#6th house composite
moontrinemars · 5 months
girl thank u bc everything i was seeing about 6h composite placements was literally so bad but i saw ur 6th house moon one and it brought me a breath of relief
Aww, of course! The 6th house and the 8th house both get a huge bad rap, from total opposite ends of the spectrum. Quick rant time.
The 6th house holds domain over routines, work, and habit, so people tend to write it off as boring, and thus having nothing to do with 'juicier' topics like sex, relationships, fame, etc. Meanwhile the 8th house gets spotlighted for how it exposes vulnerabilities and painted as dangerous, evil, and scary, so it's framed as having too much intensity, thereby poisoning anything it touches.
So, according to pop astrology, the 6th house is the Nothing-Good house and the 8th house is the Anti-Good house of synastry, lmao.
The thing is, both houses ask for more effort and more mindfulness in order to find something worthwhile within them. Most people just don't have the patience or work ethic to put in the time and thought! Part of the reason why they both get such bad publicity is that people remember their own bad experiences with the houses, which require simultaneous grit and delicacy to handle them correctly, and they assume the house itself along with its domain prescribes bad experiences by its very nature.
Not true. Their successes are just harder won.
The 6th house can be the bedrock of a stable and long-lasting, yet tender relationship, but it requires care, and consistency, to get to that place of trust and warmth! Just like how 8th house placements can signal mutual understanding and appreciation like no other, but only for those willing to accept the cost of exposing and witnessing the darkest and weakest parts of you and your partner!
People also love to reduce the 6th house to its minor correlation to enemies, usually while completely forgetting that the 7th, 8th, and 12th houses also all have traditional connections to different kinds of enemies and hostilities. And every single house holds domain over something negative. Like, that's how astrology works, lol!
Anyways, the 6th house is underrated, particularly in synastry. The only houses that are emphatically more powerful are the angles, but even then, power is not inherently a good sign. Whether a synastry reading indicates an appealing or unappealing relationship is really and truly a matter of what you want from a relationship and whether you're willing to work with whatever resources it provides you.
Don't let the bastards get you down. Maybe a sixth house placement will work out for you, or maybe the effort isn't worth it and it won't, but either way, don't let people who didn't or who knows partners who didn't put forth the effort - or worse, people with no experience with the placement whatsoever! - tell you whether your relationship will work or not. The 6th house teaches us that that is entirely up to you and your partner to decide together, each and every day. ♡♡♡
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bouquetface · 3 months
Accuracy dependent on ENTIRE chart.
Gemini MC.
Indicates a couple that is a target of gossip. Good or bad.
Moon in 2nd.
Indicates a secure relationship. The two understand each other and provide for each other. Unless other prominent places indicate otherwise, jealously likely isn’t an issue.
Venus in 2nd.
Unless afflicted, this can show a couple that is making money together. They help each other in matters of career & finance. This is a good placement for business partnerships. In a romantic connection, they are very secure and likely sensual. The couple can indulge together. They wish to give each other exactly what the other desires - materialistically, emotionally and physically.
Ascendant in Pisces:
The couple can be very comfortable with each other. Understanding, kind and gentle with each other. Seeing the best in each other. Dreaming of a future together. The negative manifestation of this is romanticizing the image of each other and refusing to see the real version. This couple may tend to hide away their troubles to maintain the connection. This could result in a big blowup.
Sun in 6th.
Positive is this couple helps each other. They are very supportive of one another. The negative is if one person is giving more than the other. Over time one may feel they are being used. They may not always want to be playing “nurse/therapist/teacher role” in the relationship. The stress may make one feel they are obligated to stay & help this person.
However, if both are providing equally for one another, the connection will stay very strong. The couple will naturally begin to see each other as often as possible. Moving in fast (especially if there is a busy 4th house) is possible.
Moon in 11th.
The two may share similar beliefs and goals. Your way of thinking is similar. Regardless of what the connection is you two make good friends. You can be your true self around this person. You two may have shared mutual friends.
Lilith conjunct MC
You may create a reputation for being sexual & scandalous. Together, you may become outsiders in a way. Potentially, this could be toxic. However, that depends on the entire chart.
A couple that goes out to parties a lot. They may drink & have a small argument one time in public. It will create a permanent reputation about them being toxic. People will assume the worst.
Public displays of affection could be a bit much (aka annoying couple making out & groping each other in line).
Pluto in 11th.
Gradually, big transformation is likely to happen throughout the relationship. Pluto is very slow moving, you may not realize the changes that are occurring until much later. In 11th, your long terms goals, social awareness, causes you believe in could change. The way you present yourself online could change as well. Friend groups could change. Increase or decrease.
Ex: When my friend broke up with her boyfriend, the mutual friend group decreased. It was highschool so petty shit. People gossiping & disrespectful “jokes” posted on their finstas. Getting mad at those who liked the “joke” post.
Venus in 5th.
Common interests & hobbies. Similar creative expression. For ex: you could both be into photography. Or both into gaming.
This a fun placement to have. There is likely a lot of joy and good memories together. You guys simply have so much together. This can make a couple very romantic & affectionate. You guys could find yourself doing “corny/cheesy” things that the old you thought you’d hate.
❣️ Having someone else’s planets in your 7th isn’t always an indicator of a marriage partner. Especially when in the natal chart, you have planets in your first house. This is because of the opposition it creates.
Ex: An Aqua sun & rising friend I knew had a Leo sun partner. This created an opposition with their suns. Two egos clashing. Fought often, she says he was a “literal narcissist” and very controlling. He once texted her she was “a self obsessed bitch”.
❣️ Another note, if you have your 7th House ruler in first like her, be cautious of friends, partners & even business relationships with people who want to control and/or use you.
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rendezvouz-fling · 5 months
Synastry/Composite placements as I’ve experienced it.🥂
Aqua Moon conjunct Aqua Sun - I was the moon person and they were the sun person. I felt very comfortable with them and felt like they projected my inner thoughts/behavior. They felt very zen & accepting to me. They were also very understanding and fun to be around. Overall very familiar energy.
