nightmaresrp · 3 years
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Some of our species include... 
W E R E W O L V E S!
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jjwxlf · 4 years
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wayward-verse-blog · 4 years
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A sigil that witches branded Sam with. Attached to the alchemical symbol for winter is the symbol for the phrase: “This object is unnoticed and its contents obscured.”
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neonmysticaads · 3 years
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Founded in 1946, its purpose was to create a safe place for supernatural beings to live and be themselves without the strict pressures of human society.
Sandwiched between mountains on one end and a suburban area on the other, not to mention being a coastal city, you can get the best of both worlds living in the city and it has become a popular city for people to start families.
Resting on a ley line intersection, much of the city is powered by magic itself, aided by technomancers. While the city is relatively safe, many believe the city to be sentient in some way and is always listening . . .
NeonMystica is an urban fantasy roleplay that takes place in modern day (2021) Japan in the fictional sanctuary city of Mystica. We are a small, inclusive, 18+ mature roleplay. We take inspiration from D&D, urban fantasy genre, the anime Brand New Animal and many others! We are currently accepting OC applications!
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winterinbohemia · 5 years
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New mission, new brand, new mark. #barcelonarpg #supernaturalrpg,# https://www.instagram.com/p/BwPbFBogBml/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=j7726vm9hoiz
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oo-supernatural-oo · 6 years
Quand tu as pleins de rp qui arrivent en même temps. 
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Mais qu'en faite, t'adore ça !
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Et que t'as déjà des idées pour répondre à tous ça *-* 
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During routine immunizations, the government slipped something else to it’s nation’s infants. But they didn’t predict the side-effects.
In .01 percent of the trial group, certain abilities developed.
The children that showed signs vanished under mysterious circumstances, or died tragically.
The government run facility they ended up in carefully monitored their growth and abilities.
It’s been five years since Project Gathering Storms disbanded, and something is drawing it’s graduates towards Cleveland, OH
Gathering Storms is an LGBT+ focused OC super-powers roleplay set in modern day Cleveland OH
Home - Plot - Nav - Rules
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poethevillain · 6 years
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Do you fancy playing a morally skewed, older vampire? You’re in luck, we have a want ad up for just that sort of vampire. Read more here!
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windwardcoverpg · 6 years
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These faces up for wanted ads!  We are looking for IC leadership for a witch and a hunter faction!  
We are super excited about the opening this Friday!  The lead vampire has already put out his want ads and our werewolf pack’s alpha is eager to get his pack filled up!   The Fae are coming along nicely, with a whole slew of positions within their “Merry” courts!  
If you have questions!  Check us out on discord or toss us a message here!
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nightmaresrp · 3 years
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Some of our species include...
S I R E N S!
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Congratulations, Sophie! You’ve been accepted for the role of Sinclair Meas. Please make sure to check our checklist, and you have twenty-four hours to send us your character’s blog. We’re really happy to have you in our family!
We could feel your connection with Sinclair not only through your sample app but through the headcanons you had for her. “Having one truth revealed, only for it to be entwined with another lie would have been a twist of the knife that had already found itself in Sinclair’s heart,” was the sentence that really got both of us. The buildup of anger and resentment throughout the sample touched on all parts of her personality without going into a character study, and the very last sentence came full circle and tied everything together perfectly!
Sophie, 19, GMT (UK), She/Her
Activity level:
Over the summer, after 1st June, I can be pretty active (8/10), but I do have exams from 19th May to 1st June, so I’m only free to be active after those have passed. After summer, I’m either continuing with university, or taking a year out to get some work experience, so I’m unsure of how active I can be once one of those two things have started. Probably 6/10 if I continue my course.
Further contact:
How did you find the roleplay?
I searched supernaturalrpg in the tumblr search and it popped up!
Roleplay experience:
I’ve had minimal experience roleplaying on tumblr, but roleplayed for a few years on quotev.com, with most of it revolving around characters and concepts from the Shadowhuters Chronicles by Cassandra Clare. I did use harrylloydisnotblond.tumblr.com to roleplay with a group on tumblr last year, but I didn’t really gel with the group, or my muse, so remained fairly inactive. The old posts are still there though, buried underneath all the gifs and stuff I’ve recently reblogged.
