#500 boom sound effects
artbyfuji · 1 year
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let's all buy her concert tickets together 🤠
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c0tards--s0luti0n · 1 month
i will never be able to take this scene seriously cause my head puts like 500 tiktok sound effects in it like . vine boom aw hell naaaawwwhhhhh fire alarm sound effect explosion sound effect etc
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cherrylng · 2 months
Great Guitarists 100 - The Strokes, The Libertines, Slipknot, Omar Rodríguez-López, Nick Zinner, Franz Ferdinand, Sergio Pizzorno, and Arctic Monkeys [CROSSBEAT (November 2009)]
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The Strokes It goes without saying that The Strokes defined the sound of indie rock in the 00s. The same goes for the guitar sound. When they first emerged, the scene was dominated by big rap metal and rambling ballad bands. Albert Hammond Jr. and Nick Valensi's guitars, with their solid, raw, direct-amped tone and concise, no-nonsense riffs, served as a clear counterpoint to the times and reminded people of the excitement of primitive rock 'n' roll. The highlight of the debut album, which set the era in motion, was the flowing rhythm guitars that created a rapid, forward groove. After that, however, they pursued a completely different sound, determined not to repeat the same thing. The third album, which makes full use of strange synth-imitating guitar sounds and metal-style single-note playing, is a unique and distinctive work. -Yoshiharu Kobayashi
Best-known albums "Is This It" (2001, photo) The Strokes "First Impressions of Earth" (2006)
The Libertines The Libertines were undoubtedly the ignition point for the guitar band boom in the UK in the 00s. Of course, Pete Doherty and Carl Barât were not good guitarists, nor did they create any innovative techniques. But the raw, crude guitar sound of their debut was Britain's first response to the worldwide rock 'n' roll revival. In fact, the variety of guitar phrases, which were at once madly romantic and evocative of the rich history of British music, gave the band a unique character that could stand up to rivals from around the world. On the second album, the performances deteriorated fiercely, but the rawness of the music was much improved. The guitar sound, which seemed to document the band in the state of being wounded to the bone at the time, had a more true beauty to it. -Yoshiharu Kobayashi
Representative albums "Up The Bracket" (2002, photo) The Libertines "The Libertines" (2004)
Slipknot Slipknot now boasts worldwide popularity. The guitarists responsible for their unique and deep heavy rock are James Root (#4) and Mick Thomson (#7). Both are intimidatingly big men and extremely technical players. The band's playing, basically in heavy tuning with all strings down one and a half notes and the sixth string down another, is varied, with aggressive and rhythmic riffs, tricky fast playing and the fluid lead parts that have become more prominent since the third album. The extremely precise picking is also worth noting. Mick has a background as a guitar teacher, and James is also active in Stone Sour with Corey Taylor (vocals). The guitar playing of these two, backed up by their high skills, is sublimated into an original sound. -Koichi Inoue
Representative albums "Iowa" (2001, photo) Slipknot "Stone Sour" (2002) Stone Sour
Omar Rodríguez-López Omar Rodríguez's psychedelic playing takes the listener into another dimension. He is now recognised as one of the guitar heroes. Surprisingly, however, Omar himself declares that he does not consider himself a guitarist. Rather, the guitar is his enemy. His ally is his more than 500 effects pedals, including delays and fuzz. Omar attacks the guitar with his numerous pedals. The guitar sounds are distorted, twisted and manipulated to the point that they no longer retain their original form, and they sound far outside the bounds of existing guitar playing and beyond even the player's intentions. When it matches Omar's imagination, he has triumphed with the guitar. In terms of the guitar's possibilities, no other player has continued to push them as far as Omar has. -Junya Shimofusa
Representative albums "De-Loused in the Comatorium" (2003, photo), The Mars Volta "Omar Rodríguez-López & Lydia Lunch" (2007) Omar Rodríguez-López & Lydia Lunch
Nick Zinner The Yeah Yeah Yeahs are noted for Karen O's freaky presence, but in terms of sound, this guy is definitely more bombastic. In a band without a bassist, Nick uses two amplifiers to increase the sound pressure. He moves freely back and forth from spacey to straight-ahead rock, such as the contrast between the stillness and movement of "Maps" and the solid riffs of "Date with the Night". His excellent sense of balance, honed as a bridge between drummer Brian Chase, who has a background in free jazz, and Karen, an uninhibited performer, has resulted in a style in which, despite being a guitarist, he has a bird's eye view of the whole sound. In the new album "It's Blitz!" he surprised everyone with its extensive use of synths, but it was also a testament to his talent that his guitar playing seemed to have increased in power from time to time. He is one of the leading avant-garde artistic guitarists of his generation. -Hitoshi Sugiyama
Representative albums "Fever to Tell" (2003, photo) Yeah Yeah Yeahs "It's Blitz!" (2009)
Franz Ferdinand Franz Ferdinand turned the seeds of indie guitar rock sown in the early 00s into a commercial success. Their greatest weapon is probably their sharp-edged guitar riffs with a strong post-punk influence, as in "Take Me Out". Alex Kapranos and Nick McCarthy, like The Libertines, are not technical guitarists. However, their sharp riffs complement each other like a puzzle, creating a vivid contrast and a strong groove. The way in which they create impact through their odd combinations is very 00s, and has had a significant impact on the following generation. In fact, after Franz's breakthrough, the differentiation between lead and rhythm guitar became less significant. The golden rule of pop music is that "no matter where you cut it, it's always complete", and they applied this to guitars, opening the door to the 'era of rock and roll dancing'. -Hitoshi Sugiyama
Representative albums "Franz Ferdinand" (2004, photo) Franz Ferdinand "You Could Have It So Much Better" (2005)
Sergio Pizzorno The main guitar is an original specification with a unit built into a Rickenbacker bass body. The same old 'no more than others' attitude is clearly evident in the way he handles the guitar on his studio albums. The difference between him and the older generation, who would just record one smooth shot and be done with it, is evident in his thorough editing mania. Phrases taken into the sampler are chopped into pieces and function as the building blocks of a song. He will even chop a recorded band sound to shreds in order to get the groove he is after. On the other hand, he is also a keen student of 60s psychedelic and krautrock. He has a vivid method of blending the rawness of vintage effects pedals and the metallic resonance of single-coil pickups with the beat of the beat. At recent shows, for some reason, he tends to leave the lead to the support guitarist. I wish he would step forward and play more aggressively. -Masatoshi Arano
Representative albums "Kasabian" (2004, photo) Kasabian "West Ryder Pauper Lunatic Asylum" (2009)
Arctic Monkeys Like Lily Allen, the Arctic Monkeys built up a solid fan base via MySpace in the early days of their career, and their biggest appeal was that they were, after all, "rock icons chosen by listeners", but of course there was more. From their debut, their guitars reflect a wealth of musical knowledge, including covers of 60s soul, while at the same time carrying the romanticism of a pimple-faced young man, and they are the pioneers of the current scene, absorbing hip-hop, dance music, classic rock and many other cultures through their skin. On their latest album, both Alex Turner and Jamie Cook are more musically adventurous than most, with heavy, psychedelic guitar riffs. The intro to "A Saturday Romance", which is always played at the end of the show, is one of the best scenes to come out of the late 00s. -Hitoshi Sugiyama
Representative albums "Whatever People Say I Am, That's What I'm Not" (2006, photo) Arctic Monkeys "Humbug" (2009)
Translator's Note: Yeah, by this point, I think either the editors got lazy by shoving the whole band into the catergory or there weren't that many individual guitarists in the 00s era that were regarded to be worthy of taking the title of being a great guitarist. But, given that this article was from 2009, maybe stuff had changed by then to relook and reassess on any great guitarists that emerged in the 2010s.
And that's it for this series, I'll be moving onto the next ones that I've already scanned into my computer.
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laundrybiscuits · 2 years
Recent come alive in the neon light snippets have been gathered up, given a spit-shine, and dumped on AO3 as a new chapter! Also I added about 1500 words of sex scene, as promised.
I will now take this opportunity to talk a little bit about voice, because I can, and because this fic has been sort of my way of working through these thoughts in practical application. Warning that if you read below the cut, you may not be able to stop noticing all the ways I don’t manage to follow my own guidelines. I sure can’t! 
Steve’s voice is actually quite challenging for me, and I don’t think I’m all that consistent with it. The trick is giving him sentences that have a short rhythmic arc and don’t rely on a lot of abstract imagery, adverbs, or beautiful-sounding individual words. A really good Steve voice should be raw and punchy, and it should leave a lot unsaid: there should be space between the lines. He’s not the kind of guy to worry a thought to death, chasing down all its logical conclusions. Instead, he operates on a very visceral level, because he inhabits his body very fully. When he says things, it’s not necessarily because he’s chewed them over and really thought them through. Saying something is part of his process of thinking it, which is why he’ll throw in really decisive phrases when he reaches a conclusion. 
(Sample Steve line pulled from S4E1: “Maybe you need to listen to yourself. Ever think about that? I listened. Look at me. Boom, back in business.”) 
Both Steve and Eddie repeat concepts/phrases sometimes when they talk, but Steve is more likely to say things slightly differently on repetition because he’s iterating, it’s an active process. Eddie is more likely to repeat things exactly the same way, because it has a more dramatic effect and adds to the intensity. He keeps a much tighter rein on what he says; his default defense is to clam up rather than babble. 
Eddie’s voice is challenging for me in a different way because I struggle to keep it from just being…my voice. He and I have a lot in common, linguistically speaking, although I suspect he should have a bit more influence from Wayne than he canonically does; he definitely strikes me as someone who’ll pick up phrasings and pronunciations like a magpie, sprinkled in among the chaotic mix of small-town Midwestern and the fucking weird things you say when you grow up spending more time with SF/F novels than people. Take it from me, a person who grew up amongst the cornfields and also had a teenage tendency to say undersocialized shit like “insisted on the matter, in fact.” (I also started as a DM when I was about 15, which Does Something to the way you talk. Can’t explain it, it just is what it is.) 
It shakes out as a kind of acrolect-mesolect hybrid. He’s got an extensive vocabulary and a knack for bardic cadence, but his fast-and-dirty communication style is unpolished and deliberately casual. He likes what language can do, and he revels in his mastery of it. That doesn’t mean composing poetic eddas, it means he says stuff like “super jealous as hell” which has a very pleasing internal rhyme and a nice little rhythm to the stresses. 
