#505 days....? 🥹
fukozawa · 2 years
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The fact that this song has made its rounds within the new generation of teens and likely will continue to do so with each new generation, honestly makes my inner teen so happy :,)
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rip-quizilla · 3 months
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Impossible to Hate You ~ Part 6
Pairing: Eddie Munson x fem!Reader
Summary: Thanksgiving, idiots in love, and unwelcome encounters in the parking lot.
Word Count: 4k
A/N: Content Warning! This chapter contains sexual harassment (grabbing at clothes, derogatory name calling).
Thank you so much @hellfire--cult for the adorable Converse divider🥹
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
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Part 6
Thanksgiving Day, 1983
Eddie had a lot of things to worry about today, but right now he was most worried about whether or not the mac & cheese he’d slaved over all morning would taste like shit. 
His sweaty hands clutched the dish towel-wrapped baking dish for dear life and mentally rolled through all of the ingredients he had read on that clipping from the Southern Living magazine he’d grabbed from the grocery store. It wasn’t as if he’d never cooked before- he could make a mean grilled cheese, and if something came in a box he hadn’t found a way to fuck it up yet. This time, however, he’d been a little out of his element. 
Wayne had been excited to finally have a use for the casserole dish that had been sitting in a cabinet unused for so long that Eddie hadn’t even known it existed. Currently, he sat relaxed in the drivers’ seat of his pickup smiling smug as hell even though Eddie had assured him multiple times that he was not about to meet Eddie’s girlfriend… just a friend. 
No matter how much Eddie tried to hammer that point into Wayne’s skull, however, he still smiled that stupid knowing grin every time your name came up in conversation, as if he knew something Eddie didn’t. 
“You seem nervous.” Wayne commented, keeping his eyes trained on the road ahead as he lazily turned the truck into your neighborhood. 
Eddie glared at the tin foil topped dish in his lap. “Well, I’ve never made this recipe before, I keep picturing everyone taking a bite and immediately spitting it into their napkins.”
Wayne snorted, shaking his head softly and guiding the steering wheel with one hand. “Son, it’s pasta and cheese. Pretty hard to mess that up too bad.” 
“Yeah, well…” Eddie harrumphed. “I’m sure I found a way somehow.”
Wayne smiled softly at his nephew’s smitten nerves, parking the pickup with a jerky stop at the curb of your house. “505, right? This is the one?”
Watching smugly as Eddie stared out the window at your house, Wayne waited about four seconds before he asked, “Are you gonna get out of the car today, or…?”
Cue the sound of the car door opening and Eddie grumbling a sassy muttered retort of I’m going old man, calm down, or something along those lines. Wayne pretended not to catch it. 
You opened the door before Wayne and Eddie could even get to the door, and when Eddie’s eyes landed on you? His uncle could just tell. The smile that exploded on his nephew’s face was all it took.
“Oh here, let me take that-”
“No, no, it’s fine Ace, I got it.” Eddie reassured you, swooping the casserole dish away from your eager hands. He nodded in Wayne’s direction, directing you to do the same as he introduced the only family member of his that you’d heard of at all in your time as friends. “This is my Uncle Wayne.” 
Your eyes shone, welcoming and warm, and Wayne understood in an instant how you’d had such an effect on Eddie in less than a year. Since he’d started spending time with you, Eddie Munson had become the kind of young man who did his homework without being asked. He’d even gotten a job at the mall of all places and gave a portion of his earnings to his uncle to help with living expenses. 
None of the things Wayne had always loved about Eddie had gone away- the changes he’d seen in his nephew were all additions to a personality that he’d always known would take him far in life if he could just surround himself with those who brought out the best in him. People who saw that spark of Munson Magic and knew how to fan it.
Wayne could now confirm that you were one of those people.
He took your hand in his weathered and wrinkled one, pouring his approval of you into a firm and fatherly handshake. “It’s a pleasure to finally meet you, young lady.” He gestured to Eddie with a conspiratorial nod. “Nice to put a face to the name, all he does is talk about you.”
“Brrrrr, it’s cold out here!” Eddie interrupted his uncle with a hand on your back to steer you away from Wayne and into the house. “Are you cold? You look cold, we don’t need to stand out here yapping when you’re cold.” 
You smiled, following Eddie’s lead but tossing a look over your shoulder at Wayne like it was a shared secret. 
Eddie had already met your parents, so greetings were warm and familiar once the three of you had reached the foyer. Wayne was introduced to both your mom and dad before your mom noticed Eddie had brought an offering for the table.
“Edward Munson, if I’m about to find out you’re not only a shoe designer but also a cook, I might just have to extend a standing invitation for all future holidays!”
“Shoe designer?” Wayne raised an eyebrow. 
You chuckled, pointing your foot out for him to see your white (now turned a bit duller from wearing them every day) Chuck Taylors, completely covered in idle drawings from Eddie’s inability to sit still. 
