#A.B. Santos
absantos123 · 2 years
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"Me deixe entrar... "
-Mikan e Coco.
‼️ATENÇÃO‼️ As personagens Mikan e Coco não me pertecem, mas sim ao artista @bnha-bitch
"Let me in..."
-Mikan and Coco
‼️ATTENTION‼️ The characters Mikan and Coco do not belong to me, but to the artist @bnha-bitch
"Déjame entrar..."
-Mikan y Coco
‼️ATENCIÓN‼ ️ Los personajes Mikan y Coco no me pertenecen, sino a la artista @bnha-bitch
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rafla7000 · 4 months
"Já te disse isso muitas vezes, mas não custa repetir, você me faz tão bem quando está ao meu lado, quando sinto teu afago, sinto teus cuidados… Você me faz bem pelo simples fato de existir."
Malu Santos A.B.
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Week 2 Blog
Filipino American Lives
Yen Le Espiritu
Pages Read: 41-90
Word Count: 411
Over this past week of my independent reading, I have learned about the lives of A.B. Santos, Juanita Santos, Ruth Abad, Connie Tirona, and Luz Latus. The formatting of this book seems to be a collection of memoirs or biographies of a Filipino or FIlipino American’s life in the United States of America. In each of the individual’s stories, they all describe their American experiences and how it impacted their lives and livelihoods. The topic of discrimination also plays a key role in the immigrants’ experiences. Most importantly, these past few passages have been focused on building community and discussing identity within a foreign place plagued with unfairness.
Critical Analysis:
Out of the five quotes I have chosen during this week’s reading, I find one quote by Luz Latus the most interesting. “But I think as you get older, your ethnicity becomes more important to you.” (89) I find this quote the most interesting because I completely agree with it. This quote especially applies to when you are not raised in your native country. As a child, you are unaware of things like culture or heritage. As a child you are easily influenced and molded by your environment and surroundings. As the quote suggests, you become more aware of your ethnicity as you get older, as you become aware of yourself. This quote applies to me and that is also one of the reasons I found this quote intriguing. 
Personal Response:
I loved this week’s reading for particularly one reason. That reason is my girl Connie Tirona. To be frank, Connie Tirona is such a boss. She did not let anything slide. Her ability to just stand up to anyone completely amazes me. Connie is never afraid to speak her mind, make a change, or stand up for herself and others. Everyone should be like Connie Tirona to be honest. She sticks to her beliefs without forcing them upon others, not even her own children. She respects those who have earned her respect and she treats those how they treat her. She literally made a whole group of military men at a base dispensary line up and apologize to her. She didn’t even want the apology; she just scolded and lectured them. She even made a hospital make a new policy regarding sensitivity training just because she complained to the head doctor, which she knew of course. An absolute beast. Those weren’t even half of the things she’s done.
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highnessofpop · 4 years
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20.11.2019 · One of the biggest and most happiest things I am looking forward to in 2020 is the opportunity to study at the Meridian International (MINT) College. I am very thankful of my mama and my family who is always there to support me. I am so grateful to have been accepted as a transferee, despite spending almost 4 years already in my university life. · In the past 4 years, I became a Thomasian as I went to the University of Santo Tomas with A.B. in Political Science for 3 years, then shifted to A.B. in Communication Arts for my last semester there. I learnt valuable lessons from my professors and peers there at UST. Met a lot of wonderful people and most importantly, I had a great time. But sometimes, we had to say goodbye so as we could move on and be the best of who we want to be! · In January 2020, I'll be enrolling to B.S. in Music Business Management (BS MBM) at MINT College Ortigas East Campus. I can't wait for the many possibilities that would come my way... gotta grab those opportunities as they come! · 💚😊💛❤🎵🎼🎹🎶🎙🎤👑😘 #MINTSchool #mintcollege #mintnochill #SwitchtoMINT #GoUSTe #UST #Thomasian #GrowlingTigers #Growth #Inspiration #2020 #highnessofpop https://www.instagram.com/p/B5E_DuTAiuv/?igshid=14uv7w9uhor5j
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abeavispoetry · 7 years
Today we see the sunrise from the rooftops and watch as the city below us yawns, sun glinting off of buildings like teeth. We live inside its feral grin, waiting for it to consume us. The city feeds on chaos, on death and destruction and all the dark things  we deal in; we can pretend we have tamed it, pretend we can control it, but one day it will open its jaw and swallow us whole. We sit in the mouth of the beast, and dream of bullets and the taste of gunpowder. We sit in the mouth of the beast, setting our own fires in case the sun does not rise.  We sit in the mouth of the beast, and pray for tomorrow to arrive. We know better than to hope it is enough.
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saderlann · 4 years
Homem que divulgou notícia falsa de caso de Covid-19 em SAJ será denunciado ao MP da Bahia - Blog do Valente
Homem que divulgou notícia falsa de caso de Covid-19 em SAJ será denunciado ao MP da Bahia – Blog do Valente
Politicagem deu ruim para A.B.
