#ALSO note. I also think about ocs when a song is even just. vaguely associated with em!! Sébastien songs and Pierre and Adalene songs all
peapod20001 · 1 year
Me obsessing over a specific oc directly correlates to if they have songs/how often I listen to those songs
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goldentlme · 8 months
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i’m searching for you in my fading memories .
alternate versions .
whooh . WHOOH !!!!! good GOD !!!!
listen to the song linked while looking I think it really adds . look up a translation too if you want ! listen to the entire lies of p ost in fact . its fucking fantastic .
in april 2022 , i drew a fanmade book cover for the danganronpa x reader fic Sleep Awake . in december of 2023 i redesigned my reader for that story for the third time and thought it appropriate to redraw that old cover with their new design . and yesterday , january 13th 2024 , i finished that bitch . View the fruits of my labour .
in my last Notes section i talked about nerfing the lighting . well um . i nerfed it again . i dont know if it was fate or if i just . idk . didnt want to but i axed both original concepts - the yellow overhead light ( mostly) , and the light blue under light - and just Winged the fuck outta it . that ' mostly ' means that the light source is Still overhead but i just took the colour out to make it more neutral .
another thing i brought up were the shelves and how i wanted to add more items to them . I did it this time , but not to the extent that i really wanted to . i'd hoped for more Clutter and ultimately couldnt think of anymore than a few items . SAID ITEMS BEING !!!!
the pills . self explanatory , since they haunted the majority of cases 2 and 3 .
chess pieces . cute little reference to the chess scene ! even if the scene itself didnt feature real chess pieces , the imagery wouldnt work if i didnt use real pieces .
the letter opener . dont need to explain this one . but i Did originally plan to have it in shin's hand ( explaining why that one is balled like that , because there was originally a Thing in there ) but i couldnt figure out how to draw it and make it look Good . i only added it back when i was colouring the trinkets on the shelves and realised that i Forgot to put it back into the drawing .
the joker card in the bottom corner . also shouldnt have to explain this one .
THE HANDS !!!!!!!!! i decided at the very last second to make them vaguely see through . and theyre all a persons ! amami and shinguji are the obvious ones , but the two holding at the top are supposed to be ouma ( on the scarf ) and akamatsu ( on the rope ) . i would have included tojo's as well but i couldnt fit it in the composition without it looking awkward and out of place and i thought there were already enough references to case 3 as is .
and you literally cant even see it but if you look REALLY closely at oumas hand . his skin is a little grey and you can see the veins through the skin . wonder what happened there . Guess we'll never know !
THE BOOKS !! did the same thing as last time with a Little More . purple books are ouma , green are both amami and tojo , blue is both kiibo and chabashira , pink is akamatsu , and red is phys themselves . i know phys's canonical colour association is olive green but consider : shin is red . look at him . hes Red . that ones for me specifically .
with that . i did all of those books by hand . i drew about 9 variations of books and copy pasted them sure but i Shaded and Coloured them all individually . youll never guess how fucking LONG that took . so yeah . no one book has the exact same shading . goodie !
THE JOKER !!! yes i know i talked about it in the previous section but i WILL talk about the card itself . because i unironically am so in love with how that drawing came out . the little guy featured there is my Lies of P oc scaramouche or scaramuccia ( i use them interchangeably ) . hes a silly jester :3 . the depiction on the card is of him in his prime , before . All Of That Happened . story-wise he's a super famous circus performer known as " The One Man Show " because all of his acts are done alone and are absolutely insane . hes very good at what he does which is Why he doesnt have a crew . and the only reason hes so good is because he't not even human , just pretending to be !
additionally , i originally planned for that joker card to be a Real Life Joker . because a little known fun fact about me is that i collect playing card decks ! but i looked and literally NONE of the ones i currently own would have fit the piece . so . yeah . i just ended up drawing darling scaramuccia . heres the full image im so chuffed
i think thats all i got for the drawing itself . i initially started this back in early december but got stuck and picked it back up a couple days ago , so its been marinating for a bit . hope we all like it ! i think its Better than the original . THE SERIOUS STUFF .
its so fucking insane to think that its been almost 2 years . not only have i truly rediscovered my love of reader insert fanfiction after so many years unable to even think about it without feeling a little sick to my stomach , but ive made so many good friends and core memories through this fic . i even got back into writing . literally never thought id write again after my 11th grade english class and my 10th grade creative writing class . and im having FUN with it . wild .
anyways , this one goes out to vee @chihirolovebot for writing one of The Fics of all time , putting up with my insane ramblings about idol these past months ( READ SWINGING RIGHT NEOWWWW ) , and for letting me help design their dnd characters . godspeed .
it goes out to nex @nexuswrites for beating better genshin character builds into me , giving great fic recommendations , creating thief of detectives quandary fame . READ DQ ( THREAT ) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! , and being a fellow p5 and pokemon lover . i miss the coordinator and justice
and of COURSE !!!! rei @berry-creates . the gay the myth the legend . a fellow oc haver and lover , a fantastic writer , and an overall lovely person . this one goes out to u for sharing oc playlists , playing splatoon with me , and for creating maddie . theyre a little freak and i want to study them . i love seeing u go insane over them its like enrichment for me bc i too am also a little mentally ill about them im just really good at hiding it .
theres a whole lot more i could say and more people i could talk about but this is long enough , isnt it ?
thanks for a beautiful 2 years of physouma yaoi . heres to the upcoming sleep awake case 6 , epilogue , all the future additions to the one shot book , the entire rest of dq , tfp , and sams , and more blorbos to put in the smoothie maker . this took a whole two hours to write .
cheers , boys .
song of the post .
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This was originally supposed to be the second thing on the list of things for me to write but thinking about it, the other thing would take longer to finish. Since my other analysis was meant to be an analysis to help design your OC physically, this entire analysis is here to help flesh out your OC mentally.
You see character bios a lot in anime and manga. The variety of a character’s likes and dislikes are meant to tell us something interesting about the characters. Horikoshi utilizes his bios to explain the character’s mental states: to explain something about the character’s design, personality, quirks, and roles in the story. The bios aren’t for fun facts, but to learn more about the mentality of the characters.  
I am going to analyze BNHA’s characters’ bios to help you get a better idea of how to write your bio for your OC.
Alright, let’s get started.
Name and Age:
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The details of real names and ages are at that spot on the top right corner of the page. The age is located on the right next to the name of the character. A hero's true real name and age are revealed on this very spot with the real name below the hero name.
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That’s the location you need to know when you’re doing an OC bio for name and age.
One thing I noticed when I looked at the character birthdays is that It references their quirk and overall design.
For example, Manami's birthday is on February 14th referencing her quirk “love,” since Valentine’s Day is a day of love. Gentle’s birthday is August 29, a reference to Michael Jackson, who was born on this date and sung “Smooth Criminal,” a song which is a reference to Gentle’s role and quirk. While it may seem to be reaching, Horikoshi often uses pop culture references in his work.
Additionally, Horikoshi uses Japanese wordplay, or Goroawase. Goroawase uses Japanese words that can be read with several different meanings, and pronunciation associated with a series of letters, numbers, or symbols.
For example, let’s look at Seiji Shishikura’s birthday, February 9th. When split it goes like this: 2 = Ni 9 = Ku In Japanese, 29 can be read as “niku” meaning “meat.” On the 29th of every month, restaurants and groceries give special offers on a discount on meat. This is all a clever reference to Seiji’s quirk: “meatball.”
Another example is Fat Gum. His birthday is August 8th, or when initiated, 8/8. When spoken, it sounds like the word “ate” which is related to his character always being seen eating food. The two circles inside 8 look like a silhouette of a heavy person, noting Fat Gum’s design.
Also, Rumi’s early March birthday is a reference to the march hare in Alice in Wonderland, which correlates to her rabbit motif.
There’s also Kigo used in character birthdays, Kigo are words and phrases associated with a particular season. An example of Kigo is Tsuyu, whose birthday is around February. In Kigo, frogs are associated with February through May, and are known for their loud singing during that time of year. Hence, Tsuyu’s entire frog-themed motif in her design.
Another example of the use of Kigo is with Mineta and his birthday, October 8th. The Kigo associated with Autumn are grapes (fruit that is typically harvested in autumn). This part correlates to Mineta, whose character design is shaped around grapes.
Another I want to point out is Mirio’s birthday. He has the same birthday as Izuku’s: July 15th. This may seem like a coincidence, but if you look closely it isn’t. Mirio’s birthday reinforces that he is Izuku’s foil, with them bearing the same background dealing with a troublesome quirk and working towards being a hero despite problems with their quirks. In the story, Mirio was supposed to be the successor of All Might and was originally meant to inherit OFA instead of Izuku. There’s a clever use of this foiling to the main character in Mirio and Izuku sharing a birthday.
This is interesting to add when you're working on your OC’s birthdays.
Star Sign:
Next up: what if a birthdate doesn’t have a Kigo, Goroawase, or national holiday associated with it? Well, you can just use star signs to tell an OC’s personality.
As I explained in the Dabi bio, his Star sign matches his personality, and Himiko’s Zodiac references both her cat-like features and her personality. Horikoshi knew what he was doing when writing his characters. He assigned the zodiacs deliberately.
I will help you in choosing a star sign for your character by analyzing these characters and elaborating on these star signs below.
Izuku Midoriya: Izuku’s star sign is a Cancer, Like Cancers, Izuku is a kind and caring person that doesn’t hesitate to help those in need, with this being his natural trademark.
Izuku is a very emotional person. His actions are fueled by his own emotions in any given situation; this is seen in how he said “my body moved before I thought” when he jumped in to save Bakugo from the sludge villain, and Uraraka from the giant robot in the exams, and trying to take action in saving Eri when he confronts Overhaul. One of the hilarious things to note is his trademark in that he overreacts in any given situation and displays a variety of exaggerated emotions to the point of being oversensitive.
Izuku is intuitive to the feelings of others and is highly empathetic to the pain and suffering of other people. Cancers are natural nurturers, as seen in how he is very supportive of his friends and prone to motivate them and boost their confidence. For example, he attempts to try to help Todoroki overcome his emotional issues in the sports tournament and to save Uraraka in the entrance exams. Izuku doesn't stop until he makes sure that the people around him are happy and safe. However, this also causes him to endanger himself and his well being to help other people.  
