Feel like we’re too focused on our favourite ships and/ or the characters we have a crush on to realize that xo kitty isn’t just about love and what ship’s endgame, it’s about kitty learning about her background and discovering herself.
Kitty herself is trying to be her own individual and have her own journey/ adventure (she’s says so herself).
I think that’s why people think Kitty being bi is “random” (it really isn’t but if you wanna be dense that’s your issue). Too focused on who Kitty ends up with and not who she ends up as.
I also think this effects how people look at kitty as “just some white girl koreaboo looking for cute boys in Korea” and think she’s annoying cuz she’s not your perfect self insert (she’s a teenage girl she isn’t supposed to be).
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kookidough · 2 months
sierra is sooooo complicated to me like. i could go on about her for so long & also i wish the writers did certain things with her character (which i will get into later in this rant) so ya here we go
firstly her childhood is . very clearly messed up?? it’s established that her mother is Ultra Obsessed with chris and i think sierra mentions being a 3rd generation chris mclean scholar at one point which implies that obsession just runs in the family atp😭 before even going on the show she’s grown up in an environment where this level of obsession is Normal so she doesn’t see anything wrong with turning out the same way
since her mother is like . obsessed with chris & stuff that’s probably what would bring sierra to watching total drama in the first place and i personally feel like she’d fixate on it because it was a group of teenagers her age, people she would like to be friends with if that makes sense? i can imagine she’d be a pretty odd child without many friends so that’d maybe be a reason for her to latch onto total drama, maybe why she latched onto cody too because like. she thinks he’s cute and they have things in common (like theyre both pretty geeky) so she gets pretty parasocial about it because, as mentioned before, her mum being obsessed with chris is just Normal to sierra so she thinks it’s normal for her to be obsessed with cody (spoiler alert girl: it’s really not)
while she’s on the show i feel like she doesn’t change / gets worse because chris sees her exhibiting Mental Illness and just… actively encourages her behaviour? and the other contestants do nothing to stop it, like how most of the time (e.g. paris) team amazon get mad at cody for sierra’s behaviour instead of helping him out for some reason??? no one tells sierra her behaviour is wrong so she just. Continues to get worse until shes out of the competition😭
this is where im gna interrupt with a canon divergence because like . personally i think in the episode where votes were revealed and cody was revealed to have voted sierra Every Single Time, sierra shouldve gotten over him!!!! it was the harsh truth she needed to hear, the dose of reality that cody is NOT interested in her and she needs to move on. she couldve had good character development, building her relationships with other characters and showing off her skills. maybe she’d still be eliminated in drumheller because she made cody that birthday cake as an apology and then kaboom or whatever idk just some way to keep her elimination the same
going down this train could’ve made her character in all stars Actually Interesting ! we couldve seen a side of sierra that kept some of her old eccentric vibes but had her head in the game this time instead of being focused on a boy, especially since cody isnt even in that season
and of course lastly i just wanna say i’m not excusing her weird actions or her creepiness at all, she has some Extreme Flaws and all the stuff she did was absolutely not okay, i just like rotting and seeing maybe why she acted the way she did and i wanted to drop my own two cents on interesting avenues her character couldve went down :3 i know everyone in td is some form of stereotype and sierra was an obsessive uberfan but she couldve still been that after getting over cody, in fact im disappointed that she knew SO much about the cast yet didnt use any of their weaknesses to her own advantage, she couldve dominated the competition😭
so uhhh yeah thats my thoughts on sierra, i probably over-read her to filth but shes very complex to me and i wish certain aspects of her character were done differently, she had a lot of potential especially in all stars but um Everyone had their potential destroyed in all stars so i’ll overlook that
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spacexseven · 2 years
ok thinking about subordinate darling chuuya… I think we discussed mean chuuya together, but I can see the appeal of nice chuuya as well! I personally have a preference for mean chuuya because. reasons… but thats just me.
for nice chuuya, it would be a good cop bad cop scenario. dazai bullies you cuz he thinks its funny, chuuya swoops in to earn your trust. rinse and repeat. it might be out of true altruism on chuuyas part at first, but quickly devolves into more sinister intentions. I actually think this approach would probably kick dazai into gear a bit as the idea of darling liking chuuya more than him makes a cold dread settle into his bones. its a race for number one as dazai suddenly starts vying for your attention much like a child, with the hidden agenda of trying to rile chuuya up enough to get him to reveal the monster underneath the facade.
for mean chuuya… have you ever seen an old cartoon where two kids are fighting over a doll? and then start crying when they inevitably end up ripping it? yeah. both of them like you, neither one of them wants to actually admit this due to the fact they've convinced themselves they find you worthless and annoying up to this point, but they also don't want to give you up to the other. the tentative bond they formed from making fun of you together completely breaks in half as they become obsessed with winning, even if the prize is somewhat unclear. I think we get the concept of how DAZAI is mean by now, but chuuya is another beast. whereas dazai's cruelty, while unpredictable in method, is reliably consistent in intensity, motive, and frequency (up until his crush starts to muddle things); chuuya seemingly decides at random just how mean he intends to be and why. like, one day completely fucking up your given task only gets you jeered at and mocked, and the next making eye contact without permission gets you punched in the face. and some days he just acts like you don't exist no matter WHAT you do. hard to get a handle on, that one. he doesnt get "worse" when he realizes he likes you, just weird. like now he's a stereotypical romance anime tsundere about it. dork loser.
and uh, speaking of the doll ripping… if (when) dazai and mean!chuuya end up going too far… maybe they send you off on a mission that gets your kidnapped or almost killed… maybe one (or both) of them overestimate your resilience and give you an injury that cant be walked off… or maybe its just as little as noticing you're suddenly less combative and more timid towards them nowadays… you REALLY don't wanna know just how far they're willing to go to "make it up" to you. they might even work together on it, or maybe they'll try to sell the other one up the river and become your favorite. either way you're in for a ride. the idea of losing you will immediately make both of them drop all pretense, and what's underneath the "cruel, dismissive senior" act is NOT for the faint of heart.
- 🩹
honestly i think its likely they end up pairing up just bc these two seem to get a lot more done when working together lolol Hope this isnt too long :<
if chuuya decides to play the role of the good guy, it's mostly because he wants to piss off dazai, and maybe a little bit of sympathy knowing that you really stand no chance against your superior. the more dazai gets on his nerves, the more he stops by to check in on you, knowing it gets dazai all riled up and angry—but since he doesn't want you to know it bothers him, dazai's more likely to bottle up his frustration, and to chuuya it's hilarious. eventually though, you sort of...grow on him. there's something about your pitiful state after yet another one of dazai's stupid pranks or derogatory comments, something about the way you try to hide your eyes tearing up when you sense him coming behind you that stirs something in him. chuuya's fingers twitch at his side, wanting to reassure you. he wants to coo over you, like someone would to a whimpering puppy.
and suddenly, it doesn't matter if dazai gets mad—chuuya just wants to be there for you. if he learns that the cause of your sorrow is none other than dazai, chuuya's punches to him are more harder than usual, and there's something more hateful about the glare he seems to always have directed at the other. he tells you something embarrassing dazai has done in the past, helps you plan and carry out your little revenge, anything to make you feel even a little better. and the way you smiled up at him was worth all of it.
maybe chuuya convinces mori to let you come on missions with him more often; after all, it wasn't like dazai had some claim on you. he treasured the little moments together—the devious looks you'd share with him before a surprise attack, the delight in your eyes when you dig into the desserts he gets you, and even the way you seemed to dim a little when it was over and you had to go back to working under dazai. obviously, that meant you liked him more, right?
dazai catches on pretty quickly to this white knight act chuuya's got going on, and it really doesn infuriate him, chuuya acting as though he isn't just as bad as dazai. sure, he's all nice to your face, but only dazai's seen chuuya brutally beat up some other member of the pm for insulting you, and only he knows that chuuya sneaks into your room regularly. if all it took to win you over was a few sweet words and outings, dazai would have you eating out of his hand in a week.
it's overwhelming to go from your usual experiences with dazai to him suddenly all over you and bribing you with sweets and trips to the aquarium. it's even more confusing when you see chuuya fuming at the corner of the hall when dazai starts telling you about how terrible of a temper chuuya's got and how easily dazai tricked him before. he eagerly offers to show you exactly how scary chuuya can be when he's mad, and assures you that he has a much better grasp on his emotions compared to chuuya. it's crazy enough already without having them actually start to argue in front of you, but that's exactly where this leads.
now for mean chuuya...
initially, his whole attitude towards you is more of indifference, a little bit annoyed because if you want to make it in the pm, you'd need to get used to this sort of treatment quickly. sometimes, he might find your reactions to dazai's torment sort of amusing. eventually, he begins terrorizing you for the fun of it; messing with the files you're in charge of or insulting you to get beneath your skin (i seriously doubt he'd be as bad as dazai but i agree w the unpredictable thing. sometimes he's even nice to you)
oh...if they think you're getting distant for whatever reason, any previous semblance of privacy or personal space is shattered. chuuya bombards you with gifts sent to your apartment, dazai is all over you, chuuya makes it pretty obvious he's following you, and dazai in turn sticks to your side like glue.
eventually, their rivalry is garnering too much negative attention, which may push them to the idea of working together or their rivalry gets worse whichever works out is based on the circumstances, and possibly mori might have a say in it if he thinks that this is disrupting the workings of the pm too much. honestly. them working together might be the better option, since to a certain extent chuuya might be able to keep dazai in check. alone, they are unpredictable and uncontrollable.