Homem que divulgou Fake News afirmando ter casos de Covid-19 em Santo Antônio de Jesus é denunciado ao Ministério Público da Bahia (MP). Circula no — Ler em blogdovalente.com.br/noticias/saj/2020/04/homem-que-divulgou-noticia-falsa-de-caso-de-covid-19-em-saj-sera-denunciado-ao-mp-da-bahia/
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alexbandfan · 6 years
The Calling + Alex Band: o jogo do pop é com eles mesmo
Mistura de hits antigos e novas faixas da fase solo do vocalista marcou o show em São Paulo, nesta sexta, 5
Um músico pode até reclamar que a indústria fonográfica não anda bem das pernas. Mas, se for esperto como Alex Band, ele saberá se adaptar aos novos tempos. Líder da banda norte-americana The Calling, que se apresentou nesta sexta, 5, na Via Funchal, em São Paulo, Band sabe que o sucesso (ao menos o financeiro), hoje, não vai bater à sua porta e se convidar para entrar. Em 12 músicas, mais duas de bis, o rapaz de 27 anos mostrou o que sabe para continuar na ativa no jogo do pop. Outros teriam sucumbido ao xeque-mate mais cedo.
Quando veio a São Paulo em 2003, então auge do sucesso, o grupo chegou a lotar dois concertos. Agora, conseguir transitar pelo espaço da casa de shows era tarefa bem mais tranquila. Mas já na música de abertura, "Stigmatized", o hiperativo Alex se mostrou o tipo de sujeito que pode ter duas, duzentas ou duas mil pessoas gritando seu nome em coro: suará a camisa para tratar a todos fãs incondicionais. Com o visual franzino destacado por camisa preta justa, jaqueta (com uma caveira atrás, abrilhantada por strass) e violão com alça de oncinha, ele aparece como um Mickey Mouse do rock-pop, mandando beijos e saudações a todos em seu campo de visão.
Não estranhe se nos referimos mais ao "show de Alex" do que "ao show da banda". O The Calling surgiu após sentir "o chamado" há oito anos, virou sensação pouco depois disso, lançou o segundo álbum em 2004 e, então, desapareceu das paradas. Para quem vê de fora, o sumiço é tão misterioso quanto um capítulo de Lost. Eles eram, afinal, autores de hits como "Wherever You Will Go" e "For You" - essa, carro-chefe do filme Demolidor. Em resumo, o lance foi este: cofundador do grupo, Aaron Kamin deixa a banda em 2004. Meses depois, Alex sai em carreira solo. Mas o que fazer com o repertório da primeira metade do século 21, uma roleta premiada de hits? Pois bem: agora, o show é The Calling + Alex Band. E, com os outros integrantes vestidos de preto, e um telão de fundo com as iniciais "A.B.", está claro qual é a única personalidade que deve se destacar.
Já na segunda música, Alex troca o violão por sua guitarra. "Anything" é quase uma mensagem velada aos fãs: o verso "I'll do anything" soa como a afirmação de que astro da noite fará qualquer coisa para agradar sua plateia. Em seguida, outro sucesso: "Adrienne", que é "uma garota muito, muito má", diz ele, em inglês. "Could It Be Any Harder" completa a cascata de sucessos do tempo do The Calling. No fundo, a fórmula deste pop não é nenhum segredo da Nasa: são melodias cantaroláveis - no chuveiro, no trânsito, ao ouvido da namorada. Tanto faz. O que importa é que a maioria delas parece feita na medida certa para servir de trilha para um casal da novela das oito.
As próximas canções vêm da fase solo do frontman: "Tonight" e "What is Love". Embora menos conhecidas do público, elas são cantadas com a mesma garra pelo sempre empenhado Alex - que, em várias faixas, curte fazer mímica do que está cantado (se é a palavra "love", faz um coração; "you", aponta para o público; e por aí vai). A impressão que passa é que o rapaz, que dali a 72 horas faria aniversário (ganhou, claro, parabéns coletivo dos fãs), não nasceu com outra escolha a não ser subir ao palco. Assim como quem é canhoto não vai escrever um livro com a mão direita, Alex Band é um cara sem livre arbítrio - aqui, no lado positivo. É até possível imaginá-lo afastando a longa franja dos olhos e evocando uma máxima de Lulu Santos, em "De Repente, Califórnia": "Meu destino é ser star".
"For You" retoma a "fase The Calling", seguida por "If Only" e "Things Will Go My Way". Em seguida, mais uma de Alex Band: "Rest of Our Lives", uma espécie de hino para corações românticos, com a manjada e (por isso mesmo) sempre boa de mira frase "hoje é o primeiro dia do resto das nossas vidas". O frontman emenda outra de sua carreira solo, "Never Let You Go", e antes de mandar o maior de todos os hits do The Calling, "Wherever You Will Go", recebe a visita de uma fã no palco. A garota, que deu um olé na segurança e correu para abraçar o músico, foi recebida por Alex com um olhar de "estou assustado, mas amando o assédio".
Depois de mais de cinco minutos de intervalo, com um membro da produção tentando ajeitar o som do teclado trazido ao palco, The Calling + Alex Band voltam ao palco para duas músicas de bis. Só um problema: teclado a postos, banda pronta e... esqueceram do microfone para o vocalista. Erro consertado e, 23h55, as madeixas de Alex deixam de balançar de lá para cá. Hora de dar tchau. Mas a saideira está garantida: o artista da noite avisa que estará disponível para autografar o CD até o "último cliente". Meia hora depois, a fila está mais engarrafada que Marginal Pinheiros na hora do rush. Alex Band, definitivamente, sabe jogar o jogo do pop.
