#7kpp au
awaylaughing · 7 months
Story concept: Corval Lady helps smuggle Constance out of Corval. Several years later Pirate Princess Constance kidnaps Corval Lady as thanks
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fyeah7kpp · 6 days
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Hello, friends!
I hope everyone has enjoyed the early access to 7KPP! Now that we've had a few months to play around and try out many MANY branches in the game (and Mod Tina has had some time to recover from finishing her graduate degree), it's time for 7KPP Week!
As a reminder, and for any newcomers to the fandom, 7KPP Week is basically a week of short prompts that we the mods come up with, intended as an opportunity to inspire and share fanworks that showcase our love for the game. Any types of fanworks are welcome, from fanart or fanfiction to meta, playlists, or just long rambles about your thoughts! We're all just here to spread our love and positivity!
Note: As the game has been out for several months now, spoiler content is perfectly welcome, and indeed encouraged in some of the prompts, and some prompts may include spoilers! Please be aware if you wish to participate or spectate!
So, without further ado, the details!
When: Between October 20 and October 26! Where: Post on tumblr (and elsewhere is fine too but we’ll be organizing here on tumblr)
The prompts are as follows! (Since some of these are rather vague, there are some more details and some questions that might help inspire you under the cut!)
Day One - Background (Remix) Day Two - Date Night Day Three - Letters Day Four - Angst Week (Turnabout) Day Five - Secrets Day Six - Suitcase Day Seven - Epilogue
Feel free to use the tag “7KPP Week 2024“ and/or mention this blog, and we’ll do our best to reblog everything!
As always, please feel free to send an ask/DM me if you have any questions! We look forward to seeing everyone’s submissions, and hope that you have a great autumn!
-Mod Tina
Day 1 - Background (Remix)
What is your character's background and why did you pick it? How do they feel about it? If you've talked about this before, you can instead consider the following: Have you considered using an existing MC for one of the secret backgrounds? Is there another background you think might be interesting for your MC? Elements of another background you could incorporate into them for an AU?
Day 2 - Date Night
If your MC had a friendship date (or a real one), what would it be? How would it play out? Who would they invite? What stat(s) would it raise? What would the achievement for success be named?
Day Three - Letters
Over the course of the game, we received letters written from loved ones of both our characters and our LIs. Who would send the LI a letter on behalf of your MC? What would it say?
Day Four - Angst Week (Turnabout)
Let's share in the angst of week 5! If your LI had a near-death experience during the courting phase, how would your MC react? Alternatively, did your MC ever consider breaking things off? If so, why?
Day Five - Secrets
If your MC had a discoverable secret at the Summit for other characters to find, what would it be? Would it be a chain? Something that is needed to get to know them? Is it blackmail material?
Day Six - Suitcase
Does your MC bring any non-essentials with them to the Summit? What do they take home with them afterwards?
Day Seven - Epilogue
We got glimpses of what the ending looked like for your character post-Summit. Are there any other scenes you have in your mind's eye? Anything that you would change? What does life look like for your characters after the end?
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quilleth · 3 months
Now that the 7kpp early access is out and the spoiler ban for weeks 6 and 7 is lifted, i can finally finish and share some of the fics I've been letting simmer for years!!
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But they all need to be finished some first. So with that in mind, and the fact i'm off this week...
I haven't played Elisabeth in the early access yet because I'm trying to get some sweet, sweet ng+ bonuses to try to get that special Jasper ending Aly hinted at on the forums on itch, so I don't *really* know how their story ends just yet! And yes a lot of these are ball or ball adjacent; i have been going FERAL about that for SO LONG!! I'm so excited to be able to shriek about that with more people now!!
Other fics that I know I started, but need to find which notebook or file i started them in include: a wedding fic, the aftermath of that week 6 dance lesson, the picnic date that follows this fic, mummy au chapter 2 (remember that? i do. it haunts me xD), and some smut because it's what they deserve after all that ust
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faejilly · 6 months
writing patterns
Rules: List the first line of your last 10 (posted) fics and see if there's a pattern!
tagged by @junemermaid, no-pressure tagging anyone who would like, because I have no idea who's seen and either done or passed on this one lately. PLEASE PLEASE DO IT AND BLAME ME IF YOU HAVE EVEN THE SLIGHTEST INCLINATION, I love seeing these things, I'm just brain-dead re: tagging today. 💙
1. Vakarian makes Shepard feel old.
Chicory, Mass Effect, Weaver Shepard, not on AO3 yet because I'm trying to turn it into a series of first/early impressions of the ME1 crew from Shepard's perspective. But then I've done Kaidan's first impression of Shepard already, so I can't decide if I should do her version of that or figure out another one. But also should I add Joker? I should always add Joker. But then in what order? (You can see the overthinking process here, can't you?) SOMEDAY I WILL WRITE WEAVER & TALI AND IT WILL BE DELIGHTFUL. She adores Tali. But also wishes to keep her safely in engineering 99% of the time. BUT ALSO...
anyway. back to sentences. ->
2. Emmett had known that he would see her.
Almond Blossoms, 7kpp, Emmett/Sheltered Princess & a lot of chaperone POV's. Also I posted that in September last year so this is clearly going to be a little depressing in terms of my ongoing 'am I a writer anymore?' existential crisis
3. “Don’t move.”
