#60s!ben hardy imagine
v1rg1nvodkasprite · 5 years
Greaser → Ben Hardy (Part X)
Due to Shenanigans, you have been sent back in time to the 1960s. You find yourself in a high school. You also find someone very intriguing but he’s unrestrained.
Warnings: language, angst, fluff, hospitalization, defibrillation, crying.
Notes: this is the last part!! thank u sm for reading and lmk what u thought of the series in comments. love u guys!! x
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I pulled open the curtain, looking back at Ben in his bed and the back at the man that was getting settled into his own. They had similar facial features but the older man had grey hair and wrinkles on the side of his mouth and around his eyes. There was no way.
I looked back to Ben. What was going on? What were the odds?
"He's awake. Sir! Sir, how are you feeling?" one of the nurses asked. I stood up instantly, trying to get a better look at the man. As he started to talk, a man walked by, closing the curtains.
"Bella?" I heard Ben grasply. I turned to him, sitting down instantly. "Hey, how are you feeling? Do you want the nurse?" I asked and he shook his head.
"I don't feel so good," he whispered as I sat down. I gently brushed his hair out of his face. "I know, babe. I know," I said and held his hand.
A nurse knocked at the wall beside the curtain. "Come in," I called out, not moving my eyes from Ben.
"How is he feeling?" she asked, putting on some gloves. "Not so good, doc." he said, his voice strained. "She popped on a protective, plastic cover onto the thermometer. "Open your mouth," she instructed, placing the thermometer under his tongue.
A minute later, it beeped and she took it out of his mouth, glancing at the temperature, "Your fever has gone down to 100.6 degrees. We'll still need to monitor you and figure out what is really going on with you. I'll get someone to bring you a jello and water," she said, popping of the protective cover into the trash before walking out.
"It's not just the flu, is it Y/N?" he asked, looking up at me. I shook my head. "Apparently, your body is eating itself away," I said, my voice cracking, "I should've never let you come."
"No, babe. I wanted to. I wasn't happy where I was. I was barely living. This isn't your fault," he said, squeezing my hand. "Ben, I've only known you for what? Two weeks?" I pointed out. "Two and a half," he muttered under his breath. I scoffed.
"We barely knew what was going to happen. We hadn't even known each other for a month. It was foolish of me to let you come with me and know look at where you are!" I exclaimed, loudly. Surely the nurses walking by could hear us.
"But it isn't your fault. Who knows what this possibly could be from?" he said after sighing. "What else would it be from Ben? The man in the room across from you has the same fever as you and the same name. None of this is just coincidental," I said.
There was a prolonged silence before Ben broke it. "So, what's going to happen?" he asked. "I don't know, babe."
The curtains slide open and the nurse from earlier walked in. "Here's your jello and water. Just press this blue button if you need anything," she said. We quietly thanked her before she left.
"Please come here," Ben said rasply, "Please." He moved over in his bed, making as much space as possible so that I could fit. I laid down next to him, resting my right leg over him. His body was still warm and his heartbeat was sped up slightly.
"What if you have to go back?" I asked, without thinking. "Why would I have to, love?" he was slightly confused at my question. "What if this doesn't get better. If it's not temporary. What if it's fatal?" I rambled on.
He hugged me closer to him and kissed my forehead, "If it is then I maybe I'll go back." I didn't say anything after that. I just laid next to him listening to the sound of his heart beating and drawing circles on his chest.
After about half an hour, he had fallen asleep, exhausted from everything that had happened. I carefully got up, trying not to wake him. I walked out of his room and speaker through the curtains from the older Ben's room.
He was sleeping peacefully, just as Ben was in the other room. His hair was a bit shorter and grey. He had gained some weight and his arms had lost some of their muscle.
My eyes lowered to the ground and I backed up from out of the room. If the present Ben was here in this lifetime, could my Ben survive here as well? I wondered if that was why they were both sick. It couldn't possibly be just a coincidence.
Ben now was married, in his old age and probably had kids as well as grandkids. The chance for me with him would be if I had been born when he had, back in the early 1950s. That, or go back and be with him which I honestly didn't know if it was worth it or not. I loved him but I could just throw my life away. It wouldnt work out.
I walked back to Ben's room, curling up beside him. His arm wrapped around me and he nuzzled into my hair, half asleep. He would have to go back.
"I love you," I whispered, not intending to receive any response. Ben hummed, still half asleep.
I awoke by a nurse frantically shaking me. "You need to get up, now!" she said, almost yelling at me. I sat up and looked over. They had Ben's shirt off and he looked deadly pale. They were prepping the defibrillator.
I quickly jumped out from the bed, looking at Ben in shock. Tears welled up in my eyes. Was he dead? "Ma'am, you need to step out," one of the doctors ordered. I heard the buzzing of the electricity from the defibrillator. I backed out of the room, as they shocked Ben, making me jump.
I turned around and doctors and nurses were frantically doing the same in the older Ben's room. I slightly shook my head, sitting on floor backed up against the wall. I had to get Ben back as soon as possible.
After 15 minutes or so, they had managed to stabilize his heartbeat. The same with the man across the room. How did they not realize they had two men who had the same name and condition. A nurse mentioned that I could go in and see him which made me push the thoughts into the back of my mind.
I sat in the chair beside his bed and held his hand, moving my thumb across his knuckles. I just watched him. I would miss him so much.
A little while later, I heard rustling in a the bed and a deep groan. "Y/N," he called out. "I know, babe. I'm here. You're okay," I whispered to him and he groaned again. I squeezed his hand, assuring him that I was here.
A moment or two passed before I called out for him. "Ben, you need to go back," I told him and he nodded his head, "I know."
He moved over to make room for me in the small hospital bed. I carefully climbed in and he wrapped his arms around me, hugging me as close to him as he possibly could.
"Just one more day, please," he begged, his chest softly vibrating as he spoke. "Ben, look at you. You almost died. You did die. Who knows what will happen if you stayed here for another day," I said.
He just nodded, understanding the situation. His grip tightened on me and my fingers grazed her his hard chest. A knot in my throat started to grow and and tighten. I tried to swallow it as tears welled in my eyes. I started to quietly cry into his chest.
"One more hour than, just an hour," he pleases and I nodded, looking up at him. He smiled, lifting his hand to my face. He gently swiped the tears from my cheek with his thumb. "I'm so in love with you," he whispered softly. I smiled sadly, "I'm so in love with you," I whispered back.
I brought my hand up to his face, my fingers dancing from his temple to his cheek then to his lips. He was so beautiful.
We laid there just cuddling and studying each other's features. It went by too fast and the clock chimed. An hour had passed. The familiar knot tightened in my throat as I started to cry. Ben hugged me, reaching over to grab my phone and then handed it to me. I sighed, typing in the password opening up the tab with the link on it.
I slowly handed it back to him. He looked to me, leaning in to kiss me. Our lips moved slowly against each other. It was passionate, yet gentle.
Suddenly, his presence disappeared from me. I fluttered my eyes open. Ben was gone, my phone sitting on the bed beside me.
I got up, slowly. It was like all of it was a dream. He was gone. I walked out of the room and walked to the present Ben's room. Or I guess now, just Ben's room.
I peaked through the curtain and saw that he was awake. His eyes met mine and I backed up, gasping. "Bella?" he called out. My breath hitched in my throat. I pushed open the curtain to meet him.
"Holy shit," he exclaimed. He was just as vulgar as he was when he was young. "You're just as I remembered. Did I just leave?" he asked. "You remember?" I asked and he nodded.
The tears that been building up in my eyes started to roll down. "I'm so sorry," I sobbed and he got up from his bed, slowly. He hugged me close to him as I wrapped my arms around him. He was still taller than me.
"It's okay. I'm okay," he told me. I stepped back, nodding. "You need to move on. I always kept you in my heart. Now I have a family of my own. I'm married and have a son and a grandson, who is your age," I nodded, smiling, "I'm happy for you."
"Goodbye," I said, backing up. "Bye, love," he said, waving. I smiled, turning around and walking away. Suddenly, I bumped into a hard chest.
"I'm so sorry," I said, looking up. "You're fine, love," the boy said. He looked so much like Ben. "This is my grandson, James," Ben said from behind me. I smiled, "Hi, James," I greeted him, smiling. "Hey, beautiful."
@rrrogah-tayluhh , @simplyvictoria-93 , @rencontre-moi-dans-le-couloir , @kirket03 , @plethora-of-things , @satanspaghetti , @rogersrager , @spreadymercury , @hi-i-dont-know , @kurt-nightcrawler, @rogahmtaylah
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mightyfineblog · 5 years
‘Impala ‘67’ Roger Taylor x Reader
Summary: Roger just got a new car, at which you aren’t very happy at first, but on the back seat he managed to convince you otherwise.
Words: 1k
Warnings: cuddling, kissing, convincing, car smut, fingering, appreciation.
Here is it. Enjoy:
“I don’t believe my bloody eyes.” You blinked a few times.
“Don’t you like it?” Roger pout his lips and lifted his eyebrow.
“You don’t need another…” you shook your head chuckling.
“But baby! This is brand new. They just released it in the US.” Roger tried to reason with you.
“Wow. Of course.” Your sarcastic side took over.
“Let me give you a ride with this shiny new baby.” Roger smirked, slowly making his way closer to you.
You rolled your eyes and huffed.
“Come on baby. Please, petal?” He but his lips seductively as his hands found their way to your hips.
Your lips were tightly put together, as you looked straight into his begging eyes.
“Just one ride. I want you to her roar.” He whispered in your ear.
“Isn’t my roar enough for you?” You wanted to tease him for a little longer.
“That’s different. You know it.” Roger’s eyes were more than begging.
“One ride.” You pushed past his shoulder went over the car.
“Yes!” Roger was excited to hop on the driver’s seat.
“Listen carefully now.” He smirked at you.
He started the engine and let it roar for a bit before heading straight for the M-25 motorway.
“What do you think?” Roger’s excitement was to the roof. The only time you’ve seen him this happy is when you give him a head.
You smiled and pretended to be excited about the things he was babbling about, which you didn’t understand anyway.
“It’s quite fast.” You traced your fingers over his arm.
“I knew you’d like it.” He proudly smirked and slid his hand off the steering wheel down to your knee.
Your lip curled into a tiny smile at the corner of your mouth.
“Come oon sweetie.” He squeezed your thigh.
“Roger…” you started warningly “watch the road.”
“I am, baby, I am.” he smirked while the grip on your thigh hardened.
“You gon kill us both if you continue.” you laughed, but soon realised how true that was.
“Is that so? I my baby girl worried?” he cooed.
“Don’t be so childish. I mean it.” you punched his arm.
“Alright. Alright.” he laughed and pulled over soon enough.
“Happy?” he asked, unbucking your seatbelt, and his quickly after.
“Let me show you exactly how comfortable this car could be, hm?” he pointed to the back seat.
You shook your head and hopped on the back seat, and he followed.
“Loot out the window, baby.” Roger squished you tighter in his arms.
“It’s quite clear tonight.” you hummed.
Roger held you close in his arms, and you felt amazingly safe and protected. But as you were sitting in his lap, you couldn't help but slowly grind yourself against his thigh.
“Baby…” you whispered, as your lips were finding their way to his neck. Your hands buried in his blonde locks, while his hands were nicely resting on your bum.
“Petal? Wanna say somethin’?” he grabbed your bum and grund you tighter over his shaft.
“I’m really startin to like this car.” you moaned, as you kissed and sucked on his neck.
“It’s been some time…” he huffed.
“I know, and I’m incredibly sorry. That’s why I need you Rog.” you whined, as your grinding was getting harder and you started to feel the familiar knob in your stomach tighten.
“Come here.” he grunted,  flipping you over and laying you down the seat.
He hovered over you, pushing his knee between your legs, lightly pressing against  your knickers, where you needed friction the most.
He leaned over you and started kissing you. His lips dominating, you felt the hunger in him. It only made you weaker for his touch.
You moaned as his tongue was passionately playing with yours, and his hands were roaming up and down your body.
“What a tight little number.” he hissed as he rolled your flared dress up.
“My favourite.” you smiled.
You pulled his down by the neck and pressed his head over your chest. Brushing his nose over the outlines of yout breasts he was breathing hard.
“May I?” his deep voice resonated in your chest.
“Please.” you managed.
His hand roamed down and slid your knickers to the side. Pressing two fingers flat against your hot core you exhaled the breath you were holding.
“Glistening.” he noted and kissed you once again.
His fingers kept pressing over your clit and opening, but you needed more.
“Rog.” you whined, bucking your hips up.
“Tell me babydoll. You gotta tell me what you want.” he cooed watching you struggle underneath him.
“I need to have you. Please.” you groaned.
“Need me to do what?” This?” he pushed his finger with one swift move inside, as you almost screamed of pleasure.
“Or maybe this?” he curled his fingers, right on the spot, which made your toes curl.
“Fuck. yes!” you whined.
“Ha. I know, I know.” roger smirked as his fingers started moving with slow steady motion. He kept a distance between your bodies, just to observe you. To watch you wriggle in pleasure from his fingers alone.
“Roger.Rog.” you started throwing your body harder. “I’m so close. Roger!” you reached for his tight bulge and stroked him over his jeans.
“Uh-uh. This is about you, baby.” he caught your hand and kissed your knuckles.
“But. But.” you struggled to speak, as his fingers were fucking you hard, and you knew you werent going to last long.
Roger kept your hand in his and brought it to his face “Cum for me baby. Come on doll. I want you to make mess on my fingers.” he kissed the inside of your palm, which drive you over the edge.
You body felt uncontrollable, your eyes rolled to the back of your head, as the building ecstasy finally exploded. You came with a load scream of Roger’s name.
“That’s right.” he was panting, but kept licking and gently kissing your hand.
“I love to watch you come.” he confessed, as his fingers had stopped moving, but stayed inside of you.  
Slowly taking them out you whined from the heightened sensitivity. “I… I…” you panted from your high.
“Easy baby, I’ve got ya. ” he kissed your temple, nose and finally your lips.
“I’m really liking this car now.” you laughed.
“I know.” he smirked, taking you under his arm, where you rested your head on his chest.
“Maybe I should just show you how much I liked it.” you lifted your brow and looked at him.
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pick a generation:
Roger Taylor
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John Deacon
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Brian May
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If anyone finds Freddie's I would love for it to be added!!!
And those are NOT mine! All thanks go to whoever boysofqueen is!
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Sympathy for the Devil Prologue
Roger Taylor x The Reader
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A/N: nobody asked for this considering I have a whopping 2 followers, but i’m just on here to create something. if you enjoy, please let me know and share it!
Warnings: HOT (as in roger taylor)
Words: 959
Summary: the reader moved from a small town in america to europe for university. her family didn’t approve of the move, leaving her with nothing but herself in her new home. that is, until she met four boys who changed her life. whether it was for the better or for worse is yet up to you to figure out
Notes: This is only the prologue and not the first chapter. more of an introduction to the story, and that’s why it’s so short. if you guys enjoy how it’s going, i will decide if i should write more from that.
“I don’t know Fred, don’t you think it’s a bit much?” you said while looking at yourself in a white long sleeve high neck dress and red heels. You did have to admit, the dress fit you perfectly, hugging every single part of your body correctly. The fact that a plunging portion was sheer helped show off your admirable assets, but not in an overly done way since there was indeed fabric covering them, see through or not. Your hair was curled perfectly in place, shaping your face in a flattering manner, and your makeup was done natural with light bronzy shadows to be matched by rosy cheeks and a clear gloss on your lips. Since your outfit was bold, In Freddie’s words, “your face must be tame, yet still eye-catchingly beautiful.” He was right, you did look great, but it was only one party. “Well darling I don’t know what you expected when you let me dress you, no one is more ridiculous than me dear… and besides, a bit much or not, you look stunning and you cannot say otherwise.”
“Freddie I-” you were cut off by Fred once again.
“You simply must wear it, or I will be terribly offended and might never speak to you again. End of discussion.”
“Alright, alright Fred I will wear it, but only because I love you.”
“I love you also, but certainly not as much as the other boys, especially Roger, are going to love seeing walk into the room looking like you do tonight.” He said with a cheeky smile that turned into a grin. You rolled your eyes and laughed. You two grabbed your belongings and headed out the door.
