kiwiwi-art-aaa · 1 year
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some oc doodles from awhile ago I forgot to post
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And here I am once again apologizing to everyone who, like me, keeps their phone brightness really low.
Sorry lol
Here are designs for mud sib nightmare and horror! I may or may not also finish the designs for killer and dust(probably not TvT) but I'm almost certainly never going to draw these two again because I don't have to patience to copy or simplify these overly complicated and detailed color patterns 😔
I had fun drawing them the first time tho and it was fun playing around with the colors! I love mudwing colors so much because there are SO many types of brown and orange and red you can use! I made horror more red/orange and nightmare more pink/purple! also I am in love with mudwing scale patterns <3333
For those who don't know, this is a type of dragon called mudwings who as the name might suggest, live mostly in swamps and really like mud. The reason I made a whole AU where the bad sanses are mudwing siblings is because I think it is way to adorable not to do.
Mudwings usually live in groups of siblings where instead of being raised by their parents, they only rely on each other to learn how to survive. The first of the siblings to hatch is designated leader and caretaker of the group and is know as the bigwings! The thought occurred that it would be really heckin adorable if the bad sanses where all mudwing siblings and nightmare was their bigwings and from there I was like well then how did nightmare lose his eye? How was horror injured? And from there it spiralled out into a whole plot for a war between six of the dragon tribes that involves animus magic nonsense and some very scary rainwings. In this au Dream is a rainwing, ink is a sandwing animus, blue is a seawing and error is a nightwing animus. There's also a seawing undyne running around with animus enchanted spears.
…. I should be adding to my first two wof AUs not making more someone stop me please 😭
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dannythedanman · 6 months
Fandom: Wings of Fire
Word count: 2,139
Characters: Burn (mentioned), Ex-Queen Scarlet (mentioned), Clay, Queen Moorhen, Original Female Characters, Original Male Characters
Relationships: Original Female Characters & Original Male Characters, Original Female Character & Clay, Burn/Scarlet (implied)
Summary: After Burn's death, Clay takes Terracotta to the MudWing Kingdom to be reunited with her sibs
CWs: mentions of parent loss, mentions of child loss
A/N: This is the LONGEST fanfic I've ever written!! Kudos to me 👏 Also, please forgive me if Moorhen is written ooc I literally had to scan to wiki to get the slightest hint of her personality
The day of Burn's death was one of...no, not one of, the worst night of young Terracotta's life.
She knew that her "mother" was a war criminal, a monster, a brute, and all other insults in Pyhhria, but she was still her mother.
Though she wasn't sure Burn would agree with that. Despite the fact that Burn took care of her since she was a hatchling, the princess despised the word "mother."
It was probably due to the fact that she would've never been called that word if Terracotta hadn't hatched in her arms.
Despite the fact that many of those objects in the weirdling tower gave her nightmares, that Burn used her as a party trick whenever she had guests, that Scarlet would swipe her claws at her when she asked about her day, that tower, and that SandWing and SkyWing were still home to her, and all she wanted to do was go home.
But she knew that without Burn or Scarlet, nothing would feel like home.
So there she was, being escorted by Clay, the infamous prophecy dragonet that Burn wanted to kill so badly that she ended up adopting Terracotta, to the MudWing Kingdom.
It was fun to talk to another blood-red egg dragon, though. They seemed to have a bond over both being named after mud-made crafting materials and being fireproof.
Clay also explained the MudWings' family dynamics. Though it was strange and a bit heartbreaking that she would never have parents again, she also felt relieved, knowing that she would never have to replace Burn or Scarlet with anybody.
After what felt like years of flying, they eventually made it to the MudWing Kingdom.
It looked nothing like Terracotta had imagined. It would've almost looked like a regular wetland if it weren't for the groups of dragons walking around it.
The two landed on a plateau near the kingdom. Clay must have sensed Terracotta's neverous through her face.
"Hey, it alright. I was nervous my first time, too." He comforted the worried dragonet.
Terracotta gave a weak smile as they both walked into the kingdom together. As they walked, she became curious.
"So...what's your plan?" She asked, half wanting an answer and half wanting to make small talk.
"Oh! I was just going to ask Queen Moorhen about other blood-red eggs that hatched near the brightest night. I've learned from past experiences that normal dragons aren't the best source of information." He explained.
