#ALSO he was leader deputy and medicine cat
fellwar-finch · 5 days
How do you think Runningnose felt, looking down from starclan, watching his clan fall apart again. Rowanclaw dead, Tigerheart dead, the leader and deputy dead, the clan in shambles, ready to fall apart and join skyclan or be picked up by the next wannabe dictator that came by.
How do you think he felt watching Puddleshine suggest the most WILD idea, watching a patrol of cats carry his body to the moonpool. Was he proud of this medicine cat who was thrust into the position? Was he angry at himself for not thinking of the idea when Nightstar died. Did he wish he had the strength, faith, or foresight to carry his dying leader to the moonstone like this?
I can only imagine the bittersweet relief Runningnose felt at watching Tigerstar come back, at watching shadowclan’s resurrection, knowing it avoided breaking down again by just a whisker.
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danmeichael · 1 year
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misvil warrior cat au!!!
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12hangingmaidens · 1 year
You seem like you want to talk about your OCs
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yarnclan · 3 months
It just seems kinda fucked up to me that the new prophecy/journeying cats arent like.... revered and venerated for the rest of their lives and beyond.
Its insane that Tawnypelt wasnt first in line to be Blackstars next deputy and leader after him. That Feathertail wasn't honored in the same breath as Riverstar. Crowfeather... well... eh. Its kinda acknowlaged that he's been an important cat. And he has. Brambleclawstar got to be leader and i could write paragraphs about the weird tension between him and his "role" that seems mostly only acidentally capitalized upon...
This also all goes along with it being weird that Leafpool isn't like... considered one of the most important medicine cats who ever lived. Both for her role helping the journeying cats. And idk. Finding the moonpool??? Being the one to reforge the cat's spiritual connection at their new home??
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fallenclan · 4 months
I'm reading through the allegiences and trying to decide if I should commit to reading over 200 pages. What happened to Otterslip??? Why was he exiled?? He seemed so happy and friendly dude I can't?? I was brought here by an Evil Ravenstar fanart, but WHO IS RAVENSTAR?? Where did Nick go did Nick die?????? I like that the Goldenstar family tree is still running though. Original cat lineage from the founding of the Clan :3
well, I can't tell you the individual fate of each and every cat (I mean. I Could. but thats kind of the point of the moon updates) but i can give you the general rundown of the clan :)
The clan started with seven cats--Scorchstar, Nettlestem, Wildfang, Oaktuft, Morningpaw, Goldenkit, and Sunkit. Very early on, Wildfang was killed when rogues attacked the camp. This is also how Scorchstar lost her first life.
Wildfang was the medicine cat, meaning that after she died, the clan didn't have one anymore. By this point, Goldenpaw was already on his way to being a warrior, but Sunkit hadn't started her training yet. Scorchstar decided that when she became old enough, Sunkit would be the medicine cat for the clan. Sunkit, who desperately wanted to be a warrior, was understandably upset by this. This was the first instance of a long line of disagreements between her and Scorchstar.
Goldenpaw and Morningpaw became Goldenflare and Morningbloom. Along the way, they fell in love, then, to their elation, Morningbloom became pregnant! Unfortunately, the birth was hard, and she died almost immediately after, leaving Goldenflare the single father of three kits. He named them Maplekit, Applekit, and Honeykit. Only a few moons after their birth, a loner named Toro joined the clan, bringing her two kits, Silverkit and Dawnkit, with her.
The five kits eventually all became apprentices, and then warriors--save for Silverkit, who decided to be a medicine cat, and was apprenticed to Sunwish (formerly Sunkit). Their full names became Maplethorn, Applebranch, Honeygleam, Silverbelly, and Dawnshine. Silverbelly and Applebranch became mates, as did Honeygleam and Dawnshine.
Somewhere in there, Scorchstar became mates with her deputy, Nettlestem, and they adopted a single kit together, Otterkit (eventually Otterslip). When Otterkit was an apprentice, Nettlestem was attacked and killed by dogs. Scorchstar blamed Sunwish for being unable to save her, even though there was nothing to be done. Mad with grief, Scorchstar murdered Sunwish in a fit of rage. At this time, nobody knew except Otterslip.
Not long after the murder, Scorchstar herself was torn apart by a pack of dogs. She read this as Starclan punishing her for what she had done. Realizing it was wrong, she repented, and begged for forgiveness--reluctantly, Starclan allowed her into their ranks. Goldenflare, who was appointed deputy after Nettlestem, received his nine lives and took on the name Goldenstar.
(Since you asked, Nick died the same moon that Scorchstar did. He was buried in a rockslide.)
Otterslip, as an adult, found three abandoned kits and adopted them as his own. He named them Yewkit (Yewberry), Ivykit (Ivybounce), and Grasskit (Grassroot). Grassroot went on to be (you guessed it) killed by dogs. Otterslip, following in his mother's footsteps, blamed Stormsight (Silverbelly's apprentice) for not being able to save her.
Stormsight was told by Starclan that Scorchstar had killed Sunwish. He wanted to tell the clan about this. The combination of this fact and the fact that he 'failed' to save Grassroot drove Otterslip to murder him, by pushing him off a cliff.
