#8x14 love is blind
superhell · 1 year
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taub as the tooth fairy is an image forever burned into my brain
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ratsalad · 2 years
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fullmetal-angelgrace · 2 months
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mar-sibilina · 1 year
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8x14 -Love is blind
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- Fran, admin
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(Actualizado: 22/12/2020)
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8x01 - Crash Test Dummies 8x02 - The Closer 8x03 - Tipping Point 8x04 - Full Mental Jacket 8x05 - Blue Man Dupe 8x06 - The Dumbbell 8x07 - The Eggman 8x08 - Cake Loss 8x09 - The Antisocial Network 8x10 - Off the Reservation 8x11 - Fraudway 8x12 - The Show Stopper 8x13 - Sucks for You 8x14 - Well... 8x15 - The Prize Fighter 8x16 - Sun-Fan Lotion 8x17 - Urine Trouble 8x18 - Irritable Vowel Syndrome 8x19 - Bad Carma 8x20 - Fast Feud
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2x11 - Get Out of Dodge 2x12 - The Love Expert 2x13 - Out of Fashion 3x08 - Inside the Vault 3x17 - The Good, the Bad, and the Uncomfortable 5x16 - Laundry Day 5x17 - Water Torture 5x18 - Hitting the Wrong Note 5x19 - Heckle and Hide 5x20 - The Chairman 5x21 - Wrapper's Delight 5x22 - Ash Clown 5x23 - Spider Man 5x24 - Stage Fright 5x25 - Training Day
1x01 - The Q-Pay (6x17) 1x02 - Rubbed the Wrong Way (6x18) 1x03 - Flatfoot the Pirate (6x19) 1x04 - Remember the Pact (6x20) 1x05 - Silence of the Lame (6x21)  1x06 - The Walking Dread (6x22)  1x07 - Take Me Out at The Ball Game (6x23)  1x08 - The Party Crasher (6x24) 1x09 - Dover and Out (6x25) 3x01 - Crash Test Dummies (8x01) 3x02 - The Closer (8x02) 3x03 - Tipping Point (8x03) 3x04 - Off the Reservation (8x10) 3x05 - Fraudway (8x11)
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verobatto · 5 years
Destiel Chronicles
It was a love story from the very beginning.
Hello my friends! This is a new meta from my Destiel Chronicles! This one is very important, we won't have Cas but we will have a lot of foreshadow for the crypt scene and one interesting Destiel mirror.
I want to say thank you to @agusvedder , she made the gifs for this meta and discussed with me the episodes. Love ya girl!
Okay, stop the cháchara. Let's start this...
Blue for headache
Episode 8x14 Trial and Error we had a very happy Dean having a place where he felt he belonged. He had his room, and he decorated it, he showed it to his brother, proudly.
But it also talks about one of his characteristics, the BIG PROTECTOR heritage from his father, and it shows when they traveled to find Kevin in bad shape, barely sleeping and eating.
So, the Big Protector button is pressed again... Dean went to buy some food, and medicaments.
And, just pay attention to this scene...
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Blue for headache... Blue is Cas, right? And Cas is with some brainwashed issue right now... Some headache... So is interesting how Dabb related the Destiel color coded to the pills... And then the green one, (Dean color) for pep, energy. That's Dean the one that will break that headache.
Another important point to remark is this piece of dialogue... Remember they were trying to figure out who in this family (named CASSITY... really Dabb?) Had made a deal with Crowley. Because they needed one hellhound for the tests. One man died first, and he was married with a lady... And this is what the lady says when Sam asked her how was she feeling... And she said this...
SAM You okay, Mrs. Cassity?
SAM You sure?
ALICE I really am. And... I know I shouldn't be because I loved Carl... I think. I just can't remember why.
Okay, she lost her memory, like Cas in the crypt, hitting Dean so hard... He forgot for a moment he loved Dean. This is a foreshadow for the crypt scene.
I don't want anybody else
Ellen was singing this alone in her room, the song loud, and she was drinking because the Hellhound will come for her... So... Is a very famous song... I just want you to pay attention because this song is connected with something I will point later...
