bloodheartz · 11 months
Self proclaimed empaths on their way to "advocate for the mentally ill 🥺" by demonizing every cluster b personality disorder
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transfinan · 1 year
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Polícias, “alfobre de esquemas” e incêndios
1.Continuam os protestos dos elementos das Forças de Segurança relativamente às “assimetrias na atribuição do subsídio de risco em comparação com a Polícia Judiciária”. Estes protestos ocorreram em frente à Assembleia da República e junto à Câmara Municipal do Porto. Além disso, esta tomada de posição terá sido acompanhada da paragem de viaturas policiais dadas como avariadas, e o sistema…
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thcrns · 2 years
linked in the source is a gif pack (#56) of mia goth as jane marrowbone in marrowbone (2017). these gifs were made from scratch by me so please don’t claim as your own, and read my rules before saving/using!! do not use to rp as mia herself or portray a minor. please give credit where credit is due, and give this post a like and/or reblog if you plan on saving/using!
keep in mind mia goth is a white cis woman born on october 25, 1993 (29) and was likely 23 when the movie was filmed.
TW: none
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ihatedean · 2 months
how the fuck do you make agif do the fuck do ik gif somethging that is onmy screen easy gif tutorial tutorial gif gif easy no photoshop free gif
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thistaleisabloodyone · 11 months
Gif Making, the Broke Bitch Way
I've been considering making this tutorial for awhile, because not all of us can afford PhotoShop and doing it the way I do it does take some finagling.
For this tutorial, you will need:
A video you want to gif - I usually find them off of YouTube
Paint.net - the free version, I emphasize the free version. The paid for version doesn't play as nicely with plugins
midora's 'GIF Animations and Images' FileType Plugin (.GIF, .AGIF) plugin - have a tutorial on installing plugins for Paint.net)
ffmpeg - have a tutorial on installing ffmpeg because I struggled hardcore with that
VLC - for clipping larger videos down into smaller clips
Tutorial continues under the cut because it's fucking long and I ramble.
For this video, I will be breaking down SHOCK THE WORLD into frames.
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Here, I already have it downloaded.
I have a special folder for breaking things down into frames and I've copied the file over into that folder.
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Now, I'm gonna change the name of the file because that's motherfucking atrocious and I'm not fucking typing that out in ffmpeg.
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Much better.
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Now type in cmd in the address bar and hit enter. That'll bring up the command screen, where you type in
ffmpeg -i [nameoffile].mp4 %04d.png
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Notably, I actually wrote ffmpeg -i shocktheworld.mp4 %05d.png because this video is 7 minutes long, so I wanted 5 digits in the file name instead of 4 just in case. You would be amazed at how many frames a video breaks down into when every second of footage is 23.99 frames.
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And good thing I did. The text in the red box says 'frame=10707', which means it broke the video down into 10,707 frames.
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You don't have to do this, but I go through and delete the frames that say RhythmZone at the beginning and the ones at the end, because I don't need them and these files are huge.
Now I move the images out of the Frames folder and into their new home.
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Now that the frames are in their proper folder, it's time to find what we want to gif. I like this shot of Leiya, he looks pretty.
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Now we have to decide how many frames we want our gif to be. Most of my gifs are between 25 and 35 frames - like the birthday gif sets are 28 frames, the Ray of Light second outfits are 37, and the MV gif sets are 30 frames of moving gif (45 frames w/promo pic).
In this case, I think we're gonna for for 30 frames. That's a decent amount. So first open up the first image - I just drag it into Paint.net from File Explorer because it's easier that way.
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You can drag each frame you want in individually like that, too, just hit 'add as layer' every time. What I prefer to do is select all of the ones I want and drag them in at once. Just hit the 'Add as layer' button and magic happens.
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Sometime when doing this, Paint.net drops the layers in in the wrong order, so it's always a good idea to go through and check that all of the numbers are in the right order. From this one, you can see that 2133 and 2134 ended up at the bottom, so I had to drag them back up to the top.