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forlorn-crows · 7 months
Oh boy maybe it’s the fever making me brave but here we go! Cumulus!! Everyone characterizes her as super fem, very soft, care-giver type, very maternal. And I think it’s her shape. As someone with the same body type, I’m not that at all. I feel like she’s more the type to enjoy the finer things in life, be waited on hand and foot, step on someone’s balls if she feels like it. And if someone tried to latch on to her like they were nursing???? Annihilated. (I’m sorry I respect everyone elses’s HCs I swear please do not yell at me) I think she expects those around her to act like an adult and I am sure she is of course willing to be supportive, a shoulder to cry on etc like a normal friend. But NOT LIKE YOUR MOMMY. And expecting her to act like that while you’re fucking? No. NO! (Again I respect everyone’s opinions I’m sorry!)
i swore i saved all the cumulus specific ones to add to this one but alas, i guess i answered them all already lmao.
anyway. i think your ask is a perfect example of something i said earlier about trans ghouls, where one person's experience might lend them to liking something more than the other. and i hope the following things im gonna say a) make sense (lmao) but b) show a little bit of a different perspective or idea about this topic.
firstly, yes. it is absolutely true that cumulus has been deemed the 'mom' of the group. and i absolutely know that part of it probably does stem from internalized fatphobia, as well as societal stereotypes about fat women. that in order for them to be likeable they have to fit the traditional idea of femininity, to be maternal, to be 'done-up' and pretty and presentable at all times. that their worth is based on their ability to care for others. and thats fucking bullshit, and something i obviously, as a fat woman, dont condone.
on the other hand, the way i see cumulus, to most people, probably fits that mom friend type. and i can absolutely understand how you and others see that and go 'i look like her and im tired of being represented as such'. which is so fucking valid. but i cant deny that part of me projects that mom friend type of myself onto cumulus specifically because i look most like her. she's sweet. she's caring. shes supportive and loyal to her friends. she's got a beautiful, round, soft body that i wanna snuggle up to. and i know thats surface level shit. but i feel like i see her and she's just warm and kind.
but you know what? she's also a bit loud. likes to tease. DESERVES to be treated like the princess that she is. she's goofy. maybe shes clumsy. she gets crazy fuckin bedhead and has to spend so long untangling it. and i bet she serves a real sexy aloofness if you get her in the right mood. to me she's that mom friend trope. but thats not all she is, just as thats not all i am. and not at all how you would see yourself.
like i mentioned a little bit ago, i dont think there's anything wrong with having a character have a little bit of stereotype in them. but it does have to be balanced out. shes not JUST the mom friend. and something too that i do agree with you is, while i might label her that, she's not the pack's mother. she isnt their caretaker. they arent her children. i dont think they would treat her as such or assume that of her, if that makes sense. and yeah, totally understandable about the mommy during sex thing, or the nursing or whatever. a lot of that is more kink territory too, so if its not for you, then its not for you!
if anything, i always imagine aether to be running around making sure everyones got their shit together (even though we know he doesnt). and absolutely no ones forcing him to wear that damn frilly apron he always seems to be wearing in the kitchen . . . hmm . . .
but! i also see sunny as more of that warm, caregiving type personality too. as well as a boundless thing of energy. i def dont want cumulus to be pigeonholed into the 'mom' of the group either. but i still have certain ideas about how she is that could be labeled as such. you and everyone else is right that that's not all she is.
we just have to write her more. dig into her character. put her into those situations we want to see and that also challenge those two dimensional aspects of her trope character
i know that i push a little bit against that dislike of the mom thing. i dunno. but she's our lus and i love her very much, and would really like to see her more in the artwork & writing space <3
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omegapheromone · 11 hours
WuWa omegaverse dynamic headcanons, pt. 1: Alphas
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I headcanon Calcharo as an alpha for 100% self-indulgent reasons. I think he's hot, I'm an omega, I'm mostly into men only and generally prefer alphas. What more do I need to say? I'm kissing him on the mouth as we speak btw /j
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Honestly I don't know too much about Changli, I haven't been looking at spoilers too much and avoided trailers bc I wanna form my own opinion when she's added to game but I just get an alpha vibe from her? (she and jinhsi are married btw)
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As for Jianxin, I think she could be a beta as well, but I think something about the way she was shown in the story so far made me think Alpha, just more of a loner type? I have some more thoughts on why I think she's an alpha but rn my brain isnt working enough to explain
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Jiyan. While he has a more gentle side I think it's hard to imagine him as anything BUT an Alpha. I mean, he started out as a medic only to end up as THE general guy whom everyone looks up to. He's like literally THE protector of Jinzhou.
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Lingyang is an interesting case to me actually. I could see him being either an alpha OR an omega but ultimately I think he'd more likely be an alpha with omega-like behaviors. Especially the implications that he is/was an ancient Suanni just kind of make me lean towards him being an Alpha even if his personality is fairly omega-like. It's just a sort of vibe I get? Plus idk I'd feel kind of strange about calling the one single small guy an omega, it's just kind of a tired stereotype to me? Like I was contemplating on placing him in a "hasn't presented yet" cathegory, were it not for the fact that he indeed implies quite strongly he's likely very old and also a mythical creature assuming a (mostly) human form. Idk I just think we need more small guy alpha representation overall.
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Yinlin. Listen man. She throws puppets around, uses their strings as whips to crack in her ult animation, she looks like she's going to step on you whether you want it or not. Even in her story quest, I get the feeling she'a got a specific type of charisma that makes me think of Alphas. So, I tend to see her as an alpha.
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Finally the absolute DILF that is Yuanwu. Brother. There's NO WAY he's anything but an alpha. Not only does he own a boxing gym and constantly bring up how he's glad to help others become stronger and teach people how to defend themselves or just get healthier, but he's also literally just such a gentleman. The fedora is a little cringe but good lord, this dilf makes me think of like, a divorced Alpha man with maybe one teen/adult kid who is doing what makes him happy (running his boxing gym lol) and enjoying tea. He probably has a really healthy and amicable relationship with all his exes, but never hooks up with them. His very essence just gives "confident and moderately wealthy man who went to therapy and healed himself, now he's just dedicating his life to his hobbies and interests but offers guidance and emotional support to whoever needs it". Guy is an alpha for sure.
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k-ru-h · 1 year
ok first of all. i am sius #1 defender and i wouldnt accuse him of shit without proper proof but. i actually think its important to talk abt this. and second of all this is the only time im ever posting fastpass screenshots but just because the appearance of a character is extremely relevant
listen i know we're all very excited at the idea of a canon gay character in tog, but i really dont think this was the best of moves. tog has so far been mostly pretty alright with handling gnc characters (think how well aka was treated by others, khun being very feminine, etc) and i dont think this one fuckup will change that just. siu is a grown ass adult from a very conservative country and his portrayal of intersex characters such as evankhell or aka isnt very, well, "woke" (evankhell being the only lead brown woman while being "half man" plays into a lot of racial stereotypes, as well as treating intersexuality as a literal curse). i kind of wanna like , talk about this new "queer" character kaya (i saw ppl call him that online, idfk) and like. ill just go thru my points in no particular order idfk ive written too many coherent essays for school this week abd it's 3am i think i deserve a fucked up little one
ok first of all. jesus fucking christ what is this character design
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so uh. heres our gay male character! with massive fake tits, lipstick and long hair! this wouldn't be a problem in media already filled with other queer characters, but on its own, especially with the character being darker-skinned yet again, it plays into a lot of stereotypes abt trans women, as well as brown women being masculine. and listen, i know tog has a lot of very wacky character designs, but it also has a lot of gorgeous ones, and while i really dont think it was sius intention to make a transphobic, racist caricature (istg you can psychoanalyse this man just off of tog alone), i think it definitely has something to do either with his own internalised racism and transphobia, or with a lack of education to spot a (hopefully) mistake by assistant artists.