Pisces Sun conjunct Pisces moon - I was the sun person and they were the moon person. This really goes both ways with me. I either find them extremely childish and overly sensitive or quiet reserved, kind and humble. Anywho, they somewhat feel like an extension of me but a more sensitive one. (I literally feel like I have to walk on eggshells around them most times💀)
Pisces Sun opposite Virgo moon - I was the sun person, they were the moon person. Ugh I can’t express how many times I tend to clash with these people. All I’m for they’re against, all I’m against they’re for. I like that they’re punctual and practical people which is great, yet some of them nag too much and tend to be straight pessimists…
Leo Rising - I have this with my best friend whom I've known for almost 7 years now and it's honestly the best composite rising I've experienced so far! We're always cheering each other up and on to do great things and have fun. We always have each other's backs. We like to troll people sometimes and act like comedians. 😂 We exaggerate things and agree to each other's delusions. Act like we're on top of the world and we can take on anything/anyone together. And there's this strong sense of loyalty between us. Literally ride or die placement!
4H mars/8H mars - My mars falls in my best friend's 4H and I'm very affectionate and nurturing towards her. I listen to her and make her feel validated. I also feel like I've gotta protect her in a way. It comes as no surprise that she sees me as a sister, given the 4H is related to family. On the flip side, her mars falls in my 8H and she acts protective over me. Like if someone said something that hurt my feelings or if they just started the minimalistic of arguments, she's quick to jump in at my defense. Ironically, her Natal mars is in her 4H and mine is in my 8H so maybe that's why it also feels pretty natural to us.
8H asc/6H asc - So, I have this step cousin who's rising falls in my 6H and he acts hella reserved. Not specifically cold, just doesn't talk to me much. My rising falls in his 8H and I always feel so shy around him for no reason. I'll wanna say something but just keep it in my thoughts. Very indirect talking and shyness. We have Virgo rising in composite.
Aqua Venus - If it's in water houses (4/8/12) there's a more affectionate nature, bonus if it's at a water degree. That goes for all composite Venus anyways. Aqua Venus tends to feel like there's emotional detachment. Like when you get too close they pull away or vice versa.
11H asc - I can't begin to stress how awkward and uncomfortable this overlay isss. It depends though, me being a Gemini rising, I find it more uncomfortable with Leo risings sometimes, than I do if my rising falls in a Cancer rising's 11H. I love Leo risings though.
Gemini Rising-Gemini Venus - My ex's Venus falls in my 12H and doesn't even touch my rising, yet it was love at first sight. He loves telling me about his day, playfully teasing me. He's also hilarious and has a very similar sense of humor as mine. We have Aries sun/mercury/venus in composite.
10H Pisces Venus-Pisces mars - My ex's mars conjuncts my Venus and he used to be very protective of me. Very much the "my girl this, my girl that" type. 😂 Because Pisces falls in my 10H, I've always seen him as very chill, responsible and easy going.
Cancer rising - There's always a nurturing vibe there, no matter the other placements. I had this with an ex and we talked a lot about having kids, there was also a sense of family there. It tends to be a very sweet placement, where one of you (or both) are sweet talkers.
10H mercury - I had this with an ex and they thought I was very smart and would often ask me meaning of certain things. 🥲 I also find others who have their mercuries in my 10H are very well spoken and give off sophisticated vibes.
3H - I am a suckerrr for people who have placements in my 3H *cough* Leo placements *cough* I just find them so intriguing and that we tend to have a lot in common!! I usually bond with people over music, so I find that Leo venuses/mercuries have the best taste and put me onto a lot of music! Leo moons that fall in my 3rd house, opposite my 9H Aqua moon and I tend to get along with them better than those that fall in my 2H. Leo suns that fall in my 3H feel like those curious siblings that wanna share and know everything! Definitely a personal fav!!
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cleapallea · 20 days
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‎ master list + info about me
❣️Juno's man conjunct in woman's big 6
The relationship when the guys has a feeling for you such as he wants to marry you immediately, or or make you have his babies. This is because he see you as "home and his future".
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❣️Ascendant Sextile Venus
This placement where the man loves to spoiled her partner (especially if it it's conjunct with his Venus or the Woman's Venus is actually his Venus sign) I noticed most of this placement, the man often cherish, cook for her, buy the things she wanted, and foremost ensure that she's okay okay, or having enough sleep.
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❣️Partner with both aquarius in 6th house or 8th house
often have similar way of thinking at the same time especially when it comes to living and working. Both have the same goal and mostly they are really soulmates!
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❣️Moon Trine Pluto
If man's Pluto have a good relationship with woman's moon it can show the sides where the man loves to see the bad sides of woman (esp if there is Lilith aspect in her moon) and somehow he thinks he is the only one that can understand her, and unconsciously allowed the woman to hurt her. This is way for him to spoiled the women he loves and support her. In contrary, it can also lead to intense obsession and possession.
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❣️Midpoints of 10th house
it gives the relationship a point where a man desired to show-off his love in public and actually it can have possessive where the man being kinky to her.
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❣️ Venus good aspects with Woman's mercury
it can make a man easy to engage with you, loves your thoughts, your way of thinking , likes to listen to your voice, and wants you to command him. I love this aspect so much.
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❣️ Venus aspecting in woman's Mars sign
Man who wants to stick with you all the time. So clingy around you, and his feelings are really, really intense, which makes you easily turn him on. Have a tendency to be obsessed with you.
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𝐏𝐋𝐀𝐆𝐈𝐀𝐑𝐈𝐒𝐌 𝐈𝐒 𝐀 𝐂𝐑𝐈𝐌𝐄 all rights reserved to @cleapallea
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astrologged · 1 year
Composite Venus in the Houses
Composite Venus represents the harmony and love between two people in a relationship. It shows how the couple expresses love, values, and aesthetics in their shared experiences. The placement of Composite Venus in the houses reveals where the couple finds pleasure and satisfaction in their shared activities and values.
Composite Venus in the 1st house: The couple's relationship is marked by a strong sense of attraction and affection between the two. This placement emphasizes the importance of physical appearance, charm, and personal style in the relationship, as the first house governs our outward expression and projection of ourselves. The couple share a love for beauty, fashion, and aesthetics, and they may find pleasure in presenting themselves as an attractive and cohesive unit. However, this placement also indicates that the relationship is somewhat self-focused and may lack depth and substance if other areas of the chart don't indicate otherwise. There’s a tendency to prioritize appearances and superficial qualities over emotional connection and intimacy.
Composite Venus in the 2nd house: There’s a strong focus on material security and financial stability in the partnership. This placement suggests that the couple will be driven to create a comfortable and luxurious lifestyle together, and share a love of luxury and fine things. They also place a high value on financial stability and security, and work hard to achieve this. There is also a potential for possessiveness and attachment to material possessions in this placement, which could lead to conflicts if not managed well. The couple also find pleasure and bonding through shared experiences like fine dining, shopping, or travel.
