#750 dispel
gundamlfrith-remade · 2 years
I literally cannot fucking stand people who live by horoscopes. Just because somebody was born at some time doesn't make them inherently fucking whatever. Stop generalizing about people and making fun of/demonizing people just because they were born at x time. It's fucking hurtful. Stop.
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omegaremix · 2 months
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Omega Radio for July 25, 2022; #319.
Karima Walker: “We Been Here Before" 
Health X Xiu Xiu: "Delicious Ape" 
Miss World: "Diet Coke Head" 
Black Dresses: "Hertz” + “Runner" 
Ghostboobss: "Hit (You)" 
Alice Glass: "Fair Game” + “Nightmares" 
Blanck Mass: "House Vs. House" 
Icky Reels: "The Summer Is Killing Me" 
Sleigh Bells: "Justine Go Genesis" 
Hiraki: "Peach Lung" 
Halflings: "Strength In Numbers" 
Undo K From Hot: "750 Dispel”
Bonus Omega; cutting-room floor pop and electronics.
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noodlesarecheese · 2 years
Soooo Ludinus may have seen the Calamity, but maybe not, so I’m going to throw a bunch of theories with varying levels of plausibility out and ramble for a while. SPOILERS for campaings 2, 3, EXU Calamity, and minor spoilers for The Nine Eyes of Lucian. Under the cut because it go annoyingly long.
1 - Maybe he lived through (part of) the Calamity. He seems to imply this pretty heavily, although he doesn’t actually mention the calamity by name. The calamity happened over 1000 years ago, and lasted for over 100 years, so for him to remember the calamity itself he’d be super old, even for an elf. In regular 5e, elves can live to around 750 years, and we don’t have any evidence that Exandrian elves are different (although they could be), and 750 is significantly less that over a thousand.
So how is he that old?
1.a - He used life extension magic of some kind, maybe something from Aeor, maybe some illegal soul-sucking magic, could be anything.
1.b - He’s secretly a lich or other type of undead. I certainly don’t remember if anyone’s ever pinged him to see if he is, and although he doesn’t look undead he’s a powerful wizard and could use a super special glamor. Brennan does mention casually in EXU Calamity that some government officals were probably undead or using magic to extend their lives. One flaw is he does use some kind of anti-magic thing when meeting with Essek on the ship. It dispels Essek’s disguise, so it would probably dispel any he had as well.
1.c Body swapping. Old evil wizard taking over the body of a younger person to live forever, it’s a classic.
1.d He’s an old soul in a new body, but in an anamnesis way not a possession way. The beacons might have been made or studied by Aeor, perhaps he died near one. That beacon then made it’s way south, shedding Aeorian souls as it went. Weirder things have happened.
1.e The Aeorian time bubbles. Although the Mighty Nein aren’t able to release them, that doesn’t mean that no one can. In The Nine Eyes of Lucian, we see that very thing. Page 121 - “Whatever magic protected that ancient had also preserved them, and within several heartbeats, they began to disappear, turning to dust,”. 
So they can be dispelled, but the people in them turn to dust after. It seems like the magic was intended for short term protection, not long term stasis, and the people probably either lived their normal lifespans in some kind of stasis or horrifically died of dehydration when the bubbles didn’t release as they were likely intended to - let’s pretend it’s the first for my sake. 
If someone had been released from their bubble earlier, when their body was still living, perhaps they wouldn’t crumble to dust. That does raise a flaw (which is a flaw they all share to some degree and I’ll talk more about later) - if Ludinus was released early, why wouldn’t he set the other Aeorians free too? Maybe he didn’t want to, maybe he couldn’t, or maybe he was from another city and all of those citizens were freed but they didn’t go to Aeor.
1.f He’s secretly an Aeormaton. I don’t think this one’s it but wouldn’t that be cool as fuck?
1.g He went to the Feywild, where time is a weird soup. We know that most of the fey left Exandria at the beginning of the Calamity, and we know that elves have fey-ancestry and, in modern times, at least one major elven city travels back and forth from the feywild to the material plane. While we know that this wasn’t offered to elves (or else both Patia and Laerryn would have gotten it too), perhaps he was special somehow, or has closer fey ancestry, or hell maybe he’s secretly fully fey like a Changeling or something.
