ice-devourer · 3 months
what if i drew fyozai but un-romantically and as characters from midnight mass huh what if dazai was riley and fyodor was father paul while they have THIS conversation huh what if i become obsessed with this huh huh hUH
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horriblebassplayah · 4 months
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bonefall · 6 months
Anime fans we gotta sell Bones on watching bsd now /silly /j
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jackwhiteprophetic · 2 months
Guys I'm so excited I can't wait for stills again... And Tim posting his own ones with the brightness turned all the way down because he's just quirky like that, and teasers and synopses AAAAAARGHHHH I AM SO EXCITED!!!!!
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lov--vey · 3 months
Aaaaaarghhhh I am mad, whenever I search for a particular member's hashtag to see blogs and posts solely about them, I end up finding 26728282 posts which are not solely about them because they are tagged under other member's solo posts as well and I get that doing so might increase the reach and the audience but it's so misleading and hence super irritating 😠 especially for the members who have less content about them
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trollpium · 7 months
Rant 💎
I CANNOT GET ENOUGH OF VELVET. Like, you are just so pretty and THAT ATTITUDE OF HERS. Gyahhh!!! She's sooooooo.... <3 AAAAAARGHHHH I NEED VELVET EDITS!!! RAAAAHHHH!!! Orz Sob sob sob sob so sassy... has a brother who licks her boot. She wants everyone to lick her shiny diamond boots... Uwahh... She knows she's pretty and she's right. (∗´ര ᎑ ര`∗) I LOVE HER. .⁠·⁠´⁠¯⁠`⁠(⁠>⁠▂⁠<⁠)⁠´⁠¯⁠`⁠·⁠.
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crystallizedmiracle · 2 years
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Random doodles aaaaaarghhhh
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treason-and-plot · 2 years
I'm sick of beating this tired old drum about my lack of posts, but I feel so bad about it and sooo frustrated! Anyway this last week I've been catapulted into a manager's role at work (AAAAAARGHHHH) and have also been helping my son with a new horticulture project on 'Weed Control', and sadly that hasn't left much ANY time for Simming. What usually happens each evening after my kids have gone to sleep is that I open my game, stare at Roy and Anya for a few moments and then next thing I know is my husband is telling me to go to bed because I've dozed off and I'm dribbling all over my tshirt. Tomorrow is Saturday but I have kids' activities then a lunch and a dinner to attend so hopefully...there may be an update Sunday??? I wish I could invite everyone inside my head to view the updates that live there, SERIOUSLY, why isn't this possible in 2022?? Hope all my beloved mutuals are safe and well and as always I LOVE YOUSE ALL!!!!
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xolilith · 8 months
Sobre Anatomia de uma queda, bem, primeiramente eu não lembro o nome de nenhum personagem. Peço perdão! Mas o filme é sobre como o marido dessa mulher aparentemente sofre uma acidente, ele cai do 3° andar da casa deles. Só que as circunstâncias que isso acontecem são muito estranhas, sabe? Tem uns pequenos detalhes que são meio fora do lugar. Por isso, a mulher dele acaba virando suspeita de ter feito isso com ele. O que ela tenta provar todo o filme que não.
Eu gosto bastante desse tipo de filme, análise da perícia, as hipóteses que são levantadas e a forma como eu fico instigada a escolher um lado para acreditar antes do filme terminar.
Então existem essas duas possibilidades, ou ele se matou por conta de uma série de fatores que são expostos durante a narrativa, ou foi ela. O julgamento claro que vai dar o veredito, mas meio que tem um final aberto (?). Eu não sei explicar, mas existe algo que deixa um brecha de dúvida ainda, inconclusivo. Enfim, não vou dar spoiler sobre isso.
No geral, atuações muito boas, e o cachorro é o maior, o querido merece o oscar demais!
Quero dizer que filmes com finais abertos me irritam demais porque me fazem pensar demais, e eu quero algo concreto aaaaaarghhhh quero que alguém pense por mim. Além desse, eu ainda to puta com o final de o Lagosto porque, pqp, vou viver com a eterna dúvida se ele teve a coragem de ficar cego mesmo.
nota de anatomia de uma queda 9/10
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kaeyasimpski · 1 year
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Kaeya will always be my number one 💙❄️
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He's so precious and so dear to meeee AAAAAARGHHHH💗
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giulliadella · 6 months
I am literally booping everyone on this site, the little cat pawsies on my screen give me so much joy aaaaaarghhhh
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little-space-bug · 1 year
I really want some agere gear but I don't want my family finding it aaaAAARGHHHH
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katyspersonal · 2 years
Wait a goddamn second (Fantomette I know you haven beaten Elden Ring yet too so potential spoilers, I dunno where you are)
So there is this female NPC with blind fold, ok? I've met her like two times - first after defeating Godrick and second in Liurnia and both times she asked for eyes but not because she caught rabies from Willem B. Loodborne, no, but because she can't see shit but when she eats them she can see the light in her head to follow, and both times there were items Shabriri Grape or something that ARE those eyes not very far. First time I thought I was legit going to die because I laughed too hard at how bad 'maiden please take my grapes' sounded without context hfjjghgnbb BUT LIKE
I tried to explore Frenzied Flame Village more and found a talisman of a face of some guy, I didn't read it at first but later after I found like 5 incarnations in other places I decided to sit down and read descriptions
And like in incarnation Howl of Shabriri it said the Frenzied Flame originated from him and also in that talisman that I neglected at first it said that face WAS Shabriri and his eyes were carved out and then frenzied flame settled in empty eye sockets (so I presume the burnt eyeballs of people that suffered from flame were just him not being able to take the L from losing his own or something?) bUT LIKE
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So THIS is the light she is seeing in her head???? Dude is this one of THOSE mothefucking Soulsborne quests where you just help the character to die for some item you won't even use much but it gives like a pixel of lore????? AAAAAARGHHHH
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autisticchips · 19 days
Aaaaaarghhhh my back uaaaaaa 🥺🥺🥺🥺😭🥺😭😭😭😭😭😭🤧🤧🤧🤧😞😞😞😞
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justcallmealt · 2 months
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yoursweetberry · 3 months
Amoee mio, hai finito a lavoro? hai mangiato? Io stavo colorando ma ora mi sto mettendo a letto perchè sento gli occhi stanchi, sto sveglia dalle 6 stamattina per via del caldo. L’unica cosa che potrebbe tenermi attiva ora sarebbe stare con te 🤣mi manchi tanto tanto tanto.. e mi manca troppo farti i massaggini alla schiena, ci penso spesso.. uffá ti voglio e voglio troppo i nostri momenti di coccole che poi ci trasportano a momenti di passione e mhmm…
Se solo potessi ora sarei li a baciarti lentamente il collo mentre con le mani ti accarezzerei le spalle e la schiena, per poi passare avanti sul tuo petto e stringendo lentamente il tuo seno…. aaaaaarghhhh ti desiderooooo
eddai ti voglio non mi importa di altro voglio solo fare l’amore con te e dimenticarmi di qualsiasi cosa
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