zombvibes · 2 years
According to the tags of your last Allyswap post, you have other AUs. Would you like to share the premise/any doodles you have?
This sounds you’re interrogating me, anon. /lh
Anywho, I DO have other aus and YES I would LOVE to share junk about them.
So when I made the teammateswap and allyswap guys, I had multiple ideas for the characters (obviously). So one day I thought “Man. I still really like these ideas and I wanna use them.” So I did!! Which became the alt aus like as in : alt teammateswap and alt allyswap. They were originally called tms! side b and as! side b. (Which tbh? Might go back to those names…not sure though.)
Like normal teammateswap and allyswap : alt tms is susie swapping with noelle, noelle swapping with berdly, and berdly swapping with susie. alt as is susie swapping with berdly, noelle swapping with susie, and berdly swapping with noelle!
And if y’all don’t mind I’ll just share their (old icky) sprites and some haha hehe dialogue boxes :
TOP = alt teammateswap , BOTTOM = alt allyswap
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(There’s also art of them but um. It’s too old and grody for me to show on here. Unlike twitter, I want to seem prim and proper on tumblr /j)
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Anyways, I’ll probably redesign them at some point and make them ““official”” and also because some swaps don’t really make sense. (But mostly talking about the Susies and Noelles here. The Berdlys are only there so the Noelles could mess with them. Don’t tell anyone I said that though.)
There’s also like…other random aus I thought would be cool or funny but I don’t plan on doing a lot with them (which I will list now) :
- An old snowgrave au idea I had where during the Berdly fight right before Noelle does her spell, Kris rips us out of their chest and puts us in a far they found in a trashcan off screen. Kris would finish the chapter without you and you’d have to watch and think about what you’ve done. (Hence the name.)
- I already talked about how the au would work on twitter but I doubt you’d wanna go onto twitter to see something so I’ll just copy and paste everything here :
This route is called The Timeout route! Kris is tired of your bullshit so they stuff you in a jar they found in one of the trashcans from the city! You get to watch Kris, Noelle, and Berdly finish the chapter without you because you’re a prick! To start this route, during chapter 1 you have to make Kris play the piano (which they do poorly). (You’ll probably have to do many other things to piss Kris off but I can’t think of any at the moment..just know that playing the piano is not optional) Chapter 1 ends as normal! Chapter 2, you gotta start the weird route! Like just killing stuff, then you get the ring etc. But when you get to the Berdly fight, there’s a small chance that Kris stops Noelle right before she does snowgrave. Afterwards, Kris (still in battle) rips out their soul and walks off the screen. There’s trash can rummaging noises the the background. Noelle and Berdly stand there shocked and Berdly asks what’s wrong with Kris. Noelle said that Kris was acting weird all day. Kris comes back with a jar that has their soul in it. Noelle and Berdly proceed to flip their shit. Kris puts the jar in their inventory and grabs Noelle and Berdly’s hands and drags them off to the right thus ending the battle. You get to see Noelle and Berdly ask Kris plenty of questions that Kris ignores and says that they’ll talk about it later. When Kris and co meets up with Susie and Ralsei, they notice that Kris is different. Susie asks what’s wrong, and Kris says that they’ll talk later. Yadda yadda yadda Everyone gets caged (except for Ralsei). Things happen as normal with some things happening differently cause Kris is in control duh. When Susie and Kris are in front of the fountain, Kris takes out the jar and opens the jar. The soul comes out and does its thing. Susie stands there shocked. Once they’re in the lightworld, everything happens normal. Berdly and Noelle leaves thinking it’s all a dream. Susie after they leave looks bewildered at Kris then shakes them : “What the hell was that all about????” You can finally control Kris here and pick between : Tell her what happened and What are you talking about? Telling her what happened : Susie becomes even more confused and Kris (out of your control) says that they’ll elaborate at some point and the conversation ends there. “What are you talking about?” : Susie flips out even more and shakes Kris angrily. Kris doesn’t say anything (this is your doing) and Susie just says : “Whatever…” and leaves without Kris. Susie will still have the sleepover but will be weird around Kris (depending on what which option you choose). Everything will end the same but Kris puts you in the cage and not between the couch. You’ll sit there not being able to see what happened to Susie and Kris. You’ll hear what happened though, you just can’t see it. Then the chapter ends! …Btw you don’t fight spamton in this route, Kris just doesn’t fight spamton.
- (I would’ve made the route work a little different if I worked on it NOW but hey…you get the idea I hope.)