Even when he’s just talking one-on-one, he does all these cool things with the literal sound of his voice that just don’t translate well to the page. (“That Ste-e-eve Harrington…was actually? A good dude.” HOW DO YOU TRANSCRIBE THAT EFFECTIVELY) 
I could keep going, especially about the way that Eddie tends to pace his speech like he’s delivering oratory rather than having a conversation, but this has been 500+ words already and I have other things to do with my day.
Obviously these are personal interpretations and YMMV, and also I’m not taking into account things like the fact that JQ is not actually from the midwestern USA. So take it all with a hefty grain of salt.
Plus, when it comes right down to it, I honestly do not trust the writers to have put anywhere near this much thought into individual character voices, but…it’s fandom’s job to create coherence, sometimes whole-cloth. We spackle over plot holes, we tie up loose ends, we bend over backwards to make things make sense. It’s what we do!
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doitwrite · 1 year
From The 3AM Epiphany
Exercise 18: "TV. Write a short interior scene during which a TV is on. Let the words and images on the screen interact interestingly with the activity going on in the room...500 words"
The vase teetered on the edge of the table, then tipped over with a CRASH, smashing to smithereens on the floor in an explosion of white and blue.
Robert held his breath, cradling the figurine he’d barely managed to catch to his chest. The living room was awash in the soft blue glow of the television screen and the cackling of the old bat in the armchair. The cartoon dog that had bumped the table in the show attempted to flee, doing that thing where a character tries to run but momentarily stays in place, arms pinwheeling ridiculously.
Heart still racing, Robert looked back down. He never understood why old people like to keep such creepy mementos around. Shuddering, he replaced the demonic-looking cherub carefully on the doily-covered table. Luckily the scene had been loud enough to cover up any sounds he’d made.
Robert cast a quick eye around. The glint of something shiny drew his eye, and he instantly recognized the iconic, man-shaped trophy. Bingo.
A slide-whistle sound effect interrupted his thoughts as the dog onscreen relieved itself on a shoe.
Something wet soaked into his pant leg. He looked down.
A tiny white dog with scraggly hair that made it look like a walking, breathing mop had lifted its leg over his ankle. 
“What the–hey! Get away!” he whisper-yelled, stumbling ungracefully and trying to shoo the little monster off. It bared a set of miniature teeth at him and made a sound like a lawnmower on helium, then gave a series of squeaky-toy barks.
“Chi-Chi? Where did you get off to?” Oh, great. The old woman’s wheezy voice interrupted the canned laughter that boomed from the speakers. Robert whipped his head from left to right. He could risk making a dive for the kitchen, or escape upstairs.
Unfortunately, Chi-Chi had other plans. It sank its tiny jaws into his ankle, and he bit back a yelp of pain. The armchair trembled, as if its occupant was attempting to climb out.
Robert dragged the dog with him along the worn carpet, trying not to curse out loud as he limped as quickly as he could around the other side of the armchair. On the TV, someone tripped on a banana pee, landing on their backside with a cymbal crash. As if on cue, his foot catches on the edge of the hideous rug—
And with a magnificent WHUMP that shook the room, suddenly he’s on his belly, staring right into the vomit-green pattern of repeating triangles on the rug. Chi-Chi is barking at him, and he looks up in a daze to see two-time Academy Award winning screenwriter Greta Frendler peering down at him, lips pursed and eyes squinting from a face so wrinkled it looked like a prune.
“I assume you’re here to rob me?”
Before he can answer, she shuffles off to the kitchen in her carpet slippers.
“I have to say, you’re one of the less creative ones. Come have a cup of tea. I put the kettle on when I heard you knock over the mirror upstairs.”
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finwings · 2 months
Beat the Market: Top Stock Market Strategies for 2024
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Ahmedabad, a historic city with a booming financial center, has witnessed a surge in investor interest. This growing enthusiasm, coupled with the availability of stock market training in Ahmedabad, has led to a rising number of individuals seeking strategies to outperform the market and achieve their financial goals. As a seasoned investor with over five decades of experience navigating the market's ebbs and flows, I'm here to share some timeless strategies that can help you navigate the complexities of the 2024 stock market.
Remember, the legendary investor Benjamin Graham once said, "The market is a pendulum forever swinging between fear and greed." By understanding these emotions and employing sound investment principles, you can position yourself for success in any market condition.
Here are the top stock market strategies you can leverage in 2024:
1. Invest in Yourself: Knowledge is Power
The stock market is not a casino. Don't gamble with your hard-earned money. The first step to success is to equip yourself with the necessary knowledge and skills. Consider enrolling in stock market training offered by reputable institutions like Finwings Academy. These courses will provide you with a strong foundation in fundamental analysis, technical analysis, risk management, and various investment strategies.
2. Develop a Long-Term Investment Horizon
The stock market is not a get-rich-quick scheme. Successful investing is a marathon, not a sprint. Focus on building wealth over the long term by investing in companies with solid fundamentals and the potential for sustainable growth. Avoid the temptation to chase short-term gains or panic-sell during market downturns.
3. Conduct Thorough Due Diligence Before Investing
Never invest in a company you don't understand. Research the company's business model, financial health, competitive landscape, and management team. Read their annual reports and listen to earnings calls to gain a deeper understanding of their future prospects.
4. Diversify Your Portfolio Across Different Asset Classes
Don't put all your eggs in one basket. Diversification is the cornerstone of risk management in the stock market. Spread your investments across different asset classes like stocks, bonds, real estate, and commodities. This will help mitigate risk and ensure your portfolio is well-balanced.
5. Invest in Low-Cost Index Funds
Statistic: Did you know that according to a SPIVA report by S&P Dow Jones Indices, over the past 10 years, actively managed large-cap funds in the US, underperformed the S&P 500 Index in 85% of the periods?
Low-cost index funds offer a simple and effective way to participate in the overall market performance. These passively managed funds track a specific market index, providing broad diversification and low fees. This strategy allows you to capture the market's average return without the hassle of stock picking.
6. Stay Disciplined and Emotionally Detached
The stock market is inherently volatile. There will be periods of boom and bust. During downturns, it's easy to get caught up in the fear and sell your investments at a loss. Stay disciplined by sticking to your investment plan and avoid making impulsive decisions based on emotions.
7. Rebalance Your Portfolio Regularly
Over time, the weightings of your investments will shift due to market fluctuations. Rebalancing your portfolio helps ensure it remains aligned with your risk tolerance and investment goals. This may involve selling over-performing assets and buying under-performing ones to maintain your desired asset allocation.
8. Invest Consistently Through Systematic Investment Plans (SIPs)
Don't try to time the market. Market timing is notoriously difficult, and even the most seasoned professionals can get it wrong. A better approach is to invest consistently through Systematic Investment Plans (SIPs). SIPs allow you to invest a fixed amount at regular intervals, averaging out the cost of your investments over time. This strategy helps build discipline and benefits from the power of rupee-cost averaging.
9. Seek Professional Guidance When Needed
While you can equip yourself with valuable knowledge through stock market training and independent research, there may be times when you need professional guidance. Consider consulting with a registered financial advisor who can help you develop a personalized investment plan based on your risk tolerance, financial goals, and investment time horizon. 10. Be Patient and Enjoy the Journey
Building wealth through the stock market takes time and patience. Focus on the long-term goal of achieving financial security and freedom. Celebrate your wins, learn from your mistakes, and continually strive to improve your investment skills.
By following these top strategies and continuously educating yourself, you can increase your chances of beating the market in 2024 and beyond.
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climekare · 5 months
India’s Carbon Footprint: Balancing Development And Sustainability
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India is a country with a thriving economy and a lively culture, but it also has a big problem with its carbon impact. India is Unbalanced and shaky between environmental sustainability and economic development as the globe struggles with climate change. To navigate this path, it is essential to understand sustainability and carbon footprint.
The Carbon Footprint: Our Invisible Shadow
The entire amount of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions that result from our actions is referred to as our “carbon footprint.” Global warming is brought on by these gases like Carbon dioxide (CO2), Methane (CH4), Nitrous Oxide (N2O), water vapour. Manmade: hydrofluorocarbons (HFC), perfluorocarbons (PFC) and sulphur hexafluoride (SF6), which trap heat in the atmosphere like carbon dioxide does. The influence of all greenhouse gases is represented by the term carbon dioxide equivalent, or CO2e, which is used to measure carbon footprint.
The carbon footprint of India is substantial but varied. Its huge population increases its overall footprint even though its per capita emissions are lower than those of industrialised countries. The main contributors are broken down as follows:
You are entirely correct. India’s carbon footprint is mostly caused by its reliance on coal-fired power plants. However, the tale is not over yet. India’s explosive industrial boom is also a major factor.
This is the way that fast industrialization increases carbon footprint:
More factories: As new industries arise, they need energy to drive their machinery, which is typically coal. More carbon emissions result from this.
More vehicles: As a result of industrial activity, trucks that consume fuel and emit pollutants are frequently used to deliver more goods.
More goods being produced: The process of manufacturing, from the preparation of raw materials to the finished product, can emit pollutants.
India’s carbon footprint can therefore be attributed to both fast industrialization and coal-fired power.
Transportation: The fast rise in automobile ownership and the reliance on fossil fuels are major factors.
Agriculture: Methane is another powerful greenhouse gas released by techniques like paddy farming and overuse of fertilizers.
Deforestation: The ecosystem’s capacity to absorb emissions is weakened by the loss of forest cover, which serves as a natural carbon sink.
Sustainability: Utilizing What We Can
Meeting current requirements without sacrificing the capacity of future generations to meet their own is referred to as sustainability. It’s a complex idea that includes social, economic, and environmental facets.
Environmental sustainability: It is the practice of minimizing environmental effect by making efficient use of resources such as energy, land, and water.
Social Sustainability: It preserves cultural variety, advances social fairness, and guarantees fair access to resources.
Economic sustainability: It is the use of sound financial principles to satisfy societal demands without exhausting resources or accruing undue debt.
Strategies for a Sustainable Future: Balancing the Act
India is committed to achieving a sustainable future for its citizens and the planet. This multifaceted approach recognizes the need for economic growth alongside environmental responsibility.
1. Revolution in Renewable Energy: Transitioning from fossil fuels to clean energy sources like solar, wind, and geothermal is paramount. India has made significant strides in this area, ranking as the world’s third-largest producer of renewable energy. However, to achieve net-zero emissions by 2070, further development is crucial. The ambitious goal of achieving 500 GW of renewable energy capacity by 2030 signifies India’s commitment to a clean energy future.
