#A New Game to Play // SC IM
hallofharmony · 1 year
ok i've been meaning to make this post for a while bc i haven't seen anyone else do this but
sky: cotl terminology!
sky fandom has a lot of terminology that could be confusing if you're a new player or just don't interact with the fandom that much. below is a list of words you might see around and what they mean. let me know if i missed anything ^-^
Sky kid/skid: the little guy you're playing as.
Moth: New players in sky. usually rock the default look. they're called this because the brown cape kinda makes them look like real moths :3
Butterfly: An advanced moth. usually wear base game cosmetics like plain capes and masks. have figured out the general mechanics but not enough to be considered an advanced player.
Veteran: Someone who's been playing for a while. you "officially" become a vet if a spirit from your first season comes back as a TS.
Chibi: player who wears the base game mask that makes them small, known as the "chibi mask".
Ikemen: players that are subjectively considered "handsome". Usually vets that wear rhythm or fire prohet pants, any of the elders' hair and owl hair, among other things. ikejou is the female equivalent.
Ts/traveling spirit: a spirit from a past season returning after a lengthy period of time (at least a year) where you're able to buy their cosmetics for regular candles while they're at home for 4 days.
Sc/season candles: orange candles that are strictly used to buy seasonal cosmetics from current season spirits. you obtain them from doing dailies during season, as well as getting them from candles scattered around the realm
Cr/candle run: refers to an activity where you go around collecting candles
wl/winged light: The little glowy guys that give you wings, increasing your stars
wl run/winged light run: refers to an activity where you go around collecting winged light
wedges/stars: the pattern on your cape that indicates how many winged lights you have
Owl hair: hair that has 2 tuffs that resemble an owl. like the season of rhythm ult hair or the season of performance ult hair
Ult/Ultimate reward: Cosmetics you receive from the season guide when you buy the season pass. Ults are the only cosmetics that don't return after a season ends.
Chibi fall: A glitch utilizing chibi mask. here's how to do it.
Oob/out of bounds: referring to going outside the wind walls and outside the borders. oobing is a big part of sky culture :)
Piggy rocket: a glitch utilizing the piggyback friendship emote, where when 2 players press the piggyback icon on each other at the same time they shoot in the sky, never seeming to stop.
Wind walls: invisible walls made of wind that prevent players from going outside the level to places they shouldn't be.
Krills: fan given name for the big scary dark creatures that roam in wasteland. As far as im aware, they're only ever strictly referred to as "dark dragons" in game and never as "krill" officially
Tgc/thatgamecompany: the developers behind sky.
sky: The Light Awaits: The beta of sky (before the current beta) where tgc allowed a handful of people on to test the game. thought to include this one as i was confused to what it was when i started playing :)
Elder names: again including these because i was also hella confused about them as a new player. but you might see some people use these names to refer to the elders, all of them being from concept art
Daleth: Isle elder
Ayin: Prarie elder
Teth: Forest elder
Sahmekh: Valley elders (sah being the spiky haired twin and mekh being the other one)
Tsadi: Wasteland elder
Lamed: Vault elder
Alef/Resh: Eden Elder/ The king
that last few are spoilers for the end game.
Ac/ ascended candles: candles you obtain after giving winged light to statues in eden. for every 4 statues you get 1 AC
Orbit: the place you end up in after you die in eden, where you go to be reborn.
Megabird: Giant star swirl thing you see at the end credits and hinted at throughout the game. called "megabird" in concept art and made out to be a god. more info
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yn-barnes · 10 months
Exploring explosions ~
Bucky x reader *no use of Y/N*
Part 1 part 2 series
:⚠️warnings: use of russain throught google translate as your gurl aint russain, SHARON, 1 naughty word ⚠️:
【This is probably bad, but I've changed it already, so oops】
Summary - While on a mission, something happens to bucky. On his journey to recovery, he fines something he wants more than life.
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You've been by buckys bed like you promised steve almost 24/7, it's not so bad as you get to catch up on paper work you've been ignoring like the plague and its also helped you de-stress, somehow. The only issue is Sharon... FUCKING SHARON, she keeps trying to get in here but for what? She said because she misses him but everyone knows he didn't like her, but you were able to get her on a mission saying Nat still wasn't fit for the job due to explosion but since Sharon used to tell everyone she was better than her you volunteered her.