As you stepped out of the cab, being careful not to let your dress slide up too far, you were harshly greeted by the chilling air of london. Thankfully, the walk into the party was short as you were lead through the press hand in hand by Freddie. When you walked inside, warm air filling you up, you immediately spotted the 6 foot figure of Brian and walked towards him, Freddie already long gone probably ordering shots and dancing with friends.
“Y/N it’s good to see you, lovely as always.”
“Nice to see you too Bri, although we only saw each other yesterday” you said while laughing and giving him a hug. It’s as you were looking over Brian’s shoulder, in full embrace, when you saw him. The full head of long blond hair and big blue eyes turn the corner, a large smirk forming on his lips the second he spotted you. Brian noticed Roger coming and silently excused himself, you now completely unaware of anything besides the drummer in tight black leather pants and a shirt completely unbuttoned, his chest on full display added with a few chokers hanging down, including the one you had bought him last christmas. He was now right in front of you, smiling big and greeting you with a kiss.
“Hello love, I missed you while you were gone.”
“Rog, i’ve only been with Fred for a few hours now.” You lightly chuckled as you pulled away from his face, hands landing behind his neck as you looked up at him.
“Yeah I know, but it felt like an eternity. Although, if Fred’s going to put you in an outfit like that every time you get ready with him, I think I just might let you go over there every time a party is thrown.” He smirked as he said it, always a flirt. You smiled and lightly smacked his chest, him grabbing you by your waist and leading you to the couch, glaring at the group of men checking you out while doing so. Roger was always like that, possessive. Whether it be a subtle arm around your waist and holding your hand just a bit tighter, or him drunkenly full on punching a man trying to move on you, he’s always been there and has always been protective. You didn’t scowl him for it, you enjoyed knowing that he cared for you that much, and if you did you’d be a hypocrite, because you tend to be protective over him at times as well. Of course you knew that with their album “A Night at the Opera” blowing up there would be the groupies swooning over him, and you were fine with that, it was in the job description. But the second that any of them would get too close, you’d almost immediately pull the trick of sitting on his lap or just making out with him right there in front of them. Once he would catch on to what you were doing, he could only help but smirk. You knew Roger had a reputation and had cheated on his past girlfriends, but you never felt worried that he would do that to you. Mostly, it was because he never gave a reason for you to, he had never been anything but trustworthy and loyal for you.
The rest of the night consisted of sitting on the couch in Rogers lap, mindlessly playing with his hair while talking to Brian and Deacy. Of course during this Roger couldn’t help but whisper his thoughts about undressing you in your ear, causing you to laugh and playfully hit him. The more drunk you two got though, the more touchy you became and eventually, you two were ready to go home and finally spend the night acting out what he had been thinking about since the second he saw you. You fell asleep cuddled up next to him, your face buried in his neck and hands slowly running through his hair, his hands lightly running up and down your thighs.
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megalony · 4 years
Bonds between us
I know I haven’t been posting much lately but I’ve finally been inspired and found the time to write this new Murderer! Ben Hardy series I am hoping to be working on. I hope you will all like it, feedback is always lovely to have.
Taglist: @lunaticspoem @butlegendsneverdie @langdonzvoid @jennyggggrrr @rogmeddows @radiob-l-a-hblah @rogertaylorsbitontheside @chlobo6 @rogertaylors-lipgloss @sj-thefan @omgitsearly @luckytrashgooprebel @scarsout @deaky-with-a-c @killer-queen-ofrhye @bluutac @vousmemanqueez @jonesyaddiction @ambi-and-sunflowers @milanosaurus @httpfandxms @saint-hardy @7-seas-of-fat-bottomed-girls @mrsalwayswritex @rogerina-owns-me @hellsdragon @im-an-adult-ish @crazylittlethingg @allauraleigh @onceuponadetectivedemigod​
Murderer! Ben masterlist
Summary: There are two sides to Ben, the dark side when he is at work, and the surprisingly loving side when he is with his family. But both Ben’s sides are tested when (Y/n) goes into early labour and their baby is premature.
(I’ve imagined this series being set in the late 60s/ early 70s)
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"It's daddy, I told you he's home!" The squealing voice of the little girl caught the attention of the five men who were just approaching the front door to the vast home. The three year old didn't seem to understand how to regulate her voice yet meaning that she was practically shouting as if she wanted the whole neighbourhood to know her dad was coming home.
When the grey front door slowly swung open, Ben took two steps inside before he quickly shrugged off the large velvety black overcoat he wore day in and day out. The daily routine he went through had become second nature he no longer had to think about.
His hands automatically went to the holsters that clung to his shoulders but instead of removing the straps, he removed the two guns he always carried on his person. His wrists rotated and his hands moved behind his back, dropping the guns into the hands of one of his men who was walking in behind him. As soon as his hands were free, Ben's arms moved out in front of him to pick up his little girl who was unevenly running on short stubby legs to get to him.
None of the kids knew Ben carried guns on him and that was how it needed to stay. The moment Ben stepped into his home or even the moment he pulled in the drive, the guns were hidden away out of sight and reach.
When Ben stepped over the threshold of his home, he changed from the man everyone feared to the family man everyone adored. And the workers who went back with him changed from the fearing men who did as they were told to close friends of the family who were always there as friends, rather than workers to be bossed around.
"Hey there, princess. Miss me?" Ben pressed his curving lips to the side of Lilah's head, brushing her hazel brown hair behind her ear, noticing how thin it seemed compared to when he brushed his fingers through the boys' hair.
"I miss you! I told Beck it was you but he not believe me."
"That's because I'm early, where's your mum princess? I need to talk to her and make sure she's okay."
Ben bounced his only girl on his hip, brushing his crooked nose against her cheek to tickle her and make her squeal. He remembered when Lilah first started to speak properly, she would trace his nose and ask why it 'was bent.' The little girl didn't understand that Ben's nose was slightly bumpy and crooked because the bone had been broken far too many times when fighting and it had healed at a bad angle. Not that it messed up the look of his features in any way, it was only visible when up close but it fascinated Lilah.
"Kitchen, Theo and James are up in playroom." Lilah pointed in the right direction before she leaned her head against Ben, making a noise and a fuss of kissing his cheek. Knowing that when she did that, Ben would copy her and lavish her with kisses.
"Daddy, you're back, and you brought uncle Joey." The excited tone to Beckett's voice made Ben's lips curl up at the corners and he reached his free hand out to ruffle the familiar dirty blond hair that matched his own.
"Princess, go with Beck and stay with uncle Joe for me so I can have a word with your mum please."
A whine left Lilah's lips but she complied when Ben kissed her temple and set her down to her feet. He waited until she took Joe's hand and the two kids dragged him to go and find their brothers before Ben carried on to the kitchen. He knew without looking that Gwilym would be following him to see (Y/n) whereas the other two of his workers were simply here for added precaution and protection. Ben liked protection when he was home after a particularly bad day at work or when business was in full swing just in case they were being watched or followed. He couldn't afford for anything to happen to his family.
Ben would have been at work for a lot longer today but (Y/n) had called asking if there was any way he could come home because she wasn't well. And she never called when he was at work so Ben knew she must be rather under the weather to call and ask for him to come home.
He could do nothing but do as his wife requested. She was seven months pregnant and Ben didn't want to leave her home alone with four children to look after when she wasn't well, it would hardly be fair of him to do that.
"Hey doll... everything okay there?"
When Ben stepped into the rather large kitchen it didn't take him long to set his sights on his wife but when he saw her, he couldn't help how the panic spread through his system. (Y/n) had her forearms leaning on one of the counters near to the sink with her lower back arched out but it was the way she was breathing heavy and the pained look on her face that set alarm bells off in Ben's head. She had been in a bit of discomfort this morning but she had seemed well in herself and didn't look or seem ill or else he wouldn't have left in the first place.
Ben glided over the polished tiled floor to get to (Y/n), resting a hand on her lower back which he began rubbing soothing circles onto whilst his other hand rested on the counter to steady himself. He leaned his head down to try and get a better look at (Y/n) before she tilted her head to look up at him.
"I- I'm getting t-twitches... and I've been sick a lot..." (Y/n) lifted her eyes to lock with Ben's, seeing her silent message conveying into his eyes immediately when his own eyes narrowed and his lip curled up in distaste.
"Right... well let's get you sat down doll and if you start to get worse Gwil can ring the doctor and we can get you checked out. Joe's got the kids for now anyway." Ben's tone was concerning and loving and his calm demeanour made (Y/n) feel better already but she could see the look behind his eyes. The defensive, dismissive look that showed he wanted to ignore what she had told him and say that this was something else which they both were sure it just had to be.
When (Y/n) went into labour it always started as twinging pain in her lower back or her stomach and through most of their four labours (Y/n) had thrown up quite a lot or felt some kind of indigestion. She was hoping and praying this was not the start of labour because they were far too early and there had been no other signs or warnings of labour before now. (Y/n) had done nothing that would push her into labour this early and there was no reason for it.
But even if this was just her coming down with a sickness bug, she needed Ben here regardless so he could help her and help look after the kids.
(Y/n) let Ben ease her weight into his arms so he could straighten her up and try to guide her but the moment she took one step away from the sink a small but desperate murmuring noise escaped her lips. Her body hunched back over and her head almost hit the bottom of the sink as she threw up what little she had left in her stomach.
She felt Ben's arms shifting to circle around her waist, his hand smoothing over her lower stomach to try and settle the baby when he felt them moving too. He pressed his chest up to her back before he kissed the top of her head to try and calm her down because he could feel the way (Y/n) was trembling and whining, she never took well to being sick.
"Alright doll just try and breathe for me, shh, you're okay." He whispered quietly against (Y/n)'s hair when she started to moan, shaking her head as she pulled back from the sink.
He could hear how laboured her breaths were which showed she was still unsure if she was going to throw up again or not and she looked like holding her head up was too hard of a task as if her head weighed too much to lift. But before Ben even managed to say two more words, his arms tightened and went stiff around (Y/n) when one of her hands clamped around his and the other braced on the edge of the counter.
A sharp cry escaped (Y/n)'s lips as her head fell down so she was staring at her feet, her body pushing back into Ben's chest like she wanted him to hold her tighter and reassure her that she wasn't going to fall or become hurt.
"Doll- doll what's wrong?!" Ben's chin pressed down against (Y/n)'s shoulder so he could turn his head and look at her but the fright in her eyes was more than he could bear to look at. She kept pushing back into his chest like she wanted to mould against him or make him hold her tighter like she was going to fall or break but he didn't know why.
A huffed breath escaped his lips when he could do nothing but go down on his knees, slowly and cautiously easing (Y/n) down with him when all her weight fell onto him and she had no energy to keep herself upright. But the moment they were both down on the kitchen floor, (Y/n)'s hands went to cradle her stomach as a cry erupted from her lips.
"Gwil call the fucking doctor now!"
Turning her head to the left, (Y/n) buried her face in Ben's chest, smothering a sob in his shirt as she wished this would end soon. All four of them had been here for near enough twenty four hours now and it was beginning to get to a point where it felt too much for (Y/n).
Her skin was blotched red and dotted with sweat, her body was burning up like she was sitting on a coal fire and she could feel nothing below the waist. Anna had stacked up pillows behind her to try and alleviate the pain in her lower back that had been hurting for so long now that it was beginning to turn numb.
Anna had also gathered some sheets and towels, spreading them on the bed ready and there was a bowl of warm water and a cloth on the table for if the doctor needed them. Although with (Y/n) burning a rather high temperature a jug of ice cold water had been brought in to try and cool down her burning skin. Everyone in the house was grateful that the doctor had arrived so swiftly and seemed to have the situation completely under control.
It had come as a great shock and a terrible worry for everyone when the doctor arrived after (Y/n) collapsed, only to tell them that she was going into early labour. (Y/n) had gone through labour four times already but none of those times had been premature, she had either gone into labour the week of her due date or a week late.
Ben's mother Anna knew what a grave business it was to have a baby this premature and she knew that it wasn't a good sign for (Y/n) or the baby. She was already burning a high fever and had had a small bleed earlier, if any complications arose during this stressful labour (Y/n) could deteriorate or have a haemorrhage that could endanger her health. Not to mention how badly the baby was going to be affected by being born this early.
Ben pressed his free hand to (Y/n)'s neck, kissing the top of her head repeatedly to try and calm her down because he could do little else but provide support.
(Y/n) tightened her hand around his own as she moved so she was leaning back against the pillows instead of Ben, wishing she could sink and disappear into the feathered pillows. She could feel Anna dabbing at her neck and forehead with the ice cold water she had just retrieved from the bathroom but as soothing as it felt, it made (Y/n) feel like she was going into shock. She tried to scream but it came out rather defeated from the lack of energy and the searing pain.
"H-how much longer?" There was such a pleading tone to (Y/n)'s voice as she looked over at the doctor sitting by her knees.
He had been her doctor since before she had married Ben and he was the one to deliver all four of their children. Any complication that arose, he took care of and he was so kind and compassionate as well as skilled and he always knew what to do. It was calming to (Y/n) that he was here right now when it was clear that this wasn't going to go smoothly.
"Not much longer, (Y/n). The head will be born soon." His voice was calming and his expression was nothing but concerning as he looked level-headed and in control. But it was Ben who could see the fear behind the elder man's eyes. He could see the panic about the situation and the fear that if this went wrong, he would be the doctor who would have to sign a death certificate. He did not want to be the one to declare Ben's child dead, not when he knew what kind of a man Ben was.
Ben was a killer, he was a mobster in the doctor's eyes. He made people suffer, he had men who were loyal to him both because they respected him but majorly because they feared what he would do to them if they weren't. He played on fear and loved to punish people who annoyed, hurt, or went against him. The rings on his fingers were forever polished and cleaned because of the amount of blood that got splattered onto them, half of the tattoos on his body were symbols or death counts and he gained most of his money from going against the law.
But despite all of this, there was some part of Doctor Lloyd that had a slither of respect for Ben.
Maybe it was because he had seen how Ben was when he was around (Y/n). He treated her like she was the only good person in the world, the only person he ever wanted to see or talk to or who was worth anything to him. Whatever was troubling (Y/n) troubled Ben, whatever she was happy or excited about made him happy. Her happiness was what he strived for and the love he had for her was the only kind of love he had, no one else could bring out the good in him like she could.
Their four children were no exception either. Ben may sometimes be harsh with or around them, but they were loved and respected and brought up in a loving environment contrary to the kind of life Ben led. He loved his family, they were the one thing that meant everything to Ben and the one thing he held dear to him. And for that, Lloyd held respect for Ben.
He didn't want to see (Y/n) heartbroken beyond repair from losing a child and he did not want to find out how Ben would react to a loss like this.
No one knew exactly how long (Y/n) would be in labour for, the moment the doctor arrived and confirmed that there was nothing that could be done to prevent this, panic spread through the house. Ben was admittedly one of the many people who thought that since this was a very early and complicated labour, and the added fact that this was their fifth child, it would be quick. But they had been cooped up in this room for a day, none of them having eaten, slept, washed or changed in that time. All of them were too preoccupied in trying to alleviate the pain and terror (Y/n) was feeling.
Ben had barely gotten back from being out with his men when (Y/n) had suddenly collapsed in pain. He had called his mum to come and help and most of his men had left whereas his close workers had stayed to help with the kids and in case they could help with anything. Joe and Gwilym were Ben's closest friends as well as working under him, they were uncles to the kids so it was only natural that they would stay and look after them so Anna could help (Y/n) and the doctor. 
But now they were getting very close to having their baby in their arms and Ben didn't want this moment to arrive. As long as their baby was still in the womb they had more of a chance and a hope of them being alive and okay. If they were born this early, it was unlikely they were going to survive.
"Come on now (Y/n), another push for me."
(Y/n) did as asked, pressing her chin into her chest as she snapped her eyes closed, trying to ignore the pain that was consuming her but it didn't work very well. She wanted this to be over, she wanted their baby to be delivered right now or for this to wait another two months so everything would be alright.
(Y/n) jolted at the sudden feeling of the cold wash cloth pressing against her thighs but the cold temperature against her skin did feel nice.