2. Energy Efficiency: Curbing energy consumption and emissions requires a two-pronged approach. Firstly, promoting the adoption of energy-efficient technologies in buildings, appliances, and industries can significantly reduce energy waste. Secondly, incentivizing responsible energy use patterns by businesses and consumers is essential.
3. Sustainable Transportation: The transportation sector is a major contributor to emissions. India focuses on promoting electric vehicles, cleaner biofuels, and the expansion of efficient public transportation systems. This multi-pronged approach aims to decarbonize the transportation sector and foster cleaner air.
4. Smart Agriculture: The agricultural sector faces the dual challenge of ensuring food security for a growing population and mitigating its environmental impact. Huge emphasis on the adoption of climate-resilient practices such as organic farming, water conservation techniques, and soil health improvement is done. These methods not only reduce greenhouse gas emissions but also enhance agricultural sustainability.
5. Forest Restoration: Forests play a vital role in carbon sequestration and maintaining ecological balance. The strategy encompasses large-scale afforestation projects aimed at increasing forest cover. Additionally, promoting sustainable forestry practices ensures responsible management of existing forests, further enhancing their role in mitigating climate change.
Innovation in Technology and Global Cooperation
Innovations in technology are essential to India’s move toward sustainability. Emissions can be greatly decreased by creating greener coal technologies, cutting-edge battery storage systems for renewable energy, and carbon capture and storage methods.
International cooperation is also essential. Developed countries with greater historical carbon footprints need to provide technology transfer, funding, and information sharing to aid India in its transformation.
The Path Ahead: Difficulties and Possibilities
There are many obstacles in the way of achieving sustainability keeping the future resources in mind. Issues such as Energy security, the high upfront costs of clean technology, and the requirement for behaviour modification necessitate creative solutions and public awareness initiatives.
All of these issues as stated above need to be addressed with personal understanding of making the shift to a green economy will definitely guarantee a more innovative and healthier future for the future generations, providing new jobs in the green sector, and enhancing public health by reducing air pollution significantly. 
This vision fuels our commitment to sustainability which is just not about protecting the environment for future generations, but it’s also about building a more equitable future for all of us. 
In conclusion, a shared responsibility
India’s battle against climate change is about more than simply statistics; it’s about defending the lives and welfare of its people. India can lead the world’s efforts to combat climate change and serve as an example for underdeveloped countries by making sustainability a top priority. 
Recall that we are all responsible for this. Reducing our carbon footprint and constructing a sustainable future for all are tasks that each and every person, organization, and government must do.
Together, let’s make sure that India’s development narrative includes environmental responsibility and a dedication to a greener future.
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markwilson123 · 11 months
Speaker Rental Dubai: The Ultimate Guide
When you're planning an event, whether it's a corporate presentation, a wedding reception, a concert, or a private party, the quality of your audio equipment plays a crucial role in the success of your gathering. Dubai, with its booming events industry, offers a wide range of speaker rental services that can meet your specific audio needs. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore why you should consider Speaker Rental Dubai, the types of speakers available, how to choose the right service, and much more.
Why Choose Speaker Rental in Dubai?
Dubai is known for its grandeur and luxury, and when it comes to events, the quality of audio cannot be compromised. Renting speakers in Dubai provides a cost-effective solution that ensures you have access to top-tier sound equipment without the hefty price tag. You can choose from a wide variety of brands and models to perfectly match your event's requirements.
Types of Speakers Available for Rental
When it comes to speaker rental, Dubai offers an array of options, including:
PA Speakers
Ideal for public address systems and large outdoor events.
Wireless Speakers
Perfect for flexibility and easy setup.
Enhance the bass and overall sound quality.
Portable Bluetooth Speakers
Great for smaller gatherings and parties.
Speaker Rental Packages in Dubai
Rental services in Dubai offer various packages to suit your needs. These packages can include not only speakers but also microphones, amplifiers, and other audio accessories. Choose the package that aligns with your event's size and requirements.
How to Choose the Right Speaker Rental Service
To ensure a successful event, it's essential to select the right rental service. Consider factors like reputation, equipment quality, customer support, and pricing. Reading reviews and asking for recommendations can help you make an informed decision.
Setting Up Your Rental Speaker
Whether you're tech-savvy or a complete novice, most Speaker Rental Dubai provides setup assistance. They'll ensure that the speakers are properly installed and sound-checked, giving you peace of mind on your big day.
Benefits of Renting a Speaker in Dubai
Access to high-quality equipment
Flexibility in choosing equipment
Technical support and setup assistance
Top Places to Rent Speakers in Dubai
Dubai Audio
Sound House
Pure Sound
Party Centre
Dubai Sound System
Speaker Rental for Events and Parties
Renting speakers is not limited to large events. You can also benefit from Speaker Rental Dubai for smaller gatherings, birthday parties, or even outdoor movie nights. The flexibility is one of the key advantages of renting audio equipment.
Maintenance and Care Tips
While the rental company takes care of most maintenance, it's still important to handle the equipment with care. Avoid exposing speakers to extreme weather conditions and mishandling them to ensure optimal performance.
Cost Comparison: Renting vs. Buying
Renting speakers in Dubai is often a more economical choice, especially if you don't frequently host events. Weigh the costs of renting versus buying to make an informed decision.
Customer Reviews and Testimonials
Reading customer reviews and testimonials is an excellent way to gauge the quality of a rental service. Positive feedback from previous clients can instill confidence in your choice.
Speaker rental in Dubai is a smart choice for anyone planning an event. It offers cost-effective solutions and top-quality equipment. With a wide range of rental packages and reliable rental companies in the city, you can ensure your event's audio needs are met. Don't compromise on sound quality – consider Speaker Rental Dubai for your next event in Dubai.
How much does it cost to rent speakers in Dubai?
Rental costs vary depending on the type and quality of speakers. On average, you can expect to pay between AED 100 to AED 500 per day.
Can I rent speakers for a single-day event?
Yes, most rental companies in Dubai offer daily rental options for events of all durations.
Do rental companies provide technical support?
Yes, many rental companies offer technical support and setup assistance.
Are there any hidden charges in speaker rental packages?
It's essential to discuss all potential charges with the rental service to avoid any surprises. Be clear about your requirements.
How far in advance should I book rental speakers for an event?
It's advisable to book at least a few weeks in advance, especially during peak event seasons.
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rainbow-beanie · 3 years
I believe that wukong didn’t escape from heaven unscratched. physically he was okay, even after being stabbed and hit with all kinds of weapons, electrocuted, burned, and set on fire. there was nothing that left a lasting impact on him, the only way he was effected physically was by the heat of the furnace turning his eyes red.
but mentally? well that’s a another story
I believe that from I’ve learned this past week, that he has claustrophobia from being kept in the furnace for seven days, and is uneasy around and in caves, because while it is different, it’s also very similar to being trapped under the mountain
and there’s this headcanon in this fanfic on ao3 called I don’t want to fight alone anymore, by KinbariTeaheathen chapter six:
|| As much as some part of him wanted to, he couldn't tell him. He couldn't tell him that the loud sound of thunder sounded all too similar to the sound of rocks falling, crashing, and tumbling their way down a mountain. ||
|| A loud boom rattled the ship, and Wukong barely stopped himself from whimpering as he leaned against the wall of the hallway. On the one hand, at this point, he just wanted to curl up and cry. But on the other hand, staying still for too long just reminded him of being trapped, unable to move- ||
SO! by this logic wukong is also afraid of the sound of thunder, because it reminds him of how a rockslide occurred while he was stuck under the mountain, unable to move. I’m pretty sure you can imagine what happened next… 😬
this gets even sadder when you realize that since wukong had been under that mountain for 500 years, a rockslide had to have occurred more then once
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ironmandeficiency · 3 years
accidents happen
pairing: kix / mechanic!reader (afab here)
word count: 2163
summary: accidents happen even to the most careful people.
a/n: can be read as part of the kix/mechanic!reader universe i accidentally made (here, here, and here). made some tweaks to the og req but stuck to the general theme. sprinkled in a few of my oc boys for ✨flair✨
warnings: speeder crash, prego!reader
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you don’t remember much of the speeder crash. it was a blur of lights, a cacophony of twisting metal and the screams of passersby as they worry about the wellbeing of those involved. that is, until your head slammed too hard against the controls and knocked you out cold.
the sensations of latex icicles checking your pulse roused you from your unconscious state. your eyes struggled against the bright lights of what you knew was the five-oh-first medbay, the foggy yet familiar voices of frantic clones being a dead giveaway. they were worried about many things—your condition after the wreck, whether you would be able to return to field work with them once you recovered, kix’s reaction once he catches wind of what happened...
kix hadn’t kept his cool when your arm was slightly crushed by general skywalker’s delta-7 aethersprite, how was he going to handle his cyare being in a speeder crash?
answer’s simple: he wouldn’t.
kix had just left the operating room when he heard the commotion of a new patient being brought in. jogging to the cot where they lifted the patient, he pushed his way through the unusually tight crowd of vode until he got to the foot of the bed. “alright boys, what do we got?”
“speeder crash just outside of 500 republica, two broken ribs, a—oh we got it taken care of kix, go get some rest-”
“you just left surgery, take a break!”
“this’ll be easy peasy, we got it!”
the voices of his brothers were agitated as the crowd was damn near trying to push him away. with a few well-placed nudges and shoulder bumps, kix realized that they indeed were trying to push him away. this just made him all the more intent on figuring out why they were trying to boot him out. he was a medic for kriff’s sake, bronco had no business trying to shove him out of the way like that!
“easy peasy my shebs, bronco! i…”
it was you.
you were lying unconscious on the bed in front of him, surrounded by brothers on all sides as the other medics, clone and civvie alike, were taking care of you. there was an oozing, bloody gash along your temple and a growing knot that was already grossly discolored.
it was instinct for kix to want to take point on this. it was you, he didn’t want anything to go wrong. and if something did go wrong, he wouldn’t want to have the scapegoat of blaming a vod for anything. it had to be on him, he had to be the one to take care of you.
the protests of several vode immediately follow kix’s insistence, multiple hands starting to pull him from your bedside. he begins to struggle against them and they immediately start to grip him tighter as they guide him towards the exit.
“you can’t do this! i need to-mmph! be here! let me go!”
