beautifulpersonpeach · 11 months
I think a lot of people severely underestimate Jungkook's self-knowledge of being a pretty boy.
He knows how to babygirl and he does so very often. He babygirls us on purpose.
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...isn't this fatal?
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Do you think there's anybody alive who can look at that face and not thank holy Hera for fucking Zeus?
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For anyone who hasn't yet, you can pre-order the single, Seven, here.
Anyway, for the Anon who asked whether I'm gatekeeping Namjoon... Well, yes I am.
What of it?
I think my only choice is to gatekeep Joon when that man walks around looking like that.
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Imagine the audacity of this man.
It's big... and normally he's clumsy but somehow I feel he won't be clumsy with it, you know? He's too much of a slut and a student at heart to not know what he's doing with it. At least that's what it looks like. And the music he makes, that's what it sounds like. In my opinion, and so gatekeep Joon I shall.
For the Anon who biased Jimin for his 'past' sexiness and feels his styling since MOTS7 has been disappointing, plus you hated his look for FACE promotions era...
I mean, on one hand I understand what you're saying. Jimin's look today is very much a choice, as it always is with him. And you're telling me you don't like it. Of course that's fine. Yes please vent in my inbox, but personally, I disagree. I think every post-2020 look Jimin has served deserves to be experienced.
And for no reason at all, Jimin.
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Idk... Did people just randomly forget this happened?
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Jimin offered such delectable sides of himself during the PTD concerts.
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He commits to the slayage and I will always respect him for that.
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...do you see the man?
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A friend called him "The sexy Lord of the Manor and refined rake ready to ravish your soul." and she's right.
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It's so natural for him.
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In some parallel universe he's a college professor and faculty advisor... With his beefy introverted husband at home with their two cats and one puppy.
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Stream Set Me Free Pt 2.
Anyway... it's alright if his styling lately isn't for you. He'll be rocking a very different style post-military, and before then he'll have to cut all his hair anyway so don't worry too much about it I guess.
The way I see Jimin, he drips charisma so even when the look shouldn't work, it does, because something else that's innate to him draws you in. Plus I'm a fiend for his visuals.
Like, his look in 1:55 - 3:45 still has me kinda gagged ngl.
His styling this era represents a different energy he's feeling. It's possible he changes things up for his next solo project, maybe not, either way I genuinely think Jimin looks incredible.
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sageistrii · 2 months
this is going to be more about bts in general so i understand if you dont want to post. i just want to get it out of my system. the teaser for the bts popup thing and the tweet above brought so many things that I’ve disliked/nearly loathed about how bighit has treated bts image/brand in the last 2 years to the forefront of my mind. first, the whole anthology nonsense which was a cheap copout before enlistment. i fully understand that the members were exhausted and needed a change but hybe/bh went about it so wrong and though it may sound extreme i feel that it will have been at the expense of bts’ legacy in years to come. BH/Hybe has been sloppy when it comes to BTS for a while now because they knew they could get away with it financially but seeing so clearly now that it could likely cost them their legacy is so frustrating. No one can deny they had a great run from 2019 to 2021. It was perfectly reasonable for them to have a break before MS and for that time to be used for each of them (or some) to flesh out their solo work. But the way Proof era was handled so sloppily pisses me off. It was kicked off in such a grandesque way with the teaser at the end of the last PTD concert only to be followed with the dissapointment of it being an anthology with only three new songs that had leaked like a year in advance 😩. Then hyping up some big reveal for their anniversary day only for it to be the disastrous June 14th video that ended up reading like a disbandment announcement and became a PR debacle.
I need to talk about the June 14th incident because it simply perplexes me in a number of ways. First of all, I completely understand why the members were emotional about the change/the news they were sharing because a) they knew they’d be dissapointing some people b) i cant imagine how emotionally and physically drained they must have been at the time it was filmed. Obviously, when you’re that exhausted you’re simply prone to get more emotional so I can’t blame them for not seeing how the information would be received from an objective POV they were just relieved to get it out. But their team on the other hand… why the F$&@ did they think it was a good idea for that information to be delivered that way??? Where was the rationality? Where was the coolheadedness? As someone with an interest in PR, it honestly keeps me up still lmao. From a PR standpoint, it was catastrophic and the fact that their team could not foretell the reaction would be chaos from fans and the media goes to show how mediocre their team was at the time. Hell, their stock never fully recovered after that even with Jimin giving it the big boost later. Which they somehow also managed to fumble. But i digress…
2022 was the year for bts to go out with a bang, they simply could have put out a 5-6 track mini album and wrapped it up w a pretty little bow at the Busan concert and even with never reuniting again (which they obviously would bc money) it would have been a nice satisfying ending. But no it was a mess that turned into a series of terrible decisions one after the other and now they’re stuck with Voldemort and will inevitably sell out in 2025 with more Bieber rejects and Golden 2.0 to prove they didn’t “lose relevancy” after the military. Oh brother. Its really not that deep in the grand scheme of things but so dissapointing, unnecessary, and infuriating. Especially bc I will likely still be there to watch it all unfold bc it doesn’t look like my obsession with Jimin is going away any time soon… *sighs*
You're right and I have talked about this before.
I saw other armys quoting that tweet and talking about how epic it was, but it only reminded me of how much of a fumble that whole era was.
If you actually think about it, the last time BTS had a full on era was 4 years ago with mots7.
Dynamite was an English single, BE never even felt like an actual era because of how it was marketed as as some emotional pandemic inspired project with a ballad as the title track. The whole of 2021 was filled with English singles and collabs and in 2022 we had proof with another ballad as the title track. Since 2020 all BTS releases have either been English singles or Korean releases that are clouded with some emotional connotation which kills the hype and excitement around it. And I saw someone say at this point they wouldn't be surprised is bts' first comeback as a group is some emotional fan song about how they miss armys and themselves during their time in the Military, and I wouldn't be surprised if that ends up happening. Like for once can y'all just give us a normal Korean comeback with an upbeat title track and choreography?
The hype around what could have been their best and most successful Korean album yet being wasted on a repackage and a title track like yet to come could have been overlooked if they had made run BTS the title track, but alas. It's almost like bighit and BTS equates emotional and sentimental to boring and lackluster.
Doing all that at the concert only for the whole era to be a burst, the only good thing to come out of proof was run BTS.
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lokisasylum · 1 year
I wish I could tell 'yall "I told you so"--
I just hope that now that the truth is out and the 🐈‍⬛' out of the bag, that all the lil company stans that were foaming at the mouth during Jimin's solo trying to keep everyone quiet and gaslight us into believing the company was "innocent", finally opened their eyes.
If not, then learn your place and keep your mouth shut, you're no better than Hybe.
"Oh i'm so angry right now---"
How cute, you're angry NOW babygirl? We've been angry since MOTS7 dropped and they hid "Filter" for 24hrs on all platforms so it wouldn't keep outstreaming the main track.
We've been angry since Jimin started getting those first violent d3ath threats during WINGS era.
We've been angry since that press conference where every member got normal questions about the album that had dropped, their solos, ect. But Jimin was made to answer questions about the d3ath threats he was still getting.