Goldenstar also died at this time, losing his final two lives by falling off a cliff. His deputy (and son), Maplethorn, took his place as leader and became Maplestar.
Only a few moons after Maplestar became leader, the truth about what Otterslip had done came to light, and he was exiled from Fallenclan. His surviving children, Yewberry and Ivybounce, spent the rest of their lives with their father's betrayal hanging over their heads.
During Maplestar's reign, Fallenclan came to war with Shallowclan over Shallowclan's lack of prey. The battle was ended with no Fallenclan casualties, after only a few moons. Maplestar, already pretty old, was leader for a relatively short amount of time before losing all his lives at once to a flash flood. His deputy, Cherrydust, took the mantle of leadership and became Cherrystar.
A few moons into Cherrystar's leadership, Ravenkit and Littlekit were born to two former outsiders, Troutspeckle and Gyoza. It became immediately clear that Ravenkit was something special when he graduated early, at 10 moons old. Littlekit followed not long after him, and they became Ravenshade and Littleleaf.
Littleleaf was on a patrol with Fallenclan's deputy, Poppyfeather, when they were attacked by rogues. Littleleaf, a fantastic hunter but not much of a fighter, was badly injured in the attack, and ended up completely blind. Ravenstar, extremely protective of his brother (especially after the death of his father, Gyoza), blamed Poppyfeather. In his eyes, she didn't protect him as well as she could have. Ravenstar plotted for a few moons, and then, when the opportunity came, he caught Poppyfeather off guard and killed her.
One of Fallenclan's medicine cats, Feathersight, received a vision the same moon that Ravenshade graduated. The vision was rather unclear--broken raven feathers trailing from the sky. Nothing immediately came of it, so it was mostly brushed off, but the clan as a whole knew about it. Ravenshade, knowing that the position of deputy was now open, instructed his former apprentice, Flamefall, to remind Cherrystar of the vision, and insinuate that it meant he was destined to be deputy. His plan worked out, and so Ravenshade became deputy of Fallenclan.
With the small taste of power, Ravenshade began to crave more. When his mother, Troutspeckle, was bitten by a snake and killed, he decided he needed to do whatever he had to in order to protect his only remaining family, Littleleaf. He poisoned Cherrystar with nightshade berries, taking all of her remaining lives, and rose to the position of leader, taking on the name Ravenstar.
There's a lot of little bits in here that are important--Honeysong's ghost sight, Feathersight's suspicion, Darkpaw's dream, but this is where the line between what I've already drawn and what's spoilers gets a little wobbly, so I'll leave it at that :3 hope this was a decent explanation, and that I didn't leave anything too important out
And yes, Goldenstar's lineage is still going :3 his surviving descendants are Crowflame, Mothspots, Antbite, and Honeysong.
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mantis-clan · 3 months
Mantisclan’s First 33 Moons
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Meet Mantisclan! A small clan, formed relatively recently and currently in the shadow of its much larger sister clans, Snailclan and Cricketclan, Mantisclan prides itself on its piousness and devotion to Starclan. Their territory encompasses a wooded area on the border of a twoleg settlement that is split down the middle between the three clans.
Want to know what happened to Mantisclan in the first 33 moons of the story? Keep reading to find out!
Moons 0-10
On the very first moon, Briarmoth, Mantisclan’s deputy, got his paw stuck in a twoleg trap! The very next moon the fierce cat succumbed to his injuries and was mourned by his clanmates and appreciated for his devotion to Mantisclan.
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In the wake of his death, Quietstar and Bonespeckle would spend a lot of time together reminiscing about Briarmoth and eventually made it official- they were mates! In a show of love and trust between the two cats, Quietstar appointed Bonespeckle as the new deputy of Mantisclan.
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On moon three, Mousekit became Mousepaw! He is apprenticed to Quietstar- being so close to the leader makes him nervous, should he bring up the strange dreams he’s been having? …Best not to. It’s not like anyone would care anyway. On his first patrol as an apprentice, Mousepaw finds the quickly cooling body of a young, abandoned kit. Saying a short prayer, the patrol buries the small cat and continues on. Mousepaw can’t help but feel this was a bad omen.
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On moon four, Mousepaw was bitten by a snake, and succumbed to the venom. As he takes his last breath he takes solace in the fact that at least now the dreams will stop and he will wake up among the stars.
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Mousepaw is distraught after being sent to the Place of No Stars. Why was he sent there? Surely this doesn’t have anything to do with the dreams that have been plaguing the tom?
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On moon seven Quietstar and Bonespeckle find a single abandoned kit that they decide to adopt together, naming her Sunkit.
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Lots of things happened on moon ten!
Bonespeckle agreed to venture with Dovewhisker out onto a frozen pond. Bonespeckle went first while Dovewhisker hung back. Bonespeckle slid around playfully, taunting the other cat to chase her.
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She was about to launch another teasing remark when the ice cracked below her paws. Dovewhisker lingered to make sure she didn't surface before running back to camp with a yowl. He had never liked Bonespeckle, and the fact he needed her out of the way in order to access the deputy position was just a pleasant coincidence. Besides, the dreams he’d been having lately of the late Mousepaw had been urging him to do something about Bonespeckle.
Larkshade and Quietstar fall into a deep grief, having lost a friend and a lover respectively. After many nights spent mourning her mate, Quietstar finally appoints a new second-in-command.