So, that’s how he might still be alive. But that raises a the question of why he waited so long to act. If he’s been hating the Gods for over 1000 years, why start plotting against them just now? 
1.1 He didn’t blame the Gods until recently. He’s just been going through the stages of grief very slowly, and has only now hit anger.
1.2 - He didn’t know about Predathos until recently. Maybe he’s wanted to do something for a long time, or maybe he’s been doing other things to try to take on the Gods, but he just now learned about the Godkiller trapped in the moon.
1.3 He was waiting on the moon to be strong enough.
1.4  He was waiting for a super special ultra powerful apogee solstice, which happens to be this one.
1.5 He forgor :( He just didn’t remember the Calamity until more recently.
2 - He didn’t live through the Calamity itself, just something also caused by the Gods or by the Calamity, specifically Molaesmyr. It was a city of elves on Wildemount. According to the Explorer’s Guide to Wildemount Ludinus lived there at one point, surviving the destruction of it. The corruption that destoryed it was caused by something from Aeor, though Ludinus may or may not have known that. 
2.a Combining this with an earlier theory, if the elves were bringing things out of Aeor, who’s to say they didn’t also bring back a beacon? If Ludinius had memories of the Calamity and lived through Molaesmyr, he’d certainly be extra pissed.
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exalted-dawn-drabbles · 5 months
ed prompts, ed prompts! how about some calenna this week (I miss them): ❛ if you’re tired of kissing me, i’d better go. ❜
happy writing bb <3
HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE decided to go for a two in one with @dreadfutures' request for Calenna 'Familiar' uwu enjoy some goofs bantering and being domestic uwu
For @dadrunkwriting Rated T: for suggestive themes, ~750 words Translations: ma’telsilasha’lath (my troublesome love), Rogelin (Name meaning Daring One)
Familiar Flavors | By Exalted_Dawn
Scratchy and tickling, Calder brushed his lips for a fourth time along the back of her ear. It was a grazing kiss, light and petulant. Pleading, a little bit. Like a child who was not being paid enough attention. And perhaps he was being ignored a little, but Talenna was trying to focus. Leaving Skyhold always meant that she had a mountain of work waiting for her upon her return. Notes that needed consolidating. Stories that needed weaving. Stories to prepare for the soldiers and tavern shifts.
And as much as she missed him, she had little time to see to Calder’s neediness until after all that was done. 
Something he knew by now, but never seemed to acknowledge when the time actually came. Always, he became extra doting during times like these. Desperate for her time and attention. And, truthfully, Talenna liked that, if only a little.
But even so, she flicked her head a little, pulling her ear from between his lips with a slight smile. An amused glare. She turned her attention back to her note book. “The more you distract me the longer this will take, ma’telsilasha’lath.” 
“You know-” His voice was gruff and gravely in her ear. Full and heavy. Familiar. The sound of home. His arms wrapped tighter about her waist, the whole weight of him shifting beneath her as he pulled her close. “After coming back from a long trip, I thought you might be a tad more enthusiastic to see me.” He huffed a bit again causing his facial hair to bristle and chafe against her ear. 
Talenna ducked her head into her shoulder, chuckling at the sensation. “I find I like you better frustrated,” she teased.
That earned her a nip to the ear, though an admittedly gentle one. 
“You are a cruel mistress, Wolf Queen.”
“I think you mean a ‘cruel partner’-” she turned in his arms, leveling him with a playfully critical eye. “Unless there is yet another I do not know about?”
“As of yet, no,” Calder shot back, though she could tell by the wide stretch in his smile that he was pleased he had won enough of her attention that she had actually put down her book and turned to look at him. Ducking, he pressed another kiss to her cheek, and then an extra to her lips. Long and savoring. “Though- if you really have begun to tire of kissing me, then I suppose I better start looking.” 
He shifted to leave, half-rolling out from behind her as if he really were about to stand and go. Talenna felt the sway in her balance without his chest at her back, and the dip in heat as he forced distance between him, and that in itself was threat enough that Talenna quickly abandoned her book properly and turned to drag him back down to bed. The weight of her body was hardly enough to faze him, she knew, but the act alone was enough to dispel his joke and pull him back into place beneath her. Chest to chest this time. Face to face properly. 
He had won this round.
“You are a sore loser, Rogelin,” she accused, pressing a kiss to his cheek and then his lips, as he had. 
