#Types of Migraine Headaches
I have 3 types of migraines/headaches
ok this is a bit annoying but let's push through
fuck fuck where are the painkillers i need them
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myaudiocommentary · 8 days
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Not so fun facts about my migraines:
15-20% of people get migraines
0.002% of people get Hemiplegic migraines
Sometimes I get regular run of the mill migraine. The kind where your head hurts and lights and sounds are horrible.
Sometimes the left side of my face goes numb and I can’t smile right
Sometimes my right arm gets weak
Sometimes both of my legs get weak and I can’t walk without a cane or walker
Sometimes I struggle to find words
Sometimes the vision in my right eye is just not quite right
Sometimes I get terrible vertigo
Sometimes I get super nauseated
Sometimes my teeth hurt
Sometimes I feel super hot/flushed
Sometimes I get all of the above
Autism is an independent risk for migraines
Autistic children are far more likely to experience migraines
One study showed that autistic people were twice as likely to experience migraine
I started getting migraines at age 7
My triggers are weather changes (I can usually tell it’s going to rain based on my aura) and hormonal changes, especially PMS
These are the two triggers that are impossible to avoid
Thank you all for listening to me complain while I lay in bed miserable because I can’t walk or smile or have the lights on.
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brain-bumbler · 11 months
I've been scrolling through your psychic Dion headcanon and I saw the chronic migraines idea and I just thought of the cutest fluff idea of Dion's polycule trying to take care of him before Morris realizes that his psyonics being on the fritz is connected to his migraines!
The sun is setting behind the tree line when Dion feels a tingling behind his eyes, like fingers pressing on his optic nerves.
Not now. Please, not now.
He's sitting on the roof of the brain-shaped building he's grown so familiar with over the summer, his feet dangling twenty feet over the Quarry's lake.
Gisu's pressed to his left side, her hand linked in his as they watch the sky turn gold. Morris is on his right, his chair resting on the ground for once so he can rest his arm on Dion's shoulder. It's the end of the day and he just wants to spend his precious free time relaxing with his partners.
It's the water. It's always the water. He should have known better than to get so close to so much water, but the weather is so nice, and he's been doing better. He doesn't even get dizzy looking down at the lake.
Gisu and Morris's chatter floats over his head. The words garble together, bleeding into long strings of nonsense. Sunbeams bouncing off the water grow brighter, trailing in long wispy lines as he moves his head. It almost looks pretty.
The hand on his shoulder shakes him. He hunches over, neck muscles tightening like stretched rubber bands. Oh god, it's starting and he can't stop it. The pressure in his head builds slowly, like air filling a balloon.
"Dion? Awoka eenu ehligh?"
It takes a second for him to register his name. "Mmmph. I'm fine," he says automatically. He turns to look at Morris, and catches the sun behind his head, burning directly into his retinas. Red, green, and yellow and lights flash behind his eyelids as he squeezes them shut.
"Dion, abuu habing norah?"
He tries to focus on Gisu's voice. Her tone is full of concern, even if the meaning is hard to puzzle out.
His skull feels too small, like his brain is swelling up with water, threatening to crack the bones and explode like a horror movie prop. He presses his palms to his temples as a dozen little invisible needles pinprick his skull.
Warm hands hold his chin. They press against his jaw, coaxing him to unclench his teeth.
A hand pressed to his back, two more on his shoulders, pulling him to his feet. He wobbles, his legs tingling and half-asleep, but Morris and Gisu steady him.
They walk him back into the Motherlobe. Morris's levitation lifts Dion, supporting his weight as Gisu nudges him forward step by step.
He isn't sure how long it is they walk. Anyone they pass is sure to stare, but he can't tell with his eyes shut tight.
A door opens and closes behind him. A larger set of hands cup his head, fingers warm and rough. They rub delicately over his brows, the signal that it's safe to open his eyes.
The lights are off in the jr agents' dorm room, and it's getting darker as Gisu hurries to draw the blinds. Adam smiles down at Dion, cupping his cheeks.
"Apahhu nruv?"
Dion can't understand the words, but the tone of his boyfriend's soft British drawl brings his shoulders down from around his ears.
The dumpy couch in the dorms smells like Morris's cologne and Sam's woodland animal friends. He didn't used to like it, but now he relaxes into the familiar cushions, laying down and curling into a tiny ball. The dark helps. He can focus on breathing and not holding back vomit.
Gisu nudges him, and he lets her pick him up and deposit his head in her lap, careful not to jostle him. She pets his head as the others chat quietly.
He listens for as long as he can, holding on to the sound of their voices as his head splits down the middle. The pressure is the awful part. Something inside him banging on the inside of his head, trying to get out.
He might make a sound of pain— he can't hear himself if he does— because the talk around him stops. Gisu squeezes his arm as he wraps his hands around his head. The agony throbs with his heartbeat.
Someone else touches him. He tries to open his eyes, but the world is a swimming mess of color. Leaning into their hands, Dion lets them move him however they want.
They lightly touch his forehead, and he can feel cool breath on his face as his cheeks pinken. They're so close, and he doesn't need more blood rushing to his head from being flustered.
Then, miraculously, the pounding in his brain eases. Like air escaping from a leaky tire, the pressure in his head deflates. He gasps, nearly falling forward face-first.
When the touch pulls away, he whines, reaching back for them. His brain is still on fire, but it's more of a campfire and less of an incinerator. With relief so strong he can't keep himself up any longer.
The feeling is like cool water running over a blistering burn. It's enough that he can start to drift off. The only thing he can do is wait for the rest of the migraine to fade on its own, but now he can doze until it passes.