In her grief-stricken recklessness, Larkshade fought a rogue, and while she drove the trespasser away, she needed to be rushed to the medicine den afterwards.
Moons 11-20
On moon twelve, Quietstar and Larkshade leaned on each other to lessen their shared grief and slowly start moving forward again. A new addition also joins the clan in the form of Bluesky, an abandoned kittypet.
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On moon thirteen, Larkshade just couldn’t fight her wounds any more and succumbed to her injuries. As she makes her way to Starclan, she takes solace in the fact that she will be reunited with Bonespeckle and Briarmoth.
Sunkit also becomes Sunpaw! And Quietstar couldn’t be prouder as she assigns the cat she trusts the most to teach her daughter. Dovewhisker.
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On moon seventeen, another new cat joins the clan! This time bringing with her three kittens. Meet Breeze (Echokit, Locustkit and Branchkit not pictured)
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On moon nineteen, Sunpaw becomes Sunsap and injures her leg in a twoleg trap, causing Quietstar to panic. She can’t lose another cat like this. Not again.
On moon twenty, after a long struggle with greencough, Quietstar succumbs, losing a life to the disease. Facing death has a different effect on every cat. For Quietstar, they have now realised that she-cat no longer describes them. They are much happier now, feeling as though they have a new lease on life.
Echokit refuses once again to go out and play, his joints swollen and painful. It’s becoming clear this is not an isolated instance, and Echokit might need some help. He is diagnosed by Blisseyes with chronic joint pain.
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Moons 21-33
The very next moon, his sister is diagnosed with persistent headaches. The chronic illness siblings!
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On moon twenty two, Sunsap’s mangled leg is looking much better and seems to have healed well. Quietstar is extremely relieved.
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Another queen joins the clan on this moon! Meet Fumble (Thistlekit, Tadpolekit and Ospreykit not pictured).
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On moon twenty three, Breeze’s kits became apprentices! Meet Locustpaw, Echpaw and Branchpaw.
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Along with the rank-ups, a new loner joined the clan!
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On moon twenty five Perditofog joins the clan with her kits (Stemkit and Magnoliakit, not pictured)
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During moon twenty seven, an apprentice from Snailclan defected to join Mantisclan. The very next moon she graduated, earning the name Mumblecrackle.
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During moon twenty eight Fumble’s litter became apprentices! Meet Tadpolepaw, Thistlepaw and Ospreypaw.
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The next moon, Breeze’s kits became warriors, earning the names Locustpond, Branchheart and Echodapple.
On moon thirty, Dovewhisker’s tail healed from a previous run-in with a dog but was left permanently scarred. Deciding to retire due to his growing age and the fact he could influence the clan just as well as a respected senior, he moves to the elder’s den.
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Bluesky is appointed deputy in his place.
While on patrol, Quietstar, Tadpolepaw, Echodapple, Peter Pangrove and Branchheart hear desperate screams coming from a nearby lake. Upon seeing the twoleg and the screeching bag they are holding, Echodapple just can't take it. He jumps into action without waiting for the rest of the patrol to back him up and he pays the price. Grabbed by the scruff and thrown hard onto the floor, the only thing the rest of the patrol can do is grab Echodapple and flee back to the safety of Mantisclan. Echodapple suffers serious head injuries.
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On moon thirty one the Perditofog kits become apprentices! Meet Stempaw and Magnoliapaw.
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Also this moon, Sunsap fought a big dog and was seriously injured.
Now you’re all caught up!
Couldn’t find a specific moon or are looking for a more detailed overview?
Find one here!
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wc-confessions · 4 months
I’m really disappointed that the Erins hate Squilf and one of them even confirmed she was their least fav AND YET this Erin also wrote Squilf’s Hope??? Wtf?!?!? Anyways I liked her and Brambleclaw’s relationship in Po3 and watching it slowly become a mess because the Erins hate Squilf and want her to suffer is fucking awful. I’m rewriting the series from TNP onward so that Squilf gets her happy ending and that Brambleclaw isn’t a toxic dick. ALSO LEAFP AND SQUILF BOTH SURVIVE AND SQUILF BECOMES LEADER AND LEAFP IS HER MEDICINE CAT!!! and im rewriting brambleclaw to be HER deputy and he’s supportive,,
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lightningclangen · 4 months
Let's get some proper references here!! Starting off with the leader, deputy, and medicine cat-- Darkstar, Greenrain, and Lightback!
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All LightningClan cats can agree that Darkstar was the best choice for leader, especially after that fateful night. While she had never had ambitions of leadership, Darkstar has managed to salvage the remaining cats into a functioning clan once again. Although she's leader, she much prefers to offer a kind smile and let her clanmates take the spotlight.
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Greenrain was a senior warrior at the founding of LightningClan, but seeing that there were no other options, he took up the position of deputy. The events that destroyed their former clan still haunt him, however, causing this deputy to fear for their stability. Due to their nervous natures, Greenrain and Rowanpaw have formed a bond, both finding solace that they're not the only anxious cats.
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Barely old enough to earn her name, Lightback has become the sole medicine cat for LightningClan. Naturally gifted at caring for cats, Lightback falls into her role quite well; she has especially become close with Dovekit, forming a motherly bond with the kit. Lightback is also quite popular with the rest of the Clan, as most cats find it incredibly easy to get along with her.