"Another sheet." The doctor's voice was stern and ordering compared to his usual calm and caring demeanour, giving away that now his nerves were getting the better of him.
This man had delivered countless babies, dealt with many surgeries and complications and illnesses during his time as a doctor. He had sadly dealt with babies and even the mothers dying during childbirth, but this time it felt different. There was fear tugging at his heart this time, he felt as if something horrifying would take place if the child or even (Y/n) were to die, especially whilst their lives were placed into his hands. It was as if he had been given something so precious and he knew if he broke it, Ben would break him in return. He was the best doctor there was for this situation and he was the only doctor the couple wanted but that was terrifying for the man of sixty. He didn't want to see (Y/n), a lovely young woman he had known for some time, go through the grief of losing her baby or worse still, die herself.
Narrowing his eyes, Ben dared himself to lean forwards to look at what was making the doctor's defences go up but his breath caught in his throat when he realised why another sheet was needed. The one beneath (Y/n)'s legs was stained with blood.
The doctor briefly locked eyes with Ben before he focused back on the task at hand. He scrunched up the bloodied sheet and threw it on the floor with the used towels and flannels before he and Anna made quick work of placing the clean sheet beneath (Y/n)'s lower half. The amount of blood (Y/n) had shed onto the sheet was not a good sign that this was going smoothly like they were all praying.
Ben kept his eyes on the cream coloured sheet that had been placed beneath (Y/n)'s lower half, his nostrils flaring as he locked his jaw at seeing how quickly blood seemed to soak into it.
"I need some hot water bottles prepared."
At the doctor's command, Anna left the room to find one of Ben's workers who could make themselves useful by getting what the doctor required. There were four of Ben's men in the house, Joe and Gwilym were here to be with the kids and the other two were here for added help and security.
"Shh, it's alright love. You'll be fine." Ben hushed, pressing his lips to her forehead as he brushed a few strands of hair behind her ear. She interlocked their hands together as her other hand pressed to her stomach, wishing the pain would go away. She could hear the firmness in Ben's tone that implied he was going to ensure she would be perfectly fine and although (Y/n) knew Ben couldn't make sure that happened, the determination in his voice soothed one of her many nerves.
"Push again for me, the head's almost born."
Ben hooked his arm around (Y/n)'s waist to help her sit up, his other hand still interlocked with her own. He moved her so she was leaning against his chest as (Y/n) both moaned and screamed at the agony that was tearing through her muscles. Letting out a sharp breath, (Y/n) closed her eyes as she buried her face into Ben's neck, feeling him muttering praise against the top of her head.
"Okay, the head's born."
With a deep breath, the doctor leaned across the bed and grabbed one of the towels resting near to Ben, but when their eyes locked panic spread through Ben's nerves at seeing the blood drenching the doctor's hands.
(Y/n) started to push again on the next contraction like the doctor had advised but she felt like she was becoming lightheaded. Ben kept his hand entwined with hers but moved his arms so they were wrapped around her waist, holding her to his chest. A scream that couldn't be heard in (Y/n)'s ears left her lips as her body convulsed on the last push that seemed to make such a weight drop from her previously heavy stomach and relieved a weight on her lower back.
The doctor nodded at Ben, a silent signal that the baby was born.
With a deep breath, he rested the tiny, wrinkled baby onto the blanket on his lap, watching the tiny being curl up like it was trying to pretend to still be in the womb. He rubbed his hand up and down the newborn's back, keeping the towel tightly round the tiny newborn to make sure they didn't get a chill into their weak system.
"You have another boy." The doctor looked between the restless couple, one of whom was losing all the colour in her features as she was cradled by her other half.
"Is he...?" Ben couldn't find it in himself to say the question that had been plaguing him since the moment (Y/n) felt the first pain of labour. Their baby could have been stillborn, have any number of complications or illnesses from being this early or worst of all, could die as soon as the first breath entered their lungs. Ben didn't know which was worse.
He had three boys and one girl and somehow he just knew this baby was going to be a boy to make sure that his little girl stayed his one and only princess. Ben loved having boys, he loved little versions of him running around the place but his Lilah was his little girl that he doted on. But it didn't matter to him that he had won the bet he and (Y/n) had over the gender of their fifth child. He cared whether their youngest child was okay and if they were going to survive. They had never lost or come close to losing any of their babies and Ben did not want to start now.
"He's breathing, but very shallow... I'm afraid there is very little I can do for him. Time will give tell his fate."
The doctor made quick work of cutting the umbilical cord before he pressed his stethoscope to the newborn's chest, listening to his frail but beating heart. Very little in the ways of medicine could be done for a baby that was born early, opiates wouldn't do much but quieten the baby down and make the newborn less likely to feed which isn't what they needed. Any medicine would be too strong for such a frail baby, especially one who was only just born. Steroids may help him develop but there was no telling what it would do to his system when he was already do weak and frail. Hospital wouldn't be able to do anything but put him in a warm incubator to regulate his temperature and watch to see if the baby would survive or become too weak to continue fighting.
When there was a timid knock at the door, Anna was quick to retrieve the hot water bottles from one of Ben's workers before shooing him away from the room. Not wanting him to catch a glimpse of the couple or their newborn in peril.
"Right, the hot water bottles need to be placed around (Y/n)'s abdomen to help stem the bleeding. And one should be wrapped in a towel and placed against the baby's back. Take him and keep him warm, do not leave him for a second, he must be watched over, these first few hours are crucial."
Anna busied herself setting the hot water bottles against (Y/n)'s stomach, dotting one either side of her lower stomach and one under her lower back. The heat should help soothe her skin even though she was running a fever and it was hoped to help stem the bleeding.
But just as Anna was about to move and take the newborn from the doctor's waiting arms, she stopped in fright when Ben's hand held her shoulder to stop her.
"I'll take him."
Ben's voice was so stern but it was frightening to hear the way his voice cracked as he spoke. He wanted his boy, he wanted his baby in his arms to make sure he was okay and so he could look after him properly and personally. Ben loved his mother, despite their differences she was like (Y/n) in the sense that she knew exactly what he got up to but she paid no mind to it. She treated him normally like he was a simple family man and just like he was her son, she was here to love and help him and his family. But right now, Ben wanted to be the one to hold his baby boy for his first few hours and to watch over him in case he didn't make it.
Each time that Ben had held his children for the first time, the pride, love and overwhelming emotion that swarmed his usually black heart always made him breathless and teary. But it was how delicate, breakable and deathly sick his baby boy was that was making Ben want to cry. If he settled his baby boy down in a cot for even a minute, he could easily pass away without their knowledge. For the next few days or even weeks, the newborn was going to have to be closely watched and monitored, if he even managed to survive more than a few hours.
The hot water bottle pressed against the blanket was burning against Ben's left arm but he barely felt the heat, all he could feel was how weightless his son was in his arms. Theo had been a big baby weighing just over eight pounds, then they had James who was seven pounds eight ounces. Beckett was six pounds five ounces and Lilah was exactly six pounds. But all of them had been a loving weight in Ben's arms, unlike the baby he was holding now who could barely be more than four pounds if he was lucky. His head was small and his body was wrinkled and trembling. His hand could barely wrap around Ben's index finger.
The newborn was grey in colour with fluids and a substantial amount of blood coating his fresh but very delicate skin. Ben rested his youngest child in the crook of his arm, making sure he was supported and stable before he dared to dab at the newborn's skin with a warm, damp cloth. He knew to be careful, not wanting to brush his skin too hard and remove any of the delicate and needed layers, but he wanted to clean the blood and fluids from his baby.
It sounded as if his boy was trying to cry but all that came out was a cough that cackled like there was static in his lungs. But all that mattered to Ben was that he was alive and he was trying to stay that way, showing them he had a voice no matter how fragile it was.
Ben's eyes diverted from his baby to his wife when a quiet moan left (Y/n)'s lips and he realised it was because the doctor had given her an injection in her lower stomach.
The sheet beneath (Y/n) was yet again changed, meaning two sheets and God knows how many towels were now going to be burned with how blood-stained they were. That was nothing new to the family with Ben's line of work and what he got up to. Ben could see (Y/n) was still bleeding but it didn't look as substantial as it had been a few minutes earlier.
His wife had turned as pale and bleak as the damp cream ceiling above them, her eyes were half-lidded, swollen and red. Her lips were cracked and her breathing was going from erratic to shallow more times than Ben dared to think about. But she looked more at ease and she was no longer in tremendous pain. Anna and doctor Lloyd helped to ease (Y/n) so she was laying down rather than sitting up and they made sure she was wrapped up in blankets and the hot water bottles were soothing her scorching skin.
When Ben locked eyes with the doctor, he kept his tiny newborn resting in his arms and carefully got to his feet, moving over so he was standing near to the door to have a word with the doctor.
"I gave (Y/n) something that will stop the bleeding but she's lost a lot of blood, she needs plenty of fluids and any food you can manage to get down her. If her fever burns any higher or she suddenly goes cold and into shock then call me straight away. Other than that, she needs rest and to be taken care of which I know you will do."
"And my boy?" Ben gently moved his arms to motion to the newborn he was cradling.
"Ben, I- I don't think he will make it to morning, his lungs aren't developed enough and it's making breathing a struggle. If he makes it through the night then I'll assess him tomorrow and we can talk about further steps. I'm so sorry.."
Lloyd could see that his words had brought out the darker, defensive side of Ben that arose when his family were threatened. His upper lip curled in disgust and the way his emerald eyes darkened made Lloyd shrink before the taller man. Ben gave off a very worrying aura but right now with his nose crinkled, his lips snarling like a rabid dog and his shoulders hunched, the only thing making the doctor feel safe was the baby in Ben's arms that looked very out of place.
"I know you have to prepare people for the worst, but I don't want my son talked about as if he's a lost cause already. He's here in my arms and he's breathing so he is your patient and you have a duty to care for him now, not tomorrow or the next day. What can I do?"
Ben's son was breathing, his heart was beating and he was curling up into the warmth Ben was providing. He wasn't dead nor was he really dying, at least not yet, so Ben wanted to talk as if his son had the best chance of survival. He wanted to know what he could do to help, even if it was just something small or seemingly insignificant.
"Keep him warm, if his breathing sounds croaky then rub his back to keep his lungs going. If he makes it more than a few hours then a first feed will give you a good chance, don't leave him unattended even if he's sleeping always hold him. I'll be back tomorrow afternoon, unless you call me before then."
Ben nodded, turning his back when Anna moved to show the doctor out and thank him for all the help and support he had provided over the past day.
All Ben cared about now was the baby he was cradling in his arms who was breathing and whimpering into Ben's lower chest. The newborn was no longer trembling and his breathing was a little more even and paced, if still croaky and a bit forced. He was alive and he was settling in Ben's arms, he wasn't in pain or slipping away or already dead and that was all Ben could wish for right now and it was more than enough for him.
With a tired sigh, Ben eased himself down into the chair next to the window that allowed him to be within the sight of the moon but still close to (Y/n)'s side in case she needed anything and just so he could keep a watch over her.
He brushed his finger over his son's cheek, wishing that his touch would somehow bring colour to the flesh and that he could soothe his boy and hope he knew who was holding him.
"You're our fourth boy, you know. I've got an army of boys and one little princess to spoil and look after. We've had four babies and not lost any of them, I'll die first before losing any of my kids. You'll be okay."
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fuckyeahjonesy · 4 years
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(I wrote this chapter  at 4 AM, during a sleepless & heavy night, so if there's any typo or grammar mistake, please ignore it, thanks :D)
Ben loved working. He loved challenging himself, getting to know other people, flashing his talent, but most of all: forgetting about his problems for a couple of hours. Any eating related event with the cast was a delightful moment. Lovely chit-chats, delicious food, always learning something new. But this morning was different. Ben entered the dining hall. -Good morning mate, how it's going? -he literally bumped into the director, who rushed outside because of an incoming call. -Everything is fine, thanks! -Okay, you've got a letter at the keeper's lodge, don't forget to take it after breakfast! -What kind of letter? -asked Ben with a confused sight. He wasn't expecting anything, and such surprises just made him anxious. -I don't know, but the janitor said it's important! But sorry... -the director raised his ringing phone as an excuse and quickly left the place. Ben was really confused. "What kind of letter it's supposed to be? Are they firing him now?" He couldn't stay calm until the end of breakfast, so he greeted everyone and headed to the entrace, where the keeper's lodge was located. It was a small green cabin with a man who's supposed to be in his 60s. No matter, what time he saw him, the janitor was always reading something, and just like every elder person, he was also able to see the letters only if the newspaper was as far from his eyes, as it's possible. He was always wearing his glasses on his nose, and licked his finger every time he turned a page. And he could have won anytime an "Ugly sweater competition", but it didn't really matter. The man was a lovely person. -Mr. Johnson, excuse me... -said Ben, after he knocked on the door, which was wide open. The janitor slightly jumped, as the sudden voice scared him, but when he saw its owner, his lips curled into a smile. -Oh Benjamin! Good morning! I was waiting for your visit! Someone just left here a letter for you! -he said, while he was looking for the envelope between the documents. -Do you know what kind of letter is it? Is it a company letter? -asked Ben, as he walked closer curiously. -No, it's not. It's more like a personal letter, I guess! -Oh, I have a place for fan mails... -started Ben, but the janitor interrupted him. -It's not a fan mail, young man! Ahh, here it is! -he handed the envelope to Ben. There wasn't a name, address, or anything on it, only a line, that was written with beautiful calligraphy technique: "For Ben Hardy" -Ehm... thank you. -said Ben, as he examined the envelope curiously. -You're welcome, Benjamin! -smiled the janitor, and then turned back to his newspaper. Ben walked to a bench, sat down, lit a cigarette, and then opened the envelope. The letter was handwritten:
Dear Ben!
I know you have no idea who I am, but honestly, it doesn't even matter right now. You're constantly in my mind tonight, and I just felt like writing it all down. Hopefully it helps me to fall asleep faster. I hope you're fine. I'm always worried, if I don't hear about you for a long time. There were nights, when I opened my window, looked up on the sky and asked the sparkling stars to talk about you. I asked them to tell me your fears, your secrets, your best memories. I asked them if they saw the moment when you were born. They always flashed differently at every question, and when I wished them to take a piece of your soul and bring it to me, one star fell from the dark blue canvas, painting a thick, golden line on it. It was as thick as your lips, when you were about to spread your beautiful mind. I was in pain, and no medicine helped me. No doctors, no therapists. I felt lost and hopeless. I closed my eyes, and imagined you standing behind me. I imagined your messy curls, your emerald green eyes, and your deep voice, that was like a kiss to my thirsty soul. I imagined sharing my silence with you, while our hearts were constantly talking to each other. Our hearts were like the playful snowflakes, who were flirting with each other during their long journey from the fluffy clouds to the ground. They were dancing on the ruffles of the wind, until they melted into one big drop on a leaf of grass. And the drop was like a mirror towards the sky, reflecting the clouds where their love was born. I don't know which cloud was ours, but my heart never stopped missing yours. She was looking for you among thousands of other pulsing hearts, waiting for the moment when she finally recognizes the rhythm of yours. That's how I spent my lonely nights. Getting lost in the infinite galaxy of my thoughts. I silently asked my guardian angels to skip their tasks for me, and give a gentle kiss on your forehead instead. I asked the birds to sing at your window in the morning, when the first rays of sun knock on your window. I asked the time to stop for a while, when you're in the middle of a sweet dream.
I imagined you, being here for me, because that was the only time I felt healed.
Please, take care & have a beautiful day!
Ben read the letter over and over again. The janitor was right, it wasn't really like a fan mail, it was something different. It was touching and fascinating. It was an honest confession of worrying about him, and wanting him the best. He didn't even remember the last time someone said such nice and lovely things to him. Who wrote all of these? He decided to figure it out and came back to the keeper's lodge. -Mr. Johnson! Excuse me, it's me again... can you please tell me who wrote this letter? -asked Ben, but this time he didn't come in, he stayed at the door, showing that he only returned for a short question. -Oh dear, I have no idea. I didn't read it, of course. -replied the janitor. -But... you obviously saw, who brought it, didn't you? -I did. A woman gave it to me, but it wasn't her who wrote the letter. Ben sighed loudly and nodded. -Okay... it's okay. -he said, staring sadly at the ground. -I'm really sorry young man, it seems the letter was seriously important. But if you're also important to the person who wrote it, you might get another one. Who knows. Just try to stay positive, it always helps! -winked the elder man. Ben slightly smiled. -Well, okay. Thank you anyway, Mr. Johnson. -My pleasure. - he turned back to his newspaper, while Ben walked back to the dining hall to have his breakfast, before the work starts. He didn't have much time left, but he didn't really care about it.