Composite Venus in the 3rd house: Represents a relationship that is focused on communication, learning, and intellectual compatibility. There’s a deep understanding and appreciation of each other's thoughts, ideas, and perspectives. They enjoy engaging in intellectual conversations and have a mutual interest in books, media, and education. They might even bond over shared interests in writing, blogging, or social media. This relationship involves a lot of travel, as the third house rules short trips and local movements. The couple enjoy exploring new places together and learning about different cultures. This relationship values mental stimulation and open communication.
Composite Venus in the 4th house: Have a strong emotional bond and a desire for security in the relationship. There’s a strong focus on building a cozy and nurturing environment together. The couple may be very close to their families and value their traditions and cultural background. They also enjoy entertaining guests in their home and spending quality time with their loved ones. The couple share a deep love for art, music, and aesthetics, and enjoy decorating their home together. However, this placement can also indicate a tendency to become too emotionally attached to each other, and there's a need to maintain independence and personal space.
Composite Venus in the 5th house: The relationship tends to be filled with joy, creativity, and romance. There’s a shared love for artistic and cultural pursuits, entertainment, and playfulness, and both partners may enjoy spending time engaging in hobbies and creative projects. In romantic relationships, there is a strong attraction, and both partners find it easy to express their affection and love for each other. However, there’s also a tendency to put too much emphasis on pleasure-seeking, leading to overindulgence or a lack of commitment in some cases. 
Composite Venus in the 6th house: This relationship is founded on practicality and mutual service. The partners feel a sense of duty towards each other and enjoy working together to achieve their goals. They have a harmonious and cooperative working relationship, whether in a professional or domestic setting. The partners are attracted to each other's intelligence and work ethic. However, they need to ensure that they maintain a balance between their work and personal lives to avoid burnout and strain on the relationship. 
Composite Venus in the 7th house: Brings a focus on the partnership and relationship aspect of the composite chart. The seventh house is naturally associated with partnerships and committed relationships, and when Venus is placed in this house, it means there’s a strong desire for harmony, balance, and cooperation in the relationship. The couple prioritize their relationship and make an effort to create a partnership that is mutually supportive and harmonious. This placement shows that the couple may value beauty, art, and culture in their relationship, and they enjoy participating in activities that stimulate their senses and bring them closer together. There’s potential for a long-lasting, harmonious relationship.
Composite Venus in the 8th house: This relationship is infused with intense emotions, passion, and a powerful attraction. The couple's connection is not superficial and may involve a merging of identities on an emotional, spiritual, or financial level. There may be a tendency to keep the relationship private or hidden, as the eighth house is associated with secrecy and hidden agendas. The couple also experiences a strong desire to control or possess each other, which could lead to issues of jealousy or possessiveness. This relationship is emotionally charged.
Composite Venus in the 9th house: They’re driven by a strong sense of adventure, exploration, and a shared love for knowledge and new experiences. The couple may share a passion for learning, teaching, or traveling together. They also have a deep respect for each other's beliefs and values, and find that their partnership is strengthened through shared spiritual or philosophical pursuits. There’s a tendency to be drawn towards people from different cultural backgrounds or a desire to explore different ways of living and being. 
Composite Venus in the 10th house: The relationship is focused on career, status, and public image. There is a strong desire to achieve success and recognition together, and the relationship is seen as a means to achieve these goals. The couple enjoy working together or might even have a professional relationship in which they are seen as a team. They also share a love for public events, networking, and socializing. However, there's challenges in finding time for each other due to career demands. This placement also indicates a relationship that is viewed positively by society or brings admiration from others.
Composite Venus in the 11th house: The couple values friendship, social connections, and shared ideals. The couple is likely to have a wide network of friends and acquaintances, and they enjoy participating in group activities together. They share common goals and aspirations, and the couple may collaborate on projects or causes that they’re passionate about. They're involved in humanitarian or social justice causes. This placement creates a warm and welcoming atmosphere, with the couple attracting many friends and supporters who share their vision and values. They might prioritize group interests over individual needs, which can sometimes cause tension in the relationship.
Composite Venus in the 12th house: There’s a deep and mysterious love between two people that is hard to express or understand. There’s a karmic bond between the couple, and their love may be tinged with sadness or longing. They find themselves drawn to secret or hidden activities, as well as spiritual or artistic pursuits that provide a sense of transcendence. There may be issues with boundaries and codependency, as the couple struggle to maintain their individual identities within the relationship. The love is profound and transformative, but may also require significant sacrifice and surrender.
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astroismypassion · 2 years
hi, I’m back again! hope you’re doing well <3
I was looking through a composite chart and the house said 11+5. I’m not sure what that meant. also what does “opposite house” mean in composite chart?
thank you so much :)
welcome back!
Hmm...at which site, place are you looking? Honestly, I've never heard that there is 11+5 written under house in the composite chart. I'm hearing it from you now for the first time.
Opposite house in the composite house mean the following:
the opposite house is the house that sits across one house. So if you are looking at the wheel charts, it's the house on the other side.
1st house has for the opposite house 7th house
2nd house has 8th house for its opposite house
3rd house has 9th house
4th house has 10th house
5th house has 11th house
6th house has 12th house
7th house has 1st house
8th house has 2nd house
9th house has 3rd house
10th house has 4th house
11th house has 5th house
12th house has 6th house :)
So it's just that :D
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vampirae · 1 year
hi! i figured this out (new to tumblr) what can you say about this synastry and composite chart? ❤️‍🩹
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Composite placements: Sun/Venus in Taurus in 12th house, Gemini Mercury in 12th house, Gemini Rising, Scorpio Moon in 6th, Pisces Mars in 1oth conjunct Midheaven
Sun/Venus in Taurus in the 12th house indicates that the relationship places a high value on security, stability, and sensuous pleasures. The placement of the 12th house in a relationship might provide a sense of hidden or unconscious forces, and there may be a craving for secrecy or seclusion. This placement can also signify a strong emotional connection as well as a spiritual or karmic relationship between the two people.
Communication between partners may be more delicate or intuitive with Mercury in Gemini in the 12th house. A mutual interest in discovering hidden or esoteric information might exist, and the collaboration could entail secret or confidential things. This placement might also reflect a relationship's need for cerebral stimulation and intellectual connection.