Rolling Stone
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oldmogg · 6 years
Afghanistan, “Rona Azim’s Mother,” Jamshid Mahmoudi, director; Algeria, “Until the End of Time,” Yasmine Chouikh, director; Argentina, “El Ángel,” Luis Ortega, director; Armenia, “Spitak,” Alexander Kott, director; Australia, “Jirga,” Benjamin Gilmour, director; Austria, “The Waldheim Waltz,” Ruth Beckermann, director; Bangladesh, “No Bed of Roses,” Mostofa Sarwar Farooki, director; Belarus, “Crystal Swan,” Darya Zhuk, director; Belgium, “Girl,” Lukas Dhont, director; Bolivia, “The Goalkeeper,” Rodrigo “Gory” Patiño, director; Bosnia and Herzegovina, “Never Leave Me,” Aida Begić, director; Brazil, “The Great Mystical Circus,” Carlos Diegues, director; Bulgaria, “Omnipresent,” Ilian Djevelekov, director; Cambodia, “Graves without a Name,” Rithy Panh, director; Canada, “Family First,” Sophie Dupuis, director; Chile, “…And Suddenly the Dawn,” Silvio Caiozzi, director; China, “Hidden Man,” Jiang Wen, director; Colombia, “Birds of Passage,” Cristina Gallego, Ciro Guerra, directors; Costa Rica, “Medea,” Alexandra Latishev, director; Croatia, “The Eighth Commissioner,” Ivan Salaj, director; Czech Republic, “Winter Flies,” Olmo Omerzu, director; Denmark, “The Guilty,” Gustav Möller, director; Dominican Republic, “Cocote,” Nelson Carlo De Los Santos Arias, director; Ecuador, “A Son of Man,” Jamaicanoproblem, director; Egypt, “Yomeddine,” A.B. Shawky, director; Estonia, “Take It or Leave It,” Liina Trishkina-Vanhatalo, director; Finland, “Euthanizer,” Teemu Nikki, director; France, “Memoir of War,” Emmanuel Finkiel, director; Georgia, “Namme,” Zaza Khalvashi, director; Germany, “Never Look Away,” Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck, director; Greece, “Polyxeni,” Dora Masklavanou, director; Hong Kong, “Operation Red Sea,” Dante Lam, director; Hungary, “Sunset,” László Nemes, director; Iceland, “Woman at War,” Benedikt Erlingsson, director; India, “Village Rockstars,” Rima Das, director; Indonesia, “Marlina the Murderer in Four Acts,” Mouly Surya, director; Iran, “No Date, No Signature,” Vahid Jalilvand, director; Iraq, “The Journey,” Mohamed Jabarah Al-Daradji, director; Israel, “The Cakemaker,” Ofir Raul Graizer, director; Italy, “Dogman,” Matteo Garrone, director; Japan, “Shoplifters,” Hirokazu Kore-eda, director; Kazakhstan, “Ayka,” Sergey Dvortsevoy, director; Kenya, “Supa Modo,” Likarion Wainaina, director; Kosovo, “The Marriage,” Blerta Zeqiri, director; Latvia, “To Be Continued,” Ivars Seleckis, director; Lebanon, “Capernaum,” Nadine Labaki, director; Lithuania, “Wonderful Losers: A Different World,” Arunas Matelis, director; Luxembourg, “Gutland,” Govinda Van Maele, director; Macedonia, “Secret Ingredient,” Gjorce Stavreski, director; Malawi, “The Road to Sunrise,” Shemu Joyah, director; Mexico, “Roma,” Alfonso Cuarón, director; Montenegro, “Iskra,” Gojko Berkuljan, director; Morocco, “Burnout,” Nour-Eddine Lakhmari, director; Nepal, “Panchayat,” Shivam Adhikari, director; Netherlands, “The Resistance Banker,” Joram Lürsen, director; New Zealand, “Yellow Is Forbidden,” Pietra Brettkelly, director; Niger, “The Wedding Ring,” Rahmatou Keïta, director; Norway, “What Will People Say,” Iram Haq, director; Pakistan, “Cake,” Asim Abbasi, director; Palestine, “Ghost Hunting,” Raed Andoni, director; Panama, “Ruben Blades Is Not My Name,” Abner Benaim, director; Paraguay, “The Heiresses,” Marcelo Martinessi, director; Peru, “Eternity,” Oscar Catacora, director; Philippines, “Signal Rock,” Chito S. Roño, director; Poland, “Cold War,” Pawel Pawlikowski, director; Portugal, “Pilgrimage,” João Botelho, director; Romania, “I Do Not Care If We Go Down in History as Barbarians,” Radu Jude, director; Russia, “Sobibor,” Konstantin Khabensky, director; Serbia, “Offenders,” Dejan Zecevic, director; Singapore, “Buffalo Boys,” Mike Wiluan, director; Slovakia, “The Interpreter,” Martin Šulík, director; Slovenia, “Ivan,” Janez Burger, director; South Africa, “Sew the Winter to My Skin,” Jahmil X.T. Qubeka, director; South Korea, “Burning,” Lee Chang-dong, director; Spain, “Champions,” Javier Fesser, director; Sweden, “Border,” Ali Abbasi, director; Switzerland, “Eldorado,” Markus Imhoof, director; Taiwan, “The Great Buddha+,” Hsin-Yao Huang, director; Thailand, “Malila The Farewell Flower,” Anucha Boonyawatana, director; Tunisia, “Beauty and the Dogs,” Kaouther Ben Hania, director; Turkey, “The Wild Pear Tree,” Nuri Bilge Ceylan, director; Ukraine, “Donbass,” Sergei Loznitsa, director; United Kingdom, “I Am Not a Witch,” Rungano Nyoni, director; Uruguay, “Twelve-Year Night,” Álvaro Brechner, director; Venezuela, “The Family,” Gustavo Rondón Córdova, director; Vietnam, “The Tailor,” Buu Loc Tran, Kay Nguyen, directors; Yemen, “10 Days before the Wedding,” Amr Gamal, director.
