#dean winchester starter
ahoystilinski · 2 years
dean winchester / open to: anyone.
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His heavy eyelids and grumbling stomach kept distracting him, mind wandering off somewhere far from the current case they were working on. Hand running over his face, the hunter loosened the uncomfortable tie. “Look, we are definitely not getting anywhere closer to solving this right now. ‘m fucking hungry, we’re both tired…” Closing his laptop, Dean made up his mind in under a minute, stretching his exhausted limbs. “Let’s just head out for a while, clear our minds and get some fuel. Supposedly there’s this place with the best burgers in the whole state, been craving one of those since we arrived.”
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thebest-medicine · 3 months
#5 “No, I’m just- uh- sensitive.” with Dean and Cas?
Prompt 5 - "No, I'm just- uh- sensitive."
A/N: oh man it's a throwback... let's go!!!! to quote @nhasablogg: what in the 2014 is happening here
Dean twitched again as Castiel’s hand passed the middle of his back, just between the shoulder blades. Castiel watched him with a twinkle of concern.
He had come in and sat down on the couch at Dean’s invitation earlier, only for Dean to then lounge across the couch and his lap, laying face down on a pillow and popping some reruns on the TV. Cas had taken it upon himself to shower the hunter with a little affection and check to make sure he was uninjured after their last outing. This led to Cas rubbing his back and neck here and there, and some affectionate tracing along his skin (perhaps also a ploy to check for sore muscles or knots) to see if he could help Dean feel a bit better.
“What’s wrong, Dean?”
“Nothin’.” Dean hummed against the pillow on the arm of the couch. “S’fine.”
Cas continued tracing along the muscles of Dean’s shoulders, pushing in when he sensed a knot and massaging here and there. He ran a few fingers along his spine up to his neck and Dean flinched again.
“Dean.” Cas stressed, stopping his ministrations.
“It’s fine, Cas. I’m… it’s just- uh- sensitive there.”
Castiel leaned forward, trying to get a glimpse of the human’s expression to better read him. He seemed content, happy even, he wasn’t getting up or moving away. He wasn’t hiding anything… any injury, right? Cas noticed a rosy coloring on the tip of his ear. He smiled gently.
“Sensitive.?” He inquired softly, starting to curl his fingers again along the back of Dean’s neck and over his shoulder, along his back. The thin t-shirt was soft under his fingertips, and it must have been on Dean’s skin as well. Dean squirmed again, digging himself deeper into the couch and Cas’s lap. Cas caught a strangled bit of a laugh almost made its way through the pillow. He smiled a little as he caught on.
“Sensitive… like you are here?” Cas continued, and suddenly his other hand was scratching at Dean’s ribcage.
Dean squawked at the new, more directly ticklish contact. He curled onto his side. “Hehheehe- wait! Nohohohohohooo!” He laughed, his blushing face now free. Cas caught sight of his delightful smile and felt warm.
“Can I get you to laugh like this if I try tickling back here?” Cas said curiously.
Dean protested through his laughs as he squirmed about, still tired, but didn’t do much to actually stop the ticklish attack. Cas drew both hands back and started to make the same spidering motions along the backs of Dean’s ribs and tracing up and down his spine. He scribbled at Dean’s neck, then at the small of his back. Dean laughed all the same, twitching and twisting until he finally squirmed his way onto his back, facing the angel. He caught Castiel’s hands in his and Cas stopped for a moment, taking in his wild eyes and fierce blush in contrast with his freckles.
“Heh- yeesh. You trying to kill me?” Dean laughed, closing his eyes under the scrutiny.
“You have a very sweet laugh.” Castiel said, smiling as Dean squirmed at the compliment too. “And a very ticklish back.” Another squirm.
“Shut up. You’re probably worse.” Dean scoffed.
“Well, maybe you’ll find out one day.”
Dean looked back up at him, raising an eyebrow with a little smirk. “Wanna find out?”
“Not now.” Cas smirked after he spoke, and Dean gave him a bewildered look before fingers fluttered along his stomach and began pinching his sides, and Dean lost his protests to laughter once again.
[more sentence starter fic prompts]
[other sentence starter fics]
[read this & further SPN drabbles on ao3]
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normaltothemax · 18 days
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@therebetterbepie & @sperboytm
It was probably a stupid thing to think about, given his current situation, but he couldn’t help but wonder absently: why were they called Fun Houses? No one ever actually had fun in a Fun House. Take Jason, for example. He was having a frankly terrible time, though that might have more to do with the clown and the restraints and the crowbar than the actual location.
He wasn’t sure where everything had gone so wrong. All he knew was that he’d been following a lead one minute, and now he was here—tied up on the ground, Joker beating the shit out of him with a crowbar, again. All he knew now was pain. It didn’t matter that he was older and bigger and stronger than he’d been as Robin. The Joker was laughing, laughing, laughing, and Jason was afraid, afraid, afraid.