Izuku’s dream of being the world's greatest hero sounds vague since it is not clearly defined, but it is a very emotional goal. Izuku loves heroes. It's no secret. He keeps track of them in a notebook analysis that he carries around. He loves learning about heroes’ history and quirk he even a large fanboy of All Might since he has all his collectibles and his room is decorated with merchandise. Cancers are known to be stubbornly fixated on something, which fits Izuku.
Much like Cancers, who love home life, Izuku loves being around the comfort of his hero action merchandise in his room as well as happy and content when surrounded by the presence of heroes.
Izuku enjoys being in good company such as his friends and family. Izuku scores are high in cooperation as his stats in the databook show, which fits with traits of cancers such as being dependable and being a good team leader. He’s a good team player working together with his classmates in helping them to fully utilize their quirks to their fullest potential. He’s observant and intelligent as well as adaptable, being able to grasp the machinists to quirks and notice the ins and outs to someone’s quirk to use them to his advantage.
Cancers tend to daydream, which goes with Izuku. He’s a dreamer who dreams to be a hero and is known to be a little too in his own head, as Cancers often are. Izuku can be a little too self-absorbed to notice what’s going on around him; this manifests in his muttering habit when he gets lost in his track thoughts to know what’s going on around him. This is seen when Izuku loses himself in fighting Shigaraki and loses a feral side when he faces strong dangerous villains.
Izuku’s sentimental side is referenced again in his star sign since Cancers are soft creatures underneath their shell: they can get easily hurt by the slightest criticism. Despite Izuku’s newfound confidence within himself in the series, he still suffers from a lack of self-worth. Much of his insecurities stem from his initial quirklessness, that he feels useless with no quirk and that he can’t be a hero. He’s so internalized that he can’t be a hero without a strong quirk that even after he was given one by All Might he doesn’t believe that he’s worthy of wielding the quirk. Izuku feels the need to get stronger, to not make mistakes, to prove to someone that he isn’t useless. He wants to feel needed by others when he feels that he didn’t meet their expectations. It crushes him. This line of thinking causes him to be very reckless to the point he neglects his well being. As Bakugo points out, he doesn’t take himself into account which is seen in his battle with Shigaraki.
Izuku is timid and quiet but one of his most notable strengths is that he never gives up. Like Cancers who are tenacious and possess strong perseverance, Izuku’s determination is one of the greatest strengths of his character. Izuku's bravery, courage, determination, and kindness make up his heroic qualities.
Katsuki Bakugo: Bakugo’s star sign is an Aries. You could argue that Bakugo is a Taurus because he was born on a cusp but closer inspection a lot of Aries traits match Bakugo. Aries is a fire sign, which is seen in his personality. Bakugo harbors both the positive and negative traits of Aries.
Like the traits of Aries, Bakugou’s confident, passionate, impatient, and short-tempered. Bakugos prefers to do things his way; he hates being told what to do by other people and be pushed around. Bakugo is competitive and will put everything he has to win striving for a perfect victory. Bakugo won’t settle for just winning: he's very thorough and wants the task to be 100 percent complete. Bakugo is hardworking and serious in wanting to be the top hero; he's ambitious in surpassing All Might.
Bakugo is impetuous; in a fight he charges forward to victory without a single thought. Bakugos is competitive in everything, whether in training or arguments he always will fight to have the last word. Bakugo is obsessed with perfectionism and expects everything to be perfect if he isn’t looking for the perfect victory. Bakugo doesn’t like accepting help, and has trouble doing so and can be argumentative. Bakugo’s constantly pointing out the faults in other people around himself comes from wanting to be seen as the strongest, but manifests as him demanding things from others and bossing them around.
Bakugo is intelligent. He was ranked the highest in class for his written exams good at coming up with strategies in battles. Bakugo is straightforward, something you wouldn’t suspect from him but he hates any form of deceit and won’t resort to any low means to win. He's perceptive and hates liars and gets angry when he perceives someone is lying to them.
Bakugo can be petty but this is large can be at fault for his perfectionism and competitiveness which is the source of all his problems. Bakugo had trouble managing his feelings; he never knew how to deal with his anger, so he came out in explosive outbursts. He vents his anger at Izuku because of his perceived notion of weakness Izuku emits and the need to feel better to not let that weakness come over him. He wants to be strong and doesn’t want to show weakness in front of others. Bakugo’s pride prevents him from doing so. When he isn’t on top of everything it causes him great distress and cannot take the stress and pressure; you best see this exemplified when he breaks down to Izuku over All Might’s retirement.
After his battle with Izuku, Bakugo gets better. He comes to accept his mistakes and becomes a little more aware of his shortcomings. When he puts his good qualities to use he’s a great leader you see this when he leads his group in the sports festival and the joint training arc showcasing his leadership qualities. Bakugo is now willing to work together with others as long as it guarantees victory. He may be a humongous jerk but has great character development.
Shoto Todoroki and Ochaco Uraraka: Shoto and Ochaco are both born under the star sign Capricorn. They share many similarities.
Todoroki has all the cold traits relating to the Capricorn.
Shoto is hardworking in his hero studies and very serious when it comes to training it could be said that he’s the more serious and focused out of all of class 1-A. Todoroki’s the most cool-headed out of class 1-Al when it comes to a crisis he still retains a cool head often calm in parlous situations. Shoto’s reserved qualities border on airheadedness, or even slow on the uptake, like him correctly deducing Izuku’s connection to All Might only to fall short when he asked if he was his love child. Yet Todoroki is smart, being scored 5th in the midterms. He’s a high achiever and he's good at keeping everything on top when it comes to everything such as school work and training.
Todoroki is distant with his peers but in contrast to the loner image, he socializes when he partakes in group activities with his classmates but more as a wallflower.
Capricorns are often unforgiving, which fits this with Todoroki who is a serious grudge holder. He’s spiteful towards his father for what he’s done to his mother whom he abused to the point of having a mental breakdown. Todoroki is willing to hold a grudge against those he cares about; this aspect of his shows just how loyal he is to his loved ones.
Todoroki is very doubtful in himself; he tends to criticize himself so much that he feels he is not enough. He harbors doubts about becoming his father and is traumatized by the abuse. Todoroki has a lot of inner demons because of the abuse of his father he uses an exterior as a defense mechanism to defend against them only makes things worse for himself this is apparent in his interaction with Inasa.
So, that’s Todoroki. How is Ochaco similar to a Capricorn? On the surface, it may not seem that Ochaco embodies the traits typical to Capricorns, but if you take an in-depth analysis of her character it turns out she has more in common with the Capricorns than we thought. Ochaco is devoted to her studies and loyal to her family and friends, She has a steel grit and incredible determination. She is willing to do anything to achieve her goal. This side of her personality, her great determination, and stubbornness are shown at the sports festival in her match with Katsuki. The Capricorn matches Ochaco more serious, determined traits. Ochaco is practical: she’s aware of her limits and she takes an internship in combat training from Gunhead to increase her mobility.
Both Ochaco and Shoto are strongly resolute in their desire to become heroes. Both of them show these sides at the sports festival.
Another thing two that they have in common is that they both don’t hesitate to say what’s on their mind there, honest in their own opinions which can be off-putting to some people. This can stem from the aspects in Capricorns to be realistic, to throw cold hard facts in others’ faces. For example, during the hideout arc, Ochaco points out that Bakugo would find it disgraceful to be saved by Izuku, showing that she has an understanding in their relationship Todoroki notes that their actions in wanting to rescue Katsuki are very selfish since it wouldn’t be accepted by Bakugo or anyone else. This aspect references both of them being real.
Capricorns are family-oriented signs. They are loyal to their own family and willing to do anything for them. This trait says a lot to do with both Todoroki and Ochaco in the way their motives in becoming heroes came from them. Todoroki’s desire to be a hero was inspired by an All Might interview he watched with his mother when he was young, Ochaco’s motives to be a hero was to get her parents out of poverty to have an easy life. Both of them are loyal to the people they love.
Capricorns have two sides of them they won’t show until you befriend them. This holds for both Ochaco and Shoto, Ochaco doesn’t tell her classmates about her family situation; only her close friends Izuku and Iida know about it. Izuku is the only one who knows Todoroki’s family situation. Todoroki only told Izuku his abusive family background by choice because he felt a strange familiarity from him other than his connection to All Might.
The Capricorns have two sides that both contradict and work side by side: the goat’s torso and fishtail. Ochaco and Todoroki poses two sides of their personality Ochaco who is energetic and a huge chatterbox yet can be serious and determined when she sets her mind on her goal. On the outside, Todoroki came off as cold and unemotional but deep down he’s passionate and driven, his cold exterior masks his much warmer gentler traits that were close off in the abuse. Todoroki’s quirk “half hot and half cold” may have been inspired by his star sign. Thanks to their friendship in Izuku, Todoroki opens up his more warm traits and Ochaco with her serious and more practical traits.
Both Ochaco and Todoroki are greatly reliable and trustworthy friends as seen in the way in their friendship with Izuku. Ochaco is kind and supportive of Izuku giving positive encouragement to a derogatory name Deku; Shoto worries about Izuku being the only one to sense what was wrong when Izuku was in trouble. They both care about Izuku and rush in to help him when he’s in danger. Todoroki rushed in time to save Ida and Izuku from Stain, and Ochaco latches onto Izuku when his quirk goes out of control, while she calls out to Shinso. Both Todoroki and Ochaco were inspired by izuku by bringing out the best in them in their friendship. Because of their friendship with Izuku, they brought out the more positive traits they kept hidden.
For character heights, they can be whatever you want it to be. When comparing the heights of the characters look at other animes for reference and look up height to tell what is short and tall a tip for advice when measuring the height of a character is line them up with the other characters.
Heights call back to the motifs in character design, for example, Tsuyu is 150 cm, Mirko 159 cm, and Mineta 108 cm with rabbits, frogs, grapes in their design the common thing about them is that Frogs, grapes, and rabbits are all relatively small.
Favorite Things:
The most important thing about the bio is the Favorite things about the character. Do you want to write a BNHA Oc Bio? That’s what you need to look at when writing one. In character bios, the person's likes and dislikes say something about the character’s mentality This is no different for BNHA likes.
Horikoshi uses the likes to explain something about the personality, quirk, and role of the character in the story. Unlike how the birthday says something about the design of the character, the likes are used to describe the character’s mentality saying something about the character and quirk. This couldn’t be any more true for the main characters.
(It’s perfectly okay to put your personal preferences in the likes if you want to do that’s fine too.)
