cosmicangel888 · 10 months
5D Morals, Values, Re-Writing Human Foundations ~ Personal Stories Sharing
Values, Morals, Unity, Oneness
Portals for Soul Evolution, Self Design Or Dis-Engagement
5D is a real thing, and now all are seeing reality shift due to their own actions, vibration, and intentions and how they direct energy and their own life
~ our message has been consistent over 17 yrs of offering ascension wisdoms, pondering, and wonderment of the divine in all levels of dimensions and life ~
Let's be very clear on the mental brain fog, confusions of 'who am I' and what reality truly is for those that have been conformed into thinking that normalizing violence, mental, emotional, spiritual corruption and schemes, plots, plans to harm another, take another out, relentlessly and diabolically plot on a person, harvest and siphon, use and abuse, Traffick humanity in any way; for there are many ways in which corruption and the degrading wounded souls choose to hurt another for their own gain, for their own entitlement;
..............This is not behaviour that is balanced, normal, or of that is translated as 'peaceful, friendship based, nor even in the same neighbourhood of competitor; this is the activity of diabolical dictators, enslavement ring-leaders, and harmful warped cult leaders that think due to another's offering; personally, spiritually or in truth, there is reason to spend literally years bullying, spell casting, voodoo life attempts, car crash, and sex orgies to siphon life force, and a multitude of other schemes, scams, that I am absolutely sure
---> I was not the only target and how many others in their false churches, businesses, platforms online that they use and abuse energy and magical tricks to warp and degrade, torment the lives of others - that have no idea how to understand energy, or their chakra's or dreams, or other multi-dimensional facets of who we are
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* these people have taken advantage of a sleeping collective and used, abused, and tormented many,
* these people have harmed and damaged more than can be seen, for many do not even know how to discern the false magicians and sick ringleaders for they are the community elite, and those they pay to silence, and no different than Epstien island, it occurs in your own neighbourhood #epsteinisland #calgary #corruption
* innocent children being taken advantage of for their vulnerability and purity and innocent women, healers, and teachers, and light workers being used, abused, and shamed, and derailed every time they take a step forward and what concern do any of these people have..........the sadness that their plans of taking me out did not work, or that they were proven wrong of who I am, and what I have come to offer and uplift and heal
* their sadness and concern has 0 not an ounce of the torment, PTSD and soul damage and wasted time, years years wasted off of my life to fight and heal the damages of daily relentless spiritual attacks and games, schemes to break me financially, rip through my life like I mean NOTHING
I will stand until the light of all Heavens returns every child to their rightful place, I DO MEAN something and I matter and I am appalled, sadden that human life, the richness of a heavenly being means so little that the only thing people think and wonder about it their own proven wrong and that their image may be tarnished by their years, years years of sick and unbearable treatment, lies, deceit, and manipulation and abuse of power and energy and laws of the universe ~
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No respect for spirit
No respect for life
No respect for human laws
No respect for spiritual laws
No respect for the children that have to carry their names
No respect for health, damage done to the innocent
No respect for wasted life, time, money to prove a point and bully someone into submission of being less than so a false entitled arrogant 'false leader' can be seen as 'right'
No respect for their own life or bodies on what goes on behind closed doors and how they then lie to the faces of those before them - No respect for the name and word and meaning of God,
No respect for the utter soul contracts, earth, and collective that was delayed and derailed due to selfish selfish selfish tactics by wounded witches, wounded and arrogant warlocks that have no clue about ascension, alignment or spiritual universal laws - nor the evolution that is based on such
It is mind boggling
Mind boggling how little everyone cares -
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This is not ok and the corruption, the degrading, the harm and psychological waste to such precious and divine life and sacredness of my potential, let alone those affected by me not being in my highest space to heal, bring forth aligned wisdoms, and codes - the stupidity and lack of care is simply mind-boggling and I personally am so sick of this story of such selfish selfish corrupt people still planning their spell work as of this week; and their next plan of how to 'get me' and take me off my well earned pulpit of truth and liberation for humanity and the stupidity and damage of what occurs when you do not heal - the 'no taking accountability' and do the inner fucking work - this and these are the leaders in place today - In communities, churches, homes, that think they know what they are doing and they simply care about their image -
I am personally sick of being here.
