#AKA Goliath and Lexington
My Thoughts on Gargoyles Issue 9 and Dark Ages issue 3
Gargoyles issue 9: Your Witness
Goliaths hearing has started to determine if he has Sentience and if they deserve same rights as humans ect.
We find out Matt's middle name is Menachem.
interesting to see Owen and Antoinette Dracon sitting in the courtroom. I wonder what Antoinette's role is here.
Lexington is sort of narrating, he's talking to Amp about Goliath's Hearing.
The whole clan is watching the hearing on tv.
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It is revealed that Renard did provide funds and resources to the Gargoyles task force. His health is also getting worse, I have a feeling he won't live beyond issue 12.
Margot Yale has had to change tactics as she now knows Goliath is competent and now is trying to prove Goliath is a very dangerous creature.
Awww, looks like the hearing getting a bit hard for Angela, Broadway seems to be comforting her. Looks like his tail is on her leg.
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New Character Dr Vaughn, he apparently examined Goliath while he was unconscious.
So Coldstone decided to not watch the 2nd night hearing, as he was still pissed off from watching 1st night trial, probably would have blew up the tv if he stayed.
So Castaway aka Jon Canmore revealed he's descended from Angus Canmore. so even though he's changed his identity, he's still connected to the Canmore family.
Tobe Crest brings in Elisa, even though Goliath is against it.
We find out Elisa's middle name is Nichelle which is a nice homage to the deceased actress Nichelle Nichols who voiced Diane Maza.
I wonder how much Elisa is going to reveal in the next issue and could it put her career in Jeopardy.
The next issue is actually the Halloween special on October 18th, Issue 10 got pushed back to October 25th (seen the dates on Previews world). Obviously Goliath will be free but I wonder if there will be other spoilers that could be revealed in the Halloween issue.
Gargoyles Dark Ages Issue 3: The Oath
So Lefty goes to find out where they are keeping Angel and Mentor goes to save her.
Pretty strange to see Mentor and Archmage working together as we know that Archmage becomes a villain later.
So only Mentor and Goliath go to save Angel. Mentor is really annoyed at Hyppolyta for disobeying him.
It was revealed that Culen and all his men all died but they weren't killed in the fire. Yikes!
Mentor does save Culen's son, Constantine and even though he's just a baby, we all know what he does in 24 years.
Robbie's daughter Alesand makes her first appearance, hmm I wonder if she's still alive by 994. They skip the Coronation to pay their respects and witness the Wind Ceremony.
This is the first time we see a Wind Ceremony happen, it was very moving, Verity and 2 other Gargoyles has sadly died. Sacrifice performs the ceremony.
Mentor and Prince Malcolm discuss building the castle, at the same time Archmage asks Angel to become his apprentice.
We also see something has awakened.
Great story, can't wait for the next issue.
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Showcase of a Dad Moment: Batman
I’m pulling out all the stops tonight.
So I know there’s a lot of videos I could pull to show that Bruce is a really good dad, but this one I thought was especially cute because Bruce tries to pretend that he’s putting Dick through more training but they both know he’s seen the hard work Dick is putting in and wants to give him a break. Hearing the exhilarated laugh that Dick gives off at the end of the video is pure and good.
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romancemedia · 2 years
My Review on Gargoyles
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Well after finally completing my binge watch on Gargoyles this past week I just wanna say it was incredible and I could very well rewatch the series again before the end of the year. I loved all the adventures the Gargoyles shared and Greg Weisman did some of his absolute best work on this show. Season 1 was a great introduction for the Gargoyles to modern New York city, adapting into this new era, finding their place in this bigger and ever-changing world, meeting new friends and enemies etc. I’d give Season 1 a 8/10.
However, Season 2 is my absolute favourite season of Gargoyles. I really loved season 2 for so many reasons, new adventures and characters, relationships ever growing and changing as well as the characters themselves, but what I really loved most was the Avalon arc with Goliath, Elisa, Bronx and Angela travelling to all different parts of the world. This season was really special and I love how they manage to blend both magic and science so well together. It’s better compared to what I’ve seen on other shows before. Also like I’ve mentioned before, I loved all the multi-part episodes Season 2 had to offer with my favourites being Avalon, the Gathering and Hunter’s Moon. Overall, Season 2 is truly the best and I rank it a 10/10.