Wayne gawked at the artwork on your shoes; he’d always known that Eddie was talented, but this was the first time in a long time that Wayne had really stopped and looked at his nephew’s art. The detail, the use of space and composition- it was clear that Eddie knew not only how to draw, but he had an eye for how to make his art look like it belonged on its canvas. Even otherworldly monsters- sea creatures, dragons, demonic ghouls and ghostly images- looked at home on your well-loved high tops. 
“You drew all this, Ed?”
Eddie smiled shyly, nudging your shoulder with his own. “Ah, they’re just doodles. This one over here figured out I pay better attention in class when I’m doing something with my hands. Helps me listen better.” Finally, his trademark grin reappeared, shyness replaced with snark. “Now I’m the one helping her in class.”
“All the times I’ve had to kick you so you don’t fall asleep in O’Donnell’s beg to differ.” You replied, rolling your eyes at him. This brought a good-natured ripple of laughter from everyone in the room. You all felt it- the ease with which familiarity settled in the air amongst you. Eddie felt it most of all, since he wasn’t quite accustomed to the particular familial feel of it. 
He might have been, once. But it’s been a while. 
A second later and your mom had whisked Eddie into the kitchen to set his dish down on a trivet and sent him into the living room with a steaming cup of wassail in one hand and a plate of appetizers in the other.
“There was enough food in there to feed an army,” Eddie said, bemused as he sat down next to you on the couch. “Does she know there are only five of us?” 
You toed off your shoes and let them fall to the ground before crossing your legs up on the green ottoman, fuzzied soft with wear from years of love. You leaned closer to Eddie, eyes fixed on his plate of goodies as you began to pick pieces of fruit and cheese for yourself. 
“Mom grew up with a big family,” you said, popping a juicy red grape into your mouth. “All the family recipes make enough for six at least. She could probably cut the recipes in half… but I think cooking all this food reminds her of home.” you smiled tenderly and shrugged. “We usually freeze the leftovers, but since you and your uncle are here I doubt we’ll even have to open a freezer bag. We’ll just send leftovers home with you!”
Eddie liked the sound of that. 
An hour or so passed before you all sat down to share your meal, and Eddie was amazed how quickly his nerves had dissipated in that time. The two of you sat cozied up on the couch, munching on fruit, cheese and deviled eggs. Your dad had offered Wayne a beer, and the two of them sat watching football in front of the TV until your mom gave the all-call for dinner. 
Everyone loaded up their plates, remarked on how good the food looked, thanked your mom for all of the hard work that went into today’s meal. This was quickly followed by a pointed thank you from your mother to Eddie for the “best mac ‘n cheese I’ve ever had” according to her. He was pretty sure she was just being nice, but he didn’t care. Her smile was still contagious- one of those ‘I love you no matter what’ mom smiles.
He’d forgotten about those.
He’d also forgotten what it was like to sit at a dining room table with more than three people. For a second, he’d been worried that you were all about to hold hands and pray, which wouldn’t have been ideal since all Eddie could remember about the dinner prayer was “bless us, oh Lord, for these thy gifts,” and he didn’t want to embarrass himself. 
But there wasn’t a prayer. This wasn’t a test he’d forgotten to study for, just a meal where Mom and Dad and Uncle were all happy he was here, happy each other were here. That was new. And when your dad asked Eddie how school was going, for once he had nothing but good things to report. He’d gotten a 95 on his last English test. For the first time since sophomore year, he wasn’t failing a single class. And when your dad said “Glad to hear you’re doing well, son.” Eddie felt you squeeze his thigh lightly, just above his knee. He saw Wayne smiling proudly out of the corner of his eye.
Eddie could get used to this. 
Conversation flowed easily in your family; no one felt the need to talk about the weather or ask arbitrary questions, and thankfully nobody decided that “we should go around the table and all say something we’re thankful for!”. There wasn’t a need for it. None of you needed to say it out loud to know you were all thankful for each other. For this. 
By the time dessert came around, Eddie started to think he might be dreaming. Apparently, you were the one always in charge of dessert in your household. And while he’d grown very acquainted with your chocolate chip cookies, he hadn’t been adequately prepared for your pecan pie. Or your chocolate & peanut butter sheet cake. Or the chocolate pudding/cool whip/cookie crumb whatever-it-was that you’d spooned onto his dessert plate. 
Could a person become delirious after consuming too much sugar? Eddie wasn’t sure if it was sugar that was causing him to start wondering what you’d look like making all these desserts in a kitchen that you both paid rent for, or if that was just him. It was probably the sugar.
As soon as Eddie was shoveling his last bite into his mouth, he was looking over to see if you had any left for him to mooch off of you. Your plate was empty- scraped clean, even- and then you were grabbing his empty plate and standing to take them into the kitchen. Eddie was about to pout when you looked at him knowingly and asked, “You want seconds? I’m getting seconds.”