- This au was meant to basically Kris giving the player the middle finger
- Another old idea I had. It’s normal just deltarune but it takes place during summer school. (Or just the summer I didn’t put too much thought into it. I just wanted to see Kris and Susie have fun in the sun together tbh) It all started because I wanted to make a Phineas and Ferb reference—
- What kind of au hoarder would I be if I didn’t make a “They’re adults now” au? It mostly focuses in Kris, Susie, and Noelle (Berdly’s there too but I mean…he’s just there. Not too important). The darkners don’t really age in my timeskip au because I just…think they wouldn’t really age like lightners would? Since they’re objects? I feel like they would still look the same but like…with eyebags or dirt/dust on them or something. (Didn’t think about it too much,,)
- They’re all around 20 something? 25??
- There’s art of this too but again…too old and grody for me to show. Pretty sure I posted timeskip suselle stuff on here once but you’ll have to find it yourself I’m not linking it. It’s still a little embarrassing,,,
- I think I may redesign them in the future since they look too “self indulgent” and not how I would actually imagine them in their 20s.
- It’s basically The “Everyone gets facial hair now” au honestly LMAO
- Another obvious thing for an au hoarder to have— Basically, Kris is a reptile, Susie is a goat, and Ralsei is a human! (There’s also Noelle, who’s a bird, and Berdly, who’s a reindeer…but. I’ll probably not do that or at least it wouldn’t be “canon” to the au.)
- In this au, Susie is a darkner and Ralsei is a lightner (along with Kris.) And this is kind of a role swap as well (kinda?). Ralsei would be the one the player controls. Kris isn’t controlled by their soul and has their regular personality. Susie and Lancer were already established to be buddies before Kris and Ralsei arrived in the dark world. Though in this au, Susie’s personality would be a little goofier to match with Lancer’s. She’s still mean though but chapter 2 mean and not really chapter 1 mean. Ralsei would talk but we wouldn’t be able to hear him (like with human Kris.) He does talk way more than human Kris though. Kris doesn’t talk at all unless necessary or for a funny/dumb quip. For their dark world versions um tbh? I can’t really choose on whether Ralsei should have a sword (like human Kris) or magic (like goat Ralsei). I guess the sword would make more sense but goat Susie would feel a little empty if she isn’t swinging her big ol’ axe around. Again…didn’t think about it too much. OH YEAH AND darkner goat Susie is a prince like goat Ralsei is. (Not princess though because Susie still has her butch lesbian swag in this au)
- Uhhh I do have concept art but it’s not much…I hope to actually sketch out the concepts at some point because darkner goat Susie sounds so much fun to work on!! I have clear ideas of everyone’s designs in my head, just didn’t put it “paper” yet.
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So uh…YUP! Think that’s all! If anyone’s interested on hearing about or seeing a specific au, I’ll try my best to elaborate on it more or quicking sketch out something)
(I’m asking you to send me asks about them if you’re curious)
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junk-whunk-punk · 2 months
broski are you in like... Russia? U doing ok over there?
Uh ummmmm😳😳... ????????? yes i'm in Russia????? i always was here??????
I guess, uh, PERSONALLY I'm quite well yeah thank you for your concern anon😌 I'm ok rn and I live the same way as any of my average fellow citizen soooo I also sometimes suffer from a lack of money, comfort attention, love, time and mental energy, but at least I'm still alive🥹 That's all like this thanks to my impenetrable thinking and pacifism heehee, otherwise I'd have gone crazy with this continuous political propaganda here.
I just love my motherland, its culture, its people and life here, but not those poliDICKians who are now measuring dicks with other such idiots.
(anon if you wanted to have a filthy political answer so uhhh IT'LL BE A QUITE LONG POST ABOUT MY INNER CRIES THAT WERE WAITING FOR FREEDOM I'M SORRYYYYY I just want to speak out and never return to this topic again if there's no need to)
I feel sorry and upset each time I see how radicalist propaganda brainwashes ordinary people, whether ukrainians, americans, russians or any other peoples who are now under intense pressure. Neither side is right, everyone who starts conflicts is always to blame for any conflict, but not ordinary people who just want to fucking survive. Alas, in my motherland there is just terrible oppression of pacifists now, because they are considered anti-patriots and extremists (that's NOT even a joke really, now pacifists are being driven under the same roof with terrorists and sectarians👍👍)
I'm just so scared of what that all will lead. Y'know, adequate and sane people would never want to harm anyone but OH ALAS, a drop of power makes weak people crazy. Unfortunately, such rotten fruits are now at the head of many influential countries in the modern world🤷‍♀️
But! I have a ray of hope. Many russians are aware of this problem. They know that the russian authorities seem to be set against absolutely everyone, both their fellow citizens and foreigners. That's why I chose the perfect tactic – I'm also against. Against all politicians. I am against all authorities😌 I just hate them all😌 but at the same time I love people regardless of their nationality. As for me, this is the most humane and the most correct choice, at least if we take into account the fact that we russians cannot influence the situation in world, no matter how much we want it. (c'mon we can't even choose anything in our own country)
So. The conclusion. I'm scared, I'm angry and I'm an anarchist yeah. Stay sane and don't be a victim of radical propaganda. Love people. Be supportive to those who in need. We ALL are fellow humans and we must stay them.