“you know why we can’t do that, vod.”
“bantha karking shit you can’t! i need to be there, you don’t understand!”
arguments continued and tension mounted in the medbay, kix still fighting to get to you while the others were either treating you or holding him back. all other conscious thought ceased to be, the gut instinct of taking care of you being his only purpose.
then a firm voice booms through the chaos with enough force to wake the dead as he calls the medic’s name.
“leave, kix. that’s an order.”
rex’s heart was being smashed by his own boot as he spoke. he hated having to be the one giving the ultimatum to the frightened medic in front of him, but as captain, the burden fell onto him. kix was clearly not able to separate you from what needs to be done for the patient and he was not going to allow that kind of responsibility on his vod’s shoulders.
not if he was going to be able to sleep tonight.
rex’s eyes betrayed how much it hurt him, but the bristling of his words showed no such emotion. he couldn’t show any of this inner conflict, not as a captain and especially not as ori’vod to nearly every man surrounding your bed. but the men know that their captain isn’t heartless, that he views you as one of the best things to happen to the five-oh-first, that he has a reason for everything he does.
it takes a hell of a lot more convincing (read: sedative) to get kix to back down. rex and fives carried the medic to the barracks, taking care to lay him down gently. the proximity to the younger trooper told rex that a sedated kix was having more of an effect on him than he let on.
even though fives had other duties to take care of while on leave, rex knew that a distracted fives would not be able to complete any of them to his regular standards. so, like a good captain and ori’vod, he excused the younger brother from his tasks.
“you can stay with him,” rex could read the arc trooper like a datapad; fives was tense and afraid, two feelings that only his closest brothers would recognize on him. “he’ll probably feel better if someone’s here when he wakes up.”
“but rex—“
“i know you stayed with him the last time his cyare was injured, fives. he would be grateful to have someone with him during this.” fives nodded his thanks grimly, taking his perch at kix’s bedside.
rex returned to the medbay with haste, hoping against hope that your injuries were mild. his return to the medbay was met with you awake, recounting the story of how you were rammed by a rogue speeder that ran their traffic light.
“we’re just glad you’re okay, gotabor.”
“yeah, no speeder can keep you down.”
a wave of peace rushes over the tired captain and he takes his leave. you were okay, kix would be okay, the five-oh-first would be okay.
queen and starchild continued to praise your resilience (“the toughest mechanic in the gar” is what you’ve been dubbed) before they’re cut off briskly by morticus, whose face was sporting a strangely lighter expression, like some of the burdens he carried were lightened for a moment.
“but we also have some news, gotabor. some that you really should be told in private.”
your first instinct is to tell morticus that you trust these men with your life, that anything he had to say could be said in front of them. but something in his eyes told you that pushing the matter wouldn’t end well. “i’ll be here when you get back, boys,” you give the remaining troopers soft smiles and a gentle squeeze of their hands, reassuring them that you were okay now, that in the hands of the five-oh-first you were the safest you’ve ever been.
they took a reluctant leave, looking over their shoulders one last time as they left the medbay. it wasn’t that they didn’t trust morticus, no not that at all, it just seemed that you had a penchant for getting injured and when brothers were repeatedly injured in increasingly severe ways, they didn’t always stay around much longer.
morticus is quick to say what he needs to, privacy being a very rare luxury in a five-oh-first medbay whether on leave or otherwise. “now that we have some privacy, gotabor, i have some news.” again, there was this happier lilt to his voice that he just didn’t have. morticus was stoic, cynical, even a bit dickish on the right day. to see him smile and sound happy about something was abnormal but pleasant all the same.
“is everything alright?”
“more than alright—you’re expecting.”
your face warped in your confusion, eyebrows crinkled and lips slightly pursed. “expecting what, morti?”
this man laughed—genuinely laughed—at your reply and if you weren’t so distracted by your perplexion, you would have said something about how nice his laugh is.
“a child, gotabor’ika. you’re pregnant.”
a sly grin made an appearance, morticus’s voice slightly teasing. the air was lighter around him than it has been in a long time and he was going to enjoy it with everything he’s got. “i’m going to assume that the baby belongs to kix—“
“of course it’s his, di’kut! but we had been so careful, always using protection! i don’t know how this happened…” racking your brain, you tried to remember a time when the two of you were a little less than careful but came up empty. “we weren’t trying for this, morti. it just happened, it was an accident.”
he patted your thigh with a smile. “sometimes accidents happen to even the most careful people. just take this as a win and keep going.” something to your far left beeped—another brother’s machine—and morticus quickly reverted back to tense medic mode, scrutinizing the readings before taking notes in their datapad and returning to your side.
“you got this, gotabor. you’re made of the stronger stuff.” he flurries around you, making sure you’re as comfortable as possible before telling you to rest and that kix will be with you soon. it didn’t take a seasoned member of the resolute to know that kix was so devoted and bent on protecting you however possible, and you knew that he was probably sedated yet again. he would be here when he’s up, you know he will. you just hoped that he liked what he was waking up to.
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rex made sure to stop by kix’s bunk to tell fives that you were conscious and by all accounts, appeared to only be mildly banged up. the way the tension fell from his vodika’s shoulders comforted rex, glad that he could give the arc good news to depart onto the unconscious medic before them, the smile on his face genuine as he departed from the barracks.
it wasn’t very long after rex left that kix began to stir. as predicted by fives and the rest of those aware of the situation, his first waking thoughts and concerns were for you. the arc was quick to console his vod and encouraged him to go to the medbay to see you as if kix could have been stopped. fives had to bargain (and trade some of his favorite candies from his stash) to convince kix to let him walk to the medbay with him, the medic still on shaky legs after being sedated.
everyone with a lick of sense knew to steer clear of kix until he was able to see you again. they made a path for him and fives without hesitation, knowing that all hell would be let loose if any of them tried to stop their advancing to the medbay.
“special delivery for gotabor’ika!” fives shouts as he enters, promptly getting shushed by coric and morticus.
you laugh from your cot when you hear your second favorite trooper before you see him. “over here, fives!” he follows your voice and soon, kix is being deposited on the foot of your bed with a smile.
fives grins and pokes his cheek, signaling for a small peck in return for his services. “now if you’ll just sign here-ow!” honestly he should expect the light slap you deliver to his face instead. “you got him from here, gotabor. get better soon, i don’t trust those kriffing ships without ya!” he leaves with a smile and a wave, comforted to see that you’re truly okay.
kix still hasn’t laid down with you and you’re slightly worried. by now, he’d be wrapped all over you like a tooka to lothnip. you nudge him with your foot to get his attention and when he finally meets your gaze, his eyes are wet. it looks like he’s trying his best to not cry but it’s soon to be a losing battle.
“kix, baby what’s-“
“you’re pregnant.”
the datapad with the reports of your injuries and conditions is cradled in his palms. bloodwork has never lied to him before but every nerve is on edge, like this would all be pulled out from under him the moment he let himself indulge in the what-if’s.
you weren’t sure how he would react to the news and he isn’t exactly giving you any hints as to how he feels about this which slightly worries you; kix has never been one too shy away from telling you his thoughts and the fact he’s doing it now has your stomach in a knot. “honey, what-“
your question can’t even leave your lips before the datapad is tossed on the bed and he’s wrapping his arms around you, face buried into your shoulder and failing to hold back the tears. at least he doesn’t seem to be angry, that’s a plus. “i love you so much, ner gotabor,” he raises his head to meet your eyes, one hand resting on your stomach with a teary smile. “i love both of you.”
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kix taglist: @blue-space-porgs @leias-left-hair-bun @likeshootingstarsinthenightsky @olluea @catsnkooks @simping-for-fives @captainrexstan @mackstrut @battletales @stardustsunrisekisses @darthadeline @artemis61003 @majorshiraharu @getdookuedon @capricornrabies @jedi-mando @whovianwar @hornystarwarsbisexual @bo-kryze
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itsuki-minamy · 4 years
Translation: Naru-kun Raws: Ridia
"Damn. This is lost too."
Painfully, Aya threw the ice cream stick on the ground.
Suddenly she breathes in pain and takes the stick and throws it in the trash in front of the store. She walks into a convenience store and buy another ice cream, and immediately escape from inside the store where the air conditioning was too effective. The damn heat wave that struck while waiting after the rainy season was God's salvation for today's Aya.
"Ah. How hot."
As she was sitting on the bench in front of the store and opening the ice cream, a grandmother's emotions leaked out. Although she likes mint with chocolate and is her favorite, her tongue is already thin and she can no longer feel the taste. Her tongue was tinted green when she showed her face on the screen with the PDA camera.
According to the information between users, there is a probability of one in thirty. She thought it would be an easy win because she had a high probability, but she was completely down with the fifth race.
She managed to strip the stick and turned it over to see if there was a mark anywhere, but couldn't find that letter.
"Isn't Ogai? What is this? What are you doing?"
There was a brake screech and a familiar voice stabbing. Aya, who had been drooling desperately, raised her face, and a boy wearing a baseball cap with both arms clearly colored with exposed short-sleeved burns on a running shirt or something, was lowering a leg off his bike.
Misaki Yata's firm appearance was glowing with halos at this moment.
"Misaki~! Please help me~"
Line 28 with thirty lines in front.
"Ah... that's a river!"
"Oh, oh, Misaki-kun, good job~!"
Aya instinctively held onto both hands with Yata, who posed triumphantly with the stick raised.
"I did it!"
After the two pale-faced people embraced under the heat,
Yata took distance from Aya. Aya almost caught the stick that Yata had thrown into the air with a jumping rhythm.
As a result, there are seven for Aya. She contributed 21 hits, three times more than Yata.
"And what is that?"
"Not even Aya knows about it yet. It seems like the 'items' of the prizes appear randomly."
It goes back...
When Yata craned his neck and tried to look inside the stick while keeping his distance, an eerie low noise somewhere in between.
The sky is clear. The light of the midsummer sun drenches the roof of the tent. There is no cloud shadow that can help.
Yata shook her hand and said "Uh."
"Okay... Oh, I'm going home."
Raise his back and return to the saddle with an unnatural pose.
"Oh, tell me what happened next."
He bracketed his index finger and middle finger and held it in front of him, but he was cold and sweating.
"Ah... Please do it in time..."
Aya said, "Thank you! Thank you for your cooperation."
When Aya was alone, she sat on the bench in the shade with the baton in her hand.