For the romantic aspect, I loved watching Goliath and Elisa’s love story unfold, watching them fall in love, but struggle with their feelings because of their different species until they could no longer ignore how they felt. Aside from Goliath and Elisa, I also enjoyed the love between Xanatos and Fox, but I have to admit I was not a fan of their wedding episode.
Also I definitely understand why fans don’t really like season 3 aka The Goliath Chronicles. For a number of reasons I can see why it wasn’t very well liked or received with some of the worst episodes being the Clones or the one with Goliath as a human in an alternate reality. However, not all of it was bad since I did enjoy how every member of the clan got their own episode. 
Lexington saving baby Alex
Brooklyn helping runaway kids
Broadway travels to Hollywood
Hudson going blind
Angela trying to reform Demona
Plus it is was nice to see Xanatos and his family as allies to the clan and Goliath and Elisa as a couple. Anyway, while I agree the final season wasn’t perfect, having it share of ups and downs, I would rank Season 3 a 5/10.
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nekorockstarninja · 6 years
The Gargoyles Will Rise Chapter 5
Chapter 5 Control Broken
It was night time, the docks area was not much for activity at this time. In a warehouse, which was owned by David Xanatos himself. He had crates and boxes full of unique items, who knows what kind of things he has in this warehouse. In the back of the warehouse was a big crate that has just arrived all the way from Paris, France. The crate was moving. there was something inside the crate. In one force punch, the crate was bash open from the inside. Out came a gargoyle!
A blue gargoyle, with purplish blue hair, and dark blue-purple horns. She looked around the warehouse for a minute or two until she broke through one of the walls. She flies off into the sky. Around the same time as this gargoyle escape from Xanatos warehouse. Soros was flying through the sky. He was still under the control of Demona. Every time a single thought that was about Amber the collar around his neck shocks him. It's a way for Demona to make sure that Soros stays under her control.
Of course, it hurt him badly, yet his mind was not caring since Demona had a hold of it. Soros was flying through the night sky above the city. He was trying to find the gargoyle beast, aka "Nevermore". Demona has plans with that gargoyle and she needs it. So, of course, she sends him to find her.he lands on a nearby rooftop. He took out what some kind of walkie-talkie from his pocket.
"Demona I have not located the beast yet." said Soros in the walkie-talkie. Demona's voices came out of it.
"Fine then, regroup at the base I got a better idea to get that beast" snarled Demona.
"On my way, Demona." said Soros as he puts the walkie-talkie away in his pocket. he Looks at the night sky for a moment or two until the caller shocks him again. Soros huffs a little after the shock finally ended.
"I need to get back to Demona" he said.
Before he could take off something hit him in the back of the head, he fell to the ground and black out. The same blue gargoyle girl that escaped Xanatos warehouse was behind Soros with a giant piece of the concert in her claws. She puts down the concert and looked at Soros and then saw the collar around his neck......she got a closer look at it.
As Soros was slowly opening his eyes everything was a big blur. He saw some figure standing over him. as his eyes closed and open again he saw the blur fly away from him. He slowly sits up rubbing the area that was hit, he looked around to try to that figure but he was alone. As he was slowly standing up Demona's voice came from the walkie-talkie again.....she did not sound happy.
"Soros!! Where are you!!?? You should have been back by now!!" yelled Demona
Soros takes out the walkie-talkie. He looked at it...his expression was not his blank stare but of anger and rage.
"I'm on my way Demona." he said in a dark tone.
"You better be!!!" yelled Demona again.
As he was putting the walkie-talkie back in his pocket he looks at the city.......he then said in a quiet whisper.
"...Amber".....there was no shock from the collar.
Meanwhile at the clock tower.
Amber was looking for Nevermore, it seems this gargoyle likes to play games. Amber was looking behind the couch, the kitchen, her bed, the balcony. Still no Nevermore.