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here are some random ass caricatures of trans women i found online and by god i am not crediting this shit, but. look at what i mean. the fake tits, the dress/skirt, the long hair and lipstick.... the resemblance is startling.
but okay. lets say this by itself isnt important. siu made an oopsie and we got a canonically queer character that defends his right to like men unapologetically, and bam didnt seem to mind, and was polite abt it! weeeeeellll... the thing is, this whole fucking thing is a ploy. and if it turns out siu negates my previous point by making it turn out that kaya IS just playing a caricature on purpose because he wants the political advantage and isnt actually gay but is, in fact, homophobic, i will eat that shit up. that would actually make a very good point and having a critique of homophobia is better than having a homophobic gay character. but lets say he is gay for now, lets assume. that still leaves a possibility that he is gay AND just using bam, but lets just assume thats not the case either. lets say he's actually gay and actually wants to marry bam, for whatever fucking reason. bam being polite doesnt mean shit!!! people on twitter are unironically saying this means he's okay with being in a romantic &/or sexual relationship with a man when it literally does not. bam isnt okay with any of this. from start to finish, be it a man or a woman, bam is in this nonconsensually. and one of bams core personality traits is his kindness and politness, and he's been in kayas shoes before, albeit not for queerness specifically. bam isnt a participant, bam is a fucking reward and object and just as that one guy calling khun a "cute little kitten" while literally discussing how much his worth as a slave would be isnt queer rep, neither is this! even if the two of them are actually gay and actually attracted to the two respectfully, they still treat them as objects to be sold or bought for political advantage. someone on tumblr once said that a drag queen will always be a better ally than a gay ceo, and! yeah!
anyways, in conclusion, this is at worst an accidental bigoted caricature, and at best a very good joke on all of us. source im gay intersex trans and i actually go outside and interact with real queer people instead of having pronoun discourse on tiktok. thanks
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pearlaqua-eevee · 1 year
#oh im gonna love this #this remains one of the best stories of the modern age BECAUSE of writing like this #yes yes yes
also the subtle commentary with the shots of the host’s bemused face and the people on set not paying attention, eating...the brilliant thing about this story is the subtle and not so subtle ways it comments on society and that...theres apathy and almost arrogance. Like “this guys ranting, this is crazy, will never happen” and then of course it does much like 2020
ooh. the deniers HATE this, dont they?
also the themeeee
I think they changed it slightly for the show, maybe a bit of percussion? But otherwise its EXACTLY like the game, I can hear Marlene narrating
(also I believe Merle is reprising her role as Marlene and FUCKING FLAWLESS ALREADY
im fangirling so hard because I know whats coming and I dont wanna think about it
SARAAAAAAAAHH  (Destiny’s Child, the Clash and Avril?? Girl has music TASTE) Her room feels so LIVED IN I love this
#Joel's accent is one of my fav things dont @ me #the fact that Troy Baker is FROM Tx so he played up his actual accent #idk much about Pedro but if that accent is put on its INCREDIBLE
AS a Texan and someone WITH a drawl, I LOVE it when you can tell actors did their work when it comes to the accent. (And here in Tx theres like 6 different regional accents and its the CORRECT one for the Dallas/Austin area!) like it’s the same I’d imagine for Brits or Australians when someone doesnt just default to Stereotypical British and actually does the right one. It just makes the character-details part of my brain SING. It just shows a lot of care for the character
nope. no. the emergency vehicles going by NOOOPE. CAN I EXIT OUT NOW. I REFUSE TO ACKNOWLEDGE
the kept the Its Not Working fake out. fml
oh my god that exchange Joel and Tommy have it sounds DEAD ON like the game. Except in the game the call was to Sarah but like this is PERFECT  
“Which jail, Travis County?”  “Yeah the one on 10″ idk I just love these lines when you can tell the people know what theyre talking about. Subtle little awesome thing as someone who lives close by   (And yeah, very Texan to ask which jail or which official building by the county and not the city, which is apparently how people in other states do it)
oh god. the lights and noises and IMAGINE what Sarah must be going through, Joel isnt there...even if you dont know whats coming thats gonna be really upsetting. 
This is actually worse and more ominous than in the game
holy fuck the look on Sarah’s face when she turns the tv on to see the alert...Nico Parker is a KILLER actress, I can SEE her blood running cold 
“You killed her” “Baby Im sorry” And that right there is the horror
holy shit everything about this is....its like shot for shot, the dialogue is perfect...this is...like its horrific but its done so fucking well. im in horrified AWE
that fear from Sarah, trying to reason it through..."but you'd have to go a lot, right" just. ive been there. This is so...obviously it hits harder after covid but. They hit the visceral FEAR of the unknown..."are we sick, how do you know" just. 2 lines. they expanded on this idea by TWO LINES. and it makes it so much more chilling
this is so. I cant even get words. Im not even 30 minutes in
Sarah being the audience surrogate and having the camera literally from her pov, following HER and where SHES looking, exactly like the game mechanic...we’re with her the whole way through and we experience everything through her eyes, not Tommy or Joel...so the fear is MORE
just holy shit the DIRECTION in this. Everything si done so rihght
there are just no words. that 10 minutes that follow Sarah’s death and the jump to 20 years later...gut wrenching
the way Ellie kicks that tray like the PAUSE as she puts her foot down...such an intentional thing and I LOVE IT ts SPOT ON
“seven...eight...fuck...you” AMAZING
people commenting on “she seems to angry/too quick to attack” like...the live action Ellie goes to attack Marlene but thats about the only added on this. Everything else she did IN THE GAME. I think its the fact that Bella actually LOOKS young that makes people realize
like I dont understand people like “she got tougher over the story” No. She got more TRAUMATIZED and yes got more capable at fighting. But she STARTS OUT hard and tough and SOFTENS. She runs parallel and also counter to Joel. SO much of her attitude at the beginning is just a show and I think people miss that
technically speaking Tess and Joel's relationship didnt NEED more screentime, you knew exactly their relationship with what we got but I love these new/expanded scenes with them
“...You my fucking mom or something?” “Do I look like your mom?” “Nooo, you do not.” lmao AMAZING  (I mean TECHNICALLY no...)
“was Riley a terrorist?” DO NOT--  if we get that flashback I’ll CRY
GOD. For people who dont know the endgame, they have no idea how hards Marlene’s “you will die” comment to Ellie hits but NOBODY IS BLACK OR WHITE MORALITY ITS ALL SHADES OF GREEEEYYY
“IM not going with them!” oh my god she sounded like game Ellie
“Kim you dont have a fucking ear on your FUCKING HEAD could you please!?” oh my god
“What are they capable of?” going back to what I said before: Ellie is still a KID. She talks and acts tough (and she is!) and she grew up at the end of the world but shes still a KID who lived her whole 14 years in a military school and got pinged by Marlene the second she left. And it becomes more clear if you know HOW she got infected...she doesnt know ANYTHING about what the world is like outside the QZ. And thats the most heartbreaking part of the story is her going through those horrors. It’s why her and Joel’s relationship is important add to that that shes LITERALLY in the middle of everyone looking back and forth and being traded and called cargo shes CLUELESS and I wanna hug her 
“Asshole!” thats no way to talk to your dad
also her knife I cry
“yall talk it through but please remember that I’m bleeding out” I FUCKING LOVE MARLENE OK
“Joel. Dont fuck this up. Please” I mean if you told him WHY....
ok but AGAIN. Ellie knows a smuggling code because SHES LITERALLY BEEN RAISED BY THE MILITARY but its just this childish way of blurting it out--something that you dont say out loud out of an abundance of caution--and so easily. Really hammering home that she may KNOW the way the world operates but she doesnt know the how or why...
that “okaaay sorr-y” kind of handmotion lol
“your watch is broken” GOD thats some subtle acting from Pedro. FUCK
also whereas in the game it felt like an idle observation, here it kinda feels like its a tiny bit spiteful. Like shes pointing it out to annoy him.
“you know where to go. so we’re gonna be ok?” parallel that to Sarah asking if theyre sick...the daughter figure looking to the father figure for reassurance that everythings gonna be ok. when deep down they both know it isnt goddamnit
“code broken”    that was SO MEAN but I love it and Joel was about to dad lecture but AGAIN Bella NAILED Ellie’s mannerisms, the way she draws out words or the little head tilts
“Holy shit Im actually outside” AGAIN. the childish excitement. because shes a kid seeing something new and has no clue how serious things are about to get
...does the shot of the officer feel a little like...too much like Bumbling Cop...?
also that scream when she does it. You KNOW this girl has never been in a real combat situation like this
....so I figured they might lean a little heavier on Joel’s PTSD and explore it but I didnt expect them to draw that parallel. SHIT
the look on Ellie’s face
Idk how I feel about that ending. like the show itself spectacular and I love the tie in with the 80s song = danger so its a callback but it feels a little like. Upbeat Hm. Anyone else feel like its a bit out of place?
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euphoricfilter · 10 months
“cis asian man”
so by arguing that jungkook can’t be genderfluid or enby, last anon has basically stepped into muddy waters of implying that nonbinary is only a gender that people born female can identify as —or really only exist as
they’ve assigned a binary to where none should apply
like we do know that people can be nonbinary and present masc? right?
now im a black enby and i’ve faced the masculinization of black women which is essentially on the opposite spectrum of the emasculation of asian men.
there is something to be said about the emasculation of asian men but when it actually applies.
we can talk about asian men who are feminized and we can talk about how there are some asian amab enbies who are secure in their masculinity and feel disrespected when people emasculate them.
but that’s not what anon is proposing cuz they want jungkook to be cis in this story.
seeing the nonbinary identity as asian emasculation tells me that anon sees it as feminization instead of neutrality. you’ve essentially let yt supremacy get a hold of you, boo boo🤦🏽‍♀️
i won’t lie and say there isn’t a problem within the nonbinary community where many afab enbies fall into the trap of reaffirming the binary by subconsciously —or even maliciously— making say/doing things that only “women/afab” people can relate to only to label it as nonbinary discourse.
i’ve heard people born male/socialized male feel out of place in enby spaces because the tendency of thinking “afab = nonbinary”. this isnt true and should be shut down immediately.
anon is sounding like a radfem/terf who only accepts female/feminine enby in women’s spaces because amab enbies are still “men”
not all of us look like manic pixie dream girls who like frogs. cuz i promise you when you ask the average conservative or even liberal what a nonbinary person looks like its this very specific stereotype of “short haired white ‘woman’ who likes quirky things and dresses in cuffed mom jeans and a graphic tee with pride pins”
its not to say that these people are any less valid in the nonbinary identity than me but it doesn’t reflect the diversity of our identity gender or race wise.
plus its the fact that anon is okay with reader being nonbinary which i assume means that they think they’ll be reading as someone with a vagina.
and even if they recognize that the “holes” may bot be specified. they will probably delve into their own subconscious bias of imagining nonbinary reader with vagina cuz they already think “afab = nonbinary”
but their lil fantasy falls apart when they “have” to reader about nonbinary jungkook cuz they’ve condition themselves to see him as feminine and there for having a vagina.