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aviiarie · 1 month
FURINA'S WIFE ANON!!!!! IS HERE!!!!!!!! with a long tangent of stuff probably ARGH MY CONDOLENCES IN ADVANCE
this is . Adding to the post about whose bed would be comfy becAUSE I SAW FURINA MENTION WAHOO MY CHANCE TO SHINE!!!!!!
10/10 comfiness from me (i am 100% totally unbiased! Entirely!) because i feel like she'd definitely have ten million plushies . and not just drowning her bed until you can't see the mattress but literally everywhere in her room. There Is No Way She Doesn't. the plushies themselves provide. so much. and she has tea parties with them and all and OHHH MY GOD I HAVE IDEAS ABOUT DATES WITH HER... SITTING AT THE TINIEST TABLE YOU'VE EVER SEEN WITH HER AND HER PLUSHIES..... TEA TIMING IT UP.... WAAAAHHHH WAAAAHHHHH STILL THINKING ABOUT THE ANGST YOU HAVE INJECTED INTO US WAAAHHHHHHHHH
i am a shriveled up grape shell of the untouched. innocent version. of myself before i read that fic. happiness no longer comes naturally.
ALSO ACK THATS GENUINELY SO UPSETTING THAT TUMBLR THREW IT INTO THE VOID. LIKE LITERALLY WHY. got a notif when you made a post about it and went to go check most recent under furina x reader and for sure, it wasn't there :[ ACTUALLY SUCKS SO BAD because reading it you can really tell how much work was written into it and just AGRGHHHHHH sucks sucks sucks... it's wonderful to know that we're any help at all, if that's possible in the slightest :'D so sorry that happened but but for whatever it's worth it was an amazing read and just. So. Fantastic. there's not nearly enough words of enough strength that could possibly describe it juust oohkh my god I STILL CAN'T GET OVER THE PEARL NECKLADCE HEART SNIFFLE SNIFF AARHRHGBGJNGNN
because she would want to do that. furina would want to house you, the most important of anything to her, right over the source of the blood coursing in her body. it pulses, and the first thing it meets is you before travelling throughout the rest of her. just as she would have no life without it, both literally and metaphorically, she has no life without you.
sorry sorry sorry again EEK it's my first time being like a. designated anon. if that makes sense. with like my own little name and signature tag ARGH DON'T KNOW WHAT IT'S CALLED But The Name Tag Thingie. AND I'M SO EXCITED TO SHARE MY THOUGHTS WITH YOU HEHEHEHEHEH i feel very not judged here this is wonderful
okay you've convinced me. i amend my previous statement, furina's bed is now a 10/10 in my books. YOU'RE SO RIGHT THOUGH???? she would have so many plushies, all in different sizes and styles just scattered across her bed. and every single one of them is named, and she never forgets what they're called; the little white swan is blanche, the big fluffy cat is mademoiselle chat, the blue otter is little neuvillette.... etc. etc. DATES WITH THEM WOULD BE SO CUTEEEE LIKE LITTLE PICNICS TOO WHERE SHE SETS OUT FOOD FOR ALL OF THEM.... imagine if she set up little puppet shows with them too, just making wild stories and acting them out with her plushies... that would be adorable :O
IM SORRYYYYY i'll write some happy fluff for furina soon. promise 🤞
BUT RIGHT??????? like damn, tumblr. i know pride month was in june, but that doesn't mean you have to throw a perfectly good lesbian in the void. the positive response i've got on it has made up for it though, so thank you again. at least it wasn't a total waste of energy :")
YES YES YOU GET IT!!!! that's exactly what i was going for with the fic, furina wants to keep you close, she wants you close to your heart, she just isn't ready to accept why. you are what is keeping her alive, the thing keeping her going. without you..... AUGHHHH YOU GET ME SO MUCH!!!!
and no no no apologies!!! i'm thrilled to see you in my inbox again :DDD i love all of my lovely designated anons, everyone is welcome to share their thoughts here!! there is no judgement, only incoherent rambling about our favourite characters HAHAHA
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uwuwriting · 4 years
Kuroo, Akaashi and Ushijima wearing their jersey
Request: You’re writing for HAIKYU OMG I NEED SOME I”M STARVING HERE. Could I get maybe Kuroo Akaashi and Ushijima seeing you in one of their games wearing their jersey. 