"Nevermore come on out sweetie you win...again" as Amber said that she turns to see Nevermore sitting behind her with her tail wagging. Amber giggled and walked over to the small gargoyle.
" How do you always win at this game?" Asked Amber.
Nevermore just jumped into Amber's arms and begins to lick her in the face. As Amber was laughing both her and Nevermore heard some thuds land on the balcony, she turned to see the gargoyles comeback from a night of looking for Demona and Soros. Nevermore jumped out of Amber's arms and she runs to Bronx and began to jump up and down around the blue gargoyle beast. Nevermore took a liking to Bronx a lot, sort of like a big brother-little sister relationship. Amber smiled at this before looking to Goliath.
"Nothing again?" Asked Amber
"No lass, not even Bronx's can pick up any scent of Demona or your friend." Hudson said with a sad tone.
Amber looked down at her feet a little beginning to think. She has been feeling only two emotions every time she thinks about Soros. Sadness and anger. Sadness at the fact her best friend is under control by some evil gargoyle who wants to destroy all of humanity. And anger at the same gargoyle which makes Amber want to punch her straight in the face so hard that she blacks out forever. She can't help but think of these emotions.
"Amber?" Said Broadway with the concerned tone. It snaps Amber out of her trance.
"Huh, what?" Said, Amber,
" I was asking if you were okay?" Said Broadway
"Yeah, Broadway I am fine." Amber smiled a little to show that she is fine and to help ease Broadway's concern.
Amber looked at the group again and she figured out something.
" Where are Brooklyn and Lexington?" She asked.
Goliath spoke up.
" We split up during our search, they should be back soon."
Lexington and Brooklyn were flying across the sky above the city heading back to the clock tower.
"Well the others should be back at the tower by now," said Lexington. There was no response from Brooklyn.
Lexington looked over to his red gargoyles friend seeing Brooklyn lost in a deep thinking stare. He has no this is several times before with Brooklyn wondering what is he thinking, he has a theory on what is making his friend think like this. He will wait and see if it's true or not. Before another word can be said Lexington saw something. He saw someone fly through the air, he could not get a clear view on it. He looked to Brooklyn but to see him not there. Brooklyn was so deep in thought that he didn't even notice that he ditch Lexington. Wow, Brooklyn such a good friend you are.
Lexington saw that gargoyle land on a nearby rooftop, the yellow gargoyle land a few rooftops away but yet close enough to see who it was.
He saw a blue color female gargoyles. ( the same girl that broke at David Xanatos Warehouse) The female looked around before she reached into her skirt pocket pulling out a pair of glasses. Lexington was surprised by this why would a gargoyle need glasses. As he was getting color he saw more and more details about her. The purplish-blue spots on your arms legs and tail, and purplish blue feathers at the end of her tail as well. She looked around for a moment then stopped. She quickly turned her head around to look at Lexington who is now a few feet away from her. Lex stopped in his tracks. Both he and the female gargoyle stared at each other for about several minutes, seeing if the other was going to attack or is hostile. Lexington gulped and spoke up first.
" I am not going to hurt you, I saw you when I was flying and I wanted to see if you were someone I knew... I-I'm Lexington" said Lex in a calm and friendly voice
The female state of Lexington a little more before she finally decided to speak.
"Sapphire." She said in a calm voice. She had a bit of an accent.
" where am I exactly Lexington?" She asked
" You're in Manhattan, New York City," he replied to her question.
"...... I think I am far away from home" Sapphire said in a tone of sadness.
" Where are you from?" He asked
" I'm from a place called Paris France ever heard of it? " She said
" I don't believe I have...... How did you get here?" Asked Lexington
" I'm not sure, the last thing I remember before showing up here is it I went into my stone slumbers. Then I woke up in a crate in some Warehouse Owens by Andres Santos" She said with a snarl
Lexington eyes widen.
" David Xanatos!?" Shouted Lexington
"You know the person who put me in that crate!?!" Sapphire said in a mad tone
" Unfortunately yes I have to tell you this, he's not the nicest human around," said Lex.
" I guess even here in Manhattan gargoyles have a hard time with humans." She said.