It wasn’t the sugar. Eddie wanted to know what your signatures looked like together on a lease. And Eddie couldn’t believe it had taken him so long to finally admit to himself that he’d been nursing a crush on you since… when had it started? Eddie wasn’t sure. Somewhere between seventh grade history class and this very moment, he figured. 
He looked up at you from his seat, mouth still stuffed with pie crust and cool whip, and smiled when he noticed how pretty you looked in that sweater you were wearing. It was red- you wore red a lot, he realized. Had you always worn red this often?
You giggled, poking his cheek. “You look like a chipmunk when you smile like that.” 
His eyes followed you as you disappeared into the kitchen, and when Eddie caught a glimpse of the way Wayne was grinning at him? Well, his blush was a deeper shade of scarlet than your sweater.
The smile stayed, though. Even a punch to the jaw couldn’t knock that off Eddie’s face.
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“I wanna take you out.” 
It had taken Eddie what felt like ages to finally ask you. You were both at school, and he had been thinking about it and thinking about it and ramping himself for weeks to just grow a pair and ask you. The question had sounded smoother in his head, but now he thought he sounded vaguely frightening- sharper and more desperate than he’d hoped.
You blanched, eyes wide and mouth open to a little “O” shape that made Eddie’s heart flutter. 
You were so cute. How had he ever ignored it?
You grinned a little, “Take me out like… assassination, take me out, or…?” 
“No,” Eddie shook his head, laughing nervously, “I mean like, out. To a place. Or multiple places, if you want.” He was jumpy, his hands switching from his pockets to the strap of his backpack, to his hair, to the fraying edges of the friendship bracelet you’d tied around his wrist in July. 
“So when you say take me out, you mean like… on a date?”
There it was. You’d said it, that word. Date. It was out in the open now. 
You’d put the ball in Eddie’s court, and he should be happy about it. This was how it was supposed to be, right? He needed to be a man, take control, take the lead. But unfortunately, it had taken the majority of his bravery just to initiate this conversation.
“Do you want it to be a date?”
Just like that, he passed the ball to you. Eddie cursed himself, waiting anxiously for your response, completely at your mercy.
You looked down at your shoes covered in his doodles, at the red plaid of your flannel that you wore because you’d bought it in hopes that if he started to associate you with his favorite color, he might like you more. Like you the way you liked him.
You couldn’t say the words either… couldn’t speak them into existence without fear of sounding too desperate, too eager. So instead, you nodded yes to your doodle covered shoes and smiled at the dragon he’d drawn on the left toe.
Eddie beamed- inwardly, of course. Couldn’t let you see exactly how happy he was that you felt the same as him- he needed to be calm, to be cool. Girls liked calm and cool.
 “Then it’s a date, Sweet Tart.” He ached to sling a triumphant arm over your shoulder, but shoved his sweating hands into his pockets instead. 
You snuck a glance at Eddie, your smile refusing to leave no matter how cool you were trying to appear. Be cool, don’t act too desperate, you chided yourself. 
“It’s a date.” you repeated, beaming up at him. “When were you thinking?”
“Well,” Eddie shrugged as you both came to a stop by your locker. “Finals are next week and then we’re off for Christmas break, so I should be able to pencil you in for next Saturday night.” He leaned against the adjacent lockers, a smug smile shining down on you. 
“Pencil me in, huh?” you giggled, replacing the notebooks and folders from your last class with your supplies for the next. “I’m flattered you could fit me into your busy schedule.”
“If there’s one thing my schedule always has room for, it’s you, Ace.” 
Swooning. That was the only word for what those words made you do. You weren’t sure if Eddie was aware of the effect he had on you, but you were pretty sure you wouldn’t be able to help it if he was. 
You were actually grateful for your final exams the following week- they gave you something to focus on other than your date with Eddie. Which meant that the moment you’d finished your last exam on Friday, that date was the only thing on your mind.
Your date with Eddie. The words alone were enough to make you smile to yourself. You’d been harboring this crush on him for the better part of this year, and now he asks you on a date? Was it possible that he had felt the same way all this time? 
“You sure you’re cool if I don’t stay for the whole session tonight?” you’d asked Eddie as he’d prepared for Hellfire that afternoon, triple-checking that he wasn’t upset. It had become a routine for the two of you- your weekly presence as the one and only audience member for Hellfire’s in-game escapades. 
“Cool as a cucumber, Ace.” Eddie had replied, “You took three exams today, for crying out loud. Go take a nap.” 
When you finally conceded, he’d walked you from the gameplay table to the door, even going so far as to hold it open for you. Then, to your surprise, he’d taken your hand in his and brought it to his lips. 