(which i dont want this to be too long so i wont get into trans people who decide to transition to present towards a binary and still identify as enby. there are men/transmasc people with vaginas who still identify as enby. but also there are intersex people who have presented as women all their lives and have testicles and identify as nonbinary)
so all imma say is anon is puttin’ on their activism like a lil cosplay. its performative asf.
cuz going off jungkook’s recent photoshoots, he’s presents rather androgynous but still leans into his masculinity.
so fictional jungkook can look like calvin klein jungkook and have any pronouns
jungkook can have he/him, he/they, she/her, she/they and they/them or even neopronouns and still be a masc/androgynous enby
- pronouns doesnt specify gender
- gender doesnt specify presentation
- genitals doesnt specify either pronouns or presentation
example: im a nonbinary person who goes by she/they pronouns but i present very masc most of the time and i have a vagina. i’m secure in both my femininity/masculinity, but i don’t wanna be hypersexualized like society views black women and i also hate being hypermasculinized like how society views black men as brutish and predatory. but at the same time you’re not gonna strip me of the healthy relationship ive cultivated with both binaries. i’ve found my own way to express the binary that reaffirms my blackness and isnt determined by yt supremacist standards.
also very weird to assume our lovely author is black. wtf do we have to do with this? keep black people out your mouth cuz its obvi you’re tryna stir division amongst the black and asian community. go on somewhere.
this anon didnt have the range for this convo and i cant say i covered everything because race/gender is nuanced. its quite literally a infinite which is why intersectionality is important.
ooh im tired😭 this was long
there’s like minimal logic behind their argument, and are maybe talking about a topic they’re not exactly well versed in??
of course i can only say so much, from my own experiences and perspectives but i’m not ignorant, and that feels kinda like what they were trying to get at, that i’m a bad person and i’m dehumanising people and im racist 😭 like ??? idk where that narrative even came from?? it’s just sad to me that someone can invalidate a community of people based of a work of fiction and their weird bigoted views of enby people??
see that’s what i was trying to explain last night, being non binary is such a wide spectrum of things for different people when looking at their gender, or lack thereof. because every nonbinary person isn’t a set gender or way of expressing your gender, or how you feel about gender or you as a person and the way you present yourself. hence why i’d never exclusively label a reader non binary. gender neutral sure, because that then gives the reader freedom within themselves to actually see them within the character without me putting a stereotypical label on a nonbinary individual whose existence is gonna be so very different than the next enby individual.
i’m always very conscious about how i write my readers. because although i don’t necessarily see myself as the reader while i’m writing, there’s always going to be a little bit of myself projected onto the reader and i wouldn’t want to force how i view myself as a person onto everyone else who reads my stuff. hence why i’d never mention skin color or race or (in some cases) gender identity. for me, while writing smut especially, that’s where i find it hard to write a character who might be nonbinary, simply for the fact i don’t want to write an experience that i guess i wouldn’t fully understand the emotions of, hence why i would label the reader afab just so i’m not invalidating anyone’s experiences, i’d hate to do that
i’m really grateful that you took the time out of your day to write this, so that there’s another perspective put on the table, and i think it’s an important conversation to have especially if i’ve got weird people lurking on my blog when i’ve tried to make it very clear this is a safe space for all lgbtq+ friends, because really i love you all a lot and want this to be a nice community for us all. and thank you for articulating a little better what i was trying to get at!! idk why i find it hard to just put into words exactly what i’m thinking LMAO
we could talk forever about the masculinisation of black women and feminisation of asian men, it’s such a big topic to cover. and if the anon has actually idk had taken the time to explain exactly how i was disrespectful or racist without just flinging big words about thinking it was gonna make me second guess myself, then yeah i wouldn’t be so offended. but it’s like if you’re gonna come in my inbox with all these big claims then at least come knowing what you’re talking about?? i was gonna be generous and say they had a surface level understanding of the topic but i honestly think they don’t 🧍‍♀️ and again, i think this is a really important topic to bring up and talk about
there’s a reason i chose he/they pronouns for jungkook. i could have chosen they/them. and i had considered it, but if we’re talking about real life jungkook then especially with recent photos, although he’s very very androgynous, there’s still a comfortability within his masculinity, hence why i chose those pronouns for him for his gender fluid identity
fictional jungkook was very much inspired by the recent photos!! very much cutie fun calvin klein jungkook whose gender is so delicious i get mild envy but in a sorta good way!!
thank you for sharing your own experience too!!
OH YEAH idk why they assumed i was black?? it felt like a leeway for them to be racist and i’m not tolerating that on my page on top of them being stupid and accusing me of stuff i haven’t done 😭 i really don’t talk about myself all that much so i have no idea where that notion came from, i hope you guys just see me as like a lil floating star or something cute, just a little entity that writes for you guys as gifts because i like spoiling you 🏃‍♀️
that’s what i’m saying!! like at least come with some understanding of what you’re accusing me of before you start saying words you clearly don’t understand because you just sound stupid LMAO
again, thank you so so so much for even taking the time out of your day to explain all of this!! you’re literally the sweetest and i love you a lot, and thank you for being comfortable enough to share your own story too and helping me articulate what my lil pea brain has trouble saying without wanting to absolutely cuss that person out 🫂 you deserve a lil smooch after all that, and a fun little snack too so go get one!! MWAH 💞
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terrorismreports · 7 months
this isnt the 570 jealousy game here
i dont do the compare contrast i dont do the im better than you shit
i dont play he said she said start an elliot thiompson was
i dont do role play anime dirty talk or this sex slave shit
i dont like computer games
i dont like board games
i wanna take shit apart and learn how it works and thats it small electronics i always wanted to build a wall of speakers and learn to wire them myself
i 2want to keep studying the brain and the effects of our situations and environment and the starndard all you greddy money hungry people cant fucking understand where your problems the kids suffer with also regardless
all you guys want is for me to go to kensington because this is all youve done to people and they are all the victims of your trafficking and porn industry since they havbe been in highschool and we are fucking destroying countries for this shit. but here on the east coast yoiu are all proud to be this while you all still need to get paid.
jack williams rich miller arhensfield
soccer coaches and kids with cops in highschool stamets and ranotta
shamokin you guys have all those cops with the skate park and tyry to get them to fuck you so you can accuse more if they say no
because none of you get what you want
except to use others at your expense and hate yourselves so fucking much and can t figure outt why youdobnt have friends and bond like we do and why you want to keep killing ours
because we talk about how we want to get clean and get out of this cycle?> or we try to discover other better ways to preserver] through all this bullshit and all of you tried to organize and sort by bullshit stereotypes of real life and civilization
get the fuck out of the country if you want to cry as the american african about being slaves in 1862 if there are wars going on with bilingual hatians why cant you niggers fund some of thiose niggers if youre reallly about black history
you guys are so proud to be fucking american but fuck america
help update the guys still behind and have little resources
please someone send nuked to america
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pageofheartdj · 11 months
Yeah the tale is pretty sad and unfair, but you know how myths can be one thing and evve into something else through time and repetition. I think what people may pull from it is that narcissus was so obsessed with himself that he never considered others, but you're right that it's sad and he needed help. Alas people tend not to think that way, whatever is easiest you know? People dont like helping if there isnt a clear benefit to them.
Anyways I think that your point of "people should know better" doesnt apply as much in this situation because a lot people dont actually know about narcissistic personality disorder and even fewer can separate narcissism (the trait) from narcissistic personality disorder.
Using psychopath is an interesting case because the word was applied to the personality disorder during a time where psychology was pretty new, ergo a great way of describing something "wrong". Plus used for movies and stuff to describe murderers.thats why it falls into Antisocial Personality Disorder now instead of being called psychotic. Evolving the name to be more accurate and distancing it from the negative word associated to it helps turn it from a demonized diagnosis to a mental medical condition.
Not to say that I think people should never change, but I think there comes a point where if people associate the word far more with the negatives rather than evolving to meet a new definition, it might be best just to come up with a new word.
It would be a clean slate, separation from negative stereotypes and help make it a mental medical condition and not be something demonized.
Like I get not wanting to change it, it is unfair, but I think that a lot of the unfairness came from how it was named. It wasnt a name thought up out of no where, the condition was given a name that was already viewed poorly. It was given a bad name right from the get go.
That's just how I think of it though. It's a ton harder to change the definition of a word based in mythology (which means it has been around for hundreds or even thousands of years) to something that only a very small section of the english speaking population knows about. Like if someone wasnt studying psychology or wasnt in a certain online hemisphere they may never run into the definition of narcissistic personality disorder.
But yeah hopefully that wasnt confusing. Also I dont wanna sound blamey like it's your fault for the disorder having such a poor and stigmatized name. It sucks and I sympathize and hope people dont trest you badly
It's kind of ironic. A person was hurting himself but was punished for this, instead of being helped or left alone. With the tale at least.
