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Swiss AMX-13 Oerlikon-Bührle SPAAG, built on the Lpz 51 chassis (Swiss designation for the AMX 13) and first presented to the public on May 14th, 1959
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theyurihunter · 4 months
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Melian tank somewhere in North Solias
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nelc · 11 months
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AMX-13 dans la ligne Maginot... n'est pas un peu anachronique ? Il s'agit des impressionnantes galeries du plus puissant des forts de la ligne, l'ouvrage du Hackenberg.
Google translation:
AMX-13 in the Maginot line... isn't it a bit anachronistic? These are the impressive galleries of the most powerful fort of the line, the Hackenberg work
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madokatoru · 3 months
i have a disease called liking french military vehicles
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capt-riverdry · 1 year
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Strelok amx 13 75
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Hunter fv4005
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deadqhare · 2 years
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miath3great · 13 days
One thing that will never cease to baffle me is how zionists talk about Israels enemies. It’s all talk about „the David Israel vs. the Goliath Arab world“, when that has never been the case. Hamas was using rockets made from plumbing materials that could not be expected to land within a kilometer of their target. Israel has an iron dome system that caught almost all projectiles. In 2017, a Hamas rocket barage got through and killed a few israeli citizens, the retaliatory strike killed as many people as palestinians had killed up to that point combined. They matched the destruction that palestinian resistance had done in decades in one singular strike.
If we go further back to the first war that israel fought, we see an alliance of four states, that was using outdated equipment. As an example, Egypt was fielding the german made Panzer 4 Ausführung F2. This tank was introduced in the first half of WWII. It was long outdated by 1945 and absolutely inadequate. Israel was using french made AMX-13 and M-51 tanks, both far superior in firepower and far more modern.
The war started with a preemptive strike by Israel. Through the betrayal by Jordan, one of the four nations was not able to send any significant amount of troops, down to three that were not able to match Israeli combat power.
During the 2006 war with Lebanon, the weapon that showed the most effect against Israeli and American forces was a cement truck stuffed with fertilizer. It was a weapon that required the death of the user to work.
During the earlier days of the Gaza invasion, the IDF was fielding Merkava 4 tanks, which are among the most modern and capable tanks in the world. The Hamas answer to that? Bags of high explosives attached by hand.
Israel is the definition of a Goliath. They are not bravely defending Judaism against the Arab terror. They’re kicking people while they’re down to crush any thought of resistance. This can never be the face of anyone‘s safety and while I’m not jewish I think it is safe to say that this should never be the picture we have of jewish people.
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tanksandbeyond · 10 months
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A hull down M4A4 FL-10 in service with the Egyptian National Army's 20th Palestinian Division in the Gaza Strip, 1967.
This tank is an M4A4 "Sherman" outfitted with a French FL-10 turret as used on the AMX-13. It featured a 12-round autoloader and high velocity 75mm gun. This conversion was done for Egypt in the 1950s, with their last use being during the Six Day War. After the war, they were largely replaced with Soviet tanks, such as the T-54, T-55, and T-62.
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witnesstheabsurd · 2 years
What are your top favorite mecha designs?
And, if you could make a project with all your own content (anything) what would it be?
Oh my goddd i'm gonna have to pass on the second question just because it's such an enormous thing for me to consider and I have like 50 things I wanna do i'd have to laboriously list lol but uh as far as favourite mechs goes -
This isn't exhaustive by any means but some recent "favourite" mechs among an enormous number and their designers would include:
The MAN-010 G-3 Ge Drei by Kazuhisa Kondo
The MSN-04 II Nightingale by Yutaka Izubuchi
The AMX-004 Qubeley by Mamoru Nagano
Justice's "mech" form from Guilty Gear by Daisuke Ishiwatari (?)
The RX-105 Ξ Gundam (Xi Gundam) by Hajime Katoki
Almost too many to list from Evangelion alone but specific mentions go to the Mark 6 and .07 13's Awakened (the white) form, the MP Evas from EOE and both Armaros and the Heurtebise from Evangelion Anima, almost all of which belong to Ikuto Yamashita
Idk! I could keep listing mechs for hours - the Skullma and Zwarth from Dunbine, the Guyver Gigantic if that counts, it goes on forever. Mechs have an incredibly important place in my understanding of design.
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Venezuelan troops loyal to the government advance upon rebel positions with armored support during El Porteñazo, 1962
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usafphantom2 · 2 years
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IMAGES: USAF and RoKAF perform joint exercise after launch of ICBM from North Korea
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 20/02/2023 - 12:00 in Military, War Zones
The United States and the Republic of Korea held a combined air training event when the B-1 Lancers of the U.S. Air Force were relocated to the Korean Peninsula on February 19, 2023.
In this combined air training from South Korea with the U.S., the South Korean F-35s and U.S. Air Force F-16 escorted the U.S. bombers when they entered the Korean Air Defense Identification Zone and carried out a combined flight in a formation over the Korean Peninsula.
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The South Korean General Staff announced that USAF B-1B Lancer and F-16 bombers participated in the exercise, as well as F-16, F-35A and F-15K warplanes of the Republic of Korea Air Force (RoKAF).
The training offered the alliance an opportunity to rehearse last-minute return missions. It also demonstrated the combined US-ROK defense capacity and the unwavering commitment to provide extended deterrence in the defense of the Korean Peninsula.
The U.S. Indo-Pacific Command maintains a fast and resilient response capacity in the Indo-Pacific theater, maintaining the ability to respond quickly to any regional threat in support of our allies and to defend the U.S. homeland.
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Joint aerial exercises on Sunday occur as an apparent response to North Korea's firing of an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM). The exercise demonstrated the "overwhelming" defense capabilities of the allies and the posture of readiness.
Japan and South Korea reported that North Korea conducted an ICBM test on the Sea of Japan on Saturday.
The ballistic missile, which remained in the air for 66 minutes, traveled 900 kilometers (559 miles) with a maximum altitude of 5,700 kilometers (3,541 miles) before landing at sea on the west coast of Japan.
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North Korea released a statement on Sunday through the state news agency KCNA saying it fired the ICBM as a warning to the U.S. and South Korea, noting that it successfully demonstrated its ability to launch a "fatal nuclear counterattack".
The U.S. said it "strongly" condemns the ICBM test.
Tags: Military AviationROKAF - Republic of Korea Air Force/South Korean Air ForceUSAF - United States Air Force / US Air ForceWar Zones - Korean Peninsula
Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, he participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Dayton Airshow and FIDAE. He has works published in specialized aviation magazines in Brazil and abroad. He uses Canon equipment during his photographic work in the world of aviation.
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AMX-13 | Tank Chats #174
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