#911 season 8 speculation
Happy Birthday Ryan Guzman!
It's Ryan's birthday. 🎊🥳🎉
Happy Birthday to Ryan Guzman who plays "Eddie Diaz" on 9-1-1.
It's Ryan Guzman!
It's Ryan Guzman my beloved!
He's so gorgeous!
It's Ryan Guzman who plays Eddie Diaz!
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Happy birthday wish from Oliver Stark.
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becausebuckley · 2 months
actually i know we’ve talked about the season 8 opening disaster mirroring the tsunami, but with eddie instead of buck, and i’d like to add that i need the ending song montage to do that too. i need it to be photograph again, and interspersed with shots of disaster aftermath, i need to see gerrard leaving the 118 (hen and chim and ravi watching in satisfaction), i need to see bobby and athena and the kids unpacking boxes in their new house, i need to see chim and hen going to the madney house together to have dinner with their wives and the kids. and i need it to end with eddie standing in front of his bathroom mirror, shaving/brushing his hair/washing his face, and i need him to glance at his phone, open to his text chain to christopher (showing us that they’re talking and working on rebuilding things), and i need ed sheeran to sing “wait for me to come home” before the song fades out. and i need buck to enter the diaz house and yell “eddie, i’m home”. and i need eddie to look at himself in the mirror. and i need him to smile.
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brass-tacked · 3 months
Bobby’s words to Eddie after the whole illegal fighting ring situation blows up, “I just want to make sure that you don’t think you have to lose everything before you can allow yourself to feel anything.”
Oh boy, do I think that’s going to be a call back in season 8. We already know he’s lost Chris. What if he feels like he’s lost Buck too bc Buck is off enjoying his relationship with Tommy? I imagine he would see Tommy as more of a threat to his and Buck’s relationship bc Tommy understands the firefighting side of things too. Tommy knows the 118, in maybe even accepted by them, and that’s so different from any of Buck’s past relationships.
At least that’s how Eddie sees it. He’s too blinded by his own grief and feeling so alone and that’s when he finally has his feelings realization for Buck. What he can’t see is how Chim and Hen are so cautious around Tommy. He’s blind to Tommy falling back in line with Gerard’s pull. He’s unaware of Tommy becoming more and more jealous whenever Buck is fretting about Eddie (which is 100% of the time). But Eddie doesn’t see it and doesn’t want to get between his friend and his friend’s boyfriend.
Eddie finally feels the love he has for Buck with his whole heart and simultaneously feels like it’s too late. He missed his chance.
Eddie is going to be an angsty little mess of a man who needs so many hugs.
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lemotmo · 4 months
So since this is the insider on Twitter saying this, should we take this as confirmation it’s not happening? Like if they shut it down again, I don’t really see what reason they have to change their mind. Nothing happened enough for Fox to do so, and nothing seems to have for ABC to be like yeah they were wrong if they are upholding that same No.
Hey Nonny!
Noooo, on the contrary! This is something that gives me hope for season 8. This season was packed with great Buddie scenes up until the finale, but it was also only 10 episodes long. This is a very short time to have two main characters come out as queer.
Remember, Buck came out in episode 4 and it wasn't that big of a deal to him. Eddie is different though. He will need time. They set him up to have a Catholic guilt arc and they went out of their way to show him interfering in the BT storyline.
So, most probably ABC told Tim that they didn't want two coming outs in one season. Which is still a pretty shitty thing to ask for, but it's network television and they have their audience to consider I suppose. Still shitty though.
Everything is set for Eddie to have some time to explore himself in season 8. He is now on his own with a lot of time on his hands to consider his relationships. Ryan told us in his interviews that Eddie will explore unexpected sides of himself and push that 'refresh' button. He said that he would leave the idea of Shannon behind. But where will that leave him? Combine this with the gender neutral terms and pronouns he has been using to describe his possible future partner.
After that interview he did where he talked about Buddie maybe happening, but with baby steps, he posted a picture over on Instagram with him walking up some steps. He added the quote: "One step at a time", which he then promptly deleted after a few minutes. Of course by then people had already screencapped it.
All of this combined paints an interesting picture for sure.
I have the feeling that there is a whole bunch of shit going on BTS that we don't know about. They are going hot and cold when it comes to Buddie. I suspect that Tim was asked to push the Eddie storyline to season 8, so he had to cool down on the Buddie promo as to not anger the fans too much.
