#A Dictionary of the Ancient Greek World - David Sacks
thinksandthings · 2 years
Elysium is a lovely sounding word which in English means "a place or state of ideal happiness," but its primary original definition comes lifted straight from Greek mythology, where Elysium was the name of the home of the blessed souls after death. This word in Ancient Greek was Hλύσιον, Ēlúsion. This same mythical location was also referred to as the Isles of the Blessed.
In older writings, it was specifically reserved for those singled out and favored by the gods. Heroes and other immortals would be rewarded with a place here to pass the rest of their eternity in bliss. As time went on, the concepts of punishment and reward in the afterlife became more widespread, which eventually merged Elysium more deeply into the concept of afterlife for all people. It became one of several possible levels of Hades which departed souls might find themselves in, depending on a favorable judgement passed on their conduct by the Underworld judges Minos, Rhadamanthys and Aeacus.
Importantly though, Ancient Greek religion was hugely varied and constantly evolving, so this wasn't the only theory or iteration.
There doesn't seem to be any agreement on the etymology of the word beyond the Ancient Greek, but one source I found suggested that it might have something to do with another Greek word, which is the verb meaning "to relieve or release." In that interpretation, Elysium might have been the paradise which promised relief from the pain and burdens of living.
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divinum-pacis · 4 years
Divinum Pacis’s  Reference Guide- UPDATED 2021
Let’s face it, schooling is expensive, and you can’t cram everything you want to know into 4+ years. It takes a lifetime (and then some). So if you’re like me and want to learn more, here’s an organized list of some books I find particularly insightful and enjoyable. NEW ADDITIONS are listed first under their respective sections. If you have any recommendations, send them in!
African Religions  🌍
African Myths & Tales: Epic Tales by Dr. Kwadwo Osei-Nyame Jnr
The Ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead: Prayers, Incantations, and Other Texts from the Book of the Dead by E.A. Wallis Budge
Prayer in the Religious Traditions of Africa by Aylward Shorter (a bit dated but sentimental)
The Holy Piby: The Black Man’s Bible by Shepherd Robert Athlyi Rogers
The Altar of My Soul: The Living Traditions of Santeria by Marta Moreno Vega (autobiography of an Afro-Puerto Rican Santeria priestess)
African Religions: A Very Short Introduction by Jacob K. Olupona
Buddhism ☸
The Heart of the Buddha's Teaching: Transforming Suffering into Peace, Joy, and Liberation by Thich Nhat Hanh
The Dhammapada by Eknath Easwaran (collection of Buddha’s sayings)
Liquid Life: Abortion and Buddhism in Japan by William R. LaFleur 
The Tibetan Book of the Dead by John Baldock (the texts explained and illustrated)
Teachings of the Buddha by Jack Kornfield (lovely selection of Buddhist verses and stories)
Understanding Buddhism by Perry Schmidt-Leukel (great introductory text)
Essential Tibetan Buddhism by Robert Thurman (collection of select chants, prayers, and rituals in Tibetan traditions)
Christianity ✝️
The Story of Christianity Volume 1: The Early Church to the Dawn of the Reformation by Justo L. Gonzales
The Story of Christianity Volume 2: The Reformation to Present Day by Justo L. Gonzales
By Heart: Conversations with Martin Luther's Small Catechism by R. Guy Erwin, etc.