“No. But you were the one who said she liked me frustrated,” he pointed out, doing the rest of gravity’s work to pull them full down into the mattress. He held her close across his chest, blonde hair splayed out beneath him in a mess of waves. He had a point. 
“Fair,” she conceded. “I suppose I was being a little cruel.” 
“A bit,” he agreed in a rumble.
“And is there any way I might earn your forgiveness?” she asked, stooping lower. A kiss to his jaw. His neck.
He made a deep noise in his throat as she dipped lower still, tracing the cord of muscle that dipped to his collar with her teeth. “I can think of a few.” 
Talenna nearly laughed. ‘A few’. All spoils to the victor, she supposed. She kissed the dip in his throat and then lower still, following the gentle slope of his chest as it swelled beneath her hands. Lower and lower, to where shirt met skin. Another kiss, and another.
And another. And yet one more, as she stripped him bare. 
As many as he wished. 
She would never tire of kissing him, no matter how familiar the taste or repetitive the task. Calder was her favorite flavor of kiss, and always, she would savor it. 
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mcpiejeff27 · 11 months
Reverse:1999 OC - HANAKATA
Made a Reverse:1999 OC because Satsuki needs a friend.
Her overall design is based on the late 1860s during the end of the Japanese shogunate up to the early age of the Meiji era. The uniform consists of a white shirt with black suspenders and grey skirt, as well as a dark blue haori.
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"A mixed work exhibited in 1850s for 26 years. Completed in the summer of June 11th. First exhibition held in Kyoto, before subsequently moved to the Satsuma province."
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Rarity: 6 Stars | Damage: Reality | Afflatus: Plant
Medium: Branded Katana
Afflatus: The Effloresced Wisteria [Plant], Remnants of Old Ideals
Fragrance: Floral - Wisteria, Woody, Rustic Smoke
Tags: DPS, Follow-Up
> Arcane Skill 1: Shattered Swordplay
1-Star: 1-Target. Deals 200% Reality DMG and increase caster’s Crit Rate by +5% for next round.
2-Star: 1-Target. Deals 300% Reality DMG and increase caster’s Crit Rate by +10% for next round.
3-Star: 1-Target. Deals 400% Reality DMG and increase caster’s Crit Rate by +15% for next round.
> Arcane Skill 2: Cold Brandish
1-Star: Self buff. Gain the [Brandished Blade] status and +20% Penetration Rate. Lasts 2 rounds.
2-Star: Self buff. Gain the [Brandished Blade] status and +30% Penetration Rate. Lasts 2 rounds.
3-Star: Self buff. Gain the [Brandished Blade] status and +50% Penetration Rate. Lasts 3 rounds.
> Ultimate: Butterfly Flutters, the Moon Hides
1-Target. Deals 550% Reality DMG that enjoys +20% Crit Rate. After attack, the caster gains 2 stacks of [Retaliation].
*Brandished Blade: Attack +25%, DMG Dealt +20%, and DMG Taken +15%. At the start of each round, gain +5% Crit Rate bonus that can stack with each other. The Crit Rate bonus is dispelled when the status ends.
*Retaliation: When the caster defeats an enemy, reduce its stack by 1, then immediately target another random enemy and deal 300% Reality DMG.
“Satsuma Remembrance”
Insight-1: While in the [Brandished Blade] status, attacks from “Shattered Swordplay” is changed to Mass-Attack that targets 2 enemies and enjoys +15% Leech Rate.
Insight-2: Attacks triggered from [Retaliation] enjoys +25% Crit Rate.
Insight-3: When the caster’s attacks land on Critical, gain +1 Moxie.
“Hanakata’s Portray”
Lv-1: “Butterfly Flutters, the Moon Hides” effect changes to: deals 650% Reality DMG.
Lv-2: “Shattered Swordplay” effect changes to: at 1/2/3 stars, deals 250/375/500% Reality DMG.
Lv-3: After using an incantation, the caster gains +10% Crit Rate for that round which can stack.
Lv-4: “Butterfly Flutters, the Moon Hides” effect changes to: deals 750% Reality DMG.
Lv-5: Enhanced [Brandished Blade] effect: Attack +50% and DMG Dealt +35%. At the start of each round, gain +10% Crit Rate bonus that can stack with each other. The Crit Rate bonus is dispelled when the status ends.
