#7KPP Secret Santa 2021
quilleth · 3 years
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@teaandinanity​ Happy exchange day and February from your secret not-santa xD
I wanted to initially make something inspired by your Persuasion-not-quite- au, but couldn’t figure out how to do that without getting very waffley with Jasper’s emotions and also spoilery, so have a contemplative Calanthia pondering a cup of tea maybe it reminds her a blend a  certain butler brought her when she was at the summit? instead :D  This was also sort of inspired by Waterhouse’s The Crystal Ball, which felt very Calanthia to me for some reason.
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fyeah7kpp · 3 years
7KPP Holiday Gift Exchange 2021-2022
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Hello, my dears and happy December!
As I mentioned in a previous update, our annual holiday gift exchange is continuing as planned, though this year, the exchange will be around Valentine’s Day instead of Christmas/New Year, partially due to IRL getting busy and partially because many people participate in other holiday gift exchanges (a reminder that we’re down to the last week for AO3′s Yuletide). As such, we’ve put off the sign-ups this year, but no longer!
Like we’ve done for previous years, sign-ups will be in the form of this Google spreadsheet, where you can fill out all of the relevant information! To give everyone time to work, we will be closing sign-ups at 11:59 pm EST on New Year’s Eve, December 31st, 2021. More realistically, it’ll probably be a little while later but that’ll be our scheduled deadline, but please try to get your name on the list by then! Meanwhile, the gift posting day will be tentatively scheduled for February 14th, 2022, but that may be subject to change as time gets closer.
As before, there is no pressure to participate, but if you are interested, please feel free. The guidelines for gifts are open, other than the usual rule about avoiding alpha spoilers. For some gift ideas or just to see what cool and creative presents people have made, feel free to check out previous years’ collections, found here (2020) and here (2019)!
If you have any questions or concerns, please send me an ask either here or to @angstmongertina​ (my main tumblr; please note the changed URL from previous years) and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can!
-Mod Tina
Disclaimer: Just as before, I am in no way affiliated with Aly other than having an appreciation for the game and this is not any sort of “official” gift exchange. That being said, it’s always nice to celebrate with friends, so let’s enjoy!
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angstmongertina · 3 years
Happy posting day, @mendedwings/ @queen-scribbles and I’m so sorry I’m running a bit late (and therefore it’s a bit on the shorter side)! I hope you enjoy, and that’s in character for Adie and Clarmont!
The hall is getting more crowded by the second. Logically, he knows that there can only be the fifty odd delegates and chaperones in total, and each additional individual cannot truly add much to the spacious banquet hall, but somehow, the crush of people seems to press against him with each additional new body, making it harder and harder to breathe.
Or maybe that is just the suffocating presence of the royal heirs beside him, preening with various levels of subtlety, at least in the princess’s case, under the attention.
With a silent sigh, Clarmont casts his gaze around, glancing over the gathered delegates, scanning for a sign, a hint, of something that may prove useful to him and his. Fighting the sinister whispers in his mind, the ever present reminder that he is using them, that anyone he brings into the fold, if indeed there even is anyone he can, will be in just as much danger as he is.
That he is, in that sense, just as bad as the current rulers.
The arrival of one of the ladies in front of him is almost a reprieve. He has seen her about before, in his observation of the various kingdoms’ delegations, flitting about from person to person, but up close, she is even more striking. A far cry from the proper and collected Wellish crown siblings, her smile is mischievous, impish even, and while she is dressed in the formal dress one might expect for making the proper first impression at the Summit, her warmth and willful personality are clear just from observing her at a distance.
Now, with her standing right before him, her clear eyes and playful smirk are even more apparent, and, for a brief moment, he wonders if he has already gotten himself in too deep.
It is with some difficulty that he manages to tear his gaze away, only to land on another, far less pleasant, headache. After all, whatever he may think of his kingdom, he is, unfortunately, still a representative of it, and that means not allowing his crown prince to run rampant over all and sundry with his… forceful personality. Particularly to one as shy and hesitant as the young Wellish princess.
Before he can do more than suggest a rescue, however, she has set off across the room in that refreshingly open, confident manner, so different from the circumspection from the rest of the Summit’s delegates and not at all cowed by the intensity of the man whose very stature screams his arrogance and conceit.
Well, if nothing else, she would certainly have the gumption to stand up against the Revairan royals…
He shakes his head, pulling away from his polite farewell with more difficulty than he cared to admit. No, he has to focus, and not on the small hand in his, in the way her eyes sparkled a challenge at him. Not on how tempted he is to put aside his goals and plans, his entire purpose, and return to her.