I love myself, I want you to love me
When I feel down, I want you above me
I search myself, I want you to find me
I forget myself, I want you to remind me
I don't want anybody else
When I think about you, I touch myself
Ooh, I don't want anybody else
Oh no, oh no, oh no
You're the one who makes me come runnin'
You're the sun who makes me shine
When you're around, I'm always laughin'
I want to make you mine
I close my eyes and see you before me
Think I would die if you were to ignore me
A fool could see just how much I adore you
I'd get down on my knees, I'd do anything for you
Okay, ready? The woman is singing she doesn't want anybody else... Okay? And Ellen is screaming the song and the song is TOO LOUD.
Because Dean will enter the scene, and Ellen will flirt with him, she wants to have sex with Dean, and Dean rejects her. He-rejects-a sexy woman.
He will give excuses... But the song there is marking us the subtext. Because she is not Cas. And Dean found out he is in love with Castiel recently. So DEAN DOESN'T WANT ANYBODY ELSE.
I love subtext... Yum.
Another profound bond
Episode 8x15 Friends with Benefits talked about James, a cop that became a witch, he had this Dog/Woman Portia, a famili and he shared a profound bond with her.
The thing is, James was changing, he was having headaches and loosing memories... (Again the headache and memory, Castiel mirror).
The mirror was so blatant, that I decided to put here some points in common.
James was acting odd, and his weird behavior was pushing away Portia. And Portia was worried about him, just like Dean is for Castiel's strange behavior.
But let's talk about the interesting things Portia said about her bond with James...
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This is amazing, because since Dean met Castiel, they had their fights and one break up, but they always found the way to be together again.
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"I was getting too close to the humans in my charge. YOU."
The unusual relationship between an angel and a human, something forbidden, to fall in love. Is quoted in Portia's words.
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The UNBREAKABLE BOND, is a blatant recall to THE PROFOUND BOND Dean and Cas share. The melding souls, romantic and intimate.
The foreshadow for the crypt scene
Okay, now I'm gonna need you to pay attention to these gifs above, it talks about James and Portia dynamic and it was a huge foreshadow for the incoming crypt scene.
First of all, remember Portia (Dean mirror) was loyal to James (Cas mirror), and she wanted to stay with him till the end, but James pushed her away with his words and physically...
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Now, the first one is talking about how CAS will run away from Dean with the angel tablet because he needed to protect it from everyone, and to protect Dean from it too.
The second is a slight mirror of Castiel hitting Dean in the crypt... Look at Portia face, full of pain.
Now... Let's jump to the scene in which James realizes he was being manipulated...
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Remember Castiel killing a thousands of Dean? This is a mirror of Naomi's manipulation over Cas.
"You make me think I was a killer."
"You make me kill my friend a thousands of times."
Now... And you are gonna scream with this one, as I did...
When the manipulation was cut... James approached Portia and...
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James coped Portia's face!!!!! Like Cas will do to heal Dean in the crypt scene!!! And why they did this?
Because James and Portia are in love, and this is a very intimate and sweet gesture OF LOVE, ASKING FOR FORGIVENESS to his lover (!!!!).
Why Cas coped Dean's face if he could heal him even without touching him??? He WANTED TO TOUCH DEAN LIKE THIS. BECAUSE IT WAS A SWEET GESTURE OF LOVE, ASKING FOR DEAN'S FORGIVENESS!!!!
Because they're in love, people. Period.
Thank you James and Portia.
Let's move on...
Where are you, man?
Episode 8x16 Remember the Titans, we saw another man loosing his memories, another head issues problems...
But the most important from this episode is Dean praying to Castiel...
DEAN Cas, you got your ears on? Listen, you know I am not one for praying, 'cause in my book it's... it's the same as begging.
Okay, let's stop right here... Really Dean? So... When you were praying to him EVERY NIGHT in Purgatory, you were BEGGING HIM TO COME BACK??!!!!!! Okay... Not romantic at all... (Somebody shoot me in the head!!!)