FIRST HAIKYUU POST AND I’M HYPED. And sweet anon you have given me best boys to work with and one of the cutest asks. So enjoy my sweet Haikyuu stans. Love yaa.💖💖💖
P.S I think I may have made Ushijima a little bit OOC so I’m sorry in advance so plz give me feed back so I can improve on him sorryyyyy.
warnings: fluff!!!!!!!
Kuroo Tetsuro 
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-You have become the unannounced Nekoma manager at this point. 
-You are there at every single practice, go to every match official or not and you help them out immensely.
-Being with Kuroo goes hand in hand with learning the basics of volleyball and him teaching you how to toss or do the basic spike just so you can help him and the others practice. 
-So seeing you in games was expected at this point. 
-What wasn’t expected however was for you to show up at their match with Karasuno wearing a jersey with a huge number 1 in the middle. 
-The whole team recognized their captains’ jersey that was basically a dress on you in an instant. 
-Half of them were kinda losing their shit and patting Kuroo on the back with a chuckle while others *cough* Lev *cough* were asking him if he saw your shirt. 
-Kuroo couldn’t control the stupid love struck smile that spread wide on his face.
-You were too precious in his clothes.
-And he felt like you were announcing to the whole gym, to both teams that, you were his and he was yours. 
-You on the other hand knew how much Karasuno had progressed in these past few months and you also knew that they would be a hard opponent.
-So you had decided to hype up your boyfriend by wearing his jersey. 
-And if he’s fired up before the match then he motivates the whole team ten fold. 
-Plus you like wearing his shirts, they smelled like him and they were comfortable. 
-Kuroo made his way to your spot in the stands a few minutes before the game began and kissed you so hard he almost knocked you off your feet. 
- “Watch me kitten and you’ll see that I’m truly the number one.”
-He said that with that sweet smile on his face the one he only gave you while you were in private and he had literal hearts in his eyes. 
- “You’re already number one.” *peck* “Now go kick Karasunos’ ass, babe.” *peck*.
- “Sure will kitty cat.” 
-And with one last kiss he was off to wipe the floor with Karasuno. 
-After their victory you may or may not have had a rather steamy night. 
-To congratulate him .....and because you looked so freaking hot in his clothes he couldn’t contain himself.  
Akaashi Keiji
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-Akaashi is an anxious individual and he rarely shows what he really feels. 
-But with you it’s different. 
-At the beginning of yalls relationship he was closed off, his walls high and towering over you but he tried for you and you didn’t give up on him.
-So now he’s a cuddle bug and a cinnamon roll 99% of the time he is around you.
-In private he’s more open with his affections while around people he’s more reserved opting to just hold your hand or link your pinkies, anything to know that you’re close to him. 
-You go to every match and cheer them on and you became a temporary manager when one of the girls got sick. 
-The team was used to your presence and knew that wherever you were Akaashi *and Bokuto bc they are kinda attached to the hip* would follow and vice versa. 
-They had never seen any big signs of you two being together apart from the occasional kiss before matches behind the gym and they knew that because Akaashi’s lips were swollen and your hair was messed up. 
-So when you showed up at their match for the nationals wearing the number 5 jersey.
-He sure as hell saw what you were wearing and he was f l u s t e r e d. 
-His cheeks were painted a deep red and he couldn’t form words correctly.
-He grabbed your hand and almost dragged you out the gym. 
-You really thought that this was a bad move and he was mad but when you went to apologized he engulfed in the tightest hug and started peppering your face, shoulder, neck with small pecks. 
- “Thank you thank you thank you. You make me so happy.”
-Your heart could explode at this point and you would die a happy woman.
-You almost started crying but held back your tears and just hugged him back with all your might.
-He gave you one last long and passionate kiss, leaving a promise on your lips for later that left you tingling.
- “Go wreck them, love. Show them the amazing setter that you are.”
-And with that you two walked back into the gym, his hand in yours.
-Needless to say they wrecked their opponents and then he wrecked you. 
Ushijima Wakatoshi
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-We stan a stoic boy *I’m looking at you Shouto*.
-You and Ushijima aren’t in a secret relationship but on the other hand nobody really knows you are together. 
-They don’t notice it. 
-And you can’t really blame them, I mean there is little to no PDA between you two. 
-It’s not that he doesn’t like holding you, he loves it he could do it all day long if he could, it’s just that he believes that affection and love are a private matter and he doesn’t like the idea of others seeing him being all soft. 
-You are their manager and he gets to see you at practice as well, plus he gets to take you home. 
-He loves the extra attention he gets from you during practice. 
-He might not look like the part but he loves the praise and how your eyes rack his body.
-Sends shivers down his spine. 
-During their match with Seijoh you show up in his over sized-that-looks-like-a-dress-on-you jersey and Tendou will later tell you that your sweet Toshi had a nose bleed at the sight. 
