#6×4 Cage Trailers
ladykailitha · 1 month
Icarus Part 17
Hey, guys! Just a reminder after I post Caged Bird on Saturday I am going on a two week posting hiatus. I need the break and my backlog could use the boost. I will start posting again on Sept 1st.
I'm not sure if I'll keep the four days like I have been doing or go back to the three days a week. I guess we'll see.
In this we have Eddie messing around with his friends and we get to see The Fallen's new costumes.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16
Steve and Spence pulled on the red polos with white medical crosses on the sleeves and MEDIC emblazoned on the back that would mark them as medical personnel. Simon was pulling on the dark blue polo that would signify him as a roadie for the band The Fallen. Shane and Robin stood off to the side wearing regular clothes but with lanyards that said they were PAs to the band.
Steve knocked the trailer’s door and Hopper opened it to let them out. Steve poked his head out and saw that no one was around. He nodded to Hopper and the rest of the band filed out.
“All right,” Robin said, checking her clipboard, “sound check is at four and we are after Corroded Coffin does their sound check. Eddie says he can distract the rest of his band long enough for you to get changed into daily wear.”
The band all nodded and they all went their separate ways. Steve and Spence went to the medic tent, Robin and Shane went to do what PAs do and that’s run around making sure everything was going well, and Simon went to join the the rest of the crew setting up.
Eddie was leaning against one of the pillars backstage watching them work. Jeff came up to him and threw an arm around his shoulders.
“They’re pretty flawless at this, aren’t they?” he said, after looking around to make sure no one was in earshot. “If I didn’t know what I know, I would have never thought they were anything other than their roles.”
Eddie nodded. It was seamless; as themselves they were peppy and cheerful. The guys he’d seen at party after party at Steve’s apartment. But he still remembered how they were on stage and they were so completely different.
“That security guy they got is certainly worth whatever they are paying him, that’s for sure,” he agreed.
“Gareth is vibrating out of his skin to see their sound check,” Jeff said with a nod. “Not even to see their new costumes, just their sound check, that’s how over the moon he is about this.”
Eddie hummed in agreement. “He’s in for a treat, that’s for sure.”
“Have you seen their new costumes?” Jeff asked, eyes still on the hive of activity in front of them.
“Nope!” Eddie said popping the P. “All I know is that they were designed by the daughter of their head of security. Apparently Ellie Hopper is an up and coming fashion designer and who better to clothe an up and coming metal band than her?”
Jeff rubbed his chin thoughtfully. “I guess all of us are going to be in for a surprise tonight.” He patted his friend on the shoulder. “Do try to keep it in your pants, yeah?”
Eddie pushed him off of him with a “Fuck off!”
“Dustin still pissed he missed meeting her when they were in California?” Jeff asked, giggling.
Eddie grinned and bounced on the balls of his feet, shoving his hands into his pockets. “Yup!” he said cheerfully. “It was hilarious. All of Steve’s friends were talking about how awesome she was and how beautiful she was all the while Dustin is like in the middle of battlefield, but as predicted Suzie’s parents didn’t want them sharing the same room. So he was fighting with her parents and she was fighting with him for fighting with her parents.”
He pursed his lips to try and hide his smile but it was fruitless and he broke out into a wide grin. “He didn’t even last the month with them.”
“And then by the time he’d made it to Cali,” Jeff said, “she was back in New York preparing for New York Fashion week and was completely devastated he missed her.”
Chrissy came bounding up to them. “Hey, guys. They have everything ready for your sound check and Gare and Bri are waiting for you.”
Eddie and Jeff plugged in their guitars and Eddie hit the first note. He adjusted the peg and then hit it again, this time he nodded. He went through the solo on their latest single to warm up. Then each of the other members did the same.
“Sounding pretty good!” Chrissy called from the front row.
She started shouting suggestions and then they all played together and she shouted more suggestions. Soon their sound check was over with and they filed off the stage to let The Fallen’s roadies to set up their instruments.
The Fallen came out in what Eddie called their casual costumes. Regular hoodies and jeans in their ‘color’ and their masks.
Azrael counted off time on his drumsticks and they got down to business. Gareth was on the sidelines practically drooling. Eddie thought he would be panting after Abbadon, his favorite, but after seeing Azrael’s drum kit, it was all over.
The black metal fittings, the void black on the tops and front of the drums and glittering black on the sides. His setup. The way he looked like a god even in the back, sitting on the throne, black drumsticks in hand.
Gareth starting pawing on Eddie’s arm. “Eddie, Eddie, Eddie...” he whined. “I want one.”
Eddie raised an eyebrow at his friend. “The drummer or the kit?”
Gareth turned to him scandalized. He put his hand on his chest, eyes wide, gasping in shock. “How dare you imply that I am anything but a staunch professional?!”
“So definitely the drummer then.”
Eddie cackled as he ran from Gareth who chased him all the way to their tour bus. Eddie ducked inside and locked the door behind him. He didn’t mind missing this sound check, after all they had a whole on the road and roughly eighty shows to get through.
Both bands were out promoting new albums and being two of the biggest metal bands at the moment, made both labels push for as many dates as they could conceivably do without killing either band.
It was going to be long and exhausting, but holy fuck it’d one hell of a ride. Eddie smiled as he held door shut as Gareth tugged and tugged on the door handle.
Steve rolled his shoulders and began warming up his voice. The crowd was bigger than they were used to but he knew that at least a good portion of those fans were there to see him and his boys.
They got strapped into the winged harnesses, specially fitted to work with their new costumes.
Steve gave Spence a thumbs up and the other man returned it. They began lowering Azrael onto the stage. His raven wings glinting blue in the spotlight. His new costume had the sleeves of his hooded long coat removed, leaving him with more range of motion. He wore a long-sleeved black mesh shirt that ended at his black leather gloves. He wore black cargo pants tucked into combat boots. The boots and his belt had silver skulls that glinted and winked at the audience.
He landed deftly a couple of feet behind the drum kit. He tugged on the release cord and sent the wings back to the rafters. He sat down and pulled out a couple of his sticks and launched into his drum solo. The crowd started screaming as the announced his name.
Next was Shane. He rolled his shoulders, trying to get comfortable in the harness. Even though the dragonfly wings were lighter than the others, they were more awkward in their construction. He gave Steve the thumbs up and he was lowered to the stage with his bass guitar. He began playing as soon as he came into view.
The crowd roared its approval.
Astraeus landed on the stage soft as a butterfly’s wing. He pulled on the release cord and allowed his wings to go back to where they came.
The sleeves of his hooded jacket were pushed up to his elbows to show his painted arms. They were the same midnight blue of the rest of his costume. His tight leather pants were tucked into his knee-high boots. His chest was bare and painted blue with glitter swirling around into galaxies. When he moved the mask shifted between the moon phases.
Then it was Simon’s turn. Steve watched as Simon slipped into the persona of Asmodeus like an ill-fitting glove. It was always harder for Simon than the rest of them to get into his alter ego. But he chose it and he had to live with the consequences of being a sex god.
He was wearing a short, red, leather jacket with the hood attached. His broad chest on display with leather harness drawing attention to all the right curves. His red jeans were torn up from his knees to his hips and shoved into mid-calf high boots with chains on them, the jacket, and around his neck.
His large red bat wings spread out behind him as he was lowered on the stage. About two feet from the ground, he pulled the release cord and stomped to onto the stage to roaring applause.
Asmodeus wailed on his guitar making it screech and sing as his wings ascended back to the rafters. His fingers danced over the fret board and threw his hand back with reckless abandon.
Steve loved this part. He loved the roar of the crowd, the music his band was playing all for him. Robin would say that it was because his parents didn’t love him much and that he never had real friends before her, before his band. Children and boys he had a crush on for years didn’t count.
But he didn’t care. He loved being loved. More than anything.
He wore a white lace bodice under his long hooded coat, and like Astraeus his sleeves were pushed up, but his forearms were bare. The shorts he wore were obscenely tight on his ass and left little to the imagination. His white high heeled boots came just above his knee, leaving miles of his thighs on display.