Gemini rising in the composite chart indicates that the relationship is marked by curiosity, flexibility, and a need for diversity. The couples' outlook on life may be energetic and varied, with a strong focus on communication and social engagement. The position frequently denotes a partnership that is intellectually challenging and full of varied experiences.
The Moon in Scorpio in the 6th house suggests the partnership has a high level of emotional depth and intensity. A great emphasis may be placed on shared responsibilities, routines, and practical problems. This placement can also represent a passionate and transforming relationship, where emotions run high, power and control issues may also occur.
Mars in Pisces in the 10th house conjunct the Midheaven indicates the partnership's mutual passion for achievement, success, and public acclaim. Individuals may be driven by a great desire to make a difference in their distinct occupations or public responsibilities. This placement can bring boldness and sensitivity to the partnership, and there may be a need to balance ambition with compassion.
Regarding the synastry chart, you may consider tipping me for a more in-depth reading.
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crunchybees · 1 month
saturn = your duties.
this applies to any chart. natal, solar, lunar, transits, composite, etc etc. if delineating a synastry chart, the saturn person will pose a challenge to be overcome by the house person, which will lead to growth in the house.
saturn in the 1st house.
your duty is to discover who you are, without trying to be other people (stop idolizing and just exist as you are).
saturn in the 2nd house.
your duty is to build material security for yourself. to put yourself in a position where you understand and attract what you value.
saturn in the 3rd house.
your duty is to refine your communication skills, and to understand your place in social settings.
saturn in the 4th house.
your duty is to build a home for yourself. figuratively or literally. you had issues with feeling nurtured in your home, so you need to make sure you take extra measures to cultivate that feeling.
saturn in the 5th house.
your duty is to create. to learn that what you have is worth sharing with the world.
saturn in the 6th house.
your duty is to take care of your health and be really serious about making healthy choices for yourself.
saturn in the 7th house.
your duty is to learn what it means to exist outside of yourself. to know the other.
saturn in the 8th house.
your duty is to do everything you can to transform and elevate yourself. to turn your pain into power.
saturn in the 9th house.
your duty is to dissolve any boundaries between yourself and the journey.
saturn in the 10th house.
your duty is to carefully!! cultivate a public image. to be a boss ass bitch. naturally, saturn is at home here.
saturn in the 11th house.
your duty is to connect to the masses.
saturn in the 12th house.
your duty is to understand the things which we cannot see. saturn exalts here because these things are the governing force of our world.
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botanicalsword · 2 months
Solar Return • What likely bring you benefits in the second half of the year
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Solar Return — As the sun moves through different areas of your life,  it highlights what will be the focus for you and which area can you can bring you benefits in the later half of the year
>> Solar Returns • Sun placement • Part I >> Solar Returns • Sun placement • Part II >> Career • A Sudden Change - What Happens Next? ✧ Solar Return / Lunar Return
Sun in 1st House - a time for you to take the initiative and actively seek out resources. Put in the hard work to achieve your goals
Sun in 2nd House - Your financial situation is looking much better. Focus on your job, and aim for promotions and raises
Sun in 3rd House - your hobbies might open up new ways for you to make money, so be sure to explore them
Sun in 4th House - you will receive strong support from your family, and you may also have good luck with real estate
Sun in 5th House -  romantic relationships could bring you financial benefits, and there’s even a chance you might win something
Sun in 6th House - if you work hard in your daily tasks, you can expect your salary to increase steadily
Sun in 7th House - you may find that your wealth comes from partnerships or close relationships. 
Sun in 8th House - you can look forward to unexpected financial gains, such as bonuses or profit-sharing
Sun in 9th House - engaging on the internet or leverage through your knowledge can help you earn money 
Sun in 10th House - financial opportunities will be plentiful, so concentrate on advancing your career
Sun in 11th House - you will receive help from influential people, and your network will expand, allowing you to benefit financially from your connections
Sun in 12th House - good luck is coming your way, and you might find yourself unexpectedly gaining some money
>> more on Solar Returns
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elysiansparadise · 1 month
Composite chart observations
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🤎When Mercury is in the 4th house it makes you feel that with this person you have opened up like no one else. Both feel that they can say what they really think without feeling judged or criticised and they will have that particularity that their words will have a strong emotional impact on the other, mostly in a positive way. They will have the tendency to say what the other needs without meaning to and talking to the other will be comforting after a tense or stressful day.
🤎If Saturn and Jupiter are in conjunction in the 4th house or both of them are in that house, both people will take each other's emotional world seriously, take the time to understand each other's needs and seek to lower their defences little by little. . They can make a beautiful home and/or make the relationship a safe place for both of them that they know they can retreat to if the world out there becomes overwhelming. Strong trust in each other, a feeling of comfort and contentment in which they work and invest.
🤎When Mars is aspecting Neptune [especially conjunction, trine, sextile] it makes it more likely that the couple will actively do things to fulfil the dreams they have together. You can support each other not only in achieving what you always dreamed of in a relationship, but also in pursuing your individual dreams and aspirations. This couple dreams of achieving things together, of sharing their achievements, including them in their dreams and growing together in every way.
🤎Aries rising in this chart tells us about a playful relationship in which both can be their true selves and feel comfortable in their own skin. Authenticity, adventures and a lot of joy. It is likely that both of them are people with a strong temperament and it can lead them to arguments, but with patience in the relationship [or placements in 2nd, 4th or 6th house] it is very likely that they will resolve their issues easily. They are direct with each other, they can tell each other everything and rely on each other for their strong connection and personal values.
🤎With Juno in the 4th house, it suggests that the relationship is meant to provide a deep sense of security and emotional stability for both partners in the relationship. The couple can actively work to create an environment in which they both feel protected, loved and safe. This mutual commitment to emotional security can be a central pillar of the relationship and the main reason why both natives consider taking this relationship further or at least see it lasting in the long term.
🤎The position of the North Node in the composite charts can reveal karmic lessons and the spiritual purpose of the relationship. These positions may indicate areas where people are destined to grow together. For example, in the 1st house both will grow a lot on a personal level and will discover parts of themselves that they had no idea about. In the 2nd house you will learn to value the things that you consider important, you will reconsider priorities and you will understand which things are really valuable to you. In the 3rd house you will learn a lot next to the other, from the most mundane things to more complex concepts. Likewise, you’ll be able to better communicate your ideas without fear of being judged.