Ya'll just NOW catching up to how shitty this company has ALWAYS been towards Jimin in particular.
The problem was never bb, hanteo, youtube, ect...the problem was JIMIN BEING ON TOP AND ABOVE EVERYONE instead of the ones the company FAVORS.
Thats why everything is miraculously "working fine" now.
But you know what tho? They still gotta live with the fact that Jimin was and always will be The First Ksoloist To Get No.1 in Billboard Hot 100 with a debut EP album AND the second Asian Soloist to do so IN 60+ YEARS.
And he did it all thanks to his own hard work and the fans that truly appreciate him and his music. ⚔️🔥👑
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jiminsass-istant · 4 months
There’s a lot of assumptions here I don’t agree with. The west is embracing new jeans and they haven’t had physical promo like bts did. The reason why bts is not getting really embraced by the gp is cos the music they promote to the west is generic meaningless boy band music which is very unrelatable. And authenticity is a big thing in the west. If they gave Mots7 or any of their albums before that the level of promo dynamite or butter had, they would have gotten more of the gp appreciation.
Hybe is not just only promoting jk, but they were also hampering other members promo. Look at how lackadaisical they were with shipping jh, Jin & RM albums. How poorly they scheduled Face, the many issues we faced during Face era that jk never experienced. We had to tag them for basic things that a label should already know about. How they shaded jm in their own article and are several times refusing to acknowledge his no1. It goes beyond promoting one member and more into trying to stifle the rest to present an image the label has the power to make a pop star. And is probably also why they give this promo to songs the label premade and not the artist’s authentic music that the artists makes
Thanks for the ask, anon. I'll share my thoughts to your ask in parts: (and sorry for the long essay in advance, kindly read, i swear i get to a point lol)
Western GP (New Jeans vs BTS): Can I be very very honest? New Jeans music is extremely catchy and has that hyperpop element that western audiences eat up. With rise of artists like PinkPantheress, hyperpop is gaining even more popularity, and Y2K aesthetic is back. NewJeans are all that- the music and aesthetic both. I'm not sure what were their digital promo methods, but perhaps playlisting on streaming platforms? And the collab with Apple was very strategic too. Let's also not forget they have english chorus in their songs and went viral on tiktok. New Jeans are in top 5 kpop groups in tiktok. I cannot speak for NewJeans much, because I have only listened to their songs, and do not follow them.
Let's talk about OT7 songs promoted in the US first- as in Dynamite, Butter and PTD. Let's take Dynamite - a very well crafted product, basically a completely American song with American references and MJ inspired choreo. It was meant to catch western attention and did its job. But the problem was- it was a single, not an album and it didn't really showcase the range of their artistry. Yet it did the job of exponentially increasing the fanbase. It was pandemic time, people were in their rooms, with internet and Youtube. Those who were meant to find BTs, found them.
Could BTS have achieved long lasting attention with MOTS 7 promotion? Honestly, it's hard to say. BTS's music is not conventional. You will never hear a BTS song and think- 'oh! i've heard something similar', in fact, sometimes it is even difficult to comprehend what genre their songs are. A different language, a different genre, 7 different voices, with no two albums that sound similar, no viral tiktok songs. Do you know how difficult it is to crack the western market? It is a lot of information to feed. I will come back to the MOTS 7 issue later.
How does one build a fanbase for a band like BTS?
BTS's popularity and long lasting fanbase has always been formed by the story they sell. Bang PD, right from the start, wanted to show the world 7 authentic, real boys who wanted to share their original thoughts, happiness, feelings and struggles. Added to this, their underdog story. Yes, their struggles from older days are all real and valid, but knowing that story makes you relate to them. Because, aren't we all some type of underdog before we achieve something big? People have often been drawn to BTS via word of mouth, friends, 'i just wanted to know their names' and ending up watching the Taylor Guide, 'my wife took me to their concert and now all my friends love BTS', 'they taught me how to love myself' etc etc. BTS has always inducted fans who were searching for something in their lives, or are curious, or are 'willing to learn'. You cannot sit an American down and show them a BTS US interview and ask them to listen to the album and make them a forever fan. Do you know how people in the west don't watch an international film just because they refuse to read subtitles? The language barrier might be easy for armies to overlook because we are invested, but it's not easy to convince a monolingual westerner to start reading subtitles to get into an entirely different fandom.
To sum up my points above:
BTS sell their story and relatability and group dynamics, which is not possible just through basic promotion. One has to dive into BTS voluntarily and go through the plethora of content, one by one.
BTS songs are usually not tiktok viral for some reason, considering how big of an act they are. Barely any bts tracks have gone viral- BST remix, black swan instrumental (maybe), PTD dance challenge to name a few. I don't know the reason why because I have barely ever used tiktok. Because armies only interact with each other on that app and even then, they don't use bts songs as audio.
The pre-requisite is to be backed by a western label for radio, playlist, western ads etc. Because the US won't allow an outsider label to make money off their GP, simple. It just takes away the money that could have stayed with western labels.
Coming to individual member (JK) promoted in the US: I did mention in the post of mine you have linked- that Golden lacked depth. Quoting my own words directly - " While they paid attention to heavy promo, charts and playlisting for Golden, they failed to create a connection with the music- which seems highly non-personal and lacking in depth and has a non-interesting concept. The promo did do the work of making jk a common name, showcasing his talents and introducing him to the industry. But for a lasting impact, they have to create better stories with the music. Idc, army are acting too defensive when people are disappointed that he didn't write his songs. It's okay to not write, but the very least singers can do is connect to song meanings and relate to personal experiences during the promos."
And anon, you are right, to have a lasting impression in the west, one needs authenticity. Actually let me list down the non-compromisable parameters required for success in the US-
Affiliation to US based label/Connection to industry mammoths. (Give money to US/US based part of the company)
English song/ lots of english lyrics + recognizable genre
Character/ brand of the artist (which the audience calls 'authenticity', but is actually the 'brand' of the artist created by the label. People hear the artist's name and know what to expect. You hear Olivia Rodrigo and you know you will get teenage, angsty, heartbreak tracks.)
Last but not the least- tiktok push. (somehow extremely essential today)
Hybe gave JK 1,2 and 4 from above list. They tried to build up on his character, but it is incomplete and lacks depth. The character they have built for him is- Korean hearthrob who can sing and dance, inspired by Michael Jackson, the ONE member to look out from the massive band BTS (Justin Timberlake trajectory). They gave him catchy songs directed at het women, dressed him up in clothes fitting that image and made him perform live at TSX. Thanks to the massive ads and promo, people know him now. But unless he shows the true depth of his character and brand to the GP, a lot of people (non-army) won't look forward to his future works. And whether we like it or not, him not being being able to interact freely and share his thoughts in english in the interviews is still a drawback for him. (personally, i wish that was not true).
Even when some celebrities of colour get the limelight in US pop culture, it's because they are connected to the US. They emerge as this messiah for their 3rd world country, can speak english and work for US labels and production companies. The US gets to keep the money and awards, and also gets to flaunt 'diversity'. It has always worked like that when the west opened the doors for a POC.