Today his coat lining wasn’t red or blue or even black, like it usually was when he started off a tour. No. Not today. Today it was the Corroded Coffin logo. And when his coat billowed out as he descended the crowd went absolutely insane.
Half way down, the air tanks on his back set off and blew off the feathers on his wings leaving behind the bones. He landed on the stage behind the microphone. It was like Steve Tyler’s microphone as it was decorated in ribbons, but unlike his, Abbadon’s mic never changed. It always had four ribbons. Red, blue, black, and white, woven together up the stand to billow out around the top.
He welcomed the crowd and launched into the first single off their new album. “Hell’s Where All My Friends Are Going!” It spoke about growing up bisexual in a highly conservative household where he was told that queer folk were going to hell.
It was actually one of the first piece of writing Shane and Spence ever turned into a song, but the label was afraid of alienating their audience straight of out of the gate, so it was never recorded. But when they brought Bob in, him and Robin managed to convince the label that not only would Abbadon and Astraeus coming would be good for business, it would be great for the band, too. One less thing to hide.
Remarkably the label agreed.
And now he was going to debut it here to the whole world and he felt like he was flying free for the first time in his life.
Heaven could fuck off, he was diving into Hell!
Part 18 Part 19 Part 20 Part 21
Oops! I don't know how it got posted without the chapter but here it is!
Tag List: CLOSED
1- @mira-jadeamethyst @rozzieroos @itsall-taken @redfreckledwolf @zerokrox-blog
2- @gregre369 ​@a-little-unsteddie @chaosgremlinmunson @messrs-weasley @val-from-lawrence
3- @goodolefashionedloverboi @carlyv @wonderland-girl143-blog @irregular-child @blondie1006
4- @yikes-a-bee @bookworm0690 @anne-bennett-cosplayer @awkwardgravity1 @littlewildflowerkitten
5- @genderless-spoon @y4r3luv @dragonmama76 @ellietheasexylibrarian @thedragonsaunt
6- @disrespectedgoatman @eyehartart @dawners @thespaceantwhowrites @tinyplanet95
7- @iamthehybrid @croatoan-like-its-hot @papergrenade @cryptid-system @counting-dollars-counting-stars
8- @ravenfrog @w1ll0wtr33 @child-of-cthulhu @kultiras @dreamercec
9- @machete-inventory-manager @useless-nb-bisexual @stripey82 @dotdot-wierdlife @kal-ology
10- @sadisticaltarts @urkadop @chameleonhair @clockworkballerina @garden-of-gay
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wannawritefast · 11 months
Comfortember 2023 Day 6: “Notes”
A/N: My sporadic contribution to Comfortember. It’s short but Johnny Cage bbs come get y’all juice. It’s my birth month and I’m closing in on the end of my semester so I can’t promise anything but please enjoy!!
Pairing: Johnny Cage x Reader
Warnings: none, fluff :)
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Notes. Johnny left them everywhere. Don’t get him wrong. He definitely preferred the convenience of using his phone to send you little memos. It was instant and Johnny could really accommodate his own attention span by using his phone but when he found out on accident how much you loved them, he made a point of it.
You both still remembered the first of its kind.
A pink sticky note on the back of your script that said “And it was all a dream!” with the most hastily-drawn smiley face ever.
You laughed when you saw it. It was a miracle that it hadn’t become a casualty to the rough handling of your scripts before you discovered it.
He had to have done it when you were putting your post-its in your script, marking it up the night before. You hadn’t thought much of the clumsy kiss he gave you when he checked in as the sun went down. Then again you hadn’t been paying that close attention to him or anything else for that matter. A glass of water. A “How’s it going, baby?” A stumble and a peck. And his leg and hand knocking right into the back of the thick stack of 8.5 by 11 copy paper in your grasp as he had moved to sit next to you.
The bump into the script in your hand had been completely intentional, you realized with delight at the table read. It made your Instagram story in seconds accompanied by the words ‘original illustration by @johnny.cage’ and some pink hearts in the top right corner.
That had sealed it.
The next one you found was in your purse. Well, not your purse exactly. It was in the compact in your purse. Blue. “Hey, good-lookin.’” A winky face. It had fluttered out as you were landing out of the country for a shoot. You still had your neck pillow on. You sent Johnny one of the ugliest selfies you had ever taken with it. Against your protests, it became his lock screen photo.
Then they truly popped up everywhere. Your boyfriend was relentless.
A set of expensive rings you’d stared at a little too long on Rodeo. Purple sticky note. “For my precious.” A noble but indecent-looking stick figure attempt at Gollum was near it, partially scribbled out.
Surprise coffee in your trailer. Yellow note. Sunshine with sunglasses.
New boots, courtesy of Johnny. Pink. “Step on me in these.”
Sleeping in while he had left at the crack of dawn. Pink. “Busy all day. Sushi at our regular spot for dinner.” Heart.
Almost all of them made your Instagram story. The dick that looked like it had been drawn by a middle school boy on a blue sticky note slapped to the bathroom mirror, for example, hadn’t made the cut. The ones that did though… Johnny reposted each within 5 minutes, no matter what time it was.
Like the orange sticky note you woke up to under your glasses that said ‘Jinkies!’ You had gone to bed and left them on your nightstand at 4 am. Johnny had stayed up with you. He had left at 6 am for the day. It made you worry about his sleep schedule.
It didn’t matter that you couldn’t keep up with his god-like speed in making unique sticky notes. You posted them. And you kept and remembered all of them. All of them. Yes, even the blue doodle dick.
Again, Johnny definitely preferred sending you texts and voice memos as soon as he felt like you were forgetting how hot you were, which was usually several times a day. It should also be noted that the sticky notes never detracted from the amount of attention he was already giving you. Johnny was a beast at reminding you how much he loved you.
As he had said it once: “There’s no threshold, baby. I’ll die telling you how sexy your walker is; the last sticky note I ever leave you will tell you the same thing.”
He slapped one on your ass after he had said that. Yellow. “Johnny Cage wuz here.”
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runjumpkauf · 28 days
Hello, I'm runjumpkauf. I'm A Professional Post-Writer For The Amazing Digital Circus.
But I Don't Want To Mannerisming By Only Filling The Void With The Amazing Digital Circus.
So, I Changed My Policy To Review In "The Amazing Digital Scoops" + "Official Trailer Scoops" Together!
Nic, The Beginning Of The Saga Was Decided To Be "THE AMAZING SONIC X SHADOW'S RAZZLE-DAZZLE-BATTLE, Part 1!
3, Let's Analyze The Characters From The Trailer.
Sonic The Hedgehog (a.k.a. Blue Justice)
1. Once Upon A Time, There Was The Raindrop. And That Raindrop Is Sonic. He Loops To Log, Hoops The Hops, And Over The London. With Brand New Friends.
2. An Incredibly Longer Than A Few Minutes Later, Sonic & Fawning Sidekick & Knucky Knucklehead a.k.a. "Team Sonic" Off To Tokyo Mission, Because Of Shady Shadow.
3. Team Sonic Meet "Shadow The Hedgehog". They Tried To Brawl With Shadow. But They On The Hook. Because, Shadow Crashed All Of Them.
4. And So, Three Stucks With Shadow The Hedgehog. Ain't No Hope. But Of Course, Team Sonic Will Don't Give Up. Sonic Proposes An Extreme Solution.
5. Sonic Proposes An Intelligence Allegiance With Dr. Robotnik a.k.a. Jim Carrey To Stop Shadow, And Robotnik Wants An One Condition. Sonic's Electric Spikes.
6. And This Is The Saga About Team Sonic Begins The Third Razzle-Dazzle-Battle To Stop The Shadow In Their Own Way. Team Sonic, Good Luck And I Hope You Guys Off The Hook!
(Of Course They Can. But We'll Have To Wait And See The Doom.)
Miles Tails Prower (a.k.a. Tails The Fox)
1. Once Upon A Time, There Was The Thunder. And That Thunder Is Tails. Now, He Have A Friends, No More Fiends, And He Can Hover The London. With Brand New Friends.