No, he would have to be careful with her, this Countess Ariadne of Holt.
He runs into her, completely unexpectedly, in the garden, and he finds himself uncharacteristically warring between delight and dismay. He has already tested her, and more importantly, himself, once and found at once nothing and everything to worry about. She has proven herself to be honest, thoughtful, and caring in a way that he has almost given up on finding in the political machinations of the Summit, in the growing rebellion he himself is embroiled in. And he…
Well, he has proven himself to be far too vulnerable to her charms, a fact that he proves to himself yet again as he accompanies her through the gardens, letting her playful guidance and cheerful teasing wash over him, convince him that maybe, just once, he can put aside his worries and duties and be… himself.
With her mischievous smile and independence, with her bright eyes and golden curls—like daffodils and sunshine—stubbornly fighting any attempts at being tamed, he finds himself thinking of Elspeth.
For the first time, he finds that the thought doesn’t hurt.
He is not at the summit for romance or to find a partner. He knows this, has known it from the day he began making plans to expand the rebellion. His job here is to mingle, to find allies among the elite, to use external pressure as well as internal, and to maybe, just maybe, pray to find a solution that will not end another round of endless bloodshed.
That may, somehow, if it is even possible, grant those specters, the memories of his family, cut down defense in cold blood, that both haunt and buoy him, peace.
He is certainly not expecting to find her, someone who can still bring out the best in him, who can still make him laugh and tease and feel. Who reminds him that he still is, that he still can be, just a man.
And while he does not dare speak of her, of how he feels, to others, not yet, he knows, and she knows. And that, that beautiful, dangerous fact, is the most important of all.
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altairtalisman · 3 years
Hey @angstmongertina, I'm your Secret Santa for @fyeah7kpp's 7KPP Secret Santa 2021.
The whole story is full of inaccurate portrayals of Camellia and I barely used a single thing you told me over anon asks so... yeah.
There's one more present under the cut as I didn't want to make this post super long.
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awaylaughing · 3 years
@quilleth hello and happy posting day! This is your Not-Santa for @fyeah7kpp's Secret Santa 2021. I took a stab at some nerd siblings, and I hope you enjoy it!
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fyeah7kpp · 3 years
7KPP Secret Santa 2021-2022: The Logistics
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Hello my darlings! I’m so sorry for being a bit delayed in getting this post up. Grad school caught up to me this week with multiple assignments that kicked me in the butt (thank god one got an extension).
ANYWAY, I have checked in with everyone about the current timeline of the gift exchange, and from the sounds of it, some people are ready while others wouldn’t mind a little extra time. In light of this and the fact that I have been incredibly negligent on checking in with everyone, I have decided to extend the deadline by one week, so the new posting day will be Monday, February 21st, 2022. Hopefully for the people who are mostly ready, this won’t be too much of a delay, and will give everyone time to polish up their gifts!
Now, the general logistics:
What: The Actual Gift Exchange Part Where: Here on tumblr.com! When: Monday, February 21st, at whatever time in whichever timezone you live in. The posts will be a bit scattered over the course of the day, but that’ll make it a bit of a surprise when your gift gets posted/seen! How: When posting, please mention (with the @ so they get a notification) of the person you’re gifting, if you can. If you can’t mention them (which happens occasionally, thanks tumblr), then try to send them an ask to let them know it’s been posted. Please use the tag “7kpp secret santa 2021″ or “7kpp secret santa” when posting, since I’ll be tracking those tags so I can reblog all the gifts here! (Yes, I know it’s 2022 but we’re keeping the same tag.)
We’re down to the final stretch, guys! Happy gift giving and hope your 2022 is going well so far!
-Mod Tina
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fyeah7kpp · 3 years
7KPP Secret Santa/Gift Exchange 2021-2022 Check-In
Hi friends.
I’d like to start by apologizing for being virtually AFK for the past month. Just writing because we’re about a week out from posting day, so I thought I’d check in on everyone. Do people feel ready for posting? If not, I am happy to push the date back for a bit, especially since the influx of Omicron and other things going on at the beginning of this year.
Please let me know by either messaging me or responding to this post (or saying so on Discord)!
Hope your 2022 is going well so far!
-Mod Tina
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fyeah7kpp · 3 years
Happy Posting Day!
Hey guys, just popping in to say thank you all for posting! I have not had a chance to go through and look at/reblog things (it turns out a bunch of things happened at once for school/research) but I PROMISE I will do so after class tomorrow morning!
I hope you all had a wonderful posting day!
