#ALSO YEAH I ASSUMED IT WAS A NUMBER PUN THING im just so used to reading three as 'san' ☠️
NO YEAH Ichi being The Baby of the family was definitely a contributing factor in Arakawa mellowing out. It's one thing with Jo and the others being grown men when they joined, but Ichi's not only younger than even Arakawa was, but is of course also the exact same age as his son. I do think it's worth considering.
Especially with RGGO because RGGJo couldn't have been older than 18 or 19 when he joined, and that's if he and Ichi joined almost back-to-back. Y7Arakawa's got pretty solid reasons to turn Ichi away consistently for as long as he did, but I've always wondered what made RGGOArakawa do that when Jo is hardly any older.
Pure Speculation Here, but he's honest about not wanting Jo to kill people anymore (not that he listens because like Mine he has I Know Best disease) and being bothered by it, so perhaps if there is anything there, it could be partly about regretting who he's shaped Jo into being and not wanting to repeat those mistakes with Ichi. And with those themes of powerlessness being reinforced with regard to Y7Jo's violent tendencies, it is potentially interesting to examine when it comes to looking at Y7 in relation to RGGO <- hasn't connected shit
Speaking of, I was thinking that might be why Y7Arakawa doesn't have The Drip. Because the point of the decision to have RGGOArakawa and RGGJo both predominantly wear a neutral shade with an accent color and then have their palettes be complete opposites was, I think, to set them up directly as foils. Whereas of course with Y7Arakawa and Y7Jo, once you peel back a layer or two, they have that inverted coordination Thing going on and are perfectly harmonized. But this is why you using Jo's pink and purple is galaxy-brained lol we COULD'VE still had it
ALSO I probably should've explained it to begin with but 223 = 2 in katakana is pronounced tsu and the kanji for 3 can be read as mi :')
16 v 18 can be big for some people versus other people- like how 18 is technically an adult in most cases, so i can see that being a reason as to why RGGOarakawa would be more lenient towards jo versus ichi 😷
naw i think that a fair connection to make it dont seem like a hard one to believe anyway ♪(´▽`) i mean i dont imagine jo was AS brutal as he is nowadays versus when he first joined the family, and i want to believe arakawa mightve eventually noticed that shift at some point. again with ichi being so young (and being just about masatos age too) it's sort of like. How Do I Give This Kid A Decent Future With The Cards He Has yk what i mean
yeah that makes sense. in y7, we've already talked bout how jo is less of The antagonist and is more of a cog in the machine, so to speak: he more so contributes to the real antagonist as opposed to starting or doing anything by himself for his own personal motivations (tho ig his motivations are linked with masato but we get what i mean), so it makes sense for his and arakawa's wardrobes to contrast less (esp if they're supposed to be on the same team with relatively the same goal. in an awkward way).
i wont act like im super smart when it comes to drawing things- i REFUSE to lie and say i draw arakawa with the rggo drip for any reason aside from Its Fire As Hell BUT im glad we can still make the outfit still carry some meaning despite that LMAO (❁´◡`❁) at the very least i can say i genuinely did give him jo's purple and pink intentionally to connect them and for once not cause im lazy and didnt want to get new shades for himvjlajvl
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rosemaryblossoms · 2 years
𝙼𝚢 𝚕𝚒𝚝𝚝𝚕𝚎 𝙻𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝, 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙱𝚘𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚗 𝚙𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚌𝚎
Platonic yandere Father Mikey x son reader featuring platonic yandere Bonten.
Trigger warning ⚠️: blood ( I forgot to put this for the ones who don’t like blood, my apologies)
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Manjiro Sano lost too many people in his life. . . first his parents, his older brother, Draken, his best friend,his sister, Izana, toman, his grandfather, and now his wife. . . the only one he has left was his son, his little boy.
Right now he is holding you close , gently rocking you back and forth. He pets your ( hair length, color) hair and looks down at your sleeping form.
So peaceful. . .
So heart warming. . .
He loves you so much. . .
Right now once again he is fighting his demons. one side of him wants to give you up for adoption, not that he doesn’t love you, it’s because he wants you to live a normal life and doesn’t want you to deal with the stuff he is going through because he is the leader of a criminal organization and if people find out about you. . . The enemies of bonten will come after you as well as the police and he will have to give you a new life. the other half of him can’t let you go. . . He is selfish, he can’t let you , he needs you here with him, he will protect you and keep you hidden under lock and key. Your his last light. . . He needs you, he needs your warmth. “Dad” “yes son” “can we go to the cozy corner and the park today, also can we bring my uncles with us please?” Oh your “uncles”, when I mean your uncles I mean his executives,his number two and three, and his advisor. . . The nosy bitches, well koko ( hey Auntie koko needs that tea 😤☕️🫖 be grateful that he helps with money . . . Probably, maybe, I don’t know) basically at first the only ones that knew was sanzu, kakucho, and takeomi. . . the others found out because they saw you on their zoom meeting helping Mikey with the laundry while he is listening to their presentation and koko did research ( to make sure he doesn’t assume things and does not bother anyone specifically his boss) “sure just let me make a few phone calls (music stops here)
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“Aww Sanzu you killed him, I wanted a turn” the short black and light lilac haired man cooed in a mocking tone.
They did it, they found the traitor who almost gave away the information about you.
“Im glad he is, his screams of pain were starting to get on my nerves” Mochi sighed in relief.
“Make sure you dispose the body properly” Kakucho said as he glared at the corpse.
“hey Kakucho, can you hand me the cleaners so I can wipe that disgusting pig’s blood off of the weap- Sanzu that’s enough he’s dead!” Takeomi says as he trys to pull his brother off the corpse.
“ but I’m not finished :(“
“I don’t give a damn”
“Pathetic” Rindou grimaced as he glared at the corpse.
“Agreed” Koko seethed in disgust.
Brrrrrrinnng Rɪɴɴɴɢ!
(Time skips because I’m running out of ideas 🥲)
“Yummy🥹” Mikey smiled as y/n ate his (your favorite dessert)
“Is that good kiddo” chuckled Mochi
“It’s really good”
“Glad you like it pumpkin” smiled Takeomi
“Your so cute I could just eat you up” Ran said playfully as he reached over and pinches your cheek(🤨. . . It’s not what your thinking, keep it clean)
“Did you have fun at at the park y/n” Kakucho said as he took a bite of his dessert.
“Yeah I enjoyed spending time with you guys”
“I’m glad you had fun”
“You tired” Rindou said as he fixes his glasses.
“ I don’t blame him, he ran around the whole park” chuckled Koko (pun intended)
(After a drive home, continue to read on after the songs are finished. Enjoy the gifs for the meantime)
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It was night, stars decorated the dark skies and the moon shined.
You were now in your bed holding your father close as he pet your hair once more, the others sat down and just chilled.
you closed your eyes, finding your way into dreamland.
When your eyes closed, before you find the door in your dreams, you felt a soft, warm pair of lips on your forehead.
“Goodnight son”
You are the last flame, the burning candle, the one thing that keeps them sane
The Bonten prince
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twewy-comix · 3 years
x4 me to die - let’s watch the twewy anime
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oh yeah wow the sub timing’s really bad lol. good thing im a fast reader! (and i also have ears)
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oh nooooo he mistakes someone else for shiki ;;; theyre really cranking up the pain of some of these scenes to 11
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ok so ive been slowly trying to get through final remix, which is easier said than done because im old now and the controls do a number on my wrist. anyway i had to fight one of those rhino things and totally forgot you have to aim at its ass. but it turns toward you whenever you hit it anyway? goddamn fucking rhinos
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alright, fun story, i didnt play twewy right when it came out because i was a baby who needed my mom and dad to buy games for me. but my VERY FIRST memory of it is wondering why the fuck this person i followed (uhh “watched”?) on deviantart kept saying “zetta slow xDDD” what does that mean, what’s slow, more like zetta annoying as shit
my opinion has not changed. 
and now i have money to spend on games and mountains of sho beanbags
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so they had josh call him “neku” twice before asking his name in the DS NA version, edited that out of the switch NA version, but now it’s back here
our normal friend josh! also he slow claps lmao
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alright, i was wondering how they were gonna do this--actually imo the first scan happening by accident like this makes more sense to me than the game’s “just scan me if you dont trust me” “i know that won’t work (does it anyway)”
.......but now i wanna know how the other josh scans will work out? in the game he could do it, like, secretly from afar, but is he gonna be like “hey bro dont mind me just gonna platonically touch your shoulder and stare into space for a bit, as bros do”
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more foreshadowing! ok well it’s more like straight up “these two are players now” but yeah
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there it is, the line that sparked years of twewy conspiracy theories
(...from me. are they gonna elaborate on this in neo?? I HAVE TO KNOW)
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bro we all know youre like 40
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one time i trespassed visited a junkyard with my dog and she kept jumping into all the junked cars because she wanted to go for a ride. it was adorable.
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it’s too much. my rage has dissipated into solemn acceptance. all i can think of to say is “ouch” and “this is really sad”
(and “wooh! w”)
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these guys are cringing too
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OH RIGHT I ALMOST FORGOT, i didnt mention it before but the reaper grunts’ designs have changed, and someone pointed out that the red ones’ is really similar to neku’s new design in neo
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chain necklace, mask, v-neck, hoodie
this has some unfortunate implications!!! (i mean assuming it IS neku, which we dont actually really know yet)
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koko de 4ne
(the subs dont even try to translate the goroawase... a blessing or a curse? u decide)
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[insert really gory sfx here]
but no blood? that’s weird. do players not have blood?? or maybe someone stepped on a burger or something. anyway this guy’s hella dead
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then sho tries to make everyone kill each other???????? but neku’s like “dont listen to that asshole” and theyre like “ok”
...yo that’s totally the mus rattus shopkeeper on the bottom left there
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gee thanks for the gamefaqs josh wouldve been useful a few days ago
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oh nvm there’s violence anyway. “what no, purple hoodie guy, purple hoodie guy no”
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okay well now kariya and uzuki are summoning rhinos too. rhinos all over the goddamn place. goodbye, yumi sheena
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subs leave out number puns: thank you
subs translate “follow my lead” “screw that” differently: noooo whyyyy i hate funimation :’( :’( :’(
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in the game neku tells josh what happened to shiki and he’s like “happens all the time who cares lol”
here, josh already knows makes a lucky guess. because it happens all the time.
normal friend josh!
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five hours
yknow what, yeah, considering sho’s characterization here, he probably did want them to just murder the winner for the gold pin
--oh wait no this isnt the gold pin mission. but still
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“i stole it :)”
shopping tutorial’s moved way ahead to here. clearly this is foreshadowing josh’s princess umbrella, which will prove invaluable in the final battle
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man i wonder who’s responsible for making all that taboo noise? it’s a mystery
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ugh, anime is full of male gaze :///
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♫ there’s our friend, our normal friend, there’s our normal pal josh ♫
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♫ he’s a normal guy, with red glowing eyes, he likes to think about how neku dies ♫
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what an awkward situation! luckily beat is here to punch neku in the face to break the ice, as well as neku’s jaw
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and... uh... then he leaves. the end
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♫ normal guy, breaks glass with his mind ♫
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pretty-prism-hell · 4 years
idol land pripara, huh?
maybe me having more interest in the pretty series these past few weeks was a premonition. Anyways here’s my epic analysis post (also as i write this pripara is trending on japanese twitter. Epic)
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starting out with the pre-registration image. this confirms we’re getting new coords in the game. pretty cool. also this image confirms the currency used in game, ai$ which i assume is a pun on “aidoru” because the dollar symbol is pronounced “doru” in japanese.
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here’s a screenshot of the main menu/overworld? the entire game looks as if it was built using all idol perfect stage as a base which is likely. we see the photo studio directly behidn the player character, which i’ll get to in a bit. i assume the kuma that’s on the screen is the player’s mascot and will change depending on the player. we can see a shop wagon, which is how we’ll get new coord pieces i assume. it’ll most likely be a gacha system because it’s a mobile game and pripara already uses gacha systems in its non-arcade games but who knows.
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mychara creation screen! we also get a glimpse of the rank up system above. considering this is a mobile game with a gacha system (probably) i assume this will work similarly to other mobile game level up systems but still using iines as exp. by this is mean itll reload whatever stamina system they have and also unlock new content.
onto the creation part. the sections here appear to be face type, hair style, hair color, eye color, voice, glasses, and Other™. anyways this means pripara is carrying over prichan’s “choosing voice separately from face type” system which is very cool. hopefully this also means they’ll have the new voices prichan introduced too.
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coord select screen! (sorry for the youtube bar over it i took this screenshot myself). first of all the rank bar looks different here. the numbers displayed are different on both sides which leads me to believe yeah this is an exp bar and it resets when u rank up.
anyways onto the actual coord select screen. it looks sort of plain compared to past ones but in terms of efficiency it is much better because u dont have to scroll through coord items one by one. i assume you can filter things through pressing the search button on the right.
(only vaguely related but i do wonder how coord color will matter? it’s displayed so it means something.)
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bad quality here but photo studio! this is personally a feature im very excited for. anyways at first i thought the sidebar was for choosing characters but i think it’s for choosing poses considering the character’s pose is identical to shion’s in the sidebar also the “pose” button is lit up”
ok my theories on what these buttons on the bottom are left to right:
- return. this is pretty straightforward you exit out of the photo studio
- flip. just flips ur character horizontally
- pose menu. u choose the poses.
- this one probably changes the orientation of the photo? who knows.
- background select. in another screenshot its shown that you have a gallery of photos to pick from but a lot of the backgrounds arent displayed on the menu so. idk whats goin on there. maybe a camera roll select function? the backgrounds do appear very realistic
- photo button. pretty straightforward
- video button. on the sidebar the characters on the right have video icons on them so i think there will be static poses and also video poses to take video of. pretty cool!
- log of photos you’ve taken? maybe.
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back to the overworld! here’s the building you use to play songs. im really hoping the screenshot above is like... accurate to the features in-game because it means we’re getting characer hairstyles/colors for mycharas again (epic)
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prism stone! this is also marked w/ a shop icon so it’s also a shop area. maybe it’ll work differently to the cart or something? idk
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movie! this is very interesting because it looks like it’s a gallery for anime lives. i mean i’m certainly excited it’s kinda hard to find good quality versions of the anime lives on youtube nowadays
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exit. it’s an exit. exits you out of the game
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this is a very interesting screenshot! because it means we’ll have actual multiplayer? not just exchanging tomotickets but like.. actually playing together. also very cool stamps.