MOTS 7 would not get GP acceptance without being backed by a US label. And would a US label ever accept a full Korean album with all Korean artists? Why would they invest in an artist of a foreign language? Can Bang PD's assistant call up US radio and get them to play Dionysus? No. But if Scooter does it, they will pay attention.
An English speaking artist can convey their feelings through words on a radio, but how will a Korean artist do that on the radio with no subtitles, to an audience who refuses to read subs in the first place? You know how the US GP reacted when Parasite movie won an Oscar, right?
Ever since 2017, BTS have tried for that hot 100, did everything they could, backed by their Korean company, tons of US interviews and what not. But at the end of the day, they had to compromise with meaning and depth and churn out an all english, MJ inspired, disco pop track which finally gave them their #1. I am not downplaying the significance of Dynamite, or saying that it's a bad song. But I simply mean that only a marked shift in genre and strategy gave them that #1.
Anon's words: "Hybe is not just only promoting jk, but they were also hampering other members promo."
You are absolutely right. The only properly done solo work was that of Yoongi I feel. He knows his priorities and influence on the company, and has always had a very strong connection to both inside and outside the company. I'm not sure if D-Day was mismanaged, though am sure some yoongi biased army will have things to point out. All the other members have faced mismanagement. Jimin the most, I feel. Even recently, there's a Weverse article where they wrote that "jhope led the contemporary dance with Jimin", in spring day. All respect to Jhope where he deserves because he is the dance leader indeed, but he did not lead the contemporary dance in spring day, as amazing as he is, respectfully.
Anon's words: "It goes beyond promoting one member and more into trying to stifle the rest to present an image the label has the power to make a pop star."
I felt the same thing. I share the same sentiment with you here. The way they downplayed Like Crazy's achievements was disappointing and hurtful. That day it became crystal clear to me that Bighit did NOT see that achievement coming. None of the member's releases was meant to make this much noise, not before their Scooter backed project. They grossly underestimated the extent army can go even for 1 member (arguably the 2 most popular members in US are Jimin and Jungkook). Honestly the type of promotions JK got would never be given to other members because the other members would NOT agree to singing english songs that have zero depth and zero connection to their own feelings. JK was willing to take up that offer because.. well it's his choice. It was a golden platter, why not take it up? His image is moldable, he can sing whatever he is given and has the talent to pull it off. No matter whom we bias, JK has been the center of almost all BTS songs, a non-replaceable voice. But at the end of the day, the reason he was the one member who Bighit wanted to stand-out from the group was, it was his consent and agreement to everything the company planned for him.
I do wonder what it would have been like if all members received that kind of promo with their own artistry. But the entire premise of them being backed by Scooter/US collapses because they refuse to sing songs written by Scooter's writers. So I also agree with anon when they said "And is probably also why they give this promo to songs the label premade and not the artist’s authentic music that the artists makes."
Instead, Hybe is focusing on the other kpop groups under them. It's like the 6 members were just given their own individual management teams to manage their solo works lol. At least, let's be glad that the 6 members are getting full creative freedom for their work. I just want their solo works to be better managed. And I hope their managers, and planners, especially those on Jimin's side have learnt their lesson and come up with a foolproof promo for their next projects. I don't expect anything from BangPD, that man has been showing a certain pattern I don't want to discuss. (solely because i refuse to think what goes on in his mind).
As fans, all we can do is support the solo works we feel connected to and support BTS as a whole in future OT7 projects.
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
Hello, I was going through the jimin tag yesterday and came across this post on your blog and normally I am not the one to respond to any kind of post and I debated if I should even say anything but this one did not sit right with me considering it is coming from someone who supposedly stans JM as well. I apologise in advance if anything I say comes across as rude as that is not my intention.
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For their information, Jimin was the 1st member (and also the only korean soloist at that time) to have 3 of his solo songs (Lie, Serendipity, Filter) to be eligible for RIAA gold certification in the US in early 2022. This was before BTS even went on hiatus so what does that tell them on his song’s performance in western markets. His solo songs have overall always been one of the most loved and best performing.
Like Crazy was the fastest song by a korean soloist (including soloist with western collabs) to be eligible for a RIAA gold certification. LC on its 73rd day is pulling in streams closer to Butter and was 3rd in number amongst all BTS songs (group and collabs). LC had no playlisting or radio as compared to the other songs. If LC had little more push then it might have outcharted some the group’s most popular English songs. In Japan which is another big music market, FACE outsold BE and was just behind MOTS7 in album sales.
So not sure what is the criteria for someone being marketable if not how much loved their solo songs are or how much brands want them. So please don’t excuse away whatever the company is doing by saying it is because one person is more marketable than the other.
As u can tell anon wasn't even sure themselves if JK is the most marketable. Their point was mostly to remind people its not JK's fault that the company is negligent of Jimin. I mean this shit is still fucking happening so...
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But yes I agree. Jimin is quite big in the US and in Europe. I think BH under-estimated him from jump and he proves them wrong every single time. I just wish they would give him the treatment he deserves.
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thoughts-on-bangtan · 2 years
Hi guys!
Since Admin 1 is very busy with work and dating their soulmate, the one writing todays post, and the one taking responsibility for its contents, is Admin 2. This isn’t about any one specific thing but I simply wanted to give you a sign that we’re still around, assure our fellow vminies that we still very much follow vmin and watch over what they’re up to and we’ve very much not lost any kind of faith in their bond or started to doubt what we’ve laid out across all the posts on this blog. Quite on that contrary, actually, we’re been rather satisfied as we’re watching vmin in recent months.
Writing this post today was also sparked by someone in our ask box, but more on that later.
Let’s begin at the beginning.
Like I said we’re still avidly watching and following what BTS are up to, as well as the members individually, especially Tae, Jimin, Jin and Namjoon, since those four are the ones that our blog focuses on most. A few months have passed since the FESTA dinner and time shows us exactly what I thought about vmin in the last few years and in recent times. Judging by how vmin present themselves and support each other in their individual activities I don’t have any doubt that, and still uphold my opinion that, vmin are the closest bond within the group and I think the bond will continue thriving and getting closer. What led me to that conclusion was watching what’s been going on and through that observation a lot of what we saw already in the past (end of 2019 and onward) have gotten a new/deeper meaning and it also elevated the meaning behind the words between and actions between vmin. 
I mean that vmin (+Hobi once) were the ones who mentioned wanting the group to remain together for a long time/forever the most, or even were the only ones to do so repeatedly in such a manner. Tae said he wanted to see the members until their end and Jimin even claimed (jokingly) he would be willing to take over the leader role and how it would be great if the group would still live together and keep creating music together for a very long time. That also heavily reminds me of what vmin said in Friends where Jimin asks Tae to stay with him even after the fame will be gone. So it’s easy to see that Friends being on MOTS7, now knowing that the band was originally supposed to go on hiatus after MOTS7 and its tour, now takes on an even deeper meaning than the song already had when we analyzed it in the past. So vmin and only vmin mark their bond between them with the want of staying together forever publicly. All gestures between Jimin and Tae in Bon Voyage 4 and things that came afterward, like holding hands on the airport at the end of December 2019, “this is my love for you” from the behind the scenes of the 100th RUN episode when Jimin gave Tae a bunch of heart shaped balloons, Tae’s 95z is love comment on weverse, show a want to mark just how special their bond is during a time when they used to think that the end of chapter 1 was approaching (before the pandemic came and changed everything). 