-Being the manager and all you still had things to prepare so you carried on continuing with your manager duties while Wakatoshi was having multiple strokes in the locker room.
-When he pulled himself together he began to tail you like a lost puppy. 
-He was looking for an opening so he could whisk you away for a few kisses before the match. 
-You saw that and quickly made an excuse dragging him as subtly as possible. 
-He pounced at you the moment your were out of site, peppering you with kisses and a small smile that he restored for only your moments of privacy. 
-This was so not Wakatoshi but he couldn’t help himself while he looked at you. 
-You made his heart squeeze in his chest and the air catch in his throat.
-You made it hard to breath. 
-You were beyond gorgeous, swimming in his shirt, so much so that he wanted to bottle you up and hold you for himself.
-After your little make out session he was ready to wreck Oikawa and his team. 
-And that he did. 
@brattyquirks​  @the-arcana-fan-fic​ @angelwritings​
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uweiy · 5 years
hey! I'm not sure if you're still doing these but if you are I'd like 48?? (^^)
48. “I can braid your hair for you…if you’d like.”
Hello Anon !
(You'll probably get a notif for this and it'll give you a false hope that I've finally posted the prompt so sorry 'bout that )
Long story short I could have written like 300 words of fluff about Wangxian (which would probably have been easier for everyone) BUT what my brain came up with is not ONE but TWO stories not remotely about hair for now
1. is about Yanqing, books and maybe a little bit of hair
For number 2. I'll just leave my original sentence which started this whole mess, I feel like it sums it up pretty well :
2. Xichen just moved in and Jiang Cheng is a really salty ghost.
No mention of hair anywhere. What even is hair. Hoping to get there eventually. What even the fuck, thanks brain.
Both these stories are in progress ? So this is just to say, please be patient and bear with me, lots of love 💛
I'll link them on this post when I'm done ! And I'm even more sorry that you won't get a notification when they'll actually be done, but I felt like I had to notify you somehow that I hadn't forgotten about you ✌️sorryyyyy
P.S : number 113 anon, I ask for even more patience on your part. I can already feel the massive "what the fuck do I write" coming up , but it's gonna be fun !! So thanks a lot, and love you too 💛
P.P.S : also I feel like well written stories about soft hair braiding!Wangxian or Xicheng in canon universe already exist in thousands so yeah, didn't wanna do that
And now it's like, I probably should have it wouldn't be such a mess lmao
P.P.PS : still enjoy this mess tho
P.P.P.P.S : alright byee
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jentlemahae · 2 years
You can ignore this if you want sorry but why are people telling you what to wear???? I’ve spent my whole life in Arkansas and Oklahoma and when it hits 100°f with the sun beating down the last thing I’d wanna be wearing is shorts lol. Blue jeans, a long sleeve work shirt, and a hat are like the #1 way to protect yourself from the sun. Y’all can wear shorts if you want but also it couldn’t be me. Humidity is awful in the heat but sometimes layers help create air flow sorry (this is not targeted at you or that anon anymore, I’ve realized, I’m just mad at people telling me to wear shorts sorryyyyy)
oooh ngl i was also taken aback at first but then i realized that anon was referring to a post i had made recently, so it truly was all fine 😅 but i totally get what u mean, im not particularly keen on wearing shorts unless i have to bcs of the heat, and ppl always give me smack for it back home and i Hate that !!! people should be able to wear whatever they want 😐
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franeridart · 7 years
fran i dont understand the last art?? is it a noragami au since the weapons are people?? help my dumb ass senpai
It’s !!!! okay anon why would you be dumb just for not knowing a fandom with an anime that finished airing eight years ago and a manga that finished publication four years ago haha it’s called Soul Eater! An incredibly good manga in my opinion, one of the best shounen ever, I would look it up if I were you :D 
Anon said:Could you possibly do a Tokoyami and Shouji fusion? I just love your art style with bnha!! It's fine if you don't want to though! ヾ(*´∀`*)ノ
I already did!!! :O and thank you so much!!!
Anon said:i love your art, so i looked through all 64 pages of your art tag. cant wait to see more!! ;)
Thank you!!!! °O° though.... the older stuff... we could maybe pretend that never existed ever........ that’d be nice......... lmao
Anon said:followed you the second I finished reading that bakugou analysis
I take you’re of my same opinion on the matter!!! That’s nice to know hahaha 
Anon said:You really don't need to respond!! but I thought you might get a laugh at this idea. Denki convinces the squad to do GOTG w/ him for a costume party (A LOT of begging involved... he was obsessed with GOTG at the time) and gets Momo to make their costumes. Katsuki finds out the day of that he assigned him Rocket (assumed he'd be Drax) 😂. (Kami=SL, Mina=Gamora, Sero=Groot, Kiri=Drax). Denki tells him don't worry, all he has to do is be himself to get into character and runs off cackling.
