#A dog named Stevie Nicks McQueen
wayward-verse-blog · 4 years
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foragecore · 3 years
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stevie nicks (cat) & penny lane (dog) & lightening mcqueen
they’ve only recently started liking eachother (also sorry y’all can see some mess we had a toddler living w us for a while lol)
excellent names !! thank u 😊❤️
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wayward-verse-blog · 4 years
The Road So Far (Mar 12-19)
WaywardVerse Cast List (Canon Up to 6.13)-- Read & Follow The Story Here Music to Recap By: Black Sabbath - Snowblind
🎵 “Let the winter sun shine on, let me feel the frost of dawn, fill my dreams with flakes of snow, soon I'll feel the chilling glow.” 🎵
Dean tells everyone about the deal, Sam begrudgingly backs his play -- for now. 
The knowledge about the deal finally out in the open, the crew at Bobby’s house shifts gears to trying to track down the three witches identified by the Fae. 
Since scrying isn’t working, Sam has an idea on a possible work around, but it involves some risk. Risk Dean isn’t equipped to let his brother carry right now. 
Stubborn codependent brothers are, well, stubborn codependent brothers. 
The boys awaken at the kitchen table after an annoyed Castiel put them both to sleep. 
Sam and Dean come downstairs in the morning, stuffing their faces before they have Castiel attempt a reverse heal so that they can see what Sam was branded with by the witches.  Dean plays guinea pig and offers up his leg to be re-broken. When Castiel reverses the healing on Sam’s arm it’s a struggle to keep Sam’s system in balance. The angel has to work exceedingly hard to ensure the imbalance doesn’t go further than Sam’s arm.
Stevie Nicks McQueen, adorable puppy, has Sam Winchester wrapped around her little paw. Sam leaves to take her for a walk.
....And Castiel uses the opportunity of being alone with Dean to finally confess to something he’s been sitting on for over a decade.  Dean doesn’t handle the information well and wants to book it. Cas offers to leave instead. In anger, Dean readily accepts.
Castiel finds Sam to say goodbye, but doesn’t fill him in on what exactly happened.
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