"I silently asked my guardian angels to skip their tasks for me, and give a gentle kiss on your forehead instead."
There was only one thing in his mind: "Who... wrote... this?"
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freddiesaysalright · 5 years
Here it is y’all! I’ll do my best to update it regularly :)
The numbers refer to my Prompt List
Hallow-Queen Prompts HallowQUEEN Masterlist
Series/Long Fics
My Man (Ben!Roger x Reader) Part I Part II Part III (kinda steamy at the end) Part IV Part V (tw: attempted sexual assault) Part VI Part VII Part VIII Part IX (smut) Part X Epilogue Bonus Blurb
Catching Up (Joe x Reader) Part I Part II Part III Part IV Part V Part VI (contains smut) Part VII Part VIII Part IX Part X Part XI Part XII Part XIII Epilogue
Dancing With Ben (Ben x Reader) Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 (contains smut) Week 9 Week 10 Week 11 Week 12 Epilogue
I Don’t Like You or Your Band (John Deacon x Reader) Preview Full Fic (contains smut)
Lingerie (Joe Mazzello x Reader) Sneak Peek (smut) Full Fic (smut)
Peace Like A River (Gwilym x Reader) Part I Part II Part III Part IV Part V Part VI Part VII Part VIII Part IX (smut) Part X Part XI Epilogue
Ben Hardy Ben and post-baby reader Ben saves reader from attack at a party (tw: attempted sexual assault) Ben and reader love at first sight (very fluffy) Ben helps reader with a sprained ankle Ben fights with reader about screenshots online Reader sees Ben’s ex on his Insta Reader is daughter of a Hollywood exec Ben and a younger woman Ben falling for a bookshop girl Ben wants to take you on vacation Ben and Filipino reader Running away from your asshole fiance with Ben Trying to start a family with Ben Long distance relationship with Ben (fluffy) 15 and 43 29 and 46 (smut) Introducing his boyfriend to the rest of he BoRhap boys 20, 21, 22 (smut) 1 and 44 (smut) 2 and 25 Dad!Ben (fluffy) Domestic fluff w/ daughter and baby #2 on the way Starring with him in a movie Morning sex with Ben (smut) Telling him you’re pregnant on his birthday Ben and your daughter surprising you on Mother’s Day Getting with Joe’s brother on set What You Deserve Firsts Reuniting after breaking up Misunderstanding you and Roger’s relationship When his fans are rude to you Dating an Australian HCs Dating a punk girl Teaching him drums for BoRhap Coaching your daughter’s soccer team Sub!Ben w/ pegging (smut) Asking you to have a baby with him (smut) Relieving his stress (smut) Comforting you after getting a haircut Asking him to make a sex tape (kinda steamy) Taking care of you after getting your tonsils out
Joe Mazzello Joe and reader find out they’re having twins Joe and reader with PTSD WWI AU with soldier!Joe and nurse!reader (very fluffy) Cheering up Rami’s sister after a breakup Meeting Joe after a long term relationship Drunk crying over Joe Joe helping reader with body image issues Meeting Joe on a blind date Getting with Joe at Rami and Lucy’s wedding (fluffy) A musical proposal Joe comforting you after a nightmare (kinda steamy)  Surprising you at work Comforting you when stress triggers depression Taking a bath with him (steamy) Drunkenly seducing him (steamy) You and Joe having lots of kids + one more 15 and 19 49 and 20 (smut) 40 and 49 36 and 50 21 and 27 (smut) Accidentally revealing you’re pregnant in an interview 28 and 34 41, 44, 23 Joe being clingy in his sleep Neighbor!Joe Romantic dinner away from the kids (steamy) Part II of ^ (smut) Fighting before he goes on a trip Joe wants to move in together but Y/N is hesitant When you’re different from his exes Choosing adoption Taking your grandmother’s ring to propose Celebrating going to college together Taking care of you on your birthday Comforting him after a breakup Proposing to you after a roller coaster Bath bomb proposal (kinda steamy) Morning sex with Joe at your parents’ house (smut) Morning sex interrupted by your baby (smut) Dancing to Somebody to Love at your wedding Baking with him on a lazy weekend Wedding night (smut) Introducing him to Stranger Things He takes you to a Yankees game Dad!Joe on your daughter’s birthday Stargazing with him Sub!Joe (smut) Dancing to Senorita Watching fireworks with him Keeping you up to watch the cricket world cup Starting the family band Aftercare with Joe Going to Burger King at 1AM Falling asleep watching TV Drunk makeout with Joe HCs Comforting you after losing your cat Wanting you to stay in bed with him Being Joe’s stylist (smut) Convincing you to dance with him Playing Just Dance with him Getting together while on vacation (smut) Feeling like you’re not good enough for him Doing a bunch of DIY around the house  Discovering his size kink (smut) Camping adventures Your first time sleeping together (smut) Catching you masturbating (smut) At your wedding reception Rami and Lucy hyping you and Joe up for your first date Falling asleep/waking up next to him HCs (kinda steamy) Distracting you from your yoga (smut) Telling him you want to wait until marriage Embarrassing your kids in front of their friends Going to bed angry HCs Turning him on in public (smut) Saying goodbye before college Drifting apart HCs (angst)
Gwilym Lee Gwilym comforts bartender reader Threesome with Gwilym and Rami (kinda steamy but also not my best work) Gwilym helps reader destress after exams (extremely fluffy) Giving Gwil a strip tease (kinda steamy) Gwil almost makes you watch Child’s Play  Gwil helps reader who is afraid of storms (FLUFFY AS SHIT PROBABLY MY FAVORITE) Gwilym and reader fight before a party Gwilym’s best friend has feelings for him Gwilym comes home after a month away Gwil and reader say goodbye to their dog (PAINFUL) Gwil used to make fun of reader in school Fighting for you at a bar Comforting him through loss of a loved one (fluffy) Playing Chrissy in BoRhap Reader attacked while with Gwil at a bar (tw: attempted sexual assault) Meeting Gwil and his friends at the bar Fighting with him before a business trip Getting into an accident and Gwil stays by your side Waking up with Gwilym (fluffy) 9, 29, 43 Baking Introducing you to Brian and Roger Comforting you after a bad breakup  Being with an American on 4th of July Surprising him on his birthday Firsts Moving in together Gwil and Playmate!Reader (smut) “Strangers at a bar” (smut) Dressing as schoolgirl for him (smut) Sub!Gwil w/ slight breeding kink (smut) Comforting you about your nose When you get you wisdom teeth out
Rami Malek Rami hooks up with a fan at the bar (smut) Part II of ^ Rami and reader skinny dip in their pool (kinda steamy) Helps reader with writer’s block relax (smut) Reader has a hard time showing emotions Taking care of sick Rami (fluffy) Defending Rami Fighting with Rami Rami winning you over on set (kinda steamy) An unexpected proposal 36 and 29 Seeing you without makeup Sub!Rami headcanons (smut) Proposing to you after sex (brief smut) Rami in drag for BoRhap HCs (smut) Under The Stars Friends to lovers Telling him you’re terminally ill (angsty as fuck) Taking your daughter to her first day of school Rami and deaf!reader cooking for his family
Lucy Boynton Helping her with her wedding Celebrating your anniversary Relieving the sexual tension (smut) Coming out to the cast together Getting drunk and admitting her feelings to you When your daughter is getting bullied
Allen Leech Taking you home to Ireland
Brian May Finding out Brian cheated (ANGSTY) Brian proposing on stage (fluffy) Brian and reader fuck at the drive in (smut) Brian and HS gf lose their virginities (smut) Brian comforts reader after serious accident (very fluffy) Brian and reader with ADHD Reader passes out and goes to hospital Brian and reader’s wedding day Dom!Bri blurb (smut) Road tripping with Brian (kinda steamy) Confessing his feelings under the stars You and Brian’s daughter coming out You and Brian’s daughter marrying her girlfriend  2 and 46 (smut) 50 Brian and plus size reader 40 (smut) 20 and 31 28, 33, 36 Roger’s groupies make fun of Brian’s gf Carrying you to bed b/c of an injury All his pet names for you Being insecure he might be cheating “Rumor has it I make you nervous” Enemies w/ benefits to lovers Becoming smitten with a flutist Defending you from the press
Roger Taylor  Flirting with reader after a gig Rog gets jealous when John accidentally sees reader nude Making up after a fight Performing Rocky Horror for him (kinda steamy) Teaching his best friend the drums Dreaming Roger was in an accident 60s Roger 80s Roger and Filipino reader  Roger and Latina reader Roger confessing his feelings after a car accident 10, 17, 37 Passing notes “All I Wanted” songfic She’s out of my life (angsty) Fighting with his childhood friend but getting together Being amused by your emotions on your period Public quickie with Roger (smut) 8, 17, 38 Doing his Rogerina makeup
John Deacon Joe!John kissing reader for the first time 20 and 42 27 and 21 Meeting John on SNL Helping you with period pain Talking about you in an interview Waking him up on his birthday
Freddie Mercury 19 He’s your first kiss 27 (fluffy) 46 Comforting you during stress When he isn’t there for you (daughter!reader)
BoRhap Boys Pregnancy fluff Discussing accents Ben interrupts you and Gwil’s wedding Helping you when you’ve been rejected
Queen Helping their protege after she gets pregnant  Choosing between Brian and Roger Taking care of you after fracturing your tailbone
1K notes · View notes
bohemian-war · 5 years
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(Credits to @bens-hardy  for the gif).
Ben Hardy!Six x Fem Reader (Six Underground)
Summary (Six Underground): The film tells the story of 6 billionaires who form a vigilante squad by faking their deaths to take down notorious criminals. Warnings: language, character development, flirting, alcohol…
Word Count: 2.5k+ (…sorry that it’s too short)
A/N: Hi guys! Sorry that this took so long. I have been extremely busy these past few weeks so I hope you really enjoy this part. I am also taking my time as I don’t want to reveal everything straightaway so even when this chapter feels like a filler one, don’t you worry because from chapter three I am gonna start explaining everything about the Six Underground organisation and it really takes off from there :D. Also, in case you were wondering, I always imagined Joe as John as that bass player in The Black Heart ;). When it comes to Brian, it’s always been Machine Gun Kelly’s look as Tommy Lee in The Dirt. He is gonna play a big role in this story. So stay tuned!
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(Credits to @geidiprimezs for the gif). Finally, I am sorry for all the grammatical/structure errors. Again, English is not my main language so I apologise for that. I always try to write more dialogue as a) it is easier to read; b) even when I love description I suck at it so I am sorry if you always find the same word/expression in every sentence. I always tend to write as to how the story is developed in my head in the first place. So, I am sorry. I am trying to get better at it, I promise. I cannot even express myself properly in my mother tongue. It is something I’ve struggled with since I was a child and it keeps getting worse due to my anxiety so bear with me on that one! 
(I will do a master list and a playlist soon :D).
– Fem Reader is a twenty-one-year-old med student studying at the Imperial College London.
– Ben (Six) is a twenty-eight-year-old billionaire.
The story takes place in 2019 but there are flashbacks to make the whole thing look more realistic.
Finally, the outfit that Ben is wearing to play the drums is the one on the gif (beanie included :P) and this is the reader’s:
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“What are you doing?”
“Looking for something…” you say focusing all your attention to your laptop’s screen.
“Is this about that playboy boyfriend of yours again?”
“Ellie, I already told you that he is not my boyfriend. He was just being nice...”
“Playboy boyfriend or Prince Charming. It does not matter. All of them are basically the same. They act nice and then they trap you in their spider web to get in your pants.”
You roll your eyes and ignore her comment.
“He is like a ghost! It is like he’d just vanished!”
She makes her way to the couch and sits next to you with a cup of tea in her hand.
“Maybe he is not on social media. I mean… Six? What kind of name is that?”
You sigh as Ellie sees you scrolling down on Facebook desperately.
“If you’d like, we could always try and track him down… Perhaps if you ask some people in the pub…”
“I am not going back,” you affirm bluntly.
“Then, I don’t know how I could help you, love.”
You sigh again and turn your gaze towards her.
“It is okay. I just wanted to thank him properly for what he did.”
“Are you sure this man even exists?”
“Okay, okay. Just sayin’”
You sigh again for the third time and look back at the screen. You slam it down close and stand up.
“You know what? I had enough. I might pop up to the National Gallery for the new music bands exhibition. Are you coming?”
“I’d love to but I am helping Eric with his new project.”
“New project?”
“I’ll keep you updated as I don’t even know what I am doing myself. Knowing Eric though it might involve RuPaul and drags and stuff…”
You laugh and shake your head.
After spending so much time debating about your outfit, you finish getting ready and take the first train from your place to Charing Cross. When you get off and go out into the street, the square is full of people. On the one hand, tourists who do not stop taking pictures with their selfie sticks and, on the other, locals who return home after a long and hard day at work. You make your way to the main entrance and grab a map from the foyer area. The exhibition is huge so you decide to visit the rock section first.
You are simply surprised by the amount of memorabilia. The gallery shows the history of the biggest names in music: AC/DC, David Bowie, Iggy Pop, The Rolling Stones, Mötley Crüe, Led Zeppelin… The collection also includes handwritten song lyrics, costumes worn during performances, studio equipment, promotional material, and singles. One of the spaces is beautifully dedicated to Queen and your eyes end up admiring various musical instruments; from John Deacon's bass guitar and a replica of Brian May's synthesizer to Roger Taylor's drum set.
Suddenly, you look away and come across with a familiar face. Casual look and hands in his pockets. He is also looking at the drum set. He is so lost in it that he barely notices you. You smile and decide to approach him.
[Six POV]
“Hey… It’s you!”
You direct your gaze towards that voice and your heart skips a beat. You never thought you would see her again. You could barely see her features under the dim light of the pub left alone when you both talked in the street. Nevertheless, everything changes now and you seem… speechless?
Wake up, you stupid asshole! “I just saw you admiring Rog’s set and thought that it’d be nice to say “hi”, Six right?”
She holds out her hand for you to shake. You eventually do.
“That’s thoughtful of you… Y/N?”
Of course, I remember your name…
She nods.
“Do you like music?”
“Who doesn’t?” Y/N smiles.
What a stupid question…
“I mean, the rock of the 70s and 80s…”
“Are you kidding? It was the best music! It still is… I think everything started with The Beatles back in the 60s though…”
You look at her with interest. You are surprised by her taste in music and want to know more.
“What is your favourite band?”
I cannot believe I am asking her these childish questions…
“Joy Division, The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, Queen… That’s why I decided to come to the exhibition today. They have done a great job so far.”
“Are you a Queen fan?!”
“Of course! I might have the biggest crush on Roger Taylor…”
“All the girls do. I mean, he is alright…” 
“Alright? Have you seen him in the 70s? He is literally gorgeous! Like a Renaissance painting.
You scoff and shake your hand at her obsession while running your tongue through your bottom lip.
“So… he’s alright…” Y/N repeats your words pointing at Roger’s set emphasising what you just said. “That’s why you were so lost in the kit!”
“No, I wasn’t!”
“You look a little bit like him, to be honest…” Y/N smirks.
She is approaching you now. She squints her eyes.
Too close…
“If only you had longer hair though…” her voice coming out like a whisper.
“What would you do?” 
“If I had longer hair… What would you do?”
You see her parting her lips and hold your gaze. Your eyes like blazing fire. If looks could kill or do something else… “I wanted to thank you for what you did last night but… I couldn’t find you and…”
“Don’t even mention it. It was my pleasure.” you cut her off and quickly run your fingers through your hair.
You try to avoid looking at her directly in the eyes because of the effect she has on you; a kind of warm feeling going down your spine, You don’t really know what it means but it kinds of scare you.