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sorry for the horrible quality but it looks like there’ll be some sort of photo-taking function that isn’t the photo studio? in motion it looks basically the same as the prichan photo taking function so i think they just put that into pripara
anyways that’s all the content i have to look at for now.
other thoughts:
- at launch i think they’ll only have the mychara parts/coords from all idol perfect stage because i cant seem to find anything that wasnt in there. however this is a mobile game so it’s only natural that they will update it with new content over time
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pandawritespoorly · 5 years
With Time: Chapter 7 - The Best Group Chat
Author’s Note: A short chapter - just a quick catch-up. Next update will be Saturday, and oh boy we've got another akuma. If I'm so insistent on writing them I should probably figure how to actually write fights.
Chapter Summary: Some text interactions of the Quantics and Felix and what they've thought of Marinette up to this point.
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Kid Mime: So!!!! Wat do you all think of our new frend that weve had 4 a weeekkkk!!! Because I love herrr!!! We r going to keep her right!!!????
  Melodie: Oh you bet we are. I’m a little worried about her though, I mean did you see that bruise? 
Melodie: Also she is precious and very sweet. If she doesn’t seem uncomfortable with the arrangement, we should keep hanging out with her. 
  Felix: Are you referring to the bruise on her face? It did seem unlikely to have been caused on accident.
  The Mom Friend: Wait wat? When did you see that Felix? r you sure?
  Felix: On Thursday, when she seemed overly tired. She was falling asleep in class and her palm wiped some make-up off of her face. She excused herself to the bathroom when she realized, but I did see a rather concerning bruise on her face, and there seemed to be scratch above it. I assume you were referring to another bruise?
  The Mom Friend: enuf that im concerned
  Melodie: The make-up means that she’s hiding it, and come to think of it, she is dressed rather warmly for the current weather.
Melodie: I meant the bruise on her arm, it was pretty big.
  The Mom Friend: yea long sleeves an pants in early spetember is kinda wierd
  Felix: While I find this to be disconcerting, we would do best to avoid jumping to conclusions. It would also be for the best to avoid mentions of her past school - when it was mentioned on Monday, she seemed rather uncomfortable.
  The Mom Friend: yea we don’t want to make assuptions and i don’t want to upset her
  Melodie: She’d better have just fallen…
  Kid Mime: Al’ no murder
  Melodie: … 
  Felix: She may just be shy, it would be best to give her time to adjust to her new environment.
  Melodie: I do hope she decides to join us soon though. I think she seems like a pretty cool person, especially if she could get out of her shell.
  The Mom Friend: allegra, give er time dont want to force her it might make her uncomforable
  Melodie: I know, that’s not what I meant, I just worry about her. 
  Kid Mime: Im with u there. i wory about her sometimes something just… i dunno
  Felix: It is understandable to be concerned. It seems likely that she may have rather low self-esteem, and lacks confidence in herself. That, as well as the fact that we still do not know where she got so many bruises.
  Melodie: I think we were right about why she was wearing longer clothes, did you guys notice she’s wearing short sleeves now.
  The Mom Friend: poor thing at least she heeled now
    The Mom Friend: does anyone no y mari was so tired today
  Lovable Grump: I noticed, but she did not mention any reason in particular.
Lovable Grump: …
Lovable Grump: Claude, I’m changing my password again.
  Kid Mime: NOOOO pls we all have fun nicknamesssss
  Felix: Your nicknames have a tendency to be longer than my actual name, which makes them unnecessary.
  Melodie: Accept your fate Felix. Claude can not and will not be stopped. Also Allan, I don’t know know about Marinette. She did seem pretty tired today though….
  The Mom Friend: hmm…
  Felix: That is unfortunate for you.
Felix: It is not the first time that Marinette has seemed overly fatigued. She does commissions does she not? Perhaps one of her projects kept her up.
  The Mom Friend: maybe she should take on les if shes being overworked
  Kid Mime: *mom instincts activated*
  The Mom Friend: im just concerned about her health
  Melodie: He’s got you there, Allan.
  The Mom Friend: only a little longer
The Mom Friend: then to mari’s
  Felix: Claude, you should calm down. You do not want to overwhelm her.
  Melodie: I’m excited too! She actually wants to hang out with us after school and she invited us over to her house!
  Kid Mime: do u think i can finally get her number
  Felix: I doubt she’s interested in your memes Claude.
  Kid Mime: but i cant even send her cute baby animal oictures
Kid Mime: or texxt her good moring
  Melodie: You mean texting her good morning like five minutes before first hour? After you’ve already seen each of us in person anyways?
  Kid Mime: YES!
  The Mom Friend: all of u guys need to pay attention in class
  Kid Mime: :(((((( fine
    Melodie: Why did she give us a bunch of pastries and thank us?
  Felix: Perhaps she thought we were rather nice guests. Though I will admit I thought it rather odd as well.
  Kid Mime: as much as i like baked goods i don’t get it??? I feel like were missing something? It seemed liek she was thanking us for soemthing else????? all we did was come over
  The Mom Friend: did anyone notice that there was a school right across the street?
  Melodie: Hmmm.
  Felix: As much as I wish to get satisfactory answers, it is not our place if she does not wish to share.
  Melodie: Fine, switching topics: Thoughts on Adrien?
  The Mom Friend: u mean the boy you accused of bullying her
  Melodie: >:(  I just thought he seemed suspicious
  The Mom Friend: u meant well
  Felix: Marinette was correct. The two of you should never have been introduced.
  Melodie: He seemed nice. (Besides the puns) I liked him
Melodie: He’s got my approval
  The Mom Friend: thats good i dont think it wood be good if two of her friends didnt get along. He seems to understand when shes upset so thats cool very good
  Kid Mime: does our mom have another child now?!
The Mom Friend: …
The Mom Friend: …maybe
  Kid Mime: :)
  Felix: Moving on, I’m impressed with the connections she has at such a young age.
  The Mom Friend: allegra stop snooping on the internet we just agreed not to do that sort of thing
  Melodie: …
Melodie: Fine…
  Kid Mime: i still didnt get her number :(
  Felix: Perhaps you could ask her at school.
  Felix: It really is not.
  The Mom Friend: let him be dramatic
The Mom Friend: its his middle name
  Kid Mime: it is
Kid Mime: as my unofficial official mom, he wood no
Author’s Note: So basically, they're worried, but want to respect her privacy. I could have just said that, but I love their interactions.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯  They're all just such sweethearts.
One thing I forgot to put in the note at the end of chapter 6 was my reasoning for Marinette getting to that point. I forgot one big reason (I'm sorry. This is why i need to write things down.) But for the most part it's that Marinette often takes the blame/apologizes for things that aren't her fault, so I feel she is quick to blame herself. That, combined with how she sees the good in people, I think she could have trouble identifying that she isn't at fault for how things turned out at her old school.
Okay, so this past weekend I was struck with the ability to write - don't ask I don't understand either - so basically now I'm writing chapter 11. Yeah, I managed to write the next 4+ chapters in a day. As much as I'd love to post them all now, I need to keep a regular schedule for the sake of my sanity and still need to edit them a bit. But hey, at least there's no chance of waiting too long now.
I really love seeing your comments so don't be scared to write one! I can assure you that it's one of my favorite parts of this.
Thanks for reading, and constructive criticism is welcomed! See (well, not 'see') you guys Saturday, with an akuma that doesn't like being lied to.
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agentdagonet · 5 years
so this may be asking too much but… Headset Romance: The love story of two people who have never met. With Agent!Harry and Handler!Eggsy
Okay so I know that this is several thousand years late, but I hope that it was at least a little worth the wait?
Headset Romance
‘You’re a bloody peacock and that’s somethin’ I’ve learned from experience, Galahad. The fuck did you say that for? He’s def gonna remember your sorry arse now.’
'I found his company degrading- I can get the drive without playing nice with an adulterer.’
'If you say so, guv- but if this comes back to bite your arse I expect the whole song an’ dance. An’ a stiff drink.’
'And how will I deliver these things to you, oh faceless one?’
'You’re a fuckin’ secret agent, I’m pretty sure you can figure out a private youtube link and how to pay a drink forward. Or just do the performance for Merlin- he’ll make sure I get to see it.’
'Alternatively, you and I could simply go out after a job well done like normal people do after work.’
'We ain’t normal people, guv- on your left, yeah good- and I’m plenty satisfied with this arrangement.’
'You could be further satisfied.’
'Did you really jus’ try an’ pull that one on me? Next you’ll be saying somethin’ about the many benefits of physical interaction. Upstairs, third door on the right.’
'Well it’s not as if I haven’t suggested such things before. Got it.’
'Good, can’t go back the way you came but there’s another stairwell down the way- go up a floor and go down elsewhere. Minimal interaction means you can’ just punch your way outta this one.’
'Fists are so uncivilised-’
'Or any of your gadgets, neither. Jus’ get home safe and drop that drive at HQ.’
'Fine. In repayment for you taking away all of my fun, I’ll be sure to send you the most awful thing I can find in-’
'Oh there you are’
'Lemme guess, it’s the prick you insulted earlier. An’ he ain’t too happy.’ There’s no response, but the view from the feed is answer enough. 'Knock 'im out and get the fuck outta there. This cover’s a bust now, anyway so it don’t matter how just get it done.’ Galahad doesn’t acknowledge him, though he does knock the target’s lights out as quietly as possible before making his way quickly but calmly from the event. Small favours.
'So I’m expectin’ that song an’ dance before you’re sent off on your next mission.’
'Is now really the time to rub it in my face?’
'Are you dyin’?’
'Bein’ pursued?’
'Injured in literally any way?’
'Well, my knuckles ache a bit.’
'That don’t count. An’ my point is that now is the perfect time to rub your mistakes in your face like a pup who’s pissed on a rug. I dunno how you survived twenty-somethin’ years without me.’
'Merlin had hair to pull out. And I resent that statement.’
'Y'mean you represent that statement. An’ I’m buying that man a cake. “Congratulations on Surviving Galahad” has a nice ring to it.’
'In what way do I represent a pup? I’m perfectly grown, thank you.’
'Oh I know you are; you’re a big boy, ain’t ya? But you listen to very few people, an’ even then do things your own way, and then you strut your way home expecting a bone and a belly rub for a job well done.’
'I’m hanging up now- obviously made it to the extraction point; I’ll debrief upon arrival.’
'Oh don’t take it personal, Galahad- you know you’re my favourite.’ The silence on the other line was answer enough. Eggsy closed the feed and smiled to himself, happy with the successful mission. He’d only been Galahad’s main handler for a couple years, but it was easily the most fulfilling job he’d ever had. Percival took him too seriously, Bors was a bit obsessed with explosions, and Lancelot was far more pun than professionalism.
It also wasn’t a bad thing that Galahad was incredibly witty. And fit. And so out of his league it wasn’t even funny. One glance in the mirror when he forgot (He assumed he forgot; no need to make assumptions and make things worse than they were) that the feed was running and Eggsy was completely gone for him. Lust at first sight, when he’d already been enamoured with his dry wit, made Harry’s inexplicable interest in him the worst temptation.
But he didn’t know much of anything about Eggsy besides his sarcasm. Well, that wasn’t quite true either, Eggsy mused as he wrote up his end of the mission report. Eggsy’d spoken about his sister, and his mum, and about the Prick with a capital P he’d managed to get rid of when Merlin had hired him. He’d talked about loads of shit. Just nothing he thought was worth the kind of fuss Galahad made of him- Galahad, who had never even met him, and probably just had a thing for a bit of rough.
Not that that was a bad thing- but Eggsy knew he’d want more than a tumble with him and he just didn’t think that was possible.
'Eggsy, I have something for you.’ Merlin spoke from the doorjamb, ever-present clipboard in his hand and a smirk on his face. There’s a ping from his monitor, and Eggsy opens a file under the watchful eye of Merlin labelled 'He Told Me So.' 
It’s a simple video, a sheepish smile on Harry’s face as he sits in the Kingsman plane, doing these silly little waves with his hands while he sings 'you told me so’ in varying pitches at a whisper. It’s obvious that he doesn’t want the pilot (a mate of Eggsy’s named Ryan, not that Harry knows that) to hear him and turn around, he’s flushed from his neck to the tips of his ears. It’s actually adorable.
'I don’t know how you get him to do these things, lad.’ Merlin’s chuckling behind him, eyes bright behind his specs. ‘I can barely get him to show up on time.’
‘What c’n I say, I’ve got the magic touch.’
‘If I didn’t know better I’d accuse you of having siren’s blood- he’d do just about anything you asked of him.’ Merlin nods his head at the screen, where Harry is paused mid-song. ‘This being the least of it. He’s also instructed me, in this e-mail, to tell you that your drink will be waiting for you at the pub down the street once he’s back on home soil. And not to sound terribly cliched, but  am not an owl so stop using me to send messages back and forth. Give him an e-mail or something if you refuse to give him your number.’ He grumbled a bit (sounds suspiciously like you oblivious bastards) before wandering off.
Eggsy finishes his report with a smile, and places an order at the bakery he knows Merlin prefers.
Harry got off the plane at HQ early the next morning, sun barely over the horizon, and immediately went to debrief with Arthur. Merlin would be sure to meet him there, the way he always did, and then Harry would get to go home and sleep in his own bed. Sounded like heaven.
‘Now, Galahad, it seems like the mission went off without issue?’
‘For the most part, yes.’
‘The most part?’
‘I’m afraid that alias is unusable now- I accidentally compromised the mission but managed to work around it to fulfill the objective.’
‘Excuse me, gentleman- dropping off some reports for Arthur.’ A young man came through, dropping a thick stack of files on Arthur’s desk with a nod. Nothing in particular stood out about him, accent as upper-class as most everyone at Kingsman (with the one notable exception that Harry could never track down) and his clothes, though casual, were obviously of high quality. He was probably one of Merlin’s minions.
‘Ah, Lunete, thank you.’
