ahoystilinski ¡ 2 years
jim hopper / open to: anyone!
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“What the hell are you doing out here?” Deeply furrowing his eyebrows, the sheriff gazed at the watch adorning his wrist; almost midnight. After the call from that very same address where they were standing at, he decided to take it by himself. Checking around the building, Hopper was surprised to find the other right there as well. “Is there anything I should know?” Heavy eyes inspected the figure, trying to find out if they were suspicious or rather on a wrong place, wrong time kind of situation.
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ahoystilinski ¡ 2 years
Not being able to remember the warmth and calmness of your own home was one of the hardest thing someone can go through. Not the worst, but it felt along those lines. And people wouldn’t understand it, until they fall into that situation. Feeling lonely, cold, lost. Unfortunately those feelings were known for the masculine. But this time, it was different. This time he had been through a prisoner situation, he had to live with just enough, work for people that kept torturing him, right after going through unimaginable things.
But, now back home, all that he could things about was just how much he had longed for this. How much he longed for his family. The Sheriff found himself back in Hawkins, after the many events he missed, having to somehow handle a few couple of changes.
On the top of his list was his family. His daughter. Right at the moment his eyes fell on El, he could almost feel how hard she had it. The way her eyes watered, matching his, and the hug they shared, made him remember just how important he had become in her life.
Once they starter getting settled at least slightly, another concern occupied Jim Hopper’s mind: the possibility of Jane being mad at him for risking his life, for leaving. What if the girl thought he had abandoned her? Or if she was, in fact, angry that he wasn’t there to protect her? Hopper didn’t hesitate to stay close to El, keeping an eye on her, trying to take things back to normal. After the stress they went through, he thought that would be the right thing to do. Was she really as okay as she said? Was she keeping something from him? What did El go through on his absent? On moments like that one were when he thought how much better life could get if he only had some minimum ability for communication. Was he becoming better at it? Yeah, some would say that. But oh, boy, how hard it still was to voice the feelings he didn’t even know he had. After all, Jane probably was going through something similar, and maybe worse as she was still just a young kid.
Knocking on the younger one’s door, he opened it, soft tone as he made himself be noticed, “Hey, kid. Dinner will be ready in five, wanna help me set the table?” Or at least whatever was left of their stuff. It wasn’t like they couldn’t survive this way, it won’t be permanently, so they all figured it’d be safe for them to stay at the cabin. This was his way of saying he was there, that could be a chance to take if Jane needed to talk about anything. Basically, Jim knew he had to work hard once again to regain her trust — when talking about certain sensitive topics. For example, those eight months he was kept prisoner and everyone thought he passed to another life.
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ahoystilinski ¡ 4 days
jj maybank / open to: anyone.
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JJ couldn't help but let out a chuckle as he took his sunglasses off, his boyish grin was wide as his gaze traveled throughout their surroundings. "Ha! I told ya it would work, didn't I?" He gave a clap of excitement, taking a few steps around the boat, "I dunno why we don't follow my ideas a lot more. We totally should." This time it was pure dumb luck. That was why. But he said nothing about it.
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ahoystilinski ¡ 4 days
stiles stilinski / open to: anyone.
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"What? No! I'm not gonna wait here and let you do all the job, no way," Stiles was quick to react. His frame straightening while his eyes flew right to them, he was trying to sound as stern as possible. His mind racing to the many possibilities of something going wrong, making him throw the idea out of the window almost immediately. In order to leave no room for argument. He was stubborn either way. "I'm coming with ya." He basically confirmed. And before they could react, he turned off his Jeep, grabbing onto the keys to join them.
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ahoystilinski ¡ 2 years
dean winchester / open to: anyone.
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His heavy eyelids and grumbling stomach kept distracting him, mind wandering off somewhere far from the current case they were working on. Hand running over his face, the hunter loosened the uncomfortable tie. “Look, we are definitely not getting anywhere closer to solving this right now. ‘m fucking hungry, we’re both tired…” Closing his laptop, Dean made up his mind in under a minute, stretching his exhausted limbs. “Let’s just head out for a while, clear our minds and get some fuel. Supposedly there’s this place with the best burgers in the whole state, been craving one of those since we arrived.”
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ahoystilinski ¡ 2 years
muse: malia hale / open to: anyone
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She had forgotten for how long she’d been standing there, almost anxious. Why was she acting that way anyway? Moving her arms around, sighing and awaiting, over and over. Stopping only minutes later, when her hearing steps coming her way. “Finally,” the werecoyote spoke aloud, same old harsh attitude appearing once again. “I thought you got cold feet and weren’t coming. Spill it, what was so urgent that couldn’t wait?”
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ahoystilinski ¡ 4 days
robin buckley / open to: anyone.
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Finally, something to get distracted with. "Family Video, this is Robin. What can I help you with on this fine Tuesday?" She held the receiver against her ear, moving around with the phone in hand, needing to be on the move to not fall asleep. Eyeing the store as to make sure no one would need attention. Not like there were many people, just one costumer inside. She hadn't been sure if she would be able to hold down the fort while she was left alone for a bit, yet here she was. Bored out of her mind. At this point, she was waiting for a miracle.
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ahoystilinski ¡ 4 days
steve harrington / open to: anyone.
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"Woah, woah--- slow down for a second." His hands lifted for a moment. "Huh?" Steve tried his hardest not to appear confused, but he still couldn't help his ever so expressive features to show that he wasn't following. "Care to explain before we reach any conclusions? From the start." He then added, his arms now crossed over his chest. Chocolate glaze staring back at them, his focus entirely on whatever this urgent topic was about.
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