A two-dimensional barcode is engraved on a flat wooden stick with the word "Hit!"
It was a special summer vacation mission broadcast by "Jungle" for version B users.
Those who win the hit ice cream sold at a limited number of convenience stores will receive "the item that makes the summer break stronger" as a gift. The "object" of "Jungle" is said to be a transient supernatural power that can be separated from the "King" of "Jungle". Aya has yet to see.
Will the summer holidays be the strongest? What's going on?
In the “Jungle” mission, if you take a wrong step, some serious and dangerous things roll like a crime stick, but on the other hand, very childish entertainment can be planned. Who is the "King"? There are times when she thinks he can be a child instead of an adult.
Launch the app and hold her camera over the two-dimensional barcode as she taps. The camera automatically adjusted the focus and read the 2D barcode.
"Congratulations on winning, Shell!"
A booming sound effect echoed through the speakers and the mascot character Jean Pii appeared on the screen.
"The element that makes 'summer holidays the strongest' is presented to Shell."
On screen, Jean Pii quickly spun the lottery machine, which spins an octagonal wooden box, which is often used in draws. As soon as the yellow ball rolled out of the exit, the sound of the bells was loud.
"Congratulations!" Summer Festival Hero Set!"
Summer Festival... Set of Heroes...?
Aya, who was looking at the lottery results while holding her chest high, coughed coldly.
"What is that?"
Nothing interesting.
With a dog character mask on her head, dipping a red apple candy with a coloring agent into her mouth, and pushing a yo-yo of water that dangles from the middle finger of her right hand sharply, Aya is animated in the fair. It rots inside and comes out.
At the end of the path, kick the garbage that was in the driveway. It does not matter if the hem of the yukata is altered.
It didn't seem like anyone else was coming alone. Everyone happily watches the stalls with friends and family.
Who would become a hero in this place? She can't brag to anyone because she has no one to come with.
A sound of water rising near her was heard, and the boy began to cry,
Looking at him, there was a puddle at the feet of a first grader from elementary school. A rubber band with the remains of a water yo-yo hanging from it is attached to the finger of a child who covers his eyes with his fist and cries. Although his mother reassured his, he stepped on the ground saying, "No! I want a new one!" Aya screamed at the sharp scream that pierced the eardrum and approached the boy.
"Take it."
When he turned around and pushed the water yo-yo in his right hand, the crying stopped. The eyes and cheeks of the boy who was staring at the watery yoyo with a beautiful blue marble pattern that trembled in front of his, were dry.
He's not crying... That's why she hates children.
"I'm sorry. It's yours."
The mother refused.
"I do not need it. I'll give you all of this too. I do not want it.''
Aya said, not only her right hand but also her left hand, and hung it up in front of the boy. In the left hand, there are eight colored water yo-yos that are arranged vertically with rubber bands. It is Aya who offers him everything because she is angry.
"Your mask is amazing! Have you got it all?!"
"Thanks to you."
Her brave mother's jaw closed and she responded, walking with the apple candy in her mouth again.
"Ah? Do you want to be stingy in our business?"
In front of a certain position, a person spoke with a bad voice to customers.
The stall sign says "shoot." Gifts such as toys and sundries are displayed on the platform, and guests with a BB gun filled with cork bullets line up in front of the long desk. It looked like one of the customers and a hat-wearing, hard-eyed employee was fighting on the other side of the long desk.
"I used five shots to calculate and make sure he could fall. There's something behind that that it can't fall."
He responded with about a tenth of the squeaky voice to the one in the store, that person has a slim back with a T-shirt.
"Isn't Saruhiko?"
Aya stopped her legs and raised her head.
"Isn't it your arm problem? I'll sue you for business interruption."
From the other side of the desk, the clerk faces Fushimi. His brow is furrowed as if regretting a bad smell.
"Saruhiko. I didn't think you would come to a festival like this. What kind of game are you playing?"
Fushimi turned to Aya's voice. However, he didn't change his expression at all, she said, "What are you doing?"
"What is that? I didn't find you because I wanted to."
"If that's the case, I'm busy now."
Fushimi quickly leaves Aya, who is outraged by what he says, turns to see the store clerk. Aya looked away when she noticed a child clinging to Fushimi's waist.
"Absolutely spot on, a Saru ball! Hit Nakamado's transformation set!"
“There's no use hitting him, dummy. It's a rule that you have to beat it.''
“It's cheating. Do not cheat!"
And even a smaller girl holding a child's hand screamed, and Aya was shocked.
"Oh, and that hidden boy?!"
"I do not know."
Immediately disproved by Fushimi by showing the coldness of absolute zero in the lens of the glasses.
"Yata and this little..."
"Oh, Misaki's younger brother and sister... What happened to Misaki?"
"I'm going with my brother!"
The boy upstairs yells around, "Ni-chan, Ponponpipi!" The girl said and laughed.
"Well... Misaki-kun and this girl..."
It's silly and annoying. After calling him nasty, Aya convinced his younger brother and sister, thinking he was there.
"I'll ask you just in case, but is Misaki-kun sick to his stomach...?"
"I don't know. It's some ice cream. Surely, because of that big eater, I became the babysitter for these little ones."
"Look, Nii-chan. If you're convinced, don't open the space. Is it a nuisance to the waiting customers?"
In front of Fushimi's face, the clerk waved his hat to avoid it. "Who's convinced..." Fushimi was trying to pay, sucking dust and coughing. However, the younger brother pushed Fushimi's buttocks back and said, "I still haven't received Nakanama's transformation set!"
Aya turned her mouth into a V shape and looked at the situation, but exhaled with a sigh and threw 500 yen at the table in the store.
“If you buy a bullet, you are still a customer. Give me five shot opportunities."
She changes places pushing Fushimi, who has a mysterious look.
"Which one do you want?"
"Nakanama Transformation Set!"
A large box of toys was displayed in the place the younger brother pointed out, such as a special seat on the platform. Certainly, even if the stand is hidden behind, if it is that size, it cannot be seen from the front.
"Hm. It is an easy victory."
With a snort, Aya received the air pistol and cork ammunition that the store manager handed her.
“Can you take it down, miss? I will not accept complaints after having used five shots."
"Alright. Instead, if I defeat it clearly, that's not to complain."
Before setting up, she takes the chest pad out of her yukata and operate the app. Standard summer festival items such as "collect goldfish" and "throw rings" are displayed in the item list. Since it's a one-time disposable item, the "yo-yo fish" she used for a while has disappeared from the list.
Element "trigger", activated.
For a moment, her entire body was enveloped in a sensation of running static electricity, and she was sucked into her weapon.
"It's a spectacle to see Aya's skill."
She spread her legs over her shoulders, holding the gun at eye level and staring. "Do your best, sister!" "Go!"
Cheers flew not only from Yata's younger brother and sister, but also from Nojima, who was guarding the stall, saying, "You can, princess! Good luck!"
The gun made a soft sound and a cork bullet came out of the muzzle, she wondered if a harmless cork bullet would put out a green light.
A sound that she couldn't think of as a cork bomb exploded and blew up the prize. After all, the support and awards hidden behind fell off the pedestal, and cheers roared from behind, "Is that a lie?!"
"Incredible! It can't fall!"
"What do you mean it can't go down? Isn't it a scam if you have a business that won't go down?"
"That's right, I promised you I wouldn't complain if you clearly defeated it!"
When the clerk was caught in front of Aya, he got scared and said, "I'm sorry..."
"Take your prize! Don't come back!"
"Great! The Red!"
The sister leaned to the edge of the aquarium and pointed to a goldfish swimming in the water. Fushimi sighed and grabbed the neck of the sister who was about to fall headfirst into the water.
In the aquarium crowded with parents and children holding a net made of plastic wrapped in Japanese paper, red, white, or red-and-white marbled chairs, the goldfish is swimming vertically and horizontally. Like a large candy containing only a few grains in a small plum flavored candy, there were a few buns mixed in with a headache.
"Do I like the one that isn't cute...?"
While muttering, Aya operates the app and selects an item from the list.
"Do you want a very cute one?"
While muttering, Aya operates the app and selects an item from the list.
The item "Collect goldfish" is activated. The selected fish glowed green.
Rolling up the yukata sleeves, Aya put a net in the aquarium in the spirit of "Let's go!"
The net that ran through the water, picked up the goldfish and bounced off the surface. An exceptionally large gold-colored ranchu leapt high into the air, splashing water under the lights of the stalls. The ranchu is the first to allow it to be taken to the bowl Aya put in.
Jump inside, the rest of the fish fell similarly.
As the night deepened, the crowds of people who began to cool off at night began to catch up. Children who sleep on their parents' backs are transported home in a quiet whisper.
Yata's sister was sleeping on Fushimi's back with a plastic bag that held the goldfish on her wrist. A balloon art dog is tied to the other of the two small hands that hang from Fushimi's shoulder and flutters over Fushimi's shoulder.
A while ago, the younger brother, who was still cheerfully chewing cotton candy and takoyaki, suddenly fell silent, grabbed the hem of Aya's yukata and tried to walk down. Nakanama's box, which he had been appreciating, was about to slip, and Aya had no choice but to pull it out of the boy's hand and hold it in her armpit.
"You used something strange."
"Hmm. It didn't matter because it didn't make you feel uncomfortable."
"If it's unpleasant, it's unpleasant, but the reason I made a loan is because I couldn't handle it if Yata wasn't there and he was too busy with the kids..."
Fushimi was different than usual, saying that he was relieved that she carried the brother who fell asleep.
Aya looked at the PDA. Almost all items in the item list have been exhausted, only one remains.
“I returned the loan to Misaki-kun. The latter can be used to fulfill Aya's wishes, right?"
She wants to be a hero, not someone's hero.
Hold down and grip the bottom of the yukata tightly. The toes sandwiching the geta's clogs were red and rubbed. At first she was angry when she wondered why she was wearing a yukata.
Are you aware of the unusual appearance? Don't you pay attention?
She can hear the sound of her heart clearly under the obi.
"Saruhiko. Why don't we watch the fireworks together...?"
The small voice was disturbed by the small vibration.
Fushimi held the sister's buttocks with one hand and pulled his fingers out of his pocket.
"Hah. He finally broke free from the bathroom."
With a sigh of jealousy, she looks around and begins to reply to check the benchmarks.
During that short span of time, Aya's floating heart recovered.
The sound of her heart was strong due to the tight band that she did not get used to. This made her emotions confuse. She seems silly...