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00ghosts27 · 3 years
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mxdwn · 3 years
Zach Hill of Death Grips and Nick Reinhart of Tera Melos Form New Band Undo K From Hot and Share New Song “750 Dispel”
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pattern-recognition · 3 years
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recommendedlisten · 3 years
Undo K From Hot - “750 Dispel”
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Undo K From Hot isn’t the first time Hella and Death Grips drummer Zach Hill has teamed up with Nick Reinhart of Tera Melos, nor will it probably be the last. The two have made aggressive math-rock that gave way to hardcore noise rock as Bygones, and now they’re back with the Advantage’s Robby Moncrieff in the fold with this latest project that sounds like none of that really beyond pushing sonic walls to the extremes.
The band’s debut full-length G.A.S. Get A Star comes out next week, and its first preview “750 Dispel” is woozy, glitched out clash of industrial electrical freakouts and clipped human / artificial voices tossed around their dimension-warping vacuum that will satisfy listeners of Hill’s work with Death Grips while appreciating Reinhart’s effects manipulation talents. Listen to it below...
G.A.S. Get A Star by Undo K From Hot
Undo K From Hot’s G.A.S. Get A Star will be self-released May 7th.
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gundamlfrith-remade · 2 years
what fucking evolutionary advantage do intrusive thoughts give this shit is pointless and makes me feel horrible
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indizombie · 4 years
The central bank is propping up the industry, announcing some 100 billion rupees ($1.36 billion) of special liquidity last month to organizations that fund mortgage lenders and housing finance companies, and permitting banks to restructure some loans. This follows a 750-billion-rupee special credit line provided to non-bank financiers by the government in May. But the cash influx from the authorities hasn’t dispelled concerns among investors about non-bank finance companies, known as NBFCs. There are worries that bad debt will rise in the sector as the lockdown to curb the spread of the coronavirus has battered the nation’s businesses and left millions jobless.
'Shadow banks are riding out the crisis while virus ravages India', Economic Times
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futuremoneyeasy · 4 years
Personal Loan is Not Always Bad!
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At the point when we are conversing with our clients to determine their issues about their Cibil FICO rating, we notice that there is a ton of misguided judgment about close to home credits. At the point when utilized well, it can really resolve a lot of issues including a monetary crunch. Consequently, we chose to assemble current realities to instruct about close to home advance.
Following are the manners by which an individual credit can be useful:
Set aside cash: Before you bounce to an end that it doesn't help in setting aside cash, let me first dispel any confusion air. At times it makes a difference. In the event that you are gravely needing reserves and considering a Visa withdrawal or hoping to swipe your charge card and is dicey about having the option to settle up the whole sum in the coming charging cycle, check with your bank in the event that you are qualified for an individual advance Some banks have pre-affirmed individual credits for good clients which makes the advance handling faster. Charge cards and individual credits are both unstable advances and nearly simple to benefit - anyway close to home advances are way less expensive. You will pay at least 36 percent on your Mastercard how to get a personal loan from a bank when contrasted with 14-16 percent on an individual credit. Additionally, the Indian economy is seeing danger based loaning. To place it in basic words, in the event that you have a higher Cibil FICO assessment, you have an opportunity to get advances at a lower loan cost and have a superior potential for success to haggle better credit terms and conditions. Numerous banks and credit organizations offer added benefits like waiver in preparing expense and speedier admittance to acknowledge for shoppers for a Cibil score over 750 (territories between 300-900).
Break the obligation cycle: Have you ever paid the base sum due on your Mastercard charge imagining that you will take care of the excess sum one month from now totally and find that you are as yet conveying the obligation months after that? On the off chance that you investigate your announcements and figure the sum you paid as revenue on this sum and contrast it and the sum you would have needed to pay as revenue on the individual advance, which can be benefited by doing an equilibrium move of your credit, the last would have worked out less expensive. Visa contribution draws in a financing cost of 36 - 48 percent, whereas though you do an equilibrium move of your credit, which will be treated as an individual advance against charge card, you remain to get it at the pace of 18 percent interest for each annum - minimal more costly at that how to get a good personal loan point taking a new close to home advance actually works out less expensive than. This reimbursement can be made as EMIs, which is an additional advantage. In this way, be a keen individual, benefit from an equilibrium move on your Visa to an individual credit to break high intrigue stifling cycle, and become obligation-free.