" Well yes but there are a few humans out there who are actually very kind to us. Like our Elisa Maza, we help each other out on protecting the city. And Our newest friend Amber Gene. She is sure something else." Said Lexington
"It sounds like you found some pretty good humans," said Sapphire with a smile.
The two gargoyles talked for a while. Until they, both notice the time.
"Oh no, I have to get back to the clock tower before sunrise!!" *goes to the edge of the roof before looking back to Sapphire with a concerned look. Sapphire seeing this look just smiled at Lexington known what he was thinking.
"I will be fine Lexington, I will find a safe place....let's meet here again tomorrow night?" Asked Sapphire with a small smile
Lexington just smiled as he nods and flies off.
"See you tomorrow!!" He shouted as he flew to the clock tower. Everyone was on the balcony getting ready for the daytime. Amber was asleep on her bed snuggling in the blanket with Nevermore at the foot of the bed all curled up. Goliath looks to the sky and he sees Lexington flying over. He landed next to Broadway.
" Lexington where have you been we were starting to get worried," said Goliath
" Yeah I thought you were right behind me" commented Brooklyn
" Well hate to break it to you Brooklyn you kind of ditched me," Lexington said with a tone.
" I thought you were right behind me Lex!" shouted Brooklyn
" Well, you were so deep in thought you did not notice you left me behind!!" Lexington shouted back.
As the argument began to get heated the sun came up. Slowly the gargoyles turn to stone. Even Nevermore had turned to stone, the gargoyles and Amber found out about this pretty quickly. They figured Demons added more a lot more gargoyle DNA to Nevermore which causes this. So that raises the question what else did the Demona add.
The day goes by like normal, the clock tower was quiet for Amber who woke up around 2 in the afternoon. She usually cleans up the clock tower making sure everything's in order when the Gargoyles wake up. She gets lonely when everyone is in stone during the day even though it's a good way for her to get some alone time, she still feels sad and depressed when she does not have them there. I guess you can say the gargoyles are like her family now. The day slowly comes to an end and the sun was setting. Amber was standing in the doorway to the balcony watching the sun.  The moment the sun sets she looks to the statues that begin to crack, one by one all the gargoyles walk up shedding their stone skin. Each gargoyle roar is aloud roar.
"Good evening everyone." Said Amber with a small smile as she stared at the now wake gargoyles.
"Good evening lass." said Hudson.
Nevermore comes running onto the balcony and she barks at Bronx as a greeting. Both the gargoyle beasts head back in the tower. As all the gargoyles head into the tower to figuring out what their search plan is. Amber looked at Lexington. She had one of her feelings again, a feeling that something was going to happen or she is going to meet someone. As Lexington enter the tower last Amber pulls him to the side as everyone else kept walking not noticing.
" Okay, Lex you're hiding something," Amber said in a tone.
"What do you mean?" Asked Lexington hoping no one else figures out his meeting with another gargoyle.
"Oh come on Lexington don't play dumb I have a feeling you know something and I want to find out what. Now are you going to tell me or am I going to have to tell Goliath?" Amber said with a tone that made Lex stare at the teen.
Lexington took a deep breath before he told Amber what happened last night when Brooklyn ditched him. About Sapphire, about she comes from a land of Paris, France, and how David Xanatos somehow got her into a crate. Amber listening to everything Lexington said she had a feeling she needed to meet this Sapphire. Yet Lex those not want to overwhelm her with the whole clan meeting her. An idea popped into Amber's brain. Before she could say anything Goliath spoke up.
" Lexington, we need to figure out our search plans." Said, Goliath
"Oh umm Goliath-" Before Lexington can finish his sentence, Amber jumped in on to the conversation.
" Goliath maybe leave Lex behind. You know have at least one gargoyle guarding the tower. You know the saying. "A gargoyle can no more stop protecting the castle than breathing the air,"  Amber said with a smile.
Goliath looks to the other gargoyles and thinks for a second or two. Until he turns back to Lexington and Amber.
" Alright then. Lexington you will stay behind tonight while the rest of us go on our search for tomorrow night you will go on the search with us" Goliath said with a strict tone.
Lexington nods in understanding. Everyone takes off for the night leaving Amber, Lexington, and Nevermore behind.
