queerxqueen · 27 days
Hey quick question! I saw that you talked about the legitimacy of 8flix and I just saw these pictures:
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Do you think 8flix actually is connected to the writers and has read the legitimate scripts?
Thank you <33
Could not care less about what 8flix Nick thinks of Byler and if anything this is confirmation that he's a scheming opportunistic grifter who took advantage of the byler community back during scriptgate.
Do I think he possibly has real scripts for season 4? Yeah, sure. But I've seen the official season 4 scripts (bc dustin book author privileges) and I still think byler will be canon. As much as I'd love to analyze the script stuff with you, it's very much under my NDA, so I can't, but I will say that anyone who expects season 4 scripts to have concrete answers to byler is severely misguided. The season 4 scripts do exactly what the season 4 show did, which is show us Will's feelings for Mike and Mike's apparent love for El while hinting at a deeper internal struggle for Mike that viewers are not meant to be privy to just yet. The scripts do the same thing the show did, which is show viewers rather than tell them all the ways Mike's relationship with Will is different, more open, and healthier than his relationship with El.
You don't need the scripts to confirm or deny Byler if you actually trust in your own analysis of the show and the groundwork they've clearly set out for Byler over the seasons. You don't need leaks or spoilers from randoms on Twitter, you don't need hints from the cast, you just need to watch the damn show and have a basic understanding of how romantic tension is built. Stop searching for answers from people who don't have them, people who are just saying shit for clout, people who are just viewers like the rest of us. Yes, that includes me and other byler blogs. Everything I need to believe in byler is in the damn show. Everything I need to confirm that byler is canon is going to come when season 5 comes out. Everything else? It's just noise, my friends.
So TL;DR I think he's full of shit and just speculating as a viewer so for the love of god can we all just trust in our own media literacy instead of panicking every time some random person spreads byler doubt
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greenfiend · 1 month
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On the topic of Band-Aids…
Sure Will “ripp[ed] off [the] Band-Aid”, but where did it leave us? It left us with an enormous wound, spreading all across Hawkins.
A heart shaped lake ripped apart in the centre.
Obviously, that wound needs to heal, and somehow I doubt Mike and El’s “love” for each other will help matters. Especially since Mike’s “love” speech to El occurred right before this wound opened up.
People who simply study scripts and script writing only know a portion of what’s going on. A lot of clues come from the visuals and subtleties that are not written on a page.
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bylerworld · 1 month
just read the words nick and 8flix and scripts and suddenly it's august 2022 and i've been waiting two whole days for a stupid email with a word document in it to be sent to people god these are war flashbacks for real
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If you want confirmation that 8flix doesn't know shit about Mike's journey, you simply need to listen to what Finn says in his interviews. Why would Finn need to ask the Duffers why Mike is so oblivious to Will's feelings if it was written in the scripts? Why would Finn say back in S3 that he sometimes struggles to understand Mike's reactions if the scripts were that explicit? Finn never said such things about the other characters he plays. It's pretty obvious that to understand how he should act in a scene involving Mike, he gets guided by what the Duffers + Shawn tell him. This is why he sometimes doesn't get why Mike did smth or said something. If Finn struggled to understand Mike's behavior just based on the scripts then it means that Mike's journey cannot be understood just based on them. You should look further.
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dukeofdelirium · 1 month
I was inclined to believe Nick before that post, but his response indeed reads like he took advantage of the byler community back in the day only to come back 2 years later and not only confirm he was just using our hype, but also lowkey call us illiterate and delusional. Biggest red flag ever.
Yup, that’s what I’m saying. He took advantage of ppl bc he saw the buzz of the ship community, he got what he wanted and then dipped when the writers exposed is lying ass on socials. Now he sounds like he’s batting for mileven for multiple reasons, one being that he probably figures he can’t scam bylers anymore since most are wary of him for good reason. And two, he might try to scam milevens this time around lol. Especially with how desperate they’ve been for any news, it wouldn’t shock me if he tries to do something like that. Which would be awful. As much as I don’t like the ship or most of the shippers, no one deserves to get scammed.
Ppl are too damn gullible. Don’t trust random ppl online who claim they have sources or know stuff. No matter how you dice it, this 8flix guy is a fraud. He was lying then or he’s lying now. And regardless of when you think he was lying, at the end of the day, he’s a thief.