DEAN But this is about Sam, so I need you to hear me. We are going into this deal blind... and I don't know what's ahead or what it's gonna bring for Sam. Now, he's covering pretty good, but I know that he is hurting, and this one was supposed to be on me. So, for all that we've been through, I'm asking you... (he's very earnestly praying) ...
This broke my heart right here...
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He's worried, and hurt, and he wants his friend, an angel, to take care of Sam... But not just that... You could say... He's just praying to let him know, to ask him for protection. To protect Sam... But not just that... Isn't just because he's worried about his little brother... Because then... He did this...
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He wanted to see him. DEAN WANTED TO SEE CAS. HE NEEDED HIM IN THAT MOMENT. He was feeling sad because Sam was making those dangerous tests... But he wanted to see Castiel. He missed him.
It wasn't just a pray, a beg, it was Dean Winchester trying to see Cas again.
Where are you, man? I need you here, with me, I'm desperate. And I want to see you. Where are you?
To Conclude:
These three episodes were a prologue to the crypt scene.
We had people with head issues, and a huge Destiel mirror.
It also showed us Dean does want anybody else than Cas and he wasn't just praying for Sammy's protection, but because he wanted to see Cas again.
I hope you like this meta, see you in the next Chronicles!
Tagging @metafest @magnificent-winged-beast @emblue-sparks @weirddorkylittlediana @michyribeiro @whyjm @legendary-destiel @a-bit-of-influence @thatwitchydestielfan @misha-moose-dean-burger-lover @lykanyouko @evvvissticante @savannadarkbaby @angelneedshunter @trickster-archangel @dea-stiel @poorreputation @bre95611 @thewolfathedoor @charlottemanchmal @neii3n @deathswaywardson @followyourenergy @dean-is-bi-till-i-die @hekatelilith-blog @avidbkwrm @anarchiana @mishka-the-angel-of-saturday @dickpuncher365 @vampyrosa @justmeand-myinsight @foxyroxe-art @authorsararayne @anonymoustitans @mybonsai1976 @love-neve-dies @wildligia @dustythewind @wayward-winchester67 @angelwithashotgunandtrenchcoat @trashblackrainbow @deeutdutdutdoh @destiel-is--endgame @destiel-shipper-11 @larrem88 @charmedbycastiel @ran-savant @little-crazy-misha-minion @samoosetheshipper
@shadows-and-padlocked-hearts @mishtho @dancingtuesdaymorning @nerditoutwithbooks @mikennacac73 @idontwantpeopletoknowmyname @tenshilover20
If you want to be tagged, just let me know.
If you want to read the previous metas from s8, here are the links...
Buenos Aires, October 29th 2019 10:19 PM
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what-the-whump · 7 years
Whump Profile
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Character Name: Little Joe
Show: Bonanza 
Note: I recommend the earlier seasons for two main reasons, one being the style of the show changed near the end so that personally through me off the later and because I prefer Little Joe’s personality more in the earlier season.
Season 1:
1x01 A Rose for Lotta: Siblings fighting/bickering. 
1x02 Death on Sun Mountain: Beaten up, black eye.
1x06 The Julia Bulette Story: Knocked out in a fight, carried away by brothers.
1x10 The Magnificent Adah: Badly beaten, carried away by brother.
1x11 The Truckee Strip: Beaten up.
1x31 Dark Star: Struck with a whip repeatedly.
Season 2:
2x01 Showdown: Pistol whipped/knocked out.
2x08 The Abduction: Beaten up.
2x09 Breed of Violence: Beaten up.
2x10 The Last Viking: Beat up, tied up, hurts ankle, shot in the shoulder.
2x27 The Gift: Knocked out, exhausted, dehydrated, tied up.
Season 3:
3x02 Springtime: brothers fighting.
3x04 The Lonely House: Pistol whipped/knocked out, beaten up.
3x08 The Friendship: Knocked out, Beaten up.
3x11 Day of the Dragon: Shot in the shoulder.
3x13 The Tin Badge: Beaten up.
Season 4:
4x01 The First Born: Beaten up.
4x10 The Deadly Ones: Shot in the back.
4x19 The Last Haircut: Pistol whipped/knocked out.
4x20 Marie, My Love: Falls off a horse/knocked out.
