wayward-verse-blog · 4 years
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A sigil that witches branded Sam with. Attached to the alchemical symbol for winter is the symbol for the phrase: “This object is unnoticed and its contents obscured.”
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deandraws · 6 years
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So close to having the complete collection of Supernatural Role Playing Game books! (Plus the MoL beastiary, because funsies.) I'm only missing "Supernatural: The Hunt Begins"! If anyone has this book, please let me know. I've been searching for it for years, and I would happily buy it from you. Also, I revamped the Character sheets myself to make the collumns easier to read. Color coded. Because, what are we? Animals? Message me if you'd like a PDF!
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cirquenoireads · 5 years
Cirque Noire has traveled for centuries, engaging the minds and hearts of all who spectate its wonders and now for the first time in its entire existence it’s taken up a permanent residence in New Orleans, Louisiana. The cobbled streets seem to move with magic, the bayous bubbling with something lurking beneath, shadows dance and the circus sings untold mysteries. They will come for the show, but they’ll stay for the promise of the occultism.
Cirquenoirerp is a supernatural roleplay group that encourages original characters while also providing inspirations with established connections. We are inclusive, welcoming, and desire to create a supernatural group experience to excite all who stumble into our big top. Applications are now OPEN with our opening date set for the 1st September! This gives plenty of time for any questions about our plot, skeletons and original characters.
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characters applications.
canon character applications.
original character applications.
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   // s i t e    i n f o r m a t i o n // r u l e s // c h a r a c t e r    c r e a t i o n // ______________________________________________________________ o u r     p l o t
It's the year 2023, and the world of the Supernatural has finally made it through to the hunters that they aren't all evil. After centuries of fighting, centuries of unnecessary deaths, centuries of bad blood, an accord finally came to pass. In 2020, a treaty was finally signed between the leaders assigned to both factions, and thusfar, that treaty has been mostly upheld. Of course there are always those who break the law, but overall, peace has ruled between all. Three years ago, the leaders decided it would be most beneficial to the treaty that an Academy be formed. One to not only help the hunters become more accepting, but also to help the Supernatural assimilate better in the human world, giving them a chance at a normal life. The option was also provided that creatures may also become hunters, preparing them to battle those of their kind who still prey on humans.
Despite all the progress made between the humans and Supernatural, in the shadows lurks a rebellion known only through rumours as The Soulless; a group that believes humans are nothing more than food. Slowly, they are growing in number, building their army to strike against those who only want harmony, wanting nothing more than to rip the treaty to shreds.
Whispers have been made in recent times of a plan for the Soulless to hit the Peacekeepers in their most vulnerable spot - Edlund Academy - knowing that it is the heart of their operations; knowing that if the Academy falls, so does the alliance, and the Soulless will be free to burn everything to the ground. ____________________________________________________________
Poison and Wine is an AU Supernatural RP site, with an easy application, a lot of leniency in regards to character creation, plots and word count. Sign up to join Edlund Academy - the school for hunters and creatures alike - and be sorted into the best suited house for your character. Schooling is optional of course, and your character is more than welcome to do whatever it is they like, whether its hunting out in the world, or running rampant across the globe. There are no limits to potential plots here on P&W, you're are welcome to live however you may like! Canons are welcome but not necessary, and creativity is more than just welcome. We are a fun, friendly RP site, and we are simply waiting for you!
Come join us today!
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wayward-verse-blog · 4 years
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cirquenoireads · 5 years
Cirque Noire has traveled for centuries, engaging the minds and hearts of all who spectate its wonders and now for the first time in its entire existence it’s taken up a permanent residence in New Orleans, Louisiana. The cobbled streets seem to move with magic, the bayous bubbling with something lurking beneath, shadows dance and the circus sings untold mysteries. They will come for the show, but they’ll stay for the promise of the occultism.
Cirquenoirerp is a supernatural roleplay group that encourages original characters while also providing inspirations with established connections. We are inclusive, welcoming, and desire to create a supernatural group experience to excite all who stumble into our big top. Applications are now OPEN with our opening date set for the 1st September! This gives plenty of time for any questions about our plot, skeletons and original characters.
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This is where you state your name or what you’d like to be called.  Also, what pronouns do you prefer?  For example, ‘I prefer She/Her.‘
There will be mature themes in the roleplay, so please make sure that you can handle them
Don’t worry, we accept all timezones
On a scale of 1-10. If you are comfortable in saying why, please explain.
We understand that everyone has their eyes set on a certain character. However, we will be choosing on a first-come/first-serve basis.
Please choose a face claim for both characters. It does not need to be the face claims that we have provided.
Explain why you’d be the best person
Ships you’d like for your character, as well a anti-ships. Nothing is guaranteed but feel free to list them, anyway.
Read the Rules
Please include a 1-2 paragraph biography of your character of choice.
GIve us a sample of your writing, preferably in character. We ask for at least two paragraphs
FORM LAYOUT CREDIT TO : @.managethemischief-rp
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wayward-verse-blog · 3 years
The Road So Far (Aug 4 - Aug 20)
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WaywardVerse Cast List (Canon up to 6.13)
. 🎵 “Ringing no change in his double-sewn seams in his post-war-babe gloom.“ 🎵 -Jethro Tull - Too Old To Rock ‘N’ Roll, Too Young To Die- _________________________________ End of March 2021: Dean and Bobby finally have the chance to catch up some now that Dean is no longer actively avoiding Bobby in an effort to not talk about where his head is at. . Castiel arrives at Singer Salvage after his time spent with Inias. Sam gets to cross something off The List, introducing Cas to his childhood hero Indiana Jones.  . Early April 2021: The next two weeks goes by, with the brothers taking some needed time off from hunting. Sam is back to early morning runs, late nights, and vegetables. Dean isn’t drinking quite as much. They take some day trips just to get out of the house. . Bobby has been avoiding them because he doesn’t want to bring up the indications that the Greeks are making moves. He wants to give them more time. Jody knows it’s wearing on him and speaks up. 