🤎When Pallas is in the 1st house, this couple can have a peaceful and logical approach when issues, conflicts or problems of all kinds arise. They will always validate the other's opinion and feelings before jumping to conclusions. Furthermore, when there are differences between them, they do not seek to "beat" or crush the other by showing that they are right, rather their love and respect for the other is so great that they will seek to reach a resolution that they both feel comfortable with. Great admiration, respect and fascination with the other and their personality.
🤎If Vesta is conjunct Sun, Moon or Rising tells us about a relationship where there is a lot of devotion, this is because Vesta is a representative of that term. They will not only demonstrate devotion by being faithful to the other, but by investing time, energy and effort in the relationship. There will be a strong fascination between both of them and they will feel that the other is worthy of all the efforts and affection they have to give.
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🤎When Pluto aspects either the Sun or Venus it makes this relationship something totally new for both of us. They will help each other to have a different perception of relationships, changing old mindsets. A strong attraction will bring them together, the intrigue and curiosity about the other will keep them hooked from the first interaction and the glimpse into the depths of the other will make them end up deciding to take a more intimate approach to the relationship. A powerful, intense and very transformative union.
🤎If Uranus is conjunct the Midheaven or in the 10th house, it is very likely that, regardless of the relationship, people will perceive a strong sense of unity and friendship in both. Their relationship falls into the description of fresh, positive, unusual but full of trust and support. You will both encourage each other to pursue your individual goals and celebrate each other's achievements as your own. For this couple, each other's individual success is important and they will play an important role in the path that the other travels as far as pursuing their goals is concerned.
🤎With Moon in the 1st house, not only will love and support abound between both of you, but individually you will feel the need to encourage the other to be authentic, not to wear masks when you are together, and you will have the ability to make each other feel safe. There will be familiarity between the two and it is very likely that they are a couple or friends, there is a bond of the type 'I choose you as family'.
🤎With Ceres in the 6th house, the couple nurtures and cares for each other, this not only refers to physical care, but also emotional and psychological support. Both individuals feel safe and supported in the relationship and, in turn, try to be reciprocal with the other by giving what they receive. They will support each other in all areas, from being a strong emotional support, a safe place for the other or even taking care of the other in their most vulnerable moments. They really enjoy doing things for each other and many times they won't even have to ask for it, since both will easily sense these needs.
🤎With the trine or sextile between Moon-Uranus, this couple can feel that spark between them, feeling not only fascinated by the other, but also very inspired. They will allow themselves to feel freely, they will not bind the other or seek to control them in any way and they will feel an affinity and genuine affection towards the other and their uniqueness.
🤎The favourable aspects between Moon-Saturn or if they are in mutual reception [Capricorn or Aquarius moon + Cancer saturn] help a lot if both want to take the step of living together, since it gives them not only affinity in terms of lifestyles, but also a strong sense of responsibility regarding the relationship. There is a lot of commitment, similar priorities and future planning [Saturn] for a domestic life together [Moon].
🤎When Pluto and Mars are conjunct or opposing, beyond showing a powerful attraction and a desire that seems to grow more and more, it also shows us a couple who is willing to do whatever it takes to guarantee not only the security of the relationship, but of the other person. They can be fiercely protective of each other and be very intense about each other. There is also an intense fascination for the other and, although many people do not usually associate it with this aspect, there can also be a strong admiration and fixation for the other.
🤎When there is a stellium in the 2nd house it shows that both have a strong need to be close to the other, many times even their mood seems to radiate in the presence of the other. This couple will seek to be there for each other and work together for the stability of the relationship. The comfort of the other and that they do not lack anything they want will be important to them. They can have a tendency to spoil each other very frequently and if Venus or Jupiter are there, it can often be excessive.
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bouquetface · 2 months
Composite Chart Observations
Accuracy influenced by entire chart.
Scorpio 12th H.
12th H can indicate potential reasons a couple breaks up. In this case, it was due to cheating. Scorpio indicates issues with secrets, power dynamics & control.
Capricorn 2nd H.
These couples tend to be cautious when spending. It’s best for both parties when an equal amount is being spent by each.
Ex: I’ll pay for this and you pay next time. I’ll cook dinner and you will wash dishes.
However, entire chart must be taken into consideration. Cap 2nd H can mean a couple with traditional values/roles.
Moon in 3rd H.
Communication brings you closer. You feel listened to and understood. Especially when in an air sign, you can discuss anything with each other. You can like to debate as well. A best friend kind of relationship.
Moon placement.
imo moon placement can tell you if it is possible for the couple to end on good times (if they end)
Ex: Aqua Moon - in composite I’ve seen twice as the couple eventually letting things go & being causal acquaintances/friends.
Ex: Scorpio Moon - the only way the two would stay friends is because one or both want to keep tabs on the other.
6th H Aries.
The two may be prone to fighting throughout the day. Having physical hobbies/outlets is a good manifestation of this. Couple that works together to solve problems.
Ex: Doing home repairs together. Gym couple.
Moon in 6th.
Sensitive to one another throughout the day. One person may feel they’re putting in all the effort. One person may feel the other’s expectations from them are unrealistic.
The two can become critical of each other. They may keep their true negative feelings inside until they blow up. Or depending on sign, they let their feelings be known leading to fights.
Scorpio First House.
You are meant to transform in this relationship. There can be a lot of passion and intensity. Change may feel painful. One person may feel controlled.
There may be unbalanced power dynamic. Ex: One person is older. One person is more experienced. One person is more accomplished in career. One person has authority over you.
I’ve also noticed in these relationships (regardless of whether this platonic or romantic) one person is more aware of the other. I’m avoiding using the word stalking because that implies it’s always in a negative way. What I mean is one person has likely admired the other for a while.
Venus in 2nd.
Good for business relationships. The two value wealth. If afflicted, the two spend recklessly when in a relationship.
To feel secure in the connection, physical and/or materialistic things may be important. Being generous with affection and gifts. Feeling more confident in the relationship.
Mars in 2nd.
Similar to Venus in 2nd, this is either good for making money or indicating spending too much.
In this connection, the two take their time with each other. A no pressure relationship. If badly afflicted, one person is faking it. They want more now. The other is not offering it.
On the bright side, maintaining attraction is more easy for this couple. Physically affectionate. Possessive of one another.
Sun in 2nd.
