shalpilot · 4 months
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temporary buddies
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sunshineterror · 4 months
Fun fact, I can still get sick.
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bloodbrown · 10 months
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prezs · 1 year
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identityarchitect · 10 months
wait i just remembered elias called daisy stupid to her face. what was up with that
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severely-gay · 2 years
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stoat the beloathed <3
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gravestone-sys · 3 months
you have exactly One post tagged #gravestones.txt you're supposed to tag All your personal posts with rhag if you're gonna use it irs not Just for your pinned post..
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snoopyliker · 4 months
“we’re just tryna figure out what happened to that granny right?” punching tristan to a pulp
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sepiamestus · 5 months
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He thinks that being cute will protect him from the consequences of his own actions (it will)
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kittenchanfanboy1997 · 5 months
Brother FR pulled the “I HAVE OTHER GIRLS WHO WANT ME” move.
Whos been giving you dating advice? The incels on 4chan? Fuckin loser
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How about you suck my fat fucking dick, huh??? I bet I can get a girlfriend in an under a week to PROVE YOU WRONG!!!
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blueloverrory · 10 months
I was experiiimentiiing wiith designz n allz n then III made Starflurry !!!1!!1!! Uh. Herez hiiiz dezcriiipziiion I guezz (I'm wriiitiiing normally for it lolz :"] :sad: )
Starflurry is a sadistic and manipulative murderer — A god made by Satan himself. They used to be an asylum patient (no. 162) but later on, she escaped. He doesn't give a single shit about romance. She never really caring about anything but escaping anyways.
After getting out, he managed to find a place nobody would look for her. Eventually, they started getting bored again, and you know what was the best thing she thought of? Kidnapping people from all over the planet they formerly lived on and forcing them to participate in a gameshow that none ever wanted to join.
Oh my fucking god III made her zo fucking edgy.
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kimberlyannharts · 1 year
So like what color is Casey even supposed to be?
I thought red, but Raph is in red, so... Is Casey pink??
Yes, I think Casey is meant to be pink. It leans more towards fuchsia than the typical pink used for Power Rangers but comparing it to morphed Raph, it's definitely not red.
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But yeah, it's interesting that he's not really getting much fanfare as a legit male pink. I guess because no one in the books refers to him as a pink ranger, and black arguably dominates the suit more anyway
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saltiecattoz · 10 months
i need to strangle my sister i think :D
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To help with your workout: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/40mupvL4YTSBuFhqvMwWXw?si=umXZsZ0vRkWpckpwe_NfVA&utm_source=copy-link
Why don't you come help me in person instead?
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incendiorum-arch · 10 months
this isn't to discount or take away from the fact that io can be and is cruel to the people they believe deserve it, nor the fact that io can be straight-up mean for seemingly no reason, but I do think it's important to realize that behind all of that is nothing but a hot nerve of pain and grief. they just really have no other clue how to cope with it except with anger.
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dread-knight · 1 year
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These nonspecific content warnings are less than worthless man. Like oh no theres stuff in here I guess. Come on dude
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