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One way that I check that my frames are in the right order is I resize the file down to a much smaller size - 600x338 is what they tend to end up becoming when I do the previews - and then I go to Save As -> Save as AGIF format and preview the gif.
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Technically, we could just call it quits here. You have the frames, you have them in the right order, you can truly just hit Save and move on with your life. This is the gif, saved just as it is, using the default settings for making a gif.
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It's not as much a problem here, but sometimes the default settings move a little slower when you have all the frames. This is currently set at 1 frame per 100ms. I default to 1 frame per 80ms instead. The difference is slightly more obvious in these two gifs, I think, because there's more movement.
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Gif on the left is 100ms per frame, gif on the right is 80ms per frame. It's a little faster and, in my opinion, truer to the actual music video.
But! Since I am a Picky Bitch, as well as a Broke Bitch, I don't usually leave my gifs at this point. I do two extra steps on every gif.
Step 1. Sharpen all the frames.
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Unless it looks bad, I just take the default sharpening settings. Ctrl+F repeats the most recent effect you've applied. Considering each frame needs adjusted individually, I suggest you memorize that command. 😂
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No sharpening left; sharpened right. The difference is subtle, but I prefer to sharpen my gifs to reduce chances of the gif looking blurry later.
Step 2. Brightness and contrast!
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This step is a lot more finagling - I often do multiple tries and I'll compare the frame I've edited with the frame above it to see if I like the difference. The reason why I always do Brightness/Contrast - especially Contrast - is because I feel like it unifies the colors and takes off the sort - grey edge the gifs sometimes have if I don't do Brightness/Contrast.
Once you're happy with the Brightness/Contrast you have, you get to apply it to every single frame 😂 Ctrl+Sht+T is the shortcut.
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So... Difference isn't as strong as I'd like it here. 😅 The one I modified is on the right.
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I think the difference is more obvious with these two. On the left, is the one that hasn't been Sharpened or had the Brightness/Contrast affected. On the right is the finished version I actually posted. The left one just feels - greyer, to me, the colors aren't as vibrant or sharp.
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normalbrothers · 5 months
trying to makea agif set but it only works in my head dhhdh mean
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hotnew-pt · 6 days
Santos engata a 3ª, bate Botafogo e esquenta jogo por topo da Série B #ÚltimasNotícias #Brasil
Hot News Wendel Silva, do Santos, em ação no duelo contra o Botafogo-SP, válido pela Série B Imagem: Thiago Calil/AGIF Sustos (só depois dos 30 minutos). O Santos, finalmente, empolgou seu torcedor já na parte final do 1° tempo. Primeiro, Laquintana pegou rebote após rebatida e ficou no quase em finalização de fora da área, e depois Pituca forçou boa defesa de João Carlos. Guilherme sem trave,…
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pacosemnoticias · 2 months
Portugal envia dois especialistas para colaborar no combate aos incêndios no Pantanal
Portugal vai enviar dois especialistas para o Brasil para uma missão de colaboração na "análise e gestão estratégica" dos incêndios que atualmente assolam a região do Pantanal, adiantou a Agência para a Gestão Integrada de Fogos Rurais (AGIF).
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Segundo o comunicado enviado pela AGIF, os dois especialistas, em representação da agência e do Instituto de Conservação da Natureza e das Florestas (ICNF), vão estar no Pantanal, na região do Mato Grosso do Sul, no Brasil, entre 10 e 21 de agosto.
“A 17 de agosto junta-se à AGIF e ao ICNF, um elemento da Polícia Judiciária (PJ), que vai colaborar até ao final do mês, com especialistas brasileiros na metodologia de determinação de causas de incêndios e estudo de casos”, refere-se no comunicado.
A missão pretende permitir a “identificação de estratégias de supressão dos incêndios ativos e na análise integrada do uso do fogo neste território”.