Of course I don’t want to negate the bond between all the seven members because it’s very much there and strong and will also be something that’ll stick with them forever, but vmin are the only ones who in such a manner underlined their subunit within the group.
Everything that happened later, all our posts, our analysis, all moments between vmin and other duos, they also get put in a somewhat different light now that we know things that we didn’t know yet back then.
What I’m trying to say is that, despite the group being in its second chapter and working on their individual projects, vmin still stick to each other in their own ways and support each other, like Jimin quickly ending his live yesterday because Tae was about to go on air and so he wanted to send ARMY over so they would listen and support Tae. Or in the previous live Jimin did when Tae came by to comment along and how they agreed to do a video call right after and whatnot. Those are all signs for me that we have no reason whatsoever to worry or doubt vmin, and there’s even less of a reason to pay attention to weird behaviors and thoughts from other shippers or individuals who can’t quite deal with their half of vmin interacting one way or another with others, or the strange and fabricated rumors floating around. There’s no reason at all to doubt Tae’s words about liking Jimin the most, because their bond is unique and special.
Furthermore I wanted to add that, since I’m a Tae bias, am very much annoyed about the rumor that I think is simply stupid and baseless.
I’d also like to say that we’ve made many individual observations about vmin but there are no reasons and there’s no need to write out each of them and support it by some kind of comparison, the way other shippers feel the need to each time, so we will keep that to ourselves. What vmin are doing is more than enough on its own. 
If you really listen to what vmin say (without leaving out or twisting the context) and do, then a lot of the noise from other shippers stops holding any kind of meaning or importance and instead simply fades somewhere far into the background. 
Personally I’m very curious to finally find out a date or hint or anything when it comes to when we might finally hear something from Tae music wise that I could look forward to, but even here Tae is showing us his independent personality and the fact that he won’t allow others to pressure him into delivering something before he is entirely satisfied. Which of course also makes me happy, because if we finally get to hear any of it, I’d want it to be exactly what Tae wants it to be and how he wants it to be. So I’ll continue to patiently wait. 
At the same time I’m also curious about what kind of music we will get from Jimin. His photofolio already was quite the surprise look wise, since I’ve never seen Jimin as harbinger of chaos (he was a tattoo in one of the pictures that says Tailor of Chaos) so I was rather surprised to see him presented/presenting himself this way. So after that I’m even more curious about his music, especially after we’ve seen the different producers that flew to Korea to work with him.
Next I’d like to talk about Hobi, especially since we know he’s quite close with vmin and we know both of them supported him a great deal during his solo activities, especially when he was performing at Lollapalooza. For me Hobi’s album and the performance were truly the event, the moment. Personally I’m extremely happy that Hobi finally got the recognition and the status he rightfully deserves. At the same time I’m also happy that we could get to know Hobi in ways we haven’t quite before, like finding out that Hobi is just as much of a social butterfly as Tae and has a gigantic social circle of friends and acquaintances across different fields. Jack in the Box was like the music moment of this year and I love it so much.
And now lets get to the point that inspired me to want to write a post after a rather long time. As in the anon message we got in our ask box about Namjoon.
Dear anon I assure you I care a great deal about Namjoon, I respect and cherish him a lot, and that we even have a lot of hobbies and interests in common. Through the art that he shows us we can find out a lot about Namjoon the person, his thoughts and feelings, and also through that I feel close to him, in a way. And as such, I cannot imagine how someone can look at this very intelligent person that is Namjoon, who you claim to care about so much, and truly think he would go and post this mysterious boyfriend you claim he has on his social media with stickers over his face. BTS keep their privacy safe for a reason to the point that we literally know nothing expect for the few things they tell us themselves, and yet still Namjoon would go out of his way to post his boyfriend with a covered face?
I still stand and agree with what Admin 1 said in their post about this topic, as in that either these are his friends, a manager or other type of staff, or a trusted family member, and they surely aren’t someone he stands in a romantic connection with Namjoon, which is why Namjoon sees no reason not to share them with us with their faces covered. What I’m saying isn’t leaning on my thinking that namjin are a thing, but that is what I think and I surely won’t try and go around to convince others of that, but instead it’s me trying to get you to respect Namjoon a bit more. I also don’t negate that Namjoon might be in a relationship with someone else than Jin, though I honestly doubt it, but obviously that’s always a possibility, regardless of what gender that partner might have. This isn’t me being delulu or trying to push a narrative or agenda, but instead my thoughts and opinions based on my conclusions reached through what we’ve seen over the years.
Despite your triple dare we will not be posting your ask and the link it had because it leads to a blog filled with posts that we do not agree with and we very much are not interested in leading more people there and running the chance that people might get misled by them. 
This whole Namjoon’s mystery boyfriend topic has been floating around for months now and we’ve already posted about it back in December last year, and since then nothing has changed so, as it stands, you can lay this topic to rest. And if you don’t agree with our blog, perhaps it simply isn’t the place for you since this is a BTS, vmin and namjin blog. There are enough other bloggers who support your thoughts so you might feel happier there instead.
I’m happy that Namjoon is doing well, that he’s getting so much appreciation in the art would, that we could catch a glimpse at how much fun Namjoon had with Hobi at the Billie Eilish concert, and that he’s been steadily working on his music and seems satisfied with the work he’s doing.
Another thing that I/we kind of missed (as in mentioning it on the blog) was Jungkook’s birthday and his live with Jin and the whole situation around this day and how it’s practically the most anticipated date of the year among xkook shippers. That kind of passed us by. I watched the live and I must admit that it didn’t feel quite the way like the previous lives he’s done and the weverse post Jin made after he left Jungkook’s apartment, about how he should continue his live professionally, led me to believe that he didn’t feel quite as enthusiastic and energetic about the live as he did with the previous ones. For whatever reason. But one thing this showed us was that Jin is watching over Jungkook and that their bond is very close and brotherly with older brother Jin caring a lot about his beloved younger brother Jungkook. At the same time I hope that the whole day, and what happened on it, will finally put certain things to rest for people who think clearly who maybe finally saw or will see that the bond the entire group has with Jungkook is exactly the same and none of them are romantic. That vmin treat Jungkook the same, one and the other. That you can see that in some of their gestures and behaviors, in Jimin's like in Tae’s, that they care about Jungkook the same way the other members do as well, and that their bonds with Jungkook don’t have any romantic connotations. Jungkook is simply the baby of the group and nothing and no analysis will change my mind about that. 
Going back to vmin for a closing summary or thought. Everything that was to be analyzed about them has been analyzed and really everything that could be said about what we’ve seen since 2013 has been said, and knowing that chances are rather slim that we’ll get anything more than this, I don’t think there’s a need for further analysis of each and every new word and gesture we get since they all following and fit in with everything we’ve seen so far, none of it is new or shocking or anything like it. What we see now is just the way we thought it would look like. My stance on vmin is known among those who read our blog and everyone knows that I’m the Admin that is convinced that vmin are together, but I’m also convinced that we will never get any kind of confirmation, as in something official like a statement or anything like it. Or at least not now or any time soon.
