#911 asks
texasbama · 1 day
Someone said it’s the hottest kiss on tv. Does their tv only have one channel?
Their tv only had one channel. PFFFFFFFFFFFTTTTTTT IM SCREAMING 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
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deluweil · 2 months
What did you think of Eddie and Marisol? Do you think she will be sticking around?
I think that they are dating,
But like all of the former gfs, she doesn't get much more than a couple of frames.
I think she's fun and comfortable for both Eddie and Christopher, but she isn't the center of their relationship, she isn't really a part of their world.
Buck is. Buck gets time, meaningful time with both Diaz boys and they love him and hog him as much as they can.
I think Marisol, will be shown very little, considering that 7x02 and 7x03 will mostly focus on the cruise ship and the 118 going to get their own people back.
I am hoping that by 7x04/7x05 we will be done with Marisol.
Because when Eddie needed help, and it was less about women and more about the moral support and intimacy of a home made by three people, Eddie didn't ask for help from Marisol, he asked Buck.
So that relationship isn't going to last imo, because anyone who is not the core of the Diaz home's heart will just pale in comparison.
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lemotmo · 18 days
I think yall are seeing it as him leaving, because that's what you want. They haven't written all the episodes, there is still a very real chance he'll be around.
Okay, nonny. I'm about to leave for work, but I really wanted to reply to your ask, before I leave.
First of all, goodmorning. Hope you'll have a great day today.
Second, I meant it when I said that I really like Lou. I'm sure he's a great guy and he seems happy to be part of this Buck storyline.
However, you're right. I don't really want him to stick around for very long. And that's my right, isn't it? We can't all like the same things. That would make fandom a boring place. See, for me, and mind you, this is only my humble opinion and I recognise that I could be wrong, he really is there to just be a plot device. Most plot devices don't stick around too long on 911. We've seen that in the past.
I've been honest that I really don't vibe with his character Tommy and the Buck/Tommy storyline. Do I want Buddie? Sure, of course I do. But I can appreciate other storylines if they serve the narrative. So I do actually don't mind Buck/Tommy for now because it has been clear from the beginning that Tommy is there to serve a purpose. He needed to be the strong confident guy to help Buck out of the closet. That was his purpose.
Buck is still on that hamster wheel at the moment, the only difference it... this time it's a guy he's dating. Tim has stated in an interview that he wants Buck off the hamster wheel. Well, up until now this hasn't happened.
So yes, I do think Lou won't be in that many more episodes. I guessed 7x07, but you're right, it could be a little longer. But in the end, he will leave. So, let me turn this around on you:
"I think y'all are seeing it as him staying longer, because that's what you want."
See what I did there? It's the same thing. None of us know what's going to happen on the show. So, we'll let ourselves be surprised. If you're right that he's staying on a few episodes longer, I will be a little disappointed, but I'll be fine because I'm a grown woman who has no time to hate or bash on characters or ships. If I'm right, I'm sure a lot of people who like Tommy and Buck/Tommy will be disappointed as well. And that's also fine, because, just like me, you'll move past it eventually.
Let's just wait and see for now. And remember, it's okay for people to speculate about characters, ships and story arcs, as long as they stay respectful towards them. And that is all I've been doing.
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kitkatpancakestack · 2 months
Hi K, can I hear your answers to 11, 13, and 21, because I feel like a hater atm 💛
OMG Frida pls I'm hormonal so I'm glad to be a hater w you MWAH ♥️
11. Worst part of canon
Every Buck storyline apart from Buck Begins has been so mid. Also if there is one hater of the Hen cheater storyline then it is me. Also I've been an Athena drops the cop jig and goes to law school truther since season one so every year I'm hoping
13. Worst part of fanon
Well. There's one thing I SHAN'T say on the no nuance website. But other than that it's usually to do w mischaracterization. Like idk in a lot of fandoms I can usually bite the bullet and ignore it or whatever but Jesus in this fandom it's a nonstarter I'm vomiting in my mouth
21. Least favorite relationship
Non hot take BuckTaylor obviously what a fucking train wreck gouging my eyes out just thinking about it. But also. I was not a fan of Bathena for a WHILE.
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Met Shannon and hmmm......
good hmmm or bad hmmm? 😅
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drunkeddiediaz · 1 month
Seriously people need to separate Eddie from buck like 🙄
People view him as an accessory for buck, it’s weird and other words I’m not gonna say because I don’t feel like opening up that conversation for the 100th time.
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woodchoc-magnum · 2 months
7, 27, 33
(7) Honest opinion of the show now - look I was pretty disappointed with the end of Season 6 and I made those feelings known. I also took a bit of a break during the hiatus, from Tumblr mostly, and just kind of recharged my batteries. At the moment, I am feeling cautiously optimistic for the new season - I'm genuinely happy that Tim is back, even though Lone Star is a dumpster fire that he's responsible for. I am really happy with the network change and I'm hopeful that it will breathe new life into the show. I'm excited for the cruise disaster; I think it's going to be great.
