#A beautiful day in the neighborhood
bellamysgriffin · 9 months
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gena-rowlands · 1 year
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— A BEAUTIFUL DAY IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD (2019) dir. by Marielle Heller
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The use of reflection in this shot from "A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood" creates a poignant and introspective moment. Tom Hanks, portraying Fred Rogers, is shown seated alone beside an empty pool, and his reflection in the water doubles his solitary figure. The composition is symmetrical, with Rogers centered and his reflection perfectly aligned. The stillness of the water and the empty pool lanes further underscore the tranquil yet introspective atmosphere of the shot.
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picturebookshelf · 1 year
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A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood: The Poetry of Mister Rogers (2019)
Lyrics: Fred Rogers -- Art: Luke Flowers
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Oscar Nominee of All Time Tournament: Round 1, Group A
(info on the nominees under the poll)
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JACK ALBERTSON (1907-1981)
Supporting- 1968 for The Subject Was Roses
TOM HANKS (1956-)
Lead- 1988 for Big, 1998 for Saving Private Ryan, 2000 for Cast Away
Supporting- 2019 for A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood
Lead- 1993 for Philadelphia, 1994 for Forrest Gump
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abeautifulblog · 1 year
Fanbinding! A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood
Someone asked if they could do a binding of it, and I was like, Lol funny story, I have actually formatted it for print already. So here it is, for anyone who’s interested:
Sequential pages - for reading on your computer, or sending to a print-on-demand service.
DIY bookbinding version - pages are arranged for printing in three-sheet (twelve-page) signatures.
That should all be in working order -- if it’s not, please let me know so I can fix it. ✌
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prototypelq · 2 years
This is just a personal dump of media I experienced this year and wanted to share with others.
Movie of the year (which, coincidentally, actually came out in 2022!)
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Everything, Everywhere All at Once (2022)
this masterpiece of a movie is easily the best thing I have seen this year. It is also the best movie I have ever seen in my life, it has everything. It is crazy, it is dramatic and emotional, it will make you feel existential dread and love for humanity and the little things. It is beautiful and incredible and unlike anything I have ever seen. It is not for everyone (but when true art ever is?), but I believe everyone who hasn't seen it should give it a chance, because if this movie is for you, it will be the best film you have seen, maybe ever.
Honourable mentions of other amazing movies, in no particular order:
Don't Look Up (2021)
Beautiful blend of caricature and realism, I would not be surprised if all the ****s**t that happend in the story would actually happen in life. Comedy that is actually a tragedy, and I love it.
Sound of Metal (2019)
A technical wonder, the 'Sound' in the title is completely justified. Amazing movie with a touching story and a perspective on deafness and deaf communities.
Supermario Brothers (1993)
If not for the Everything, Everywhere, All at Once, this would be my movie of the year. Either people didn't have a sense of humour in 93, or they had very high expectations for a first video game adaptation movie. This movie is comedic gold. Every other comedy can only dream of getting even close to this level of humour and absurdity. Great movie, everyone who tells you otherwise is wrong, go watch it.
A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood (2019)
This movie has Tom Hanks singing lullaby songs for a children's evening show, and this perfectly explains the incredible coziness, fluffiness and comfort this movie provides. And the best thing is that it's not an overly happy movie - dealing with grief, death and other complex emotions is the heart of the story. This movie is not afraid to show that a rainbow can appear only after the rain, and it is beautiful in providing comfort for dealing with that rain.
Peanut Butter Falcon (2019)
Good roadtrip movie about male friendship and perspective of a young person with Down syndrome
Devil Wears Prada (2006)
A cautionary tale about managing personal relationships and career boost.
Night Watch (Ночной дозор) 2004
A good, very atmospheric dark russian-urban fantasy adventure movie.
Series of the year
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Red vs Blue (2003-2019) (up to season 17)
I found this gem at a perfect time - a month before finishing university, and this series has been a lifesaver for me. This series has hit the golden comedy mark of Supermario Bros, and Also hit the mark for creating a great cast of characters. The comedy, the irony, the lovable idiots and their tanks, the Soundtrack, and the drama of RE- and Chorus seasons make a perfect blend for a wonderful show. Michael J Caboose is a national treasure and should be protected at all costs. Trocadero songs live rent free in my playlist.
Honourable mentions:
Resident Alien (2021-_)
Good comedy and an exploration of human emotions, relationships, familiar bonds through the eyes of an alien, played by Alan Tudyk. Has the best female-friendship I have seen in a series.
