iiizuru · 2 years
Making ANOTHER meme
Cant get myself to want to finish the original one lmao
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its-nebula · 4 years
for the dr boys you simp for, what was the exact moment/scene you knew you started simping for them? like personally for me, i liked kokichis character from his intro interaction with kiibo, because i feel like you got a sense of his youthfulness so well. but it wasnt until the “its a lie!” scene that solidified my confidence, i was like...oh yea. this punk little shit gets on my fuckin nerves time to SIMP. i also liked nagis character from the beginning but ngl i did question if i rly did like him in or if i was just being influenced by the hype making me think i liked him bc i knew how many people loved him. but the final dead room sealed the deal for me when he played rr because i was like this mans really is so chaotic im kinda impressed? like??? big phat SIMP hours???
Nagi- I agree with you, I was skeptical because of how many people in the DR fandom love him so much, but like, this man was fine from the beginning. I'd say it was locked in when I found out he was dead and I literally wanted to CRY and I usually don't get so emotionally attached to characters like that.
Kichi- W e l l. Like I said, after playing the game I was still prreeeeeeetttyyyy ticked off about how he killed off my bug boy Gonta. Chapter 5 redeemed him a little bit, but the scales didn't really tip for me until after I started to really write for him. I'd say when I wrote "Self-Sabotage" is when the simpery was fully locked in. The reason I say this is because whenever I write, I like to get into the head of the characters; think about what they'd say, do, etc. Usually to do this, I open up a video of their voice files and free time events (it's kinda tough for me to write characters like Rantaro for example for this reason), and I started to understand him and his reason behind things better.
Chihiro- Alright, alright, alright, alright. So since I am bi, I already had kind of a crush on Chi when I thought he was a girl. Now mind you, this is the first DR crush I ever had and it's still going strong to this day! Unfortunately i had the reveal spoiled for me, but when I actually found out why he got killed and the moments leading up to it, my heart strings were TUGGED and I didn't want to leave my bed for the rest of the night. I respected him so much for wanting to become stronger, and I really FREAKING wish he lived at least a couple more chapters, god damn it. To this day, he's an inspiration to me, and I feel like we could all take a few notes about toxic masculinity from his trial. Real talk.
GUNDHAM TANAKA- when I heard his voice LMFAOOOOOO. Okay okay if we're being serious then I'd say during Chapter 4's trial is where I noticed that on the inside he's just a big softie and he rrally cares about his friends. He's more nice than he wants to let on, but he also wanted them to fight for their lives instead of telling them straight away. This struck me as he's a very complex character, much like his hard ass trial, and yeah.
Kiibo- His love hotel scene! Not much to say here, but, boy oh boy. It was just so ridiculously cute that like how could I not fall in love with this man immediately? I'm not going to lie, I find 95% of the DRV3 characters to be attractive, but he just stuck out to me (no offense Kee-boy, I'm not robophobic I promise ;w;). I also like how he took up responsibility in trial 6, even though that trial blows, but he was definitely my favorite part of it.
Shuichi- Not just the fact that he's my favorite protag of the 3, but I feel a lot more of a connection with him. After trial 1 I was pretty bummed about the whole Kaede thing, even though I did NOT see that coming, but Shuichi stepped up to the plate nicely. I think when I started simping for him officially is when he gathered up the strength in Ch4's trial to finally admit to himself and everyone else who the killer really was. I've never cried during a game, book, or movie, but that trial got me the CLOSEST to doing it because I felt a tear starting to form, seriously, and it didn't help that Razz was crying while I was watching the video as well. It was all around just an emotional moment and I'm happy Shuichi was able to keep himself together for the sake of everyone, even though everyone loved Gonta.
Honorable mentions-
Ryoma- Kichi took his spot in the top 6 lmfaooo but he is right behind them all at the #7 spot. When I learned his backstory my heart melted.
Rantaro- I can see why so many people guessed him, because as Ive said before and will say again, this man is FINE. If ik more bout him then yeah.
Kiyo- I swear to you all. This man was going to be my favorite in V3, but then they just had to to go anD FUCK UP HIS CHARACTER LIKE THAT- i'm fine.
Kaz- He's great, don't get me wrong, his obsession with pale blonde princesses is a little bit concerning, but we all have our flaws baby.