Lift your Cibil score: Your Cibil score is determined based on numerous variables, for example, customary bill installments, credit use, number of inquiries, age, and a decent credit blend. We generally exhortation our clients have a decent blend of credit. So in the event that you have just Mastercard and on the grounds that you take an easy way to get a personal loan individual credit, your score won't plunge. Indeed, on the off chance that you take an individual credit and reimburse it on schedule, it will assist you with improving your Cibil score.
Future Money Easy Services Pvt. Ltd.
Contact Details:-
Website - futuremoneyeasy.com
Phone No. - 91+  8527432153
What's app No. - 91+  8527432153
Instagram: @futuremoneyeasy
Twitter: https://twitter.com/FutureMoneyEas1
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/futuremoneyeasy
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/future-money-easy-service-pvt-ltd-4048a71b7/
Telegram: https://t.me/futuremoneyeasy
Skype: https://join.skype.com/invite/Y9kTcpEYx6mM
# Tag -  #futuremoneyeasy
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localbizlift · 4 years
A 3 Step, Must-have Keyword Research Process for Winning SEO - Whiteboard Friday
Posted by Cyrus-Shepard
Smart keyword research forms the basis of all successful SEO. In today's Whiteboard Friday, Cyrus Shepard shares the basics of a winning keyword research process that you can learn and master in a short amount of time.
Bonus: Be sure not to miss Cyrus's upcoming webinar, Build a Winning Keyword Strategy: Start-to-Finish on May 21, 2020 at 10am PST:
Save my spot
You'll walk through his keyword research process start-to-finish with real keywords, topics, and websites to create a complete keyword research strategy. It's a great follow-up to this Whiteboard Friday!
Click on the whiteboard image above to open a high-resolution version in a new tab!
Video Transcription
Howdy, Moz fans. Welcome to a very special edition of Whiteboard Friday talking about keyword research today. Now keyword research, you know how important it is, and it forms the basis of all successful SEO. People who are good at keyword research and having a good research strategy, that often makes the difference between winning and having an SEO campaign that just goes nowhere. 
I love keyword research because we all have an idea of what we think we want to rank for, right, but when you use keyword research, you can use data to find opportunities and surprises that you didn't even know existed. So I want to dispel a myth about keyword research. A lot of people think it's about finding the right tool, and you enter the keyword into a tool and you get a list.
Technically, that is keyword research, and that's a fine starting point. But it's not so much about the tool. It's about a process. It's about a process of creating a strategy for your entire website and finding those winning keywords that you can rank for and getting traffic from that are relevant to your business. So it's more than just a tool.
It's a process. There are entire guides and webinars about this. But I think we can simplify it. In the next few minutes, I want to show you the basics of a winning keyword research process that I think you can start to master in just a few minutes and get the fundamentals. In fact, I did write a guide about this. We'll talk about it at the end of the video. It's completely available. 
But I want to go over the basics so you can start to get an understanding of the process that will help you win with keyword research. 
1. Seed keywords
So first of all, a concept that you are probably familiar with is the idea of seed keywords. We call them seeds because they help grow your keyword list and expand it. Seed keywords are more important than people think, and I'll tell you why you in just a second.
So many tools will give you seed keywords. But I want to dismiss the idea of thinking in terms of tools for just a second. When researching seed keywords, I propose that you think of it in terms of questions, questions that you want to ask yourself. 
a. What do I want to rank for?
The first is simply, "What do I want to rank for?" In this hypothetical example, our client sells calligraphy pens.
They're like, "Cyrus, I want to rank for calligraphy pens." That's great. That will be your starting point, your first seed keyword. 
b. What do I already rank for?
So a second question you can ask is, "What do I already rank for?" Well, let's say the client has an existing website. They sell some pens. Maybe they do well, maybe they don't.
So we want to dig into the data of what is already sending them traffic, and we can do this with a lot of keyword research tools — Moz, Ahrefs, SEMrush. I prefer Moz, 500 million keywords, it's a great set. But you can use whatever you want. So you want to search keywords by site or keywords by URL. We can enter our client's site and see that, oh, they rank for "pen starter kit."