What do the characters like have to say about them you may ask? Well, I am going to explain.
Izuku Midoriya:
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Let’s start with Izuku, the main character of the series. His favorite thing is listed as katsudon.
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Katsudon is made with deep-fried pork, rice, and some other ingredients, and it’s a popular dish in Japan. There’s a common tradition for students to have to eat katsudon the night before a major test or school exam. It's good luck to do well on the test and eating katsudon is supposed to make them victorious when passing the test. The reason why they believe that is because when the kanji of katsudon is split apart it contains the kanji  “katsu”  which means “to win” and is a homophone of the verb “katsu” meaning “to win” or “to be victorious”.
One other thing about Katsudon is how it ties into Izuku’s relationship to Katsuki Katsudon shares the same kanji as Katsuki and is both related to winning and victory like with Katsuki when it comes to the perfect victory. Katsudon referenced Izuku’s admiration towards Katsuki since to him, Katsuki is the symbol of victory someone he admired for always does whatever it takes to win no matter what which is one of the reasons he looked up to him despite how Katsuki treated Izuku in their relationship.
Izuku’s personality is referenced in this gag, In Japanese police films where suspects, when interrogated, will speak the truth with tears in their eyes while they eat katsudon when asked: “did you ever think how your mother feels about this?” This part in the gag reminds of Izuku’s constant waterworks he sheds plenty of times in the manga and relates to his anxious expression and how he always looked nervous like a suspect being under interrogation in which the gag notes.
The line, “did you ever think how your mother feels about this?” notes Izuku’s relationship with his mother for whom he cares about and shares a close relationship with. The line reminds us of how much Izuku cares about his mother and feels guilty for constantly making her worry when he injures himself when using OFA.
I believe what it means for Izuku to like what it says about his character itself. Izuku is slowly learning to get stronger and win throughout the series and that every small moment in the series is his victory of getting closer to becoming the greatest hero.
Katsuki Bakugo:
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Next is Bakugo’s favorite things, spicy food, and mountain climbing.
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Spicy food is a reference to Bakugo’s indigestible character and unpleasant personality as well as his quirk explosion being all hot and spicy.
Japanese people believe that preferences in food say a lot about a person’s personality. They say that people who like spicy food are supposed to be short-tempered, daring, and competitive. That isn’t much of a surprise since it matches Bakougo’s short-tempered and competitive character but what was surprising was finding out mountain climbing was listed down in his likes.
In Japanese symbolism, mountains are sacred places between heaven and earth. The birds flying over the mountains symbolize overcoming life challenges. This is seen in Bakugo on how he likes to overcome difficult obstacles and does whatever it takes to win until he overcomes his challenge.
Ochaco Uraraka:
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For Ochaco her favorite things are Japanese cuisine and starry skies,
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Although Japanese cuisine sounded confusing when I narrowed down, I found out that Ochaco likes mochi. Mochi is a traditional Japanese food made from rice cakes and ice cream. Mochi, when used as a term, is there to describe someone who is soft round, and cute like Ochaco herself with her entire round motif.  As well as used to say one has round cheeks referring to Ochaco’s round blushy cheeks in her design. A fact on Japanese foodstuffs is that people who like sweets are considered sweet people, being kind, relaxed, easy to get along with what she is.
Eating mochi on the first day of a new year provides warmth and nourishment and imparts strength, endurance, and good health for the cold winter ahead. Noted at their first meeting as being like a breath of fresh hair to the nervous Izuku, she goes on to empower Izuku by changing a derogatory nickname Deku from something that he hated into something positive. Ochaco’s entire character serves as refreshing to the people around her.
Mochi being eaten is a prayer for health and good fortune: good health signifies her upbeat chatterbox personality as someone who is always in good health.Mochi is eaten all year round and is very affordable.
Mochi symbolized material and financial wellbeing. People eat this food boosting their economic vitality. References to Ochaco’s poor financial background, the symbolism in mochi has a lot to do with family and Ochaco’s motives in wanting to be a hero (to get her parents out of poverty).
There's a legend in the Bungooku Fudoki that there was once a wealthy family who used their rice cakes as archery targets instead of eating them. This is a wasteful and disrespectful act that laid the family fields bare and fell into financial ruin. The legend references Ochaco being adamant in wasting money and being stingy in spending money not wanting to be wastefully seen in the legend notes Ochaco and her frugal lifestyle.
There’s a new year event called Mochizuki. Mochizuki is a traditional event that is held on 25-27 of December a reference to Ochaco’s birthday being held on the 27th of December. Mochi is used in the word Mochizuki which means full moon in Japanese the moon largely references her quirk zero gravity since the moon relates to space. This is called Mochizuki because of the round shape calling back to her entire design, the round motif.
Ochaco’s second favorite thing is starry skies, starry skies refer to space references her quirk zero gravity with it relating to space.
Shoto Todoroki:
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Now on to Shoto, his favorite things are Soba.
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Soba being a Japanese food also correlates to Shoto’s oriental design. Soba is a Japanese food that can be eaten in both hot and cold, which refers to his quirk (half hot and half cold). Shoto preferring to eat his soba cold is an important detail heavily applying to how he favors using his ice side over his fireside in combat.
According to Japanese foodstuff, people who like soba are considered cool in appearance and personality-wise. Soba gives the impression that people who choose soba are more determined and cool as well as uncompromising and determined. This matches with Shoto’s entire character.
All Might: I wanted to talk about one thing I noticed in All Might’s likes on his favorites things that are listed,
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It may not seem to mean something about him all that much on the surface but when I researched I found that it has a deep meaning in both All Might’s entire character and role.
Cedars are large trees that grow up to 100 feet tall and live over 300 years. In Yakushima the great cedar tree is estimated to be 200 to 7200 years old, the oldest tree in Japan. This fact alludes to All Might’s unknown age and incredible height.
Japanese ciders are extremely important in ancient Japanese as a source of building material. In Japanese culture, cedars are used for building materials used in building floors and pillars in traditional architecture because cedars grow straight with a certain hardness used for building industrial products. This refers to All Mights status as the symbol of peace that upholds society, putting people at ease with his calming smile to inspire others to be safe and hopeful. All Might be a symbol of peace that keeps society stable with his presence.
Sugi or Japanese Cedars is a national tree of Japan and prized for its fragrant wood in Japanese culture. This could note All Might, who grew up in Japan despite his American influences, is Japan’s most popular hero.
In Japanese mythology, cedars are the closest to Japanese gods since these trees are planted around shrines and temples and grow straight to the sky showing their connection to the Japanese gods. This notes All Might’s god-like powers from his quirk and idol worship of others of hero society. All Might is god-like and inspired people’s unattainable goal to surpass him in strength, which is impossible since he is close to a god.
Japanese symbolism for cedars is grandeur, majestic and strength and “I live for you.” This symbolism has a lot to do with All Might in character: grandeur and majestic both note the immense charisma that he radiates in his dramatic flair and his giant smile which inspires others to feel safe. Strength in the cedar symbolism is related to him being the world’s strongest hero and immense strength of his quirk in being the number one hero of BNHA.
Lastly, the cedar symbolism “I live for you” calls back to his character, how All Might being told of his prophesied death by Nighteye accepts this until Izuku comes along pushed to live. Inko requests him to live for Izuku since he needs him not as a hero but as a mentor. In a way, all these means is that All Might is living for Izuku like the symbolism states.
Supplement and Behind the Scenes:
These are thoughts about the characters on the bio frankly they can be whatever you want to add the titles supplement and behind the scenes are different from each other in the way that they are used in bios.
Supplement are facts about a character’s background and details on their personality history that hasn’t been covered in the main story. Horikoshi adds tidbits of info and facts about the character in his suppliants whenever he was going to clarify something to the audience.
Behind the scenes are talking about the design and concept of the characters in BNHA. Horikoshi interviews about his inspiration when he’s creating characters and his thoughts that he implanted on their designs.
Its usual called behind the scenes in bios but the title can change depending on the character your bio is referring to much like this,
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The title can be whatever you like it to be when writing for your OC.
Ultra Archive Extra Details:
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Blood types:
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You might be confused about this and ask why are Blood types important? Well in Japan they look at blood types the same way we look at Zodiacs: they can tell a person’s personality. You see this is used many times with anime and manga in the character profiles where the character’s blood types are displayed. The BNHA characters have their blood type displayed in the datebook of the characters. You don’t have to add this to your character’s bio; this is only there to be a fun fact insight on their personality. I will talk about how the blood types go with the characters in personality.
Izuku and Shouto are both blood type O. O is the average and best blood type. A character with this blood type is considered deeply determined and easy going. Izuku is much like the O in his blood type being generous, pleasant, kind, and optimistic. He is very peaceful as he tries to pacify arguments in his friend group. He’s easy to get along with and is very intuitive when it comes to the feelings of other people. He looks out for others and rushes in to save them.
Shouto and Izuku show deep determination in wanting to become heroes. They both take care of others and are cautious and careful. Shoto is logical and always looks at the big picture like Izuku he thinks before he acts. Like the O blood type, Todoroki and Izuku embody leader-like qualities in their groups.
However, Todoroki embodies the much more negative aspects associated with O, such as being spiteful and ruthless especially concerning his father. Shoto refuses to use his fireside out of spite when he focused on rejecting his father; it causes him to ignore the feelings of the people around him. You see this ruthless side of him when he freezes villains from the USJ he is doing for interrogation. Todoroki is ill-mannered and rude seen in his comments on others. Todoroki tends to be a loner rarely if ever interacting when he does he comes off as very quiet. Shoto can be a bit of a workaholic when it comes to training and studies. Izuku and Shouto are both insecure and doubtful about themselves with the feeling that they can never be good enough due to their problems. Izuku can be self-absorbed manifesting in his muttering habit and Todoroki be a little too into himself and not realizing other people’s suggestions until it is pointed out.
Both Izuku and Todoroki have O blood; however what makes them different is their star signs, Izuku with the nurturing and sensitive Cancer and Todoroki with the cold serious yet caring Capricorn.
Ochaco’s blood type is B. She has a lot of positive traits of B: Ochaco is cheerful, outgoing, optimistic, and can be strong and passionate about the stuff she holds dear. She’s practical and open, not pretentious, and pragmatic; she's very frank in vocalizing her opinions and always wears her heart on her sleeve. Ochaco is insightful picking up on Bakugo and Izuku’s relationship and good at reading signals others give off. Ochaco provides support to the people she cares about, goal-oriented, and determined she will do whatever it takes to reach a goal no matter what. That is a reference to her goal of getting her parents out of poverty. This makes her hardworking and determined and strong to reach that goal to provide for her parents. all these matches Ochaco perfectly.