‘Sir.’ In lieu of goodbye, he nodded at them (and exchanged a wry smile with Merlin, confirming his suspicion) before leaving the Dining Room.
‘Now, to get back to things- there was no “accidentally” involved in your alias being compromised.’ Merlin turned a severe glare in his direction before turning back to Arthur. ‘I reviewed the footage personally, and he brought attention to himself by insulting the target. Claims he found his company degrading, and could accomplish the task without following the instructions of his handler. In the end he forcefully knocked the target unconscious because too much time had elapsed to use the amnesia darts.
‘Well, as he did achieve the objective, we can at least attest to his being correct on part of that- though you did lose us a useful alias and years of work.’ Arthur turned to Harry, who looked sheepish for a moment, intent on opening his mouth to defend himself, but Merlin redirected his attention once again.
‘Yes sir, he did- but I’d like to bring something to your attention; glasses, please.’ They looked up at the hidden screen, which was now displaying the details of his alias’ file. ‘This is the file for Atticus Grey as it was originally constructed.’ He typed something onto his clipboard, ‘this is what is associated with that person.’
‘Well, this is convenient.’ Arthur muttered to himself, saying what Harry had been thinking. By some kind of divine intervention, it seemed that all of the people he’d made connections with through Atticus were either in custody or dead. The former of which was adding to the latter every year.
‘So, even though he did in fact ruin this alias, it’s not an altogether unsalvageable situation. Honestly, we probably would have scrapped this alias within the next couple of missions anyway.
‘However, with this alias being scrapped a bit prematurely, my team will need a few days to make the new alias as airtight as possible. With most agents off on missions we’re prioritising handling over our background work- when Percival and Lancelot return we should be ready for wherever you wish to send Galahad next.’
‘Forcing our Galahad into some down time, are we?’
‘No idea what you’re talking about, sir, it’s just procedure.’ There’s a glint in Merlin’s eye that says otherwise, but nothing he says will change their minds. This wasn’t the first time they’d pulled such tricks, merely the most recent. Arthur dismissed Merlin with a smile, and he and Harry finished their tea with non-work related chatter.
‘I have some errands- a few days home shouldn’t be too tedious.’
He was wrong. Harry Hart was many things and now he would be adding wrong to the list. A few days on home soil with no clear objective or clear end in sight was tortuous. He’d taken to pestering Merlin for updates every few hours, which had resulted in him being locked out of his office and the direct link from his glasses being shut off. 
‘Any reason in particular there’s a picture of Merlin’s face taped to that punching bag?’ The voice comes from behind him, bemused and unfamiliar, and Harry turns to find the minion from before. Shit.
‘Needed to let off some steam- Merlin’s decided to force some down time upon me, but I have nothing to do.’
‘That so? Still doesn’t explain why you’re punching his face like that.’
‘Sure it does- he’s insufferable and I can’t take it out on him in person.’
‘Isn’t there anything else you can do to pass your time?’
‘I’ve already finished all of my reports- and I’m doing the only other thing I can here at the gym.’
‘You could go for a swim- or the obstacle course! That one’s always fun. Or family to visit, or something?’
‘Been there, done that; and the obstacle course is only fun the first few times. Doing it on repeat for days takes it away. And no, they all died years ago. Just me and Kingsman.’
‘You need to get out more. Come with me.’ Lunete had one shoulder propped against the doorjamb, hands in his pockets, and a smirk on his face like he’s got a fabulous joke but won’t share it.
‘Excuse me?’
‘Well I was going to head home and hang out with my mother and sister, but you need a night out. Come on, then.’
‘I barely know you.’
‘First off, we both work at Kingsman, so how dangerous can I be to you; and second your file’s public to those of us in the Lake, so I know all about you- you could come out and even the score?’
‘I think you’re just trying to keep me from beating Merlin the next time he emerges from his cave.’
‘Eh, that’s just a pleasant bonus.’
Eggsy ended up bringing Harry to the first pub he saw between the mews and Kingsman- in the opposite direction from the one Harry’d left his “you told me so” drink at. It wouldn’t do to be recognised since he was doing some serious posh-acting; he didn’t want the jig to be up too soon. 
On the one hand, it was annoying as fuck to act like someone he wasn’t for longer than he absolutely had to. Arthur and his cronies were bad enough on site let alone out in public. On the other, though, it was probably the closest he’d get to actual spy work even if it was all for his own benefit.
But, even as they sat across from one another at a booth and talked aimlessly about nothing, Eggsy could see Harry relaxing despite himself. He’d talk about some mishap in R&D and Harry would laugh until he was wiping at his eyes; and Harry would tell some story about his dog (the fuck kind of name was Mr. Pickle, anyway?) which would prompt him to talk about JB, and inevitably end up in giggles.
Eggsy relished the opportunity to see what Harry was like outside of a mission, and what he acted like with someone he wasn’t strangely obsessed with. Now that he thought about it, Harry probably saw him as a mystery he wanted to solve. He wouldn’t be interested once the mystique was gone, no matter what he said to the contrary.
Even more motivation to make this mask believable. No way for Harry to connect the two.
Harry, on the other hand, was enchanted with the surprisingly eloquent man. He lamented not having met him before, but resolved to get to know him better now. Merlin certainly wouldn’t begrudge him a friendship with one of his minions, would he?
‘Lunete! Package for you.’
‘Another one?’
It had been a few months since Eggsy’d taken Harry out to that pub in the guise of Lunete- and for some odd reason Harry had decided that the best way to cultivate a friendship with him was through obnoxious souvenirs. The kind of things Eggsy thought of when Harry threatened to gift him with “the most awful thing” he could find in wherever the fuck he was for a mission. Eggsy wondered if these were Harry’s idea of good souvenirs and, if so, allowed himself a shudder at the possibilities “the most awful thing” suggested.
Today’s mystery package wasn’t very large- which eliminated another taxidermied animal- and it wasn’t very heavy- which eliminated a new creepy looking statue.
If Eggsy hadn’t already known Harry outside of Lunete he’d have run for the hills after the first package. There’s eccentric and then there’s eccentric and while the former was interesting the latter was incredibly creepy. As it was Eggsy worried about his sanity, though he probably shouldn’t, as most of the Knights had something incredibly strange they loved. Gawaine had a collection of cat statues, Bors kept bits of rubble, and Percival collected local animal teeth. He’d resolved to never ask where he got them, no matter how elegant they looked once he’d polished them.
The sight of them with bits of gum still attached made an impression, to say the least.
Steeling himself, Eggsy cut the tape and pulled open the flaps before he could talk himself out of it, one eye closed while the other squinted into the box.
There was a note.
Lunete, I saw this while in Switzerland  and was captivated before remembering that I had no one to gift such a thing. But I remembered that you mentioned a sister all that time ago, and picked it up anyway. I’ve no idea how old she is (for all your chatter you’re surprisingly difficult to get information from) but if nothing else you can give it to your mother or something.
Reaching blindly into the packing chips he grasped the first solid object he came into contact with. It was box-like, cool to the touch, and thus far made no noise which eliminated several possibilities- and pulling it out Eggsy gasped.
It was elegant, carved in cherry wood and smooth as silk; the designs were all floral, likely roses or carnations or something. It wasn’t the kind of thing Eggsy would have picked up on a whim, but the kind of timeless beauty he could see being passed down or inherited. Opening the lid, Eggsy was a bit startled to be greeted with music- who made music boxes this gorgeous? The tune was familiar, if a bit sped up, but he couldn’t resist humming along.
And then, giggling to himself, he penned a response.
Well, Galahad, I certainly have no use for something as pretty as this myself, and Daisy’s a bit young for it, but my mother will love it. Thank you for the rarity that is a gift that doesn’t haunt my (or the rest of us Minions’) nightmares. Seriously. They’re haunting. But I’ll certainly be that someone who’ll watch over you.
Gershwin? Really? Could have at least been a typical Mozart or something but you had to go and get something classy and unexpected.
Eggsy certainly hadn’t expected his bit of fun to bite him in the arse quite so immediately. Harry’s flirting hadn’t lessened any over the coms, but now it was accompanied by humming. Incessant humming that matched the music box that now lay atop his mother’s dresser.
'I’m not your agony aunt, Eggsy, take your self-created issues elsewhere.’
'But he’s gonna figure it out, Merls!’
'Again, not my problem. Get back to R&D or research Galahad’s next assignment, I don’t care, but get out of my hair.’
'But you don’t have any-’
'Finish that sentence and I’ll delight in telling him myself. I’ll make a power point with all the evidence, and finish with your address so he can-’
'Alright, alright. Fine. I’ll just go curl up and die at my desk. An’ you’ll have to break the news to Daisy.’
'Far be it for me to interrupt your plans for spontaneous expiration.’
'So, Eggsy,’
’Don’ even start, Galahad. Up the stairs and to your right- the painting of some posh knobhead with blue boots is hollow.’
'You don’t even know what I was going to say!’
'Half the shit from your mouth during these missions is either you tryin’ to talk me out of the plans I make to keep your sorry arse alive, or flirtin’ with me despite the fact that we’ve never actually met in person. As you ain’t fightin’ the plan, I assume your next words were gonna be some persuasive argument about the pleasures of the flesh. Again.’ He let a little of his irritation slip through, though mostly he was just nervous about Harry connecting him and Lunete. He knew it would happen eventually, but fuck it didn’t need to be now. 
’… Got the file.’ Harry said reluctantly, almost a sigh, and for a moment Eggsy wondered if he’d somehow gone too far despite not changing his reactions to his flirting in the first place. 'On my way to extraction.’ The playful edge that had come to be the highlight of these missions was missing. A Galahad subdued and not in the I-made-a-mistake-and-got-briefly-captured-again way.
It left Eggsy feeling off-kilter. And incredibly worried.
'Job well done, Galahad. Debrief at 1000.’ Maybe he shouldn’t have said anything after all.
'Dare I ask what happened to put this kicked puppy look on your face, Harry?’
'I’ve been ridiculous and making unwanted advances on a man I have never seen.’
'You’re always ridiculous.’
'I’ve never even met the man and his voice is the brightest part of my missions.’
'As I’ve already said once of late I am not an agony aunt and I have no desire or true advice to give you. Outside of, oh, I don’t know, perhaps asking to meet in person?’
'He shoots down my advances-’
'Likely because that’s what they are? Advances, obviously geared toward a goal that doesn’t happen to stop at friendship or likely involve it at all.’ Merlin sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose, 'Why do you care so much, anyway?’
'Eggsy’s never treated me like a superior officer. He’s never acted like he was beneath me for being behind the coms instead of in the field. He’s honest and rude and makes me laugh and somehow I’ve fallen for him despite not knowing the shape of his face or the colour of his eyes- the timbre of his laugh is enough.’
'I was expecting something more like “he’s a shit like me and I don’t want to ruin our working relationship” but leave it to you, Hart, to make it about feelings. What kind of spy are you?’
'A good one, I hope, to have made it this far into my lifespan.’
'Only by the grace of excellent handling.’
'Ah, the great Merlin, so humble.’
'I was referring to Eggsy- you caused me to lose the last of my hair, I have no patience for your showmanship, and your unparalleled ability to destroy my tech means that I tolerate you at best when I’m handling you.’ And there it was, the shame, at reducing a brilliant handler to a seductive voice through no actions but his own.
'I don’t want to lose him.’ It’s whispered, eyes staring at a spot on the wall and completely missing the pitying look Merlin throws his way.
'Then be honest, you great pillock, and talk to him. Not your weird proposition shit, either- I have to go through your mission footage and some of that… You’re not going to get anywhere with some bad pickup lines and innuendo.’ Merlin pushes his glasses up his face and turned away, tapping at his clipboard, 'And that’s all I have for you today. Please vacate the premises or I shall be forced to do something terrible to another one of your fetishistic loo butterflies.’
'Fine, fine, I’m goi- wait, what do you mean another?!’
‘Eggsy.’ He’s holed up in a supply closet, as cliche as one can be, but he will be there for an undetermined amount of time and he is just absolutely done with the stilted, awkward, handling of this mission. 
‘Dare I ask, Galahad?’
‘I just wanted to thank you for putting up with me.’ He tries to press as much sincerity into the phrase as he can, hoping beyond hope that he can somehow repair what he hadn’t realised he was breaking. ‘I know that I can be a bit much, but I don’t want you to think that I’m this way with the rest of the Lake. I simply have no idea of how to keep your attention.’
‘It is literally my job, Galahad, to keep my attention focused on ou ad get your arse home safely.’ Eggsy was confused, and maybe a little hopeful. He’d felt bereft without Harry’s incessant nattering, but hadn’t known how to fix it- maybe this was it.
‘I was rather hoping to keep your attention while off-mission, as well.’ Eggsy nearly groaned, but took a moment to think on the situation. Harry wasn’t being actively flirty, the tone was all wrong; if Eggsy didn’t know any better he’d say that the great Harry Hart sounded nervous. 
‘With more soul-damaging relics from your missions like the ones you send Lunete?’ 
‘No- well, correction, not only with carefully-chosen pieces. I-’ Harry paused, and Eggsy realised that this was, indeed, an honest conversation that Harry was trying to have with him. ‘I would like for us to meet. Formally, face-to-face, give myself a visual to go with the auditory man who has consumed my attentions for quite some time. I understand that there is no reason for you to believe me, given my previous actions, but I’ll readily admit to having had no other idea of how to express my interest. Merlin can tell you that outside of a mission I’ve never been particularly graceful or smooth when it came to potential romantic partners.
‘I find that I’ve become enchanted with the idea of you, and would greatly appreciate the opportunity to discover if my fantasies even touch upon the reality of you as a person.’
Eggsy literally had no idea of how to progress from here. Despite his own infatuations with the man, he’d dismissed Harry’s words as empty and with this revelation had no idea of how to progress. Forget the conundrum of Eggsy and Lunete being the same person- this was a problem now, and Merlin had probably known all along and that fucker hadn’t even tried to warn him.
          'We’ll see Galahad,’ Eggsy fought to keep his voice playful, to not give away his scrambling for a proper answer, 'you’ve got to get your way out of this shit first. An’ maybe, maybe, we’ll see about gettin’ a drink or something.’ And now Eggsy was back to cursing his mouth for running ahead of his brain and making promises he probably couldn’t keep.