Terracotta nodded her head as the knot in her stomach was tied tighter. She had just entered this village, and now she was going to meet the queen!?
What would she say? What would she do? Would she make a fool of herself for not knowing MudWing culture?
But it was too late to speculate. They were already outside the castle doors.
One of the two gaurds looked at them with suspicion.
"Why are you two here?" He asked
"This dragonet was stolen from her nest," Clay explained, gesturing to Terracotta with his wing, "we were going to ask Queen Moorhen if she recorded any stolen eggs around her time of hatching."
"Fair enough, Clay. I trust you." The gaurd said.
He alerted his coworker, and they both opened the doors to the palace.
Terracotta squinted her eyes as the light shining off the many mirrors hit her eyes. The palce was a beautiful warm brownish-red color that welcomed her without a single word.
She was led by Clay towards the throne room. She darted her eyes constantly, trying to take in every wonder she saw.
She was so enamored by everything that she didn't even notice when her and Clay entered the throne room until they were already face-to-face with Queen Moorhen.
"Ah, Clay, it's always a treat when I see you. Why are you visiting me today?" She asked from atop her throne.
"Well, my friend Terracotta was hatched from a blood-red egg and stolen from her nest by Burn. Now that Burn is dead, we were hoping that we could relocate her sibs." Clay explained.
Though Terracotta felt a pain in her heart at the phrase "Burn is dead," Clay's inviting voice helped to soothe her sadness.
"I should have known Burn would do something like this. Anyways!" The queen reached across to the self behind her and pulled out a rather thick scroll.
"I remember Russet had told me she laid a blood-red egg. I told her to keep it alive for the sake of the prophecy." She started, "two of the eggs in the clutch turned out to be stillborn, and the remaining four were not fireproof. We assumed that meant the blood-red egg was also stillborn, but I guess we were wrong!"
"What's the big scroll for?" Terracotta asked, not realizing how rude that must have sounded.
She clapped her talons to her mouth. Moorhen just gave a small giggle in response.
"This scroll marks the names of all MudWings after their naming ceremony." She opened the scroll and began unwinding it. "If you were hatched near the brightest night, then your naming ceremony should be... here."
She stopped unwinding the scroll and started scanning the written words.
"Your sib group was one of the smallest ones of the year, so it's pretty easy to find it." She said.
Terracotta was almost shaking with anticipation. She started doing the breathing technique Clay had taught her when she started to stress.
Moorhen cleared her throat, "Your siblings' names are Delta, Silt, Fern, and Bulrush."
The queen smiled, "I saw them earlier today. If you want to find them, they're probably down by the lake near the edge of town."
Terracotta began to fidget with her talons in excitement, and a large grin began to stretch its way across her face.
"C'mon, Clay! Let's go!" She yelled, flapping her wings excitedly.
"Thank you for your help, Queen Moorhen!" He did a quick bow before bounding after Terracotta.
Though Terracotta had been excited at the thought of seeing her sibs, now she felt that nervous knot inside her again as she watched them from a distance.
"You can do this! I promise they'll be nothing but nice to you!" Clay encouraged her.
One of her sibs noticed her, a big dark brown one with a tan-ish underbelly. They waved her over and could've sworn they said, "Come on!"
Clay nudged her with his wing, "Remember the breathing technique I taught you."
Terracotta looked up at his and nodded before slowly walking over to her sibs.
Before she knew it, she was face to face with her brother. The one who waved her over.
"My name is Bulrush. What's yours?" He asked. His voice had this certain peppiness to it that made Terracotta feel a little less anxious.
"I'm Terracotta." She said.
"Oooo! Pretty name! My sibs and I were learning how to catch fish. Do you wanna join?" He asked.
"Uh, sure?" Terracotta said, not knowing how she was gonna ask him if they were related.
Bulrush brought her over to a trio of MudWing dragonets (her other sibs!), crouching over the lake with their jaws slightly open and staring at the water.
"I should probably introduce you to everybody." Bulrush said.
"That little one is Fern, our baby sister!" He pointed to a smaller dragonet with a lighter and warmer brown coat, but the same piercing orange eyes as Terracotta.