2. An Incredibly Longer Than A Few Minutes Later, Tails & Meddlesome Hedgehog & Knucky Knucklehead a.k.a. "Team Sonic" Off To Tokyo Mission, Because Of Shady Shadow.
3. Team Sonic Meet "Shadow The Hedgehog". They Tried To Brawl With Shadow. But They On The Hook. Because, Shadow Crashed All Of Them.
4. And So, Three Stucks With Shadow The Hedgehog. Ain't No Hope. But Of Course, Team Sonic Will Don't Give Up. Tails Decides To Follow Meddlesome Hedgehog's Plan.
5. Tails Followed Meddlesome Hedgehog, To Dr. Robotnik a.k.a. Jim Carrey To Stop Shadow, And Robotnik Wants An One Condition. Meddlesome Hedgehog's Electric Spikes.
6. And This Is The Saga About Team Sonic Begins The Third Razzle-Dazzle-Battle To Stop The Shadow In Their Own Way. Team Sonic, Good Luck And I Hope You Guys Off The Hook!
(Of Course They Can. But We'll Have To Wait And See The Doom.)
Knuckles The Echidna (a.k.a. Knucks, Knucky, Knuckington Bear, Sir Knucks-A-Lot, Knuckolas Cage, And Echidna Warrior)
1. Once Upon A Time, There Was The Fireball. And That Fireball Is Knuckles. He Uses The Rucks, Crushes The Rocks, And Slaughter The London. With Brand New Friends.
2. An Incredibly Longer Than A Few Minutes Later, Knuckles & Fawning Sidekick & Meddlesome Hedgehog a.k.a. "Team Sonic" Off To Tokyo Mission, Because Of Shady Shadow.
3. Team Sonic Meet "Shadow The Hedgehog". They Tried To Brawl With Shadow. But They On The Hook. Because, Shadow Crashed All Of Them.
4. And So, Three Stucks With Shadow The Hedgehog. Ain't No Hope. But Of Course, Team Sonic Will Don't Give Up. Knuckles Decides To Follow Meddlesome Hedgehog's Plan.
5. Knuckles Followed Meddlesome Hedgehog, To Dr. Robotnik a.k.a. Jim Carrey To Stop Shadow, And Robotnik Wants An One Condition. Meddlesome Hedgehog's Electric Spikes.
6. And This Is The Saga About Team Sonic Begins The Third Razzle-Dazzle-Battle To Stop The Shadow In Their Own Way. Team Sonic, Good Luck And I Hope You Guys Off The Hook!
(Of Course They Can. But We'll Have To Wait And-
.............See The Doom. (Probably...Sea The Doom?)
P.S. I Want To Explain More Notice About Sonic 3 Trailer Floating In The YouTube. This Is The Property Of "Paramount Pictures & Original Films & Blur Studio"
P.S.2. Sonic Loves Chili Dogs, And I Love Chili Dogs Too! (With Cheese)
(Not A Playstation 2)
P.S.3. In Personal Way, I Don't Like The Design Of 3. It's Not Cool.
(Not A Playstation 3)
P.S.4. It Seems Like A Long Time Has Passed, Because Robotnik Is Much Fatter Than Before.
(Not A Playstation 4)
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jessthebaker · 2 months
It’s the music game! I was tagged by multiple people including @hellfire-state-of-mind @avastrasposts and I don’t know who else 😝 I’m way late to this (what else is new?)…
So! Go to Spotify/Apple Music and search your On Repeat playlist, post the first ten songs listed.
1. Safari Song, GVF
2. Polar Opposites, Modest Mouse
3. Big Me, Foo Fighters
4. Ain’t No Rest for the Wicked, Cage the Elephant
5. Highway Tune, GVF
6. Trailer Trash, Modest Mouse
7. Gold on the Ceiling, Black Keys
8. Australia, The Shins
9. Stardust Chords, GVF
10. Float On, Modest Mouse
Pretty sure I know what my Wrapped playlist will be come January!
No pressure tags bc the game has already been over for a couple of weeks now, lol oops. @thesluttylittleknee @burntheedges @march-flowerr @gasolinerainbowpuddles @chronicallyonlinewriter @janaispunk @schnarfer
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Ok, so movies you watched as a kid?
Run-down time
Major spoilers for certain movies so I'll cut
I loved this movie, and still do. Delgado's character is *chef's kiss*. I think the first movie is better than the sequels. The human cast for the first one was great but they changed the cast for the second movie.
Aunt's niece stays to dogsit for her rich aunt while she's in Europe. Rachel takes the dog with her and her friends to Mexico. Chloe is dognapped. Brought to the dog fights. Introducing Delgado's character. Depressed middle-aged brooding ex-cop. Opens the cage(though if he could do that why didn't he do it a long time ago??). Saves Chloe from el Diablo (the Doberman) but not before letting all the other dogs escape. Carries Chloe -scales barbed wire fence and hauls over it- in what can only be described as the coolest dog move ever. A roller coaster of emotions and then El Diablo finds Chloe and Delgado helps her hide in a museum until they're clear and he takes her to a pier where he goes to talk with his police dog cousins. The landscaper (Sam) and Rachel(the rich woman's niece) team up to find Chloe, and end up finding homes for two strays from the dogfights. THE TRAIN SCENE. Delgado takes Chloe to a train yard where they meet a coyote. No, seriously I love the detail where the coyote is a literal coyote. Delgado puts Chloe on the train and tells her he isn't coming with her. The train leaves. 'don't turn around don't turn around' *turns around* 'Delgado!' 'Chloe!' 'Delgado!' *jumps on - slips* 'Hold on, I'll pull you up' Delgado, scrabbling around trying to push himself up, 'STOP HELPING STOP HELPING' They end up jumping off the train and walking in circles in the desert. Chloe realizes Delgado has no sense of smell. Cue the backstory about how he lost it to Diablo. They're attacked by mountain lions(I'm pretty sure cougars are solitary so I'm not exactly sure why a pride/band was hunting them, I think it was just for plot reasons). THE ABSOLUTE DUSTSTORM OF CHIHUAHUAS. Love Montezuma. The Chihuahua City. Also Papi. These movies were not so vaguely racist.
The rest of the movie was great.
2. Bolt
I LOVED this one.
A TV show in a movie.
Bolt's nose is like the size of Wyoming. His superpowers are so cool. PENNY!!! (she got captured in the show) The cats. *Escapes*
The scene where he runs straight into a fence.
The pigeons helping him.
No, you got to twist, then pull.
I can confirm this is a method I use for stuck things all the time and it does work.
Where he gets the leash stuck around him and Mittens. *Holds mittens over the side of a highway* Another great train scene.
Jumps out the back of a truck.
'What is this red liquid oozing out of my paw?'
'It's blood, you idiot'
*Stomach growls*
'You evil agent of the green-eyed man poisoned me, where is the antidote?!!'
*Brings him to a campground/Trailer park/cookout* 'There's your antidote' (it's food)
Mittens has to teach him how to beg.
RHINO (I love him)
The journey scene was amazing.
The carboard boxes.
The song.
The trailer.
Playing with the labrador.
Dude when they get captured by animal control.
They literally blew up the pound.
When Bolt gets to Hollywood and thinks Penny replaced him.
Mittens going to 'get back in there'
The fire scene
twas perfection.
The mom quits and throws the agent out of the ambulance.
And then domestic life.
'I thought I lost you when you ran away and tried to find me'
3. Moana.
absolute bops
My favorite characters were Rosebud and Mudbud
5. Shark boy and Lava Girl
6. Spy Kids
7. Homeward Bound
8. Balto
9. Call of the wild
10. A dog's purpose
Literally the only time I ever cried during a movie was when the dog got shot protecting the little girl as a police dog
11. Any one else remember Dolphin Tail (was it tale?)
13. White fang (the animated one with the golden brown wolf put in the dog fights)
14. SPIRIT stallion of the cimarron
One of the greatest masterpieces
15. My Little Pony the movie
(the one with the storm king and tempest and sia lol)
I'll probably update this list later.