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nettleclanstale · 4 months
Moon 94.5
Moon 94.5- Gathering
Spiderstar swished his tail along the wood of the High Oak, watching intently as Birchstar, along with a sizable amount of OakClan cats, made their way into the Gathering Space. The crunching of snow beneath the cats' paws was one of the only sounds heard as they took their seats in the darkened hollow, Birchstar hopping onto the low branch the others sat upon with a sheepish look on his face.
"It's about time you all got here!" Spiderstar joked, smiling. 
"We got lost," The young tom explained, giving his chest fur a few licks of embarrassment. Leaning forward slightly to look just beyond Spiderstar, Birchstar's eyes narrowed. "Sappatch? What are you doing up here? Where's Brokenstar?"
"He's expecting. He's not doing well, and he didn't want to come." Sappatch, QuailClan's medicine cat, meowed in reply. The white tom turned his head towards Birchstar's voice, and Spiderstar felt himself shift back slightly. Although Sappatch couldn't see him, he still didn't wish to feel his gaze.
"And what about Cleardawn?" Birchstar questioned, tilting his head slightly.
"Mangled tail."
"Anyway!" Spiderstar cut the two off, chuckling nervously. "I believe it's time to begin. Would either of you like to begin?" 
Silence. A gentle yet cold breeze blew through the air, making Spiderstar and a few other cats shiver. 
"Very well," The brown tabby meowed, letting out a heavy exhale before speaking again. "NettleClan has had...Rough times lately. We're still recovering from the flood that took away so many of our clanmates. While prey has been easier to find, we're still working on rebuilding our camp."
For a moment, Spiderstar paused, taking a moment to look at the gathered cats. Beneath him, an OakClan apprentice looked visibly distraught by the mention of the flood. After a few seconds passed, he continued to speak. "Additionally, we've lost a couple of clanmates this moon. Our beloved Sandystream, along with her son Willowkit, passed away from kitting complications and passed on to StarClan. We will miss them dearly, and we hope they're able to find easy hunting and rest in peace."
Cats lowered their heads, ears flattened as they silently paid tribute to the fallen cats. Sappatch let out a soft hum, shaking his head.
"It's always sad when cats pass on from these things, especially when it takes the lives of kits as well." He murmured. "QuailClan offers condolences."
"And so does OakClan." Birchstar stated, nervously shifting his paws.
Spiderstar nodded. "I thank you both," He meowed. "Now...As for some good news. Our lovely apprentice, Hoppaw, has earned her warrior name. I ask that we give our congratulations to Hopstreak!"
"Hopstreak! Hopstreak! Hopstreak!" Cats chanted, while the golden and brown tortoiseshell puffed out her chest, an expression of pride on her face. 
"One final thing." Spiderstar's whiskers twitched. "Despite the loss of Willowkit I am happy to announce that his littermate, his sister Baykit, is thriving and doing just fine. I am also happy to announce that Crowheart is our deputy."
Murmurs of relief spread through the crowd, smiles forming on the faces of the cats. Spiderstar dipped his head.
"That is all." He said, casting glances at both Sappatch and Birchstar. "Go on."
Birchstar cast his gaze to the ground, wrapping his tail around his paws. Sappatch stepped forward, his blind yellow gaze fixed on the crowd.
"I suppose I'll go next. I can tell we're all getting cold and I don't want our whiskers and tails falling off on the way back home!" He joked, earning chuckles and amused purrs from the clan members below.
"Anyway...Other than Cleardawn's mangled tail, our clan is thriving!" Sappatch purred, beaming. "Our beloved leader Brokenstar is expecting his first litter with his mate Auburnstripe. We're hoping that the pregnancy goes smoothly."
Spiderstar watched as Sappatch paused, watching the way his ears perked. Despite not being a leader, the tom's handsome, authoritative demeanor made all cats fall silent and Spiderstar's own pelt flush with warmth, only for a moment before he shook it away with a shiver. 
After clearing his throat, Sappatch continued. "We have a few ceremonies to celebrate as well! Thymepetal has happily retired to the elder's den, and Saplingthicket has settled into her duties as our third full-time mediator."
"THREE mediators!?" A voice from the crowd exclaimed. Spiderstar wanted to melt into the ground when he realized it was one of his own warriors. 
Of course, it was Hickory. The brown and white she-cat's tail twitched as multiple cats turned their heads to glare at her.
"What!? What kinds of problems is QuailClan having for them to need THREE mediators??" She huffed, stomping a front paw. 
"That's enough, Hickory." Spiderstar said, teeth gritted and fur bristled. His body burned with embarrassment. 
Hickory fell silent, and Sappatch rolled his eyes before continuing.
"Thank you for your imput, NettleClan cat. I don't know what I would do without your words." He grumbled. "Anyway. We also have three new warriors. Fernspeck, Turtlehoney, and Bushclover."
The cats began to chant for the newly named cats, and Spiderstar suppressed a chuckle as one of the younger cats, a brown and white tom, nervously averted his gaze. 