Cowboy Bebop (1998)
Never heard of this series up untill this year and OH BOY was I in for a ride. I'm not a huge anime fan, but this is certainly my favourite. The style, the music, the characters with troubled, yet unknown past, everything here is perfect. Absolutely in love with this series.
Firefly (2002-2003)
Space western AND Alan Tudyk? That's a recipe for a series I would definitely love, and I did. Awesome series.
(I don't know what's the deal with fun blond pilot man and a badass dark-skinned woman with beautiful curls combo is, but I LOVE it)
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Game of the year:
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Death Stranding (2019)
No other game has ever made Walking it's main mechanic. I loved the gameplay of this game So. Much. This game perfectly captures all the struggle, effort and perseverance required in real hiking, as well as the importance of human connection on the trail. I have spent 120 hours in the game before finishing the main story just enjoying deliveries, getting all my new homies on the network and rebuilding roads. I absolutely will come back to platinum that last trophy, but for now I have been enjoying the gameplay to it's fullest.
The story was sort of okay, I don't dig the Kojima writing. For all of his ambitions and genius as a game designer, I think writing is his downfall. The spectacle and the music in the game is another level though.
Bugsnax (2020)
A very weird and very fun game! Developers have made quite an effort to make all the different bugsnax fit into an entire ecosystem, and the passion for ecology and entomology shows. VAs clearly had a lot of fun voicing all the different snax.
Subnautica (2018)
Same as Bugsnax, this game has passion over marine biology written all over it and I LOVE that. Designs of all the creatures are very unique and fun. As a person with all kinds of underwater/depths/wrecks fears, this was quite a trip for me at the beginning, though I have become familiar with the game, and after maybe 10 hours it didn't scare me anymore. Sadly, the game is buggy and not very well optimised, and the survival&grind for materials aspects had me quitting the game.
Horizon Forbidden West (2022)
The only release of this year I have played, a sequel to my very beloved universe, and it was...good. The new tribes are breathtaking, the OST of this game is amazing!!!, and all the moments with Erend are precious, but I didn't like the overall story and the direction it's going for the third game. First game had a much stronger writing in my opinion. OST and gameplay however, had been masterfully upgraded to a next level. The poseidon level is a highlight which deserves it's own savefile so you can replay that bit.
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I'm so glad Erend is in the sequel, but they did him dirty( Best husband deserved much better
Risk of Rain 2 (2019)
A great game I should spend more time in.
Devil May Cry 5 (2019)
Last year I have fallen into the DMC dumpster fire and I haven't been able to get out ever since. I'm not very good at the game, but I love it. Someday I will get to best doggo Cerberus stage in the Bloody Palace.
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bornforastorm · 1 year
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klearilist · 1 year
tom hanks as fred rogers : speaks
me : crying
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saikaberry · 10 months
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Movies [172] A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood (2019)
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chaotic-chickling · 2 years
Tom Hanks portraying both Mr. Rogers, kind grandfather ™️, and Ove, from a man called Ove aka quintessential grumpy old man, is truly the duality of man.
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Happy 67th Birthday to 2x Academy Award Winning, 4x Golden Globe Winning, 2x SAG Award Winning, BAFTA Nominated, Tony Nominated actor, 7x Emmy Winning producer Tom Hanks! ^__^
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camyfilms · 1 year
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I hope you know that you made today a very special day by just your being you. There's no one in the whole world like you, and I like you just the way you are.
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jimjakk · 2 years
The Producer at the End of Pre-Production
we're making a movie #Poem: "The Producer at the End of Pre-Production"
gorge on whoppers we’re making a movie this bag of salmon we’re making a movie sleeping pills we’re making a movie thirteen hours plus we’re making a movie I won’t eat pizza we’re making a movie Caesar salad in the storm we’re making a movie no one goes home we’re making a movie watery leftovers we’re making a movie dropkicked phones we’re making a movie at the paper cutter we’re making a…
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abeautifulblog · 11 months
Her Dad's Dumb Crush
[a Dream Daddy fic by gremble]
So if y'all are bored today and haven't read A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood, you should give this a spin -- a short (7k), self-contained little outsider-POV of the main romance.
aka, What do you do when your dad gets a big stupid crush on the sketchiest guy you've ever met?
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danoneone · 2 years
Tom Hanks (as Fred Rogers): Cecilia Sherman......Colby Dickerson......Justin Cook....
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