More recent movies
Spies in Disguise
Again I'm probably going to update this as I remember them
I'll also probably do one of these for shows
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mylifeincinema · 2 years
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My 25 Most Anticipated Films of 2023!!
No intro this year. Just, y’know, here they are...
1. Infinity Pool (Brandon Cronenberg) – 1.27.23
Haaaave you seen Possessor?!? Plus, that trailer!!
2. Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania (Peyton Reed) – 2.17.23
Bring on Kang...
3. John Wick: Chapter 4 (Chad Stahelski) – 3.24.23
I’ll never not be excited to see Keanu kill the shit out of people.
4. Renfield (Chris McKay) – 4.14.23 
Nic Cage as Dracula... I repeat, Nic Cage as Dracula!!
5. Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 (James Gunn) – 5.5.23 
The trailer alone has me more emotionally invested than anything I saw in 2022, period.
6. Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse (Dos Santos, Powers & Thompson) – 6.2.23
Haaaaaave you seen the first one?!?
7. Asteroid City (Wes Anderson) – 6.23.23
Wes is one of my very favorite directors. Enough Said.
8. Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny (James Mangold) – 6.30.23
If you’re actually questioning why this is here, you clearly did not know how obsessed I was with Temple of Doom and Last Crusade as a little kid.
9. Mission: Impossible – Dead Reckoning – Part One (Christopher McQuarrie) – 7.14.23
Cruise can do no wrong... until he does... but even then the footage of his death will be a fucking blockbuster, and all his fans will give him the exact sendoff he’s apparently begging for. Can’t wait to see how he almost dies, this time.
10. Oppenheimer (Christopher Nolan) – 7.21.23 
So very excited to see Nolan take on something more dramatic... plus, look at that cast!!!
11. Barbie (Greta Gerwig) – 7.21.23
Margot and Greta... enough said. Oh, but I’ll say more... we live in a world that will soon be home to a Barbie movie co-written by Noah Baumbach!! That’s beautiful.
12. Dune: Part Two (Denis Villeneuve) – 11.3.23
The first felt too unfinished to not be excited to see where Villeneuve brings it next.
13. Wonka (Paul King) – 12.15.23
Really couldn’t care less about Chalamet, and this project is totally unnecessary. But... I’m a die-hard Roald Dahl fan, and this is directed by the man who gave us Paddington 2, so... yeah.
14. Killers of the Flower Moon (Martin Scorsese) – TBD 
C’mon... It’s Scorsese!
15. The Killer (David Fincher) – TBD  
C’mon... It’s Fincher!
16. Napoleon (Ridley Scott) – TBD 
I love Ridley Scott... and Joaquin Phoenix looks like he’s going to murder this role.
17. Maestro (Bradley Cooper) – TBD 
The theatre geek living deep down within me is enough reason. But then I also want to see if A Star Is Born was a fluke.
18. Ferrari (Michael Mann) – TBD 
Michael Mann directing a movie about Enzo Ferrari starring Adam Driver... why aren’t you excited about it?!?
19. Beau Is Afraid (Ari Aster) – TBD
No clue what we’re in for... but I’m certain it’s going to fuck me up for a week or two.
20. Peter Pan & Wendy (David Lowery) – TBD  
David Lowery... enough said. I mean, seriously, have you seen A Ghost Story or Pete’s Dragon?!?
21. Lee (Ellen Kuras) – TBD  
If Kate Winslet wasn’t enough... well, it is... it really is.
22. Blitz (Steve McQueen) – TBD 
It’s McQueen doing a WWII drama starring Saoirse Ronan...
23. Megalopolis (Francis Ford Coppola) – TBD  
I’m hoping it’s as wild as those set photos have been...
24. The Way of the Wind (Terrence Malick) – TBD
Malick does Jesus...
25. The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar (Wes Anderson) – TBD
 I doubt this is actually going to release in 2023, but it is already in post, so in case does, I really need you all to know just how excited I will always be for new Wes Anderson.
There they are!
As for My Best of 2022, once again all of the major lists will not be getting posted until mid/late January, but I’m going to try to get some of the early lists – such as Posters, TV & Non-2022 Films – sorted and posted over the next week or two. Please Feel Free to Follow Along So You Don’t Miss Anything!
Stay Tuned!
-Timothy Patrick Boyer.
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whotaughtyougrammar · 10 months
I got tagged by @electricxmayhem ! Shuffle Spotify and share the first 10 songs!
1) 24 Preludes, Op. 28 - No. 24 in D Minor: Allegro Appassionato - Frederick Chopin, Martha Argerich
2) Bring Me to Life - Evanescence
3) In My Back - The Tiny
4) Hammerhead - Cathy Davey
4) Grey Matter - Oingo Boingo
5) Colchiques - Eddy Louiss, Steve Forward
6) I'm Going to Make a Cake - Philip Glass, Kummerspeck (sort of related but mostly just weird, the "music video" for this piece on (what I think is the) official yt channel is... a fan made trailer for Cyberpunk 2077??)
7) Heart in a Cage - The Strokes
8) Paroles, Paroles - Alain Delon, Dalida
9) The Hounds - The Protomen
10) NỨT (đôi chân đôi tay đôi mắt trái tim) - Ngọt
I tag @odd-kid-42 @spelviin @icemankazansky and whoever else wants to do this
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ankle-beez · 2 years
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I posted 31,596 times in 2022
1,978 posts created (6%)
29,618 posts reblogged (94%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 27,566 of my posts in 2022
Only 13% of my posts had no tags
#the owl house - 2,931 posts
#mob psycho 100 - 2,052 posts
#angel.post - 1,974 posts
#spy x family - 1,685 posts
#bnha - 1,506 posts
#steven universe - 1,339 posts
#amphibia - 1,285 posts
#sonic the hedgehog - 1,200 posts
#jjk - 1,115 posts
#anipoke - 647 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#'nascar went bad after they stopped supporting nazis' like do you listen to yourself. do you realize what you're saying you fucking dipshit
My Top Posts in 2022:
87,254 notes - Posted April 24, 2022
listen im seeing a lot of people being like "oh my god thor might have a crush on Peter quill because of that scene in the new love and thunder trailer!" like no. Absolutely not. It's disney and it's never gonna happen. HOWEVER disney queerbaiting people with Chris Pratt might be the funniest thing they've ever done
103,227 notes - Posted April 18, 2022
Tumblr users who didn't leave after the big NSFW ban seeing people come back after Elon Musk buys Twitter
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111,306 notes - Posted April 25, 2022
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111,375 notes - Posted January 27, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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127,549 notes - Posted April 12, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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nade2308 · 1 year
Previous masterlists: one || two || three || four || five
Mission Impossible
Ethan shooting Luther in Fallout: part 1 || part 2
Luther holding Ethan back + Benji winning the bet: part 1 || part 2 || part 3
Ethan and Luther gif in the boat
Boys and trust
Scared Ethan
Top Gun/Top Gun Maverick
July 29th anniversary gifset
Dogfight football beach scene: part 1 || part 2 || part 3
Rock of Ages
"Pour some sugar on me" by Def Leppard gifset: part 1 || part 2 || part 3 || part 4
Jack Reacher 2012
Jack gifset
Jack Reacher: Never Go Back
Jack and Susan at the motel: part 1 || part 2
Jack holding Sam
Reacher on Prime
Dancing little imp: part 1 || part 2
Shirtless Jack: part 1 || part 2
Jack and the medal
Reacher season 2 trailer gifs
Hit the road Jack video edit
OG Magnum PI
Scars of the past cover edit
Your softness is your strength cover edit
Squad goals
Exasperated Thomas
Forever in time
Sleepy time Tom
Thomas and Rick edit (1x01)
Every sunrise
Thomas/TC edit
Port side
Troubled birds OG MPI characters edit
Troubled birds OG MPI edit
Did you see the sunrise video
Morning swim + comfort cover edit
Heads and aches
The boys
Thomas and Jack AU edit
Thomas 6x09 edits
A boy
Klutzy Thomas
Persist and prevail cover edit
Smiley boy
Thomas and TC edit (John Denver - Looking for space)
Criminal Minds
Hotch gifs (1x08)
MacGyver 2016
Fluke AU edit (MacGyver 2016 and CSI)
Imp Mac gif
WK 3x08 edit 1
WK 3x08 edit 2
Mac and Jack edit (first version of the show)
Drugged and disoriented Mac video 2x04
Video 1x03 - Mac and Jack at the cemetery
Jack angsty edit
For your eyes only (AU) edits
Winged Mac fic edit
"Sorry" by Daughtry, Mac and Jack edit
Monte Walsh 2003
Anniversary gifset
AC being hit with a dart
Born on the Fourth of July
Ron being carried by his father
Reacher on Prime
Boy getting undressed: part 1 || part 2
Reacher in every episode of season 1
Hawaii Five 0 (2010)
Steve and Freddie gifs - 3x20: part 1 || part 2
Fast X
Boy in Rio
TMNT 2003
The turtles and their weapons
Leo and flashback
Missing scene to 2x16 fic cover
Thomas and Greg parallels (OG MPI and Black Sheep Squadron)
Jesse Stone and Thomas Magnum parallels (OG MPI and Jesse Stone: Thin Ice)
Jesse Stone and Thomas Magnum parallels, "Bedside vigils" (OG Magnum PI and Jesse Stone: Sea Change)
Shower parallels (Smalville and Reacher on Prime)
Parallels Bill Cage and Nick Morton
Cuffs parallels
Mission Impossible and MacGyver 2016 parallels: part 1 || part 2
Hugs (H50, MacGyver 2016, The Old Guard)
Fanfic writers appreciation day edit
Ari Levinson and Clay Appuzzo edits: edit 1 || edit 2
Mirror gifset + bonus gif
Ella Thomas birthday edit
Donnie Wahlberg birthday edit
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original-jade · 1 year
who needs coffee when you have AN ANNOUNCEMENT TRAILER
okay okay okay the graphics? GORGEOUS. new logo? BEAUTIFUL. everything about everything? HOLY SHIT
i do have thoughts, of which i have been yelling at the discord server
1- with shang tsung being the preorder bonus, i dont think hes part of the story. i think he was showcased as a stand in for whatever the big bad will actually be.