"Anyway. With great news comes great loss as well. Most of you know of our former deputy, Vinetuft." Sappatch sighed, lowering his head as his ears pinned against his head. "I regret to inform you all that Vinetuft has passed on after a horrible case of greencough took his life. We mourn him, and can only hope that he crossed over to StarClan's hunting grounds easily."
Shocked gasps, followed by saddened murmuring swept across the cats. Sappatch remained quiet for a moment, listening, before lifting his tail to demand attention. Once it was silent again, he dipped his head and turned to join the other medicine cats at the bottom of the High Oak. 
"That is all. Now Birchstar will speak, and after a moment to speak with your friends, we will conclude this gathering." He said, before jumping down to the base of the tree and taking a seat beside Shimmerflare, OakClan's medicine cat. Spiderstar noticed that the gray tom looked more frail than usual, age starting to catch up with him.
An awkward, tense silence filled the air as Birchstar stood there, as if not entirely sure what he was supposed to say despite all these moons of attending Gatherings. Somewhere in the crowd, someone sneezed, and a couple of cats said "bless you" before going silent again.
"Um...Hi." The golden-brown tom finally meowed. "Okay, let's see...So far, OakClan is thriving. We have a new warrior! Lightwhistle has earned his warrior name! We also have a few new apprentices. Boragepaw, Valleypaw, Marshpaw, and Bristlepaw are warrior apprentices, while Marigoldpaw decided that he would like to be a medicine cat!"
Spiderstar's gaze swept over the hollow as cats began to cheer. His eyes finally settled on Sunsong, who he noticed had visibly tensed when the name Valleypaw was mentioned. 
Fox-dung, He thought to himself, curling his tail around his paws and sitting up straighter. I had hoped that bringing her to the gathering would make her feel a little better...
"Anyway, not much else has happened. I guess that's it-"
A white she-cat with a dark ginger tail stalked to the front of the crowd. Judging by her stocky body, she was a QuailClan cat. She glared up at Birchstar, her silver eyes narrowed.
Another QuailClan cat, this one a white she-cat with light brown patches, groaned. "Oh, Auburnstripe, don't start-"
"No. No, Heronheart, I have to 'start'." Auburnstripe growled, her expression challenging as she turned her attention back to Birchstar. "Birchstar, with all the respect you deserve, I caught one of your apprentices hunting on our territory. Do you realize it's the middle of Leaf-bare!? Prey is scarce and you're so lucky we didn't kill your mouse-brained apprentice for trespassing."
Birchstar stuttered in reply, while Spiderstar stepped forward in his defense. "Auburnstripe, it's bad enough that you were disrespectful enough to speak out of turn, but please have some respect when speaking to a clan leader."
"What did you expect?" Morningsong strode forward, raising his tail and smirking at Auburnstripe. "It's QuailClan. They're just as disrespectful and awful as ever!"
A loud growl came from Auburnstripe as she unsheathed her claws and lunged herself at Morningsong. The light brown tabby tom, still very young, was too slow to react. Exclamations and wails came from every clan member as Auburnstripe bit down hard on Morningsong's throat, a horrid crunch heard as his eyes glazed over. Somewhere in the crowd, Spiderstar would hear Badgerfall wail in despair as her son slumped onto the ground, still. Blood pooled from the bite wound in his throat. 
Heronheart shot forward, pushing Auburnstripe out of the way and holding her clanmate down as the medicine cats rushed forward to tend to Morningsong. Auburnstripe's white fur now had crimson running down her muzzle and chest, her eyes filled with pure fury and satisfaction as she stared down at Morningsong. 
"This gathering is OVER." Shimmerflare yowled, turning his head to Bitter and Twigsplash. "He's still breathing- Hurry up and take him back to camp!"
As cats began to retreat as fast as they could, Spiderstar watched as Minnowleap approached Sappatch with a hiss. 
"Don't think what your warrior did will be forgiven!!" The young tom exclaimed, lashing his tail. "You're lucky we haven't called for war because of that!"
Sappatch lashed his tail, and Spiderstar's heart sank as what he said next made all of The Gathering go silent, cats freezing in their tracks.
"Very well," Sappatch hissed, his voice horrifyingly calm as he spoke. "When we get back, I'll let Brokenstar know that we have officially declared war on NettleClan. This gathering is now officially dismissed."
QuailClan and NettleClan are now at war.
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featherclan · 3 months
Dartclan lives in the rockiest part of the mountains, previously neighboring Featherclan. Their relationship with Featherclan was also rocky at best. Dartclan is known to be calculated, as well as looking after their own being their main priority. The other clans think they're cold by nature, but Dartclan also has the hardest time with prey and their territory is dangerous by nature. If one were to take a peek into their everyday life, they would see how much the cats care for one another. They have the least amount of clan members usually. Except for Featherclan now.
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Hollowstar is Dartclan's leader. He is often seen as somewhat controlling and cold, but what he does is the best for his clan. In his eyes anyways. The clan appreciates him and respects him. He hasn't steered them wrong yet. He considers the clan his family, and has a kit that came from outside of the clan. His current apprentice is Lakepaw, one of the deputy's grandkits.
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Crestfur is the current clans deputy. She's mentored a lot of the current clan members, and is highly respected because of it. Not a soul questions her kit's father. It's absolutely none of their business that he was an outsider. She currently has four kits that are all adults, though one now rests with starclan. Their three grandkits also have a parent outside of the clan, but no one seems to bat an eye.