"Oh, you were there. Oh, Saruhiko!"
She can see Yata running through the access, feeling like her cheeks are thin.
"I don't care. He came, and he couldn't get away from the bathroom. He finally cut everything off."
“These brother and sister of yours. I can't keep up with them."
Aya was terrified that she would often say out loud that she was grumpy, and took the boy's hand and pulled her away from her yukata. Push the toy box into the hand of the younger brother who sways with one sleepy eye.
"Aya is going home. I'm already on hand with Misaki-kun."
She yelled back, clicked her clogs, and left the place. Fushimi's reaction was not seen. She didn't expect to be stopped, but they didn't even call her.
She seems silly. She really looks silly... Aya doesn't think she can become that heroine.
"Why did you have a big ice cream after all?"
"Oh, actually, I meet Ogai at noon."
When he hears Yata's story, the line from the woman on the left side, who said she had filled in the holes, matched up. In other words, he was the main cause. Fushimi regretted feeling a little blessing and his tongue slipped out.
"Still, I have a lot of things! Was it really fun?"
As he accepted Megumi from Fushimi's back, Yata was impressed and looked around at his brother's hands. "Thanks for all the kindness, Saruhiko." Although he said thanks, he didn't get it, so Fushimi looked away.
Megumi's lips, which had moved to Yata's arm, were swaying and she had one eye half open.
"Oh, Nichan. Where's Nee-chan?"
"Nee-chan? Were you with someone?"
Following Megumi's gaze, Yata looks around mysteriously.
Minoru tugged on Yata's shorts to make his eyes sparkle.
“Oh, my masked sister! She's so cool, she's super cool! She was the goddess of the festival!"
"Festival goddess? Seriously, I wanted to see her too!"
"That is not true."
Fushimi, who rushed inside with half-narrowed eyes, rolled his eyes and hit Yata,
"Ah, because here is a sanctuary, is there a god?"
Assuming that there really is a god written in this shrine, it would be a punishment to equate it with Aya Ogai.
Well, should I thank the shrine gods? It is a pain to correct it and turn it into an achievement of that woman. What is sown is reaped.
"The festival is over!"
Looking at the grounds where the posts were being removed, Yata smiled a little alone. Yata is the man of the festival more than anyone. It would have been a shame if the festival wasn't completed because it was a round trip to the bathroom.
"Ah... fireworks..."
Yata suddenly screamed and looked as he approached the approach.
Hyururururu… A thin line of light rose from the ground, and a refreshing sound erupted, and a large flower bloomed in the night sky.
"Why, there were still fireworks! Why did everyone go home without seeing the fireworks?"
Fushimi frowned, as the Yata clan brothers were incredibly innocent, while there was a plan for the fireworks at today's fair.
Hyurururu... Bapappan!
Rays of light rise one after another from the ground that has sunk into darkness, and colorful flowers of various sizes illuminate the night sky with force. The indigo sky turns gunpowder white. Yata breathes comfortably into his lungs,
"I think this summer, this summer smells like this. They don't feel like they've finally come to the festival! Minoru! Megumi!"
"Nichan, what is that?"
"I don't know. That's what you say."
"Well, ok."
While listening to the Yata family's conversation, Fushimi stopped thinking deeply.
Today there were some mysterious things, but he thinks that often when he sees Yata he is very good.
The smell of gunpowder comes with the smoky summer breeze. It was the smell of summer that he notices only after getting involved with the Yata family.
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knybits · 5 years
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↳ kochou shinobu x reader 
↳ Geniuses within the same field yet rivals within each other’s eyes, your colleagues wonder when the sexual tension will break so that you two will become the department’s powerhouse couple so that they can enter you two into the couples contest against the other departments. Some things might have to be done by force.
↳ cursing, alcohol, smut  
↳ look bros,,, i KNOW that it’s supposed to be last name first then first name,,, but the setting here is like idk fucking harvard or oxford lets get crazy. basically youre not in japan and youre a big brain bitch youre welcome. also,,, please drink responsibly and ask for consent. stay safe :,)
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It’s not like you always hated the genius that is Shinobu Kochou. 
Besides yourself, she’s the other shining diamond within the chemistry department. The transfer student from Japan that doesn’t let her language barrier hold her back. In fact, she might even be more fluent in English than you (which is dumb because it’s your mother tongue but hey, she’s the genius here remember?) 
Lilac painted nails with no chips and red glossed lips is Shinobu Kochou. Wrinkless lab coat and a face free of goggle imprints after an experiment is Shinobu Kochou. She’s pristine and a league above you (she might even be super rich but you could never find out.) 
Sometimes she would slip out Japanese phrases or mumble in Japanese under her breath, so you know that her voice sounds the exact same no matter which language she speaks. It’s sweet like honey- a complete trap- and it intoxicates those around her to do her bidding (she’s a witch and you’d be damned to be proven wrong because this bit of information will go down with you.) 
You’ve never spoken to her so you know that your dislike is misplaced. A mature adult would admit that this hate is more so envy, but fuck that. 
Shinobu Kochou is perfect, flawless, an angel, and you hate it. 
It doesn’t help that she would smile in your direction at times and wave a hand at you with nothing but kindness. You ignore her, of course, and your colleagues can’t fathom why you would walk past the princess without even acknowledging her. 
And yet, for some reason, you find half of your department on their knees in front of you. 
“Please date Shinobu! You’re our last hope!!” Your friend cries out, shoving a crummy “free beer on me” coupon she literally wrote up on a bright pink sticky note on her way over to you with 16 other people in tow. 
“You want me to do what?” 
Someone else steps forward to produce a flyer that another random department pasted up around the school. When you snatch the paper from them, the first thing you read is “department couple” and immediately decide to crumple the paper up. 
“Wait! You didn’t even read it!” 
“I’ve read enough,” you seethe, steam pour from your mouth as everyone cowers in fear of your sleep deprived self. 
“C’mon (F/n)!” Your friend whines, draping herself over you and grovelling at your feet. “All the other departments are taking part in it! Each department pitches in $500 per couple and then they compete! Whichever couple wins receives the whole pool of money for their department!” 
“Does everyone here even have enough money to pitch in $500??” 
Someone else pipes in, “For a chance at over $6,000? We’re willing to take it.” There’s a low murmur of agreement from everyone and you roll your eyes. Everyone begins to throw empty promises at you (about as worthless as the crappy pink sticky note in your hand) before you narrow your eyes into a deathly glare at the crowd. 
“There’s no way in hell you idiots will get me to date Shinobu Kochou. I’d rather an experiment blow up in my face than date her,” with those final words you storm away, lab coat fluttering the least bit for stupid dramatic effect and everyone is left speechless. 
You’re in the middle of heating up your cup ramen when your roommate (the one that “gifted” you a free beer coupon) comes home, shuffling in. She has a guilty look on her face that bleeds “this is just for show.”  
Araceli drapes herself across the counter for your attention but you decide not to pay her any mind, instead taking your cup ramen- fork stuck through the lid to keep the hot steam in- to the couch and turning the TV on. 
You have three minutes to find a show to watch, but that plan goes to shit when Araceli groans aloud for your attention. 
“What,” you snap and Araceli comes crawling over from the counter and into your side on the couch, her arms wrapped around your waist. 
“I feel bad-” 
“No you don’t.” 
She keeps going despite your rude interruption, “But everyone in the department decided to go to the club tonight. I owe you more than just one drink, so pleaaaassseee,” she bats her eyelashes at you (they’re incredibly long and you’re envious them.) 
Araceli’s puppy dog face always gets you to cave and you find yourself angrily shoving some half cooked noodles into your mouth. That response is enough for her to cheer, squeezing you even harder than she already is. 
“Your wallet better be prepared,” you quip as you resume a show you desperately need to catch up on. You don’t catch the mischievous glint in her eyes, yourself already pinned to the plot of your show as it does its job to empty your head. 
Clubs aren’t really your scene. 
You used to go to them often when you started out as a freshman in college, but it lost its charm by your junior year. Now you prefer drinking in your apartment, every month or so slipping back onto campus to conduct some random experiments to allow Araceli her time with whoever she brought home. 
There’s something about a club that lets you (loosely) compare it to a masquerade ball (loosely.) Music plays and alcohol burns so strongly within everyone’s systems that they can’t see the face of the person they’re grinding on. Oh, and within their respective timelines, you have to dress up for both a ball and a club. 
In one of your more scandalous outfits, you can’t help but check yourself out in the mirror before dipping because damn do you look HOT and everybody better take some fucking notes. You confidence shoots up when Araceli whistles the second you step out of your room, and the two of you drive to the club a couple blocks from the college. 
Before you two step into the booming building, Araceli waves wildly at her boyfriend with a bright smile. They give each other a quick kiss in greeting and a sudden thought crosses your mind. 
“Why don’t you two enter the contest?” 
Araceli tuts at you, wagging a finger in disappointment before saying, “See? This is why you have to read the whole poster dear roomie. The couple has to be two people from the same department.” Unfortunately, her boyfriend is from the modern literature department (how they met, you have no clue.) 
The three of you make your grand entrance and everyone within your department (making up most of the club right now) scream with delight before ushering you over. A shot of tequila is pushed into your hands and you smile before downing your first drink of the night.
With a never ending stream of alcohol being passed into your hands and some good fucking music (the club on the other side of town has some down right god awful music that the math department and social science department likes) you finally let your hair down. Every once in a while, some sad drunk would cry to you, apologizing for asking you to do something you don’t want to do. When they hear your laugh over the loudspeaker they laugh with you, and another drink is passed into your hands. 
The bass shakes the room and you jump to the beat, cheering and whooping during every drinking game. Araceli hangs off your shoulders when you both take a shot at the same time, and her boyfriend leads her onto the dance floor. 
You’re sober enough- barely-  to watch your best friend with fond eyes, her boyfriend and she dancing like idiots to the music and laughing as if they’re little kids. They’re horribly off beat when they jump but watching Araceli have the time of her life is enough to make you happy, and you’re glad you went to the club. 
Araceli catches your eye from across the room and she stumbles towards you, taking ahold of your hand before handing you one last shot. 
“Down it and let’s dance!!!” She yells and you do as told, throat burning and ears barely picking up her cheers as she drags you onto the dance floor. 