Kuya- i was simping for this man very very hard a couple months ago, but then I realized he would probably see me as a peasant and that made me sad. plus what he did in ch2 was kinda fucked up looking back.
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kawaiikichi · 6 years
Come Back to Me (Saiouma)
Saiouma “Breakup” (that’s what I dubbed it as I was working on it) request for Anon! First of all, I want to apologize for how long it took me to complete this! I kept hitting writing blocks with this particular piece and then I would keep deleting paragraphs and scenes because they just weren’t working together. Before I knew it, almost two months went by. Again, I really do apologize.
I hope you like it and let me know if you would like anything changed/edited! :)
Based off of the request below:
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Title: Come Back to Me
Summary: After Kokichi suddenly breaks up with Shuichi over the phone and vanishes from his life, Shuichi is determined to find him and get to the bottom of it all. He eventually finds himself in the town of Otaru, where he hopes he can convince Kokichi to come back to him...
One-shot is under the cut!
Kichi ♥︎: Let’s break up.
The shattering of glass was heard as Shuichi stared at his phone screen in horror.
“What the...?” he breathed out as a voice called out to him.
“Saihara-kun! Is everything okay in there? I heard something break.”
“Ah! Everything’s okay, Akamatsu-san!” he replied as he began picking up some of the glass that had fallen to the floor.
He placed some on the counter before grabbing for his phone, rereading the text.
“Why would he...?” he muttered under his breath as he went into his messages and typed out a reply.
Shuichi S: What do you mean?
He put his phone back on the counter and resumed picking up the pieces as Kaede entered the kitchen, a concerned look on her face.
“I don’t know if I believe that.” she then took notice of the glass shards on the floor. “Oh, I’ll help you with that.” she offered as she made her way over to him.
Shuichi muttered out a small thank you as she stooped down and began picking up some of the shards.
“I’m sorry for breaking it.” he apologized.
“Oh, you don’t need to apologize! Besides, these are usually a buck a piece at the dollar store, so Rantaro can go buy another one. But...” she eyed him. “Did something happen?” she asked.
“That...” Shuichi trailed off.
He then heard his phone ding from on the counter top.
“I think that’s yours.” she said.
Shuichi nodded as he stood upright, disposing the shards in the trash bin and grabbing for his phone.
Kichi ♥︎: It’s exactly what it means. I want to break up.
He felt the world screeching to a halt as he looked at the text.
This is too confusing...why would he suggest something like that, he asked himself.
He was pulled out of his thoughts, looking over at Kaede.
“Is everything okay?” she asked, concern washing over her features.
“I...” he trailed off.
He looked down at the messages Kokichi sent him.
I need to talk to him, he thought to himself.
“I think I’m just gonna go. I’m not feeling too good.” Shuichi said.
“Huh? Oh, okay.” Kaede watched as Shuichi began to head over to the front door. “I hope you feel better, Saihara-kun!” she called out.
“Thank you!” Shuichi responded as he slipped on his shoes and he stepped out of the apartment.
After taking the elevator down and leaving the apartment complex, he began to run down the sidewalk. He went into his contacts and he dialed Kokichi’s number, bringing his phone to his ear.
I need to get to the bottom of this. Kokichi wouldn’t ask to break up unless he had a good reason, he told himself.
He was connected to his voicemail, causing him to grit his teeth.
“Oh, come on...!” he gritted out as he tried calling his number again.
He was connected to Kokichi’s voicemail once again. Shuichi felt like screaming and chucking his phone into the middle of the road.
“Why aren’t you picking up?!” he shouted as he dialed his number once more.
With each call he made, he kept getting connected to Kokichi’s voicemail. After the fifth try, the call was connected.
Shuichi was taken aback by the rough edge in his boyfriend’s voice.
“Kokichi...we need to talk.” he said.
“About what?”
“You know exactly what I mean. You want to break up? What’s the meaning of this?” he asked.
“It’s exactly what it mean. I want to break up.”
“But why?! Why do you want to break up?!”
“I don’t see why I am obligated to tell you that.”
“But, you can’t just do that unless there’s a reason for it!” the apartment complex came into view. “Look, just...where are you? I feel like it would be better if we had this conversation face to face.” Shuichi said.
“Why should I tell you where I am?”