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Greenmask is one of the kindest members of Dartclan. She can fight, but is better at escaping nasty situations. The clan does it's best to protect her, since she's also one of the smaller members and she is a very good medicine cat. She currently has an apprentice named Fluffypaw, who will become the second medicine cat of Dartclan. Dartclan is the most strict with medicine cats, meaning Greenmask isn't allowed to have a mate or kits. But that doesn't mean she can't dream.
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Darknettle is a warrior of Dartclan. When she was an apprentice she was made an example of in front of the whole clan. She thinks Hollowstar still holds that over her, though he was the one to give her the holly leaves. He was also the one to arrange her and her mate getting together. There was a long period with little to no kits, so Hollowstar has been encouraging kits. Her mate's name was Halfheart, and initially they got along. Well enough to have two kits before they broke up. Everyone in the clan was expecting this, and Hollowstar really doesn't mind as long as there are more kits.
This is the final clan! I know these were all relatively long posts, but I enjoy talking about them all. I'm hoping at least someone enjoys knowing more about these cats that are going to probably only show up for one or two updates. Also they will not be going on the allegiances since that is mainly/only for Featherclan and Featherclan's passed cats. If I ever feel like adding them I might, but do not expect it lol.
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liliumandclans · 1 year
Sunclan’s founders!
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Of course Sunstar is the leader, then there’s his wife, Forestfall, who is also the clans medicine cat
Hornettail, Rimepaw, Sunnykit and Tempestkit are all their kits, from 3 separate litters, they are the only ones out of 8 kits that stayed in Sunclan
Pythonbright is deputy, with Softchill, Whimsyfall, and Alderbracken as the warriors
Halfpelt is their elder, he’s grouchy at times but loves to fill the kits curiosity if it means they’ll stop running in circles
Hornettail and eventually Tempestkit train to become meds like their mother, she ends up dying pretty early in the game so Hornet becomes their main med earlier then he’d like
Tempestkit is the last kit of the Sun and Forest litter, they sometimes feel like being a medicine cat brings them closer to their mother since they didn’t get to know her well as the others
And those are our founders
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randomtheidiot · 3 months
Warriors rewrite AU shit.
An AU where I take all the bad stuff in Warriors and make it good.
-Firestar is now a sassy bitch with anxiety-related anger issues. I remember rereading the first series and seeing how sarcastic and Fucking Done he was with everything and… I’m keeping that. He’s a snarky, funny guy now and the reason Bluestar doesn’t listen to him is because he’s blunt and abrasive. Let the man say Fuck.
-Sandstorm is no longer a generic hot girl. She is a grown ass woman with her own character and she Does Shit. She doesn’t immediately fall for Fire after he saves her and their relationship feels real. She is also three times the size of her husband. This is important to her character, trust me.
-Graystripe’s shit gets called out and he and Fireheart are Divorced by the end of Forest Of Secrets, with Longtail becoming the deputy after Whitestorm’s death. Instead of the subplot in Firestar’s Quest being about the ghost romance bullshit, it’s about Gray trying to rekindle his relationship with Fire.
-Tigerclaw is no longer pure chaotic evil. He has a motive beyond “get power” and it’s actually pointed out in the story that Bluestar sometimes makes questionable decisions, like making Fire and Gray warriors three moons early, apprenticing Cinder and Bracken to said underage warriors and generally not listening when she’s called out for something. Also, he kills Lionheart, who dies in the second book instead of the first.
-Smudge is actually upset about Rusty leaving and he tells all the other kittypets that Rusty got kidnapped by wildcats, which makes tensions between kittypets and clan cats even worse. Fireheart rarely goes near twolegplace anymore.
-BloodClan has been changed significantly and Scourge has received a complete overhaul. He’s brought into the story much earlier and his relationship with Tigerclaw is much more complicated. The reason he wants the forest territories is because among other things, there’s a TNR program in the city and his wife got spayed. He’s also a much better leader now, and the reason Barley left is because of how badly BloodClan was being affected by twolegs. Scourge is also really fluffy. Like, Cloudtail fluffy. This is important to his character.
-Bluestar is a flawed character. That is okay. Flawed female characters are a good thing, Warriors Fandom. There is nuance to her situation and she isn’t just some pure evil bitch. She is also gay for Yellowfang.
-Yellowfang is roughly the same, but her relationship with Raggedstar is actually called out as abusive. She also has a found family dynamic with Blue, Fire and Cinder.
-Cinderpelt actively chooses to be a medicine cat because she saw how Yellowfang treated her broken leg and began to look up to her as a role model. No more ableism. :)
-The Spottedfire crush thing is dead and buried and the Thistleclaw situation is handled much more delicately. Also, because Spottedleaf’s Heart ruined Thistleclaw’s character and his dynamic with Snowfur, I am swapping him out for a different character, probably an OC. You’re welcome.
-Snowkit lives but Speckletail dies. Neither of them can exist at once, it would damage the timeline irreparably.