2- kitana and mileena!! together!! now its hard to tell if theyre being amicable or not, or even if theyre in outworld or edenia, but i really hope we get them as sisters and not enemies
3- scorpion and sub zero, as always. first watch, i didn't necessarily think it was kuai liang, and watching again im not wholly convinced its bi-han either. we know this game goes WAY back, and we know the title of sub-zero is passed down thanks to a pre battle line in mk11 about bi-han's and kuai liang's grandfather also being sub zero. potential shirai ryu and lin kuei founders??
4- mortal??? raiden??? im honestly hyped to see what he does. he fights with a bo staff in some of the older games and so now im curious if thatll be his main style
5- johnny cage being mentioned on the website, and a special skin of his being in the kombat pack. im??? hesitant. i dont know if hes also non canon to the story mode or if theres some multiverse shenanigans, but as much as i love him, i want the focus to stay in the new era + the 500+(?) years in the past setting
also nrs why you gotta do us dirty and show shang tsung stealing gkls soul for the fight showcase hasnt the kung family been through enoguh
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myriadismx · 2 years
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He compartido 812 publicaciones este 2022
86 publicaciones originales (11 %)
726 reblogueos (89 %)
Estos son los blogs que más he reblogueado:
@lightningstrikes-art (Their JJK Tiger Cub AU gives me life!)
@kweenkatsuki (My big fat tumblr crush v2!)
@mindninjax (My big fat tumblr crush v1!)
@katsukikitten (Love this bae as well)
He etiquetado 657 publicaciones en 2022
Solo el 19 % de mis publicaciones no incluye ninguna etiqueta
#katsuki bakugou: 142 publicaciones
#jujutsu kaisen: 68 publicaciones
#fanfic recs: 65 publicaciones
#eijirou kirishima: 56 publicaciones
#megumi fushiguro: 56 publicaciones
#toji fushiguro: 51 publicaciones
#dynamight: 42 publicaciones
#yuuji itadori: 42 publicaciones
#keigo takami: 37 publicaciones
#jjk tiger cub au: 37 publicaciones
Longest Tag: 80 characters
#i'm also that friend everybody turns to when in doubt about a particular subject
I've learnt to not be afraid of long tags! It's true! I'm knowledgeable about many things. In theory, at least.
Mis publicaciones más populares este 2022:
Your Call | Part I
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Pairing: Bakugou x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 5669
Summary: As the only daughter from an affluent family, Y/N must fulfill a role inside the golden cage she escapes from at every opportunity. But as an enthralling and mysterious boy comes into her life, she's about to discover there's no escaping her true self.
Warnings: Implications of incest.
Author’s Notes: Jaguars are not native from Japan but the Americas, however, I've always been fascinated with nahual legends that hail from my country. So, I took many liberties regarding jaguars and did my best to accomodate nahual elements into the story. Enjoy!
Taglist: @riotsragdoll @ofallthingsnasty
67 notas. Fecha de publicación: 26 de enero de 2022
OMG BakuDeku is getting their own DanUp yogurth bottle in Mexico! 🤣 Courtesy of Danone (Dannon) shipping contest.
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But the shippers went to rub it in to KiriBaku shippers' faces and it's chaos out there 😅 I honestly didn't see this coming.
92 notas. Fecha de publicación: 18 de marzo de 2022
I later found out these fuckers didn't sell any BakuDeku yogurt bottles but were giving them away for free at selected spots! 🤬
Hawks in the new trailer for season 6:
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200 notas. Fecha de publicación: 19 de junio de 2022
This was way better than I expected once I saw the real deal 🥺💔
Imagine being Toji's second wife and Megumi's stepmother, and a good one at that. One that didn’t leave him and Tsumiki behind. 
The first memory Megumi has of you is when you offered him cake the day you married his dad, and making a funny face when he refused it. You're a breath of fresh air in Toji's life after the passing of his beloved first wife: You're sweet, cheerful, understanding, and self-sufficient. He appreciates your kindness and patience towards him and Megumi, but still, it's not enough to make him give up his bad habits.
Every time Toji goes "job-hunting", he's gone for days, and returns home with lots of money, which he quickly gambles away. You've learned to be quicker and make sure to grab enough from the pile to pay the bills. However, you point out to him the importance of being a father to your children since Megumi is barely aware of his presence and doesn't remember his father much.
Your sincere dedication to his son coupled with your undying loyalty to him has Toji thinking that you have a poor taste in men and deserve more. But still, he holds you close one night and promises to take you all to a fancy restaurant once he gets another big job.
It's a promise that Toji never fulfills. After going out for said "big job", he doesn't return home. You looked for him relentlessly, but it's like he never existed at all.
When many weeks go by, you choose to believe he ran off with another woman rather than think he messed with the wrong people and was in danger. It's a very painful scenario, but you keep yourself grounded by focusing on raising your darling Tsumiki and dear Megumi, working harder to support them on your own.
Megumi is in elementary school when he starts seeing "ghosts" (curses, actually) and has two dogs following him around, and he becomes sullen as a result. Neither Tsumiki or you can see a thing, but you do believe him because you can perceive there's something off. Instead of freaking out or treating him differently, you told him he should use his gift wisely to help others. Also, you tasked Tsumiki with looking after her younger brother, which she gladly did.
When you spotted Satoru Gojo introducing himself to Megumi on the street, you mistook him for a pervert that was trying to kidnap your boy, and hit his head with a broom. He explained to you everything regarding the sorcery world, curses, Megumi's distinguished heritage, and Toji's deal with the Zen'in.
Although it vexed you to find out what Toji had done, you acknowledged that the Zen'in were better equipped to help Megumi handle his power. Yet, you weren't eager to part from your son. You were willing to give up your life savings to prevent the Zen'in from taking Megumi, and to avoid placing over his shoulders the weight of becoming a sorcerer in exchange for the financial aid you all needed and cancelling his sale to the Zen'in clan.