Gisu stares at the boy in her lap. His chest rises and falls steadily as he sleeps. Morris and Adam gape at Lizzie, kneeling in front of the couch, her hands hovering over Dion.
Lizzie's own shock is obvious. She closes her open mouth, one eyebrow quirked as she studies the boy in the center of them all.
"Lizzie… Did you…?"
"I thought a little ice would take the edge off. But then I felt his mind… there was so much energy, it's like a lightning storm in there. The static was gonna discharge eventually," she says, whispering.
"Psychic discharge. Hell, that means…" Adam kneels next to her and presses another kiss to Dion's forehead.
"Okay. Okay. I think we should talk about this when he's awake." Even with her mind racing on a superhighway of questions, Gisu can't help her own lips twitching up as she sees how calm Dion is. There will be a lot to talk about later, but for now it's enough that he's feeling better.
"Sounds good to me. Leave the serious stuff for later. I want to find some whipped cream and a feather." Morris rubs his hands together like a cartoon supervillain. He won't do anything, not when Dion is in pain, but the joke disperses some of their anxiety as Gisu whaps him on the hair.
Dion is psychic. It makes sense. The symptoms of psychic repression are weird, but the headaches and fatigue are classic. He's always been so firm and confident about it, and his family agreed that he never displayed any visible powers. But that's not a guarantee. People miss things, I should have considered the possibility….
Morris settles next to Lizzie on the couch while Adam slips under Dion's legs to sit in the middle. She puts the should haves away. For now, they'll keep each other company, watching anime without sound and texting each other memes until Dion wakes up.
When he does blink awake, Dion feels better than he ever has after an episode. His friends and partners are sleeping, flopped over him, limbs tangled together in such a mess he doesn't want to think about getting up.
Dion finds someone's hand and holds it tight, and he can almost feel his head clear even more. Love is funny like that.
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themogaidragon · 2 years
Chronic Daily Headches Pride Flag
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Chronic daily headache (CDH): experiencing fifteen or more days with a headache per month. Chronic daily headaches is an umbrella term which consist of different sub-groups, primarily categorized as chronic tension-type headaches and chronic migraine headaches.
The flag is inspired by this chronic migraine flag, this chronic tension type headaches flag and this chronic pain flag.
Flag meanings:
Dark teal: migraine and headaches
Muted teal: all the types of CDH (cluster, hemicrania continua, idiopathic intracranial hypotension, migraine, tension-type, mixture of types, etc)
Greyish teal: other chronic pains and disabilities
Red/Maroon: chronic head pain
Muted purple: sleep problems and fatigue
Lavender: varying levels and types of pain
Purple: chronic pain
[Image ID: A flag with seven horizontal lines of the same size. Their colors are, from top to bottom, dark teal, muted teal, greyish teal, red, muted purple, lavender and dark purple. END ID]
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aliasanew · 2 months
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quarterbackbutch · 5 months
i told my coworker Noah as I was leaving today "I'll be here tomorrow unfortunately...unless something happens to me 👀" and now guess who has a pre-migraine so bad Ive already puked. the liver destroying magic migraine cure (3 ibuprofen + 2 excedrin) will either kill it before it gets worse or I'm about to be in a world of pain when I wake up. ON MY BIRTHDAY!!
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cthonicascendant · 7 months
ugh 5o our left 5houlder i5 tryin ta kill u5 like 5pecifically the uh trapeziu5 i think it5 called
i got no idea vvhat vve did it 5tarted actin up out a the blue before vvork thur5day night an it hurt5 5o bad vveVe been haVin a hard time 5leepin
im hopin i dont haVe to 5ee a doctor the urgent care 5uck5 the er i5 expen5iVe an my gp i5 half an hour avvay 5o id need 5omeone to driVe me becau5e i cant driVe that far right novv
anyone got any adVice iVe taken 500mg of acetaminophen an 600 of ibuprofen an iVe had a little vveed (vvill probably do more) an im probably goin to end up u5in a heatin pad but idk if there5 anythin im mi55in here pain management vvi5e it i5 a LITTLE hard to think right novv
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b-blushes · 1 year
argh okay re last reblog (sorry for the extremely fast tonal shift haha) Posting to hold myself accountable. Once i've got my consultant appointment with a different speciality out the way next month i will see a dr about my chronic headaches/migraine. If that is the cause of at least some of my fatigue that would be literally life changing to get potentially diagnosed/treated ME @ MYSELF ARE U LISTENING! perhaps we do not have to live like this :P
extremely good motivator personally is posting something and then being able to reblog it in a period of time to say i did it :P
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cextra-loz · 20 days
Caffeine gives me the worst migraines and it only took me like 4 different days where the only connection between em all were the half cup of coffee from hapo
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Here's to kicking migraines in the ass!
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twobruhsinahottub · 3 months
Up until a few days ago i had never had a migraine in my life and now ive had two in the span of a few days????? Can they fucking STOP
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suncaptor · 5 months
every week or two I am in such severe acute pain that's worse than my normal constant bad pain and I'm like wow this is some of the worst pain of my life. rinse repeat.
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aliasanew · 4 months
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Publicado el 22-V-2024 (Miercoles)
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sourburialground · 8 months
The fact that my chronic pain and random health issues are simultaneously helping me in some of my med classes while absolutely hindering me in others feels like a cruel joke
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raksh-writes · 1 year
Tfw I have so much to do, and so much I want to do, but my body hits me with the "is it a migraine? Or am I actually getting sick?" episode of the miserable sunday variation.
Fun :)
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