People who possess A blood type are honor student types. Iida and Momo are textbook examples of people with blood type A: both of them are presidents of their class.  Iida proved to be trustworthy in leading the class and being a good friend. He is honest, serious, he can be too honest at times he can be uptight when it comes to inconsistencies with Mineta or keeping the class in line. Iida is well organized. You can see this in his room how everything is lined up. Iida is a stickler to the rules; he won’t tolerate anyone who breaks them. Iida wants to be the ideal hero like his brother who inspired him to be one Iida wants to be the perfect ideal of a hero. Iida wanting to be a perfect idea of the hero he idolizes causes him to be selfish. You see this in the entrance exams and when he went after Stain, neglecting to rescue a hero both times neglect to rescue the people around him and charged straight ahead with his desires. Luckily Iida admits when he’s in the wrong and is willing to improve.  
Blood type is known to be the perfectionist of the blood group; this is seen very well with both Iida and Momo. Momos being a perfectionist is seen when she sees the inconsistencies of her classmates in the battle trail; she does this because she wants her classmates to improve. She only can excel in thinking and careful planning not on one battle after she lost to Tokoyami in the sports festival she became insecure about her abilities and compares herself critically with Todoroki.
When you look at Bakugo you wouldn’t think of an A automatically. However, taking a deep analysis of his character reveals that it matched him in more ways than you think. There’s no chill with Bakugo: he's a huge ball of nerves. He’s always yelling in explosive outbursts. But while he may seem impulsive, he’s hard-working and wants to make sure that everything is perfect. Bakugo is obsessed with cleanliness and wouldn’t tolerate the single dirt. In contrast to his attitude with his peers, he keeps to the rules and is well behaved in front of authority figures
Bakugo’s fastidiousness with being the best can be very stubborn with what he wants and easily frustrated when things don’t go his way. He’s a perfectionist after all so he has ridiculously high standards. He wants everything to be perfect that comes down to the perfect victory that is seen best in the victory in the sports festival. Bakugo can be nagging when he points out their inconsistencies in other people he honest to the point of rudeness makes him inconsiderate of other people
Like blood type As, Bakugo is terrible at dealing with his emotions and can’t bottle up his stress Bakugo was in deep turmoil on All Might’s retirement and has insecurities if he’s not being strong enough his insecurity when it comes to his weakness causes him to bully Izuku.
You may be wondering if Iida and Bakugo both have A-type blood, then why are they different? As I said before with Izuku and Shoto it’s because of the star sign.
One last thing if you can struggle to understand the blood types and they appear too similar look at B and O, B might seem similar to O but if you look more closely B comes off as more individualistic and hardworking towards a goal and will do anything to achieve it and O are much more group-oriented and self-absorbed. As are fussy about appearances need to be on top and in order due to their perfectionist tendencies.
Though you don’t half add this it’s here to help you gain a better understanding of blood types and how they are used in Japanese culture. When you're doing blood types for your OC look up which blood types and find one that better matches your OC.
Place Of Origin:
Place of origins that are listed in the character’s data book its where the characters live, Izuku, Todoroki, and Bakugo all live in the Shizuoka Prefecture since they are the ones that had their origins in the series.
The place of Origins has something to do with characters like Ochaco for example, She has a Kansai dialect she grew up in the Mie prefecture which is located within the Kansai region of Japan where this dialect is frequently used. Kansai dialect is stereotyped as passionate and honest which matches Ochaco’s personality because she displays these traits. Mie Prefecture is known for its break taking scenery and clear starry skies nothing Ochaco’s presence is refreshing and calming to others around her and her quirk zero gravity.
Mirko grew up in Hiroshima where most of her fighting style is influenced by Filippino foot fighting. Hiroshima is a city that experienced firsthand the horrors of war but decided to pick themselves up and become the city of peace. Hiroshima has many peace-themed monuments created by international organizations called “mayors for peace” which reach out across the globe to bring the world peace. This is similar to how Mirko's hero works on who she travels endlessly across her country in hopes of bringing peace to the world as well when defeating villains and coming to the aid in the town she’s in to see news of breaking out. She’s a rabbit fighting for peace.
I am not an expert on Japan geography and state this is just what I found out when I was researching. Like the blood types you don’t have to add this If you want to add a place of origin for your OC; do your research on the Japanese geography.
As the saying goes, a room says a lot about a person. You can tell a lot about someone just by looking at their room. Since it would say a lot about someone’s personality. Personal and distinctive details the dorm rooms illustrate are the visible reflection of a character’s identity. Horikoshi took creative liberties to his character’s personality and identity just by drawing their rooms.
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Izuku’s room is very self explainable, the wave of All Might collectibles in his room tells that Izuku always idolized All Might when he was young. He's the reason he wanted to be a hero. He centered his whole life revolving around All Might. The collectibles show the aspects of his character.
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Ochaco’s room reflects her frugal lifestyle and that she came from a poor household.
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The constellation chart is about her Zero Gravity quirk. The cactus in the small area symbolizes endurance and determination, one of her personality traits’ tea and mochi because she is a great host and because her name came from tea and her love of mochi!
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Todoroki’s room is a traditional style Japanese room. He’s been raised in a traditional Japanese household and despite the abuse that Shoto has been through he simply can’t get comfortable living in a place unlike home. His room and upbringing references his Japanese character design.
This is less of a writing thing but more of a designing concept when you’re doing with the character’s rooms. Mostly this a design thing to show the character’s personality. This was only here for people to know how to design a room your OC would sleep in but you don’t have to do the entire room thing for your OC.
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Just take a blank room for reference then work your way around it.
Villain Bios:
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At first, when I thought about villains not getting bios I was relieved because I wouldn’t have to spend so much time and energy working on them. But when vol 23 rolled around, they started to get bios.
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Horikoshi once stated in the complaint corner that there supposed to be terrifying in that were not supposed to relate to them in any way. The main reason he didn’t give them bios was that we wouldn’t relate to them and humanize with the villains as people. Villains are not supposed to be sympathetic.
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It’s refreshing to know that there aren’t any big changes to villain bios and they aren’t any different from the other characters’ bio. If you want to do a bio for your villain one look at the directions again I already addressed with the characters bios look over the directions I said previously. This might help you whenever you do a villain bio.
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Here are examples of how I utilize this for my OCs, Hozuki Kizuki, and Keiko Uchihara. Their likes to reflect their motifs and overall character designs
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Hozuki’s birthdays fall on February 2nd. Her birthday’s initials are 02/02, a katakanization of the English numbers. “o” from “0”  written with the kanji “○ ” and the Japanese for two is ni together can be read as “Oni” repeated twice correlating her Oni motif.
Her birthday is a reference to Setsubun an event held on February 2nd through 3rd in which people wear masks and have others throw sow beans at them to drive out misfortune and evil to bring good luck. This is a reference to Hozuki’s role as someone who chases after villains to keep others safe from evil.
Also, her birthdate makes her an Aquarius, which showcases her standoffish and independent personality.
For her likes, they are list as roasted soybeans, baseball, Oni related items
For Soybeans I explained already up above with Setsubun. For baseball, when I look at the players holding bats it resembles clubs that Oni use in Japanese folklore.
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Keiko’s birthdate is September 25th which is a cusp, meaning she has two zodiac signs in her birthdate. She is both the logical and pragmatic Virgo and fair and honest Libra. This matches kitsunes’ benevolent and malevolent natures in mythology.
Keiko’s favorite things are Rice, sake, kitsune udon, and inarizushi roll. Sake is a wine that is made ground up from rice. Both sake and rice are a reference to Inari the goddess of foxes, rice, sake, and agriculture. Another called back to the god Inari is inarizushi,a pouch of fried tofu typically filled with sushi rice. It is believed that the fox messages of Inari have a fondness for tofu as the Inarizushi has pointed corners that resemble foxes’ ears. Kitsune udon or fox udon is topped with aburaage and is similar to inarizushi.
All this in her bio goes with her fox motif in her design the Japanese mythology for fox references Keiko traditional Japanese character design.
For blood types, Hozuki is a blood type B and Keiko is a blood type O It is said that people with B blood possess a unique character. Hozuki’s standoffish personality comes to mind when I read this. Hozuki is unapproachable at first glance due to her curt attitude but she’s acutely easy to talk to when you get to know her. Hozuki is practical and serious and has an objective that she is working towards. She is passionate and driven. She would stop at nothing until she reaches her goal. B highlights her serious individualistic traits.
Keiko is friendly and open. She reaches out with kindness and unconditional acceptance. She is empathetic to the plight and suffering of others. Her blood type notes her personality which has many of these traits associated with Os.
This is what you do when you are writing your OC bios. I hope it at least gives you a better understanding of writing bios for your OCs. I am not an expert when I explain their likes. I did research when writing this post so If I missed anything feels free to add I am open to people’s suggestions. I don’t take any credit for the images I used in this post, all credit goes to the original owners of the chosen said images.
Lastly, have fun writing about your OCs!
METI ON THE BAD GUY Class 1-A Dorm Rooms EXPLORED | My Hero Academia Discussion
111 notes · View notes
smolbeandrabbles · 5 years
...Ready For It? - Andrew ‘Pope’ Cody (Animal Kingdom)
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Author’s Note: So. Sometimes I like introducing my OCs... She’s the reader you’re used to. I just gave her her name back... So, without further ado, I would love to introduce you to Elaiyna. ❤
She was written for the show... And he’s distinctly based in the show. I did my best to change my original piece and give you some Movie!Andrew too. Because I like trying to write him like Ben... and also I like the mix...
Disclaimer: Animal Kingdom Characters/Plot not mine / Lyrics not mine - but my GOD do I love this song for Andrew!
Premise: After a potentially disastrous morning run in with a man who should be considered dangerous, Elaiyna soon realises that fate refuses to keep them separate... And that her thoughts are just as dangerous as he is...
Words: 3023
Warnings: Questionable attempted uhh... theft? / Questionable feelings towards men who attempt... theft.
