amtaham · 7 years
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@Regrann from @sufilive - . FAST THE DAY OF ARAFAH (THURSDAY, AUGUST 31st) #ProphetMuhammad ﷺ encouraged us to fast the Day of #Arafah for sins of the previous year to be forgiven. So fast that day if you can and ask #Allah ﷻ, especially between #Asr and #Maghrib, by reciting whatever #dua comes to your heart, or read duas or whatever you memorized and Allah will accept it. ~Shaykh Hisham Kabbani 💕 #7007Hajj2017 #Hajj2017 #DhulHijjah #Arafat _______ #Labbayk#Allahumma#Hajj#Islam#Mecca#Makkah #Kaabah #Quran #Hadith #forgiveness #ProphetAbraham #Rabbana #ShaykhNazim #SeyhNazim #SheikhNazim #ShaykhHisham #ShaykhHishamKabbani #Naqshbandi #Nakşibendi #Sufilive
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amtaham · 7 years
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@Regrann from @sufilive - LESSONS FROM HAJJ: FOR ALL HUMANITY ~Shaykh Hisham Kabbani 💕 . Allah is merciful to you if you are modest and He will punish you if you are tyrannical, so chose what you want. Even if someone shouts in your face, you must say, "May Allah forgive you and me, my brother." You have to forgive! Don't expect a reward from human beings; what will they reward you with, a watch, a ring? But if you are patient and humble, Allah will reward you. ❤️ #Sufilive #7007Hajj2017 #DhulHijjah #Hajj2017 _______ #ProphetMuhammad #pilgrimage #Mecca #Makkah #Kabah #Kaaba #Quran #Hadith #sunnah #pilgrims #ProphetAbraham #Rabbana #ShaykhHisham #Awliya #ShaykhNazim #SeyhNazim #Naqshbandi #Nakşibendi #Rabbana
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amtaham · 7 years
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@Regrann from @sufilive - THE SPECIAL MERCY OF DHUL HIJJAH.5 Abdullah Ibn `Umar (radhiAllahu anhu) related that #Rasulullah ﷺ said, "No days are as weighty with #Allah and so liked by Him for good deeds than the first ten days of #DhulHijjah, so on these days increasingly read: 'SubhanAllah, alhamdulillah, laa ilaaha illa-Llaah' and 'Allahu Akbar'." (Musnad Ahmad) . We ask Allah ﷻ to grant us the reward of not only one, but all the Hajj! Allah is al-Kareem, the Most Generous. Insha'Allah bi hurmati 'l #Fatiha. These ten days before us now are days of `ibadah, so do as much #dhikrullah as you can, because lots of Manifestations of Allah's Beautiful Names and Attributes are coming over this world. #ShaykhHishamKabbani 💕 #7007Hajj2017 _______ #ProphetMuhammad #pilgrimage #Mecca #Makkah #Kabah #Kaaba #Quran #Hadith #sunnah #pilgrims #forgiveness #sacrifice #ProphetAbraham #Rabbana #ShaykhHisham #ShaykhNazim #SeyhNazim #Naqshbandi #Nakşibendi #Rabbana #Sufilive (at The Dharmawangsa Jakarta)
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amtaham · 7 years
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SPECIAL MERCY OF DHU 'L-HIJJAH.4 . It is #Sunnah to fast the first nine days of Dhu' l-Hijjah, because fasting is one of the best deeds. In a #Hadith Qudsi, Allah ﷻ says: “All the deeds of the son of Adam are for him, except fasting, which is for Me and I shall reward for it.” [#Bukhari, 1805] . "The Prophet ﷺ fasted the first nine days of Dhu 'l-Hijjah and the day of #Ashura, and three days each month: the first Monday of the month and two Thursdays.” [Abu Dawood, 2/462] . PHOTO 2011 #ShaykhHishamKabbani in Masjid an-Nabawi in #Madinah before Hajj. 💚 #7007Hajj2017 _______ #ProphetMuhammad #Madina #MasjidalNabawi #MasjidalHaram #Mecca #Makkah #Hajj #Hajj2017 #Eid #Eid2017 #EidAlAdha #Ummah #Kaaba #forgiveness #sacrifice #sunnah #ProphetAbraham #Rabbana #ShaykhHisham #awliya #Naqshbandi #Nakşibendi #Sufilive #regrann from @sufilive (at Aljabr Islamic School)