"Oi Six!" Suddenly, you see a tall man approaching and giving you a small pat on the back. You cannot help but return it with a big smile.
"Hey, what's up man?!"
"Brian, mate, how are you doing? Long time no see!"
“Good, I have not seen you in a while!”
“I have been busy…” You frown and sigh.
“I went to The Black Heart and Bobby told me that you would be here. Playing tonight?”
“Yeah. Hopefully, I’ll be able to make it by nine.”
Brian turns around and sees Y/N standing in an awkward position.
“Who’s this? New friend?”
You start feeling the tension built in the pit of your stomach. You clench your jaw.
“Sorry! That was rude of me. I am Brian.”
“Not at all! is it Brian for Brian May?”
“Wow! I like her.”
You cannot help but glare at him.
Watch it, mate…
“Unfortunately, I am not May but if you say so, I’ll take it,” he winks at Y/N.
“My name is Y/N by the way,” she holds her hand out again.
“Are you a Queen fan?”
“I certainly am.”
“Then you should come to The Black Heart tonight. Our friend Six here is gonna play. He is obsessed with Roger Taylor. He is his muse!
Y/N’s face lights up but you cannot tell whether is of surprise or emotion. She squints her eyes.
“The Black Heart…”
“Do you know it?” Brian asks in surprise.
“We actually met there…” you cut him off.
“Oh great! Everything settled then.”
“Brian…” you warned him.
“Are you playing too?” Y/N shows some interest.
“I’ll be there with some friends but I am not playing tonight.”
You can see the doubt in her eyes and you intervene before it gets worse.
“I am sure she’s got plans anyways, Bri.”
“Actually, I’d like to come!”
You curse and roll your eyes at the stupid situation. That pain in the chest again.
“Great! See ya both there then.”
You definitely don’t want to return to the pub but there was something dragging you back there. It was probably the fact that you were very curious about watching Six play live. For some reason, you could not picture him behind a drum set and you were still mad at him for lying to you. On the other hand, it’d be nice to see him fail. 
You made sure you were properly dressed this time. You did not want to get into any more trouble so you opt for a pair of fitted jeans, a nice top, high heels boots, and a black leather jacket.
Summer was about to start but it does not make any difference when you are leaving in London anyway. Ellie is not at home anymore so you finish cleaning, lock up, and make your way to the pub.
“What time is your girlfriend coming?”
The boys are setting up and getting ready for the big night. The pub is already full of people chatting and having a nice time. 
“I already told you that she is not my girlfriend, Brian.”
“Well, she is hot…”
“She is a kid.”
“I mean, if you don’t like her…”
You drop one of the mics and turn around with an angry look in your face.
“Don’t even think about it!” you growl. Your friend laugh.
“That’s what I thought, mate…”
You scoff and shake your head.
“Just make sure that you never play “I am in love with my car” in front of her or she will run away.”
“Oh, shut up!”
THE BLACK HEART (20:45 pm)
(”Princess of China” by Coldplay is playing)
You arrive at the pub and it is already packed. You sigh and enter into an anxious mode. You simply couldn’t help but think of what happened the night before. Somehow, you manage to brush those thoughts off and get to the counter. This time, Ellie is not here with you so you have your ID ready in case they ask for it.
“What would you like lovely?”
“Just a coke, please.”
The bartender leaves and comes back with a glass full of the beverage and ice a few seconds later.
“There you are, sweetheart…”
“Thank you!”
You reach for your purse when you see the man shaking his head.
“It’s on the house…”
“Really? Thanks!”
The man nods and continues serving. You grab your drink and take it to your lips while observing the place again. You spot the empty stage in the distance including the drum set.
Where are you?
Suddenly, you hear a screeching noise coming from one of the microphones. It’s Brian!
“Night everyone! Some of you might already know me,” he says adjusting the mic to his height. “I am Bri. I was not planning on playing tonight but there has been a change of plans.”
Some people star clapping as he lifts his guitar up. You smile and take another swig from your coke with enthusiasm.  “I’d like to introduce you to some people. This is John our bass player. And before someone makes the joke, no, we are not Queen.”
Many people start laughing.
“Finally, our special member, Six, on the drums…”
“Six, we love you!” You could see a couple of girls whispering and cheering about the drummer. You roll your eyes. So predictable…
“Sorry, ladies but Six will be just hitting on the drums tonight, I am afraid…”
You are thankful for Bri’s intervention and smile shyly to yourself shaking your head with amusement at the same time.
Six is sat behind the set of drums with a smug look on his face. He is finishing getting ready and checking on his equipment. He takes a swig of water and some drops stained his t-shirt. If he is nervous he knows very well how to hide it.
“We are gonna do some covers tonight,” Brian continues“… and we also have a surprise by the end of the night. So bear with us and we hope that you are all not to pissed to miss it.”
More laughs.
The list of covers is long but good; from “A Message” by Coldplay to “I Wanna Hold Your Hand” by The Beatles.
“And now… our final song…”
This catches your attention even more and all the pub goes quiet.
“…for a friend who’s currently in the room…” Brian puts on his visor and finally spots you.
“Y/N! there you are!”
Suddenly, a spotlight points directly in your direction and you have to cover your eyes due to the bright light. Everybody is staring at you and you start panicking. You freeze in your stool and feel a heat sensation in the pit of your stomach.
Oh no…
“Y/N loves Queen so we could not say goodbye without playing a song by the band itself. We will do the chorus and Six here will do the rest. “This is Crazy Little Thing Called Love”, everybody! Y/N we hope you like it…
When they finish, they are cheered by everyone and quickly get off the stage. You see Six approaching you and start playing with your straw while pretending to be drinking from your third coke of the night.
“Hey…” you sigh.
“Did you enjoy the show?”
Six makes a sign to the bartender for what you assumed was a beer but he immediately directs his green eyes right back at you.
“Yeah, I mean, it was alright…” He raises an eyebrow and a smile begins to form at the corner of your lips. He shakes his head.
“Just alright?”
“Hmmm, I’d say meh.”
You wrinkle your nose in uncertainty and Six observes you with a funny look on his face.
“Let me buy you a drink.”
“I don’t drink…”
“But I will have one last coke. I will probably not sleep tonight with that much caffeine in my body though. I also feel that I should be paying for this,” you lift up your glass.
“It’s okay. I told Bobby that you are my host tonight. You can have anything you like. It is on me really…”
You frown and smile.
“Don’t even mention it.”
He grabs his pint and takes a big swig of it.
“I didn’t know you could play that well.”
“How could you know anyway?”
“I truly enjoyed it, honestly.”
“I thought you said it was alright…”
“You were though…”
You try to contain your laughter.
“Did you even see how I was banging those drums, love?”
“I know better…”
You could tell that he is offended.
“What the f…”
“Roger Taylor is better than you!”
“Well, Roger fucking Taylor wished he could be me.”
Six scoffs and takes another large swig of his beer trying to hide behind his cruel words. You know he did not mean them. He adores Roger…
“Tommy Lee…”
“A total wanker!”
“Not true.”
“Well, he makes decent music. Not my style though.”
Six’s cockiness is back. A defence weapon. 
“He does the real spinning…”
“I can do that too.”
“I could show you if you let me…” he grins at you.
He leans into you and his big green eyes start taking everything of you in. His warm breath fanning over your face. That feeling in the pit of your stomach, again.
What is wrong with you Y/N?
Tag List: @bjhardy  @pizzaplanets @mrbenhardys @bens-hardy @onceuponadetectivedemigod  @benhvrdys @closertothesunwhenimwithyou @rebelrebelyourefaceisamess @calumfornicationx @poteda @hergewi @tanya-is-dead @imthewintergirl @rogerina-taylorr @sara-1705  @jessevans
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save me
summary: Y/N is trying her hardest to get out of an abusive relationship without telling anyone. However, she can’t always hide the bruises, especially from her best friend since childhood, Ben Hardy. Once he finds out, he tries his best to help her out without her getting hurt.
warnings: doctor talk, fluff, tiny bit of angst, very sad family reunion, tears lol, some cussing. angst at the end tho lol
a/n: this part will be both fluffy and sad! also, it makes me so happy that so many people are wanting to be tagged in this!! please feel free to shoot me an ask, message or comment if you want to be tagged!! enjoy <3
word count: 2.8k
You couldn't believe what you were seeing right in front of you. Your mom, dad and twin brother were standing right before your eyes. Tears poured down your cheeks, your vision blurry from the salty liquid. You stood up from the wheelchair and ran into the arms of your family. You all held onto to each other, you ignored the soreness coursing throughout your body as you felt tight arms wrapped around you. You bawled into your dad's shoulders as your brother rubbed your back and your mom ran her fingers through your hair. Ben watched, his heart growing warm as he witnessed you in your happiest state. You dreamt of seeing your family again, although it was under better circumstances, but that didnt matter. They were finally there, holding you and making you feel safe.
After five minutes of crying and grabbing at eachother, the four you finally pulled away from one another. With tear stained cheeks, red and puffy eyes, you smiled brightly and help your hand to your heart. You figured Ben set this all up and made a mental note to make it up to him. Your brother, James, came up to you and placed his hands on your cheeks, wiping the tears from your eyes. You smiled and put your hands on top of his, looking him in the eyes. He had changed quite a bit from the last time you saw him. He had scruff growing all along his face, making him no longer look like a baby. You used to make fun of him for being a late bloomer, calling him "baby face" and pinching his cheeks. Now your baby brother, who was born a minute after you, was a big man. Although just 60 seconds apart, you always made him know that you were older.
"Look at how grown up my baby brother is!"
"You're only sixty seconds older than, you're not that cool." He chuckled and rolled his eyes playfully. He planted a small peck on the top of your head, taking advantage of his towering height over you. You smiled and leaned into him, scratching his back as he planted his chin on the top of your head. You both stayed in the position for awhile. Soon enough, tears formed in your eyes as guilt washed over you. You had always longed for warm and sweet hugs from your brother. His hugs had always made you instantly feel better if you were having a shitty day. He had always been taller than you, which made his hugs better. The sight made your mother cry as well, finally seeing her babies together again. She always took pictures of the hugs you and James shared. Her excuse as to why was to make y'all remind each other that you actually loved one another when you two got into typical brother/sister arguements. Everyone knew deep down that she took them for herself.
"I have missed you three way more than words could ever describe. I hate myself for never contacting you guys. I was just so-"
"Afraid? It's okay, Lily, Benny told us what we needed to know. He didn't go into too deep of detail in case you wanted to say more." Your father proclaimed, bringing you into his embrace. You wept as he held you, feeling a mix of a million emotions. You gripped your father's back tightly, as if you were going to lose him again. You cried as you heard him say your nickname he had given you at the age of three. You took in his fatherly scent, a mix of after shave and lavender. For some odd reason, your father always smelt like lavender, you never questioned it because you didn't mind it at all. It was a comforting scent you've grown to love.
The two you pulled away, looking into each others eyes. You and your dad had the exact same eye color. A mix of light blue and emerald green, almost identical. Everyone always complimented your eyes, you always bragged about how you had the exact same eye color as your dad's. James even had the same eye color, which left your mum's chocolate brown eyes out of the picture. However, your brother and you always looked more like your mum than your pops.
Your father planted a kiss on your forehead and gave you a nice big squeeze before pulling away and turning towards Ben. He clapped a hand on his shoulder and drew him in for a hug. He had always been the hugging type of man, if he shook your hand, he probably didn't like you. So coincidentally, he shook Trevor's hand when they first met, which should have been your first warning sign.
"Thank you for taking care of her, Benny." He whispered to him, just so he could hear. Ben nodded, turning his head towards you. His heart melted as he watched you and your mum holding onto each other like a mom koala and its baby. If it was possible, his pupils would have been in the shape of a heart. To nobody's knowledge, Ben had been feeling something different for you lately. Something he'd never imagined feeling about you. It made his heart flutter at the sight of you, his knees buckle when you laughed or smiled, his cheeks flush when you touched him, and his heart grow more each time you spent time together. He couldn't even begin to express his feelings for you because he didn't exactly know what it was. He had spent countless hours trying to draw up some type of conclusion. He failed nevertheless. When you had first told him about Trevor and his abusive ways, he wanted to break down right then and there. His heart broke into a million different pieces, but he had to tape it up to stay strong for you. He would go home and cry into his pillow, guilt coursing through his veins as he couldnt get the images of someone hurting you mercilessly out of his head. He shuddered at the thought and snapped out of his daze when he felt James wrap an arm around his shoulders. Ben smiled and brought James into a tight embrace. James was like the brother Ben never had. When the three of you were in high school and you were beginning the stages of womanhood, he spent a lot more time James as you spent more time with girlfriends.
A week later...
Your eyes flitted open, adjusting to the bright sunlight peaking through the curtains. You looked around, smiling at the fact that you had finally been discharged. You were discharged the following Friday when your family visited. Sadly, your parents lived five and half hours away and your brother lived even farther than them. They stayed until Friday morning, helping you get ready to leave. You spent that entire week, catching up with them and making plans for when you start feeling better. In this midst of that, Ben was off with Gwilym, making some plans of his own that you had zero knowledge of. He came back that Friday to take you back home to his flat. While you were in the hospital, James, Gwil and Ben had been moving your stuff out of your flat after it had been released by the police. You admitted to Ben that you were too afraid to live there anymore. Thus creating the idea of you moving into Ben's flat. He had two more spare bedrooms that you live in. You basically lived with him anyways so there wouldn't be that much of a difference. So you agreed, after arguing with Ben about you paying rent and him insisting that he doesnt give a damn. The two of you finally came to the compromise you paying fifty fifty of the rent with him each month.
Taking a deep breath, you swung your legs over the bed, throwing your comforter off of your body. Disconnecting your phone from the charger and slipping on some house shoes, you made your way downstairs to see Ben in the kitchen cooking the two of you some delicious breakfast. Which contained waffles, bacon, scrambled eggs, english muffins with strawberry cream cheese (your favorite), and tea. You shot him a warm smile as you walked towards the kitchen island and jumping up to plop a seat on it.
"What are we gonna do today?" You asked, reaching your hand towards the english muffins, only for Ben to smack it and tsk you. You creased your eyebrows and pulled away, playfully pouting. Ever since you got out of the hospital, living with Ben had been such a breeze. You were still on medical leave from work and Ben didn't have many big things in his acting world at the moment so you both spent quite some time together. He helped you sell your old flat and put all of Trevor's shit into a storage unit. You hadn't seen Trevor since you saw him being arrested after the attack. It was quite the heavenly sight to see, though the events that led up to it were horrific. You still had nightmares from the attack, causing you to wake up at ungodly hours in a sweat and tears. Ben wasn't aware of these nightmares because he slept like a rock. The only way you could calm yourself was to walk around the house, to become aware of your surroundings, to know that you were now safe. Often, you'd find yourself sitting outside of Ben's door, tempted to knock and crawl into his arms. Just knowing he was in the room comforted you. Luckily, he let you have the room that was closest to his, making it accessible for the two of you reach each other quickly.
"Maybe shopping? Need to get some more groceries then maybe we could go to the mall?" He asked, looking at you while carefully making you and himself a plate. Usually you'd argue about going shopping but since selling your house, you had some money in the bank. Along with the house, you also had money from your last check from work and your paid medical leave. When your boss had found out about your situation, he insisted on making it a paid medical leave as he wanted you not to worry about anything. You shrugged your shoulders in agreement. You had lowkey been wanting to do some retail therapy here lately. Usually, you'd be at the bottom of a vodka bottle, but it made you shiver at the thought of who you used to be.
"I wouldn't mind that, been wanting to go shopping lately. Retail therapy is the best way to go." You joked as you stabbed your fork into your waffle and bringing it to your mouth. Ben watched you, a smile rose on his lips as he did so. Each day he felt like he was falling harder and harder for you. He wanted so badly to ask you out but considering your trust for men has decreased dramatically, he decided against it and was willing to wait for you. He could never imagine pushing you and making you uncomfortable. It was the last thing he had ever wanted. All he wanted was to make you happy, together or not. Seeing your smile after going through a hurricane, made his heart sing.