“Kokichi, please!” Shuichi arrived at the apartment complex and he began to take the stairs up to the fourth floor. “Tell me where you are! I want to talk!” he shouted.
“Well, I don’t want to talk to you.”
The phone clicked shortly after, signaling that Kokichi hung up. Shuichi’s heart pounded erratically as he began rushing down the hall.
“Kokichi! Kokichi!” he shouted into the phone.
He pocketed his phone, frustration bubbling up from within him as he arrived at their apartment. Pulling out his keys, he hurried to unlock the door and dashed inside.
“Kokichi!” he called out.
Silence answered him. Shuichi swallowed as he looked around the apartment, which felt more bare than he was used to.
“Kokichi! Kokichi, where are you?!” he called out again.
He stalked over to their bedroom and he swung the door open. Kokichi was nowhere to be found.
“Kokichi...?” he spoke in barely a whisper.
That was when he noticed something atop the bed sheets. Curiosity got the better of him as he made his way over to the bed. Upon further inspection, he realized that it was a yellow sticky note.
“A note...” he trailed off.
He picked it up and began to read it.
Farewell, Shuichi.
If he felt like the world hadn’t screeched to a stop before, it certainly did now. A lump began to form in Shuichi’s throat as he read the two words on the sticky note over and over again.
“Farewell...?” tears stung at the corners of his eyes. “Why farewell...?” he choked out.
Tear droplets fell onto the sticky note as he dropped to his knees. Clutching the note in his hand, he began to sob.
“Why...? Why would you leave, Kokichi...? Why would you want to break up...? Just why...?” he said in between sobs.
But, no matter how much he voiced his questions, there was nobody to answer them for him.
Just like that, three months came and went.
During that time, Shuichi tried calling Kokichi in hopes that he would pick up the phone. With each call, however, he was met with voicemail.
Sooner or later, he decided to give up on trying to call him and started looking around the apartment for clues and asking around to try and get an idea of where he could’ve gone.
In the end, he turned up empty-handed. No matter how hard he tried, he was unable to find him, let alone get a lead to follow in hopes of being able to pinpoint where he could be.
Maybe it was for the best.
Maybe they weren’t meant to be.
Just thinking about it made Shuichi feel immensely sad.
He was getting ready for bed one night when his phone began ringing on the nightstand. He sucked in a gasp, rushing over to the nightstand and picking up his phone.
“Kokichi! Oh my god, I’m so glad you called! I—“
His expression fell upon hearing who was on the other end.
“Oh...it’s just you, Amami-kun...” he trailed off, dropping down onto the bed.
“Ouch, you wound me.”
“What’s up? It’s late.”
“Well...I think I know where Kokichi is.”
Shuichi’s eyes widened.
“You do?! Where?! Where is he?!”
“Well, I got a call from Takashi, one of his friends from DICE. He’s in Otaru.”
“Yeah. Kokichi’s helping him out at his parent’s glassware shop.”
“I see...”
“I’ll send you the info. When do you plan on going?”
“Once morning comes.”
“Are you sure you want to go so soon?”
“Yes, I’m sure.” Shuichi looked at the window, watching the city lights twinkle. “I’m done sitting around and doing nothing.”
Shuichi managed to arrive in Otaru before the sun set the next day. After checking into his hotel and unpacking his clothes, he decided to wander through the streets for a bit and maybe check out the glassware shop in hopes of running into Kokichi.
He buried his face in his scarf as a cold breeze blew through, nipping at his cheeks.
Geez, it’s cold up here...I feel like I should’ve been more prepared, he thought to himself.
Well, you’re the one who decided to come up here as soon as possible rather than plan accordingly, a voice in the back of his mind piped in.
Shuichi breathed out a loud sigh.
“I really am an idiot...” he muttered under his breath.
His boots crunched against the snow that had fallen as he walked along the canal. He averted his gaze as he spotted a glassware shop at the end of the street.
“It’s a glassware shop...” he trailed off.
He got a better look at the sign for the shop, reading it.
Shimomura Glass Shop
His eyes widened.
That’s it! That’s the shop Amami-kun told me that Kokichi would be at, he thought to himself.
He watched the shop door open and then, his breath hitched.
Kokichi stepped out of the shop in a black down jacket, a checkered scarf wrapped around his neck, white gloves on his hands, dark blue skinny jeans, and black snow boots.