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mikemortgage · 6 years
Michael Kors Holdings Limited to Be Renamed Capri Holdings Limited
div class’business-wire-post’pLONDON — Michael Kors Holdings Limited (NYSE:KORS), a global fashion luxury group, announced today that a definitive agreement has been signed to acquire all of the outstanding shares of Italian luxury fashion house Gianni Versace S.p.A. for a total enterprise value of Euro 1.83 billion or approximately US$2.12 billion. Versace, long recognized as one of the world’s leading luxury fashion companies, is synonymous with Italian glamour and style. /pp John D. Idol, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Michael Kors Holdings Limited, said, “The acquisition of Versace is an important milestone for our group. Versace was founded in 1978. For over 40 years, Versace has represented the epitome of Italian fashion luxury, a testament to the brand’s timeless heritage. We are excited to have Versace as part of our family of luxury brands, and we are committed to investing in its growth. With the full resources of our group, we believe that Versace will grow to over US$2.0 billion in revenues. We believe that the strength of the Michael Kors and Jimmy Choo brands, and the acquisition of Versace, position us to deliver multiple years of revenue and earnings growth.” /pp Mr. Idol continued, “Donatella’s iconic style is at the heart of the design aesthetic of Versace. She will continue to lead the company’s creative vision. I am thrilled to have the opportunity to work with Donatella on Versace’s next chapter of growth.” /pp “This is a very exciting moment for Versace,” said Donatella Versace. “It has been more than 20 years since I took over the company along with my brother Santo and daughter Allegra. I am proud that Versace remains very strong in both fashion and modern culture. Versace is not only synonymous with its iconic and unmistakable style, but with being inclusive and embracing of diversity, as well as empowering people to express themselves. Santo, Allegra and I recognize that this next step will allow Versace to reach its full potential. We are all very excited to join a group led by John Idol, whom I have always admired as a visionary as well as a strong and passionate leader. We believe that being part of this group is essential to Versace’s long-term success. My passion has never been stronger. This is the perfect time for our company, which puts creativity and innovation at the core of all of its actions, to grow.” /pp Donatella added, “Santo, Allegra and I will become shareholders in Capri Holdings Limited. This demonstrates our belief in the long-term success of Versace and commitment to this new global fashion luxury group.” /pp “Versace’s management team will continue to be led by Chief Executive Officer, Jonathan Akeroyd, who has been an instrumental partner to Donatella in driving growth and success for Versace worldwide,” added John D. Idol. “He and Donatella have assembled strong senior management and design teams that will continue to lead Versace into its next chapter. We are extremely fortunate to be able to acquire such an extraordinary brand with an incredibly talented team.” /pp Jonathan Akeroyd, Chief Executive Officer of Versace, said, “Since I joined Versace over two years ago, our focus has been on leveraging the company’s heritage and strong brand recognition worldwide, which has allowed us to experience significant growth in all regions. Donatella’s unmatched vision has led to the continued and growing success of our brand. I am thrilled to be joining Capri Holdings Limited, which will be instrumental in accelerating our growth globally.” /pp bStrategic Initiatives and Transaction Rationale/b /pp As part of our strategic plan for the long-term growth of Versace, we intend to execute on the following key initiatives: /pul li class”bwlistitemmargb” Grow Versace to US$2.0 billion in revenues globally /li li class”bwlistitemmargb” Build on Versace’s luxury runway momentum /li li class”bwlistitemmargb” Enhance Versace’s powerful and iconic marketing /li li class”bwlistitemmargb” Increase global retail footprint from approximately 200 to 300 stores /li li class”bwlistitemmargb” Accelerate e-commerce and omni-channel development /li li class”bwlistitemmargb” Expand men’s and women’s accessories and footwear from 35% to 60% of revenues /li /ulp The acquisition of Versace is expected to deliver a number of benefits for our Company, including: /pul li class”bwlistitemmargb” Opportunity to help grow our group’s revenues to US$8.0 billion in the long-term /li li class”bwlistitemmargb” Expand our global luxury group to include three iconic founder-led brands defined by fashion luxury products with a reputation for world-class design and innovation /li li class”bwlistitemmargb” Diversify our geographic portfolio from: ul li class”bwlistitemmargb” 66% Americas to 57% Americas /li li class”bwlistitemmargb” 23% Europe to 24% Europe /li li class”bwlistitemmargb” 11% Asia to 19% Asia /li /ul /li li class”bwlistitemmargb” Potential to create long-term operational synergies /li /ulp bTransaction Details/b /pp The transaction is not subject to a financing condition. The cash portion of the purchase price is expected to be funded by a combination of cash on hand, drawings under the company’s existing revolving credit facility, and committed underwritten bank term loans from our advisors JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. and Barclays. The Versace family will also receive Euro 150 million of the purchase price in shares of Capri Holdings Limited. The transaction is expected to close in the company’s fourth fiscal quarter, subject to specified closing conditions, including the receipt of required regulatory approvals. /pp bOur New Name/b /pp Capri Holdings Limited (NYSE:CPRI) is the new name to be adopted by Michael Kors Holdings Limited upon the closing of the acquisition. Our name is inspired by the fabled island which has long been recognized as an iconic, glamorous and luxury destination. The island’s spectacular three rock formation, formed over 200 million years ago, is symbolic of the timeless heritage and strong foundation that is at the core of each of the three founder-led brands in our global fashion luxury group. /pp bFinancial Considerations/b /pp The company believes that the acquisition of Versace enhances the company’s economic value and will drive improved long-term shareholder value by accelerating long-term revenue and EPS growth potential. On a non-GAAP basis the acquisition is