Your sitting at the your desk you moved into the room, you've been avoiding buckys paper work for the failed mission, but as Steve didn't see why the building explosioned it makes the report almost impossible. You scoff and throw the papers on your table and lean back in your chair. You rub your eyes with your finger and thum, groaning while doing so. You slowly looked up at the clock on the other wall, sighing you, looking over to James hospital bed. You were shocked to see him laying there, staring right back at you.
Grabbing your chart, you write down the time and all his vitals on the machine he's hooked up to, slowly pushing your chair closer. You analyse his features like his cheekbones, eyebrows, and his eyes.. you couldn't admit that you found bucky slightly - okay, maybe more than slightly attractive, but how could you not with that arm and his hair and those muscles... what? You think to yourself as you stare at him in disbelief that you caught yourself even thinking like that. You looked at him properly this time, and he just looked blank with a smidge on confused, barely noticeable. "Hello Barnes, im the head of medical.. can you tell me where you are?"
He doesn't reply, just hyper focused on you and nothing else, but then he slowly shakes his head, maybe to himself, but you think you saw it. "Barnes, do you know where you are?" You say more firmly, hoping you will get some sort of answer but just stares. Your mind is going blank on what to do. For a first in a while, you're stuck. You got an idea and slowly took out your phone, turning it on you sent a text to Steve asking if you could try the winter soldier way, doing this extra slowly so you didn't startle him. You just kinda stared at him, breaking into a soft smile once or twice, but his face was set in stone.
Your phone vibrating twice before you look at it, again slowly bringing it up and checking to see Steve's reaction giving you the go ahead, you didn't need his approval or didn't really care but you wanted to keep him in the loop, so you thought of a game play while he's secretly look round the room, here goes nothing. "солдат, ты знаешь, где ты?" You tried speaking with authority.
"меня поймали" he mumbled not look at you but the ground. You're not proud of this, but you took off your coat and showed him your collar bone with: SC-837-152 tattooed into your flesh. He looked up at you and straightened his back at the new knowledge, "это не база ГИДРЫ.. где я? почему ты на них работаешь.. " He scoffed at you slightly before he looked at the door as the door handle rattled and shook. You smiled as you just thought of a great way to welcome him.
"женщина не знает личного пространства, тебе нравится личное пространство, не так ли? самое лучшее, что она не знает русский язык." She snickered as you added the built-in restraints walking to the door. You saw him thrash around and try to get his arms out, but they were built for him. "они были созданы специально для вас, получайте удовольствие" you unlocked the door and opened in swiftly to see Sharon on her knees with a lock picking tool, "hes all your" you say walking away to get lunch, which is now upgraded from 39 mins to 2 hours, which were your normal lunch hours.
@unaxv @sapphirebarnes (just lemme know if yall want added (don't think the first one worked)
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juni-ravenhall · 5 months
How about 4, 5, and 6 for your ask game :3c?
Which Horse was your first purchase? Do you still own that horse, and what did you name it?
so when i started playing sso (2017?) i occasionally saw people ride this horse, i still remember being in moorland as a n00b and stopping in my tracks to look at it bc i was blown away:
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im weak for "lighter mane colour than coat colour" horses and this one has a unique colour so it really stood out to me. plus, im a friesian enjoyer as far as irl horses go, even if sso friesians have never been quite right to me (including this one).
so i googled where to get this horse, okay, new hillcrest. i told myself: thats the horse i want, i dont need to buy any other horse until i can get it bc i dont care that much about any other horse ive seen so far anyway. (i obvs didnt have much sc, since id just started) i had no idea how long it would take to get to NH at this point lol.
then i play for some time and i get to firgrove (i think that was where it was at least). and im met by......
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.... this guy who i just love. hes so cute. i stare at him and question if i have to stick to my decision to save up sc for the friesian. eventually i decide that it seems like its a long time until i unlock NH anyway, so its okay if i get him in the meantime.
so he was my first bought horse, and it was a great decision bc then he was my main (very beloved) horse for a long time. his name is Snowspell but i also call him Pelle (swedish name). this was also before the starter horse got gen3'd, so Pelle just looked better than Winterborn dsfgkjdfs... but i rode him all the time and loved him so much.
eventually when i got to NH, i think id bought at least one other horse (the blue old magic horse), and also, when i actually was face to face with the friesian i wanted, i realised i didnt like it that much. i felt like the face wasnt that pretty, and overall it looks a bit plasticky like a toy. i did buy one (shes called MorningDream, i think maybe shes called Morning Sun in my brain tho) and then just didnt ride her at all basically..... until 2-3 years ago when i suddenly realised that i love her with red tack on, she looks like a beautiful christmas toy horse, so we got a happy ending too.