“As situações de seca, previsões meteorológicas e o crescente número de focos de calor no Pantanal (e noutras regiões brasileiras) permitem antever um período bastante complicado, em que os incêndios estão cada vez mais intensos e frequentes, comprometendo a capacidade de regeneração dos ecossistemas da região”, acrescenta o comunicado.
A AGIF esclarece que a missão de colaboração, a convite do Centro Nacional de Prevenção e Combate aos Incêndios Florestais – Prevfogo se enquadra num memorando de entendimento entre a agência e o Instituto Brasileiro do Meio Ambiente e dos Recursos Naturais Renováveis (IBAMA), assinado em 2023.
De acordo com dados oficiais, durante o primeiro semestre deste ano, o fogo na região consumiu cerca de 500 mil hectares do Pantanal, a maior zona húmida do mundo, partilhada pelo Brasil, Bolívia e Paraguai, que alberga uma imensa e rica biodiversidade.
De acordo com as autoridades, a grande maioria dos focos de incêndio registados nos últimos meses no Pantanal teve origem em propriedades privadas, onde é tradicional atear fogo para preparar a terra para o plantio.
No final de julho, o Presidente do Brasil, Lula da Silva, sobrevoou a região afetada pelos incêndios, onde ainda continuavam ativos alguns focos.
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abraaocostaof · 3 months
Lula continua agenda na Europa nesta sexta com cúpula do G7 e encontros bilaterais
Presidente Lula teve compromissos na Suíça antes de chegar à Itália, nessa quinta-feira (13). Passagem pelo continente europeu inclui conferências e reuniões com outros líderes e chefes de estado. Lula durante cerimônia de lançamento do Programa Acredita em 22 de abril. MATEUS BONOMI/AGIF/ESTADÃO CONTEÚDO O presidente Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT) continua o giro para a Europa e embarcou da…
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radiorealnews · 4 months
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redacaonacional · 5 months
Borré, perde penalty. Internacional vence e quebra tabu de 10 anos na Arena Barueri
BRASILEIRÃO 2024: O Palmeiras perdeu por 1 a 0 para o Internacional, última quarta-feira, (17), na Arena Barueri, pela segunda rodada do Brasileirão 2024. O gol do jogo foi marcado pelo atacante Wesley, e Rafael Borré perdeu pênalti.  Borré perdeu pênalti (Foto: Anderson Romao/AGIF) Com isso, o Verdão perdeu a marca de 10 anos de invencibilidade diante do Colorado. O próximo jogo do Palmeiras é…
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Do uso da força, área ardida e lanchas
1.São recorrentes as notícias sobre agressões a funcionários do Estado que têm contacto direto com os cidadãos, nomeadamente através da docência, da prestação de cuidados de saúde e primeiros socorros, ou da satisfação das necessidades de  segurança. Desta vez, uma enfermeira do Centro de Saúde de Moura foi agredida com violência por um grupo de dez pessoas. Tal como discordamos da violação dos…
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thcrns · 2 years
linked in the source is a gif pack (#126) of bill skarsgård as keith toshka in barbarian (2022). these gifs were made from scratch by me so please don’t claim as your own, and read my rules before saving/using!! do not use to rp as bill himself. please give credit where credit is due, and give this post a like and/or reblog if you plan on saving/using!
keep in mind bill skarsgård is a white cis man born on august 9, 1990 (32) and was likely 30 when the movie was filmed.
TW: drinking
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jornalbahiabrasil · 6 months
Matheus Gonçalves fala sobre a fase: “O Bahia é uma das minhas maiores vítimas”
Sem dúvidas, Matheus Gonçalves é um dos grande personagens dos BaVis que aconteceram em 2024. Fez a diferença na primeira vitória do Leão, virou vilão quando foi expulso na Fonte Nova e depois fez os gols da segunda vitória no clássico. Gonçalves descarta rótulo de ‘carrasco’ do Bahia e falou sobre a ansiedade para ter a chance da volta por cima na Fonte Nova. Foto: Jhony Pinho/AGIF “Não digo…
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