expected to be dilutive to earnings per share in the high-single digits in fiscal 2020, accretive in the low-single digits in fiscal 2021, and accretive in the high-single digits in fiscal 2022. /pp bConference Call and Additional Information/b /pp The company will host a conference call to discuss the transaction at 8:45 a.m. ET today, September 25, 2018. Participants may dial 1-800-289-0438 or 1-323-794-2423, conference ID: 9704344. A live webcast of the conference call will also be available on the investor relations portion of the Michael Kors Holdings Limited website, a rel”nofollow” href”http://cts.businesswire.com/ct/CT?idsmartlink&urlhttp%3A%2F%2Fwww.investors.michaelkors.com&esheet51871981&newsitemid20180925005557&lanen-US&anchorwww.investors.michaelkors.com&index1&md590b25130b586a06d777aa1dc17ea6bf5″www.investors.michaelkors.com/a. A replay of today’s call will be available through October 2, 2018 by dialing 1-844-512-2921 or 1-412-317-6671, conference ID: 9704344. For additional information concerning the transaction, please see the investor presentation available on the Investor Relations page of the Michael Kors Holdings Limited website at a rel”nofollow” href”http://cts.businesswire.com/ct/CT?idsmartlink&urlhttp%3A%2F%2Fwww.investors.michaelkors.com&esheet51871981&newsitemid20180925005557&lanen-US&anchorwww.investors.michaelkors.com&index2&md5b18411424bcfd47ada234e1c3a707495″www.investors.michaelkors.com/a.b /bFor the avoidance of doubt, the contents of this website are not incorporated into and do not form part of this press release. /pp bAbout Michael Kors Holdings Limited/b /pp Michael Kors Holdings Limited is a global fashion luxury group, consisting of iconic brands that are industry leaders in design, style and craftsmanship. Its brands cover the full spectrum of fashion luxury categories including women’s and men’s accessories, footwear and ready-to-wear as well as wearable technology, watches, jewelry, eyewear and a full line of fragrance products. The company’s goal is to continue to extend the global reach of its brands while ensuring that they maintain their independence and exclusive DNA. Michael Kors Holdings Limited is publicly listed on the New York Stock Exchange under the ticker KORS. /pp bAbout Versace/b /pp Founded in 1978 in Milan, Versace is one of the leading international fashion design houses and a symbol of Italian luxury worldwide. It designs, manufactures, distributes and retails fashion and lifestyle products including haute couture, prèt-à-porter, accessories, jewelry, watches, eyewear, fragrances, and home furnishings all bearing the distinctive Medusa logo. The Versace group distributes its products through a worldwide distribution network which includes over 200 boutiques in some of the world’s most glamourous cities. /pp bForward-Looking Statements/b /pp This press release contains statements which are, or may be deemed to be, “forward-looking statements.” Forward-looking statements are prospective in nature and are not based on historical facts, but rather on current expectations and projections of the management of Michael Kors Holdings Limited (the “Company”) and Gianni Versace S.p.A (“Versace”) about future events, and are therefore subject to risks and uncertainties which could cause actual results to differ materially from the future results expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements. The forward-looking statements contained in this press release include statements relating to the expected effects of the acquisition on the Company and Versace, the expected timing and scope of the acquisition and other statements other than historical facts. All statements other than statements of historical facts included in this press release may be forward-looking statements. Without limitation, any statements preceded or followed by or that include the words “targets”, “plans”, “believes”, “expects”, “aims”, “intends”, “will”, “should”, “could”, “would”, “may”, “anticipates”, “estimates”, “synergy”, “cost-saving”, “projects”, “goal”, “strategy”, “budget”, “forecast” or “might” or, words or terms of similar substance or the negative thereof, are forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements include statements relating to the following: (i) future capital expenditures, expenses, revenues, earnings, economic performance, indebtedness, financial condition, share buybacks, dividend policy, losses and future prospects; (ii) business and management strategies and the expansion and growth of the Company’s and Versace’s operations and benefits from the acquisition; and (iii) the effects of government regulation on the Company’s or Versace’s business. These forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future financial performance. Such forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties that could significantly affect expected results and are based on certain key assumptions. Many risks, uncertainties and other factors could cause actual results to differ materially from those projected or implied in any forward-looking statements. These risks, uncertainties and other factors include the satisfaction of the conditions to consummating the acquisition, timing of closing of the acquisition, the Company’s ability to integrate the businesses successfully and to achieve anticipated benefits of the acquisition; the risk of disruptions to the Company’s or Versace’s businesses; the negative effects of the announcement of the proposed acquisition or the consummation of the proposed acquisition on the market price of the Company’s ordinary shares and its operating results; significant transaction costs; unknown liabilities; the risk of litigation and/or regulatory actions related to the proposed acquisition; fluctuations in demand for the Company’s and Versace’s products; future levels of indebtedness; future availability of credit; the timing and scope of future share buybacks, which may be suspended at any time due to market conditions and the level of other investing activities and uses of cash, including in connection with the pending acquisition; changes in consumer traffic and retail trends; loss of market share and industry competition; fluctuations in the capital markets; fluctuations in interest and exchange rates; the occurrence of unforeseen disasters or catastrophes; political or economic instability in principal markets; adverse outcomes in litigation; and general, local and global economic, political, business and market conditions, as well as those risks set forth in the reports that the Company files from time to time