Seriously guys, don’t give some asshole your hard earned money for crumbs of info that are very likely not true. It’s fine to speculate. It’s fine to theorize. It’s all in good fun. But it stops being fun when someone starts asking people for pay outs. It starts being a concern the second people start getting stolen from
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fairyrona · 1 month
my mouth is dry as california summer rn
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luckybyler · 29 days
So I replied to that post by Nick from @8flix that has everybody worked up:
But I want to make it its own post for visibility. So here’s my reply:
I don’t claim to be an expert on scripts and I have zero access to leaks or spoilers, but as far as I know, scripts are made for actors to know what the character is supposed to be thinking and feeling during that exact scene.
Will being “fully resigned to knowing that he’s just ripped off the Band-Aid” doesn’t mean that he stopped loving Mike, or that he has successfully moved on, or even that he has actually “ripped off the Band-Aid” for that matter. It only tells us that, as far as Will knows, there is no hope of him and Mike ever getting together. It certainly tells us nothing about Mike’s feelings. Mike has no idea that there’s even a band-aid or a wound, and he’s 50% of the Byler equation.
As for “bigger plans” (for Will), that doesn’t tell us anything about whether Byler will be endgame or not either. Especially considering that Will’s sexuality and his feelings for Mike are clearly embedded in his piece of the supernatural plot. That would be like saying that there was no time to talk about Chrissy’s eating disorder because she was too busy trying to run from Vecna: the two things are inextricably linked.
Again, I don’t know the Duffers or even the person that mops the floor at filming locations, and the Duffers can write literally whatever they want, up to and including “this was all a dream”. But logic and my experience of growing up watching telenovelas tell me that a character thinking that something is over doesn’t mean it is.
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twoplayer-game · 1 year
sit down son. let me tell you about scriptgate.
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bylerpolls · 6 months
Do you know what dry as a california summer refers to?
A) Know? I was THERE. I was in the Trenches.
B) Yes, I’ve heard of it but after the fact
C) I didn’t know that was a real thing? I’ve heard rumors, but I thought it was like a Byler meme or something. Tell me more.
D) No, what’s that? I’m relatively new here
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doriandrifting · 1 year
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This actually killed me.
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aemiron-main · 1 month
8flix nick… if youre reading this.. i think you would enjoy the brennergorgon post… i’ve since changed my mind on some things about it- for example, even though at the end of that post i say that i dont think brenner is a creature, i changed my mind shortly after that & i DO think that at least one of the brenners or possibly multiple of them combined or brenner sr/captain brenner or All of the Above IS totally a Creature/demogorgon-doppelganger creature- i talk about that a bit in this post, as well as talking about will recognizing brenner in that post!!!
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allonzy · 1 year
one year since stranger things s4 volume 2 dropped this means we’re almost at the one-year anniversary of the scriptgate too OH MY HAS IT BEEN THAT LONG
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byler-alarmist · 30 days
Part of the deal 8flix Nick cut with the Duffers' lawyers is that he has to pretend Byler isn't endgame to not spoil anything further lmaooo
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strangertheories · 1 year
I bet 8flix Nick was tickling his chin and twirling his moustache like a comic book villain as he hit post
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dukeofdelirium · 1 month
"And yes, he is calling bylers stupid."
This is the thing that is frustrating me the most about all of these fake leaks. They are targeting a group of people who want more rep on tv and trying to convince them that they are crazy and wrong to be shipping byler. And a sizable part of that group are letting them do it. They are letting these random people manipulate them easily and those people are getting a laugh out of it. They need to stop listening to them. They are all assholes. All of them. They are harassing the people who make the show and they are harassing people in the fandom and it's entirely because people in this fandom are letting them do it and they get away with it. Stop giving them power. They don't know shit.
Couldn’t agree more. Ppl are just giving them the attention and platform they desire and they are blindly believing anything anyone says because they are desperate for confirmation that what they believe is true. If that person confirms, they support them without question and if that person denies, they freak the hell out and spiral into panic.
Like seriously, it’s not that big of a deal…. Log off and take a breather lol. None of these self proclaimed leakers know jack shit at the end of the day and the only way any of us will ever find out what is true is the day season 5 airs. Point blank period. Like I said, it’s fine to theorize and it’s all in good fun. Theorizing and connecting dots is half the reason this show is engaging. But stop treating these leakers like their word is gospel and as if they’re Jesus Christ coming down from Heaven to announce the great truths that only they know 😂 last time I checked, none of these people were in the writing room and none of them are the creators. They will never know everything, no matter how many educated guesses they make that may or may not turn out to be correct.
And like, if you’re still having byler doubt then at this point, I rlly don’t know what to tell you. Believe or don’t believe, but if shipping something is causing you so much panic that you’re acting like this and freaking the hell out and obsessing over it, maybe it’s time to take a step back and focus on something else lol… because this just isn’t healthy
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fairyrona · 1 month
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