“Go rest up.” He’d muttered, low enough so only you could hear. Then he’d brushed his lips against the back of your fingers, and you’d just about melted on the spot. “I’ll pick you up tomorrow at 8, Sweet Tart.”
Your hand still tingled as you thought about the feel of his lips on your skin. Now, you wanted that feeling everywhere. 
Your body was on autopilot as you made your way through the school parking lot; slushed, muddy snow sat piled up in corners and untouched patches at the edges of the lot from the on-again off-again winter precipitation over the December weeks. Your booted feet marched on toward your car, your mind entirely occupied by thoughts of tomorrow. 
You were so distracted by that thought that you didn’t notice who was waiting for you, leaned up against the trunk of your car.
“Hey there, firecracker.” 
You stopped short when your eyes snapped up to see Alan, along with a couple guys from the basketball team. Their faces were pure predatory malice as Alan eyed you up and down. 
You paused a moment, your heart rate picking up a notch when you realized just how empty the parking lot was, given the hour that had passed since the final bell. 
“I have to get home.” you muttered, keeping your eyes on the driver side door and making your best attempt to brush past the jock leaned up directly beside it, but to no avail. 
“Not so fast, you little freak.” Alan stepped into your path, a cruel smile creasing his freckled face. “We just wanted to chat!”
“You,” your voice betrayed every ounce of disbelief that you felt looking up at the meathead blocking your path to your own vehicle. “-want to chat. With me?”
“I know, I know, you’re flattered-”
“I’m not.” 
“Well you should be.” Alan peered down at you with frigid eyes. “Lord knows no guy will ever want to be seen with you now that the Freak’s got his claws in you.” 
You felt a surge of indignant fire seep into your gaze. “Piss off, asshole.” You attempted to shove past him, but Alan took a step toward you, throwing off your balance. You had to grab the bumper of the car beside you to keep from falling over, clutching at the books in your arms to avoid dropping them onto the icy pavement below. 
“I even heard he branded you.” Alan’s hot breath sent an unwelcome shiver over your skin. “Sherrie said she saw you in the locker room with… some kind of symbol… on your upper thigh, I believe?”
A biting breeze whooshed past you, but you didn’t feel it- your body had already gone ice cold. 
“Sherrie’s lying.”
“You know, I don’t think she is.” Alan’s hands crept closer toward you, ghosting fingertips across the fabric of your skirt. “But if you want to prove it to us…”
You felt your stomach drop when one of Alan’s friends stepped behind you, boxing you in. They were like vultures- to them, you were already down for the count. Ready to be picked at and preyed upon.
Slapping Alan’s hand away, you attempted once again to squeeze past him and his goons, anxious for the safety of your driver’s seat and a locked door between you and them. Unfortunately, Alan had other plans. 
“Come on,” he crooned, “girls don’t get tattoos unless they want people to see them. Go ahead and show us.”
“Go. Away.” you gritted through your teeth. 
“The Freak’s seen it, hasn't he?” Alan pressed, his hand grasping the fabric of your skirt in his fist. “What, you’ll slut yourself out for him, but not us?”
“What the fuck are you dickheads doing?” 
You’d never been so thankful to hear Robin’s voice in your life. 
Alan sneered at the unfamiliar sophomore, subtly letting go of your skirt. “Who the hell are you?” 
Robin marched up to the boy standing behind you, powering her glare with just enough ferocity that he actually moved aside. Grabbing your shoulders, Robin pulled you a good five feet from Alan and looked you square in the eye. “Are you okay?”
You nodded, pulling your car keys from the pocket of your backpack. You were anxious for something tangible to fidget with, something to ground you in where you stood, away from Alan and his wandering hands.
Once she was sure you were alright, Robin turned the full force of her fury on the boys that stood around your car. 
“Mr. Dunne was right behind me on his way out here, so unless you want me to tell him that I just found you groping a female student, I suggest you scram.” 
You saw Alan weighing his options for a moment, but eventually he stuck his hands in the pockets of his letter jacket and- thankfully- took his leave. 
“Whatever, freaks.” he muttered, strolling away like a brat who had grown up believing himself to be invincible in a system that agreed with him.  
It wasn’t until the two of you were both sitting in your car and safe behind locked doors that you finally let out the breath you’d evidently been holding. “Fuck him.” you huffed. “Fuck. Him.”
“Fuck him.” Robin agreed with an emphatic nod of her head. “Has he ever even talked to you before? That seemed… super random, honestly, I’ve never even seen him look in your direction.” 
“I may have picked a fight with him after I heard him call Eddie and I freaks in class not too long ago.” you winced, remembering how brazen you’d been that day… you’d been so bold, so fearless, but that girl was nowhere to be seen today. Instead, you’d frozen like a cornered fox surrounded by hounds. It made you feel so small, you thought you might be sick. You hated feeling this way.