You tried hard to hide you're struggling from your children. Megumi knows you have two jobs to support them, and that you insist in putting them to bed early so they won't find out you take extra shifts. He knows there's exhaustion behind your blithe expression, and so, he decided to take on Gojo’s offer and you respected his choice.
But that doesn't stop you from feeling like you didn't do enough for him. Like you also sold your son.
Apparently, the whole thing did take its toll on Megumi as he hit puberty. He grew into a morose, impersonal, and cynical young man. You frequently had to bail him out of trouble at school for fighting, and Tsumiki always tried to reason with Megumi that fighting was not the ideal solution. Though you joked that he probably was going to be a boxer one of these days, in private, you told him that there were better ways to do justice that didn't involve getting detention. You also reminded him he had been born with a gift he could use for that purpose, and encouraged him to make friends, as they made life more bearable.
Megumi often wonders why a woman that was abandoned by her husband chose to burden herself with a child that's not biologically hers. You're a saint for refusing to speak ill of Toji and remembering him fondly. Megumi doesn't understand why you're always doting and smiling at him, even when he refuses to acknowledge you as his mother and openly tells you that your attitude gets on his nerves. You take his comments with a grain of salt, because you know that underneath his cold exterior, Megumi is a good boy, and you make sure he knows you’re proud of being his mother.
"We're family and we love you. Of course we care about you. But you already know that, do you?"
You said so casually, not judging Megumi for questioning your actions. He was taken aback with your earnest words, but Megumi came to realize that you held a special place in his heart that no other person had...
"I just wish that you'd call me 'Mom'~💕" You added with a playful tone and hugging him tightly.
...Even when you annoyed him sometimes.
Then, one afternoon you receive a dreadful call from Tsumiki's school telling you she collapsed. You picked up Megumi from school and reassured him with a smile that Tsumiki probably had skipped breakfast and she fainted because of that. He immediately noticed how your fingers trembled on the steering wheel and you gnawed your lower lip as you drove to the hospital.
The harsh reality hit you like a ton of bricks: Tsumiki had fallen into a coma because she had been cursed by an unknown force, and there was no way to know when she was going to wake up, if ever. For the first time, Megumi saw the joy disappear from your eyes and you broke down in tears, despairing over your daughter's condition.
Seeing his kind sister bedridden and his gentle mother sadly watching over her struck a chord in Megumi. Having his family break apart and becoming aware of how wrong he had been all along was what drove Megumi to take your advice and fully embrace his fate as a sorcerer to help others.
Before departing to Tokyo Metropolitan Curse Technical College to start his training, he promised you to help Tsumiki regain consciousness and be safe. But not without apologizing for being so awful to both of you, and regretting not giving you a chance to be closer earlier.
"You really honor your name." You smiled at him for the first time in weeks. It wasn't enthusiastic, but it held the same love and kindness as your other smiles. "You are a blessing, Megumi."
"I'm the one that is blessed to be your son, Mom. I've always been."
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This was something that I wrote half-asleep, it came to me out of the blue and was fueled by my suppressed maternal instincts. Megumi seriously needs a loving parent. I tag you @kweenkatsuki because we relate to each other and you encouraged me to finish this lol
383 notas. Fecha de publicación: 10 de agosto de 2022
I'm trying to work out a one-shot for this! I keep thinking of more scenes between Reader and Megumi but I'm so bad at making my ideas come to fruition! 😣
Mi publicación más popular de 2022
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768 notas. Fecha de publicación: 14 de marzo de 2022
Descubre tu resumen del 2022 en Tumblr →
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twdmusicboxmystery · 2 years
***Please ignore. Just updating my index.***
FTWD Renewed for S7: TD Symbols in Trailer 12/05/2020
FTWD Promo: Plant Growing from Skull 01/28/2021
Ep 1: The Beacon
Episode Edit 10/17/2021
Episode Analysis 10/17/2021
Episode Details 10/19/2021
TTD Analysis 10/24/2021
Ep 2: Six Hours
Episode Edit 10/24/2021
Episode Analysis 10/24/2021
Ep 3: Cindy Hawkins
Episode Edit 10/31/2021
Analysis 11/01/2021
Details 11/02/201
California Dreamin’ + Going to California Lyric Analysis 11/04/2021
Ep 4: Breathe With Me
Episode Edit 11/07/2021
Analysis 11/08/2021
Ep 5: Til Death
Episode Edit 11/14/2021
Analysis 11/15/2021
Ep 6: Reclamation
Episode Edit 11/21/2021
Analysis 11/22/2021
Ep 7: The Portrait
Epiosde Edit: 11/28/2021
Analysis 11/29/2021
Ep 8: Padre
Episode Edit 12/05/2021
Analysis 12/08/2021
Ep 9: Follow Me
Episode Edit 04/17/2022
Analysis 04/17/2022
Details 04/19/2022
Ep 10: Mourning Cloak
Episode Edit 04/24/2022
Analysis 04/24/2022
Elevator Symbolism 04/26/2022
Dart Parallels 04/28/2022
Charlie/Beth/Leah Parallels 04/25/2022
Doorway/Key Themes 04/26/2022
Elevator Symbolism 04/27/2022
Ep 11: Ophelia
Episode Edit 05/01/2022
Analysis 05/01/2022
Love and Madness in TWD Part 1 05/03/2022
Love and Madness Part 2 05/04/2022
Bird Cage Deep Dive 05/07/2022
Ep 12: Sonny Boy 
Episode Edit 05/08/2022
First Analysis 05/08/2022
Details 05/10/2022 
Ep 13: The Raft
Episode Edit 05/15/2022
First Analysis 05/15/2022
Details and Discussions 05/17/2022
Ep 14: Divine Providence
Episode Edit 05/22/2022
First Analysis 05/22/2022
Details and Discussions 05/24/2022
Ep 15: Amina
Episode Edit 05/29/2022
First Analysis 05/29/2022
Breaking Glass and Immunity/Treatment Theories 05/31/2022
More Observations About Episode 06/01/2022
Whether Alicia is Dead or Alive 06/02/2022
Whiskey and Stripes 06/03/2022
Alicia/Beth “Got Bit, I’m still here” edit 06/04/2022
Beth/Connie/Alicia Bird Cage Parallels 06/03/2022
Ep 16: Gone
Episode Edit 06/05/2022
First Analysis 06/05/2022
Details 06/07/2022
FTWD BTS Special 05/11/2022
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devilofthehounds · 20 days
God Eater 3 Character Novel | Spinning Bonds: Chapter 5
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[image id: A novel cover. Zeke Pennywort from God Eater 3 stands with his back to the viewer, his scarf billowing in the wind. Overlaid within the scarf is an image of a young Zeke with his four brothers, smiling happily. The text, when translated into English, reads “God Eater 3 Character Novel | Chapter 4: Zeke Edition | Spinning Bonds”. /end id]
This is a fan translation. Original text here.
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8
A few months passed after our brothers died.
We continued our journey by sneaking onto transports, traveling from base to base.
After losing our brothers, our lives had basically hit rock bottom.
Just three troublesome kids. Even if we were lucky enough to reach a settlement or a satellite base, we wouldn't be seen as reliable enough to be trusted with work, and we'd be too much of a burden to be shown kindness.
Every day, we wandered in search of food and supplies, drinking muddy water, constantly straddling the line between life and death, able to do nothing more than hold each other close.
In a situation like this, I couldn't help but remember how amazing my big brothers had been, winning over everyone they came across.
How Saul could encourage them.
How Rhys could make them laugh.
I had taken their place and tried to keep things the same as when it had been the five of us, but—
I had to be on guard at all times in order to protect my little brothers. There was no telling when someone might try to deceive us... or attack us.
The connections between people. Saul had said it was the strongest weapon one could wield, but I hadn't been able to find it.
If he and Rhys were here, I was sure they would've been able to befriend the owners of the transport we were on, and we'd use it to travel all over.
But there was no way I could do that.
At that moment, the ship suddenly stopped, even though we still had a while to go before reaching the next base.