"That one is Delta," he pointed to a dragonet with similar colors to Terracotta, but with a dark underbelly and wings. Her large size also told her that she was the bigwings
"And then there's Silt!" He pointed to a kind of small dragonet with a normal brown coat, but tan horns, wings, and underbelly.
"Guys, this is Terracotta! I invited her to fish with us!" Bulrush announced.
"Hi!" Said Fern.
"Oh, hey." Said Delta.
Silt barely acknowledged her.
"Dont be offended by Silt. He has seeing problems." Bulrush explained.
Terracotta looked to her side and noticed a thick pair of glasses laying on the grass. She guessed they were Silt's.
Terracotta barely heard whatever was said next. She was too busy listening to the thought swirling around in her head.
Her sibs were so cool! But would they ever believe her if she told them she was their sister?
"Terracotta? You coming?" Bulrush asked.
Terracotta snapped out of her roughest to see Bulrush hunched over the lake, expecting her to do the same.
"Oh! Uh, yeah!" She stuttered.
She had not heard a single thing about the proper way to fish, so she just tried to mimic what the others were doing.
"So, why did you invite me over?" Terracotta asked Bulrush.
"Oh! I saw that you're the only one of your sibs left, unless that big dragon was your sib, which would still be sad because there were only two of you! Anyways, I... we know the feeling of losing sibs, and I wanted to make you feel better by including you!" Bulrush explained.
Terracotta was going to ask when they had lost sibs, but she quickly remembered how Queen Moorhen had mentioned the two stillborn eggs.
"That big dragon isn't my sib. He's just my friend." She said.
"So there's only one of you left? That's even more sad!" Fern interjected.
"By the way, we're always open to take unsibs if you're interested." Delta said in her calm voice.
"Oh, don't worry! I do have sibs!" Terracotta reassured them.
"Really? Who are they?" Bulrush asked.
This was it. It was time to tell them. Right now.
Terracotta swallowed the lump in her throat and finally spoke, "I-I think that you're my sibs."
There was a long silence after she dropped that bombshell.
"Listen, I just told you we take unsibs. You don't have to lie to us to join our group." Delta stood up, her tone laced with annoyance.
"No, really! Let me explain!" Terracotta pleaded, also standing up.
Delta sighed.
"Let's hear her out." Bulrush said, walking over to his sister and putting his wing around her.
Before she knew it, the whole sib group was huddled around her, waiting to hear her story.
Terracotta sighed, "My egg was stolen from our nest by Burn because I was hatched from a blood-red egg. Now that she's... gone, I went to Queen Moorhen to ask about my heritage. She remembered our nest because of me being from a blood-red egg and was able to match us up by your naming ceremonies date."
A long silence filled the air before Bulrush broke it.
"I... she said you were dead!" He exclaimed, tears brimming at his eyes.
"I know, but she was wrong." Terracotta said.
Before she knew it, his wings were already wrapped around her, and he was sobbing into her back.
Delta looked at her with somber, misty eyes.
"Losing three of our sibs before they were even born was very hard on us all. He's just... very glad that we have you back." She said.
She then embraced Terracotta the same way Bulrush did. Then Fern did, then Silt. One giant hug.
They group stayed like that for a while, basking in each other's happiness before Fern piped up.
"Hey, I know this is a super emotional moment, but what does hatching from a blood red egg mean?" The small dragonet asked.
Terracotta broke away from the hug, "Oh! I can show you! Bulrush, blow some fire at me!"
Bulrush stared at her with a confused look on his face, "...No?"
That confusion made Terracotta confused. When Burn had told her guests to do that, they accepted almost immediately. She had long gotten used to the sting of fire, if that's what they were worried about.
"No? Then I'll just do it myself." She said.
She breathed a large ball of flames at her arm, causing her sibs to erupt into screams. (2k words point!)
"No, no, no! It's fine! See?" She lifted her arm out, and her sibs watched the burn mark across her arm fade. Her sibs stared at her newly healed arm in shock.
"How did you..." Fern trailed off.
"MudWings hatched from blood-red eggs are immune to fire." Terracotta said casually.
"Woah! So cool!" Silt said, excitedly flapping his wings up and down.
"Imagine all the fun stuff we can do with her!" Fern said to Silt.
"So impressive." Delta said to Bulrush.