Another indicator of being good business partners. If you have similar values, this is a good placement. If you don’t, you can try to convince the other. This can lead to issues. This can be the kind of relationship where one thinks they can fix/convince the other over time.
On the bright side, the two of you can value things that last. Wanting to create a legacy with each other. Wanting to be respected. Physical expression is important to feel secure.
Sag 2nd H.
You can become open minded in this relationship. A willingness to try things a new way. In the 2nd, this can either be good or bad for finances. The two will be very generous with each other. If you can afford it, all is well. If you can’t, you can have financial problems.
Mercury in 3rd.
Communication is easy between the two of you. Mercury is in the home it rules. The two are comfortable. They feel understood. They have no problem talking about “difficult” topics.
This can change based on entire chart. For ex: Cap 3rd H. You two can be reserved in communication. Thinking about what you wan to say, predicting how it will be perceived before speaking. You may have issues with being vulnerable.
Libra 3rd H.
You may like to debate each other. Conversations are flirty. May tell white lies to make each other happy.
The two may avoid difficult conversations to keep the peace. Protect the moment by repressing negative feelings rather than communicating.
Aqua 4th H.
The foundation can be unstable. There may times where one or both are unsure about the future. The two may have a non traditional start. On the bright side, relationship can be built on the foundation of respect for one another’s intelligence, interests/hobbies & uniqueness.
Saturn in 7th.
Saturn will test the relationship. The tests will bring you closer. Strengthening the connection. Assuring both are committed. However, the tests can lead to disharmony.
Saturn in 10th.
This can be one of the better placements for saturn. The planet is naturally associated with the 10th. This can make the couple appear traditional. The two are responsible & ambitious when together. You can help one another reach goals. Good sign of a long term partnership too.
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wonyscafe · 1 month
composite/synastry chart obs
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☆ I've noticed how having a partners mercury in the 12th house synastry can cause many struggles with communication... there are many things that are being hidden and it might come up in arguments which can lead to miscommunications
★ having a libra ascendant in a composite chart makes the two people very visually pleasing together- like people will go "oh that's such a pretty couple" for example, you match each others visuals very well
☆ moon in partners 6th house synastry literally SCREAMSSSS acts of service as love language, also the moon person just feels alot more balanced when they are in the presence of the house person, the house person can calm the moon person down just by being there
↳ ^^this also applies to having a virgo moon in the composite chart btw!!
★ when the moon or venus is in the first house in a composite, the two people are literally so affectionate in public- not necessarily pda but like also just being with each other alot, people can definitely tell you two are friends or lovers just by seeing the two of you together
☆ I've noticed that if your sun squares your friends sun, you two might have hated each others guts at first but now you cannot live without each other 😭 i've seen this happen so many times it even happened to me waaaaay too many times
★ I think it only makes sense that couples who have a second house stellium in composite are financially very stable- they're a rich couple or they look like a rich couple
☆ having chiron in partners 12th house in synastry is also something i'd like to talk about. the house person can help the chiron person grow, not only emotionally but also spiritually, the house person is a great source of healing energy for the chiron person. it's a very karmic connection between the two people, but mostly in a positive sense
★ a composite chart with a libra stellium indicates balance, in other words, harmony is very crucial ib this relationship. it might be something that both partners strongly desire
☆ when venus conjuncts moon in the composite chart, the couple will have lots of adoration towards each other. The (emotional) wellbeing of the partner is taken very much into consideration, and one partner will try to make the other partner feel better by giving them alot of love and vice versa 🤍
★ a first house stellium in the composite chart can indicate being the "it-couple", this couple attracts lots and lots of attention
☆ it is very important to watch out with 8th house overlays in synastry charts. if your partners planets (especially moon!!!!) are in your 8th house, you will have to be careful with obsession. being too obsessed with your partner can cause some problems
★ y'all 11th house overlays in synastry or an 11th house stellium in composite is such a slowburn indicatorrr 😭 i don't know why but i've seen this pattern soooo oftennnn
☆ mercury trine venus in synastry couples have such smooth conversations, they're very vocal and open about their wants and needs in a relationship. moon trine mercury is also very vocal about their emotions with each other. there's lots of empathy
★ also second house overlay couples can show lots of PDA for some reason... especially by kissing each other 😨
↳ a/n : I'M BACKKKK!!!!! <3 ngl life has been pretty wild recently 😅 thank you all for always being so patient with me ♡ I hope you guys enjoyed this post, I wrote down so much when I was travelling!!! synastry chart or composite chart observations are pretty difficult for me because it takes more time to find a couple and then analyse their charts (because I don't fw many couples </3) so this has taken some time and effort, so I thank you for being so patient 🫂 𖹭
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roxyyastro · 3 months
The placement of Venus in the composite chart can reveal much about how the partners met/will meet and how they connect romantically and socially.
• Composite Venus in the Houses
1st House:
Meeting Context: The relationship likely began with a strong immediate attraction. You may have met in a setting where appearances and first impressions were important, such as a social event, a public place, or through activities involving beauty or aesthetics.
2nd House:
Meeting Context: You might have met in a setting related to finances, possessions, or personal values. This could include a workplace, a financial institution, or even while shopping. The relationship likely has a strong foundation in shared values and a desire for security.
3rd House:
Meeting Context: The connection likely began through communication. You might have met in an educational setting, through writing, social media, or mutual acquaintances. Intellectual compatibility and shared ideas are significant in your relationship.
4th House:
Meeting Context: The relationship may have started in a homey, familial, or private setting. You could have met through family, at a family gathering, or within a close-knit community. The relationship has a strong emphasis on emotional security and home life.
5th House:
Meeting Context: You likely met in a fun, playful, or creative environment. This could include parties, creative workshops, or recreational activities. The relationship is characterized by romance, creativity, and joy.
6th House:
Meeting Context: The connection may have started in a practical or work-related setting. You could have met at work, through a health-related activity, or while performing daily routines. The relationship emphasizes service, health, and mutual support.
7th House:
Meeting Context: You might have met in a setting focused on relationships and partnerships. This could include a social gathering, a matchmaking event, or through a mutual desire for partnership. The relationship has a strong focus on balance, harmony, and cooperation.
8th House:
Meeting Context: The relationship may have started in an intense, transformative setting. You might have met through shared experiences of change, at a place dealing with joint finances, or through a significant life event. The relationship is deep, transformative, and possibly mysterious.