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disgruntleddemon · 2 months
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working on my werewolf oc story! i think i'm gonna call it The Wolf of RIverclan. here's the main dude, Lambstar!
he's a laidback guy, who's a bit too trusting that everything in his life will work out. he hasn't experienced many hardships, and he's a pretty young leader. he's helpful, and wants to make life better for other cats, which is how he got the deputy position in the first place. the only thing that causes him any real stress, is his secret relationship with the clan's medicine cat (who's name is still a wip)
one of the things i'm still trying to figure out, whether or not to keep the the full moon transformation, or change it to a different moon (probably claw moon). i want Lambstar to get a few moons of transformations before he's caught, but, especially with him being leader, it'd be found out super fast at the gathering.
anyway, he's either attacked while on his way back from the gathering, or while sitting watch one night. he's mortally wounded, and looses a life. that's where he gets his scars.
after that night, he's started noticing something is definitely wrong with him...
i would say size wise, Lambstar's werewolf form is somewhere between fox and coyote. he's definitely not full wolf size. his claws are still retractable in that form, and he keeps a very cat like tail. he's also a lot more agile than a fox or coyote would be.
i love horror, specifically creature features, so i really wanna lean into that here. The Wolf of Riverclan felt like a typical werewolf movie name, and works as a reference to the werewolf of london. Lambstar's name is both a wolf in sheep's clothing reference, and a reference to the slaughtered lamb from american werewolf in london.
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🌸 blossomtrees Follow
Y’all ever go through the intense grief of losing a littermate and you decide to name one of your kits after her but some bitch queen in your queen says she also wants that name because “it’s cute”
🌹 thenewmaroon621 Follow
Oh fuck off Flowerbeam you don’t get to vague me that way. Unblocking you because this behavior is atrocious
Oh hello, Beeflutter. I see you’re up to attacking me once again. I know you’re doing this on purpose you little rat. Go ahead and attack me all you want, StarClan knows I’m in the right here.
🌹 thenewmaroon621 Follow
Hissing names at me on tumeow because you’re in a hissy fit over my kits being born before yours are. I’ll have you know I was thinking of the name Stormkit before Stormhowl died so get over it.
🌿 thyme-and-thyme-again Follow
Hey, you know there’s a perfectly good medicine cat right here you could talk this out with instead of fighting publicly
🪻 windc1ans Follow
always obsessed with the skyclan side of tumeow. never change you chronically online mousebrains
I just dmed Applestar about this. Get fucked Beebrainflutter
🌿 thyme-and-thyme-again Follow
I swear to fuck stop dming Applestar when he’s literally right there in the leader’s den
🌹 thenewmaroon621 Follow
Get off your fucking high branch. All of this is over a fucking name. You could just name your kit Whateverstorm or Howlkit instead of attacking me like this. Get over it lmao
Enough. Flowerbeam has a perfectly good reason as to why she would want to name her kit after her deceased sister. Beeflutter, I’m sure you can other suitable names.
my clanmates are always confused about my obsession with skyclan cats and shit like this is why.
😹 tumeowheritageposts Follow
Certified Heritage Post
🌸 blossomtrees Follow
Wait a minute, is this why I’m named after some random cat my mom never liked.
🐚 conch Follow
No fucking way
🌸 blossomtrees Follow
My name is Flowerbeam. The og Flowerbeam died when I was an apprentice and then my mom named me Flowerbeam.
😼 its-purrsonal Follow
can’t believe I didn’t notice beeflutter is beestar, the current leader of skyclan
🐚 conch Follow
oh my stars she even fucking stole her url
🌪️ spiraling-storm Follow
Hey, Flowerbeam (the original) was my mother. I should mention the current Flowerbeam and I are best friends and neither of us expected to see a tumeow post about our moms arguing like kits.
🔥 river-of-fire Follow
i love this site where else do you get shit like this
😹 tumeowheritageposts Follow
Certified Heritage Post once again
✨ littleherbs998 Follow
Is anyone going to mention the fact that Stormhowl is in the dark forest for killing Applestar’s first deputy
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fernclans · 1 year
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here they are!! the current cast of our neighboring clan, CypressClan! more info about how everyone is doing and what they're up to below the cut!
Pondstar has had a rough go at it the past 6 moons; though having taken Storkpaw as his apprentice two moons ago, their training has been delayed twice -- first from an eagle which had grabbed the tom, taking one of his lives, and second from Storkpaw getting heat stroke. He doesn't seem to be the best with kits or apprentices.
Fernrose invited an abandoned kittypet into the clan, feeling sympathy for the situation he had been put in. Pondstar wasn't the happiest, but wasn't going to argue against a needed set of paws. He's settling in well into his role as deputy in spite of his young age, and the clan remains supportive of Pondstar's choice.
Bitterrumble took Bushpaw as an apprentice after the molly expressed interest in myths and stories from a young age, endeavoring to meet and converse with StarClan cats long gone. Though he was a bit unsure about taking an apprentice so young, he also missed having living company in the healer's den.
Bushpaw was almost held back a moon for sneaking out of camp as a kit, but it was decided against. Sometimes she feels uncertain if she's worthy of being a dedicated clan healer as her main interest was with prophecies and myths than medicine, but she does her best to meet Bitterrumble's standards.