Bulrush let out a noise of agreement.
Terracotta smiled. She may miss Burn, Scarlet, and all her aunts and uncles, but this new family made her feel warm and happy in a different way.
A way that she would want to feel for the rest of her life.
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scarlet97531 · 2 years
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And here I am once again apologizing to everyone who, like me, keeps their phone brightness really low.
Sorry lol
Here are designs for mud sib nightmare and horror! I may or may not also finish the designs for killer and dust(probably not TvT) but I’m almost certainly never going to draw these two again because I don’t have to patience to copy or simplify these overly complicated and detailed color patterns 😔
I had fun drawing them the first time tho and it was fun playing around with the colors! I love mudwing colors so much because there are SO many types of brown and orange and red you can use! I made horror more red/orange and nightmare more pink/purple! also I am in love with mudwing scale patterns <3333
For those who don’t know, this is a type of dragon called mudwings who as the name might suggest, live mostly in swamps and really like mud. The reason I made a whole AU where the bad sanses are mudwing siblings is because I think it is way to adorable not to do. Mudwings usually live in groups of siblings where instead of being raised by their parents, they only rely on each other to learn how to survive. The first of the siblings to hatch is designated leader and caretaker of the group and is know as the bigwings! The thought occurred that it would be really heckin adorable if the bad sanses where all mudwing siblings and nightmare was their bigwings and from there I was like well then how did nightmare lose his eye? How was horror injured? And from there it spiralled out into a whole plot for a war between six of the dragon tribes that involves animus magic nonsense and some very scary rainwings. In this au Dream is a rainwing, ink is a sandwing animus, blue is a seawing and error is a nightwing animus. There’s also a seawing undyne running around with animus enchanted spears.
I should be adding to my first two wof AUs not making more someone stop me please 😭
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fleetingcolors · 8 months
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Base line art by @thepoisonjackal, tribe traits also by Jackal. I just hybridized and colored.
My least favorite tribe by appearance alone is the Mudwings. They’re too bulky for my tastes really. So naturally I needed to make OCs that are half Mudwing. So meet my grump Platypus and his sunshine gf Mangabey. Platypus is obviously based on the Platypus, and has the venom to prove it. One of my headcanons is that Seawings can be born with venomous barbs or tendrils (like a lot of aquatic fauna). Mangabey is based on the monkey of the same name. Specifically, the Golden-bellied Mangabey, a type of white-eyelid mangabey. These monkeys are know to live in coastal and swampy habitats. So basically, monkey (Rainwing) and swamp (Mudwing).
Platypus is ugly and everyone has always had no trouble reminding him of that. Born to a colony of Seawings living along the coastline of the Mud Kingdom, and before some more famous hybrids (like Sunny), his mother managed to get away with the old “birth defects” excuse to explain his appearance. His murky colors and messy body type made him the target of much bullying growing up. Eventually leading to him becoming bitter and quick to judge others. He moves inland since he’s poorly adapted to underwater living and isn’t fond of his community anyways.
On the other end of the spectrum, we have the magnificent Mangabey. As the only egg in her clutch, she was born an “unsib” and was forced to find her own “family”. Fortunately meeting a sib group that was missing a member and was willing to take her in. She is a couple years younger than them, but fits in well. They never let anyone question their strange baby sister. Mangabey takes the role of “communicator” in her family, being charismatic and intelligent. Thanks to the close bonds between Mud siblings, Mangabey grew up loving herself despite the opinions of others.
When she meets the cynical stick in the mud, Platypus, she tries to befriend him immediately. Unfortunately, the last thing he wanted was a pretty best friend, or so he said. Eventually she wears him down and they grow fonder. Her siblings were unsure at first, since Mudwings aren’t known for monogamy and Platypus was as friendly as a crocodile, but they came around. Now Platypus is usually included in the family matters and is much happier.
