and closes his eyes as fangs pierce his wrist.
A deep, heavy numbness washes over him. Finally free of pain, this time he doesn't pass out - he falls asleep.
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itsyouch · 2 months
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one time I got sick cuz I was going a bit too crazy for ultrakill
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rhythmic-idealist · 4 months
won my wonderful gf a plushie at the fair so as you can imagine, as a butchish, I will be riding this high for weeks,
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tj-crochets · 2 months
Hey y'all! Weird question time again, this time involving glasses. It got a little long and ramble-y, so adding a read more
When I was about 8 years old, I got glasses. First reading glasses, then all-the-time glasses, but I can see totally fine without them both up close and far away. My sight issue is that if I spend too long focusing up close without glasses, like when I'm reading, and then try to look up and look at something farther away my eyes just will not refocus. Like, at all. I first went to get glasses because it was reading week in school and every recess I was just sitting still because I couldn't see anything but blurs As it was described to me at the time, it was something about the muscles in my eyes not working correctly, but I have never had another eye doctor* explain and I was in like third grade at the time and do not remember. I've tried asking other glasses-wearing people about it, but they ask if I am far sighted or near sighted and I don't think I'm either so idk how to answer and then we just confuse each other. Okay, got a little side tracked there, my questions are: 1. Are there reasons to need glasses besides being near or far sighted, and if so, what are they? Especially if you have a similar eye issue that sounds like I described, I just have no idea how to even begin wording the question to a doctor about it 2. Is being "polycarbonate maladaptive" a thing? Time before last I tried to get new glasses it was the "made while you wait" kind at the mall and they were so disorienting to wear the eye doc there said I was polycarbonate maladaptive and sent away to a normal lens place to get them made 3. Have you ever had an eyeglasses place add a coating to like the edges of the lenses? The last time I tried to get new glasses they "upgraded" my lenses for free and it was like rainbow prisms on the outer edges of my glasses, but I have (what is probably) flicker vertigo and it just about knocked me off my feet with intense vertigo. It's been like 8+ years since I last got a new pair of glasses, and I really should get a new pair, but I do not know how to word "please do not do that" when I don't actually know what "that" is *I know they have a specific name but I always get optometrist and ophthalmologist confused and idk which I mean
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gamegarden · 1 year
those symptoms that cucurucho just asked pierre if he's been experiencing sound SPOT ON to what fit was experiencing before he went to sleep
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feytouched · 3 months
man. i went for a swim in the ocean for the first time this year and my body thinks im dying
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grvntld · 3 months
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(づ๑•ᴗ•๑)づ♡—izz bebi gOrL naruga gOrL's first gala in the outside world, besides the vet's. hehe.
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how-much-for-a-whump · 11 months
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Bambaşka Biri 9. Bölüm
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whitehartlane · 5 months
sorry pool fans can’t get behind the klopp love fest like i used to respect the man but now every time i look at him i can only think of the way that he told ryan mason, a man who had 14 metal plates inserted into his skull kept together by 28 screws and 45 staples after a head injury that ended his professional playing career, to ‘worry about other things’ after mason talked about a liverpool player kicking a spurs player in the head studs up. and don’t chat to me about klopp not knowing about it, that injury shook european football as we know it because ryan had an oxygen mask put on him on the pitch and was stretchered off and went unresponsive at the hospital as they were doing imaging. ‘worry about other things’ go to hell 👍🏾
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disabled-dinos · 9 months
once again shocked by my disability disabling me
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Shun the Light - Ch 19 - Belladonna
Author's Notes: This chapter skips around a lot too, but not a ton happens and I didn't want it to become repetitive so I tried to just skip to the juicy parts. Matteo POV!
Content Warnings: werewolf whump, environmental whump, homelessness, painful transformation, poison, illness (fever, nausea, dizziness, stomach ache), angst, loneliness, dehydration, vampire whump, beaten, bruises
Feeling healthy and with money in his pocket, Matteo could get far away from here. He could have a plan this time, get off to a better start.
That's not what happens.
Matteo regrets leaving almost immediately. It's abundantly clear now that that was his emotions getting the better of him yet again. If he had waited a day or two he might have thought twice about it.
Now it's too late. Dante didn't stop him. That had to mean something, right? Of the two of them, Dante has been the more honest. If he was okay with Matteo staying, he would have said something...
In the same train of thought he will go from believing that Dante wanted him gone to remembering how he looked as Matteo walked out. Not upset, just...hollow.
Matteo could tell Dante was lonely, he never had to say it aloud. It was etched onto his face, it echoed through the empty rooms. Loneliness was a weight on Dante's shoulders and any time Matteo managed to lift it a little he felt warm inside. Those felt like the only times he ever did anything right.
And he left.
With some of the money from Dante he buys a tent, a sleeping bag, better shoes and a coat. He tucks the rest away for food...and for medicine, if it comes to that.
Matteo lingers in the area. He relocates to a stretch of forest on the other side of town, but still only a few miles away from Dante's home. Part of him secretly hopes they'll run into each other, but it's a longshot. Still, he takes a walk almost every night just in case.
Even with new provisions, returning to his old lifestyle is hard, much harder than it should be after only a couple of months. It isn't just the stiffness from sleeping on the ground, the constant fear he'll be discovered, or always being a little too hot or too cold. It's being utterly alone in the world, with no one who cares if he lives to see the next day or not.