I don't think a total shut down of Buddie is in the works here. If so, then they would have changed those scenes in 7x09 and 7x10 to put some distance between them. But instead they pushed them even closer together, setting them up as concerned about each other's mental health and co-parenting together.
So, no... this is not a NO at all. Quite the opposite. This fills me with renewed energy and interest about what they are planning for season 8. Although I will remain sceptical, because if Tim is, once again, planning on not planning out the story, it could all still go horribly wrong in the execution. Let's hope he is smart enough to start mapping out the storyline during hiatus, so he has a clear idea where he wants to take the Buddie arc.
What else can I say but: Never folding on Buddie.
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eddieisinlove · 2 months
maybe there's not going to be just bees but a bible-esque plague descending upon l.a.
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diazpatcher · 3 months
soooo if we get a Halloween episode what if it's similar to the while law suit thing, except instead of Buck and Eddie reuniting ("i forgive you" "just dont do it again") we get Chris coming back from the Diaz' parents as a suprise for Eddie, which Buck organized (similar to the Thanksgiving/Christmas dinner at the fire house)
what thennnn
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laylawatermelon · 4 months
Y'all i just cracked the davinci code and idk if you're gonna like it.
As a Buddie fan devastated obviously, as a 9-1-1 fan devastated obviously and as a writer absolutely blown away by the finessing they just graced us with.
They literally found a way to make Eddie straight and by God they've done it successfully.
Lemme explain.
I was locked in when he was having the speech with Shannon and didn't get to deep in the emotions (heinous ik but I wanted to hear what he was feeling).
I did get some water wobbles in my chest but that's neither here nor there. I did scream horrifically at the cliffhanger of the show.
Guess the nun did scare the life out of her (and me!) after all! Heeh should've seen that coming honestly but I didn't think they'd go there.
So there's two things I think is gonna happen, one Eddie's gonna go on more straight woman dates (yay 😮‍💨) and Chris is leaving.
Now the second one I'll address first and don't bash me if it's not trueee.
I'll get the Chris one over with. First Gavin, Chris' actor, family moved. Since he's become a main he's had little to no screentime in the show.
What I think has happened in real life it's that Gavin will step away from the show. They have him main to show his importance in the cast and storyline (i can also guess pay raise but I'm not saying that's unreasonable really) before his send off.
Realistically he's a disabled person, a child/minor at that, who i assume has a lot of equipment and things he has to travel with. I can imagine it's not that easy to consistently travel across states with equipment, doctor's appointments, schoolwork etc.
So this is probably his last season for a while.
The birthday party (which can also double as a send off or until next time message) and the promotion/upgrade in role despite not being written as such or having storyline outside of the adults.
(off topic but I'd love a mini 118 hijinks b story with all the kids or a low stakes disaster where they all team up until the 118 get there)
He's been hypocritical to him about cheating and even tarnished his mom's legacy by bringing a fake version of her in his house.
The reason i can say the story can effectively write him off for the first half of next season is that Chris will go with his other family because he feels betrayed by his dad.
He doesn't feel safe anymore (😞😭 I'm making myself sad) so he opts to leave until his dad gets better.
The hospital scene is Eddie realizing what his kid needs isn't a new mom but to trust in his parents and that's now shattered (ooh this starting to feel personal be gone trauma!).
So he'll throw a tantrum (a rightfully deserved one that's my boy😤) and say in anger he doesn't want to be with his dad.
Buck will obviously be there cause yeah Eddie (delusional hubby) clearly needs help in his hour of need and so does Chris.
Eddie will do self isolation. Buck will be there for him (Tommy probably staying too but I'm neutral for this post) but with everything Eddie going through he's gonna be wrecked.
And because Eddie's a (good? Eh so so right now) dad he'll let Chris decide when he wants to return.
Hence the heartbreak.
Boom it solves the Gavin problem where he can probably stay during the summer so maybe mid season 8 or limited role like how they did this season and his family can focus on him/life.
Now the Straight Eddie!
By God he's done it!
You've pulled a real good one. Tim I salute you truly.
Idk how you made a straight man out of him but by his you've done it!
(so did you Ryan I'm watching you!)
Since buddie isn't on the table this season the platonic hasn't been more platonic-er since season 7 episode 1.
The way he did it was so easy and smooth I'm in awe.
This is how he kept and can probably enforce straight Eddie.
This is also how he can not enforce straight Eddie (haha got you).