Anything else?
Desired character:
Sinclair Meas
Why did you choose this character?
Sinclair seems like a woman who can hold her own in the world, whether that world be it mundane or supernatural. Her tough skin developed through the years could make it interesting when it comes to Sinclair making friends on Moon Island, although I feel like she’d be the kind of person to keep everyone at arm’s length, or abide by the motto ‘keep your friends close, but your enemies closer’.
The discovery that she was never her parent’s child was one blow, but one that she could have recovered from had she never found those journals. Having one truth revealed, only for it to be entwined with another lie would have been a twist of the knife that had already found itself in Sinclair’s heart. The betrayal she experienced would scar her forever, and guilt would consume her for loving the people that killed her birth parents. The baggage that she carries is something I’d love to explore, and discover how it impacts on her now, despite the years since that fateful day she left.
I want to watch her build that courage to finally undertake that task she’s been aching to complete for years, to rid her of shackles that the shame has bound her in. Would she put down her hunting gear if she did ever kill them? That’s another avenue I’d love to explore.
I want to see if anyone does get through that toughened exterior of hers, if she’ll ever tell anyone her story. I can imagine it’ll take some work to chip away at her, but I’d love to see her forge a true friendship with someone, the kind that could last for years, no matter how frequently they spoke.
Para sample:
Heat, insufferable heat. That is what she felt. But there was only darkness. Darkness pushing down on her. Shadows. She tried to look around, but there was nothing to be seen. She inhaled, and drew smoke into her lungs, coughs exploding from her lungs as she curled into a tight ball. The heat was getting closer now, a glimmer of light illuminating what appeared to be a doorway.
A scream in her mother-tongue resounded through the room, in her head, the voice so familiar, yet there was no face to it. She tried to remember, but her fingers slipped through the fog of her mind, lost in the labyrinth of her memories. Then her name, Sinclair, pulsing through her head in that voice again.
Flames licked beneath the door now, tasting the floor, the edges of the door, crackling with their victory as the ceiling groaned with defeat. This was it, she thought as the wicked, beautiful fire consumed the door, the wood flaking into ash that drifted towards her like snow, just as the ceiling surrendered and fell.
Sinclair woke with a start, her hand instantly going to the knife she kept beneath her pillow, just in case. She was drenched in sweat, her chest rising and falling with each gasp of air she took. There was no smoke. There was no fire. The door was unharmed, and light slipped between her curtains, daylight not firelight. It was just another nightmare, one that had not haunted her dreams for a long time now. The room had been just like her bedroom in Paris, but it wasn’t that witch screaming her name. That voice… She worried that it was not how her mother had truly sounded, but it was all she could gather from the vague fog of her memories as a baby.
With a deep breath, she swung her legs from her bed, both feet thudding on the cool hardwood floor. There wasn’t a fire, she thought, not yet. But there would be another fire, she hoped. One where those damned witches burned, and finally went to hell, where they belonged.
Personality traits:
+ FOCUSED – Sinclair is focused on her job, or whatever the task at hand might be. If there is a supernatural who is striking her as suspicious, she will put all of her energy into finding out what’s going on, and build up to the eventual kill.
+ OBSERVANT - Knowing what’s going on around you is part of being a hunter. Sinclair is observant, which stemmed from her great discipline. She’s aware of everyone around her, and what they are. If there’s a supernatural being on the street, Sinclair is the first person to realise this.
+ GRATEFUL – Having come from the poverty of Cambodia, Sinclair is grateful for everything that the Western world has offered her, even if the beginnings weren’t as sweet as she’d initially come to believe. She appreciates the little things in life: being able to go grab a coffee, visit the bakery and suchlike.
- DISTRUSTING  - After what happened with her ‘parents’ killing her true parents and lying to her for almost two decades, Sinclair trusts few people in the world, if any. Now surrounded by new people, Sinclair trusts no one on Moon Island, and won’t unless they truly prove themselves to be worthy of her trust.