Knew he was a killer first time that I saw him Wonder how many girls he had loved and left haunted But if he's a ghost, then I can be a phantom Holdin' him for ransom Some, some boys are tryin' too hard He don't try at all, though I see nothing better, I keep him forever Like a vendetta-ta I-I-I see how this is gon' go Touch me and you'll never be alone I-Island breeze and lights down low No one has to know In the middle of the night, in my dreams You should see the things we do, baby In the middle of the night, in my dreams I know I'm gonna be with you So I take my time Are you ready for it? Knew I was a robber first time that he saw me Stealing hearts and running off and never saying sorry But if I'm a thief, then he can join the heist And we'll move to an island-and And he can be my jailer, Burton to this Taylor Every love I’ve known in comparison is a failure I forget their names now, I'm so very tame now Never be the same now, now Baby, let the games begin Let the games begin Let the games begin...  --- Elaiyna did as she did every other morning – walking from her silver Lamborghini Gallardo to the pay station for her office block. In the busy corporate building, her car wasn’t so out of the ordinary – lots of other high flyers decided to bring their expensive sports cars to work – it was just Elaiyna’s attracted attention because she did it all the time. Usually the other execs around did it for their weekend getaways – so they could drive too fast down the highway to the airport and drive right up to their private jet in style. Only, for the past week, she’d clearly been attracting the wrong king of attention, and it was making her nervous. Every time she’d gone up to pay for her ticket over the last four days there had always been a man watching her (seemingly inconspicuously) from the far wall. It wasn’t always the same guy – in fact every day it was someone new; she could tell that just by height and body type. Even if they did all insist in standing in the shadows in dark hoodies. It unnerved her slightly – Elaiyna could already tell they were watching HER specifically. They also weren’t supposed to have been spotted by her, but she was just too careful not to notice these things. (Also… when you had a brother in the police force… Who nagged her day in and day out about being careful…) This morning there was another one – she never knew where they came from or where they went. Only that they were there… and they hadn’t done anything to her. Yet. But it was only a matter of time. She was tense and, after a week, she’d had enough. Collecting her ticket Elaiyna sighed; “Look. Whatever you’re going to do, will you just do it already… 5 days you’ve been doing this and I refuse to believe you’re not all together…” she took another breath and turned around. To her surprise, staring at her across the lot was the same guy from the day previously. Dark hair, smart eyes, middle height, not unattractive. The youngest one she’d spotted looked no older than a teenager… and there was another that was much taller… But- “Oh. Did you run out of people? Either that or your rotation system has gone wrong. I thought for sure it was a different guy every day…” His head tilted; stance not giving off the same collected coolness his voice did, and it sent chills right through her. “True. This is the first time we’ve done something like this…  I wanted to make sure we were being careful. Evidently I’m too late for that.” He pushed himself away from the wall and crossed to her, and for half a heartbeat Elaiyna thought he might follow up on her request. She tensed; pushing herself back into the machine. He stopped and hesitated at her motion, a respectful two foot gap between them. “This wasn’t my idea – and I don’t think it’s a particularly good one either… Much easier to hit a company than a single target. But no, overruled…” He was taller than her up close, but only by a few inches. His eyes gave away nothing – emotionless - and that sent another kind of shiver through her. No person she’d ever seen had eyes like that. Everything about him, from the way he held himself to the way he shifted, and way he spoke – told Elaiyna that he was calculating. Her eyes looked between his and a puzzled expression crossed her face; “Sorry… target?!” she thought she’d followed him correctly “…Why!? My car!?” “Car like that, you gotta have money…” “It’s about money?” The next look that crossed her face and her dark eyes he could associate with relief. “Yes…” he paused, “Though I could see why the presence of at least four males could make you think otherwise…” He took another step back, and then opted to continue his clarification; “I apologise… It never came up, but I’d never let it happen.” “Thanks!?!” Elaiyna offered, not quite sure what else to say. He shook his head; no problem… not worth thanking him. “So…uhm…” Her eyes flicked around the lot and back to his face as she stepped away from the ticket machine now digging uncomfortably into her back “…Now what? Do you take my money… my car… or-” It looked for a minute like he might laugh, but he didn’t; “No. Those idiots have turned this scouting into a mess... You’re too aware. Consider yourself, your car and your money safe. I’m calling it off. It’s too dangerous for you. It’s far too dangerous for us now. We’ll chalk it up as a loss.” He tilted his head at her again, an intrigued smile on his lips; “…That doesn’t happen often.” He took a few more steps back; “Congratulations…” before he turned and walked off, leaving her standing in the middle of the lot alone. And even though she was watching him, as they always did, he seemingly disappeared into nowhere. Elaiyna let out a breath she hadn’t realised she’d been holding and furrowed her eyebrows together. “…What-!?” *** “Oh my God…” It wasn’t as if Andrew had said it loud – it was the laugh in his voice that caught Baz’s attention. He hadn’t heard something like that from his best friend in a long while. “What’s up?” “Hang on…” Andrew pushed his chair back to leave “What!? Where are you going-!? Man- HEY!” He vaguely heard some of them call him back as he crossed the grass slope from the restaurant they were in and hopped onto the walkway. She was looking at her phone screen, exiting a restaurant across the walk from his. “Hey!” Elaiyna looked up at the sound of his voice, a voice she recognised but wasn’t sure she should be hearing every again. And of all the emotions that he read on her face when her eyes met his, fear wasn’t one of them. “Shoot-! Hey!” She stopped just short of him, and the smile on her face was genuine; then she laughed. And for a moment he was confused, because it felt like he should be in on the joke… but where was the joke? Why would she express happiness at seeing him? Heck, why had he walked over..? “-What? Stalking me here too now!?” “Uh… No. I’m just…. In that restaurant and saw you and…” Andrew gave a shrug “I just wanted to make sure you were okay.” Was that it? He guessed so… “I’m fine…” Elaiyna still looked amused and that made him feel a little better “I wouldn’t have been, I guess. If you’d have pulled off your grand scheme.” She folded her arms. “Well. No hard feelings then.” “No! I didn’t mean it like that!” In the sunlight she looked so much better. Her hair was dark blonde and held a gentle curl, except in her fringe – which remained straight. Her eyes were brown, bright – and her personality was electric. It wouldn’t have surprised him if she was the kind of person that couldn’t sit still for too long.  Even in heels she was shorter than him – and he wasn’t the tallest – it might not have been by much, but he’d take it. “And who’s that asshole?” She laughed again and turned as he indicated behind her; “He’s uh… he’s my fiancé.” “Fiancé!?” Andrew didn’t mean it to come out quite so surprised “Uh huh…” She turned back to him; “Why? Do I not look like the kind of girl that can hold down a man!?” “What. No, I just… didn’t notice.” And he noticed everything, Andrew was very careful like that and he’d told her such. But maybe he didn’t want to notice – he didn’t know which. Was that why it felt painful for her to even say the word? But he didn’t even know her name… “Look, I just wanted to check you were okay.” “I’m fine… I’m not driving to work in that car anymore, though! Just in case there are more people looking to do similar!” “That sounds like a good idea.” He gave a nod “I thought so.” “Well, I guess I’ll let you get back to your… Fiancé…” He said the word with distain as he glared into the back of the guy walking away. “Oh no, he’s actually leaving on a business trip.” “What!? And leaving you… Told you he was an asshole. I wouldn’t do that.” It came out before he knew he was saying it. But if Elaiyna registered it, she didn’t respond that way “Yeah…. I’ve done it enough…” she smiled again “That’s sweet. To ask if I’m okay, I mean… Thank you.” “Oh. Of course…” She smirked and turned on her heels “Maybe I’ll see you around, Andrew.” He froze. Andrew was going to respond with a similar statement, realised once more he didn’t know her name. AND he’d never told her his. “H-How’d you-!?” She stopped and turned, a teasing smile on her face; “You’re not the only one who can do research.” “…W…Well what’s your name!?” His voice wasn’t holding that collected calm pattern to it anymore, and Elaiyna had done that. She shook her head “Maybe you should have made that part of yours…” she took a breath “Orrrr… Maybe if I do see you around, you’ll find out then.” She walked a little further, then turned back to him again “I like it.” “What?” “Your name… Andrew. It suits you. It’s a nice name.” He watched her leave again, and realised to his horror that he was smiling after her. But with good reason; he’d never heard that before. *** Andrew couldn’t stop thinking about her, the girl who was supposed to be a target… the girl who’d told him she liked his name… the girl who was supposed to be marrying someone else. They were back on jobs since then, but he wanted to steer as clear as he could from the area he knew she worked in. Andrew could also take a good guess at where in the city she might spend her time. A woman with a car like that was clearly from a more affluent area… So he made sure to curb all of the boys within certain areas – Baz was the only one who noticed the pattern. If someone suggested somewhere outside of Andrew’s circle, he’d reign them back in – so Baz started suggesting places and watch Andrew turn and draw him back. If it was just outside the picture in his head that Baz was gathering, Andrew would deliberate on it for a little while – then either firmly say no or sigh gently and reluctantly agree. However, when Baz pressed for further information, because of course Andrew’s best friend knew something was up, all he got was an affronted man who was annoyed that Baz would have the nerve to question his methods. I thought we were a team-! Yeah… Pope, that’s my point! Are you kidding me-!? All I’m asking for is some trust. Trust? It's your silence I’m worried about, man. But that was just met with Andrew’s silent stare. But Baz knew behind that was the obvious; I know what I’m doing. Don’t question me. Elaiyna didn’t have nearly the same problem. But she had heeded his warning about her car – and only drove it around now if she needed to. She supposed that meant he was keeping her safe… And on occasion she would replay that conversation and smile. But the truth was, even though she could gather pieces of information on Andrew Cody, he was still a mystery to her. And a mystery she didn’t need to figure out. She already had Forde, and he was a good man. But every time she thought about him, she would catch herself smiling. And other people did too; “Thinking about the wedding?” “Huh?” far from it – actually thinking about the fact that tomorrow was the weekend, and you got to get the Gallardo out and didn’t have to worry about Cody safety. “You’re smiling – and like… that way-!” “Oh. Yeah…” and then Elaiyna would laugh, “…The wedding-!” And when she started noticing it, things only got worse. And before long