Just as I thought that, the lid on the cargo container we were hiding in was removed. Adults in uniforms peered in at us.
"Well, well, well. We were only supposed to inspect the cargo, but look what we have here."
We were picked up and thrown into another trailer.
It was pitch-black inside, reinforced by a cage-like lattice.
"H-Hey! What are you doing?! Let us out of here!"
"Quiet down. You won't have to worry about being stowaways anymore. We'll keep you nice and safe."
The man laughed coldly. On his arm was a red armlet that brought back bad memories.
We couldn't become God Eaters.
Ever since that day, God Eaters had become a symbol of fear and death for us, even more so than the Aragami. They represented the breaking of bonds.
I'd kept us as far away from Ports as I could. What if we were captured like the kids at the base? Every time I thought about it, my big brothers' final moments came back to me.
But whether we liked it or not, more and more Ports were popping up, and all of them were in the business of rounding up kids and forcing them to become God Eaters.
In the end, we, too, were swept up by the current and ended up here.
Port Pennywort—where profit came first.
None of the guards paid any heed to my cries.
Please, let Neal and Keith go. I pleaded and begged.
They held me down with sneering smiles on their faces and made me listen to my brothers' agonized screams through the door as they were put through the aptitude test.
But still, when Keith and Neal walked back through the door, I was so relieved I started crying.
I was so grateful they were alive, that we were still connected.
After being thrown in a cell, we huddled together and wondered what laid ahead. The memory of Saul and Rhys's final moments came rushing back to me. I could feel my body tense up.
Would Neal, Keith, and I meet the same fate?
Would I have to watch my little brothers die right before my eyes?
Would Neal and Keith have to watch me die?
No way. I couldn't let that happen.
I had to be strong. I couldn't be scared. I had to survive. Survive. Survive. Survive. I had to protect Neal and Keith. No matter how strong the Aragami were, I had to fight. I... I... I-I had to—
"Yo, newbie! What's with the sad look?"
My eyes were bloodshot—probably from crying. I tried to locate the source of the voice when I suddenly felt someone hit the back of my head hard.
"Ow! What was that for?!"
A guy with a cheerful smile on his face crouched down in front of me.
"Hey there! Name's Din! I'm your senior here and one day, I'll be a world-renowned hero! Nice to meet you!"
Din grinned and pointed to his chest with his thumb. Neal, Keith, and I just stared back at him, at a loss for words.
"...What the heck are you talking about?"
"Come on, don't be so cold! At least laugh a little!"
I narrowed my eyes, trying to make sense of this weirdo.
"They only just got here, Din. Of course they're going to be confused by a greeting like that. ...It's nice to meet you three. My name's Oulu. Come talk to us if you're ever in trouble, okay?"
We were taken aback by Oulu's bright, gentle smile.
Even in a situation like this, Din and Oulu's smiles felt genuine.
"Well, anyway, we're gonna be friends from now on! You might be worried right now, but just relax! Oulu and I are here for you! We won't let anyone die, promise!"
It was just for a moment, but I was certain.
Seeing them reminded me of my big brothers, of when all five of us were together.
The prison felt suffocating, filled to the brim with kids with the same awful luck as us.
But even so, Din and Oulu always spread hope to those around them.
"Guess what, guys? We found a case full of preserved food while we were out scouting! The guards haven't noticed yet. Let's split it up while we can! Gather round, everyone!"
The two of them always seemed to be having fun; it was hard to believe they were in the same situation as us.
At first, I thought they were pretty annoying.
"Here, you three. Have an extra, on me."
Din secretly shared some of his food with us.
"But that's yours. ...What's your angle?"
"Truth is, I've got a huge stomachache. If I eat any more, I might just keel over. Trust me, you'd be doing me a favor. In fact, I'm turning in early."
"I don't feel so good, either. Would you mind helping me out, too? Good night."
And with that, both of them pushed their food onto us and quickly went to bed.
"Din and Oulu... They're a lot like Saul and Rhys."
"Yeah... I don't know why, but when they're around, I don't worry as much."
When I turned, I could see Keith and Neal smiling for the first time in a long time.
"Yeah... I mean, whatever! They're nothing like Saul and Rhys!"
How would we survive today? What would happen tomorrow? For a while, things like that had become the only things we could talk about.
But before we knew it, we were once again laughing over meaningless things.
Even after AGE training began in full force, Din and Oulu still looked out for us.
"Zeke, your God Arc is the Boost Hammer. There's a trick to transforming it, okay?"
The two of them knew a lot about handling God Arcs, and they enthusiastically instructed new AGEs.
"Whoa, it works so well now... You don't use a Boost Hammer; how do you know how they work?"
"Our parents worked for Fenrir. We've heard lots about all types of God Arcs and seen tons of experiments. This is nothing!"
"So cool... Oulu aside, I didn't think you were that smart, Din."
"You little—! Say that again, I dare you!"
"Knock it off, you brats! You're supposed to be training; quit making such a ruckus!"
"Shut up. You're the one making a ruckus, you old fart!"
"W-What did you just say?!"
Sometimes, I got dragged into trouble and punished, too... but it was still pretty fun.
Before we knew it, the cheery atmosphere Din and Oulu created became a driving force that made us accept each other as friends.
Ever since my brothers died, there had been a void in my heart.
It was kinda ironic. No matter how hard we tried, the three of us brothers could never fill that void because we all had the same wounds. Instead, it was filled here, in a cold, dark prison.
I felt like I could finally understand the power of the connections between people.
Maybe coming here wasn't such a bad thing after all.
The longer I spent in this cell with my friends and family, the more I began to feel that way.
Then, one day...
"Alright, everyone, listen up. Thanks to Keith's hard work, we've finally got these radios working."
In the middle of the night, while the guards were asleep, a strategy meeting was held in our cell.
Seeing Keith tinker away, day after day, I never would've thought he'd been working on repairing radios for Din and Oulu.
"We'll get these over to AGEs in other blocks. Then... for the sake of our dream, all of us in this Port will work together to start a rebellion!"
Murmurs spread throughout the cell.
"Your dream?"
"That's right. We're going to build a place where everyone's dreams can come true! That's our dream."
Such powerful words and eyes full of passion. It made me tremble.
"Everyone here's had something taken from them unjustly. So, we'll work together to take it all back!"
"A place where people can reach out to each other and support one another, where we can encourage each other's dreams and wills... That's the kind of place we want to build. A place where everyone can feel safe and be a family."
The two of them described such an incredible dream. Their words reminded me of the dream my brothers and I had given up on without realizing it.
A place where us brothers could live together in peace.
I honestly believed these two could take us there.
"But Oulu and I can't do it alone. Everyone... will you help us?"
It was the first time I'd ever seen the insolent Din ask for help.
We didn't even need time to think about it. Everyone in the cell was smiling, confident looks on their faces.
"Of course we will! Din, Oulu, let's make our dream come true!"
I was the first to speak up. The biggest smile on my face, I offered up my support for their dream.
The courage to trust others—something I never thought I had.
I finally understood that the qualifications to wield the strongest weapon were something you had to be given.
"...Heh. Thanks, Zeke."
"Thank you, everyone. Together... we'll seize our freedom!"
In the darkness, our hope spread.
Keith, and even Neal, who hated conflict—their eyes shined with hope and anticipation.
Our dream as brothers would connect with Din and Oulu's, becoming even brighter, and lead us into the future.
This was where it would all begin. Of that, I was certain.
And so...
There was no way I could accept that Din and Oulu had been killed in battle.
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allequipmenthire · 2 months
Why Renting a Trailer is a Game-Changer for Your Projects?
In today’s world, where advanced technology is used in almost all sectors, having a trailer to move heavy equipment is a benefit that no one can resist. A trailer, be it–a flat deck, enclosed, or cage- can be excellent in emergencies.
This versatile equipment tool can enhance storage capabilities at any work site. 
However, you might wonder if it is right to invest in this equipment by going out of your budget. Well, there’s no need to do that.
Many rental companies, like All Equipment Hire, allow you to rent this equipment for your upcoming project.  
Look at how hiring trailers can be a game changer for your business.