4x28 My Brother’s Keeper: Shot in the shoulder, attack by a wolf, sick.
4x29 Five into the Wind: Stagecoach accident, pistol whipped/knocked out.
4x33 The Boss: Shot in the shoulder.
Season 5:
5x04 Twilight Town: Pistol whipped/knocked out, dehydrated, exhausted.
5x07 Calamity Over the Comstock: Knocked out.
5x11 The Legacy: Pistol whipped/knocked out.
5x17 Alias Joe Cartwright: Pistol whipped/knocked out.
Season 6:
6x16 The Far, Far Better Thing: Exhausted, fight.
6x26 The Trap: Shot in the chest.
Season 7:
7x10 The Strange One: Breaks arm.
7x12 Five Sundowns to Sunup: Kidnapped/hostage
7x14 All Ye His Saints: Knocked out
7x30 The Fighters: Beaten
Season 8:
8x03 A Time to Step Down: Beaten, shot in the side.
8x11 The Oath: Pistol whipped/knocked out.
8x12 A Real Nice Friendly Town: Shot in the butt
8x14 Tommy: Shot in the back
8x19 Black Friday: Pistol whipped/knocked out
8x22 Amigo: Beaten
Season 9:
9x01 Second Chance: Shot in shoulder with arrow
9x03 The Conquistadors: Pistol whipped/knocked out
9x06 False Witness: Shot in the leg.
9x08 Desperate Passage: Beaten
9x25 Commitment at Angelus: Pistol whipped/knocked out
9x32 Pride of a Man: Beaten
Season 10:
10x01 Different Pines, Same Wind: Beaten
10x22 Five Candles: Wall falls on him, injured ribs.
10x25 Emily: Shot in the back.
10x26 The Running Man: Shot in arm
10x30 A Ride in The Sun: Dehydration, exhaustion.
Season 11
11x10 A Darker Shadow: Beaten
11x23 The Gold Mine: Beaten
11x28 A Matter of Circumstance: Trampled by horse, broken  arm/leg, sick
Season 12:
12x05 Power of Life and Death: Dehydration, exhaustion
12x06 Gideon the Good: Shot in leg.
12x08 Thornton’s Account: Concussion, falls down hill.
12x24 The Stillness Within: Blind(temporarily), in explosion
12x27 Kingdom of Fear: Injured ankle, exhaustion.
Season 13:
13x03 Bushwhacked: Shot in back/leg, sick, smothered with pillow.
13x05 The Prisoners: Shot in the forehead.
13x14 Warbonnet: Dehydrated, exhausted
13x20 Shanklin: Shot in the shoulder
13x22 He Was Only Seven: Pistol whipped/knocked out.
Season 14:
14x01 Forever: Beaten
14x08 Stallion: Pistol whipped/knocked out, falls
14x15 The Hunter: Dehydrated, exhausted, breaks arm.
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sebandmia · 7 years
Marry me. I don't expect you to believe that I'm sorry or that I love you just because I say it. I need to show you. Marry me. I figured out that I'm an idiot. I'm intellectually challenged, maybe even blind. I couldn't see that everything that I was looking for was right here, in you. I have a lifetime of work to do to make things right. But, I can't imagine doing it without you. Being human means I get to grow old with my best friend, means I get to help my wife raise her two beautiful children and their children after that, means I get to fight to be the man that you deserve until the day that I die. I love you. Will you marry me?
Stefan Salvatore proposing to Caroline Forbes for the second time (8x14)
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superhell · 1 year
park really out here eating the patients ice cream... channeling season one foreman behavior
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superhell · 1 year
house hiding from everyone bc wilson brought blythe to the hospital is sooooo. anyway
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superhell · 1 year
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looking EXTREMELY respectfully
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superhell · 1 year
houses scottish stepdad is trying to apologize for his reaction to finding out he has a kid and he's like "I could have handled the news with more" *gestures to the room at large* and I felt deep in my bones the next word out of that man's mouth would be "aplomb" and lo and fucking behold
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superhell · 1 year
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mar-sibilina · 1 year
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8x14 -Love is blind
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