with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. Other unknown or unpredictable factors could cause actual results to differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements. Such forward-looking statements should therefore be construed in the light of such factors. Unless otherwise required by applicable law, neither the Company nor Versace, nor any of their respective associates or directors, officers or advisors, provides any representation, assurance or guarantee that the occurrence of the events expressed or implied in any forward-looking statements in this press release will actually occur. Due to such uncertainties and risks, readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on such forward-looking statements. All subsequent oral or written forward-looking statements attributable to the Company or Versace or any of their respective members, directors, officers or employees or any persons acting on their behalf are expressly qualified in their entirety by the cautionary statement above. The Company and Versace disclaim any obligation to update or revise any forward-looking or other statementsi /icontained herein other than in accordance with their legal and regulatory obligations. /pp /pp img alt”” src”http://cts.businesswire.com/ct/CT?idbwnews&sty20180925005557r1&sidcnpm1&distronx&langen” style”width:0;height:0″/ span class”bwct31415″/ /ppbContacts/b/pp Michael Kors Holdings Limitedbr/Katina Metzidakis, 201-514-8234br/ a href”mailto:InvestorRelationsMichaelKors.com”InvestorRelationsMichaelKors.com/a br/orbr/Media:br/Michael Kors Holdings Limitedbr/Francesca Leonibr/ a href”mailto:PressMichaelKors.com”PressMichaelKors.com/a /p p /p/div
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Know Your Media Law
We are currently engaging on the digital era where almost every information is instant. A click of a mouse or a push of the enter button can result to viral posts. Sometimes, not all posts are accepted by many. Numerous people are sensitive about their principles in life. I bet every person don’t want to have pornographic site-like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram walls, right? Well, except to those who are into obscenity. But for most of us, we are against obscenity and indecency.
According to a website:  
“Federal law prohibits obscene, indecent and profane content from being broadcast on the radio or TV.  That may seem clear enough, but determining what obscene, indecent and profane mean can be difficult, depending on who you talk to.”
“Obscene content must appeal to an average person's prurient interest; depict or describe sexual conduct in a "patently offensive" way; and, taken as a whole, lack serious literary, artistic, political or scientific value.
Indecent content portrays sexual or excretory organs or activities in a way that does not meet the three-prong test for obscenity.”
Truth be told, some women are violated regarding obscenity and idecency. Here in the Philippines for example, Pastor Hokage groups are scattered on Facebook and it disseminates nude photos of women without their permission. It is obviously a violation to the media law and women rights. 
According to a local news agency,  “A number of secret Facebook groups, many of which are named with religious overtones, have been exposed for illicitly sharing obscene photos of women among members. The secret groups often bear names such as "Pastor Hokage Bible Study," with members using terms such as "Amen" to express their affirmation over the illicit posts. To be accepted as a 'pastor' or a member, a new user must present an "ambag" — their collection of illicit photos. Membership of the secret Facebook groups range from 9,000 to 2 million.”
But according to National Bureau of Investigation, they already warned those members of the said groups that they are liable for some cases like violating child pornography and anti-voyeurism laws.
But according to esquiremag.ph as stated by BJ delos Santos, criminal lawyer and partner at the A.B. S. Law Firm:
“Another caveat is that not all of the Hokage groups' posts, while clearly offensive, could be considered as violating the law. Sharing women's nude photos or sex videos is illegal under R.A. 9995 or The Anti-Photo and Video Voyeurism Act of 2009. But what happens when Hokages steal photos of a woman in a bikini, or a woman having coffee in what happens to be a slightly revealing top?
"What the law punishes is stealing and posting a photo of the 'private area of a person under circumstances in which the person has a reasonable expectation of privacy,'" delos Santos says.  
He explains that Section 3(e) of the law defines the “private area of a person” as the “naked or undergarment-clad genitals, pubic area, buttocks or female breast of an individual." Situations where the person can expect their intimate areas to stay intimate include those "in which a reasonable person would believe that a private area of the person would not be visible to the public, regardless of whether that person is in a public or private place” under Section 3(f).”
Also, In his opinion, an innocent photo of a fully clothed woman whose cleavage is slightly visible would fall under the law, since it defines the "female breast" as "any portion" under Section 3(c).On the other hand, the case of a bikini-clad woman posing provocatively at the beach is tricky. Is it reasonable to claim she didn't think her private areas would be visible, given that she was at the beach? Does her bikini count as undergarments?  
Because the law focuses on voyeurism, it falls short when it comes to protecting women who simply wanted to post their bikini photos online. "It protects women who post pictures of themselves without any clear intention of making their photos 'revealing' so to speak, but apparently not those whose intention appears otherwise. The term “voyeurism” covers the first example, but not the second," delos Santos says.”
But then again, people should be more decisive when and when not to send nudes even if he/she is your boyfriend/girlfriend. As what they say, think before you click.
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absantos123 · 2 years
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🇧🇷Bem, pra quem não sabe, esses personagens no desenho não são o IzukuFem e a OchakoMale, são outros personagens que eu criei inspirados nos desenhos do artista @bnha-bitch
Mais vamos as apresentações:
A personagem de cabelo verde se chama Midoriya Izumi (Eu imagino que, por a Izumi ser parecida com o Deku, a Ochako daria o nome de sua filha caçula de Izumi).