Despair sets in quickly and grows with each passing week.
On the night of the full moon he has nowhere to go.
Matteo hides his stuff so at least the wolf doesn't destroy everything he bought. He tries to get to as secluded a spot as he possibly can, going so far as to hide in a cave, though there is nothing stopping the wolf from just leaving.
There he waits.
It's so hot...
The morning is actually quite mild, but Matteo wakes sweltering and parched. He couldn't move if he tried. All he can do is lie on his back and shiver and moan through bouts of dizziness and nausea.
His usual sore limbs and pounding head are drowned out by a sharp ache in his stomach that won't relent. Matteo turns onto his side and curls in on himself, rubbing at his belly to try to soothe it. Only then does he notice there's something wet on his hands.
He finally opens his eyes and looks at his shaking hands, fearing he'll find blood - but the substance is purple and sticky. He takes in his immediate surroundings and spots a bush just feet away with branches torn from it. The ground is scattered with crushed berries.
Matteo groans and presses his face into the cool, dewy grass.
Stupid mutt. Just eats whatever it finds.
Before he knows it he's crying weakly. He's sick and sore, feverish and exhausted. He needs water and medicine, a lukewarm bath, a soft bed...
He sobs harder knowing that just a month ago he had all that and more. Now Matteo would do anything for even a moment with Dante's cool hand on his forehead and his calm voice in his ear.
Crying only makes his head pound harder and his thirst worse. If he doesn't get to water soon he doesn't know if he'll make it through the day.
The journey to where he hid his backpack is a long and arduous one. Every time he tries to stand his head spins and he collapses...so he crawls over the rough terrain on hands and knees. The sharp pangs in his stomach continue, often forcing him to double over and focus on breathing until the worst of it passes.
By the time he reaches his things - which are, to his relief, still there - it is late in the afternoon and Matteo is worn down in every way possible. Panting heavily, he leans against a tree and pulls a large water bottle out of his bag. His hands shake as he uncaps it and lifts it to his mouth. He drinks the whole thing, trickling the last few drops of it over his warm face.
Too weak to set up his tent, he uses his backpack as a pillow and passes out.
Two days later Matteo is finally strong enough to stand and walk in short bursts.
Now he has to make a choice: go back to Dante, or actually leave this time.
He can't take another month waiting to be...to be rescued, or whatever it was he thought was going to happen. It's only by sheer luck that he hasn't been discovered yet, and that won't last forever.
But he has nowhere to go that is any safer. Out of hope and with nothing to lose, Matteo decides.
Maybe if I beg. Maybe if I offer him my blood, as much as he wants. I can sleep in the basement and live off of scraps like a fucking animal. I don't care anymore.
Even at his lowest Matteo doesn't believe Dante would make him do that. The worst he can do is turn him away, in which case Matteo is right back where he started. But if there wasn't some small part of him that believed he might be welcome, he wouldn't even try. He has to try.
Late that night he is still walking, and still barely halfway there.
Matteo overestimated what his recovering body was ready for. He has to take frequent breaks and quickly goes through his remaining water. His appetite hasn't returned and his fever hasn't broken. At this rate he'll have to rest and restock sooner rather than later, which means another night alone in the forest.
He follows the nearest main road and finds a gas station with a 24/7 convenience store. Despite his haggard appearance the cashier barely acknowledges him. Matteo buys several more waters and some medicine without incident.
A few buildings away the only other open business is a bar. Some cars and motorcycles are parked out front and loud music thrums from its walls. Matteo keeps his head down and keeps his gaze straight ahead, not wanting any trouble.
As he passes, Matteo's attention is drawn to something happening in the darkness to one side of the building where the streetlight doesn't quite reach. His senses are still sharp, and maybe that's how he makes out the sound of muffled grunts over the bar's music.
Matteo cautiously moves closer until he can see a group of figures, four of them standing around a fifth that is crumpled on the ground. They're ruthlessly beating someone, and their victim either can't or won't fight back.
Don't get involved, idiot. You're in no shape for a fight.
Steel-toed boots make contact with the fallen man's ribs and he gives an awful wheezing sound that makes Matteo flinch in sympathy and put a hand to his own side.
"HEY!" he shouts. The four men standing freeze in place. Matteo panics a little but feigns confidence as he adds, "break it up or I'm calling the cops!"
At first they seem to ignore him. One lifts the limp body from the ground and slams it against the wall, leaning in to say something that Matteo doesn't catch.
But then he drops him and motions to his three companions. To Matteo's immense relief they walk away, toward the small gravel parking lot, where they get into a car and speed away.
Matteo cautiously approaches the injured man, who hasn't made an effort to get up.
"You need me to call someone for you?" he asks nervously. He doesn't have a phone, but the bar will.
The slumped figure remains silent. He isn't moving, he isn't even...
"Shit, he's not breathing," Matteo realizes. He throws caution out the window and goes to the man's side. "Hey, are you o...kay..."
Matteo nearly stops breathing himself.
Even bruised he knows that face, those pearl-gray eyes.
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dragongirlbunny · 4 months
love being so out of tune with bodily signals that the best words we have to describe a situation are "bad"
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