Harry continued to pretend that the pounding of his heart was due to his circumstances in the mission and not due to the tantalising possibility of meeting Eggsy proper at long last.
Of course, Harry had managed the near impossible and completed the mission both on time and without any grievous injury to himself. Or to his target, which was a positive as he’d been tasked with surveillance and strictly told not to engage which are rules the man usually took as a challenge.
Merlin googled at the record when it was brought to him, and Eggsy took a seat across from the man as he reviewed the contents.
‘He didn’t make an uncouth comment and get chased from the grounds?’ The again went unsaid.
‘And he didn’t continue to press you about going out after you gave him a solid maybe?’ Merlin sounded as incredulous as Eggsy felt.
‘Nope.’ Eggsy was in more than a fair bit of shock. On the one hand, Harry had achieved the objective while Eggsy had been in his ear. So that was a point for both of them, for Eggsy’s success as Handler and Harry’s as Knight; but the hows of it. Harry had done all of it because Eggsy had said they might get to meet if Harry did what needed to be done. The mere idea of getting to meet had given Harry enough cause to have achieved a nearly impossible feat for him.
‘I’m no’ one to butt into personal business-’
‘I fuckin’ know that, Merlin- you practically set this shit up by keepin’ to yourself.’ Eggsy grumbled, crossing his arms and slumping in the chair.
‘But perhaps, lad, Harry’s more than a bit serious about this.’ Merlin continued as if uninterrupted, and Eggsy looked away.
‘D’you really think so?’
‘The only way you’re going to know is if you actually talk to him and stop with this weird double life you’ve made for yourself and no,’ Merlin wagged a finger angrily, ‘I am not going to help you fix this shit. You dug this hole, make your own way out of it.
‘I certainly hope that you continue to inspire this out of him and he doesn’t corrupt you instead.’
Eggsy stayed in that chair long after Merlin had returned to his own tasks, wondering just what he was going to do. He had two obvious options: he could meet Harry in person and come clean- or he could really chav it up and hope Harry wouldn’t be able to see Lunete in Eggsy.
But, to be honest, Eggsy was getting real tired of having to keep track of who he had to be at any given moment. What Lunete knew versus what Eggsy knew and where they could overlap believably with them both being in the Lake. It was getting exhausting, and even with the possibility of losing Harry entirely through this fiasco, Eggsy was just. So. Tired. And maybe that wasn’t the best reason to stop leading a double life but it was the one he had.
          So, there, that was one decision made- a pretty big one, too. Now he just had to hold himself to it. 
But that didn’t mean he had to make it easy for the man; maybe he could get one last bit of fun from this fiasco.
Harry’s office at headquarters was very secure. Merlin never let anyone in or out without his say so, even when the door was unlocked he’d lock it just as someone was reaching for the handle just to be a shit.
So the box on his desk was a terrifying surprise. First because he’d had no idea that anyone had been in his office- but mostly because of the contents. The outside was so unassuming that Harry had reached in without a second thought and immediately regretted the action. 
‘What the fuck is this shit?’
‘It happens to be a gift, you idiot, if you’d bothered to read the card prior to sticking your hand inside?’ Melin chimed in from the glasses, and Harry flipped him off smoothly with one hand as the other shut the glasses down. So what if he was right, it was the principle of the thing.
Harry pulled out the thing that had stabbed his finger, and was greeted with the most obnoxiously American thing he had ever seen. Intricately carved, it would be a work or artistry if it weren’t for the obnoxious colouring. A bald eagle sitting on a branch, a snake in its grasp, with everything but the bird in natural colours- the eagle was painted as the Americal Flag. It was the end of a wing that had stabbed him, curled upward in a parody of landing from flight. It was atrocious. 
‘What. the fuck. Is this shit?’ Harry warily stuck his arm back into the box of packing chips, feeling about for any additional hidden monstrosity, but came up empty. ‘No note?’ Harry began to turn the box about, half tempted to “accidentally” knock the statue from his desk- but he knew that if it had ended up here then the sender would discover the untimely demise. And, heaven forbid, send a replacement. On the end that had been facing his chair there was a small note, taped and half falling off the side of the cardboard. 
Let’s play hide and seek, Galahad. You’re it. -Eggsy
Harry pulled the note and examined the writing closely. The ink was partially bled through in some spots, as if he’d hesitated while writing it, and it looked to have been written by one of the Kingsman issued pens- not the ones with the poison, but the ones used for official paperwork, with the combustible ink. Just in case, you see, someone ever managed to get their hands on confidential paperwork. Which eliminated a great many people, as the only people to use them casually were the Minions, who used them for everything by default.
As if sparked by this train of thought, the ink began to eat through the paper. Well, that route of examination was out. Eggsy had mentioned more than once the trinkets Harry would send to Lunete, so it was entirely possible that this gift was poking fun at his habit of choosing memorable items for the man, but to that end it also firmly pointed Harry to a particular collective of Minions: Merlin’s favourites. Unfortunately, codenames meant very little overall within the walls of the place- but real names were rare. It was far more difficult to ask after Richard than Bors, for example, because much like in faerie courts real names held power and were rarely shared.
So asking for Eggsy would get him nowhere, unless he was asking Merlin directly, but the man had been of no help thus far and would likely continue on that trend for a while yet. So he was on his own to solve this mystery. Which meant he had to rely upon his already collected knowledge far more than present clues.
Eggsy was a man with a simple- no, humble- past, who had come to Kingsman from the Army where Merlin had spotted him causing some trouble. Eggsy’d been confronted by his SO and had been quite contrite to admit that he’d been messing with the tech because he was bored and had lost his sense of purpose when those around him didn’t seem to care about the why as much as the when. He’d had a note put into his file, and Merlin had snatched him up immediately. Harry was still unsure of why Merlin had been watching the man in the first place, as there were so many people potential to sort through at any time and only a finite number of places to put them. Harry figured it was like applying to an Ivy League school you didn’t know was considering you. Incredibly selective- so what had pulled Merlin’s attention to him?
But that wasn’t the concern at the moment. With what he knew about Eggsy, could he find him on the grounds? What did he care about, what did he mention liking about Kingsman, where would he have the highest likelihood of spotting the man in time to win this game. Harry wasn’t even entirely sure what he was competing for- but he was a vain man and desired victory for the sake of it just as much as any prize.
Harry had never bothered to learn the things a Handler would- but he could strategise if he could only decide what direction to go in. Top to bottom? One end to the other? From the centre outwards, or vice versa? Simplest would be top to bottom, as the roof provided a finite amount of space he could go- so to the roof it was. He wasn’t so desperate as to climb the sides of the building, and opted instead to take the service stairs to the top level and find a window that overlooked a bit of the roof and meander is way from there.
Which actually ended up being surprisingly difficult, but once he had found an acceptable exit he also stumbled upon another note taped to it.
Let’s play a game, mate- well, another one, waiting in one spot is just so boring y’know? I’m hanging out with the rest of the Minions til ‘bout 3 where you left me my drink way back when. Find me. That little shit had been here, how long ago was anyone’s guess, and instead of following through on whatever his original plot had been had changed the rules. As if Harry had known what they were in the first place, but the point remained that he’d changed the rules without warning or explanation.
But wasn’t that just like Eggsy, to at one moment follow plans to the letter and the next follow Harry’s lead on a whim? The fact that they were always successful could more likely be attributed to luck than any actual skill, but Harry was willing to take what the universe deigned to gift him. So he huffed a laugh and made his way back to his office, checking himself idly in the window as he removed his tie and popped a button or two. Going around to a pub while dressed to the nines, while safe in a Kingsman suit, was making himself a spectacle and if he intended to actually find Eggsy he needed to be able to blend in- at least a little. He removed his glasses, and mussed his hair just enough that it looked purposefully dishevelled as opposed to perfectly organised.
Harry made his way down to the pub, one he frequented and thus was able to pull favours with, and nodded at the barman who smoothly slid his pint down the bartop to his waiting hand as he sat at his regular spot at the bar. No words having to be exchanged, which freed him up to idly glance about the room. There were some outside seats but it was easier to hide in a crowd, and easier still to disappear with staff constantly moving about, if you knew when and how to do so. Which was usually a skill Knights honed and Minions of the Lake dismissed as unnecessary. The likelihood of their being spotted, let alone pursued, was miniscule- so why waste the energy that could be dedicated to other things instead?
There was a group of younger people in the corner booth, only a half dozen or so, about half wearing very familiar glasses. Now to spot his target proper. There was a young woman leaning intimately into the side of one of the men without glasses, with dark brown hair and pale eyes. That was Agravaine and Blanchefleur, then, as they were the topic of many Knights who were critical of relationships from within. And, honestly, how did they expect to achieve any sense of intimacy with someone outside of Kingsman, anyway? But that eliminated two suspects. There was his regular pilot, Houdain, with whom he’d shared many idle conversations of the last couple years. His accent was similar to Eggsy’s, but not so much so that he could ever have confused one for the other.
Three down, three to go.
There was another young woman with short cropped red hair, sans glasses but obviously sporting a pair of Kingsman brogues, bent nearly in double as she laughed- inelegantly snorting. She slapped the glasses off the man sat across from her in her antics, simply by waving her arms about, and Harry was grateful to know that she was not a Knight. If she were in this collective she obviously had immense amounts of talent behind the scenes, but something like that could make or break a mission. Which was entirely off topic, but Harry’s head was running in a million directions as he caught sight of the last two members of the table.
One was a driver that he knew quite well, Ither, who had always been up for a joyride while escaping their pursuants. The other was Lunete.
So Eggsy had lied, then. He wasn’t here after all. He turned back to his drink as a way to distract himself, observing the condensation run down the glass, and pretended that disappointment was not a bitter pill to swallow.
 Except, suddenly, he heard a very distinct ‘you’re fucking jokin’, bruv!’ he knew without a doubt that Eggsy was in that group. His head snapped up just in time to see Lunete slap Houdain playfully on the shoulder, the latter covering his mouth with one hand while shaking with laughter.
‘Swear down, Eggs, I couldn’ make that shit up if I tried.’
‘The fuck was Lancelot thinkin’, tryin’ to make a jump like that in that outfit? She gave someone a lucky view, then?’ Ither looked as if Christmas had come early, a very Grinch-like smirk on his face at the thought, but Houdain shook his head.
‘The street was clear, luck with her, so she didn’t flash no one- but lots o’ people complained about the thumpin’ from the roof, next day.’ Lunete shook his head as Houdain finished, but Harry’s mind had stopped a bit before.
Eggs. Eggsy. Harry ran the facts over in his mind as he took another idle gulp of his Guinness; Eggsy spoke often of Lunete’s gifts, he obviously knew Harry quite well after all the time of being in his ear, was well-liked and trusted by Merlin (who else would he trust his oldest friends’ safety to, if not someone he trusted?), and suddenly he couldn’t unlink the two. Lunete was Eggsy.
Lunete was Eggsy.
Lunete was Eggsy and he’d already had a drink with the man and he’d never let it on. He’d not even hinted that he’d been hiding anything; to hide such a thing from a Knight was impressive in and of itself. He’d been sure to keep their interactions regular, had never hinted at- well, hinted at what, exactly? Had Eggsy thought anything of their pint, that day, and what of the gifts? Why had he hidden himself so thoroughly within the walls of Kingsman that it took a ducking scavenger hunt for Harry to figure it out? It was not as if Kingsan was particularly judgemental- well, no, that was a lie. Arthur was a prick.
Ah. Prejudice based around the way one walks. And talks. The things that are the quickest to reveal oneself as “other” in a collective of men from money. Arthur was quick to anger and quicker to insult, if only ever backhandedly, so the ability to blend in was imperative- he guessed- to Eggsy being able to do as he needed. Drivers and Pilots were often silent until prompted and prodded into speaking- a Handler was easily identified and exposed by voice. To affect an accent in the presence of those who would look down on you for being different was entirely understandable.
But had Eggsy truly thought that Harry would judge him in that way? Had he not been clear with his affections through the coms? Short of screaming it from the rooftops he’d done all he could to show Eggsy that he thought the world of him. But… but perhaps that was what had kept him away. If someone is showy, you never take their actions or words at face value. Never. It’s survival one-oh-one, and Harry kicks himself for not connecting the dots sooner.
Every bit of tension in his body began to loosen as Eggsy turned around, just enough for Harry to admire the cut of his jaw and the upturn of his lip as he winked.  At him. That cheeky arsehole. Harry didn’t hear the particulars, but Eggsy was excusing himself from the group with a smile and making his way toward Harry- and what was Harry going to say when he finally got there?
‘Hey, Harry.’ Eggsy slid into the seat beside him and nudged one shoulder with his own, sloshing what little was left in Harry’s glass. ‘Fancy seeing you here.’
‘You led me here, and yet you’re the one claiming to be surprised?’
‘Weren’t sure you was gonna find that window, guv, but you managed that shit in record time you did.’
‘So you set me up to fail?’ Harry finished his drink before he turned and lifted a brow, and Eggsy had the gall to laugh.
‘Nah, I set you a challenge and you met it. Exceeded expectations and all that shit. So, now, I’m an open book- what d’you want to know?’ He lifted a hand to the barkeep and accepted to proffered drinks with a grin.
‘Why’d I leave you messages?’
‘Why this double life in the first place? What’s the truth here, Eggsy?’ Harry looked away, tips of his ears pink, and Eggsy paused for a moment before speaking.
‘I was scared- terrified, even- of you connectin’ Lunete an’ Eggsy. You’re a posh man, you got class out your arse and you’re fit and funny and I knew you were leagues away from me in life. You’d flirt with Eggsy, but Lunete was a mystery an’ you treated him like any other bloke while at the pub an’ then started sendin’ gifts and shit.’ Eggsy ran a hand through his hair and looked ruefully at Harry, ‘You was thoughtful and flirty and it made me fall more for you that I had already.’
‘That doesn’t explain-’
‘Gettin’ there, Harry. Promise. When I started at Kingsman, I’d barely walked in and Arthur looked down his nose at me and sneered that he didn’ want to see my face again. I thought I’d been dismissed b’fore I could start, but Merlin drew me aside. Tol’ me to ignore Arthur an’ that he was my boss an’ til he said leave I weren’t to so much as think about the door. But,’ Eggsy shook his head, ‘he gave me the name Lunete, an’ said to make it someone Arthur wouldn’ look twice at.’