"After this, don't forget to take your meds." Ben reminded as he started cleaning up all the dirty dishes he used to cook with. You nodded as you took a sip of your tea, not breaking eye contact with your phone. You had gotten a couple of sweet direct messages, emails and comments from Ben's fans every now and then when he post about you. His recent post was a picture of you in the wheelchair as you were leaving the hospital. You had a thumbs up and a soft smile. The caption always made you smile when you would read it.
'Strongest gal I have ever known. You're the bestest. @yourusername.'
You turned your phone off and put it face down, finishing up your breakfast and tea. You stood up, grabbing your cup and plate and placing them in the sink before heading to the upstairs bathroom. You let Ben know you were going to shower before you two would leave. He nodded and headed up to his room to get ready. When you made it to your closet, you tapped your index finger against your chin trying to decide what to wear for the day. You opted on an old vintage Queen shirt paired with some rocky denim shorts and cute wicker platform sandals. You set your outfit aside on your bed and undressed, getting ready to shower. Turning on some music, you turned the shower nob, making the shower piping hot just the way you like it. You hopped in, dancing and singing to the music that blared throughout the bathroom. You used a shampoo bottle as a microphone as you blared lyrics at the top of your lungs.
"Thank you for coming tonight. See you next time!" You announced to yourself in the mirror, trying to mimic crowd noise as you began to get ready. You dried your hair off with a blow dryer. You french braided it on both sides of your head, joining the two braids into a low messy bun. You pulled some baby hairs from your head, styling up the look a little better. After fondling with your hair, you began with your makeup. You swiped some concealer all over your face, blending it out with your sponge egg. You set the concealer with some powder and popped some nice and shiny highlighter on your cheekbones and inner corner of your eyes. You popped on some mascara, making your lashes POP and eye color beam. Finally done after applying a layer of chapstick, you slipped into your outfit. You wore a cute pastel yellow lacy bralette that went perfectly with your sandals and tshirt. Taking one last look in the full length body mirror, you nodded in content with the way you looked and finally made your way downstairs, after grabbing your wallet and phone.
Your sandals clicked against the tile as you skipped down the stairs. Ben was already done and ready to go when he saw you come down the steps. His heart lurched out of his chest at the sight of you, he couldn't help but smile at you.
"Ready to go?"
You nodded and slipped past him, beating him to his car. You waited for him to unlock it and slid into the passenger seat. You felt like today was going to be a great day. Nothing could stop the happiness you felt when hanging out with Ben.
The whole day consisted of laughter, shopping at the most random places, and loads of ice cream and random food trucks. This had been best day you've had in such a long time, all thanks to Ben. You were both strolling along inside the mall, when you spotted a Build-a-bear. You instantly started dragging Ben into the little store. When you were younger, your parents both bought you teddy bears. Ben, being the masculine boy he was, acted like it was too girly for him. Although when alone, he'd cuddle the bear close to chest and would yell at his mum if she tried to get rid of it.
"I have to get one!" You exclaimed as you went to choose your bear. Ben watched you adoringly with a loving smile on his lips. The way you stuck your tongue out of your mouth when you were trying to decide which bear you wanted made his knees want to pull below him. You ended up choosing a simple golden colored bear with green eyes. You stuffed it just enough for it to form but soft and cuddly. Finally, you got the choice of whether or not you wanted it scented. You chose not to because without anyone's knowledge, you planned on going home and spritzing it with Ben's cologne. When you were satisfied with how your bear turned out, you paid and the two of you finally ventured home.
"Today was so much fun Ben, thank you." You smiled and wrapped your arms around his waist, bringing him into a hug making him drop all the bags on the floor. He smiled and hugged you back just as warm and tight as you did. You pulled away far enough to look into his eyes. God his eyes always drew you in. You could stare at them all day long. Ben felt the same, you both were blessed with the most majestically colored orbs anyone could have. You smiled at him and brought your hands to his cheeks, softly pinching them.
"You're the best benny." You whispered as you laid your head on his shoulder. He planted his hand on the back of your head, lightly tangling his fingers in your hair.
"Come on, let's put this stuff up and go to bed."
lol yay for shitty chapters bc i cant think straight
taglist: @benhardyisdaddy @monochromedeacon @queenbbarnes @haileylansley @shesakillerquueennn @onexlittlespark @zcars777 @loveandbeloved29 @beatlezrcool @likeit-or-leaveit @mrsmazzello @caborhapch @jacqueline1916 @thegarbage-queen @fatbottomedboi
perm taglist: @benhardyisdaddy @haileylansley @queenbbarnes @beatlezrcool @ezmina98
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v1rg1nvodkasprite · 5 years
Greaser → Ben Hardy (Part II)
Due to Shenanigans, you have been sent back in time to the 1960s. You find yourself in a high school. You also find someone very intriguing but he’s unrestrained.
Warnings: stealing/robbing, language, PDA
Notes: still don’t know where i’m going with this. i didn’t think it was gonna be a series but i guess it is lol. thank u sm for reading. i hope you all have a wonderful day! x
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The school day was finally over and I had also come to the conclusion that I was not dreaming. Some how, I was in 1969.
“Y/N!” I turned around to see Ben jogging towards me. “I was wondering if I could get your digits? You know, so I can show you around some time or help you get settled?” I could tell he was just trying to make some excuse to get my number but I found it kind of cute.
I started to tell him my number when I realized they didn’t have cell phones in 1969. Nor did I have a place to stay. I had no money at all except for $3 in my pocket from earlier when I was still in 2019 after getting a coffee.
“I actually don’t have a phone. I’m hoping to find a motel considering I don’t have much money,” I was fucked.
“You could probably stay with Rami and I,” he said, smiling. “Rami?” Who was Rami?
“He’s been my best friend since we were in middle school. We both moved from our parents house and bought our own pad. You’re welcome to stay with us,” he offered.
“Oh, I couldn’t,” I didn’t want to intrude. “I insist.”
“Thank you.” I said, quietly. This was all too much to handle. He smiled at me which eased my nerves a bit. “No sweat.”
We walked to his car silently to his car, a 1964 Ford Mustang in black, which matched his greaser look. It was beautiful but then again, I guess now was a regular old car.
Driving to Ben’s was awkward, considering we had only met today and he was already inviting me over. “Music?” Ben asked and I nodded in response. He messed with the radio a bit until Sympathy for Devil rang through our ears. He turned the volume up till it was blasting through the car. I laughed and looked to him as he smiled and sang along.
He kind of made me forget the situation I was in. He made me forget that I had literally time traveled 50 years into the past, had no money and was clueless to the societal norms of this time except for what I remembered from Grease, Breakfast at Tiffany’s, West Side Story, and My Fair Lady. Not to mention, those could possibly be inaccurate representations of this time period.
All that was swimming though my mind, at the moment, was Ben and the song blasting through our ears as we sang along and laughed. It was almost like a stress-reliever. I didn’t think about where or when I was, how I was going to get home or how I would be able to survive.
When we pulled up to the apartment, I got out of the car as Ben grabbed his backpack from the back of the car.
“We should probably get you the school supplies you need,” he said, unlocking the door to his place.
We walked and I sighed, “I would but I only have $3 with me. There’s no way I could ever get all the things I need.”
“I think I know how to get you everything you need,” he said, plopping down on the couch. “What do you mean?” I asked, confused for what seemed like the 1,000,000th time today. “You’ll see what I mean,” he said, taking the phone on the table dialing a number.
“Rami, you’ll be home soon right? I brought home a fox,” Ben said, winking towards me. I had no idea what fox meant but I blushed anyways. “We need to rip off a store to get some supplies.”
Rip off? Like shopping?
“Great! Now, cut out and get your ass here. Thanks, mate.” He put the phone down and looked to me. “All that sound solid?” he asked. I just nodded. I had no idea what he was talking about.
“We should probably get you some clothes too. I’ve never seen anything that style of clothing before,” he said eyeing my outfit. I had on a knit sweater, oversized sweater and black nike shorts. They never wore this kind of stuff in the 60s so it was understandable.
“Okay. Thank you for all this by the way. I’ll find a way to pay you back,” I said. This was really nice of him to do all this for me. No one back home, that I knew or just met would let me stay with them, buy clothes for me, and buy supplies for me.
“No sweat, babe,” he said and smiled once again. I blushed and looked down. I don’t know why I was acting like this. I mean he was attractive but I barely knew him.
Rami arrived about 30 minutes later than he said he would and it was a problem, according to Ben.
“I can’t believe he’s late! He knows this stuff is important when we rip off shit,” he huffed. “I’m sure he’ll be here soon,” I said quietly.
“This is shit!” he exclaimed as the clock ticked to 4:30. This time I stayed silent. Suddenly, Rami bursted through the door. “I’m home,” he exclaimed. “Fucking finally, you flake!” Ben yelled from the kitchen. “Don’t flip your wig. I had to finish up some shit. I’m the one working from 7 to 3, 4 days a week unlike you, who didn’t even work today!” Rami yelled back.”
“I had to welcome Y/N to our pad,” Ben smirked at you. Dani turned to me and his mood turned from anger to happy. He extended his hand for me to shake and introduced himself, “Rami, so sorry about him, love.” I smiled back to him, “Oh, it hasn’t been that bad. I’m Y/N.” We shook hands before Rami turned to Ben.
“You ready?” he asked and Ben nodded. We piled into Ben’s car and drove to the mall. Ben grabbed a big, black backpack and slung it on his shoulder. It was empty so I wasn’t sure why he was taking it in with us.
We arrived to the first store and went to one of the back aisles. Ben started putting a lot of the supplies in his backpack. “Wait, what are you doing?” I whispered yelled.
“We don’t have the scratch and neither do you. This is the only way,” Ben said packing the bag with multiple pens.
I had no idea what the fuck was going on but I went with it. Rami took the backpack off Ben and started to walk out as Ben grabbed my hand and pulled to one of the aisles that was more public. When we got there, he grabbed my face and pulled me in to kiss me.
Holy shit.
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biofunmy · 5 years
Chasing Waves on Ireland’s Wild Atlantic Way
In the 1970s and 80s, the California surfer and writer Kevin Naughton and the photographer Craig Peterson traveled the globe “Endless Summer”-style searching for perfect waves.
When they arrived in Ireland, with its friendly locals and powerful, mostly empty waves, amid a landscape of stone walls and ruins, Mr. Naughton recalled, “there was a sense of disbelief,” an improbable feeling that perhaps of all places, on the often frigid island in the North Atlantic they had found what they were looking for.
“I’ve had more great solo days in Ireland than anywhere else,” Mr. Naughton said when I called him to research an Irish surfing trip.
Over the years Ireland has gained a somewhat mythical reputation in the surf world as a wild and unspoiled place for exploration and crowd-free surf. But you can’t jump on a flight and count on great waves, which explains why, along with the cold water, it has remained off the mainstream surf-travel circuit.
The prime Irish surf season is September through November when the water is warmest (relatively speaking, that is; it peaks in the low 60s) and storm swells stream out of the North Atlantic from hurricanes and early nor’easters coming off the eastern coast of the United States. Winter brings the coldest, biggest waves, with water temperatures dipping below 50 degrees, but it’s also the season that attracts big-wave experts from all corners of the globe.
It’s a capricious island, going from sun splashed and sparkling to dark and menacing in minutes. So the plan for a two-week trip in June was intentionally flexible, driven by weather and waves. The general idea was to drive from south to north along the Western coastal route known as the Wild Atlantic Way in a camper van, looking for surf.
My wife Idoline and I picked up a 24-foot Mercedes-Benz van at Shannon Airport, about two thirds of the way down the west coast, and headed west in an unwelcoming drizzle.
An hour or so from Shannon we turned off the main road onto a narrow, winding strip of pavement through the mostly treeless coastal range. It appeared on the map as a short cut to a surf beach. It wasn’t. The road ran like a twisty runnel through fuchsia hedges and bright fields of buttercups and cow parsley, up to a pass among the 3,000-foot Slieve Mish mountains. The only other vehicle was a farmer’s van coming the opposite direction, a sheepdog riding shotgun.
We came to a stop, seeing as the road was barely wide enough for one of us. We faced off calmly, taking the measure of each other to see who would back up to some unseen wider section where passing would be possible. I smiled and waved. He smiled back. I backed up and he waved as he passed. This civil face-off, we would learn, is part of rural Irish driving.
Somewhere near the summit we got our first glimpse of Ireland’s beckoning magic. With our van nudging through flocks of sheep in the road, the rain let up and the sun turned the clouds from gray to gold. In the distance we could glimpse the placid Atlantic.
To Inch Strand
The Irish call their beaches strands, and by mid afternoon we’d made it to Inch Strand, in County Kerry, where we witnessed one typical Irish surf scene.
The end of the so-called Irish Troubles, the bloody conflict in Northern Ireland, and the advent of the Celtic Tiger, the great Irish economic boom, kicked off a surge of surfing around the turn of the century. Seaside beach holidays to the Irish coast began to include surf lessons, made easier and safer by soft foam surfboards and comfortable, warm wet suits. Big, well-organized surf schools, offering inexpensive (by American standards) lessons flourished.
Now, on any given day, hardy throngs of learners, most frequently in group classes, are braving the waves everywhere in Ireland. On this moody, cool day in June, with rain and sun in a full wrestling match, more than a dozen people splashed in the easy rollers at Inch when we pulled up, a scene we would see repeated at the long, wide beach at Rossnowlagh, in Donegal, and Lahinch, in Clare.
The waves at Inch were ideal for first-timers, but too gutless and small for our purposes. We moved on.
The colorful little commercial fishing and tourist town of Dingle is the surfing hub in the region. The Dingle peninsula itself has a jagged coastline of beaches and breaks within driving distance and with southern, western, and northern exposures to catch any swell in the Atlantic.
Dingle town was hopping the Tuesday night we rolled in, with traditional Irish music at seemingly every drinking and eating establishment. At Lord Baker’s, which claims to be the oldest eatery in town, going back to the late 1800s, the proprietor, John Moriarty, regarded our surfing adventure with amusement.
“You’re not confusing Ireland for Hawaii are you?”
A rumor of surf at Coumeenoole
“You might find something at Coumeenoole,” the owner of Dingle Surf, Ben Farr, told me when I stopped at his shop in the village for advice the next morning.
In a version of a story we’d hear often from expat surfers, Mr. Farr, a Briton, moved to Dingle 20 years ago. He came from his home in Cornwall to help his mother relocate. A few surfs later, he decided to stay. He took over a butcher shop and turned it into a surf shop, and eventually opened a surf school. Business is thriving.
Coumeenoole is on the Dingle loop, 30 road miles around this western tip of Europe. It doesn’t get the billing of the Ring of Kerry, but the Ring of Dingle has all the history and breathtaking scenery, some half a million sheep and rumors of excellent surf. The road winds past thousands of years of Irish history, abandoned cottages and farms, hillsides divided into a patchwork of stone walls, late-Stone Age and Iron-Age forts, defensive ramparts and ditches.
Optimism was high as we rounded Slea Head and Coumeenoole came in to view, a white-sand cove amid the cliffs. The sun was high, and the wind was light. Not a surfer in sight, only a handful of beachgoers. A tiny wave peeled across a sandbar. It wasn’t much, but we parked, unloaded, and stroked out into the water to catch a few. I could see how on a day with some real swell this place might deliver dream surf. But sparkly and pretty as it was, the waves were barely waist-high, and after a few rides we joined the nappers on the beach.
Looking at Aileen’s
One of Ireland’s reputations in the surf world is for big, menacing waves, among the most terrifying surf on earth. Surfers from everywhere come to test themselves against the Irish monsters. “Slabs” as the locals call them — breaking so big, so hard and so fast that you have no choice but to ride inside the massive breaking “tubes,” the perilous interior pockets of a wave. “Slab hunters” make up a small, nervy subset in the surf world, and Ireland has its share.
One of these breaks, Aileen’s, pitches directly into the dramatic and moody Cliffs of Moher in Clare. Locals had eyed the spot for years before a group summoned up the courage in 2006, scrambled down a narrow cleft in the rocks, and paddled out. John McCarthy, who runs a surf school in nearby Lahinch, was among them. He remembered a friend telling him the spot was so treacherous and complicated that it would become “a career.” Which it has been for a few surfers.