Their rank is number one. It only receives 10 visits a month, so maybe that's not such a good seed keyword. But "best calligraphy pen," they rank number 8, 500 visits a month. "Calligraphy supplies," 14th, 750 visits a month. Those are excellent seed keywords. So we're going to make note of those and use them a little later in the process.
You can also get this data from Google Search Console, rank and volume. Wherever you get it from, these are what you want to search for great keywords that you already rank for, but maybe not number one, with good search volume. 
c. What do my competitors rank for?
Finally, let's say you don't have an existing website, or you're starting a new project from scratch.
You don't have a lot of existing data. You want to ask, "What do my competitors rank for or the top ranking sites?" So I might Google "calligraphy pens" and see who ranks number one. Pop it into Keyword Explorer and see all their ranking keywords here and start to find the good seed keywords. So I can see that they rank for "calligraphy kit" -- that sounds pretty relevant — 750 visits a month.
"Pen starter," not so much. I'd probably throw that one out. "Learn calligraphy," that's a great seed keyword. I'm going to make note of that, 1,200 visits a month. You can get seed keywords from literally any keyword tool. Some of our favorites, beyond Keyword Explorer: 
Google Trends
Answer the Public
People Also Ask
Anywhere you want to get your seed keywords, that's where you form the basis of your list. 
2. List building
So next we're going to start building our list. Seed keywords move into list building. So this is where we want to use a robust keyword research tool, such as Moz, Ahrefs, or whatever you want. We're entering our seed keywords "calligraphy pens."
We're going to get a list of keywords, sorted by relevance and volume. Now there are many metrics in keyword research, such as keyword difficulty, click-through rate, importance, things like that. For right now, we only want to be concerned with two metrics — relevance and volume.
You can concern yourself with the other metrics a little later when we're sorting and filtering. But right now, we want to find more seed keywords. That's the key difference here in this process. We're not just finding related keywords. We're finding more seed keywords. We're reiterating. So "calligraphy pen set," highly relevant.
Five means highly relevant. Volume of 100. All right, we're going to mark that. That becomes a new seed. "Calligraphy Amazon," okay, that only has a three relevance score. Unless you're Amazon, that's probably not the most relevant keyword. We're going to cross it off the list.
"Calligraphy fonts." "Calligraphy pens price," well, that's great. "Calligraphy ink," great with high volume. So what we have done now is we have collected more seeds, and we're going to throw those seeds back in and discover even more related keywords, more seeds. In other words, we're going to start building out our list.
That's the process. Not just get a list of related keywords, but you're finding more seeds. When you find more seeds, continually do this, these become new pages of your site or a new entire content section. So we could have a section on calligraphy ink. We could have a page on price. We're going to group these in our spreadsheets together, and every time we find a new seed, it can become a new topic, a new page, a new idea.
The idea is you want to find as many seeds as possible. 
3. Competitor analysis
So when we get these seeds, we're going to reinsert them back, but we're also going to do one final step that a lot of people forget or just don't realize, and that is the competitive analysis. The keyword tool is going to find a lot. Moz Keyword Explorer does a particularly excellent, excellent job of this.
But if you're not using Keyword Explorer, one thing I like to do is I'll take my seed keyword, "calligraphy ink," and I'll put it into Google and I'll see who's ranking in the top 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 positions. I'll look specifically for sites that specialize in this. I might throw out Amazon or things like that.

But Ink Warehouse, Shop Calligraphy Inks, I'll take this page and I'll put it in Keyword Explorer, keywords by site or URL, and I'll get all the other keywords that this page or site ranks for, because they've undoubtedly tried a lot of content. They know what works, what doesn't work.
I'll find new seeds that way. So I can see that Ink Warehouse ranks for "best calligraphy ink," and that's a good one. "Calligraphy ink set," great new seed keyword. "Calligraphy ink bottle," another great seed keyword. So then, we have new seeds, new pages, new topics. We can take these and start the process again, and we do this over and over and over again until we have a complete set of keywords for every page, every conceivable ranking position, and we can start to build a strategy out from that.
After this, we can start to sort and filter by keyword volume and difficulty and things like that. But that's a process for another time. So I've documented this strategy and so much more in a brand-new keyword research guide, "The Master Guide to Keyword Research." We just released it. It's available free. It covers this topic in depth, and we try to make these concepts as easy as possible to help you win SEO. We're going to link to it below. You can download it and let me know what you think. 