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angstmongertina · 3 years
hello friend! it's your 7kpp santa here and many many thanks for including so much info about your delightful ocs into the doc!
what attracts lia to lyon and vise versa? how would their first date go be it at the summit or maybe in another au that you love?
before i sign off, wishing you a very happy 2022!
Hello friend and sorry for the late response; I’ve been getting ready to go back to my apartment tomorrow so things have been a bit hectic today!
Hmmm, I think it really clicked that they were both introverted nerds who understood each other at that level. Neither of them really wanted to be at the summit but they could be soft nerds and themselves together. She could get him to open up and he supports and complements her wonderfully.
If we talk about their first “date” at the Summit, I personally think of the scene in week 4 at the lakeside, which was so soft, I immediately commissioned a friend for art of it (I love you, @voidnoodles). In a modern AU, it would probably be a coffee date or a library/studying date. As for AUs, I’ve got a few in universe ones as well as the nigglings of a modern AU that I’ll work on someday involving one of my favorite experiences from college—ballroom dance.
I hope this information is useful! Feel free to ask if anything catches your attention or you want me to go into more details at any point! Happy new year!
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fyeah7kpp · 3 years
Gift Exchange Name Drawing Time
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Hello, my dears! As I said, I would be running a few hours (almost a day, whoops!) late on actually making the post, but sign-ups are now closed for our 2021-2022 gift exchange, and it is now time to draw names! Thank you to everyone who signed up this year!
If you have signed up, you can find the link to draw your name here! Don’t forget to check out the signup spreadsheet for information about your person. (Note that I am keeping it open for edits so you can add additional information if you want, but no new people will be added to the drawing.) It looks like everyone is happy to use tumblr to be reached, so let’s share our works that way.
I’ll be making a separate post with the details about logistics as the time gets closer, but as with last year, we’ll schedule a tentative posting day of Valentine’s Day, February 14, 2022. Of course, this is variable and I’ll do my best to check in on everyone to make sure that the timeline looks reasonable.
If you have any questions, please feel free to send me an ask! And if you feel like you want your person to post any additional information, feel free to send me an ask on anon and I can reach out to whomever you want.
Have fun and happy new year! Hope 2022 will be a calmer, uneventful year for us all!
-Mod Tina
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angstmongertina · 3 years
it's been a while, but your 7kpp santa is back again with yet another stupid question!
we all know that lyon's over 6 ft, but in your opinion, how tall do you think he is exactly?
Hi friend! Sorry I am very late, and there's no such thing as stupid questions!
Honestly, I never put a height to it, but just from the description, I'd probably peg him at just under 6.5 ft? Something like that? I honestly don't know tbh.
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angstmongertina · 3 years
thank you so much! it’s extremely late for me so sorry if this santa is not making much sense in my sleepy haze!
sleep related question, what does lia wear to sleep? does she leave her hair tied up or let it loose before she goes to bed? any little habits before sleeping like maybe drinking some tea or quick midnight munchies?
thank you again, i’m off to bed!
LOL no worries. You're perfectly understandable. And sorry AGAIN for the delayed response; IRL stuff was messy yesterday thanks to the weather (ie my flight got canceled/rebooked) but that's been taken care of.
Um, I imagine she would wear some sort of nightgown. If you're talking in 7KPP-verse, I would imagine some traditional-style Chinese sleeping robes (I borrow very heavily from Chinese culture for Jiyel because that's what I'm most familiar with). In a modern AU, probably a nightgown in the warmer months and some muted, two piece pajamas in the winter months? Pretty plain, with a definite focus on function over fashion. Hair would probably be let loose, and unless she has to drag Lyon to bed, because he's the only person who could and would stay up later than she does, she probably is the kind of person who just works until she's nearabout passing out and then goes to bed.
I love them, but they're both workaholic disasters.
Hope this helps! :D
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fyeah7kpp · 3 years
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[id: a banner made from the title page of the game Seven Kingdoms: The Princess Problem with the text Promptober 2021 underneath]
Don’t ask how much time I spent just to make that banner.
Hello, my lovelies! I have finally gotten off my butt to finish putting together the Promptober 2021 list! And yes, we’re changing it to to Promptober to make it more apparent that the list is meant to be for all types of media, not just writing... even if there’s usually where my brain first goes!
Anyway, in case you didn’t see the previous post, we’re going to be doing something slightly different this year! The first week will be following the prompt list that was created (and BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED) by the ever-talented @teaandinanity​, found here! Meanwhile, for the rest of the month, I have once again set up a daily word list, which you can find at the end of the post. Just like last year, I’ll also be posting a prompt every day as a reminder.