" You do know what this means right Lexington...... you're taking me to meet the Sapphire chick." Grinned Amber
" wait- but-. What if Demona shows up?! Or even Soros!?!" Shouted Lex
Amber walks over to her bed. She picks up her phone and her bag which was laying next to her bed.
" Well then I will be taking the blame for sneaking out again, and I will be sending an SOS signal out to the others telling them that we are in trouble," said Amber with a grin as she looked over at the yellow gargoyle. Which he had a confused/shocked look on her. She said before speaking again.
" Look, Lex, I know it's pretty dumb for me to go out and get myself into major trouble. Well, I'm not going to just sit on the sidelines and wait for something to happen. I ain't that type of person, I am the type of person to find what I am looking for. And right now I feel like I need to meet this Sapphire girl." Amber said to Lexington with a serious tone in her voice showing she is not backing down from this and Lexington knew that. From what he saw happen to Amber, her flame just will not go down.
" Alright, then Amber. But the moment trouble happens, run away and call the others." Demanded Lexington showing that he those not want her to get hurt because of him. Amber smiles at the short yellow gargoyle.
" OK Lex, you're the boss here." She said with a grin. Putting her beg on her back.
Amber gets on Lexington's back and they take off. Amber makes sure that she did not get in the way of the wind for Lexington. They make it to the rooftop where Sapphire was supposed to meet Lex on. Amber gets off Lexington back and looks around.
"So you saw her around here?" asked the teen
"Yes, she should be here," said Lexington with a worried tone.
Before Amber could respond, both of then heard some swishing in the air, they look to see the blue gargoyle Sapphire coming in for a landing. She lands in front of them smiling at Lexington, but then turn to worry when she sees Amber.
"Sapphire, I'm glad you came back. This is my friend Amber I told you about." Said Lexington with a smile.
Amber smiles at this new gargoyle. She remembers Lexington said she was from Paris France, which was actually good news for Amber.
"Bonjour Sapphire, c'est très agréable de Vous rencontrer " Said Amber with a smile. (Hello Sapphire, it is very nice to meet you.)
"C'est très agréable de te rencontrer aussi Amber" Sapphire replied (It is very nice to meet you too miss Amber)
Lexington stood there shocked wondering 'what the heck'.Amber saw this in Lexington face expression.
"Oh Sorry Lex," said Amber
"What did you two just say " Question the yellow gargoyle.
"Oh you see Lexington I was speaking In Sapphire native language," said Amber with a smile before turning to Sapphire.
"How did it sound?" asked the teen to the gargoyle.
"It was very well done." complemented Sapphire with a smile.
"Hey, 2 weeks of French class paid off," said with a grin and a thumbs ups.
The 3 talked for a while, mostly about why Sapphire is here. Amber has heard about Xanatos, and what he has done to the Gargoyles. Yet why bring a gargoyle from the other side of the world to new york. Amber felt like there is a bigger picture here but she can only work with one single piece to figure it out. It was driving her crazy. Amber was sitting legs crossed while arms folded thinking this over and over again.
"Amber?" Said a voice which snapped Amber out of her thought.
It was Lexington
"Huh.. sorry what," asked Amber
" You ok?" Asked the yellow gargoyle.
" Sorry Lex, it's just it's been really weird..... wow I never thought I would say that...anyway. I mean this Xanatos guy he wakes you guys and you guys fight and he brings another gargoyle into the mix of all this. This makes no sense!!" The teen shouted pulling her own hair in anger.
" I thought to you nothing made sense?" Question Sapphire.
"sigh....true.....well at least-" amber stops her sentence she was getting that feeling again... not like the one she had with Nevermore. More like a feeling that something good is about to happen.
"Amber...you ok?" asked Lexington
Amber stands up....not saying a word. Looking around until she saw something shoot to Lexington.
" watch out!!!" she shouted pushing Lexington out of the way to the rooftop. The spot Lexington was standing at was now a giant hole in the concrete rooftop.
The 3 looked up to see Demona and Soros with Xanatos laser guns. They looked like that just hit the jackpot.