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Where are Trailers Used?
Trailers are used in a variety of settings, such as
Film and media
Emergency services
Benefits of Getting Trailers on Rent
Trailers are used in a variety of settings, such as
1. Cost-effective Solution:
Buying a trailer in one go can be expensive and disrupt your budget. If you don't use the trailer more often and only require it for a short-term project, what’s the need to buy it? On the other hand, choosing a trailer hire in Adelaide gives people and companies access to a premium trailer's advantages without paying for it upfront. Those who need a trailer for specialised tasks or infrequent use will find this affordable option especially appealing. Did you consider renting a truck, but the price seemed excessive? When moving, an enclosed furniture trailer can reduce costs by 25%, relieving financial strain.
2. Use for Adventure and Leisure Purposes:
Embark on a luxurious journey through South Australia’s breathtaking scenery with a camper trailer, indulging in the liberating experience of the open road and the cosy sanctuary of a mobile home. Simplify the transportation of your boat or caravan to your desired camping destination or waterway, eliminating the need for a separate vehicle.
3. Easy Moving:
Renting a trailer can significantly simplify the relocation process by enabling you to transport your furniture and personal items easily. Besides that, renting a trailer presents a cost-effective alternative to hiring professional movers, especially for those with fewer belongings to transport.
4. Variety of Options: 
A diverse range of rental companies provide extensive options to accommodate various preferences and budgets. Whether you are looking for a simple cargo trailer or a fully furnished camper trailer, you will find the perfect fit for your upcoming adventure. With such a wide variety, you can confidently choose a trailer that meets all your requirements without settling for anything less than perfect
5. No Tension of Maintenance:
As a renter, you do not have to worry about maintenance of the equipment when you choose the option of tool hire. This is because the rental company is fully responsible for handling all the necessary repairs to keep your trailer in top-notch condition for your travels. This means you can save both time and money, and avoid the stress of dealing with maintenance issues.
6. Environmental Benefits:
When you choose the rental option, there are many positive effects on the environment. When you decide to share trailers with other users, you can help decrease the total number of trailers in use, reducing the manufacturing of new vehicles and the emission of harmful carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. This practice promotes environmental sustainability by minimising the ecological footprint associated with vehicle production and usage.
Thus, whether you embark on your house-moving journey or start a construction project, whatever the situation is, renting a trailer is always better than buying!
Final Words
Now that you know how to get trailers for your personal and commercial projects, how can they benefit you? All Equipment Hire offers top-quality trailers and expert guidance to ensure you choose the perfect option. 
So, ease your transportation needs and contact them today to make the process seamless.
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tomcooperlove · 3 months
Unveiling The Practical Applications Of The 10x5 Tandem Trailer
Having the right trailer can significantly streamline the process when transporting goods, equipment, or materials. The 10x5 tandem trailer, with its sturdy construction and ample dimensions, is a versatile tool that serves various purposes across different industries. Let's delve into the practical applications of this trailer and explore why it's a valuable asset for businesses and individuals alike.
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1. Construction and Landscaping
The 10x5 tandem trailer is vital in transporting materials, tools, and equipment to and from job sites in the construction and landscaping industries. Whether it's hauling lumber, concrete, gravel, or gardening supplies, this trailer's spacious dimensions provide ample room for large and bulky items. Its tandem axle design ensures stability and control, even when navigating rough terrain or uneven surfaces, making it an indispensable asset for contractors and landscapers.
2. Moving and Relocation
For individuals and families undergoing a move or relocation, the 10x5 trailer offers a convenient solution for transporting furniture, appliances, and household belongings. Its generous dimensions can easily accommodate bulky items such as sofas, beds, and refrigerators, minimising the need for multiple trips. With the ability to attach tie-downs and secure loads safely, this trailer provides peace of mind while moving, ensuring that items arrive at their destination intact.
3. Recreational Activities
Beyond its commercial and residential applications, the 10x5 tandem trailer is also valuable for recreational activities. Outdoor enthusiasts use it to transport recreational vehicles, such as ATVs, dirt bikes, or jet skis, to their favourite trails, tracks, or waterways. With its durable construction and tandem axle stability, the trailer can handle the rigours of off-road terrain, providing a reliable means of transporting recreational equipment for weekend adventures.
4. Event and Exhibition Logistics
In the event and exhibition industry, the 10x5 trailer is often utilised for transporting equipment, supplies, and promotional materials to trade shows, festivals, and other special events. Its spacious interior can accommodate booths, displays, signage, and merchandise, allowing vendors and organisers to transport everything they need in a single trip. With its customisable options, such as side panels or cage extensions, the trailer can be tailored to meet specific event logistics requirements.
5. Waste Management and Recycling
The tandem trailer also plays a role in waste management and recycling operations, where it's used to transport refuse, recyclables, and bulk materials to disposal facilities or recycling centres. Its durable construction and ample payload capacity make it well-suited for hauling heavy loads, such as construction debris, yard waste, or scrap metal. The trailer can facilitate efficient loading and unloading processes by adding specialised accessories, such as tarpaulins or hydraulic lift gates.
6. Agricultural and Farming Operations
The 10x5 tandem trailer serves multiple purposes in the agricultural and farming sector, from transporting livestock and feed to hauling agricultural equipment and supplies. Farmers use it to move harvests, livestock, and implements between fields, barns, and storage facilities. Its sturdy construction and tandem axle design ensures stability and durability, even when navigating rural roads or uneven terrain, making it an indispensable tool for agricultural operations.
In conclusion, the 10x5 tandem trailer is versatile and indispensable, with many practical applications across various industries. Whether construction, moving, recreation, events, waste management, or agriculture, this trailer provides a reliable means of transporting goods, equipment, and materials easily and efficiently. With its durable construction, ample dimensions, and tandem axle stability, the 10x5 trailer is a valuable investment for businesses and individuals seeking versatile hauling solutions.
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dryingpanzer · 3 months
- Mumford & Sons “Wilder Mind:” 6/10
- Lilo & Stitch: 7/10
- Nightmare Kart: 9/10
Wilder Minds by Mumford & Sons
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Much like how “In Case I Make It” by Will Wood and DEATH OF PEACE AND MIND by Bad Omens, Wilder Mind takes a big jump from Mumford & Sons usual style of country/folk rock for more electronic pop rock. Where Will Wood and Bad Omens excel with the style change, Mumford & Sons doesn’t quite nail it. The songs sound good, yes, but they don’t quite have the same emotional impact as their previous albums. It may have to be another one of those albums I have to listen to again to give it another chance. 6/10
(Also retconning and making “Lies for the Liars” by The Used a 4/10, I liked like 4 songs from that album)
Lilo & Stitch
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After not having watched it for so long I finally decided to actually watch this movie from the forgotten era. The movie was cute to say the least! Some parts were charming and hilarious (I think Jumba, Pleakly, and Bubbles had the best writing in the whole movie). What kinda irked me about it though was the tonal whiplash. There were parts that would be heavily comedic slapstick and followed up with very depressing moments (not the extreme degree of tonal whiplash that Hunchback of Notre Dame had). Still, it’s a cute movie with a good message about sticking together as a family. 7/10, have mercy on my soul
(Also Steve Blum was in this movie???)
Nightmare Kart
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To preface this: I have not played Bloodborne ever, I caught glimpses of this game after seeing the reveal trailer of Micolash, seeing some wild idiot with a caged head running, and thought “Oh this is a FUNNY game”
Well fast forward and (after legal issues with Sony from what it seems), I have finally played the now Nightmare Kart, and I must say it is a delight!
The story is very befitting for a gothic horror kart race that takes place in a nightmare. The change in designs to be legally distinct from Bloodborne (Nicholas having a little bird in his bird cage is incredible). Gameplay is very solid and fun, using the echos(?) system from Bloodborne as a way to increase max speed. The campaign is also quite fun (apart from the capture the insight mission but I think that’s just me being mad cuz bad). The music is also incredible with my fave song being either Angel Graveyard or Miralodia College.
9/10 game, fave new game I played this year so far!
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