The line you were the love of my life but I'm living it without you now stuck out to me.
That means he's going to find himself and what he really likes without a partner. Therapy, hobbies all that good ish. Maybe a few dates but def church.
Here's why.
Church has been something he drift away and let's be honest American tv and society is still founded in Christianity and all of its adjacent branches.
You must have God somewhere in there for the older audience to tune in/connect with of it's getting a lil secular (aka the bundle of lgbt characters. They're probably saying at least one of em knows God😮‍💨😮‍💨) /hj
The book of prayers symbolizes him going back to God to find answers about himself.
Anyways for the straight Eddie he can get closer to himself better in his faith and get a nice Christian girl who he matches with and (maybe) even has a kid/ similar background.
Since he's been to therapy and he's let go of the love of his life he's now free to find love in someone else. A new woman. (And truly this time)
(or a man, or they/them)
Yes my queer Eddie agenda rises!
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But seriously though the other way it can go is that he's discovering stuff about himself away from romance. He becomes more comfortable with religion but when confusing feelings (attraction to the same gender anyone for $10?) arise then he'll maybe start to fight his Catholic guilt about it since he's gotten closer to it.
Then he'll have to ask for for forgiveness but not permission for the live he wants to live.
(with buck in a house on the waves! Let me be delusional! I've kept it under wraps this long!)
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But anyways they've truly dodged the lgbt fruity storyline.
They've also shown us that yes, Buddie was NOT platonic because I've never felt more friends energy in my life this season.
And what the AuDHD brain says is canon/not canon I vibe accordingly.
The vibes were low. Like a suspiciously low.
Dare I say subtextually low.
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That's not happened in the history of buddie this is a code red!
Okay I'm done btw hate me or whatever! /big J
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haven-of-dusk · 3 months
Thoughts/theories/predictions/ideas/possible plotlines/etc. for S8
I thought I would compile these so I don't create seven or eight posts in a flurry.
Bobby/Athena: Some type of tandem storyline as part of Bobby reclaiming the 118 from Gerrard's grip where he and Athena uncover a corruption scandal in the LAFD tying to Councilwoman Ortiz, Gerrard (obviously) and others. If more plotline is needed for them after that (if it wraps up by the midseason finale for example) then I would like seeing Bobby's health issues worsen bit by bit and him struggle to be honest with the rest of the team about that. Related to that plot, perhaps have Athena learn from Harry that Michael's cancer resurfaced with a vengeance and claimed his life (it's not like we're getting Michael back on the show anytime soon considering the actor's behavior), which compiles with learning about Bobby's health and starting to worry she'll lose him too. Plus both of them spending more time with Harry.
Hen: In addition to participating in Bobby and Athena's plotline of uncovering corruption and taking down Ortiz, I'd love to see Hen become more comfortable with leadership around the 118, especially in response to Gerrard. Perhaps have something happen in the field where Hen contradicts Gerrard's orders and the rest of the team (beyond even just our main cast, the whole rest of the team) follows her orders instead of his. And subsequently when he tries to punish her, say, by trying to make her scrub the rigs by herself, he finds the entire group cleaning together, chatting, and having fun (Hen didn't ask them to help, they just did so of their own volition) Despite being enraged, Gerrard struggles to find a way to punish them since it's not like he can fire the whole house, and any punishment he tries they find a way to circumvent, with Hen leading the charge. Basically she gets to be the ringleader of the 118's internal war with Gerrard. And along the way we get more Henren home stuff and building on the connection with Mara.
Chimney: WHERE THE HELL WAS ALBERT?! I would not at all mind Chimney having an arc where he realizes he hasn't heard from Albert in a while and ends up decrypting where Albert ended up (could be as malicious or innocent as they want, anything from Albert deciding to join an Amish community temporarily while traveling the country and not having a phone while there to straight up human trafficking. Take your pic, writers). Outside of that, I want more of Chimney getting to be the Dad he never had. More of him and Jee-Yun in general. Along the way, maybe have Gerrard's treatment trigger Chimney? Situations Gerrard puts him in drag up Chimney's trauma about Kevin, something like that.