Never Again, Shadowhunters, Malec, sort of omegaverse, sort of weird magic bonds, a very belated prompt fill from the @knotinmyname anti-ai-scraping event.
4. The Matchmaker may have announced them, they may consider themselves engaged, this might be exactly what they should be doing as these connections are exactly what the Summit claims to be for… but Nathalie’s a 'known’ seductress and suspected murderer, but Clarmont’s only 'allowed’ here for the Royal Family to keep an eye on him, to make sure he knows how generous they are being with their mercy.
Relief, 7kpp, Clarmont/Ambitious Widow (Revaire feels!). Yes, that is just one sentence. Yes, I did that on purpose. No, I probably shouldn't have, but idc. 😅
5. Alec hasn’t even been Marked, still technically a fledgling rather than a Shadowhunter, when he learns that most nephilim can’t hear their weapons sing.
untitled eldritch angel powers prequel, Shadowhunters, Alec Lightwood & Politics is my jam, even when he's like 10 or something. As is weird magic and angel lore that I get to make up! Not on ao3 because I think it's going to be in a bigger thing, but I haven't actually done it yet, but I also get really tired of trying to rearrange my AO3 stuff because then I lose links and comments and brain power that should have been used for maybe writing something again some day.
6. All the dealers know Magnus’ name.
Fluff for @foodsies4me! Malec Auctioneer AU on the floor because it made me smile. (I used to be an auction block clerk.)
7. A familiar flare lit up his apothecary, and Magnus reached out to catch the fire message.
working title is 'wtf the clave is competent' and this is another playing-with-lore Shadowhunters prequel (that will eventually be Malec) started off via a Tangential Tuesdays prompt (which is a thing I would like to properly do again, but I keep not writing which makes it tricky)
8. An Omega heir to two old bloodlines in line for a Headship was something the Nephilim hadn’t seen in almost a century, and ought to have been prestigious enough for Alec to have chosen any path or mate he wanted. [x]
9. That was Magnus. [x]
These are both omegaverse prompts for the aforementioned anti-ai event and actually posted on time last June. Both Shadowhunters and Malec and just little bits and pieces of almost things. And fun on their own, imo, but. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
10. Cullen thought he’d gotten used to seeing this new Hawke in Haven.
Gladiolus, Cullen/Hawke, Dragon Age: Inquisition (Hawke as Inquisitor). Another prompt fill, a ficlet for a collection I have on AO3; its continuing existence is almost entirely @jadesabre301's fault.
Well, picking chapters and scenes posted on tumblr rather than my ao3 was probably good for my sanity, since my ao3 is a bit of a mess.
I seem to start with very declarative sentences this past year or so: we are here and this is what we're dealing with. Which is not... how I have previously concluded this meme, but I'm not sure that it's really any different than usual, just more obvious. It's a habit developed, I think, in writing relatively short-fic and also playing with lore or setting, because I very much need to set up my framework if I want anyone else to follow it.
I definitely should try and play some ME and/or watch some Shadowhunters and clean up some of the bits that I would really really like to have as finished stories though. This has successfully reminded me that I do, in fact, usually like writing and still think like a writer, so that's probably good!
/thank you june 🥰
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altairtalisman · 3 months
Random Info On Emmet
- His MBTI is INFJ-T
- He's left-handed
- He sleeps for four hours, and actually can't sleep longer than that no matter how much he tries
- He actually gets angry more often than one thinks, but just smiles in response. Not that anyone can see his expression...
- His favourite season is winter, with Eva and Charles sometimes teasing him that his ability to use ice magic has made him biased
- His parents are dead due to old age
- His name is inspired by Emmet from Seven Kingdoms: The Princess Problem (7KPP). His surname is actually a combination of words in Irish, however I no longer have the list of words used to form his surname
- His signature song is Live Long Enough To Become The Hero by NateWantsToBattle
- He's usually an hour early
- Beings assume that he wears gloves because he's unable to control his ice magic. The truth is that his hands are extremely cold and he doesn't want to shock anyone he accidentally touches
- In a Real World AU, he's from Ireland
- In a Real World AU, he was 53 at death and worked at a soup kitchen prior to Cain dragging them down an 81 storey building after confronting Cain about manipulating Gerald into causing the fatal accident that killed Aileen, Brianna, Charles and Eva
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teaandinanity · 1 year
I'm not even sure which October Make Stuff thing I'm doing (possibly I'm doing like five of them, just, badly?) but I had three prompts at the top of this document while I was writing:
7KPP Promptober: Obfuscate | Inktober: Dream | Fictober: "It's not too late [...]"