‘So you made yourself unremarkable.’ Harry concurred, and tipped his glass in his direction, but Eggsy shrugged.
‘I made myself what he was lookin’ for. Growin’ up at the Estates, after dad died, you learn how to read people an’ make yourself what you gotta be to get by, Jamal and Ryan know all the same shit I do- they just don’t gotta use it as often. But,’ Eggsy grinned, ‘to explain the rest of this shit you get a bit of a story.
‘See, you an’ I’ve met before all this shit. Merlin and I had a bit of a laugh about it once I’d settled in. Y’see, once upon a time,’ Eggsy reached into his collar and began to pull on a chain, ‘you came by my place an’ left this with me for safe keeping.’ He opened his palm, and Harry forgot to breathe.
‘Oh my god. Eggsy.’ Harry breathed, in disbelief at having forgotten the child. It was a memorable name, and yet Harry hadn’t recognised it when they’d crossed paths again. ‘Eggcy Unwin- you’re Lee’s boy.’ 
‘Yeah, an’ that’s the other thing- I didn’ know if you’d still fancy me, flirty and shit, once you knew that. Still don’t know, actually, but I got tired of pretendin’ at you. The way I figure, this shit goes one of two ways, yeah? Either we get on as mates an’ we move on, or this shit’s blown us to bits and we never speak again.’ Eggsy spoke as if either option was acceptable, but Harry could see the tension in his jaw and fondly thought of him as an idiot. As if there were only ever two choices when it came to life.
‘You’ve left something out, Eggsy.’ Harry spoke blandly, allowing himself a small smirk around the lip of his glass, before setting it down and facing Eggsy fully. He waited for Eggsy to look at him and not the tabletop, but he seemed to be doing everything in his power not to do so.
‘Oh?’ Eggsy didn’t dare look at Harry- he didn’t want a fatherly pat on the shoulder, or apologies for how his life’d turnt out- but when Harry’s hand landed heavily on the wrist clutching his glass his head snapped up.
Harry’s eyes flicked to his lips so quickly Eggsy swore he’d imagined it before there were lips against his own. Insistent yet chaste, Harry pulled Eggsy to him by framing his face with both hands. His fingertips cradling his jaw with what Eggsy could only describe as reverement. His eyes slipped closed, and just as Harry began to pull his hands away Eggsy made a soft noise of protest before leaning inward and pressing his insistently back. One hand held him steady on the countertop as the other wound itself into Harry’s hair as they began to lose time.
They broke apart to jeering from the other Minions, ‘get it, Eggs!’ and the two flipped the group off with a united two finger salute before dissolving into giggles.
‘Do they even recognise me?’ Harry breathed into Eggsy’s ear, and he shook his head in reply. ‘Well, they’re quite enthusiastic about your “getting it” from a man they don’t know.’
‘Like to hope they trust my judgement.’ Eggsy laughed, feeling high from the realisation that his antics hadn’t cost him a chance with the man before him. He pulled back, allowing himself to do a full once-over of Harry’s look- he looked gorgeous like this, ever so slightly undone, and Eggsy hadn’t let himself really realise it before that moment.
‘There’s never only two options, Eggsy. You know that as well as anyone.’ Harry smiled softly, running his thumb along his cheekbone.
‘Yeah, well, forgive me for puttin’ this option from my head after havin’ lied to you for so long. An’ forget the fact that  I’m nowhere near your league.’
‘We’re spies, Eggsy- lying is easy as breathing and takes half the thought of the truth. Not saying that I’m not a bit frustrated- but that’s more at my inability to be observant than your Parent Trap-ing me. And,’ Harry firmed the grip upon his face, ‘if I hear you dismiss yourself so easily again you’ll soon regret it. I love you, and if you find your own judgements are faulty then trust my own.’
‘You love me?’ Eggsy breathed, eyes wide like a child seeing art for the first time, and Harry allowed himself to drink his fill of the image before replying.
‘Well, I love what I know of you- both what you told me as Lunete and what I’ve come to know through our missions- and I look forward to loving the rest of you.’
‘Might take a while.’
‘Well, we have a while.’ The two pulled enough apart to finish their drinks, a pair of hands clasped between them as if to separate would break the spell.
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farklelucas · 5 years
all about the lesbian sea pirate
ahsjdkflg okay im gonna do the first section above the cut and the rest under
send me an oc and some numbers pls!! | here are my ocs!
Section 1 - About:
1. Briefly Describe your OC: Appearance, personality, role in a story, etc..
okay so!! hana is half-japanese, half-german, she’s got short/spiky black hair and fucking Huge brown eyes. she’s the protagonist of a thus-unwritten pirate love story and i fucking love her. she’s superbly socially awkward (doesn’t get customs like politeness or like asking before doing things asdjkfl), she’s a Romantic romantic, she loves sword-fighting, she was raised by her father (alongside three older half-brothers, though she was chosen as the heir to his ship which hmm pissed two of them off), she’s very much butch/tomboy, she loves adventure and sailing so fucking much, uhhh yeah her.
2. Briefly describe their backstory/childhood
like i said, she was raised by her dad, who she idolizes, along with her three brothers on the sea; she never knew her mother, because her father told her that she died giving birth to hana (or did she….? hm. maybe hana’s dad is just shitty?). she was always super excited to play and go on adventures and fight, especially with her three older brothers (only one of whom actually like. liked her.), and by the time she was old enough to hold a sword, her dad taught her how to. eventually, her dad became ill, and named hana, who was only 16, his successor. her two eldest brothers planned a mutiny to overthrow her, killing the other brother who protested. hana fought them but they escaped with half her treasure, promising to come back and kill her, and she’s spent the past six years seeking them out to defeat them.
3. Describe their family life and friends.
i mean i pretty much nailed her family, but she’s very close to all the crew. i’ll give you a quick rundown: there’s caspian, her first mate/quartermaster (grew up on the ship with her, an orphan who was stolen in one of the raids, searching out his lost family but is also a big time goof), dover, her “advisor”/sailing master (wise, lazy, arrogant, bitchy, basically her pseudo-father because her father was usually off being captain), darya, her gunner (slutty bisexual aromantic queen, runs the artillery AND the under deck gambling ring, always drunk, loyal to a fault especially to hana), and zarya (we’ll get to her later ;)) and the other lower-ranking crew members.
4. What is the world they come from like?
hmmm very mystical and mysterious, very “pirates are bad and suck and we dont like them even though they’re not usually bad” but. you know. hana is still an outlaw of the land. there are mermaids and sirens and cracken and curses so it’s better to assume that if its magical it exists.
5. Are they original or exist in a certain fandom?
6. Are they an introvert or extrovert?
extroverted babey
7. Greatest fear?
being unable to sail but also, later on, (SPOILERS) being arrogant and greedy and malicious like her father
8. What’s their sense of humor like?
honestly just fucking. stupid. she probably likes puns and like dirty jokes.
9. Favorite pieces of fiction or genres they enjoy?
i dont think she can read???? but her third eldest brother bourne would usually tell her princess stories and she liked those
10. Favorite music genres?
folk ig
11. Describe their vision of a perfect spouse, if applicable.
a tall, beautiful, kindhearted woman, who sees past the pirate savagery and sees her heart beneath; a woman who can rule the sea alongside her and knows how to handle her and keep her in check. (looks at zarya meaningfully)
12. Largest regret?
not being able to save bourne
13. Something your OC would say?
my quote for her in her bio is “what am i without adventure?” but i also imagine her saying to zarya, “you are more celestial than the stars, my love, and twice as beautiful to behold.”
14. Whats their morality like?
technically lawful good but could be a roulette wheel depending on the day
15. Would they live in a city, rural area, or suburb?
oof none but if she had to probably rural
16. Which actor would you like to portray your OC? (Or a voice actor)
sjskdldldl my face claim is jen ruggirello
17. Sexuality? Gender Identity?
lesbian baby!!!!!
18. What inspired you to make this character?
honestly?? probably a lack of rep in romance and adventure novels. i just love her!!!
Section 2 - If…
1. If they existed in another decade, what would they wear? (Asker can choose what decade) (Bonus points if you draw them!)
hmmm ill pick… current day tbh, and i imagine lots of overalls and baggy sweaters!
2. If they were in a RPG, what would be their class?
i have to imagine somewhere between paladin and a fighter, im not sure which.
3. If they received a large amount of money no strings attached, what would they use it for?
i honestly think she would just. go into the nearest village and buy all the local hungry children bread. like she wouldn’t horde it or spend it on herself. she has everything she needs.
4. If they competed on a competitive TV show, how would they approach to winning? (the “mean” one, the one who makes friends, the one who’s there for fun)
hm… i honestly dont even think she would think about it like that dkdkflfl. probably the charming one, the leader, the adorkable one.
5. If they could change one thing about their past, what would it be?
i think she would choose to keep in contact with her mother. not necessarily live with her, because then she wouldnt have her first love which is the sea, but just like. talk to her. know her better. go see her every few months. write her from different ports about their adventures.
6. If you met them, what would they do?
i would honestly probably be so fucking charmed by her. shes got that way about her, a leadership quality you can’t shake, even if shes really incredibly awkward too.
7. If your character exists in another series’ world, what would they be doing/look like?
i kind of imagine her in harry potter as like. this half blood gryffindor who’s So Gryffindor it hurts. on the quidditch team, always screaming about house pride, everyone loves her. and then she goes and falls in love with this muggle born slytherin and shakes the whole school dkdkkrklr
Section 3 - Other:
1. What other OCs would they get along with?
oh… i think it’s kind of cheap to say jack, because they’re both pirates, but honestly i think they’d get on like a house on fire. other than that… definitely michael minkus, who would make an epic first mate, and lucy stilinksi-hale, who she would probably wanna smash.
2. What’s their singing voice like?
bad. comically bad. she tries to sing to zarya sometimes and zarya locks her out of their room.
3. Take a personality test as the character. Post results.
okay so ive already taken a couple for her in the past (ex: gryffindor, entj, the motivator, etc.) so im gonna take a completely benign one off buzzfeed and post the results. so if she were a song off of thank you next she would be “bad idea” skskkdkd
4. What would be their fighting style in a fighting game like Mortal Kombat, Super Smash Brothers, or Street Fighter?
to outsmart her opponent, think two moves ahead of theirs just like in real life. jokes on her no one else is ever thinking skdkkfkfl
5. What are some mannerisms/quirks?
putting her feet up on tables, walking into rooms without invitation, holing up in her cabin for days working, smirking instead of smiling, smoking, docking in random cities for the thrill of adventure, wearing her blouses nearly completely unbuttoned, just taking things and enforcing sharing bc. she’s always shared everything with everyone naturally and she doesnt know to ask djdkfkfk
6. Describe their favorite meal.
honestly she’ll eat anything but just like. a Nice leg of mutton and a glass of beer. that’s it. that’s the dream.
7. What do they do when they’re bored?
her favorite activity is to randomly attack caspian and have impromptu sword fights with him, but she also loves stargazing and telling stories to the town children.
8. How do they express love/affection for someone?
honestly she’s very. nuzzley. soft. like a little kitten. also waxes poetic. at least romantically. platonically, shes usually like a dad friend sjdkkrlr. like im talking “attaboy” and punches on the arm. pep talks. dad voice. the whole nine yards.
9. Most embarrassing thing that could/has happened to them?
honestly, she’s not easily embarrassed ever. i think she’s kind of just like meh over most things. the most embarrassing thing that could happen would be losing the respect of her crew. she would hate that so much.
10. Make a portrait sketch of them!
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yoon-kooks · 7 years
Beginner’s Luck
Pairing: Seokjin x Reader
Summary: You were never a believer in online dating, but things weren’t exactly working out offline either. So what was it that you were missing?
Genre: Fluff, Gamer!AU
Word Count: 3.5k
Prompt: “Can I kiss you?” (request by anon)
You laid on your bed staring at your phone screen, mindlessly swiping left. Your best guy friend, Jungkook, had suggested you try out some dating apps since meeting people face-to-face was a bit difficult for a shy snowflake like yourself.
It had been a few hours since Jungkook had set up an account for you, but you had yet to find someone who really caught your eye. Not that looks were all that important to you anyway. If anything, you’d prefer not to see their face and just get to know their personality instead.
“You might as well deactivate your account if you have no intentions of swiping right,” Jungkook glanced over at you before turning back to his laptop screen, “Shit, I just died.”
“I just don’t get how meeting someone online could ever work,” you rolled over to see what your friend had “died” in. All you saw were a bunch of little anime characters running around attacking a giant fish that literally took up half the screen. “I haven’t seen this game before… Is it new?”
“Ya! It came out a few days ago and I’ve been hooked ever since!” The boy clicked something to revive his character and travelled back to where you assumed the giant fish was. “You should play too since I haven’t made too many friends yet!”
“What about Tae?” You tried to avoid getting yourself involved in Jungkook’s gaming addiction by name-dropping the other gamer in your friend group.
“Nah, I asked him but he’s too busy playing Overwatch,” Jungkook shrugged. “The boy’s an addict, I tell ya.” You rolled your eyes at the biggest addict you knew.
“Well what about the people you met in the game?”
“There’s this one guy, Jinnamon, who goes to the same school as us, and I actually met up with him the other day in person.” The boy cursed under his breath after dying again. “He’s a pretty cool dude, but he kept making weird dad jokes.”
“If that’s your only complaint, he can’t be that bad, right?”
“I suppose…” Jungkook finally just flipped his laptop over and rage-quit after dying for a third time. “I GIVE UP. Here, if you don’t wanna make your own account, just use mine because I’m 100% done with this shit. It’s a stupid game anyway.” You snickered at the boy’s childish temper because you knew he’d be back online after a few hours of boredom. But in the meantime, you decided to check out the game that had gotten him all fired up.
It wasn't just a fighting game, you learned. There were also little mini games and quests you could do with other people, and also places just for chatting. You walked around the town where most people gathered for a little while and then headed to where you thought the giant fish was. It took you about ten minutes to find it, but once you did, you started hitting random buttons on the keyboard to use all different types of magic on the fish. And before you knew it, the fish had been slayed so you picked up the fish bone that dropped. You didn’t understand why a veteran gamer like Jungkook had had such a hard time defeating the monster when it had been so easy for a newbie like yourself. But what were you supposed to do next??