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amtaham · 7 years
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THE SPECIAL MERCY OF DHUL HIJJAH.3 In the first ten days of #DhulHijjah (started today), the heavenly rewards for fulfilling everything #Allah ﷻ ordered us to do and for performing more nawafil (voluntary) worship like #ProphetMuhammad ﷺ did is greater than the rewards of martyrdom. Therefore, in these sacred ten days: we fast more; give more #sadaqa; feed the poor often; distribute #qurban meat; frequently read #Quran, #Hadith, #DalailAlKhayrat; and send more #salawat on Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ! We do this to increase Allah's happiness with us and to thank Him for His favors. #ShaykhHishamKabbani 💕#Sufilive#7007Hajj2017 _______ #Mawlana #MawlanaShaykhHisham #ShaykhHisham #MawlanaShaykhNazim #SeyhNazim #Naqshbandi #Nakşibendi #Qadri #Chisti #BaAlawi #Shadhili #Tijani #Mevlevi #AhlulBayt #Muslims #Islam #ASWJ #bismillah #regrann from @sufilive (at BIG REVV ID)
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amtaham · 7 years
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SPECIAL MERCY OF DHUL HIJJAH.1 O Muslims! Allah ﷻ granted us days in the year when He forgives all sinners, in Rajab, Shabaan, Ramadan, Dhul Hijjah, Muharram, and Rabi al-Awwal. إِنَّ الْحَسَنَاتِ يُذْهِبْنَ السَّـيِّئَاتِ Good deeds waive the sins. (#HolyQuran, 11:11) . If we make a small effort to redeem ourselves, Allah will erase our sins, leaving us pure like newborns. وَالْفَجْرِ وَلَيَالٍ عَشْرٍ By the break of dawn, and by the ten nights. (Surat al-Fajr, 89:1-2) . This #ayah refers to the first ten days of #DhulHijjah, which are said to be the most special days after Ramadan. Alhamdulillah, Dhul Hijjah starts this week (Wednesday or Thursday). Shaykh Hisham Kabbani 💕#7007Hajj2017 #Hajj2017 _______ #Kaabah #Kaaba #Mecca #Makkah #Madina #Muslims #Islam #sunnah #AhleSunnah #Mawlana #ShaykhHisham #ShaykhHishamKabbani #Naqshbandi #Nakşibendi #Sufilive #lailahaillallah #MuhammadRasulullah #regrann @sufilive
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amtaham · 7 years
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RAHMAT ISTIMEWA DARI BULAN DZUL HIJJAH ~Shaykh Hisham Kabbani 💕 Dzu' l-Hijjah adalah bulan terakhir dalam kalender Islam dan namanya berarti "Sang Pemilik Haji." Para hujjaj (orang yang menunaikan ibadah haji) datang dari seluruh dunia, dan seringkali mereka memuliakan Hadits untuk shalat berjamaah selama 40 kali (selama 8 hari) di Madinah al-Munawarrah kemudian melanjutkan ke Mekah untuk menyelesaikan hajinya pada tanggal 8, 9 dan 10 Dzul Hijjah. Diriwayatkan oleh Ibn Abbas bahwasannya Nabi ﷺ bersabda, "Tidak ada hari dimana amal shalih pada saat itu lebih dicintai oleh Allah daripada hari-hari ini, yaitu : Sepuluh hari dari bulan Dzul Hijjah. Mereka bertanya : Ya Rasulullah, tidak juga jihad fi sabilillah? Beliau menjawab : Tidak juga jihad fi sabilillah, kecuali orang yang keluar (berjihad) dengan jiwa dan hartanya, kemudian tidak kembali dengan sesuatu apa pun.” (Tirmidzi) Semoga kita dapat meningkatkan pengabdian ibadah kita dalam shalat, tasbih, dzikir, membaca al-Qur'an, memberi sedekah, berpuasa dan berbagai kedermawanan dan kebaikan dalam sepuluh hari mendatang ini. 💚 #Sufilive #7007Hajj2017 _______ #ProphetMuhammad #Makkah #Madina #Kaaba #forgiveness #sacrifice #ProphetAbraham #Rabbana #ShaykhHisham #ShaykhNazim #SeyhNazim #Naqshbandi #Nakşibendi #regrann from @idnazimiyya
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