Here's Calanthia, in my possibly-an-AU where she goes home after the Summit and pines for Jasper for 7 years while Fixing The World for a distraction from her pining.
Seven years ago, she fought for a spot as a member of the delegation; competition was ferocious for those seven spots. Particularly given only five were really up for grabs. An eligible prince and princess, after all, would hardly be allowed to remain in Revaire during a Summit year.
Eligibility as a chaperone is, thankfully, a less fraught affair, for all there is only one spot available. When the younger generation have begun jockying for the seven delegate spots, she makes it known that she wishes to go. The queen nods to her and says, with the ghost of a smile turning up the corners of her mouth,
“That can, I think, be arranged.”
There might be other candidates; if there are, they never truly contend with her for the position. After seven years being spoken of as Katyia’s successor, she has many friends, more allies, and all manor of favors she could call in. She hears a whisper that she has requested the place, and no other whispers materialize to counter it.
Most people seem pleased at the prospect, even if as a chaperone she will be tasked more with watching over the delegates rather than truly taking part. The consensus seems to be that her mere presence will encourage this Summit in a similar direction to her own. All but the most strident war hawks optimistically look forward to increased trade and stronger diplomatic ties, a rising tide that raises all ships.
Revaire’s position is worlds away from what it was when she attended her Summit; the disposition of her people, too, is wholly different.
She looks over the children, amazed at how young they all seem. It is not only in years; they seem less weighed-down, less weary, less wary than her own cohort. They’re largely respectful of her, but not intimidated.
When she was in their shoes, she was at least a little afraid of almost everyone with power. But then, the Revaire that saw her to adulthood was a very different place. In her homeland, caution was a prerequisite to continued existence. Care is still wise, but carelessness is no longer liable to get one killed.
Some of Revaire’s young delegates, in fact, could do with a little cowing; one boy, who does not have half Zarad’s charm with it, tries to flirt with her when the ship is scarcely out of port. She gives him her most unamused look, borne of being the second-eldest daughter of a large family, further honed by years of making a career of diplomacy and overseeing a sea of nieces and nephews. 
He looks less abashed than he ought. Well; at least he has the nerve to try to brazen it out. Courage won’t be enough on its own, and alone it’s no advantage at all, but it’s not a terrible beginning.
“You will,” she informs him, “need significantly more charm to be able to carry off that level of shamelessness with any degree of success.”
The other younglings have all gone still in a way that suggests listening for possible advantage, so she projects well enough to be heard rather than keeping her rebuke quiet and continues,
“Corvali would largely condemn you on the grounds of gracelessness, the Arlish and Wellish on lack of discretion and manners, Jiyelians on the breech of well-known and generally accepted social mores. The Hiseans often appreciate a little playful effrontery, but no one else is likely to be amused.”
“What about Skalt?” one girl asks, with a grin and a glint in her eye that says she, for one, would very much appreciate tips on how to flirt with a lady who could heft her over one shoulder.
“Don’t flirt with anyone from Skalt unless you mean it and you don’t mind being up to your elbows in snow for three months. The ladies are not inclined to marry out and they seldom send male delegates.”
She considers the group and then addresses the girl and the other young ladies.
“Do consider making friends, though; they’re generally very happy to teach other young ladies how to use knives.”
Several more look intrigued at that. The original young man looks nervous, now.
“They are not permitted weapons on the Isle any more than the rest of us are, but in my own year a Wellish Lord did have to be rescued from stabbing by fork after causing offense. Best avoid being in his shoes, mm?”
It’s a short voyage - only two days. Enough time for introductions amongst themselves, but not enough for anyone to really begin forming cliques that might hamper the Summit’s overall aims. 
A few of the children - and they are children - apply to her for bits of advice. Some of them want advice on deportment or conduct, and here she can only tell them what she told herself during her own year;
Be yourself, but be the best possible version. Be polite. Look for things to like in the people around you, because the point of this is to make connections. Express gratitude. Extend grace. Know your goals, and bear them in mind.
They do not ask what her goals were. All the world believes it knows; believes that she went to make a name for herself, the way ladies of middling birth are seldom permitted to do.
And they are not wholly wrong; she did want that, as far as it goes.
But she’d intended to do it in part with a marriage. A duke or a prince seemed achievable, if she could reach the Summit itself. Among the best of all seven nations, she felt confident she could find a partner to help her change the world for the better, or at least a friend to stand beside her and lend weight to her voice.