With all the information being so easily available it shouldn't be THAT hard to learn more. Or at least listen to people. Because even in the healthcare the condition is demonized. So I guess we need to change THEM first, then give some good rep in media and easily accessable not demonizing articles. Yeah I guess I can see how it's harder to figure out the truth. But still in our era where people are much more mindful, somehow 'Evil Person' disorder shouldn't sound very... real or fair.
Phsycopath is still used. The change of the disorder didn't make the insult dissappear. Just because it's not an official name anymore doesn't mean people don't use it to still describe people with ASPD. If there is a villian in media, he will be claimed to be psycopath or narcissist, still holding those disorders in mind. Because that's the description of the word.
I am not sure what to think about the word change. It feels too close to 'queer was used as a slur so we must drop it'. Bigots will use a different word for slur, that's their goal. So NPD will be changed, there is a high chance people will just adjust their vocabulary since they openly claim to people with NPD to be inherently abusive. Not just people who have narcissist traits.
Shouldn't it be easier to just... not use this one word?
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limeade-l3sbian · 1 year
i wanna ask if im considered gnc in your opinion? its not something i particularly care about a lot but im still curious about it and i wanna know how you think about what is gnc and what isnt
i dont hate wearing dresses but i do feel a little uncomfortable in them and honestly much rather prefer more masculine clothes. i kind of really want a buzzcut but the shortest i can get is a korean cut due to a lot of reasons that prevent me from getting it sadly. also in school in literature we read a lot of plays and i tend to like being male characters especially very aggressive and violent male characters. my personality is like that in a way im prone to being loud and aggressive. not physically but i just get louder and talk more condescendingly. and im very stubborn and opinionated i have a history of starting arguments and debates with my teachers and classmates idk if thats considered a masculine behavior or not
but with that being said my mannerisms are stereotypically feminine. i have feminine speeh patterns and i also make feminine hand gestures. it could be because im surrounded by girls and go to an all girls school (when i was in mixed schools my speech patterns and hand gestures were definitely more masculine)
so yeah have a nice day
I think those traits are generally more associated with men on a preferential basis. It's not so much that women don't also act like that, but that we are more tolerable of it when it is a man.
It seems like you're sort of trying to box yourself by hyper analyzing yourself to see exactly which box you should set yourself in. I'm not entirely sure what "feminine hand gestures" are or what a "feminine speech pattern" is. That might sound like I'm being harsh but I genuinely don't know 🤷🏾‍♀️.
As for playing the male characters, I myself LOVED reading for Cassius in high school when we were reading the Tragedy of Julius Caesar. But as I've said to another anon in the past, that might have more to do with male characters generally being more fleshed out and prominent compared to female characters who are generally kept back by an author's discomfort in writing a female character the same way they'd write a male character.
To ME, being GNC is all in the name. You contradict the expectations of your gender. You could still have long hair tho and be GNC, tbh. I don't really know how to explain it, anon. I think you might be falling a little too heavily into gender stereotypes and determining yourself based on those.
I would just say if you like masculine clothes and your hair short, then do the damn thing, you know? But don't feel like "I'm GNC, therefore, I do like dresses or long hair or etc.." I myself an GNC like, 80% of the time, but I also do like to look traditionally feminine at times too.
I can't say what you are, anon. Just do your thing. That's all I can say.
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meowmeow, lovie!! good morning/day/evening! im sorry i suppose ill be late today too bc its already 4:30 and i still have an essay to write *clown emoji aka me* nvm i deicided to write it during the lessons. 'i was kinda sad yesterday so when you didnt message me' im sososO sorry love TT i hope you read it during the day at least and im making you a company. 'i refuse to watch doctor who' well we'll see... or you in particular... AAAH im waiting for the song sm!! you always look pretty! tbh im waiting for any content you publish!! im so honored you ask me for a song to sing TT omg im crying im soso touched TT im not so cruel to ask you to learn a russian song nono. what kind of song do you want? idk about professional traits but if you tell me, next time ill give you some variants. since you mentioned russian songs, i recalled a song named 'russian princess' (it has english subs if you want to listen!) actually i feel so cool listening to it hghls. especially since i got into hotd. i feel not exactly like a royalty but you know this feeling of being special and just in tune with yourself? tbh i found this song a year or 2 ago and i associate it with the other events. also it has some witchy vibes as for me. andand!! was this # about my witch au? if you got it, you got it. no pressure, just curious. 'i would say i have no chill and am quite radical' nah i wasnt saying you ARE chill and hippie. but that you have such an image in the internet. tbh i want to go to protests but... im not afraid of getting hurt but ruining my whole life *star eyes* there was a guy who was walking NEAR the place where a demonstration was happening and.. hes been imprisoned <з lovely isnt it? universities were expelling their students for taking part in the protests. sorry i got carried away. good to know you have such a rebellious posture. i love you saint hannah TT youre so sweet <з 'i try not to think about that too much cos ill cry' ive been crying by the middle of the sentence. 'when we say we’re going to eat rice that means were eating a meal' oooh i got you. we have a tradition of eating bread with every meal but 1) its not the same thing 2) its not really strong among young people. its fine, you explained it pretty understandable. papak sounds cute. ig we have an equivalent. 'I HAVE SO MUCH MORE I WANT TO SHARE' YEEEY im always hear to listen to it! WOW its so really very very interesting to learn about this saying twice thing!! we also say things twice sometimes for the same reason or to just create a new meaning. i crave learning more about filipino! yeah i didnt know what is flan. 1) but tbh some people dont even see russia as europe.. even geographically... 2) its not a common dish in slavik countries (eastern at least). like we have a quite similar thing but it has a completely different name. 'i think it derived from spanish??' yeah its probably just my association. we dont have such constructions to unit words so it always sounds foreign. esp words like this. a silly stereotype but it gives me some old movie about mafia vibes. its also said in a deep af brutal voice in the beginning of a movie. 'I HAVE TO EXPLAIN THIS PERFECTLY BECAUSE' omg its cute. thanks <з love your big brain ooh kare-kare looks good. a hottie fdklfjd. please let me answer it in the second part bc 1)im running out of symbols 2) i wanna sleep 3) ill answer you during the day i swear TT ive got so many things to do it scares me.. just remember that im here! have a good day!! good luck with the classes and all! take care<з
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im ready T_T i might just type everything i lost last night
im sorry i suppose ill be late today too bc its already 4:30 and i still have an essay to write *clown emoji aka me* nvm i deicided to write it during the lessons. 'i was kinda sad yesterday so when you didnt message me' im sososO sorry love TT i hope you read it during the day at least and im making you a company.
T_T it's ok i told you not to apologize ur not the reason i was sad but i was hoping to talk to you. T_T its ok as long as you reply im good u have a life beyond tumblr girl its fine. here are your clown emojis 🤡🤡🤡 please take care of yourself
'i refuse to watch doctor who' well we'll see... or you in particular... AAAH im waiting for the song sm!!
ive been meaning to watch the episode with the 10th and 11th doctor with my mummy but T_T there's no subtitles T_T and matt like mumbling in the beginning and we dont have a speaker and T_T sad RIP maybe i'll at least watch that episode
you always look pretty! tbh im waiting for any content you publish!!
T_T Спасибо, любимый
im so honored you ask me for a song to sing TT omg im crying im soso touched TT im not so cruel to ask you to learn a russian song nono. what kind of song do you want? idk about professional traits but if you tell me, next time ill give you some variants. since you mentioned russian songs, i recalled a song named 'russian princess' (it has english subs if you want to listen!)
geez i listened to this song before fully reading your reply and T_T i thought it was the song you wanted me to sing so i was like DAMN ITS GOOD but then i realized i slowly regretted saying id sing anything for you even if its in russian T_T ALSO I CANT MAKE THE BACKING TRACK/MUSIC ITS EDM AINT NO ONE GOT TIME FOR THAT but now that ive read this in its entirety im glad your not making me sing it but HAHAH YOU KNOW I ALREADY LOOKED UP THE LYRICS AND GOT THE ROMANIZED RUSSIAN AHAHHAHAHAHAHHHAHAH i'll try to learn it it has an interesting melody but lol we'll see HAAHAHH
the genre im mostly drawn to has rock vibes but i like all music to a certain degree so pls i hope its english (or filipino HAHHAH)
actually i feel so cool listening to it hghls. especially since i got into hotd. i feel not exactly like a royalty but you know this feeling of being special and just in tune with yourself? tbh i found this song a year or 2 ago and i associate it with the other events. also it has some witchy vibes as for me.
i see it really does have have quite a strong ambiance so i can understand why you are drawn to it. i actually like this song! i love how you describe your feeling with music, this is how i feel about music. btw... are you in high school? i- i suddenly tried to think of what youre studying but i cant ?? think of anything omg T_T [are you a minor] YOURE NOT RIGHT? arent you 19? T_T HELP
andand!! was this # about my witch au? if you got it, you got it. no pressure, just curious.