So I’m remaining firm in my opinions but I will not try to convince anyone of them either. 
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5and3nevermind · 4 months
I just rewatched it so I have to yell about in the soop season 1 yoonmin they are sooo sweet. Especially after their little midweek break where they went back home and ym did the radio vlive…jimin said I want u to long for me more actively and they get back to the soop and yoongi is asking him to play their team fighter tactic game or whatever nonstop and just paying him so much attention 🫠like the whole time they were woodcarving… I swear yoongi could have watched jimin chop wood with that axe all day 😭😭 and this is barely scratching the surface of their ITS antics 😞😞😞😞
How fun! Maybe I should rewatch it too.
Some things that still stand out to me:
- You are right about the woodcarving and Jimin using the ax! Yoongi was so focused on what Jimin was doing. Plus, Yoongi gave Jimin that little safety reminder about wearing gloves. So cute.
- The gaming! There were multiple times that Yoongi asked Jimin to play. At least three that I can think of off the top of my head.
- We can’t forget Yoongi offering to blow out all of the candles in the upper house when Jimin said he doesn’t like scented candles. What a sweet gesture!
- Yoongi said he wanted to work on a song with Jimin (and snuggle in the privacy of the camper?) and apparently over the course of that trip he let Jimin listen to three different songs (Telepathy, Life Goes On, and Amygdala), according to what we’ve seen and what was said later in various interviews. I think that says a lot about Yoongi’s trust in Jimin and his respect for his opinion. Yes, Jimin was the Music PM for BE, but that doesn’t apply to Amygdala, nor does it explain why Yoongi didn’t merely submit his songs to Jimin once they were complete. I think Jimin hearing Amygdala in the camper was a significant moment. That is such a personal song for Yoongi.
- I thought it was interesting how often they sat together for meals. One time, Joon was seated next to Jimin, and Yoongi walked over and gestured for him to scoot over so that he could squeeze between the two of them.
- This doesn’t apply to the second half, but I thought the rooming arrangements were interesting, with Jimin saying he wanted to game with Yoongi all night in the upper house and Yoongi choosing the nearby camper, somewhat isolated from the main house and the rest of the guys.
This is a whole other topic, but I do think yoonmin went through a little rough patch at the beginning of 2020. They were so busy preparing MOTS7 and other projects, thinking they would be going on tour soon, then the chaos and disappointment of the pandemic, etc. But it’s funny because starting in May 2020, all of the sudden things seem so much better. In fact, they seem more solid than ever: everything that happened in ITS, Yoongi suggesting Jimin as Music PM for BE, the radio live and then not too long after that surgery era and we know how that went.
I really see those events in May—ITS, BE album planning and Yoongi’s encouragement, and the radio live—as the start of a trajectory that we continued to see all the way into 2023. 💛
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However, even to this day I think taekook spend time apart from each other and that their relationship, particularly in a conservative country like South Korea, is very nuanced.
Can you please talk about this in more detail?
OK I was going to put this in a separate post, but because of the recent interest I'll just post everything here...
A Little Context first (and a little theory of mine)…
Until early 2018, JK and Tae have been living together and working without many breaks or holidays 24/7 365 days a year. All they've known is that life up until that point. I think they knew in 2018 that that situation couldn't continue, and so they planned accordingly. I think in 2018 the company allowed Tae and JK to live together alone in the dorm prior to the last one, for a short time. There's clear evidence that this was the case, look at Bon Voyage 3 (Malta) where Tae and JK rooms don't match the very limited 3-bedroom apartment that was the Hannam Hill, they even acknowledge it in the commentary video.
I think the Taekook (and the members), knowing that MOTS7 was gonna be the last album/tour before solo projects (and possible enlistment), as well as them as group not living together in a dorm any more, they needed to plan for the future. Even more so because of the conservative country they live in, they needed to create a way of being together with some level of anonymity after the group went into in solo project mode, mostly likely by 2021.
Okay so that's out of the way, on to what I think they did and how they are now…
Living Apart Together (LAT)…
Their plan, was to create their own version of what is a growing phenomenon with couples, the notion that you're together, but live separately. However, this is not a long distance thing in the main, the idea is you live close enough to each other that you are able to see each other if you want too.
Note: I think this was all part of the contract negotiations that took place in 2018 and the BigHit have been working with JK and Tae on the since then. Also, I do not profess to the notion that BigHit are the big bad in all of this, and they truly do try their best for their artists.
Here is an article about some famous celeb couples who are already in, or have been, in this situation:
LAT can be structured however the couple wants, some of the arrangements that couples have are:
Strict times together: i.e. Mon to Thurs live separately, Fri to Sat together
Spend nights apart: you meet and do things together whenever you want (including sex, of course), but you never spend the the together except for designated nights/holidays. I know one gay couple who kinda follows this routine, and they've been together monogamously for nearly 6 years.
No plan: you live apart, but if you want to spend a night or a couple of days together, you can.
So I think this was what they were working towards, but there were a few they needed to do beforehand to get there.
The 2 and half year transition…
Before figuring out if they could live in a LAT relationship, they needed to discover if they could live apart and still work as a couple. Also, considering they probably missed what most couples go through in the early part of any relationship, i.e. dating and courting each other, they could almost do that during this period.
So in 2019, when Tae moved to Apelbaum and JK to Yongsan, and outside of tours and BTS engagements, I don't think they spent time together (note when touring or doing promo, they probably share hotel rooms).
It would almost be like they were a new couple going on dates (Busan cinema date), but going on holidays apart. I think for JK this was easier, as an introvert he actually doesn't mind being alone, although I do think he had his brother. For Tae, from around July 2020 to May 2020, it's clear he was suffering from some form of depression (though I think the separation was a factor, there were likely other things in play too). This "separation" I think worked because phase two was to address public interactions with each other…
More openness and content around Taekook...
Note: I think this part of the plan was supposed to play out during the course of the MOTS7 tour, Run BTS and the inevitable Bon Voyage 5 (that turned into In the Soop), but with the pandemic that was changed and possibly brought forward.
Up until In the Soop, non-taekooker ARMY have got this impression that Tae and JK were not close, and between 2017 and 2019 in official content because of the way BigHit present the members interactions with each other. Also, outside of tours, the amount of fan-service/skin ship we saw from Taekook was minimal.
That started to change in 2020, as there was a clear shift toward Taekook
It started with the Golden Disk Awards where fans filmed the back hug and intimate interactions, followed up with the Grammy's red carpet when everyone assumed they were a couple and then the MOTS7 US promo where we saw them be more physical and playful with each other.
Then also in official BTS content we start to see more Taekook...
First, the Winter package that came out in early 2020, which had the whole JK making Tae a snow globe and cuddling in the streets. Then in April 2020 we started seeing Run BTS they showed us more Taekook, so that by the end of the year Taekook would feature in some way in each episode.