She tried to keep that goal in mind.
But she found a different dream, on the isle.
Everyone knows, now, that she, like Katyia, did not marry.
They generally assume this is because she, like Katyia, did not lose her heart.
It is the easiest lie she has ever told, because she never had to say a word.
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angstmongertina · 11 months
WIP Wednesday Poll
It's time for another poll, aka the way Tina forces herself to write words!
Mostly gonna be the same few options (minus the ones that tend not to get votes). Adding on a new one because I had a whole entire emotion earlier, and also adding an option to be a gremlin because I had An Idea. :D
Anyway, without further ado...
Thank you for voting!
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Ivory: Why are your tongues purple?
Cornelia: We had slushies. I had a blue one.
Clarmont: I had a red one.
Ivory: Oh. 
Ivory: OH! 
Lyon: You drank each other's slushies?
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djts-arts · 3 years
Art trade with @altairtalisman
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Who prompted Kit meeting one of their 7KPP OCs
Kit is still nerves interacting with other nobles even though she been learning for 2 years in the palace but is a bit difficult when it's the real deal and rose is just suprise to see something that isn't traditional
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leahazel · 5 years
Soul Marks
So there was a discussion about soul marks in one of the DW groups that I recently joined, and it got me thinking about 7KPP and how ripe it is for twisting up the soul mark formula:
Soul marks exist, but are interpreted differently by different cultures.
Skalt tribes still hold with soul marks and the more "civilized" kingdoms scorn them for it.
Alternatively, the other kingdoms have a strict romantic interpretation of soul marks, and Skalt doesn't.
Hise was founded by people fleeing royally-mandated soul mark marriages.
Vail Isle's library has a cache of forgotten soul mark lore books.
Delegates are chosen from the one-in-a-hundred who are born with soul marks, the rest of the population isn't.
The Matchmaker will only recommend marriages with soul marks (easy mode).
Revaire's old nobility believed in soul marks and the new royals suppressed the practice after the coup.
Conversely, as part of their general push for conservatism, the new royals made soul marks legally binding.
Soul mark lore was lost during the Great Wars, and Katyia brought it back with the help of the Vail Isle natives.
Soul mark lore was spread by the old Revaire empire, and the kingdoms rebelled against it when they broke off.
As an extension of the above, Jiyel is the only kingdom never conquered, and the most resistant to soul mark lore as being "illogical".
Conversely, they might encourage the belief that resisting a soul mark is illogical, from a certain point of view.
In polite society, it's rude to ask about someone's soul mark.
In polite society, someone whose soul mark is visible is considered immodest or indecent.
If your soul mark is somewhere that's difficult to hide, you're considered bad luck.
Not marrying your soulmate is gauche, but marrying outside your social class in unacceptable. Solution? Artificially tattooed soul marks.
P L A T O N I C S O U L M A T E S.
Nemesis soul marks. Rival romance potential.
If soul marks form when your soulmate first touches you, that provides an interesting explanation around touch taboos. It also has different implications for different canonical pairings.
Imagine falling in love and getting engaged, and then looking in vain for your soul mark. Is that grounds for cancelling the engagement?
Reblargle with your favorites.
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awaylaughing · 3 years
Link because somehow it disappeared? Or was never here? Even tho I def made it one...
Hark, a piece of writing!
Approaching, Michi bit back a laugh when she realized who the culprit was – and of course, she really should have known. Duke Lyon was always here, or in the other library, trying and, she was pretty sure, failing to avoid General Falon.
Briefly, she considered telling him that he’d probably be better off hiding in places the general wouldn’t think to look – like the practice rooms, or under water, but then he was probably smart enough to figure that out for herself, and she had more pressing issues today. Quietly, she crept over to him, ears perked for the door opening behind her, until she was at his shoulder.
7KPP, a rewrite (sort of) of Lyon's W1 encounter, ft. Countess Michi, no warnings at all except maybe for my sleep deprived parsing of the in-game dialogue
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krys-loves-otome · 5 years
I’m in a mood and felt like introducing one of my MC’s to the IkeSen Universe.
(Original post can be found here.)
Hello there, time-traveler / feudal heroine / warlord! What’s your name? 
...I regret to inform you that I'm none of those things. However, my name is Houki of Jiyel, one of the seven kingdoms. Pleasure to meet your acquaintance. *She bows, a very respectable young lady*
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[Link to the picrew used here~]
Age? Height? 
I am 23 years old and I am five feet tall. 
What’s your fashion like? [Time travelers – pre & post-wormhole!]
I prefer clothing that is comfortable, but this country's dress is quite similar to home, so I do like it. The article called kimono? A little more restrictive than what I'm used to, but it's not bad. 
Where are you from? 