Which Horse is your favorite? Do you own said horse, or are you simply dreaming of buying it?
basically Winterborn my starter is my emotional favourite like, he doesnt have the best model, but i cant imagine not having him (or a replacement for him if they released another horse that has the same colour and vibes, to take over the title of heart horse vessel).
at the moment my non-starter favourite is my ardennes Meatball (registered name Walnut) and im really frustrated that hes not good for champs bc i want to ride him all the time. i have a lot of beloved horses though so i will just leave it at current obsession and heart horse for now.
Which Breed is your favorite? Which Generation is it from, and why do you love it so much?
it might be the ardennes. the appaloosa is also up there. in general i seem to like Nomi's horses bc they have the most personality, both in the model and animation, and also in the small details in the coats, all together it makes them feel more alive. i dont like the ones that lack interesting mouth / tongue / eye / nose animations, and i dont like ones that have too undetailed coats (which looks plasticky to me). also i love hairy horses so ardennes hits a lot of points for me.
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puckgoss · 6 months
can you do a timeline of kelsey and Jamie pls😭😭 im new
Here it is y'all - the Jamie & Kelsey timeline 🤠
All of this info comes from IG, Kelsey & Brynn's podcast (out of line), Brynn's TikTok, Flyers beat reporters, Twitter, Tumblr, and the NHL website.
If I've missed anything or need to make any corrections lmk!
April 30, 2023
Trevor & Jamie attend Stagecoach music festival in CA and meet Kelsey & Brynn on Day 3 (April 30)
Trevor went up to Kelsey, he tapped her on the shoulder and asked her her name. They introduced themselves to each other. He asks "who's your friend" about Brynn and then introduces them to Jamie, introducing him as "his roommate".
In the podcast, Kelsey describes Jamie and Trevor as "absolutely hammered"
Trevor & Jamie tell them they're from California, that they were in college but dropped out to play hockey. They told them they're hockey players but at the time Kelsey & Brynn (who don't watch sports/hockey) didn't know that they meant professional hockey players for an NHL team.
They hang with them for a while (pics below) then as the girls are leaving T & J try to convince them to stay but they don't. At some point Brynn & Trevor exchange numbers - she has his number in her phone, presumably he texted himself from her phone in an effort to get the girls to meet up with them later on at SC. They don't end up meeting up again.
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May-July 2023
A while later (after SC), Brynn is scrolling on TikTok and sees an edit of Trevor. She recognizes him.
She looks through her messages and pictures and finds them on IG and realizes that the two guys they met at SC are famous athletes.
They all follow each other on IG. Brynn, Kelsey, and Jamie are all still mutuals but Trevor unfollowed the girls pretty quickly.
Jamie likes Kelsey's IG post may 27, 2023
Jamie likes Kelsey's IG post july 2, 2023
August 2023
Brynn & Kelsey talk about JD & TZ on their podcast.
Kelsey says "we need to do anything and everything that we can to manifest seeing them again because the last time we saw them was like the worst way to end it"
Brynn says that Kelsey has been in contact with JD and that they're probably going on a date.
Kelsey says that she isn't sure and doesn't know "how much you can trust a guy like that"
Brynn insists she is going to make this date happen for Kelsey. Kelsey says she should probably focus on boys that live closer to her in AZ.
Also around this time, Brynn posts multiple TikToks referencing TZ and the fact that she fumbled the bag.
Jamie likes Kelsey's IG post august 19, 2023
September 2023
On the podcast, Kelsey talks about how she's been going on dates with boys (not JD) all summer but considers herself to be single.
Jamie likes Kelsey's IG post sept 15, 2023
October 2023
Kelsey posts a pic of her in Newport, CA on Oct. 14. She went on a trip there with friends.