“Hey Kookie?” You tapped the shoulder of the boy who had fallen asleep on your bed, but he was out. Probably because he had stayed up all night playing the game. Not wanting to interrupt his sleep, you decided to ask someone else.
You searched for some kind of messaging system within the game, and once you did, you realized you were only able to message people on your friend list. Since Jungkook had specifically mentioned that Jinnamon guy, you clicked on his name to start a chat.
Nochu: “um hi”
Jinnamon: “oh its u again”
Jinnamon: “i thought u left me lol”
Nochu: “no that was my friend ^^;; he didnt like your dad jokes lol”
Jinnamon: “wait ur friend? u mean jungkook? who r u then o.o?”
Nochu: “Y/N”
Jinnamon: “o im seokjin btw but just call me jin ok”
Nochu: “lol i understand your username now. thats cute😹”
Jinnamon: “rlly? most ppl hate my puns LIKE UR FRIEND”
Nochu: “wowow someones salty hehe”
Jinnamon: “im NOT”
Nochu: “you kinda are /:”
Jinnamon: “ANYWAY. why is a peasant like u speaking to me?”
Nochu: “peasant???”
Jinnamon: “obviously knights like me are superior to mages like u”
Nochu: “i dont really know what youre talking about but okay???”
Jinnamon: “wow what a noob”
Nochu: “gtg bye”
Jinnamon: “WAIT. im just kidding! rlly. what do u need?”
Nochu: “i killed a fish and idk what to do???”
Jinnamon: “lol what fish?”
Nochu: “the big one in the cave that takes up like half the screen? idk what its called”
Jinnamon: “wHAT”
Nochu: “???”
Jinnamon: “pics or it didnt happen”
Nochu: “what pics?? all i have is this fish bone item???”
Nochu: “what do i do with it?????”
Jinnamon: “give it to me of course lol”
Nochu: “how do i do that?”
Jinnamon: “omg u rlly r a noob”
Nochu: “what?? ive never played this before!! how am i supposed to know??”
Jinnamon: “first of all the trading option is on the bottom right of the screen”
Jinnamon: “and second dont just give away ur quest items to strangers lol”
Jinnamon: “so now that we cleared that up, what r u gonna do with the fish bone?”
Nochu: “give it to u???”
Jinnamon: “omfg no… ur hopeless”
Jinnamon: “i guess i have no choice but to take u under my wing”
Jinnamon: “can we meet up?”
Nochu: “like in person??????”
Jinnamon: “ya its easier to explain this stuff in person”
You thought about it for a moment. Jungkook did say he met up with this Seokjin guy before and that he was a pretty cool dude from your university, so it was safe to assume he wasn’t a creeper at the very least.
Nochu: “okay lets meet in front of the school library in an hour?”
Jinnamon: “got it~ ill send u my number so we can text”
You logged out of the game and packed Jungkook’s laptop into your bag. Honestly, you were beyond nervous about meeting Seokjin in person. While you were fairly comfortable with keeping up a conversation with him in the game, you weren’t sure how things would go outside of that environment. But you reminded yourself that the two of you would have the game to talk about, so there was no reason to worry about any awkward silences.
You glanced at the mirror to check your outfit before scolding yourself for making it seem like a date. Just as you walked out of your apartment, you silently said bye to Jungkook who was still dead asleep.
It was a sunny day on campus, a nice change from the darkness in your room that Jungkook loved to play his games in. When you reached the library, you scanned the area for an empty bench to sit on as you waited. But thanks to your luck, all the benches were occupied with at least one person. Of course, there was still room for you to sit next to someone, but the thought of that gave you butterflies.
Just when you were about to take a seat on the brick wall instead, you noticed a lone boy sitting at one end of one of the longer benches. If you sat there, it probably wouldn’t be so bad since there would be a fair amount of space between you and the boy. So you approached the bench.
“Um, excuse me, is it okay if I sit here?” You stared at the boy who was significantly more attractive up close than from a distance. He definitely stood out with his broad shoulders and his more than handsome face with beautifully plump pink lips.
“Yeah, go ahead,” the boy nodded, “I’m just waiting for someone.”
“Oh, me too,” you smiled at his adorable choppy bangs before taking a seat at the opposite end of the bench. Who knew such a stunning boy existed at your school?
You checked the time on your phone and saw that you were about five minutes early. Rather than text Seokjin immediately, you decided to wait a bit so he wouldn’t feel rushed.
To kill time, your eyes began to wander. Your campus was known for its breathtaking scenery, but somehow all you wanted to look at was the choppy bangs boy. He was looking down at his phone, texting away. You wondered who he was waiting for. A date maybe? The only thing that snapped you out of your daze was the vibration of your phone.
2:02PM Seokjin “im here~”
2:03PM noob “me too lol”
2:04PM noob “wait where??”
2:05PM noob “i just realized i have no idea what you look like lmao”
2:06PM Seokjin “im sitting on one of the benches”
You noticed Choppy Bangs looking up from his phone and scanning the area.
2:07PM noob “uhh… youre not the guy sitting next to me right lol”
2:08PM noob “the guy with the choppy bangs?”
2:08PM Seokjin “…”
2:09PM noob “oh shit it IS you o.o”
“What do you mean ‘oh shit’??” Choppy Bangs turned to you and made some kind of a squeaky windshield wiper sound with his laugh. “And they’re not choppy bangs!”
“Sorry!” you giggled. “So you’re really Jin?? I didn’t expect you to look like that.” You were still in shock that you were the lucky person the handsome boy had been waiting for.
“Like what?” Seokjin raised an eyebrow at you. “I swear, Jungkook said the same exact thing when he saw me for the first time. Like, am I really that handsome?”
You just nodded, trying not to laugh. Maybe he came off a bit strong, but as a shy person yourself, you actually really envied how he embraced his good looks and spoke so comfortably around you. “Shall we go inside, then?”
The two of you made your way into the library and found an empty table next to the window. Rather than sit across from you, Seokjin took the seat right next to you. But it made sense since he needed to show you how to play the game properly.
“Was that really the first time you played this game?” Seokjin asked with big eyes as he brought out his laptop from his bag.
“Ya, I swear!” You took out Jungkook’s laptop and waited for the game to load. When you were presented with the log-in screen, you realized you made a grave mistake. You had no idea what Jungkook’s password was.
After logging into his own account, Seokjin stared at your confused expression for a second and picked up on your problem. All he did was make his squeaky laughing sounds.
With bright red cheeks, you called your friend and prayed that he would pick up to tell you his password. Otherwise, what was the point of meeting up with Seokjin? You’d feel terrible if you made him come all this way only for you to be locked out of Jungkook’s account.
But of course, Jungkook didn’t pick up. He was probably still fast asleep and wouldn’t wake up for who knows how long. So you sent him a text instead in hopes that he would get the message some time soon.
“He better reply quickly,” you groaned.
“Well, in the meantime,” Seokjin slid his laptop in front of you. “Show me how you killed the fish~”
“What? You still don’t believe me?” you smirked.
“Well considering you can’t even get past the log-in screen, no, I don’t believe you.”
“Okay you have a point hehe,” you smiled as you looked at Seokjin’s character, which also coincidentally had his same choppy bangs. You pressed a few buttons, but rather than magic attacks like Jungkook’s character, you were swinging a sword around. “Hey, this is different from Jungkook’s guy.”
“That’s because I’m a knight and he’s a mage!!” Seokjin shook his head at you. “Didn’t I explain this already?”
“Yeah, but I don’t know what the fuck knights and mages are!” you pouted, shoving the boy next to you.
“That’s because you’re a noob,” he teased, giving you a light shove back.
“At least I could kill the fish thing!” You moved Seokjin’s character back to the giant fish’s cave and waited for it to spawn.
“Hmm, we’ll see.” And with that, the giant fish appeared. You jumped around and swung your sword, but it was a lot more difficult to control a knight. Just when the fish’s health bar was lowered to the red, you fell victim to one of its attacks where it literally threw up water in your face. A tombstone dropped and Seokjin’s character became a ghost.
“Omg look! You died! You’re a ghost~” you giggled, pointing at Seokjin’s floating character.
“Listen, the fish was supposed to die, not me,” the boy chuckled at your innocence.
“Sorry I couldn’t get you the fish bone though…” You made duck lips and tilted your head in Seokjin’s direction.
“That’s alright,” he patted your head. “You’re not bad for a noob.”
“Stop calling me a noob! You’re the noob~” You grabbed his hand off your head and started pulling at his fingers. “What do you need the fish bone for anyway? Can you become rich and famous with it?”
“You just give it to some witch for a quest. It’s a pretty useless item actually,” he shrugged.
“What! I thought it was important!” you whined. “I thought I was really cool for defeating the fish!! You made me feel special!!”
“I mean, you were the first to kill it, so that’s pretty cool, right?” Seokjin swatted at your annoying hands that were still tugging on his so he could properly entwine his fingers with yours.
“I guess…” You were starting to feel a bit foolish for thinking you were some hotshot after killing some fish in a video game, but Seokjin was really making you feel extra special with the way he held your hand so gently. And you didn’t want it to end.
Buzz! You jumped at the sudden vibration in your pocket. Whoever sent that text better have had a really good reason for interrupting your moment.
3:34PM Kookie “my password is ilyjustin”
3:35PM Kookie “wait why do you need my password?”
3:36PM Kookie “wait where the fuck is my laptop?”
3:38PM Y/N “i have it lmao”
3:39PM Kookie “???”
3:39PM Kookie “dont break my baby”
3:40PM Kookie “oh god its too early in the morning for this shit”
3:41PM Kookie “good night”
You put your phone away, a little upset that Jungkook had ended up responding so quickly. Things had been going surprisingly well without Seokjin even teaching you how to play the game. You just felt good around the boy.
“I guess I can log into Jungkook’s account now…” You flipped the laptop screen up and began inputting the password, but Seokjin was quick to put a halt to your typing.
“Maybe we should take a break?” He got up and stretched before extending a hand out to you. “We can always play online later, right?”
You nodded and took his hand into your own before you had the chance to chicken out. “So where are we going?”
“Have any suggestions?” He swung your hand back and forth. You had to take a moment to think, but there actually was a place you had been dying to visit. And the only reason why you hadn’t gone there yet was because you had no one to go with. But now you did.
“The aquarium!” Your eyes sparkled. “I wanna see big fish!”
“Like the one you slaughtered and then got slaughtered by?” The windshield wiper laugh came out again. It was a sound you were growing really fond of.
“Yeah~ Can we go?” You looked up to Seokjin, who smiled back at you.
“Oooh! Jin, look!!” You repeatedly tapped the boy’s shoulder until he turned to the flat, gliding creature you were pointing at in the tank. “It’s cute, right?”
“You think stingrays are cute?” he asked. “You have really weird taste, ya know that?”
“I like most fish, okay?” you pouted and crossed your arms like a child. “All of them excep-” You cut yourself off and took a step away from the tank when you saw a giant grey and white fish with rows and rows of dangerously sharp teeth staring right at you. “Except that.” You hid behind Seokjin and peeked out from his broad shoulders.
“Aww I thought you wanted to see big fish?” he teased.
“But not a shark!!” You clung to the back of his flannel, shaking as you kept an eye on the great white.
Suddenly, Seokjin’s large hand wrapped around yours as your heartbeat slowed and returned to its normal pace. It wasn’t hard to feel safe in his hands. “Let’s go look for other big fish, yeah?”
“Okay…” You were still pouty, but you really enjoyed holding his hand. It just felt so natural and right. And you appreciated how much Seokjin was trying to make sure you were comfortable.
The next room you walked into was darker than the rest. You stayed as close as you could to Seokjin in case any shark wanted to jump out at you, even though you were well aware that that was physically impossible.
Your eyes grew big and your mouth formed a big O when you looked at the glowing tank in the center of the room.
“You like jellyfish too?” The boy chuckled at the curiosity in your eyes.
You only nodded. The way the jellies flowed and glowed so effortlessly in the water felt unreal. Almost as unreal as the fact that you were genuinely falling for a boy you had just met online. And you needed a moment to let all your feelings sink in.
“Hey, Jin?”
“What did you think of me when I first talked to you online?”
“I thought you were a noob. And it turns out, you really are one.” He leaned his head on your shoulder. You elbowed his stomach. “But I also thought you were pretty cute and innocent. Turns out I was right about that too.”
“Really?” You looked up to the boy with your puppy eyes. “Because to be honest, I didn’t expect you to be cute at all~”
“But I’ll admit I was wrong~” you giggled. “You’re super handsome and nice, and I really liked spending time with you, and-”
Seokjin cut you off with a warm embrace. Your whole body felt the heat radiating from the boy’s chest. He’d make an excellent snuggle buddy, your pure and innocent mind noted. “Today was fun,” he spoke into your ear.
“It was!” You gave the boy a huge smile as your eyes wandered right onto his plush pink lips. There was only one more thing that could make the day any better. “Can I kiss you~?”
The next moment, you felt his lips pressed up against yours. You had thought nothing would feel better than holding his hand, but the sensation of your lips locking with his was more than enough to solidify everything. You had found the one.
Just earlier that morning, you were swiping left on some dating app, doubtful that meeting someone online would ever result in a relationship or love. Four hours ago, you were fighting some stupid fish. Three hours ago, you were insulted by some boy calling you a noob. Two hours ago, you met that same boy in person. An hour ago, you accidentally turned his character into a ghost. And just now, you kissed him as if a spark had gone off somewhere in your heart. It was never that meeting someone face-to-face was difficult, or that online dating was a hoax. It was just that you hadn’t found the right boy until that very moment.
You just had one hope as your lips parted with his. When you left the aquarium, when you went back to playing that silly online game, or when you decided to quit the game because it was kind of boring, you only hoped your relationship with Seokjin would continue to bloom, both online and off.
“Hey! We never found the big fish!!” you cried, walking out of the darkness of the aquarium and into the brightness of the setting sun.
“Oh shit you’re right…” Seokjin stroked his imaginary beard. “Okay, here’s a question to make you feel better.”