"Well well well, look what we have here. The human parasite and Lexington.....and someone new...hmm interesting" said Demona with a grin.
Lexington looked at Amber. And the face was saying...I told you so!!! Amber and Lexington get up from the rooftop with Sapphire behind them.
" What do you want Demona?!" Shouted Lexington.
" The only thing I need is the statue and the gargoyle Beast that you took." She said with a snarl.
" You are getting Nevermore or the Statue!!" Said Amber in an angry tone to Demona
" Nevermore?... You named my creation!!!!" Demona shouted before pointing to Amber with the Lazer gun.
Before Demona could shoot the laser Sapphire flew up to Demona in breaking speed and attacks her. Knocking the laser out of her hands
"Sapphire!!!" Shouted Lexington.
"Get Amber out of here and call your clan. Now!!!" shouted Sapphire as she was fighting Demona.
Lexington picked up Amber and begins to fly away as fast as he could.
" Soros!!" Shouted Demona
Getting the hint Soros flys after them, since Demona had to focus on Sapphire.
" Why are are you helping them?!...you don't know them at all!!!" Shouted Demona as she was fighting Sapphire in hand to hand combat.
" Well I may not know them that well but, I WILL NOT LET YOU HURT MY NEW FRIENDS!!!!" shouted Sapphire as she fights back.
As that was happening Lexington was trying to fly has faced as he could but the way he was carrying Amber was not helping that matter. Has he was trying to to get a better wind current.
" Lexington look out!!!!" Shouted Amber with a scared and worried tone.
Lexington turns to see a laser hitting his back which causes him and Amber to crash into the park area they were flying above. After the rough landing, Amber slowly gets up to see Lexington face down on the ground.
" Lexington!!"
Amber runs over to him, she began to shake the conscious gargoyle as much as she could. When he showed off no sign of waking up she reached into her pocket to pulls out her phone to call the other. Yet all she found was a smashed phone that was in pieces. A loud thud was heard, Amber turn to see Soros walking to her and Lexington with the laser ready to fire.
" I could take you back to Demona, but I think she is a lot more happy with you dead." Said Soros pointing the laser at the teen.
Amber looks at the gargoyle who was once her friend. She looked deep into his eyes with sadness in her eyes.
" Soros if you do kill me, I have to say this....you will always be my friend," Amber said with a small smile on her face.
Soros stares at the teenager and begins to shake the weapon with this hands. What was wrong with him...he began to remember.....
*flashback* "Hey, Soros! I got a question. Which do you think is easier to find Bigfoot or Nessie?" Asked Amber with a big grin, while she was holding a mystery magazine "I think Bigfoot, there are hundreds of sightings," said a human Soros to his friend. "Hmmm...yeah your right. YET I WILL FIND YOU ONE DAY NESSIE!!! "shouted Amber with passion and determination. "Yeah yeah keep dreaming Amber," Soros said with a bit of a laugh.
*time skip in flashback* "Soros!! You took my topic AGAIN!!!" shouted Amber "Hehe...What do you mean Amber?" question Soros with a smirk on his face. "You know what I mean. You always take my topic for history class. WHY!!!!" Yelled Amber to the teen. "Maybe you always have great ideas for them," he said with a smirk. *time skip in flashback* "Hey Soros.......we are friends right?" asked Amber in a sad tone "Is Crystal bugging you again?" asked Soros "Yes....this time she said that you only hang out with me because you feel sorry for me," Amber said in a sad tone.