I am originally from Jiyel, known for producing the greatest scholars and innovators amongst the kingdoms. Inventors, philosophers, doctors, strategists, and great thinks have come from or have studied in Jiyel. Mitsunari and Ieyasu would love it. I'm sure Nobunaga would enjoy it as well. 
Feudal era – pros and/ or cons? 
Not as much access to printed books, and I sometimes get funny looks from the maids and vassals whenever I say I prefer reading over socializing,but not much different from home. Not especially. 
If you’re not in your homeland/time, do you want to go home?
I do miss my family at times, but as I was *grumbles* chosen, as a representative, I wouldn't have likely seen them again if I was married off at the summit, so coming here to Japan isn't much of a difference. 
What’s your home life like? 
I stayed inside studying for hours on end. Every book in our house was mine for the taking and I could never get enough of them! Father's war strategy books, Mother's history guides, even my cousin's romance novels were all free game to me. 
...Admittedly, I was painfully sheltered until being... chosen for the summit. I wish I knew more before then, let alone what I have to learn here in Japan now. But, I've always loved learning anyway. 
You just got your dream job! What is it? / Or, what’s your line of work? 
I'd love to be a library keeper, someday. Being a castle chatelaine is a lot more responsibility than I've ever had previously, but I'm proud of it, surprisingly. It's good work. 
Any other hobbies or skills? Do you use them / how do you use them in the Sengoku period? 
I love reading books. Any sort of book. I fear my room will become just as bad as Mitsunari's one day with the piles of books sitting on the floor, waiting to be returned to the Archives. I advise some of the warlords if they ask for my opinion. Though Nobunaga more often than not seems to be amused by intelligence more than actually taking it seriously. 
Where is your base of operations? Azuchi Castle? Kasugayama Castle? A pirate ship? Running all over the woods or in a secret monastery? Some other cool place? 
Azuchi Castle, with Nobunaga and those that are helping him towards his cause.
How do you feel about killing and violence?
...I understand that it is sometimes an inevitability, especially considering the atmosphere here, but I'd rather not be directly involved in it. 
Have you learned to fight? If so, what’s your weapon and/or fighting style of choice? 
The princess of Skalt, Princess Anaele, taught me some self defense, as the Summit was a prime place for 'stinky men' to 'steal himself a pretty wife' (according to her) and that I should have say if I want to be 'stolen away' or not, so she taught me a basic technique of getting away if I'm suddenly grabbed, but otherwise, no, I never learned to fight. Read about it plenty of times, but never had a need to practice it beforehand. 
What are you fighting for? 
Though I'm relieved to not be at the Summit, I most likely need to get back there before long. One of us running away from our responsibilities is already disappointing enough, my family doesn't need a second source of shame.*She looks away for a moment, concealing a soft cough*. 
What are your feelings about authority?
I... usually do as I'm told to do. I'm not well practiced in standing up for myself, but I'll do the best I can if someone is committing something horrible to someone else. 
How do you handle someone invading your personal space?
I... usually back away from them? Get away completely if they don't take the hint. Was this what Princess Anaele meant about 'stinky men' and 'stealing himself a pretty wife'? I don't think I'd like it if someone was invading my space. 
…do you invade people’s personal space? 
*blush* W-why would I do that? On purpose? 
Are you more open, or more reserved? Are you secretive?
I think I'm more on the reserved side. Not the secretive kind, however. I prefer to be honest about everything. If asked a question, I'll answer it to the best of my ability.
Is this the first time you’ve been truly in love?
I... *blush* Yes, it is, actually. 
What’s your style as a lover? (interpret this as innocently or not-innocently as you please ;) )
 *If this girl turns anymore red* I... I like holding hands? Kissing seems nice.. Oh! Sitting beside each while reading the same book is incredibly romantic! 
What are your favorite ways for someone to show you love? 
Sitting together, reading a book together. Them getting a new book that we haven't read yet and sharing that experience together. Spending time together looking at nature, just... being together sounds... really wonderful.
Do you use a petname or endearments for your lover(s)? 
No, I don't use pet names and he doesn't use any on me *she doesn't want to admit it, but her cousin used to call her 'Kiki' to tease her and she hates it. Want a surefire way to get her mad? Call her Kiki.*  
How do you feel about… 
I'm glad he gave up trying to get into my personal space once we started playing Go together. I still haven't managed to best him yet, but he always takes me seriously whenever we play. He says he enjoys the challenge I provide him (Go-wise), but I'd appreciate not being dragged to the battlefield because I saved his life once. 
Very doting, not unlike an older brother or a mother. He reminds me to set the books down once in a while and walk in the sunshine, as experiencing life is just as important, if not more so, than reading about it. I like that he tries to include me in things. Gives nice headpats too. 