You tilted your head with a confused look.
“Are we… o-fish-ally dating?” You weren’t sure if you were laughing because the joke was so terrible, because the windshield wiper laugh came out once more, or simply because you were with the boy you loved.
“I suppose we are,” you giggled, wrapping your arms tightly around Seokjin as he planted a kiss on your forehead. “And by the way, I was kind of waiting for you to drop a dad joke all day.”
“Sorry to keep you waiting!”
“It’s okay, let’s just go and fight the other big fish together~” You gave him one last peck on the cheek before heading home, hand in hand.
A/N: Shoutout to any og maplers who caught my pianus reference LMAO~
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twdmusicboxmystery · 8 years
7x13: Details
 Okay, just wanted to go over some details in the episode.
1. The number 5. We saw 5 Kingdom-ers at the beginning with the cantaloupe: Richard, Ezekiel, Jerry, and two others. Then when Carol kills walkers in the tree, she kills four with the sign and one more with a knife: 5 total. Probably pointing us back toward S5 for, you know, some odd reason. ;D
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2. Candlelight Theme. We saw it with Carol at the beginning when she woke from her nightmare. After Benjamin dies, we see it with Morgan as well. Both are in psychological distress when we see this. Of course, there are Norman’s famous lines about Beth being the light in the dark tunnel for Daryl. Daryl was in serious psychological distress after the prison went down, and Beth helped him heal from that. This kind of lighting almost always signals serious emotional angst.
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3. 63 on the wall again. @bluesandbeth told me that in issue 63 of the comic books, Michonne is thought to be dead…but then turns up alive. Hmmm.
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4. I wondered if Nabila meant anything specific. It means “Noble or Excellent.” Another thing I didn’t mention on Monday was what she said about burning the garden down. She said the beautiful thing was that, “If you want, it can all grow back. ” They “get to come back,” but it’s always a choice. Carol was making a choice by staying alone in that cabin. She was in a self-imposed Purgatory and wasn’t progressing at all. Now she’s made the choice to move forward and become part of the world (the Kingdom) again. Same with Ezekiel choosing not to fight the Saviors.
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5. Benjamin’s girlfriend. Benjamin talked about some girl who helped him with the picture, but wouldn’t tell Morgan anything else about her. A Nonny suggested maybe this was a way of paralleling Benjamin with Zack. He definitely does have a similar, boyish look to Zack. For me, it depends on whether we ever meet this girl or not. If we do, we’ll have to see what role she plays in the show. If not, she’s only symbolic. The thing is, this was more than just a minor detail. Morgan asked Benjamin about her at least twice. They really drew attention to this, so I’ll be interested to see where, if anywhere, it goes.
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6. Jerry’s cobbler. Okay, small totally silly note here. I think the cobbler has come to symbolize something good. Maybe happiness, normalcy. We saw it with Carol in 7x02. Only a place like the Kingdom that’s well settled and has a decent food supply could reasonably expect to have or make cobbler. Anyway, Ezekiel told Jerry to leave the cobbler. Yeah, it was a funny–gotta love Jerry’s smile–but also kind of random. I wondered if it was a foreshadow that bad things were afoot. (Yes, that was an extremely lame pun. Someone else also pointed out to me that a “cobbler” is someone who makes shoes. So the cobbler could also be tied to the shoe/foot theory. Just throwing that out there. ;D)
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7. The Kingdomers gave the Saviors their guns. We’ve seen this before, as Negan took all the guns from Alexandria. But this made me think of Noah giving up his gun and giving into Dawn at Grady. Not only did that result in disaster where Beth was concerned, but I do think it showed his weakness as a character and led to his death later on. (X) Here, Ezekiel and co give up their guns. Not long after, Benjamin is dead.
8. The Saviors said they were going to “teach them” just like the Claimers. Small detail, but Gavin said, “You have to learn the stakes, so we’re going to teach you.” This not only points us back toward S4 but shows that the “bad guys” in this season are being set up as parallels to earlier things we’ve seen.
9. We again saw the theme of the Saviors killing someone for what someone else did. I thought it was interesting because in this case, it wasn’t supposed to happen. Gavin was surprised when he turned around and Jarod had shot Benjamin. He was supposed to kill Richard, as Gavin originally said. This has become more than just something intentional on Negan’s part.
10. “It’s As or Fs, no Is.” “One, not more not less.” I was a little confused by this part. Assuming these are letter grades with A being the highest and F being “fail,” and I’m assuming I = Incomplete, then it makes sense in the dialogue. They’re saying the drops have to be all or nothing. But I was reminded of shirt Daryl wore at the Sanctuary. It had a red A with what looked like an I super-imposed over it, which doubled as a handle of sorts. Not sure if this is what they’re going for, or even what it all means, but it’s what I thought of.
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11. Carol planted tomatoes. We’ve seen tomatoes a lot, especially around Morgan, and most recently at the Kingdom. The thing I noticed was that on this package, it says, “Boston pickling.” I thought it was a pickle reference. @bluesandbeth told me that this company most often does cucumbers, not tomatoes. This may even be an incorrect pairing–something they put together for the show. A double pickle reference and paired with the tomato reference. ***Update: I need to fix the above reference. I misunderstood the information sent to me. Boston Pickling isn't a company. It's a type of cucumber. Im looking into it further but just know for now that we can't find any evidence that there is any such thing as a Boston pickling tomato. That type of plant, from what we've seen, doesn't exist. Just wanted to clarify. Thanx for the correction @bluesandbeth! 💖***
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12. Family Doctor sign in background. Lots of people have sent me doctor or ER signs that have been in the background. I guess I’m finally starting to pick them up on my own. This one was behind Morgan, specifically when he found the missing melon. You know, the one that was separated from the others and hidden? As though a doctor or medical institution may have had something to do with that?
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13. “Benjamin, get your gun up.” Okay I’m gonna be a total TD geek about this. They called attention to this twice. Richard says it when they first stop at the road block, and then Morgan thinks about it again after Benjamin’s death. It’s what makes him realize that Richard was the culprit. Richard says it just as he secretly separates the hidden melon from the others. I couldn’t help but think of the fact that Dawn’s gun simply wasn’t “up” far enough to have shot Beth. So right when the melon was separated from the others, “Benjamin, get your gun up.” I’m probably really reaching. Meh. Whatevs. It’s what it made me think of.
14. Babies Crying - Richard mentions this several times when telling Morgan about the camp he used to be in. It made me think of episode 5x09 where we not only saw an emphasis on Judith crying from 7x01, but we also heard echoes of it all throughout the episode. Now we had an emphasis on it here.
15. Finally, @sparklepoodles pointed this out to me. It originates in 7x10, when Daryl keeps Richard putting his plan into action that would have gotten Carol killed. Not only did they foreshadow Richard’s death through dialogue. (Richard: I would die for the Kingdom. Daryl: Then why don’t you?) but look at this picture:
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Tell me that’s not a foreshadow of Richard’s death and, more specifically, to Morgan strangling him. 
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16. The bull rider picture. I wanted to do this one last because it’s the most intriguing to me. I don’t have a specific theory, but I just wanted to share some observations. This is important, not only because it’s exactly the kind of detail they like to hide symbolism but it was also emphasized in the quiz on TTD.
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I had to research bull fighting and found that I knew very little about it. Basically, it’s all about a fighter (commonly called a matador) showing off his skill by killing a massive, angry bull. It’s a brutal sport and they do kill the bull by the end. Usually. In the first stage, the bull fighter observes the bull, looking for strengths and weaknesses, and takes steps to weaken it physically, often by stabbing it to cause injury and blood loss. In the second stage, more steps are taken to weaken the bull, including stabbing it with barbed sticks that will remain in order to weaken its strong neck and shoulder muscles. The killing, in which the matador must several the bull’s spinal cord, happens in stage 3. It’s very dangerous for the matador, of course, but almost always fatal for the bull. (There are some special cases where they might let the bull live, but that’s rare.)
I don’t see a whole lot of TD things in this symbol. I’m side-eyeing a few things, but overall, I think this is a very strong Morgan symbol. In fact, it’s probably a very negative sign for Morgan. Morgan is the matador. Benjamin, however, is not the bull. Richard is. How do I know that? Well, for one thing, Morgan didn’t kill Benjamin, but he had to use his strength and skill to kill Richard. Another thing I read? After the bull is finally killed, it’s body is dragged through the arena by a team of mules. Kinda like this:
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And then there’s the fact that there is a blue prohibition sign (the circle with the line through it) over the entire picture, as if to warn that this would be a very bad thing for Morgan to do. To me, that just points to his downward spiral even more.
It did occur to me that the three stages of the bull fighting could represent Morgan’s bouts with sanity, but since he’s the matador, I’m not entirely sure that works.
And the things I’m side-eyeing? @bluesandbeth pointed out that how the bulls are killed isn’t so far off how walkers are killed in the show, which I think is a good point. You could, of course, relate this to Beth specifically because they didn’t stab her in the brain. (I had a Nonny point out that Morgan stabbed Richard in the brain despite an obvious head injury, which is a super-interesting observation - X).
The only other thing that caught my attention here is the red cape. It’s the traditional symbol of the matador, which is how you can tell (other than the bull) that this is a picture of a bull fighter. But I immediately went back to the red cape/poncho/whatever-it-was in Beth’s cell. 
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I’m not sure how that would tie into this, unless it’s as anti-parallel. Morgan killed Richard, but he might have saved Beth.
And then there’s the fact that the prohibition sign on Morgan’s painting is GREEN. Just saying.
So anyway, like I said, no specific theory. Just observations.
That’s everything I had in my notes. Anyone pick up any other tidbits?
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comicteaparty · 6 years
July 5th, 2018 CTP Archive
The archive for the Comic Tea Party chat that occurred on July 5th, 2018, from 5PM - 7PM PDT.  The chat focused on Cunning Fire by Kaz Rowe.
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Featured Comment:
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✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
Good day everyone~! This week’s Comic Tea Party is now officially beginning~! Today we are discussing Cunning Fire by Kaz Rowe~! (http://cunningfire.com/) For those new or in need of a reminder, discussions about the comic are freeform, so please feel free to bring up whatever you wish. However, every 30 minutes I will be dropping in a discussion question to help those who would like a prompt. These questions are totally OPTIONAL to answer, and you can pay them no mind if you wish. If you miss out on any though, they’ll be pinned for the duration of the chat once they’re posted~! Remember, constructive criticism is allowed, but the primary focus here is to have fun and appreciate the amazing comics that the community makes~! As a bonus, each chat a top comment will be picked and featured in the archives and on an ad for CTP! All that being said, let’s get started and have a great discussion!
QUESTION 1. What is your favorite scene in the comic so far and why?
I liked the scene where Akiva and Blair go through the first few levels of the astral plane
It was cool introducing the different environments, and that scene gave us "i need to make a harder challenge"
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
i felt so bad for that first level guardian. XD just trying to make some nifty puzzles but nope, everyone just comes and solves them and moves along
i think my fave scene is when they charged the crystal. not only were the visuals really stunning, but im glad there was an element of danger to it. i think that really painted a distinct picture that no, being a witch is kind of dangerous
yeah, i liked the idea that if you mess up with that channeling, you could be hit by lightning
turned out ok in the end, because they needed smaller crystals. but the danger was there
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
So, I liked when Akiva and Darcy first met, and the latter remarked how "literally none of that is your business" but they still kind of got along... and so I shipped them only to see in the author's comment that it could end up being canon.
i can see that. the ship has a lot of potential
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Though the astral plane stuff was neat too. Poor tearful Guardian 1, I guess anyone who makes it to him kind of has a sense of things already.
A lot of things seem dangerous, Akiva's just blindly charging in (though not totally blindly, as they're trying to help her).
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
haha i feel the akiva darcy ship is pretty obvious. would be surprised if it doesnt happen because the two have a really strong connection. or at least akiva is really insistent on being a creepy porch stalker
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Just gotta get past that whole Bahram spoiling it thing.
and a creepy window stalker
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Akiva, into the architecture, heh.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
i like how the danger kind of gradually increases for akiva. in that they dont throw her into the most dangerous stuff from the get go. i feel like theyre working their way up so she doesnt panic
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Though you know me and my yuri ships.
yeah it really is kind of like getting experience points and leveling up
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Rebel - Yeah, that's a good point. And they seem to have judged where she's at too, like that remark in the graveyard about how she'd have already been thrown out if there was problems.
"This isn't like a video game!"
it is totally like a video game though, lol.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
another scene that i really enjoyed was when akiva and blair talked on the balcony. mostly because i felt like that scene had some really great atmosphere.
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Yeah, I hope that builds up to something more, and learning about Darcy's past.
Related, I find the cast page really interesting... their witch cards, with certain "spoiler" information blacked out.
the balcony scene reminded me - one thing i really like is how the characters' clothes change
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
I hadn't even really remarked on that. Good one.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
i was actually really sad there was so much good info on that cast page cause i wanted to include some of that stuff in the questions but decided against it since it wasnt in the story itself. XD
i really enjoy how the characters have their own individual styles for clothing
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Heh. The evil date, "121613".
Actually... this takes place in 2016. And Darcy's pact was 3 years ago. Coincidence? O.o
Some people (witches?) must have up and died in mid-December that year...
rio's had a pact for 3 years too, according to her card
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
well the cast page does say eden is one of 4 survivors. and cant have survivors unless ppl dun died
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Maybe they were just sent to astral jail or something.
Like the hellhounds.
though i would point out that eden wasn't registered until after december 16th 2013
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
OH. Nice catch. That is interesting. Maybe the incident is what drove him to witchcraft.
I like how Akiva was born on Halloween.
Also that Blair's overdue for renewal.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
that or it could mean the council didnt know about eden and he was doing underground witch stuff. and then the incident is what made them aware of those ppl
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
The incident was SORT of in the story too... that side story with the online message boards.
Rebel: Good point.
Gotta have the licence to practice magic.
I also liked the side comic following up on the "favour" that was owed, using the library. Including the use of gloves to handle old documents, well portrayed.