Jamie likes Kelsey's IG post oct 14, 2023 (road trip to socal)
Ducks play in Vegas on Oct. 14 and were home prior to that. They then play a home game on the 15th (Jamie played in this game)
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January 2024
Jan 7 - Jamie likes Kelsey's IG post jan 7, 2024
Jan 8 - Jamie is traded to the Flyers
Jan 29 - Jamie goes to Cancun w his new teammates including Tyson & his gf Katie, Noah & Carlie, Owen & Taylor, Cam Y, Joel F, Morgan F, Egor Z, and Ryan P
Jan 29- Jamie likes Kelsey's post on IG jan 29, 2024
Jan 30 - Katie follows Kelsey on IG
Throughout the Mexico trip, Kelsey is posting pics from her life/job as a dance instructor in AZ. She was not on the trip with them.
Jamie is going nuts on IG following lots of ig/raya baddies
February 5-6, 2024
Flyers play in Florida on the 6th
Jamie follows a new girl on IG, she goes to the University of Florida
Her and Jamie seem to have a few mutuals on IG (friends of his from home)
He likes her posts from january 15, 2024, january 21, 2024
He has since liked more of her posts but those are not relevant to this timeline (he likes multiple girls posts multiple times a day)
February 8, 2024
Brynn posts a vid dropping Kelsey off at the airport saying "get that dick bitch"
Kelsey posts a pic of herself & Katie at the Flyers game vs. Winnipeg. Katie reposts it on her story.
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February 9, 2024
Flyers reporters report that Jamie told them his bed frame was coming in on Feb 9 (hopefully)
Prior to this he was staying with Cam Y. He got his own place and his parents helped him move his stuff over from Anaheim but he did not have a bedframe and was sleeping on his mattress on the floor.
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February 10, 2024
Kelsey posts a pic of herself, Katie (Tyson), Carlie (Noah), Olivia (S. Ersson), and Taylor (Owen) at the Flyers game vs. Seattle to her story.
None of the other girls repost the story. Katie is still the only one who follows her.
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February 11, 2024
Pictures of Jamie's active Raya profile are posted on Twitter
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February 14, 2024
Valentine's Day - nothing relevant posted on IG
Jamie isn't at practice - "maintenance day"
Brynn is in NYC for some modelling/influencer "Fashion Week" thing
Unclear if Kelsey went to join Brynn, if she was still in Philly, or if she had already gone home.
Feb 11-14 are unaccounted for.
February 15, 2024
Kelsey posts a photo dump with the first pic being of her making a kissy face and the caption was something like ‘kisses’ or ‘kiss kiss’. She deleted/archived it a day or two later.
Jamie is active on Raya in Toronto. Flyers had a game vs. the Leafs that night (in Toronto).
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February 16-17, 2024
Flyers are at MetLife stadium to practice for the Stadium Series game vs. NJ on the 17th.
Kelsey is not spotted or pictured at the practice, the family skate, or the game itself.
February 18, 2024 - Onwards
Kelsey allegedly likes this reel on IG shortly after arriving home from Philly. Not sure on which day exactly.
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March 2, 2024
Katie likes Kelsey's post on IG march 2, 2024
March 3, 2024
Jamie's updated Raya profile is posted to hockeytea
The post has since been deleted (as the blog is deleted) but I have all pics of his profile at this link here
March 4, 2024 - Present
Jamie continues to follow lots of new girls on IG and like lots of posts, as he has done this entire time.
Nothing new has come up with Kelsey. He has not interacted with a single one of her posts or been linked to her in any way since February 10.
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bedeion-legion · 2 years
mk ik this isnt in the exact theme of the blog but here me out (also HEAVY spoilers for sc/vi, please for the love of god play it first if you're interested because gamefreak did it!!! the story goes hard!!!!!)
i never got the impression that Geeta was evil. like never, shes just a bossgirl girlboss whos like a pretty decent boss. average stuff all around from her.
however, i strongly, STRONGLY, believe that Geeta is an android
the way she talks the way she acts, EVERYTHING about this woman screams to me 'i am a manufactured human being'.
this isnt to say she doesnt matter somehow or she doesnt have feelings/thoughts/emotions. she clearly does. but so did AI Turo/Sada. she could still very much be an android whos able to think and feel in a similar way!!!!
if this isnt the case/isnt brought up in the DLC i will legit be surprised. theres SO much evidence to her being one in-game that its a bit hard to pick out examples, its just kind of in everything shes in and does.
