#ALSO: did not realize the love hotels were random???? wh huh
iiizuru · 2 years
Making ANOTHER meme
Cant get myself to want to finish the original one lmao
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 4 years
So I did the random word generator, and I got paper. And that made me think of paper airplanes. So, how about reader making a paper airplane and throwing it through the SDR2 Boys window, and inside the paper airplane is a love letter confessing reader’s feelings toward them.
T h a n k you for this bc I gotta practice writing the bois. I absolutely love writing these types of scenarios owo
“Oh? What could this be~?” The chef noticed the paper airplane that appeared on the floor of his cottage, picking it up. 
It was only then he noticed his partially opened window and chuckled. For him, it was easy to put two-and-two together.
“Ah, how cliche. Do I have a secret admirer on this island? Perhaps they wanna share all their secrets with me~?” The thoughts running through his mind almost made his nose bleed, though he managed to control himself as he unfolded the plane to read its contents.
And it turned out to be a simple love letter from you--short, sweet, and innocent. You even marked it with a heart at the bottom of the page.
Teruteru’s face became tomato-red as he clutched the letter to his chest, before hurrying out of his cottage and to the hotel restaurant, unable to contain his excitement any longer.
“I’m on my way, my new beloved~!!” He trilled, knowing you’d be waiting for him there.
“Huh..so this is what the mighty winds have carried into my domain.” Gundham mused as he looked at the paper airplane that somehow landed on his bed. He looked outside for a moment, wondering who could have sent it--but there was no one.
“A mysterious messenger, hm..what do you think, Cham-P?” He glanced at the large golden hamster on his shoulder, seeing his nod of approval. “Fuhaha! Then it’s decided! Now..let us see what this message entails.”
With a hum, he unfolded the note and read it thoroughly, gawking about halfway through it. 
“...wh-what...this...is this...a-a proclamation of love?!” He tugged his scarf over his blushing face. “But..who could love such a....ah..” Then he reached the bottom of the note and saw it was none other than-
“[Y/n], but of course. There’s...a certain aura to them that..I can’t help but feel enchanted by,” he muttered to himself. “But I shall harden my heart until I know this proclamation is true, lest I turn out to be a blind fool..”
With that declaration, he got up and summoned the Dark Devas to his side, before venturing out of his cottage, clutching the note tightly.
The scream made you stop in your tracks as you looked back, seeing the door fly open and a certain mechanic come rushing out. 
“[Y/n]! Thank god you’re here!” His hands flew onto your shoulders. “I got hit by an object!! I-I think someone was tryna kill me!!”
‘Oh boy..’ You thought, realizing that your plan didn’t go accordingly. “Well, did you see what the object was?”
“N-No...but...what does it matter?!!”
“.....wouldn’t it help to find out what it was if you’re convinced it was attempted murder?”
“..that’s true. C’mon. I don’t wanna go back alone.” Kazuichi dragged you into his cottage, making sure he locked the door once inside. “It came through that window, hitting me in the back of the head....damn it. I just wanted fresh air and I can’t even get that!” Then he shut the window with a huff.
“Was it this?”
Looking back, he saw the paper airplane in your hand. “Yeah-!! Wait...a paper airplane? Seriously? That’s what attacked me?”
“I sent this.”
“...so YOU attacked me?!”
“I didn’t mean to!” You snapped, causing him to fall silent, before you unfolded it and handed it to him. “It’s a letter...for you. It’s got nothing to do with murder, I promise.”
He cautiously took the paper and read it, mumbling to himself. By the time he was done, his face became red. “[Y/n]...is this true?” He looked up at you with a toothy grin and stars in his eyes. “You like me??!!”
“Yeah..” You smiled back. “Though I was hesitant to send it since, y’know....you had eyes on Sonia-”
“Oh! Don’t worry, I only admire Miss Sonia from afar!” He explained. “As the princess she is, I only wanna respect and defend her. Nothing more! I-I’ve honestly...liked you for a while too. My bad for not reading this sooner.”
“It’s okay,” you chuckled. “At least I have my answer.” 
“Sheesh, try not to poke my other eye out next time, okay?”
“Wh-Wha..” You spun around to see the Ultimate Yakuza, realizing he was clutching the note--that was once a paper airplane--in his hand. “Sorry, Fuyu..I had no idea where it would land so I uh...booked it. Kinda. How did you know-?”
“Saw you taking off before this even got into my room,” he explained. “I still got one good eye to keep a lookout for things.”
“..ah, I see..” You rubbed your neck awkwardly. “So um...you must’ve read it.”
“It’s laughably cliche, but...I...uh...d-do feel the same way as you..” Fuyuhiko mumbled the last part, but you could hear his confession clear as day, and your eyes lit up.
“R-Really? I mean...I...I wasn’t sure, since I know you’re still trying to move on from-”
“It’s okay.” He sighed, looking back at you. “It..hasn’t been easy, but..you were the first to forgive me after that trial. Even though...I acted like a total shithead to you when we first got here. Still feel kinda bad about it..”
Your racing heart eventually calmed itself, as you smiled gently and approached him. “It’s okay. If..you wanna make up for it, maybe we can..uh..hang out at the movie theater sometime today?”
“Tch, like a first date?” He chuckled. “Alright. I’m in.”