There's a whole big backstory here we're only just starting to see.
yeah it really feels like there's a lot to this world we haven't seen yet
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
QUESTION 2. The comic has plenty of mysteries surrounding our protagonist Akiva. First off, why do you think Azrael spared Akiva’s life as a baby? Or, in other words, what exactly did Akiva do that upset the balance that was mentioned a few times? We also learn that one of Akiva’s brothers died under unknown circumstances. What do you think happened to the brother? Was it an accident, self-inflicted, or somehow supernatural? Do you believe the brother’s death has something to do with Akiva’s strained relationship with her family? Lastly, though we know Akiva is a Death Witch, we have yet to see the full extent of her powers. As a Death Witch, what do you think Akiva will be able to do? Do you think she’ll adjust to her powers, or will they scare her and cause emotional trauma?
azrael was just in that halloween spirit
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Her brother had to die because she lived. Will she want to bring him back? Not sure about that.
Maybe he lives on inside her. As a female. Who can resuscitate on the third astral plane.
maybe there can only be a certain number of death witches in the world, and akiva's birth somehow caused one to die?
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Because the big twist is, they're not actually related... Akiva's father is actually Bahram, or something. (edited)
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
maybe. as for upsetting the balance i assume that akiva did something she wasnt supposed to do. and for a baby that could mean maybe she wasnt even supposed to live long enough to be born? albeit there is that one scene with azrael where he wishes the old lady good luck in the next life. so assuming reincarnation is a thing, maybe akiva's balance upsetting has more to do with who she was before than who she is now.
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Hm, not sure I buy that there's a quota.
Or who she will become?
azrael said that she DID upset the balance, not that she WILL, so i don't think it's that
the next life could refer to just the afterlife. but it could be reincarnation?
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
That's fair. I wonder if it's like the balance between our world and the astral one then... was she only "born" in one place...?
are you saying everyone is supposed to have an earthly form and an astral form, and that azrael had to spare her because she didn't have an astral form?
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
I'm not sure what I'm saying, but let's go with that.
Maybe that Alex girl has the answers. (Am I getting the name right? The prior Death Witch.)
i think it was alexa?
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
yes alex is correct. alexis if you want to go non nickname
ah yes
yeah i think she knows what's going on with azrael more than anyone else
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
I'll take any chance at a name I can get. ^^;
Except if she has the potion, why hasn't she spoken to him already? Is it that she needs a noble excuse?
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
she could still know something. albeit shes still far from getting the potion. shes only on the 5th floor and there are 13 floors
so thats many to go
im really curious about whether each time they go to a new floor if their progress saves or if theyre bumped back to the beginning
cause if its the latter that makes sense for why getting to azrael is hard
since akiva passed out on what, floor 3?
i think you always have to start at floor 1. the reason you can ever make it further is because you train up to not lose so much energy.
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
They must go back through, because that person said that Darcy had gone through level 2 quickly. Owing to her experience.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
ah thats true!
i forgot about the mention of darcy
good luck to akiva
in regards to akiva's bro, maybe she hugged him and sucked the life out of him
just like how she murdered that flower for a moment
oh dang that would certainly cause some strained relations
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Actually, I'm pretty sure that the Darcy scene we saw near the start (with the crystals) took place in the midst of Part 4, like it was sort of a "flash forward" and then we went back to follow Akiva's path.
maybe? i figured it was just one of the many tries.
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Hmm, Seth seemed to know it was coming though? Because he left that note. But I suppose it could explain about her regaining that ability (or rather just lost the power to turn it off).
I suppose it could be too. I've no proof.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
maybe bahram killed him O_O cause lets just blame bahram for everything
this sounds like a great plan
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
there are plenty of other evil entities out there!
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
i assume the strained relationship is actually just cause she predicted it. cause ppl tend to like to blame others when somebody dies.
maybe this is one of her powers as a death witch
she can see ppl's dates of death
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Oh, that could be too. Or maybe she could have predicted it, but said nothing, because of suppressing it?
Though I guess that wouldn't make sense with her family.
Unless she told them about her ability when she was young maybe.
have we seen her predict deaths a long time in advance? we know she sees azrael show up and follow people around a few minutes before they die...
we know she told them about seeing ghosts when she was young, and they didn't believe her
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Ahhhh. (Except Seth, maybe? I don't recall.)
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
i dont think she specified it was a few minutes before? i think she just said soon and soon can mean a few minutes or it could mean a few hours (or a few days if you want to stretch it). and since azrael is technically just projecting himself its not like hes going to be worried about appointment keeping. cause theoretically he can just project himself however many times he needs.
now i wonder how azrael knows when to get ppl
cause he didnt get that one girl who inadvertantly got akiva arrested
and if shes seen other ghosts
i feel like ghosts come back from the astral plane under certain circumstances? don't know what those would be though
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
well that one chick with akiva was most likely murdered so i could see how that leaves unfinished business.
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Maybe there's only certain people who are special enough.
Back to the original question, I don't think the Death Witch thing will cause any more emotional trauma than Akiva already has. ^.^
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
i think it could but i think itd depend on the what. i think itll take something super major. like somebody dying.
QUESTION 3. Not long after Akiva joins Keter, she finds out that Keter had a Death Witch who vanished. Why do you think the last Death Witch, Alexis, left Keter? Was it based on selfish motivations, or could it have been something that Keter did? Does it have something to do with whatever happened between Alexis and Riley (and what do you think happened between them in the first place)? If Alexis left Keter, why is she still trying to reach Azrael with such determination? Lastly, do you believe Alexis and Akiva will meet, and if so, how might that affect Akiva’s perception of Keter?
i think the others were just pushing alexis too hard
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
I suspect they'll meet on the Astral. Could be rocky.
yeah i imagine they'll run into each other on the astral plane somewhere
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Maybe they were doing more than pushing too hard, maybe they were pushing her in a couple directions at once. Which was why she couldn't handle the relationship side of things too.
is it possible that alexis is trying to make the elixir for some personal reason?
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
She might have left in a rush, she left her stuff. (Though I guess if she had to steal the elixer on the way out, that makes sense.)
I think that's almost a definite, yeah.
like, someone she knows who died or is dying?
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
i could go a few ways. on the one hand i could see it that she was pushed too hard. cause i feel like theyre already doing that with akiva. cause even if akiva is a natural, akiva is also still a beginner. and they already have her jumping into the astral and that seems a bit soonish to me. so in a sense i do feel like keter probably drove her to it
but on the otherhand, maybe theres something alexis knows that we dont
like some secret she discovered
maybe there's something shady going on with rio?
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
I feel like already died, otherwise she'd have been putting pressure on herself too, but there could be something to that.
Alexis knows who puts cream in their coffee.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
something shady with rio, or perhaps it has something to do with azrael. cause azrael did use to be human (iirc). that could have something to do with it.
and i assume theyre all there to revive different ppl tbh
so either that elixir has multiple uses
or after they get it theyre going to fight it out about who gets to use it
some people want to sell the elixir for money, probably
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
maybe. i dont feel any of the charas would. riley and quinn seem involved for research. but i think blair, eden, and darcy are pretty heavily implied to want the elixir for the life giving part of it.
idk about rio
rio might just want moneys
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
OH. Hmmm, will Akiva become the new Azrael? Is that her destiny? Because I'd forgotten about the human thing.
Maybe Alexis wants the Elixer just to spite the others.
maybe all the guardians were once humans, and death witches are created in case they need more?
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Maybe Death Witches are all potential successors, it's a question of whether they pass certain tests.
yeah, that's what i'm thinking
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
maybe natural death witches at least
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Yes, no artificial Death Witch sweeteners. Sorry, Darcy.
only death witches who make it to azrael are allowed to become the next azrael, for example
do we know of anyone who has truly pulled off being an artificial death witch?
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
no tho its implied they exist. i just assume natural ones are way stronger and have a huge advantage
and are more likely to actually make it to azrael
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Was that guy in the other coven, the one who used his powers for healing, a natural one?
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
i dont recall if they mentioned
hes a natural
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Me neither. I guess they can't change covens once they decide?
Oh, good find.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
i actually clicked on the first page right from the get go
i lucked the heck out on that one
and idk i feel like they could change covens
just usually dont
you can quit covens, nothing stopping you from joining another one
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Why not just offer him better benefits then, to join them? Like dental? (Eden seems to have a good dental plan...)
its just kind of a jerk move unless you had serious personal problems with your previous coven
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
i dont think avery would be a good choice cause even he says he sticks mostly to healing.
so ive had a thought. what if alexis doesnt come back to keter because she felt so pressured to succeed that she stayed in astral too long and lost her connection to her physical body
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Fair enough.
Oh, huh... do you think they're trying to get the Elixcer to help Eden out? Because he seems to have the vampiric tendencies, with the teeth and not going outside.
Maybe that's why Alexis cut and run.
maybe? but if she lost the connection to her physical body, how did she steal their progress?
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
well i mean she stole their progress, ran away, hid, but can no longer come back to them even if she wanted
so lost the connection after she ran away i mean
ah, ok
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
thats why she hasnt really talked to them or so i feel is implied
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Ah, I see... that's possible. You'd think someone would have found a body though?
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
not if she hid super good O_O
but that was just my pulled out of the hat theory
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Maybe she needs the Elixer to get back inside her body.
that would suck if the elixir only has one use then, lol. lose your body trying to make the elixir, and now you need the elixir to get back.
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Maybe it simply raises all the dead.
It's like "Death Note" in reverse.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
im not sure azrael would consider that for the greater good
but on the point of the greater good i wonder how theyre going to frame it to convince azrael of that
depends who they're planning on using it on
darcy said that it's definitely not going to work if you're just in it for the money or the challenge, and i agree with her there
but if it's to cure a vampire who could potentially save dozens of lives with his potions? that might work
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Everyone's life insurance premiums will go down?
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
i wonder what darcy wants then that she considers her goal more worthy
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
I dunno, but she is DRIVEN. To experience pain whenever someone touches you? That's a sacrifice.
Also rains a bit on the ship, sadly.
Will need to cover her in saran wrap. Not sure if into that.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
QUESTION 4. Besides Akiva, there are plenty of other characters with mysteries upon mysteries. Between Keter and Darcy, what do you believe everyone’s motivation is to create the Elixir of Life? Why do you believe Darcy would go so far as to contract with Bahram, who seems to be bad? Further, what is Azrael’s relationship with Bahram? As for Keter, what do you think is going on with Eden since he has to visit the doctor frequently? As Blair was avoidant of the question, why do you think she became a Hedge Witch? So the question doesn’t become too long, are there any other theories regarding the characters or their pasts, whether those mentioned or some of the others like Rio and Quinn?
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Nice little segue I gave there.
Again, I figure Eden's somehow vampiric. Could be from another pact, like Darcy's? Can't go outside versus can't be touched?
pacts seem to cause downsides like that. i wonder what rio's condition is, since she apparently made a pact?
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
idk. wish we had more info about pacts.
cause with darcy i assumed it was just a bahram thing
and i mean bahram looks evil
probably smells evil
but then in the astral blair gets kind of snippy cause that other witch also had a pact
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Rio used to be taller, perhaps.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
so if theres a huge stigma whats even the benefit
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Someone to chill with on Sunday evenings?
yeah, what sort of power do demons or whatever actually give you? and can you break off a pact if it isn't working out?
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Maybe if you give them someone else to pact with?
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
like for that matter what do the spirit demon things get. cause bahram at least must be after something
is this a selling of the soul sort of thing O_O
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
He gets someone to nag, I suppose.
he gets to cause someone pain
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Just want to say, I like Quinn. Maybe in part because she reminds me a lot of a character in one of my stories, but also the whole idea of being a Sea Witch who doesn't like water feels like an interesting take.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
im more interested by the fact her cast card says she used to be a former council apprentice
cause i want to know what happened there
did she leave
did they kick her out
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Oh, that's interesting. Maybe was rejected due to the not liking water thing?
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
yeah that could be. also could be she left on her own. maybe after the incident
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Or spread too much gossip?
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
i also just want to point out that avery mentions that he and his boyfriend also have been doing witchcraft for 3 years
so there seems to be a theme of everyone getting into witchcraft around the time of this mysterious incident
a lot of 3 years stuff, yeah. a lot of new witches came about in december 2013.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
so either a lot of ppl died or maybe a lot of people became aware they could be witches.
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Maybe that's when the first Elixcer got out. So they need this second one to fix the damage that one caused.
Also, I cannot for the life of me spell elixer. I think I've gone through 5 variations this chat.
it's elixir
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Well done.
maybe there was a big witch fight in a public place? somewhere where a lot of people would have found out about witches, and that's why their numbers grew?
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
But then why wouldn't Akiva have heard about it? (Wait, when did Seth pass on again?)
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
im not sure the story mentioned a when on that
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Could be there's a connection then.
Maybe THAT'S why Akiva's senses got turned back on. Seth dying was just a coincidence.
Or it's totally related, because he was dating Alexis in secret.
yeah it's hard to think of an event that enough people would have heard of where there would be an influx of new witches, but not enough where akiva or her family & friends would have heard of it
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
may need more data on the event in question.
so if we assume eden is a vampire, do you think the other survivors have been left in the same state?
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Doesn't seem to be a vampire who needs blood, at least? Maybe he was one of the lucky ones.
Or the others are werewolves instead.
One thing I want to squeeze in here - I find it neat that some of the word balloons have these little loops in them at times. (On the part that goes from mouth to words.) I thought that was a nice little touch, not something I've really seen.
yeah i really like how the shape of the word balloons' tails is influenced by the character and the emotions of the scene
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Nice art details.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
Unfortunately, the scheduled Comic Tea Party time is now up~! Thank you everyone so much for reading and joining this week’s chat~! We want to give a special thank you to Kaz Rowe, as well, for making Cunning Fire and volunteering it for our reading queue. If you liked the comic, please be sure to support Kaz Rowe’s efforts however you’re able to. All that being said, if you would like to continue discussing this week’s comic, we highly encourage you to do so~!
For next week, Comic Tea Party will focus on The Guide to a Healthy Relationship by Dani. Please note the comic is fairly mature, including both mature subject matter and mild nudity. As always, please use the next several days to read as much of the comic as you would like. We hope to see you next Thursday on July 12th from 5PM to 7PM PDT for the chat~! Until then, happy reading~! Comic: https://tapas.io/series/TGtaHR
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