Ja o personagem de cabelo castanho se chama Midoriya "Ochaki" (👁👄👁 sim eu sei, é um nome ridículo hahahaha 🤣).
Fiz essa Fanart no app Ibis Paint X no celular, foi um pouco difícil fazer com o dedo pois eu ainda não tenho um Tablet e uma caneta touch para desenho (E suponho eu que não vou ganhar isso tão cedo🥲) Mas independente de tudo, estou feliz com o resultado, por mas que eu tenha errado uns conceitos básicos de anatomia e pintura, o que importa é que estou feliz 🥰
🇺🇸Well, for those who don't know, these characters in the drawing are not the girl Izuku and the boy Ochako, they are other characters that I created inspired by the drawings of the artist @bnha-bitch
More on the presentations:
The green-haired character is called Midoriya Izumi (I imagine that because Izumi looks like Deku, Ochako would name her youngest daughter Izumi).
The brown-haired character is called Midoriya "Ochaki" (👁👄👁 yes I know, it's a ridiculous name hahaha 🤣).
I made this Fanart in the Ibis Paint X app on my cell phone, it was a little difficult to do with my finger because I still don't have a Tablet and a touch pen for drawing (And I suppose I won't get that anytime soon🥲) But regardless, I'm happy with the result, even though I got some basic concepts of anatomy and painting wrong, what matters is that I'm happy 🥰
Sorry for the English, I use Google translator while I'm learning this difficult language, if the text has grammar or spelling errors, correct it
🇪🇸Bueno, para los que no saben, estos personajes del dibujo no son IzukuFem y OchakoMale, son otros personajes que creé inspirado en los dibujos de la artista @bnha-bitch Pero vamos a las presentaciones:
El personaje de pelo verde se llama Midoriya Izumi (me imagino que porque Izumi se parece a Deku, Ochako llamaría a su hija menor Izumi).
El personaje de cabello castaño se llama Midoriya "Ochaki" (👁👄👁 sí lo sé, es un nombre ridículo jajajaja 🤣).
Este Fanart lo hice en la app Ibis Paint X de mi celular, me costó un poco hacerlo con el dedo porque aún no tengo una Tablet y un touch pen para dibujar (Y supongo que no lo conseguiré en cualquier momento 🥲) Pero independientemente, estoy feliz con el resultado, aunque me equivoqué en algunos conceptos básicos de anatomía y pintura, lo que importa es que estoy feliz 🥰
Lo siento por mi español, uso el traductor de Google mientras aprendo este idioma difícil, si el texto tiene errores gramaticales o de ortografía, corríjalo.
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​Brigada Militar  - 3° BPM  - Policiais da Base Móvel Comunitária prendem homem com carro clonado 🚨
​Brigada Militar  – 3° BPM  – Policiais da Base Móvel Comunitária prendem homem com carro clonado 🚨
Na tarde de quinta-feira  (19/10), na Rua Marquês de Olinda, esquina com Rua Antônio Roberto Kroeff, bairro Santo Afonso em Novo Hamburgo, policiais da Base Móvel Comunitária (BMC) da Brigada Militar prenderam um homem e recuperaram um automóvel roubado.
Em ação policial, abordado um automóvel  Prisma, de cor branca e seu motorista A.B., 38 anos.
Em verificação, constatou-se que o automóvel…
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nofomoartworld · 7 years
Hyperallergic: Art Movements
Lesha Limonov, “Masterpieces never sleep” (courtesy Rijksmuseum)
Art Movements is a weekly collection of news, developments, and stirrings in the art world.
Iraqi troops recaptured the ancient city of Hatra. Much of the city is believed to have been destroyed and ransacked by ISIS.
President Trump signed an executive order instructing Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke to review national monument designations from 1996 onwards, sparking concerns that the administration will attempt to repeal existing monuments.
Lesha Limonov received the 2017 Rijksstudio Award — the Rijksmuseum’s international design award — for a series of sleeping masks inspired by Johannes Cornelisz Verspronck’s “Portrait of a Girl Dressed in Blue” (1641). Esther Pi and Timo Waag’s “Eden Condoms” and Jessie Hall’s “Plant Study Hats” won second and third place, respectively.
The Metropolitan Museum of Art is reportedly in talks with New York City’s municipal government over the possibility of charging a fixed entry fee to visitors from outside the city.
The city of New Orleans removed the first of four Confederate monuments slated for relocation.
Austrian auctioneers Im Kinsky pulled a Nazi-looted 17th-century portrait from auction hours before it was due to be sold after receiving a slew of complaints and “anonymous threats.” The heirs of Jewish-German industrialist and art collector Adolphe Schloss expressed outrage over the planned sale of Bartholomeus van der Helst’s “Portrait of a Man” (1647). The work was looted from the Schloss family in 1943 and was chosen for inclusion in Adolf Hitler’s planned Führermuseum in Linz. The auction house initially defended the planned sale after claiming it had the right to sell the work under Austrian law.
A notice put up in staff rooms at both Tate Modern and Tate Britain asking staff to contribute funds toward a sailing boat for outgoing director Nicholas Serota was removed following intense criticism by staff. The notice asked employees to chip in for the “surprise gift” for Serota. Tracy Edwards, the PCS Union representative for Tate staff, told the Guardian that she initially thought the notice was a spoof. “The staff at Tate are underpaid paid and overworked, and haven’t had appropriate pay rises,” she added, “and this just demonstrates how divorced from reality the management at Tate are.”
(via Twitter/@BLMaps)
Staff at the British Library digitized The Klencke Atlas (1660) — one of the world’s largest atlases.