The booming voice made you nearly slam the mailbox door on your hand. You had a habit of checking it mornings and nights.
You whirled around to see Nekomaru rush over to you, a wide grin on his face as he clutched a certain note in his large hand. “I have received your confession letter and accept it wholeheartedly!!”
“R-Really?” You gawked. “Just like that..?”
“Of course!” He laughed. “Your method of delivery is unique! Very old-school. And clearly you’ve put all of your heart and soul into this letter. If I were to ever reject that hard work, my name wouldn’t be-!!”
“Nekomaru Nidai?” You chuckled, feeling calmer now that he was serious.
“See? You already know me better than I know myself!” The Ultimate Team Manager grinned as he hugged you to his chest. “Can you hear that? My heart is beating with great spirit and love!!”
“Yeah, I definitely hear it loud and clear.” Smiling, you hugged him back, happier than ever.
When Byakuya found a paper airplane on his desk, he didn’t know what to think at first.
This was childish at best--sneakily throwing it through the window and then taking off? If one of the others wanted to talk to him about something, then they should’ve just rang the doorbell. 
Surely he wasn’t that intimidating of a leader...even if some didn’t like it.
But curiosity eventually won over everything else, and so he took the paper, realizing there was a message on it. “Hmm, very strange..” He hummed, opening it to read what it said.
And he swore his heart stopped, realizing this was a confession and the sender was....you?
Did you really think of him that way? Even though..he hasn’t fully told you the truth about his Ultimate?
And if he did, would you still send him something like this?
Hajime didn’t know why he woke up earlier before the morning announcement--until he noticed something right next to his face. “Huh..? What’s this?”
Sitting upright, he picked up the object. “Oh, a paper airplane. Haven’t seen one of these in forever.”
With a small chuckle, he unfolded it, having noticed letters on the inside of it--and also a red heart, oddly enough. He read the message written and...his heart began racing as he realized this was a love letter.
Even though he had his suspicions, he couldn’t believe someone on this island would love a talent-less person like himself.
As he read the sender’s name, Hajime jumped as he heard a knock on his door. He quickly stuffed the note under his pillow before going to answer it--seeing you on the other side.
“A-Ah..[y/n]..hi. Thank you for knocking..” He tried to play it cool, tugging on his shirt collar awkwardly, though you just smiled.
“I take it you read it already?”
“What? Oh! Uh..yeah..” The poor boy’s face grew redder by the second.
“I thought the paper airplane idea was too childish, so...I figured I’d come here and confess myself. But...seems I’m a little too late for that.” You chuckled nervously. “So....?”
“I-I don’t know what to say..” He admitted. “Why me? I’m the most ordinary out of everyone here.”
“Oh. Hajime.” With a small laugh, you took his hand into yours. “Because it’s you that I feel happiest around..all those times we’ve spent together..meant a lot. I had fun and I’d like to do more of them with you.”
“A-As..your boyfriend you mean?” Hajime gulped, smiling as he tried retaining his composure. “Sure. I’d..love to do that.”
“Heh..I never would’ve guessed a nobody like me was at the center of someone’s heart..”
“Uh, I’m right here, Nagito.”
“Oh I know.” The white-haired male chuckled as he spun around on his heel, facing you. He looked down at the love letter you had cleverly disguised as a paper airplane. “But..come to think of it..Mikan’s words had me a bit...crushed..”
You tilted your head, remembering the third trial. “You mean, when she said-?”
“That I had nobody who loved me? Well, it seems she was wrong about that.” His smile seemed to stretch wider as he put the letter in his pocket. “I guess I can’t call myself a stepping stone anymore..now that I have a new purpose--one that fills me with a much greater hope!” He wheezed out a small laugh.
While his laughter usually unnerved the other students, you could only smile and feel your heart grow warmer whenever you heard it.
“Yes, yes..perhaps this was the love she was talking about.” Nagito put a hand to his chest. “But this love wasn’t born from despair.”
“Nah, that’s just a twisted sense of love.” You reached out to take his other hand into yours, bringing him slightly closer to you. “This is real, genuine love.” 
His face became a bit flushed, though it wasn’t from the despair disease, but from the simple realization that..
He was lucky enough to be loved.
“So, instead of talking to me, you sent this.”
“Oh!” You turned around to see the “Ultimate Hope” standing before. There was an open note in his hand that you tried to deliver to his room in the form of a paper airplane.
The keyword is “tried”, as he was quick to call out to you before you had the chance to run away. So you felt embarrassed, especially as he skimmed over your letter.
After a long and awkward silence, Izuru finally looked up at you. His face remained blank, though you could tell he was curious about your message.
“Yep, that’s my uh..confession.” With a sigh, you approached him calmly. “I know..love is something foreign to you, but...I figured I’d take my chances. Even if the world’s gone to shit, I had to at least get this off my chest. And before you ask...no, it’s not because of your talents.”
“....I see.” He muttered, his gaze returning to the letter. “You understand what I am and what I’ve done, and yet...huh...?” Then he put a hand to his chest, stunned for a moment as he felt his heartbeat slightly quicken.
His heart?
What was happening to him? 
What is this?
“Huh, they might’ve suppressed your old feelings. But..not all of them, it seems.”
He wasn’t sure what to say to that exactly.
This was something he definitely couldn’t have predicted.
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