Okay this is adorable hahaha I love it, though I gotta admit I can totally see Bakugou having Rocket as his favorite anyway, he’s exactly the type of character Bakugou might relate to (the “of course I care about the planets and the plants and the animals on those planets!” “and the people!” “...meh” exchange is an incredibly Bakugou thing haha)
Anon said:🌺 Send this to 10 other bloggers you think are wonderful. Keep the game going, make someone smile!
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (。’▽’。)♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
Anon said: Shoosh pap
.............I should have expected this ask haha
Anon said:you used the tag limit lmao (for the comic doodle about bakugou's temp)
:O I can see all of them, tho! If the last one you can see is “and yet”, then that’s exactly where I meant to stop lol
Anon said:As far as whether Baku gets cold fast or slow; it's not the same because I don't have a sweat related quirk obviously but I run a constant temperature of 105°F or 40.5°C (maybe that's my quirk) and it takes me a long ass time to get cold so maybe it's like that?
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thanks for the info!!!! :O that actually does make sense!
Anon said:I actually do like inko and I think she's a pretty good parent, all things considered-- but I cannot condone the whole "I'm so sorry izuku" thing, simply bc inko is more important to izuku than bakugou. If bakugou says something like "deku, youre worthless", while it is very cruel it definitely 100% will not hurt as much as izukus own mother saying "izuku I'm so sorry that your dreams will never come true". But the good things that she understands her mistake and has apologized to izuku for it.
I mean, yeah! For a long while in the manga I was like, okay, easy to say “oops I was wrong” now that you have actual proofs of the fact you were wrong and you can’t deny the fact that Izuku could make it as a hero since he’s into UA, easy to say “I support you” now that it’s obvious he can make it, using the easy way out much, but I’m always 100% open and supportive of characters that realize their mistakes and change for the better, so even if she had to wait for every condition to be in her favor before she could realize her mistake as long as she got it, that she had finally decided to be a supportive mother I was!!! Super happy for her and about it and ready to like her as much as possible! 
And then she had to go and tell Izuku she wasn’t letting him back into UA. Like, don’t get me wrong, I understand the fear for his life she has as a mother - she didn’t have fifteen years like everyone else to get used to the fact that her boy was set on becoming a hero (...since she refused to acknowledge the possibility, even though Izuku was working to become one without a quirk anyway like, she should have been even more worried for his safety before he got the quirk but WHATEVER) so she’s scared for him, and Izuku’s been hurt a lot since starting UA so I get it, but you don’t just pull the “I’m pulling him out of school” card, in front of Izuku’s teacher, mentor AND greatest hero, without ever discussing the thing with Izuku first? Without even asking for his imput on the matter, or giving him an heads up? As if she owns his whole life? 
I’m your mother I decide what’s best for you and what you want doesn’t matter at all - that’s.... that’s not growing up and learning, and that’s the literal opposite of being supportive. That’s allowing your son to have fun as long as it’s okay with you, and then going “okay, game’s done, who cares that you finally found a way to reach your goal, a place you belong to and are way happier than I’ve ever seen you before, I don’t like it so you can’t keep going”
I’m sorry, but I really, really can’t like Inko if she keeps on being like that. She’s literally the biggest hindrance on Izuku’s path to a fulfilling, happy life, and I need her to stop being like that before I can actually change my mind about her orz
Anon said:side note re: asshole bakugou and deku's development - the manga's translation is //very liberal// in trying to make it sound more 'western' in regards to how in japanese things are more formal (?) baku's demeanor and language would be considered incredibly rude so the translators try and shift the language for the english reading audience. what's probably considered absolutely reprehensible for english readers only seems that way because of how they've tried to adapt it.
Oh, yeah, that too! As long as you stick to mangastream’s translations they’re a bit more literal, but there’s a lot of things that Bakugou says/does that are just... a localization to give the “rude” feeling. Then again, he is an asshole, so you never know what he actually said and what’s just a liberal interpretation haha
Anon said:I love your art style so much! And all your Bakushima doodles and comics are super wonderful!
Ohhhhhh gods thank you so much !!!!! *O*
Anon said:are kendou's feet backwards?
...anon... my friend... why would I draw Kendou’s feet backwards.........
Anon said:Fran the comic about kiribaku and the balconies is--well, let's just say I have a new headcanon and a new otp.