Maddie: I don't really know what I want for Maddie per se, outside of I wouldn't mind this season being her turn to not have trauma or pain. Kind of the way her brother got off easy this season. See more of her interactions with everyone, give her the occasional intense dispatch call to show off her skills, show her being happy and domestic with Chimney and Jee-Yun, all that good stuff. If we need to give her a full plotline, perhaps she could get involved if something were to happen between Buck and their parents (we'll talk about that in a sec in his section), or be a rallying point for the other plotlines whenever they need her help, or, if we wanted to go far afield from her usual stuff, perhaps have her express interest in returning to the medical field to some degree, maybe even thinking about trying to be a paramedic? Idk, I love Maddie, but I'm not certain what to do with her character at the moment outside of just letting her be happy, since she probably got the least amount of setup from S7.
Buck: What I most want from Buck, at least in the first half of the season, is to focus on how his bisexuality affects him and his mental health and let him continue to explore those emotions, perhaps with conversations with Hen, Josh, Karen, etc. As the season continues, he realizes his relationship with Tommy has...stagnated, they go on dates, they hang out occasionally, but there's just not much energy to the proceedings, so Buck thinks maybe that means it's time to propose. (This may not be going where you think it's going). So he has an episode where he goes around to Henren, Bathena, Madney, asking all of his married friends basically how they knew they wanted to get married, and while they give different, unique answers, the general takeaway is that you shouldn't feel you have to marry someone, but that you want to. That they are your forever person. And the episode ends with Buck going to look at rings...and deciding not to buy one, leaving the store looking a bit conflicted. Within a couple episodes of that, he and Tommy break up. (I would probably want it to be amicable in this scenario, to demonstrate Buck making the mature decision that he didn't have anything against Tommy, he just wasn't his forever person, but if there had to be some drama there, Tommy making a nasty comment after Buck says he wants to break up to reassure Buck's decision and leave him with no regrets. Then after that...give Buck time to realize that Tommy was, in a lot of ways, store-brand Eddie. But Buck doesn't like Eddie, right? I mean he likes him, but he doesn't like him, right? (Spoiler alert, he does)
Eddie/Chris: The first half of the season needs to be Eddie in therapy leading to Chris' return, though I would love for Chris' choice to be...borderline untethered from Eddie's plotline. Not in the way that it his absence then subsequent return has no effect on Eddie, but I think it would be good for Chris' character to have him converse with Eddie's parents, family, etc, and have him realize on his own what his father has been through and the extent to which Eddie loves him, and then the talk with Eddie is the final piece of the puzzle, not the only piece of the puzzle, if that makes sense. And I also think it's crucial that Eddie not be "cured" when Chris returns. He's still working on himself, he's still healing, but Chris is ready to be back with him and stay with him. Building on that, I think it'd be powerful for Chris to be the one to force Eddie to confront the idealized version of Shannon he's built up in his head. Even if it happens indirectly through something Chris says, it'd be powerful for them to start healing that wound together. Then once Chris is back in LA (by the second half of the season at the latest), part of Eddie's therapy arc involves him realizing piece by piece how much he's pushed the past few seasons' girlfriends away, and why, and perhaps even he runs into Ana again and finds out she has a fiancé, and they chat about finding love like that. Along the way have Eddie talk to Athena for sure, since for some reason they haven't really interacted despite her being a pretty perfect person to talk about lost loves (Bobby too, but he and Eddie have talked more than once). But all this forces Eddie to confront who he is, who he's always been, what he's been pushing down and pushing away for years, and when that arc collides with Buck realizing his feelings, the season ends with the big Buddie canonization.
I realize I went into more detail with Buck and Eddie than the others, but part of that is down to mixing their personal arcs with the 'relationship' arc which could honestly be its own section. And possibly should have been.
Every section here is compressed anyway, but part of this post's purpose is to be an organizer for my thoughts that I can add to and expand upon as more come during this hiatus (as relatively brief as it is, it will probably continue to get more and more brutal)
I can also obviously expound on something if someone wants me to...though I know that's unlikely.
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dibbie85 · 4 months
Wishlist for season 8:
- Eddie and Bobby healing
- Chris coming home
- Maddie and Josh choosing to send the 118 to every call at gay clubs etc
- Mara being happy while waiting for the endgoal (staying with Henren)
- Gerrard and Ortiz no longer being there in 8B
- more calls in general, because there should be time for them in s8
- revealing abuelas secret (if there is any)
- Buck still being happy in his relationship and therefore having time to help others through their dramas and hopefully to get an arc that doesn't focus on his lovelife for once
- Amir to leave the city, because he should run from any further Bathena interactions 😅
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Season 8: Trailer
I'm posting this here so no one else will have to watch 50,000 ads on that article's site before the video plays 🙄.