“Apparently,” you continued, “his girlfriend saw my tattoo in the locker room. He said he wanted to see it for himself.” 
Robin had been the first person- and only person- you’d shown your little bat to after Halloween. She’d been pretty impressed… after she’d stopped worrying about it getting infected, of course. 
“First- ew. Gross.” Robin grimaced. “Second- are you telling me you just change in the locker room with that thing out in the open?” 
“I’m usually super careful about keeping it hidden!” you argued, “But it is a possibility that I might have been a little rushed to get to my next class at some point… I guess I wasn’t careful enough.”
A short silence settled while you mentally kicked yourself. I should have known this would happen. How could I be so careless? 
“Well,” Robin started, suddenly chipper. You knew this tone; she was about to try and cheer you up. Good luck, Rob. 
“You’re going to drive me to your house and then we’re baking cookies and watching whatever movie you want.” 
While you were still far from what you would consider over what just happened, your interest was definitely piqued. “Whatever movie I want?” you countered. 
Robin sighed. “I know what you’re about to ask, and yes, we can watch The Dark Crystal.”
The beginnings of a smile stretched across your face. “And you won’t call any of the puppets creepy at any point?”
“Let’s not go that far.” she deadpanned. “I will watch it, I will eat cookies, and I will not suggest that we turn it off before the movie is over. This is my final offer.”
For Robin, that was a pretty good deal. Your beginnings of a grin had graduated to a full-on smile as you took her hand and gave it a grateful squeeze. “You’re a good friend.”
She returned your smile, and squeezed your hand back before letting go to buckle her seatbelt. “I’m a great friend. Now start driving, I’m hungry and we’re stopping for french fries.”
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Part 7
Taglist: @rustboxstarr, @josephquinnsfreckles, @rozxartaki, @sheneedsrocknroll92, @melodymishahiddlestan , @sadlittlesquish, @clarafornerlyknownasclaire-blog , @stylesxmunson , @fishwithtitz , @elvendria , @carrotbunnies21 , @the-unforgivenn , @munson-blurbs, @writinginthetwilight, @ghost-proofbaby , @hellfire--cult
I added a few people to the taglist who’ve shown an interest in the series or have been my sounding boards during the writing process for this story. Hope y’all don’t mind!😊❤️
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sunnyrosewritesstuff · 10 months
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HURRAY!! I've reached a new follower count! 🥳🥳
Super big thanks to all of my 505 followers for continuing to follow me! I don't think I ever thought I would EVER be this big so it makes me super happy to know that I have impacted you in some way to want to follow me. 🥹🥰 Okay, I've thought about this since polls became a thing. So for:
505 (S.O.S.)- Save the One-Shots!
This is how it works. I have about 10 different one-shots that I could either write or throw away. So that's what you guys get to decide. Easy enough! The kicker is I'm only writing 5 of them. So choose wisely whether we "S.O.S." or "Let Them Drown"! 👀
Each week I'm going to post a new poll. If the one-shot survives, it'll get written the following week after the poll ends. You may have to let some darlings drown if you want others to be written.
Below you will find the list of one-shots we're playing with. Any that interest you, feel free to steal for yourself, especially if we let it drown. I'm cleaning out my plot bunny list and don't mind sharing. 😁 First poll drops later today! Be sure to check it out and vote whether we S.O.S or Let It Drown!
One-Shot Possibilities
Bodyguard Dwalin- (Bagginshield) After the Carrock, Thorin pulls Dwalin aside asking him to protect his One from harm. Dwalin had no idea how difficult a task this was going to be, but the Burglar is an accident magnet!
Bodyswap- (Bagginshield) Bilbo and Thorin wake up in each other's bodies which was annoying on its own, but Thorin learns Bilbo's stupid hobbit body is always hungry, and Bilbo doesn't quite know how Thorin gets by with the amount of chronic pain the dwarf body has.
Interpreter- (Bagginshield) Every time Erebor comes to the Free Peoples Meeting in Rivendell, Bilbo is always assigned as the dwarf king's interpreter. A job he accepts gladly, except for the fact that Thorin has a tendency to make more adversaries than friends.
Knights- (Bagginshield) Bilbo has been waiting for the chance to be chosen as a knight's squire for a very long time. However, being the first hobbit page does not endear him to most. So he should be ecstatic when Sir Thorin "the Oakenshield" choses him...it's just that dwarf has a hard time keeping squires around.
5+1 Hospital Scenes- (Haddotin) 5 times Haddock has had to sit by Tintin's bedside, and 1 time Tintin sits by his.
Reincarnation AU- (Haddotin) Haddock was actually Sir Francis in a past life and as they hunt for the treasure, Tintin begins to regain memories from his own past life and the part he played between Sir Francis and Red Rackham.