He reminds me of Princess Anaele, if she were a man and had an eyepatch, with a lot more spirited energy, if that's even possible. Usually prefer meeting with him in small doses, but he always seems to have a good time with me whenever we're together. And he was impressed when I showed him what I learned from Princess Anaele, so there's that. 
We tend to ignore each other most of the time, but we both often find the other in the Archives when we need research of some sort. I met the fawn he's tending to and it was really sweet to see the two interacting. He was worried about me when he noticed I was not so obviously researching medicinal plants that aide in curing poison. 
A fellow knowledge lover, the hours I spent with him discussing theory, strategy, something interesting that happened that day, whatever came to our heads, I enjoyed every minute talking to him, no matter how long the candle burned for. If I could have one secret wish, if I have to go back to the Summit, I want to find someone like Mitsunari to be my husband, if I can't have him here. I don't think I've talked to anyone else as much as I've spoken to Mitsunari. I love it when we share our pinkies when we walk beside each other, how he holds me when we read together. I was a little baffled by him at first, expecting to be basically be his nursemaid while he helped me to adjust to coming to Japan, learning how much each of us love knowledge and learning, how positive he is... 
Oh, is this that love thing that was discussed earlier? I... I think I love Mitsunari, if that was the question. 
He likes to try and get a rise out of me and never seems satisfied until he does. He likes to tease me, but seems to stop when he can see when I'm ill, and immediately asks if something is wrong. I'd hate to send him on a wild goose chase if I told him the reason why I was sick, as I'm sure he'd go to the ends of the earth to find out who poisoned that letter and exact vengeance, but that's a matter in another world and there's nothing he can do from here to fix things, unfortunately. 
I... never know how to respond to him. Beautiful? A Goddess? Surely he isn't serious with his compliments? 
Mostly we ignore each other, and I'm somewhat scared he'll pull his sword on me if I say anything untoward, so I usually don't talk to him. 
He seems to have a hard time talking to me, or really, with women in general. He does like it more if I'm straightforward with him. He does like honesty, I've noticed. But a female customer coming up to him and starts casually flirting with him? I'm sure his haori is a paler shade of red than his face. 
He's a time traveler from this place's future. I think he may have had a brain aneurysm when I told him where I was originally from, muttering something about wormholes opening to different worlds entirely and how utterly fascinating such an idea was. However, I quickly found out about his love of knowledge and that's how we became friends. 
He seems like a person that's struggling a lot with personal turmoils and I can only wish things take a better turn for him. A kind man that has seen more than anyone in a thousand lifetimes should see. 
I had to blink twice and tell myself that he's not from Hise. I doubt they would welcome him anyway, even amongst pirates. 
He's always friendly with me, sometimes seeking me out if he needs a break from his loyal entourage. Sometimes I wonder if he's hiding something, but he usually quickly banishes that thought with a smile and a sincere compliment. 
I like looking at paintings and various artworks with him, as he always has something to say about it and I'm always eager to learn something new. 
Any other friends/notables? 
Before I was taken from the Summit, my friend there was Princess Anaele, Princess of Skalt. Skalt raises its women to be warriors and to be strong. She was the first to introduce herself to me and she taught me my first practical defense skill. The time we spent together, she always came to events I organized (even when she was very much out of her depth), and was always the first to jump to my defense whenever another delegate insulted me. If the Summit wasn't supposed to be about marriage and political alliances, I wish I could be best friends with Ana. Maybe more, if that's possible. 
Jiya, my cousin. She was originally meant to be a delegate, but her sudden marriage had me being the one to replace her. 
Freestyle! Tell us anything else you’d like to share!
[Just gonna give a little more stuff as an aside so that some things she talks about make more sense.]
[Houki is originally an MC I created based on the lore surrounding the game Seven Kingdoms: A Princess Problem. Her base from the game is called 'A Minor Lady with a Scholarly Bent.' Her home country, Jiyel, as she said, is a powerhouse for knowledge despite its small size, and her love of knowledge is based on that origin.] 
[The Summit is a gathering of seven delegates from each of the seven countries for seven weeks to discuss alliances: political, marriage, or otherwise. Houki... wasn't chosen originally for this duty. For Jiyel in particular, they have to pass a test in order to become a delegate that goes to the Summit. Her cousin, Jiya, originally had passed the test and was chosen to go, but she suddenly gets married and isn't qualified to go anymore, so Houki is now forced into her place instead.] 
[Mentions of her getting sick also happened at the Summit. She receives a poisoned letter meant for her cousin and now she's slowly dying from the poison as the paper of the letter was literally covered in poison, whoops. She'll probably spend a good portion of her time in the Sengoku looking for a cure or at least something to ease the pain of her slowly dying. Because we all love a bit of angst every once in a while.] 