So... it appears the bees are only going to set things up so Athena can land the airplane. No shade but didn't they do this with Owen and T.K. on LS? Not the bees but the EMERGENCY PLANE LANDING? I don’t watch 9-1-1 LS but I remember the promo for that plane landing from a couple of years ago.
TM (showrunner) keeps rehashing storylines.🙄
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becausebuckley · 15 days
i’m manifesting an eddie begins again episode in early season 8. i’m thinking of eddie rebuilding his relationship with christopher, of him confronting his parents with how easily they whisked chris off to el paso (and how little support they offered eddie), of all the trauma eddie’s been repressing over the seasons. i’m thinking of him working through some of these things in the early season, leading up to and culminating in this episode. and most of all, i’m thinking of him accepting his feelings for buck in this episode.
and then the final scene of the episode is eddie in the bathroom, shaving off his moustache. his phone is resting on the counter, he’s sending a picture of his shaving-creamed face to christopher, ed sheeran’s photograph is playing in the background. eddie shaves, washes his face, and looks in the mirror. ed sheeran sings “wait for me to come home”. in the background, we hear buck opening the front door. he calls out that he’s home. eddie looks at himself in the mirror and smiles. the episode ends.
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brass-tacked · 3 months
Season 8 idea. The feeling realization between Buck and Eddie comes early, maybe in episode 2 or 3. But Eddie wants to do this right and knows he can’t until he fixes things with Chris.
So Buck keeps showing up and helping out, but they keep it their version of platonic (long stares, deep sighs) but don’t touch and it feels awful bc they’ve always been super tactile with each other.
Then Chris finally comes home. Not sure how he pulls it off, maybe he works it out with Carla, but he doesn’t tell anyone that he’s coming back. Maybe it was Buck (it probably was, let’s be real) and he enlisted Carla to help. Chris just shows up and surprises Eddie somehow. Buck’s on shift or something so he’s not at home (bc he has slept on the couch this whole time) when Chris gets there.
Later, when Buck comes through the front door, Eddie doesn’t even let him get his shoes off before he’s grabbing Buck’s face and just kissing him like the world is ending. Or more like their world is beginning.
When they pull apart, Buck is smiling and just says something like, “I take it Christopher made his flight.”
Because Buck had been buying him plane tickets every week. Changing the flights and paying the fees and not telling Eddie. He wanted to be sure that Chris had the ability to come home anytime he wanted without having to rely on his grandparents allowing him to leave. He also didn’t tell Eddie because he didn’t want to get the man’s hopes up or see him disappointed every time the flight landed and Chris wasn’t there.
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Picture this: In the first couple of episodes of season 8 and we’re really getting to see Gerard getting under Eddie’s (and everyone else’s) skin. Eddie is already on edge because Chris is gone, and is having trouble controlling his emotions (like in season 3 when he couldn’t talk to Buck during the lawsuit era). So he finally breaks one afternoon when Gerard says some homophobic BS about Buck, and Eddie punches him in the face and breaks his nose. Gerard fires him on the spot, and Eddie goes to clean out his locker. Buck is worried about him, and tells him he didn’t need to do that, and he could handle it. But Eddie insists it isn’t, and it’s probably good there Gerard fired him because he’d do it again. Buck tells Eddie he’ll come by after their shift is over to talk about the plan that he is going to make with Chim, Hen, and Bobby to get Gerard out, Bobby back in, and Eddie rehired.
Eddie goes home and is miserable. He’s met isn’t an empty house, a busted hand, no job, and is plagued by thoughts of inadequacy and longing to have his kid back and gets super drunk. He gets so drunk he ends up tripping, falling, hitting his head and blacking out. The episode ends with Buck coming in (using his key) with beer and take out, only to drop us all on the floor and rush to an unconscious, and dialing 9-1-1.
Next episode Eddie is woken up to Buck throwing the covers off his bed, telling him he has to get up so that they can go to work. Eddie is confused because he’s sure he just got fired, but Buck insists that’s crazy, and he’s just trying to get in a little extra sleep. He then tells Eddie he’s already dropped Chris off at school, which makes Eddie more confused. And the as Buck runs around the house getting everything together and Eddie gets dressed, Buck yells back for him to “don’t forget your ring” which makes Eddie look down at the nightstand to find a white gold band. Eddie is even more confused because he hasn’t worn a wedding ring in years, and the one he has with Shannon was yellow gold. He slips is on his finger anyway. But as he goes to walk out the door, he sees that Buck is also wearing a matching ring on his finger. “Are we… are we married?” He asks Buck, who replies, “only for the last three years. Are you okay?” Eddie is still confused, but rolls with it.