Then, after Festa 2020, there was almost like a switch had been turned off and BTS started doing less traditional fan service, and Taekook were preceptively closer than ever. To me (and some others), there was a perception that BigHit were building up to something.
Then In the Soop happened...
We should look at In the Soop as Taekook before and after date night in Episode 6. In episodes 1-5, Taekook had little interactions apart from the silent making lunch together moment. Post the start of episode 6, we go, JK sitting in-between Tae's legs, Tae Back hug and possible kiss his shoulder, them cuddling/sharing a bed for nearly 3 hours, a mysterious Tae Ghost leave JK's room in the early hours, before having a sunrise walk with a very, very tired Hobi chaperone.
It was like a flip of a switch and Taekook were everywhere. Japanese content, memories, army.zip content, Life Goes On MV, Dynamite performances etc.
The ultimate goal for this change in official content was so that when we see Taekook interact as solo artists, or they were seen out and about in public, it wouldn't look strange.
Image if this hadn't happened and Taekook were perceived to not be close and then suddenly they were spotted out together more, it would seem strange. This shift in public opinion, affords them the illusion of friendship that's been reconnected, after the 2017-2019 wilderness.
Implementing the plan...
So, they've lived to overcome the two main issues (living apart and changing how people see them), they needed to get to the point we're at now.
Living arrangements that allow secrecy...
They needed security that allows them to not risk being caught. Initially, Tae's Apelbaum Apartment does this, each apartment is the only apartment on that floor (I believe there are 14 apartment on 14 floors) and with private car park access. JK's current apartment is similar (unlike the Yongsan Apartment), there are only 8 apartments each with its own entrance and with private underground car park access. This limits who can see them coming and going, and the close location to each other means they can see each other more easily (5min drive), as opposed to travelling to JK's old apartment (30min drive).
A protocol team that is primarily just for them...
More recently we've also seen that Taekook appear to be using the same car, manager, and security detail recently. If this is the case, that limits exposure, particularly if that team has been fully vetted.
Pre-planned time together...
We've seen hints of this, remember when JK mentioned during the VMinKook VLive how the next night he was going to stay in Tae's room, also the secret holiday, and the clear time the JK was with Tae visiting Tae's birthday displays in Seoul, the possible sightings of them with the Wooga squad in Busan. I think they manage their time to show they are perceptively single (Tae's Hawaii trip, JK going out with friends etc). But it's clear they spend private time together.
I think as time goes on, we'll see this and hear them being together out and about doing things that wouldn't look like a couple, going for meals, holidays/trips, shopping etc, whilst also spending days and maybe weeks not seeing each other. And because of how they've presented themselves publicly over the last 4-5 years, it won't arouse suspicion, and will allow them a sense of anonymity in a very conservative country like South Korea.
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starryjkoo · 7 months
I can see a massive reunion tour, spanning all continents and going on more than a year, while they work on solo music and then solo tours after the group one, once they put out enough solo songs. The group is over, they are too different musically, they will just use the brand and live off their back catalog. Maybe just a couple of new songs to put in a re-edition of the HYYH trilogy and grab more cash on top of the tour... Or another album like BE : solo songs adapted to the group, no coherent style.
I'll just be forever sad they couldn't close the group chapter with the MOTS7 tour as intended. Now they are just longing for that tour, when the public will be so different with all that happened in the fandom since the English trilogy
Yeah, I could definitely see this being one possibility about how things could go for them in CH3. And I agree with the timeline that after their group tour they’ll probably take a sizable break to focus on solo activities/solo tours, I could totally see that. I don’t think they’re ever going to be as active as a group as they were in CH1.
But see, I actually just think they’re way too ambitious and prideful to release anything but the best for their next album. Literally everyone is going to be tuned in and I think they’re going to have something to prove. I just don’t think they’re ready to give in yet, I think of that Busan Run BTS performance for example. I just can’t imagine them coming back, releasing their first album in six years, and putting out something like YTC 💀 Could you imagine the backlash? I think they’ll want to take back whatever records and show their dominance in the industry again, you know? BTS members are known for their work ethic and drive, I just can’t see them agreeing on anything that’s not like… impeccable quality for their first comeback as a group in years. ARMYs didn’t support their ballads the same way they did the English trilogy, or even YTC compared to Run BTS. So if they want to continue upwards they’re going to have to release something exciting. I think they probably know that and want to rise to the occasion? And I think their feelings going into it are going to be very different to what they were feeling during BE and the pandemic or right before their hiatus. I think they’ll have a completely different mindset. I also think they have this… anger/defiance about them still sometimes? Like Namjoon’s letter about how the media talked about their hiatus. I just think they still have something left to prove as a group, idk. I felt differently during FESTA because they were so broken down but I just think watching the way they’ve talked and kind of moved during the rest of CH2 I feel weirdly optimistic about it?
Also the fact that they have solo careers they can use as outlets I think will make it easier for them to compromise and put out a solid group album. Like if Taehyung wants to make an obscure jazzy song he can easily do so as a soloist instead of being so dependent on BTS as his only creative outlet. I think that will make it a bit easier to be cohesive and compromise. I remember yoonmin talking a bit about the future album and how it would be nice to do it themselves, write about their own stories this time, JM said he would do the melodies ect. And I think they’re pretty flexible musically too. I mean, looking at their solo work a lot of them experiment with different sounds and styles so I think they’ll be fine trying out different things as a group again. I just hope that they have a lot more creative control over their next album (let JM and smeraldo garden marching band collab again! I know they’ve got his back and they’re like the regular BTS collaborators).
And honestly just the way they talk about it, idk. Like on Suchwita JM talks about wanting to improve and become more independent to make the team stronger specifically. And they say this
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There are a lot of quotes and conversations where they emphasize the group being their priority like this. I mean, doesn’t mean it’ll work out that way? You never know. But they sure say it a lot, and go into detail quite a bit about it too, not just platitudes. I think the only thing that really throws people off is what’s going on with JK, which I do side-eye. But JK was the only member who was about to enlist without even releasing anything. He’s ambitious but I don’t think he has the ambition or desire to try and eclipse the group either (and it absolutely wouldn't be that easy).
Also the members seem to be in a really good place with each other generally speaking. 2seok text 100 times a day? JM knows their phone schedules? The vminkook revival? The way they low-key doted on JM during his birthday with that cute bd hotteok and the mushroom pouch? They seem on pretty good terms to me which I think means something. And working as a group and being able to feed off each others energy is just very appealing, so I don’t think they’re ready to throw in the towel as BTS, not when it's their best chance of continuing to do and accomplish crazy things. Everything with HYBE US and some of what's happening I really, seriously don't like. But like two random articles calling JK Justin Timberlake and a moderate hit song aren't going to be enough to break the group up, nor does it change the reality of the BTS members being seven of the most famous people in the world. Idk, I guess time will tell.
Anyways, yeah, the MOTS tour will forever be a tragedy. I think they do clearly want to make up for it. But I do think it goes beyond that. And the fandom is trash lately, imo, at least in most public spaces online, so here's hoping things clear up a bit in 2025. But BTS is a once in a generation phenomenon. I just really just can't see them going out with a whimper.