she was sleeping with one man and dreaming about another entirely. It was those eyes of his… dangerous… but haunting, gorgeous… eyes she wanted on her… Eyes she shouldn’t want on her. She shouldn’t want him. Not like this… She shouldn’t even have been curious enough to have found his name. Let alone wonder what he would be like under her bedsheets… For the love of God, she had a ring on her finger…! The last thing in the world she should want was another man. Especially one she didn’t even know. *** Elaiyna didn’t exactly think that fate was conspiring against her. But she didn’t dare think it was trying to tell her something… Walking back to the office on one particular lunch break, when her group of work friends had gone to a gym class together Elaiyna had them all pause; “AH!” She halted and turned to the convenience store; “Hold on-! I forgot I needed something!” “To be honest, I could do with getting something myself…” that led to them all walking in – although Elaiyna promptly forgot what she was looking for. Oh my god… you’re… kidding. She shook her head with a gentle chuckle, and made her way cross the store to him. She couldn’t help but watch the way he walked, and concentrated on the aisles, running his eyes along the rows as he looked for the correct items. Andrew didn’t spot her watching him for a little while, which was unusual for someone who was always so alert. For someone so paranoid about his surroundings, the fact that feeling her watching him happened so late she was already talking to him, once again shocked Andrew into the realisation that Elaiyna made him feel safe. “…So, who is following who now?!” His eyes flicked straight to a voice he’d been longing to here for quite some time. If Elaiyna thought she could count the look on his Andrew’s face as a smile, she would. “…Is this even your part of town!? I wouldn’t assume you live here and you certainly don’t work over here!” “...Is it your part of town?” She didn’t give him the information that he might have been asking for; Elaiyna thought he might have been more of a mystery to her than she was to him. And she was curious. He tipped his head and his eyes narrowed, there was something calculating about that movement; “Oh, you want my address now!?” She gave a shrug, “No. I can get that the same way I got your name I’m sure.” “Heh...” He looked around the store for an indication that she could be alone, “And how did you do that, exactly?” “Women have to keep their secrets some times. Especially faced with such mysteries.” Her look was pointed. “Who, me?” he squinted “I’m the one that doesn’t know your name.” “Giving it to you seems a little… dangerous.” And there was something that flickered in his eyes that told her that was the right choice of words. But also made her heart skip, and she damned it for that. No doubt – Andrew Cody was dangerous. She couldn’t play a game here. It would end well for no one.  Elaiyna continued to make small talk with him about literally nothing in particular. Something that would usually irk him, he had no time or prowess with the intricacies of how things worked at this point in friendships. If he could even call it that. But something about her was just so easy… And Andrew found himself answering her mundane questions just to keep her talking. To hear that voice for a little longer, the way she laughed, and watch the way she smiled when she talked, watched each little nuance of her features… To just feel safe, for a little bit longer. “Elaiyna!” A shout across the store made them both turn to a group of girls standing in the door way looking directly at them both. And then she answered; “I’ll just be a minute!!!” She didn’t quite catch Andrew’s smile of realisation; “Elaiyna...” he breathed it gently “that’s your name.” “Indeed it is, Andrew.” And he still liked the way she called him that. “...It’s a nice name. I like it.” Elaiyna realised straight away what he had done – that Andrew was repeating her sentiments for his own name. She couldn’t do anything but smile at that; “Well.” There was a hesitant pause, and the smile on her face turned teasing, as those playful brown eyes narrowed at him; “Now we know each other’s names... what is it next - phone numbers?” That wasn’t exactly what he was expecting, and his hesitation for once wasn’t caution, but for lack of knowing what to say next - “...I...” Elaiyna gave him a wink, not expecting him to just answer her. And by the type of man she presumed he was, also not expecting Andrew to pull out his phone and hand it over in enthusiastic agreement. Elaiyna also knew that she wouldn’t be able to hold off her friends, and eventually one would wander over and start asking questions that she didn’t want to answer. And Andrew wouldn’t like. “Guess we might just be destined to run into each other, Andrew... so… I’ll see you around...” This time when she put that edge on his voice his skin prickled, and Andrew’s heart leapt in worry. What was that-!? But he found himself responding anyway, “You too, Elaiyna.” She turns back with a giggle, and sweet smile “Well, I should have told you sooner...” and a gentle blush that he couldn’t fathom. Why give him something like that? Elaiyna was a woman with a fiancé, but she knew then exactly what Andrew Cody was doing to her, even if he couldn’t quite realise it himself - “I sure like how you say it...”
@dennismitchell @happyskywhale @wltz-bby​ @3134045126​ #MendoTagSquad.
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lostinshawnsmemory · 5 years
Figure You Out: Chapter 3 - Shawn x African OC
A/N: This chapter is very music heavy. I’m also introducing a lot of songs that aren’t that well known seeing as they’re afrobeat songs.  All the songs used are linked in the fic playlist and while you don’t necessarily have to listen to them, it adds to the story and makes reading some of the lyrics easier as they aren’t in English (there aren’t translations but there is a reason for that) and I would highly recommend it.  They’re also just really good songs and if you’re looking for new music I got you. 
Word Count: 4.3k
Warning(s): None 
Series Masterlist
Fic Playlist
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University was difficult and it took Tolani a really short amount of time to figure that out. Looking at the course requirements she could tell that the weeks to come were going to be intense, but so far it wasn’t anything she couldn’t handle. Her coursemates were friendly enough but 2 days of lectures didn’t yield any friendships and she could tell that it wasn’t going to happen so quickly.
One thing she couldn’t tell though was how she felt about Shawn. They’d talked on and off after their coffee date a few days prior, but their relationship, if you could call it that, was not clearly defined. ‘Tolani you’ve known him for five minutes, you don’t need to have clearly defined parameters just yet.’
Seated at the desk staring at some of her required reading that she was pretending to pay attention to, her mind went back to their conversation at the coffee shop and the list of songs that he gave her. She never got round to listening to them and this was as good a time as any even though there was work she should’ve been doing. She opened Spotify, searched for Lost in Japan, put in her earphones and pressed play. The song wasn't what she was expecting, the piano intro felt warm and relaxing and by the time the beat kicked in she had a smile on her face. He sang about a girl who was in a different time zone but she didn’t care about the girl, the thing that made her connect with the song was the beat. It was funky and rhythmic bass had her bopping along to the song. By the time the bridge started, she was already mouthing some of the words. When the song finished she couldn't resist picking up her phone and texting him.
Tolani: Okay sooooooo Lost in Japan is one of the coolest songs I’ve ever heard.
Shawn: Really?
Tolani: No seriously. It’s so cool and funky and I’ve also learnt half the lyrics.
Shawn: That fast? 😮
Tolani: What can I say? I really like the song. 🤷🏾‍♀️
Shawn: What about the other songs?
Tolani: Currently just Lost in Japan, but now I’m insanely curious about the rest.
Shawn: I’m expecting a full break down of each song.
Tolani: I did say I would critique them. 😉
Where Were You in The Morning, was a completely different vibe. It was more of a bluesy R&B track and a lot more in line with what Tolani usually listened to. It wasn’t the type of song she would’ve associated with Shawn, proof that there was more to him than meets the eye. She couldn’t deny that she really liked the song, so much so that she played it again when the song was done.
Tolani: Okay who is she?
Shawn: You listened to Where Were You in the Morning didn’t you? 🤨
Tolani: Yup
Shawn: And you’re not going to stop till you know?
Tolani: Of course not 😉
Shawn: I could deflect and you’ll never know
Tolani: You could, but you won’t
Shawn: How do you know? 🤨
Tolani: Call it a lucky guess.🤷🏾‍♀️
Shawn: I regret telling you to listen to it 🤦‍♂️
Tolani: That’s too bad Mendes
Shawn: You want the truth?
Tolani: Of course I do!!
Shawn: What if I don't’ tell you? 😏
Tolani: Then I’ll keep hounding you.
Shawn: I’ll take any excuse for you to keep talking to me, so it’s a win-win 🤷‍♂️
Tolani: Just so you know, I happen to like talking to you.
Shawn: First of all, thank you. Second of all, it isn’t working.
Tolani: You saw right through that? 🙃
Shawn: I did.
Tolani: So I guess I’ll switch tactics.
Shawn: How so?
Tolani: I’ll never speak to you again.
Shawn: Wooooow brutal 😳
Tolani: Spill Mendes
Shawn: Fine.
Tolani: I’m waiting
Shawn: You want an answer? 😏
Tolani: I really do.
Shawn: Honestly? She was a girl I met at a party and she made it seem like she wanted more but apparently not. 🤷‍♂️
Tolani: Not the story I was expecting 😕
Shawn: Kinda underwhelming?
Tolani: A little bit yeah.
Shawn: Well I’m a songwriter, I embellish when needed.
Tolani: Either way I love the song. It’s got the same vibe as Lost in Japan but it’s more R&B-esque.. It’s R&B adjacent!!!
Shawn: That‘s the perfect way to describe it. I’m stealing that 👏
Tolani: You may, although, I require royalties.
Shawn: Done
Tolani: On to the next one. And by the way, I really do like talking to you Shawn. 😊
Shawn: I like talking to you too T ❤️
Memories was completely different from the previous ones. It was an emotional piano ballad that made Tolani tear up more times than she would’ve liked to admit. There was something about that song that stood out from the rest and she couldn’t quite put her finger on what it was. It was the perfect blend of emotional and powerful.
Tolani: Scratch that Memories is the most beautiful song I’ve ever heard.
Shawn: Why Thank you! 😁
Tolani: How old were you when you wrote that?!
Shawn: 14/15-ish
Tolani: Excuse me while I crumble under the weight of my own talentlessness and have a minor existential crisis. 🤯😭
Shawn: Hahaha. I’m sure you’re not completely talentless. Maybe a little talentless
Tolani: I know I jokingly say I’m going to block you, but this time I really mean it, but on a serious note, this song is perfect and I love it
Shawn: Noted 😊
30 minutes and some messages later, Tolani had listened to all the songs Shawn had listed and she was surprised at how much she liked his music.. ‘He’s incredibly talented.’ she thought as she went to put her phone on the table, but before she could it started vibrating more so than usual. She’d spent the better part of the past few days deleting Instagram comments and DM’s but they just kept coming and they were all the same. Asking her who she was, and how she knew Shawn. It was getting exhausting being bombarded with questions that didn’t warrant a response. Not because she was hiding anything rather that there was nothing to talk about. ‘Shawn and I are friends, or something akin to friends anyway.’ She rolled her eyes. ‘Tell that to hundreds of fans in my Instagram comments.’ She knew she should probably say something to Shawn but it wasn’t anything that she couldn’t handle for the time being.
Shawn: Are you free tomorrow?