An IT manager at the American Museum of Natural History filed a lawsuit against the museum. Peter Bryan Torres alleges that his supervisor, museum CIO Juan Montes, began a discriminatory campaign against him after learning about his HIV-positive status.
Sotheby’s will hold its inaugural sale of modern and contemporary African art on May 16.
Sky News named arts publicist Erica Bolton as one of a number of UK company directors potentially facing a directorship ban by the Insolvency Service. Bolton was a trustee of Kids Company, a high-profile charity that was closed amid accusations of financial and operational mismanagement.
Historic England launched a crowdfunding campaign to restore Peter Laszlo Peri‘s sculpture, “The Sunbathers.” The work was displayed at the 1951 Festival of Britain.
US Assemblyman Matthew Harper (R-Huntington Beach) authored A.B. 629, a bill that would allow art gallery owners throughout the state of California to serve beer and wine without a license from the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control.
Instagram removed two black-and-white nude photographs by Imogen Cunningham posted by the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston.
Dutch architecture firm Attika Architekten installed emoji roundels on the facade of a new building in the city of Amersfoort.
View of Marisol’s New York studio (courtesy of the Albright-Knox Art Gallery Digital Assets Collection, Albright-Knox Art Gallery, Buffalo, New York; © Estate of Marisol, photo by Jason Mandella)
The Albright-Knox Art Gallery announced that Marisol Escobar (1930–2016) bequeathed her entire estate to the museum. The gift includes over 100 sculptures and 150 works on paper, thousands of photographs, the artist’s library and archive, and her Tribeca home and studio.
The High Museum of Art received 54 works from the Souls Grown Deep Foundation, including pieces by Thornton Dial, Joe Light, Mary T. Smith, and 11 quilts created by the women of Gee’s Bend, Alabama.
The Arts Council Collection announced its 2016–2017 acquisitions.
The Los Angeles County Museum of Art announced nine new acquisitions, including works by Vera Lutter and Sonia Delaunay.
Beatrice Welles, the daughter of Orson Welles, donated over “21 linear feet” of her father’s archive to the University of Michigan.
Chubb Insurance donated $15,000 to the Norman Rockwell Museum. The sum is equal to the claims payment made by the company to the owners of a recently recovered Rockwell painting.
Edward S. Curtis’s platinum print “Red Cloud, Oglala” (1905) sold at Swann Auction Galleries for $32,500 — a record for the work.
Edward S. Curtis, “Red Cloud Oglala” (1905), platinum print (courtesy Swann Auction Galleries)
Lauren Cornell was appointed director of the graduate program, CCS Bard, and chief curator of the Hessel Museum of Art.
Esther McGowan will succeed Nelson Santos as executive director of Visual AIDS.
Claire Doherty was appointed director of Arnolfini.
Michelle Hargrave was appointed deputy director of the New Britain Museum of American Art.
Andrés Úbeda de los Cobos was appointed deputy director of conservation and research at the Museo del Prado.
Lindsay Pollock stepped down as editor-in-chief of Art in America.
Ceysson & Bénétière will open a space at 956 Madison Avenue next month.
Venture capitalist Jean Pigozzi announced plans to create a foundation and space for his collection of contemporary African art.
The Luxelakes A4 Art Museum opened its new venue.
Brothers Maurice and Paul Marciano converted a former Masonic temple in Los Angeles into a space for their contemporary art collection.
Cyrus Tilton, “Individuals” (2011), motorized steel and bamboo mechanism, muslin, steel wire, glue, tulle (courtesy Crocker Art Museum)
The Crocker Art Museum awarded its inaugural John S. Knudsen Prize to Cyrus Tilton (1977–2017). The sculptor passed away in March 28 after a year-long battle with esophageal cancer.
Do Ho Suh was awarded the 2017 Ho-Am Prize for the arts.
Otobong Nkanga was awarded the 2017 BelgianArtPrize.
Mika Tajima and Patricia Treib were named the winners of the 2017 New York Artadia Awards.
The American Academy in Rome announced its 2017–18 Rome Prize winners.
The Dallas Museum of Art announced the recipients of its 2017 artist awards — the Clare Hart DeGolyer Memorial Fund Award, the Arch and Anne Giles Kimbrough Fund Award, and the Otis and Velma Davis Dozier Travel Grant.
The Baltimore Office of Promotion and the Arts announced the finalists of the 2017 Walter and Janet Sondheim Prize.
Magdalena Abakanowicz, “Embryology” (1978–80), burlap, cotton gauze, hemp rope, nylon and sisal (via Flickr/Wolf Gang)
Magdalena Abakanowicz (1930–2017), sculptor.
Yüksel Arslan (1933–2017), artist.
Joan Baker (1922–2017), painter.
Jonathan Demme (1944–2017), film director and screenwriter. Best known for The Silence of the Lambs (1991).
Cuba Gooding Sr. (1944–2017), soul singer. Father of actor Cuba Gooding Jr.
Padraig Mac Miadhachain (1929–2017), painter.
Robert Pirsig (1928–2017), writer. Best known for Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance (1974).
Gina Pollinger (1935–2017), editor and literary agent.
Philip Reeves (1931–2017), artist.
Issa Samb (1945–2017), artist and co-founder of Laboratoire Agit’Art.
Elizabeth Sargent (1920–2017), poet. Last tenant of Carnegie Hall.
Rebecca Swift (1964–2017), writer and co-founder of The Literary Consultancy.
The post Art Movements appeared first on Hyperallergic.
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