By this time you’re actually honest to god shitfaced, but that’s fine. The music shifts and people that recognize the song go apeshit, yelling and jumping all at once at the bass drop. Araceli dances with her boyfriend, but the second you blink she’s gone with the rest of the crowd and you’re left alone to dance on your own. 
When a song that you recognize starts to play you begin to sing along, but your voice gets caught when someone backs up into you. What was an innocent bump quickly turns into something more and now you’re one of the blackout drunk idiots that isn’t aware of who is grinding on them. 
You can tell it’s a female when your hands move to grip her waist, and her back presses up against your chest. She smells of lavender and sweat, and her jet black hair tickles your nose. You can’t help but smile at this new feeling, and she makes a daring move to take one of your hands and lift it to grope her left breast. 
With a hum of delight, you loop your finger around a belt band and twirl her around to face you. All you can see is big amethyst eyes, half lidded and staring pointedly at your lips. 
“Can I kiss-!” You try to yell over the music, but that’s enough of an ‘okay’ to this mystery woman before her lips are greedily pressed to your’s. 
There’s instant tongue, and you don’t expect anything less from someone so bold. She’s somehow slipped a hand under your shirt, feeling her way up your chest and you move a hand to grip her ass. 
That’s the last thing you remember before your mind blanks from the ecstasy that is this mystery woman. There’s the brief flash of stumbling into an Uber, a soft and breathy voice giving directions as you suck on her neck like some teenager. 
Then there’s the feeling of silk bed sheets, your fingers dripping wet after fucking her senseless and the look of excitement in her eyes as you lick up all her juices, tongue gliding up your digits. 
At some point you have her slammed up against the walls and at another point your tongue explores her pretty little cunt. The constant sound of moaning, pleading, begging and you calling her a “good girl” circles through your head (though the latter is something you find yourself embarrassed about.) 
Your eyes open to bright sunlight and a royal bitch of a headache. A low groan rumbles from the back of your throat and you bury your head into the pillows, but the scent throws you off because this is not your pillow. 
When you look over the edge of your side of whoever’s bed you’re in, you catch sight of condom wrappers and your clothes scattered across the room. You also see a blindfold, but you decide not to think too hard back on that memory. 
Warm arms slide its way around your waist and you freeze in surprise. A sickly sweet giggle fills your ears and when you turn to face the person you spent the night with your face pales considerably. 
Shinobu Kochou, the witch herself, smiles at you peacefully. Her lipstick is smeared and there are a plethora of hickies scattered across her neck (you can only assume that there are more under the covers) but the sunlight bounces off her cheekbones so nicely it irritates you. 
“Good morning (F/n). Did you sleep well?” Shinobu coos, and your life spirals into hell. 
[ Next Chapter ]
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blazehedgehog · 4 years
Sorry to ask this, but what are your thoughts on Dunky's "I'm Done Making Good Videos" with regards to content you aspire to author vs what the average joe actually searches for
I don’t know if I’m the best person to be asking this, really.
Let’s get fully inside baseball here. Let’s pull the curtain all the way back. Actually, let’s burn down the curtain. I’m going to overshare like hell right now. Get ready for the most stream-of-consciousness rambling ever, because a lot of this has been boiling in my head and dying to get out.
For the entirety of my Youtube channel, I’ve pretty much only ever done what I want to do. Very rarely do I chase trends, or do what’s hot, or even do what people want me to do. I do whatever I feel like doing.
I have paid the price for that. My Youtube channel is 15 years old as of this year, and only now am I slowly inching towards 25,000 subscribers. I am incredibly inconsistent. What’s my channel post? Well, a couple times a year, maybe I put together an edited essay/review for a game. But I also sometimes post random, unedited, uncommentated gameplay footage. Maybe it’s a fan game, maybe it’s a gameplay demo, maybe it’s Fortnite. Sometimes, I also post remastered video game music. Every Halloween, I dump a bunch of one-off horror Let’s Plays on to my channel. And then, there’s the podcast.
I know exactly what my problems are. I don’t specialize enough, and I don’t put content out fast enough. Because most Youtube channels are, like, “shows”, right. The Did You Know Gaming show. The Markiplier show. The Angry Video Game Nerd show. And you can point at those and say exactly what they are in two sentences or less.
Did You Know Gaming specializes in informative videos uncovering obscure facts you might not know about popular video games.
Markiplier is a Youtuber that does Let’s Play videos for video games, primarily horror games, but he also focuses on general comedy skits and things of that nature.
The Angry Video Game Nerd is about one guy’s over the top reactions to bad video games.
What does BlazeHedgehog do? Well, he does a lot of Sonic fan content, but sometimes he does horror let’s plays, and sometimes he does multiplayer compilation videos sort of like Criken, but he also does music, and sometimes he makes video games and puts out videos of that, and in general he’s really low energy and sometimes there will be three or four weeks between uploads. Also he sounds like Booger from Revenge of the Nerds Snot from Family Guy (apparently).
If you come to my channel for something specific, you have to put up with everything else I upload. I could start separate channels for that content, but the barrier to entry on Youtube is so massive now that I would effectively sending those channels to their death. Videos that get 200-500 views on my main channel would get 10 views or less if they were on their own self-contained alt-channel.
So I languish. I struggle. I suffer. Youtube shows me red down arrows to tell me just how much worse I’m doing now than my last flash-in-the-pan success.
I’ve tried to chase success. It just makes me sad. I have a sense of humor, but I don’t think I can make “funny videos” like some people can. My Sonic 06 glitch video did gangbusters ten years ago, but I don’t often like kicking games when they’re down. It was a struggle to make that Sonic Boom glitch montage and that’s the reason I never followed through with Part 2 like I said I would.
My only wish is that people appreciate honesty. My Youtube channel might be a scattered mess, but that’s who I am. And more than anything, I think that’s what Dunkey’s video was about. His whole joke was about switching from thoughtful or funny videos to becoming a content farm for whatever is currently popular.
I’ve brought it up a few times here and there over the last few months, but I’ve had several brushes with the Fortnite side of Youtube recently. And there are so many dudes over there who are what I would generously call “grifters.” I follow Hypex on Twitter and routinely check Firemonkey and ShiinaBR because they datamine future Fortnite updates and often have the scoop days, weeks or sometimes months in advance.
Near the end of season 3, all three of them mentioned they had datamined “the next season” but wouldn’t say what it was because they didn’t want to spoil what was coming (the marvel season). They mentioned there were “others out there” that were spoiling things, but wouldn’t say who. I wanted to spoil myself, so I turned to Youtube.
And Youtube was a nightmare. Over and over and over, I would encounter tons of people downright thriving on the same grift. It’s an open secret that Youtube prioritizes longer videos, so if your video is under ten minutes (or I think now 8 minutes), the algorithm isn’t going to be as nice to you and won’t promote your video as well, and you aren’t going to get as much advertising money because fewer people are going to sit through a video advertisement that’s a quarter of your video’s entire length. Longer videos are more profitable for Youtube, and by extension, for the user uploading them.
So it was video after video of these guys making big bold claims about how they had all the answers on what the next season of Fortnite was, and you’re thinking, “oh wow, it’s a 17 minute video, they’re going to spoil everything!”
You load the video up and it’s some guy in his streamer man cave, he’s got his webcam on, and he loads in to a match of Fortnite with his squad. Keep in mind, this video was pitched as a news report of sorts, a big spoiling of future content... and it’s just a guy playing Fortnite with a crew. In the few seconds between matches as he queues for the next one, he stops to deliver a single shred of information, most of which start with “Hypex said...”
The one thing you came to this video for and it’s scattered like breadcrumbs across a 17 minute video of a guy just playing normal matches Fortnite to fill time. It’s not information they acquired for themselves, they all just regurgitate what Hypex said, or what other channels reported Hypex saying. 17 minutes of padding for scraps of second-hand leaks. And I found dozens of these channels, all repeating the same format, all repeating the same specks of leaked information, and all of them had 150,000 to 200,000 views on each of their videos in less than 24 hours. That’s hundreds of dollars per video on a format to scam the system.
But that’s a content farm. Those dudes are vultures. I have a hard time believing their hearts are really in it. I know it’s not a term that’s really in vogue anymore, but I see that as “selling out.” They know what they are doing and it’s to make money, not to make a community better. I mean, one of those videos was a guy who was reading Marvel comic hero profiles off of Wikipedia because it sounded like he literally did not know who guys like Iron Man, Thor and Wolverine even were. How are you in touch enough with pop culture that you’re cranking out factory-fresh Fortnite content for Youtube but you don’t know who Thor is? Answer: because you don’t really care and you’re in it for the money. Gotta hit that 15 minute threshold and put in six mid-roll ad breaks.
I could be that guy. That’s kind of what I was hoping “This Kinda Sucks” would turn in to, which would be sort of a rant video series like The Jimquisition or something. But I did not have the interest or energy to keep that up. So you get a playlist with two videos on it.
I’m sure Dunkey was just funnin’ around. Dude has 6 million subscribers. But for me, like... what he said in the video is mostly true. Following your heart and making thoughtful content you are personally interested in won’t pay the bills. I mean, as I predicted, that Jurassic Park video launched to the sound of crickets chirping. My most hardcore fans and a few curious onlookers checked it out but that was it. I’ve been working on that video since August, and it’s something my viewer base did not care about. But I cared about it, and that’s important for the long-run, I think.
The other problem, sort of a disconnect, is that I’m lucky to be in the position I’m in. I think guys like Dunkey probably make all of their money from places like Youtube and Twitch and Patreon and that’s their career. That work pays all of their bills.
My work does not pay my bills. Or it does, but it’s not enough to pay all of my bills. I am lucky enough right now that I am in a living situation where I can make fractions of money in intermittent spurts. That won’t always be the case. But for now, I get to be honest, and I get to follow my heart in whatever random, chaotic direction it feels like going that particular day. Dunkey faces a different sort of pressure than I do.
All of this is to say I have no idea what I’m doing, I guess. I make the content I want to see.
That being said, I increasingly think about something I heard Woolie say early on when he went solo for his WoolieVS channel, and that was the idea of “One for you, one for me, one for us.”
Because I’ve had more than one friend burn out doing, like, Twitch streams and stuff. You hear about Youtubers who get sick of being shackled to new releases or whatever’s popular. At some point these people wake up and realize they’ve had this struggle, maybe made some money in the process, but they’re miserable because they don’t get to do what they want to do. They’re always being pushed forward by the fans that are behind them.