THAT!!!! Makes me super happy to know!!!! :O I’m glad I could make you like those two a bit more
Anon said:Can I suggest you to draw todokami (todoroki and kaminari) please? It's a really rare pair and I would love to see it in your style but if you don't want to or are uncomfortable doing so I understand ^^ ily keep up the good work
Ahhhhhhhhhh it’s not like I’m uncomfortable with it, I just... don’t understand the ship at all? So finding inspiration to draw it is really hard for me, I wouldn’t even know where to begin! sorryyyyy m(;_;)m
Anon said:Everytime I see u posted I honestly gasp a little and then literally whatever it is just makes me happy and smile and ???? Honestly I'm blessed you're so good and lovely and * throws confetti* I hope you have a lovely day and I just wanted to let you know you bring light into my life
Holy smokes thank you so much??? Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ;O; this really really means a lot to me, I’m so glad I can make you smile? Ahhhh mannnn!!!! ( ˊᵕˋ )♡.°⑅
Anon said:the sweet little bakushima comic that u just posted is my favorite ! piece of ! bnha art ! I've ever seen ! so good. so warm. thank u for sharing ur talent and ideas!! sending u love
Your favorite???? Oh my g o d ;O; thank you??? I’m super glad you liked it aaahhhhhhhh
Anon said:Fran I'm w e a k for everything u do... esp soft boys. You kill me with those.
Soft boys are the best and also my very own weakness too so I!!! try!!!! I’m glad you like them too!!!!!!!! (♡´艸`)
Anon said:KENDOU!! IS SO GOOD!! YOU DRAW HER SO GOOD!!!! ily fran
G O D S thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’m!!!! seriously glad I could make her pretty, she’s so beautiful to me!!!!
Anon said:is it possible to have a crush on someone's art ??? bc i sure do have one on yours it's gorgeous
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onlyjihoons · 8 years
ask:  I'm in love with boyfriend!haechan so can you do the same with Jaehyun and/or Mark and/or Ten (depending on how busy you are)? Please 💕 and thanks ❤ -anon friend
omg im so so so thankful you liked my bf!donghyuck au ahhh and i’m really sorry this took so long because it was the chinese new year holidays and i was visiting my friends and family and on top of that, schoolwork has been piling up since the common tests are coming up real soon,, i cri ;-; but my ask box is always open because after my homework is done i usually think of plots for my asks hehe ok im ranting too much 
pls give casper/jeffery lots of luv bc he’s rlly fluffy and i practically say this to everyone in nct but i nearly swerved into his lane at one point ngl
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ok shall we start
let’s go
so there was once upon a time
where you moved to america for a period of time bc your parents were posted to work there
and this neighbourhood was super pretty like this:
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and like
the neighbour beside ya’ll invited your fam into their house for a break
and they greeted you w loads of snacks:
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and turns out they’re koreans being sent to america to work too
and like there was this shy boy hiding behind his mom
“yoonoh! don’t be shy!” you hear his mom nag
in the end his mom had to drag him
“this is yoonoh, he’s 6 this year”
and she got your mom get all excited like
dRaGgInG you too
“this is Y/N, she’s the same age as yoonoh!”
since that boy was so so shy
shy shy shy
you had to introduce yourself first
“i’m Y/F/N, let’s be friends yoonoh-ya.”
and he just sMiLeS at you
w those cute deep dimples
and you were shookt bc he wasn’t that shy boi anymore wth
then he just drags you upstairs to his room
to show you his Lego collection
and that’s where it all started
fast forward 8 years later
ya’ll were at your friend’s lil birthday party
and by now you guys were neighbours and best friends at the same time
so ya’ll played truth and dare w your friends
ok a lil back track here
there was one fine day when you and jaehyun were playing on the swing
and you noticed how handsome he was
like he was already cute enough
and your hormones whispering to you like
“he’s cute! go get him!”
you nod internally but another part of you stops yourself
“don’t do it you’re gonna risk your friendship”
so you just sigh to yourself and keep that crush on him to yourself
and you vented your feelings into your diary
you brought that diary to school
and left it on your table during recess
your other bestfriend not so innocently peeks into your sacred diary
bc she saw you acting more girly around jaehyun
and boom
she knew
so she told the whole class about it
except you and jaehyun
she also knows about jaehyun’s crush on you
thanks to his trustworthy friends
and she planned all of this on purpose
ok back to the party
when the pen pointed between you and jaehyun
ya’ll picked dare bc yolo
your friends dared ya’ll 7 minutes in heaven
they locked ya’ll in this attic
which was pretty cosy tbh
sat face to face w each other
and your defence mechanism kicks in
“more like 7 minutes in hell,” you scoffed
little did you know that you hurt poor woojae’s feelings
and his face turns serious like
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“can i tell you something?”