like ill no means be mad at gamefreak, i myself cant really think of a way Geeta is able to walk around outside the crater if AI Turo/Sada couldnt. maybe its something to do with the way tera orbs work? maybe something to do with those weird panels mentioned in the scarlet/violet book in the academy? dunno, but i dont think it's impossible to make it so it doesnt undermine AI Turo's inability to leave the crater while making sense in the worldbuilding weve got. AIs are new to the series after all, theres a lot more stuff they can do with em.
and whether or not this theory is/isnt true, shes still an android to me. idc what gamefreak says shes not REAL!!!!!11!!1!!
and again, by no means her being an android makes her bad/evil. i just think the potential character drama from the gym members, school staff, main characters, and general public is SO golden. like imagine you find out that your boss is actually an artificial AI, i'd have a panic attack. the potential for varying reactions depending on each character, especially the gym members, is SO so good.
(also im not mentioning team star in this case because i dont think theyd really care all that much? like yeah thats their new boss of 2 weeks and yeah shes La Primera n all but they werent exactly a fan of the system in the first place, and while they probably dont hold any bad feelings towards the system anymore, they havent really been given much urgency to care all that much. as long as Geeta is nice to Penny, they wouldnt really care if Geeta's an AI. theyve all dealt with being outcasted for being different, theyre not gonna do that to someone else just because theyre an AI. Penny will probably find out Geeta's an android first but again i think she'd be chill about it. she'd probably be like "oh rad a robot mom, just like my videogames" and then work on antivirus programs meant for Geeta in order to sorta pay her back for taking Penny under her wing)
but yea thats pretty much my thoughts on robo Geeta. is you can see i have a lot of thoughts on this!! hope yall enjoyed me spiraling over this revalation
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adudelol-reblogs · 8 months
Mc world fic for that tag game? :eyes:
hiiii . its a fic im writing about my minecraft world ive been playing! i dunno if you saw the screenshots from the other night i sent in sc when me n sher were talking about it, but its that world! its a story about my mc character traveling through the minecraft world, meeting winston (my dog in the world) :33
Voidling woke up at a weird place one day. It didn’t know where it was -- it couldn’t remember anything. It just woke up, surrounded by trees, a few feet from a small lake, and the sun shining through the leaves.
It needed tools. So it took down a tree, turning the logs into the handles and quickly advancing to stone tools. An axe and a pickaxe. Shouldn’t need anything else for right now. 
And so it wandered. It found its way to a rather large village, made of quarts, bricks, and marble. Maybe this could be a good place to stay? 
The villagers give the voidling some basic items -- a half used iron pickaxe, a brand new enchanted iron pic, a backpack, and a bunch of bread to get started. The voidling accepted the offer for the waystone (even though it wasn’t sure what it was), and stayed a few days in the village. 
It was off. Voidling wasn’t like these villagers, its movement was off and it was taller than the villagers. It didn’t look like them. After a few days, Voidling decided to carry on its travels, and wished the villagers a goodbye. They made sure it had plenty of food, clothes, a few ores, and even some new tools it could use.
It spent days walking, sleeping under the stars with a sleeping bag. 
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gncrezan · 11 months
hey sorry if this is a dumb question but i wanted to start playing infamous, because i trust your opinion/taste so much because you're a rezan diehard, but with dashingdon is there a way to save your file onto your computer like you can with atoc? or do I just have to keep the tab open forever? like, once im all caught up to where the story is rn and the next installment comes out, do you just have to remember and replay all the same choices to get back to where you were? (i hope this makes sense)
HI !!! there is no way to download those save files :( for reference, i think there's a workaround for games published on steam (so wayhaven for example) but that doesn't . apply here. i am so sorry for not being to help w that
BUT those saves do remain even if you close the tab, close the browser, restart your device, etc, as long as you don't clear your cache! i usually play IF on my laptop so i can't say how easy it is to play on mobile, but i virtually don't ever lose saves on desktop! i haven't lost any so far and i've run through it a lot from the saves i have (i tend to save like.. at the beginning of chaps. sc below if it helps LOL) to get to things like drawing refs!! also a warning not to save on the stats page, since that corrupts the save, and to always do it on the game text itself!