- STUBBORN – As Sinclair grew into adulthood, and became more certain of her views on the world, she became more and more stubborn. She will listen to people, but rarely will she change what she thinks on a matter. If she believes something, she believes it with her whole heart and will never let that belief go.
- IMPULSIVE – Despite her discipline, Sinclair finds that she goes into things too hastily at times. She knows she’d be better off with a plan, but sometimes the urge to make the kill takes over, which has created some rather sticky situations for her. She’s also impulsive with regards to travelling, and going to places also. No matter the time of day, sometimes she just wants to go out for a walk somewhere, or go to a certain shop or place, and she follows that impulse, rather than quashing it.
Asexual – Sinclair realised during university in Paris that she didn’t care in the least about sex. Her small circle of friends might talk about a lover they’d taken, and how amazing last night with some guy or girl was. They’d tried hooking her up with some mutual friends, but Sinclair hadn’t wanted anyone to touch her like her friends had described. Those feelings were only amplified when she discovered the lies her so called ‘parents’ had told her. She doubts she would ever trust anyone to be that intimate with her, even if she wanted to be.
Hates nicknames/pet names – What could be more stupid? Sinclair wonders as she hears a variety of shortened versions of all sorts of names. Deep down, Sinclair hates nicknames and pet names because her ‘parents’ used to use them all the time, especially when she was younger. ‘Clair’, they used to call her and it stuck with everyone, including her friends at school, through to university. She stopped using the nickname the day she ran away.
Doesn’t drink alcohol or smoke – Sinclair doesn’t want to be dependent on anything, including alcohol and cigarettes. She had a cigarette once, back in Paris when she was 18, but hated the smell, how it clung to her clothes and claimed her breath. So she never touched one again, never let the addiction take hold as it had some of her old friends. She also doesn’t drink because she doesn’t want alcohol clouding her head, especially in a town full of supernaturals that she doesn’t trust in the slightest.
MOCK BLOG https://meas-sinclair.tumblr.com/
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wayward-verse-blog · 4 years
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neonmysticaads · 3 years
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Founded in 1946, its purpose was to create a safe place for supernatural beings to live and be themselves without the strict pressures of human society.
Sandwiched between mountains on one end and a suburban area on the other, not to mention being a coastal city, you can get the best of both worlds living in the city and it has become a popular city for people to start families.
Resting on a ley line intersection, much of the city is powered by magic itself, aided by technomancers. While the city is relatively safe, many believe the city to be sentient in some way and is always listening . . .
NeonMystica is an urban fantasy roleplay that takes place in modern day (2021) Japan in the fictional sanctuary city of Mystica. We are a small, inclusive, 18+ mature roleplay. We take inspiration from D&D, urban fantasy genre, the anime Brand New Animal and many others! We are currently only taking applications for WANTED CONNECTIONS.
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prowlnation · 6 years
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Freedom Falls: Killer on the Run
After multiple bodies have surfaced in the sleepy town of Freedom Falls, police are scratching their heads. The evidence left behind by the killer was not enough to make an identification.
Police say that they have no leads and no reason to believe that anyone else would be a target at this time.
Freedom Falls PD would like to remind its residence to stay indoors after dark and do not enter the park after dark either. This is out of extreme caution for the safety of residence.
If you have any information that pertains to this case, please contact the Freedom Falls PD immediately!
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oo-supernatural-oo · 6 years
Quand tu te retrouves à faire des recherches sur combien de temps l'alcool met avant de commencer à avoir des effets sur le comportement d'une personne (car tout comme ton personnage, en ce qui concerne l'alcool, tu n'y connais rien) alors que tu vois des gens faire des recherches très intéressantes, passionnantes et complexes pour leurs rp’s…
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During routine immunizations, the government slipped something else to it’s nation’s infants. But they didn’t predict the side-effects.
In .01 percent of the trial group, certain abilities developed.
The children that showed signs vanished under mysterious circumstances, or died tragically.
The government run facility they ended up in carefully monitored their growth and abilities.
It’s been five years since Project Gathering Storms disbanded, and something is drawing it’s graduates towards Cleveland, OH
Gathering Storms is an LGBT+ focused OC super-powers roleplay set in modern day Cleveland OH
Home - Plot - Nav - Rules
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