trans-estinien · 9 months
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tiktaaliker · 2 months
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avian-hearts · 4 months
choco ball in a shirt that's a little cropped and i can see his tummy,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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artdrain · 6 months
Dw I'm not ded.
Now to cope with that new episode
I give you them hugging after yelling at each other
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Sad Nori doesn't approve though :((
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strayingsocks · 8 months
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naptime kiss mwah
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wukong will not escape either .
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spencery22 · 2 months
two in a pretty dress + a couple gijinkas 🫂
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cellberry · 10 months
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thedemonscrawler · 8 months
Auuugh I hate exposition I hate one set of characters getting another set up to speed
istg from now on if you weren't present you just don't find out about what happened to your buddies, sorry bruh
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haventseensun · 19 days
this song is so wxs core im ill
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cat-with-a-keyboard · 6 months
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so @blunderbussin gave me an excuse to write an essay about hirasawa and im going to do that instead of anything impactful with my life and it's going to probably get stupid long. oopsie
So the aspect of Hirasawa that intrigues me the most is the lore surrounding the interactive live shows, a form of storytelling he's more or less pioneered. While there seems to be no particular overarching story (anymore. but thats a story for another day), all the stories that are told by the different shows are loosely connected, sharing characters or referencing events in previous shows; as well as being supplemented by sporadic stories that Hirasawa writes about some of the characters.
And listen. When i say 'loosely connected' i mean i have spent hours and hours and hours with my closest friends (who are also hirasawa fans) trying to stitch these events into a semi-cohesive whole because this old man does not give two brass coins for any kind of continuity (and he's really loosey-goosey on any kind of details), which drives me absolutely insane because goddamnit i will make this stupid thing make sense all together.
Also there's really some pretty banger concepts in these lives: machines that enforce the reality of the world based on collective perception, totalitarian government ruled by an alien fern, the green nerve network (its really hard to explain), Sim City as a place, an echo of modern cities in a virtual universe, Layer-Green/Communo Hybridia, the digital sea, timeline hopping cyborgs with terminal self-loathing
im talking about HIM my beloved good times girl, my rotten cheese man btw ↆↆↆↆ
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anyway. this is a topic i could literally talk for hours about And I Have. i've spent so much time lovingly crafting theories only for them to have about a million holes shot through them because of some silly detail i completely forgot. oops. but im going to shut up for now before i get into the really deep/silly shit because if i speak about the ascii dragon or luuk sathwan khondiaw i will literally never ever shut up. i am a dork
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miyagi-hokarate · 7 months
My dorky ass puppyboy darling son Scott McCall everyone
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asukiess · 2 months
look im not saying that lie to me by 5sos us an eminath song but im not NOT saying that you know
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thanks for that. I'll be thinking of post-tibet eminath all night.
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heartorbit · 2 years
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curly hair emu 🍬
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clannfearrunt · 14 days
Taking a dinner + salmon run later break from staring at the map proper so vague initial thoughts abt splat worldmap by a dumbass: The Mediterranean Sea has probably disappeared from a combination of it getting cut off from the ocean + then evaporating and uplift caused by the African and Eurasian continents colliding. The Arabian plate has also definitely joined the smashening here. The area probably has new mountain ranges or like idk otherwise Heightened Zones fucking idk. Maybe you could leave a few saline lakes as leftovers from the sea but as I keep saying: idk. In general though I think there’s going to be a lot of mountainous regions creating a barrier between Eurasia and Africa, so even though it’s a contiguous landmass now it’s probably still relatively isolated from each other. Unsure what came of the rift zones though maybe they failed and are just conspicuous valley regions now The Sunda plate seems to have collided the Fuck into Eurasia based on the splatmap so we can expect so much mountains, uplift, etc over there also I think. Indian plate 2. As far as I have looked at I think the Australian plate is probably still ok to be assumed to be subducting under it so uhhhhhhhh idk there is probably more islands uhhhh and like some of those like. What’s the fucking word. The Combines it. For some bigger islands. The entire fucking Australia-Indonesia Etc Zone needs to have way more islands than is on the splatmap just in general though. I thiiiink it’s reasonable to Expand Japan since there’s a lot of convergent bullshit boundaries over there? So combination of volcanic activity and like uplift can make more land I think. So that bigger blobby thing on the splatmap is fine probably. What makes me ??? though is that on the local Inkadia-Splatlands map they used almost the same shoreline shape as the modern day Tokyo bay (and in the JP map, labeled Chiba to further suggest this is the case) and if we are making those islands Bigger I don’t think that’s going to stay intact that well. We know they don’t think about these things. Except for when they throw in lines about seafloor getting uplifted. But that can’t be true (in this region) as the same time as this being the Tokyo bay and shut. Up. Fuck off I don’t know what’s going on in the Americas. I thiiink North America got rotated a little counterclockwise but as I’ve already pointed out what is that saucy little handle it’s got on the western side now. Is that Kanifornia (crab California) of throwaway artbook line legend? I also don’t know what the funky zone happening on the Central/South American area is supposed to be but there’s more plates to work with there so I’m sure I can work it out... I do really enjoy the shapes over there though, that big channel cutting across the landmass and the Dolphin Island... very fun This has been Initial Plate Tectonics Thoughts By A Dumbass. If anyone smarter wants to weigh in on the state of the official Splatoon world map please feel free. Actually I’m begging you somebody else please also tackle this fucking thing
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kiddphel · 1 year
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Miguel and his emotional support dog
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