9th House:
Meeting Context: You likely met in a setting related to travel, education, or philosophy. This could include a university, during travel, or at a cultural event. The relationship is characterized by a shared love for adventure, learning, and exploration.
10th House:
Meeting Context: The connection may have started in a professional or public setting. You might have met at work, through a career event, or in a place where status and reputation are important. The relationship has a strong focus on ambition, goals, and public image.
11th House:
Meeting Context: You likely met through social networks, groups, or community activities. This could include clubs, organizations, or through friends. The relationship emphasizes friendship, shared ideals, and social connections.
12th House:
Meeting Context: The relationship may have started in a secluded, spiritual, or hidden setting. You might have met through a spiritual retreat, a place of solitude, or while dealing with hidden aspects of your lives. The relationship is characterized by a deep, spiritual connection and possibly hidden or secretive elements.
•Composite Venus in the Signs
Meeting Context: The relationship likely began with a bold and energetic encounter. You may have met in a dynamic, action-oriented environment, such as a sports event, an adventure, or during an assertive pursuit of interests.
Meeting Context: You might have met in a setting related to nature, beauty, or comfort. This could include a garden, a restaurant, or a place where you could enjoy sensual pleasures. The relationship is grounded, stable, and sensuous.
Meeting Context: The connection likely started through conversation and intellectual exchange. You may have met at an event focused on communication, such as a seminar, a party, or through mutual friends. The relationship is lively, curious, and mentally stimulating.
Meeting Context: You might have met in a nurturing, home-like environment. This could include a family gathering, a cozy café, or a community event. The relationship is emotionally sensitive, nurturing, and home-focused.
Meeting Context: The relationship likely began in a vibrant, creative, or dramatic setting. You may have met at a party, a theater, or a place where you could express yourselves freely. The relationship is passionate, expressive, and filled with joy.
Meeting Context: You might have met in a practical, service-oriented environment. This could include work, a health-related event, or a situation where you were helping others. The relationship is detail-oriented, supportive, and focused on improvement.
Meeting Context: The connection likely started in a social, harmonious setting. You may have met at a social event, through mutual friends, or in a setting focused on beauty and balance. The relationship is balanced, harmonious, and partnership-focused.
Meeting Context: You might have met in an intense, transformative environment. This could include a place dealing with change, deep emotions, or shared resources. The relationship is deep, passionate, and transformative.
Meeting Context: The relationship likely began in an adventurous, expansive setting. You may have met during travel, at a cultural event, or in an educational environment. The relationship is adventurous, optimistic, and filled with exploration.
Meeting Context: You might have met in a professional or goal-oriented setting. This could include work, a career event, or a place where ambition is key. The relationship is structured, ambitious, and focused on long-term goals.
Meeting Context: The connection likely started in a unique, unconventional setting. You may have met through a social group, an online platform, or a community event. The relationship is innovative, free-spirited, and based on shared ideals.
Meeting Context: You might have met in a spiritual, artistic, or dreamy environment. This could include a place focused on creativity, spirituality, or healing. The relationship is compassionate, dreamy, and deeply emotional.
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saturnian-venus · 11 months
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astro notes pt. v [composite & synastry edition part ii]
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ღ taurus stellium is such a glue factor in the composite chart it's found in charts of happily together couples.
ღ mars in the 7th house overlay the mars person wants to get married to the house person right away they see them as marriage material and for some people they will wait until marriage to have sex with the house person.
ღ there are numerous blissfully married couples with south node conjuncting inner planets I think it's a myth that this aspect makes a relationship temporary or short lived.
ღ 8th house overlays are not for everyone particularly if they have an empty 8th house or don't have strong pluto influence/many aspects with pluto they wouldn't like any planets there.
ღ many actors/actresses who meet their spouses on set have 8th house placements in combination with 5th house placements in their composite chart it makes sense cause acting is a talent and a type of transformation.
ღ composite saturn in the 4th house is an indicator of being a small family with one or two children.
ღ moon square uranus in composite means that they are attached to each other because of the absolute freedom they have in the relationship.
ღ composite north node in the 2nd house is the get rich together couple.
ღ composite chiron in the 5th house is an indicator of being parents to an only child.
ღ composite moon opposite juno is found in many childless marriages.
ღ pisces venus in composite chart is so lovely to have the couples that have this are fairytale couples they seem unreal with the amount of love and romance they have with one another.
ღ synastry sun square uranus the more independent the uranus person the more attention they get from the sun person.
ღ in composite the ruler of the 9th house in the 6th house could mean that the couple lead a busy life and travelling for work is like a routine for them.
ღ in composite the ruler of the 1st/10th house in the 8th house people be gossiping about their sex life cause they give the energy of we have a mind blowing sex life die mad about it b*tch hahaha.
ღ many people with aries/1st house placements love to have similar planet houses with their love interest and they like conjunctions and squares in their synastry/composite ex: if they have venus in the 4th house they might be attracted to people with 4th house sun/moon/venus/jupiter plus aspects between the same planets mars conjunct mars, moon square moon etc.
ღ individuals with moon/venus in the 11th house love uranus trine/sextile moon or venus in synastry them being the uranus person it makes them feel loved for their quirkiness.
ღ composite glo [3268] in the 1st/10th house or conjunct ascendant/midheaven lovers with this placement glow like swarovski crystals they catch attention from others immediately the it couple for sure.
ღ aeternitas [446] conjuct/trine/sixtile jupiter in composite is so marvelous. lovers with eternal blessings, ultimate expansion and never ending happiness ahhhh living the dream.
ღ the word fiducia means trust or faith so when we have the asteroid fiducia [380] in the 7th house in composite we get a couple that believes in the relationship and put a lot of trust in each other.
ღ priapus [h22] in the 1st house/conjunct the ascendant listen this is scary af the priapus person is going feral for the the asendant person they want them badly it's crazy it seems like they unlocked a new level of sexuality within them because of the ascendant person on the other hand the ascendant person might get scared by the intensity of the priapus person, although they will feel the attraction too but gradually more and more over time until paaam they are both insane about each other.
ღ sun trine/sextile jupiter double whammy between two lovers is great they are happy when they are around the other person and there is a limitless generosity between them.
ღ I love seeing venus conjunct/square saturn in composite charts cause even if It's difficult to love one another and in a way the world tries to keep you apart but there is faithful love there is no giving up on each other no cheating we love to see it.