I am personally sick of standing every day saying the same thing and knowing that even those in kindergarten and those in sacred new skin will treat humans and life better than those in power right now - and how much are we continuing to give power and energy to these humans that have shown for years, years years their only care is how they look and appear when the veils of their deceit and lies come forth and not an ounce for the fucking time, energy, and soul damage they have caused and lives even lost due to such sick tormenting imbalanced and ignorant games of abuse of power and abuse of energy
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I call judgment on such negligence and every person taking part in my own life's experience and the roles each played, and actions each took, and monies, and sick twisted games to 'take me out' and how they partied and sat around tables to discuss me, and what plans and spells, and trickery and schemes would work next........
I feel like throwing up
Nice to know human life, human life of a sacred one has brought the worst out in humanity and what level of morals, values, and care we have when it is all the same soul - ONE ONENESS UNITY
God is God
God is One
There is no separation of God, God is God
All God is God - there is no half God - God is all -
This is my truth and I have nothing ever to say, there will never be a return, there will never be a door, there will never be an opportunity for any of the past to enter into my life in any way -
No offer of repayment will be enough
No offer will be accepted - I want what was stolen© 
I want every word I have offered and spoken, and copyright that is my energy, my teachings, my work that all so many have done the most to try and erase me, to fit their falsified policies or plans and plots to take me down, have me not be here for the financials to work for them - yet they use my work, use my verbiage, would never admit how what I have offered has helped and lifted them - how they obsess in watching me but would never admit to it;
* The past is done, over, there will never be ever ever be reconciliation - done is done; sick and twisted care about image matters more than the years of torment caused to be and the losses and damages to the children, and my soul - keep the overdue false corrupt return in apology or fake offer
* the past will never be re-opened nor accepted into my space - I am sacred. I will not prove it, I will not dance with those that want me to prove it and I will not have another day week, month wasted by those that play with sacred human preciousness like this -
Go heal.
Return all monies stolen,
Cease using my work,
My work is my work. I NEVER HAVE HAD A BOSS or agent speaking on behalf of me of me. 
NONE SPEAK for me, and none say who I am, any that have been involved in such, will never have never known me, and thus, none have the right to say a word on my name.
I have gifts most cannot even comprehend and how could they when all they care about is 'getting at someone' and proving them wrong -
Corruption is the twisting and harming of the innocent by abuse of power, energy, systems, people in it of it;
Discrimination, pre-meditated murder, harm, and fraud are a real thing, and such has been my story - that not person came forth to offer help, lift a hand, and repay in good honour -
How great of a leader are you now?
How great of a new earth writer are you now and what story will your children have to process and walk with oh great ego-misogynist that worked tirelessly to harm their mother, healer, and teacher of all that is good in life 
Oh dear leaders of communities - 
If you do any of the kind, in any way, and know nothing of consciousness, spirit, or the divine, in any way, you should certainly not be a leader of any kind - 
Friends do not harm one another with such sick malice and intention
A DF awakened would never ever ever accept even a portion of such mess, into their life - nor think any of such is a 'friend or potential' - abuse is abuse / any thinks they can return after such is grossly imbalanced and very sadly mistaken.
Leave me be, or there will be orders presented.
I deserve my human right to be divorced, and all that is legally owed, earned, as a human and what I have earned in grace and truth.
I deserve my human and spiritual rights.© 
Family does not harm for policies of insurance or games of banking and importance to be seen as a 'great person' in the community while the children and family are ripped apart and impaled by death magic, twisted nightmares of intimidation and scare tactics to deconstruct their sense of self and safety - these are the things leaders do? 
Stealing an innocent persons work, while trying to off them - trafficking those to test them to see how strong they are, and see if the spell work will work this time - is this the thing a friend does or someone that cares, or is a leader? 
Epstien Island is not so far off - and dear ones of earth - 
What earth are you manifesting - 
Blessings and light
DONATIONs; PayPal link here; paypal.me/JoannaLRoss
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