YES and no but yes but idk i wanted to write it but now i dont T_T it be like that
'i would say i have no chill and am quite radical' nah i wasnt saying you ARE chill and hippie. but that you have such an image in the internet.
tbh i want to go to protests but... im not afraid of getting hurt but ruining my whole life *star eyes*
im not going to give you star emojis because i think you mean your are ok with yourself getting hurt and i dont support that
there was a guy who was walking NEAR the place where a demonstration was happening and.. hes been imprisoned <з lovely isnt it? universities were expelling their students for taking part in the protests. sorry i got carried away. good to know you have such a rebellious posture.
not really rebellious per se, more of like i think its necessary to speak out against the status quo if the status quo is bad and harmful and anti-people and pro-elite etc. i hope that guy is ok. ✊
i love you saint hannah TT youre so sweet <з
lol thanks idk what i feel about the nickname but i love you <3
'i try not to think about that too much cos ill cry' ive been crying by the middle of the sentence.
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'when we say we’re going to eat rice that means were eating a meal' oooh i got you. we have a tradition of eating bread with every meal but 1) its not the same thing 2) its not really strong among young people. its fine, you explained it pretty understandable.
tbh i wouldnt call it a tradition its like a social norm to eat rice... ig culture? is more appropriate. its nice that you have parallelism with bread. and omg young people dont lke bread AHAHHA that's ? so funny lol its weird to think yall just out there eating .... idk fried chicken T_T DAMN WITH NO RICE T_T
papak sounds cute. ig we have an equivalent.
T_T HAHAHA what's the equivalent?
'I HAVE SO MUCH MORE I WANT TO SHARE' YEEEY im always hear to listen to it!
OK im going to take this oppurtunity to talk to you again about sandman because that was the highlight of my message before i ctrl zed but FIRST LET ME SAVE THIS AS A DRAFT
ok were safe team
OK so yesterday ??? or was it yester NO IT WAS YESTERDAY i went to the library and read the chonky sandman megabig comic and i absolute loved the issue with Nada and Dream
now i have a new perspective in this because i feel like i was internally misogynistic towards Nada after watching this video about likable female characters (you dont have to watch it but this channel is very nice) anyway this vid basically talked about how female characters are only 'good' if they're likeable whereas male characters can be good regardless of that and it made me think about this issue cos i felt more sympathy towards dream than nada and at one point i had feelings of annoyance with nada but Lasflahsf NOW i cant remember if it was before i read that issue or after but i recall having catharsis over how i treated nada after typing my thoughts about it to you
anyway as im typing this now, i also realized that its ok for me not to feel that much feelings at all towards nada because i mean i had been following dream throughout the other issues so its not weird to have me have stronger feelings about dream rather than nada
but anyway, i still felt that both of them were problematic in their own way and i'll just quickly go through why and why i love that issue the most
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so nada ^^^^ is dream's first love T_T [CRYING] solely because [CRYING] she was the only person who said they loved him and actually sought him out [CRYING] MANS SUPER HUNGRY FOR LOVE AND COMPANIONSHIP ITS SO SAD and yeah because of that dream was like LASFHASFHAL I LOVE YOU TOO NADA I WANT YOU TO BE QUEEN OF THE DREAMING T_T [CRYING]
but like stupid mortals be T_T [sigh] nada, who had been warned by a bird king not to seek out the 'man' she was in love with because he was NOT a man was like 'but i still love him' then met dream, had the whole be my queen shebang and when she realized he was not human she was AW SHIT BIRD KING WAS RIGHT (bird king is a literal bird btw AHHHA) and was like dream we cant be together im sorry i was stupid pls let me go this is bad
but dream was like [pls i love you T_T i want you pls i need love]
so nada desperately goes through all these things to evade dream the worst of which is she even defiles herself by taking her maidenhood WITH A ROCK (it's not to say that a woman impure because she is not a virgin or that she is anything based on their virginity bUT I SAY DEFILE BECAUSE DAMN THAT FUCKING HURTS AND SHE WAS SO DESPERATE TO REPEL DREAM TO DO THAT) but dream is like T_T social constructs such as this matter not to me im not a human pls i love you i want you be my queen
AND POOR FUCKING NADA SHES LIKE ON HER KNEES BEGGING BUT DREAM FUCKING BEING DREAM IS LIKE PLSSSSSSSSSSSS but ig also he's kinda hot cos nada was like ok thats kinda hot that you dgaf about social norms so they make love on top of the mountain
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ idk thats fucking petty of the sun if it was so bad it shudda burned nada no? but then again nada is the princess of the tribe so 😬😬😬😬😬🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡 its cold hard reality the people have to suffer for their rulers' mistakes
and so when they woke nada was like ???? my people are dead T_T CRYING FUCK then jumps of the cliff and dies
NOW THIS PETTY FUCK DREAM COMES TO HER AND IS LIKE nada i love you then you betrayed me (ok this isnt the petty part because she willingly had sex with him on that mountain) then hes like youre choosing death over me (death is dreams sister so he was 100% jelly over this) and nada is like pls my people are dead because of me let me go
this is the part where i think well yeah theyre dead youre dead just be with dream forgetting that guilt exists lol AHHAHAHA
THIS IS THE PART WHERE DREAM IS PETTY COS HE WAS LIKE for betraying me i will punish you BUT if you agree to be my queen i;ll forgive you i;ll only ask you 3 times if you deny me 3 times im going to condemn you to fucking hell //////:
he petty AF for that wtf
so nada obviously is like no no pls dont make me say no again so dont ask me but DREAM PETTY AF AND I THINK THE COMIC EVEN SAID SOME SHIT ABOUT THAT AND SO DREAM
and she said no and now she's in fucking HELLL AND BEEN IN HELL FOR MILLENIA
in one of the earlier issues + in the show dream sees nada when he goes to hell and asks him to release her and i think nada asks if he loves him and dream is smth like its been thousands of years of course i still love you BUT i stilll havent forgiven you T_T PETTY RAT
and i remember when i watched that i was like DAMN WHAT DID SHE DO HE PETTY AF and now that i know im like i see it but also he petty AF
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[end scene]
WOW its so really very very interesting to learn about this saying twice thing!! we also say things twice sometimes for the same reason or to just create a new meaning.
AW THATS CUTE HAHAHAH love that for us #russianssecretlyfilipino #filipinossecretlyrussian
i crave learning more about filipino!
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this is him. it might not look like it but hes the original fuck boy HAHHAHA man had girlfriends all over the globe like pitbull who? he aint mr worldwide JOSE RIZAL is mr worldwife HAHHA LOL I TYPED THAT ON ACCIDENT AND SO REAL FINGERS SO REAL tho he never had a wife so /: HAHHAA
anyway he became the national hero because his work inspired the revolution and he did so with non violence so. i personally have a soft spot for andres bonifacio (the other candidate for national hero) but thats for another time
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this andres btw
aNYWAY his most prolific works are 'noli mi tangere' which means 'touch me not' in spanish or 'like do not translate me' then its sequel 'el filibusterismo' or 'the Filibuster' in spanish whatever the fuck that means ok wikipedia says its It is sometimes referred to as "talking a bill to death" or "talking out a bill", and is characterized as a form of obstruction in a legislature or other decision-making body. whatever that means HAHAHHAHAHAHAHA
so yeah he got killed for writing that lol cos he wrote it in spanish cos fuck you spain and then spain was like (: pew pew and shot him and he was like FUCK YOU YOURE NOT GOING TO SHOOT ME IN THE BACK IM GOING TO FACE YOU but he died before he could look at the firing squad so /:
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side note the right pic is at rizal park which was where he was killed (it was renamed after him) and i remember going there for a field trip and being absolutely enamored by the story teller/tour guide who said the whole story and said the command by the spanish and the statues FIRED AT RIZAL AND I HAD A HEARTATTACK THEN AFTER IT ALL I WAS LIKE WOAH THAT WAS MEGA COOL but i dont remember what the spanish command was T_T rip i wish i knew so i could tell you any everyone else i want to tell this story to
HAHAHAH anyway unlike other works before jose rizal which was propaganda against the spanish, the works before rizal were like only allussions to opression but never direct. whereas rizal was like oh you see these spanish priests and all the governors THEYRE FUCKING L also you see how they treat the poor and farmers and fucking RAPE OUR WOMEN (: YALL ARE L FUCK YOU
and spain was like ? no fuck YOU bang bang (in before imprisoning him i think he only lived to be 30?) then after he died the revolutionaries called the katipuneros which is derived from (Dont freak out) the KKK (which means kataastaasan (the highest of the high) kagalanggalangang (the most respectable) katipunan (? like group or association, but also because of them katipunan kind of has this meaning of revolutionary or i guess to me) were like HELL NO LETS FUCKING GO SPAIN YOU WANT A PIECE OF THIS FUCK YOU
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(this is my absolute fav monument i remember seeing it for the first time as a child i was like DAMN THAT SWORD FUCKING LIT)
I MUST SAY the first time i heard of other KKK was in the black eyed peas song 'where is the love' and i was like HEY they dont like the kkk? why dont they like the kkk? how do they even know them? they fought for out freedom thats so mean of them not to like them in before my older brother said YOU IDIOT THAT NOT THE KKK THEYRE TALKING ABOUT T_T rip
enough of that
noli (we call it that so its short) basically follows this dude named crisostomo ibarra. in the first book he's just come home from abroad and is like i love it here then slowly is like WTF IS WRONG WITH EVERYONE WHY IS THIS HAPPENING and ... tbh its been a while i dont remember its entirety... but he fall in love with maria clara and theres this freaky rat ass priest that has ??? the hots for her but ??? hES SECRETLY HER FUCKING DAD? COS HE RAPED MARIAS MOM and maria also gets raped im not sure by who tho but FUCK THAT PRIEST (a priest rapes her) yeah its all very FUCK YOU she joins the convent because of that and i think because yeah crisostomo dies and shes like </3 i will never recover never love again
honestly dont quote me on this i could be getting so much wrong
then part 2 which is el fili (again shorted cos its too long) crisostomo ibarra who fucking dies in p1 comes back from the dead (cos he never died fr) as simoun and is like I DONT WANT PEACE I WANT PROBLEMS ALWAYS and plans to blow up a church or smth BECAUSE FUCK YOU SPAIN (honestly i cant remember) and marias like my beloved crisostomo T_T please come back to me and simoun is like WAIT WAIT IM COMING but maria is like fuck this shit and jumps off a fucking church cos life sucks
yeah the end thats about as much as i remember from the main plot but the books talk about a lot of social injustices too
my favorite (or should i even call it that T_T) is the piece about Cabesang Tales who is a farmer took barren land and made it fruitful and it took so long for it to be fruitful his wife and daughter died of fucking poverty then the church was like actually peasant this land belongs to God and by god i mean us gtfo this land and Cabesang Tales who was the picture of patience fucking snapped and was like FUCKING WORK YOUR BLEED BLOOD AND FIX THE LAND THEN BURRY YOUR WIFE AND CHILD HERE FIRST THEN AND ONLY THEN WILL I GIVE YOU THIS LAND
then bang (:
anyway they actually made a show about this! for once its not super cringe! its about this modern girl who goes 'back in time' or more like in the book and lives with the characters. i only watched ep1 & 2 and i havent even seen the cutie crisostomo yet so i have plans on watching it but idk when
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HIHIHI THIS IS THEM Klay (the reader insert HAHAHAHAH) crisostomo then maria and i think slay <3 its actually available on youtube which is where im watching it but apparently it has no eng subs cos this one korean youtuber was complaining about it so yeah HAHHAHH the turned tables because we love kdramas here in the ph and complain if there arent eng subs on their shows HAHHAHAHA
ok were back this is such a long love letter
[end scene]
yeah i didnt know what is flan. 1) but tbh some people dont even see russia as europe.. even geographically... 2) its not a common dish in slavik countries (eastern at least). like we have a quite similar thing but it has a completely different name.