Post-BOFTA- (Bagginshield) Thorin survives his battle to find Bilbo laying unconscious in the snow. Unable to carry him down, Thorin leaves him with his ring on to get help. Only he doesn't make it very far before collapsing. Waking in the healing tents, Thorin has to convince the Company to let him go find Bilbo before the storm rolls in.
Tea Shop AU- (Bagginshield) Bilbo is just a humble tea shop owner who loves serving his regulars including a businessman who always makes it a point to stop in when he's in town. However, this time he leaves Bilbo with a $50,000 tip, and Bilbo doesn't know how to interpret it, especially considering he's just learned the man was Thorin Oakenshield, CEO of one of the biggest multi-million dollar companies of their generation.
Shifter AU- (Bagginshield) Bilbo is a fox shifter and he is about to meet his boyfriend's family. Bilbo knew Thorin was a rather prominent raven-shifter, but to learn that he was practically royalty might be a bit too much.
Band AU- (Bagginshield) Bilbo was one of the most renowned concert celloist in the world. However, he's been harboring a secret. His boyfriend is the lead singer of Durin's Day. His professional life and personal life might be in danger of clashing when Thorin and Bilbo both have performances in the same city.
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arcticmonkeysaf · 1 year
Finally had some time to reflect on the show I saw on 9.11.2023 in Alpharetta, Georgia! some unorganized thoughts:
first off, Alex seemed to be in SUCH a good mood! he was very pleased with the crowd!!! He even paused and said “You’re a lovely crowd, really lovely!” midway through the set 💕 idk about the back but from my vantage point it felt like plenty of people were devoted fans who were jumping and bopping and singing along to every song. And the rest of the venue in the seats was LOUD with their applause and screams too! During multiple songs the flashlights came out and made it so pretty. I’m so glad Alex felt the energy too 🥹 he was very sweet and smiley at the end of the encore and seemed like he took extra long waving and blowing kisses 🥺❤️❤️❤️
after Snap Out of It with everyone singing along so loud I’m pretty sure he joked “Hey Jude!” (because of the sing along at the end of that) but people heard “Love you!” and they screamed “I love YOU!!!” — anyway that all made me laugh lmao
STAR TREATMENT!!!! sounded so beautiful omg ✨ also had the “I just wanted a jet ski for moat” line 😭
there were a couple transitions that surprised me!! like a new one (to me) between Knee Socks into Do Me a Favour! it had me SHOOK TO MY CORE (posted it in my story highlights but i’ll try to get it on here too!)
they also did the Teddy Picker/Crying Lightning transition 🥹
Alex started 505 at the piano 🥺
speaking of that, the piano interlude before Sculptures is SO GORGEOUS my goodness
SUCK IT AND SEE!!! funnily enough the girl next to me predicted Pretty Visitors right before they played it, and I told her I was predicting SIAS as the encore AND IT HAPPENED (our power 😂)
Body Paint outro was incredible and felt extra long because they were so into it!!! but the gold star goes to Matt because he was absolutely pounding those drums like his life depended on it, his insane drum fills made us all go nuts omg. Alex and Jamie were like egging him on at one point too!
overall they just had a very loose vibe to them. like Alex would fiddle around on guitar tuning it (?) after the first verse of Fluorescent Adolescent without the band skipping a beat, or he’d improv a couple words in SIAS. Little things like that made the on stage vibe so cool to watch 💖
the lining up since super early (12 hours 😵‍💫) was NOT my favorite nor was the intense heat later in the day that had everyone sweating like crazy but tbh that all fell away when AM took the stage 🖤 I met some incredibly nice people and it was beautiful to be amongst fellow fans having the time of our lives :’)
can’t stop reiterating that their energy was so electric and feeding off of the crowd’s 🥹 definitely in my top three favorite shows I’ve been to!
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faithinlouisfuture · 1 year
i will definitely come back and let you know what i think of walls. right now, i’m watching the older lives i didn’t see. specifically every single version of all this time lol. 505 too. it’s 🔥. thank you- you’re so welcoming ❤️. i haven’t been so excited by music in a long time. i feel like i can fall in love with just his voice alone.
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I approve of your strategy so very much! you cannot even fathom the absolute frenzy in the fandom when he randomly dropped the 505 cover on us on the first day of tour!!! as an arctic monkeys fan I damn near had an aneurysm myself 💀 it was TOO MUCH TO HANDLE the first few times he sang it, tbh I’m still a little flustered every single time he sings it 🫦
I am so happy to hear about your excitement for music because of Louis 🥹 that’s kind of the journey for all of us! he makes us believe in and see the beauty in music again, especially in the current musical industry climate where everything is made as tiktok bait, his music actually has substance! his voice actually stands out!