Read the new guide
So I hope you learned something today. If you liked this video, please share it with anybody that you can. It would be a great favor to me. Okay. Until next time, thanks, everybody.
Best of luck with your SEO.
Video transcription by Speechpad.com
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00ghosts27 · 3 years
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zambianobserver · 2 years
ZESCO DISPELS REPORTS THAT ONLY ONE TURBINE AT KAFUE GORGE LOWER POWER PLANT IS WORKING By Chileshe Mwango Zesco Limited has dispelled reports by some sections of the media that only one turbine at the 750 megawatts Kafue Gorge lower power plant is working out of the two commissioned machines. Information circulating in some sections of the media indicates that the second turbine at the plant…
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weareindiepix · 3 years
Best electric bikes for any kind of rider
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The best electric bikes allow you to ride, yet not too easy that you lose the exercise aspect. They take the strain out of cycling, making it more accessible and more practical as a viable option for commuters.
There is a Electric Bike depending on whether you are a veteran cyclist or a beginner.
It's not easy to select the ideal electric bike for you because this is one of the most popular bike categories that is growing rapidly. We've divided our guide into the top electric bikes, the top electric hybrid Skateboard and the most efficient electric folding bikes.
Electric road bikes will come with dropped handlebars and favour lightweight bikes, whereas electric hybrid bikes will come with wide tyres, flat bars and other accessories for commuters like mudguards and lights electric folding bikes are great when your trip involves train travel or you're running out of space.
Choose from the category tabs above if you know the type of bike you're looking for, or go to 'buying advice' for more detailed details before beginning your journey.
We do have a web of buying tips for electric bikes; if you're looking to keep costs low look into the top low-cost electric bikes. Women could benefit from women-specific components of the top women's Electric Bikes bikes, and if you're venturing off-road take a look at the top electric gravel bikes.
What are the reasons you would want to purchase an Electric Bike?
There are plenty of reasons to require some assistance with pedaling to your daily life, and this is why you should consider the most efficient electric bike. There could be a need to carry a lot of cargo and an electric bike could be the difference between riding an automobile and spinning your legs.
You may want to get back into work and travel to work. An electric hybrid is an ideal choice. A motor could assist you in getting back out after an injury or illness. You may find yourself getting older than you used to be.
There is no doubt that electric bikes don't offer an exercise benefit, it is still possible to get exercise when you ride an electric Skateboard.
Is It Worth Getting An Electric Bicycle?
The top electric bikes have pedal-assisted riding , which makes it much more convenient to commute.
It is easy to see the advantages: Less effort equals less sweat. Moving heavy loads is an option, and you can frequently keep up with the pace and feel more at ease in traffic. You can make an e-bike hybrid using racks and fenders. It is useful and is able to replace many car trips or public transportation.
Are Electric Bikes Legal?
An electric bike is different from a motorbike as it is able to only assist its rider. The motor is not able to provide the bike with its sole power source. In many countries it is the case that an E-Bike can only help a rider at 25 km/h (roughly 15.5 mph). This applies to most of Europe and Australia If you reside in the US, keep reading.
Outside the US the motor in the bike can only be a maximum of 250w and can't be controlled with the throttle you'd see on motorcycles. That, unfortunately, does mean that you'll need to use your legs!
The regulations for the US are a bit more complicated to follow because the laws may differ from state-to-state, and federal law surrounding electronic bikes could be other than.
The Bicycle Product Suppliers Organization has tried to dispel some of the confusion by placing e-bikes within three categories. All of them are limited to 750-watt motors.
Class 1: The motor kicks in only when the rider presses it and is limited to 20 mph.
Class 2: The motor can help the rider regardless of regardless of whether they pedal or not. The speed limit for the motor is 20 mph.
Class 3: the motor provides pedal assist, can only go up to 28mph, and must be equipped with a speedometer.
The laws surrounding where and who can ride which class of e-bikes also vary from state to state but the most common version is classes 1 and 2 can be used everywhere bikes are allowed and class 3 can be used on the roads and in bike lanes but they are not allowed on multi-use paths, and have rules surrounding helmet use and minimum rider age. People for Bikes has a useful guide that breaks down the rules by state.
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