ღ in a healthy relationship sun conjunct pluto synastry would be so good the sun person will elevate their self worth and be empowered by the pluto person. the pluto person will find their inner spiritual wealth and they'II end any toxic behaviors to be with the sun person the sun person will take pride in the fact that they had this big imbact on the pluto person seeing them radiant and less heavy energy wise.
ღ composite pluto in the 9th/12th house there will be some kind of spiritual even religious transformation in this relationship someone may change their religion or include some spiritual practices in their life.
ღ lilith [1181]/black moon lilith [h13] conjunct mercury in synastry ufff some heavy sh*t the lilith person is obsessed with the mercury person's mind they want to know them mentally like they want to invade their brain and the mercury person cannot stop thinking of the lilith person they live rent free in their mind the lilith person gets turned on by the mercury person's way of speaking/voice and the mercury person is making sexual fantasies about the lilith person. sexy voice notes and sexting are their cup of tea.
ღ joya [7899] conjunct venus the asteroid person is joyful around the planet person and gets happier by the love they receive from them the planet person is attracted to the asteroid person's gleeful personality and feels loved by the happiness they get from them.
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starastrologyy · 3 months
Astrology Observations♣️
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My chart readings are still open, the link is in the bio for those who are interested x
When the ruler of your solar return midheaven is in the 1st house, you will have to be very proactive about your career/career advancement that year. This is also a placement you often see in a year where someone receives a lot of recognition for what they do for work.
Lilith in the 3rd house of a natal chart can make someone feel like the “black sheep” among their peers in their early schooling years. You may have been bullied, ostracized, or made to feel left out.
Where you have the planet Mars in your natal chart will represent the areas of life that you will most likely have to defend. For example, if you have a natal 2nd house Mars, you will often have to defend your values (and maybe even your finances). If you have Mars in the 10th you may have to defend your reputation or your career choices etc..
On the topic of careers, if you do not resonate with the stereotypical careers that are associated with your midheaven, you should look at the planets in your 10th house or the planets making an aspect to your MC. For example, let’s say you’re a Libra Midheaven but have no interest in the law, politics, diplomacy, beauty etc.. In this instance, you may find that Uranus is making a trine to your MC this could explain why you may be drawn to a career in technology, science, or social media (this is just an example). So, you essentially have to look at your entire chart to understand why you don’t necessarily resonate with the common interpretations of certain placements.
People who have the ruler of their descendent making an opposition, square, or conjunction to Neptune can often find themselves in relationships that are co-dependent or disappointing in some way. In some instances the relationship may even be one sided as individuals with this aspect can often struggle to see their romantic partners clearly.
A solar return year when you have your solar return Mars in the 1st or 6th house can be a year where you lose a significant amount of weight. However, always look at the aspects that Mars is making to confirm if this is likely to apply to you. If Mars makes a conjunction to Jupiter this may not be the case.
It’s always good to look at the first meeting chart alongside the synastry & composite chart with a potential romantic partner. I have found that the 1st meeting chart can tell us a lot about the purpose and the potential outcomes of the relationship between two people. For those who don’t know how to find this chart, you will need to input the exact date, time, and place that you met a specific person. It should not be confused with the composite chart as it is it’s own chart.
People with their South Node in the 12th house can often rely on spirituality, astrology, psychic readings to help guide them on their life path. Although this doesn’t always have to be a negative thing (when it’s done in moderation) , the North Node in the 6th house contends that individuals with this placement need to work on becoming more rooted in reality. Hence, excessive reliance on the esoteric, substances, or isolation are all things south node in the 12th house natives will need to overcome in order to attain their North Node.
Couples with a Composite Mars in the 4th house can actually move in together very quickly. This is especially true if it is the ruler of the composite ascendant.
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botanicalsword · 2 months
Moon & their security & emotional needs
Understanding Emotional Needs
Emotional stability is a state that can arise, varying based on our emotional needs and response.
>> Indicator • Nurturing your soul • what makes you a Healer
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✧ Moon in the 1st House
Strong self-awareness
pursuit of validation
their emotional needs revolve primarily around themselves
exhibit nurturing qualities
Source of Security - independency, take care of others and your own emotions and needs more independently
✧ Moon in the 2nd House
A passionate worker - highly focused on work
place great importance on a sense of gain or loss
Excellent concentration skills
Source of Security - material foundations, financial stability
✧ Moon in the 3rd House
excel at gathering information
find satisfaction in gaining knowledge
Source of Security - lies in acquiring information, continuous learning, thirst for knowledge, the ability to effectively communicate and interact with others.
✧ Moon in the 4th House
are the guardians of their family
deeply care for and nurture their parents
strong sense of belonging to their home and family
Source of Security - A stable family, a familiar environment, a comfortable and safe space
✧ Moon in the 5th House
have a wide range of hobbies
find fulfillment through entertaining children
pet lovers
Source of Security - express through various forms of entertainment, adventure, creation, love, enjoyment
✧ Moon in the 6th House
appearing stoic on the surface but harboring great passion within
find security in stable employment and a harmonious work environment
have sensitive digestive systems
Source of Security - serve the daily affairs of life, be organized, and pay attention to order, practicality and details
✧ Moon in the 7th House
yearn for companionship
nourish their souls through intimate relationships
Source of Security -  their significant other, harmonious interpersonal relationships, good reactions and feedback from others, natural and gentle atmosphere
✧ Moon in the 8th House
highly sensitive and intuitive
prone to emotional vulnerability
easily become engulfed in their emotions
Source of Security - Understanding the truth, motives, and real emotional needs of others provides them with emotional security
✧ Moon in the 9th House
prioritize self-improvement
seek to overcome inner unrest through constant learning and personal growth
Source of Security - exploring the unknown and seeking spiritual resonance
✧ Moon in the 10th House
strive for wealth, fame, and success
believe that achievements can repair their souls and provide them with a sense of security
Source of Security - their professional accomplishments
✧ Moon in the 11th House
excel at maintaining balance in their social relationships
susceptible to external influences
Source of Security - interactions with groups and older female figures, seeking validation, acceptance, and support
✧ Moon in the 12th House
conceal their emotions
display negative and depressive moods
struggle with expressing themselves
have fear or barriers when it comes to communicating with women
Source of Security - solace in spirituality, healing, wisdom, and acts of charity
>> A note to ✦ Venus / Pluto aspect in Natal Chart
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