I still think the bones are there if they do finally commit to making Buddie canon. I hope all these Buddie pics that Tim is dropping mean we're actually getting something good this season. I hope that we can do away with the female love interests once and for all, because it's exhausting and I'm over it.
So yeah, I will reserve final judgment until the new season starts, but I'm feeling good about what we know so far. 🤞
(27) what would it take for me to quit the show - honestly... Ryan leaving would probably do it once and for all. I can't imagine enjoying it without Eddie. Even if they doubled down and introduced real love interests for Buck and Eddie, I'd probably stick with it.
Either that or I have to get to the point where I'm dreading watching it and spending more time hating it than enjoying it, and I'm not there yet. I'm still excited and hopeful.
(33) reason I started watching - well I love disaster movies, and this looked like a disaster movie in a TV show starring Angela Bassett so yeah, I did not need much convincing. Been here since day one, baby!
ask me about 911
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diazsdimples · 3 months
Y'all I'm going through it today, send me asks to distract me!
About wips
About headcanons
Fmk (cause why tf not)
Dumbass spec ideas
Give me a prompt and I'll write a teeny thing about it
Ask me my opinion on something! Literally anything
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spotsandsocks · 11 months
For the wee woo asks 32, 43, 44 🖤✨
32 well colapse or sniper
Well all the way- that was my gateway moment into the fandom
43 which season is Eddie’s best hair
End of Season 5/6 for me
44 who’s house/ apartment do you like best
Hmmm… it’s between Eddie’s and Athena/Bobby and it’s tough but think Athena’s house
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kat-rose-griffith · 2 years
Gif I had that same thought. Pretty much any circumstance where sperm donor!Buck results in a viable pregnancy is Bad News for the audience. Because either Buddie shippers will be devastated. Or the regular audience will be served that hot garbage and expected to like it.
Yeah i feel like that’s exactly the kind of thing they would do to try to slip in a permanent love interest for Buck that isn’t Eddie. Plus the fact that I recognize the actress playing the wife made me think that she’s at least going to be around for more than we think especially since they’re dragging this thing out for more than one episode
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shortsighted-owl · 1 year
OMG I meant to ask you 17 for the 9-1-1 asks 🤦🏻‍♀️ 😅🦉❤️🦛
Oh Hippo, My Hippo <3 Thank you for the ask!
17. If you’re driving and put any of the characters on playlist duty, what songs would each of the characters play? Who would get this privilege taken away by playing something that nobody else in the car likes? Who surprises everyone with amazing music that everyone enjoys the entire trip?
Bobbys got that classic dad rock mixed with some of his old ice skating routine songs, my money is on the bolero being on his playlist
Buck has my headcanon of lots of 90-00s pop punks and girl/boy bands from the time
Now Chim, Chim would have THE GREATEST playlist - this man lives and breathes karaoke and worked in a bar doing karaoke setlists - he would have a playlist with everyone's fav songs, some that the others haven't heard but he would know they would love regardless of genre - Chim would reign as the car playlist king!
Send me a 911 ask!
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texasbama · 22 days
I want to know more about your in-depth opinion on that part of Mara's plot so I'm going to ask you two questions, hoping you can start the ball rolling with that.
Would you have felt differently had they used a different animals in a different difficult circumstance like cats or animals not commonly associated with dehumanizing black people?
What's your opinion on that emergency in 2x07 where euthanizing the horse made Hen decide to take off his dad's life support?
Apology for making you uncomfortable with this ask, and I'm sorry for having your experience with the show ruined by the writing choices.
I think I can answer both questions at once:
I don’t think black characters (ESPECIALLY a child) and their stories should be paralleled with any animals period. And definitely not an animal that is showing violent tendencies or having been on the receiving end of something violent.
Im sorry but there HAD to be a better way for Hen to use a work call to make the connection. Mara represents so many little black girls and while I think its important that her story be told, it truly sucks that the writers chose to go that route with it.
This world already views young black kids in such a vile way. We are dehumanized from birth. People see our black boys as grown ass men-and treat them as such-no matter their age. They sexualize young black girls from the time they can walk. they kill us with no hesitation. So like. to watch my favorite show and they introduce us to this little girl who is clearly traumatized and then do that??? I’m not media illiterate, I can see what they were trying to accomplish with it, but a dog? A DOG?!! Be so fuckin fr.
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deluweil · 1 year
i really want a eddie worrying over buck moment cause we got buck worrying over/taking care of eddie 3x, 4 if you count his breakdown (1 - when eddie is trapped underground, 2 - when eddie was shot, still cant believe they did this, and 3 - when eddie was hostage) so like plz give us a eddie worrying over buck moment
Me too!!!
Before we had a fresh out of the military and conditioned to repress his feelings Eddie.
But post therapy Eddie, who has grown, grown himself and grown impossibly closer to Buck - I am almost positive that the response we'll get, will be so much more emotional.