Tolani: Are you asking me out again already? 🤨
Shawn: After our coffee date, I said and I quote “I’ll definitely ask you out again” so this is me asking you out again.
Tolani: One would think that you like me 🤔
Shawn: Maybe I do. 🤷‍♂️😉
Tolani: What’s up…
Shawn: I’m in need of a good DJ
Tolani: First of all, that’s vague. Second of all, what makes you think that’s me?
Shawn: I have a feeling… I also have great intuition (You also said you like music)
Tolani: Your ego never takes a day off 🙄
Shawn: I don’t know what you mean…. I’m incredibly humble 🤭
Tolani: Only twitter thinks that Shawn
Shawn: Ouch that one really hurt my feelings 🙃
Tolani: Sorry about that
Shawn: Apology accepted.
Tolani: Are you going to tell me what’s going on?
Shawn: What if I said it’s a surprise?
Tolani: What if I told you that I hate surprises?
Shawn: I wouldn’t be shocked. Do you like surprises though?
Tolani: I don’t not like them 😝
Shawn: Are you willing to endure this one?
Tolani: Against my better judgement, I am.
Shawn: Great. I’ll pick you up tomorrow at 2 o’clock
Tolani: Shawn…
Shawn: Yes T?
Tolani: You don’t know where I live
Shawn: That is true. 🤦‍♂️ What’s your address?
Tolani laughed as she texted him her address. ‘Why is he so easy to talk to.’ she thought as she stared down at her phone, a smile on her face. She got along with Shawn more than anyone she’d met since she’d moved to Toronto and she wasn’t entirely sure why. He was warm and open, something she wasn’t used to. It was like a breath of fresh air. And she welcomed it. Every conversation they’d had either through text or in-person never felt forced, even with a few awkward silences.
The next day as she was getting ready the was a knock at her door, and a few seconds later Desire walked in.
“Hey hun! I haven't seen you in a minute,” she said flopping down on Tolani’s bed. Something that didn't go unnoticed by Tolani who’d made the bed a few minutes prior. “Where have you been?”
“Oh, you know” Tolani waved her hand dismissively “Her,  there and everywhere. Mostly going to class and exploring then coming back here.”
“I feel like I haven't even seen you in the dorm.”
“I’ve been around.”
“Anway” Desire said “A couple of us are going to see a movie in a little bit. You wanna come?”
Tolani looked down at her phone, it was 1:45 ‘Shawn is going to be here soon.’ she thought. “Sorry I can’t. I’m heading out.”
“Oh. Where are you going” said excitedly bouncing on the bed, creasing Tolani’s sheets further.
“Just going to get coffee with a friend from my course.” The lie was an easy one, coming out a lot quicker than Tolani would’ve thought. Telling Desire she was going out with Shawn was equivalent to telling everyone, and she definitely wasn’t ready to do that yet.
“Sounds fun! Maybe when you’re done you could meet up with us. We’ll be at the Cineplex on Eglinton Avenue.”
“Will do” Tolani nodded her head, looking at Desire who got up to leave. Then she turned around as looked in the mirror to put the finishing touches on her makeup.  As she was putting on her lip gloss her phone vibrated.
Shawn: I’m here.
Tolani: I’ll be out in a second
As she walked outside, she couldn't help but feel nervous. Not unlike how she felt they had coffee, but there was something different about this time. ‘It could be that we’re going to be in a confined space for an extended period of time.’
Shawn was outside her dorm waiting for her. There was no way she could have missed his Jeep. Tolani walked up to the car as he wound down the window.
“Hi T.” he flashed her a smile that she couldn't help but return. ‘Why is his smile so contagious?’
“Hi, Shawn. Nice car.” She quipped leaning against the door placing her forearms on the open window.
“Are you gonna get in?”
“Well, my mum always told me not to get into a stranger’s car” Tolani tapped on her chin pretending to be lost in thought.
“Am I stranger though?” he cocked his head analysing her. “I mean we had coffee a few days ago.”
“You’ve got a good point,” Tolani replied with a chuckle as she opened the door and got into his car.
“So” she implored a few minutes later, turning to look at Shawn whose eyes were trained on the road. “Why exactly did you need me as a DJ? Where are we going?” “Well actually…” He ran his hands through his hair before answering.”We’re not actually going anywhere.”
“Huh?” she furrowed her eyebrows clearly not understanding what he was saying. “I didn’t have a reason for this drive. I just wanted to spend time with you.” Tolani couldn’t help but smile. “You saw me 4 days ago Shawn.” she scoffed rolling her eyes playfully.
“I did. And I wanted to see you again.” turning to face her, his face unreadable. ‘That was incredibly sweet.’ Tolani felt her face warming, so much so that she broke their eye contact and looked away. “How about I give you a really random driving tour of Toronto while you be the DJ?” “Well, what kind of DJ would I be if there was no music.”  “I'm trusting you wholeheartedly. You have complete control over what we listen to.” The second he said that a list of her favourite songs popped into her head. “I have the perfect song.” And seeing that she had complete control over what they listened to, she was definitely going to play some afrobeat. After syncing her phone to the sound system is his car she opened Spotify, searched for the songs in question and pressed play.
The sound of drums filled the car followed by heavy bass and Tolani broke out in a huge grin as one of her favourite artists Wizkid started sang about needing love. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see Shawn bopping his head along to the song, looking slightly confused by the lyrics. She couldn’t help it and started singing loudly once the second verse started.
‘Toba gboni shakara pade
Pa’shan toh ma fi na eh oh
Oje loun jeh
Kilon se je, shakara olo’je ni’
“Hold on! What did he say? I’m pretty sure that was not English.” Shawn muttered clearly confused
At that, Tolani couldn’t control the giggle that came out of her. “That’s because it isn’t English Shawn. He’s singing in Yoruba.”
“Yuh-ruw-bah?” Much like when they first met, his pronunciation was way off but she mentally gave him points for trying but the giggle soon turned into a full-blown laughing fit. “Yo-ruh-bah.” she enunciated. “It’s one of the languages spoken in Nigeria.”
“I was going to ask about that.”
“There are hundreds of languages spoken in Nigeria and its really annoying when people ask me if I speak Nigerian.” she couldn't help the irritation that crept into her voice. Questions like that usually came from a place of ignorance and while she was more than willing to educate people who didn’t know, there was always an air of disrespect surrounding questions like that.
“And you speak Yoruba?” even though his pronunciation was a little better, she still couldn’t help but cringe a little.
“I do” she nodded her head. “Ever since I was a kid.”
“So you understand what he’s saying.”
“Every single word. Here I’ll translate for you. The song is basically about wanting sweet love and good vibes. That part of the song basically talks about people who show off. ‘Shakara‘ roughly translates to ‘show off’ or someone who brags and the song is basically saying that people who show off kill the good vibe.”
“Got it!” He turned back to the road as Tolani kept singing.
As the song came to a close she turned to him. “What did you think?”
“I loved it! I’ve never heard a song like that before. What’s it called.” his face lit and she could feel her heart swelling with pride it was an amazing feeling when someone connected with something that was important to you
“That my dear, was your introduction to afrobeat. The song is called Sweet Love by an artist called Wizkid. It’s one of my favourites”
“Do you have any more songs like that cause that was easily the coolest song I’ve ever heard.”
“You’re in luck because I do.” she bragged as she picked up her phone.
Seeing as he liked the first song so much, she decided to play something in a similar vein. Jaiye Jaiye and Sweet Love were similar in the sense that you could tell it was made by the same artist but the two songs have different vibes and wildly different lyrics.
‘Wizzy baby loke loke
Seb’Oluwa lo se o
Owo n wole wa
Seb’Oluwa lo se o ah
Lagos today and London tomorrow  
Oluwa lo se o
Omo jaiye jaiye
Seb’Oluwa lo se oh ah’
She was singing along and turned to see Shawn looking right at her. “What?” she deadpanned. Suddenly becoming self-conscious. “Nothing.” he turned away smiling to himself. “What does this song mean?”
“Jaiye means to enjoy life and have a great time. The song is basically living your best life and just being thankful for all the blessings in your life. The song is also special because it’s directly influenced by one of, it not the most influential Afrobeat artist ever.”
Shawn absorbed everything she was telling him. And it felt good to talk to someone about some of the songs that she loved and have them listen, even though they might not fully understand everything.  
There was no way she was going to play some of her favourite afrobeat songs and not play a single Burna Boy song. A day didn’t go by where she didn’t listen to at least one of his songs and today was no different. Gbona was one of those songs that could change her turn her mood around and she was really excited to play it for Shawn.
‘When the gbedu dey enter body, enter body
All the girl, them go shake body
Them go shake their body.
Oluwa Burna mo gbona feli, say mo Gbona feli
You not get money, you dey call police.
Me I dey laugh you gan ni.’
She could see his brow furrow again as he tried to decipher the lyrics he clearly couldn't understand. “I need you to not focus on the lyrics so much as the song. Focus on the drums and the saxophone and how you feel when you listen to the song. It’s all about the ‘gbedu’, which is a traditional drum which is used in a lot of songs, producing a beat that makes you want to dance.”
“I can’t dance.” he turned to look at her.
“You don’t need to know how to dance per se. It’s more about vibing to the song rather than dancing.”
After she said that, she could see him relax and start to enjoy the song, it started with his head and soon his entire body was moving albeit a little off-beat which made Tolani smile.
The next song she picked was a lot slower and more suited to a drive, but still had the quintessential elements she loved. “This is one is called Damiloun. I love this one cause it reminds me of the drives my dad and I used to take around Lagos on Saturday mornings,” she stated,  eyes closed, swaying from side to side in her seat.
“So it’s the perfect song for a drive?”
“That’s why I picked it. It’s a lot more chill and reflective of another genre of music called highlife which is a lot more ‘jazzy’.”
“I’m loving your music choices so far.”
“I had a feeling you would.” she smirked.
Tolani decided to change tactics for the next song and play something that he was more familiar with.
She could see his demeanour change as he started screaming the lyrics to Better Now.
‘You prolly think that you are better now, better now
You only say that 'cause I'm not around, not around
You know I never meant to let you down, let you down
Woulda gave you anything, woulda gave you everything’
Soon enough she joined in and the two spent the next two and a half minutes screaming Post Malone lyrics at the top of their lungs, getting louder with each line practically jumping in their seats. They earned a few looks from other drivers when they stopped at a red light, but they didn’t notice, as they were too wrapped up in the song to care.