Shuichi’s heart skipped a beat as he watched Kokichi’s every movement.
There he is...he’s right there, he thought to himself.
Kokichi began to fold up the sign out front when he looked inside the store through the window. He then reached out to open the door, poking his head inside.
“What?!” he shouted.
It was silent for a few moments before Kokichi spoke again.
“Alright! I’ll just bring the sign back in and then I’ll close up! Okay, you have a good evening, Takashi!” he called out.
He closed the door and resumed folding up the sign. Picking up the sign, he got ready to head back inside when he turned and locked eyes with Shuichi.
The world seemed to come to a stop the moment their eyes met. Almost instantly, Kokichi’s eyes widened in surprise.
“Shuichi...” he trailed off.
It was silent between them for a few more minutes before Kokichi’s nose crinkled in annoyance and he turned away to head back into the shop.
“W-Wait! Kokichi!” Shuichi shouted as he raced after him.
He grabbed for the door and swung it open.
“Wait! We...we need to talk, Kokichi.” he said.
“No, we don’t. What the hell are you even doing here?” Kokichi asked, his back turned to Shuichi.
“Like I said, I need to talk to you. It’s about when you asked to break up three months ago.”
“Seriously? Why do I need to talk to you about something as trivial as that?”
“Trivial...? This is not trivial, Kokichi! I need to know why you decided to break up with me! There has to be a reason for it, right?!”
“Look, I have nothing to say to you.” Kokichi gripped tightly at the sign in his hands. “Can you please go? I need to close up.” he said.
“I said go! Just leave already, goddammit! I need to close up and you are clearly wasting my time. There is nothing for us to talk about and quite frankly, I don’t think there ever will be anything for us to talk about.” Kokichi snapped.
Shuichi felt a stabbing pain in his chest at Kokichi’s words. A dejected look crossed his face as he lowered his eyes to the floor.
He’s really determined to make sure we don’t have to talk about it, he thought to himself.
Suddenly, the dejection washed away and was replaced with determination.
If that’s so, then I’m going to make it so that he has no choice but to tell me why he decided to break up with me, he told himself.
Shuichi balled his hands into fists as he snapped his gaze back up.
“I’ll come back tomorrow.” he spoke.
Kokichi didn’t respond as Shuichi turned and exited the shop. He glanced over his shoulder, eyes trained on the shop.
Don’t you worry, Kokichi.
I’ll get you to talk to me if it’s the last thing I do.
Shuichi spent the next two and a half weeks following Kokichi around Otaru. After the fourth day, he had memorized Kokichi’s schedule along with his routes from home to work.
Every time he saw Kokichi leave the shop, his house, or any other place he had stepped into, he would call out to him and try to get him to stop. However, Kokichi would just flat out ignore him and continue on his way.
There would be times where he would tell him to stop following him and other times where he would fire off a string of curse words at him and flip him off. However, it didn’t deter Shuichi from what he came to do.
Shuichi leaned up against a light pole near the shop, watching as the last customers for the night trickled out.
He should be locking up tonight, if I'm correct in assuming so, he thought to himself.
He watched Kokichi come out of the shop, fold the sign, and head back inside. The lights in the shop came off soon after and Kokichi stepped out, locking the door. Shuichi released a sigh.
Okay, let’s try this again, he told himself.
“Kokichi—“ he only managed to get out his name as Kokichi breezed past him.
He pushed himself off of the light pole and began to follow him. They continued walking along the canal, the only sound being the crunching of boots on snow. After a little while, Kokichi stopped under a light pole.
“Okay, this is really starting to get on my nerves.” he turned around and glared at Shuichi. “Why the hell do you keep following me?!” he asked.
“I told you, didn’t I? We need to talk.” Shuichi said.
“And I keep telling you that we don’t need to talk about shit. There is nothing for us to talk about.”
“Why do you keep pushing me away, Kokichi?”
“What, does it offend you so much that I don’t want to have anything to do with you?”
“All I am asking for is to talk about this like the adults we are rather than being like this! There is no way that you would just break up with me simply because you wanted to! You must’ve had a reason for doing it!”
“Gosh, will you stop it already?! I told you that I have nothing to say to you! So, just go back to Tokyo already! I’m pretty sure that your new girlfriend or boyfriend is waiting for you or something...”
Shuichi arched an eyebrow at this.