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sizzlingpatrolfox · 1 year
The New Jeans girls are getting a visual album, all 6 tracks are going to have MVs. Ngl it’s really hard not to hate these younh Hybe groups who get everything with OUR money while Jimin is denied things
I don't remember which song it was, but they even had official MVs focused on each member before. Like, one song had 5 or 6 official MVs, one for each member. Plus the performance video, and the dance practice, and who knows what else. Hybe is really going all out with their new groups, and honestly from a marketing pov it makes sense because girl groups always were more liked than boygroups in sokor, and also because it's girls that aren't even 20 years old and will never have to enlist and put their careers on hold. If it all works out, companies can easily milk ten or even more years of success out of girls.
BTS hasn't been hybe's priority since 2020. Ever since mots7 tour was cancelled, they've been playing it by ear and coming up with activities and singles just to pass the time because they were all supposed to enlist at the end of 2020. Then enlistment got postponed, and all they did was kill time until the pandemic was over.
I really don't know what's up with them and Jimin. The only explanation I can give to the whole thing about the MVs is that it's about money. Companies aren't looking at the past, they're looking to the future. They don't give a damn about who earned them money five years ago; if they want to survive, they need to look ahead and think how they can keep earning money for the next 50, 100 years. And they're only going to invest in what they believe can give them money.
Right now, they are investing in the groups that they know will bring them earnings in the future. They can't keep putting all their eggs in BTS basket because BTS is not their future. BTS is hardly their present.
BTS will feed the CEOS and every highup and their grandchildren, but that's BTS as a group. BTS as solo members never had any real impact (until FACE). Even though some members had released solo albums before, none of them were million sellers, none of them charted in good positions or for more than a few days. Touring is the most profitable activity; that's where the #real money is. I can only guess but I think it's possible Yoongi got more money poured into his album because the company knew they would be gaining that money back from his tour. One of the options is that they didn't want to spend money on giving Jimin more MVs than they thought necessary because they didn't believe his solo endeavors would pay off.
For the record, I'm talking exclusively about MVs and the fact that they cost money and resources for a company. This doesn't have anything to do with them hindering his promo time, or Spotify or billboard; that's a whole other can of worms.
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music tag games under the cut!
I'm going to cheat and put them all here and also i love each of you thanks for the tags i love them and learning about each of you through them <333 @clutterbugs @wistfulocean @denimnamjoon @leesjieuns
Here's my 2022 Wrapped summary!
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using your spotify top 100 playlist, shuffle 10 songs and tag 10 people.
1. Super Tuna - JIN (so glad this one made it) 2. Pure/Honey - Beyonce 3. Karma - Taylor Swift 4. I Know A Place - MUNA 5. People - Agust D 6. Vanilla -KAI 7. Move A Little - Lemondrop 8. 134340 - BTS 9. jealousy - FKA twigs 10. Very, Slowly - BIBI
💛 choose an artist you like and use the name of their songs to answer this as close to the truth as possible! 
name of the artist: The National (my ult group, if you will)
what is your gender: I Need My Girl
describe yourself: Rylan / Don't Swallow the Cap
how do you feel: Where Is Her Head
if you could go anywhere, where you it be: Santa Clara (exactly where I TRIED to buy Taylor Swift tickets.....) / England / Lemonworld
describe your best friend: Green Gloves
your favourite time of day: Dust Swirls in Strange Light
if your life was a tv show, what would it be called: Pink Rabbits (I have named every device in my life Pink Rabbits)
what is life to you: Terrible Love
relationship status: Vanderlyle Crybaby Geeks
what do you fear: Weird Goodbyes / Afraid of Everyone
TOP 5 BTS Songs 1. dimple vocal line just popped off with this one (shout out namjoon)! it's fun to listen to in the car and everywhere and it's just a fucking great pop song. 2. HOME it's jimin singing mi casa for me 3. Outro :Ego i don't quite know how to articulate what this song means to me? my most played song on spotify ever (like how did it surpass cruel summer?) i think i just love the message - like JUST TRUST YOURSELF. the self-reflection, the way this is the last song on mots7 when they were originally planning to take a break ok i'm stopping 4. Go Go i am a cynical millennial ofc this is on my list 5. Spring Day i honestly think this one gets to me bc there are so many people in my life that i love so much and only see very briefly and only at certain times of the year and i'm always waiting for the spring day until i see them again honorable mention: boy with luv which is the reason why i'm here at all
no pressure tagging some bbys who tend to like tag games and aren't already tagged above! @aprylynn @jiminsproof @kimchokejin also those of you who tagged me feel free to do any of the ones you haven't already! i'm always here to talk music <3 also you don't have to do ANY of these and just have this notif as a lil kiss, mwah
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i4iuvs · 1 year
part one · part three
: ̗̀➛ INCOMING FROM DEE: send an ask to be added to the taglist!
: ̗̀➛ TAGLIST: @itzy-eve @alixnsuperstxr
⃕ . . . coco masterlist !
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all praise to coco’s new stylist because they knew exactly what they were doing making her blonde. this sits at the same table mint yoongi does like fans YEARN for this look back. a short lived favourite as she changed her hair halfway through promotions to a plain black wig.
˗ˏˋ SPRING DAY ´ˎ˗
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these faux locs ATE okay like she looked phenomenal and they suited her so well. fans love this one but it’s not as popular as other styles she’ll do later.
˗ˏˋ DNA ´ˎ˗
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something simple, something for the summertime. brown/ginger knotless braids for this era. it was a fun time for coco stans during dna but her hair wasn’t really part of it.
˗ˏˋ FAKE LOVE ´ˎ˗
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jumbo braids for the win. very simple but it’s clear she can pull anything off at this point so the public loved it.
˗ˏˋ IDOL ´ˎ˗
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when i tell you the idol teasers broke twitter. “HER HAIR” was trending for DAYS. she cut her hair on her own and nearly gave her manager a heart attack but it was worth it because she looked great. most fans loved it but some complained saying they missed her hair.
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welcome back red! giving her hair time to grow out, she put it in knotless braids and as a sort of “ah, fuck it” moment, dyed her hair too. her pictures were used for months in little mermaid fancasts and she finally gave the people what they wanted when she posted a cover to one of the songs.
˗ˏˋ BLACK SWAN ´ˎ˗
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giving her hair breathing time, mots7 era she went natural. she is so happy that the hair dye did not damage her hair too bad. fans were excited to see her hair without the purple.
˗ˏˋ DYNAMITE ´ˎ˗
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for dynamite, she went with a shoulder length black wig. she looked like a 90s model and you know that comparison brought it in a slew of new fans.
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lokisasylum · 1 year
No because I'm pissed off---
What do you mean Jimin was denied by the company to make mvs for all his songs.... he literally has 4 songs, 1 interlude, 1 hidden track. And they told him it was "unreasonable" and he ACTUALLY APOLOGIZED TO THE COMPANY??? FOR ASKING TOO MUCH???
The same fucking company that keeps adding his songs LAST to the 'This is BTS..' playlist?? The same company that did nothing for him to receive radioplay? The same company that's been radio silent about the youtube issue, the constant hate and defamation?