its ok flan is not paramount to life HAHAHH unless you make flan for a living in which case it is quite important. #1 i mean russia-- SHE 'UGE MASSIVE YEAH so huge she said eurasia and like pluto tiny #2 fair. what is the similar thing?
'i think it derived from spanish??' yeah its probably just my association. we dont have such constructions to unit words so it always sounds foreign. esp words like this.
i see. interesting to know. what about vagon you have that word surely cos i remember watching captain america civil war and it was one of winter soldier's tick words somethingsomething vagon then its translation was like freight train and my mom was like omg thats filipino bagon was like not the train per se but the things connected to the train you get me which i can only assume comes from spanish vagón exists but its wagon according to google so HAHA i got you there
a silly stereotype but it gives me some old movie about mafia vibes. its also said in a deep af brutal voice in the beginning of a movie.
'I HAVE TO EXPLAIN THIS PERFECTLY BECAUSE' omg its cute. thanks <з love your big brain
<3 HIHI i love your big brain
ooh kare-kare looks good. a hottie fdklfjd.
HAHAHAH yes it is very good i love it <3 now im hungry T_T
please let me answer it in the second part bc 1)im running out of symbols
thats fine
2) i wanna sleep
valid i will never stop you from listening to your body clock
3) ill answer you during the day i swear TT ive got so many things to do it scares me..
<3 do well my love you got this is can be intimidating but dont worry too much about it you got this! its normal to be anxious but you will overcome it
just remember that im here! have a good day!! good luck with the classes and all! take care<з
i love you so much my dear thank you for being here for me i am likewise also always here for you <3 take care
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sskk-ao3feed · 2 years
kunikida’s hellhole
by luyuie
dazai: favorite mitski song go
higuchi: what if you don’t listen to mitski
ranpo: everyone here is fruity ofc we listen to mitski
higuchi: that’s stereotyping mitski :(
gin: you were screaming the lyrics to “a burning hill” yesterday and everyone else at the office joined in
higuchi: point taken
Words: 1205, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: 文豪ストレイドッグス | Bungou Stray Dogs
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Multi
Characters: Nakahara Chuuya (Bungou Stray Dogs), Dazai Osamu (Bungou Stray Dogs), Nakajima Atsushi (Bungou Stray Dogs), Akutagawa Ryuunosuke (Bungou Stray Dogs), Akutagawa Gin, Higuchi Ichiyou (Bungou Stray Dogs), Edogawa Ranpo (Bungou Stray Dogs), Edgar Allan Poe (Bungou Stray Dogs), Yosano Akiko (Bungou Stray Dogs), Izumi Kyouka (Bungou Stray Dogs), Kunikida Doppo (Bungou Stray Dogs), Tanizaki Naomi, Haruno Kirako, Ozaki Kouyou (Bungou Stray Dogs), Elise (Bungou Stray Dogs), Lucy Maud Montgomery (Bungou Stray Dogs), Louisa May Alcott (Bungou Stray Dogs), Miyazawa Kenji (Bungou Stray Dogs), Tanizaki Junichirou (Bungou Stray Dogs), Sigma (Bungou Stray Dogs), Nikolai Gogol (Bungou Stray Dogs), Fyodor Dostoyevsky (Bungou Stray Dogs), Armed Detective Agency Ensemble (Bungou Stray Dogs), Port Mafia Ensemble (Bungou Stray Dogs)
Relationships: Dazai Osamu/Nakahara Chuuya (Bungou Stray Dogs), Akutagawa Ryuunosuke/Nakajima Atsushi (Bungou Stray Dogs), Edogawa Ranpo/Edgar Allan Poe (Bungou Stray Dogs), Louisa May Alcott/Lucy Maud Montgomery (Bungou Stray Dogs), Akutagawa Gin/Higuchi Ichiyou, Nakajima Atsushi & Sigma (Bungou Stray Dogs), Nikolai Gogol/Sigma (Bungou Stray Dogs), Nikolai Gogol & Sigma (Bungou Stray Dogs), Fyodor Dostoyevsky & Nikolai Gogol & Sigma (Bungou Stray Dogs)
Additional Tags: Chatting & Messaging, Canon Universe, idk what else to tag I have no idea what I wanna do with this, more tags to come, prolly bad humor, Rated T for swearing, and also probably gonna be dick jokes sorry, honestly forgot abt the existence of the doa, but dw i rewrote it so i they exist, cause i love sigma and nikolai, not fyodor though, bram and kamui aren’t here bc they’re both old and boring, also this doesn’t follow the plot line it’s just in universe, i think that was obvious though, actually jk bram isnt boring, Dazai-Typical Suicide Mentions (Bungou Stray Dogs), uh probably other death jokes so please don’t read if that stuff bugs you
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/40133991
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the-gay-trashmouth · 3 years
Okay so I binged q-force. Is it perfect? No. No its not- it's a comedy adult cartoon about gay spies. It was funny, it had that found family trope and it had it good rep. It had butch 4 butch rep (pam and Deb my loves) trans goth chicks, and even an older women in power who I have a permanent lesbian crush on. I see a lot of people complaining about the stereotypes - mostly Twink- but like.... Y'all realize stereotypical gay people exist, right? Like there are butch lesbians who BBQ on weekends and adopt way to many dogs. There are drag queens who are super extra and loud and sexual. There are alt queer people who like obscure shit and would maybe like to fuck robots- shut up
Like ... Gay people are allowed to act gay. Y'all know that right? Gay culture is built on the "weird". Q force gave us stereotypes but also broke them.
Twink is a top who can throw a punch and is fucking badass. His drag connections come in handy and offers them tons of Intel. I've seen people talk about how it's bad that he wants to be skinny but.... Yall know some people Wanna be skinny? And that's not a bad thing??? Like yeah it can be unhealthy but he never once commented on anyone else's weight negatively- and we had a diverse body types. Just in the force we had a muscle vers, a fat stud lesbian, a tall lanky hacker, a slim thicc drag queen, a chubby hunk, and a middle aged woman with actual proportions. Could I have done without some of the tummy tuck jokes? Yeah, sure, but y'all realize actual queens talk like that.
Then we have Deb- the only character with her life together. She and her wife are very very happy and secure and its like... One of the first butch 4 butch relationship I've seen on screen that healthy. She's a mechanic and was on surviver but she's also the mom of the group. She's in touch with her emotions, she rescues dogs, her happy place is on the phone with her wife- she is a black stud lesbian and she's not a cold mean shell of a person. How often do y'all see that????
And then Stat- STAT! she's weird!! And that's the point! She likes being weird!! She's a trans hacker badass and she fucked an AI!! She's herself and unapologetically so. While affection and emotions make her uncomfortable she's still the one to go after Twink on his birthday. She cares about them all, even in her weird goth way. Shes good rep for those of us who are the "ugly alt queer" people love to make fun of. And the force loves her and her weirdness! Her and twink- two characters on complete opposite sides of the stereotype spectrum- are like best friends. They could of had them hate each other but they don't! He loves her and her weird goth vibes, she doesn't understand his scene but loves him and his drag and never says a damn word. Also!! Her VA is a trans woman!!!!