"Well forget about that crystal jerk, she only said that because you not afraid to be yourself. She is all fake just like her nose!" Said Soros with an evil grin look. Amber begins to laugh loudly at what Soros said, she can't believe he just said that out loud in front of everyone. Everyone looked and laugh too, Don't mess with Soros friend. *End of Flashback* Soros just stares at Amber who was ready to be hit by the laser. He looked at her with some tears forming in his eyes. "A-Amber....I-I don't" stuttered Soros. Amber looks to see not the face of a controlled gargoyle but the face of her best friend. "Soros?....are you?" Before Amber could finish her question Demona flies over with bruise marks on her arm and face as well, it seems Sapphire gave Demona a good beating. Demona Looked to see Soros ready to shot Amber and Lexington on the ground. A smirk formed on her face. "Good job Soros. Now finish the job and kill that human!" ordered Demona with an evil look on her face. "What did you do with Sapphire?!" Shouted Amber to Demona. "Since you will be dead, She got away like a coward. Hahaha did not even came here to see if you or Lexington were alright," said Demona "She attacked you which got us to get away. You are the coward Demona!!" Said the teen with an angry tone "Grrr I will be filled with joy to not hear your voice...Soros shoot her!" ordered Demona Soros looks back at Amber, he saw the fire in his friend eyes. That same fire he remembers since the first day they met. Before anyone could say another word. Something came running into Soros's stomach with a sharp horns going into his stomach. He screamed in pain as he was sent flying and landed a few feet away. Demona look to see Nevermore her eyes glow white and she was growling at the 2 gargoyles. It turned out Nevermore was hiding him Amber backpack. "Ah so there your my creation, time for you to come to me," said Demona with a grin. Nevermore just growled at Demona, her tail was growing more spikes and she flings her tail at Demona with made the spikes fly off her and headed to Demona which made her fly back around the feet that Soros flew. As this was happening Lexington slowly began to wake up from his state and look to see the battle continues with Nevermore winning. "What the?" question Lexington "Nevermore.... are you? " question Amber look at the beast. Nevermore looked back at Amber with a smile that grew on her face. Nevermore was protecting Amber. Nevermore was fighting for her to be safe. As Demona was slowly getting up, Nevermore took a deep breath and then howl the biggest howl anyone has ever heard. The whole city heard it. As by some miracle, something was coming to the park, It was Bronx who ran to Nevermore side. "Bronx?" question the teen Amber look to see Goliath, Hudson, Broadway and Brooklyn flying in and landing in front of Lexington and Amber Protecting her. The clan heard Nevermore howl and came to protect Amber and Lexington........something inside Amber became to build. it was not a bad feeling. It was a warm feeling. "Grrr...Why...WHY....WHY PROTECT THIS HUMAN YEAH PROTECT ANY OF THEM!!!!!" Shouted Demona in anger to the clan. "Because Demona, We protect the humans. Even if they don't believe us to be good." Said, Goliath, as he continued. "We will not stop protecting them......and as for Amber.....She is part of the clan, she is part of our family. She expects us with no fear and she did not run....that is why we will protect her." Amber began to cry....not tears of saddening but tears of happiness. When she began to live with the gargoyles she felt like she was a problem....but no she was family to them.....Amber has a family again who loves and want to protect her. Nevermore Began to howl again, But this time it was a warning...a warning not to come and hurt this clan again. Demona growled with anger, she throws down an object to the ground and which made a cloud of smoke appeared. When the smoke cleared Demona and Soros was gone. The gargoyles looked at each other and back at Amber and Lexington. Broadway walked over to Lexington and helped him up. "you ok Lex?" asked Brooklyn "I'm fine guys," said Lex with a small smile on his face. Nevermore goes over to Amber and licks her cheek. The teen smiles at the gargoyle beast before getting up from the ground....she looked at Goliath. "Am I really part of the clan......do you guys really think of me as part of the family," asked Amber to the gargoyles. Goliath just smiled at Amber and put his claws on her shoulder. "Yes Amber, you are one of us, we care for you as much as you care for us," said Goliath "Ey Lass, you are something else" added Hudson Amber smiles as more tears of joy going down her cheeks, ever since her family has changed about a month ago she finally feels like she has a family again. From a building nearby was Sapphire watching this with a smile on her face. She had fight marks on her arms on the neck, most likely from Demona. "Sorry I can't, be down there with you Amber and Lexington, but I have something to do before I can. Soros, I will help you, and Demona get ready for a fight," said Sapphire with a grin It was not just Sapphire watching this unfold. Something was watching the gargoyles from the sky. It was a drone with a camera. Someone was watching them, recording everything....it was David Xanatos. As the drone was out flying he was on his deck watching them. "Hmmm I think it's time for me to meet you miss Amber Gene," said David with an evil smirk on his face.
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