[Jiyel is the scholar country, Skalt is the women warrior nation (and Anaele is Houki's first friend (and my first route of the game, making her Houki's first girlfriend) when she gets to the Summit (and Anaele is best girl, I love her), Hise is a nation of pirates and they're awesome.] 
[The game itself is still in its demo stage, unfortunately, but from what I've played thus far, I'm in love with it. I'm considering bringing over my other MC from the game, Ophelia, the Ambitious Widow, but she needs a little further development before I can start bringing her into other fandoms.] 
[Here's a link to the website to learn more about the game itself, as well as a demo that goes up to week 3 of the game (I know there's a version out there that goes up to week 5, but I don't know if it still works or not, so I'll just use what I can find from the official page)] 
[And found this meme originally from @nyktoon-in-otomeland]
Thanks for introducing yourself! ♡ 
*she bows* Thank you for your time.
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quilleth · 2 years
hiiiiiiiiii 7kpp santa here!!!! wanted to ask if ur ocs would us ig if they were in a modern au n if so wht r their handles???? hope ur having a great weekend!!!! 🥰🥰🥰
Hello!! Sorry it's taken me a while to get back to this!
Elisabeth would probably use Instagram, with something like celandine or another plant related name as her username, since she's my flora and fauna nerd lol. I don't know that she'd post very regularly
Enid might, and I'm going to say she's probably as bad at choosing usernames as I am so something like countessofholt or something as a username xD lots of outdoorsy kind of pictures probably
Alvida would have a very aesthetically pleasing Instagram feed but I have no idea what kind of username she'd have >< unlike Enid she would not use something relating to where she's from. I know that's not helpful sorry! She might use something with elf in it, since alvida means elf, but she also goes by vida as a nickname
Noah absolutely uses Instagram and along with posting lots of random things would probably be the most likely to share selfies. He is a gremlin and his username is probably something about aliens and/or in leet speech xD 10/10 would make cryptid references. Also would use vine to make videos of himself annoying Elisabeth and their other siblings lol
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faejilly · 1 year
Tangential Prompt Requests!
Inspired by @alexanderlightweight's "Writing Wednesday" I am opening up my askbox for requests! With the usual caveat that whatever I come up with may bear very little resemblance to whatever you thought you had in mind.
(Or, as I have previously put it when making things: the voices in my head are smarter than I am, and they do NOT tell me what they're doing, so we all get whatever we get and can be surprised together!)
Feel free to ask about any of my published fic, or request new ones. You may cruise my #prompt requests tag for ideas if you'd like, just be sure to tell me which meme if applicable. If you're a relatively recent follower/lurker my writing tag is #jilly writes and my ao3 is here.
I am accepting:
Writing Prompts!
Questions regarding: lore, worldbuilding, headcanons, OC's etc. (I do have a specific SH meta tag, #my sh rambling, but for all the rest it's just kind of... somewhere? 🍀)
Fanmix/Podfic requests (LMK if you need more clarification on that one.)
Primary Fandoms:
Shadowhunters: I tend to write Malec, and I probably won't write either Alec or Magnus with someone else, but I enjoy the entire extended (TV) cast so feel free to go wild.
BioWare: Mass Effect, Dragon Age, Jade Empire
Secondary Fandoms are too numerous to list and include an eclectic range of books/TV shows/movies/video games. Feel free to ask about anything, especially if you've seen me flail about it here or post something on ao3/spotify. I will enjoy the question, even if don't have an opinion, promise!
If you'd like some suggestions about stuff I'm currently working on?
Highlights From The Unending WIP List of Doom™️
#apples vs oranges (not on AO3 yet) A Malec a/b/o story with Nephilim!wings and weird lore and fantasy politics. (Yeah, I will eventually manage a better blurb for that.)
d.c. al coda: DA2 epilogue(s) (Adelaide Hawke/Sebastian Vael)
they have hung my heart with a sunset reasonably canon compliant Shadowhunters epilogue with Inquisitor Alec Lightwood & High Warlock of Alicante Magnus Bane in Alicante
Floralegia: Weaver Shepard from Mass Effect (original trilogy, f!shenko, earthborn, war hero, paragon, nerd, etc.)
clizzy!AU a very much not canon compliant Shadowhunters epilogue where-in they are all still in NYC and also eventually I will get Clary & Izzy to make out. Hopefully.
Anything 7KPP!