“Girlfriend? Boyfriend? What in the world are you going on about, Kokichi?” he asked.
“It’s exactly what it means. I would like to assume that after we broke up, you found someone new and began dating them.” Kokichi crossed his arms over his chest. “You should be pampering them rather than chasing after your ex.” he stated.
“Kokichi, I haven’t started dating anybody! The only person I love is you—“
“You shouldn’t love me, goddammit!”
Kokichi’s loud scream reverberated through the still night air. Shuichi was taken aback by it as Kokichi continued.
“Why do you keep insisting that you can love no one else besides me?! Goddammit, Shuichi, you deserve someone who’s way better than me. You deserve someone who doesn’t lie to you all time, someone who is willing to be more open to you, and someone who isn’t a complete asshole. Someone like me doesn’t deserve to be with someone like you!” he shouted.
Shuichi’s eyes widened. He watched as tears welled up in Kokichi’s eyes, some spilling freely down his cheeks. Kokichi sniffled, reaching up to wipe away at them as Shuichi began to connect the dots.
“Wait a minute...are you trying to say that...?” he trailed off.
Kokichi hiccuped.
“Isn’t it obvious, you dumbass...? That’s why I broke things off...I did it so that you can go be with someone that is worthy of you. As you can see, I’m not worthy of you in any shape or form.” Kokichi pointed out.
Shuichi felt his heart sink at Kokichi’s words.
To think that he felt that way all this time...how did I not realize it before, he asked himself.
He gritted his teeth as he walked over to Kokichi, standing under the light that the light pole cast down on them. He grabbed for Kokichi, pulling him into a warm embrace.
Kokichi tensed up in Shuichi’s arms, his cheek pressed against his chest.
“Shuichi...?” he choked out.
“Please don’t say things like that anymore.” Shuichi said.
Kokichi kept quiet as Shuichi began running his fingers through his hair.
“There has never been a single day where I felt like you weren’t worthy of me. If anything, I felt like I wasn’t worthy of you. I kept thinking to myself that you deserve better because you are just so amazing, Kokichi. I mean, how is it possible that someone like you took an interest in someone like me?” Shuichi began.
“Shuichi, I—“
“I’m going to say it again: you are a very amazing person, Kokichi. You may think I’m crazy, but it is the truth. Everything about you is amazing and everything you do takes my breath away. You’re beautiful, smart, drop dead sexy, quirky, mischievous, and goddammit, I don’t think I’d be able to take it if I just let you leave my life like this. I love you so, so much, Kokichi. I don’t want to ever let you go.” he said.
“Shuichi...” Kokichi trailed off.
He then shook his head.
“No...No, you don’t mean any of that.” he began to push himself away from him. “You’re just pretending that you love me so that you—“
That was when Shuichi cupped his cheeks and pulled Kokichi into a kiss. Kokichi gasped against Shuichi’s lips, taken aback by the sudden kiss. Shuichi kissed him harder, trying to get him to respond to him. Shortly after, Kokichi placed his hands on Shuichi’s shoulders and he began to kiss back.
More tears slid down his cheeks as Shuichi pulled away.
“Can you still say that I don’t mean it after that?” Shuichi asked.
“I...” Kokichi trailed off.
He looked up into Shuichi’s eyes and saw the love sparkling in them. It was so overwhelming that it made Kokichi feel stupid for ever doubting him, to begin with.
“Kokichi, just what is it going to take for me to get you to believe me? What do I need to do to make you see that my feelings for you are true?” he asked.
“Shuichi, I...You don’t have to do anything.” Kokichi reached up to cup his cheeks. “I understand how you feel, so please don’t cry.” he said.
Shuichi hadn’t registered that he was crying until Kokichi said something. He watched Kokichi swipe away at his tears, a gentle smile on his face.
“So...does that mean you believe me?” Shuichi asked.
Kokichi nodded.
“Yes, I do.” he pressed a chaste kiss to his lips. “I believe everything that you said.” he said.
“So, will you come back with me to Tokyo?” Shuichi asked.
“The answer is obviously yes.” Kokichi replied.
Shuichi smiled at him, pressing their foreheads together.
“I love you, Kokichi.” he said.
“I love you too.” Kokichi replied as Shuichi pulled him in for another kiss, letting the world melt away and losing himself in his embrace.
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