Eddie once called Buck exhausting, and we all, including Buck took that as an insult, but in s5b, Eddie explains to Christopher that therapy makes him deal with his emotions and fears - and being sad, tired and scared all the time is exhausting. (I will gif it later.) - In S3a those unexpressed feelings translated into rage, losing Shannon, almost losing Christopher in the tsunami, Christopher's nightmares and nearly losing Buck not once but three times so soon after Shannon - took it's toll.
Because Buck filed the lawsuit, and it left Eddie floundering, he was drowning - he was tired, and scared and sad - and he didn't have Buck to support him. (In contrast to 5x13, where Buck was there as soon as he was needed.) - And it translated later into the street fighting phase. - But the one time we saw Eddie let loose on his emotions in that dramatic lovers spat at the grocery store, he revealed so much more than he intended - but the bottom line was "I need you, we miss you and you weren't there."
Whether we agree with it or not - Eddie himself tells Buck in 4x04 - that hitting things in rage is something he's done before and does not recommend it.
The point is - Buck always made Eddie feel. And pre-therapy Eddie tried as all hell not to show it.
But there are moments where you can see it translated in other ways - For example, in 2x18, when the bomber calls Buck "collateral damage" Eddie looks mad, he makes an aborted step forward, but his training holds him back.
There is also a continuity error in there, as soon as Bobby grabs the bomber, Eddie is already running to Buck's side getting to him first, but the next frame shows Hen running and the Eddie quickly following - but, it seems that originally Eddie, true to his medic nature was supposed to get to Buck first.
In addition, Eddie gets on the ambulance with Hen and Chimney to tend to Buck. And of course there is the part in the firehouse where Hen said that things are finally back to normaI and Eddie pensively comments - "Almost." - Meaning, Buck is not here. It/I will not be normal until he is back.
That is why I believe that now is the best time for Buck to get hurt, because post-therapy Eddie, softer, fonder, closer to Buck than ever, will show how he feels about a hurt/in danger Buck at the scene itself.
We see a glimpse in 6x04, where Eddie actually gets up from tending his patient and calls for Buck, who had just taken off on a bicycle.
"Buck, where the hell are you going?" - There is a reason only Chimney was witness to the following madness, because the writers didn't want us to see Eddie's full response to Buck being in danger, they held off on it, to when Buck will actually be hurt.
So I do believe, and hopeful, and Manifesting - that we will get a worried/frantic/in tears Eddie when Buck gets hurt. (maybe a henren parallel to 6x06? 👀)
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piningeddiediaz · 1 year
8 / 12 for the ask game? <3
hii!! thanks for asking 🤎
8. What songs do you associate with your favorite characters and why?
‘matilda’ by harry styles is buck’s song. no song bucks as hard as matilda does
‘till forever falls apart’ reminds me of buddie (“if the tide takes california / i’ll just be glad to hold ya” hello????”
‘this is me trying’ is eddie diaz through and through
‘please don’t say you love me’ reminds me of maddie and chim 🫶🏽 but also ‘six feet under’ by billie eilish is s5 maddie specifically
12. If you had to guess, what qualities do you think your favorite characters admire/like about themselves and what do they dislike and why?
oh i love this question okay!! with buck, especially after 6x11 it’s what athena said in buck begins - being buck means he doesn’t give up, and i think for someone like buck who has spent his whole life trying so hard that’s an admirable quality to have yk? he is resilient, he has been broken down so many times but he still goes forward, and he still doesn’t give up! and dislike might be his complicity - at some points, he does things bcos he thinks he should and not bcos he wants to (see: his whole relationship with taylor).
eddie is soft and caring and a healer, and i think he would like that about himself. that he is someone dependable, on whom his family can place their trust. he would like the fact that he is someone his family can come to when they need someone. and dislike- the repression?
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kitkatpancakestack · 2 months
22 and 23🩷
OMG hiiiii Tulip ♥️🌷
22. If you could put any other character into the 9-1-1 universe who would it be?
Probably bc I'm on a kick rn but Shawn/Gus duo (Psych)! Personally I just believe they'd elevate any show and I want to know the 118's various reactions to a "psychic detective" coming to solve their problem
23. Quote from the show that means a lot to me
There's a few. But I'm just gonna be a basic bitch here and say Hen's Redwoods speech. Bend with the wind, baby. That line has gotten me thru some shit over the last six years.
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not to be annoying, but I feel like I should watch tomorrow's episode when it comes out despite only starting on s1??
oooh I understand the conflict!!!! but yeah that's exactly what I did with supernatural! I had watched (on and off, I missed some episodes) when it was airing then gave up less than half way (so I barely remembered the story lines) then suddenly it's 2020 and I see 15x18 trending everywhere, and I watched it and my mind was blown!!! I couldn't wait to know how the story went after *that* (spoiler alert: it went bad 🤣) so I decided to watch the next two episodes as they aired and then went and binged the whole 15 seasons since episode 1.
so yeah, you'll probably miss some context or some references, but you'll still be able to feel the joy of watching the story unfold and later you can always re-watch to catch what you missed. ;)
ah! and welcome to the weewoo madness!!! 😂😂😂
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