As ever, there is absolutely no pressure to participate, or to participate in every day. It’s always just meant as a fun way to pass some time, and to stretch your creative muscles before Secret Santa [winkwink].
For all who want to participate, feel free to mention me, as always, and I’ll try my best to reblog them! And of course, I’ll be tracking the tag, this year “7kpp promptober 2021,″ as well as “7kpp pumpkin spice promptfest” for the first week.
A list of all of the words (for copy-pasting purposes or otherwise) is posted under the cut!
Hope your fall is going well and that you’re taking time to take care of yourselves!
-Mod Tina
P.S. Note that if you want to contact me on my main tumblr account, I have changed my URL! It is now @angstmongertina​. Thank you! <3
[For the first seven, please choose from Tea’s list linked above]
8. Behold
9. Supplement
10. Figure
11. Error
12. Simulate
13. Arrival
14. Reward
15. Distress
16. Frequent
17. Ephemeral
18. Within
19. Return
20. Ancestral
21. Vapor
22. Murmur
23. Fluent
24. Justice
25. Sympathy
26. Glint
27. Vibrant
28. Contrast
29. Yesteryear
30. Honor
31. Success
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altairtalisman · 3 years
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Since the 7KPP Secret Santa 2021 event was pushed back by a week, I decided to do something that's 100% not canon for Valentine's Day.
I have no idea how Week 7 will go since I'm not an alpha backer, nor would I want to spoil anything even if I am, so this is just me assuming that there's a ball or something in Week 7.
Anyways, here's some implied Willow x Rose content that's really just for my own viewing pleasure.
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fyeah7kpp · 4 years
7KPP Secret Santa 2020
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Hello, my dears!
2020 has been a long, troubling year for many of us (especially right now with the election for our US citizens) but I’m proud of you all for making it through! Now that we’re once again nearing winter holiday season, I thought it’d be fun and hopefully relaxing to kick off another round of Secret Santa/holiday gift exchange for the fandom! (For some gift ideas or just to see what cool and creative presents people have made, feel free to check out last year’s collection, found here!)
As with last year, if you’re interested in participating, please fill out this Google Spreadsheet. In order to give everyone time to draw names and create gifts, I’m planning on closing the sign-up on November 21st, 2020 at 11:59 PM EST, so please try to at least sign your name up by then. I hope to be able to have the drawing all set up a few days after that. As before, the gift exchange posting day will be tentatively scheduled for January 1st, 2021, but we can check in as the time gets closer to get a better idea of how people are looking.
I leave guidelines for the gifts open for each participant. The only thing I ask is to try and avoid alpha content spoilers so everyone can enjoy the gifts without having to worry about whether or not there are spoilers.
If you have any questions or concerns, please send me an ask either here or to @ravenclawnerd​ (my main tumblr) and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can!
-Mod Tina
Disclaimer: Just as before, I am in no way affiliated with Aly other than having an appreciation for the game and this is not any sort of “official” gift exchange. That being said, it’s been a long, exhausting year and we could all use some cheer!
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fyeah7kpp · 4 years
7KPP Secret Santa 2020 Logistics
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Hello, my dears! I’m finally here with the logistics post. My apologies for the delay; I’ve been pretty out of it with the passage of time this winter break, and I had finals and stuff until the 22nd.
Anyway, in light of some chatter on the Discord and my own personal severe case of procrastination, we will be delaying the deadline/posting day until January 15th, 2021. I’m sorry for the late notification, if you have been rushing to get your present ready, but hopefully this extra time will be helpful for everyone!
Now, the general logistics:
What: The Actual Gift Exchange Part Where: Here on tumblr.com! When: January 15th, 2021, at whatever time in whichever timezone you live in. The posts will be a bit scattered over the course of the day, but that’ll make it a bit of a surprise when your gift gets posted/seen! How: When posting, please mention (with the @ so they get a notification) of the person you’re gifting, if you can. If you can’t mention them (which happens occasionally, thanks tumblr), then try to send them an ask to let them know it’s been posted. Please use the tag “7kpp secret santa 2020″ or “7kpp secret santa” when posting, since I’ll be tracking those tags so I can reblog all the gifts here!
As before, please don’t stress about your gift! The hope is to spread cheer around, particularly with 2020 the way that it was, so this isn’t supposed to be stressful in any way!
I hope everyone had a safe and peaceful holiday season and I wish you all an early happy new year! Looking forward to seeing all of the gifts!
-Mod Tina
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