Adam was a shipyard cat for most of his life, but after falling ill, the humans of the docks took him to the woods. Adam feels indebted to Fernrose and Springmallow, who found him and brought him to their camp. Shortly after being abandoned, he was taken again by different humans; after a 3 moon journey, Adam returned to CypressClan, feeling firm in his heart that it's his home.
Springmallow was with Fernrose when he found Adam on the thunderpath, and also with Bitterndrift when she found Cliffstripe after the wolf attack. His life has been pretty low-key so far, and he's started developing a crush on Bitterndrift.
Bitterndrift meanwhile, has had one hell of a half-year. The moon after Cliffstripe's brief stay, she was given Stumpypaw as an apprentice; unfortunately that very same moon, she got one of her legs caught in a human's trap which has prevented her from getting to do much training with him. On top of that, a moon ago she realized she was carrying kits! Very excited to see where this goes
Stumpypaw is honestly a little upset he hasn't been able to train with his assigned mentor, and even moreso after he was bit by a rogue while on a patrol with Springmallow. This moon made up for it slightly by giving him the opportunity to team up with Fernrose in driving a fox away from a small goat carcass.
Storkpaw is going through it internally. She KNOWS how big of an honor it is to be given the LEADER as her mentor, but she can't help but feel uncertainty in becoming a warrior. She worries that she'll let Pondstar down, and feels a heavy amount of weight on her shoulders.
Faithdance and Stemfish are enjoying their retirement; between all of the commotion with their clanmates and the twos inclination for prophecies and omens, they have much to chat about around camp. I love them both dearly.
next cypressclan update will be on moon 18! :3
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sorrelpaws · 2 years
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ive been playing a lotta clangen recently and heres my clan.  more info on everybody under cut :3
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first there’s the leader rosestar and deputy podflight. they’re close in age, but only really became friends as apprentices, and they’ve been pretty much inseparable every since. rosestar is a very silly average guy, a bit awkward at times but he really does mean the best. podflight is a bit more serious and stern, but she can also be a lot of fun and tends to command respect around her. they’re both getting kind of old, and recently rosestar’s memory has gotten kinda wonky, and he tends to be very confused. podflight tries to be supportive, keep the clan at ease etc, but it’s becoming increasingly obvious how unstable rosestar has gotten, and it causes the clan to be on edge.
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one of the medicine cats, sharppath. he’s a bit strange and quiet, tends to keep to himself, but he really does mean the best. he started out as a regular apprentice, but had always shown an interest in herbs, so when he asked to change positions there wasn’t really anyone arguing against him. however he lacks a connection to starclan and rarely receives any kind of omens or prophecies. he doesn’t really let it bother him, and the clan doesn’t mind too much since his healing skills are genuinely very good.
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these three are kind of the “main characters”, or at least the ones i kept my eye on the most. they’re all littermates, and they’re very close as kits. when they become apprentices meadowpaw and birchpaw start receiving frequent messages/notes/signs/whateva from starclan. birchpaw is much more fascinated by this, and has always kind of shown an interest and preference towards being a medicine cat (she never changes from a warrior apprentice though), but meadowpaw actively ignores the signs since he wants to be a warrior. he tries to talk to his sisters about his visions and dreams, but molepaw doesn’t really understand them/how to help, and birchpaw just talks about her own experiences. about halfway through their apprenticeships birchpaw dies in a dog attack, and after this meadowpaw starts feeling pressured to take on the medcat role because his sister can’t. he decides to change positions pretty much right before he’s made a warrior, and starts training under sharppath. the first months are pretty rough on him, because of his sister’s death, and him and molepaw(moledrift at this point) start growing distant. they manage to reconnect a little when they’re older, but they never really become super close.
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jaggedflight and skywing are two peas in a pod, really close brothers. emy is a loner who joins the clan in search of a community, and he becomes good friends with both of them. unfortunately skywing is murdered, and this takes a massive toll on jaggedflight. after his brother’s death him and emy become a lot closer due to their shared grief. burm joins the clan pretty soon after skywing dies, and since he’s pretty young jaggedflight offers to mentor him in order to get his mind off his brother’s death. burm has a pretty similar personality to skywing, and this helps him bond with emy and jaggedwing, and the three are kind of this middle aged father trio. like you get the kind of vibe i mean right. just terrible jokes and old stories thrown around.
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these four all join the clan around the same time, and because they all feel a little left out they get to bond!! hazelspirit is a calm and careful molly who joins the clan with her kits. she tends to help around the medicine den. thistlepelt is kind of an anxious and traumatized cat who joins the clan to ensure his kits have a good, safe life (hashtag girldad), and overtime he gets to kind of heal and become happier. yellownose and oscar both just kind of stumble across the clan. yellownose is a very prickly fella who tends to complain about almost everything. oscar tends to be much quieter and calmer, and he (+thistle and hazel) often goes around to apologize about yellownose’s behavior.
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because hazelspirit and thistlepelt’s kits are around the same age, the four of them tend to be glued together. blossompaw and lowpaw are both very excitable and adventurous, and tend to think up fun ideas or games, and since leopardpaw and beetlepaw are a bit quieter, they tend to go along with the former twos’ antics
the actual timeline isn’t laid out here very well, i may do that at a different time, but i wanna say just in case that skywing dies a good chunk of time before rosestar’s dementia kicks in
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