And fucking Steve- he's the cis het ideal. Strong, masc, average gay man. He could pass as straight- but he doesn't?? He has a boyfriend (who isnt some fuckin super model with the same body- he's a shy bear with glasses and a suffocatingly loving family- also!!! No homophobic family side plot???? Unheard of!!!!) and half of his arc is trying to be there For Him. He's not some hyper masc guy who "happens to be gay but everyones surprised" There is no sub plot of him hiding himself or "being seen as het" he's just a vers with a dorky sense of humor and has a little gaggle of gays (plus buck) that he's adopted and co-parenting with his butch lesbian best friend. Also wlw mlm solidarity!!! Holy shit!!!! that's rare!!!!
Even Buck- who's prolly bi let's be real- goes through an arc and isnt a 2D prick- he loves those gays like family by the end. And that's the end message- community in each other and loving your fellow queer people. There's no fighting between them about being a stereotype. No one makes fun on Twink for being femme, every one gets so happy when Stat smiles, Pam and Deb are happily married and Pam automatically takes her wife's little gay family from work and goes "I love them :))) you should bring them over more."
No its not perfect- I wish there was more open trans rep and nb rep, I wish there was some ace aro rep and I wish there was less animated dick and I could do without some if the skinny jokes Twink made but y'all realize rep isn't ever gonna be perfect? Gay ppl aren't perfect. Gay people are allowed to be stereotypes and the amount of LGBTQ people who worked on the show made it realistic. There was never a point that I was like "this was written by straight people".
Y'all shot down a funny, well written comedy cartoon made by the gays for the gays and hate it because there's a femme drag queen? There's stereotypes?? We're never going to get good rep if y'all crucify everything we do get. That's not saying don't be critical, but don't attack queer writers and what little rep we have because it's not the perfect cookie cutter shape for gays.
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kaquyas · 2 years
asking you this on anon because a) dont wanna get blasted on main over this potentially controversial topic& b) saw some tags you made on another post and i feel like (hope) you'd appreciate this.
not to bash anyone, but the fandom's general take on the senju bros' relationship is getting stale imo. so many fics and hcs that rehash the same themes over and over with no nuance, and tbrm&hsrm are usually OOC.
if youre gonna make their relationship angsty, let them BOTH contribute to that dynamic. let tbrm be FLAWED for once, let him have actual development that isnt just him being "misunderstood" and abused by literally everyone around him for no conceivable reason. let hsrm's character not get dragged through the mud to facilitate tbrm's woobification.
give me a fic where hashirama is a doting anija who wants more than anything in the world to bond with his last surviving little brother and he tries so so hard to reach out to him- but their contradictory personalities make it difficult to get on the same wavelength. where hsrm's stubbornness and naivety cause issues at times.
a fic where tbrm is utterly devoted to hsrm and does everything in his power to ensure his dreams come to fruition- but hes piss poor with feelings and shuts down hsrm's attempts at communication. maybe tbrm is a bit of an asshole sometimes, unwittingly influenced by their father's tendency to target hsrm. he's condescending- calls hsrm an idiot, tells him to stfu. maybe on day he says something a little too reminiscent of butsumas insults and hsrm cant hide how hurt he is. tbrm is so ridden with guilt he apologizes and actually opens up for once. they have a heart-to-heart and BOTH of them work on their individual shortcomings in order to strengthen their bond.
i love these two so much, their personalities and dynamic hold so much potential that so far seems mostly untapped. (i should probably get off my butt and write something myself though, haha.)
anyway sorry for the wall of text, i had to get it all out! would love to hear your take on this/your personal hc's etc.
anon im literally going to kiss you on the MOUTH. THIS!!!!!! THIS IS MY IDEAL SENJU BROTHERS DYNAMIC!!!!! they both do love each other very very much, but they also have very contradictory personalities and i think they both played a hand in possibly straining their relationship. i also think of them as both being fairly stubborn, and so when they clash it’s often something where they never really talk about it. very much that stereotypical siblings ending a fight by not mentioning it and asking the other if they want food
i generally headcanon that butsuma somewhat pitted them against each other because he thought tobirama could be relied on to be the responsible son who would do what needed to be done during the war, and so he favored tobirama and almost parentified him/pushed him into the role of controlling hashirama & keeping him on track. we know better, because we can see tobirama calling grownups stupid for not sticking to treaties and his dedication to the village later in his life, but after the river confrontation i do see a breakdown in their relationship that left a wall there until they were much older due to 1) hashirama seeing too much of butsuma in tobirama and 2) tobirama refusing to talk about his feelings because butsuma drilled it into him that feelings are a weakness
i’ve mentioned it before, but i do think hashirama held a grudge against tobirama after the river confrontation. we don’t know exact ages, but i generally think of hashirama as being about 12 years old then, an age where kids are notoriously stupid. he takes a while to realize tobirama didn’t really have a choice and that if tobirama hadn’t said anything then he would have been outnumbered, but when hashirama tries to reach out and apologize, tobirama just brushes it off because he’s under the “emotions are a weakness” cloud of butsuma, and accepting hashirama’s apology means admitting he was hurt and therefore has feelings, so it’s best to pretend nothing happened. which hashirama then takes to mean tobirama is still upset (which he is! he’s just stupid! JUST TALK ABOUT IT!!!) and so there’s this weird air where hashirama’s walking on eggshells and thinks tobirama’s mad at him, but tobirama thinks hashirama’s pulling away and can’t really recognize his affections
(AND. this is 100% veering into my headcanons here, but i’ve always headcanoned tobirama and kawarama as twins who were maybe a bit codependent, giving tobirama a skewed idea of what a normal level of closeness between siblings is. so what hashirama sees as a perfectly normal relationship, tobirama sees as being more distant. so hashirama sees things as fine, but tobirama assumes they must not be that close and resigns himself to be silent about it forever because he is stunted and is in desperate need of a ninjatherapist POSTHASTE)
this turned out rambly and is probably incoherent idk i’m not proofreading this. you brought this on yourself by talking about the senju sibs to tumblr user senjusibs and i CANNOT be held accountable for sticking with my brand! tl;dr they have problems and issues and need ninja family therapy and to just talk OPENLY and HONESTLY. they just have like run of the mill family miscommunication issues with ninja trauma stacked on top
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weirdmageddon · 3 years
i may or not make another blog to put down my typology thoughts about cognitive functions but at the same time i need to share this immediately and i dont wanna wait for however long it takes new blogs to be able to post in the tags so i’m putting it on my main blog fuck it.
but if this interests you and you want me to make a side blog, let me know. because i think we need more well-informed posts and analyses about mbti and cognitive functions instead of shitflinging stereotypes and making the system look like stupid pop-psych shit to everyone who doesnt know about it. here’s an example of what i get into edit: okay hii the blog is @functionaxes
here’s a post regarding the inferior Ni of Se dominants (ESxPs)
these things really helped me get into the head of Se doms
1. this part of this video
2. i elaborated on this in this thing i wrote (jump to the section called “Opposites”)
3. this response i got on pdb
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we already know that Ni is formed out of the raw information gathered by Se, but if Se doms take in so much information, why isn’t their Ni’s intuition well developed?
it’s because Ni describes the process of taking direct, raw data from reality and finding underlying connections between them, similar narratives that appear to underly multiple pieces of data. when connections are found, that connection then becomes the defining trait of all that information, and the original individual circumstances of the data points are lost in favor of “fusing” them together into new assumptions (that then go on to become supporting details to more narrowed down assumptions, and finally the moment that “explains everything” leading up to that point).
i think Se doms have difficulty finding the same underlying narrative between too many things at once, and have an easier time finding connections between smaller amounts of information rather than the entire reservoir at once, which is what weaker version of Ni looks like. but that doesn’t necessarily make it bad—it has its own quirks in this position. this also means that their inferior Ni stores data closer to how it concretely was since the data it holds isnt nearly as assimilated as it is in Ni dominants.
this is different from Si because the data stored in an ESxP’s Ni has not been extrapolated by a process like Ne and had those associations from Ne preserved by Si—it is simply raw data without extrapolation. which is why Se dominants have a strikingly vivid and visceral recall abilities of things that happened despite Se being a continually outward and short-term function. it’s actually their unique manifestation of Ni in the inferior position that allows them to do that. (this is also why INxJs including myself have shit recall for specific detail but the concept/lesson remains. everything in the present relates to an overarching concept which still could be considered a “stored experience” of some sort, just not a detailed one. if someone comes up to me and i absorb all the sensory details that give me the impression this guy is bad news, i’m only going to remember my perception that he was bad news. let me tell you it makes keeping track of academic sources and recalling which info i learned from which paper hell)
but back to the smaller connections at a time i was talking about, it’s hard to explain just in words so i illustrated what this looks like
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Se doms are so attentive to the minute qualities of the information in front of them that on the surface they appear to be too different to be seen as having a similar thread. and i don’t mean this to make it sound as though ESxPs are shallow—what i mean is when they’re looking at things, they see them for what they concretely and individually are because of their different physical properties (though with Ti auxiliary in the ESTP, they could be comprehended as being more similar to other objects semantically/ontologically), but compare it to Ni doms who are like “fuck it theyre basically the same thing due to [similar underlying perceptual narrative property]”
Se dominants also take in so much data that there’s not really enough opportunities to use Ni because there’s a constant barrage of new information, and it’s hard to cognitively disconnect from that.
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