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“Have you got any requests?” She asked when the song ended.
“Nope. I wasn’t kidding when I said you have complete and utter control over what we listen to.”
When Shawn saw Tolani walk out of her dorm, his heart had started beating quicker than normal. The first thing he noticed when she got into his car was the faint smell of honey. She looked like she did when they first met, except this time her braids were in a bun on top of her head. Her demeanour was cool and collected but her eyes showed just how excited he was, and it calmed him knowing that she was just as eager to spend time with him as he was with her.
He’d been incredibly nervous to ask her out again. After her reaction to some of his songs, he really wanted to know what kinds of songs she liked and a situation like this where she picked what they listened to seemed like a good a time as any to pick her brains about her taste in music.
The best way to describe the first song she played was colourful. The way the instruments were used were completely foreign and he’d never heard anything like it. Another thing he wasn’t familiar with were the words. He could barely make out what he was saying and was pretty sure the song wasn’t fully in English. His suspicions were confirmed when Tolani started singing her voice becoming rougher to pronounce the words.‘Yeah that definitely was not English.’ And when she said as much to her, she giggled, dimples out on full display. Soon her giggles turned into a full-blown laughing fit when he got the pronunciation of Yoruba wrong, the second time she’s laughed at his pronunciations.
That was how it was for a lot of the songs she played, he knew that Tolani had barely scratched the surface but he understood what she meant when she’d said Afrobeat wasn’t something you just listened to, it really was something you experienced. He could see that in the way she sang along to each song with hopeless abandon, flawlessly switching from English to Yoruba and back while dancing to each song even though she was in a confined space. His mind went back to when they first met. He’d noticed that she was a good dancer. Regardless of the song, she was always on beat making it clear that music was a very big part of her life.
He didn’t have the same luck. While he felt the urge to dance to each song, he was nowhere near as fluid as she was and she could tell. “I’m going to teach you how to dance.”He was already shaking his head. Dancing was his worst fear and there was no way he was doing it in front of her. “Nope. I’m not dancing. Ever!”
“It’ll be fun!”
“T, there is no way you are getting me to dance.”
She turned to him, head tilted to the side. “Shawn. you cannot tell me this song doesn't make you want to dance.”
“I can’t lie. It does.” he nodded “However I’m a terrible dancer so...” ending the sentence with a shrug.
“You’ve never had me as a teacher though.”
“T I’m sure that I’ll be shit EVEN with you as a teacher.”
“Maybe” she shrugged “but it would be funny though.”
“Yeah,” he said wistfully. “It probably would.”
Tolani named each song and artist as the song started making sure he knew exactly what she was playing. Listening to her explain the meaning behind each song made each one even more special, her voice becoming rougher and her accent becoming for prominent the more she spoke. He was honoured that she wanted to share that meaning with him especially when the songs had such personal and cultural significance.
As ignorant as it sounded he wasn’t expecting such diversity. Each song was similar but different. They ranged from slower tempos perfect for driving to upbeat songs that made him want to scream the lyrics even though he didn't know or understand them.
Tolani didn’t only play Afrobeat, she had one of the most diverse music tastes he’d ever come across. While she played her favourite Drake song, they talked about their shared love of the Canadian rapper and even went as far as belting out Fake Love while at a stoplight.
Shawn couldn’t help but cringe a little as the intro to Lost in Japan started playing but that feeling slowly turned into one of pride when she started singing along word for word. He was shocked at how quickly she’d learnt all the lyrics and couldn’t help but join in smiling as she screamed the bridge. “How did you learn the lyrics so fast?”
“I told you’ she glanced at him “I really like the song.” she winked.
The next song had him scream in excitement, which completely shocked Tolani. “You like Lauryn Hill?” surprise evident in her voice. He nodded his head enthusiastically “I really do and Doo Wop is my favourite song off of Miseducation” She grinned at him. “Me too. Another thing we have in common.” By the time the chorus came round, they were singing at the top of their lungs. She had a beautiful voice and he imagined what it would be like to have her sing to him.
‘Guys you know you’d better watch out
Some girls, some girls are only about
That thing, that thing, that thing,
That thing, that thing, that thing.’
Even though they didn’t talk about much outside music, it felt nice to be in her presence. He was someone who focused on the energy that surrounded people and the best way to describe hers was enigmatic. There was so much more to her than she was letting on which made him want to know more about her, but she was also incredibly thoughtful and very funny.
After two hours of pretty aimless driving Shawn dropped Tolani off outside her dorm but before she opened the door to leave, he turned to her.
“I had a great time.” He smiled  “Your taste in music is incredible and Afrobeat might be my new favourite thing.” He saw her eyes light up as the words hit home and he knew how important those words were to her.
“How about this. I’ll make a Spotify playlist of all the songs I played for you and add in a few more?”
“What happened to you not liking me enough to share music with me?”
“Cleary I changed my mind about that.” she smirked and she opened the door and climbed out of the car.
(Credit to @mendes-shawn for the gif)
@bugheadfanatic @sean-mendezzzzz @rulerofnocountry @thotmendes @shawnssnack @momenraul @justbeingoceana @tisvanessa @mani-lifes @shawnsvalentine @pinkk-peonies @sinplisticshawn  @eve134340 @kyloreins
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tammyhybrid21 · 6 years
The world a Symphony of Sensation
Okay, I’ll start this off with the simple statement that I have honestly no idea whether I have this or not, because it might just be... well I am sensing things all the time anyway, or just... honestly I think some of this is just... well that’s for everyone right?
So... I am really not sure how much I can talk about it... but that sub-heading up there. A Symphony of Sensation... that’s how I experience the world. For real.
I mean, it’s kind of hard to explain because a lot of the time, it’s... kind of like someone left the background music on in a way. Could I explain what sense that is? No, not really, could be sight, smell, taste, or even touch, or hell emotional input... but I’m pretty sure emotions translate into physical sensations.
People can feel prickly or scratchy sometimes, false or plastic, painted on smiles, or overly bubbly. So you know. I don’t think that’s right. But there is the background music, separate from the music I hear when it’s playing in my headphones or on the radio or even when I’m singing.
Voices in writing, a chorus and a story is a harmony. An animation I can watch over and over and-
Isn’t that strange? I read a story and it plays out like a movie in my mind, a full animated movie with voices and music and everything, but when I try to do actual visualization exercises all I can get is a word picture... literally words, I can translate an image to words and words to images, but can’t properly visualize it on its own...
But yeah...
Names have feelings, and it’s weird because yeah I might say it doesn’t sound “normal” enough, but what does that mean. Well I mean normal as in basic, as in kind of rough, but not unpleasant, kind of your average sense, something mundane... Or for example a few of my OCs, I named them because it felt like a certain colour, or had a certain sensation that went with it that was just yes! This is the right name!
Also why a few of my characters don’t yet have names, while others get them near instantly.
Such as Rico, or Smoke, or hell even Hooky who’s name has changed, a lot. But you know what, that’s because the name has to match, it has to feel right. And I can’t just absorb headcanons unless it fits into that harmony. It has to flow and roll with everything else, like a symphony of sensation. Is it a certain sound, a certain feeling? Has to work right.
Rico is a bubbly boy, a high note and a jaunty tune, fittingly curious, and it works. Feels like a good name, there’s a reason I particularly lean to Witty(@im-fairly-whitty)’s Ruy and her interpretation of that one crossing agent; Helena, they both feel right, have that harmony that flows and fits with the rest of the world and who they are.
Also, on the other hand, why I can’t handle Villain-AU, because Héctor’s harmony is off, it’s wrong like a band that knows the notes but everyone is playing the wrong instrument and trying their best. Broken pieces, a little too sharp.
Also, on associated senses...
Taste and Scent
Scent and Taste
One translates directly to the other and that might be why I hate coffee so much. Because it’s kind of... an oxymoron? I mean, here’s the thing. Both of those senses directly translate to one another, when I smell something I also taste it, and when I taste something it immediately has a scent that goes with it.
Which for some things is obvious, cigarette smoke all around is just bletch, chocolate is sweet, and has this kind of powdery smell I’ll be honest... And then there’s coffee, which confounds me.
I love the smell of coffee, love that toasty smell, the slight tint of a bitter twist, and the taste that goes along with it, settles and dances in your mouth... But then I taste it and it’s immediately flipped on it’s head, bitter and gross, and with this kind of acrid after burn smell, and it’s like ??? why do you betray me like this? How dare...
So I think, that honestly, leave me to make it, don’t make me drink it. The smell and associated taste there are good, but the taste and associated smell are bad.
But you know... all this might just be autism things...
I hear the world in a harmony. Constantly with some background music. I read stories and get full on animations, and sensations. Names have feelings to them, songs, or snaps of music. Emotions have feelings, and it prickles over my skin, hypes me up energy wise. Tastes and scents trade off with one another and what I taste has a smell and vice versa.
But mostly... It’s music and feelings.
Everything, has a bit of music to it. Everything, or a feeling, and I’ve talked on colours before... Because still, that’s not even touching how colours sound to me. Red is loud, green as well, although green is the softer of the two, and red a lot fiercer and pay attention to me! Yellow, blue, all of them have snaps of sounds, and it’s why I can reflexively get huffy about even my own character designs.
If the colour is out of harmony with the name, and character, then it won’t fit... Go back try again...
Again, it’s funny I can’t visualize, but can build a word picture. So it’s good I get harmony and voices from words, a feeling and a sensation. Sometimes a story is a warm blanket I just want to wrap myself up in, other times it’s like broken glass, or a hard rock that I don’t want to touch, boring like paper, or who knows...
I really, really don’t know how to describe how I experience things...
Because it’s all I like the way this story feels and sounds but explaining it all is like uhhh?
I dunno.
What do you want me to say okay? I hear things a lot, I feel things a lot, and it’s hard to explain how it works. A story can really pull on me, and headcanons need to have a harmony or I will literally pull away because that’s discordant and I hate it.
So what’s my life, a track of background music, and a bunch of touch sensations. Which is alright I guess. I mean, I’ve sometimes said of a character they feel like they’re a blue person, or a red one, or yellow.
Okay, for a slight simplification of all this, this is basically what triggers what(vaguely in order of what’s strongest as well:
Words - touch and music
Names - touch, colour and music/voices
Taste - smell(and vice-versa)
General Sensory Input(?) - background music, touch and taste
Emotions - touch
Music - touch and taste
Colour - sound and touch
Voices - emotions and touch
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