Introducing the New Testament by Mark Allen Powell
Who’s Who in the Bible by Jean-Pierre Isbouts (really cool book, thick with history, both Biblical and otherwise)
Synopsis of the Four Gospels (RSV) by Kurt Aland (shows the four NT gospels side by side, verse by verse for easy textual comparison)
Behold Your Mother by Tim Staples (Catholic approach to the Virgin Mary)
Mother of God: A History of the Virgin Mary by Miri Rubin (anthropological and historical text)
Systematic Theology by Thomas P. Rausch
Orthodox Dogmatic Theology by Fr. Michael Romazansky (Eastern Orthodox Christianity)
Diary of Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska (very spiritual)
The Names of God by George W. Knight (goes through every name and reference to the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit in the Bible)
Icons and Saints of the Eastern Orthodox Church by Alfredo Tradigo (for those who like art history AND religion)
The Orthodox Veneration of the Mother of God by St. John Maximovitch (the Orthodox approach to the Virgin Mary)
East Asian Religions  ☯️
Shinto: A History by Helen Hardacre
Tao Te Ching by Chad Hansen (a beautiful, illustrated translation)
The Analects by Confucius
Tao Te Ching by Stephen Mitchell
Shinto: The Kami Way by Sokyo Ono (introductory text)
Understanding Chinese Religions by Joachim Gentz (discusses the history and development of Taoism, Confucianism, and Buddhism in China)
Taoism: An Essential Guide by Eva Wong (pretty much everything you need to know on Taoism)
European (various)
Iliad & Odyssey by Homer, Samuel Butler, et al.
Tales of King Arthur & The Knights of the Round Table by Thomas Malory, Aubrey Beardsley, et al.
Early Irish Myths and Sagas by Jeffrey Gantz
The Prose Edda: Norse Mythology by Snorri Sturluson and Jesse L. Byock
Mythology by Edith Hamilton (covers Greek, Roman, & Norse mythology)
The Nature of the Gods by Cicero
Dictionary of Mythology by Bergen Evans
Gnosticism, Mysticism, & Esotericism
The Gnostic Gospels: Including the Gospel of Thomas, the Gospel of Mary Magdalene (Sacred Texts) by Alan Jacobs and Vrej Nersessian
The Kybalion by the Three Initiates (Hermeticism)
The Freemasons: The Ancient Brotherhood Revealed by Michael Johnstone 
Alchemy & Mysticism by Alexander Roob (Art and symbolism in Hermeticism)
The Gnostics: Myth, Ritual, and Diversity in Early Christianity by David Brakke
What Is Gnosticism? Revised Edition by Karen L. King
The Essence of the Gnostics by Bernard Simon
The Essential Mystics: Selections from the World’s Great Wisdom Traditions by Andrew Harvey (covers Jewish, Christian, Muslim, Greek, Hindu, Buddhist, and Taoist traditions)
The Secret Teachings of All Ages by Manly P. Hall (huge book on esoteric and occult religions)
Freemasonry for Dummies by Christopher Hodapp
Hinduism 🕉
The Ramayana by R.K. Narayan
7 Secrets of Vishnu by Devdutt Pattanaik (all about Vishnu’s various avatars)
7 Secrets of the Goddess by Devdutt Pattanaik (all about Hindu goddesses, myths and symbolism)
Hinduism by Klaus K. Klostermaier (good introductory text)
Bhagavad Gita As It Is by Srila Prabhupada (trans. from a religious standpoint)
The Mahabharata, parts 1 & 2 by Ramesh Menon (super long but incredibly comprehensive)
The Upanishads by Juan Mascaro (an excellent introductory translation)
In Praise of the Goddess by Devadatta Kali (the Devi Mahatmya with English & Sanskrit texts/explanations of texts)
Beyond Birth and Death by Srila Prabhupada (on death & reincarnation)
The Science of Self-Realization by Srila Prabhupada
Krishna: The Beautiful Legend of God (Srimad Bhagavatam) by Edwin F. Bryant (totally gorgeous translation)
The Perfection of Yoga by Srila Prabhupada (about “actual” yoga)
Islam  ☪️
The Handy Islam Answer Book by John Renard (a comprehensive guide to all your questions)
The Illustrated Rumi by Philip Dunn, Manuela Dunn Mascetti, & R.A. Nicholson (Sufi poetry)
Islam and the Muslim World by Mir Zohair Husain (general history of Islam)
The Quran: A Contemporary Understanding by Safi Kaskas (Quran with Biblical references in the footnotes for comparison)