The “One for you, one for me, one for us” mantra does at least keep you a little more sane. Balance in all things, right? So that Jurassic Park video, it can flop. It’d be nice if it didn’t flop, given what time of the year it is, but it’s a video for me. I have other video ideas in the chamber that I know will be for my audience, or “for us.”
I just have to stay true to myself, and to my messy brain.
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almea · 5 years
I’ve rewatched the fight 500 times, and that like. Boom sound effect for the slow motion as Yang’s activating her semblance is so weirdly satisfying. It was like. Loudly telegraphing that the most awesome shit you’ve ever seen was able to go down.
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partygaming914 · 4 years
How to swiths f1-12 to f1-12 on dell inspiron 7000 gaming
Gaming Blogs UK Top rated 10
On the web Gambling Sites covers the entire business of gaming more than the Web. Our initial company strategy was to start out in the UK marketplace and then move on to Europe in 18 months and to the rest of the globe in 36 months. Even so factors didn't go quite to program simply because within the initially 6 hours of going reside we sold 400 games in Japan. This meant that from the commence we were constantly going to be a international organization. Green Man Gaming has been listed as the 53rd biggest exporter in the UK out of 354,000 SMEs in the Sunday Instances SME Export Track 100 list.
Much less developed countries like Indonesia and Philippines have drawn much less consideration from app publishers. Fashion and trends in mobile gaming in these nations have been heavily influenced by Western markets, with inroads from China, Japan and South Korea. In Indonesia, globally well-known games like Clash of Clans and Candy Crush Saga took five of the top rated 10 spots by revenue and 7 spots by downloads in December 2014. In Philippines, worldwide leaders took an even larger share: six of the top 10 spots by income and the whole top 7 by downloads. On the other hand, in contrast to in Japan or South Korea, Supercell and King did not rely on massive Tv and outside advertising campaigns to acquire customers and climb up ranks. It appears that the growth in these 5 emerging Southeast Asian markets was far more organic. In Indonesia and Philippines customers have been acquired a lot more by means of advertising automation channels such as Facebook.
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Did you know that Mobile games now account for 51% of international revenues in the gaming industry followed by Console games (25%) and Computer Games (24%) 62% of smartphone owners set up a game inside a week of finding their phones and Mobile Games now account for far more than 43% of total time spent on smartphone. Check out our infographic on The State of Mobile Gaming Industry” for newest mobile gaming statistics and trends.
Your blog ought to be a exciting and fascinating interest, no matter what you want to get out of it. Strategy and create content that is interesting to you, not because you feel that you have to create it. Get inspiration from other gaming bloggers for some wonderful topics and become a component of the community by engaging with others' content.
Bit things continue to grow up and platform was changed differently. Google and Apple changed their algorithms handful of time and this shake complete App search outcomes. Platforms fixes their early problems and if you don't forget Balmer's joke "Who's gonna invest in $500 telephone? individuals get started to purchased $500 phones. Also stable platform bring "BigGuys" there like EA, GameLoft in gaming industry or Adobe, Autocad in graphic apps. This takes place about 2011-2012.
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You initially convinced your self that you would try one particular or two board games, but somehow you've ended up spending a lot of income on new board games and come to accept that board gaming is your new hobby. You commit your paychecks on normal impulse board gaming buys and kick starters. You religiously watch your favourite youtube channel and you have decided to attempt and find matching game players who have related tastes for you to play games. You start out seeking for the greatest offers on Amazon and you are kick-beginning each and every modern day new board games coming out. Despite the fact that the big signal that you're at this stage is that your secret birthday wishlist's for your good friends now has board games on it.
In truth, in the realm of mobile gaming, ladies are a lot more probably to be avid participants than men! According to a 2017 Google Play and NewZoo survey , 65% of U.S. women ages ten-65 play mobile games - and that is a substantial audience. What's a lot more, according to the similar survey, girls make up practically half - 49% - of all mobile gamers, and they tend to play additional often than their male gamer counterparts, creating them much more most likely to grow to be habitual (and hence profitable) players.
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gamename436 · 4 years
What is the online gaming website
Career In Gaming
On line Gambling Websites covers the entire industry of gaming more than the Online. Our initial company program was to commence in the UK industry and then move on to Europe in 18 months and to the rest of the world in 36 months. Having said that factors didn't go fairly to plan because inside the initial 6 hours of going reside we sold 400 games in Japan. This meant that from the begin we were always going to be a worldwide corporation. Green Man Gaming has been listed as the 53rd biggest exporter in the UK out of 354,000 SMEs in the Sunday Times SME Export Track one hundred list.
The multitude of gaming news sites continues to develop as gaming emerges as a thing bigger and more worthwhile than merely a hobby. It would be an understatement to confine the role and purpose of these web-sites to news and testimonials broadcasting for each and every day, the legion of geeks and gamers is strengthened by these very gaming news web-sites. In midst of this competitors, there are numerous sites like Virteract which are emerging to the scene and putting in some really fantastic efforts to deliver you with quality content.
The X Rocker Pro H3 Audio Gaming Chair can be rightfully regarded as a really serious gamer's one particular and only gaming lounger. It comes completely integrated with 4 highly effective speakers to give you a sensational game play. And if that is not enough of the best gift for a gamer, its equally remarkable subwoofer can turn even the slightest hint of bass into a thunderous boom, additional enhancing your overall gaming practical experience. Enhancing your immersive game play are vibration motors that can be completely synchronized with the unique bass tones in your game, delivering you with shocks, jolts, and minute vibrations fairly significantly like the tactile feedback of vibration-enabled game controllers.
If you do not have a large gaming group, you have probably noticed that two-player games are really hard to find, and definitely great ones that are just as terrific for two players are even more rare. I've wracked my memory (and pestered my friends) to come up with a bunch of tabletop games that are a blast for two— not just technically playable with no extra.
You Will Thank Us - 10 Tips About GAMING You should Know
The future of India's game improvement community looks bright and there is no cause why it can not turn into the chosen destination for international gaming market. The customer base for games is increasingly expanding, particularly on mobile, and the correct e-commerce options are currently in spot to facilitate micro-transactions and ad revenue. The Indian game app developers will as a result have ample opportunity to innovate, design and style, and develop compelling game content for both the Indian and global audience.
Game makers can assistance basic leaderboards easily by working with DynamoDB. One such use case is the ability to show top rated scores for a game. If a gaming company currently retailers players' game state in DynamoDB, like players' major scores, the capacity to get prime scores can be implemented by utilizing a worldwide secondary index.
Bit points continue to develop up and platform was changed differently. Google and Apple changed their algorithms handful of time and this shake entire App search benefits. Platforms fixes their early troubles and if you recall Balmer's joke "Who's gonna purchase $500 phone? persons start off to purchased $500 phones. Also stable platform bring "BigGuys" there like EA, GameLoft in gaming market or Adobe, Autocad in graphic apps. This happens about 2011-2012.
The benefits of this cloud model for gaming? The newest gaming hardware doesn't come low-cost: hundreds of pounds for a console or thousands for a tricked-out Computer, plus the games themselves - and with gaming technologies regularly evolving, upgrading hardware just about every handful of years is mandatory to appreciate the most current titles at their most effective. By connecting to devices in the cloud, fees are lowered to a subscription fee, and the provider requires on all the responsibilities of keeping higher-end gaming systems. With no need for on-web site hardware, cloud gaming also saves space in the home and eliminates the noise and heat generated by gaming machines.
Yeah I would say this thread currently hit on the fantastic ones. Joystiq is a pretty superior newsy form web page. PA Report appears to be embracing the same virtue of GB which is to say let's not be beholden to something other than to great content. Great point is that Ben Kuchera posts other good pieces from several web-sites so its not just his voice which is quite terrific as properly. Vox Gaming I assume requirements a much better net designer but their content seems to be going in fantastic locations.
In order to make all the content material of your gaming web-site appear great on smaller sized screen sizes, you want to make positive that your online project is mobile-friendly. One particular of the very best methods to develop a responsive web page is picking a Bootstrap-based internet theme as its foundation. Operating with a Click here mobile-friendly internet site template, you may possibly neglect about the want to adjust your content material to all devices manually.
The ASTRO Gaming Headset is not your common headset that comes with a range of capabilities especially designed for enhancing your music listening experience. Alternatively, the ASTRO A50 is especially created and built for the really serious gamer especially those who play on the Personal Personal computer or even the PlayStation four game console. The ASTRO A50 comes with 7.1 Dolby surround sound technologies, providing you exceptionally loud bass and chest-thumping trebles, elegantly amplified to bring you to an out-of-this-globe adventure. The ASTRO A50 is embedded with professional excellent audio drivers in an elegant and stylish finish. It comes with its own docking station, as well.
This (Blog) is exactly where you can read every thing I know. Find out about the most effective board games for game nights in original critiques, get suggestions on every little thing from organizing to snack and drinks, and study up on inclusivity and diversity in gaming communities. There's stuff here for person players attempting to chip in on game evening, to hosts who want to (ahem) up their game, to companies interested in hosting normal board game nights.
Some like it wireless. Some choose to go old-college with wires. If you come about to belong to the latter group, you may possibly want to give the Havit HV -MS672 Wired Mouse It may well not have a really outstanding optical sensor that can run in the 16,000s, but its maximum of 3,200 DPI really should be adequate to present you with an exceptional gaming knowledge. Its DPI settings can also be adjusted to three other levels with the lowest at 800 DPI. The Havit Mouse also comes with breathing LED light effects including 7 circular LED light effects to set the mood in your game.
On the internet multiplayer shooters, like CS:GO, Fortnite, and PUBG, are at the moment dominating the gaming planet, thanks to professional gamers, eSports tournaments, Twitch streamers , and YouTube gaming channels Some games that have been released years ago are nonetheless well known currently, like League of Legends, Minecraft, World of Warcraft, Dota two, and Super Smash Bros. Melee. Other fantastic games trending now involve Overwatch, Rocket League, Super Mario Odyssey, and Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege. Other folks have spawned sequels that out play and out carry out their original games.
Their mission is to be the initial choice for gamers globally, supplying the biggest range of digital games and access to a vibrant, entertaining, worldwide gaming neighborhood that rewards gamers when they connect, play and take pleasure in immersive gaming experiences. At Green Man Gaming they want to be trusted, respected and valued by their buyers and these in their neighborhood. They have put a popular set of values at the heart of how they do business. Their values are designed to capture what they do when they are at their most effective.
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