and girl (non gender specific) nobody here is going to fault you for being here cuz you found this sizzling hot man hot :p (especially if you fell victim to Austin Louis cuz DAMN) also trust me once you’re here — along with the beauty of the music and lyrics — you’ll find so many beautiful reasons to stay, he never disappoints; he’s got a heart of gold, the way he interacts with and treats his fans is something I’ve not seen any other artists do, the way he treats his band and team is heart warming and endearing, the way he never rests and is always up to something gives all of us so much to look forward to <3
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jaeclerc · 1 year
your fic is so good and fun and creative! saw you mention you had a few WIPs— what are you working on rn? or just ideas you wanna share
omg thank you so much like genuinely 🥹 i have so many WIPs actually but here’s a few:
- you and i maxiel continuation where they go through the highs and lows of recovery from a lifetime of mental health problems, it’s very like. recovery is not linear but everyday we wake up and try is a day well lived.
- lestappen baseball au where they play in college together and then rebuild a team together later on in their professional careers
- charlando femboy friend to lovers (very sweet!!!)
- eggnog au part two where basically dom omega lando gets pregnant w sub alpha carlos’ baby but he’s given birth and this is the after and how lando and carlos deal w fatherhood
- chalex nyu gender swap where they’re both transfems very sweet very cha explores her gender and falls in love with alex and her life
- chaniel dream soulmate where every year on their birthday, they see each other in their dreams (!!! one of my faves like ask me about it and i’ll cry bc this universe is my fave!!!)
- sebchal 505 au continuation where charles wins monza 2023 and they start to figure out their relationship, very much just waxing prose abt charles
- Chaniel internalized homophobia university grad students au, where charles wanted daniel so bad but daniel was too scared to. charles sees him giving max everything he wanted.
- baby come home au where charles was born Deaf and daniel is his biggest supporter until he wasn’t right as charles got his big break in the modeling industry
If you wanna hear about any of these like literally just send me an ask and I will give u everything u want to know!!
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nicoscheer · 1 year
Okay I’ve just gotta get this of me chest so just ignore it but like in 2023 I’ve got tickets to four concerts them being
Arctic Monkeys in April
Harry Styles in May
Lewis Capaldi in September (postponed)
Louis Tomlinson in October
But like
-Inhaler was the opening band for AM and will be the pre band for Harry in Ireland
-Wet leg is opening band for Harry and used THE Arctic Monkeys acceptance speech for their BRITS award
-we got Lewis who said in an interview that AN were one of his fav band
- and then to top it off we got Louis official set list for this tour and he’s playing 505 😭😭🥹
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And also that
My brains exhausted but I adore how it’s all somehow connected ✌🏽
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starglitterz · 6 months
Hi 👋. Sorry I haven't had the time to talk cause school is extra hectic rn😅 but I had the time today and I wanted to tell you that you inspired to actually start listening to Artic Monkeys 🎉🎉. I am honestly obsessed with Wanna be yours ❤️❤️❤️. It's absolutely amazing (from the music to the lyrics I AM IN LOVE 😍😍) IT'S LITERALLY MY GO TO LOVE SONG RN and I wanted to ask you what your favorite songs are so I can listen to. them. - 🌊 anon ( Your number one fan)
hihihi!! it's totally okay omg, you don't need to apologise!! i hope your irl stuff is going well 🫶🫶🫶
OMG WHAT ?!?"( that is like the best thing anyone could ever say to me THAT'S SO COOL!!!! i'm so glad you found a song of theirs that you like ueueue 🥹🩷 AND OH MY GOSH I LOVE THIS QUESTION!!! i literally love all their songs but most of my favourites are from the AM album, like idk the vibes there are *chefs kiss*
but okay here are my top 5!! 😼
5. r u mine? - ABSOLUTELY INSANE SONG!!! i adore this song with my whole heart, the guitar and drums go so HARD i literally screamed my lungs out at the concert HDJSDJSH
4. knee socks - WHEN YOU WALKED AROUND THE HOUSE WEARING MY SKY BLUE LACOSTE AND YOUR KNEE SOCKS!!! the riff in this song actually plays on loop in my head and i was so obsessed with this song for ages and i have this hyperspecific image in my head of guitarist!xiao playing this riff and some day i will actually write that i swear
3. arabella - fuck my life WHY AM I NO ONE'S ARABELLA!!! ok let me bffr this song changed my life /j ok but the bridge is SO AKJSDKJASDK this song is so hot and i need to date someone who would write a song like this abt me HAHAHA but real talk this song is immaculate!
2. 505 - it would be a crime against humanity not to include this song bc it has permanently altered my brain chemistry. i mean, c'mon "i'd probably still adore you with your hands around my neck" and "but i crumble completely when you cry" I MEAN WHAT THE HELL . WHAT ABOUT MY MENTAL HEALTH??? the build-up to the beat drop in this song is so crazy i will never not be amazed by it basically go listen to 505 it will change your life!!!