“Down there.” The Irish surfer and filmmaker Kevin Smith, perched on a narrow promontory over the ocean, pointed at a spray of white water some 500 feet below at the northern end of the cliffs. A tiny track snaked down out of sight to a rocky sliver of shore. We had met Mr. Smith in nearby Doolin. “That’s the paddle out.”
There wasn’t anything ride-able in sight, but I tried to imagine it, the half-hour walk and hike down to the boulders only to plunge into an ocean throwing waves the size of houses onto the cliffs.
Remarkably, no surfer has died at Aileen’s although the local Coast Guard has been called in numerous times to retrieve stranded and injured surfers, both by boat and helicopter. In some cases, helicopter crews have had to lower cages to snatch surfers trapped between the violent sea and the cliff wall.
“The first time we scrambled down the cliff and paddled out I remember I was scared. It wasn’t really my thing,” Mr. Smith said. “But Fergal was really into it.”
Fergal, Kevin Smith’s brother, is one of Ireland’s most respected and talented wave riders. Aileen’s was a proving ground.
After a number of years traveling the globe surfing as a pro, he had an epiphany. He became a farmer and hasn’t stepped on a plane in more than five years, his brother said.
“We have all the waves we want right here,” Kevin Smith added.
I was beginning to wonder.
Spanish Point, Doolin, the Peak — all flat
On the way north we passed all the known breaks, Spanish Point and Doolin, in Clare, and, later, even the celebrated Peak, in Bundoran. All were flat. We also passed endless other possibilities, beaches and rock reefs that clearly, on another day, could be a surfer’s dream. In a van, with time, Mr. Naughton had been right: it is beyond belief that such an accessible, stunning coastline, so open to good surf, remains so unspoiled and un-surfed.
The surf wasn’t cooperating but we found consolation in the camping, the history and the natural beauty.
Ireland, from its ruins and cliffs to its sky above, is a spellbinding interplay of lightness and dark, like the Irish story itself. In the village of Ballyshannon in County Donegal an inconspicuous plaque on an old wall in a sun-splashed flowery churchyard marks the burial ground for hundreds who died of disease and starvation during the Irish potato famine in the 1800s. The vestiges of British rule and Irish nobles, forts and castles, dot the landscape, along with stone dolmens, built thousands of years ago, but for what purpose and how remains a mystery.
We’d obtained a booklet of campsites, places with electric and water hookups, and toilets. But as it turned out we camped on remote headlands and beaches every night, for free and almost always alone. Much of western Ireland remains remarkably wild and, except for the height of summer, with a little effort you can find blessed solitude.
The road north winds through Galway and Mayo, around remote Achill and Bel Mullet Islands, which are connected to the mainland. We found mountains to hike and cliff-top perches for picnics. We swam every day despite the chilly weather, staying in as long as we could bear it, the water going from tropical to arctic blue as the sun moved in and out of the clouds.
We learned to ignore the weather forecasts. One day in The Irish Times: “A cloudy start with some heavy rain which will become more showery in the afternoon.” It was sunny that day.
At Carna, in a faraway corner of Connemara, the cashier at the country market asked if we knew Marty Walsh, the mayor of Boston. You get this often in rural Ireland, the questions about Irish Americans and our two nations’ deeply connected histories, asked endearingly, as if we are all related.
“Marty Walsh’s parents were born nearby,” she said. “He came to visit recently, hundreds turned out, more than they had for Trump.”
The president came up frequently, too, as he owns a hotel and golf course in Doonbeg, County Clare, directly on a popular surf beach. Mr. Trump’s organization’s plan for a sea wall there to protect the golf course from erosion has prompted fierce opposition and protests among locals and surfers — “Trump’s other wall,” local media has taken to calling it.
At Rossnowlagh, we paid a visit to the artist and surfer Barry Britton, whose family for many years owned and ran a big hotel on the beach. In the 1960s his mother returned from an Irish tourism board junket to California with two surfboards, reckoning Ireland had better waves. The boards, a novelty in Ireland then, were for the hotel guests, but were quickly claimed by Mr. Britton and his brothers who would become pioneers of Irish surfing.
But on this day, he wasn’t hopeful. “Why don’t you come back in September for waves,” he advised.
‘North swell tomorrow’
“There’s a north swell in tomorrow and Friday. North swell will light up an area called Easkey in County Sligo.”
We’d begun to despair before Dylan Stott’s text arrived. Surfing has, at its core, tension, tension that builds every time you go to the ocean and find it flat and bleak and pointless, tension that builds through waveless spells and ragged gales, until that magical convergence: swells from far away storms meeting just the right winds at the coast. And, then you, with perfect timing, meet all of that on a surfboard. The indescribable magic of these moments was more powerful before the predictability of online surf forecasting and surf resorts. But you’ll find it still, traveling an unfamiliar coast in a van.
A surfer originally from Southampton, N.Y., Mr. Stott showed up in Bundoran, in 1999, inspired in part by the Irish surfing scenes in the cult surf film “Litmus: A Surfing Odyssey.” His luck was better than ours: the surf was on, big time. That’s all it took. Mr. Stott would make Ireland his home. He went to college in Dublin, and in his spare time joined the ranks of a crew of local surfers, ex pats and Irish, whose exploits in giant Irish surf are the stuff of movies and magazine covers.
Eventually, he married and settled in Bundoran permanently in 2006 where he works as a writer and a teacher. He and his wife live feet from the ocean — facing the fearsome Pampa surf break — and amid what is quietly described by those who know as one of the most wave-rich coastlines (from Enniscrone in Sligo to Rossnowlagh in Donegal) on the planet.
Mr. Stott and I connected through the New York surfer grapevine. Following his bread-crumb trail of texts, I found a narrow lane through a clutch of barns and farmhouses to a cove. It was a near windless afternoon, with head-high waves breaking over a smooth limestone ledge. On my scale it was excellent. For Mr. Stott it was an average practice day, so he surfed his tiny board with the fins removed for an additional challenge.
In the lineup with us was only one other surfer, Paul O’Kane, an Australian who’d come to Ireland 20 years ago for his honeymoon and, like so many others, stayed. Starved for it, I stayed in for hours. A contingent of friendly locals rotated through. Ireland is so far north that when I quit it was close to 10 p.m. the sun still just above the horizon. We had dinner, slept right there, and went at it again the next morning.
The swell lasted four more days. Between shifts in the wind and downpours we got our fill on that north coast. We moved our camp to near the ruins of the thousand year-old Rosslea Castle on a grassy bluff overlooking the two main breaks at Easkey, our only company a family of Germans who’d ferried over in their own van.
In quaint little Easkey village we joined the locals at McGowan’s pub for a Guinness, and ate nearby at Pudding Row, a hip little award-winning restaurant and bakery provisioned from local farms.
On the last morning, camping at a beach an hour from Shannon airport, I rose in the predawn to catch a few fading rollers. Alone, with my pick of fun, glassy waves, not another soul in sight, amid miles of beach and dunes, it felt like a throwback to another time when surfing was in its infancy. Surfing in Ireland can feel that way.
Biddle Duke is a writer, magazine editor, and small-time oyster farmer based on eastern Long Island.
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v1rg1nvodkasprite · 5 years
Greaser → Ben Hardy (Part VIII)
Due to Shenanigans, you have been sent back in time to the 1960s. You find yourself in a high school. You also find someone very intriguing but he’s unrestrained.
Warnings: mild smut, language, fluff, sexual themes.
Notes: this series will have more of a plot now that i have a more steady understanding about what i'm writing and where this is going. i expect this to have 2-4 more parts left. let me know what i should write next and who! thanks for reading and i hope you like it! x
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After a long explanation to Rami during dinner, he agreed that Ben should go back with me. "I hadn't seen him so happy. He'd be crushed if you left," was his excuse. "You won't miss me too much, will you mate? Especially with that new girl of yours. You're whipped!" Ben exclaimed laughing and Rami's cheeks got hot.
"Wait a second, who's he talking about?" I asked, excitedly. Rami looked up smiling, bitting his bottom lip. His eyes shined bright and he looked so proud. "Her name's Lucy," he said, lowly.
"I should meet her before I go! What's she like?" I asked. "She's so talented and intelligent. She's strong too," he rambled on and on about how great she was. "Okay, okay. We get it," Ben exclaimed and I laughed, "He's just in love. Leave him alone."
The next day, we got up early-ish to meet Joe at some company he was interning for. Apparently, he was some genius. "So you clicked a sort of transport thing that got you here?" he asked after I explained to him what had happened before I time-traveled.
"Okay, it'll take me a few hours to get that setup. Do you remember the name of it?" he asked, messing with some of the switches and wires on the big wall of circuits and microchips that they called a computer.
"It was called You've Got Mail. I just clicked on it," I explained. "I'm pretty sure I can get the both of you into the future," he said turning back to the computer. "Never thought I'd be doing this," he muttered.
"Thanks, Mazzelo. Just call my place whenever you're done. We'll be there all day," Ben said, wrapping his arm around my shoulder. "Thank you, Joe!" I called out as Ben started to lead me out the office.
For some reason, Ben seemed eager to get home. He kept his hands on me whether it was on my thigh or around my waist. "What are you doing, Ben?" I giggled as his lips nipped at my neck, gently and softly. "Loving you," he murmed against my jaw line. His lips kept moving further up as I drove us home.
"Babe, you can't do that while I'm driving. You'll kill us," I sighed. I was getting hot and bothered quickly, it was distracting me from the road. "Then step on it, baby."
I pressed a bit harder on the accelerator going ten or fifteen over the speed limit. His hand moved up my thigh and squeezed it gently, almost teasingly. I suppressed the moan forming in the back of my throat.
Once we got home, Ben moved fast, rushing me to the bedroom. "You're fucking gorgeous, love," he said against my lips. His hand unbottoned my skirt a little bit to gain access under it. I grabbed onto his flexed arm, egging him to go further.
His hand moved my panties to the side. His finger lightly tapped my clit. Holy fuck. A moan escaped my mouth. "Again, darling," Ben urged. He started to move his finger into small, fast circles. "Ben," I groaned.
He pushed me into the bed, removing his hand from inside my skirt. His body immediately went in between my legs, his groin grinding against me. I could feel the hardened budgle on me.
His sucked on my neck and collarbone, leaving bright, angry bruises on me. I moaned again as he grinned harder and faster. Our breathes quickened and he rested his forehead against mine our noses rubbing together with each thrust.
"Fuck, I love you." he groaned and kissed my nose gently. "I love you too," I breathed, wrapping my legs around him to pull him closer to me. "You're so beautiful like this. Underneath me, a moaning mess," he said, throatedly.
"Keep moving. I need you," I moaned out, my nails racking his back as I felt the tension in my stomach and chest build up. I was getting close.
His moans turned into soft growls in my ear as mine got higher in pitch. "Ben-" I cried. "I know, babe. Cum for me. Please," he growled, almost begging. I let go, cumming into my panties. His growls got louder and he cried out as he jolted.
"Holy shit," he breathed, collapsing on top of me. I giggled. "Come on, get off." He chuckled, rolling off of me. "I love you," I said. "Love you too, Y/N."
We laid there for a couple moments, catching our breathe. I didn't want this to end. I just wanted to lay here with him right by me. The sound of the phone ringing ruined that.
"I'll be right back, love," he said, patting my thigh as I groaned. I turned over cuddling the pillow on his side of the bed. I smiled and felt giddy as the thoughts of what just happened racked my brain.
"It's done?" I heard Ben exclaim. I got up, situation myself against the door frame between the his room and the living room. "Yeah, yeah. Thanks, mate. We'll be there soon," he said, back turned to me. I smiled. I guess that meant Joe was done. I could finally go back home.
He turned around with a smile on his face, "He's done. We're ready to go." I laughed and hugged him. "You know you can always back out of coming back with me," I mumbled into his neck.
He pulled back and grabbed my shoulders. "Trust me, I want to come with you," he smiled and moving his hands to my face, cupping my cheeks. He caresses them slowly before leaning forward to kiss me softly.
l pulled back, "We should get going." I smiled and grabbed his hand.
Once we got back, Joe had had everything set up and instructed us of what we needed to do. "Whenever the both of you are ready take the plugged wire from this outlet and plug it into this one. To travel together, I'd recommend holding hands and plugging it in together," he informed us. I nodded and smiled over at Ben.
"You're sure this'll work?" he asked Joe. "As sure as I can be. There has never been any experiments or tests done for time-traveling. So I'm sure as I possibly can be," he said. Ben shrugged and looked to me. "You ready?" he asked. I nodded.
We reached up together and unplugged the wire moving it to other outlet. He looked to me and nodded and moved the wire towards the outlet. A final push and we both plugged it in.
I ended up back in my bed, phone in hand as if no time had went by. It wasn't really a dream was it? All of the sudden, I heard a groan from beside me. I leaned over, looking over the bed to see Ben, his hand on his head. "You, okay?" I asked. He nodded, "Just a headache."
I giggled, "Come here." I patted the space beside me and he climbed up and lead his head in my lap. I ran my fingers through his soft hair, gently massaging his scalp.
"I'm sure it's just jet lag. It'll pass. Can you show me what's new?" he asked. He was excited to see what the future, or my present, was like. I laughed, grabbing my phone and handing it to him, "Here."
"What the fuck is this," he said, examining it. "That's my phone," I explained, giggling a bit at his reaction. "How do you call people?" he asked. "You have to turn it on and then go to the app," I said, showing him how to work it. "This is ape shit."
That was how the next hour went until he got tired. "I'm sleepy," he mumbled, against my stomach. "Do you wanna turn on a movie?" I asked and he looked up at me, surprised, "You have a television set?" I nodded, "But, we'll just watch it on my laptop."
"You can watch movies on that thing?" he exclaimed. I shook my head, laughing again. "You have so much to learn."
I grabbed my laptop, turning it on and went straight for netflix. I set it down on my side of the bed, scooting closer to Ben. He wrapped his arm around me, setting his chin on top of my head.
"How's your headache?" I asked, scrolling through classic movies so that he'd somewhat understand it. "It still hurts. I'm probability just exhausted and need sleep," he said. I nodded. I didn't really think anything of it, starting the movie and falling asleep in the first five minutes.
small note: the usernames crossed out in the taglist is one that is not available or spelled wrong from the form. pls let me know if this is you and the correct username. thank you!!
@rrrogah-tayluhh , @simplyvictoria-93 , @rencontre-moi-dans-le-couloir , @kirket03 , @plethora-of-things , @satanspaghetti , @rogersrager , @spreadymercury , @hi-i-dont-know , @kurt-nightcrawler
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v1rg1nvodkasprite · 5 years
Greaser → Ben Hardy (Part IV)
Due to Shenanigans, you have been sent back in time to the 1960s. You find yourself in a high school. You also find someone very intriguing but he’s unrestrained.
Warnings: mentions of car crash, angst, language, fluff, uncomfortable (almost) sexual situations, use of a gun, somewhat sexual assault implied, sexism.
Notes: i hope you guys like this. i kinda know where this is going. idrk. we'll see haha. thank u for reading. love u. x
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The next day, school went by fast. Any other day, I would’ve been completely fine with that. I would’ve been more than fine but today wasn’t great.
“Ben, are you sure this is safe? Is this even legal?” I asked, honestly terrified for his life. I hadn’t even been in this year for a week and I had already stolen from two different stores and was now about to be apart of this.
“Sure, babe,” he said, not making eye contact with me. It wasn’t very convincing but I didn’t ask anything further after that.
Rami drove Ben’s car to the dirt road, that seemed about 15 minutes away from town. When we got there, Joe and Gwilym were already there drinking some beer.
“Ah, glad you’ve come to see the show, baby. Get ready to see me win,” Gwilym chuckled. I glared at him and decided not to answer. I was purely here for Ben and supporting him.
“Lets just get this over with, yeah?” Ben asked. Apparently, the news had gotten out and a few cars full of greasers and socs showed up, overly excited and ramped up.
“Looks we’ve got a crowd,” Rami mumbled to me. This whole thing was overwhelming.
Gwilym got in his car, backing up a couple hundred feet. His car was a beautiful, bright blue 1968 Dodge Charger RT. I could see why he loved it.