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it is a bitch to move from one device to the next though, and i know from experience because i got a new laptop and then realised i'd have to replay a bunch of games. which is technically a labour of love but still annoying, if for example you've got lots of playthroughs :( and it does mean you're limited to the amount of save slots available on each game, but that number differs from game-to-game 🤔
hope this helps!! if i didn't answer what you were looking for just send me another ask and i can see if i can help!!! i hope this also gets you to play infamous!!!!!!!!!🤩🤩🤩
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ccfever · 4 days
um is South Carolina supposed to be scary or something this year? like Ik they went undefeated but i guess im confused at the sc fans’ getting so offended when ppl question either or not they’ll be completely dominant again. like ppl aren’t allowed to question it. (esp when paige+azzi and juju+kiki+talia and hannah+sonia are teams they have to go up against) Ik they have milaysia and Tessa and chloe kitte but i watched those girls play so many games and they not really SO scary without kamila on the floor. also idk how good their new post transfer is. and I don’t think she’ll start milaysia either which is not good imo ( milaysia would come in and save games sometimes bc the sc guards were just OK)
yeah i think sc fans are just kinda crazy
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txrtxglix-lvver · 4 months
"I wanna be with you and waste my time."
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Hallo there!!!
prev accs @whspermy-name / @minty-bubblegum (both inactive)
Names: Finley or Finn, Floyd, and more :3. Minty is also cool!! (mostly known by this online). I sometimes randomly start using new name (commonly from characters I like), you don't have to use them! Just use whatever you like or are comfortable with. <3 And check my prns page for more names or my preferences atm.
Prns: He/pup/vamp, but u can js use he/him I don't mind :]. I also like they/xe, but please do not use she or it.
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Triggers: knives/sh, things relating to grooming/pedophilia, mentions of abelism, sexual/romantic innuendos when we're not close (most moots are okay), loli/shotacon, no forewarning on topics of SA/rape/sexual harassment, anything related to CSA.
Genders: Polygender, enboy, genderfluid, transmasc, nonbinary, autigender, and xenogender. I like to simply be called a trans boy/man most times :3.
Sexualities: MLM/NBLM/gay man, rosesexual, questioning. Note: I am hypersexual and I struggle with sexuality identity and change it often. I am in a monogamous relationship.
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Age: Minor. Discussing my age makes me uncomfortable, but I will say I am in highschool.
Birthday: 26/01.
!!i have mental issues such as bpd, cptsd, autism, and many more!!
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i love my boyfriend so I will talk about him tons :3 0426 ♡♡
🇨🇵 / 🇺🇸 from SC, english is my first language and I'm learning French and Russian.
chronically online asf :P I also love gen alpha slang and think it's funny and im bad at spelling. i have that skibidi brainrot ^_^
Interests!: music (i play the viola + clarinet :3), rhythm games (proseka, d4dj, idolmaster, enstars), hsr and genshin impact, twst, art, writing, scenemo culture, ace attorney, south Park, indie games (ddlc, Sally face, etc..), psychological horrors, scott pilgrim vs the world, and a few (lot of) other things. New ones and current ones will also be scattered across my blog! >.<
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i probably wont be neat on this blog, apologies for thatt.
if there's anymkre you'd like me to include don't be shy! also don't be shy and get to know more about me in asks :3 ♡
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“I wanna hold your hand so tight I'm gonna break my wrist.”
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eggsmuses-a · 2 years
will u be playing/getting into sc/vi? asking so i can try to avoid spoilers! o7
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/ehh i havent been too big on the recent pokemon games tbh KGSKAGS i know what happens but i honestly dont have much reason to have paldea threads outside of riko so 🫡 youre all good cap no worries NJDNDN
but if i do ever rp sc/vi threads ill tag them EXTENSIVELY just lmk if theres a specific tag you want to blacklist spoilers esp considering the game is still really new so im not the keenest on lifting the spoiler tag yet <33
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juni-ravenhall · 9 months
i think i wont buy the gingerbread horse or any other of the magic ones.... i like several but ultimately i dont really feel like id be excited about riding them. especially without juni (aka until they update the character creator with more options).
the ardennes tho, i might actually care about riding and taking pics of so its better i just save my sc for that.... if im able to enjoy playing sso at all anymore. im getting really tired of the lack of updates to the character creator. there's no new curly hairs. there's no more faces or bodies. no more skintones or eye colours.
with all the problems going on, and then they dont even update the messed up inventory/storage situation and dont add more features to the character creator i just............... for how long do they expect us to keep playing and be optimistic and supportive about this game's future? you can't even add the short curly bob you removed? its not a lot to ask. as a 3D modeller myself i know making a new hairstyle for SSO in that style is *not* a massive undertaking for a professional.
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