When they get to the station, Eddie notes that the engine has a 119 on it, but everything else feels the same. Minus Gerard, who is gone and Bobby is back in charge. Bobby calls for “Buckley-Diaz,” promoted Buck to call back, “you’ll need to be more specific cap!” When Buck rushes up to help Bobby with breakfast, Eddie sees their matching turn outs in the open lockers by the engine.
They go on a call (idk about what right now), but then wind up back at the 119 for lunch. At lunch, Hen starts asking Buck and Eddie if they’ve found a surrogate yet. He learns that apparently he and Buck are trying to expand their family. As Buck describes the optics with Hen, Chim, Bobby, and Ravi pitch in. Eventually they ask Eddie what he thinks, and his instinctual reply is, “it honestly doesn’t matter to me. As long as they’re healthy and we get to call them ours, I’ll be happy.” Buck just kisses him on the cheek, and the group groans about the PDA while Eddie blushes.
After another call, Eddie find himself in the locker room, staring down at his phone and seeing tons of photos of him and Buck he’s beer seen before. He’s low key, feeling out because this isn’t what he remembers. Chim comes and talks to him, but after Eddie breaks down and tells him that he thinks he’s in some alternate reality, Chim drags him upstairs to talk to the team about it.
Buck breaks out the clipboard, and they try going back to see what is different. We get mini-flashbacks as this happens. Eddie starts listing things from when he came to LA from Texas, all the way up until the shooting. According to Buck, that’s where there’s a discrepancy. Apparently before Eddie told Buck about the will, he broke up with Ana and then during their chat confessed to being in love with Buck. They two of them got together, and then got engaged one year alter, and married a month after that. Besides them getting together the rest of the plot is the same. Eddie still has a breakdown, Buck still gets struck by lightning, the cruise ship still sinks, the bridge still collapses, Athena and Bobby’s house still burnt down, Chim still got encephalitis, etc. except they face everything together. Eddie doesn’t have problems with Marisol or Kim, Buck and Taylor she remained friends but nothing more.
Buck is heart broken at the thought of the two of them not being together in Eddie’s 118 reality, and Eddie has tell him about Natalia and then Tommy. But Buck is just more confused, and saddened that Eddie think their reality is wrong. But Eddie tells him that he’s not sure it is. “Because in my reality when a shopkeeper told me Ana was my wife I had a panic attack. This morning when I figured out I was married to you, there was confusion but not an ounce of panic. This is different… but it doesn’t feel wrong. The team suggests there maybe this is all in his head, and if his reality is the 118, maybe his subconscious is trying to tell him something.
They get called out to another call that feels wrong from the beginning. And then there a probably with a building on fire and Eddie goes though the floor. Buck catch’s his arm, and begs for Eddie to hold on. Buck tells him to hang on because he can’t lose him… that he loves him. And Eddie is just about to say it back before he slips and falls, as Buck’s cries chase after him.
He wakes up immediately on the floor of his living room with Buck, and the 118’s B-Shift starring over him as he gasps for breath. Eddie immediately reaches for Buck, whose eyes are red rimmed. He teaches to his hand only to say, “where’s your ring?” Referring to 119 Buck’s wedding ring. Buck is confused and asking if Eddie is okay, but Eddie just looks down at his ring less hand next to Buck’s with wide, sad eyes before laying back down, and letting someone put an oxygen mask on his face.
Then the promo for the next episode is Eddie showing up at Frank’s office for an emergent session where he says, “I think I’m in love with Buck.” To which Frank just slowly closes his notebook and says, “let’s unpack that.”
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tawnyow-l · 2 months
What I really need from season 8 is for Hen to get Buck just the worst coming out cake that she can manage
terrible puns/looking like a bi pride float puked on it/horrible fondant recreation of Buck and Tommy/maybe a burn cake with the bi bi bi meme/rainbow penis sprinkles/ect ect
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911tvshowpolls · 2 months
911 TV Show Poll: Facial Hair
I think most of us have seen the Eddie moustache situation... and I'm sure we have some opinions about it.
But today's poll is skipping over that to ask:
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facewithoutheart · 2 months
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