Ben got into the driver’s seat, slaming the door closed. It was obvious that he was agitated.
“Ben,” I said, jogging to his window. I leaned down to meet him. “Please be careful,” I said. He looked up at me and slightly smiled, “Of course.” It seemed like he said that to try to calm my nerves and reassure me but it didn’t do much of any of that. From the first few days of living with Ben, I knew he would be too proud to pull away from the road before he crashed. It terrified me.
Ben started to back up and ended up about two hundred feet of where he was. He revved the engine and Gwilym revved his back. Rami stood beside me with the other greasers grouped behind us. We all stood silently as a girl in preppy clothes walked to the middle, in between Gwilym and Ben.
She briefly went through the rules and took her blue cardigan, utilizing it as a racing flag. She lifted it up in the air and I grabbed arm, unconsciously. The sound of the revving cars got louder and then all of the sudden, she lowered her cardigan and they both took of towards each other, a cloud of dust trailing behind them.
They got closer and closer to each other, each moment that passed by, the grip on Rami’s arm tightened.
They started to go faster and faster. It seemed like they were only a few feet away before Gwilym started to swerve and pulled off the track. I hadn’t realized I had been holding my breathe until I realized one.
“Jesus, Y/N. I think you’ve left a few bruises,” he said, rubbing his arm a bit. Before I could say sorry, Ben walked up from behind me, “It’s not like you aren’t used to it,” he winked and Rami chuckled, shaking his head. “How’d you guys like it?” Ben asked, referring to the the chicken race. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder, rubbing his thumb over my shoulder.
“You’re never doing that shit again,” I said, crossing my arms. “And since when were you my mother?” he chuckled. “Since, you decided to do dangerous, fucked up things like this.”
“Hey, Hardy!” I heard Gwilym called out and mentally groaned, rolling my eyes. “Maybe you’ll get to score that fox of yours.”
I felt Ben tense up beside me. It wasn’t until Gwilym went even further that he lost it. “Maybe she’ll let you tie her up and spank, that is unless she’s a square. I know I’d love to spank that ass,” he smirked, licking his lips. That was when Ben let go of me, slaming his fist into Gwilym’s jaw, making him fall back. He grabbed Gwilym’s shirt, repeatedly punching him which provoked Rami to intervene.
“Ben quit it, not here!” he pulled him off of Gwilym. He stumbled back whipping the back of his hand against his mouth.
The ride home was silent and awkward once again. I was getting tired of this. When we got home, Rami explained that he would pick up dinner at the diner a few blocks away from here and would be back within an hour, leaving Ben and I alone.
Ben stood quietly with his arms crossed, his eyes stuck on the ground. I was on the brink of snapping as the silence was louder than ever before. I kept my face in my hands. I couldn’t look at him right now. Today had been overbearing with watching the danger Ben put himself in and then the image of him repeatedly punching Gwilym and now everything was awkward again after I thought we had gotten past everything.
“Ben, please. Talk to me,” I pleaded. He looked up and I couldn’t read his emotions. “What’s wrong?” I asked. I needed to know what he was thinking and feeling. I was tired of being kept in the dark.
He stayed quiet and looked down again. “Ben.” My voice broke and he didn’t respond verbally or physically. “One minute you invite me into your home, which I am so grateful for, then you’re silent and push me away. Then, we get closer and we cuddle and everything is great and then you push me away again. You’re giving me mixed signals and I need to know before I let myself fall for you,” I spoke, tears brimming in my eyes.
He looked up and didn’t say anything. After a minute, I had had enough. “I’m gonna go for a walk. I’ll be back,” I said and walked out the door and it’s kept walking. I didn’t really know where I was going but I didn’t care.
I had been walking around for over half an hour probably and decided I should probably head back home. That was until Gwilym appeared from the pitch black alleyway. “Look who it is! My favorite girl! What’s wrong, baby? Trouble in paradise?” he asked, smugly. “Leave me alone and I’m not your baby.” I was tired of his shit.
I tried to keep walking but another one of Gwilym’s friends walked out from alleyway and blocked my path. “Where do you think you’re going? You can’t just talk to him like that and walk away. Didn’t your mother teach you any manners?” he laughed.
I honestly hadn’t thought much of my mother. We hadn’t talked in almost 6 years because her meth addiction took over her life so I moved in with my Nana. I missed her terribly and didn’t know if I would ever see her again.
“I’ll talk to whoever I want, however I want. Now leave me alone. Ben will be worried,” I said, as though he would actually wonder where I had been all this time and look for me but I honestly didn’t think he would.
“I’m sure Benny won’t mind sharing. Come on. I’d like to make that dream of you and I in the passion pit a reality,” he grabbed my arm pushing me into the alleyway and against the wall. His arm blocking me from running back under the light and going home.
“I’d rather not. I’m sure your dick is surely smaller than your ego,” I snickered and was met with a swift slap to the face.
“I wouldn’t talk to me like that again, baby. It’ll make this worse for you,” he smirked and I kept my head high, breathing hard to try to keep myself calm. “Come on, boys. Let’s take her for a ride, yeah?” he suggested and they nodded.
“Malek, came to see the show?” one of the soc boys asked and smirked. A surge of relief and happiness went through me. Thank god he was here. “Let her to, Lee. You’ve done enough for today,” he said and grabbed onto me, pulling me away from Gwilym. “Oh no, she’s fair bait. She was out here, unescorted,” Gwilym said, pulling me back. I felt as if I was a toy they were fighting over.
Rami pulled a small, metal gun from his back pocket. He pulled back the hammer on the back of the gun with thumb and pointed it to Gwilym. “I’d let her go if I were you,” he said. Gwilym quickly let me go and shoved me forward towards Rami, raising his hands in surrender.
“I was just having fun with her. Trying to cop a feel, you dig?” he stammered out. Rami pulled the trigger of his small revolver and shot into the sky. The socs ran further into the alleyway, away from Rami and I.
“You okay?” he asked and I said nothing and just hugged him. “Alright lets just get you home, okay?” I nodded walking home with him.
“I can’t believe, Ben would just leave you out here unescorted,” he murmured. I remember hearing from my Nana that men used to wait outside libraries and dorms to escort the women to where they needed to go. I always found it weird and didn’t realize it was actually used everywhere.
“Why’d you leave?” he asked. I sighed and explained what had happened, “He’s been giving me mixed signals. I don’t whether he flirts with me cause he likes me or because he just wants to have fun.”
“Do you like him?” he asked. I was quiet for a minute, thinking about whether or not I should tell him. “I think I do,” was all I said.
Once we got home, Rami scolded Ben like a child for letting me leave alone and then ate dinner silently.
“I’m going to bed. I’ll see you at school,” he said to us and put his plate into the dishwasher. Silence filled the room again.
“I’m sorry,” Ben said and I looked up. “It’s fine,” I shrugged. “It’s not. I let you go out at night alone and you were harassed by that ditz,” he said. “And I’m sorry for being so weird with you. I just don’t want to mess this up. I like you. I just don’t know what to really do,” he sounded like he was genuine and nervous.
“Thank you. You could’ve just told me you liked me,” I said. “I really couldn’t. Obviously,” he laughed. I smiled. “I like you too, you know,” I laughed and playfully pushed him.
He smiled. “Would you want to go get diner tomorrow night. Just you and me?” he asked. “What about Rami?”
“He’ll be fine,” he said. I laughed and shook my head, “We’ll bring him something when we’re done.”
“So is that a yes?”
“Yeah, sure.” I smiled.
@rrrogah-tayluhh , @simplyvictoria-93 , @rencontre-moi-dans-le-couloir , @kirket03 , @plethora-of-things , @satanspaghetti , @rogersrager , @spreadymercury
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v1rg1nvodkasprite · 5 years
Greaser → Ben Hardy (Part IX)
Due to Shenanigans, you have been sent back in time to the 1960s. You find yourself in a high school. You also find someone very intriguing but he’s unrestrained.
Warnings: sickness, language, angst, hospitalization, fluff.
Notes: series is coming close to the end. i hope you like this and thank you for reading. x
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I woke up to Ben moaning and groaning. He had turned onto his other side, facing away from. The bed shook as he shook violently.
"Ben?" I called out touching his shoulder. His body temperature had spiked and sweat covered his body. "You're burning up, are you okay?" I asked.
"I feel sick," he said hugging himself, shaking more. "Just stay here. I'll get you some water," I said, getting up and going to the kitchen. It seemed like he had the flu and it was probably just the affects of going 50 years into the future.
I came back with a glass of water but he was out of bed. His body was hunched over, throwing up into the small trash can by my desk. "Oh, babe. I'm so sorry," I said, setting the glass of water on the desk and sitting down next to him.
"I'm sorry," he said, as I rubbed his back. "Don't be sorry. It's okay, you're just a little sick," I said. He sniffed a little bit, "I think I'm just gonna take a shower, where's your bathroom?" he asked, getting up, supporting himself against the edge of the desk. "It's just right down at the end of the hall. I got you some water," I said, handing him the glass I got him earlier, "I'll help you turn on the water."
I led him to the bathroom, his clammy hand holding mine. I leaned turned on the faucet and let the water warm up, "Is the temperature okay?" I asked and he leaned down to feel the water. "That's good. Thank you, love," he said and smiled sickly. I nodded, turning on the shower.
"Just let me know if you need anything," I said. "You're not staying?" he asked, smirking a little bit. "Ben, you're sick. Just take the damn shower," I laughed and he playfully poured. I shook my head, smiling as I walked out, closing the door behind me.
It was about 15 minutes until he walked out, the towel hung low around his waist. Droplets of water running down his chest and torso. I might have stared a bit too long.
"Take a picture, baby. It'll last longer," he joked. I reached over to the record stand beside my bed, pulling out the white polaroid camera.
Carefully taking the camera out of the bag, I looked through the lens, preparing to snap the photo. "I didn't actually mean it," he shook his head. "Yeah but I might as well," I smiled. He looked down laughing, his hand reaching up to finger through his hair. I snapped the picture before pulling it out of the polaroid, shaking it a bit.
He sat down beside me, still in his towel. "How do you feel?" I asked. "Still like shit," he laughed. I grabbed an oversized sweatshirt, throwing it at him. "Wear that. I'll be right back. I've got to go shopping," I explained. "Babe, stay. You don't have to," he said.
"You can't just stay your old clothes for the rest of your life, especially while you're sick. You won't be comfortable. It'll only be an hour or so," I said, grabbing my wallet and keys, "I need to get you some medicine too anyways."
"Okay, hurry though," he said, pulling the sweatshirt over his head and getting under the covers. "I'll be back before you know it," I smiled, walking out of my small loft apartment.
Getting in my car, I drove to the mall. I ran to a few stores, picking out some clothes that Ben might like. I made sure, it was a bit on-trend. The whole thing was expensive but I decided that I'd just work my ass off next week to make up the difference.
I drove back to my apartment, unlocking the door and walking in. "Ben," I called out but there was no response. I set down the bags of clothes on the couch. "I got you some clothes. How are you feeling?" I called out again. There wasn't any response.
"You okay?" I asked. I opened the door to my bedroom. Ben wasn't laying on the bed like I had left him but most of the covers were off the bed. I walked around the bed and there he was. His skin was pasty and had turned pale. His lips were purple. It looked as if he was dead.
"Shit!" I whispered, kneeling down to him shaking him. He had snot running down his face and his hair was sticking to his face from the sweat. "Hey, hey. Wake up. Come on," I shook him again.
I leaned down, placing my ear near his mouth. His breathing was slow, almost silent. I cradled his face, pulling him into my lap. He had gotten significantly hotter since I last checked him. "Get up, babe. Ben, please," I said, tears welling up. Fuck.
I wrapped my arm around his torso, under his arm. I tried putting his weight against me so I could get him to my car. As I tried to get up, I fell back down. I tried again but fell.
"Fuck," I exclaimed, reaching for my phone, dialing 911. The phone rang twice before someone picked up. "911, what's your emergency?" a man asked from the other side of the line. "Hi! My friend was sick with the flu I think and now he's passed out. His breathing is slowed and he's really pale. I can't carry him so could you please send an ambulance?" I asked, frantically. "Yes, what is your address?" he asked. "9175 Thrasher Ave," my voice shook as I spoke. "Thank you, ma'am. Paramedics will be there in about seven minutes."
I got up, running to the sink and pulled out a rag. I quickly wet it with warm water and went back to Ben. I pulled his head back onto my lap, dabbing the cloth against his forehead. "Please, be okay. Please, be okay," I whispered, moving a strand of hair out of his face. I wrapped a large, heavy blanket around him, trying to get him to break his fever.
A couple of minutes later, there was a knock at the door. I ran to it, opening the door. It was the paramedics. I led them to where Ben laid, unconscious. "His name?" one of them asked. "Ben Hardy. Is he going to be okay?" I asked. "We'll take good care of him. Are you riding in the ambulance or driving yourself?" they asked.
"I'll drive," I said. I probably needed a ride back to the apartment, depending on whether or not he could come home later tonight or not.
They put him on the gurney, caring him out to the ambulance. I watched them carefully rolling him into the back and shutting the door before a couple of them got in the back with him. I got in my car, just waiting and thinking everything over. None of this was going to plan.
It might have just been too much for his body. Maybe we should've prepped more. Surely, he'll be okay. I sighed, turning on the car and backing out, following the ambulance.
When we got to the hospital, I followed Ben to the room he was put in. "What's wrong with him?" I asked as they set him up in the bed. "He's got a fever of 103.4. The nurse will be in here a second to run some more tests. Do you mind if we ask a few questions?" a woman said as the other paramedics got him settled. I nodded.
"When did he start feeling sick?" she asked. "He had a headache last night and this morning it just blew up," I explained. After a few more questions and some paperwork, which I tried to fill out as much as possible, a nurse came in to run some test.
"Ma'am, are you family?" she asked, sanitizing her hands and putting on some gloves. "No, but-" I started to say but she cut me off. "I'm going to have to ask you to wait outside. I'll be done soon and then you'll be able to come back," she said, turning to Ben. "Okay," I said quietly, walking out.
The image of Ben on the ground, pale and unconscious stayed in my mind. What the fuck could possibly be wrong? Was this really just some flu-like thing? The thoughts raced through my mind as my leg bounced. To say I was anxious was an understatement.
"Ben Hardy?" a woman called out. I stood up, a worried look on my face. "Everything's done, if you'd like to see him."
I nodded, following her back to the room. I was met with Ben sleeping peacefully on the hospital bed. He looked less pale then before but dark circles had started to form and his face had thinned significantly since I last saw him. This was all going to fast.
"How is he?" I asked. The nurse turned to me, taking off the gloves and mask. "It's one of the weirdest cases, I've seen. We're going to have to monitor him throughout the night. It seems as if his body is fighting itself. It's not cancer but his cells are killing themselves and his immune system isn't doing anything at all," she explained. This wasn't the flu.
"Pam, we need you in Room 147. It's a 68 year old male. Fever of 103.4. It's urgent," she sighed, "I'll be back to answer any other questions you have."
I looked to Ben, sitting in the chair beside his bed. There was crying from outside the room. I stood up, looking behind the curtain. It was an elderly woman. "Please, all this just started last night. I thought it was just a headache and then he fell and wouldn't wake up," she cried. I was confused that was the same situation as Ben.
Maybe this was something more than what it seemed. "Name?" I heard from outside the room. "Benjamin Hardy," the woman from before said. What the fuck.
@rrrogah-tayluhh , @simplyvictoria-93 , @rencontre-moi-dans-le-couloir , @kirket03 , @plethora-of-things , @satanspaghetti , @rogersrager , @spreadymercury , @hi-i-dont-know , @kurt-nightcrawler
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v1rg1nvodkasprite · 5 years
i’m finishing up the 3rd part of the Greaser (Ben Hardy) series tonight and having a bit of trouble but will definitely post the 2nd part tonight. let me know if you want to be tagged. x
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v1rg1nvodkasprite · 5 years
hi loves!!
does anybody want to be tagged in the greaser series that I’m writing with ben hardy? if so please message me and/or ask me. also let me know how you guys like it so far and anything you’d like to see in the future of the series. love you all sm!
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