Essential Sufism by Fadiman & Frager (select Sufi texts)
Psychological Foundation of the Quran, parts 1, 2, & 3 by Muhammad Shoaib Shahid
Hadith by Jonathan A.C. Brown (the history of Hadith and Islam)
The Story of the Quran, 2nd ed. by Ingrid Mattson (history and development of the Quran)
The Book of Hadith by Charles Le Gai Eaton (a small selection of Hadith)
The Holy Quran by Maulana Muhammad Ali (Arabic to English translation, the only translation I’ve read cover-to-cover)
Mary and Jesus in the Quran by Abdullah Yusuf’Ali
Blessed Names and Attributes of Allah by A.R. Kidwai (small, lovely book)
Jainism & Sikhi
Understanding Jainism by Lawrence A. Babb
The Jains (The Library of Religious Beliefs and Practices) by Paul Dundas
The Forest of Thieves and the Magic Garden: An Anthology of Medieval Jain Stories by Phyllis Granoff
A History of the Sikhs, Volume 1: 1469-1839 (Oxford India Collection) by Khushwant Singh
Sikhism: A Very Short Introduction by Eleanor Nesbitt
Judaism  ✡
Hebrew-English Tanakh by the Jewish Publication Society
Essential Judaism by George Robinson (this is THE book if you’re looking to learn about Judaism)
The Talmud: A Selection by Norman Solomon
Judaism by Dan & Lavinia Cohn-Sherbok (introductory text)
The Jewish Study Bible, 2nd edition by the Jewish Publication Society (great explanations of passages)
The Hebrew Goddess by Raphael Patai
Native American
God is Red: A Native View of Religion, 30th Anniversary Edition by Vine Deloria Jr. , Leslie Silko, et al. 
The Wind is My Mother by Bear Heart (Native American spirituality)
American Indian Myths and Legends by Erdoes & Ortiz
The Sacred Wisdom of the Native Americans by Larry J. Zimmerman 
Paganism, Witchcraft & Wicca
Magic in the Roman World: Pagans, Jews and Christians (Religion in the First Christian Centuries) 1st Edition by Naomi Janowitz
The Greek Magical Papyri in Translation: Including the Demotic Spells: 2nd Edition by Hans Dieter Betz
Wicca for Beginners: Fundamentals of Philosophy & Practice by Thea Sabin
The Path of a Christian Witch by Adelina St. Clair (the author’s personal journey)
Aradia: Gospel of the Witches by C.G. Leland
The Anthropology of Religion, Magic, & Witchcraft, 3rd ed. by Rebecca L. Stein
Paganism: An Introduction to Earth-Centered Religions by Joyce & River Higginbotham
Christopaganism by Joyce & River Higginbotham
Whispers of Stone by Tess Dawson (on Modern Canaanite Paganism)
Social ☮
Tears We Cannot Stop (A Sermon to White America) by Eric Michael Dyson (concerning racism)
Comparative Religious Ethics by Christine E. Gudorf 
Divided by Faith by Michael O. Emerson (on racism and Christianity in America)
Problems of Religious Diversity by Paul J. Griffiths
Not in God’s Name by Rabbi Jonathan Sacks (on religious terrorism)
The Sacred and the Profane by Mircea Eliade (difficult but worthwhile read)
World Religions  🗺
Understanding World Religions by Len Woods (approaches world religions from a Biblical perspective)
Living Religions, 9th ed. by Mary Pat Fisher (introductory textbook)
The Norton Anthology of World Religions: Hinduism, Buddhism & Daoism by Jack Miles, etc.
The Norton Anthology of World Religions: Judaism, Christianity, & Islam by Jack Miles, etc.
Zoroastrians: Their Religious Beliefs and Practices by Mary Boyce
The Baha’i Faith by Moojan Momen (introductory text)
Saints: The Chosen Few by Manuela Dunn-Mascetti (illustrated; covers saints from Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, and more)
The Great Transformation by Karen Armstrong (the evolutionary history of some of the world’s greatest religions)
Roman Catholics and Shi’i Muslims: Prayer, Passion, and Politics by James A. Bill (a comparison of the similarities between Catholicism & Shi’a Islam)
God: A Human History by Reza Aslan (discusses the evolution of religion, specifically Abrahamic and ancient Middle Eastern traditions)
A History of God by Karen Armstrong (similar to Aslan’s book but much more extensive)
The Perennial Dictionary of World Religions by Keith Crim
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