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waywardorphansrp · 11 years
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Activity check!
The following characters have not responded to the activity check, please unfollow;
The role of Michael will be reopened.
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ourtoysoldier · 11 years
While I write this journal thing, anybody have questions for me, or just want to have a conversation? Drop 'em in my ask, I don't bite.
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open characters.
Young YOUNG Dean Winchester - Dylan Everett
Young Dean Winchester - Brock Kelly
Young Sam Winchester - Colin Ford
Castiel/Jimmy Novak - Misha Collins
Kevin Tran - Osric Chau
Ed Zeddmore - A.J. Buckley
Harry Spangler - Travis Wester
Garth Fitzgerald IV - DJ Qualls
John Winchester - Jeffrey Dean Morgan
Young John Winchester/Michael - Matt Cohen
Lucifer - Mark Pellegrino
Gabriel/Trickster - Richard Speight Jr.
Chuck Shurley/Carver Edlund - Rob Benedict
Balthazar - Sebastian Roche
Gadreel/Ezekiel - Tahmoh Penikett  
Adam Mulligan (Winchester) - Jake Abel
Benny Lafitte - Ty Olsson
Cain - Timothy Omundson
Bobby Singer - Jim Beaver
Ben Braeden - Nicholas Elia
Ash - Chad Lindberg
Rufus Turner - Steven Williams
Death - Julian Richings
War - Titus Welliver
Pestilence - Matt Frewer
Famine - James Otis
Azazel - Frederic Lehne
Samuel Campbell - Mitch Pileggi
Metatron - Curtis Armstrong
Deanna Campbell - Allison Hossack
Mary Winchester - Samantha Smith
Young Mary Winchester - Amy Gumenick
Charlie Bradbury - Felicia Day
Ruby 2.0 - Genevieve Padalecki
Meg Masters 2.0 - Rachel Miner
Sheriff Jody Mills - Kim Rhodes
Sheriff Donna Hanscum - Briana Buckmaster
Rowena - Ruth Connell
Lisa Braeden - Lisa Simpson
The Darkness/Amara - Emily Swallow
Bela Talbot - Lauren Cohan
Abaddon - Alaina Hoffman
Jo Harvelle - Alona Tal
Ellen Harvelle - Samantha Ferris
Claire Novak - Kathryn Newton
Hannah - Erica Carroll
Anna Milton - Julie McNiven
Pamela Barnes - Traci Dinwiddie
Naomi - Amanda Tapping
Older Lilith - Katherine Boecher
Eve - Julia Maxwell
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Hello everybody!
Good night! I'm about to pass out at any second so yeah, I'll only be here for a sec. School has been eating me alive so I apologize for that, I really do feel terrible. If you have any questions or concerns feel free to send an ask, we don't bite! (Hard) haha. We wouldn't mind having more apps so send some in! --Admin C
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wayward-verse-blog · 3 years
The Road So Far (May 10 - 20)
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. WaywardVerse Cast List (Canon up to 6.13)
. 🎵 “The black queen chants the funeral march, The cracked brass bells will ring; To summon back the fire witch To the court of the crimson king.” 🎵   ~King Crimson - The Court of the Crimson King~
. ---------------------------------------- Continuing last week’s scene: Crowley burns McMurtry’s hex bag, breaking the spell for both brothers. Sam and Dean are shocked upon the realization that they just almost murdered each other. Dean realizes immediately that Crowley is there, and places the blame for the spell on him. Crowley certainly wasn’t informed that Castiel came back to life in January, but he has bigger fish to fry at the moment. . As Sam collects himself, his brain finally puts together that Crowley is here with him. If the spell-induced rage toward Dean was a sight to behold, this very real grudge he’s been holding ever since Crowley broke his Wall isn’t just blind fury, it’s tactical as well. . Dean and Cas want to prioritize getting information on where the witch went before killing Crowley, but once it begins to sound like Crowley’s peddling wares, Sam can’t hold himself back. No one can ask him to trust any information that’s going to come out of Crowley’s mouth, not after everything that happened. . Before Sam can make a move with the Kurdish blade, Crowley flings him up against the wall like a Muppet. He leaves a spell that will get around and magic she’s using to hide herself and list of potential places Malorie McMurtry would go to ground.   . Dean agrees to take the list, because there was never really a question about whether or not he was going to. Not when they were so close and they’re running out of time. . Crowley takes off so he isn’t immediately murdered. (Smart lad.) . Castiel heals the injured Winchesters, injuries they mostly beat into each other. Dealing with the guilt of almost shooting Sam, of actually shooting Cas, and of working with Crowley once more and believing he might have just ripped out a keystone to his relationship with his brother.... Dean’s spiraling. . Cas and Sam are just trying to do what they can. Castiel is offering to help find a rare herb for the spell, but they don’t know how much more they can involve him without it crossing into the faerie’s line on angelic interference. Sam stows his considerable fury to try to once again be the steady hand at the wheel for his brother. . Dean waits inside the Impala impatiently. Concerned doesn’t cover how Sam and Cas are feeling. . Sam calls Bobby to quickly fill him in. . Bobby, Jody, and Rufus discuss the situation at hand. . Jody covers her end of the deal, putting out an extremely low-key APB with the license plate number Sam gave her, hoping one of her friends in law enforcement can give her a call without approaching if they happen to spot the vehicle. 
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