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I’m sorry their all sideways! Our first one is the captain! Her name is parrotfish, and she is a sea/rain hybrid! She has the same snout deformity as chameleon, but she can breathe better underwater. She comes across as grumpy and rude to most dragons, but she cares deeply about her crew. She and octopus are good friends.
number 2 is Mako, twin brother to hammerhead, but we’ll get to him in a minute. Mako is a pure seawing. He lost his eye and leg to protect the queen, but after the queen completely ignore Lo that it ever happened and refused to even acknowledge his medical needs, he abandoned the sea kingdom. His brother followed soon after. Mako is the jokester of the group, with a infectious smile, although some dragons find it unnerving, as he has far more teeth than the average dragon, a bit like a shark. He has a massive crush on octopus.
next up is Saltwater! He’s a sea/mud hybrid. He has a very bad stutter, so talks mostly using aquatic. Most of his scars are from a group of purist seawings, who attacked him and tried to kill him. He has no sibs, but his parents live on an island far away from the sea kingdom and he visits them often. He is missing his foot and his wing.
next is hammerhead! He’s the smaller twin. His face was badly burned on one of the crews heists. Most dragons avoid looking at his face, so he’s very sensitive about it, and wears a hood whenever they go into a town or market. He loves carving, so his claws are quite blunt, so he wears iron tips on them. He writes in perfect cursive and is good at mimicking the handwriting of others. He worries a lot. He hates eating around others.
finally, octopus! Shes a sea/sky hybrid. She’s the crews chef/medic. She’s usually not part of thefts, but I’d she us, she’s the distraction. She’s sweet and kind, and easily flustered. She was friends with saltwater when they were dragonets. She’s a musician and a storyteller. She loves books, even though her reading isn’t great. She loves the texture and smell. She also has a crush on mako.
That’s all I have for their backstory’s! Feel free to ask about them!
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Full body design for parrotfish and saltwater.
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wingsoffireocs · 5 years
One Big Happy Family
Maple  Mudwing/Female/23 yrs 
Lost all her siblings in the Sandwing Succession War. She was their bigwings, and after almost loosing them in battle, she decided to try and have them flee to the rainforest to avoid fighting and the possibility of death. They were caught at the Mud Kingdom border by Burn's soldiers, and as her punishment she was then forced to live without any of them. 
She was then brought to the Mud Palace and worked as a servant for Queen Moorhen. After her years of service were complete, she was released, but with no family and no other place to go, she headed to Possibility. She'd heard tales about it whispered in the palace; a place where dragons of other tribes actually lived in harmony! It was her last hope. There, she found honest work as a blacksmith, learning a trade and eventually meeting someone special...
Coyote Sandwing/Male/20 yrs
An ex-soldier from Burn's army. When he was younger, he believed that Burn would eventually win because she was the best fighter, so there was no point in siding with either of the other two. His loyalty was build on fear, not admiration. Everyone else in his family also followed Burn, and one by one the died for her, too. 
During one battle against a group of seawings, he fell from a cliff, and his left wing was torn. He would never fly again. He escaped from the fight, and fled as far as he could. He figured Burn would surely have killed him now that he was bound to the ground. He was found by a traveling group of skywings who were heading to Possibility, and they let him join and tended to his wound. 
He found work in Possibility as a chef, strangely enough. Cooking for a small business along the main market street. During the festival that took place on the eve of the Brightest Night he met Maple, and they became inseparable. And eventually, they decided to settle down...
Maple & Coyote's Dragonets: 
1. Catfish - the bigwings. Loves her sibs and protects them from bullies. Can be a little overbearing sometimes, though.  2. Mirage - the adventurer. Loves to explore and dreams of visiting all the kingdoms in Pyhrria. Thinks she doesn't need her family, but also cant live without them.  3. Addax - the quiet kid. has a bit of an attitude, but its just to mask his confusion at his place in the world. turns a lot of that energy into his music. 4. Amber - the DIY gal. always creating and constructing. the only problem is that she has more ideas than she does time to make them all 5. Giraffe - the daredevil. She lives for the thrills life offers. The fun outweighs the risk, but she's more cautious when it comes to her sibs involvement 6. Bayou - the prankster. Plays jokes and pranks to both get attention among the crowd of sibs, and also as a way to keep everyone's spirits up 7. Honey - the nature lover. has a green talon, and is always bringing home stray animals begging to keep them. good at keeping secrets
This family started out as two lost souls trying to find new meaning in their lives, and instead they ended up finding each other and creating their own happily ever after. The kids each have their own unique stories I'm going to try and write someday, but for now I just have the story of how Maple and Coyote met. References are linked in their names! 
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