The SAME company that had "Filter" taken down from all platforms when MOTS7 dropped during the first 24 hours because it out-streamed the main track 'ON'????
Nah FUCK that and FUCK THEM too.
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jooheonspinky · 1 year
Kpop Dream log 40: with Namjoon
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November 22, 2022, Tuesday
I was sitting outside on a property with a spacious backyard. There was a long table with food and I was eating lunch with BTS. Namjoon was at the head of the table. I was in the seat to his right and my sister was in front of me. We were talking about a live or podcast he did about Map of the Soul: 7 and I was telling my sister something about a moment where during the interview, I thought that somehow my headphones had connected to Namjoon’s.
I was saying to her, “Yeah, cuz I was taking notes of what my leader was saying…” Sis cocks an eyebrow at me and I sweep my hands up and down toward Namjoon. “Because he’s our leader? You know, the leader of BTS? Anyway, and at the same time you (I point my chin at Namjoon) were like ‘MOTS7!’ I said it at the same time and I saw your expression change. It was like you could hear me.”
“Really?” Namjoon starts laughing and he has this expression like he’s not trying to give anything away.
My eyes widen and I say, “Wait…could you actually hear me?”
He does that laugh he does where his dimples get really deep and he leans forward while covering his mouth and looks all bashful. I instantly flush, mortified, as I try to think back to if I had said anything inappropriate but my mind is just too fried at the moment to think. I was with @millie-ionaire05 the day of the live/podcast so I’m pretty sure we had made some raunchy comments.
“Ok so,” his laughing calms down but he’s still grinning. “It was like this…”
Then I woke up 
Dream Log Masterlist
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jmdbjk · 2 years
ICYMI streaming battle...
Twitter Army will be having a streaming battle tomorrow and the teams are #TeamHYYH, #TeamLY and #TeamMOTS.
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[Boy With Luv, Map of the Soul: 7]
I claim to be #TeamMOTS Army but honestly, I was not ready to let BTS into my soul when that album was released. Actually, I can’t even remember which BTS song was the first one I ever played. I’ve recounted my BTS story before but here it is again. According to my vague memories it went something like this:
End of 2019...trying Kpop...listen to other groups that are not BTS...they’re ok, one or two songs make it into my playlists... I knew of BTS because they were everywhere but I guess I was not listening to the right songs that would ultimately touch my soul. Here comes 2020...I was aware of the MOTS7 album dropping because it was at the top of the chart. I knew it was a big deal. I tried watching the Boy With Luv MV but my soul was not ready for all that pink on that first try. I saw them perform Black Swan on Corden’s show. I WAS STILL NOT FALLING FOR IT. I did not understand it. My soul just WASN’T READY.  
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[Black Swan live performance, The Late Late Show with James Corden, Jan. 2020]
And then came Carpool Karaoke Jimin. That blonde hottie in the red jacket just grabbed me by the throat and has never let me go. He was so different from what I was expecting. 
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When I finally took Boy With Luv MV out for another spin, that was all she wrote. The pink finally felt good and right. It was fresh and gave me joy.
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Ironically, this performance made me start paying attention to their choreography:
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[Boy With Luv, March 30, 2020, James Corden’s Homefest]
And then 2020 progressed into the shitshow it turned out to be on a global scale. Along comes Dynamite etc, and the rest is history for me. 
By the time THIS Black Swan aired on Jimmy Fallon, I was well on my way:
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[Black Swan, Sept. 2020, The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon]  [It took me too long to catch on to the insanity of that back hug]
But here is my honest confession: I wish I was a #TeamLY Army. I absolutely adore Kitty Gang Jimin. I feel like I cheated myself because I didn’t come around sooner to finding BTS so I could have experienced that black leather fit  with the sparkly shoulder jacket in real time. I WAS SOOO CLOSE! I missed it by mere months. My first BTS phone wallpaper was Kitty Gang Jimin in mid body roll.
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And many of my favorite songs are from the Love Yourself era: Mic Drop, Airplane Pt. 2, Magic Shop, Serendipity, Euphoria, Love Maze.
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I can confidently say, if it wasn’t for MOTS, I would have never known Kitty Gang Jimin. Heh heh. 
Back to #TeamMOTS7... the fact I realized how important and big that album was when it dropped, even though I had not bought into the entire BTS thing yet, speaks volumes about the impact BTS was making then and continues to make. I was paying attention. I knew this was something even before I knew the impact it would make on my life. 
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Now it’s easy to go back and see things for what they were. It was me having such a skewed perspective because I’d never exposed myself to much (if any) other music/artists outside the U.S./western music market. I had never seen such pristinely performed (DIFFICULT) choreography. I unlearned a lot of deeply ingrained perceptions...about language barriers, lyrics and music; about what I thought masculinity meant. I learned to understand more overall about sexual identity and gender identity. And personally, I came to realize what a big impact to my self-esteem they had on me, them being so successful, and also of Asian heritage just like myself. I could finally relate to a globally successful music artist. It has been a revelation for sure. 
I am a MOTS Army. And Filter is my flag/anthem.  
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So while we wait patiently and gird our loins for Jimin to drop his photo folio concept... if you are on Twitter, join the team of your choice, stream your teams songs on YouTube tomorrow, and help us add more views to BTS music videos.
If Jimin’s photo folio drops, I will report back after the flames die down. Or maybe in the midst of mid-burn...I know, TMI, sorry...peace out.
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stormblessed95 · 2 years
Dear My Friend
I had someone DM me and ask me about my thoughts over Yoongi's song "Dear My Friend" so of course I'm just making it a post. Because I have zero chill.
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So the lyrics and song. For those who need a refresher or haven't heard the song yet....
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This song is honestly really quite sad. It reads like a letter to an old friend that you lost. Lost to becoming different people in the end and all the bittersweet feelings that can come. It's a song that almost sounds like a goodbye. It's a song expressing his sadness and grief over this loss, and also his forgiveness. It's definitely a powerful song in my opinion!
Yoongi shares some thoughts over all the songs in his mixtape himself too in his vlive. Which is honestly one of my favorite Yoongi vlives. I've definitely sat through this 2 hours vlive quite a few times. It's just a comfort lol Dear My Friend gets played and spoken about an hour in
While a lot of people find the song to be sad, I think Yoongi himself might have felt like it to have been more of a release? But he said in his vlive that it's not a sad song.
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He said it had been a long time since he wrote the song, but when he wrote it he knew it had to be in the album and had to be the very last song in the mixtape for sure.
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STRONG FEELINGS ACHIEVED ON MY END AT LEAST YOONGI. He also shared with us that JK did the vocal guide for Dear My Friend for him and he shared part of that with us too!! You can watch just that short clip here:
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There also is some correlation in some of the lyrics of this song with his Spring Day verse. He never said anything about that connection or if there is one, but the lyrics are VERY similar and ARMY clocked in on it. Lol which is interesting to think about as well. Also knowing he had the song written for a long time. So maybe it's possible he pulled from the same experience for both verses. Who knows.
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Bonus, he shared the original name was just "Friend" but vmin took that for their MOTS7 track lmao so he changed it!
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