Again and again, the crowbar came down. Crack! He was 21 and in a Gotham Fun House. Crack! He was 15 and in a warehouse in Ethiopia. Crack! Back and forth it went, over and over, Jason struggling to remain in the present, so completely consumed by his own terror that he was unable to even attempt to think of a plan to get away. Something he really needed to do, and soon.
Because his dad wasn’t coming.
He knew that with utmost certainty, this time. There was no hope to hold onto, because he knew better, now. Batman wasn’t god. Batman was fallible. Batman, Bruce, didn’t care about him as much as he’d thought as a kid, because if he had, this wouldn’t be happening again. The Joker would be decomposing in the ground, not gloating and sing-songing and cackling. No, Bruce wasn’t coming for him.
Jason was on his own, and he was going to die again, broken, terrified, and alone.
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Open - Dean Winchester
Dean felt like he had been getting to know the person extremely well. They’ve been in each other’s lives for over a year now, but he always had to lie to them to explain his disappearances for periods of time. He was tired of it, the lying was starting to become draining now that he was fond of them. So, he decided today was the day. He sat them down at the dining table in the bunker and was across from them anxiously playing with his fingers. “So… I have something pretty major to share with you, and I know it’s going to be a lot to take in… but, I hunt monsters.”
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downs1de · 21 days
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@fellandfeathers: "You say that like it's a bad thing."
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Dean had joked about Aziraphale's apparent reluctance to get his hands dirty, saying something along the lines of 'You're an angel, right? Aren't you supposed to be all smiting and burning bushes? Instead, you're running a bookshop and sipping tea?'.
His tone had been half-mocking, half-exasperated, and he was met with a calm and ever-so-slightly condescending response, which made his lips curl into a slight, lopsided grin.
"Well, I guess I just ain't used to seeing an angel more concerned with tea 'n crumpets than kicking a demon's ass."
Dean's tone is dripping with sarcasm. He's seen all sorts of things in his life—demons, monsters, the works. But an angel who looks like she's straight out of a Jane Austen novel? That's new.
Dean pushes off the wall, his demeanor shifting from defensive to curious. 
"But hey, whatever floats your celestial boat. Just seems to me like y'might be missin' the whole point of bein' a warrior of God, y'know?"
He crosses his arms over his chest, his leather jacket creaking with the movement. 
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"Or is that just another bedtime story, like the one 'bout Gabriel kicking Lucifer's ass outta Heaven?"
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bcrntortured · 1 year
open to anyone
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"Alright, cut the crap," dean had grabbed the other by the arm and pulled them into the hall outside the morgue. "I know you're not a FBI agent, asking questions like that." His voice drops above a whisper, a tone there that barely gave away how pissed he was for another hunter to step in on his case. "You're a hunter, aren't you?"
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musesinked · 3 months
Like for a random starter from Dean Winchester !
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booksofadventures · 3 months
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"Why didn't he come and talk to me himself?"
{ open starter // dean winchester }
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suprnatrp · 10 months
Plot ideas 💡
1) Sam is a nerd at his school, and Dean is the bully.
2) Time travel. One of the characters comes from another time and one of the characters goes back in time, and falls for them.
3) Dean is on a hunt, but falls for the monster
4) One of my characters works at a coffee shop and becomes particularly interested in one of the costumers
5) One character works for the other
6) secret relationship
7) One asks for the other to pretend to be his partner for a work trip
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Fun fact, I keep making my guardian look like a cross between Dammon and Dean Winchester.
anything not a tiefling feels like a waste of time
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pissedsandwich · 10 months
| like for a starter! |
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delightindarkness · 2 months
Dean sat and waited for Ash to pick up as he flipped through pages of his dad's journal. Sam was off at college, and he well....he hated being alone. Especially for something so big. Something so close to home.
"Damn it man....pick up," he grumbled, his nerves getting the better of him before he got to his feet, pacing the motel room he was in for probably the millionth time.
His dad was missing. That much he knew, and none of his stuff seemed disturbed in the cramped little room Dean had tracked down.
Means he had to have gone missing on the job.
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normaltothemax · 1 month
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“They’re dead, and it’s all my fault.” The words sounded hollow, but he didn’t think anyone could blame him for that. After all, the hunt went south because of him. People got hurt, got killed, because of him. Because Sam got scared and froze, like a baby. It didn’t even matter that he got hurt too—that’s what he deserved, wasn’t it? A fitting sort of punishment for a screw-up like that.
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“Whatcha looking at? I got pie on my face or somethin’?”
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downs1de · 6 months
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lostxndbroken · 5 months
Like for a random starter with Dean Winchester? ❤️
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Could be random anything! Like random verse and whatnot! I feel the need for Dean! If you just want basic Dean, let me know or if you don't want a specific verse, also let me know. I'll leave the starter open for multi muse blogs.
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