“yeah sure”
“promise not to tell anyone”
“we’re best friends, yoonoh-yah.”
then he snapped at the word best friends
“i really hate it when you say that!”
and you were like whot is happening did i do smth wrong
“i really hate it when you label us as best friends”
then you thought he was being ridiculous
“then what do you want us to be?”
“i want you to be my girlfriend”
oH tHat’s when shit got real
you slowly shifted backwards
like so shookt
your crush actually like you back
your dreams actually came true
and you were like
“don’t try to make me feel better, yoonoh.”
and that’s when he leans in and kisses you
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you guys’ first kiss awh
and after a few seconds he leaned his head against yours
“i love you, Y/N.”
and shortly after you hear whispers outside
“have they kissed yet?”
“omg what if they’re having that”
“ew no way!”
you and jaehyun laugh @ your friends bc they being silly
so ya’ll hold hand and prepare to get out when the door opened
and your friends saw ya’ll w hands interlaced
and they swooned omg
and cheeky jae:
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i shall timeskip or i will faint
now ya’ll are like 18
jaehyun’s a trainee from SM
ngl you were super proud of him
ya’ll lived together while your parents stayed in america
you lived w jaehyun’s parents
and jaehyun ofc
on one condition
no hanky panky and the you know what i mean
you willingly obliged bc you aren’t that kind of person
but jaehyun was
only a tiny bit
bc you were so smol and kyoot
he felt the need to protect you at all costs
partially bc his height towered over u
and he didn’t want to disappoint both of ya’ll parents as well so
one day his parents went out of town to run some errands
and left ya’ll at home
the moment his parents stepped out of the house he pushed you into the store room
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i’m am a mark stan i’m a mark stan i’m a mark stan
and you were so shookt like WHAT ARE YOU DOING
you were retaliating but this boy has super human strength
and after a few moments he pulled away and 
“you had no idea how much i wanted to do that”
you slapped his chest and scolded him
“you do know that I live here under one condition right”
“but my parents aren’t home🌚”
“that doesn’t mean you can just-- nevermind”
and you just stormed out of the store room
but inside you were idk a mixed feeling
like your heart bbbeating so fast
yet you’re mad jaehyun broke the rules
jaehyun knows you liked it
you slumped on your shared bed, staring at the ceiling
“go away”
“i know you liked it”
you just back faced him and ignored him
and then stupid jaehyun he joins you lying on the bed
“i didn’t know the ceiling was more good looking than me”
“i didn’t know you were such an asshole”
jaehyun was dying internally bc damn you were so cute
then jaehyun hugged you from behind
“i’m sorry babe, did i make you mad?”
you finally turned to face him
“what do you think”
jaehyun resorts to aegyo
bc he knows you’re weak
“woojae is sooo sooooo sorryyyyy”
and you forgave him
you guys went on dates
like food dates
at home lololol
because why eat out when you have a masterchef at home
so instead ya’ll went on a grocery shopping date most of the time
jaehyun carrying you and plopping you into the trolley
people were staring at ya’ll overgrown kids
you screaming as jae pushes you at 100000km/h
the security nearly kicked ya’ll out
when jaehyun cooks you always hug him from behind
and he nearly burned down the kitchen bc you distract him
and him always sneaking those pieces of meat and feeding you before the dish is even done
and the end product was only left w 4 pieces of meat
when nct u was about to debut jaehyun had late practices
and he had lesser time w u
you were a little sad tbh
but you know his career is more important
esp if his company finds out he’s dating
that wouldn’t be a good thing
and there was one day jaehyun didn’t return home
at least jae could drop a message that he was not coming home or smth
but he didn’t so you were riled up about that
you texted jaehyun a million times but he’s only read them
you were so annoyed at jaehyun ngl
then you received a text from taeyong
“we’re having our showcase tomorrow, jae really needs your support”
you were rolling your eyes and typed a haste reply
“what support? he doesn’t come home or drop me a message”
“i’ll have backstage passes for you and his parents, i’ll send you the link”
you made a mental note to yourself to attend it nonetheless
“did jaehyun bribe you to do this?”
“... no”
“pls tell him i’m mad @ him ok”
the next day you and his parents attended his debut showcase
and when you saw him perform you were so proud AHHH
you and his mom cried
after the showcase ended you went back stage
and jaehyun shows up with flowers
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i couldn’t find jaehyun w flowers so here’s cuddly jae
“i’m sorry i kept you waiting babe, happy anniversary”
and then he pecks your lips right on the spot
the nct members were shookt
what jaehyun...why...
cue your cheeks flushing red
and jaehyun giggling cause u cute awh and hugging you
ok i shall end here
thank you for requesting omg
pls show jaehyun lots of luv
this is probably not on par w the rest of my boyfriend series
i will re write if its not up to standard,, sorry:(
ok anyway 
have a nice day/night ahead!💘
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