Sagacious Zu/Spirit Monk (#Icy Yaling) from Jade Empire
I have discovered, these last few weeks, that I am kind of terrible at doing one-shot scenes anymore, even though I used to write them all the time. So I may write several fills and make sure I know how they go together before I start posting. If you're ever curious whether I got your prompt, or what the status is, feel free to ask and I'll check. ❤️
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altairtalisman · 2 years
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Hey @quilleth, I'm your Secret Santa for @fyeah7kpp's 7KPP Secret Santa 2022
Above is a coffee shop AU Noah/Hamin shown from Elisabeth's IG story, didn't really know what Noah would use for his IG handle so I went with some basic handle based on his interests
Below the cut is... I'm just going to label it as an extra that I tossed in
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A small ramble that I'll dump here but I can't believe I was lucky enough to get you for Secret Santa, I've always wanted a reason to express my gratitude for Midsummer Exchange 2020
I went through your stories and this line from Autumn Sonatine Chapter 2:
Hamin pulled off a scarf and carefully arranged and tied it over Noah’s head, “let’s start with getting you dressed properly.”
It just made me feel the fluff between these two so I drew this scene, decided to use the scarf in Noah's design because might as well make the Jiyelese attire more suited to what pirates would wear
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queen-scribbles · 2 years
Fic Writer Meme
tagged by @swtorpadawan
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 
247 from fourteen different fandoms. I could bump the number a little if I remembered to crosspost my 7kpp fics xD
2. What’s your total AO3 word count? 
860,613 holy f*CK man
3. What are your top 5 fics by kudos? 
I’m gonna do by hits, bc I know two of the top five by kudos got hit with the stupid kudos bot and aren’t accurate :|
Third Time’s the Charm(PoE), Of Wardens and Pariahs(Dragon Age), Everything(SWtOR), Redux(SWtOR), The Basics(PoE) (you have no idea how much it pleases me that both the SWtOR ones are Tragen/Jaesa :3 my babies deserve it)
4. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? 
Oh, yes! I appreciate people taking time to let me know what they think and want to thank them for that. Sometimes it takes me a while to get around to replying, but I try to reply to everything.
5. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending? 
Ooof. Few contenders... There’s the Tragen/Jaesa one when she thinks he died on the Wild Space Expedition. Or one of the SebHawke ones for Dragon Age focused on when Astrid actually dies bc I left her in the Fade for HLtA :))) OR Following After, which is Greedfall fic, De Sardet & Constantin, so the angst is baked right there.
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending? 
Even more contenders here, since fluff is my jam. xD I’m gonna go with a tie between The Honest Truth and Certain as the Sun, both Edér/Charity(OC) fics for Pillars of Eternity, bc one ends with a proposal and cuddling after a long run of Fake Dating/Mutual Pining(YES that was torture for me to write JUST KISS), and the other ends with their wedding, so. :D
7. Do you write crossovers? If so, what’s the craziest one you’ve written? 
Not really. I’ve done a couple with fictional characters coming to the real world or modern AUs, but the closest I usually come is two protags from the same game sharing a universe (AJ and Kira being Wayhaven flatmates and bffs, Harvey and Trinne both getting recruited in OWaP)
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic? 
Not for my writing. I get a few of the backhand “I usually hate Sebastian but he’s cute when you write him :D’ comments on my Sebhawke fics, and and someone once spent half their comment on an OWaP chapter mentioning how they hate Carver bc I gave him a cameo. xD
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Noooo. I’ll do the lead up(Keme/Jorgan are especially fond of that), but I always ftb for the sex and then cut back.
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen? 
Not as far as I know
11. Have you ever had a fic translated? 
Nope. (Anyone ever wants to, they’re welcome to, and I’m honored)
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before? 
Of Wardens and Pariahs 
13. What’s your all time favourite ship? 
Harvey/Trinne, no contest (I love my other ships an awful lot, but those two are just /clenches fist AAAAAHHHHHHHHH)
14. What’s a WIP that you want to finish, but don’t think you ever will? 
The Brykar longfic, lmao. I keep saying THIS YEAR I’LL DO IT and then other things come up and I don’t. I still want to write it bc it’s a COOL IDEA but idk if it’ll ever happen
15. What are your writing strengths?
Banter and combat scenes, my beloveds.
16. What are your writing weaknesses? 
Arguments and anything that would give me secondhand embarrassment to write xD
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic? 
I used to do it a lot in my Dragon Age stuff, but now I tend more on the side of just doing a word or two that can easily be picked up from context.
18. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Knights of the Old Republic
19. What’s a fandom/ship you haven’t written for yet, but want to? 
mmmm, I think I’ve written for all fandoms ones I want to. Ships... I’m always adding new ones, lmao 
20. What’s your favourite fic you’ve written?
All of them. xD I kid, but I really can’t pick a favorite bc I just love so many of them. I will say Unmerited and Taking Initiative were the first things to pop in my head when I saw the question, and The Honest Truth wasn’t far behind. (I’m also really, really proud of With Undue Malice, since it’s a character study of an OC who is not 100% a Nice Person. Which is what you get with a Ruthless/Colonist Shepard in Mass Effect, I guess)
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