1. snap out of it - i don't even know either. HAHAHASKJDSKJD okay i have such a weird attachment to this song that i cried real tears hearing it live. i honestly don't even know how to explain it i just Really Love this song aHHHH
honourable mentions : do i wanna know, fluorescent adolescent, why'd you only call me when you're high, i bet you look good on the dancefloor, crying lightning, brianstorm & four out of five!
i'm so sorry i yapped a lot HDKSKJDKS i love talking abt my favourite artists, i hope that you like some of these songs too!! and also if you like arctic monkeys you might like the neighbourhood as well 👀 lmk if u give them a listen hehehe <333 and btw ilysm wave nonnie i am YOUR #1 fan!!!
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tofiveohfive · 2 years
HELLO !!!!! it’s arsh i just wanted to say hi and that in these days of a SPECTACULAR ARTIC MONKEYS ISTANBUL REUNION i am thinking of you. this blogs name and talking to u was what got me to listen to 505 and now seeing that song played maDE ME SO NOSTALGIC so i’m just here to say thank you for introducing me and i hope you are doing well!!!!! 💗💗💗💗💗
OH MY GOD, ARSH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i wasn’t even aware that had happened, i just googled it and AAAAAA 🥹 this message made me smile so wide, it’s been too fucking long, my friend. thank you for this. i hope life has been good to you these past couple years, i hope things have been good (or as much as it could’ve been, considering…) 🥺💛
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nicoscheer · 1 year
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AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹 god I love these dumb men so much
Via marcelacastelli on twitter
Miles walking up to the mic and Alex like during the TLSP times 😭
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The first time in 5 years that these two Grace a stage with their shared presence 🥹 but also how grown up and different they both look while still seeming like the exact same lovesick puppies that met all the way back in 2003
When we got the info that Miles was present at the stadium I was already freaking out but this this is so much better (I felt like we were playing little illusion machine with ourselves)
Also we got confirmation that they hugged in the beginning and ended it with a kiss on the cheek by Miles
I saw somewhere during 17.06 when the yellow poster got published that someone was being delusional like yellow that’s the color of TLSP who’s in TLSP right Alex And Miles so so conclusion Miles is gonna be there, I mean it was a day too soon but still… being delusional paying off 🤣
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Wearing brown leather jacket I love my guys but also please tell me he just quickly popped round to the store after the show for some booze or new cigs while they were celebrating together and didn’t just leave after the gig cause I couldn’t handle that
How Miles keeps looking at Alex and Alex keeps pointing at Miles and Alex stimming at the end and Alex’s full scrunchy face smile when Miles walks up to him and Miles smirk and the mic and and and I’m unter rot irrevocably besotted, how Miles just seamlessly fits in with the boys
But also I’m really hoping for a video where we can see the cheek kiss that apparently happens after the lights went down
With full introduction
I love that we know Miles and Al +monkeys had a very long night cause he posted at around midnight to his story and then nothing for fourteen hours till around 2 pm when the next 505 clips came 🥃 🍸 🍻
Clip of Miles with Chef Tom Brown and Jay Forrester and other friends during Cornerstone, Miles singing along 🥹 (Tom’s restaurant name) god he seems so happy, Tom Farrell was there as well but on the other stadium side (he posted a story of two lads getting into a boxing match during do I wanna know😂) Miles’ manager rosie_skinner was also present, and I love how Miles didn’t just watch from the wings but enjoyed the concert with his friends from the seats (I’m imagining this is how he invited them: “you wanna go out tonight?” “Sure what did you have in mind?” “Wanna come watch me and my husband play our song in Emirates stadium?”) and he probably was given a setlist beforehand or some roadie was ordered to fetch him a few songs ahead to come backstage where his already tuned guitar was and then Miles was ready to go only waiting for Alex to call him onstage
505 Via cat_mason
Somewhat able to see the crowd jumping In the Video
Also just me or does it seem like Miles got a fresh haircut :)
My day literally consisted of watching that HUG over and over again from every possible angle, I love them and their dramatic hugs like they haven’t seen each other barely two weeks ago that we are aware of, but really I need to receive a hug like that one that’s just I missed you and I’m gonna squeeze all my love into you right now, the kisses 🥹🥹 Miles just casually kissing Al’s neck and his cheek and nuzzling his neck again 🫶🏽 and Alex cradling his head I can’t
Via Miles insta how Alex literally tilts Miles head so he can have better access for the neck kiss and how his hand digs into Miles’ shoulder he literally clings onto him for dear life and tries to ground himself and find the strength for the remaining concert in that hug 🫠
A view at 505 from the wings and a quick Miles and Cookie hug and forehead kiss (also thank you Miles for that prime few of Jamie’s arse 🤣🫶🏽)
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Miles’ evening summarized #coming on stage #slaying the guitar parts #kissing half the monkeys 💅 #leaving
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